prismaticstreams · 2 years
The nine love languages of NFs, empaths and HSPs
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I’ve been thinking more about the five love languages model recently, and decided I wanted to do my own blog post elaborating and adding four extra love languages that many NFs, empaths and HSPs would relate to – creative expression, personal growth, humour and spiritual practices. As well as that, I wanted to add more nuance to the original five love languages popularised by Gary Chapman.
There is a great deal of overlap between the different love languages, and many activities could fit into more than one category. For instance, creating an artwork for someone could be a gift but also a form of creative expression. Cuddling with a partner could be a form of sensual touch as well as quality time. A handwritten letter involves words but also is a gift.
Creative expression:
Personal artistic expression (writing poetry, composing a song/music piece, or creating a visual artwork for someone)
Sharing other’s people’s music or creative works (making a playlist or mix tape for someone, sending them a song that’s very meaningful to you)
Collaborating on a creative project together (being part of a band or choir together, creating a collaborative visual artwork, writing a play with someone)
Religious and spiritual practices:
Praying with or for someone, meditating together, singing or chanting with another person
Participating in private ceremonies or rituals together (celebrating Sabbath with a partner and/or family, pagan seasonal celebrations)
Attending group or public spiritual/religious services or events with another person (going to a meditation group together, attending a church/temple/synagogue service)
Personal growth and healing:
Going to therapy, individually and together (this could include coaching, mentoring and couples therapy)
Attending a personal growth or relationship workshop together
Reading a book, watching a talk or listening to a podcast together and discussing what you are learning
Supporting one another to do inner healing work
Humour and laughter:
Telling jokes to make someone laugh, teasing, flirty banter
Sending funny memes, photos, songs or videos
Creating shared in-jokes or giving each other silly nicknames
Watching something comedic together
Original Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman:
Words and communication:
Words of affirmation (compliments, encouraging words)
Frequent texting/check ins (asking “how are you?” regularly, good morning and goodnight texts)
Handwritten letters and cards
Sharing quotes/articles with someone (usually online but could also include printing an article and sharing with with a friend, lending them a book of interest)
Gifts and financial provision:
Practical gifts (buying someone kitchenware when they move out of home for the first time)
Handmade or sentimental gifts (handmade cards, personalised scrapbooks)
Buying an experience with someone (a holiday/vacation, a hot air balloon ride, etc)
Giving money and financial support
Acts of service:
Helping people with things they need, e.g. assisting someone with illness or disability
Doing acts of service to make someone’s life easier, that are not necessary but a nice bonus (cooking for someone who is healthy and able)
One off favours or help (bringing a meal after someone has an accident)
Ongoing and regular support (driving someone to appointments on a weekly basis)
Quality time:
Spending time together in silence (being the same room doing different things, cuddling in silence)
Quality conversation (listening, asking questions, being emotionally vulnerable)
Doing enjoyable activities together (attending to a concert together, going out for a meal, playing sport with someone)
Physical touch:
Platonic affection (hugs, pats on the shoulder/arm, kisses on the cheek)
Sensual touch (non-sexual cuddles, massage, gentle caressing)
Sexual intimacy (making out, or activities involving genitals/breasts/bottom and sexual arousal)
What love languages are most important to you? Do you prefer giving and receiving in different ways? Do you prefer different love languages with friends or family versus romantic partners? Please share in the comments!
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the-weirdsister · 4 years
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I’ve been strongly guided by my intuition to pull some loving cards today. Tbh, I’ve really been enjoying sharing my gifts with you all and I thought that maybe we could all use some hope and inspiration at this time. So as always, I ask that you take a minute to tune into your inner feelings and allow yourself to discern what card/messages you need at this time. You may be guided towards more than one card and that’s fine. Take these messages however they may resonate.
Reveal ~
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Group 1 – Pandoras Gift ~ To me this card is always about breaking free, maybe it’s time for you to break free of the criticism or negativity that floats into your life. You may be surrounding yourself with unhealthy things that fill you mind, it may be best to take some time out to come back to your centre, to your inner being and find that inner light- the inner power, which lives within us all. I get that this is a time to be cautious and aware of your thoughts, are they serving your highest good? Are they positive and uplifting? Are they nurturing? Are they unkind? Is it full of negativity? It’s time to reflect. I get a particular message that the spiritual essence of Pandora is here to help those who are in need, if you are this person take some time to ask her to help you. I feel that she is more than happy to help those who are in need of her love and light. It’s time to come back home to yourself and embrace that beautiful, loving energy that resides within you.
Group 2 – Every journey starts with a single step ~ With this group here I am feeling that some of you may be contemplating or have already started something, perhaps an idea, a creative endeavour- whatever it is just know that every journey starts with a single step as the card says so itself. Whichever area of life this is focused on- it could also be more than one. Just know that the steps you are currently taking or have been taking are essential to what is coming even if you can’t see it yet or are unsure what that may be. These steps that are being taken are still taking you ahead towards the journey and path that is meant for you. Don’t underestimate what you may or may not be seeing with your eyes, surprises can come and happen at any time you just have to be open to that and let go of the attachment to the how and when. I get that it is important to stay patient and open at this time and to just go with the flow. We don’t have to make things more complicated than what they already are.
Group 3 – What do you feel? ~ Ah-ha, to me this card always talks about listening to your emotions. I get that some of you may be feeling conflicted or confused at this time, for some it could be about a decision or choice that needs to be made. I also get that for some, your emotions hold the keys to your answers, so if you are resonating with this message take a moment for yourself to just sit, relax and find a quiet place to do so.  What emotions come up for you in this space of stillness?- Perhaps writing them down will be helpful... I ask that you stay open and try not to judge yourself too harshly on what comes to the surface. (If feeling guided to, I ask that you read the message for group one, I get this may also helpful.) As I’ve mentioned before emotions are real, they are raw and it is okay to feel what you feel but also know that emotions are fluid. They can come and they can go, try not to hold onto them so tightly and if you are maybe it’s time to ask yourself why?
I hope this was helpful and enjoyable, love the-weirdsister.
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kajahealer · 4 years
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Listen with all your senses to discern what your body is telling you, and use your intellect to interpret whether it’s a conditioned reaction or an instinctual response. #soulpower #awareness #intuitivefeelings #divinewisdom #faith #heartexpansion #selflove #freedom #creativeexpression #souljourney #lifepurpose #beautyoflife #knowthyself #somuchblessings #miracleseverywhere #gratefulheart #gaiascension #humanityevolution #universalconsciousness #higherperspective #interconnectedness #loveandlight #joyandpeace #easeandgrace #supportivetribe #inspiration #transformation #manifestation #dreamscometrue #infiniteabundance https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ZXeMAHxD3/?igshid=ynzpwtvp44te
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spaciousbeing · 7 years
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Well, the universe has my back 🌟💕 I went back to the beautiful little slot where I was meditating yesterday and low and behold, someone had built a little alter and placed my sunglasses kindly there as if it was their home. ✨💎 such shining generosity of interpersonal goodwill. Let's come together and hold each other in tenderness at a time when so many are feeling vulnerable, raw and immensely charged. 🙏 #intuitivefeelings #practicepeace #peace #intensity #manifesting #gratitude #miracles http://ift.tt/2fr3ZXN
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thecaptainspod · 8 years
IN/EX Adventures #21 - The NF Male
Michelle and The Captain discuss men who have the iNtuitve Feeling trait in their Myers-Briggs Personality type. These NF males want you to know that they are not the stereotypical "Sensitive Ponytail Man" or "Emo-dude" that should be kept in the friend zone! We're fighting male stereotypes and sensitive man misconceptions on In/Ex #21!
Heidi Priebe "14 Intuitive Feeling Men Explain What They Wish The World Knew About NF Males" 
Take the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator test here: http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
Email the Crew:
[email protected] for The Captain
[email protected] for Michelle Lynn
Find more Geeky Fun with All the Feelz at TheCaptainsPod.com
    Hash Tags - #MBTI #Introvert #Extrovert #HighlySensitiveMale #IntuitiveFeeling #INFJ #ENFP #ENFJ #INFP #SelfHelp #Relationships #MaleStereotypes
  Key Words - MBTI, Introvert, Extrovert, Highly Sensitive Male, Intuitive Feeling, INFJ, ENFP, ENFJ, INFP, Self Help, Relationships, Male Stereotypes
Check out the newest episode!
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prismaticstreams · 2 years
Eight steps to finding your NF calling
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Please note: NF = Intuitive Feeler in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or the “Idealists” in Keirsey’s typology system. NF personality types tend to overlap with Highly Sensitive People (HSPs).
Many NFs struggle to find their calling in life – and usually, for NF people they are searching for a calling, a life purpose. Generally NFs don’t just want a job, they want a meaningful career and vocational direction. Of course, for various reasons NFs may have to work at a job they don’t find particularly stimulating or rewarding. Some may work at a fairly mundane job to support their family, or to fund other creative, spiritual or community service pursuits. I have found NF people to be quite adaptable and are found in all kinds of different workplaces – not just the typical “recommended” careers for their type.
Of all the types, NFs have the most difficulty dealing with jobs and career choices, because the things which NFs at excel at are generally not all that profitable. NFs are typically most interested in and most skilled at various forms of creative arts, music, psychology, social justice, advocacy and community service work. Unfortunately these jobs are often less profitable than many other career paths, and the skills of NFs do not immediately lend themselves to make a great deal of money. This can lead to all sorts of problems, like the “starving artist” syndrome.
Nevertheless, many NFs do not aspire to be affluent, and do not find money or conventional forms of status to be terribly motivating. Yet it is a necessity of life, and it can be frustrating when you can’t find a job in the area that you are most passionate about. Personally, I have experienced conflicting feelings about making money from the vocational areas I’m interested in. Sometimes there is a sense of guilt, or a feeling that these things are too important to make them into a business. I get concerned that money may interfere with my motivation, or somehow detract from the real purpose.
I’ve come to terms with the fact that making money can be a positive thing, as long as it is done in an ethical way. Also, making a profit can be a really good thing, as it enables me to be more generous and give to others. As the successful artist and entrepreneur, Stephanie Rose Freeman says, money amplifies who you are. 
But I do think that dealing with the business side of things can make NFs uncomfortable, as many of these areas – for instance the music industry – are very profit-driven, and this conflicts with NF values in many cases. There is also a common frustration that our culture and society does not always value and is not always willing to pay for the things which NFs view as important and essential to life.
It does seem that the perceiving types have more difficulty making a decision about what to study or what career path to follow, compared to the judging types who are a bit more stable in their sense of direction. As an ENFP, I know that I change my mind a lot – and I’ve also noticed many INFPs do the same thing. I heard one middle-aged INFP lady proclaim, “I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up!” If you are wrestling with this and feel like you should know by now, then you are not alone. It’s not just a challenge for teenagers and young adults – people of all ages have trouble finding direction and knowing what they want to do with their life.
So what is the solution? I won’t claim to have any instant or simple answers to “finding your true calling”. Besides, the concept of “calling” will vary from person to person. For some people, it might mean a spiritual purpose or mission. For others it is more about a career or a particular area of study. Still others see their purpose and goals in life to be more about marriage, family and relationships. For most NFs, I think the idea of “calling” embraces all the above areas, but some people emphasise one aspect more than others.
I would like to share some tips, suggestions and ideas that I have found helpful. This is not professional advice, so feel free to take it or leave it! I have a keen interest in psychology and counselling, but I am by no means qualified. The only qualification I have is that I am an NF, and I’ve observed a many other NFs throughout my life.
Here are eight factors to consider:
One: Write down your dreams and goals, and be willing to brainstorm all kinds of ideas – even the ones that seem wild and wacky. Some people find it helpful to do something creative, such as making a collage of their “ideal life” or the things they are passionate about. Others may be inspired by images on Pinterest, which reflect their hopes and dreams for the future. I once made a slideshow of images which music, which reflected my desires for the future and my sense of identity.
Don’t just consider your long-term goals here, but consider what would your ideal day look like. What would you be doing? How would you spend your time? This can help you get more granular and gain clarity about what you would like to be doing on a day-to-day basis. For instance, you may love painting, but if you’re an extrovert then being isolated on your own in a studio may not be an optimal situation long-term.
Two: Remember there are different seasons of life, and in each season there may be a different focus. In one season of life, I may be focusing primarily on my studies. In another season, I may put more effort into my friendships and community involvement. There may be seasons of travel, searching and self-discovery. Many will go through seasons of investing in their marriage and children. Allow yourself to go through these seasons, and recognise that each one is valid – even if other people do not value them or think you are wasting your time.
Three: Some people make the idea of “calling” all about having your dream job or career. This can be wonderful, but don’t be limited if you are stuck in a mundane job right now. Is there some volunteering you can do which would be rewarding? What creative areas can you pursue in the mean time? Do you have a business idea you would like to explore on the side? Is there a course you could study part-time? Try to see your calling and purpose in a more holistic way, and embrace different ways of finding fulfillment.
Four: This one is particularly for the ENFPs and INFPs: cut yourself a bit of slack. Most NFPs take longer than others to really work out their true calling, purpose and mission in life. People may judge you as unstable, flighty or uncommitted – but don’t take it personally! Many people, especially SJ types, will not easily resonate with NF values. They may find it hard to see the connection between all the different jobs and areas of study you have engaged in, but you will see a common thread among them. Don’t internalise the judgements of other people, hard as it may be.
Five: I really like how Mike from NF Geeks describes NF “path finding” and his recommendations. Mike advises NF types to look for careers that embrace the values of ‘transformation’ and ‘transcendence’. (See link at the bottom of the page.) This can be found in many different types of work, but those principles are important to keep in mind when choosing a career direction or path of study. Also, don’t just consider the kind of job you prefer, but the type of lifestyle and relationships you want.
Six: Be open to different types of careers and various ways of gaining an income. Some people have a couple of part-time jobs, or run their own business on the side. Many NFs enjoy being an entrepreneur, as it gives them lots of scope for flexibility and creativity – as well as doing something more meaningful. For instance, I’m sure that many self-employed life coaches are NFs! I’ve been really inspired by Marianne Cantwell’s book ‘How to be a Free Range Human’ which explores various unconventional career paths.
Seven: Consider what gives you energy and what drains your energy. When do you feel excited, energised and inspired? What gets your juices flowing? Introverts may want to be careful of jobs that require too much extroversion, as they will often end up very drained at the end of the day and will not have much energy left for their friends and family. Extroverts may get too lonely and feel isolated working from home all the time. Personally, I’ve found jobs that require a great deal of attention to detail can be draining, as generally these are areas that Sensors excel at.
Eight: See if you can find people living lives that inspire you – preferably someone you know. Get to know them and ask them questions. Find out how they got into their particular vocation or career. You might even be able to find a mentor who can encourage you and give you wise advice. However, be careful of trying to emulate someone else who may have very different skills and talents from you. Remember to appreciate your own unique gifts and calling, rather than copying another person.
Further Resources:
Puttylike: A Home for Multipotentialites
NF Pathfinding Video by Dr Mike Boudria
150+ Art Careers – The Ultimate List
Live Your Legend: Change the World by Doing Work You Love
How to Be a Free Range Human by Marianne Cantwell
Career Shifters Blog
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spaciousbeing · 7 years
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This was the message loud and clear in my psychic reading Yesterday! and this morning at breakfast, the same message appears 💕🌟 of course! 💜 #truth #self #selflove #trueheart #magnificence #intuition #intuitivefeelings http://ift.tt/2uf2PRV
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