#inuyasha x kikyou
love-sapphirerose · 2 months
I will never allow Naraku to have you.
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inu-yasha · 8 months
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InuKik is the best ship ever!!
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la-hannya · 3 months
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Enjoying the flowers and snow ❄️
Sesskik X
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masitadibujante · 2 months
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E y e s
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justafewsmallsteps · 11 months
Inuyasha rare pair of your choice:: 29. A kiss ..."as a promise"
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There were many things Kikyou was forced to lock away during her life; so many feelings she had to bury deep within herself in order to fulfill her duty as the Keeper of the Shikon no Tama. There was no room for self-doubt or sorrow just as there was no allowance for real happiness or whimsy. 
Purity. It was her prison in life. 
But she was no longer alive. 
Walking the earth as a phantom, her partial soul confined to a clay body, Kikyou was no longer shackled to the expectations that had once weighed her down. In her death had been release. 
All the freedom in the world to do as she pleased, act as she pleased, feel as she pleased. 
For the first time in her existence, she could experience the fullness of life as it had been denied to her before. But to live a normal life was as unattainable a wish as holding an ocean. All she could do now was throw herself into the waters, allow herself to bask in it without fear of drowning. (She was already dead, after all.) 
She was as much unbound to her duty as she was to the rest of society. 
Free to hate. 
Free to love.
Even her idea of love used to be confined to what was allowed. What was appropriate. A husband and children and domestic subservience. Those were society’s standards for a woman. A part of her stilled mourned the loss, but a greater part felt a great triumph to escape it. Now, Kikyou no longer cared for their rules or ethics, for their acceptance or respect. How fickle and selfish were their desires and affections. 
But she could be fickle and selfish too now. She abandoned propriety. She captured what life she could to sustain herself, threw herself into a revenge-fueled quest for justice, beckoned the half-demon to whom she almost gave her heart and left him without explanation. She didn’t need him as a lover anymore. She didn’t need any man. 
And so when it wasn’t a man who piqued her interest, Kikyou no longer buried the feeling, nor did she feel any shame. It wasn’t even difficult for her to wonder why the Wind Sorceress was so captivating to her. After all, she had an affinity for those who craved freedom as she did. A demon. An incarnation of her murderer. Being a woman was laughably inconsequential in comparison. 
And because Kikyou was free to do as she wished, she let herself lean into her curiosity without trepidation. 
For her part, Kagura had the power to animate the dead, but she had absolutely no control over the resurrected miko. Kikyou was an entirely different existence, and one that Kagura approached with caution. While Kikyou always made quick work of Naraku’s wasps, she allowed the Kagura to survey her without care. Why? 
It wasn’t out of fear. If she truly wanted to, the priestess was more than capable enough to overpower the demoness. All it would take was an arrow or two, at least to send her away. But she was able to get near enough, closer and closer until the sorceress practically sat in her shadow. 
(It was oddly reminiscent of another time and another love; a whole lifetime ago.) 
The conversations came with time. Two even-headed women with winter etched into their veins. It turned out they had more in common than they’d expected. A dislike of crowds, a low tolerance for foolishness, and a vice-like grip on their desire to be free. So it came as no surprise that their mutual attraction was largely fueled by an innate, burning streak of rebellion—a delicious defiance against the half-demon that threatened Kagura’s heart and desired Kikyou’s. 
Kikyou could give her affection and time to anyone she chose, and she chose what he saw as his servant. Not him. Never him. 
Their companionship was a secret. Hidden behind barriers and nightfall, Kikyou let herself give in to her own desires. Light grazes eventually had them wrapped up together, and it was under a moonless night that Kikyou stole the first kiss. 
It felt as scandalous as it did liberating—another part of herself that she’d stamped out awoke; rose from amongst the ashes she was formed by. And Kikyou laughed in the wake of its discovery. Oh, how she’d been so blind. All those days staring at the beautiful girls who got to dress up, and she had desperately believed that she wanted to be them. And certainly that was part of it, but it hadn’t been the full story, had it? So she kissed the Wind Sorceress again, and again, and when she felt Kagura relent and respond, it was a triumph. The fire of rebellion gave way to a different sort of heat—the spark of elation, the warmth of fondness—and they both ended up smiling. 
But their circumstances weren’t lost on either woman. 
“What does this mean for us?” Kagura asked, a hand on Kikyou’s hip. 
“Does it have to mean anything in particular?” 
The demoness smirked. “No.” Did she want it to? It was difficult to say. “But I will have to leave in the morning.” 
“What will you tell him?” 
“That I need to keep an eye on you more,” she replied deviously. “That I have no idea what you’re thinking or planning.” 
Another kiss. They were smart women, knowing how to manipulate and keep their secrets close. 
“So you’ll be back.” Kikyou said. A request more than a statement or question. 
“If he permits it,” she grated. It was the best she could do. Kagura was a caged bird, as Kikyou had once been. Even off to roam, she must return back to her keeper.
Gently, Kikyou traced Kagura’s cheek, studying the firestorm of resentment and defiance in her red eyes, so different from her own and yet like a mirror of their hearts. The priestess found herself drawn in by the color, eventually coming to hover over rouged lips. “I’ll destroy him,” she promised with quiet certainty. 
The romanticism of it pulled the sorceress in. In a hot breath she murmured, “I’ll let you,” before closing the gap between them. 
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inuyashamybeloved · 3 months
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After selling their hair salon to pay for her mother’s hospital bills, Yura Sakasagami needs to find a new job, and she starts working as a maid for a wealthy newlywed couple hiding a secret that will change her life in the most unexpected way.
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This is a companion fic to “Front Piece” and tells the story of how Yura and Kikyo met and got together. It can be read as a stand-alone story.
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Characters: Yura Sakasagami, Kikyo, Inuyasha, Megumi Sakasagami (OC)
Pairing: Kikyo/Yura
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Closeted Character, Beard Inuyasha, Secret Relationship, Romance, Male-Female Friendship
Chapters: 1/?
Status: In Progress
Read on Ao3
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Tag list: @xanthippe-writes @iyrarepairweek
If you’d like to be tagged, message me!
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mangastararts · 1 year
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Episode 154 redraw. I hope you like it @inuyasharedraw
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kaybkay8 · 1 year
I don't get people who bash Kagome and celebrate Kikyo. Like yeah Kagome uses the sit command, but it's a common trope in anime for female romantic interests to do. Besides Kikyo literally attempts to kill Inuyasha multiple times, so it's super hypocritical. Like it's fine to just say you like Kikyo more than Kagome. Everyone's entitled to their opinions and you can express this without trashing a character.
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Point being. Both Kikyo and Kagome are complex characters with flaws and merits. Respect strong female characters.
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blossomingbellflower · 6 months
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Not sure if I ever uploaded this Inukik wip but here we are. Just a sketch.
Inuyasha x Kikyou
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robynngaeblack · 2 years
Not sure if this had been made and yes ik it's ugly but hey, at least I had fun 😌
any couple is literally better than s*ssr*n
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raditzxsthighband · 11 months
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The Bandit & The Miko ~ Chapter 9: Desperation = Preservation
Out of the blue, part of the weight was removed, and a whistling, snapping sound preceded the sharp cries of an animal in pain. Blood splattered on the ground before Kikyo, and she opened her eyes wide in surprise as the weight lifted from her body entirely, and Kaede was released from the other wolf yokai's grip as well. Kikyo's senses went on high alert, and she turned about sharply, finding her bow on the ground and gripping it tight. 
What she saw contradicted her understanding of the world entirely. A female yokai was standing there while twin rose vines, thorns, and all were unraveling from around the dead wolf yokai and into her palms. Kikyo and the demoness shared a long, silent stare before either one of them addressed the other. 
"Why have you done this?" Kikyo whispered, looking from the dead bodies to their unlikely savior. A yokai that killed other yokai to save, of all people– a priestess whose specialty was purifying their kind. 
The yokai woman knelt before Kikyo with her hands on the ground and bowed in submission. 
"I am in your service, Lady Kikyo. To protect you from all evils–be they demon, human, I shall kill them all." 
"Tell me your name." 
"I am Zenatryx." The yokai hissed, looking up to Kikyo with a caustic yellow stare. Kikyo narrowed her eyes and nudged Kaede behind her protectively. 
"Though I appreciate your assistance, I have not hired you, Zenatryx." 
"No, only Master Naraku tells me what to do. He tells me, 'Follow the Priestess Kikyo through the dark forest and ensure that no harm befalls her.' And I will be forgiven of all my past transgressions." 
Kikyo was silent as she pondered over the statement, attempting to find meaning in it. 
"Who is this 'Naraku' you speak of?" 
"Naraku is my master. His true name I cannot speak. He is the lord of all demons, the white baboon." 
"White baboon…?" Kikyo whispered, looking pensive, before wincing as the wounds on her back began to sting and the realization of how much pain she was actually suffering settled in. 
"Are you hurt, my Lady? You should not stress yourself. Allow Zenatryx to help." The yokai said in a soothing voice and reached out to Kikyo, grasping her wrist. A searing pain like a lightning bolt of energy had gone through her hand, and her skin sizzled, causing her to pull back immediately. Kikyo chuckled softly, about to chide the demon for touching her so foolishly, when she abruptly fell to her knees and collapsed in pain. Kaede held Kikyo protectively as the yokai woman recovered, looking over at the miko curiously. 
"You, little child. Will you help me aid your elder sister? I can not touch her in her state, or else I will be purified. If you would be so kind as to help me, I'm sure your sister will recover from her wounds much quicker." 
Kaede gazed at the strangely exquisite creature with one starry, widened eye and considered what she'd said. She looked down to Kikyo and grimaced upon seeing the bleeding wounds, gulping. She recalled how Kikyo had befriended the half-demon, InuYasha and Kikyo's beliefs on such matters. 
'Yokai are deceptive and cruel. There be much worse than simple men to fear, Kaede.' Kaede recalled Kikyo's words, and yet… It seemed to her that both humans and yokai could either be bad or good. Perhaps she needed to judge for herself. If Zenatryx was truly hired to protect them, it wouldn't make any sense for her to hurt Kikyo, right? 
"Only… if you can promise me that you're not going to hurt her." 
"I promise you, I only intend to keep her safe. This is my duty." Zenatryx said with a grave tone, bowing her head. 
"Ok. So, what do we do now?" 
"I shall teach you the healing arts of the yokai. We work the most fantastic wonders." 
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love-sapphirerose · 2 months
Even after Kikyo thought Inuyasha betrayed her She wanted to see him so bad in her final moments she wish to see him again you can’t tell me that she didn’t love him when after all the hurt she felt it didn’t matter she still wanted him.
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inu-yasha · 2 months
One thing Inukags like to always claim in their favor is that “Kagome loved and accepted Inuyasha for who he is and didn’t want him to change unlike Kikyo,” when actually this is false on two accounts and Imma tell up why!
1. If Kagome truly does love and accept Inuyasha as a hanyou then why does she treat him like a literal dog instead of just another person like Kikyo did? This proves that she actually does have racial bias against his demon side and doesn’t wholeheartedly accept him as her racial equal the way InuKaggers always try to claim. She literally treats him as if he’s nothing but a low-IQ animal that’s her pet, forgive me for saying this but isn’t this literally racist? If hanyous are an allegory for mixed race people in the real world then Kagome is no different than racist White Saviors who treat the racial minority half of a mixed person as “inherently animalistic,” at least Kikyo never let Inuyasha’s demon side prevent her from treating him as an equal and with the respect a person deserves, he was just another person to her unlike Kagome who racially stereotypes Inuyasha and thinks him being half-dog gives her the right to treat him as one.
2. It’s wrong to say Kagome completely loved and accepted Inuyasha for who he is and didn’t want him to change because what do you call her wanting him to completely forget and throw away his feelings for Kikyo then? Does that not count as “wanting him to change?” His feelings and love for Kikyo are a part of him too and she obviously can’t accept that and constantly tries to change him on that account, meanwhile Kikyo had always accepted that he had “moved on” with Kagome and never tried to guilt-trip him regarding his feelings for Kagome except very early on in the series whereas Kagome was constantly doing the opposite - Kikyo had the grace and was selfless enough to accept Inuyasha’s newfound love for Kagome and never tried to change or sway his feelings, whereas Kagome couldn’t offer him the same courtesy for his feelings for Kikyo.
So all in all it’s incorrect when InuKags say that Kagome loving and accepting Inuyasha for who he is is the one thing she has over Kikyo, in actuality if you really analyze the text it looks more like Kikyo was the one who loved and accepted Inuyasha wholeheartedly from the start unlike Kagome. They always like to bring up Kikyo “asking Inuyasha to wish to become full human” in bad faith, when they know it was merely a suggestion on her part that she thought would make both of their lives easier - not that she wouldn’t still love him if he remained a hanyou. Meanwhile they conveniently ignore any evidence that portrays Kagome not being so wholly accepting of Inuyasha for who he is as they so claim…
Actions speak louder than words, InuKags can say Kagome accepts Inuyasha more for who he is than Kikyo does but the way both girls treat him suggests another story.
very good points
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la-hannya · 5 months
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Of Warriors and Lovers...
SessKik X
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masitadibujante · 1 year
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It's too late
Coloring of a fanart made 2 years ago. This is a sesskik POV of chapter 464 😭
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kaya16universe · 1 year
Kagkik; once u try it, there is no going back
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Following the Yuri wave, i'm here to promote one of the Inuyasha fanfictions i'm working on. It's Kagkik, in other words, Kagome x Kikyo. Yes, YES, i love this odd couple. Well, it doesn't sound that weird in my head though. I only hear "Soulmates" when i see them together. The story is in Spanish, but they told me that it reads well with the translator.
I always wanted to see these two getting along like they always should have: good. In the series they didn't develop much of the special bond they share beyond Inuyasha. I always wanted to see more and at some point in the game, well, i started to ship them. For me they have potential and i love Enemies to Lovers, so… What if we stop antagonizing them and, instead, unite these two beautiful souls?
Kagome and Kikyō are forced to live together due to a necessary training that the younger one needs. However, such training will not only improve her abilities, but also make her heart worse. Alone, in pure coexistence, they will be forced to get to know each other better.
U can also find the story here:
In case u give it a try, thank you very much! :)
See u there!
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