houserosaire · 10 months
Prompt #8: Shed
Silvaineaux stood like a very cooperative statue as Alain peeled off his armor. Ponze of weight lifted from him with that careful work and if his valet had some complaints or thoughts about the sand his earlier pacing had left on his boots, he seemed to judge that this was not the time to speak them. Silvaineaux was as grateful for that silence as he was for the weight Alain helped him shed with his pauldrons and breastplate. 
It was not until Alain had finished and buckled the last piece onto the stand for maintenance and polishing that Silvaineaux finally felt light enough to drag himself out of the weight of his thoughts. He turned to Alain then, reaching out to squeeze the man’s shoulder. “Thank you.” 
Alain’s rather sober face briefly lit with a small smile. There was an understanding in that smile that Silvaineaux suddenly thought only a few people shared. In his turn he noticed the tightness around Alain’s eyes, the set of his jaw that said the pain that troubled him was exceptionally troublesome today. “Of course, my lord.” Was all he said.
“Leave the polishing and such until tomorrow.” Silvaineaux said. “It is late. I’m for bed and you should be too.”
Alain didn’t argue, which told Silvaineaux how bad it was and added another layer of guilt to that which hung over him in place of his armor. 
He watched his valet out of sight down the hallway before closing the armory door and making his own way back to his rooms. He shed another more ephemeral layer when he closed the door of the bedroom behind him. He stripped his underlayers off slowly, sinking back into the morass of his thoughts.
Here in this silent space with only his thoughts he did not need to try to conceal them. He let that too fall away, like a mask cracking and breaking off his face. And when he sank finally into the chair beside the fire he allowed his shoulders to slump with it. 
He had never liked Viper, though he found him pretty enough in his way. But then Silvaineaux had always found it was very hard to like someone when they made their distaste of you so apparent. He had never understood anything other than dislike in the way Viper was with him. And if much later he had learned that that dislike was in part born of grief and disappointment it did nothing to help his own feelings regarding it.
Here in his own quiet space with the company of the crackling fire he could admit that he had disliked Viper as much because that incomprehensible hatred wounded his own feelings as for any other reason. Viper, he thought, had disliked him for not being his older brother.
Yet for all that bad blood and unknowingly shared grief he would never have wished Viper the kind of harm he had met tonight. They had never been friends but perhaps without his knowledge they had always been something like family. It had hurt to watch Viper bleed, to hear Inwa cry, and to know there was nothing he could do about either thing.
It hurt still more in some place between feelings and pride that Elias had chosen to defy him so. That his own effort to stop the whole mess had not been enough. He had always thought that dragoon trusted him. He had thought Elias liked him enough to listen. He had failed there somewhere too. 
Tonight the weight of the ways he had failed people he cared for, his people, was far heavier than the armor Alain had stripped from him. It was impossible to shed. The burn of the whiskey didn’t sear it away and after a moment Silvaineaux set his glass aside and let his face fall into the cradle of his hands. At least here, with only the fire and the drink for company, he could drop the pretense that it didn’t touch him.
@thedarknesssings for Viper, @blisteringstar for Inwa, @gorgagne-viperidae for Elias A belated post Priarch RP reaction story.
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thedarknesssings · 1 year
This Fate
Content warning:  Mentions of death and explosions. Characters: Edarien; mentions of Inwa @daylightrays, Rain @rain-grey-falcon, and the Priarch A-Team.
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The ethereal swell of eternity breathes at the same rate as him.  The Sleeper dwells in the depths, eyes closed and mind branching outward.  Twinges of colour burst with the dark waters around him.  Like buds blooming on a tree branch, they follow a pattern.  
-I could love for a thousand years before time caught me in the lie.-
Ping!  A memory of the past, a bloom in the dark.
He recalls writing this in a journal some years ago.  How long now?  Ten years?  A lifetime?  Years blend together when one walks through them asleep.  He rolls in the depths. The dust billowing upwards muddies the water, churning his thoughts.
There is a difference he finds in losing things by choice or by force.  The sound of the explosion echoes in his ears.  The tinkling of glass raining down around him and the eerie silence in the aftermath haunt him even here.  These memories are poignant, digging claws down into his existence to the core of him.  
He breathes and the darkness weeps.
The old adage isn’t wrong.  He didn’t miss the water until someone blew up the well.  Their life had bled through his fingers, while his life clings to his ribs as if the shards of shrapnel and glass stapled it there.  The pain within his chest is far worse than anything done to his outsides.
-As all things do, they end.-
The Sleeper’s face crunches up with distaste.  The memories are bitter on his tongue amongst the swirl of salt and copper.  His hands clench into fists and he’s forced to swallow how deep his attachment to both lost is.
Rain.  A heart twice given. Once lost to the folly of his spouse’s own ambitions and reforged in a spark of twisted opportunity. Impossible means nothing in the face of his desires. 
Inwa.  A yearning long left to smolder in the shadows.  Excuses piled upon blindness and a lack of action to claim an end to their wandering.  He will drift no more.  
A groan rumbles through the depths.  The waters heave and roll.  The want to lie in the darkness and mull over his losses weighs heavy on him.  Healing ticks time by.  A few hours, a few days, the outer shell of his being mends and resumes function.  He need not lie here and lick his wounds.  Appendages shift in the water, forcing the darkness to abate.
The desire in the core of his being beats in the same rhythm as the pair of hearts he’s lost.  No, not lost.  They know where to look, where to find their lingering spirits.  The aetherflow.  To that end he will go, to the depths beyond the flow if need be.  We forge our own hells, they say, and he will see them freed from theirs before they forget where they belong.  This is not a fate he is willing to accept. 
They are his.
Dark water flows from the figure emerging from the cavern lake.  Far below the surface, the only illumination glows electric blue, a rare form of lichen that coats the walls in lightning crackles.  A black leather boot steps free of the water, the soles thick and solid when one after another foot comes down on the bedrock.  The leather hugs the curve of his calf well up over his knee, giving way to leather pants mid thigh.  The buckles on the boots and at his belt spark silver in the blue light.  A long coat drapes down his back, the skirt of it swaying with his step.  
A gloved hand rises, the silver claws decorating his fingers absorb the illumination in the cavern and streak it through the shorter strands of his hair.  The blue-black locks curl lightly around the base of his ears, against the sides of his neck and nape.  The fire from the explosion had shorn the once near-waist length hair from him and etched scars into more than his flesh.  Scars that need not be.  A sureness possesses his stride, straightens his spine, and hardens his gaze. 
”I choose to walk alone no longer.”
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jacobgoldencom · 1 year
Best Bicycle Bluetooth Speaker 2023 | Jacob Golden
The best bicycle Bluetooth speaker is a portable speaker that can be attached to a bicycle and connected to a smartphone or other Bluetooth-enabled device to play music while cycling.
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beeholyshit · 4 months
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soadscrawl · 1 year
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thinking very hard abt angus mcdonald boy detective on this fine thursday
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In simple terms, Schrödinger stated that if you place a cat and something that could kill the cat in a box and sealed it, you would not know if the cat was dead or alive until you opened the box, so that until the box was opened, the cat was, in a sense, both dead and alive.
Which do you think it was? Doesn't much matter, as far as I can tell. I'll likely never know for certain. It's possible you'll never even know for certain.
-billy bones, black sails
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lomltrentarnold · 1 year
❛ alleged girlfriend. ❜ — trent alexander-arnold
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❪ part one / part two ❫
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‣ warning : fem!reader, somewhat fake relationship au but not really, trent and reader aren’t really dating but there are rumours 👀 and they are not denying anything sigh, flirting, i think they like each other idk 🤷‍♀️
‣ hana’s notes : i really liked writing this concept idk why 😭 it was making me smiling and shit 😭 maybe i’ll do more fake relationship au with trent!! hope yall enjoy this mwah 🫶
trent never really liked parties. sometimes its way too loud, way too stuffy, and way too many people. if it was his teammates or friends he was fine. but sometimes it was strangers that just loves to ask too many questions that he feels like he’s in an interview more than a conversation. some just wanted to hear the drama about the transfers and relationships rumours.
“so trent, the fans want to know if you’re seeing someone or not.”
speaking of relationship rumours.
trent involuntary scrunched his face. if he hears that question one more time or anything related to that he is going to go crazy. the amount of times he has to dodge answering that question this night alone was insane.
it all started with a viral tweet recently that went out on how trent was always “seen” with this one person, a girl specifically, over these past weeks. everyone went haywire with assumptions. articles were posted, people were flooding his dms and his ig posts are full of comments about this mysterious girl.
who? when? how?!
“hello, pardon, i’m so sorry to interrupt, but can i steal him for a bit.”
timing couldn’t have been anymore perfect.
he snapped his head towards you so fast, you can positively hear his neck crack. with the sound of your voice, he could suddenly feel the clouds clearing, the room felt less stuffy, the birds were chirping and everything seemed fine.
your hands wrapped around trent’s forearm, moving to stand close to him, as you smiled politely at the person in front of him.
in all honesty you have been keeping your eyes on him ever since you saw an interviewer that you recognised speaking to him. with trent’s body language, anyone could tell that he wanted to get out of that conversation. so you excuse yourself from your friends and made your way to trent, a strategy already in mind.
the person nodded their head quickly, “yes, yes of course miss.” before they cheekily added, “wouldn’t want to keep you away from your man.”
trent internally cringed, he doesn’t want you to be embarrassed but instead he heard you giggle, your hands squeezing his bicep tighter. but trent knows you, he knows that was not your real laugh.
but when he turned to look at you, he can see that your eyes were sparkling, you were wearing an adorable smile that pulls on his heartstrings, the lights of the room making your skin all glowy and he thinks he might pass out.
as you both bid your goodbyes, trent immediately rested his warm hand at your back, guiding you through the room. you both ended up in a secluded area, hoping that it was out of the eyes of other people. but that proved wrong because you could feel every pair of eyes on you and trent as you both walked together.
leaning against a wall, you turned to look into his brown eyes that you have become fond of. you smiled at him, eyes involuntary dropping down to his rose tinted lips as he licked them, before it curls into one of his pretty grin that never fails to make you swoon.
suddenly you look over trent’s shoulder, you saw a group of people taking picture of both of you.
you can already see the tweets.
trent alexander-arnold seen with the same girl at a party last night!
trent alexander-arnold getting cozy with someone?
is trent alexander-arnold in a relationship? or is it just casual?
is trent alexander-arnold no longer single?
you smile dropped, and trent grew concerned, “what is it?”
you looked at him, an apology ready in your mind. “i’m so sorry. you just looked uncomfortable and i thought i’d came in and save you. but i am so sorry if that was crossing a line. because with the way it looked we aren’t beating the rumours anytime soon.” you rambled.
trent shook his head, a chuckle leaving his lips. “nah, it’s fine. thank you for savin’ me.” he smirked, at your relief face before a teasing look appeared on his face, “but, ya didn’t say anything when the guy said i was ‘your man’.”
you rolled your eyes, trying to ignore how your heart was beating like crazy, —this gorgeous man was standing right in front of you. you could smell his cologne, you needed to calm down— “you’re very welcome by the way.”
with the smirk never leaving his face, he took a step forward towards you, closing in on your space. you could see his dimples better like this.
“aren’t worried that people are going take our pictures together? with the rumours?” you voiced out, concern plastered on your face.
he shrugged, “nah, not really. reporters say a lot of things, doesn’t really bother me.”
you slowly nodded your head in understanding, lips pursed as a second of silence passed. “so…”
“so…” trent coughed out, he moved between the balls of his feet, “wanna get out of here?” he whispered, scrunching his nose in a way that has you smiling like a lovesick fool.
your nervously looked to the crowd, seeing if anybody was still staring. when you were positive no one was, you looked at trent, nodding with a smile, “yeah, okay.” you took his hand in yours, missing the way his eyes went wide and a shy smile appeared on his lips.
he interlock your fingers together, “let’s go, then.”
you don’t think you’re going to beat the allegations anytime soon.
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tell me what you think babes <3 also part 2 ?? update : i posted pt2
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whereismyhat5678 · 7 months
So for the longest time my brother has been BEGGING ME to draw Sonic for him (I have to say it’s a hyper-fixation for my brother LOVES Sonic 😅)
But I DID IT. I finally drew him, and I’d say he looks WAY better than how I used to draw him 👀💧(Sonic wasn’t my fav character and to be frank I never really played the Sonic games but HECK I still tried 😭)
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And because I think it’s be funny if Sonic met Peppino (cuz they’re both fast as fuck-) I did some crossover art:
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The last one used this photo 💀:
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Yes these have all already been posted, but 2023 Vettonso comp post for me because I'm going to have an emotional breakdown
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#i dont want to sound like a maniac but. i manifested this JDKFLGLVLV#okay but understand. ive been vettonso posting for like 3 or so weeks now#have been drawing them like its my god damn career#have been squealing and screeching over them with everyone#and like oh hey! they're both gonna be at suzuka! and seb is having a bee event! maybe nando will go!#BUT THEN NO I DONT HAVE TO JUST LIVE WITH SCRAPS. I GOT A WHOLE FUCKING MEAL#I AM GOING TO SCREAM AND CRY AND ROLL AROUND THE FLOOR#*i say as if i haven't done all of those things in quick succession after seeing these#yknow very fortuitous time for my parents to have gone on a vacation. so they didnt have to be witness to the emotional breakdown i just had#i was making noises that have not been uttered by human beings before :)#BUT LIKE INWAS LITERALLT JUDT DRAWING VETTONSO FANART#AND I FINISHED IT AND SCHEDULED IT#and was all silly in the tags like 'haha wonder if we'll get any interaction'#and then i go to scroll tumblr one last time before slepeing and I RECEIVE THIS FUCKING 12 COURSE MEAL#i cannot actually describe the emotion i felt when i first saw the pic#like genuine fucking shock through my body like just was like 'is this actually happening'#i said to C today 'i will be happy if we even get a pic of them within eachother's vicinity'#and well wow. theyre certainly within each others vicinities rn#if we actually get any more pics i think i will keel over i think i will actually turn into dust and powder on the floor#UGHHHHHHH JUST THE TIMING!!!!!! THEY DID IT FOR ME 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺#sometimes manifesting does work. after you draw like 20 hours worth of art of them#im trying to be concise but i really cant#because its literally just animal screeching and whining noises in my head rn#HOW DO I SLEEP AFTER THIS???????????????#formula 1#sebastian vettel#fernando alonso#vettonso#2023 japanese gp#we do a little bit of f1
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k0uk0 · 8 months
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You might not believe me but this is a chat between my girlfriend and I; it got me laughing and crying on the floor.
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houserosaire · 2 years
Prompt #1: Cross
Sometimes he dreamt of the river. A silver ribbon cutting through boundless fields of rolling white, its treacherous current hidden beneath a layer of ice. Snow dusted that ice too, half hiding another danger, narrowing the breadth of the water, making the ice seem as if it might provide safe footing. Neither thing was true. Beneath that smooth silver ribbon death roared, its frigid song muffled by the silence of winter.
Silvaineaux could feel the river rumbling under his boots even from its verge. Like the songs of dragons it hummed in his very bones, reminding him of its presence. “We cannot cross here.” He said to the others he could feel at his back. “I remember it in summer. The current is too fast. There is…”
But his words might as well have been more muffled than the dirge of the river for no one heeded them. He watched them flow past him in a current of their own, splitting around his form and streaming out onto the ice. He did not see their faces, for his eyes were fixed on the gleaming ice beneath their feet and they didn’t look back. Yet he knew them as they passed by familiar postures, by snatches of their voices drifting back to him on the wind. Ser Valerian, Florent, Seraphin, scores of others he had seen cross another even more permanent boundary.
But then other familiar shapes pushed past him. Honore paused to smile at him as he passed. Inwa, Edarien. Sui.
“STOP!” His own shout echoed in his bones like the rumble of the river but their feet were already on the ice and they did not even look back. Instead he listened to the first thin silvery crackles of the ice beginning to give way. Cracks formed and then spread, swifter than thought, spider-webbing across the river. The rest of Priarch flowed past him, not one of them stopped.
He knew his own armored weight would finish it. Yet, though the ice was now screaming under each of their steps none of them seemed to notice or hesitate. He stood alone on the bank of the river and felt it exulting under his feet.  
As the first crack became a break he leapt forward, arms outstretched to catch hold of all he could reach. The ice shattered. He could not feel the scraps of fabric he grasped or the warmth of the body his arm encircled through the metal of his armor. But he felt the river when it reached up to catch him and tore them away again.
The cold of it burned like fire, the current caught him and the weight of his armor dragged him downward. Darkness swallowed him, tumbling him, sweeping him along with scraps of broken ice and bodies he could not catch hold of in the black. The unbroken ice further along the river closed over them and though he lunged at it, all his strength could not mar that silver ribbon.
Silvaineaux woke as he always did from the dreams of the river, to his own thrashing in tangled bedclothes and his shouts echoing off the wood and stone of the walls. His own blood rushed in his veins like the current.
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thedarknesssings · 2 years
Prompt 9: Beautiful Moments
Prompt 9: Yawn - FFXIV Write 2022 Characters: Viper, with Seraphin @knight-in-exile and Inwa @blisteringstar​
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Viper yawned and rolled over.  His arm slid heavy across the lower half of the broad chest his cheek became mashed up against.  Blue eyes cracked open.  An expanse of warm brown skin greeted his blurry eyes.  A smile curled at the corners of his mouth and he rolled his head just enough to press his lips against a rib.  His.
No longer did he have the issue of struggling to remember who was lying next to him.  Did he get a name?  Does he even remember what they did to wind him up in this bed?  Was the five seconds of getting to remember the almost feel of being with a certain man worth the chaos he put himself through.  Oblivion was hard work.
The gift Cyprien gave him still came as a surprise.  Every morning he woke to find the one man that completed him stretched out next to him.  Dark lashes resting on his cheeks, his lips lightly parted to accommodate the easy pattern of his breathing.  Seraphin was beautiful.  He always had been in Viper’s eyes and every other person that spied the man’s face and form.  Dense chestnut hair, skin like warm wood, eyes that held him as fast as the ever-changing sea.  
His fingers strayed to smooth a lock of hair from Seraphin’s face.  A soft sound rumbled out of the sleeping man and he turned more into the warmth of Viper’s body.  The arm that came around his waist was like an anchor, sure and claiming.  
Viper exhaled a satisfied breath.  His gaze drifted toward the rest of their room.  The thick bottle glass of the windows told him they were on the airship.  Light filtered strangely through the glass, casting squiggled lines of colour over the floor, the window seat, the black and red miqo’te sitting cross legged in front of the window with his back to Viper.  
Blue eyes widened and Viper shot upright to stare.  Yep, he sure was actually seeing this.  Seraphin grumbled next to him, his head lifting off the pillow and Viper’s name slurred sleepily in complaint and question.
“Inwa?”  How drunk had they all been last night?  Maybe he was still dreaming.  At least he knew the miqo’te’s name.
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chippycore · 11 months
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extras so yall can see and also because i cant tell if i like the glitch effects or not...
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theindefinitearticle · 6 months
Every episode of buccaneers I am like surely this episode they will just kill seadown. And then every episode for some reason nobody ever just starts beating him to death.
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witchkittymeow · 10 months
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