#intricacies of social interactions around doors
akl-sketch · 1 year
How Men Have Reacted When I (A Woman) Holds the Door for Them (A Study)
- regular joe: walks through with no comment.
- general greg: says a quick thanks as they walk through
- courteous: says thank you upon entry, leaves me with a smile.
- burdened: there is relief in his voice as his arms are full and he is thankful someone was able to recognize that and assist him with the door.
- surprised: was not expecting door to be held for them, surprise is audible in their voice - the door should be held more for these gents.
- short pause: as though they're taken aback but ultimately enter.
- long pause: as though they're struggling with their conscience but my phrase of "it's all good" or "I'm already here" pushes them through.
- attempted takeover: they try a reverse uno card of putting their hand on the door to hold it for me but as I'm already at the handle and out of the way it's an unnecessary attempt that slows traffic more.
- stalemate: they stop short of going through and gesture for me to go first even if their hands are full - I say "I'm already here!" Or "I've got it for you" But alas, they refuse to accept my offer. I end up entering first in order to avoid holding up traffic.
- that one old man: the response "the lady should go through the door first" stalls out the interaction "that's alright I'm already here" "no you have to go first" "no really it's fine it's already open I've got it for you" by this point the societal pressure of how long this is interaction wore on me and eyes may have rolled as I went through the door (first, despite having been holding the door).
- double door stalemate: when encountering two sets of doors in a row there is an occasional issue of holding open one set of doors while they open the other set of doors and then you're both gesturing at each other to enter - this usually ends in a laugh and quick location exchange as to not dismiss the generosity of the other.
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10 Ways Learning Spanish Can Enrich Your Life and Expand Your Horizons
Introduction: Learning a new language is not just about acquiring a practical skill; it's about embarking on a journey of personal growth, cultural discovery, and global connection. Spanish, with its rich linguistic heritage and widespread usage, offers a multitude of opportunities to enrich your life and broaden your horizons. In this essay, we'll explore ten ways learning Spanish can transform your life and open doors to new experiences, connections, and perspectives.
Cultural Immersion: Learning Spanish immerses you in a vibrant tapestry of culture, art, and traditions spanning centuries and continents. From the colorful festivals of Latin America to the Moorish architecture of Spain, Spanish-speaking countries boast a rich cultural heritage that captivates and inspires. By learning Spanish, you gain access to a world of literature, music, cuisine, and customs that deepen your appreciation for the diversity of human expression and experience.
Travel Adventures: Proficiency in Spanish enhances your travel experiences by enabling you to engage with locals, navigate unfamiliar terrain, and immerse yourself fully in the sights, sounds, and flavors of Spanish-speaking countries. Whether you're exploring the historic streets of Havana, trekking through the Andean highlands of Peru, or lounging on the beaches of Costa Rica, speaking Spanish opens doors to authentic interactions and memorable adventures wherever you go.
Career Opportunities: In today's globalized economy, bilingualism is an invaluable asset that can boost your career prospects and open doors to new opportunities. Spanish proficiency is particularly prized in industries such as international business, tourism, healthcare, education, and diplomacy, where the ability to communicate with Spanish-speaking clients, patients, students, or counterparts can give you a competitive edge and advance your career trajectory.
Personal Connections: Learning Spanish allows you to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and forge meaningful relationships that transcend linguistic and cultural barriers. Whether you're chatting with a new friend over café con leche in Madrid or sharing stories with a local family in rural Argentina, speaking Spanish fosters empathy, understanding, and camaraderie, creating bonds that enrich your life and broaden your perspective.
Intellectual Stimulation: Mastering Spanish challenges your mind and stimulates cognitive function in ways that extend far beyond language skills. From navigating the intricacies of grammar and vocabulary to engaging in lively debates and discussions, learning Spanish exercises your brain and enhances critical thinking, problem-solving, and memory retention. These cognitive benefits not only improve your language proficiency but also sharpen your overall cognitive abilities and mental agility.
Global Citizenship: Spanish is more than just a language; it's a global medium of communication that connects people from diverse cultures and backgrounds around the world. By learning Spanish, you become part of a global community of Spanish speakers who share a common language and heritage, fostering cross-cultural understanding, cooperation, and solidarity. Whether you're advocating for social justice, environmental conservation, or human rights, speaking Spanish amplifies your voice and empowers you to make a positive impact on the world.
Artistic Inspiration: Spanish-speaking countries have produced some of the world's most celebrated artists, musicians, writers, and filmmakers whose works reflect the beauty, complexity, and diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. From the magical realism of Gabriel García Márquez to the soul-stirring music of Buena Vista Social Club, Spanish-language artistry inspires and resonates with audiences around the globe. By learning Spanish, you gain access to this rich cultural legacy and draw inspiration from its creative expression and artistic innovation.
Personal Growth: Learning Spanish is not just about acquiring a new skill; it's about embarking on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and lifelong learning. Whether you're mastering the intricacies of grammar, expanding your vocabulary, or honing your conversational fluency, every step of your language learning journey challenges you to step outside your comfort zone, embrace new experiences, and cultivate resilience, adaptability, and perseverance.
Heritage Preservation: Spanish is a language steeped in history, shaped by centuries of cultural exchange, conquest, and migration. By learning Spanish, you contribute to the preservation and celebration of this rich linguistic heritage, ensuring that future generations have access to the language, literature, and traditions that define Spanish-speaking cultures. Whether you're reclaiming your ancestral roots or embracing a new cultural identity, speaking Spanish connects you to a legacy that transcends borders and spans generations.
Lifelong Learning Adventure: Ultimately, learning Spanish is an adventure that enriches your life and opens doors to endless possibilities. Whether you're embarking on a language immersion program in Spain, attending a local Spanish conversation group, or practicing your language skills with online resources and language exchange partners, every step of your journey brings new discoveries, insights, and joys. By embracing the challenge of learning Spanish, you embark on a lifelong learning adventure that transforms you in ways you never imagined possible.
Conclusion: In conclusion, learning Spanish offers a multitude of ways to enrich your life, expand your horizons, and connect with the world around you. From cultural immersion and travel adventures to career opportunities and personal growth, mastering Spanish opens doors to new experiences, connections, and perspectives that broaden your understanding of the world and enrich your journey through life. So, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned language learner, ¡vamos! What are you waiting for? Start your Spanish language adventure today and discover the endless rewards that await you.
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nestaboardimmigration · 2 months
Exploring New Skylines: The Job of an Immigration Advisor in Your Excursion
Leaving on the way to another life in an alternate nation is a groundbreaking choice that accompanies a bunch of difficulties and open doors. In such huge undertakings, the direction of an Immigration Consultant becomes important. This blog investigates the multi-layered job of an Immigration Advisor, revealing insight into the mastery they offer that would be useful and the irreplaceable help they give to people and families exploring the intricacies of immigration.
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The Meaning of Immigration Consultants
A Signal in the Immigration Scene
The domain of immigration is perplexing, set apart by steadily evolving approaches, broad administrative work, and fluctuating prerequisites across various nations. An Immigration Specialist fills in as a signal in this scene, offering master direction to people trying to move because of reasons going from schooling and work to family reunification or a new beginning in another climate.
Exploring Lawful Intricacies
One of the essential obligations of an Immigration Advisor is to explore the legitimate intricacies of immigration systems. They keep up to date with continually developing immigration regulations, guaranteeing that candidates are all around educated and in consistence with the most recent guidelines. Whether it's figuring out visa classes, qualification rules, or documentation necessities, an Immigration Advisor's ability is instrumental in smoothing out the cycle.
Administrations Presented by Immigration Consultants
Customized Interviews
Each individual's immigration process is extraordinary, formed by unmistakable conditions and goals. Immigration Consultant offer customized interviews, finding opportunity to figure out the particular necessities and objectives of every client. This customized approach guarantees that the exhortation gave adjusts what is happening, boosting the possibilities of a fruitful immigration result.
Application Planning and Accommodation
The careful planning of immigration applications is a foundation of an Immigration Expert's job. From social event the important archives to finishing application shapes precisely, they guide candidates through the whole cycle. Guaranteeing that all parts of the application are all together fundamentally decreases the gamble of postponements or dismissals.
Contact with Immigration Specialists
Immigration Consultants go about as middle people among candidates and immigration specialists. They liaise with government organizations, department workplaces, and other significant bodies in the interest of their clients. This immediate correspondence smoothes out the interaction, tending to inquiries instantly and working with a smoother movement of the application.
Post-Accommodation Backing
The help given by Immigration Consultants stretches out past the accommodation of uses. They help clients in getting ready for interviews, give refreshes on application status, and deal direction on extra advances required. This thorough emotionally supportive network facilitates the nerves related with the holding up period and guarantees that clients are educated at each stage.
Advantages of Drawing in an Immigration Expert
Mastery in Different Visa Classes
Immigration Consultants have some expertise in a wide cluster of visa classifications, enveloping understudy visas, work visas, family sponsorship, and the sky is the limit from there. Their extensive information permits them to direct clients towards the most appropriate visa choice in view of their particular conditions and objectives.
Improved Odds of coming out on top
Exploring immigration techniques freely can be overwhelming and is frequently filled with traps. Immigration Consultant fundamentally upgrade the odds of coming out on top by utilizing their skill to address likely difficulties and guarantee that applications satisfy the expected guidelines.
Time and Stress Investment funds
The many-sided nature of immigration methods requests time and meticulousness. By entrusting the interaction to an Immigration Advisor, people can save time and lighten the pressure related with taking care of mind boggling desk work and fulfilling rigid time constraints.
The Advancing Scene of Worldwide Versatility
Coronavirus Effect on Immigration
The worldwide scene of immigration has seen eminent shifts, particularly because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Immigration Consultants play had a urgent impact in exploring these changes, giving clients refreshed data on movement limitations, quarantine conventions, and acclimations to immigration strategies.
The Ascent of Remote Work Visas
With the standardization of remote work, a few nations have acquainted explicit visas with draw in people who can work from anyplace. Immigration Consultant are instrumental in directing clients through the subtleties of these arising visa classifications, guaranteeing that telecommuters can jump all over global chances.
Picking the Right Immigration Specialist
Qualifications and Certification
While choosing an Immigration Expert, confirming their certifications and accreditation is fundamental. Respectable consultants are many times individuals from proficient bodies and stick to a set of rules that focuses on moral practices and client secrecy.
History of Achievement
A demonstrated history of effective immigration cases is areas of strength for an of an Immigration Expert's capability. Client tributes, surveys, and references can offer bits of knowledge into their capacity to actually explore different immigration situations.
Straightforward Charge Construction
A moral Immigration Specialist keeps up with straightforwardness in their expense structure, furnishing clients with a reasonable comprehension of the expenses in question. Clear correspondence with respect to charges, installment timetables, and discount strategies is critical for laying out a reliable relationship.
End: Sustaining Dreams, Working with Excursions
In the domain of worldwide portability, an Immigration Specialist is in excess of an aide through desk work; they are planners of dreams, sustaining goals and working with extraordinary excursions. As people and families look to investigate new skylines, these consultants stand as mainstays of help, offering skill, direction, and a pathway to a more promising time to come. Whether the objective is to seek after training, advance a vocation, or rejoin with friends and family, the job of an Immigration Expert remaining parts crucial in exploring the complex and developing scene of global immigration.
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eternal3d2d · 3 months
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bitman-law · 4 months
Unveiling the Power of Bitman Influencer Counsel in the Digital Era
In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital world, influencers have become the driving force behind trends, shaping opinions, and influencing consumer behavior. Among the myriad of influencers, Bitman has emerged as a trailblazer, offering unique insights and counsel that transcend traditional marketing strategies. In this era of rapid technological advancements, the Bitman Influencer Counsel stands out as a beacon for brands seeking to navigate the complexities of the digital marketplace.
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Bitman, often recognized as a thought leader in the digital space, provides invaluable counsel to influencers, marketers, and businesses looking to harness the power of social media and digital platforms. Let's delve into the key elements that make Bitman's Influencer Counsel a game-changer in the dynamic world of online influence.
Navigating the Digital Landscape:
Bitman's counsel is grounded in a profound understanding of the ever-changing digital landscape. With platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter constantly evolving, influencers need strategic guidance to stay relevant and engage with their audience effectively. Bitman's insights help influencers navigate algorithm changes, emerging trends, and audience preferences, ensuring sustained growth and impact.
Authenticity and Transparency:
One of Bitman's core principles revolves around authenticity and transparency. In an era where consumers crave genuine connections, influencers must cultivate trust with their audience. Bitman emphasizes the importance of transparent communication, genuine interactions, and maintaining an authentic online persona. This approach not only builds stronger relationships with followers but also enhances the influencer's credibility in the eyes of brands.
Data-Driven Decision Making:
In the digital age, data is king. Bitman encourages influencers to leverage analytics and insights to make informed decisions. From understanding audience demographics to tracking engagement metrics, influencers armed with data can refine their content strategies for maximum impact. Bitman's counsel includes guidance on utilizing data tools effectively, ensuring that influencers stay ahead of the curve in the competitive digital landscape.
Collaborations and Partnerships:
Bitman recognizes the power of collaborations and partnerships in expanding an influencer's reach. Influencers are advised on how to choose brand partnerships that align with their values and resonate with their audience. Strategic collaborations not only boost an influencer's credibility but also open doors to new audiences and revenue streams. Bitman's counsel helps influencers navigate the intricacies of brand partnerships, fostering mutually beneficial relationships.
Evolving Content Strategies: The digital space demands constant innovation in content creation. Bitman encourages influencers to experiment with various content formats, from short-form videos to long-form storytelling. Keeping up with emerging content trends, such as interactive content and immersive experiences, ensures that influencers capture and retain audience attention. Bitman's counsel empowers influencers to adapt their content strategies to the ever-changing preferences of their audience.
Building Resilience and Mental Well-being:
Beyond the metrics and algorithms, Bitman places a significant emphasis on the mental well-being of influencers. The pressures of maintaining a public persona and dealing with online scrutiny can take a toll. Influencers are guided on how to build resilience, manage stress, and strike a healthy balance between their online and offline lives. Bitman believes that influencers who prioritize their mental well-being are better equipped to create meaningful and sustainable content.
Bitman's Influencer Counsel serves as a beacon for influencers navigating the intricate digital landscape. By focusing on authenticity, data-driven decision-making, strategic collaborations, evolving content strategies, and mental well-being, Bitman empowers influencers to thrive in the dynamic world of online influence. As the digital era continues to evolve, Bitman remains at the forefront, providing counsel that transcends trends and fosters enduring success for influencers and brands alike.
For more info:-
Bitman Law
Bitman O'Brien & Morat
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harish2003 · 5 months
CEC Best Colleges In Hyderabad
In the dynamic landscape of commerce, economics, and civics, the journey of education plays a pivotal role in shaping the minds of individuals. At CMS for CA College, we understand the significance of the CEC (commerce, economics, civics) life and its impact on the overall development of students. As we reflect on the valuable lessons gained from this educational trinity, it becomes evident that the skills acquired during CEC courses are indispensable in navigating the complexities of the modern world.
Navigating Commerce’s Complexities Unveiling the Foundations of Financial Acumen.
The Commerce stream, a cornerstone of our academic offerings, opens doors to a realm of knowledge that goes beyond the balance sheets and profit margins. Students immersed in commerce education at CMS for CA College not only grasp the intricacies of financial transactions but also cultivate a strategic mindset essential for decision-making in the business world. The journey through commerce courses equips individuals with a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, economic policies, and financial systems, laying a robust foundation for their future endeavors. Looking for Best Junior Colleges In Hyderabad For CEC! CMS FOR CA is the only place to look, Our institute offers the BEST CEC Coaching.
Economics as a Lens Analyzing the World Through Informed Perspectives.
Economics, a discipline intertwined with the fabric of society, serves as a lens through which students analyze the world around them. The CEC life at CMS for CA College delves deep into economic theories, principles, and their real-world applications. As students explore the nuances of supply and demand, macroeconomic policies, and global economic trends, they develop a critical thinking ability that extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. The insights gained from economics courses are invaluable, empowering individuals to comprehend the intricacies of economic systems and make informed decisions in a constantly evolving global landscape. Looking for Junior Colleges In Hyderabad For CEC! CMS FOR CA is the only place to look, Our institute offers the BEST CEC Coaching.
Civics Education Fostering Responsible Citizenship and Social Engagement.
Civics, the study of the rights and duties of citizenship, completes the triad of CEC education at CMS for CA College. Our commitment to fostering responsible and informed citizens is reflected in our civics courses, where students engage with the principles of democracy, governance, and civic responsibilities. The CEC life teaches students not only about the structure of government and legal systems but also instills a sense of civic duty and social responsibility. Through interactive learning experiences, students at CMS for CA College develop the skills needed to actively participate in civic life, contributing positively to their communities. Looking for Best Junior Colleges In Hyderabad For CEC! CMS FOR CA is the only place to look, Our institute offers the BEST CEC Coaching.
At the core of our educational philosophy is the recognition that the CEC life is not just about acquiring knowledge; it is about developing a holistic skill set that prepares individuals for success in diverse fields. The amalgamation of commerce, economics, and civics courses at CMS for CA College is designed to nurture well-rounded individuals capable of thriving in the professional arena while contributing meaningfully to society.
The lessons learned from the CEC life extend beyond textbooks and classrooms; they are a testament to the transformative power of education. As students embark on their educational journey with CMS for CA College, they gain a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of commerce, economics, and civics. The CEC courses serve as a bridge, connecting theoretical knowledge with practical applications, and equipping students with the tools needed to excel in the competitive landscape of the 21st century.
In this context, the CEC Course offered at CMS for CA College emerges as a beacon of comprehensive education. Our curriculum is meticulously crafted to encompass the breadth and depth of commerce, economics, and civics, ensuring that students graduate with a well-rounded skill set. The inclusion of targeted keywords such as “CEC Course” reflects our commitment to providing specialized education that aligns with the evolving needs of the professional landscape.
As we navigate the ever-changing currents of the global economy, the relevance of CEC education becomes increasingly apparent. The skills acquired during the CEC life at CMS for CA College are not confined to specific industries; rather, they serve as a versatile toolkit that empowers individuals to adapt and excel in a variety of professional domains. The integration of targeted keywords like “CEC Course” in our content underscores our dedication to offering courses that cater to the specific needs of students aspiring for excellence in commerce, economics, and civics.
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vidhya777 · 6 months
Expanding Business Potential: The Dynamic Impact of Digital Marketing Strategies
In the ever-evolving business landscape, the significance of digital marketing has transcended conventional boundaries, becoming a catalyst for unprecedented growth and expansion. For individuals seeking to master the intricacies of digital marketing, enrolling in a reputable Digital Marketing Course in Hyderabad becomes a pivotal step, providing essential skills and insights crucial for navigating this dynamic terrain effectively. This article delves into the transformative role of digital marketing, elucidating how it can revolutionize businesses, elevate their visibility, engage target audiences, and pave the way for sustainable success.
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Amplified Visibility and Global Reach: Digital marketing acts as a gateway, extending a brand's visibility far beyond traditional geographic constraints. Through strategic tactics such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing, businesses can seamlessly connect with a global audience, establishing a brand presence on an unprecedented scale.
Precision in Targeted Advertising: Digital marketing excels in facilitating targeted advertising, a standout advantage in reaching specific audience segments. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads empower businesses to craft highly focused campaigns, ensuring that their message resonates with the most relevant demographics. This precision significantly enhances the effectiveness of marketing endeavors.
Cost-Efficiency Redefined: Compared to traditional advertising methods, digital marketing often proves to be a more cost-effective solution. Businesses can strategically allocate their budgets, and many digital marketing channels offer the flexibility of setting daily or campaign-specific spending limits, providing financial efficiency.
Analytics Empowerment and Data-Driven Decision-Making: A pivotal advantage of digital marketing lies in the abundance of analytics and data-driven insights it provides. Through detailed metrics and analytics tools, businesses can gain profound insights into campaign performance. This data-centric approach enables informed decision-making, allowing for the continual optimization of marketing strategies for superior results.
Fostering Engagement and Interactivity: Digital marketing serves as a catalyst for fostering engagement and interaction with the audience. Platforms such as social media, email marketing, and interactive content create opportunities to build a community around the brand. Engaged customers are more likely to become loyal advocates and repeat customers, contributing significantly to business growth.
Strategic Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Establishing a robust online presence is imperative for business growth, and SEO plays a pivotal role in achieving this. By optimizing websites for search engines, businesses enhance their visibility in relevant search results, driving organic traffic and laying a solid digital foundation. Choosing the right strategies and techniques is crucial, making enrollment in the Top Digital Marketing Institute a significant differentiator.
Content Marketing Excellence: Creating valuable and relevant content stands as a cornerstone of digital marketing. Content marketing, spanning blog posts, videos, and infographics, not only attracts the target audience but also establishes the brand's authority in the industry. It builds trust and credibility, essential elements in cultivating enduring customer relationships.
Mobile Marketing Mastery: With the continued rise in smartphone usage, mobile marketing has become indispensable. Optimizing websites and content for mobile devices ensures businesses reach users who predominantly access the internet on their phones, broadening the scope of audience outreach.
E-commerce and Online Sales Empowerment: For businesses engaged in product sales, digital marketing opens doors to e-commerce opportunities. Platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce facilitate online sales, providing businesses with the capability to reach customers around the clock and diversify revenue streams.
Competitive Edge in the Digital Era: In the digital age, a robust online presence translates into a competitive advantage. Businesses proficient in leveraging digital marketing strategies are better equipped to adapt to market changes and stay ahead of the competition. It's not just about surviving but thriving in an environment where digital prowess is a defining factor of success.
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In conclusion, digital marketing emerges as a potent tool for businesses aspiring to grow, offering a cost-effective, measurable, and scalable approach to connect with their audience. A holistic digital marketing strategy, incorporating diverse channels and tactics, can propel a business towards heightened visibility, increased engagement, and sustained growth over time. Embracing the transformative power of digital marketing is not merely a choice; it's a strategic imperative for those aiming to flourish in today's fiercely competitive business landscape.
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NFT Marketing Services: A Step-by-Step Guide to Elevate Your Token's Visibility 
Welcome to the dynamic and transformative realm of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), a convergence of creativity and blockchain technology that opens unprecedented doors for creators and collectors. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey through the nuanced landscape of NFT marketing, unveiling strategies to amplify your token's visibility and strengthen its position in the market. As the digital frontier of ownership and expression expands, our step-by-step exploration promises insights to empower creators and navigate the intricacies of promoting NFTs in a landscape where each token tells a unique story and holds the potential to redefine the future of digital ownership. here is a step-by-step guideline for NFT Marketing
Step 1: Define Your NFT Project 
Embark on your NFT journey by meticulously defining your project's essence. Whether you're an artist, musician, or content creator, clarity is paramount. Identify the core theme, the narrative that threads through your collection, and the story your NFTs tell. This narrative isn't just a backdrop; it's the heartbeat of your project, resonating with potential collectors. A well-crafted story infuses your NFTs with unique value, forming the cornerstone of your marketing strategy. As you articulate the vision behind your NFTs, you not only captivate your audience but also lay the foundation for a compelling and resonant digital narrative that sets your project apart in the competitive NFT landscape. 
Step 2: Establish a Strong Online Presence 
Forge a digital footprint that resonates by constructing a robust online presence. Anchor your project with a dedicated website, a digital hub showcasing your NFT collection's essence. Engage your audience on social media powerhouses like Twitter, Instagram, and Discord, offering glimpses into the uniqueness of your NFTs. Elevate engagement through compelling content that tells the story behind each token. Actively participate in discussions, share behind-the-scenes insights, and foster a vibrant community around your project. The synergy of an interactive website and dynamic social media presence not only amplifies visibility but also transforms your NFTs into a captivating digital narrative, drawing collectors into your immersive world. 
Step 3: Leverage NFT Marketplaces 
Catapult your NFT project into the limelight by strategically leveraging prominent marketplaces such as OpenSea, Rarible, or Mintable. Seamlessly integrate your collection into these digital hubs, ensuring optimal exposure. Elevate your listings with high-quality visuals, meticulous descriptions, and strategic tags, creating an enticing showcase for potential collectors. Harness the unique features offered by these platforms to amplify discoverability, using tools such as trending sections and curated collections. By aligning with the dynamics of popular NFT marketplaces, you not only maximize your project's visibility but also position your tokens as compelling and sought-after digital assets in the thriving and competitive NFT ecosystem. 
Step 4: Engage with Niche Communities 
Step 4: Engage with Niche Communities 
Immerse yourself in the pulse of your NFT project's niche by actively engaging with like-minded communities. Identify relevant forums, Discord channels, and social media groups where your potential collectors congregate. Participate authentically in conversations, share insights, and forge genuine connections. Beyond bolstering credibility, this direct engagement expands your project's reach within the target market. By cultivating relationships with individuals passionate about your niche, you not only tap into a valuable network but also create advocates who can amplify your project's presence, fostering a sense of community and enthusiasm that transcends the digital boundaries of your NFT venture. 
Step 5: Collaborate with Influencers 
Supercharge your NFT project's visibility by forging strategic collaborations with influencers in the dynamic NFT space. Leverage the reach and resonance of influencers to introduce your project to their established audience. Choose influencers whose followers align closely with your target demographic, ensuring maximum impact and relevance. By enlisting influencers as advocates for your NFTs, you not only tap into their credibility and reach but also create a powerful avenue for your project's exposure. These collaborations become a symbiotic bridge, connecting your unique digital assets with enthusiastic communities, and fostering heightened interest and engagement in your evolving NFT narrative. 
Step 6: Implement Strategic PR Campaigns 
Step 6: Implement Strategic PR Campaigns 
Elevate your NFT project's presence with impactful PR campaigns. Skillfully craft and disseminate press releases to targeted media outlets in the NFT and blockchain sphere, narrating the compelling story behind your project. Showcase its unique features, underscore notable achievements, and emphasize collaborations. Strategic PR not only builds credibility but also garners attention from key stakeholders. By strategically positioning your NFT project in the media landscape, you fortify its narrative and draw the spotlight, establishing a solid foundation for trust and recognition within the expansive and ever-evolving realm of digital assets and blockchain innovations. 
Step 7: Host Virtual Events and Giveaways 
Infuse dynamism into your NFT project by orchestrating captivating virtual events. From live art sessions to engaging Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions, these experiences become a beacon for both your existing community and curious newcomers. Spark excitement with exclusive giveaways, enticing enthusiasts with a glimpse into your unique NFT offerings. Beyond fostering engagement, these events serve as a magnetic force, drawing in a broader audience intrigued by the immersive experiences you offer. By orchestrating memorable virtual moments, you not only deepen connections within your community but also widen the allure of your NFT project in the competitive and ever-evolving digital landscape. 
Step 8: Optimize for SEO 
Empower your NFT project's visibility with strategic SEO optimization. Infuse relevant keywords seamlessly into your website content, blog posts, and social media captions, creating a digital breadcrumb trail for potential collectors. By aligning your digital presence with commonly searched terms, you enhance the discoverability of your NFTs during online searches. This intentional optimization not only ensures that your project ranks prominently in search engine results but also facilitates a streamlined journey for enthusiasts seeking information about your unique digital assets. Harnessing the power of SEO is pivotal in navigating the expansive digital landscape and attracting a diverse audience to your NFT venture. 
As the NFT ecosystem continues to evolve, effective marketing strategies become integral to standing out in a competitive landscape. By following this step-by-step guide, you're well-equipped to navigate the world of NFT marketing services, elevating your project's visibility and fostering a community of enthusiastic collectors around your unique and valuable digital assets. 
By Tan θ Software Studio
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"Don't Look Back" and "Salesman" - analyzing the documentaries
In analyzing the documentaries "Salesman" and "Don't Look Back," directed by Albert and David Maysles and D. A. Pennebaker, I noticed that both films offer distinct yet complementary approaches to the doc genre. Despite their differences in subject matter, both documentaries share a common theme in providing glimpses into human experiences. The films don't address the lack of faith in social institutions, instead the narratives reflect broader societal themes.
"Salesman" follows the lives of door-to-door Bible salesman, who capture the struggles and disillusionments of individuals trying to make a living. The film is characterized by its observational and unobtrusive style, allowing the subjects to speak for themselves. The Maysles brothers reel the audience into the everyday challenges faced by the salesmen, creating a deeply human and empathetic portrayal. They also made the film feel more like a narrative film rather than a traditional documentary in certain shot types which I found pretty cool. I personally have never watched a documentary in black & white either. It made the viewing experience a little more interesting.
On the other hand, "Don't Look Back" offers a different documentary experience by chronicling Bob Dylan's 1965 concert tour in England. Pennebaker's film employs a more direct cinema approach, capturing candid moments of Dylan's interactions with the media, fans, and fellow musicians. The film's intimacy and rawness contribute to its distinctive style, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the iconic musician's life.
"Don't Look Back," is centered on music icon Bob Dylan. The film provides glimpses of societal attitudes towards cultural movements of the 1960s. Dylan's interactions with the media and establishment figures hint at a generational divide and the skepticism towards traditional norms. The film captures a moment of cultural change, reflecting a subtle questioning of established institutions. Richard Porton in the article says, “The film remains a Direct Cinema classic because of its unflinching, if good-humored, glimpses of the behind-the-scenes machinations of the tour” The film unveiling his vulnerabilities and complexities, the documentary deconstructs the media's carefully crafted image of Dylan, prompting viewers to recognize the persona behind the enduring icon. The film disrupts preconceived notions about fame and fosters empathy for the artist as he navigates the intricacies of the cultural landscape. “ As captivating as these concert excerpts are for Dylan fans, the film remains a Direct Cinema classic because of its unflinching, if good-humored, glimpses of the behind-the-scenes machinations of the tour–particularly Dylan’s often acrimonious exchanges with the press and his manager Albert Grossman’s wily negotiations on behalf of his client.” This quote from the article talks about how Dylan treated the press and his fans.
"Don't Look Back" and "Salesman" are very similar because they are both in black and white and have a lot of close-up shots angles to create an intimate and personal feeling with the subject. They invite audiences to connect with the shared human experience, transcending institutional failures. The authenticity of these documentaries becomes a persuasive force, as it resonates with viewers on a personal and emotional level, providing a lens through which to understand and question the world around us. These documentaries have the ability to capture the essence of the human condition, showing reflection and bringing a sense of empathy that can bridge the gaps created by societal disillusionment.
 Jordan Stewart
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The Benefits of Etiquette Classes
The value of proper etiquette cannot be stressed enough in today's fast-paced environment, where first impressions are often created in seconds. Whether you are a professional hoping to advance in your career, a parent looking to instil good manners in your child, or simply someone who values social grace, etiquette classes near me and you can be the key to unlocking a world of benefits you may not have considered. Let's look at how investing in etiquette programmes around you can improve your life in multiple ways.
Improving communication skills: Effective communication is essential for success in all areas of life. Etiquette classes teach you not only how to talk eloquently but also how to listen carefully. These qualities can help you improve your personal relationships, network more effectively, and be a more engaging speaker.
Enhancing social awareness: Etiquette programmes educate you to recognise and accept cultural differences and social conventions, which helps you become more socially aware. This newly discovered sensitivity enables you to communicate comfortably and politely with people from all backgrounds, developing understanding and empathy.
Fostering respect & courtesy: Respect and civility are the foundations of etiquette. Learning to be courteous, considerate, and pleasant to others can lead to more lasting relationships. Saying "please" and "thank you," holding the door for someone, or providing genuine praise are all tiny acts of kindness that can make a great difference.
Navigating technology etiquette: Etiquette in the digital age extends beyond face-to-face encounters. Etiquette programmes will also cover the intricacies of internet communication. You'll learn how to use social media professionally, how to compose polite emails, and how to maintain a respected online presence, all of which are crucial in today's environment.
Preparing for special occasions: Etiquette training can also assist you in preparing for life's big occasions. Whether it's a job interview, a wedding, or an important social function, learning basic etiquette can help you feel more at ease and create a good impression.
Instilling good habits in children: Parents who register their children in etiquette programmes give them life skills that are priceless. Teaching correct manners and social etiquette to children at an early age can prepare them for a lifetime of success. It instils respect for others and allows them to confidently navigate the difficulties of social interaction.
Cultivating lifelong learning: Etiquette is a lifelong journey, not a one-time lecture. Etiquette classes promote a lifelong learning and self-improvement approach. As social conventions change, your ability to adapt and improve your etiquette skills will keep you relevant and accepted in any situation.
Finally, etiquette classes are about more than just learning how to correctly lay a table or use a fork; they are about improving your life in a variety of ways. Etiquette training can help you succeed in both your personal and professional lives by raising your confidence and enhancing your communication skills. So, if you've ever asked yourself, "Are there etiquette classes near me?" the answer is almost certainly "Yes!" Putting money into these classes is putting money into yourself, your relationships, and your future. Don't pass up the chance to realise your greatest potential through the power of etiquette.
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ashrafmalik2005 · 10 months
Indian Author Ashraf Malik: Bridging Cultures through the Power of Words
In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, the importance of understanding and embracing diverse cultures cannot be overstated. One individual who has been instrumental in fostering cross-cultural understanding through the written word is the esteemed Indian author, Ashraf Malik. With his evocative storytelling and profound insights into the human experience, Malik has transcended geographical boundaries and touched the hearts of readers across the globe. In this article, we delve into the life, works, and impact of this remarkable literary figure, who continues to bridge cultures through the power of words.
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Early Life and Cultural Influences
Ashraf Malik was born in the vibrant city of Kolkata, India, in the early 1980s. Growing up in a culturally rich and diverse environment, he was exposed to the tapestry of traditions, languages, and religions that coexist harmoniously in India. This early exposure deeply influenced his writing, as he began to appreciate the beauty of blending various cultural elements into his stories.
The Journey of a Wordsmith
As a young and aspiring writer, Malik faced his share of challenges in getting his work recognized. However, his perseverance and passion for storytelling never wavered. After completing his education, he embarked on a journey that would shape his career as a wordsmith. His first published work, a collection of short stories, garnered critical acclaim for its authentic portrayal of human emotions and the cultural intricacies of the Indian subcontinent.
Breaking Barriers with Multicultural Narratives
Malik's literary prowess was evident as he fearlessly explored multicultural narratives, delving into the lives of characters from different backgrounds. He showcased the shared struggles, joys, and aspirations of people from diverse cultures, fostering empathy among readers. His ability to humanize characters from varying walks of life not only made his stories engaging but also provided a window into cultures that were previously unknown to many.
Celebrating Diversity in a Global Audience
As Ashraf Malik's popularity grew, so did his readership, which extended far beyond the borders of India. Translations of his works into multiple languages opened the doors to new horizons, enabling a wider audience to appreciate the beauty of his narratives. Malik's books found their way into bookshelves around the world, uniting readers from different cultures under the umbrella of storytelling.
Literary Accolades and Recognition
Over the years, Ashraf Malik's remarkable contributions to literature have not gone unnoticed. He has received numerous literary accolades and awards both in India and internationally. Critics praised his ability to portray complex cultural nuances with sensitivity and authenticity. Additionally, Malik's works have been included in academic curricula, becoming a part of the study of cultural diversity in literature.
Cultural Exchanges and International Collaborations
Beyond his literary accomplishments, Ashraf Malik has actively participated in cultural exchanges and international collaborations. He has been invited to literary festivals, seminars, and workshops across continents, where he shares his insights on bridging cultures through literature. These interactions have not only enriched his own perspectives but have also encouraged writers from various parts of the world to seek inspiration from each other's cultural reservoirs.
Using Words as a Tool for Social Change
For Ashraf Malik, writing has never been solely about crafting beautiful stories; it has been a means to drive positive change in society. His narratives often shed light on social issues such as gender equality, religious tolerance, and environmental conservation. By weaving these themes into his stories, Malik sparks conversations that lead to introspection and, ultimately, transformation.
Legacy and Future Prospects
As Ashraf Malik continues to inspire readers and writers alike, his legacy as a cultural bridge-builder through the power of words is already firmly established. He remains an ardent advocate for cultural understanding and uses his platform to support aspiring authors from diverse backgrounds. Looking ahead, he envisions a literary landscape where voices from all cultures resonate harmoniously, enriching humanity through the magic of storytelling.
In the realm of literature, Ashraf Malik's name shines bright as a symbol of unity and cultural amalgamation. Through his poignant narratives, he has brought diverse cultures together, transcending borders and fostering a sense of global community. As we embrace the power of words to bridge cultures, we find hope in the shared human experience that unites us all. In a world that sometimes seems divided, the legacy of Ashraf Malik reminds us of the profound impact that literature can have in creating a more compassionate and inclusive society.
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adospace-1234 · 1 year
Tips And Tricks For English-Speaking?
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“In a world where technology reigns supreme, the simplicity of English speaking holds a timeless charm.”
Speak, speak, speak!
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Embrace confidence and engage in frequent conversations with a diverse range of individuals! Embrace any mistakes that may arise and recognize them as valuable learning opportunities. The more you practice, the greater your proficiency and self-assurance in pronunciation and vocabulary will become. Keep in mind that speaking is akin to acquiring a new musical instrument or honing a sport — the only pathway to improvement lies in actively participating!
In a world where words hold immense power, the act of speaking becomes a symphony of expression. With each uttered syllable, we paint the canvas of communication, bridging the gaps between souls. It is through speech that ideas flourish, stories unravel, and understanding blossoms. The resonance of our voices carries the weight of our emotions, conveying joy, sorrow, passion, and empathy. Speaking becomes a gateway to connection, where barriers crumble, and unity prevails. So, let your words soar freely, for in the art of speaking, we find the essence of human connection and the power to shape the world around us.
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Embarking on the path of English language classes is a transformative journey that opens doors to endless possibilities. Within the four walls of the classroom, you will unravel the intricacies of grammar, expand your vocabulary, and fine-tune your pronunciation. The guidance of skilled instructors and the camaraderie of fellow learners create an environment brimming with growth and support. Engaging in stimulating discussions, interactive activities, and language exercises will sharpen your linguistic prowess and empower you to communicate confidently in both professional and personal realms. So, embrace the opportunity, immerse yourself in the world of English classes, and witness the profound transformation of your language skills, opening up a world of new opportunities and connections.
The classes provides a warm and comfortable learning environment with modern facilities and friendly staff, creating a conducive atmosphere for learning.
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Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, connect, and express ourselves in the English language. With the advent of smartphones, instant messaging apps, and social media platforms, the English-speaking world has witnessed a paradigm shift in the way we interact and share ideas. From swift and efficient email communication to the seamless collaboration on virtual platforms, technology has broken down barriers of time and distance, enabling us to connect with people from diverse linguistic backgrounds and engage in meaningful conversations. Moreover, language learning has become more accessible and engaging through innovative language apps, interactive online courses, and virtual language exchange platforms. These advancements in technology have empowered English speakers to express their thoughts and ideas more creatively and eloquently, fostering a global community where language knows no bounds. As we embrace the ever-evolving technological landscape, the English language continues to evolve alongside it, adapting to new expressions, slang, and digital literacy. Technology has undeniably enhanced our linguistic capabilities, enabling us to communicate and engage with the world in unprecedented ways.
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Listening is a fundamental skill for English-speaking individuals as it plays a pivotal role in effective communication and language comprehension. By actively listening, one can gain a deeper understanding of spoken English, nuances in pronunciation, and the context in which language is used. Listening allows individuals to absorb new vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and the natural flow of conversation. It enables one to interpret tone, emotions, and subtle cues that contribute to effective communication. English-speaking individuals who cultivate strong listening skills are better equipped to engage in meaningful conversations, participate actively in discussions, and respond appropriately in various social and professional settings. Moreover, through consistent practice and exposure to a wide range of listening materials such as podcasts, audio books, and authentic conversations, individuals can refine their listening skills, enhance their comprehension abilities, and ultimately become more fluent and confident English speakers. Cultivating listening skills is an ongoing process that requires patience, attentiveness, and an eagerness to learn. By actively engaging with the spoken language, individuals can unlock a world of knowledge, cultural understanding, and effective communication, paving the way for success in various aspects of life.
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Reading out loud is an essential practice for English-speaking individuals as it helps improve pronunciation, fluency, and overall language proficiency. By vocalizing written words, one develops a stronger connection between written and spoken English, enhancing comprehension and expression. Reading out loud allows individuals to become more aware of the sounds and rhythms of the language, helping them refine their pronunciation and intonation. It also aids in developing a natural flow of speech and boosting confidence in speaking. Additionally, reading out loud improves vocabulary and word recognition as it enables individuals to hear and internalize new words and phrases. The act of reading aloud also enhances comprehension skills as it requires active engagement and understanding of the text. Moreover, reading out loud can be an enjoyable and interactive activity, promoting a deeper appreciation for literature and fostering a love for the English language. Whether practicing alone or in a group setting, reading out loud provides an opportunity to refine one’s linguistic skills and communicate more effectively. So, grab a book, an article, or any written material, and let your voice bring the English language to life!
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Learning a new word every day is a powerful habit for English-speaking individuals seeking to expand their vocabulary and enrich their language skills. By incorporating this practice into their daily routine, individuals can gradually build an extensive repertoire of words, enhancing their ability to express ideas and communicate effectively. Each new word opens up a world of possibilities, enabling individuals to convey thoughts with precision, nuance, and eloquence. Furthermore, expanding vocabulary allows individuals to understand and appreciate the subtle nuances of the English language, as words often carry unique meanings, shades of emotion, and cultural connotations. Learning a new word each day also fosters a love for language and lifelong learning, as individuals embark on a journey of discovery, exploring the diverse richness of the English lexicon. With readily available resources such as dictionaries, word apps, and vocabulary-building websites, acquiring new words has become more accessible than ever before. Engaging in this practice not only benefits personal and professional communication but also enhances reading comprehension, writing skills, and overall language fluency. So, seize the opportunity to learn a new word every day, and watch as your linguistic repertoire expands, unlocking doors to greater expression and a deeper appreciation for the English language.
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Engaging in interesting activities in English is an exciting and effective way for English-speaking individuals to enhance their language skills and have fun while doing so. There are numerous unique and engaging activities that can be pursued to immerse oneself in the language and improve proficiency. For example, joining an English book club allows individuals to read and discuss captivating literature, expanding vocabulary and exploring different perspectives. Watching movies or TV shows in English with subtitles helps improve listening comprehension, while also providing exposure to colloquial expressions and cultural nuances. Engaging in language exchange programs or finding language partners allows individuals to practice conversational English with native speakers and build confidence in real-life communication. Participating in storytelling or public speaking events enables individuals to sharpen their speaking skills and effectively convey ideas to an audience. Exploring online forums, blogs, or social media groups focused on topics of interest in English provides opportunities for written communication and engaging in discussions with like-minded individuals. Additionally, playing word games, puzzles, or language-based mobile applications can be both entertaining and educational, helping to expand vocabulary and improve language skills in a playful manner. The key is to find activities that align with personal interests and passions, creating a dynamic and enjoyable learning experience. By incorporating these interesting activities into daily life, individuals can make continuous progress in their English-speaking journey while embracing their love for the language and nurturing a lifelong connection with it.
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Using a dictionary is an invaluable tool for English-speaking individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of the language and expand their vocabulary. A dictionary serves as a comprehensive guide, providing definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and pronunciation for words. It acts as a reliable resource, helping individuals clarify meanings, grasp nuances, and choose appropriate words for effective communication. By consulting a dictionary, one can uncover the rich layers of meaning behind words and discover their etymology, origins, and usage in different contexts. It empowers individuals to express themselves accurately, precisely, and with clarity. Furthermore, a dictionary acts as a constant companion, enabling individuals to explore new words, learn unfamiliar terms, and develop a lifelong passion for language. It encourages curiosity and fosters a love for continuous learning. In an age of digital dictionaries, accessing this linguistic treasure trove has become more convenient than ever. Online dictionaries and mobile applications provide instant access to a vast array of word meanings and language resources at one’s fingertips. So, whether it’s a physical dictionary or a digital one, incorporating its use into daily language practice opens up a world of knowledge and strengthens English-speaking skills. Embrace the power of the dictionary and embark on a journey of linguistic exploration, where each word becomes a stepping stone towards greater language mastery.
Name:- Ease English Academy
Phone No:- +91 73030 44405
Address:- 001, C-17, Anuroop Building, Station Road, Mira Road East, Thane — 401107 (Nr. ICICI Bank, Sector No 11)
Site:- https://goo.gl/maps/J9o1RDM96MnGWrof8?coh=178571&entry=tt
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Mastering Headshots: Elevate Your Brand in Greenville
Craft Lasting Impressions: Elevate Your Brand Across Industries with Greenville's Premier Headshot Photography
In today's digitally dominated era, carving out a unique identity amid a sea of competitors can feel like a Herculean task. But there's a potent ally at your disposal to profoundly enhance your professional persona - the quintessential headshot. Jack Robert Photography, celebrated as the best headshot photographer in Greenville, SC, goes beyond the conventional. Shedding the constraints of a traditional studio, we offer unparalleled on-location photography services. We don't just capture images; we craft lasting impressions that echo throughout the digital landscape, enabling you to command attention and resonate with your audience. Discover the transformative power of a professional headshot at www.jackrobertphoto.com/headshots, catering to various industries, including finance, law, medical practices, hospitality, real estate, and more.
Unveiling the True Worth of a Headshot:
A professional headshot transcends the superficiality of a mere photograph. It's not just an image; it's a visual emissary of your brand, a testament to your professionalism, ethics, and dedication. Often, it's the first impression you create, making it crucial in shaping perceptions.
A meticulously crafted headshot, like those expertly delivered by Jack Robert Photography, symbolizes your commitment to excellence. By investing in professional commercial photography, you signal to your clients, peers, and rivals that you're serious about your work, setting a precedent in your industry, be it finance, law, or real estate.
Weaving a Consistent Brand Narrative:
Consistency is king in the realm of digital branding. But creating a harmonious brand narrative surpasses mere consistency. Your headshot, in sync with your website's visual language, social media presence, and business cards, should coalesce to narrate a compelling brand story that resonates with your target audience's needs and aspirations.
At Jack Robert Photography, we understand the subtle intricacies of visual branding. We ensure your headshot aligns with your brand's aesthetics and philosophy, crafting a potent visual harmony that amplifies your brand's impact, irrespective of the industry you operate in. Explore our proficiency at www.jackrobertphoto.com/headshots.
Breathing Life into Your Digital Persona:
In the frequently impersonal world of digital interactions, a professional headshot infuses life into your brand. By presenting a face behind the name, you invite potential clients to engage with your brand on a deeper, more personal level.
Your headshot is more than a photograph - it's a heartfelt invitation to a virtual conversation. It provides a glimpse into your character, fostering meaningful connections with your audience. This human touch cultivates trust and loyalty, spawning a sense of community around your brand, and thereby enriching your business relationships across various sectors.
The Silent Networker at Your Behest:
A well-crafted headshot tirelessly toils on your behalf, ceaselessly networking and unlocking doors to fresh opportunities. It kindles interest among potential collaborators, attracts like-minded professionals, and leaves prospective clients intrigued to learn more about the persona behind the image.
An engaging headshot from Jack Robert Photography can initiate a ripple effect, magnifying your reach and broadening your professional network. It's your silent ambassador, your introduction, and your elevator pitch, all encapsulated in one potent image. Visit www.jackrobertphoto.com/headshots to witness the power of an exceptional headshot.
Forging Trust and Credibility:
An exceptional professional headshot, especially one captured by an experienced photographer like Jack Robert, is a pillar of your professional credibility. It communicates to potential clients that you are a committed professional, someone who understands the value of quality and isn't hesitant to invest in it. Your headshot is a visual endorsement of your dedication, reliability, and high standards. It doesn't merely make you look the part; it serves as a testament to your commitment to your craft. It's a statement that you're serious about your career, giving you the upper hand in a competitive landscape. This holds true whether you're in finance, law, healthcare, hospitality, real estate, tech startups, non-profit leadership, entertainment, education, or even freelancing.
Embrace the Power of Professional Headshots: Your Key to Success in the Digital World
In the age of digital communication, the significance of a professional headshot is beyond aesthetics. It's a personal brand ambassador, a silent yet compelling advocate of your values, professionalism, and unique persona. With Jack Robert Photography, you're not just getting a headshot; you're investing in a powerful tool that enhances your professional image, promotes consistency in branding, humanizes your digital presence, expands networking opportunities, and solidifies your credibility.
Our on-location services cater to a diverse range of industries - from finance to real estate, from tech startups to non-profit organizations, and everything in between. We provide tailored solutions to elevate your professional persona, regardless of your field. Step into the transformative power of professional headshots today. Visit www.jackrobertphoto.com/headshots and let us help you make an indelible mark in your industry.
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Zelda I know that you still hate me a bit, definitely well deserved but...if I may dare to speak as someone who at least attempted to be your friend—You’re not the type of person to stand still. You’re not the type of person to stick around with empty prayers and half assed sentiments, cause you’re a person of actions and results. Ain’t that right?
So...So I know you’re capable of doing this. You’ve probably already got six backup plans up your sleeve, and maybe a few dozen notebooks full of essays to drown the kingdoms enemies in. You’re stupid smart, and you know what you want, and you think of others and people outside of your circle. You’re the leader I’d rather serve, and anyone with common sense would think the same.
It’s not that simple! I can’t just take the throne...I’ve still got burdens left unfulfilled as a princess, the whole kingdom has lied in wait for years waiting for me to stop being a failure. No one would ever—
I would. Impa would. Mipha, Daruk, Revali, Urbosa—you underestimate how much faith people have for you, not the crown. You brought everything together, didn’t you? You’re enough, we’re all enough.
It’s not that simple. It can never be...
I know. We...You deserve better. You deserve better circumstances, better lives, better friends and family...but I don’t want to waste time anymore dwelling on the blame and impossibilities. The best you do is live with as little regret as you can. 
Well what if I regret being a Queen?! What if I have too many regrets and mistakes moving forward?
But the thing you know for certain, right now, is that you’ll regret continuing this, living as things are right now. 
Zelda...I-I believe— 
You didn’t even trust me enough to tell me your destiny entwined with my own! You spend your years in silence and perfection, and now you’re...you’re putting me on the spot to...to…
… ...
I’m sorry. 
I’m sorry, Zelda. I’m sorry that...that I ruined your trust in me. I’m sorry for being a faker, and a hypocrite. I’m sorry that I even dragged all our friends into this mess because of my mistakes...because of my cowardice. I’m sorry I was so afraid, so afraid of nobles and policies, and the unknown intricacies of social interaction. Of the future and the past, and afraid of the dumb notion that maybe you wouldn’t actually care. That you might’ve been faking, that you might’ve ruined me if I told you.
… But you shouldn’t suffer because of my actions. Of my choices. 
...Do as they say, not as they do, amiright? Heh…
D-Don’t be like me, please. Don’t listen to the stupid extra details and bullshit around you, and just…...You got this, Zelda. The Champions...myself...the people that are wowed by you everyday… You just need to let yourself see it, open your eyes to it all.
And if I’m wrong, well. Have my life then. But even then, I think we would rather die living as ourselves, and not vessels of someone else’s will. 
Even if I failed to help the kingdom, or my father...
If you would just place that sword on my shoulder, and let me try to at least help the person in front of me. That’d be enough.
And then, after we’re done. Once the shits been shat, and you’ve become the master of the powers of the universe or whatever…. You can go back to hating me, you can despise me...all you want. And I promise you that that'll be fine. You...You’ll go back to being a princess, and me...I’ll go back to being some random knight, too scared of the unknown, too scared of the depths of a princess’ heart that surely was too good to be true…
But all that will matter to me is that you’ll walk away knowing you were right all along. That I was just a knight, too in over his head in thinking he was worthy of being your friend. And I will just be your simple guardsmen, who will do his simple duty to care from the sidelines.
...If I do this, will you promise me something?
Will you promise to never kneel before your friends again? If we walk this path, we’re equals. We’re equally naive and foolish in the world, and I never want to look down on anyone again.
I promise.
Hero of Hyrule, chosen by the sword that seals the darkness…. 
I knight you as my own. Under the servitude of my reign, as Queen Mallory of Hyrule, may you prosper. 
Zelda, wait...
Now rise as a knight, in the name of true power, wisdom, and courage.
I think it’s time you see me. See me truly in the light. So I make my decision out of the shadows, for you to see, right before you.
I am Queen Mallory, destined to defeat the Calamity. I am a defier of your will. I am your humble traitor.
I think we’re free to see ourselves out. If you do anything to interfere with both the fated princess AND the hero, well. It won’t end well for anyone. So I would advise you don’t do anything to anger us. 
Let’s go, Your Highness.
Zelda. If you walk out that door..I...
...What is it you plan to do?
I have decided to tread my own path. And I will be walking it out in the open, for everyone to see in victory or failure.
So...fuck around and find out.
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Title: Crown For Two {2}
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Henry Cavill AU x OFC Xari Thornton AU
Warning: Plot, Mild Cursing, Cheesy Christmas Themes
Words: 4.2k
Summary: Xari Thornton is a travel photographer with a blog and social media that garners some heavy-duty traffic. People tune in to see where she is and what she’s doing there, all in hopes of either living vicariously through her or to plan their next vacation.  
Her slogan; “Traveling the path to the most off-beaten places, so you don’t have to.”  
Her next stop on her four destination travel itinerary of “Places You May Never Have Heard Of” is Sandvell, a small European country. When her plane makes an impromptu stop due to bad weather, she has no idea where she is. It feels like she’s stepped inside of a snow globe and back in time in a modern way. It leaves her fascinated.
This bad weather forces her to stay at an Inn, The Beaux, for the night. Rather than letting the hours tick by in her room, she explores and meets the friendly locals. While taking photographs, one local in particular captures her lens with eyes as blue as the ocean and a jaw that was chiseled from stone. They strike up conversation during their time drinking at one of the local bars, Ickles. Once they separate, she gets herself into a harrowing situation.  
As soon as she awakens, she realizes she’s not in some fever dream, but a palace and the owner of the palace is none other than the local she met before with the piercing blue eyes, His Royal Highness Henry Wellington Leopold Danglishton, First of his name, Crown Prince of Brexendor.
Note: All right, all right people, the ride begins. I really, really hope you enjoy this. As a note, it’s going to be fast-paced a bit, and I am gonna overload you with pictures because why the hell not, it’s a Christmas Fic. 😁 Feel free to come by and tell me what you guys think.
As always, thank you all for reading, I appreciate each and every one of you.
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!! ❤️❤️
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
***Picture Heavy***
Previous Chapters: {1} | 
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Chapter Two
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 You were running around in a whiteout snowstorm. There was no way to see in front or back of you. Your hands were your eyes, and even they were doing a pretty lousy job. A strong gust of find flew you to the right, then to the left before it hurled you forward. It sent you so hard to the ground your entire body shook from the fall. It was the most challenging feat to get back to your feet, and when you did, another gust of wind sent you into a pole.
 As you gripped it, you held on for dear life and prayed that somehow you’d made it through this. As you held on, you recognized that none of this felt real. It felt strange. The pain you were in was real, beginning with the throbbing in your head, the burning of your muscles throughout your body, and even the tightness all through your entire being.
 When your hands gave out, you began falling to the snow-covered ground. Before you made contact with the ground, a pair of strong arms caught you and pulled you into their body. As soon as they did, you felt like the storm around you disappeared. The howling wind slowed, the blinding snow stilled, and the bone-chilling cold turned to instant warmth. Once you’d adjusted, you looked up; your eyes trailed over a strong, defined jawline, smooth skin, and piercing blue eyes.
 You recognized this man. Although you were watching his lips move, you didn’t hear anything. No words, only the sound of white noise. Your fingers touched his lips, then slowly traced his cheek and down his jaw, but you felt as if you weren’t touching anything at all. That was when his voice came into focus.
 “I will protect you. I will keep you safe.”
 He looked as if he meant it, looked like no matter what, come what may, he would keep his word. Suddenly a strong blast of wind began pulling you from him, but he held on tightly to you. Even when the wind picked up, he wouldn’t let go. Thanks to the heavily falling snow that fell over your clasped hands, after a few moments, you felt your grip slipping. Panic filled you but looking at him; he looked as calm as ever.
 “I will always find you.”
 With that, the wind took you away, pulling you into a dark abyss. That was when you screamed, jumping up while flailing your arms and legs. It took almost a minute to realize your surroundings were no longer snowed out and dark. Slowly you calmed yourself, then dropped back onto the bed. Once you’d caught your breath, the sight above you had your eyes bugging. With your arms pressed to the bed on either side of you, your jaw dropped.
 Above you was a white ceiling with embossed and engraved drawings etched into it with an enormous golden chandelier dangling in the center. You nudged your head back slightly to take in the golden decorative border that ran around the canopy of the bed. That was when the headboard caught your eyes. Cream tuffets that were embellished with gold-framed the Brocard design of the cream and deep turquoise headboard. Slowly you sat up, and the intricacies of the posts of the bed came into view. It looked like someone had hand-carved and painted the golden designs onto it. You wondered how long it had taken and just how much this cost.
 The more your eyes took in as you scanned the room, the wider they got. Turquois, cream, and gold seemed to be the theme of the room, and it was all done so exquisitely well that you couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty around you.
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“Oh my god.”
 Looking to your right, you examined the comfortable looking settee and the large vase and the decorative plant and flower mixture it held.
 “Where the hell am I?”
 There was no way this was the inn. The last you remembered, there was nothing but wood there. You slid to the edge of the extra-large king-sized bed and placed your feet on what you expected to be cold marble, but it was warm. Heated floors, you thought to yourself.
 You stood, but sudden dizziness had you dropping right back to the bed, clutching your head.
 Feeling pain, your alarms went off. You didn’t know what had happened, where you were, or why you were in pain. You could hear footsteps approaching the door, and your panic rose exponentially. You quickly scanned the room looking for anything you could use as a weapon, worried you were held in some creepy eastern European rich man who wanted you to participate in round four of the human centipede experiment.
 Seeing nothing in your nearby vicinity, you zeroed in on a large vase across the room on a cream and gold dresser. Gathering whatever strength you had, you staggered toward the dresser, damn near crashing into it. As you gripped the edge of the dresser, hoping to stabilize yourself, it was then you realized that what you wore was not yours. It was some dainty nightgown that looked like it could have belonged to Mari Antoinette.
 The footsteps got louder, and you grabbed the vase. It was a lot heavier than you’d anticipated, and you had to half sit on the dresser even to hold it. As soon as the door opened, there stood a middle-aged woman in a blue skirt suit with a white scarf around her neck that was tied in the posh way the rich usually did them. Not giving her an opportunity to make a move, you flung the vase at her with all your might. As it collided with a chair not too far from you, it shattered with such loudness it started you and the middle-aged woman.
 “Dear me!”
 With that, she slammed the French doors shut. You heard her heeled footsteps scurrying away. Though you didn’t feel any stronger, you decided not to wait around for someone else to come back. You staggered across the room to the doors that were just slammed, making sure to avoid the shattered pottery on the floor. You hadn’t missed all the pieces because you felt the sharp stab of a shard enter your foot bottom.
 You hopped, then collided with the door. Your dizziness returning tenfold. Taking a few seconds for the room to stop spinning, you then bent to access your foot. Being on one only made your balance worse. You quickly pulled the shard from your foot and ignored the gush of blood that came from the wound. It would take hours for any bleeding from the foot to be life-threatening. You needed to get the hell out of there.
 Flinging open the French doors, you walked out into an opulent sitting area with several dark blue and white chairs decorated around the room and a roaring fire against a wall.
 “What the fuck!”
 Ignoring the equally beautiful room as the one you’d just left, you staggered toward the door of that room. Once you flung that open, you entered into a large hallway with a long corridor. The walls were impressively decorated with plenty of photographs and paintings, and the ceiling above you had more of that embossed and engraved design. It was then you continued walking at a much faster pace. You could have been going toward danger for all you knew.
 You looked behind you and saw the same woman from before, but now she had two men that were dressed in suits, and the three of them were dashing toward you. In true survival of the fittest instincts, you took off running as well. If someone was chasing you, you ran. You didn’t stand there or ask questions, especially as a black woman. Turning the corner, you continued to run on shaky legs and with blurry vision without knowing where you were going. Glancing back, the three were still chasing you and shouting for you to stop, but you didn’t.
 When you turned around, you ran smack dab into someone carrying a trey. As you collided with them, the trey went one direction and the individual another, still you didn’t stop. Thanks to the collision, your dizziness had returned, slowing your steps, making them sloppy, shakier, and zig-zagged. You knew you were seconds from blacking out, but you pushed yourself more.
 “Stop, miss, stop!”
 Everything sounded muffled. Suddenly you heard a louder sound break through the muffled and mumbles mess. You looked back, and the three pursuers had stopped. When you turned back, you ran into a hard body, but you didn’t fall. They held you firmly. You peered into familiar eyes, eyes that were filled with concern and alarm. His mouth was moving, but you heard no words. With his eyes seared into your memory, you passed out.
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Every five minutes or so, his phone rang or sent off a notification. Every five or so minutes, he pressed silent on every one of them. This has been going on for the last two hours. He’d sat in the sitting area first as the doctors accessed her and tended to her wound. For that hour, he was able to do some work. Though his mind was somewhat occupied, he had to put on the façade, he was his usual self.
 After the first hour, he’d moved to the bedroom suite to sit beside the bed. The doctor reported that you were suffering from delirium, a common diagnosis for someone who’d suffered a concussion. His orders were for as much rest as possible in a low-stress environment. When Dr. Alfonzi emphasized a low stressful environment, he’d wanted to roll his eyes. What was more stress-free than where you were right now?
 Now alone having answered over fifty emails and messages, he’d found himself with a sliver of downtime. Heaven knew how long that would last. His eyes drifted to your still form in the bed. You were securely tucked underneath the covers. You looked peaceful as if you hadn’t been through possibly the most harrowing experience of your life. The only outward evidence of that experience was a patch on your forehead that concealed the nasty gash he knew was there.
 Slowly he scanned your face, taking in your beautiful and exotic features. The shape of your eyes, the flare of your nose, how well defined your lips were, and how supple your skin appeared to be. His fingers itched to touch your cheek again as he had in the bar. At the thought of the bar, your first meeting, he drifted back to the memories and fondly smiled, remembering your friendly banter, the ease of the conversation, and all the relaxation he felt with you. It was rare for him to even begin to let his guard down to let anyone in, but with you, for those two or three hours, he was tempted to as he’d never been before. he even told you a few things he wouldn’t have told anyone else.
 Sighing, he pulled his eyes away, but his head quickly went to the debacle in the halls of the palace. He hadn’t expected to see you when he turned the corner, but he wasn’t disappointed. To be truthful, he’d thought about you on and off during all his morning meetings. The plan was if he had time in the evening, he’d check on you. When you passed out into his arms, the nightgown you wore captured his attention. He would have questioned who the hell put you in it, but the sight of peeks of your skin underneath the flimsy material held his attention instead.
 As he carried you back to your room, he had to work extra hard not to look down and skim your body or the darkened areolas he’d glimpsed. When he slipped you back into the bed before the help placed the covers over you, he saw a peek of your backside that sent his hips thrusting forward quickly. The memory of it had him changing his position in the settee before getting up altogether to pace your room. He’d chosen it without giving it much thought. It was the first one he found. Now he felt you probably could do with a different one.
 Your moans startled him, bringing him out of his thoughts. As he approached the bed, you turned your head from side to side as your moans became more and more audible. It didn’t take long for him to wonder if your carnal moans sounded like this or if they were different. He shook his head while mentally chastising himself for the thoughts, then focused back on you.
 When your eyes opened, he did his best not to appear intimidating. It was a common comment among the feedback that was sporadically collected from the citizens. Your eyes focused on him after quickly scanning your surroundings. When you realized he was there, you quickly shot up and hurried back to the headboard. He noticed the covers remained across your lap, leaving your upper half exposed to his eager eyes. Groaning, he closed his eyes.
 “Calm down,” he said as he motioned to the covers.
 He waited a few moments, hoping you’d understood what he meant. When he opened his eyes, you held the covers over your chest but also held the lamp that was on the bedside table in your left hand. Raising his hands into the air, he took a step back.
 “Let us not do something brash, Y/N.”
 Confusion flickered across your features, and for a split second, you lowered the lamp but rose it again.
 “How do you know my name?”
 Raising his eyebrows, he thought of how to breach the topic. “We met in the bar. Do you remember?”
 You scrunched your face, looking away to your right. He wondered if you were also suffering from memory loss.
 “You sat beside me and arrogantly tried the Mistletoe Bomb that you could not even finish and had me finish it instead.”
 “It was disgusting. Wait, I do remember.”
 He nodded but kept his hands in the air, hoping the action gave you peace of mind.
 “Good. What else do you remember?”
 You bit your bottom lip then stared at the sheets on the bed. You remained silent for about a minute, then you spoke.
 “We—talked. Then—we almost—did we--,” you stuttered then shook your head. “Then I left. It was cold, a lot colder, and the snow was heavy. I could barely see, it was next to impossible, and the wind it took me everywhere. Then—I don’t—I don’t know.”
 You looked at him again with even more confusion in your eyes then before.
 “Yes,” he began before he cleared his throat. “I am afraid the wind must have blown you into the street right before my car came along. It seems we accidentally hit you.”
 You looked as if you were trying to remember, but you sighed and lowered the lamp to the bed rather than back to the side table.
 “I am awfully sorry, Y/N. My driver did not see you until it was too late. He swerved, but we still collided with you due to the drift over the snow. When I got to you, you were unconscious, so I brought you here to receive medical care.”
 Your eyes shot up to him then.
 “Medical care? Am I in the hospital? This doesn’t look like any hospital I’ve ever been in.”
 He cleared his throat, lowered his hands, then rubbed the back of his neck. He knew that bringing you here would make it next to impossible to keep the truth of his full identity hidden.
 “That is because you are not in the hospital.”
 “Then—where am I? have you dragged me somewhere and locked me up for your sick perverse pleasure?” As you said the words, you rose the lamp again, ready to throw it at him.
 Again, he rose his hands. He knew you didn’t know that the lamp wouldn’t do anything if he really were a threat.
 “Perverse pleasure? Are you implying that I would find pleasure in you?” He leaned against one of the posts as he smirked.
 You rolled your eyes and kissed your teeth.
 “Of course you would. I know I’m a dime piece.”
 Understanding the terminology, he couldn’t help but laugh. “I agree.”
 You didn’t speak right away, you stared at him, and he wanted to know what you were thinking so badly. This was the third time he’d seen this look, and it ticked at his curiosity to know you more. He cleared his throat and straightened himself.
 “I assure you, I have not whisked you off to hold you captive for any pleasure than your health and safety.”
 You took him in for a few moments but kept the lamp raised.
 “Where am I?”
 “My home.”
 Your eyebrows rose as you looked around the room. No doubt, taking in all the luxury around the room. He knew the question was coming.
 “Home? What kind of—where the hell--,” you began before you were interrupted by a knock at the door.
 He sighed, then spoke. “A moment, please. Come.”
 “Your highness,” Audrina began as she gave a brief curtsy. “The physician brought the medication for the patient.”
 She approached, holding a tray that held a lone bottle. Once she was close, he took the bottle, thanking her.
 “Hold the fuck up.”
 Audrina paused with her eyes wide open, taking you in. Pinching his lips, he tried to stifle the laugh that was ready to escape.
 “Good word, such language.”
 Snorting, he released a chuckle.
 “Me? You just said, highness. What is that? Why did she call you that?”
 You gasped loudly with your eyes the size of saucers. “Oh my god. Are you—are you--.”
 “That is all, Audrina, thank you.”
 She nodded, gave another curtsy, and walked from the room. Once the doors were closed, he approached the bed slowly and cautiously. He didn’t want a lamp to the face.
 “I was not entirely forthcoming with you the night in the bar,” he began.
 “You lied about who you are?”
 “No, not completely. My name is Henry. I evaded telling you what I did for a living. Goodness, I guess I will just come out with it then. I am Henry, but I am also—Prince of Brexendor.”
 Your face was stuck in a mixture of shock and horror. Now more than ever, he wanted to know what you were thinking. A minute ticked by, then two, and each minute that passed, your expression became more and more pronounced.
 “A—you’re a—p-prince?”
 There was another knock at the door to increase his frustrations. He didn’t respond right away, he watched you, waiting for you to speak, but another knock came before your words did.
 “Your highness?”
 He sighed then told them to enter; in walked Dr. Alfonzi . He bowed, then approached the bed.
 “How is our patient?”
 Their eyes trained on you, but you didn’t speak. Dr. Alfonzi looked at him, unsure of what to say.
 “Your highness, unfortunately, I am going to have to ask you to step out so I can talk with the patient.”
 He nodded. “Of course. Will it be all right if I came by in an hour or two?”
 You didn’t respond for quite a while, but you slowly nodded as he began to turn. Dr. Alfonzi bowed again as he passed him and walked out of the room. Once he entered the sitting area, McArthur stood and bowed his head.
 “Your highness, is the lady well?”
 “We go. We have to make it across town to the magistrate,” he said instead of answering his question.
Once he was in the car, he went over the documents in prep for the meeting he knew would take everything out of him. Every time he encountered Prime Minister Lancaster, the exchange always left him agitated and in need of a drink and solitude. There was something about the man that went past his defiance and terseness that rubbed him the wrong way.
 “Your highness. I hope you extended my apologies to the lady for hitting her with the car,” McArthur inquired.
 “Does it matter? When you saw us in the bar, you made it clear you thought I should not have allowed her to stay. Had a change of heart?”
 “As your driver, protector, and friend, I was simply looking out for your best interest, sir. Outsiders have proven themselves as untrustworthy in the past.”
 He nodded as he remembered the incident he was referring to, then cleared his throat. “I did not get to apologize for you, but I made sure she understood it was an accident.”
 He stared out the window at the falling snow and his country. That still didn’t feel natural to say. Yes, it was his country of birth, but everyone wanted him to now look at it as belonging to him. he wasn’t ready yet. It still felt too soon. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t realize when McArthur pulled up to the Magistrate buildings. After taking a few deep breaths in an effort to steel himself, he walked out, ready for yet another contentious meeting.
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As he passed his constituents, they bowed or curtsied, showing their respect for the crown and him. He nodded his head to each of them, an equal show of respect. A monarchy was nothing without the people it governs. It was the first lesson his father had taught him.
 “Your Highness,” Prime Minster Lancaster addressed once he was a few steps away.
 He watched the older man bow deeply. When Lancaster rose, he saluted him as the respected soldier he was, as well as Crown Prince. He took the man before him in not in any rush to give him the approval to lower his salute. Sometimes he liked to remind the man he was in charge and not the other way around.
 “At ease, Prime Minister.”
 Lancaster clenched his jaw and stood to his side, granting him access to the conference room. He listened to the quiet council of Alton, his royal advisor, as he gave notes about the meeting as everyone filed into the room. Once they stood before their seats, waiting for him to sit first, he did just that. Finally seated, he banged the gavel against its golden holder.
 “Let us begin,” he said, signaling the beginning of the meeting.
 This time of year, the many plans and discussions involved Christmas and the year’s many festivities. When it came to talking about those festivities, money was always brought up. He was all about keeping traditions alive because Brexendor was made of traditions, but he also believed that it had to seek to advance itself in order for the country to survive another turn of the times.
 Brexendor was considered a very wealthy place, and there had been many who had tried to usurp its wealth, thinking it was a weak country only to find out that Brexendor was not only wealthy but powerful and strong with one of the best defense systems. He’d spent years in the armed forces learning all the ins and outs of said defenses, all in prep for the day he would take the throne.
 Every time he brought up plans to modernize Brexendor, Prime Minister Lancaster always objected, citing that changing now would wash away the countries rich history. When he made this argument, he always appealed to the many elders who held other important magistrate seats. Once that happened, he knew his argument would fall on deaf ears, and with the instability that was already present in the monarchy, he couldn’t risk shaking their faith in him. Not right now.
 After discussing other matters that were essential to Brexendor’s flourishment, the meeting came to an end. When he got into the car, the glance at his watch told him as expected; it was a meeting that took up the majority of his evening. He had to figure out a way to bring the other magistrate members to his side in order to get things done. Lancaster was old. He had no idea what it would take to keep Brexendor a superpower as the world changed with even more modernization. He knew he was right.
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By the time he got back to the palace, it was almost ten o’clock. He’d missed dinner, but that wasn’t what he cared about. He dismissed his immediate staff, assuring them he could tend to himself for the evening, and proceeded to his room. Before he took too many steps, he stopped knowing that his room was in the opposite direction from yours. Glancing at his watch again, he tried to decide if it was a good idea to visit you at this time. He knew the palace had eyes, and he knew he would be noticed going into your suites at this hour. Not wanting to set tongues wagging, he sighed and proceeded to his room.
 Tomorrow was another day.
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limetameta · 2 years
retired prometheus talk
nobody asked but i want to talk into the ether and see what happens.
i could talk about so many different things that have inspired me to write retired prometheus and how much i've gained from writing this love of my life, my greatest cross to bear, the worst possible thing to have ever happened to my mental health, darling story that i want to wring life out of because if i gave birth to you i can kill you - that's how these things work.
but really, i'm not a poetic person. i care not for the intricacies of poetry and always stand in awe whenever i find someone who understands the lyricism of the world to such an extreme level.
so i'll be blunt.
my initial motivation for retired prometheus was driven by two key aspects:
1) i wanted to explore voldemort getting his shit together and healing from his terrible life far away. also lmao the reasoning behind why he was in mne is because he wanted to get to albania but got lazy and just rested in mne until a witch found him there and helped him get a body. lazy boi days all around. i figured he could gain something from distancing himself from this giant wound that is Britain for him. here nobody knows him. here he can heal and be as silly and intelligent and blunt as much as he wants and nobody can judge him for it how they would if they knew him.
2) hermione granger interacting with lord voldemort in the capacity of a student instead of a lover or an enemy. i've touched on tomione and volmione (well, not volmione but that's another post i'll make when the mood hits me) and how i can't see these two anymore in that light because of an undeniable difference in characterisation. voldemort is always on the defensive in these fics while hermione is on the offense. or vice versa. which is perfectly normal since these two are enemies to lovers. but it's such a treat to write an intelligent powerhouse like hermione granger interacting with another intelligent powerhouse like lord voldemort aka tom riddle aka MR MONTGOMERY T. GOLDSMITH YEEEHAAAAAW y'all without ANY point of fear or violence aimed from either side.
voldemort gets to talk to someone from britain, yes, and this is his first ever step to reconnecting with that part of his life, but he's terribly happy it's hermione. she's his door to the life he's shoved inside his mind and never wanted to touch upon again. but he has to. he knows deep down inside he has to if he ever wants to have any peace. and because he's had time to heal away from this wound of his he gets to see a struggling hermione who's hiding all of her issues behind academic achievement. and voldemort's just like: ah, i have been there. who knows if i ever left. i like her and she makes me happy. i want to be there for her.
so much of voldemort in rp is him trying to socialize again. he's only spent form 1981 to 1998 talking to snakes and ONE balkan family. a very chaotic balkan family with a priest, a sailor, a nationalist, and tito's communist but still. that isn't enough socialization at all. he's awkward, but now he GETS to be awkward. there isn't any political pressure from any side. there isn't the doom of dying hanging over his head. all he has to fight is the CONSTANT chill of having Death watching him and waiting for him to slip up, but he isn't aware of this at all. so he chalks it up as poor blood circulation and drinks an absurd amount of teas and hot chocolates. (where my sweet tooth voldemort stans at?)
and magical society has had time to heal from the 70s war. hermione has grown up in a wholly different world that isn't nearly as antagonistic towards her as it was in canon. the glass ceiling is still there, but it's not as obvious as it used to be before her time. so she's using this mentorship programme as a stepping stone for her after hogwarts life as she figures out what she's going to do with her life.
and she becomes so fond of montgomery goldsmith. about this man voldemort has crafted into being as calming as he was never allowed to be himself.
montgomery T. (t is for texas btw) goldsmith is what you get when a severely mentally ill man plays a mentally fine man with a fake american accent.
he has done THIS MANY (spreads arms as much as possible) war crimes and committed atrocities that i don't shy away from showing, but i also wanted to show his humanity side that he has stifled on purpose.
hermione's the first non threatening individual in his life that comes from britain that he allows to talk to without any indication that he needs to fight her or flee. this means a lot to him. he latches onto hermione without meaning to. begins showing her everything he likes about magic and sharing that which most purebloods already knew and don't see as important.
hermione granger, a proud muggleborn who has been allowed to be a muggleborn and wears her name and her muggle upbringing without any shame, is quite possibly the first time voldemort has ever looked at tom riddle and thought that he might have been like this, too, in a different era. that he shouldn't loathe tom riddle as much as he has. because he begins associating that tom riddle wound with hermione granger. and he likes hermione granger. surely if he likes her and she's much more annoying (in a very endearing way ) than tom riddle ever was to any of his professors (except merrythought, whom he doesn't remember ever annoying but has multiple other recounts that he's followed her around and asked questions beyond class time since she was his favourite professor) then he can like tom riddle. a little. just a tiny bit. enough not to self-loathe every waking moment of his life whenever he remembers every cringe-worthy second of that life.
anyway yes.
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