herrlindemann · 2 years
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Zillo - November 1995
Thanks to Ramjohn for the scans!
Rammstein. A name like a tool. Rammstein. A place in Germany that attracted attention in the late 80s due to a plane crash. Both association points for violence, power and energy. Nouns that also apply to the six-piece Berlin formation Rammstein and their music.
'Herzeleid' is the debut album recently released by Motor Music and dubbed by Clawfinger producer. An album that will turn heads. Press reviews (ranging from 'bull's eye' to 'one-dimensional blood and soil illiterate') either glorifying or condemning ‘Herzeleid’ bear eloquent testimony to the balancing act.
Musically, Rammstein deliver the full threat. They call it 'dance metal' and open a new drawer in the large closet of styles. Massive drums, atmospheric synths and shrill metal guitars give birth to a new monster in the world of crossover. Deeply evil and armed with animal power, these brute sounds pounce on the eardrum and tear it apart like vultures tearing apart carrion. A creation, Rammsteiner Urgewaechs brand, which is unparalleled in the chronicles of music history. Technically perfectly performed, without reason to complain. However, this begins with the sound of the song. But more on that later.
The three band members present during the interview wish to remain anonymous: "Just write Rammstein. We don't do a personality cult. Although our personal opinions are very different, we try to represent a unified opinion to the outside world. “
Originally intended as a project alongside various bands, Rammstein quickly became a sure-fire success: “With this project we quickly realized that we couldn't get away from the kind of music we were making there. In addition, the fact that we had back then bonded us very strongly at that time.”
A song on 'Herzeleid' describes the plane crash in Rammstein, but was not decisive for the band's naming. “The name suits our music. The two Ms, that just sounds good: RaMMstein.”
Their words sound good too. If one dissects Rammstein's neologism according to its rhyme content, a high rhyme density quickly emerges. Are your lyrics based on the motto 'Rhyme you or I'll eat you'?
General laughter. Rammstein take refuge in gallows humor and quote their bitterest review: "Blood and peasant illiterates." If they were boxers, they would have taken a hard right now. But Rammstein can handle criticism: “It's good that opinions differ so much. You have to be able to live with that. We like the lyrics, we think they're really good and we work on them for a long time, we can't get them any better.”
One can certainly blame them for the fact that their texts, viewed superficially ('the head, I cut it off'), appear bold and glorify violence. And this at a time when the former Yugoslavia has been at war for years. Could they, with a clear conscience, recite their lyrics to an audience composed of people who escaped the turmoil of war?
“You are not only allowed to see individual quotes. Head off is violent, of course, but it depends on how you wrap it. We made the music that suits our current feelings. We're not at war, and I don't know how music affects people who are at war. It's like when a glutton guy throws a sandwich in the bin and another guy says you can send it to Africa. In the end he's right, but somehow he's not. We don't want to be heard and immediately forgotten. We want to make lyrics that you can't just ignore.”
The biggest sticking point in the otherwise quite promising overall concept is certainly the singing. Intoned in a deep, deep, deep voice in rap and loaded with plenty of nasty rumbling, rolling RRRRs, Rammstein quickly pushes the boundaries of embarrassment. In this respect, parallels to Laibach can quickly be drawn without wanting to associate Rammstein with the disreputable aura that surrounds Laibach.
“Certainly there are certain similarities,” affirm Rammstein. “But our singer can only sing deeply,” they deny any intention. “We want him to sing more tunes. But you can only do what is currently possible. Maybe the third record will be better.”
The revealing poses in the photos also seem a bit exaggerated. Are the Chippendales of music?
“We are the Heavy Metal Chippendales”, Rammstein show their humorous side. Nevertheless, macho allegations could arise. How do you see your male role?
“We are men. Many men have many difficulties with our kind of masculinity. Women who see us have fewer problems with it, they like it. We have a strong response from women. We're just trying to be natural, in a masculine sense, because we're men and not women.”
Rammstein — a band that will not only get the newspapers moving.
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outragedtortilla · 2 months
Ideally, I only check my email during my email hour that I schedule every day. In reality, as I wait for Zoom meetings or code to run, I check emails because emails give off such a dopamine hit.
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hrformats · 1 year
Top Job Interview Tips For Fresher Candidates
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Most Common job Interview Tips For Fresher Candidates in 2023. Good idea for fresher candidates to prepare your answer to this question ahead of time.
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emilianobertelli · 2 years
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muxas-world · 5 months
He went to th valentino rossi school of loking at poeple
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delicatepointofview · 2 years
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Harry and Louis on how they navigate their personal & professional lives. inspo.
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“I can’t wait for Red Eye to be shown on airplanes because that would really freak people out”
🎥: themoviepodcast
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justaboutsnapped · 1 year
Having brocedes thoughts. Thinking and thinking and thinking.
When I got into brocedes a while ago my initial reaction to all the hurt and bitterness was "how do you go from childhood best friends to this? where did it all go wrong?" After reading so much about them I still haven't got an answer. I can't pinpoint that because as good as their relationship was before everything went downhill, it was in a sense doomed right from the start...
Thinking about Lewis and Nico being the most competitive little kids trying to outdo each other in everything (in karting. in pizza-eating. in ping-pong playing. in unicycling). That was part of their special bond; they were drawn to each other because of their drive and passion.
Karting to junior cars to formula 1. The stakes got exponentially higher. They grew up, grew apart, changed, but that one aspect about them remained. Thinking about that "me or him" interview where they jokingly quarrelled after nearly every question saying it was "him" and not "me". Thinking about that one two-parter interview where Lewis pushed Nico's toy car part off the table to get the upper hand in the game, and stated on two occasions that his favourite & least favourite things about racing were winning and losing. Thinking about them both getting medals at the end of episode 1 and Lewis protesting and Nico giving his medal to him so he'd have two.
There aren't two medals (you can have your name etched right next to his on the trophy, but is that really the same?) in racing. You can't share a championship–you either win or don't. That kind of pressure gets to you, when you're someone who came from (relative) nothing trying to prove yourself and push back against all the prejudice, or a champion's son with a legacy to protect and a desire to carve out your own path.
No more conceded medals, victories. Racing was what made them come together and now it would be their undoing. Moths drawn to a flame? No. They were two moths with wings of fire, flying too close to each other's flames. They survived 2016 but not without all that was good and tender between them burning to ashes.
Thinking about that Richard Siken quote: sometimes you get so close to someone you end up on the other side of them.
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hollypies · 5 months
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Tomorrow is my first day of my externship, at an actual medical office!! Im. Really nervous and also im going to have to wake up at 6 💀
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catgirlsupremacist · 6 days
Yvette Cooper is basically talking like a tory on immigration and migrants on boats .... die...
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sunflowerdigs · 1 year
There are already a few people on reddit calling Roman a neonazi, a fascist, there's a post about the characters' personal politics which describes him as genuinely endorsing Mencken's ideas, etc. Everything we've known about Roman so far seems to contradict this view because his interest in Mencken was anything, anything at all but political, even if you didn't ship them, but how can anyone be sure that they haven't decided that he has all of a sudden over s4 become fashy and believe all that shit for whatever reasons they choose? I'm almost sweating thinking about it lmao
The show hasn't given us another reason, so I'm not at all surprised that that's what people are taking from what's been shown. If you aren't a huge fan of the show, you don't remember much about 3x06.
This season has had a lot of missteps and for me, this is the biggest one. Fascism is incredibly scary. You can't put a character adjacent to a fascist, drum up how scary the fascist is all season, and then not explain clearly why the character is so gung-ho about him, and expect people to think anything besides "well, guess that guy was a piece of shit this whole time." Roman is still sexually weird and effeminate, so there's already a heavy bias against him that people won't admit to. That was played up last night, I guess because the fact that he's effeminate makes him more sinister. They should just add a lisp and be done with it. It's so...irresponsible.
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realised tonight in person (!!) with some lovely mutuals how desperately I long to be part of a cause. to do good, make a difference, from the little things to the really big things. and that my sense of self preservation is completely nonexistent. how the hell did I wind up in a religion full of people so afraid of death they need a certainty of afterlife? like yeah I want certainty of a good world without predation or death. but as for myself being there? that’s kind of part in parcel with its existence I suppose, if everyone’s there it’s gonna include me and I’m okay with that. but I really just want it to exist that’s all I just want us to stop making it about me
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foreignobjecticus · 5 months
Just received an accidental mass email from my old college and it's thrown me so hard. I was there 12 years ago. That's as long as I was in primary/highschool. Hot spicy damn has time flown.
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princekirijo · 1 year
I don't even think ATLUS realizes that the Female Protagonist is popular and if they do they don't know WHY
You get to have social links with the male party members and Ryoji (Junpei's social link is one of the best), you get to choose your Velvet Room attendant, you get to save Shinjiro, you get two fan favorite characters, Saori and Rio, Yukari misgenders femc and Fuuka misgenders Theo, every female party member and Elizabeth have a bisexual awakening because of femc
And then in FES the Answer gives us AMAZING character development for Yukari Aigis and Mitsuru plus it introduces an underrated character that Atlus has ignored ever since in Metis
So why not have both. Baffling.
Yeah it is kinda like crazy that they could literally make everyone happy by just combining portable and fes into this upcoming remake and add the new stuff they want to add but ig that's just not what they wanted to do 😫
Reading that article and the ign one it seems that they're really bent on remaking the persona 3 experience as opposed to like idk make a definitive edition to the game (which is what most p3 fans want). There's not really much we can say there because I suppose from like an "artistic" point of view so to speak they chose to bring the original p3 experience (well fes' journey) to newer audiences. As I said before there's absolutely nothing wrong with that HOWEVER I do think that adding the extra content from fes and portable would have served that goal way better than just... remaking p3. As you said both the answer and portable add much more dimension to the story and characters of p3 so by essentially ignoring that not only are you doing the game a disservice (im like 90% sure portable is canon and 100% sure the answer is canon) but it's also gonna confuse new fans when we start talking about Metis or Erebus or idk what actually happened in the final battle of p3.
Unless of course Atlus is planning on retconning the answer and portable. Which... wouldn't be great. But hey at this point I am curious as to see what they're gonna do but I'll say it rn none of the remake stuff will be canon in my eyes.
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barnbridges · 8 months
armand and daniel is what happens when you leave two autistic people unsupervised
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muxas-world · 1 month
Marc praying manifesting rain to get a posible win, saldy he din't know he was againts the king of desolutions a withe wicht name valentino he dint have a chance 😣 cd
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