#into believing stupid things!!! why do you think LGBTQIA and mental health topics are being blocked bc of KOSA!!!
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tamryisk · 3 years
Hey, I heard that Tommy is getting therapy, and I wanted to know if that was true or not. Honestly, I'm kinda worried for him ( since I worry about everyone, I'm a every sympathetic person ) and if it is true, plz send me a video. Not a link for YouTube tho, since it's blocked on my phone.
( Like I said, I am quick to worry about people and I want to make sure everyone I care about is safe mentally and physically. Hearing that Tommy needs therapy absolutely breaks my heart, and honestly I'm very scared for his wellbeing. He's probably doing fine, and I understand that but I just really wanna make sure since I haven't been able to catch a stream of his. So honestly, anything would help me out to better understand the situation. Thank you. )
EDIT : i found a clip on the situation. This fucking breaks my heart, he's a teenager and shouldnt have to deal with such stress and everything. It's horrible.
As for Schlatt I couldn't care. I mean he is a cc with his own work and obviously, it's working for him. I just don't understand why Stans and other people within (and outside) the community feel entitled to feelings, vents, and explanations from cc (Apologizing is completely different but once again they don't owe you shit). Like I understand they could have hurt your feelings, I understand that they are idolized in fans' eyes but I don't think people fully realize or grasp the concept of parasocial relationships/interactions through online activity. Twitter is just full of drama and hate. Looking for any reason to dramatize and capitalize off... well drama. Tommy is a teenager, much like everyone he is developing mentally, physically, and emotionally. He still attends school (to my knowledge), his job is to be an entertainer, he doesn't NEED to be into politics or political issues to be a cc. I understand that as a 'white cis male (straight?)' he CAN use his platform to inform his audience about different issues but it is not in THE JOB DESCRIPTION. He does YouTube and Twitch because he likes it, it's a job that he enjoys and he is involved in his community.
Tommy has been educating himself on LGBTQIA+ issues and that community and honestly, he didn't need to do that. However, Tommy DID because he cares about his community as a cc. I, as a person who sometimes watches the dream SMP believe that Tommy doesn't mind educating himself on topics however being forced by communities, individuals, and platforms to 'educate' yourself on heavy topics can and will affect your mental health. Tommy isn't telling you to watch Schlatt nor support him, however, Tommy was opening up about his troubles throughout the quarantine period and how Schlatt's CONTENT was able to help him through that. I like Harry Potter does that mean I support, condone, or like J.K. Rowling's actions ? not at all I dislike her on a human level. Tommy admitted that Schlatt was an asshat and has done shit things but who hasn't? Tommy is 17 (still developing) he has a YouTube community of 3.4 Million and a Twitch community of 5.6 Million followers of course he is going to be overwhelmed, it wouldn't be normal if he wasn't. He stated that if you couldn't deal with something and you can get therapy, then get it. It was stupid and idiotic of him to talk about such an important subject while tired but much like what Wilbur said he should formulate his ideas before stating them. That's on him.
( this long paragraph was a comment i found on a video about everything, i just changed a bit of things to fit i wanted to say. I canr properly say what i want to say but this comment was exactly what i wanted to say. )
The video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34liLLKSTJ0
- Glazeddd, aka Tobi.
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ais-n · 4 years
How do you create your characters? (anon ask)
Another question from the same anon I mentioned in the other post: 
In general, how do you create your characters, especially their psychology/thought process/ flaws? 
haha I have two answers to this - and they depend on the level of ridiculous I’m being.
I actually have a character bio template I made so it was easier for me to track multiple aspects of characters in complex stories. You can download and adjust/use however you’d like - more info at http://aisylum.com/give-and-take/resources/ or download directly as .odt, .doc, or .rtf. 
I made that for my fantasy series but you can just change whatever you want to fit better for your particular situation.
In the thorough cases like this, I will usually start with some sort of idea of the character, whatever that may be, put that into the character bio, and build out from there. Sometimes the vague idea is the gender and/or orientation, sometimes it’s their past, sometimes it’s just a snippet of dialogue I think of someone saying and I have to figure out who would say that thing in that way and why. 
I also try to think about what leads to what. 
Like, Boyd was starved of consistent love and stability as a child, so he came to fully believe he didn’t deserve it while also desperately and subconsciously seeking it out. But because he also had low self-esteem and other issues including a number of tragedies in his past, he became self-destructive at times in his quest for feeling loved or needed. He was willing to put the needs of others above the health of himself, if it meant he wouldn’t be abandoned. Which meant he would be reckless at times, and it meant his emotions would vary hugely when it came to relationships; he would do really stupid things out of fear of losing love or acceptance because he had wished so dearly for it for so long - but that can also backlash and lead to the very thing he feared because he was doing things at times for the wrong reasons or was too willing to compromise when it would be healthier for everyone to stand his ground.
Or, looking at my LGBTQIA+ sci-fi/fantasy/cop/murder mystery-type story Incarnations for other examples - Cypress is a type of Mage (magic-user) who is maligned by pretty much the whole world, especially by other Mages. His kind was all killed in a genocide centuries ago. For various reasons that also pertain to his past (and which would be a spoiler to dictate right now but come up later in the book), he has a huge distrust for other people, to the point at times of rage and hatred and violence. He has almost no one who has been on his side and stayed on his side from the start, except his twin brother. But that comes with its own set of fears, of what would happen if something happened to his brother?, and because he equates emotions to weakness, and he loathes weakness, he can be very aggressive and cynical and sarcastic when interacting with other people. But at the same time, precisely because he’s the type of Mage who gets hunted down and killed or detained by others, and because of how he grew up, he’s learned how to stay under the radar and how to blend in when needed. For all his rage inside, he’s very good at playing a part if he has to, and those two pieces of him may feel at direct odds to one another but they’re just two sides of the same coin. He has the rage because of who he is, and because of who he is he had to learn to not be seen. He is volatile at best when he’s being his own ‘normal’ and yet he can act totally ‘normal’ according to the rest of the world at the drop of a hat if needed. You could meet him in the middle of a grift and have no clue he’s anything other than a regular Joe Schmoe kind of dude who wouldn’t hurt a fly, when in fact he wouldn’t hesitate to brutally kill you if circumstances made it in his best interest.
Basically, I often try to think of what makes sense for how people would react to things they’ve been through (both good and bad), and then how that might affect their behavior going forward, and what would positively or negatively affect that.
One very short, truncated example I’ll give is Sloane, another Mage from Incarnations; because of an event in her past that she survived and others didn’t think she should have, she’s seen as a monster by much of the local community. She became inured to random death from a young age, so she doesn’t question things the way you might expect someone to in the same circumstances, but she also became resentful of others because of how she was treated. She was a troubled child who acted out a lot, but then she had one person who decided to keep reaching out to her, again and again, despite how often she lashed out. And that person became a sense of stability for her, that led to her doing a 180. She went from a kid who was constantly in juvie to being a cop (in this world’s equivalents). There’s a lot more to her story but that’s just a quick way of showing her past and the way people treated her affected her negatively until she had enough of a positive impact on her life from someone else that she ended up changing her trajectory.
I work through a lot of those sorts of things when filling out the character bio so I get a good idea of their past, their tendencies, their biases, etc. And then there’s a section that asks questions like what would build them up, what would bring them down, what is needed for them to progress, etc. I answer those questions as much as I can, and oftentimes get some revelations about the character along the way. And then I look at the plot of the story as a whole and see if it makes sense to include pieces along the way that will provide character progression (or regression) for the character. 
That can be a good way of not only making sure characters don’t stagnate in a story, while also providing layers to the plot itself so that it’s not just about one single thing - there are multiple things happening along the way that provide something potentially interesting or fun or whatever as well.
I personally like to write stories where you can enjoy it as much or more on the second, fourth, tenth read as you did on the first... I want to try to add little things, if possible, that you may glance over the first time without enough context but later can go back and say OHHH when you know more. I find that doing that is particularly fun and enjoyable and easy when you have character progression or little character quirks you can include along the way, because it doesn’t have to be some big dramatic thing for the plot of the world or overall story. It can be something as simple as a character with long hair deciding to cut their hair off, or someone who always wears shoes and makes fun of another person who goes barefoot, now trying to go barefoot and thinking “oh crap, I get why they liked this all along.” It can be totally inconsequential things for the series as a whole that have some sort of meaning for the character or reader, big or small.
I get bored easily both as a reader and a writer so I guess to me that brings in a level of entertainment.
So essentially, I start with something that either I feel I know about the character or makes sense to me about the character, then I try to think about how they would view this thing, and then I try to think about logically what would follow based on their worldview. And that often will lead to flaws, psychology, thought processes, etc. You could think of it like “What would I do if I were them?” but try to not put your personal values in place of their own.
Like, I would never murder the fuck out of people so callously as Cypress does, but I want readers to understand why he does, and for that I need to understand too as the writer or else that’s asking way too much for the readers to understand something I don’t.
I don’t always want to fill out a whole ass memoir/biography on a character to write or create them - sometimes I just want something simple.
In those cases, I don’t write everything down like that bio template, and I don’t go into such specific and detailed questions about every part of their past and their relationships and what they do or don’t need to get better or etc. Instead, I’ll just go with the vibe of someone - what’s the information that’s of import for them as a person and their particular story? Sometimes that’s gender, orientation, race, etc, or sometimes it’s things they like (like spooky things) or things they hate (like restrictive rules).
I try to do more of an overview of why they are how they are, and therefore how they may react to certain things, but I don’t worry myself about going deep into their thought process and psychology to know every detail of how and why. Because depending on the story, I don’t even need to know that information.
I tend to do more of a ‘surface-level’ view of characters for my short stories, because going super in depth would work against what I’m trying to do when I write those - which is develop SOME sense of brevity in my life. Somewhere lol 
A good example of that mentality is probably my short story Five Star Review which is about a god and a spiritual being having a conversation in a closed restaurant. In that story, both main characters are they/them, because that’s the pronouns that worked, and they are very briefly described but barely at all. That story is more about philosophy and the way spirituality/religion interacts with humanity, so that’s what more of the focus is on. I didn’t need to know every single thing Deity (the god) has ever thought, because it’s irrelevant; I just needed to know how they would feel about the particular topics brought up in this particular story. And then, if the dialogue, plot, or otherwise leads to it, I could figure out their flaws or merits as needed, based on the sort of “person” they had already shown themself to be in the previous scene(s).
I don’t know if that helps or if all of that is more confusing. But I basically just start with something I feel I know about the character, then build on that in the context of the world or environment they would have developed in, and then just kind of follow the logic along. 
Also, if that doesn’t lead to flaws or any depth of the character, I will go back and look at something central to them, and try to see if there is anything seemingly directly opposed that could be introduced as a flaw or aspect of them. Because I feel that humans are rarely one-sided, and oftentimes the complexity of us is because of juxtapositions within ourselves we have or haven’t come to terms with. So to make a character feel more “real,” I think it’s important for them to have at least two things about them that don’t, at first glance, seem like it makes sense - but it doesn when you think about them as a person growing up where they did, or how they did, or where they are now, or whatever other piece of them. Not only does that feel more nuanced as a character and more realistic, but it also introduces some internal conflict that can be used as character progression or, at the very least, something interesting to bring in when the plot is in a lull and you don’t know where to go next.
For me, the most important thing is being willing to change my presumption of the character as the writer, if the character naturally develops in a different direction. And therefore also being willing to change the plot to accommodate, instead of forcing the character to follow the plot.
Sorry this post was a million miles long..... hopefully it helps, like, at all, and isn’t just massively confusing.
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nonbinarypastels · 6 years
About & FAQ Page
This page was last updated on July 31, 2018
About nonbinarypastels
This blog was created to combat REG (reactionary, exclusionist, gatekeeping) politics in the LGBTQIA+ community as well as other forms of harmful conservative rhetoric that’s become so common on tumblr through the spreading of positivity and information based posts. My goal for this blog is not only to validate and support LGBTQIA+ people (and people of all marginalized identities) but also to encourage people to be more accepting of others, more able to think critically about all issues, and more passionate about making a positive difference not only in their own lives but the lives of those around them.
What I post about
Positivity — Not only nonbinary positivity but positivity for all  LGBTQIA+ identities and other people as well.
Social Justice/Politics
Mental Health/Mental Illness
Critical Thinking Skills
Miscellaneous Other Topics
If you’re only here for positivity
Please blacklist the #not positivity and #discourse tw tags.
Things you should know before you follow this blog
This blog is inclusionist. I believe that all aromantics and asexuals belong in the LGBTQIA+ community. I’m also firmly against other exclusionary rhetoric that seeks to exclude any non-cishet (by which I mean non cisgender, heteromantic, AND heterosexual) group from the community.
This blog supports creative freedom and a safe fandom environment. I don’t care what kind of fiction people write/read or what they ship as long as all of their content is tagged properly and kept in appropriate spaces. While I think media criticism and having civil discussions about what we’re writing and reading and why is a good thing, I think the ‘anti’ community on tumblr totally crosses the line with their behavior which goes beyond legitimate media criticism and straight into cyberbullying and harassment.
This blog does not support radical feminism. Radical feminism is a harmful conservative movement that harms and attempts to control the lives of marginalized people. I do not support any form of radfem rhetoric.
This blog does not support trasnmedicalsim or truscum. These are groups that actively harm trans and nonbinary people by pushing reductionist, transphobic rhetoric and policing the identities of trans and nonbinary people.
This blog is queer positive. I will not censor the word queer or exclude queer people from this blog or the community.
Please do not send me messages
About any medical or life-threatening emergencies you might be having. I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice and there’s also no guarantee I’ll be online when you send your message. If you’re in a life-threatening situation please contact the relevant local authorities (either 911 or your country’s equivalent) or get to a hospital immediately.
Calling out people I reblog from or who are reblogging from me about anything having to do with ships or fanfiction. As stated above, I don’t care what people ship or write/read as long as it’s properly tagged and not posted in inappropriate spaces. Any messages I get about “so-and-so ships ___” will be deleted.
About anything having to do with MAP discourse. I am a CSA survivor and am generally not comfortable discussing or reading about MAPs.
Telling me that a-specs “aren’t actually lgbt” or anything similar. You will automatically be blocked for being an aphobe.
Saying there are only two genders. You will automatically be blocked for being boring.
Asking me questions that have already been answered on this page. I made this FAQ for a reason. Any asks I get containing questions that I’ve already answered (or asking for definitions of terms that are listed in the glossary) will be deleted.
———————————————————————————— General Questions Do you have a question about what a certain term means?
Please check the glossary page to see if I have a definition already listed. If the term you’re looking for is not in the glossary, please feel free to send me an ask about it.
Are you feeling down and need to be cheered up?
Please check the self care tag for posts you might find helpful.
Why do you put image descriptions on your posts?
Who is that in your icon?
Deadpool from Marvel comics
Icon by http://www.wadewicons.tumblr.com/
Do you take requests?
Who are you/what is your main blog?
Considering how nasty I’ve seen discourse about the identities I’m trying to provide positivity for get and the things I’ve seen other blogs similar to this one having to deal with, I’m not comfortable disclosing the link to my main blog. I value my privacy and my safety and I hope my followers can respect that.
What are your pronouns?
Any pronouns other than it/itself are okay. I have no other preferences.
Are you a minor?
Can people who aren’t nonbinary interact with this blog? Can cis people?
Anyone, nonbinary or not, is allowed to follow nonbinarypastels and reblog from us. Not only am I okay with cis people following this blog and reblogging from it, I 100% encourage them to do so. I think it’s important that not only do LGBTQIA+ people support ourselves and those who ID the same as us but that we support people of different identities and just as much I also think it’s vital for cis people to show that they support us. I think cis people reblogging positivity posts for people who aren’t cis is an excellent way to show that.
Can I interact with this blog if my blog is about ___?
I don’t care if your tumblr is 99% cute crayon drawings of pretty flowers or drawings of kinky furry porn, if you like the posts here or need them or want to spread the positivity with your followers I have no problem with you following + reblogging from this blog.
Can I share your posts on other sites?
Feel 100% free to share my posts on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media. Credit + a link back is appreciated but it’s not required. However, please do NOT upload my posts to sites such as redbubble, storeenvy, or other sites where you’ll be selling them to others.
Can I use your posts in moodboards/aesthetics posts?
Where do you get the pictures for your image posts?
Why the pineapples?
——————————————————————————- Call Me Out Would you like to tell me that the term ‘a-spec’ was stolen from autistics and that it’s problematic to use it to refer to ace/aro people?
Would you like to tell me to stop including the ‘I’ in the LGBTQIA+ acronym?
Would you like to tell me that butch and femme are lesbian-specific words and no one else has the right to use them?
Would you like to tell me not to use queer as an umbrella term?
Why are you intolerant towards conservatives?
—————————————————————————– Questioning Do you have tips for figuring out your gender identity?
Is it okay to use they/them pronouns if I’m still questioning my gender and might be cis?
I want to question my gender but I’m afraid I’m faking it all?
———————————————————————————– About Being Trans + Nonbinary Are nonbinary people trans?
Am I still agender if I have feminine interests/hobbies?
Can you be lunarian and agender?
How do you deal with nbphobia?
What do I do if my friends are nbphobic?
What’s the difference between being nonbinary and being a tomboy?
Can you be nonbinary and prefer she/her or he/him pronouns?
Are nonbinary people to blame for trans people not being taken seriously?
How do I deal with people saying nonbinary people are responsible for trans people being made fun of?
Is trans day of visibility for nonbinary people too?
Is there any proof there are more than two genders?
Do you think it’s fetishizing for people to say they’re attracted to nonbinary people?
Am I still trans/nonbinary if I didn’t always know from a young age?
Am I still nonbinary if I never want to come out?
How do I overcome internalized nbphobia?
What can I call the nonbinary person I’m dating other than boyfriend/girlfriend?
What’s your opinion on “there are only two genders” jokes?
Who is allowed to ID as nblm/nblw/nblnb? Do I have to have a certain alignment to ID with these terms?
———————————————————————————- About Presentation + Dysphoria
Do you have any tips for dealing with dysphoria?
What’s the difference between social dysphoria and body dysphoria?
How can I write about trans/nonbinary characters who have dysphoria?
How can I bind safely if I can’t afford to buy a binder?
Do you have any advice about buying your first binder?
How can I look more androgynous?
Is it normal to want top surgery but not want to take T?
What can I do if I hate my voice?
I want to change my hair but I’m afraid people will hate it?
—————————————————————————— About Sexuality How can you be sex-repulsed without being asexual?
Can you be in a queerplatonic relationship if you’re not ace/aro?
What’s the difference between demisexuality and regular attraction?
Is pansexuality transphobic/biphobic?
Do bisexuals have straight-passing privilege?
Can you be asexual and still like masturbation?
Can you be wlw and mlm at the same time?
Can you be nblw, nblm, and nblnb at the same time?
How can lesbians use he/him pronouns?
What is the split attraction model?
———————————————————————— About Coming Out
Are you looking for coming out tips and encouragement? Please check my coming out tag!
Is it okay to come out to my friends before my family?
How do I explain being nonbinary to my parents when they just don’t get it?
Do you have any advice for coming out as nonbinary?
How do I come out to my parents?
How do I get my parents to use my name/pronouns and accept me?
Fandom & Fandom Discourse Related
What is an anti?
What have antis ever done wrong?
How can I deal with antis who are harassing me?
Do you support pedophilic ships?
What’s your opinion about MAP discourse?
If you’re not a bad person, why do you like bad things in fiction?
What is purity culture?
What is your opinion on RPF?
What is fujoshi discourse?
——————————————————————— Misc. How do you handle ignorance?
What’s an invisible disability?
What is TERF/radfem rhetoric?
How do I know if I have an eating disorder?
What’s the difference between being squicked and being triggered?
How do you deal with bigots?
Why can’t someone be both anti-SWERF and anti-kink?
When was gay used as a slur?
How do you find out about the free samples you post?
What is your opinion on self-diagnosis?
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