#into a billion itty tiny pieces
themillipedeslaw · 5 months
A raven goes to the doctor because it thinks it is sick. When the results come back positive, what does the raven have?
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papersnatch · 10 months
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this one goes out to the three tower heroes fans that exist like... ever !
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9 phenomena NASA astronauts will encounter at Moon's south pole
NASA's Artemis campaign will send the first woman and the first person of color to the moon's south polar region, marking humanity's first return to the lunar surface in more than 50 years.
Here are some out-of-this-world phenomena Artemis astronauts will experience:
1. A hovering sun and giant shadows
Near the moon's South Pole, astronauts will see dramatic shadows that are 25 to 50 times longer than the objects casting them. Why? Because the sun strikes the surface there at a low angle, hanging just a few degrees above the horizon. As a result, astronauts won't see the sun rise and set. Instead, they'll watch it hover near the horizon as it moves horizontally across the sky.
2. Sticky, razor-sharp dust ...
The lunar dust, called regolith, that coats the moon's surface looks fine and soft like baking powder. But looks can be deceiving. Lunar regolith is formed when meteoroids hit the moon's surface, melting and shattering rocks into tiny, sharp pieces. The moon doesn't have moving water or wind to smooth out the regolith grains, so they stay sharp and scratchy, posing a risk to astronauts and their equipment.
3. ... that's charged with static electricity
Because the moon has no atmosphere to speak of, its surface is exposed to plasma and radiation from the sun. As a result, static electricity builds up on the surface, as it does when you shuffle your feet against a carpeted floor. When you then touch something, you transfer that charge via a small shock. On the moon, this transfer can short-circuit electronics. Moon dust also can make its way into astronaut living quarters, as the static electricity causes it to easily stick to spacesuits. NASA has developed methods to keep the dust at bay using resistant textiles, filters, and a shield that employs an electric field to remove dust from surfaces.
4. A new sense of lightness
In 1972, Apollo 16 astronaut Charles Duke hammered a core tube into the moon's surface until it met a rock and wouldn't go any farther. Then the hammer flew from his hand. He made four attempts to pick it up by bending down and leaning to reach for it. He gave up and returned to the rover to get tongs to finally pick up the hammer successfully.
Artemis moonwalkers will have a bounce to their step as they traverse the lunar surface. This is because gravity won't pull them down as forcefully as it does on Earth. The moon is only a quarter of Earth's size, with six times less gravity. Simple activities, like swinging a rock hammer to chip off samples, will feel different. While a hammer will feel lighter to hold, its inertia won't change, leading to a strange sensation for astronauts. Lower gravity has perks, too. Astronauts won't be weighed down by their hefty spacesuits as much as they would be on Earth. Plus, bouncing on the moon is just plain fun.
5. A waxing crescent … Earth?
When Artemis astronauts look at the sky from the moon, they'll see their home planet shining back at them. Just like Earthlings see different phases of the moon throughout a month, astronauts will see an ever-shifting Earth. Earth phases occur opposite to moon phases: When Earth experiences a new moon, a full Earth is visible from the moon.
6. An itty-bitty horizon
Because the moon is smaller than Earth, its horizon will look shorter and closer. To someone standing on a level Earth surface, the horizon is 3 miles away, but to astronauts on the moon, it'll be only 1.5 miles away, making their surroundings seem confined.
7. Out-of-this-world temperatures
Because sunlight at the moon's South Pole skims the surface horizontally, it brushes crater rims, but doesn't always reach their floors. Some deep craters haven't seen the light of day for billions of years, so temperatures there can dip to minus 334 F. That's nearly three times colder than the lowest temperature recorded in Antarctica. At the other extreme, areas in direct sunlight, such as crater rims, can reach temperatures of 130 F.
8. An inky-black sky
The moon, unlike Earth, doesn't have a thick atmosphere to scatter blue light, so the daytime sky is black. Astronauts will see a stark contrast between the dark sky and the bright ground.
9. A rugged terrain
Artemis moonwalkers will find a rugged landscape that takes skill to traverse. The moon has mountains, valleys, and canyons, but its most notable feature for astronauts on the surface may be its millions of craters. Near the South Pole, gaping craters and long shadows will make it difficult for astronauts to navigate. But, with training and special gear, astronauts will be prepared to meet the challenge.
TOP IMAGE: This graphic shows maximum summer and winter temperatures near the lunar South Pole. Purple, blue, and green identify cold regions, while yellow to red signify warmer ones. The graphic incorporates 10 years of data from NASA’s LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter), which has been orbiting the Moon since 2009. Credit: NASA/LRO Diviner Seasonal Polar Data
LOWER IMAGE: This dust particle came from a lunar regolith sample brought to Earth in 1969 by Apollo 11 astronauts. The particle is about 25 microns across, less than the width of an average human hair. The image was taken with a scanning electron microscope. Credit: NASA/Sarah Noble
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mwebber · 1 year
in the mood for love martian au sorry sorry sorry if i think about it i'll explode into a billion tiny itty bitty pieces
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halcyon-wings · 3 years
Could you do this but with akito and rui?
akito and rui with a childhood crush !!
CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AKITO AND RUI MY BELOVED?!?!?!?!?!?! dearest anon ur brain is so big look at u go!!!!!!! look at you having the biggest mcbrain ever >:D
features a gn!reader, the redhead dog fearer and the purplehead roaming around yet again /lh
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<3 cannot possibly comprehend how he’s been friends with you this long without ena making a joke about him dating you to embarrass her brother
<3 he’s genuinely serious about this. any time he remotely has ANY sort of relationship with anyone?? ena goes “haha future lover” and akito is :) he is this close :))) to punching the living daylights outta her :))))) (please don’t, ginger)
<3 you two met when he was around… six years old, maybe? at a park, if he remembers right. and how did you two meet, exactly?
<3 because he was running from a bulldog :) goddammit he really wishes he didn’t remember that itty bitty piece of information
<3 and the thing is? you, a small fellow six year old, had the GUTS to stand right in front of that dog and spread your arms out wide so he wouldn‘t get hurt. and then, by some MIRACLE, you literally tamed that dog in five seconds flat and had unofficially named it “Barkie”
<3 tiny akito was in awe of you omg,,,,, ur so cool,,,,,,,,,,
<3 he’s been friends with you ever since! he’s always downplayed how much he really adores you to hide how he actually feels keep up his cool guy image, but he‘s always found a way to send you a stray compliment at least once a week and keep it suave. by some miracle, you haven’t caught on that he likes you yet.
<3 maybe you will, eventually. he’ll be a bit mortified if you find out, but ena’s gonna have an absolute FIELD DAY afterwards.
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<3 you’re half the reason he likes building stuff to be honest
<3 rui was… really lonely as a kid. sure, there was nene, and she was great, really! sometimes, though, she didn’t want to play with him, which made him a bit sad :(
<3 so after a giant storm blew a chunk of his fence down on his fourth birthday, he learned that fences were not supposed to do that! he also learned that on the other side of the fence, there was another little kid… you!
<3 talking to you seemed really scary, to be honest. he didn’t know a single thing about you, and beyond that fence was a world he was too scared to explore. tiny you seemed really intimidating, and whenever you caught him staring, he immediately looked away.
<3 so while there were people rebuilding the fence, you hopped through an opening and marched over to rui, carrying a tub of legos the size of half your body. setting them down in front of him (you almost toppled over, but nobody needed to know that), you asked him to play with you.
<3 that’s how he learned two things. one, he really liked building stuff! it was a lot of fun and he liked seeing how things worked! two, tiny him was madly in love with you, and years later he still is.
<3 of course, it’s not like he’ll confess anytime soon, that’s completely out of the question! he’d have to think of how to do it right a billion times before settling on what’ll get him the best possible outcome…
<3 maybe someday, though. it’s a nice thought to have :}
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sheliesshattered · 3 years
I am having a giant fucking why do I even fucking bother? moment tonight. 
The sewing project I had been making good progress on all day, after planning it out over the last several days, just came to a horrific screeching halt of the utterly final kind. Absolutely no way to fix it, no creative solution around it, I’m just fucked. I might be able to scrap it to make something much smaller, but I’m not sure I even want to bother at this point. I have convinced myself not to hack the fabric into a billion tiny pieces, but only just.
I am trying to use up fabric in my stash rather than buying any new fabric -- my budget being the catastrophic mess that it is and likely will be for at least the next six months, minimum -- but I’m coming to the realization that all I have in my stash are itty bitty weird shaped pieces, nothing actually usable. And I really had my heart set on this idea, drafted a pattern from scratch and everything, but none of the fabric in my stash is big enough or the right sort, it turns out.
And like, why even bother going through the work of making something? It’s not like I’m going anywhere. I have enough clothes for sitting around the house and going to the grocery store, which are literally the only things I’m likely to do in the foreseeable future. The only thing on my calendar between now and the new year is flying out to visit my parents one last time, where I will also be just sitting around their house instead of my house. I don’ t need a cute new dress that I drafted a pattern for. It just seemed like a nice little mood-booster, and a way to work through my fabric stash.
Writing has been a similarly pointless dumpster fire. I want to write, but most of the time the horrific state of my life currently is far too distracting to get myself in the headspace to string words together. The little progress I have made recently has been on a sequel that was promised four years ago, but it’s moving so slowly, and I feel so unmotivated, it just seems so pointless to even try.
We’ve been home from the (ill-advised but greatly needed) trip for more than two weeks now, and since then I’ve felt like I’m just treading water, waiting for things to happen. Waiting for the days to pass. Waiting to watch one tv episode that might temporarily improve my mood. Waiting to hear yet more bad news from family. No goals, no plans, nothing that means anything in the utter shit-show my life has been lately.
I really don’t know why I even fucking bother.
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venser · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked before
tagged by @local-vamp (tysm!!!)
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?: blue
2. Name a food you never eat?: meatloaf
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?: ok i usually feel too warm but i’m told that i run cold so i’m not sure what that says about me
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?: working on the last (and most time consuming) section of this pixel art
5. What is your favorite candy bar?: green tea kitkats
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?: yeah
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?: “that’s a human person!” in reference to hearing what grimes named her kid
8. What is your favorite ice cream?: green tea ice cream mochi
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?: loca mocha monster java
10. Do you like your wallet?: yeah but it’s seen so much use i need to get a new one
11. What was the last thing you ate?: tacos
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: if it weren’t for the fact that i’m currently unemployed due to this pandemic i would’ve gotten this protomen shirt i’ve had my eye on for months
13. The last sporting event you watched?: a baseball game as a part of a school trip that i didn’t pay attention to
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: either movie theater butter or caramel
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?: my mom
16. Ever go camping?: i think my last camping trip was back in the third grade??
17. Do you take vitamins?: lmao no
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?: no
19. Do you have a tan?: if i’m not wearing an extra thiccccc coating of sunscreen during the summer i’ll burn to the point where moving hurts
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?: pizza
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?: i try not to
22. What color socks do you usually wear?: white. what does it fuckin matter, nobody can see them
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?: i don’t drive :)
24. What terrifies you?: the unknown
25. Look to your left, what do you see?: my cat licking his ass
26. What chore do you hate?: flea med day. it’s the worst day of the month and i know my cat needs it but he’s so fucking strong and if i’m not holding him juuuuust right he’ll buck up and hit me with the back of his head
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?: steve irwin
28. What’s your favorite soda?: dr pepper
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?: i would usually go in unless i’m wearing my work uniform bc then i just get nothing but questions about work and i don’t want to talk about work when i’m not at work i do enough of that at work!!!!
30. Who’s the last person you talked to?: my mom
31. Favorite cut of beef?: i don’t really,,,,, eat beef,,,,,,, that much????
32. Last song you listened to?: Light Up the Night by the Protomen
33. Last book you read?: Tom King’s Mister Miracle
34. Favorite day of the week?: man every day’s fuckin,,,,, monday now i don’t even know anymore
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?: i dont even know what DAY it is how could i possibly say the alphabet backwards
36. How do you like your coffee?: it has to be cold and sweet (i almost exclusively drink mocha frappuccinos and monster javas if i’m going to get coffee)
37. Favorite pair of shoes?: i dont care i literally get the same shoes every year when i need new ones so i don’t have to spend my day at the shoe store
38. The time you normally go to sleep?: i dont wanna answer that
39. The time you normally get up?: or that
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?: sunsets bc i’m not grumpy about getting up
41. How many blankets on your bed?: yes
42. Describe your kitchen plates: those corelle plates that are almost indestructible unless you have super shitty luck that day and then they just shatter into a billion itty bitty teeny tiny pieces that you need to pick up before your dear, sweet, dumbass cat comes in and tries to eat them
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?: i don’t drink
44. Do you play cards?: i am literally banned from playing cards at game night
45. What color is your car?: i dont drive :)
46. Can you change a tire?: i mean if you give me ten minutes to look up a tutorial then yeah probably
47. Your favorite province?: like canadian? i guess nova scotia??? because thats the only one i can think of from the top of my head???
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had?: i work at a zoo!!! what’s not to love!!!!
49. How did you get your biggest scar?: i don’t think this really counts as a scar but i have a piece of graphite stuck in my thigh that you can still see through my skin
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy?: i got my sister a toolbox as an early mother’s day gift bc all she has is like. a hammer and a handful of allen keys and she was suuuuper excited about it
I’m gonna tag @nghtving @the-imaginative-fox @nightflings @livia-art and anyone else who wants to do this!
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somniumoflight · 5 years
Another Hollow Knight story idea for you guys:
Minds and Wills of the Void
This idea started not so much an AU but more… an interesting interpretation of canon’s lore.  Specifically, an interesting interpretation of the Void, how it might have come to being, and how the Siblings – beings that, considering the in-game Hunter Journal entry of them, “fragment of a lingering will,” are not mindless and thus must have come from somewhere – might have first appeared.
There was once life on this world that stretched across entire continents rather than be limited to tiny kingdoms. However, a great calamity struck the land – perhaps it was an illness, perhaps the Sun went out or exploded and scorched everything to ashes, regardless of what actually happened it’s clear that SOMETHING happened, and millions, maybe billions of bugs died, along with most of the life on the surface.  This sheer number of deaths is what led to the Dream and Nightmare Realms being torn apart – and their respective original deities along with them, leaving behind only mere shadows of their previous selves to rule in their place – and also indirectly lead to the creation of the Void. As the refuse from those multitudes of corpses was slowly buried by eons of dirt and stone, it liquified, sank into the earth, carving out deep caverns as it went, and eventually coalesced in the deepest pits of the world, which would eventually be known as The Abyss.  And, because there were traces of Essence left in many of those corpses, the Void did not stay mere black sludge but instead became something that could definitely be called alive… though not exactly in a way that most bugs would recognize unless the Void, you know, actively moved around in a clearly unnatural or deliberate way.  The Void sits at the bottom of the Abyss for several eons as slowly kingdoms spring up on the surface and life re-develops once more.
Then comes the first civilization of bugs in Hallownest, the ones mentioned by Lemm when examining Arcane Eggs.  When their kingdom and respective gods fell to another god’s people, they set out across the Wastelands and eventually stumbled across the mountain that would later become Crystal Peak and, underneath it, the caverns that they would eventually call home.  They dug deep into the caverns and eventually stumble across the Abyss and, of course, the Void within.  At that point, the Void had something that could definitely be called a mind but had never really put it to much use because all it had been doing was sitting at the bottom of a pit. Upon the new bugs stumbling across the Void, however, suddenly the Void had a reason to start exercising that alien mind of its because oh look, tiny moving creatures that make noise, how curious.  So several unfortunate explorers get devoured, and in the process, the Void sort of assimilates their knowledge and so when the next bugs come down to try to retrieve any bodies they can, the Void starts leaving messages for them (not talking, for the Void has no mouth with which to speak).  In their own language.  Somehow this ends up resulting in the bugs deciding that clearly the Void is a god and they begin to worship it, and then build their civilization in the deepest caverns of their new kingdom so they never venture too far away from their deity.
Several generations pass and these Void-worshipping bugs are now spread throughout most of the caverns that will one day become Hallownest. Being in close proximity to the Void all the time has actually altered them a little, though in what way I’m not quite sure yet. Then in comes the Radiance and her new tribe of moths.  The Radiance, much like the Pale King who would later look at this kingdom and go “I want this land it’s mine now,” decides she wants this kingdom for her own.  And when first negotiations with the Void-worshipping bugs fail spectacularly – namely because the Radiance’s light actually hurts these bugs thanks to them being Void-altered, no matter how she might try to change that – she and her Moths start razing their kingdom to the ground and in the process piss off the Void; because although the Void’s mind definitely doesn’t work in the same way that most gods or bugs’ minds do, it still gains power as the number of people worshipping it rises just like any god, and now it's losing all its worshippers.  This is when the first – and technically only – manifestation of the Lord of Shades happens, and it takes almost literally everything that the moths have to drive the seething Void god back into the Abyss – and it almost does cost the Radiance everything when, in order to keep the Shade Lord from rising again, she uses her power to tear the Void’s mind into itty-bitty pieces. She ends up stuck in the Dream Realm, but, in her mind, it’s well worth it, because her enemy is finally gone.
This, of course, is not actually the case.  The Void isn’t like other higher beings – it survived for a long time without anyone knowing about it and though its worshippers are gone, the Void itself is not. And those teeny-tiny pieces of its mind that the Radiance left behind, unlike most bugs’ minds would, are able to survive on their own.  As the Radiance and her moths settle in high above, as far from the Abyss as possible without leaving the kingdom, these bits of mind eventually form the first Siblings, and as eons pass, more and more are slowly formed out of the remnants of the first Shade Lord, and they live somewhat peacefully down there in the Abyss, seeing no need to ascend into the rest of the kingdom.  
Then in comes the Pale King, and of course, he ruins everything, starting with the Radiance – and then, when the Radiance starts making a come back, one of her former followers tells Pale King about the one place that the Radiance forbid any of her people from treading and the Pale King descends into the Basin with its old ruins and then further down to the Abyss, where he finds Void (not the Siblings, they hide because oh no there’s LIGHT what is that), and starts his whole Vessel-making plan.  
At first nothing comes of it, but then somehow, despite not actually being a being of Void, he manages to create a vessel – only for that vessel to end up dying because of course, it's not the “pure” vessel he needs.  As he creates more and more vessels and the bodies start stacking up, the Siblings start panicking, because for all these vessels have bodies they’re still technically Siblings – and while they manage to save some of them when they fall, they can’t save all of them, and what might happen when the King finds out about the Siblings without bodies?  Eventually, however, the King finally gets the Pure Vessel he wants (Hollow Knight, of course) and he leaves the Abyss alone, and for a time things seem like they might be sort of okay, though none of those left in the Abyss are too happy about him taking one of their Siblings with them.  Then the Hollow Knight is sealed within the Black Egg with the Radiance inside them, and, well, Void and Light still don’t get along, and the Knight is calling out for help almost right from the get go.  Their Siblings hear the cries for help and suddenly they’re no longer scared but absolutely FURIOUS.
And so they surge en-mass from the Abyss, swarming through Hallownest in droves in an attempt to find their sibling, and in the process cause absolute mayhem for everyone, but especially for those that get in their way.
Honestly, I’m telling this like its a completely serious story but let’s be real, the Vessels are children, the Siblings are also technically children (at least by the standards of most gods), and so there’s probably going to be just as many silly shenanigans as there are “oh shit” moments. Including some with Hornet, most likely, because the Siblings would all take one look at her, recognize that there’s Void in her, immediately go “New Sibling!” and then abduct/adopt her on the spot.
Might draw/write more stuff for this later.
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millennial-moms · 6 years
Oatmeal Water
Formula is expensive! I stopped being able to breast feed around four months, fed my baby straight formula for about a month, and then my mom reminded me of her super cool mom trick from way back when I and my five siblings were all babies. A bag of oatmeal is so much cheaper than formula, and it’s super healthy. Now, I’m not a nutritionist, a pediatrician, or a doctor of any kind. If you’ve got any concerns about what your baby’s eating, please take the advice of a professional over an internet blogger. This is just what worked for me. Your mileage may vary.
To make as much at once as possible, I take the biggest pot I have, throw in a couple cups of oatmeal, and fill it to about an inch or two from the top with water. I like the large oats. It’s a thousand times easier to strain. It takes a bit longer to cook through, but I would rather that then to fight to get the tiny little pieces out of the liquid at the end.
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Cover and turn the stovetop on high. Stir occasionally, and watch closely. It takes very little time to go from perfectly simmering to boiling over, and then you have to clean up a mess, and it’s a whole thing. Once the oatmeal has swelled enough that it’s floating, and you can see it steaming, reduce heat to the lower end of medium. Give it a good stir and cover it. Let is simmer for a while, a good five to ten minutes, stirring occasionally.
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And now for the fun part! Straining all the oats and the itty bitty oat pieces out. For round 1, I like to use a wire strainer, something with small holes. I tried to use a spaghetti strainer for a while. I might as well have not bothered.
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You’ll be left with three-ish cups of leftover oatmeal. If you’re economically minded, there’s a billion recipes on the internet for using it in baking. It’s not necessarily interchangeable for dry oatmeal. I tried making no-bake peanut butter oatmeal cookies once. It was a learning experience that’s still taking up room in my freezer.
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Straining Round 2. Use something more cloth-like. Those cheap j-cloths work just fine. You could also use something like cheesecloth or whatever. The water can be a bit goopy, so it won’t all strain out all at once. Gather up the cloth and squeeze it out. For this reason, you’re gonna want to let the water cool off to room temperature. Hand burns are no fun.
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Store the oatmeal water in the fridge. It settles a bit, so I like to use pitchers with a little pump action.
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I like to use a mix of formula and the oatmeal water to make sure the baby’s getting all the nutrients he needs, roughly one part formula to two parts oatmeal water.
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/security-entrepreneurs-tiny-hack-proof-password-computer/
Security entrepreneur’s tiny hack-proof password computer
LeAnn Bell, an integrated vector, and entrepreneur from Dayton, Ohio, aims to clear up one built integrated the largest built-in built-integrated safety area – built-in and built-in passwords. How? Through promo built integrated everyone an integrated hack-evidence password PC.
Her disintegrated is ideal. Passwords are the bane of the safety built-in-built integrated, with a few even call integrated it the Achilles’ heel.
Microsoft estimates that With the aid of 2020 four billion built-in may be online — two times the number which might be online now. The quantity of passwords built-in use (By way of human be built integrated, now not built-in Machin Tegra tedes) is expected to develop from approximately 75 billion nowadays to around a hundred billion integrated 2020.
Bell’s product, passwordsFAST, seems like a credit-card-sized Etch A Sketch with a qwerty keyboard. Priced similarly integrated to built-in integrated draw integrated toy – at best $19.built-in – the itty-bitty crimson integrated PC won’t enter integrated kids at the integrated net (there’s no knobs or touch-display), however, it’s an integrated communique piece for seniors.
The built-in integrated at the start turned built integrated offered built-in a kiosk at a Dayton mall, after which built
In built-into Mattress, Bath, and Beyond stores. Bell has honed her pitch on QVC, the today Show, and others, and it’s pretty built-incredible.
Seniors are regarded to be gullible, and that they’re a popular goal for hackers… and for passwordsFAST. The unit’s packagintegratedg states “passwordsFAST is splendid for seniors. Deliver your master password to a depended on the family member, and recognize that enjoyed ones can get admission to essential account statistics if wanted.”
Can Bell’s target audience extend integrated from retailers and built-infomercials promo built integrated to purchasers – to tech-savvy teenagers, hip twenty-somethintegratedgs, integrated customers, and greater discern guilt-ing consumers who realize a built-in or two approximately cybersecurity?
We caught up with Bell through e-mail to built-in greater approximately passwordsFAST – and to dig integrated a few apparent worries that protection specialists and company customers are likely to elevate across the tool. I additionally reviewed a passwordsFAST assessment unit.
How Are Effective Home Security Cameras at Deterring Burglars?
You’ll often hear cynics say that domestic safety digital camera systems are extraordinary for recording crime but they do little to really save you it. Although this was true, recording a criminal offense isn’t this sort of terrible factor, is it? The police have a far higher danger of locating and convicting housebreakers in the event that they have photos of the incident. That is especially beneficial if the cameras record clear mug pictures of the criminal(s). For maximum oldsters, though, they would decide on it if their safety investment clearly avoided crime as opposed to document it. So simply how powerful are home security cameras as a burglar deterrent?
What the Research Says
There were some substantial Studies into this. One survey entitled, ‘Know-how Decisions to Burglarize from the Wrongdoer’s Angle,’ is worth noting. The main attention changed into to investigate the minds of serial housebreakers-male and woman to determine how they make their Choices. The intention of this sixty-four page take a look at becoming to decide the following:
Key motivations
Goal-selection techniques Strategies used to break in Gender variations The effectiveness of deterrence factors (security cameras, alarms, and so on.) The effects had been thrilling to mention the least. Preserve analyzing to discover what the burglars have to mention. What the Burglars Say
No matter what the cynics suppose, the general public of intruders does take the presence of security deterrents into attention-cameras, alarms, dogs, and so on. This isn’t speculation, however, the phrases from over 400 reoffending burglars. Round eighty-three% could look into the security state of affairs of assets earlier than making their decision. In other phrases, if safety is vulnerable or non-existent they are some distance more likely to interrupt in. If security features appearance robust and effective, they are much more likely to move on to an easier area. In short, the opportunistic burglar cherry-choices their Target belongings primarily based on its security, or lack of.
Understanding Passwords and Online Account Safety
In a contemporary online world, there are numerous things that ought to be taken into consideration. However, one of the most critical elements in brand new international is the importance of proper person Identity and passwords. Numerous websites require login facts, which include however now not confined to  Apple gadgets, Google d, and Android phones), banking & stock marketplace websites, community message boards, and even health care facts are to be had online now – with a user call/Identification and password.
That being stated, with such a lot of numerous sites that require consumer IDs and passwords
Why would we not maintain or keep our passwords safely? There are numerous ways to save login statistics. The old fashioned manner (pen and paper) is still viable these days, and you can lock your password e-book/paper in a safe if you are that worried about it. Another manner to shop login information is a password manager – just make certain it’s far a reliable and legit password manager. LastPass appears to be a first rate password manager. One may also create and shop a report, or spreadsheet, with login information. These documents and/or spreadsheets may be password covered as well.
It’s far encouraged that you alternate your passwords each 3-6 months for security reasons, However only a minute portion of on-line customers follow this recommendation. For max safety, it’s far important to trade passwords rather regularly. This brings me to my subsequent idea – password strength and duplication.
The power of a password could be very important. Some websites require your password to comprise a chain of letters, numbers, and/or symbols – But many websites do no longer. it’s far best to err on the side of warning with regards to password energy. I’ve known of Several humans the usage of “password” as their actual password on websites, or even using “1234”. Those examples are clearly now not secure and have to be averted. It is also a terrific concept to live far from using your username or portions of your person call to your password. One instance of a more potent than average password might be “I<3A!RPL@n3s”, if you look cautiously, lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols are all protected. Now just for enjoyment, do you see what the password definitely says? I <three (coronary heart) Airplanes.
Another recommendation with regards to password safety is to never use the identical password on a couple of websites.
For instance, do now not use the same password in your Netflix account as you do in your bank account. it is uncommon, however no longer remarkable, for websites to be hacked and have their consumer records compromised. If the information is compromised and you use the equal password for your banking, Netflix,  and health care, there lies the possibility of having a person get admission to your different debts – if you percentage passwords and person IDs with diverse websites.
Even as many use the equal consumer call/consumer Identity, that’s excellent, one must ensure that distinct passwords are continually used for every account. online protection is not to be taken lightly, as I’ve witnessed people who have had their accounts misplaced and statistics compromised firsthand. If the large eBay could have their databases compromised, almost all of us can. Granted, if you’re a small time character whose name isn’t always everywhere, you do not should worry approximately this nearly as lots as a person who’s famous, although it is still a situation that has to be addressed nicely. Defend yourself as first-rate you could, with a strong password that consists of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
Computer Monitors – Is Higher Resolution Better
Frame Price is the variety of nevertheless images which can be cycled thru your reveal or Tv every 2nd normally referred to as Frames According to second or just FPS. The eye and thoughts paintings collectively to perceive movement at about 30 FPS. But that simple rationalization has brought about a lot of myths about handiest desiring 30 FPS at the same time as hugely understating the complexity of human sight and belief. Better FPS does have lots of benefits and research have shown that people can perceive and identify things as excessive as 220 FPS. Most Tv and Film movie is completed at 24 FPS and 30 FPS is considered the minimum ideal FPS for gaming so Most consoles are constructed to run at exactly that but Most laptop monitors run at 65hz refresh Fee that’s 65 FPS. New video display units are coming out which could run at over 200hz. The benefits of Higher Body prices consist of smoother recreation play and help aggressive gamers reduce their reaction time by means of shortening goal identification time. The more frames you may get the better! But gaming in 4k will break your Body Price.
How does decision play into Frame Fee
Every Frame must be rendered. It takes two times as lots strength to render 60 FPS because it does 30 FPS and that makes sense proper? A 1080p Frame is two,073, probably six hundred person pixels but a 4K Body is 8,294,400 pixels that are precisely 4 instances greater than 1080p and calls for four instances the pictures and computing power to render each Body. In element 1 of this collection we found out you in all likelihood cannot even see all the pixels you’re looking at if you have a 4k reveal and now you are either dropping Frame Fee for pixels you cannot see. Even worse is if you have a gaming screen with 144hz or 200hz you are not going to get everywhere close to the ones refresh prices in spite of the quality tools on the market! Even a $1200 Nvidia Titan X on a top of the road gaming build averages around 60 FPS in 4K.So now you have pix probably can not see that are decreasing your FPS, until you lay our a fortune on hardware to get Higher FPS for pixels you possibly cannot see, that may also maintain you from getting the Maximum out of your pricey high refresh Charge 4K screen in case you buy on of these.
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Originally posted 2016-08-28 02:40:28.
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