#AND ive met some of the most wonderful people on the internet
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cardboardcranium · 7 months
every day i think a little more about how ive spoken to so many trans people irl from so many walks of life across the gender spectrum, but only ever met 1 transfem like myself. maybe it has something to do with the fact that most of those trans people i met clearly harboured some unexplainable hatred towards transfems For Some Reason (I Wonder What It Could Be. Maybe It's Fucking Squeaky-Clean Purity Politics Again)
I hate that the second i bring my identity up, and the specifics of it to anyone, im always immediately told either immediately or just a little while after that im some sort of "sex-crazed freak" or whatever. i fucking despise it. ive even seen this bullshit by other transfems ive tried to reach out to on the internet, theres a good few reasons im so closed off about who i actually speak to. Though, currently, imhappy to have found a few Right Good Freaks to be chill with, although the Great Transfeminine Isolation still stands insurmountable.
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soupofmd · 2 years
ofmd friends appreciation time!!
i thrive in long form media bc i like to ramble so im doing this here rather than on twt
ive met some of the nicest people ive ever come across since being in the ofmd fandom and they regularly make a point to tell me im great (silly gay people) so here is that for them all:
- eli: WELL where to begin, you are basically just the most iconic person ive ever met, youre so easy to talk to, youre always there to chat or for emotional support, feels like ive known you forever. You are so caring and attentative to everyone you interact with and im honoured to be in your inner circle so i get to speak to you everyday :)
- fia + av: i gotta group you two because i realised i have the same things to say to you both lol. i dont speak to you guys as much (i appreciate having a life outside the internet that is very good for u guys lmao) but i hear the best things about you both, and every interaction ive had with either of you is always easy, friendly and funny. i hope you both know that even if you dont hang around online as much, that we all love you just as much and appreciate hearing from you :)
- idunn: the loml, my silly little norwegian, (my scrumptious starfish) you have the best sleep schedule ive ever seen (which is bad for me bc u always go to sleep when i come online to speak to u hehe). im so glad we met, im so glad we get each other, and i hope you never stop being a goofy flirt, også, du er veldig pen og jeg liker deg hehehehehehe :))
- des: destynee, desody, desus, you liked me enough to invite me into the group and im so glad you did bc now i get to speak to all my fav people everyday so firstly thank you for that. secondly, YOU are so funny, youre so insane, it makes me so happy every time you bully me bc i can feel the affection through the screen and i hope i send that same vibe back to you because you really do bring everyone together and we all love you so much for it! you’re hilarious, and me stealing your memes is genuinely bc i adore you and want to entertain you like you do for me :)
- moony: honestly idek, everytime we speak i wonder if it was even real or some sort of weird hallucination. im so happy i know you because you will happily entertain anyones silly discourse and make every conversation so much funnier just by being there. i will be coming to visit you in spain so we can kiss x :)
- ella: my fellow brit! (it freaks me out everytime i remember how close we live i wont lie). when idunn asked if you could join the chaos and gave you a sparkling recommendation it was very accurate bc you are so nice and easy going and fit in effortlessly. its so easy to talk to you and im glad we can talk about british things without me doing it alone and getting ridiculed lmao. one day i will convince you to meet me irl so we can make one of the weird norwegian foods idunn has mentioned :)
- may: you make me laugh so much because you are so kind and easy to talk to and then you have the evil mayo side of you that is so insane and scares me a little (jokes please never retire evil mayo). never stop being you please provide me with interesting bird content forever and ever :)
- ratte: you are so entertaining, you always manage to make us all laugh, when youre online ik its going to be a good time, and youre so interesting when you talk about your interests in discord (ik i said interest twice lol) :)
- yuriy: you are one of the coolest people ive ever spoken to, you seem so laid back, youre hilarious, you motivate me to get stuff done in focus vcs lol and i love seeing you around :)
-mel: menace mel, you are so crazy and entertaining, you never cease to make me and everyone else giggle. im glad you are a part of the group and i hope to have you around in my life for a long time :)
i could go on forever about these specific goons i adore them all so much i am forever amazed at their kindness, how easy to get along with everyone is, how we can all joke without anyone ever going too far, its such a safe happy place, we all support each other so much and im so so happy it was such an inclusive progressive sexy show that bought us all together
(and everyone else im mutuals with or speak with idc if weve spoken one time i love you and smile when i see you all on my tl and being giddy in gcs, i hope i can put out the vibes that u guys provide me with bc you all deserve it)
no more sappy soup i will now return to being mysterious and cool (/lie)
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
February 2006
February 1, 2006
paris in a flash. breath in the air. love is the kind of magic you save for when you are cornered. its your backup. sing a scandal. papparazi on songs. tu es belle.
2/1/06 Q&A
are you aware that people are saying that theyll go to many of your shows on the black clouds and underdogs tour that they really arent going to go to? i noticed on the my local bands thing that people from arizona said that theyre going to the columbia show. does this mean theyre getting more points than everyone else? is this fair? what about all the honest kids out there that just want to see you guys and have fun? thanks! love you pete!
we’re weeding out the cheaters. dont worry. keeping it honest will pay off in the end.
hey pete, at the aol sessions thing, why was andy in a whole different room? k well shelby
he smells terrible. no. well haha- in order to record live drums and have it sound okay its better to isolate each instrument- especially with cymbals.
Yo Pete. I got my bamboozle tickets and I was wondering…are you guys gonna play like 4 songs, or a full set?
we are most definitely going to play a full set.
have u ever taken a naked picture with nothing but a box of frosted flakes covering ur pieces and spaces? my myspace friend tony has… get it cuz tony the tiger……
doesnt he wear like a bandana? thats kind of erotic.
PETER! So are you really engaged and having a baby?
totally. we live in a castle in the sky and my backyard is made out of clouds. its real great except for when the dragon comes around.
hey love…my little sister is getting major surgery next week (7yrs old)….shes getting a feeding tube put into her stomach, and this time theyre going to have to move her organs around and try not to puncture them…and she loves you and patrick, you especially (she only listens to songs where she hears you in it..screaming)so if you have anything to say to her…cuz shes a wreck over this…she should be…and any suggestions for me, because…right now shes emotionally stronger over this than i am…i just keep on thinking if something goes wrong….anyway, thanx pete
prettymuch you just need to think positively. you have not been made sisters by a series of accidents or coincidences. clearly, you love eachother and the best thing you can do is be there for her. ill think about her before i go to sleep tonight.
I heard that FOB is breaking up is it true xo
no way. we are on our second honeymoon.
Ive never met you. All I know about you are internet rumors and what is on this website. And for some reason I find this easier to say to you than anyone I know. Im going through a really hard time in my life, where I feel that I dont fit in. Even with my close friends. At church, at home, everywhere. I dont even know myself now. Im so confused about everything, Im questioning my own religion, my morals, whats right and wrong…everything. I dont know what to do, and I have times when I just want to give up. I keep a razor in the drawer next to my bed just in case. I need help…and I dont feel like I can tell anyone, but just typing this all down makes me feel slightly better, knowing that maybe someone might read this and care about a small town nobody gives me enough strength to go on for another day.
i totally understand what you are saying. i wish i could say that it all goes away, but i think these are things that will plague us all until our deathbed. i would definitely throw the razor away, you dont need it- its not a solution- sometimes its easier to take it kind of one breath at a time… you know? its easier in small steps.
What does “im two quarters in a heart down” mean?
i was trying to through to someone on a payphone, it was a 50 cent call from where i was to them.
February 2, 2006 
1:16 pm 
this city helps me forget love doesn't bore me. it disappoints me. there is a pile of lamps and clocks stuck on 11:11. cause i wish i could fucking believe you. 
February 6, 2006
Amsterdam to los angeles.
I am in love with being home.
If you come out to the house of blues in la tommorrow we are playing a super smal show with: jacks mannequin and shiny toy guns. Its already sold out but were gonna give out 5 free tickets. Don’t get your hopes too high.
You aren’t my goodluck charm anymore.
February 7, 2006
momma and poppa are cute. they were all at the hob la show. my dad says "will you please introduce your mother to jay-z". jigga and my mommy totally chatted.
oh and the show was amazing.
- petey
2/07/06 Q&A
Sometimes you write about seeing “old fall out boy fans” at shows. How can you tell? No way you recognize all those faces. Also, I just wanted to say that my first memory of FOB was in the local section (i guess cause andy is from menomonee falls and the store was in milwaukee) of a record store by my house a few years ago & now the same band is on TV & t-shirts across the nation. fall out boy: what a trip.
my visual memory is pretty good. usually i can remember faces. sometimes i am off. but i definitely remember kids in every single town. i can’t remember any names ever- my auditory memory is terrible.
JT LeRoy mystery solved: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11215643/page/2/  
February 8, 2006 
5:04 am 
so you want the truth been living just outside of okay for awhile now. but its changing. whatever story you heard about me is not true. im pretty sure im not gonna bring home a grammy tommorrow. but i will have lots of good pictures. how i am feeling about someone is always changing. except i am allowed to be happy inside my head right now. ive been scared of everything for far too long. i haven't let myself be alright. but ive done alot of thinking on the 12 hour flight here. i just like being around certain people. new friends make my heart flutter. old ones make me feel homesick. been going to grammy parties all week. yeah im that guy in the corner lurking hard. its kinda creepy. ive been training the last month for our video- however i think i may have sprained or fractured my foot in the last day. if this thing turns out the way it is supposed to- it will be the most epic thing fall out boy has ever done. i dont miss you but i do miss the idea of you. i went and looked at houses out in california again today- i want to get a dog and a backyard. maybe not just yet. but maybe. my clock is ticking on your pretty face. my dad got drunk tonight and talked shit to all of my friends. pretty amazing. i wish i had it on video. total release the bats two material. i want to do a tv show like the wonder years starring fall out boy. i don't think any networks would be too interested. dont call it a comeback. put pennies on my eyes when i die. you are new moons and fresh sheets and the end of that one dream. love the fancy kid. 
2/09/06 Q&A
do you ever wish you could start life all over again?
yes. i think about it all the time. i would try and be more honest and not make so many mistakes.
I am holding my breath until the new Fall Out Boy video. When do you expect it to be finished?
itll be done filming on tuesday- i promise you this is one of a kind. do not expect dance, dance again.
In the video Dance, Dance, you wispered to Patrick something. What did you whisper? And what was your favorite album and video that you made?
“ive got to pee so bad”
pete, are you and ashlee simpson sexing?? ~the boardies P.S. she doesnt love you like we do
okay just because this question has been asked one million times— we are friends. she is a sweet girl. ps- i could never lololove a girl as much as the boardies.
so what products do you use to keep your face blemish free?
pore cleanser, reinvigorator, and a t-zone moisturizer by ponds.
why is Patrick the on;y one who smiles in like all of your albums and postres and stuff? i mean i was looking at the cover to “take tis to your grave” and patrick was the only one smiling.
he makes us all super sad right before the pictures are taken always. and then smiles cause he likes it when people are sad. or the other answer is i dunno.
February 19, 2006
things that both currently annoy and amuse me:
"hottie mchottie" and other hilarious lines that should not be said.
east coast weather.
west coast girls.
being awake all night.
i am tired.
- petey
February 19, 2006
posted from petes friends or enemies blog
Tumblr media
February 19, 2006
i feel like howl from howls moving castle embodies every single feeling that goes through my head.
that is all. i am in the lobby of a hotel in new york city waiting for something that isn't ever going to happen.
i am calculating all of the legs and drunken stutters. i am precise. i am a machine. i am a hot mess.
- petey
February 19, 2006
i heard fall out boy on the radio for pretty much one of the first times ever last night. it made me once again realize that 99 percent of the reason anyone will ever like this band is because patrick has the best voice on the planet. that kid is the golden ticket.
i want a girl that wont laugh at anyone elses jokes.
i want a girl i can love in hour increments.
i want all of my ex loves to love me forever.
the new video will suprise you.
pictures soon at:
February 19, 2006
we put the f.u. back in fun so ive been reading many peoples diatribes lately. about what punk rock is and how bullshit this whole scene is. about how we all need to fuck off and die. well the truth is youre so fucking brave and i am so fucking cliche. i am okay with that. but i believe in these songs and these eyes and these sweated out rooms. the words your write hurt my eyes and my back is sore from being hunched over the screen all night. you cheapen what i do by casually throwing barbed statements at my friends and fans. leave. we don't fucking need you. we dont care what you think about us. we dont need to sit in clubs and watch you excuse yourself to the bathroom every 20 minutes, just cause we know how it goes. we dont need to watch you onstage. the best songs sing themselves. ive said it since day one. this is my rushmore. this saved me. fuck you for trying to ruin it. new songs are my middle finger back to you. im sorry youre gonna have to wait awhile to hear yourself called out through the speakers. i love the way they always ask to see my room key when i walk into my hotel at night. like i do not belong. because i do not belong. i love opposition. i love the haters. i love mondays. i love accidents. i love "no more chances". i love walking through this city at night where i do not know anyone. because i do not know anyone. i love secret shows. i love coded messages. i love the way you have me figured out so much better than i have myself figured out. 
xo peterabbit
2/19/06 Q&A
thank you for not making craptastic videos. Will continue with the making of noncrappiful videos with this next one?
well see. i think this one is gonna be a 180 degree change. i hope you like it.
Is the world ever going to be luck enough to get a Fueled By Ramen tour? Say with you guys, the academy is…, panic! at the disco, and days away? Or any other of the Fueled By Ramen crew?
we are planning a decaydance tour for next summer possibly- tai, panic, gym class, and a couple others are all possible tourmates.
p33t!please give us some hints about the video?!? do you know when its going to be finished for our viewing pleasure?
okay think kungfu hustle meets the lost boys meets the warriors.
Lately it seems like you, not as a band, but as a person have been undergoing a lot of minor changs, which together are seeming to make you an unrecognizable person to some. Is the Wentz we all came to know and trust really deteriorating in front of us? You guys, and your music, and your humor are a stable thing in the lives of many, and the idea that you wont be staying as we thought we knew you for even just now honestly scares the shit out of me. Are the few of us going to have to distance ourselves before we end up following and befriending something we cant even recognize, or are you still for better or worse going to be the ingenious, hilarious smartass we see you as?
i dont know how to answer this question. i think if i was truly deteriorating before you i would still answer that i wasn’t because id feel nervous revealing that. at the same time i feel that i love more and more spending afternoons walking through this city by myself away from all of this nonsense. if that makes any sense. i dont really know who you know me as- i dont really know who i know myself as- i am sorry i dont have a better answer. i am as confused as you.
Does Patrick know that he is my Schmexy lil Lepricon?? because he really really is.
wow. haha. i will be sure to pass it along.
I miss the old Peter , bangs , eyeliner and all . Im so sad.
the old peter didn’t have any of those things. its just a hair cut. its just makeup. its just my bone structure. its just a picture. focus one evrything else there is- the words, the music, the laughs, the jokes, the connection, the sweaty haze in the room right before the last song. everything is gonna be ok. patrick, pete, joe, and andy are making a new record and a video to scare off anyone that ever thought any of us were pretty.
peter, youre such a dino-whore. can we expect you and the guys to be doing any skits on SNL?
you and hey chris arent friends anymore. sadness. do you think this will be ever resolved and you guys will be friends again?
im only answering this question so it will not be asked again: i don’t believe in bringing or speaking about situations with my friends or family online. they are the only part of my life that i guard intensely. i hope that you will respect that. what goes on with me and chris is between me and chris and i have never and will never address it online or milk it for attention.
will we be getting a pre-MTV look at the A Little Less Sixteen Candles a Little More Touch Me music video like we did with Dance,Dance? The few pics i saw reminded me of Michael Jackson for some reason.
there will be more and more pictures over at www.friendsorenemies.com - im not sure if we’ll have a video preview ready in time. this thing is gonna be different. don’t expect 80s highschool movies and usher dancing -
why is pete such an asshole and patrick such a sweetheart?
hahaha. true. when we were being made into a boyband by lou pearlman he was like: patrick you are gonna be the shy guy and pete you are gonna be the badboy with attitude. i cant help it. you dont argue with lou.
caps lock does not make up for not using enough words to be understood.
can you help me think of a new away message
blinkhurleyiheartbilljoe41: “hi, i am outside breathing oxygen. the sunlight hurts my beady little eyes cause i sit in a dark room on the internet all day and night. my legs feel wobbly because i have been looking a n00ds all day. please be my friend in real life and not just on the dorkweb.”
I want to go to a secret show obviously, but where are we supoosed to look for these “clues”?
they are all over the place. look hard: clandestine.buzznet.com - friendsorenemies.com - www.fueledbyramen.com
Pete, the new october fall cd is amazing. will you please tell Patrick that I think his voice is amazing in that song. his voice is always amazing, but there is just something else to his voice in Second Chances!! and now for my question… is decaydance looking at any new bands that you might sign in the near future?? Youshouldsignfictioncityyoushouldsignfictioncity!!!
thank you… october fall should suprise some people i think… we are always looking for new bands. i will check them out.
which person from the simpsons would you most like to date??and why.:0
hahaha tricky….. hmmm. marge i guess. but you know she has a BOYFRIEND.
Why is it that the songs do not match their titles?
they do.
Im thinking of selling my PATD ticket, persuade me that seeing them will be worth the expenses!
listen to their record. that is your persuasion. trust me.
Pete, Ive had a hard time talking to anyone about this, so I just thought that I could say it to you. Recently my Nan died. This has been my first experience with death in my family. Ive been distraught, but no ones really talked to me about it. I keep thinking that my mom or dad or one of my sisters will die, and Im always worrying about them. Its really driving me crazy. I dont know how to get past all this. Thanks for reading this. Your music is what has kept me going this long. x
ive felt this before. its strange how the more you watch tv and the world around you- the more you think about people around you dying. it can drive you crazy. it can make you hang on too tightly. to me the only answer is to treasure the people around you. so youll never feel like you missed out. live every day.
February 28, 2006
3:50 pm (from HeyChris)
an open letter to pete wentz.
it takes a lot to make me mad. 
it takes even more to infuriate me.
so, after all this time i finally learned the truth. that it was you telling my ex girlfriend lies and secrets. despite even giving you the pass card after i caught you trying to talk dirty to her online, this is how you repay me? no wonder why you couldnt look me in the eye on the bus last summer and no wonder why you avoided me every chance you got. 
you hug me and tell me you love me then you tell lies to my girlfriend behind my back to lure her away from me? you tell her i cheat on her and then you tell me to come stay on the bus?
you are a spineless fucking sham.
i regret every second i spent defending you and your selfish ways. 
dont forget, i know you. not that shitty glammed up poser image you present to the masses to consume. the dude i knew never would have worn a fucking dinosaur shirt or sold out one of his friends. the dude i knew had heart and fucking loyalty. well lil buddy, you are fucking done.
you want to sell me out to the most important person in my life and then have the audacity to make ME think I did something wrong to not deserve your friendship? you fucking arrogant bastard. 
since we're discussing sellouts lets discuss how when kids give you presents you laugh at them and throw it straight in the trash. oh yeah, ive seen it many times. lets talk about how you talk shit about the fat girls that are your fans and mock their letters. you are fucking undeserving of every ounce of attention you've ever gotten. from every one of your calculated business moves to your "spontaneous" jumps in the crowd parts to your well rehearsed cliche lines you've been spouting for 400 shows in a row. you're boring, contrived and old. "oooh, no one loves me, its sooo hard being on magazine covers and tv shows. someone save me from me." what are you, fucking 12? go light your little candles ask yourself why no one will ever truly love you. its amazing no one has caught on to your little fucking show. you're nothing more than a shitty opportunist business man with even shittier fashion sense.
so pack up and move to whatever million dollar house you've picked out in california paid for by your lies and hypocrisy and deceit and selfishness and over medicate yourself like youve been doing for years...because guess what? no one wants you here anymore. you are not welcome. 
oh yeah, hows that straight edge tattoo doing? as well as the tattoo for your "crew" who now refer to you as a fraud and a con? stay gold dude, stay gold.
remember this each night of the tour when you play the lie, "hey chris, you were our only friend." 
downplay it all you want by saying the song is about "friends", but guess whos fucking name you're saying each and every night? mine. thats right. what a bunch of fucking phonies. sing the songs you dont even believe in anymore. fucking liar.
you know the friends i have and you know how we feel about loyalty. 
you know who im talking about and you know they're not happy either.
so dont get caught slipping and you better make damn sure you watch whos on your guest list because a plus one might come backstage to punch your fucking teeth out and tear the windpipe from your throat. 
you fucking sell out. 
oh, and next time you decide to write another song about me, do it right you fucking coward.
**********REPOST EVERYWHERE YOU CAN**************** 
Current Music: the promise - crush all fakes."
oh what a monster we've created.
when i am called by my manager to read a post that is burning through the internet it makes me wonder. ive never responded to rumours or shittalking online, no matter who it came from- at the same time there is nothing that makes my blood boil more than reading this- being who i am, my first instinct is to blow it off- but then i consider how anytime anything is written on the internet people believe its true- no matter what, no matter the biases or subjectivity of the sources. my first instinct is to lash out- to say everything i think about you and every situation- to defend myself and attack you. as unbelievable as it is- i am an extremely insecure person- everytime i read something about myself negative or positive i react in probably the exact same way anyone would.
but like i said- i am going to continue to do this my own way, what i consider to be the higher road. i understand when we get angry we often lash out- ive done it myself on many occassions. if you want to talk to me about any of this call me on my cell phone and we can do it one on one-
i will not be responding to anything else-
however, the attacks about our fans and the people that listen to this music and read these words is completely offbase- the fans of this band are my entire life- ive lost my girlfriend, my friends, much of my "normal" life- just to keep this relationship going- this isn't to say that i dont make mistakes, take misteps. just because youve seen me on tv or at a show doesn't make me anything less or more than human. you dont ever see the other side of the way we agonize over every decision we make or try our best to please everyone- because we've given up in bands before and we know how it feels and we dont want that to happen. everyone in the band is upset about this- remember everyone that makes up fall out boy- they all wanted me to voice that we appreciate our fans and friends that weve met more than anything- and that we realize because of where we are all the arrows are pointed at us- but we will try our best. and we do try our best. we also, have far more faith in the intelligence and dedication of the people that believe in us to think that they will be swayed easily. if you want to hear other stories of how we actually talk about our fans or think of them please ask other bands, they will testify to how we really act. we just want you to know that in four years when noone cares, we still hope you are there. im not going to freak out or whatever, but please an attack on our fans or our relationship with them as a p.r. move is uncalled for.
this doesn't need to be reposted anywhere- i am sure that fob fans know where to find it.
chris if you want to talk the phone line is there.
i wrote this pretty fast so i apologize for the typos and run-ons.
until then, thank you to everyone who reserves judgment and has my back until the end of time.
- petey
2/28/06 Q&A
ive pushed it back. ill be honest alot of the writing in there was halfassed. words are really the only thing i care about so i want them to be perfect. i will try and figure out a release date and when we do, i will post it. i apologize. i dont want to put out some shitty book.
pete i am 13 and have been single my whole life should i stay that way? love ya ~Devon~
its definitely ok to be single when you are 13. you have many years to get in trouble later on. when i was 13 i was into fireworks and skateboarding. girls were not even on my radar.
0 notes
telestotelezzz · 4 months
You want a long anonymous message? I can cook one up!!
I genuinely think you’re one of the most kind people i’ve ever met. You deserve so much more credit than you give yourself. You’re like the best friend I never had, if that even makes sense to say? You’re fun to talk to, this sounds incredibly and embarrassingly sappy but you’re one of the few people that i feel 100% comfortable talking to. You give off this vibe of comfort without judgement like I can talk as myself and not have to worry about being too talkative or bothersome and, of course, you still have human emotions and you’re allowed to feel those things but there’s not a lot of people i feel so able to freely talk about my interests with and stuff.
I got off-topic I think, oops— Let me add, you’re a very funny person. I genuinely adore your sense of humor. I think i might’ve subconsciously picked up some of it? Sometimes i say something or I See something I think is funny and I think, “Sounds like something Lucifer would say.” I would talk to you way more often if I wasn’t so shit at starting and ending conversations, sadly ;;
I know sometimes you do feel your lows, and I just wanna say, I care about you. Words don’t do a lot, there’s no magical cure for feelings, but please try to keep in mind that even when you’re at your lowest there are people who Care about you. and love you even! Love you for your artwork, your writing, your humor, your interests, your personality, your kindness, you. And the way you inspire people and make people happy and are a fucking amazing friend. Out of this world. Like a world future star!
Sorry if this long of a message feels weird,, Near the end I’ve kinda given up on trying to hide most of my typing style because you’re most likely gonna know who this was anyway— unless I did a good job of being anonymous? That’d be surprising I think. Anyway, you’re wonderful, Lucifer, everything that you are.
i have no clue who yoiu are because i am Terrible at recognizing typing styles unless its super distinct ....... you have kept your anonymity do not fret
i actually read this last night and started like. tearing up???which is why i didnt respond as soon as i saw this ask + i wanted to be on a computer to type like a real response. Not that i know how to give much of one because i am rendered Speechless
this is maybe the nicest message ive ever gotten and the nicest thibgs ive ever been told and it means a Lot to me and its crazy to think that you spent time typing it and you mean it and ???!?!??!kind of silly because its some Message on the internet but i think im going to think back to this a lot when im sad and know that i can hold on for a little longer because there is in fact someone who cares about me. im so glad i can be a good friend to you adn that you feel comfortable around me thats really what i strive to be i just want to be a nice person who helps people and makes em feel Happy (❁´◡`❁)
thank you so much idk who you are (except that we're friends which just makes me want to go and give you a hug even though I CANT why dont computer let me reach through the screen) but i really needed this message i think and it means A Lot to me :)))) (this is probably not everything i will want to say and ill absolutely go and kick myself because i didnt think of something i wanted to say and you cant edit tumblr posts like you could in the Olden Days)
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paladinarctic · 2 years
My significant other. Let's call her Violet. She hadn't played Pokémon before. Not truly. The most recent (Generation 9, Scarlet and Violet) games have been her first experience. I was afraid with all the explosive reviews that she wouldn't have fun or would be dissuaded from it.
She wasn't. We've been having a blast despite the occasional crashes and graphical glitchiness. I'm so happy she's been having fun. It's something truly beautiful and it's what rekindled my flame.
She asks about stuff and I try to teach her, but I rely on some internet guides sometimes so I don't lead her astray. I left out a whole lot regarding the min/max and IV/EV nature nonsense. Sure, it makes Pokémon stronger. But it really took the fun out of it for a lot of people I know. I didn't want her to feel like we did - that it was futile to have a favorite that was just neat or cute.
I have to think that way. Delibird has been my favorite ever since I first saw it in Pokémon Crystal all those years ago.
She's really been wonderful to me with my Pokémon adventures. I'm happy to have met someone who wants to journey with me.
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ventingoutmyass · 2 years
yes, yes, the halloween job was as cool as I wanted it to be. It brought up some very dangerous reminders of a certain very dangerous person, and in the form of a new much-more-dangerous person. But since the job has ended, I’ve remained pretty out of touch, and their favoritism toward me has left my field of vision. 
other than that though, the job was all around wonderful. Great people and a pretty easy job. I haven’t experienced horrendous physical effects of dire financial stress in almost two months, and my hips are loving the new stretch I found about two weeks ago. 
all around, not too bad. 
i’ve opted out of christmas gift exchange this year, and although few people are actually choosing to respect that, the mental stress of the holidays has been the biggest weight off my shoulders this time of year since elementary school. So that’s a bit funny of an experience, not one im sure whether I like yet or not.
I am, at this moment, not doing bad. The job kept me just busy enough, just exhausted enough, made me just enough money, that i’m sat at pretty much the perfect spot I could be in. 
Trying to mingle back into my online friends has proved a bit more unnatural than I had expected, since i’d distanced myself pretty much completely since I had that job. getting a new job, I knew something would give. I felt lucky enough that what was sacrificed didnt impact my physical well-being as what uually does, but the mental anguish did take some toll. its all about that **human connection** nonsense. calling it nonsense, is nonsense. I like my friends. I like them so much, actually. 
I’m having a hard time accepting that i’m their friend too. ya know, the whole fear of perception and rejection dysphoria, thing. it’s not the end of the world if they know what i sound like, right? it cant be. i dont know. its so much easier when im a green name on a screen, versus a voice that i hate to hear anyway, let alone the pictures i sometimes want to send, because they’re my friends and i want to share my life with them, but im too terrified to share myself with them.
they’re my friends, they like who they know i am, who ive chosen to show them. they wouldnt hate me if we met in real life. they care about me, at least my well-being, at least on some surface level. they probably care about me more than most close friends i’ve known in real life. still it took three weeks to ask over my disappearance, but i know thats my dumb brain doing its dumb things.
well, sure i didnt talk to my friends for over a month. sure, im still not quite back into the routine i had before to talk to them everyday, but i do think about them, and i care for them, and i always hope their days are better than mine. because they deserve as much, they’re such wonderful people.
anyway, since the job only lasted five weeks, and i was only working about 25 hours those weeks, the energy i took from seeing my friends somehow managed to be enough. I still slept pretty good, I ate pretty much fine. I showered just as often, if not more. and it got me a bit active, which i hadnt realized was as bad as it was. the scarring on my feet is not going away any time soon. 
and i can afford groceries, have I mentioned that? I bought groceries for the last time in like,, eight months?? something like that. it’s nice, ive even bought myself underwear. havent bought myself underwear since high school. 
happy thanksgiving, if you celebrate it. if not, good. the food sucks, and obv its a terrible holiday anyway. thanks for listening. thanks for being here. shoutout to my internet besties, yall keep me going. you make me feel like i can belong somewhere. thank you <33 -rcp
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florenceisfalling · 3 years
the duality of "the internet saved my life" and "the internet irreversibly fucked me up"
#the internet is what prevented me from literally falling apart when i was younger bc all my best friends started bullying and/or leaving me#and i wouldve been entirely alone without my internet friends#but like. at what cost fkjdslfkj#when youve been harrassed & groomed & threatened & suibaited & falsely accused since you were too young to even be online without lying#and youve had to watch your dead friend's account get taken down in a mass deletion of inactive blogs#and you even had to deal with the guilt & terror of trying to hunt down your ex-friend's personal info in the middle of class -#-to make sure she wasn't fucking dead or injured#& how could i forget seeing real photos of actual kids being exploited when i was 13#having total strangers tell me they wanted a bj from me when i was 12#not being able to delete my old accounts where i said awful bigoted things as a kid bc i was just repeating my parents' words#knowing that you guys. if you wanted. could easily find my address or my school or whatever. if you got mad at me#and i dont think being exposed to a constant stream of stupid hate and discourse ever helped my mental health#not to mention the terrible current events#i dont know i just hate it all#but every time im like ''i wanna step back and take a break from the internet'' i remember i CANT because 90% of my friends are on here#and this is the only place where i get gendered correctly and all that. fuck#i love you all though#thank you for being some of the most wonderful people ive ever met#i know thats probably not a two way ordeal#but i hope ive done some good for you too
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johannesviii · 4 years
This is a long post about Shaman King I started to write ages ago and I don’t have a good title for it
Let me tell you about Shaman King for a few minutes, okay. Because the new anime adaptation is coming in like 3 months and I’m still not ready for it. Also I started to write this post 5 years ago just because I re-read the whole thing at the time and it’s been in my drafts since then. Oops
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But yeah Shaman King was the very first fandom I got into when I first had a real internet access, around 2003-2004. I was around fifteen. The manga was still going. And in retrospect, it was full of problems. Among other things:
Not enough female characters & questionable choices for most of the ones who actually have a part to play in the plot
A black character drawn with big lips (see above), and I REALLY HOPE this is gonna get fixed in the new anime ; I mean even the author stopped drawing him like that a few years ago when he did the “remix tracks” extra chapters so come on please
An imaginary native american tribe who, while pretty cool, is still imagined by a Japanese dude in 1999 soooo yeah there’s some rough corners here and there (edit: got some anon hate about that but I'm sorry, "ancient aliens" tropes always make me uncomfortable)
An art quality which gets worse and worse over time due to deadline pressures and an increasingly exhausted author
Was stopped before it could reach its natural conclusion (the author drew an actual ending years later and tbh it’s great so I’m putting this very low on the list)
So yeah. Manga from 1999. Problematic. Aged badly. It happens.
In retrospect, most of it is such a kick in the metaphorical butt of shonen manga as a whole I can’t believe it was competing against Naruto and One Piece at some point?? Like
It’s a shonen so it plays the "dramatic and sudden power jump” game, but it uses it to reach a surprising conclusion (in the “new” ending I mean)
Most of the characters are “shamans” which means they can see ghosts and spirits, and they use them to fight, to work, or to help other people. This is a manga in which you’re gonna see a Russian shaman channeling a Vodyanoy spirit into a drum to create a torrential flood. You don’t see that in every manga
It’s stated right away that no shaman can be truely, irredeemably bad, because only good-natured people can see ghosts and spirits.
So, no matter how bad a villain may be, they must have had a good nature once even if they look like a complete bastard at the moment.
How far is the author willing to go with that concept? Pretty far
Even without talking about the main villain and how the story ends because, duh, spoilers... Like
My favorite character, who gets a full redemption arc later, cuts someone open in his first chapter
He’s one of the good guys 10 volumes later
Speaking of which the amount of gore in this manga has to be seen to be believed, Jump would never let this happen nowadays
If you’re wondering why this is in the “positive” (......?) list it’s because I was 14/15 and all kids that age crave blood and angst
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The main character, Yoh, pictured above, is very laid-back, and I mean very. He listens to the in-world equivalent of Bob Marley and constantly wears big headphones. Also he wears sandals, and sometimes there’s a weed leaf drawn on his t-shirt
His parents arranged a mariage between him and a girl shaman even though they’re still teenagers, so this would have potential for High Drama - but surprisingly enough it turns out they like each other and after that he just goes around saying “this is my future wife” and she’s like “hello if you touch him I’m going to end you”
It sounds weird and it......... is, tbh, but it’s also refreshing among all the “ugh, girls, yuck” tropes that nearly all shonen mangas used to have at the time
Yoh’s main goal in life is to live with minimal effort
When his grandfather tells him he must train to participate in a shaman tournament which happens every 500 years, because the winner gets a wish granted by the Great Spirit, he decides his wish will be to make everybody’s life easy so that nobody will ever be forced to work or do shit they don’t want to do to survive anymore
Yoh Asakura is a Millenial icon don’t @ me
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Speaking of which
Almost everyone in this series is broke as f█ck
Yoh owns a big house but that’s only because the price was ridiculously low since it’s the most haunted place in Tokyo and nobody else wants to live there. The house is constantly full of other characters (including enemies) who have literally nowhere else to go
The only important character who isn’t broke has money because his family is super rich but he hates all of them because they’re all bastards so it’s super awkward
Another character bought a really cool motorbike but he’s going to be in debt for the next 40 years
Also he’s a hobo
And also bi
What I’m trying to say is: relatable
Also the tournament is held by an imaginary Native American tribe. They’re also broke. All of them. The two judges who are in charge of the main characters live in a cramped appartment and often try to sell souvenirs in the street to pay the rent
I know that’s hashtag problematic but I still love them I can’t help it
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Just like in most shonen mangas the hero seems to amass a big collection of Friends but since everyone is a weirdo in a way or another and comes from all over the world it looks even funnier
At some point during the tournament, the main characters have to form small groups of three in order to participate to the next part. Yoh’s team is one of the strongest teams among the ones we’ve met at this point, and is composed of 1) Yoh, a laid-back sleepy kid wearing toilet sandals 2) the aforementioned bi hobo who’s sad because his current crush is in a rival team, and 3) a thirty-something tatooed guy with no legs and an IV drip and who looks like he hasn’t slept since 1997
Oh and they all wear adds for a bath house
Because remember: everyone’s f█cking broke
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Spoilers for the mid-point of the manga but I need to talk about it because it encapsulates everything I used to love in it
You’ve been warned
At some point the main character, Yoh, is asked to choose between staying in the tournament or resurrect his rival
This is framed as some kind of very heavy, very huge dilemma. Like oh no what will he do. Will he give up his dreams and hopes. Will You Push The Button(tm)
So the choice is presented to him
In a very dramatic way
And he immediately goes “there’s a way to save him?? YES PLEASE”
He doesn’t hesitate a single second and drops the tournament in a heartbeat to save the guy
This scene greatly contributed to make me a better person I’m not even joking at all
I love Yoh
So anyway I don’t have a proper conclusion for this
Shaman King is very flawed and its flaws need to be acknowledged to fully appreciate all the good things in it, and the “old” fandom from more than 15 years ago was a very good formative experience for me because the forum I was on (which was nuked from the face of the internet by a hacker “looking for training grounds” (his words not mine, he posted it on our frontpage a full week before he did it) in 2005, rip) was full of people who were really into criticising every little aspect of the manga but still loved it dearly
And I think that’s a healthy way to enjoy things and I think we should bring this back
Shaman King extremely flawed but full of good things
I still can’t believe it’s back
Johannes out
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
I Still Want You, I Still Need You-IV. The Snap
Word Count: 3816
About: A fight is brought to Wakanda leaving you and many others devastated.
Characters: Bucky, Steve, T’Challa, Shuri, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodey, Thor, Thanos, Vision, Wanda, Okoye, and Sam 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings/Trigger Warnings: Language, Sexual Content (Unprotected-wrap it before you tap it kids and Implied rough sex), Playful Teasing, Fighting, Injuries, Death, Heartbreak
A/N: These last few days I have been having internet trouble but I am back up and running. Also, this ripped my heart as I wrote this so have a tissue or tissue box at hand. I also tried to keep a few of the big IW events in this part.
*This contains content made for 18 and up crowd. Read at your own disrection
**Please do not copy and paste my work anywhere. Reblogs and sharing the link are okay.
***This work is also posted on Wattpad and Archive of our Own. Links can be found in the pinned post on my profile
****Go follow my other accounts. Links can be found in the pinned post on my profile
*****Currently NOT taking request
******Feedback is Welcomed!! 
Forever Tags: @hobby27 @donnaintx @myinconnelly1 @elansaidaris @magssteenkamp @440mxs-wife
Marvel Tags: Open
Story Tags: @cspr-2 @mysticalfestivalkoala @tanyaherondale @lilithknight1111 @lpzallana @snlsamantha @tomisagod @gloriouspersonbanditrascal @buckysgirl101
Bucky/Sebastian Tags: Open
Marvel Masterlist
I Still Need You, I Still Want You Masterlist
III. Fresh Air (NSFW)
Favorite Fics Masterlist
The walk wasn’t long and the weather was perfect. It gave your time to think about what you were going to say to Bucky. Steve had called with his monthly check in, it had surprised you due to the hour he called. He knew the time here in Wakanda and he always enjoyed talking to the both of you. So when he called, you had wondered why.
You entered the clearing and got a good view of yours and Bucky’s home. The view of the tree covered mountain always put a smile on your face. No matter what kind of mood you were in. Movement from the corner of your eye caught your attention.
Bucky was playing with two kids from the Border Tribe. You knew these kids pretty well, their parents were hard workers. These boys must have gotten it from their parents because, they would help Bucky with just about anything. Bucky loved it and it made you fall in love all over again with him whenever you saw him with kids.
You continued to walk towards the house with that smile on your face. The days where you saw Bucky messing around and just being himself, God it made you want to give him a child right away. Even you wanted a kid, but in you one year of marriage, it was still you and Bucky. Then again, with how busy the two of you were, you guys never had that conversation.
“Ah, there she is,” Bucky sat up from the ground. “My beautiful and most gorgeous wife.” He stood up and made his way towards you. Soon, you were wrapped in his arm with your lips pressed to his. “I got a lot done today with the twins help,” He mumbled into your lips. “All there’s left is dinner and dessert.” Bucky’s hand slid down from to cup your right ass cheek making you squeal.
“Well,” you pulled back to stare into his blue eyes. The longer he stared at you the darker they got. “Why don’t we send the boys home with some food and we get to work on the rest of the evening.” You motioned the boys to follow you into the house. Soon, they were off with a basket of fruit, bread, cookies and soup.
“Thank you Mister and Missus Barnes!” They called over their shoulders as they walked away. Your cheeks tingled as they called your by Bucky’s last name. You still never got over that people called you Missus Barnes.
You and Bucky had a short ceremony a week after he proposed. Tony would have had a cow if he found out the you weren’t going to have a huge and ravishing wedding. You didn’t care, all that mattered was you and Bucky. Given the circumstances, the ceremony had to be small. T’Challa officiated the wedding, making legal in every binding way. Shuri and Okoye were the witnesses. You had worn a small, simple Wakandan gown while Bucky wore a button up shirt and pants.
While you watched the boys disappear over the hills, Bucky snaked his arm around your waist and pressed his lips to your neck. You closed your eyes, “Steve called earlier,” you said cutting off whatever Bucky was doing.
“Really? Why so early?” He had the same tone of confusion and wonder you had. Bucky had always loved talking with his friend.
You turned in his arm and stared up at him. “He wants us to meet him in Berlin tomorrow evening. He says he may have found a way to clear everyone’s names.”
Bucky took a step back. You immediately knew where his thoughts were going. “He want’s to run it by all off us and we have to let him know in the morning.” You closed the space between the two of you. You reached up to grab the collar of his shirt, “I did tell him that we made Wakanda our home so if his plan works we will be still be living here.”
Bucky smiled. “Good,” he slowly started to back you into the wall. “We can call him tomorrow and tell him we’ll be there. How we skip right to dessert?” Bucky’s chest gently pinned you to the wall and he trailed a slow kiss from the base of your neck to your lips and down again. It sent a shiver down your spine.
“Do you want kids?” You blurted out.
Bucky pulled away, the lust disappearing from his eyes. “Yes, why? Are you…?”
You shook your head. “No. I just see how well you are with the kids that pass by through here. You’re so great with them and I just know that if we have a few of our own, you’ll make the perfect father.”
Bucky cupped your chin with his hand. “Are you wanting to try? Starting tonight?” There was small smile forming on his lips.
A smile plays on the corner of your lips as well.
Moments later, You laying on your back while Bucky hovers over you. You reach between your naked bodies and take hold of Bucky’s hardened cock. A small and almost silent moan slips from Bucky’s mouth. You give his cock two slow pumps before lining him up with your aching entrance.
Bucky slowly pushed into you, causing your eye to close and roll back. “Open those gorgeous eyes, Doll,” Bucky stated to thrust in and out of you at a decent pace. You opened your eyes and see Bucky staring down at you. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”
“You tell me everyday, love,” You lifted your hips up to meet Bucky half way. Each time the two of your met, a soft groan escaped your lips. “Do you know how lucky I am to have you?”
Bucky chuckled. “Only when we’re having sex.”
You playfully smack his chest. “I was being serious.”
“I know,” Bucky laughed and dipped down to press his lips to yours. While pushing himself further into you, causing you to moan into his mouth.
“You know what,” you pushed Bucky onto his back and straddled him. “Screw the slow and sensual crap. I’m going to make tonight feel like this is going to be the last time we ever do this.”
Bucky’s eyes darkened. “In that case, Doll, get on all fours.”
The next morning you and Bucky are doing some work, when Bucky purposefully bumped into you spilling some water from the bucket he was carrying. You turned to him to see him laughing as he continued to walk away. You shook your head as you thought up your move.
You walked over to where he stood next to the compost pile. As you walked by, you bumped his hips with yours, causing Bucky to lose his balance and fall into the compost. You covered your mouth to fight the laughter.
Bucky sat up in the pile and stared at you. You dropped your hand while the smile was still on your lips. “Next time you’ll think twice about splashing me with water.”
“Oh no you don’t,” Bucky lunged forward. You tried to move away but Bucky managed to his hand on you and pull you back into the compost with him. “Now, I think we’re even,” Bucky’s hand trailed down to your thigh and gave it a small, little squeeze.
“I love you,” you pressed your lips to his before standing up. “I have to go help Shuri and make that call to Steve.”
The moment you stood on your feet and turned around, you wished you hadn’t. There, entering the clearing and walking towards you and Bucky was T’Challa and some of his guards. It wasn’t the guards that followed the King of Wakanda that bothered you, it was the big, narrow case that accompanied them.
You knew that case all too well. If the case was being brought, you knew something was going to happen.
You looked back at your husband, all smiles and playful behavior no longer painted his face. The look of dread and sadness had taken it’s place. It was almost similar to the look he had before going back on ice. It ripped your heart out to see that look on his face.
“I’m sorry to break up such a fun moment,” T’Challa sounded like he was talking to someone of a higher power than him.
He gestured to the guards to bring the case up. You held your breath as they opened it. There sat the black and gold metal arm you helped Shuri design. You watched as Bucky slowly approached the case to get a better look at the arm. You could see that part of him is excited about the arm, for you had told him all about it and what it could do. The other part is that he knows that he will have to put it on. Both of you knew it.
Bucky Barnes may have been tired to fight, but he would fight to protect the world. And you, you were his entire world. The one thing keeping him going and not just flat out giving up. He would do just about anything, even if it meant dying, to make sure you lived to see another day.
“Where’s the fight?” he asked in a hollow voice.
T’Challa looked between the two of you. He hated this just as much as you did. “On it’s way.”
You stood looking through the window and watched as your husband got his arm on. It looked painful in your opinion, but Bucky’s face made no indication that it hurt him. He just stared at the ceiling until the procedure was finished.
There wasn’t much said about why you guys were needed. Just that Steve was on his way here and would fill you all in when he arrived. You knew it must have been urgent if Steve wouldn’t give the full story.
“Hey,” Bucky’s voice pulled your back from your thoughts. You turned around and immediately stared at the metal arm on your husband. Suddenly, you were having some very impure thoughts about it. Maybe you should have convinced Bucky to have the arm sooner. All you wanted was to feel those cool, metal fingers on your bare skin. Gripping every part of your body.
“Hi,” you breathed out. You had to shake your head to distract you from the dirty thoughts about that arm.
“How do I look?” Bucky held out both arms and did a small little spin.
You rose an eyebrow with a smile on your face, “Do you want the clean answer or dirty answer to that?” Bucky closed the space between the two of you. His metal hand gripped your hip and pulled your closer to him. He was on to your thoughts.
“That depends,” his voice was right against your ear. It sent instant shivers down your spine. Yep, he was one hundred on to you. “Do you want the clean answer or dirty answer to how you look? Cause this tight outfit you’re wearing is already doing something to me. Where has this been the whole time?” Bucky’s metal hand snaked to your ass and gave it a small squeeze before backing you to a wall.
“Packed away with that arm of yours,” You slowly wrap your arms around his waist.
Bucky nuzzled your neck, sending more shivers down your back. “How come? We could have had loads of fun with this.”
“The last time I wore this, I fell a good story out of a helicopter,” you answered.
Bucky pulled back and stared at you. “What?” his eyebrows furrowed. “How? What were you doing? How come I never heard about that?”
You dropped your arms, “Because it happened while you were still on ice and I was doing something on the side for T’Challa. Gathering information.”
“Were you hurt?”
You took a deep breath. “Yes and Shuri made some upgrades so if I were to fall a good distance, the suit would take most of the impact.” The look on your husbands face tugged at your heart. He looked hurt that he didn’t know about those few months where you went out and did small missions. “Look,” you took his face in your hands. “I wasn’t intentionally keeping it from you and I’m sorry I never said anything about it. Let’s talk more about this later.”
Bucky pushed your back against the wall. “Only if you wear this,” he said before pressing his lips firmly to yours. His tongue slipped passed your lips and explored your mouth.
“And only if you keep that arm for a while,” you smile against his lips.
The sound of an air craft was heard, making both you and Bucky pull apart and look out the window. A smile formed on your face when you recognized the air craft. Spinning on your heel you raced out to the front, with Bucky following after you.
You waited impatiently for the Quinjet to land. When the loading hatch opened you watched as not only Steve walk out, but more of your friends. They approached T’Challa and you saw only one of them bow. Idiot, you thought. Then you realized who that idiot was.
“Oh my god, Bruce!” You whispered. You hadn’t seen since Sokovia and a lot of your had long sense thought he had died.
Then you locked eyes with Steve. You and Bucky approached him and he gave the both of you the biggest hug ever. It was two years worth of hugs.
“How are you guys doing?” He asked as he pulled away from Bucky.
“We’re good,” Bucky looked at you and smiled.
“What’s going on?” You asked.
Steve looked around him and then placed his hands on his hips. “Bruce, wanna tell them?”
You looked at Bruce, who walked slowly towards you. There as look on his face that instantly made you worried for some reason. “Someone called Thanos, he’s after what’s called the Infinity Stones. Vision was almost killed for the Mind Stone. We’re seeing if it can be taken off and destroyed without killing him before Thanos get’s it.”
“What does he want with them?” Bucky asked.
“He wants to wipe out half of the worlds population,” Bruce looked towards Bucky. “Who are you?”
“Bucky,” Bucky answered. “Barnes. I’m also Y/Ns husband.”
Bruce looked back at you. “You got married? Does Tony know? Wait speaking of Tony.”
Your heart skipped a beat when Bruce said Tony’s name like it was some sort of taboo thing. Bucky noticed the change in your posture. He took a step towards you and placed his hand in yours. “What about Tony?” Your voice was hard.
You stood in the lab as you processed what was said about your brother. You didn’t want to believe it but then again it was Tony. He did just about anything. You were so lost in thought you didn’t know what was being said about Vision or the stone on his head. You walked to the window and looked out into the distance.
“You doing okay?” Natasha was standing beside you.
“As good as I can be,” You looked over to her. She had cute and died her hair blonde. You weren’t going to lie, you liked it a lot. “I just hope he’s okay.”
“We all do,” Natasha rubbed your arm. “Does Tony know you married the man that killed your father?” You shook your head. “You know he might not take it well, when or if he finds out.”
“Tony will just have to suck it up, Bucky’s fixed now and isn’t who he was when he worked with HYDRA.” You were aware of the ear piece in your ear linking you to the rest of the team. Bucky had one too. You knew he heard all that was said and you knew what was going on through his head.
Howard and Maria Stark were the biggest contribution to his nightmares.
“Hey guys,” Sam’s voice rang in your ears. “Um, somethings trying to get in.”
“They won’t be able to,” Okoye said.
“Are you sure about that?” You watch as something hit the barrier that surrounds Wakanda. Then another one and soon you’re able to see the barrier itself.
You turned to see everyone staring out the window. Poor Vision was laying on the table looking helpless. Wanda was hovering over him and staying close to him. You could read her body language well. Wanda loved him.
T’Challa and Steve exchanged a few words and it appeared they agreed on something. “How much time do you need, Shuri?”
“As much as you can give me,” Shuri didn’t looked up from her spot. She was too engrossed with what she saw.
“Y/N,’ Steve was approaching you. “It’s best if you stay up here and protect Vision with Wanda.”
“I agree, Doll,” Bucky’s voice was in your ear. “Whatever’s coming sounds nasty and I want you as far from it as possible.”
“And if the fight comes towards me?”
“Then kick their asses and show them some hell,” Natasha smiled.
Hell is what you gave when three creatures broke into the lab. You were quick on your feet but not too quick. One had thrown you off a landing right next to Vision. You got up and did the only thing you thought of.
“Get out of here Vision!” You helped Vision off the table until something crashed into the two of you sending the two of you through the window.
You slid the slanted roof trying to find something to grab onto. You called out for help only to not get a response back. The edge of the roof was quickly approaching and your hand missed the edge by centimeters. You were then falling three stories down to the ground. Even though your suit could take the impact, you weren’t so sure about your head. Then something grabbed you midair before setting your down. You looked up and saw Rhodey flying away back towards the fight. You made a mental note to try and thank him later.
“Guys, we got ourselves a Vision situation,” Sam said.
“Somebody get to Vision,” Steve yelled.
“Already on it,” You replied. You started to weave in and out of the threes looking for Vision. From a distance you heard a clap of thunder and soon saw a flash of lighting and you knew who just entered the fight.
Something crashed into you and sent you flying to a nearby three. Your head smacked against the trunk. You cried out and landed face first into the ground. Whatever threw you, picked you up by gripping a chunk of your hair. They were disgusting looking and part of you felt like that moment was it. You were a goner. Then they dropped you as they fell to their knees.
“You alright, Doll,” Bucky helped you up and looked you over.
“I think so,” you were breathing hard. “Not my finest hour.”
Suddenly there was gust of wind. Something was changing and it raised goosebumps on every part of your body. You looked around to see a cloud of blue burst and a purple looking thing walked out. One hand was covered in a gold glove with gems on it. Thanos, you thought.
“That’s him,” you heard Bruce say.
Then everyone was racing towards him. Anyone who got close to him was thrown back. Bruce was thrown into boulder. Natasha was pinned under earth that rose from the ground. Bucky was thrown into a three. You and Steve were the only ones who got close.
You slid in between Thanos’s legs and jumped onto his shoulders. You pulled the knife from your thigh holster. Before you could stab the knife into him, Thanos pulled on your leg and then gripped your neck with one of his giant hands. With each second it was tightening and you barely able to breath. You clawed at the giant hand but failed. The look on his face has a faint smile. He was taking pleasure in killing you.
“No!” Bucky’s voice was heard from someone.
The grip on your neck loosened some, giving you some breathing air. Thanos looked towards the sound and back at you. He looked you over and then flung you into a tree. You landed on the ground, the wind being knocked out of you.
You rolled over onto you knees to watch what happened next.
It all happened in slow motion. Wanda was holding off Thanos while destroying the stone on Visions head. You saw the heartbroken look on her face. She didn’t want to do it but she knew she needed to. Vision had closed his eyes and you knew that he made peace with what was happening.
Then Vision and the stone were gone.
But that isn’t what surprised you.
Thanos did something on that glove of his hand. All the while, he spoke quietly to Wanda. Green surrounded that area and suddenly, Vision was back. Wanda realized what was going to happen, so she jumped up and was thrown back by Thanos. Then Thanos had Vision by the neck and ripped the stone right off his head.
Vision was gone again.
Everything started to change when you saw and axe fly passed your head. Thor was then attacking Thanos and digging his axe deep into his opponents chest when Thor stopped. His head turned when he saw Thanos raise his hand up and snap the fingers that were in the gloved hand.
Everything, everywhere was silent and it sent chills down your spine. Something happened and you knew that something was bad and going to leave you heart broken.
“What did you do?” Thor yelled but Thanos disappeared leaving the group to stare at one of another.
You walked up to Steve who was a few feet from you and helped him up. He walked over to Wanda who was next to Visions body. The look on her face was pure brokenness.
Little did you know…
“Y/N? Steve?”
You turned and froze. Bucky had been making his way towards you when he started to turn to dust. You quickly ran over to him and right when you got within grabbing range he fell to the ground. Dust at your feet.
“No,” you whispered as your knees gave out beneath you. Your hand ran through what was left of your husband. You felt your entire world grow cold. You felt pressure on your chest as you covered your mouth to suppress the sob that took over your body. The of you were happy and talking about having kids and now, not even twenty four hours later, you were left alone looking at the literal ashes of your husband.
You let out a scream you didn’t know your body or vocal cords were capable of.
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tea-with-veth · 4 years
hi! ive noticed that you and several other writers (chrys, subwalls, etc) have a sort of community and i think a discord? and i think thats really cool! if ur ok with it, i wanted to ask what kind of experiences youve had with that sort of writing community (highs, lows, etc)? also, is this discord private/can new members join? have a great day/night! :D
Hello Anon! I am now going to rant about how cool this community is and my friends are, so sorry in advance about the massive blocks of texts I’m about to write. 
I met most of my friends in this community through the LBMSWA discord. It’s a fairly small private server full of some awesome authors, artists, and generally cool people from the MCYT community, and honestly, it’s...pretty hard to describe. LBMSWA is a family, complete with mothers, siblings, The Cousin™️, aunts and uncles, fathers, and some short humans.  It’s like the mafia if the mafia dealt in love and bullying instead of murder and smuggling illegal alcohol during prohibition. It’s, to say the least, an enigma. We murder our adopted internet children during an impromptu Dream SMP roleplay on Wednesdays and then play Jackbox on Saturday nights. I’d say LBMSWA is my home-away-from-home, but it’s more like… a home I carry in my pocket. Occasionally they call me a simp. I love them anyway, and I’d steal the stars for them, and they’d fight a bear (or eight) for me. 
I’ve met a lot of other cool authors through The Book and Quill SMP/discord another private server, which has some of the most well-known writers in this community (like, I’m not kidding, there are some very famous people there it’s quite intimidating sometimes) who mostly chill, talk about various memes, and play Minecraft. (I’ve got the coolest treehouse, and go mining on Sunday afternoons when I just need to vibe). 
As far as experiences in this community, I honestly couldn’t describe the highs and lows, because it’s been, in truth, one long and wonderful high. I’ll tell you a secret: practically every single author/artist in this community is excited to meet new people and make new friends. I joined LBMSWA because Firefly464 reached out to me. I met Subwaywalls, Hognose Snake, Blu000jay (aka Rox), and Chrys because I made fanart for their (brilliant) fics, and then continued to reach out. Lumberjack-halt aka my big sister Comfy reblogged my art and recommended my fic, and I DMed her on Tumblr to say thank you. 
Now I edit Firefly’s fic, and she calls me Mom and sent me a stuffed Tiger named Charles. Subwaywalls shares snippets of her writing and she, Chrys, and I fight over being one another’s #1 fans. I have unfettered access to Comfy’s WIPs and bully her into writing more. Chrys and I show up in one another’s DMs and scream love at one another and sometimes cry. Nkhatoic and Wax asked me to help edit one of their fics shortly after we met, which was my first real editing gig, and one of my favorites. And that’s just scratching the surface. It’s been so rewarding not only to have so much love and creativity poured into me but to be able to aid and inspire other artists! 
All this is to say, there are a lot of cool people out there, and most of them are very excited to meet you if you’re willing to reach out. 
As for Chrys, Subwaywalls, and I, along with several other very talented creators… beyond our various group chats and LBMSWA hangouts, you can find us on the Young God discord, for Chry’s fic. You can find a link at the end of their interlude: lida fic. 
Sorry, this is quite the ramble. This community has been incredibly wonderful and life-changing, and I wouldn’t be doing this without them. Creators need support, and few people are as supportive and helpful as fellow artists and authors. I am incredibly thankful for them. <3 
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Club Takamagahara (Part 1) Z
This is probably going to be the hardest to shove the MC into to be honest. But I think my premise is good, but let me know what you think!
MC sat on the edge of a mossy cliff that was covered in scrubby, grey grass. Rocks were patched with bright orange lichen that were splashed on like paint. The sea was blue with fresh melt water from the ice caps that defrosted, a pale blue that didn’t quite reflect the sky. You learned that it was the minerals from the earth that gave the sea this unique color. The breeze caressed your dark hair and drew it across your face.
You’re back in Black Swan Bay in midsummer. You feel that it should be night, but like the winter months were dark with the sun never rising, in summer, the sun never set and the sky was always bright. Most people would never understand how a place like this could be so familiar when for them it was like living on an alien planet, but for you, even though the sky was always brilliant in the summer, you could tell the time of day by the level of light in the sky, a technique acquired by someone who grew up with exposure to an eternal day.
You’re not alone. Boots crunched in the pea gravel and approached. They were black, and lined with fur and half covered with a long, black fur lined coat worn by a young man a few years younger than you. He sat down, stretching one leg in front of him and resting one arm on his knee.
He had dark hair like you, but his eyes were a bright gold in his pale face. You always thought they were beautiful eyes, but now you understood what they meant. He had dragon blood flowing in his veins. He turned to look at you.
You remembered him being reclusive, not talking to you much unless it was to exchange witty banter. He was relaxed, always smiling cryptically, never bothered by the nurses or the rules, but never really getting into any trouble either. He knew your name when you met despite never having met you before. He reached up and brushed your hair back with one gloved hand to tuck it behind your ear.
Your expression goes deadpan. “I’m not dead, am I, Z.”
The golden eyed boy’s expression reflects surprise and then breaks into a hearty laugh. He covers his face with one hand while you watch him try to get control of himself, a warm feeling spreading in your chest that teases a smile out of you. 
Z finally stopped laughing and sighed wistfully, looking out over the ocean. “I missed you.”
He turned to you again with a look that was affectionate but calculating, like he was holding in a secret but barely. “No, you’re not dead.”
Your smile fades and you turn back to the ocean. “Why not?”
Z reached to one side of him and lifted a thick book in black leather. On the cover, a golden cross was embossed on it, but the cross didn’t look like a crucifix. Instead, it appeared to be on fire, with the flames appearing to be like a dragon’s wings. Z lifted the golden ribbon that marked a spot near the beginning.
He read from the book, his voice rose over the wind and the crashing waves. “And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to show in thee my power…”
“You’re doing this?” 
Z clapped the book shut and it vanished in a haze of golden dust. “I can’t explain everything. The pieces are not in place yet and it won’t make any sense to you. You won’t understand until the very end. That said, I can’t do everything. You had a very close call. So I wanted to warn you not to be too reckless.”
You sit up straight. “You’re alive? Where are you, Z?”
“I am alive but… Like I said, you won’t understand. Just be more careful. Alright?” He’s staring at you seriously. Back in Black Swan Bay, most people ignored his existence, but you felt he was calling you, drawing you to him for some unknown reason. At times, he would just appear next to you, like he was following you around like a ghost. And now you feel lost in those eyes once again in this strange dream world.
“Okay. I promise.”
“Promises are meaningless.” He shook his head. “Just do it.”
You nod again. “Can I ask you one more thing?”
“One more, hurry.”
“Why me of all people? Why not Renata or Vera? Or Anton or...”
“Because you were the strongest … second to Renata.” The world started to go dark, like a curtain was falling over the sea, the rocks and the grass. The wind grew still and you felt a bit stuffy and tired. Soon all you could see were those golden eyes.
“And well… you make me laugh.”
You relax into the darkness and for a moment your mind goes blank. But then your mind revives again. “...was that a Roger Rabbit reference?”
“Dammit, MC! Wake up!” He says in a harsh whisper.
Your eyes open wide. Lu Mingfei - not Z - is leaning over your head, appearing upside down in your view, arms on either side of your face. You blink wearily. “Mingfei?” Your voice is hoarse coming out a dry and scratchy throat. 
He puts one finger to your lips. “Shhh… You’ve got to stay quiet. No one knows you’re here!” He’s wearing very fancy clothes, the type of suits you see in photos of weddings and official events from magazines that depict life in Moscow. A black suit, a button down shirt with a stiff collar. Diamond studded earrings were in his ears. His hair was swept back and gelled. "If you keep moaning like that you'll get discovered! The walls are very thin and if you’re discovered we’ll be in BIG trouble!" Lu Mingfei was indeed keeping his whisper very quiet.
You’re surrounded by walls on all sides of you, made of dark wood paneling and covered by shelving from floor to ceiling. Your bed takes up the rest of the space. In fact, Mingfei is leaning over you like this because he can’t squeeze his legs between the narrow space between the bed and those shelves. As you look up at him, you can’t help but notice Mingfei’s resemblance to Z. Perhaps if Z had grown older and been able to eat more, he would have grown as tall as Mingfei.
You examine the curve of his eyes and the lift of his nose and squint. You didn’t notice this before because Mingfei does look different, he talks differently, and he acts differently. He doesn’t give off Z’s mysterious, mischievous, and dangerous aura. Z always looked like he had something up his sleeve. It could be good or bad and you didn’t know until you had it in your hand. The way he talked made you want to know however.
Lu Mingfei always looked fearful, reactionary and caught off guard. If Z was the prankster, Lu Mingfei was the pranked. So it was no wonder that you never noticed the physical similarities between someone so different until you woke up from one face to another face.
He sighed, hanging his head. When he looked up again, deep concern was reflected in his eyes. “I’m so glad you’re alright. I seriously thought you were a goner.. If we hadn’t been picked up and taken somewhere they had a nice kit, you probably would have died out there on the street.”
He lifted your hand. A clear IV tube was running from it to a bag of fluid hanging from a hook nailed into one of the shelves. “Where am I?”
“I.. '' Lu Mingfei’s lips pulled down and he looked ill. “Ugh. It’s better you see for yourself. I don't even know how to begin.”
“Oh, he’s fine. And so is Senpai. I’m the one suffering here!” He whispered, casting his eyes to one side bitterly. 
He held a clean cloth to your hand, and removed the IV and bandaged it. “I’ll give you the rundown of the situation because we’re seriously up a creek. The Hydras are labeling us as dangerous foreign terrorists, gangsters, and everything else under the sun. They’re running the news to look out for us 24/7. If we show our faces anywhere we are absolutely doomed. They have the whole country after us. We can’t use any credit cards, we’ve lost contact with the college and as soon as we try to get into contact with them, Kaguya is on us like a ton of bricks.”
Ton of bricks. The phrase reminds you of the fact that you managed to get a bootleg copy of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit'' and watched it over and over on a TV hidden in a shed. If you could get your chores done quickly, you could watch the movie there without being noticed. “Mingfei… have you ever seen ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’ Do you like it?”
“What? Are you feverish?” He put one hand to your forehead. “Please try to focus! This is important! None of us can touch the network because we’re traceable. Except you!”
“Yes. You’re the only one of us with zero internet presence. You’ve never had so much as an email. Almost all the information on you is held by EVA and not even Kaguya can breach her system so you’re more likely to be able to log in and find some way to contact the College without getting caught, so we need you to stay safe. Got it?”
“Yes, Senpai. I understand.” You nod. Z’s warning to you in a dream seemed even more relevant now. He was protecting you by some form of mystic way, but the danger now was so great that even he had to warn you to be careful. 
Mingfei stared at your deferential response in shock. “Are you sure you’re alright? I expected you to sneer at me.”
“It’s just… you remind me of someone else just now.” You whisper, you lower your eyes. “I’m sorry if I made trouble with you. I had to do it. I’m glad you’re okay. I’m glad everyone’s okay.”
Mingfei took a deep breath. “We’re all grateful for you too, MC. So don’t worry about anything. Senpai told the boss about what you did in the Trieste. He owes you twice now. There’s no way he’d rat you out in the reports. You’re fine with everyone, okay?”
“Even Zihang?”
“Zihang doesn’t take anything personal.”
There’s a stiff knock on a door beyond the closet. “Little Sakura! You’re needed on the floor!”
Mingfei turned around, his voice squeaking loudly. “Coming!”  He turned back to you. “Okay, can you walk?”
He helped you up out of bed. You were wearing a thin nightgown and your feet were a bit wobbly but you could stand on your own. 
“Good, Caesar prepped some clothes for you, but I suggest you stay down here for now. I have to go back to work.”
More knocking. “Little Sakura?”
“Why are they calling you that?” You whisper. 
Lu Mingfei growled low. “Why is my life so terrible all the time? I don’t know!” He returned his eyes to you. “Stay here okay? The Boss will be back once his shift is over.”
He hurried out of the closet. You notice he’s wearing some sort of shiny loafers. The type worn without socks. 
You hear a sliding door open and then shut and then the murmur of a television. Once you were sure everything was quiet, save the very muffled beat of music somewhere above the ceiling, you venture out. 
You peer out from the closet into what looked like a bathroom with wood paneled walls and a tiled floor. Three barrels with metal bottoms were suspended over wood fired stoves. A shower was in one corner. The TV in the other corner was on, likely to mask any noise you might have made while you were unconscious. A woman was sitting behind a desk, speaking Japanese, dressed in smart business attire. It looked like a newsreel of the destruction of Chizuru -- the wrecked streets, the firetrucks and the body bags. 
You start to think maybe you overdid things a bit. Your eyes scan over the date. You’ve been out cold for 3 whole days.
On top of the TV was a small comb that looked to be made of real ivory and adorned with a blue jeweled flower. Underneath was an envelope with your name on it. Inside the envelope was a note. “I hope the offer of lessons over sake still stands.”
You smile. Of course it did.
Hanging behind the TV was another cheongsam, this time, silver and blue with embroidery of flowers. There’s also fishnet stockings and a pair of blue heels. You take the dress off the rack and step into the shower. Once you were dressed you listened hard to the sounds outside the hall and heard footsteps. 
Another knock. And there’s a shouted warning before the door slides open. A short old woman is holding a mop and walks by you as you press yourself to the wall. She’s pulling a pile of logs on a cart. Her ears are stuffed with earbuds and she’s so focused on her work that she walks right by you on the way to the rack where the wood for the stove is held. 
Heart racing, you dash out the door.
Outside is a European style promenade, completely different decor, but with the same level of luxury. The floor was covered with golden teak wood. The walls were covered with paintings of naked young people drawing water from a well. The ceiling hung with crystal chandeliers, one after another.
“Wow.” You whisper.
At the end of the corridor was an elevator with wooden doors inlaid with swirling bronze motifs of ferns. You’re supposed to stay put, but so much for that! You probably couldn’t be seen out in the hall! You pressed the only button available on the elevator - Up - and school your face cool to pretend you belong there.
Already a story is in your head, you’re an heiress to a fabulous estate. You’re orphaned at a young age and just gained your freedom to escape your stuffy household! As the elevator rises, the sound of the bassline of the music gets stronger and stronger.
Your mind is still writing your backstory when the wooden doors part and you’re hit by the bass line full force. The heat from hundreds of bouncing and gyrating bodies rushes into the elevator. Right in front of you, a man is holding up a flute of that golden sparkling liquor - Champagne. His shirt has puffy sleeves and open to reveal dark curly hairs on his muscular chest. He’s surrounded by three women in colorful half masks who are climbing on him, grabbing his hands to get at the champagne. They were all wearing skin tight, sleeveless, low cut dresses and dangerously high stiletto heels that made your demure blue cheongsam look like a formal maid’s outfit in comparison.
“Ladies! Ladies! One at a time!” He’s shouting with a brilliant smile. One of the girls bares her teeth as if she were trying to bite him and you move away.
A crowd of people, women outnumbering men 10 to 1, were all dancing in front of a brightly lit stage that was smoking with dry-ice that poured over the edge.
The elevator doors start to close and you slip out, looking for Lu Mingfei - that is, Little Sakura. Everywhere is more of the same. There’s a circular couch where drunk women were reclining over another man while holding out money for passing waiters who seem to know what it meant. They took the cash from their delicate painted fingers and passed them another bottle of liquor in exchange. All of the women turned, shook and then uncorked the bottle, spraying the Champagne in the air! It all fell in a shower while they laughed and squealed with glee!
You take a breath. You were going to stand out like a sore thumb unless you did something right now. The beat of the music was jarring your rib cage but people were bouncing to it while shouting on the stage. “Ukyo! Ukyo! Ukyo!”
You had no idea what Ukyo meant so you do the same all the while looking for any sign of Mingfei in this scene and realizing he might not even be on this floor.
“Who wants glitter?!” Someone shouts next to you. A man with a bowl of silver glitter holds it up while people stuff money in his low cut shirt and press their hands into the bowl to turn around and smash it into the sweaty chest of another man, leaving their marks on him. Your mind makes a leap to a story you heard about human and animal sacrifices in Satanism and wondering if that was what was going to happen next.
You also realize you don’t have any money. Your voice is trained by terrible punishment to be quiet so you can only let out a weak little “Woo..” and “Yay… Ukyou” while your eyes search the crowd.
What happened next was that the music suddenly ended and the sound of a Asian music, something you might hear played in a period drama, replaced it. Rather than being subdued, the crowd flooded the quiet with screams so loud your ears rattled and you had to fight to keep your hands from covering them and stand out as an outsider. 
The curtain opened and there stood a lone figure on the stage. The lights all went out, leaving a single spotlight descending to illuminate him. He’s in a white cloak with flowy sleeves, with a blue hakama and long hair that covers half his face. Cherry blossoms blow from an unseen fan, fluttering his sleeves in the wind.
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the-ss-zemyx · 4 years
PVP(umpkin Spice Lattes)
Zexion and Arpeggio are Discord friends. They chat in private messages, raid in Verum Rex together, and may or may not have feelings for each other.
Ienzo and Demyx are college roommates. They hate each other, for the most part. At least they can both agree on pumpkin spice lattes.
Happy 2nd Zemyx Day of 2020!!
Specifically for today, the S.S. Zemyx Discord Server hosted a collaborative fic-writing event! Over the course of the past five days, four of our writing members teamed up on a Google Doc in one glorious, inspirational, chaotic, frankenstein-esque fic-writing bonanza! That's right, the fic you're about to read is the product of -four- people's efforts!  Enjoy!! :D
(A HUGE thanks to my co-writers: Aliceslantern, Ennarcia, and Carbonpixel. This was a hell of a lot of fun to do and I'm immensely proud of us!! - Mod Arxsia)
Also available on AO3!
      Demyx hated his roommate. Okay, no, hate was a strong word, and Demyx did his best to be a friendly, outgoing sort of guy, so ‘hate’ was definitely too strong a word. He liked to make friends. Having friends was nice. Having friends was very nice, and so, he tried to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. But his roommate was a different story, and Demyx did not like his roommate very much at all.
At least he was easy on the eyes, because everything else about him got on Demyx’s last nerve. His name was Ienzo, but his name might as well have been "Jerk," with a capital J. When he wasn't hogging the Internet bandwidth doing God-knows-what on a chunky Alienware laptop, he was lecturing Demyx on the virtues of keeping the floor free from dirty clothes and giving empty soda cans a proper burial in the plastic wastebasket by the door. Lame. Also, he was a little condescending. That jerk . 
One day, Ienzo burst into their dorm room with the gusto of a hurricane aiming to speak to a manager about a botched coffee order. He swung his laptop bag onto his mattress. It bounced when it landed. "Out," he commanded.
Demyx looked up from his phone. He sat with his legs crossed on his own bed, his Discord app open to a private message thread on his phone. In a few minutes, one of his server friends, a guy with the display name "The Cloaked Schemer" but going by his Discord handle, Zexion#1309, would be starting a voice call with him. It was kind of a big deal--they had been chatting in their shared server for almost a year, and in private messages for almost as long, but they had yet to actually speak to each other. "I'm actually busy," Demyx said.
"I don't care. Out."
It turned into an argument, of course, neither yielding and probably disturbing their neighbors with the yelling. Yep, Demyx didn’t like his roommate one bit. 
He ended up in the lounge by the kitchen, utterly fuming, cursing his idea to “go rando” with a roommate all the while. It’s the best way to make friends, Demyx , his mother had told him. What better friend than a roommate?
Very funny.
At least he’d been able to grab his phone. Of course, Zexion was wondering where the hell he was. 
The Cloaked Schemer: Do you need to reschedule?
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: roommate’s being a dick and kicked me out. Sorry!
The Cloaked Schemer: Ah, I too am having roommate troubles. I can sympathize. I know too well what it’s like when one’s privacy is denied.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: he’s driving me NUTS! 
The Cloaked Schemer: Have you tried talking to him about it?
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: He didn’t exactly uh seem receptive to talking
The Cloaked Schemer: It’s always a good idea to try for maturity first.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: I did! Not my fault the guy wasn’t having it.
Anyway. Id hate to let that guy take up any more time.
The Cloaked Schemer: Doing as well as I can, I suppose. I’m enjoying my classes so far. It seems a little easy, but then again, it is only one of the first weeks. Things should pick up more by midterms.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: ure too smart zexy. And didnt you skip a grade?
The Cloaked Schemer: A year, yes. I don’t think they call them grades in college.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Considering some of the people ive met, couldve fooled me.
The Cloaked Schemer: If I’m hoping to have a grad degree within five years, I have to fast track it. I’d rather not spend much more time in undergrad than necessary.
Though I am especially resentful that, despite the fact that I am technically a sophomore, I’m considered enough of a freshman to still be required to dorm.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: That blows
But dude, ure here. Might as well try to enjoy the journey, yaknow?
The Cloaked Schemer: Oh, Arpeggio. Your naivete is too obvious sometimes. It’s sweet, I think.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: har har
The Cloaked Schemer: I am disappointed though. I was looking forward to meeting you--in a manner of speaking. You’re probably one of the most sane people from our Verum Rex server.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Issa game, bro. Some of them, idk, take it a little too seriously
The Cloaked Schemer: Well, aspects of it are worth being taken seriously, but I understand what you mean.
Though the ship wars are grating.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: ha! Yeah.
The Cloaked Schemer: We’ll have to find some other time, then.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Mann i was hoping to see if you sound as smart as you type
The Cloaked Schemer: You flatter me.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Do you think if we lived near each other we would hang out?
The Cloaked Schemer: If it’s all the same, I’d prefer to keep my location anonymous.
At least for now.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: I know. Just a hypothetical question
The Cloaked Schemer: I’d like to say yes.
But for all I know, you’re actually a forty year old serial killer who lives in his mother’s basement.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: harsh
You listen to 2 many true crime podcasts 
Anyway, I g2g. See if the roomie will let me back in. Got homework.
The Cloaked Schemer: Enjoy your night, Arpeggio.
Hopefully one of us has a good one.
Demyx closed the app and repocketed his phone. He flopped back on the lounge couch, eyes squinting at the fluorescent lights above and his limbs ragdolling in uncomfortable directions. A good night, huh? It’d be better if he could spend time in his own room without having to engage in guerilla combat whenever he wanted to exist in his own space. Wishful thinking, he thought.
      Ienzo stared at the chatlog open on his computer screen. The circle next to Arpeggio’s icon turned a dull gray, and the remaining bits of Ienzo’s hope for decent conversation dulled with it. He had finally caught up enough with his classwork to have some free time to spend, finally arranged to voice chat with Arpeggio, finally gotten Demyx to leave the god-forsaken room so he could have the one conversation he’d been looking forward to for weeks , and now… nothing. All that planning, gone to waste. Another wave of irritation hit him, and suddenly he was out of bed and grabbing his keys. He needed some tea.
Ienzo didn’t get tea at the coffee shop, despite his plans. The alluring, hipster scent of pumpkin spice hit his nose instead, and he caved before he could stop himself.
The college employed students as baristas in the campus coffee shop, as part of the work-study financial aid, so it wasn’t uncommon to see one’s peers at the shop. “Hey, Ienzo,” Riku said. It was getting late; chairs were already on top of all the tables. They’d met in Ienzo’s anthropology class.
“I’m not too late, am I?”
“I can bend the rules for you.” He went back behind the counter. “What’ll it be? Your usual?”
He blushed guiltily. “Pumpkin spice. Please.” Curse that glorious, wonderful scent.
He smirked. “Coming right up.”
“I know it’s dreadfully popular.”
“Yeah, cause it’s good ,” Riku said. “As long as you’re not one of those “half-caff, no whip, vanilla and almond, five shots” type of people.”
“Why complicate coffee so much?”
Riku handed him the paper cup. “At that point, just drink coffee-flavored syrup.” There was a pleasant lull for a moment. Riku began cleaning the espresso machine. “So why are you out so late? Don’t you have an early class tomorrow?”
Ienzo grimaced. “My roommate and I got into a fight.”
“We are not well suited for each other.” A sigh. “I went to the Residence Life office to try and apply for another room, but the period for that is over. I was told, and I quote, “unless he’s hurting you, tough it out.””
Riku chuckled. 
“He is simply-- obnoxious ,” Ienzo continued, the pressing need to vent taking over. “Slobby, loud, and always around at precisely the most inopportune times. I was supposed to have a call with a good friend of mine, and it took some doing just to get him out.”
“Right, your Discord friend.”
“You have a good memory.” Ienzo swished the coffee around a little; it was slightly too hot to drink.
“The one you have a crush on,” Riku said with a grin.
Ienzo flushed painfully. “I do not have feelings for him,” he said.
“Dunno. You managed to bring that call up in almost every conversation we’ve had. If he was really just your friend, would you be that excited? Enough to hype about it for weeks?”
Ienzo shrugged. “I do not know where he’s from, I don’t know his real name, I don’t even know what he looks like. For all I know, he only uses he/him pronouns online.”
“I just… see no reason to desire something I cannot have.”
Riku wiped at the counter. “Oh, don’t be so doom and gloom,” he said. “If the call matters so much, it’s going to happen eventually.”
“I know.” He smiled. “Well, thanks for the tea and sympathy. Er, coffee and sympathy.” 
“Any time.”
“Enjoy the rest of your night.”
“You too. Play nice.” 
“Just promise to bail me out if things go awry, will you?”
“Ha, on my salary?” Riku winked.
Ienzo left the coffee shop. He didn’t want to return to the dorms yet, but the fall night was calm and quiet. He checked his phone (maybe Arpeggio was free? Though he did say he had homework…).
As a stroke of luck, he had a message waiting for him.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: I have a room again! \o/ 
the jerk was gone when I got back!
The Cloaked Schemer: How fortunate for you. I assume you’re flying through your homework now?
Mel0d10us N0cturn3: nope! :p 
this science paper is kicking my ass!
Im really no good at this sort of thing
The Cloaked Schemer: Do you have any tutors available? Ordinarily I’d love to help but it might be easier and more private to go there instead.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: \o/
We actually do have one of those tutoring centers I think! Thanks for the idea!
Don't want you to waste your special brain-powers on little ol’ me lol
The Cloaked Schemer: I’d hardly call helping you a waste of my “special brain powers.”
It’s not a bad idea to check your local resources though.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: o7
Don’t think I’m gonna make any progress on this paper tonight tho lol
The Cloaked Schemer: Giving up already? I didn’t have you pegged for a quitter.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Awww, come on! Don’t guilt meeee
My poor brain!
It’s mush!
;-; will you not spare some mercy for my poor mushy brain?
The Cloaked Schemer: I suppose just this once, provided you use your resources and go to the tutoring center.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: o7 Yes sir !
First thing in the morning!
My mushy brain thanks you for your mercy and endless kindness!
Ienzo’s cheeks grew warm, but whether it was from the message on the screen or the sip of pumpkin spice coffee currently running down his throat, he neither knew nor was willing to explore.
Despite the late hour, there were plenty of students milling about campus, taking up their little spaces. It had taken him some time to find an empty bench to sit on, but one eventually caught his eye and he claimed it immediately, sitting down with his coffee in one hand and phone in the other.
The sky was inky black, dotted with stars, the sun long gone by now. Nights were starting to grow just a tad chilly, the beginnings of autumn seeping into the atmosphere. It was Ienzo’s favorite season and the aroma of pumpkin spice wafting past his nose was just what he needed to make up for the disappointment of having his voice call with Arpeggio abruptly cancelled.
Well, maybe not entirely. He’d been really looking forward to hearing Arpeggio’s voice for the first time, but this did nicely enough, he supposed. It was better than sitting around stewing in annoyance over his damned roommate anyway.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: so what are you up to right now?
The Cloaked Schemer: It’s a lovely night out. I needed some tea. Got coffee instead.
What is it about pumpkin spice that’s so irresistible? 
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Never wouldve pictured YOU as a devotee of the PSL.
The Cloaked Schemer: Guilty pleasure. 
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: theyre so good. I can’t have that many of them cause caffeine makes me SLEEPY
The Cloaked Schemer: Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me at all.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: whats that supposed to mean?
The Cloaked Schemer: Nothing derogatory, I assure you.
Though the idea of you being hopped up on caffeine amuses me.
You seem like one of those people who has energy all the time.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: i wish
The Cloaked Schemer: I should--begrudgingly--head back to my room.
You should try working on that paper.
I mean it about the tutor.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: yeah, yeah. I hear ya
Hopefully your roommates not being a dick anymore
The Cloaked Schemer: Fat chance. M3l0d10us N0cturn3: enjoy your coffee~~
      Demyx sat for a long time looking at that exchange. He could’ve heard Zexion say those words. He was just so painfully smart, but Demyx could listen to him say anything. About anything. For hours.
He showered and got ready for bed, hoping that Ienzo would stay gone. But as it was, he was back. Ienzo scowled in greeting.
“Nice to see you too,” Demyx muttered. He noticed the coffee cup Ienzo had set down. Ienzo seemed to live on caffeine and spite. 
“I needed to clear my head, as I do not have the luxury of privacy.”
“Well I gotta sleep somewhere,” Demyx said. He crawled into bed. Ienzo rolled his eyes. Demyx saw him grab his own shower caddy and head out to the communal bathroom. He thought he smelled--he blinked. Slowly, ever so slowly, he got up, crossed over to the cup, and sniffed it.
Of course he likes pumpkin spice lattes, Demyx thought bitterly. Ugh.
He went back to bed and fell asleep listening to music.
      The universe thought it was just so funny. Demyx had taken Zexion’s advice and the tutor he’d met with was his jerk of a roommate. At least Ienzo was unhappy too, if the scowl on his insufferably nerdy face was anything to go by.
“What are you doing here?” Demyx blurted before he could stop himself.
“I work here,” his jerk of a roommate answered in response, “as a tutor, for my work study. I take it your procrastinating finally caught up to you and you need some last-minute help?” Did he really have to be so damn condescending though?
Demyx hiked his backpack strap a bit higher on his shoulder and rapped his fingers on the tutoring center's reception desk. Ienzo could glare daggers at him all he wanted from his seat at the computer behind the desk, but the curious eyes of the other tutors and students around meant that he would have to maintain decorum. They both would, lest Ienzo lose his job and Demyx lose his tutoring privileges. He took a deep breath. "I need help with a biology paper."
Ienzo's expression tightened. "Would you like to make an appointment?"
"No? You said it yourself: this is last-minute." Demyx tapped on the desk. "I need to talk to the science tutor on duty, please."
"It seems like we're both out of luck tonight, then," Ienzo replied dryly, absently clicking at something on the computer monitor. "I'm the science tutor on duty at the moment."
"You? Gross." 
"I'm not particularly happy about it right now, either."
Demyx considered his options, and cringed at his conclusions. His paper was due in two days, and it was only half-drafted. Without a passing grade on the assignment, he would set himself up to fail the class. Petty squabbles were not worth the hit to his GPA. He sighed. "Well, can you help? I'm kind of desperate, here."
Ienzo returned the sigh. "Fine. Follow me."
Demyx followed Ienzo around the reception desk to a square table in the far corner, a plastic chair on each side. Ienzo alighted onto the seat closest to the wall. "This better not be a waste of time."
Demyx pulled his laptop out of his backpack before sitting down across from Ienzo. "Has anyone ever told you that you have excellent people skills? Because if they did, they lied to you."
Ienzo rolled his eyes. Yep , Demyx thought, amazing people skills. They were off to a great start. Getting through this paper was going to be agony. "I'm paid to tutor, not practice social niceties."
The laptop screen lit up as Demyx swiped one finger over the trackpad. A screenshot from one of his more memorable raids in Verum Rex guarded the rest of his files behind his login password. Demyx typed his password as quickly as he could, shooing the image of his and Zexion's avatars away before Ienzo could ask any unwanted questions. Evidently, he did not type fast enough. 
“Verum Rex? You're familiar with it?” 
Demyx nearly jumped, shoulders tensing. He knew Ienzo was there; that shouldn’t have startled him as badly as it had.
“Duh? It's only the best MMO on the market right now. Not that you would know, since you're so committed to the whole 'smug asshole' thing,” He snarked on reflex, feeling slightly guilty about it afterwards. Ienzo was being friendly for once, or was at least making something of an attempt at it. Yikes. Demyx wasn't usually one to make low blows like that. He opened the Biology folder on his computer and selected the draft of his paper, making an effort to get along with Ienzo while they were forced to sit together. "Please help me with this? If you would be so kind, please?" Demyx made praying-hands in Ienzo's direction in apology.
Eyebrow rising - was it just one, or both? - Ienzo shot him a look, obviously unamused in the slightest. “If you’re trying to be cute, it’s not going to work.”
Demyx pouted and opened up his biology paper, turning the laptop toward Ienzo. “Fine, fine, just help me?”
Rolling his eyes yet again, Ienzo was just about to lean in to read what Demyx had so far, when the familiar sound of a Discord ping had Demyx scrambling to turn the laptop back toward himself. Shit. He’d forgotten to close his Discord window before showing up at the tutoring center.
While Demyx closed the Discord app, Ienzo watched him carefully, contemplative. “You use Discord?”
Turning the laptop back, Demyx gave him a look, half in disbelief because surely Ienzo was too much of a nerd, but not in the cool way, to know what Discord was, and yet he did. Shit, it would be really awkward to end up in a server together. “Yeah, who doesn’t use Discord these days? I mean, especially if you play games or are into, I dunno, any fan community stuff.”
For a moment, Ienzo said nothing, slowly turning to look at Demyx’s biology paper on the screen. “Alright, let’s see what we have to work with so far, if anything.”
Demyx sighed. Asshole.
      Was this some kind of joke? Ienzo was being pranked, wasn’t he? Any moment now Demyx would start laughing about wasting his time and walk out, like the lazy slacker he was. Halfway through, he half collapsed on the table.
“This is impossible,” Demyx whined. “You don’t really understand this stuff, do you? You’ve gotta be lying.”
Ienzo felt his eye twitch. “Not all of us are lazy fools who give up after 15 minutes. Why are you even here?”
“Because my friend said I should, and I trust his advice. He never leads me wrong, so even if I have to spend time with you , I’m gonna do this.” 
"Your friend sounds like he has the sense that you very much lack," Ienzo deadpanned, scrolling through Demyx's paper. He took stock of the misformatted section headings, missing in-text citations, and the off-center data table in the middle of the mess. The topic of the paper did not appear in any of Demyx's written work. "Can you tell me what this assignment is supposed to be? I can't tell from what you've given me."
"It's…" Demyx shrank back in his seat. "I don't know what it's supposed to be. My professor gave us all a table of data-results-things and told us to organize and analyze them. I don't know what he wants, exactly."
Ienzo huffed, and almost slammed Demyx's computer closed on the spot. Thankfully, his better faculties kept him from breaking Demyx's laptop. "There's your problem. You can't complete an assignment if you don't know what the assignment is . Email your professor for clarification and request an extension. If you do it early enough, they might grant you leniency."
"Really? That's your advice? Beg my way out of it?"
"Not begging. Requesting. It shows forethought, self-awareness, and emotional maturity, even if you don't actually possess any of those things. The adage of faking proficiency to gain proficiency has some truth to it." Ienzo pushed the laptop over to Demyx. "Is there anything else I can help with?"
Demyx's arms crossed, and his expression took on the quality of a betrayed toddler. "You didn't even help me with what I came in for, asshole."
Ienzo waved away Demyx's indignation with a dismissive hand. "There's only so much I, or any tutor, can do without having a good idea of what your professor expects. Emailing is the best advice I can give right now."
"So if I email my professor, you’ll help me?” 
“I give you my word.” A promise made in haste, if only to appease the barest responsibilities of his job. Hopefully Demyx wouldn’t make him live to regret it.
Not long after Demyx was gone, Ienzo checked his Discord app, surreptitiously on his phone behind the reception desk, to find a message from Arpeggio.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Zexy, this worst thing ever just happened!
My roommate is my tutor!
Save meeeeeee
The Cloaked Schemer: That is peculiar. Though colleges are small worlds, so I hear.
What did he have to say re: the paper?
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Ugh he couldn’t even help
Because I had licherally no idea what the professor wants
I mean, the dude has an F on ratemyprofessor so
He said to email and beg for clarity and an extension
The Cloaked Schemer: ...That is sound advice, actually.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Youre taking his side???
The Cloaked Schemer: Not exactly.
But in academic situations, it always looks good on you to take the initiative and seek help when you need it.
I guarantee the professor will work with you, and perhaps be able to refine that same assignment in the future.
If he’s worth his salt, he’s seeking to improve himself the way you are.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: I GUESS
You wanna do a raid tonite? 
The Cloaked Schemer: Alas, I, too, am a college student with coursework.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: RUDE
Ienzo leaned back in his chair in the campus library. How coincidental, he thought. He’d just given Demyx the same advice. Then again, college papers--especially in the sciences--were not always diverse on the gen ed level. He recalled Demyx’s paper; he should’ve asked him to see the email, or post, or handout with the assignment on it. Chances are the moron had merely misunderstood.
Demyx liked Verum Rex. Perhaps they could have this to talk about. Ienzo wondered who he mained. Probably Yozora, he thought with a sneer. 
The Cloaked Schemer: Actually, I can do one raid.
ONE. Brief. Raid.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Thats more like it! \o/
One raid turned into two, then Ienzo ended up staying in the library, at the tutoring center, until it closed.
      Demyx begrudgingly took Ienzo’s advice. After his marathon raid session with Zexion, he sent a brief email--agonizing over the wording--to his professor, who responded almost instantly with an apology. Several students had already asked him about the assignment, it turned out, so he was going to extend the entire class’s deadline. But if Demyx needed a few days after that, he could have it.
“You were right,” Demyx murmured out loud, as he read the email the next morning. 
“Of course I was,” Ienzo said, not looking up from his desk. “See? All it takes is a little maturity.”
The irony. Demyx grimaced. He looked over at him. “So you’ll help me?”
“When--and only when--I am on duty,” he said. “I have a life outside of work, you know.”
Demyx wondered how true that was. Ienzo spent a lot of the time in the room if he were not in class or in the library. Did he have friends? Did he go to societies? He nearly asked. Then he looked at him, really looked at him, for the first time in weeks. He had bags under his eyes, and was washed out, books spread in a circle around him. “Outside of studying, too?”
Ienzo opened his mouth, then shut it. “I am not here to socialize. I am here for a degree.”
“But don’t you… have any friends?”
“Of course I do,” Ienzo said, just a little too quickly. 
Like he would honestly tell Demyx. “Sure,” he said, shutting his laptop and tucking it into his bag. “Well. I got class. I’ll see you at the center later?”
“Much to my chagrin,” Ienzo responded evenly.
Demyx’s day was ordinary other than that. After the professor clarified what he wanted in class (and, to Demyx’s immense relief, it was much less daunting than what he’d thought), he stopped by the library to check out some books which might point him in a vague direction. Ienzo could tell him if they were any good. He stopped by the coffee shop to grab a croissant and a coffee, and, on impulse, got one for Ienzo as well. The idea of it made him nervous. Maybe I’ll say they made an extra by mistake, he thought. He already knew Ienzo drank them.
There Ienzo was, sitting in the office. “It’s you,” he said in an unreadable tone.
“It’s me.” He cleared his throat. “Um…” He thrust out the coffee without saying anything else.
“Is this for me?”
“Uh, yeah.” He felt his face heat--though why? 
Ienzo took it, looking confused, and sniffed the small hole in the lid. “Oh,” he said softly.
“I wasn’t sure if you liked--”
“No. I do. That was kind of you.” He blinked, his expression odd, slackened; Demyx realized it was without malice. “Let’s get to work, shall we? I don’t want this to take any longer than it has to.”
Ienzo helped him structure the paper, and reviewed proper citations with him. It would take a little work, but seeing it outlined, Demyx felt a lot less overwhelmed. Something he thought was a mammoth project would maybe take an hour or two to write.
“Once you have it written, come back and I can help you with grammar and syntax,” Ienzo said.
“Awesome.” He took a deep breath. “I feel… a lot better now.”
“One typically does when one stops procrastinating,” Ienzo said. He leaned back in his seat. For a second--but just one--he sounded like Zexion, all firm and proper, genteel without being rigid.
      "You got your grade back already?"
Demyx beamed as he held his laptop screen-out, his browser logged into the university's online grading system. One score was listed under BIO 101, labelled "Paper 1." The percentage displayed next to the assignment name was higher than Ienzo expected from Demyx. "I didn't completely fail!" he practically cheered.
"So you didn't," Ienzo agreed, nodding slightly at the number from his desk. "It's amazing what a bit of work will do."
Demyx dropped himself onto his bed and turned his laptop. He bounced on the mattress a few times while he looked at the number. "This is the best news I've gotten all semester and it's the best feeling. Is this what it's like to be a genius and get good grades all the time?"
Ienzo returned his attention to his own laptop, where a half-drafted essay mocked him with its blinking text cursor and nonsensical thesis statement. He clacked another line of bullshit into the document. It was for English class, he reminded himself. Any answer was correct if it could be argued well. "No, not really. You get used to it."
"I… I should thank you," Demyx said, after a beat of silence. "For your help. I wouldn't have had anything to turn in at all if you hadn't told me to email my professor."
Another line of bullshit trailed across the screen. Ienzo squinted at it, unsure of what he had typed. "Don't mention it. It's my job."
"But still. Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Ienzo could hear Demyx shuffling on his bed. "So… you play Verum Rex?"
"Fairly regularly, yes."
"Do you do raids or multiplayer at all?"
Ienzo shot Demyx a warning glance. "I already have a raiding group. I'm not looking for another one."
Across the room, Demyx had tucked himself into bed, his Star Wars sheets pulled all the way up to his chin. He blinked at Ienzo unceremoniously. "Jeez, forget I asked. No need to be snippy about it."
Demyx's head disappeared under the covers, and Ienzo returned his attention to his essay. At least, he tried. The Discord notifications in the corner of his screen kept distracting him.
Eventually, Ienzo admitted defeat and opened Discord. All of the messages were from Arpeggio.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: hey, do we have an opening on our raiding party?
Oh nvm he said no
What are you up to?
I'm taking a victory nap after getting a good grade on that paper I had to 
write a while back
My roommate is typing something and he's so loud
What is he writing that makes him so angy
The Cloaked Schemer: I am also typing angrily at something
It is a universal collegiate experience
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: still so angy tho
Are you angy atm?
The Cloaked Schemer: I am… frustrated
I'm meant to be dissecting the themes in a short story but I feel like I'm only spewing garbage on the page
Perhaps if I present the garbage with enough conviction, I will be able to maneuver through this class
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: if youre writing it, it's definitely not garbage :P
you need to have more confidence in yourself, Zexy
The Cloaked Schemer: Ha. I think my roommate would disagree
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: well then he's a bum
Tell him that
Arpeggio says so
Ienzo looked back at Demyx, cocooned in spaceship bed sheets and doing who-knows-what under the cover of bed linens. He thought he saw the flash of a phone screen through the fabric, but the light disappeared as quickly as he caught it.
The Cloaked Schemer: I'll pass. He seems busy.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Busy doing what? Bum things?
The Cloaked Schemer: I certainly hope not. We're in the same room right now.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: oh. Awkward
The Cloaked Schemer: I’ll say.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: so you know ive been thinking
The Cloaked Schemer: Have you? What a concept.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: ha ha.
Its been a while since we tried voice chatting
Maybe we could try again?
The Cloaked Schemer: You would want that?
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: I want to hear your voice. To see if youre actually as smart as you write
Maybe youve got, like, a transatlantic accent, or something. Thatd be cool
Ienzo blinked, staring hard at the screen. His heart beat a little faster. It was so hard to determine tone through text. 
The Cloaked Schemer: Maybe I’m not as cool as I seem.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: highly, HIGHLY doubt it
Youve kept me sane
I really appreciate our
Ienzo saw him type “thing” and then frenetically edit to “friendship.” He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry.
The Cloaked Schemer: The feeling is mutual.
A long, long pause. Ienzo did not know what else to say. His face was burning.
The Cloaked Schemer: Normally I’d rather be caught dead than admit this.
But it does get somewhat lonely here.
It’s nice to have someone to talk to.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: I know what u mean
Sometimes i feel like i dont really know who i am
And like college is supposed to be about finding that
But its hard.
The Cloaked Schemer: You don’t have to tell me twice.
Part of why it’s so easy to exist in online spaces, in games. Appearance doesn’t matter. It’s like being a more concentrated version of oneself.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Do u feel like a more concentrated version of yourself?
The Cloaked Schemer: When I talk to you.
Ienzo’s heart was pounding. He thought he heard Demyx sigh across the room. Was he typing too hard?
Arpeggio started and stopped typing several times, just making Ienzo more nervous. What is he going to say? Did I push it too hard? Was I too forward?
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Me too, Zexion
I wish we knew each other. Like, irl
Getting to do raids in person
That would be so fun
And i dunno, maybe do other things
Go out to eat. Go to the movies. Maybe go dancing.
Do u like clubs?
The Cloaked Schemer: I’ve never been.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: it takes some getting used to
But the energy of a crowd is electric
Especially with people you know
Oh god oh god oh god , Ienzo thought. His hands were trembling. 
The Cloaked Schemer: Where would we go to eat?
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: anywhere you want
Well. on a college students budget anyway
-laughs in poor
The Cloaked Schemer: Ah, so, five star cuisine, then.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Just dont order the lobster
In all seriousness. We need to vc sometime
The Cloaked Schemer: Yes.
There’s going to be a raid event on Saturday. Perhaps then?
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Depends on if i have the room :/ 
Wanna say yes so bad
The Cloaked Schemer: I know the feeling.
I suppose if I get desperate enough I can rent out a study cubicle in the library.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Awww you’d do that for little ol’ me?
The Cloaked Schemer: Yes, I
His finger slipped, hitting the enter key a moment too soon before he could even finish the thought in his head. His hands felt almost clammy, the inner mechanizations of his mind working on overdrive, as if trying to race against the pitter-patter beat of his heart. Shit. Perhaps… Riku was right after all? Had Ienzo, usually so level-headed, actually developed a crush on Arpeggio? It was utterly nonsensical, and yet he couldn’t deny that he felt a comfort with Arpeggio that he didn’t feel with anyone else he knew, online or offline. Was it possible to fall- ...to develop a smattering of feelings for someone based on typed text alone?
Well, wasn’t that a theme in literature? Two people falling in love over written letters? For all Ienzo knew, there could very well have been instances of it happening in real life, in the days of old, long, long before the age of technology and the internet. A pair of penpals, miles and miles of distance between them, communicating through the written word; it could happen, couldn’t it?
Hold on. When the hell did he turn into a sap ? Frowning, Ienzo ran a hand over his face, feeling like a lovestruck fool.
No. No, this couldn’t be a crush. Just because it was so easy to talk to him, just because they’d been talking for a year or so by now, it didn’t mean-
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Zexy?
You ok?
Shit, how long had he zoned out for? 
The Cloaked Schemer: Sorry. Got distracted.
But regardless, I think we should aim for Saturday.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Great!
Hoping we don’t get interrupted by our dick roomies
The Cloaked Schemer: Quite. It’s a date, then.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Yes :3
Ienzo took a deep breath. Regardless as to whether or not this was practical, it seemed that Arpeggio reciprocated his flirting.
Wait. Ienzo looked at the screen, cheeks heating up as he realized he’d typed the word ‘date,’ and Arpeggio said ‘yes .’ He couldn’t deny the little flutter of his stomach in that moment.
      Demyx set his phone aside, his heart beating heavily in his chest, his face bright red. He swallowed. There was no way sleep would come easily now, and it probably wouldn’t be until Saturday.
He thought about the nature of crushes. He’d never seen Zexy’s face, or heard his voice, but he was so adept at weaving words in the way Demyx wanted to be with music. He tried to imagine him, what he might be like.
He rolled onto his back. Ienzo’s frenetic, noisy typing had stopped. Demyx sat up, rubbed his eyes, and pretended he’d been napping the whole time. “You good?”
Ienzo shut his computer quickly, like he’d been doing something questionable. “Yes. Fine.” He was a little out of breath. What the hell had he been writing?
Demyx blinked. “I’m gonna go get a coffee,” he said instead. “Want me to bring you one back?”
“Sure,” Ienzo said, his face flushed.
Demyx shook his head. Well. If Ienzo needed to take care of that he had at least a few minutes now. “Cool.”
The whole time he was at the coffee shop, he kept thinking about Zexion, all their little conversations. It was evolving, and evolving fast. Demyx knew from brief experimentation with dating apps that just because a person sent you some flirty words didn’t mean anything would come of it. For all he knew, Zexion lived in New Zealand, or something.
That didn’t stop him from wanting it.
He drew a deep breath, exhaled. Well. Saturday he would find out.
Demyx wasn’t going to let Ienzo ruin his chances of meeting Zexion. He decided to strike preemptively, pausing at the door of their dorm room and sucking in a breath, steeling himself. He could do this. He could ask his roommate for the room for one night, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. “Hey, so, I have a thing Saturday,” he said vaguely. Okay, so maybe he wasn’t coming off as strongly as he intended, but he could still try. “Mind if I hang here alone for a few hours?”
Ienzo glanced up. The flush was gone, and he seemed much more composed. “Yes, that’s fine. I was going to go study anyway.”
“Study? Don’t you ever have any fun?”
“Perhaps I find studying fun,” Ienzo said.
“Suit yourself.” As he passed on his way back to the bed, he saw out of the corner of his eye that Ienzo had Discord open.
     Friday night, Demyx barely slept. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous. Crushes didn’t usually… hit him this hard. It’s dumb. It’s so dumb. His loneliness was getting to him. Even Saturday morning, there were some hours until the events started. He looked at his DM history with Zexion. They’d spoken briefly, only to confirm a time and place for their characters to meet and chat. He sat at his desk, his hands trembling, as the game booted up.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: You ready?
The Cloaked Schemer: Of course.
M3l0d10us N0cturn3: Cool.
My mic isnt like great
But you can still hear me
He was shaking. He was shaking. “Get it together,” he muttered to himself.
The Cloaked Schemer: You’re a broke college student. I’m not expecting a professional setup here.
Though I will say my booth is pleasantly soundproofed.
Let me connect.
And Demyx thought his heart might stop. I’m so gay, he thought. A second later he heard that familiar call connection. He twitched a little, and his mic clattered loudly on the floor. Shit!
“Arpeggio? Are you alright?”
“I just dropped the--”
A long, long pause.
He knew that voice.
“Zexion?” He picked up the mic and set it down.
“I dropped the mic.” Demyx swallowed.
“You…” Zexion fumbled for words. “Speak a little more, please.”
“Is that really you?”
“And you’re in a library right now.”
“And you had an event… Saturday.” 
“Ohh my god,” Demyx mumbled. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling, just that he was feeling a lot of it. “Ienzo. You’re Zexion?”
“It’s an anagram,” he said, his tone numb.
“Seriously, this whole time--”
He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but at the same time, there was something warm in his chest.
Wait, no. No. This was Ienzo, and they hated each other--
Demyx realized he was panicking. He also, vaguely, in the back of his mind, realized the call had disconnected.
Demyx spent the next few minutes desperately trying to control his breathing, trying to not focus on how Zexion- No, Ienzo- was so disgusted it was him that he’d immediately dropped the call.
Of course. Of fucking course. The universe hated him. The universe had it out for him, surely. Why else would this have happened? He finally meets this sweet, smart, wonderful guy who takes him seriously and actually likes talking to him, on a regular basis , and then… And then… It turns out to be the very same roommate who hates him. That would just be his damned luck, wouldn’t it?
Grabbing his pillow, Demyx face-planted into it, pressing it furiously against his eyes to stop them from burning, to stop the tears that threatened to spill. Of all the people it could’ve been. Why Ienzo ? 
Demyx had been nervous enough as it was, afraid the person on the other end would think him annoying - his voice, his tone, the way he just couldn’t fucking shut up sometimes when he got excited about something. Alternatively, the filter between his brain and his mouth was immensely weaker than the filter between his brain and his fingers, and he could’ve said the wrong thing, unable to stop himself in the same way his hand can catch itself on the enter key before hitting it, or quickly delete the message before Zexion could read it.
But this was so much worse, because Ienzo already knew him, already had an impression of him, and that impression was far from good. It’s no wonder he disconnected the call so suddenly. He likely couldn’t stand hearing the truth any longer, stomach churning with disgust, head filled to bursting with regret, and not just regret over the voice call, but everything .
An almost entire year’s worth of conversations, soiled now, because Demyx was, well, Demyx . A slob. A slacker. An idiot. He wasn’t worth Ienzo’s time, and now he knew he wasn’t worth Zexion’s.
A sharp ache spread over his chest, cold and numbing, all of him tense with it. He… liked Zexion. He very genuinely liked him, so excited to get to talk to him, his bristling nerves aside. All week he’d thought about it, daydreaming, wondering what the person on the other end would sound like, if he’d love that voice as much as he loved the text on his Discord screen.
It no longer mattered, not when it was now clear that Zexion - no, Ienzo , was utterly disgusted with him.
It was over. It was all over - their friendship, a year’s worth of personal conversations, these budding feelings he was beginning to have, or that he’s been having for a while now…
On the flipside, was Demyx disappointed that it turned out to be Ienzo? He… didn’t know the answer to that, still reeling in the fact that Zexion, his dear friend and crush, hated him. The pillow was starting to suffocate him and he instinctively pulled it away from his face, eyes still burning. He sucked in some deep breaths and just when he was finally on the cusp of calming down, his door swung open so fast Demyx feared it’d break off the hinges. 
Ienzo leveled him with a determined stare. “You.”
      Ienzo sat.
And sat.
And stared, and sat some more.
He was dizzy. Slowly, so slowly, all the pieces clicked together. The coffee. The references to Verum Rex. How they were always just missing each other. The whole tutoring scenario. Good god . So this person he’d been harboring feelings for this whole time was--
He pressed a hand to his forehead. And yet, a small part of him… was relieved?
It could be…
No, it couldn’t be anything! They hated each other! They’d complained to each other about each other more times than Ienzo could count. They had--
Ienzo felt the walls of the study booth begin to close in around him, pushing the breathable air out of the room. His ribcage constricted around his lungs, and his heartbeat pounded at his temples. He gathered his laptop and microphone in his arms and burst out of the room, chest heaving.
He braced himself against the outer wall of the study booth and willed himself to breathe normally, his head tilted all the way back to rest on the door. This was real life, and he was fine. He would be fine, anyway, with a bit of finessing. Okay, perhaps a little more than a bit.
Ienzo retrieved his backpack and stowed his equipment inside as he analyzed the situation. Arpeggio and Demyx were the same person. A strange revelation, but not world-ending. He could find another raiding party. He could join another server. There was more than one person with whom to play Verum Rex.
Ienzo caught himself zipping and unzipping the top pocket of his backpack, more forcefully than necessary each time. A new server didn't sound appealing. A new raiding party, even less so. He would have to chat with new people, learn their idiosyncrasies and fighting styles, learn their pseudonyms and remember how they differed from their usernames. It all sounded so… hard, and boring, and unnecessary. 
He zipped his backpack closed for the last time and held it at his side by its tiny top handle. Its back straps kicked at his calves as he raced out of the study area, through the main lobby, and into the courtyard. His mind was set. His choice was clear. The only thing to do was follow through.
Ienzo made a beeline back to the room. He found Demyx sitting cross-legged on his own bed, his computer accessorized with a small budget microphone and his face awash with something that looked like guilt. His eyes widened when Ienzo crossed the threshold. 
"You." Ienzo's statement rang out like a gong.
Demyx swallowed. "Yeah?"
"We need to talk." Ienzo shut the door behind himself. It slammed closed, though Ienzo had not intended for that. 
"...yeah." Demyx turned back to his computer, fiddling at the USB port where his microphone connected to the rest of the machine. "Ienzo, I--"
"Shut up." Ienzo stalked into the room, single-minded. He stopped at the edge of Demyx's bed. "Shut up and listen, for once."
Demyx's shoulders rose to his ears. He stayed quiet.
Ienzo dropped his backpack to the floor. Though his fingers trembled, his resolve held firm. The moment of reckoning was upon him. "Did you know?"
Demyx shook his head.
"Did you want to know?"
He responded in a whisper, pained and hushed. "I wanted to meet Zexion."
Ienzo's hands trembled faster. He balled them into fists to compensate. "And now that you know," he said, "do you regret it? Wanting to know? Learning the truth?"
A tear trailed down Demyx's downcast cheek. "No."
Something deep inside Ienzo wanted to reach out and wipe away the tears that followed, while Demyx's breath caught in gasps over his laptop keyboard. Ienzo steeled himself. "I… don't regret it, either."
"You don't?" Demyx looked up and met Ienzo's gaze with caution. Aside from the red tinge at their edges, his eyes looked almost hopeful. 
Ienzo softened, relaxed his fists. "I don't want to find a new server, or a new raiding party."
Sniffling, Demyx nodded. "I don't, either."
"I don't want to stop talking to Arpeggio," Ienzo continued, his heart playing timpanis in his chest. "He is a close friend of mine."
"He's also your lazy roommate." Another tear escaped, this time going down the side of Demyx's nose. Demyx wiped at it with the heel of his hand. "Ienzo, I--"
"We've had differences. We've also had commonalities, albeit in virtual space. There's no reason we cannot bring the two together."
"There's no reason we should be at each other's throats. We--"
He blinked. The drum performance in his chest missed a beat, then started from the top at full speed. "Yes?"
Demyx unplugged the microphone from his computer, sighed, and tossed it to the far edge of his bed. "I don't think that will work."
Ienzo frowned and crossed his arms. He was beginning to remember why he and Demyx didn't get along in meatspace. "Why, pray tell, is that?" he asked.
Demyx swallowed again, more conspicuously than before. "It's just… I…"
Ienzo leaned forward, his head cocked to the side. "You what?"
"I, um, I…"
"Go on. I don't have all night."
Demyx pushed his computer aside and drew his knees into his chest. "I… shit. I had a thing for Zexion." His shoulders hitched with sardonic laughter. "Shit. Fuck. This sucks." He reached behind himself for his pillow and buried his face in it. "This is so embarrassing," he whined, his voice muffled.
Ienzo's budding anger deflated. "You… you did?"
Demyx nodded into his pillow. "Uh-huh. And now you know, too."
Ienzo opened his mouth to respond, but couldn't make the words in his head form coherent phrases. His throat sputtered with half-formed consonants instead. Words. For fuck’s sake, wasn’t he good at words? Why was this suddenly so damn hard?
"This is the worst," Demyx groaned. "Just kill me now. Make it look like an accident. Tell my family I loved them. Don't let my sister take my bedroom at home."
Ienzo's faculties returned in the bumbling, clumsy way that drunkards stumbled home from dank local pubs. "I... don't think that will be necessary," Ienzo managed, through his own confusion.
"No?" Demyx put his pillow back in its place, and faced Ienzo with dried saline clumping in his eyelashes. "What, are you gonna torture me instead? Make me regret being born? Because you're a little late on that front, buddy, I already do."
Ienzo took a deep breath. His crossed arms dropped to his side, then held each other at the elbows. "I may have developed… similar feelings. For Arpeggio." Ienzo's mouth went dry. The drum performance upgraded itself to a full marching band drumline, twenty-five snare drums pounding paradiddles and rolls in synchronized sweeps. 
A silence consumed the space between them, interrupted only by Demyx's sniffling and Ienzo's heartbeat. It stretched into the abyss and the stratosphere in equal measure, and stung more acutely than the idea of never speaking to Arpeggio again.
Demyx broke the silence by clearing his throat. "So…"
Ienzo coughed. "So..."
"Are we…" Demyx unfolded his legs and swung them over the side of his bed. His hands grasped at his mattress, and his head hung from his shoulders  "Are we, y'know… do we still, like…"
"Do you want to be?" Ienzo shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "Friends, cohorts, party members, server mutuals? Or…"
"Or what?" 
"Or…" Ienzo trailed off. Or what, indeed? Friends with benefits? Significant others? Boyfriends? The mere thought made Ienzo's palms sweat. "Or…"
In the moment between Ienzo's efforts to name his emotions and act on them, Demyx had sprung up from the bed and slipped his hands around the sides of Ienzo's face, his thumbs resting just below the apples of Ienzo's cheeks. His breath tickled at Ienzo's nose and lips. "Or… this?"
Heat seared at every inch of Ienzo's face. If he could feel Demyx's breath, Demyx could feel his as well. "...I suppose, yes."
"In that case," Demyx murmured, somehow purring and wavering at the same time, "tell me no." He rested his forehead on Ienzo's. "Tell me no, and we won't. I promise. Things can go back to normal."
A whimper, wholly undignified and unbidden, escaped from Ienzo's higher register. "I can't," he whispered.
Demyx leaned forward, and Ienzo followed. At some point, they met in the middle, and the world's axis shifted two degrees to the left. It was a tentative press of lips, but Demyx’s hands on his face kept him anchored. It didn’t feel like Ienzo thought it would, and self-consciousness invaded. Suddenly Ienzo felt very young and immature; vulnerable .
But… after a moment or so, not so much. Demyx was so warm against him, and Ienzo realized it was a learning curve, one he was picking up with his usual speed. He was shaking a little in disbelief. It was so-- nice.
Demyx pulled away and brushed his fingers across his cheek. "You're trembling."
"Forgive me. I--" He swallowed.
"No, it's cool." Demyx pulled away and smiled, brighter than Ienzo had ever seen someone smile before. "Do you… want to go again?"
Ienzo did, very much so. "I'm not opposed, per se, but I think we should… explore our relationship a bit. Perhaps starting with our mutual interest in pumpkin spice flavors." 
“Sounds like a plan to me, Zexy,” Demyx grinned.
      Riku set the pair of pumpkin spice lattes down on the little square table in the back corner of the coffeeshop, glancing at Ienzo, then Demyx, then back at Ienzo, one eyebrow shooting up into his hair. “Is the world ending? Did I miss a memo on the corkboard in the back room?”
Ienzo coughed. He was vaguely aware of the heat rising in his cheeks. Damn it all to hell. Of course Riku was here, why would it have been anyone else? Sighing, he gestured to Demyx, bracing himself for the inevitable bit of humiliation, courtesy of the one friend who knew about his very apparent crush on his Discord friend. “Riku, meet Arpeggio.”
Riku’s other eyebrow shot up into his hair. “You’re shitting me.”
Demyx looked across the table at Zexion, clearly trying to fight the incoming of a shit-eating grin. “You talked about me to people?”
"Only the unimportant ones," Ienzo said, picking up his cup and sipping loudly.
“Psh,” Riku spat with a roll of his eyes. “Yeah, and every damn minute of the day. If I had a dollar for every time you made heart eyes at the ceiling while talking about him, I could quit this job and pay off my tuition.”
Ienzo balked at that, nearly choking on his latte. “It was not that often.”
Waving a hand, Riku corrected himself, looking pointedly at Demyx. “Wait, no, he’s right. I’m forgetting that half the time, he’d be complaining about his horrible room-”
“Shouldn’t you be behind the counter?” Ienzo hissed, glaring at Riku. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Demyx’s gaze flicking between him, like he was watching a game of ping-pong. “Or should I text Sora and Kairi about all those little hearts you like to draw around their names on the garbage receipts every time they come in?”
"Go ahead. I'm ninety percent sure they're both into me, anyway."
Ienzo pulled his phone from his pocket and brandished it at Riku. "Are you willing to test that theory?"
"Make sure you write it down," Demyx chirped, blowing into the hole in his drink's lid. "If you write it down, it's science. I learned that in Biology this semester."
"I'll do more than that," Ienzo said, tapping on his phone screen with both hands. After his phone played a short 'whoosh' sound, he placed it face-down on the table. "Images sent. Now we wait for our results."
Riku scoffed, then balked, then turned beet-red. "You're an asshole," he hissed through his teeth.
"Relax. I was just kidding,” Ienzo said with a glint in his eye that Demyx barely caught.
"Forgive me if I’m a bit skeptical." Riku scowled for a moment, but eventually softened into a smirk. "Whatever. Enjoy your Discord date, Casanova." He knocked on the table once before returning to the checkout counter.
"Discord date?" Demyx asked, taking a swig of his pumpkin spice latte. "I thought we were hanging out in real life."
"Let's not split hairs. We're about to see a show." Ienzo jutted his chin in the direction of the cafe's front door. As if on cue, Sora and Kairi burst through it like a duo on a mission.
“Oh Riiiiiiiiku!” they chorused in sing-song at the top of their lungs.
"Sometimes," Ienzo said, turning back to Demyx, "I like to watch the world burn."
“Yeah, I know. That’s actually kind of hot,” Demyx admitted, taking another sip of his latte. "Remind me not to piss you off again, though."
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iamrealbuilder · 4 years
Bill Buchalter interview
Bill Buchalter was a level designer for Sunstorm Interactive. He’s worked on 3 official add-on of Build Engine games: Cryptic Passage for Blood, Suckin’ Grits On Route 66 for Redneck Rampage, Caribbean Life for Duke Nukem 3D. Interview, November 2020: Corentin: Can you introduce yourself?
Bill Buchalter: My name is Bill Buchalter. I’m an avid gamer of all kinds – video games, board games, and especially tabletop RPGs. I’m currently a freelance writer for AAW Games (Adventure A Week Games) writing mini adventures for Dungeons & Dragons 5E. I live outside Indianapolis, IN with my wife Jane, our three kids, and our dog Roxi. When I’m not gaming, I also enjoy music, playing guitar, hiking, and camping.
C: With Sunstorm Interactive, you're credited for level design on Cryptic Passage, Caribbean Life and Route 66. How did you start working with Sunstorm and what do you remember from that time?
BB: In the mid 90’s, maybe around 1995 or 96, I was very into playing Duke Nukem 3D. Like most PC gamers at the time, I had played Castle Wolfenstein and Doom, and Duke Nukem just blew me away. Back in those days, when we played online, we would use a 3rd party program called KALI. You dialed up on your modem, logged onto the internet, and then used KALI as a portal to chat with other gamers and find someone to play with. The KALI software would then allow you to network together over the internet and play PVP matches. It was crude, and the lag could be horrible, but we didn’t know any better at the time and we loved it!
I remember I was in a B. Dalton bookstore in the mall one day (another relic of the 90’s that is long gone!) when I found a book called the “Duke Nukem 3D Level Design Handbook”. I was intrigued, and as I flipped through the pages it talked about a program on the Duke Nukem CD called Build, which allowed you to create your own levels. I had no idea Build existed, let alone how to use it. I bought the book and spent the next couple weeks diving into learning how to use Build. I was hooked!
Making my own maps quickly became an obsession. I would share them with my friends on KALI and I quickly earned a reputation for making user maps. I remember there was a map building competition, but I don’t recall who sponsored it. A guy named Robert Travis won the competition. When I saw his maps, I was blown away! His designs were so much more advanced than mine. He was using tricks I had never thought of to get lighting effects and set moods. I had to reach out to him to pick his brain.
Robert responded and we began talking and quickly figured out that we both lived in Indianapolis. He was working for Sunstorm at the time and invited me to come to their office to discuss level design. I met him there one evening, and he showed me some of the stuff he was working on. We ended up playing Duke all night on Sunstorm’s network with some of the other guys in the office. I was in heaven!
Robert introduced me to Anthony Campiti, the lead producer on Sunstorm’s next project – Cryptic Passage, an add-on for a Build engine game called Blood. They invited me to design some levels for the game and I jumped at the chance. Robert assigned me to design an opera house level and immediately I got pictures in my head of the theater scenes from Interview with a Vampire. I went home and worked furiously on designing the level. I was still rough, but with Robert’s help I tweaked things here and there and slowly learned his techniques. In the end I was really pleased with the level I’d designed. Robert and Anthony were happy too and asked me to design a second map specifically for deathmatch.
The next project Sunstorm was working on was Suckin’ Grits on Route 66, an add-on for another Build engine game called Redneck Rampage. Robert again asked if I’d like to be a part of that team and assigned me to build a truck stop level. Using a lot of the things I’d learned on Cryptic Passage, and the campy feel of the Redneck Rampage game, I had a lot of fun designing that level.
The last project I worked on for Sunstorm was Duke Nukem Caribbean Vacation. By this time Duke’s popularity was beginning to wane, and Quake was taking over. Robert was already starting to experiment and learn how to use the Quake engine. I was a new dad at the time (my first daughter had just been born) so unfortunately, I didn’t have the spare time to devote to learning a new engine. I barely had the time to design my level for Duke Caribbean, but I did manage to finish the casino level for that project. I do recall that Robert ended up going through in the end and changing a lot of the aspects of my level to fit the theme they had in mind. I remember being a bit disappointed and not really feeling like the level was “mine” because of so many of the changes. It was the last project I worked on for Sunstorm.
I kept in touch with Robert and Anthony for a while after that. They were branching out, working on other projects, and even trying to develop their own FPS game that I don’t think ever really got off the ground. Sunstorm was having the most success with their Deer Hunter line of games that at the time were selling well in Wal-Mart. Sadly, I eventually just lost touch with those guys.
I’m sure this is WAY more information than you were wanting (I’m a writer… I can’t help but go off the deep end!) but you dusted off some fond, old memories for me, so I apologize for walking so far down memory lane!
C: I see that you're still making maps, different kind of maps! This makes me wonder if maybe you were involved with W!Zone (a pack of maps for Warcraft 2 released by Sunstorm). Can you tell us a bit about that if possible?
BB: I didn’t have any hand in the W!Zone project for Sunstorm, but I loved the Warcraft series. As was common for many video gamers like me, who had roots in fantasy games like D&D, I played a lot of Warcraft and eventually got sucked into the world of MMOs with Ultima Online, Everquest, and World of Warcraft! If only I had back the time I sunk into those games!
These days I’m exclusively writing and designing for Dungeons and Dragons. I started about ten years ago writing for D&D Organized Play in a campaign called Living Forgotten Realms. I co-authored two adventures for that with my good friend, Michael Pearman, and authored a third adventure on my own. As you know from tracking me down via AAW Games, I’ve now authored six adventures for them, five of which are already published and one that is still in the works but should be released soon.
When I do manage to find time for video games, Diablo III is my game of choice these days. I’m looking forward to Season 22 starting here shortly, and like many others, I’m really hoping for something great with Diablo IV. I’ve been a huge fan of the series since the beginning, and even wrote an entire campaign for D&D 5E that translated the story of Diablo III into Dungeons and Dragons for the players in my home game! Thanks again for the opportunity to share some of this history. It was fun putting it all down and reliving those days!
C: There are two signatures in the Truck Stop level for Route 66. Do you remember anything about that ? There also several levels with no known credit : Fun Park, House of ill Repute, Mystery Dino Cave, Bigfoot Convention.
The signature on the truck stop is Route 66 was a joke! I was the only designer on that one. I just signed it "Billy Joe Jim Bob Buchalter" as a joke for bad redneck name. I wasn't the kind of guy that had to sign my maps the EXACT same way every time. :)
Other than the truck stop, I don't recall designing any other maps for Route 66. I pretty sure none of those you listed below were mine, but I don't recall whose they were.
Finally, here are some final comments Bill made after reading through some forum posts:
Wow, I am really quite humbled that you guys looked so deeply into my work! The fact that you could recognize my build style is pretty cool - I didn't even know I had a style! LOL. The truth be told, the reason you probably had so much trouble telling my levels from Robert's is because he was a big influence on me. I learned a lot from him and incorporated a lot of that into the stuff I built.
Its funny how reading through that thread you linked brought back memories... I remember now that my biggest disappointment from Duke Caribbean was that my only level in the game ended up being a secret level - that some people wouldn't even find it or ever play it. I was actually pretty excited about that level. I was the one that suggested a casino because my folks had retired to Vegas, so I'd been in a lot of the casinos there and had some great ideas for the map. I'd forgotten all about the restaurant I worked into it, and the big fish tanks.
There seems to be some debate about Robert. From what I remember, he was a really good guy. Maybe a bit tough to work for, but only because he really strived for our designs to be the best they could be, and he demanded that of both himself and the other designers. As I said before, I learned early on to accept criticism and critique and not take it personally. It was just Robert doing his job. I'll be the first to admit that I designed better levels thanks to the stuff I learned from Robert.
Someone on the message board made a very astute comment, basically to the effect that "Bill had to have other work out there. Sunstorm wouldn't hire an unproven guy off the street." But truth be told, that's exactly what they did! I hadn't done a single thing before working there. But I think a few things played in my favor. First, I lived in Indy, just 15 minutes from their office, so it was easy for me to go in and work directly with Robert. Second, while I didn't have anything officially published, I did have a disk full of the maps I'd designed on my own, and Robert thought I showed promise. I would design at home a lot, then go into the office a couple times a week and sit with Robert while he critiqued my work and offered advice on how to improve it.
I'll be honest - I'm blown away at the number of people STILL playing these old maps we made so many years ago. I watched a couple YouTube videos of a guy playing and reviewing Duke Caribbean and Blood Cryptic Passage. His high praise of both Full House and the Opera House really made my day. It's nice to know that people enjoyed my work.
Thanks a lot to Bill Buchalter for taking the time to answer these questions! Thanks also for sharing... “Big City” !
A Duke Nukem 3D map he created back in the day before joining with Sunstorm Interactive which was never released before! Screenshot:
Tumblr media
Map download:
External link: Duke4 forum blog megathread: https://forums.duke4.net/topic/11471-blog-interviews-of-build-engine-video-games-developers/page__pid__353013#entry353013 The forum posts Bill read, mentionned above, can be found here: https://forums.duke4.net/topic/9418-duke-caribbean-multiplayer-levels/
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
for the road (2/2) steve clark x reader
part 1 part 2
sorry this took so long, like i had mentioned in the other post, our internet cable was cut and it took a few days for it to get fixed. on top of that i had a few essay finals to finish and just didnt have time to get back to this. it is here now though and i hope you all like it!
she edited for the most part but if i missed anything, sorry, lol.
again i dont usually add songs from the artists to their own chapters but i think this one works pretty good with the story so youre getting it anyways lol
Song: stagefright by def leppard
tag list: @cynic-spirit @lifeisabitchandsoareyou
as soon as i turned around from locking the shop there was a taxi outside, parked on the curb with a woman leaning against it. she offered me a smile.
"are you y/n?"
she asked and i nodded.
"the band is waiting for you."
she said opening the door for me. i politely thanked her before sliding in and buckling the seat belt. the car smelled like apples, making me feel much less nervous than before. the ride to the venue was pretty silent though and i watched out the window as we passed by the tall city buildings. as the venue came into view my eyes got wide, i had never actually been to this part of town before. I looked at the venue in awe, it was much larger than the places I usually attended concerts at. the metal gates opened in front of us and she drove in, straight to the back doors. a large man in all black was waiting there with his arms held together in front of him. i was definitely back to being nervous again. he opened the door and peered down at me.
"You here for Steve?"
He asked and I nodded, pulling the ticket out of my pocket and showing it to him.
"yeah uh, he gave me this."
he looked over it before helping me out of the cab.
"Right this way."
He said, hand moving to be placed gently at my back as we walked inside the venue. I was a little unnerved at first, being alone with the man and all but marched along anyways. the halls were brightly lit as we walked, the white concrete shining against the floor tiles. i watched as roadies and crew members walked around us, gaining my attention as the man kept pushing me forward. When he reached a door at the end of the hall I smiled, seeing Steve sat against the couch's arm rest with his guitar in his hand.
"Here we are."
The man said, dropping his hand from my back and standing firmly beside the door. He never looked back at me as I stepped into the room shyly. I waved to the guys before Steve noticed me.
He said excitedly, standing and offering me a hug. I gladly took it before he escorted me to sit at the couch.
"Was the ride here alright?"
He asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, for the most part. Thanks again for inviting me. I'm excited to see you guys play!"
I said, wide smile on my face.
"I'm happy to hear that, i really hope you like it. we've been working on something new for the set."
i made an impressed face.
"sounds exciting."
then i heard one of them laugh.
"you say that like shes seen our other sets."
he had darker curly hair.
steve said sitting a little closer to me, his arm falling behind my back to rest on the couch.
"im sav."
the man offered his hand and i shook it.
steve cleared his throat.
"right, thats rick savage he plays bass, my partner in crime phill collen, plays guitar, rick allen who is our man behind the kit, and of course you already met and talked to joe elliot our lead singer."
they all offered hellos around the room as steve introduced them.
"its nice to officially meet you all, i appreciate you guys coming into the shop earlier. i put the record in the window after you left and six people stopped in to buy a copy."
i joked, making steve laugh lightly.
"happy to help."
sav said. then a man with a clip board and mic around his neck stepped in looking rushed.
"alright guys its time to mic up, its almost show time."
they all nodded before leaving the room one by one to follow the man.
"hey ive gotta go but ill be back right before the show starts so you can come with us to the side of the stage okay?"
i nodded as he stood.
he touched my shoulder lightly before walking off. i sighed to myself for a second before getting up and walking around the room. it was super neat. the painted bricks were covered in signatures from all sorts of rock stars. they were littered about in varying colors of permanent marker, some of them with small messages and dates next to them. part of me wondered how long it would take to fill before they had to paint over it or start on a new set of walls. then i heard a knock at the door, it was steve with a guitar now around his neck.
"hey, you ready for the show?"
he asked with a wide smile.
"lead the way."
i said stepping out of the room and following him back down the hallway.
"so i know this isnt exactly date material but how are you so far?"
i let out a short laugh.
"im doing great, this is all fantastic."
he seemed content with that answer as we stepped up to the side of the stage.
"im glad to hear that. if you arent busy afterward would you maybe wanna go get something to eat? before we have to head out?"
i twisted my body a little in excitement, holding my hands in front of me, smiling like an idiot.
"id love that."
he touched my arm gently.
i leaned forward and kissed his cheek lightly, making him blush.
"alright guys, showtime."
the man who had called them out earlier was back, ushering them into a line.
"ill be here when youre done."
i said, earning a nod from him. i watched as they all ran out one by one, the crowd screaming as the backtrack blared through the speakers. they all just lit up as they began playing, joe speaking into the microphone and asking how the crowd was feeling. it made be giggle, not being to contain my excitement anymore.
when the set was done steve was quick to get offstage and into a new set of clothes. he was all sweaty under the stage lights during the show so i could understand why. he had grabbed my hand and practically ran with me down the hall and out the back door, making me laugh. when we were in the cab i had arrived in he calmly told the woman where to take us, his arm making its way behind me to hold me around my waist. the drive to the late-night restaurant was filled with small conversation and light smiles, he really was an interesting person. when we pulled up he helped me out of the cab and walked with me on his arm inside.
the waitress asked, him nodding and following her to a booth across the diner.
"so, what can i get you two to drink?"
she said, setting the menus down. i looked at her and smiled.
"coffee please."
she nodded and looked to steve who look at me a little curiously.
"two coffees i suppose."
he let out a short laugh before she walked away.
"its a little late for coffee dont you think?"
he asked, looking over the menu. i sent him a look.
"says the person who ordered one as well."
he laughed and shook his head.
"i guess we all have our vices huh?"
i smiled at him, looking over the menu.
"hey, ive been meaning to ask you-"
"you two ready or do you need some more time?"
i looked from steve to her.
"cheese fries please."
i said, handing her the menu as she wrote it down.
he said with a smile, handing her his menu too. she nodded before walking away.
"now, what was it that you wanted to ask?"
he folded his hands together and leaned into the table, giving me his full attention.
"well i was wondering what the rest of tonight would look like."
i laughed light heartedly.
"its not exactly like you guys are staying here. i know you said it was a date, and i really like you but i dont necessarily wanna have too much fun, ya know?"
he nodded slowly, the waitress bring us our food and us thanking her.
"ive kinda been thinking about that too. and i really like you too and would love for this to happen."
he motioned between the two of us.
"but i dont want to make you wait for me."
i laughed a little bit as i ate.
"i dont think id mind too much. waiting that is, ive been single this long its not like it would be much different."
i joked, making him smile at me as he took a drink.
"so, what? we do this? for real? keep in contact until tour is over and then what?"
i shrugged.
"we make it work."
i said matter-of-factly. he studied my face for a second.
"okay, so we're really doing this."
he said with a wide smile. i nodded.
"i guess we are."
then it hit me.
"oh, here!"
i grabbed one of the survey cards out of the napkin holder and began writing.
"heres the numbers you can reach me at. the top is my house and the bottom is the shop. if you need me ill be at either of those places."
he looked over it before folding it and stuffing it into his pocket.
"hopefully you dont get too tired of me before tour is over."
we both laughed.
"i dont think i will, if you wanna call everyday be my guest. id love to hear about the places you visit. makes my small corner of the world a little bit bigger."
he sent me a genuine, heart melting smile.
"then i will absolutely do that for you y/n."
we both finished our drinks and got up, taking the ticket to the register and him paying the waitress. we said our thanks before climbing back into the cab out front. the drive back to the venue was full of cuddles and soft touches, talking back and forth about what he would be doing and where he would be going in the next couple weeks. it all sounded so interesting and i wished i could go with him. when the cab came to a stop at the back door we both got out, his hands making their way to my waist as i leaned into the car.
"ill be looking forward to seeing you next month."
he said softly, pushing my hair out of my face.
i said back, looking over his face. he seemed so soft. his thumb grazed my cheek before he leaned down and kissed me gently. the moment our lips met i knew that was it. the wait would be worth it for sure. when he pulled away we both sighed as he rested his forehead against mine.
"ill for sure be looking forward to another one of those."
he joked, both of us smiling at each other like a couple of teenagers.
"well then, before we both have to go, heres one for the road."
i said before pushing forward quickly, kissing him again. it was deeper than before as he pulled me into him. i wanted to feel that forever. when the back door creaked open we both pulled away, it drawing his attention as the body guard stood there sternly.
"i guess thats my queue."
he grabbed my hands as he backed up, dropping them as he got further away. i watched him walk to the door, waving back to me before he was ushered inside. i covered my mouth for a second before bouncing up and down with excitement. i could wait a month, if that was the hardest part of this then surely i could handle it. and now i had tour adventure stories to look forward to. i smiled like an idiot as i slid back into the cab, telling her where to take me. i couldnt stop smiling the entire car ride. i couldnt wait for the month to be up.
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
The Lady in the Black Leather (Ch 20)
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catch up here: [chapter 19]
Richard X reader , Aiden X Scarlett X Reader
Morning came all too soon for you. Aiden & Scarlett woke you up knocking on your door at 8am. The officer from last night looks up at them then over to you. You grin and nod and he motions for them to enter.
Scarlett comes in and plops on the bed and hands you a hot cup of coffee. You thank her and sip on it. The officer stands and tells you that he will go out in the hallway and let you have some time with your friends and to call for him if you need anything.
You thank him and he heads out to the hall.
Aiden wandered in and plopped down on the floor and petted Phantom. “So, how’s it going with Rich?” he asks. “Good.” You reply with a smug grin.
“You two getting pretty close? He looked so worried about you yesterday after you had been shot. It really scared him, Harley. I think more than he wanted to let on.” he tells you.
You nod. “Yeah, we have talked a lot and are getting close. I have never been treated the way he treats me. All my prior boyfriends were jerks compared to him. They never treated me with kindness and only manhandled me roughly.” You tell him. Scarlett rolls her eyes and says, “Now that’s and understatement if I ever heard one!”
You glare at her and continue, “Richard makes me feel safe and loved. It’s still hard for me to get used to. It helps though that he always has a hand resting gently on me. Either on my back or around my waist or on my arm, or just holding hands.” You reply.
Scarlett and Aiden grin. “Yeah, we noticed he can’t seem to keep his hands off of you.” They both giggle. “He can be quite possessive, but it’s always in a good way, don’t worry.” Aiden tells you.
“Chivalry certainly isn’t dead with him!” Scarlett giggles.
You giggle. “Well, I don’t want a knight in shining armor.” You reply as you raise the bed up more so you’re more in a sitting position. You wince and adjust your weight, so it isn’t on your left leg as much.
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Aiden looks at you confused. “I thought that was what all women wanted, a knight in shining armor to come rescue them and take them to the castle to live happily ever after. Why don’t you want that?” he asks.
You chuckle. “Thank You Disney for giving young impressionistic women such a dangerous ideal! I much prefer Tolkien’s version of Knights/warriors and royalty. If I’m gonna have a knight come and rescue me, I want him in dented and dinged up armor. A knight in shining armor means he hasn’t seen battle and never waged war. You don’t know if he’ll stick around when the battle gets intense, or if he’ll tuck tail and flee, leaving you to fend for yourself.
Whereas a knight in dented and dinged up armor shows he HAS seen battle and had his mettle tested. It means he has fought, defeated and survived what the world has thrown at him. And not fled when the going got tough. He stands and fights to defend what he loves and cares about.” You giggle. “He’s a real warrior!”
Scarlett nods. Aiden just smirks and grins widely. “I guess I never thought of it that way, but I get what you’re saying. It makes sense.” He tells you as he takes a bite of his breakfast sandwich.
“So, speaking of knights, what are your plans for today? Isn’t Sir Guy working all day today?” Scarlett asks.
You giggle and nod catching her Robin Hood reference to Richard. “Yeah, he’s workin’ all day today. He asked Graham if he’d stay with me today and meet with the attorney that Rich hired for me.
I guess I have to appear before the judge to tell him my side of the story. Then I have to appear before him again as my ex stands before him and explains himself. After that, the judge will make his ruling on the restraining order being made permanent or temporary.” You explain.
“How are you going to appear before a judge when you’re in the hospital?” Aiden asks.
“I guess Alex was going to try to set something up using the internet and video calling.” You explain. “I am not entirely sure.”
“Ah, that would make sense then.” He replies.
You nod and are quiet for a few minutes. “Thank you for the flowers and balloon, you two.” You tell Aiden and Scarlett.
“Glad you like them, Hun.” Scarlett says. “You seem pretty quiet this morning. Didn’t you sleep very well?” she asks.
You shake your head. “No, the nurses were in and out a lot checking on me every hour. The officer assigned to guard me ended up telling them to let me sleep and to leave me alone for a while.” You tell her. “I’m just tired and been thinking about a lot of stuff.” You reply.
(You spent a lot of last night thinking of all the people who have helped you and wondered how you can thank them for everything. Saying ‘thank you’ just doesn’t seem to be enough.
You decided to do something nice for each person who has helped you through this. Starting with Richard and Graham. You make a note to ask Graham what you could do for something special for Rich.
You thought about Graham and how far away his family is. You wish you could meet them and say “Hi” so they can put a face with a name. You decide to ask him about his family today and ask him what their names are.)
You ask Aiden how long he has known Graham and Rich. He replied they all met on the set of the Hobbit films. You ask him what kinds of things does Rich like. You explain that you realized you didn’t know much about him, he always turns the conversations to be about you.
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Aiden chuckled. “He always does that. And it can get to be annoying. He hates talking about himself. I’ve learned most of what I know just by watching him & listening & observing.” Aiden explains. “He likes to read, and has several Lego sets of the Hobbit. He’s just a big little kid at heart. He likes a good wine, chocolate ice cream, and good coffee, and was pretty good at horse riding and sword fighting. He is frugal with his money, but isn’t afraid to splurge on those he loves. He did mention one time that his Mom used to help him answer fan mail and it meant a lot to him. He really misses her, she passed away a few years ago.
He doodles, and dances, and tends to write back stories for his characters he portrays.” Aiden tells you.
“So, if I wanted to do something super special for him as a ‘thank you’ for all the help he has been, what would be something meaningful for him?” you ask.
“Hmmm. I don’t know. Maybe a nice journal for him to do his writing in, or taking him to a winery for a private tour? I guess it depends on what you want to spend. He really just seems to cherish spending time with you, Harley.” Aiden tells you.
You nod.
“Well, I need to get ready. I’m supposed to spend the day with Graham. I have no idea what we are going to do other than meeting with the lawyer. He said to let him know when I was up and ready to go.” You tell them.
“Ok.” Aiden says as he stands up. “If you want some company, let us know. We can meet up with you later on.”
“Thanks, Aiden, I’ll let you know.” You tell him.
“I’ll head out and get us some breakfast while you get ready. What do you want, Scarlett?” He tells her with a kiss to her cheek and brushes a strand of her curly, red hair off her face.
“I’ll eat whatever you find, Sweetie.” She tells him.
“What about you, Harley?” he asks.
“Thanks, Aiden, but Graham is picking up breakfast for me on his way here.” You tell him.
Aiden nods and heads out to get himself and Scarlett breakfast.
You grab your phone and text Graham. “Morning Pops! What’s the plans for today besides meeting with the attorney?”
He texts back “Morning Sunshine! Not sure what we’ll end up doing. We can figure that out when I get there. Still want breakfast? How’d last night go?” he replies.
“Ok, Yes, can you pick up something for breakfast, please? Didn’t get much sleep. Nurses kept me up checking on me every hour till the officer told them to leave me alone and let me sleep.” You text him. “When ya coming up to see me?”
“Be there in about an hour, Sweetie.” He texts back. “Finishing up some stuff here before I go.” He replies.
“Ok Pops, see ya soon! 😊”
Scarlett grins and shows you that she brought up some of your tops and corsets. “So you feel a little more comfortable.” The nurses said you can put the tops on but want you to wait with the corsets till later.” She tells you.
Scarlett helps you find something to wear and you end up putting on a long sleeved black peasant top with the shorts the hospital provided. A nurse helped with the ports, disconnecting them long enough for you to put the top on and then re-connected the iv’s to the ports.
Scarlett helps you with washing your face and helps with your hair and the two of you have fun playing around with a few different hair styles for your incredibly long hair. The two of you settled on a 5 strand Dutch French braid.
Aiden comes back in after a bit with breakfast for him and Scarlett and said, “Oooohhh! I like the hair!” as he comes over and admires your braid hanging over your shoulder. “Your hair is SO long, Harley! How long did it take to grow it out like that?” he asks.
You giggle. “10 years!” you reply and laugh as Aiden’s jaw drops.
“What?!?! Did you just say 10 years?!?!?!” he asks.
You nod.
“Wow!” he replies as he runs his fingers along the braid. “How do you keep it so soft and nice looking?” he asks.
You chuckle. “Hair oil, and I get it trimmed regularly to control split ends. I also try to keep it in some kind of braid or updo so it’s not just flying all over and getting all tangled up.” You reply.
He nods. “I can’t imagine having hair this long. We thought the long wigs we had to wear for The Hobbit were annoying. They kept getting in our faces and making it hard to see. When we weren’t filming, they were all tied back so it was out of our faces.” He tells you.
You giggle. “But you all looked so damn sexy with long hair!” you tease. He blushes and grins.
Scarlett digs through the bag of food Aiden brought and hands him a breakfast sandwich, “Here, Aid. Sit and eat.” She tells him as she pulls out one and a container of tater tots and sets them on the bedside table.
You giggle and snitch a few tater tots and pop them in your mouth. Grinning wickedly when Aiden says, “Hey! You said you didn’t want anything!”
Scarlett smacks him on the arm. “Oh hush! She can have a few of the tater tots to hold her till Graham gets here!” she scolds.
Just then you get a text from Rich. “Hey Love! Am just taking a break on set and thought I’d say, ‘hi and love you!’ How’s it going this morning?”
You reply back, “Hi Hon! The morning’s going good. Just getting ready for the day. Aiden and Scarlett are here now & Graham will be here in an hour. He had to run some errands before we meet with the attorney.” You message back.
He sends you a thumbs up emoji and ‘Have fun, sweetheart! See you after work. Xoxo’
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