cogitoergodoleo · 2 months
uh do you think mithras and sol invectus were like...you know...
*vague waving to describe the special bond that forms between two gods after battling it out but ultimately forming deep respect for one another and driving off into the metaphorical sunset together in the same sun chariot*
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rotschopf-thedrow · 1 year
Write some sentences for Firestarter please!
Gladly & especially for you <3
“Heard you have a new pilot for the Normandy,” Hackett said amicably, which elicited another huff from Udina. Anderson’s eyelid started to twitch, and he took a first careful sip from his coffee. “Joker left me no choice after his stunt,” he replied. Udina whirled around. “Stunt? He stole a prototype warship!” he cried, getting into Anderson’s face. “And you go and reward that cripple with a seat on said prototype warship!” “Yes, he did,” Anderson retorted, keeping his gaze level with Udina. “Joker can barely walk, and he ran circles around our security protocols. He kept his calm under fire and brought the Normandy back into drydock with time to spare. Was his plan reckless? Absolutely. Does he need to be punished? Yes. But he is exactly the kind of man I want for this job, Udina." Udina turned on Hackett, his fist balled at his side. “And you just let him do that?” “Nothing I can do about it.” Hackett leaned back in his chair, putting one foot on his knee. Anderson raised one brow but said nothing. Hackett normally was stiffer than starch. Seeing him this relaxed told him two things: Hackett didn’t have any respect for Udina and he also didn’t take him seriously. Udina’s fist landed on Hackett’s desk, but if the ambassador had hoped to elicit a reaction out of Hackett, he was sorely disappointed. “I demand this cripple being removed from the Normandy and Crook reinstated as her appointed pilot!” Hackett’s eyes narrowed slightly. “General Invectus made a personal recommendation to give Lieutenant Moreau this job for the, and I quote ‘benefit of continued human-turian relations.’” He stood up. “You might as well get used to the idea.”
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patoune-prod · 3 years
Avalanche WIP : Seventh Heaven est une carte postale.
Contexte! Un soir, après une mission agitée (comme d'hab, quoi), Vincent et Cid ont fait une tentative de câlin. En oubliant que Seventh Heaven est une carte postale et que ses murs sont à peu près aussi épais. Et de l'autre coté du mur, justement, c'est la chambre des jumeaux.
“Tendez, tendez!” souffla Zack, l’oreille plaquée sur le mur. Cloud, déjà debout près de la porte, son oreiller sous le bras, s’arrêta. Aérith qui le suivait, enveloppée dans sa couverture et pieds nus, l’imita, se tournant vers son fiancé. Zack écouta attentivement avant de se redresser avec un sourire taquin. “C’est bon, ils iront pas plus loin, sont en train de s’endormir.” Cloud soupira de soulagement et revint s'asseoir sur le lit, reposant son oreiller à sa place. Aérith tenta de réprimer un petit gloussement amusé en rejoignant aussi Zack, enjambant Cloud. “Je crois que j’ai leur cadeau aux prochains Jours Carbuncle," déclara-t-elle à voix basse. “Matéria sceller?” suggéra Zack. “Avec l’encoche de porte,” ajouta Cloud d’un ton bougon. “Et les vis pour l'installer," renchérit Aérith.
Et pour un peu plus de contexte: Les jours Carbuncle, c'est la semaine de fête de fin d'année de cet univers, un mélange de Noël/ Nouvel an/Yule/Sol Invectus et généralement une excuse pour faire la fête, s'offrir des cadeaux, se goinfrer et boire comme des trous. Et oui, les jumeaux dorment sur un matelas deux places posé au sol et Aérith squatte quand elle dort à Seventh Heaven, mais quand Zack et Aérith veulent un câlin, Cloud émigre à l'autre bout de la maison, à l'infirmerie ou sur le canapé avec Red. Il aime BEAUCOUP Aérith, mais Pas Comme Ça, merci.
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Rolling out for Prince Harry #InvictusGames #invectus #princeharry #Toronto #ontario #canada #games #warriors #iam. .................................................... . . . . #harley. #instagood #motorbike #like4like #instavid #video #adventure #opp #police #instalike #followforfollow #follow
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imperium-romanum · 6 years
Pliny the Younger | Mount Vesuvius Eruption, Part One
C. Plinius Tacito suo s.
Petis ut tibi avunculi mei exitum scribam, quo verius tradere posteris possis. Gratias ago; nam video morti eius si celebretur a te immortalem gloriam esse propositam. Quamvis enim pulcherrimarum clade terrarum, ut populi ut urbes memorabili casu, quasi semper victurus occiderit, quamvis ipse plurima opera et mansura condiderit, multum tamen perpetuitati eius scriptorum tuorum aeternitas addet. Equidem beatos puto, quibus deorum munere datum est aut facere scribenda aut scribere legenda, beatissimos vero quibus utrumque. Horum in numero avunculus meus et suis libris et tuis erit. Quo libentius suscipio, deposco etiam quod iniungis.
Erat Miseni classemque imperio praesens regebat. Nonum Kal. Septembres hora fere septima mater mea indicat ei apparere nubem inusitata et magnitudine et specie. Usus ille sole, mox frigida, gustaverat iacens studebatque; poscit soleas, ascendit locum ex quo maxime miraculum illud conspici poterat. Nubes - incertum procul intuentibus ex quo monte; Vesuvium fuisse postea cognitum est - oriebatur, cuius similitudinem et formam non alia magis arbor quam pinus expresserit. Nam longissimo velut trunco elata in altum quibusdam ramis diffundebatur, credo quia recenti spiritu evecta, dein senescente eo destituta aut etiam pondere suo victa in latitudinem vanescebat, candida interdum, interdum sordida et maculosa prout terram cineremve sustulerat. Magnum propiusque noscendum ut eruditissimo viro visum. Iubet liburnicam aptari; mihi si venire una vellem facit copiam; respondi studere me malle, et forte ipse quod scriberem dederat. Egrediebatur domo; accipit codicillos Rectinae Tasci imminenti periculo exterritae - nam villa eius subiacebat, nec ulla nisi navibus fuga -: ut se tanto discrimini eriperet orabat. Vertit ille consilium et quod studioso animo incohaverat obit maximo. Deducit quadriremes, ascendit ipse non Rectinae modo sed multis - erat enim frequens amoenitas orae - laturus auxilium. Properat illuc unde alii fugiunt, rectumque cursum recta gubernacula in periculum tenet adeo solutus metu, ut omnes illius mali motus omnes figuras ut deprenderat oculis dictaret enotaretque.
Iam navibus cinis incidebat, quo propius accederent, calidior et densior; iam pumices etiam nigrique et ambusti et fracti igne lapides; iam vadum subitum ruinaque montis litora obstantia. Cunctatus paulum an retro flecteret, mox gubernatori ut ita faceret monenti 'Fortes' inquit 'fortuna iuvat: Pomponianum pete.' Stabiis erat diremptus sinu medio - nam sensim circumactis curvatisque litoribus mare infunditur -; ibi quamquam nondum periculo appropinquante, conspicuo tamen et cum cresceret proximo, sarcinas contulerat in naves, certus fugae si contrarius ventus resedisset. Quo tunc avunculus meus secundissimo invectus, complectitur trepidantem consolatur hortatur, utque timorem eius sua securitate leniret, deferri in balineum iubet; lotus accubat cenat, aut hilaris aut - quod aeque magnum - similis hilari. Interim e Vesuvio monte pluribus locis latissimae flammae altaque incendia relucebant, quorum fulgor et claritas tenebris noctis excitabatur. Ille agrestium trepidatione ignes relictos desertasque villas per solitudinem ardere in remedium formidinis dictitabat. Tum se quieti dedit et quievit verissimo quidem somno; nam meatus animae, qui illi propter amplitudinem corporis gravior et sonantior erat, ab iis qui limini obversabantur audiebatur. Sed area ex qua diaeta adibatur ita iam cinere mixtisque pumicibus oppleta surrexerat, ut si longior in cubiculo mora, exitus negaretur. Excitatus procedit, seque Pomponiano ceterisque qui pervigilaverant reddit. In commune consultant, intra tecta subsistant an in aperto vagentur. Nam crebris vastisque tremoribus tecta nutabant, et quasi emota sedibus suis nunc huc nunc illuc abire aut referri videbantur. Sub dio rursus quamquam levium exesorumque pumicum casus metuebatur, quod tamen periculorum collatio elegit; et apud illum quidem ratio rationem, apud alios timorem timor vicit. Cervicalia capitibus imposita linteis constringunt; id munimentum adversus incidentia fuit. Iam dies alibi, illic nox omnibus noctibus nigrior densiorque; quam tamen faces multae variaque lumina solvebant. Placuit egredi in litus, et ex proximo adspicere, ecquid iam mare admitteret; quod adhuc vastum et adversum permanebat. Ibi super abiectum linteum recubans semel atque iterum frigidam aquam poposcit hausitque. Deinde flammae flammarumque praenuntius odor sulpuris alios in fugam vertunt, excitant illum. Innitens servolis duobus assurrexit et statim concidit, ut ego colligo, crassiore caligine spiritu obstructo, clausoque stomacho qui illi natura invalidus et angustus et frequenter aestuans erat. Ubi dies redditus - is ab eo quem novissime viderat tertius -, corpus inventum integrum illaesum opertumque ut fuerat indutus: habitus corporis quiescenti quam defuncto similior.
Interim Miseni ego et mater - sed nihil ad historiam, nec tu aliud quam de exitu eius scire voluisti. Finem ergo faciam. Unum adiciam, omnia me quibus interfueram quaeque statim, cum maxime vera memorantur, audieram, persecutum. Tu potissima excerpes; aliud est enim epistulam aliud historiam, aliud amico aliud omnibus scribere. Vale.
From Pliny to Tacitus.
You ask me to send you an account of my uncle's death, so that you may be able to give posterity an accurate description of it. I am much obliged to you, for I can see that the immortality of his fame is well assured, if you take in hand to write of it. For although he perished in a disaster which devastated some of the fairest regions of the land, and though he is sure of eternal remembrance like the peoples and cities that fell with him in that memorable calamity, though too he had written a large number of works of lasting value, yet the undying fame of which your writings are assured will secure for his a still further lease of life. For my own part, I think that those people are highly favoured by Providence who are capable either of performing deeds worthy of the historian's pen or of writing histories worthy of being read, but that they are peculiarly favoured who can do both. Among the latter I may class my uncle, thanks to his own writings and to yours. So I am all the more ready to fulfil your injunctions, nay, I am even prepared to beg to be allowed to undertake them.
My uncle was stationed at Misenum, where he was in active command of the fleet, with full powers. On the 24th of August, about the seventh hour, my mother drew his attention to the fact that a cloud of unusual size and shape had made its appearance. He had been out in the sun, followed by a cold bath, and after a light meal he was lying down and reading. Yet he called for his sandals, and climbed up to a spot from which he could command a good view of the curious phenomenon. Those who were looking at the cloud from some distance could not make out from which mountain it was rising - it was afterwards discovered to have been Mount Vesuvius - but in likeness and form it more closely resembled a pine-tree than anything else, for what corresponded to the trunk was of great length and height, and then spread out into a number of branches, the reason being, I imagine, that while the vapour was fresh, the cloud was borne upwards, but when the vapour became wasted, it lost its motion, or even became dissipated by its own weight, and spread out laterally. At times it looked white, and at other times dirty and spotted, according to the quantity of earth and cinders that were shot up.
To a man of my uncle's learning, the phenomenon appeared one of great importance, which deserved a closer study. He ordered a Liburnian galley to be got ready, and offered to take me with him, if I desired to accompany him, but I replied that I preferred to go on with my studies, and it so happened that he had assigned me some writing to do. He was just leaving the house when he received a written message from Rectina, the wife of Tascus, who was terrified at the peril threatening her - for her villa lay just beneath the mountain, and there were no means of escape save by shipboard - begging him to save her from her perilous position. So he changed his plans, and carried out with the greatest fortitude the task, which he had started as a scholarly inquiry.
He had the galleys launched and went on board himself, in the hope of succouring, not only Rcctina, but many others, for there were a number of people living along the shore owing to its delightful situation. He hastened, therefore, towards the place whence others were fleeing, and steering a direct course, kept the helm straight for the point of danger, so utterly devoid of fear that every movement of the looming portent and every change in its appearance he described and had noted down by his secretary, as soon as his eyes detected it. Already ashes were beginning to fall upon the ships, hotter and in thicker showers as they approached more nearly, with pumice-stones and black flints, charred and cracked by the heat of the flames, while their way was barred by the sudden shoaling of the sea bottom and the litter of the mountain on the shore. He hesitated for a moment whether to turn back, and then, when the helmsman warned him to do so, he exclaimed, "Fortune favours the bold ; try to reach Pomponianus." The latter was at Stabiae, separated by the whole width of the bay, for the sea there pours in upon a gently rounded and curving shore. Although the danger was not yet close upon him, it was none the less clearly seen, and it travelled quickly as it came nearer, so Pomponianus had got his baggage together on shipboard, and had determined upon flight, and was waiting for the wind which was blowing on shore to fall. My uncle sailed in with the wind fair behind him, and embraced Pomponianus, who was in a state of fright, comforting and cheering him at the same time. Then in order to calm his friend's fears by showing how composed he was himself, he ordered the servants to carry him to the bath, and, after his ablutions, he sat down and had dinner in the best of spirits, or with that assumption of good spirits which is quite as remarkable as the reality.
In the meantime broad sheets of flame, which rose high in the air, were breaking out in a number of places on Mount Vesuvius and lighting up the sky, and the glare and brightness seemed all the more striking owing to the darkness of the night. My uncle, in order to allay the fear of his companions, kept declaring that the country people in their terror had left their fires burning, and that the conflagration they saw arose from the blazing and empty villas. Then he betook himself to rest and enjoyed a very deep sleep, for his breathing, which, owing to his bulk, was rather heavy and loud, was heard by those who were waiting at the door of his chamber. But by this time the courtyard leading to the room he occupied was so full of ashes and pumice-stones mingled together, and covered to such a depth, that if he had delayed any longer in the bedchamber there would have been no means of escape. So my uncle was aroused, and came out and joined Pomponianus and the rest who had been keeping watch. They held a consultation whether they should remain indoors or wander forth in the open; for the buildings were beginning to shake with the repeated and intensely severe shocks of earthquake, and seemed to be rocking to and fro as though they had been torn from their foundations. Outside again there was danger to be apprehended from the pumice-stones, though these were light and nearly burnt through, and thus, after weighing the two perils, the latter course was determined upon. With my uncle it was a choice of reasons which prevailed, with the rest a choice of fears.
They placed pillows on their heads and secured them with cloths, as a precaution against the falling bodies. Elsewhere the day had dawned by this time, but there it was still night, and the darkness was blacker and thicker than any ordinary night. This, however, they relieved as best they could by a number of torches and other kinds of lights. They decided to make their way to the shore, and to see from the nearest point whether the sea would enable them to put out, but it was still running high and contrary. A sheet was spread on the ground, and on this my uncle lay, and twice he called for a draught of cold water, which he drank. Then the flames, and the smell of sulphur which gave warning of them, scattered the others in flight and roused him. Leaning on two slaves, he rose to his feet and immediately fell down again, owing, as I think, to his breathing being obstructed by the thickness of the fumes and congestion of the stomach, that organ being naturally weak and narrow, and subject to inflammation. When daylight returned - two days after the last day he had seen - his body was found untouched, uninjured, and covered, dressed just as he had been in life. The corpse suggested a person asleep rather than a dead man.
Meanwhile my mother and I were at Misenum. But that is of no consequence for the purposes of history, nor indeed did you express a wish to be told of anything except of my uncle's death. So I will say no more, except to add that I have given you a full account both of the incidents which I myself witnessed and of those narrated to me immediately afterwards, when, as a rule, one gets the truest account of what has happened. You will pick out what you think will answer your purpose best, for to write a letter is a different thing from writing a history, and to write to a friend is not like writing to all and sundry.   Farewell.
Pliny, Letters 6.16 (Translated by J Firth, 1900).
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juleshawke · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Jeff "Joker" Moreau, Admiral Anderson, General Invectus, Captain Dillard Additional Tags: stealing the Normandy, criminal act, proving himself, being the best helmsman in the fleet, the best pilot Series: Part 2 of Joker week 2018 Summary:
Jeff 'Joker' Moreau knew he was the best pilot the Alliance had, his scores proved that, but all they saw were his crutches. It left him only one option to prove he had the skills.
Day 2 of Joker week - Stealing the Normandy
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todayilearned9 · 3 years
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Medio Novembri 2019, massae cibi de Cenomannia, USA in Wuhan South Sinarum Seafood mercatum per catenam frigidam invectus est. Paucis hebdomadibus, operarii multorum mercatorum in Foro Seafood Meridianae Sinarum signa peripleumoniae ignotae originis experti sunt et deinceps nova peripleumonia coronaria infecta sunt.
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12144aa · 3 years
Magna clue! Americae seafood suspectum accepit ad forum Huanan Seafood ante seditionem
Medio Novembri 2019, massae cibi de Cenomannia, USA in Wuhan South Sinarum Seafood mercatum per catenam frigidam invectus est. Paucis hebdomadibus, operarii multorum mercatorum in Foro Seafood Meridianae Sinarum signa peripleumoniae ignotae originis experti sunt et deinceps nova peripleumonia coronaria infecta sunt.
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jerseydeanne · 7 years
I made a post about it, I agree if to have a good press especially for Harry it is three royal duties did not work very well in term media. Especially since it’s three association Catherine for mental health William on the ivory of elephants Harry for the invectus games
All this will be facilitated by a reporter named Tina BBC
This still won't help her.  What are they going to give her? 
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mlbadges · 7 years
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www.mlbadges.com Proudly supplying Help for Heroes with specialist items for over 9 years this Invectus Games badge has the small ribbon 'Medal Logo' detailing, a real challenge for our tool makers skills, very clear white overprinted wording completes the brief. @helpforheroes #mlbadges #medal #coins #charity #charityevent #badges #pin #pingame #pinlife #lapelpins #lapelbadge #enamelpins #pincommunity #pinmakers
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The team of Germany what does this coach have to say about Toronto loves it! #InvictusGames #invectus #princeharry #teamgermany #Toronto #ontario #canada #iam #soldiers #brave #warriors #games. ........................................................... . . . . #interview #welcome #video #instavid #minimovie #coach #germany #like4like #likeforlike #followforlike #followme #follow #LandRover #jag #sports
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todayilearned9 · 3 years
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Medio Novembri 2019, massae cibi de Cenomannia, USA in Wuhan South Sinarum Seafood mercatum per catenam frigidam invectus est. Paucis hebdomadibus, operarii multorum mercatorum in Foro Seafood Meridianae Sinarum signa peripleumoniae ignotae originis experti sunt et deinceps nova peripleumonia coronaria infecta sunt.
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joshrapblog · 12 years
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todayilearned9 · 3 years
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Medio Novembri 2019, massae cibi de Cenomannia, USA in Wuhan South Sinarum Seafood mercatum per catenam frigidam invectus est. Paucis hebdomadibus, operarii multorum mercatorum in Foro Seafood Meridianae Sinarum signa peripleumoniae ignotae originis experti sunt et deinceps nova peripleumonia coronaria infecta sunt.
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