#into like a complete dissection of their psyche
nereidprinc3ss · 6 days
baby names
in which spencer comforts you after you wake from a good dream about becoming a mother
fluff! warnings/tags: fem!reader, reader sort of wants to be a mom sort of doesn't, they discuss having a child in the future, talk of pregnancy stuff, I think that's it! a/n: another short sweet fluff piece that is by no means going to get me a pulitzer but is cute nonetheless!! love u!!! let me know if u enjoyed!!
Spencer wasn’t in the room when you fell asleep into an impromptu nap, induced by the pattering rain, the low light of your bedside lamp, the warmth of your favorite throw blanket—but he is when you wake up. Home from work, sprawled on the bed next to you, long legs crossed and as close as he thought he could get without disturbing your slumber. 
“You came home,” you whisper groggily, curling into his side and letting your sleepy eyes flutter shut again. 
He pulls you closer against him, rubbing your arm. “I always do.” A low, affectionate chuckle that buzzes from his chest and dizzies you. “You tired?”
You hum a distant affirmation. Visions of diaphanous pink, of sweet cooing, of a haloed Spencer doused in warm light and smiling down at a some blanket-bundled creature in his arms, still burn behind your eyelids, fading with every passing second. The gentle classical music you’d been playing earlier now blends with the sound of evening rain tapping ceaselessly against the window. Spencer is warm next to you, scent familiar and comforting and only contributing to your drowsiness—but a lingering sort of sadness still claws at your stomach. Emptiness. It bites like a shock of icy water. It’s just a small thing. You feel silly for being upset, but you are upset, and you want to tell him. 
“I had weird dreams.”
Spencer offers a hum of his own (perhaps a habit you’d picked up from him) and you open your eyes, watching him watch the rain. The stark angle of his jaw, the sweet slope of his nose. Any baby he had a hand in creating would be absolutely cherubic. “You know, Carl Jung said dreams are hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul.”
You fiddle with the knit of his sweater, and he covers your hand with his own, looking back down at you, deep eyes full of easy contentment. Like as long as you’re together, he can’t imagine a thing to be worried about. 
“Wait—the dreams are the door? Where does the door go?”
His brows pinch slightly as he recalls what is no doubt an exact quotation. 
“Uh—he said they led to a primeval cosmic night, that is soul long before there was conscious ego, and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach.”
You frown, sleepy head aching as you twist your brain into knots trying to decode the ornate language. “Was he the weird incest-y one?”
Spencer chuckles again. “Nope. That was Freud. Jung was essentially saying that there is something primal and instinctual about our dreams. He said they were our way of accessing the unconscious, which can process things the conscious psyche can’t, and our consciousness was a ship on the great sea of unconsciousness.”
“You’re losing me, Dr. Reid.”
The corner of his mouth flickers up. 
“He just meant they offered us an unbiased look at our lives. Our desires, our needs, unburdened by conscious ego.”
Our desires. Our needs. 
You chew your lip. 
“What does dreaming about having a baby mean?”
You say it because Spencer is your closest friend as well as your partner and you trust him completely with every thought in your head—but the way his hand pauses on your arm makes you nervous. 
He takes a moment to dissect your answer, digging for a hidden meaning like a precious gem, and then, once he decides there are no landmines, proceeds cautiously. 
“Well… some people say that a baby in your dream is a representation of you. It could indicate a desire to nurture, or a need to be nurtured.” Again you make a noise of vague acknowledgement. His hand starts back up again on your arm, and he delves gently deeper. “Why? Did you dream about having a baby?”
For a moment, you can only nod. Suddenly you’re choked up, releasing an exhaled, “Yeah,” as tears cloud your vision. He gives you a moment, just holding you as you try to find the words to continue. “It felt really real. I mean—I think I knew it wasn’t, but I was so happy that I didn’t care. I—she—” You laugh tearfully. “I’m being ridiculous, I know, I just… I miss her. Is that crazy?”
“That’s not crazy,” he says quietly. A stretch of silence follows, and the brief deluge of tears fades to trickling stop. Spencer is probably used to you enough so that he’s not surprised when you huff dramatically, trying to dispel your melancholia with a hefty dose of drama. 
“I wanna have a baby!”
Your boyfriend releases a surprised laugh as you bury your head against his chest, but it only takes him half a second to root his hand in your hair and hold you there. 
“Because of your dream?”
“Yes!” You sniffle into his sweater. “She was so perfect, ’nd sweet. I wanna have a baby so much.”
“With who?”
You look up at him tearfully and visibly frustrated. His eyes betray only fondness. “You, Spencer! Who else?”
“No one! No one else.”
You collapse again, satisfied with his answer. 
“You were such a good dad. It was—oh my god, you were so happy. You were holding her, and smiling at her, and—can we please have a baby?”
“Oh, sweet girl,” he coos, half chuckle, voice tinged with pity. His hand sweeps over and over your hair in a soothing pattern. 
You pout, hiding even further away against him. “That’s not an answer.”
“We can’t have a baby right this second, if that’s what you’re asking me.”
“Why not?”
He hums, pretending to consider the question, hand still carding gently through your locks, detangling. 
“You’re not pregnant, for one thing.”
“I might be.”
“I doubt it.”
“I could be.”
He angles your head up, smiling. Those warm brown eyes of his are full to the brim with sparkly affection. “Do you have something to tell me?”
“No, I’m saying, we could have a baby.”
The curve of his mouth lessens though doesn’t entirely dissipate, and the subtle lines next to his eyes soften as he regards you. There are a thousand reasons you shouldn’t have a baby right now, but Spencer knows you know that, and it’s still not what you want to hear right this second. 
“We could.”
He’s not being serious, but your heart flutters anyway. 
“Sure. Sounds like you have it all figured out.”
“Spencer. I’m not joking. You’re not taking me seriously.”
Spencer pulls you closer, and though you’re mildly annoyed, you allow it with a huff. 
“I am taking you seriously. Like the plague.”
“I know you want kids.”
“I do.”
“We can have kids.”
“Angel. We have time. I believe that you want a baby, and I’m overjoyed that you want one with me. And you know we’d need more time to talk about it.”
Of course, you probably will change your mind tomorrow, and again the next day, and Spencer will love you then and every time you change your mind thereafter. 
“Do you love me?” You ask softly, bunching the fabric of his shirt in your hand and not looking at him. Just to make sure. His eyes are liquid adoration on you. 
“More than anything in the whole world.” And maybe, you think, you’re okay with keeping it that way. For just a bit longer, at least. Spencer squeezes your arm. “I do think you’ll get to meet her again one day. I’ll get to meet her.”
You smile to yourself, imagining your little dreamy baby girl back in your arms. “One day.”
He kisses the top of your head. 
“Did we name her in your dream?”
“Elizabeth. But only because in my dream your mom’s name was Elizabeth, for some reason? I don’t… I can’t explain that.”
“Hm... I love my mom, but I don't know if I'd want to name my baby Diana. Feels too prophetic.”
“Hold on, I have like, a hundred baby name ideas. Can you hand me my phone? I’m gonna tell you all of them. First and middle name combinations.”
Spencer reaches for your phone on the side table. “Boy and girl?”
You scoff, settling into the crook of his arm, head on his shoulder, so he can see your phone screen. 
“We’re not having a boy, Spencer.”
“Oh. My mistake.”
You smile and tangle your legs with his, searching through your notes app with your non-dominant hand for your list of ridiculous baby names. 
“I can’t believe you would even suggest that. You're obviously going to be a girl dad.”
“Am I?”
“Yes! Oh my god, I’m so glad I'm not pregnant because you’re clearly not ready. You have a lot to learn. Okay, how does Artemisia Valencia October Reid sound to you?”
You’re lucky he loves you so much.
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abla-soso · 8 months
"Anatomy of a fall" is a good movie that I would normally forget about after the second viewing. But I think I keep coming back to this movie because the reactions to it are fascinating to me.
One of the main themes of this movie was that you can't psychoanalyze and frame people's entire personhood and lives based on dissecting a very specific set of events and circumstances. Especially not in a sensationalized case in a court drama.
And what do American feminists do? Isolate a single moment from all contexts and present it as definitive proof of women being the eternal victims in any broken marriage.
The "you're not a victim and I'm blameless" speech became a viral clip on social media, so much so that it made me curious enough to watch the movie. Imagine my surprise when I saw the context of that scene and realized that moment in the fight happened right after the husband accused the wife of cheating and she scoffed it off and tried to guilt trip him for still feeling upset it and about her shameless lack of guilt.
He was being irrationally petty and unfairly judgmental during the fight (most people are when they're mentally ill with intense unresolved issues) and she defended herself against his bullshit and expressed some legitimate grievances, but this was not all. In that "epic feminist monologue" she was insisting he wasn't a victim because she was also trying to absolve herself of all guilt of any of her wrongdoings.
And when she couldn't, she reacted in a physically abusive way. And when she needed to save herself in the trail? She insisted that he was a victim after all, lol. But not her own victim, of course not, but a victim of his own sever mental health issues that has nothing to do with how she treated him.
Yet when the defense wraps up their summary of her husband's psyche and spells out the suicide motive you can hear her tell him: "that's not what he was like!". She had enough honesty with herself in that moment to admit that her husband's personhood and motives can't be summed up by that fight.
It's pointless to make a complete and final assessment of either her or her husband's character based on that emotionally charged fight alone.
The movie's main motif is: "fixation kills understanding". It’s not unusual for married couples to feel like they have a PhD in their partner's psyche, and to some level, they kinda do. They probably know each other better than any other person on Earth – but it’s still not enough, and never will be, to sum up an entire person. And the gaps that are left to fill are up to anybody’s guessing. You can drill down into a relationship to a microscopic level — trying to analyze every comment, every small action, every rumour — but that the more you try to take in, the less you know.
But American feminists would rather feel vindicated about their own ideological obsessions than acknowledge any nuances or moral complexity in any story about gender dynamics, broken marriages, and mental health.
It's amazing to me how they talk about weak married men with such vicious contempt. As if they're morally deficient for failing to live to their "manly duties". As if only married women are allowed to react to mental illness and unresolved issues in petty, unfair, irrational ways.
Perhaps the movie was trying to tell you guys something and you completely missed it.
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marionmorse · 2 months
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do u think... Do you think sometimes when the team has a movie night, when they watch those 60's action war movies like "Von Ryan's Express" and "Battle of the Bulge" or spaghetti westerns like "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" and "Death Rides on a Horse," Soldier pauses during or right after fight scenes or duels or whatever to obsessively overanalyze them. Like, he'll try and turn them into strategies to use on the job, takes, uhm, 'notes', (tactical doodles,) sets up nerdy models using a whiteboard map and improvised figurines, uses these examples when he does those psyche-up pre-battle speeches or during strategy meetings.
'Cause I bet he does, I bet he does that, and it completely kills the momentum of the movie to the point where the rest of the team gets disinterested and slowly leaves him behind to do their own thing.
I genuinely bet Engie wouldn't though, nah, I bet he's enough of a patient kind of gentle kind of man willing to stick through these pauses 'cause he's just that into the movie. And maybe he's just a teeny bit into Soldier's dissections of actiony chaos. Maybe gleans a bit of an understanding of Soldier's thinking that way. Admires the guy's passion about his 'research,' how thoughtfully he gathers details in an effort to help the team. Starts mixing in tapes for these sorts of movies more regularly to their movie night pool maybe subconsciously, maybe on purpose. The rest of the team doing their own movie night. losers.
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rainbowchaox · 6 months
Yashiki and Mashita: Why the Ship Works (Mashita POV)
How we are introduced to Mashita is strange to say the least. He crawled out from under a blood soaked bed. Like it’s normal to him. And his first impression is not good to say the least. He is sardonic, sarcastic, mean and very rude. So much so that most players were suspicious of him and convinced he would be secretly evil.
It’s soon clear that he may be closed off emotionally but he is soft. And cares alot about others despite his rough words trying to show otherwise. It's clear his rough exterior is a protective measure. A way to get respect and to be aggressively independent. But this is a lie. Mashita along with Yashiki cares so much about others. He just doesn’t want others to know that fact.
In fact, how fiercely independent he is also his main character flaw. He protects others but doesn’t let others protect him. Even if others care about it. It’s his ingrained duty from when he was an active police officer. And his previous career also shows his character. As much as he would tell you otherwise. He became a cop in order to protect others. And even when he left the force he still works to protect others.
From humans or from spirits. He doesn’t falter. Even when he was Marked for the first time. He was not scared. Even when he should have been. He would rather try to kill something already dead than wait for death. He is similar to Yashiki though. He cares for others but definitely doesn’t care that much about himself. Always putting himself in harm's way in order to protect.
Mashita is always on edge. He is suspicious of everyone and everything. He needs to keep his mind sharp. And not deluded. And he is secretly kind. There’s a difference between kindness and niceness. Mashita would lie and say fake niceties but he will call you out and make you realize you have fucked up. He will make sure you are the best version of yourself.
Mashita is a bit of an asshole, kind in the way that matters, and doesn’t care much if he offends others as long as the job is done. And done well. He is a bit of a perfectionist. But the fact is he means well. He doesn’t care for niceties or politeness as long everyone is alive.
And like Yashiki. Mashita is complicated. No one will get his character unless you dissect every layer and every facet of his psyche. But Mashita ideals and motivations are pretty simple. He just wants to do his duty and protect others.
And we need to know his character in depth to understand why Yashiki is perfect for him. This ship needs us to understand Yashiki and Mashita completely. We need to know how both tick and function. This chapter will be Mashitas point of view. I’m gonna show you why this ship works and why it’s practically canon in all but name.
When Mashita meets Yashiki for the first time. To him it’s a destined meeting despite being in a horror basement. He immediately found joy getting under Yashiki's skin. But immediately was vulnerable and told Yashiki about him being forced out of the force. He clumsily gave Yashiki his heart. He already considered Yashiki part of his team after realizing they were in the same situation with the Marks.
As part of being an ex-cop. Mashita, despite his rough attitude, has to know how people tick. He needs to know body language, signs that people are lying, and needs to know how to bring the truth out of people. He needs to be decent at getting people. Yashiki and Mashita both know how others tick. Yashiki is just blinded more by his empathy while Mashita can see clearly because he thinks with logic.
Mashita knows Yashiki more well than himself. Mashita isn’t blinded by insecurities like Yashiki is. He knows Yashiki is just good. And he knows he is talented and resourceful. There’s reasons why Mashita respects the man. In fact he is the most friendly when he is talking to Yashiki. It’s clear that Mashita has a favorite.
Mashita in my opinion fell in love at first sight. And he is so pissed about that fact. There’s no reason why he would stick his neck out so much for a man he met a day ago. Mashita cares so much about Yashiki. And he hates that he does. Because he is weak. He is no blushing school girl though so he can deal with it. Even if Yashiki rejects him.
Mashita and Yashiki showed everyone why they are meant to be together when they teamed up to deal with Hanahiko. Their team work is out of this world. They counter each other's flaws and become each other's strengths. They are partners.
Mashita after Hanahiko decided to stick around. Sure he had his reasons wanting to learn more about what happened to his Senpai. But his primary reason to stay was Yashiki. He knew Yashiki needed someone to be by his side. He won’t leave to go back to normalcy when he knows Yashiki needs him.
He was already attached to Yashiki. His heart was already taken by Yashiki. He could not bring himself to act like nothing happened. Go back to normalcy and forget about Yashiki. Yashiki needed him. So he stayed. A choice that would mean everything for Yashiki. Though Mashita won’t see how important this choice would be. Of course when he was needed he stayed.
Mashita never faltered in his decisions. He chooses his own path and strides ahead. Conflict and consequences be damned. Once he decides on something he will follow through. So of course he put his life on the line in order for Yashiki to be able to escape from Shimi-O. Getting Marked again isn’t that important. Putting his life on the line for others isn’t important either. It’s what he should do.
Not realizing his actions show his true self and it’s why Yashiki adores him so much. As much as he tries to distance himself from others. He can’t help but bring people in. Much to his annoyance. Mashita could have chosen to stay back in the mansion. But that is not him. He gets a goal and he will accomplish it.
And no one but him should be in the middle of the cross fire. Anyone should be protected while he charges in. Especially because as much Mashita will try to deny, he is more led by his emotions than one realizes. And he cares so much about Yashiki. Though he will never say it outright he shows it through his actions.
Eventually Shimi-O is dealt with and Mashita gains some solace about what happened to his Senpai. But Mashita realized it was his time to leave. If he stayed any longer he would just be making himself a burden for Yashiki to carry. He never wants to be the one that would drag Yashiki down. He wants to be the one that would make Yashiki stand proud and tall. He would rather die by a spirit than admit any of this. So he lies and lies.
Yashiki, much to his annoyance, never fell for his rough exterior, not really. Yashiki knows how Mashita really is. He knows he lies. But most of all know that Mashita is one of the kindest people he has met. Bad attitude and all. Mashita even gets flustered at Yashiki telling him he would miss him. Mashita doesn’t understand how important he has become to Yashiki. He isn’t used to being adored.
Before he leaves for the rest of the main game. He promises to buy Yashiki a drink after the Mark business is dealt with. Practically asking Yashiki on a date as a form of celebration. This shows that Mashita has complete faith in Yashiki. And knows eventually he would be free from the curse of the Mark. He never stopped trusting Yashiki would be able to survive.
And eventually Yashiki gets freed from the Mark. And Mashita immediately wants him to join him on investigations. He respects Yashiki so much. And desperately wants to continue working with him. Despite his bad attitude he wants to continue being by Yashiki's side.
Then the Red Riding Hood case happened. Mashita practically strong-armed Yashiki into helping him with this case. Despite Yashiki wanting to have a sense of normalcy as he hunts for a better way to seal Mary. Mashita didn’t let him though. He respects him too much to let himself wallow alone in his mansion. He even had the gall to complain to Yashiki for telling the old hag how to contact him.
This shows me that in the time off screen that Yashiki and Mashita spent a lot of time together. Mashita feels comfortable enough to barge right into Kujou Mansion. And it’s presented in a way that Mashita does this often and it’s not unusual. For most of this case, Mashita isn’t present in order to give Yashiki the freedom to grow as a character. A recurring theme that will also happen in Death Mark 2.
Mashita and Yashiki are just such a good team. they are unbeatable when they are together. No spirit stands a chance when they are against the two of them. They are each other's strengths. They are each other’s yin and yang. Logical and emotional. The spiritual and the mundane. So they literally have to be apart for the spirits to be taken seriously. And for their character flaws to show.
Mashita eventually returned when Yashiki needed him the most. And they immediately get on the same wavelength in order to deal with Red Riding Hood. Mashita is there to slap Yashiki back to reality before he gets taken advantage by a spirit. And Yashiki is there to show Mashita that you can be empathetic to spirits. And end things in a more peaceful fashion.
Mashita eventually leaves Yashiki outside after Red Riding Hood was having too much fun with him. And Yashiki's major character flaw is yet again shown. As his gentle heart is swayed to enter the hotel by Red Riding Hood. He really needs Mashita to keep him focused. He is too kind and spirits will abuse that.
Yashiki almost dies. But is saved by Mashita who has and will be there when needed. And Mashita breaks. Barely holding in the worry, the stress, and the pain of Yashiki being gone if he was just a little later. He lashes out from anger born of worry. Because he cares and saw the man he loves almost die. This shows why they work so well together. They both have different views about spirits. And their own reasons for staying involved in the spiritual world. Yashiki wants to save both humans and spirits while Mashita believes spirits and humans should stay in their own worlds.
Then Death Mark 2 happens. Like I said earlier it’s a trend for Mashita to be missing in order for Yashiki to get character development. But we definitely have much to talk about here. We see they became closer than ever. They talk often on the phone. Mashita spends time off the clock just spending time with Yashiki. He barges into Kujou mansion like it’s his second home.
When we finally see Mashita. They got way more playful and comfortable with each other. They clearly got so much closer off screen. They know each other so well by now. They definitely give the impression they are especially close. Because even when Mashita at times interacts with Yashiki you could even say he is nice. There's mutual understanding and affection that brims between them in every conversation.
And Mashita even brings out his more childish sides around Yashiki. I mean they meowed and hissed at a rock of all things. Yashiki and Mashita are practically canon besides saying it outright. There is something between them. So much The Departed loathes Mashita.
This isn’t to say it’s one sided. Mashita insulted The Departed for trying to seduce Yashiki. Mashita is the jealous type and likes to stake his claim. Meanwhile The Departed fully thought of him as serious competition. The Departed reacted like she was a wife finding out her husband was cheating on her. And chased after Mashita wanting to end his life right then and there.
He knew Yashiki could handle it. So he never second guessed himself. He never stopped believing in Yashiki. And Yashiki does solve The Departed. Mashita knew he would figure things out eventually. He has his loyalty and trust for a reason. We are shown that he canonically leaves his trench coat at Kujou mansion which is very heavily implied to be his Senpais. He is sentimental. And from the information in NH we do know they stayed as a team and solved many cases together. And got famous for it. At least in spiritual circles.
All in all, Mashita fell first. And despite wanting to be independent and alone. He always falls hard. Yashiki and Mashita have such good chemistry with each other. The ship is canon all in but name. They are each other's favorite person. And they deserve to be happy.
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gracilissart · 5 months
Hello there kind sir, I was wondering if I could ask about Seamus and what kind of person he is? like what is he like when he interacts with his victims, or with others in the hellcrew? I really really want to make some hc's and fanfics with him and want them to be accurate!!
(thank you so much for making Seamus and Seraphina btw!!!!! Frickin love their designs)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hello !!!!!!!
if you wanna know about Seamus and Seraphina, then you can read up on their ref sheets which I have just linked per name here‼
as for how Seamus handles his victims:
Seamus is a very naturally friendly person, but that isn't to say he's a good person. how he acts with his victims depends: if you are one of the few unfortunate people he has hired to assist with his work (which doesn't actually happen all that often, because he usually either just works alone or with Kelly), he will initially behave quite cryptically about his line of work even if he comes across as being very 'nice'. the full gravity of what he does is usually abruptly revealed, as things tend to initially start off quite 'normal'.
you will soon realise that he is, for a lack of better words, insane; not in the stereotypical psychotic slasher sense, but in the sense that his rationale completely deviates from logical or sensible thought altogether.
if you are his 'subject', you will find that he poses himself as a friend, or a lover to you. he will lure you in with a sense of mystery that makes him seem 'alluring' before pulling you in deeper and further isolating you. if Seamus considers you an interesting subject to photograph, he will want to know everything about you. he will poke and prod at your psyche, do all sorts of things just to get a gauge on you. the horrible things he commits towards you come from a distant sense of curiosity, as if you are a frog he's poking with a stick, dissecting you. he'll make you not only feel special, but also like Seamus is the only person in the world who will ever understand you.
one thing that is universal between both assistants and subjects is the following: there is a specific brand of person Seamus seeks, oftentimes people who already feel increasingly isolated or have a lot of psychological baggage. people he either thinks are 'likeminded' or otherwise 'interesting', so long as there are underlying issues. projects tend to take a long time to fully realise, so Seamus oftentimes plays the long game with victims.
you will be pushed to your limits, both physically and psychologically.
(I'm not very good at explaining because Seamus as a character is rather convoluted and I could probably yap about the way this mf works for eternities to come. I hope this kind of gives a basic idea of how he goes about things)
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vitospaghetta · 3 months
I think that people just want someone to be a "fix you" problem for Leon instead of letting him deal with his own issues that have been present ever since RC happened and then a forceful "ask" into the top secret government org. Like i get wanting your favourite character to be happy and be with someone but like, no one should be required to fix this man like he's some rusty dirt bike lol
Healing someone's wounds and helping to mend them are two completely different things in my opinion. You're either using your entire self or you're both doing the work. No in between
Yeah I think that's the appeal of Cleon to a lot of folks, because Claire's such an inherently nurturing character. I'm not saying that's how everyone who ships Cleon portrays them, but I think that's definitely the appeal for some. You can argue the same thing with some people who ship RE4R Ashley and Leon.
It's one thing to love someone despite their flaws and work with them to better themselves and unpack/process the shit they've gone through, but it's another thing to be burdened with the responsibility of fixing someone. Regardless of their experiences, adults need to be held accountable for their actions, and it's not Claire's or anybody else's job to "fix" Leon. He's a grown ass man who needs to put in his share of the work if he wants to move forward. Fortunately, canonically, it seems that he has.
Also, trauma isn't that simple lmao. Mental health issues never are. You can only support someone, help when and where you can, but you can't fix them. If you could cure someone with love alone, or at all, everyone in the psych field would be out of a job lol.
A lot of folks also just develop a skewed perception of relationships in general due to their only exposure to romance being fanfic. This isn't me slighting anyone, it's perfectly okay to not have a full repertoire of life experiences, but I've noticed a lot of romanticization of the wrong things. If we wanted to dissect it even further, you could argue that some of it stems from general media's portrayal and perpetuation of certain ideals regarding relationships and sex. Romanticization is normalized because that's what's entertaining.
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bunnymajo · 1 year
OKAY this might be a really stupid question, but I adore magical girl anime, and I’ve really been in the mood for like… a darker/more adult (?) magical girl show… But sooo many of those are like, really bad. Do you have any recommendations for ones that are good? 😭
On the lighter end, maybe ArtisWitch? It's short & episodic but some of the later episodes explore some more complex themes.
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Somewhere in the back streets of Ura-Harajuku, a witch and her mysterious shop serve those whose wishes have gone unheard, giving them an opportunity to unlock their hearts' greatest desires. Believing this to be an ideal arrangement, the proud apprentice witch Nina strives to fulfill her customers' wishes while her power and influence grow accordingly. However, not all wishes are meant to come true—and not all of them lead to a happy ending. As Nina is compelled to peer deeper into the human psyche, she soon discovers the dark side of a witch's obligations, and her ambitions begin to clash with her wish to comfort the entire world.
Another short one is the movie "Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai" (shortened to "Garakowa") it barely counts as magical girl but the leads outfits are so reminiscent of magical girl outfits I'm pretty sure that's what they were going for
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Dual and Dorothy are two programs. Their job is to enter the various worlds containing the memories of people across many timelines, deleting worlds that become infected with viruses. They come across Remo, a girl who has lost memory of who she is, who is searching for "the flower garden." However, they soon begin to learn not only about Remo's true purpose but also about the state of the world outside.
Last one is sort of a half-recommendation, because while I think it's a compelling story with good visuals, I think a lot of it's messages are complete baloney. It's Earth Girl Arjuna! It's pretty environmental heavy, which is fine but the solutions it proposes are uh, not good. If you wanna really dissect something that's good weird at best and "what the hell no??" at worst, give it a shot (also warning for the pro-life messages in episode 9)
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 The series follows Juna Ariyoshi, a high school girl chosen to be the "Avatar of Time" and entrusted with saving the dying Earth. 
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carlitozzt8 · 6 months
Book review
In this blog I going to tell me experience and me opinion of the book Pep Guardiola other form of wining and some details of the book taht I found important. ¡SOPILERS!
Pep Guardiola other form of winning, the author explores Pep Guardiola's approach to winning, focusing on mental strength and his numerous achievements. Guardiola's time at Barcelona is dissected, highlighting his transformative impact on players and revolutionary tactics like tiki-taka.
Written by Alex Feruson, the book emphasizes Guardiola's dedication to mental health and his innovative coaching methods. It reflects on his success with Barcelona's players and the enduring legacy of his philosophy.
The book is a must-read for soccer enthusiasts, offering valuable lessons in leadership and understanding the human psyche. Its accessible writing styleand profound insights make it a compelling read for anyone interested in soccer and the mind behind the trophies.The author do a very well job because do a book that is understandeble for kids of 11 years and that is a bons of this book.
In conclusion this is recomend to read this spectatucar book because is very complete understandable and very interesting if you like soccer.
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fowleyes · 2 years
𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 :      21 ^_^                    ( image )
                                                               --  @inlife    
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𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 the gravity of their existence & vision lacks reception to anything . his eyes display nothing , yet he feels his world spinning , the ceilings collapsing , & the walls closing in on him . his breathing increases & there's a backdrop of continued metronome beeping faster & faster with every moment that tears into his psyche . 
reality creeps in like a lingering demon from his past & dammit it all , it looks like he's alive . he can't move a muscle , & he dares not even try . he has no idea how long it's been since he'd released the reanimation jutsu , nor why it is that he still draws breath . he is bitter & resentful in this moment  .  .  .  he was supposed to have met the ruin that would subdue his endless suffering . it's all for naught . it's all for naught . could he not , even in his moments' most suffering , be the martyr damned by sin's consequence ?
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it's not long after he wakes that a person meets his side , the needle in his hand causing mild discomfort & the smell of sanitization overwhelms his senses . the setting of the hospital clicks in his mind . he's putting pieces together , dissecting his present with each moment's passing & he feels a cold hand touch his wrist . the sensation sends goosebumps up his arms . he flinches , once , twice , & as she speaks , begins to recognize the medical - nin as one who stood at naruto's side , always fighting for sasuke , never wavering . he's shocked for awhile ; everything is still processing .
silence permeates the tension in the air that has since blossomed into extreme discomfort & upon further analysis of the room in which he lays , he hears his younger brother speak from the corner . in the fluctuations of their voices , he hears both hope & concern .
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much has passed since he's awoken , but he's certain his strength will never return to what it once was . him & sasuke have been working to recover some semblance of a relationship since the trauma of their individual burdens , shared & also , completely their own . he sits in his apartment ( devoid of much , save for the kitchen , where he spends a bulk of his time now , developing his favorite hobby ) & his brother finds himself , along with sakura , seated politely at his dining room table . 
itachi makes his way over to join them , limping , as slippers slide against wood flooring . it's the new year , so after doing his best to clean everything in his living space , he thought he'd invite them over to share some toshikoshi soba . he's glad they came , yet cannot help but feel a pang of guilt & an emptiness within his chest at the thought of a genuine family dinner .
after finding a seat among the two , the hours grow shorter with each one's passing . they've begun opening up to each other , offering sibling - like jabs , & polite sorts of teasing . itachi is still awkward with sakura , but he does his best to make her feel included . ( he never once blamed her for saving his life , despite the resentment he feels for living ) .
laughing is hard for him , often resulting in a dry cough & a subtle , yet bearable , pain in his chest . he makes sure not to do it often , so , at times , it comes across as though he's unreceptive to playful banter , or menial jokes . 
& speaking of jokes , it takes several hours before itachi saunters to his living room , noticing , as he attempts to grab a bottle of sake , an unfamiliar jar that sits upon his lamp table , with what feels like a hand written label attached . he stretches his fingers across the inked paper , feeling for the characters without making a sound .
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" いきりいんきゃ* "  it reads .
ah . so this is what's become of him . he supposes its well deserved .
though , you'd think after the slaughter of everyone you've ever loved ( with one exception ) you'd deserve far less than a holiday dinner & a douchebag jar .
he silently places ten - thousand yen within it , & offers the two a knowing smile before sliding it toward them .
he doesn't bother to guess whose idea it was .
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elegiesforshiva · 2 years
HI!!!!! firstly, i hope you have been able to sleep a bit better :( if not, i wish you more awesome cookie eating and zelda playing :) - kae pt. 1/?
i just wanted to say that when you sent out that very first ask about how lovely my messages were with all of your super cute emojis (i’m on my computer so it’s a little harder to send emojis haha) and how you would try to reply as soon as possible and just how much they meant- AHH my heart felt so full and my smile widened across my face!! you’re so cute!! i’m so happy they could provide a bit of brightness to your day. i hope they continue to provide you warmth like an infinite bonfire with toasty marshmallows ehehe you don’t ever have to apologize for taking the time you need to respond!!! (apologize appreciated, but totally not needed!!!) thank you for sharing the tidbits about your process with asks like these! i’m like that too where sometimes i just need to read it and let my brain and being sit with it and mull over it before i can properly feel up to hashing out something back. when i was reading your response to my messages and hm how do i say this - it makes me feel like i have lovely company right by my side … but through my screen LOL. i only hope that others continue to give you so much love and check in on you from time to time and continue to read your awesome stuff!!!!!! i really do appreciate from the bottom of my heart how much love you put in your response right back - from dissecting sasuke’s existence as a victim/abuser to into/sakura’s relationship. again, i just think you’re deeply intelligent, kind and in touch with your personal psyche and are able to articulate your perspective very powerfully, and it shows in the way you respond to people on your blog/in comments and through your writing! /I/ am so happy to mention all the awesome things - and there’s so many other things that i haven’t brought up, but truly Ghosts is such a gift because there’s so much to process in it, and every time i sink my teeth in it, i come out with something else entirely. sometimes i feel like i go into zombie mode but instead of saying “brains.. braaaiinnss” i just go “writing… sooo… GOOOODDDD” and i mean this in the best of ways! like it makes me truly speechless and flabbergasted LMAO again i’m SO sorry for being like “i’m so excited that you’re going to continue writing” i was silly and was just looking through the #sasusaku tag and then assumed the most recent one up was the most recent update and i had already sent my ask and was like uh oh i should scroll through the blog thoroughly to see what is ACTUALLY up - GAAAHhHHH. my apologies again about that TvT and UH HUH i mean this in the KINDEST way possible but literally you have NOTHING to thank me for. there is no patience i am giving you - i feel like not expecting anything from writers in terms of updates, etc. and being on their side when a fic might not get completed is the bare minimum and anyone who says otherwise can be sent MY way (where i will put them in fic 101 boot camp and tell them to write and hopefully by the time they’ve been booted all the way through they will realize how much time and work goes into writing for FREE. i am blowing my figurative whistle at them right now and wearing a shirt that says “kae’s fic writing bootcamp”). i could rant about how readers have no sense of empathy and only have a sense of entitlement yadayada but long story short - you’re awesome. don’t let anyone tell you otherwise - they can tell ME
i’m really sorry to hear that things aren’t so hot - and are only hot in a turd on fire kind of way. i really hope that you are able to get an apartment and get that quiet even if not to write, but just to have some peace in the palm of your hands. (as i’m typing this, i feel my heart beating and my fingers tingling as i try to put into words what i want to say - interesting. kinda freaky. kinda magical. i don’t think it’s quite how i wanna word it but this is what i’ve got). i don’t know if you believe in a higher being out there - weirdly enough i don’t either, but i as a random stranger on the internet, do promise to you that you’ll get there. There is a safe space that you belong to that you will be able to come home to, where you can sleep and meet your dreams and wake and have them walk with you. Your hopes for how i'm doing brought another big smile to my face. i’m really lucky in my life.tThere’s a lot of people that i love and i am loved by a lot of people and for the first time ever I’m really aware of that and it’s a really cool feeling. Sending all of my love right back to you - I’m blowing some kisses your way. MUAH MUAH MUAH <3 - kae pt. 10/10
I hope you know this was an absolute blast to read the first time and it’s no less great as I’m rereading. I’m sorry I definitely don’t have the time right now to give as much love as you gave me so long ago. Thank you for sending this, I need you to know I’m feeling AAAAAAALL the hugs through the screen rn, and have been since you first sent this 5 million years ago lmao. Thank you for them!!!!!!!  🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰
I hope you didn’t actually feel too bad or embarrassed, I still love hearing about how much people adore Ghosts!!! It was my absolute heart for so long and I never get tired of hearing how much people like it!!! I am really glad I could give what I did of it...thank you for loving it as much as you have, and for giving me that love directly in my ask box too...💘
Fandom culture is honestly such a ride right now?? It’s changed so much, and I want to stab western consumerism in it’s small nutsac because I know it’s contributed to a lot of the shittier parts that have been manifesting, including the entitlement of readers from fic authors like you mentioned. I really don’t know how younger creatives are keeping up with these pressures. I don’t know how anyone is. 
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *falls onto my knees and sobs* I forgot how hopeful about my life I was when I last responded to your messages.......pretty sure the crash from those turn of events is what made me wanna dig a hole and never come out of it again. Yeah, the apartment isn’t happening but thank you for the well wishes and all the sweetness though—you’re literally so obscenely kind lmao I love how fun and lighthearted your energy is in these, you’re a darling and I already know anyone who has you in their life is very lucky to. 
Thank you again for all the praises, well wishes, all the love...There was honestly so much positivity in here lmao. It really means a lot to have someone say this to me, it startles me receiving it sometimes. I want you to know I’m giving it all back tenfold!!! I genuinely find a lot of my readers from Ghosts come from a higher level of emotional intuition and processing, probably because of the heavy and dark nature of that fic, but it’s just so cool to see me moving the exact sort of people I instinctively love and admire with my work. I love the arts. I love them endlessly... Sending hugs and kisses kae!!! Sorry for less emojis this round, I’m on desktop too! And also sorry for the long ass wait, I really hope you’re doing amazing these days  💕 💞 💓 💗 💖 🥰 🥰
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blogmuahang · 5 months
"His Secret Obsession" Review: Does It Really Work?
"His Secret Obsession" Review: Does It Really Work?
In the world of relationship guides, "His Secret Obsession" by James Bauer stands out for its bold promises and unique perspective. This book claims to not only understand the male psyche but to provide women with the tools to transform their relationships for the better. In this review, I'll dissect the book's main ideas, its practical applications, and ultimately, whether it lives up to its hype.
Introduction to "His Secret Obsession review"
"His Secret Obsession" explores what James Bauer calls the "Hero Instinct"—a primal drive in men that supposedly surpasses even their basic needs for love and sex. According to Bauer, triggering this instinct is the key to securing a man's love and devotion. The book is tailored primarily for women and focuses on tactics they can use to improve their relationships with men.
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The Hero Instinct Explained
The concept of the Hero Instinct is intriguing and forms the core of Bauer's thesis. He describes this instinct as a biological drive, much like hunger or thirst, that compels men to act in a way that makes them feel essential to their partner. The Hero Instinct is about feeling valued, respected, and needed. Bauer suggests that when this instinct is properly triggered, men become emotionally available and deeply committed to their relationships.
Structure and Content of the Book
"His Secret Obsession" is structured into two main sections. The first part delves into the psychology behind the Hero Instinct, explaining why it's critical to a man’s emotional fulfillment. The second part of the book is more practical and is designed as a step-by-step guide, complete with phrases, texts, and actionable strategies that women can use to activate this instinct in their partners.
Some of the strategies highlighted include:
The Secret Signal: A word or phrase that can instantly change how a man perceives you.
The X-ray Question: A non-invasive question that helps you delve deeper into a man's thoughts and desires.
The Private Island: A technique that makes a man see you as his only and ideal partner.
These techniques are based on psychological principles that aim to enhance communication and foster a deeper connection between partners.
Personal Trial and Effectiveness
To gauge the effectiveness of these strategies, I applied some of them in my own relationship. Using "The Secret Signal," I noticed a subtle but noticeable shift in how my partner interacted with me. There was a renewed interest and a deeper level of engagement in our daily conversations. While this did not transform our relationship overnight, it certainly enhanced the emotional intimacy between us.
Pros and Cons
Insightful: The book offers a fresh perspective on male emotional responses.
Actionable Advice: Bauer provides specific, actionable tactics rather than general advice.
Engaging and Accessible: The book is well-written, making complex psychological concepts easy to understand.
Narrow Audience: Primarily targets heterosexual women and may not resonate with or be applicable to everyone.
Potential for Misuse: Some might view the manipulation of psychological triggers as unethical.
No Guarantees: As with any relationship advice, results can vary widely depending on individual circumstances.
Final Verdict
"His Secret Obsession" is certainly an engaging read filled with interesting insights into the male psyche. The strategies, while requiring careful and ethical implementation, can potentially lead to more fulfilling and resilient relationships. However, readers should approach this book with the understanding that no guide can offer a one-size-fits-all solution to relationship issues.
For those struggling in their romantic lives or simply curious about a new approach to understanding men, "His Secret Obsession" offers valuable tools and concepts. It is not just a manual but a comprehensive discussion on fostering love and respect in relationships, making it a worthwhile read for those committed to relationship improvement.
In conclusion, "His Secret Obsession" provides compelling content that, when used responsibly, can positively impact your relational dynamics. Whether these changes are minor enhancements or significant transformations, this book promises to offer a deeper understanding of what drives men in relationships.
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“A Journey to Love”, is it really a feminist drama? 
The Chinese drama, "A Journey to Love," recently debuted, earning a commendable 7.5/10 on Douban, one of China's most strict review platforms. This score typically signifies a show worth watching. However, having watched half of its 20 episodes, I was surprised by its high rating.
The main characters, Ren Ruyi and Ning Yuanzhou, are portrayed as skilled spies from neighboring warring states proficient in military skills, bravery, and strategy. Despite the efforts to make female characters shout slogans of "power and career" and oppose hopeless romantic or being lovesick, the show falls short of truly expressing female consciousness and challenging gender norms.
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It is far from deepening the theme of having female characters complete the things and words men do and say in our traditional stereotype. For example, Ren Ruyi physically pinned Ning Yuanzhou to the floor and forced him to have a baby.
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In the fragmented scenes, the heroine appears to become the active initiator of an act, but she does not take ownership of progressing the narrative. For example, she wants to get close to Ning Yuanzhou, so she actively asks others about Ning’s hobbies. Ning likes sweets, so Ren buys candy for him. As an audience, I cannot understand why Ren likes and pleases the male protagonist. The female characters, in my opinion, are still engaging in stereotypical behaviors without clear motivations.
When Ning talks about Ren to his friend, the subtext is all about sympathy for Ren. In his perspective, Ren is showing her love in a clumsy way, mimicking the traditional way a man shows his love to a woman. There were many moments where I felt the episode was dissecting the world of the male psyche to see how understanding and accepting they were of the female characters. For example, it's the male protagonist who guides the female character to think about why she wants children. The playwright then uses this concern and guidance to write about reasons the women to love men more deeply. This instead emphasizes the women's dependence on the men and reinforces the gender power dynamic.
In essence, the emergence of female roles in "A Journey to Love" appears more as an imitation than a subversion of traditional male roles in a patriarchal society.
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
The Danger of Black Magic; Its Not What You Think ~ Aligning with Greater Realities & Healing, Being 3D - 5D
The 3D magic like anything on our planet experience and expression is dependent upon what level of consciousness you work in and are in, and what intention focus and when most are unhealed, false spiritualists that do such take great heed on what and how you act upon energy -
we have been offering the danger of playing in dark and black magic with Mal-intent and yet sell it as 'calling in your ex' to making someone pay for what they did to you - and all is however it is worded; is 'interference' and obviously not honouring free will, any of the Right Use of Free Will for anyone and also calling in equal energy to use for their own divine lessons and learning
such offering; and the underground cults are movements all over our planet from the entertainment industry to much more - and how to discern your way to feel what is right and what is light and to truly reclaim your power, light, energy for that you do not fall into anyones scam, scheme nor ever buy into or fall into such - you will sense it, your teams will tell you in dreams, and meditations and sychronicities to learn the lessons of giving your power away and what you deem as human value and self worth and sense of self - and choose yourself, your own light and take commandmentship of it
The danger of such; as mentioned before and why I supposed I went through what I did, to help awaken anyone that so desires to simply discern and in doing he inner work, creating a self design, writing a sense of self with spirit, alliance with spirit, then one will fend off such selfish tactics; some practioners simply don't care, and heed not and do not even know about ascension cycles nor do they care about the physical health, or imbalance, or mental instability anyone is dealing with
for ex; say someone is going through a dark night of the soul as a part of their ascension cycle and intention to heal - and all the while a gang of selfish false spiritualist and greedy groups that target, recruit such light beings, or family members to use for their money or stability or creative ideas, or life force, and such is being through intention alone - 'occult crime' and punishable by law, and in such every persons ascension cycle will have very dark moments to harmonize and try to dissect and understand and then you have a sect of selfish beings completely ignorant to the dangers they engage in, and send the innocent person, moving through a truly dark phase of healing, while running a home with kids, and full time job, and hanging by a thread to maintaIn, then feels the impalement of chaos spells, root work, death magic, and poverty and blockage spells compounding on what I just mentioned and then having to walk around life as if you are feeling 'a ok'
Do you see the profound danger and why we have seen such sad cases going unresolved for centuries in this sad illusion of dark vs light - and it is all the same thing - but the higher consciousness you have one would never choose such - for all is and will be returned for every guide working and the higher realms and beings will know every action that we've taken part in and what level integrity each work within -  © 
The Healing Side of all challenge and deep darkness - it occurs in subtle and profound ways from brainwashing religions and sects of power hungry ego leaders to the systems we employ and give our resources, time, and power to and all are very damaging to our psyche and sense of self which is our birthright to hold in the most high and self love our way into unity and wholeness -  © 
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This is my story and I am here to bring such to the fore and be a part of the clearing, the alchemizing and helping others find their way out of such damaging sects, parties, or groups, and behaviours that are not even a part of such just what occurs when one chooses to behave from the wound and not the heart - all is purposeful - and very real -
This video is not for the faint at heart and she pulls no punches and speaks for the brass of many that have been taken advantage of again and again and says it like it is - but her accounts in this reading with exception of the sex part is bang on what I experienced year after year - and I am and will continue to heal from;
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All is unnecessary - such never ever had to occur - so how may we learn and be of higher compassion for the wounded child within and facing our choices, and feelings, emotions and accountability?
I have compassion for all involved. For I know the wounds and feel as an empath what one must feel within to do such and try to take and scheme from 1 person over and over - I pray for all in such feeling of lack and my heart will continue to shine and share light of anyone that has gone through what I did and any child that is taken advantage of for their innocence and bodies, and light - it is unnecessary and far more damaging than one could ever know  © 
We are better and higher than this - we can heal this - this is our story and our birthright - our values and our worthiness begin now!
All are learning and growing in maturity of energies however those that have stalked such light workers for years - and have known and been shown for years and have been offering and praying and telling to 'stop' for years and what they had gained for years is now seeing the tower moments we had portended years ago - and now most are seeing, sensing, and hearing of the towers associated with any sect of sacrifices, secret underground non-transparency actions of recruiting light ones or tracking and stalking the vulnerable and or those in entertainment and so on -  © 
Such energetic, witch, warlock, magic stories are eons old and it is far more talked about as wounds, new enlightenment learnings and teachings and how to stay in alignment with good energetic practices and all resides in your intention and 'do unto others as you wish to be treated' it all begins with sense of self and self value - all will return ~ It is time to change the story of us/ them, dark, light, and win or loose - it is time for Oneness - these stories are so unnecessary - all beings in the world of energy and chooses to be of leadership, healing, and teaching, know that you will be tested to seek out higher and better practices for yourself and those you desire to serve - when you set your own ego aside and fully be guided through and with spirit -
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There will be times in which you cannot offer anything but holding space, or pulling your energy back and sometimes, spirit will say 'allow them to find their way' and so being guided by your higher self is so very key and why in our future such false spiritualists doing such harmful work will simply not be around - they will have learned and grown into new and higher vibrating work with spirit and alignment with the highest heavens - (nothing to do with religion)
Most that do such, do not follow universal laws and nor do they align with their higher self and guides and if they did, no guide would ever advise anyone to interfere and harm or create such - they simply would not - therefore anyone doing such, promoting such, be it a love spell to bring another back, or force another with you or block another is interference - and thus not in alignment of healing, dharma, but all is karma and all involved will be receiving equal of their part - for all is basic human rights  © 
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This reader holds no punches and says it like it is, and on point to much of what I experienced and none and few will ever know what I experienced in years of abuse; mental, emotional, and spiritual -
All is coming forth so that all can heal - and none can heal if there is no accountability and unfortunately some will not be accountable until more truths unveil more will feel safe, secure, and heard and valued for their stories, their plight that has gone on for the most part ignored by systems and social structures because it is unseen and not as visible as a bruise or broken bone; but is still profoundly damaging ~ I still work on my healing daily, my sensitivities to the past, healing with the highest teams at night, and PTSD is still a part of my functioning I work at moving beyond and healing;
The grateful appreciation I have for more and more people becoming aware and discerning what they have also been through in mental, emotional and other forms of familial dysfunction and abuse, trauma's that stay with us until we choose to heal and transform;
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I am grateful for my own sense of self that I had to work so diligently daily and hourly at returning to strengthening and felt so uncertain most of the time - for this timeline is my first ascension in human form and while working through my shadow aspects, inner child wounding, I also had profound darkness and magic, root, and spell work that compounded and empaths, crystal child, and conduits ability to sense and work through - so consider that - © 
I know what energy is and how to help others and why this case of abuse of power, abuse of gifts and talents meant to be used for healing others and our collective and also allowed me to truly call in my own sacredness of my life force and remaining celibate for 12 years was a great part of being able to heal in the way I did -  © 
self value, sense of self, self honour - this is writing your own sovereignty and claiming self power and self knowing is the most profound key to all movement forth through ascension
Each and every person is meant to clear the way ; from past choices and ill will or even in speaking ill of your own self - all have to re-program in every way - of who we choose to be, and how to express ourselves - and how we choose as divine beings to connect and live as spirit fully aligned and those that are able to be fully self governing -
All is purposeful and all is a lesson for all in our social collective
The damage is not necessary and that has been our highest messages
It takes bold knowing to account for your past - even if it is messy - it is a powerful thing - and more and more are going forth and claiming your own life and standing in peace and higher knowing to surrender to spirit and be of good light life and God will be of the peaceful way - sanding in yourself and be authentic and loving you is all that is needed to make and create a successful life - even if for years none believe or have your back - the Alliance with Light will! © 
Blessings and light
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~  © 
Email me at [email protected]
Human - omni- evolution, re-writing all aspects of our co-creative experiences through love, light, harmony of all that is sacred, always been sacred; World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write ~
DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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I don't need anyone to partner with me for me to succeed; I have been on my own for over 16years in my business and none have been co-creators with me beside that of spirit and anyone speaking of such is not of truth - those that have taken from me, know who and how to make it right from all that has been taken and how y'all taken advantage of me - (talk to my lawyer and return monies withheld and truth of what has been shadow banned, taken, and copied)
I do not need a pose or a group, or anyone to walk with me, I am not a choice that has to be put on a pro's and cons list, or flipping a coin, or being a 3rd, 5th party when I can have success all on my own - and y'all know that - so I will not accept, nor even allow in what is false and fake offers only for selfish gain and greed to come in only when the getting is good and some see me as true - when I have been struggling for years and years and hearing 2nd hand on all the looser stories many made of me -
Just because you have a story or want or need of what I am or what you think you want of me, or need of me, my story is my story and I will choose who will sit with me - I choose new energy and new souls - the past is closed and the doors will be forever closed. Damage done and please go heal. we are not aligned.
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all is lessons and somehow all will be healed - each by those that made such choices and words, for my levels up happened a while ago - and I will not stand down to what is truth and how foolish actions and behaviours truly do harm - and none deserve to be on the floor barely surviving due to selfish warlocks that want to own, control, and make others a part of their ego-stroking groupie tribe - selfishness and woundings needs accountability -
Seek thy lawyer - that is the door in - otherwise - my email is in the box below and if there is no truth it will go right to spam and that is Spirit filtering out the selfish and greedy gamers - y'all be told!
Go within and heal! Know thyself!
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alexandjacqui · 3 years
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I wrote the prompt for this entry already knowing what I wanted to write about and yet almost a year has passed and I still refused to complete it. Is there irony in that? A temporary placeholder, stalling for as long as possible as if to stretch something into permanence. Unfortunately things rarely work out that way. I don’t feel particularly creative or inspired at the moment so this will be a bit drab but I do want to write.
I wrote that prompt because I felt stuck. I may not remember exactly what about but I think I have stumbled upon another moment of feeling stuck and I quite despite them. I hate the idea of always pursuing the next thing incessantly without pause, waiting for things to get better or different or changed. The human psyche adapts so readily and so quickly to changes that the hunger becomes insatiable and so it’s all a bit silly really. I feel like I’m waiting for my life to begin. As if once I achieve the next thing I will be reignited and propelled across my life’s journey as originally mapped out. Why not just reignite now, enjoy now? One day I will look upon these days fondly, nostalgically, perhaps regretfully at my naïveté. Can’t help it. Want more, want the next. Don’t get me wrong I like now, too. There’s plenty to like about now. Still feel like I’m waiting though. I don’t want to tread or thrust ahead—I want to feel okay to float.
This could all be more eloquent but maybe I’ll revisit it one day (I probably won’t). Fingers crossed my writers block is a temporary one and not permanent hm.
Edit: I’ve decided to copy and paste an entry from my old English course where I wrote about dreams because I quite like some of the metaphors I used and I’d like to have this somewhere to look at again and I think it’s also relevant to this prompt in a different way.
Catching Fog
My boyfriend and I have a routine where we wake up and tell each other our dreams. We don’t do it every time because not every dream lingers long enough to be committed to words and not every day affords the luxury to lie in bed contemplating the meanderings of a restless mind. But we do it sometimes.
Our dreams are usually a bit different. He dreams he’s surrounded by glass walls in a room half submerged in the ocean, where thunderous gray skies and violent waves threaten to swallow him whole. I dream I’m surrounded by glass walls in a poorly designed toilet stall. We waste time and laugh, finding ways to dissect meaning from them all.
If not for this practice, I think I’d forget most--if not all--of my dreams. Memory’s slippery like that, especially for things your brain has deemed unimportant. There’s debate over exactly how memory works, but the one I’m most inclined to believe is the model that conceptualizes memory as a network of related ideas. The things that are more closely related sit closer together in this network. The act of remembering something launches branches of activation across strongly related ideas, spreading thin until you're at the very edge of your mind’s tangents.
There’s also a theory that we never truly forget anything. It’s a romantic thought until you get to the heart of it. The mind prioritizes information that gets the most utility and downregulates the things that don’t. The moments we can’t seem to remember are lost somewhere between tangles of neurons, stubbornly refusing to activate enough to light the right path.
I have a hard time writing stories because I can’t seem to remember what I want to remember. And for this, I feel guilty. I’m frustrated with how days and years blur into a muddy background we’ve titled the “past” and keep locked away in dusty storage. I’m sorry I’ve forgotten you, I say outside a sealed door.
Once in a while, my mind taunts me with traces of them. Like at night, when the air is raw and chilled and the breeze carries the fragrance of little white jasmine flowers, I’m suddenly seven years old again with the warmth of the sun washing over my skin. I am bubbling over with an eager anticipation, holding hands and peering up at my grandma. And just as quickly, the moment passes and my grip on it is lost. I wrestle my mind and press for more. What did she look like? What did she say? Where were we going? I can try to retrieve the memory again but it's never quite the same. Empty gaps stretch long and desolate between fragmented recollections. Although subconscious and unintentional, I blame myself for leaving these memories behind.
There are times where I catch myself glimpsing of a future where I remember the present as well as I remember a dream. It’s foggy and misshapen, without all the acridity that gives reality its vibrant color. But I’ll tell you about these dreams, and maybe, at least, we can still laugh about them together.
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starsweepers · 1 year
...i wanted to challenge myself. listing my muses in order of who i love most and who is most fun to play. by oc and canons. you can ignore this, i just did this for fun.
most fun to play canons in order:
nari ( most flexibility and able to do more than my animal muses )
mittens ( such good, dramatic plots, her threads actually vary )
red ( same as mittens but slightly harder due to fighting her awful canon and then being selectively mute )
pipp ( i just have fallen in love with her personality and she's flexible including her human verse )
georgette ( she is SO FUN, that personality, and it spices up her threads )
fei fei ( flexible, lots to work with post movie )
misty ( lower than fei fei mainly because i'm still figuring her out, no human verse yet, and so mlp tends to be difficult to slot sometimes )
lady ( she's only so low because honestly 95% of her threads are the same thing... i adore her but her threads can get boring )
olaf ( honestly just when i'm in a mischievous mood, he is THE BEST )
lottie and chang'e ( honestly they're kind of the same in a way. lottie is only private because people request her a lot and her threads got boring real fast )
faline ( only because she's so tricky to put in most situations )
most beloved canons in orderish:
lady and mittens ( i've never delved into films as much as theirs to dissect as much as i could. they're tied because while lady is my longest ever fave dis muse, mittens is incredibly important to me )
georgette and lottie and pipp ( spoiled girls who actually can be good hearted? super important to me like there's so much more to them )
nari ( i think the story that should have happened for her is very intriguing and good to know... she's a story of family love but also family abuse )
olaf ( ....idk i just love a snowman )
misty ( she needs love... )
fei fei ( what a gOOD STORY )
red ( she's only low because her actual canon sucks and i'm not 500% confident in the story i made for her. i have a lot of thoughts and feelings for her but compared to the others, she as a character isn't as high )
chang'e ( she's a bit expected. but really love the delve into the movie version of her and learning to move on )
faline ( ....she's just cute but as a character not too deep )
most fun ocs to play in order:
dawn ( her backstory may be simple but she as a character is more complex than she looks, and she's a challenge because as someone completely abled, i have to remember and think about the world through her condition )
laila ( she's spicy like idk how else to explain )
grayson ( very spicy )
piper and faith ( honestly they're just opposite ends of the spectrum. but both complex. i just really enjoy their psyches )
brent ( his story and world is exciting and intriguing. he's lower only because males are a bit tricky for me and so his muse is finicky at times )
andi and sasha ( still figuring them out! )
most beloved ocs in orderish:
dawn and laila ( i can't explain i just. them. my two longest running ocs on this blog )
piper ( my oldest oc ever... at least that is still in use )
faith ( like?? the cutest? )
gray ( i think about him a lot but he's not quite perfect )
brent ( he's only lower because he was developed with the intent to work in a world. molly was actually meant to be the main muse but he ended up working out better. i adore him, but i'm pickier with him )
sasha and andi ( same as above. they're new, still figuring them out, they're fun but not quite that special to me yet )
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