#intsys perish
ok i took my sweet time w starting on this post but time for semi-coherent thoughts abt fates after finishing it for the first time w both vanilla and w the gay fates hack
short version: intsys perish challenge
long version: BOI
- why the FUCK does corrin have s-supports w their adoptive siblings
- if i go into the fates tumblr/ao3 tag and i see u shipping corrin/hoshidan or nohrian royals im gonna come to ur house and stab u with a toothpick
- for that matter why do the cousins in this game have s-supports intsys. im gonna kill u. corrin/azura??? midori/asugi????? knife emoji x1000
- on-topic kinda but y’all lured me in w the promise of corrin/azura getting so many cutscenes and romantic buildup and leading an army together for truth and justice only to then go ‘whoops guess what they’re cousins’ y’all better watch ur backs intsys im comin for u
- soleil fire emblem big lesbian and intsys’ homophobia can’t do a goddamn thing abt it.
- why is there a literal fujoshi character in the game. intsys face my blade!!!!! nina is my character now im saving her from u.
- for that matter every character is mine now. intsys perish.
- intsys’ camilla was completely shafted by them to be a fanservice ‘waifu’ (blegh that felt physically painful to type) and removed any depth she has for the sake of tiddy; thank u gay fates hack for much more depth for camilla and also v good support lines for her. best mom friend.
- caminoka rights
- on a related note who was the character designer for fates i wanna have a word w them abt their horny levels and also they can perish
- charlotte honey i’m sorry u got done so dirty. u too camilla
- also no matter how much the game or anyone in the fandom plugs their ears and chants ‘elise sakura and hayato are adults; elise sakura and hayato are adults; elise sakura and hayato are adults it says so in the game-’ its not gonna change that they’re at the biggest stretchity stretch 15-16. dont get me started on nyx either, or on fire emblem’s continuing obsession w ‘immortals/dragons/gods/whatever that look like 12-yo kids’.
- or midori for that matter. game: ‘refers to midori as an adult’ me: im gonna KILL you intsys
- or HANA how could i forget hana
- srsly you look at their portraits and you think that’s an adult???? im calling the police u fuckin creeps
- story felt rly stilted like i WANTED to like it but its just. bland. this is primarily abt br/cq, but even revelations like. i LOVE ‘everyone lives and is happy’ endings but they made even that somehow stilted!!
- my story now too, needless to say.
- give rinkah the str and def stats she DESERVES look at those MUSCLES
- OH RIGHT also what the FUCK kind of bullshit are the deeprealms???? ‘baby safety and caretaking away from war’???? more like oocrealms????? badparentingrealms???????? either learn to use condoms or actually raise your goddamn kid intsys what kinda writing is this??? perish
- seriously the paralogues made me so goddamn mad!!! the negligence!!!! the abandonment!!!!!!! visiting every few months/years by the kids’ reckoning!!!!!!! anyway nobody in the main cast is that much of a bastarde y’all just can’t write.
- again, my characters now.
- appreciated unbreakable weapons, mandatory armsthrift was tiring to get for everyone in awakening
- elise and sakura are the best and most sensible characters of all and also they’re gfs
- also sakura and hana they’re gfs too……… childhood friends AND lady and knight??????? bro…
- elise: “this is my girlfriend sakura and this is sakura’s girlfriend hana :D”
- gay fates hack made me ship severa/azura what the fuck that c-s support line was so GOOD
- severa/oboro’s c-s too????????? GOD
- THE HACK’S XANDER/OBORO C-S………………… chef kiss… gimme that relationship drama and resolutions!!!!!!!
- lots more v good supports in gay fates but this is Gettin Long
- leo and takumi are absolute nerds who are 2 peas in a pod except when they’re too busy failing to be enemies to actively be the friends they already are i love them and they love each other
- my awakening kids!!! they were one of the high points of this game admittedly altho not what intsys attempted to do w them lmao
- kagerochi rights!! love those childhood friends to lovers
- scarlet deserves better in revelations for fuck’s sake
- ‘maid’ and ‘butler’ classes………………… seriously. insert ben affleck smoking image here
- let flora and felicia live their dreams…… reclass your local flora to hero Today
- that hearts minigame in the private quarters where u invite ppl to hang out just screamed ‘we wanted to make it as horny as possible but we were stopped by someone with a bit more sense’
- thank u gay fates team for 10 times better supports than in the game and also giving soleil the gfs she deserves.
idk there’s probably more to say im forgetting but this is already v long. anyway fates bad, intsys bad, my characters now
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tyrs-right-hand · 6 years
Me, dying, waiting for a new Leo alt: please intsys I’m begging you, I’ll do anything
Intsys, handing me another horny alt: then perish
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This is literally so much worse than the adrift banner
Even though adrift was all unnecessary alts, at least it had a substantial amount of units on it
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starlitcrows · 6 years
if intsys cannot write lore then I WILL Write It Myself
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helenaklein · 5 years
I love Edelgard, like what a character. Here we have a girl who was never allowed to be young, who was never meant to have the throne, who was tortured so brutally that only herself survived while the rest of her siblings perish, whose very route centers making sure that never happens again. Her route could have been so much longer, I’m still jaded that we never actually got to see her take out TWSITD, but man, I’ve played every route in the game and none of them hit like CF.
cf would have been too powerful if it'd also covered the war with twsitd so intsys nerfed it
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athanatosora · 5 years
I know why I wouldn’t want to be in the 3houses verse, but why don’t YOU want to be there?
i mean. my reasons are p substandard
Big War
even if i fucked off to another country… the countries that Are spoken abt in-game are not in good shape (to say the least) and the countries that aren’t spoken abt are big question marks. who knows what goes on there
what exactly is the education system, here
if i can’t pursue my current career how would i make money. unlike isekai protagonists i unfortunately do not know a bunch of cosmetic/food/etc. recipes nor do i know how to create lucrative modern day appliances
as with all fantasy-setting games: toilets? sanitation? a lack of modern-day necessities that my ass would probably die without? 
i don’t want to become a character in intsys’ hands. i’d literally rather perish. and i will
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companaich · 4 years
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Intelligent Systems gave me nothing to work with, so this is My City now. Also reminder that Intsys says that Tanith is in her 20s but that is stupid and they are Cowards, so mine is in her mid 30s by the time Path of Radiance happens.
Tanith Culbert was the third born child and eldest daughter of the Count of Culbert and his wife. She spent her childhood years mostly apart from her parents, spending more time with her two older brothers and eventually her younger sister, Annath.
As a child and through her early teens, Tanith was far closer in personality to Marcia than she would later care to admit. She was dedicated and stubborn, yes, but had her airheaded moments of forgetfulness and frequently lacked focus on specific things.
Of her two elder brothers, Tanith was closer to the middle child of the family, Salim. While Kothar, the eldest, would vanish for almost weeks at a time to learn more about Culbert and how to run it from his parents, Salim would train with the local militia and pass on what he learned in snippets to his younger sister. As the martial skills were seen as unbecoming of a lady without designs to join the military. At her younger age, Tanith would often declare that she had no plans for the future, and would simply enjoy trying a 'little bit of everything'. Kothar's attempts to bond with her usually resulted in her growing frustrated with the logistical problems he gave her, although the pastry bribes he offered as a reward normally made her push through them.
When her younger sister was born Tanith was already twelve years old, and spent little time with her - although she still grew attached despite the distance. As the years went by, her desire to do a 'little bit of everything' concentrated on the intensely practical, with her eye already shifting to either the military or perhaps some kind of charity work. She did attempt to learn how to become a healer, but found her then-flighty concentration was a poor mix with the abilities required to heal efficiently.
The majority of her interactions with her father and mother consisted of them attempting to arrange their most valuable daughter into assorted marriages, with the most persistent courtship she had to suffer being that of Baron Elgin, a minor noble who had designs to put his son Valtome on the Culbert seat one way or another.
Tanith hated Valtome. She hated him almost from the moment she first saw him, and as the arrangement became closer and closer she found herself with very few options to escape it. She could either join the clergy, or the military - after all, members of the Holy Guard in partiucular were considered in a very specific level of society, and could hardly marry a Baron's son when their focus had to be on protecting the Apostle. Kothar helped her come to this conclusion and then used his burgeoning diplomatic skills to spin it for her parents, presenting it as a secret dream she had always had - and finally providing an adequate excuse for all the times she slipped away to train with Salim. Packing her bags, Tanith set off for the capital, unaware of the damage her decision would bring.
Arriving at the capital, Tanith befriended a fellow recruit from another distant noble family in the form of Sigrun. She started to buckle under the weight of the intense training program at first, until Sigrun encouraged her to stick with it instead of quitting at the end of the first week as she had intended. With newfound dedication and a slowly growing love for the profession and the skies in particular, Tanith hurled herself into the program and rapidly became the second highest ranked student of her year.
She was, constantly, always behind Sigrun, something that she could never quite escape from.
When Tanith turned eighteen and was about to complete her training, tragedy struck at home. What appeared to be a deadly string of disease struck her family home, leading to the deaths of her parents and her elder brothers. Her younger sister was barely clinging on to life and ruled Culbert now, and likely wouldn't survive past the week. As she returned home for the funerals, Tanith discovered to her horror that Valtome had ascended through the ranks enough to be the heir to Culbert instead. She was presented with a choice: either leave the Holy Guard and rule Culbert, or remain there and hand it over to him when her sister perished.
Tanith had the longest conversation she'd ever had with her sister that night. Annath eventually convinced Tanith not to abandon what had quickly become her main passion in life, and she reluctantly turned her back on her home province. Ever since, as she watched how Valtome treated her people and how he acted among the Senate, she'd always wondered if that plague which had killed her family and so many of their servants hadn't in fact been something far more insidious.
Tanith returned to the ranks a changed woman, growing harsher and more stern. Completing her training and being an active member of the Guard accelerated that, and while she could never pass Sigrun (who she had now been in a romantic relationship with for several years) in terms of ability or respect, she was still earmarked as a prodigy in her own right. Eventually, Sigrun was promoted to Commander, and Tanith to Deputy Commander - a year before Sanaki was forced to become the new Apostle and Empress at such a young age.
The promotions, however, also turned out to be the final nail in the coffin for Tanith and Sigrun's romantic relationship. With her newfound professionalism and drive being her main focuses in life, Tanith couldn't bring herself to break the command structure in such a way as dating her superior - the two of them having always been the same rank before. They called the relation off, amiably, and continued to be friends instead.
As Path of Radiance picks up, Tanith has been serving Sanaki for almost all of her life. While Sigrun outranks her, the fact that Tanith needs to deal with less of the minutae of running the Holy Guard means that she spends far more time than her as the Apostle's immediate bodyguard, being around her almost as much as her actual guardian in Sephiran. Her connection with Sanaki grows to be the most important she had outside of Sigrun since her family's death, and she is slowly starting to open up to other people again as well.
Quasi Related: She sees far too much of her younger self in Marcia, which absolutely terrifies her at times. Her own memory of her relationship with her siblings is also why she is so (comparatively) easy on her after learning the reasons why Marcia resigned before Path of Radiance began, as well.
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astraseason · 5 years
i’m looking at my list of muses ( as i cry bc i realize i have to remake a lot of icons ) and figured i’d just jot this down really quickly before i go to bed... or at least try to because i really should but i want... the ashen wolves dlc... to download... so i was wasting time waiting for it and it’s still not here...
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as far as feh goes, i hc seasonal alts to only be outfit swaps for a festival or ball or beach trips or what have you. legendary/mythic/brave alts are the same way because the idea of brave versions of a character being ‘created’ by the hopes and dreams of the people sounds... dumb to me. if a pre-existing character like, say, lucina is given the title of brave or legendary, it is simply new power bestowed upon the character. 
the only time there will be multiples of a character in the order of heroes is if they are from significantly different points in time (ie; inigo vs laslow, owain vs odin, the robins vs the grimas, hector vs hector+lilina duo hero), explicitly stated to be from another world with vastly different circumstances (brave camilla who is queen of nohr or brave veronica who was explicitly stated to be Not Our Veronica, og!azura and shigure vs performing arts!azura and shigure, who are heavily implied to be from conquest specifically).
the askr trio alts are simply alfonse, sharena, and now anna dressing up. i do not hc that bruno stayed with the order in a bunny suit; he left after the festival but will come again when the spring banners return for veronica’s sake.
obviously if there are two of any given character in zenith, they can dress up for festivals too if they want.
so here’s my take on every character with an alt in feh so far, whoops-- my muses are bolded! this is relevant to coralin’s order of heroes so i figure i might as well get it out of the way.
alfonse -- regular alfonse, spring alfonse, and new year’s alfonse are the same character. (lif is also alfonse, but obviously from a different time and world and so different that he barely counts anymore. if you want to split hairs, though, there are two alfonses.)
alm -- he’s actually kind of tricky. original alm might be his own version as he’s implied to be from earlygame while brave, legendary, and valentine’s alm are the same unit. this one is up to interpretation, but given og!alm has falchion for now i’m saying there is only one alm in zenith. there may be two. 
anna -- regular anna and new year’s anna are the same character.
azura -- original, legendary, and new year’s azura are the same character. performing arts azura is conquest azura specifically, then young azura is obviously young azura. there are three azuras in zenith.
 berkut -- dancer and original berkut are the same character. fallen berkut (+vestal rinea!) are a separate character. there are two berkuts in zenith, and two rineas by extension.
the black knight and zelgius are separate characters if only because they’re stated to be the por and rd incarnations of each, and there is a timeskip between the two games. no one is confused by the black knight any more, though. there are two zelgius...es... in zenith.
bruno is the story bruno. he showed up for the festival and left when it or the tempest concluded, whichever came first. he is not in coralin’s order of heroes.
caeda and bride caeda are the same character.
original camilla, spring camilla, summer camilla, new year’s camilla, and hot spring camilla are the same character. brave camilla and dream camilla are both separate incarnations, the latter being baby azura’s dreams given form. there are three camillas in zenith.
camus and sirius are two separate characters as they are from two different points in time. there are two camus...es... and if we get zeke there will be a third.
catria i’m up in the air for. original and spring catria are DEFINITELY the same person, but falcon knight!catria may be from further in the timeline, making her separate. i’m saying fuck it, they’re all technically falcon knight!catria, but this is up to interpretation. there may be two catrias.
cecilia and winter cecilia are the same character.
much like alm, celica is very much open to interpretation. original, legendary, brave, and valentine’s celica may be the same character, while fallen celica is separate. or original, leg/brave/valentine’s is the same character while fallen and original are different. there are at minimum two celicas, maybe three.
chrom, spring chrom, horse chrom, and winter chrom are all one individual, though horse chrom is up to interpretation. there may be two chroms in zenith. 
conrad and valentine’s conrad are the same individual.
cordelia, bride cordelia, askr cordelia, and summer cordelia are the same individual.
male corrin and new year’s m!corrin are the same individual, and i hc f!corrin may also dress up for new years if she pleases. dream!corrin is baby azura’s dreams given form. there are two male corrins in askr.
female corrin and summer f!corrin are the same individual. dream corrin is baby azura’s dreams given form and fallen corrin is from an alternate world. there are three female corrins in askr.
delthea and tatarrah-possessed delthea are two separate individuals.
dorcas and halloween dorcas are the same individual.
eir and new year’s eir are the same individual. 
eirika, legendary eirika, and winter eirika are the same individual. mage eirika is separate. there are two eirikas in zenith.
elincia and festival elincia are... i’m tentatively saying the same character even if two different games are listed. elincia is queen by the time of radiant dawn and her kimono alt title is “estival princess”, so... yeah. there just aren’t enough changes to justify there being two.
elise, hot springs elise, and summer elise are the same character.
eliwood, brave eliwood, legendary eliwood, and valentine’s eliwood are the same character.
ephraim, legendary ephraim, and brave ephraim are the same individual. the ephraim that appears with lyon as a duo hero is a separate one from pre-fe8. there are two ephraims in askr.
fae and winter fae are the same individual.
faye and valentine’s faye are the same individual.
felicia and picnic felicia are the same individual. 
fjorm, new year’s fjorm, and bride fjorm are the same individual.
flora and picnic flora are the same individual.
frederick and summer frederick are the same individual.
gaius and summer gaius are the same individual.
genny and picnic genny are the same individual.
gunnthra, new year’s gunnthra, and summer gunnthra are the same individual, but not the story gunnthra who perished at surtr’s hands. we have seen two gunnthras, but only one is playable.
hector, valentine’s hector, brave hector, and legendary hector are the same individual. halloween hector is a parent, therefore from a later point in time and a separate person. there are two hectors in zenith.
helbindi and summer helbindi are the same individual, but not the story helbindi who is assumed to have died in muspell. ... actually, no, he IS that helbindi because i like to pretend we live in a nice world. regardless there’s still only one of him.
henry and halloween henry are the same individual.
hinoka, kinshi hinoka, and hot springs hinoka are the same individual, but gee hinoka why does intsys let you have two mounts?
hrid and new year’s hrid are the same individual.
ike, brave ike, and valentine’s ike are the same individual. legendary ike is older, therefore separate. there are two ikes in zenith. 
inigo and laslow are separate characters from two different points in time.
innes and summer innes are the same individual.
ishtar and dancer ishtar are the same individual.
jaffar and winter jaffar are the same individual.
jakob and halloween jakob are the same individual.
julia and legendary julia are the same individual.
kagero, spring kagero, and halloween kagero are the same individual.
l’arachel and halloween l’arachel are the same individual.
laegjarn, new year’s laegjarn, and summer laegjarn are the same individual, but not the story laegjarn who perished in muspell.
laevatein, new year’s laevatein, and summer laevatein are the story laevatain. (or she may not be, but there is still only one of her.)
lief and legendary lief are the same character.
leo, summer leo, and picnic leo are the same character.
lethe and new year’s lethe are the same character.
lilina, valentine’s lilina, and summer lilina are the same character. young lilina in hector’s duo hero is a separate character. there are two lilinas in askr.
linde and summer linde are the same character.
lissa and winter lissa are the same character.
loki and spring loki are two separate individuals. spring loki is story loki and not part of the order of heroes. there are two lokis in zenith.
lucina, legendary lucina, brave lucina, and spring lucina are all the same individual. masked lucina, “marth”, is the lucina from the tempest trials and not part of the order of heroes. my main lucina heroes verse, incidentally, focuses on tempest trial lucina. regardless, there are two lucinas in zenith.
lukas and picnic lukas are the same character.
lyn, nifl lyn, bride lyn, valentine’s lyn, legendary lyn, brave lyn, and summer lyn are all the same character.
lyon and the lyon who appears in the duo hero with ephram are two separate characters, as the latter is pre-fe8. there are two lyons in zenith.
mareeta and fallen mareeta are separate characters. there are two mareetas in zenith.
marisa and spring marisa are the same character.
marth, groom marth, legendary marth, and winter marth are the same character.
mia and halloween mia are the same character.
micaiah, brave micaiah, and festival micaiah are all the same character... though i could make an argument that brave micaiah is separate because of the lil ghostly yune. there may be two micaiahs in zenith.
mist and valentine’s mist are the same character.
nephenee and dancer nephenee are the same character.
zero and halloween zero are the same character.
ninian and bride ninian are the same character.
nino, winter nino, and pegasus nino are the same individual, though i’d be willing to make a case for pegasus nino. there may be two ninos in zenith.
nowi and halloween nowi are the same character.
owain and odin are two separate characters from two separate points in time.
olivia, performing arts olivia, and flier olivia are the same character.
olwen and thunderhead olwen are the same character.
reinhardt, sword reinhardt, and dancer reinhardt are the same character, though i’d be willing to make a case for sword reinhardt. there may be two reinhardts in zenith.
female robin and summer robin are the same individual, though she may dress up for winter if she pleases. grima is a separate individual. there is one female robin and two grimas in zenith.
male robin and winter robin are the same individual, though he may dress up for summer if he pleases. grima is a separate individual. there is one male robin and two grimas in zenith.
roy, brave roy, legendary roy, and valentine’s roy are the same individual.
ryouma, festival ryouma, hot springs ryouma, and legendary ryouma are the same individual. gee, ryouma, why is intsys letting you AND hinoka get two mounts?
sakura, halloween sakura, hot springs sakura, are the same character.
sanaki and bride sanaki are the same character because there aren’t enough differences to justify them being separate despite the game saying so.
selkie and new year’s selkie are the same individual.
sharena, spring sharena, and the new year’s sharena from alfonse’s duo unit are the same individual.
shigure and performing arts shigure are separate characters, as performing shigure is implied to be from conquest like his performing mother.
sigrun and bride sigrun are the same character.
silque and valentine’s silque are the same character.
soren and valentine’s soren are the same character.
sothis and winter sothis are the same character.
takumi, summer takumi, and new year’s takumi are the same character. fallen takumi is the final boss from conquest. there are two takumis in zenith.
tana and summer tana are the same character.
tharja, bride tharja, and winter tharja are the same character.
young tiki, summer young tiki, and legendary tiki are the same character. fallen tiki is from a different point in time. adult tiki and summer adult tiki are the same character. there are two young tikis in zenith and one adult tiki.
titania and valentine’s titania are the same character.
ursula and summer ursula are the same character.
brave veronica and spring veronica are separate individuals. spring veronica is story veronica and does not join the order of heroes. there are two veronicas in zenith.
xander, spring zander, festival xander, and summer xander are the same individual. veronica has a xander of her own, even if we have no idea what happened to him. assuming that xander survived surtr, there are two xanders in zenith but only one is with the order of heroes.
ylgr and summer ylgr are the same character.
yune and the yune in brave micaiah’s alt may be separate. there may be two yunes in zenith but only one acts individually while the other remains with micaiah. ... wait shit doesn’t regular micaiah have a bird yune too? maybe there’s three??? send help.
zephiel and winter zephiel are from different points in time, making them two different characters.
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futuresoon · 5 years
anyway i have now finished all four routes of three houses and here is my Series of Bulleted Lists, in the order in which i played them:
golden deer:
lots of lore
when timeskip claude crits he backflips on top of his wyvern while firing a bow which is pretty much the most extra fight animation possible
final boss isn’t really explained or foreshadowed but the cut scene that happens when you kill him is so fucking baller i don’t actually care
dimitri is killed by random soldiers offscreen, which is totally emotionally satisfying and a logical end to a major character
why is claude leaving me to rule fodlan by myself. claude i have no political experience. claude i am a 20-ish-year-old mercenary who was raised to not know fucking shit about anything, please come back
blue lions:
you want lore? you want to know literally anything about the forces you’re fighting? Fuck You
highest number of pretty boys
which unfortunately leads to lowest number of girls
you know that monthly girl’s nozaki-kun gif where they’re tearfully screaming “tomoda”? that but dimitri
doesn’t let me have tea with dimitri while he’s a feral monster barely capable of human interaction that does not involve violence, unfair
edelgard having a final form kinda comes out of nowhere
when dimitri called me “my beloved” i perished on the spot
crimson flower:
why is it so much shorter, i want more time with edelgard and hubert where i don’t have to murder them
i could joke about how no one in this house is straight but also it actually does have the highest number of canonically queer characters so that’s cool
but i mean, no one in this house is straight
i was weirdly uncomfortable a lot of the time? like maybe it’s because i did two other routes first but the scenes where uplifting music plays and we act like scrappy underdog heroes have a very awkward undercurrent because we are, technically, the evil empire, and fighting the kingdom and the alliance didn’t feel like i was fighting injustice, it felt like i was killing my friends
edelgard referred to my ring as a “gift”, what the fuck, i didn’t crawl over the corpses of my friends just so i could be “live-in partners” with the evil emperor
silver snow:
this is the only route where i used seteth and he is a fucking beast
the final map took me over two hours
i am not particularly certain that a country being ruled solely by the leaders of its predominant religion is, like, a good guy thing, actually
having a vision of dimitri after his death where he sounded really sad and tried to tell me something but couldn’t caused me physical pain
oh look it’s lore again
nice of rhea to tell me that she killed eleven children after i’d already selected her to be my s-support
am i my own mother? but i am also marrying my grandmother, sort of? it’s mothers all the way down
did rhea give me a ring with a green stone because green is the Dragon Color, For Dragons, Bro We Are Dragons
in conclusion i spent over 200 hours on this fucking game and i swear to fucking god intsys the final DLC better be an “everybody lives” route because my heart can’t take it
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bear-of-varley · 5 years
I would really love if intsys made a Genealogy and Thracia remake bundle where both of them are on the same cartridge or something. But considering how differently those two games play despite thracia happening in the middle of genealogy makes me think that will never happen and it’ll be one or the other.
I want that very badly but I always believed that after a game like 3H with the crest system, they could easily implement the whole holy blood thing with the UI, etc, etc. 
Thracia...Honestly I think Thracia could benefit in a few year’s time once FEH’s obsession with Reinhardt dies down a little. 
On that note, I weirdly want that for fe6/fe7 like your choices/pairings in fe7 could affect fe6. I mean, I fear it could complicate things but they could use the substitute system for certain characters like Wolt if Rebecca perished, etc. 
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slumberinglabyrinth · 5 years
In Shadow Dragon, if you fail to recruit Tiki/ fail to keep her alive as well as fail to retrieve the Falchion, Gotoh sends his force ghost to speak to Marth before sending him to retrieve Nagi and the alternate Falchion in 24x. He mostly does this to chew him out for making it harder for himself to kill Medeus, but he also reveals that Tiki is not actually “dead” and is, in fact, simply sleeping. However, if you were to use the Aum staff, which revives dead allies (but notably not the decoy from the prologue who, in a situation strikingly similar to what Gotoh alleges happened to Tiki, is off-screen for the rest of the game but does not actually die), after Tiki has “taken a nap”, she still appears as a valid target for the staff. This could mean a few things:
Intsys didn’t check to see if the flags that designate “out of your party but not actually dead” were set for Tiki in the event that she perishes
Intsys deliberately allows you to revive Tiki despite her not actually being dead because she’s a valuable party member and unlike the decoy unit, probably won’t have prologue-level stats if you choose to revive her
The Aum staff does not distinguish between “dead” and “hibernating for a couple centuries”
Gotoh is lying through his teeth in an attempt to absolve Marth of one of his regrets (allowing a child in his care to be killed) so he can steel his resolve and save the world
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after finishing por/rd and having two new fave fe games just after awakening i had many Thoughts but the premier of them is like. one of the few things i wished was different (like the lack of actual supports in rd lmao thats a biggie) was for something different to have kicked micaiah out of her ‘im getting much too comfortable with using the ‘its all for daein’ excuse for every horrifying atrocity im ordered to do’ state.
like i get what the game wanted to do w tibarn pretending to threaten sothe’s life and it obv works as it is (altho DON’T get me started abt the game having her and sothe become romantic w an a support after she talks the whole game about practically raising him lmaooooooo perish intsys!!). but micaiah. srsly. only when u and ur loved ones are directly threatened by ur actions is when u start to maybe think u shouldnt just go along w what pelleas says? u only found out abt the blood pact right before 3-12 so the 3-6 indiscriminate slaughter of retreating laguz soldiers is all on u bro lmaoooooo there’s only so far ‘i trust in my king’ can go and the worst part is u obviously know it.
but i digress. i just think it would’ve reflected better on micaiah’s character, bc she’s obviously a genuinely good person, if it wasn’t only one of her loved ones being threatened that could have caused her Realization™️ that she’s already hovering one foot over the moral event horizon, but some kind of piercing statement from sanaki/tibarn/etc. something to the effect of
micaiah: ‘... i have to do this. i have no choice! daein will die if i don’t!’
that someone, ofc not knowing about the blood pact: ‘........... if this is what it takes for daein (the country) to live, then perhaps it should perish.’
smt like that. the kind of thing that would hit micaiah real deep and finally make her hesitate and lead to the rest of the events of part 3
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pokemagines · 6 years
Just take Tibarn with you mod touko Surt will be come bird’ food UwU
literally intsys banned surtr from showing up on randomized enemy teams how is this not a problem ????? surtr perish challenge!
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gjollrbru · 5 years
Hríd headcanon masterpost => intsys makes me do their dirty work
Hríd is the eldest son of the Nifl royal family and spent his days among his mother and sisters before word spread of Múspell invading. He then shifted his focus to preparing for the oncoming attack. Though he tried to wield the legendary lance, Leiptr, he came to the realization that the only one who could be able to do so was his sister Fjorm– Thus making her not only the one destined to rule Nifl but also who is to kill Surtr.
After the death of his mother, he separated himself and let the rest of his siblings believe that he had perished. Though he wouldn’t be able to kill Surtr without Leiptr, he made his way to Múspell anyway in hopes to weaken the king enough so that Fjorm could take the final blow. If he were to be killed by Surtr, he would have hoped that at least his sisters wouldn’t find out about his actual demise– then them thinking that he had perished far earlier. Despite his multiple attempts, he wasn’t able to accomplish his goal, resulting in multiple burns, but at least he was able to escape with his life. Finally catching up with the Order of Heroes and Bruno, he learns of the Rite of Flames and incites that there might be a traitor among them. Though he thinks that it may be Ylgr, he tries to keep it to himself out of denial.
Once Surtr is defeated, Hríd begrudgingly becomes the king of Nifl. Even though he is worried for his Fjorm’s safety, he lets her go so that she can do what she wants to with her last moments that she has. In the meantime, he spends his days rekindling peace with Laevatein and looking for a way to save his sister’s life. If she is to survive the Rite of Frost, Hríd crowns her as the rightful queen of Nifl.
misc headcanons:
Age: 24
Personality Type: INTJ
Zodiac: Cancer => July 25th
Gender: Trans Male
Sexuality: Gay
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fire emblem: your new favorite duology
i can talk abt tellius ALL day
Character I first fell in love with:
IKEEEEE love my son
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
jill…….. like. goddd her character arc??? so good
Character everyone loves but I don’t:
i havent been in the tellius tags long enough to see fhkwahfkjaw
Character I love but everyone else hates:
same as above
Character I used to love but don’t any longer:
it’s been only weeks since i finished tellius but regardless im ride or die babey
Character I would kiss:
ranulf… love that gay cat bro
Character I want to slap:
there’s a few but. lekain lmao perish asshole
A pairing I love: 
there’s quite a few but faves……. ike/soren, jill/mist, jill/lethe, oscar/kieran, sigrun/tanith, elincia/lucia, tibarn/reyson, heather/nephenee, sothe/tormod……. cant resist listin a lot of em 😔
A pairing I hate:
micaiah/sothe (should i even need to say why lmao… after she talks abt practically raising him??? intsys perish) and jill/haar are the Absolute Worst
(also not so much hate but annoyance abt the astrid/makalov thing… astrid deserves better y’all)
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
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