#iphigenia pjo
phoenix--flying · 4 months
Titans Win AU; Intro Profiles - Hunters of Artemis
*this au takes place around Sea of Monsters
Camp Half-Blood Cabins Big Three | Two | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve
Zoë Nightshade (She/Her) Zoë is nymph, the daughter of Atlas and Pleione. Physically, she appears around fourteen but is chronologically over two thousand years old. Her exact location is unknown, though she is safe and with her hunters.
Zalea Walker (She/Her) Zalea is a daughter of Poseidon, she was born before the oath, putting her chronologically four hundred three years old, however, having joined the hunt when she was fourteen years old, that is her physical and biological age. Following the oath, Artemis turned Zalea into a wolf to keep her safe from Zeus' wrath but returned her to her human form following Kronos' returned. Her exact location is unknown, though she is safe and with the hunters.
Naya Walker (She/Her) Naya is a daughter of Poseidon, she was born before the oath, making her chronological age four hundred one years old, however, she joined the hunt at twelve years old so that is her physical and biological age. Following the oath, Zeus attempted to strike her down but she was saved by Amphitrite who turned her into a dolphin and returned her to her human form following Kronos' return. Her exact location is unknown, though she is safe and with the hunters.
Mae Davis (She/Her) Mae is a daughter of Hecate, she's chronologically a hundred ten, but is physically only eleven. Though her exact location unknown, she is safe with the hunters.
Iphigenia ‘Geni’ Siatas (She/Her) Iphigenia is a legacy of Thetis and a descendant of Achilles. She appears fifteen, though is over eight hundred years old chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Phoebe Matthews (She/Her) Phoebe is a daughter of Zephyros. Physically, she's twelve years old, but chronologically she's one hundred twenty-eight. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Naomi Collier (She/Her) Naomi is a daughter of Acheron, the nymph of the chthonic river, and although she only looks fourteen, chronologically she's one hundred forty-five years old. While her exact location is unknown, she is safe with the hunters.
Celyn Meza (She/Her) Celyn is a daughter of Oceanus, she's chronologically five hundred seventy-three, but appears twelve. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Mary Rosario (She/They) Mary is a mortal, she appears twelve, but chronologically is in her twenties. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Corey Escobar (She/He) Corey is a child of Metis, her physical age is sixteen, but her chronological age is unknown. His exact location is unknown, but he is safe with the hunters.
Laverne Hatfield (She/Her) Laverne is a mortal, she is twelve years old physically but ninety-two chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Tairi Sakagami (They/Them) Tairi is a child of Hypnos, they're chronologically one hundred seven and thirteen physically. Their exact location is unknown, but they're safe with the hunters.
May Adams (She/Her) May is a daughter of Sinope, she is physically twelve but chronologically around six hundred eight. Her exact location is unknown, but she's safe with the hunters.
Evangeline ‘Eva’ of Delphi (She/Her) Eva is a daughter of the primordial god Chronos, appearing as a twelve year old, but she is over two thousand five hundred chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Willow Remmel (She/Her) Willow is a weeping cherry dryad, her age is unknown. Her current location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Nutra Saenubon (They/Them) Nutra is a child of Themis, physically they appear as a fifteen year old, but chronologically they are one hundred twenty. Their exact location is unknown, but they are safe and with the hunters.
Iliana Bouras (She/Her) Iliana is a daughter of Apollo, she appears as a seventeen year old but is around twenty chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Aviva ‘Av’ Moretti (She/Her) Av is a daughter of Persephone, she joined the hunters recently and is only twelve both physically and chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Primrose ‘Prim’ Wright (She/Her) Prim is a daughter of Demeter, she's sixteen physically but nineteen chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
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l-just-want-to-see · 5 days
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pjo/hoo/toa + the cycle
The Lightning Thief / Growing Sideways, Noah Kahan / Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan, Ilya Repin + Saturn Devouring His Son, Goya + Saturn, Rubens / The Blood of Olympus / The Family Jewels, MARINA / The Last Olympian / The Sea of Monsters / The Family Jewels / Orestes Pursued by the Furies, Bouguereau / The Hidden Oracle / Apollo and Marsyas, Manfredi / In The Blood, John Mayer / The Sea of Monsters / The Combat of Ares and Athena, Jacques Louis David / The Family Jewels / Mark of Athena / The Combat of Ares and Athena / The Lightning Thief / Family Line, Conan Gray / Cronos and Rhea, Schinkel / The Lightning Thief / The Blood of Olympus / In The Blood / The Last Olympian / Chronos and His Child, Romanelli / Desireé Dellagiacomo / The Lightning Thief / Family Line / The Fallen Angel, Alexandre Cabanel + The Last Day of Pompeii, Bryullov / The Blood of Olympus / The Outcast, Botticelli / Glass, Irony and God, Anna Carson / House of Hades / Family Line / The Last Olympian / The Lament for Icarus, Herbert Draper + Sacrifice of Iphigenia, Roman School + Minerva and Arachne, Houasse + Venus Induces Helen to Fall in Love with Paris, Kauffmann / The Last Olympian / Hadestown / The Lightning Thief / apple, Charli xcx / The Last Olympian / I Would Leave Me If I Could, Halsey / The Sea of Monsters / ? / LET YOUR DAD DIE ENERGY DRINK, Lavery and Corrigan / The Last Olympian / Eat Your Young, Hozier / The Last Olympian / Orpheus and the Bacchantes, Lazzarini / The Blood of Olympus / Susan Smith, wych elm / Orpheus and the Bacchantes / The Burning Maze / ? / The Tyrant’s Tomb / Perseus Freeing Andromeda, Veronese / Abduction of Psyche, Bouguereau + Bacchus and Ariadne, Van Loo / The Tower of Nero / The Tower of Nero / The Tower of Nero
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scarlet-sam-chaos · 1 month
me: so let's read toa
my brain: okay cool. sure. we do love apollo. we know half the plot from the memes anyway. let's do it.
me: so... let's see. we've read pjo, hoo-
my brain: have we though?
me: yeah dude like last year-
my brain: 6th grade. you read them all on speed run within a month in 6th grade.
me: yeah, like I said-
my brain: 6th grade was 6 years ago. ever since then you've been retaining all the knowledge solely through content you see in memes and fanfiction.
me: i-
my brain: you do not remember *anything*, just the vague plot and vibes have been doing it for you-
me: ... in my defense-
my brain: go read the entire thing from beginning. now.
me: ...yes ma'am.
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garvalhaminho · 12 days
hey could bianca di angelo stop haunting the narrative. please. for me. i don't want to suffer anymore
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lesbianbanana · 8 months
Ok I know it's a common hc that Phoebe is a daughter of Apollo but I did some digging and what if she's a princess of Sparta.
We know she probably joined the Hunters of Artemis back in Ancient Greece. Phoebe, daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, has literally nothing known about her other than the fact that she's the sister to Clytemnestra, Helen, Timandra, Castor, Pollux and Philonoe.
So I was researching her siblings and wouldn't you know, Artemis made Philonoe immortal. (Which probably means she's a Huntress).
Wouldn't it be cool for some pjo character to chat to Phoebe and she just goes "you know my sister was THE Helen of Sparta"
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hyllaarellano · 11 months
i'm working on a pjo rewrite AND i'm hyperfixating on the iliad...let's make iphigenia a huntress of artemis that we meet in ttc babeyyy
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Dark Prophecy: Chapter 27 (SPOILERS)
Alrighty, I'm back from the holiday season! It went fantabulously, thank you so much for asking.
"when a bronze dragon smashes into them." *chanting* FESTUS! FESTUS! FESTUS!
"If you ask me, she's just jealous of their beautiful faces. BOOM!" Another good insult lost to the BOOM... Do you think Apollo would get smote if he insulted the gods? Do you think he's more or less likely to be smote than the average demigod (I say average because we know no one can top Percy's eagerness to piss off the Olympians)?
"Hello, we are your friends. You're going to die. Come with us." Oh, no. Twenty bucks the Hunters will at some point try to recruit Meg. She's exactly the right age and has exactly the right amount of murderous zeal. She probably wouldn't join, but the thought of Apollo having to work for one of his sister's immortal Moon cultists is funny.
"with choppy black hair" THA-LI-A!
"Lityerses, get out there!" "Sire... you were about to relieve me of duty. By killing me?" LMAO the ultimate entitlement.
"Something inside me, no doubt a character flaw, made me feel pity for the wounded Cornhusker." Something doesn't align with your traditional godly morals? Gotta be a character flaw. Honestly, I'm surprised he admitted he had a flaw at all instead of just blaming it on the mortal body.
"What's up, Lesteropoulos?" Apollo had a choice between telling Leo his mortal name and keeping it to himself, letting them continue to refer to him as Apollo. Clearly, he made the wrong decision.
"Can't I just let Festus stomp him?" Valid point, but have you considered: I am a sucker for a redemption arc. "Commodus betraying this swordsman made me almost as angry as . . . Zeus abandoning me in the mortal world for the third time." On that level? That's quite a leap.
"Thalia Grace climbed up behind me on the elephant--which fulfilled a daydream" Very specific daydream. Also, didn't Thalia renounce her last name? Thus, she wouldn't be Thalia Grace anymore, just Thalia. It was mentioned at the start of The Titan's Curse, I think, and definitely reiterated at the start of The Lost Hero when Jason asks what Thalia's last name is and Annabeth says she doesn't use it anymore but says that it used to be Grace, and that's what jogs his memory to recall his own last name. In short, everyone calling her Thalia Grace has been stomping all over her wishes. Thalia is not Thalia Grace -- she's just Thalia.
"Iphigenia, get the rest of the Hunters out of here." IPHIGENIA! I know I'm talking too much through this, but Iphigenia was the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra and when the Greek armies going to Troy could not proceed because Agamemnon had killed one of Artemis's sacred stags (like the dickhead he is), Artemis demanded her as a sacrifice. Agamemnon agreed to kill his own daughter so the armies could proceed to Troy and sacrificed her. In some versions, she just dies. In other versions, they all think she died but she was whisked away by Artemis to who-knows-where. I guess PJO Iphigenia was taken to join the Hunters! This little nod brings me so much joy.
"I'd forgotten how wonderful sunlight felt!" You... really? Ha... really?
"I drank, and my vision cleared immediately." I was going to say, I guess we have our answer to whether Apollo can still have nectar and ambrosia, but the elephant also drank it. "It's moonwater." Ah? So Apollo doesn't know about it. Is it supposed to be a secret and they've just had a serious info leak by Thalia telling it to Apollo? Or is this fine?
"Zeus has forbidden her from seeing you." Bitch (Zeus). "She's not even supposed to give us orders to help you." This was expected, actually. Of course he would forbid Artemis from helping her brother and from directing her cultists to do the same. Still, gods get around rules like this all the time. She must show up at some point. Then again, I just looked up her character art and SHE HAS NONE. So...
"We've been searching for a particular monster for months now" And every time they say that, the monster in question shows up within the book. Tell me it's not Sssssarah.
"Britomartis . . . urging them to come here . . . let's-pretend-that-never-happened." Oh, so Britomartis is good for something other than trapping sofa cushions and looking pretty.
"I was younger then" You have been frozen in time since then, but it's true mentally you've still matured. "I'd just spent several years as a pine tree." You specifically said you hardly felt those years go by. "My vision and reasoning were impaired from sap damage." That is hands-down the stupidest excuse I've heard come out of her mouth.
"he launches a reprisal." REPRISAL (n.): an act of retaliation
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wtfispatience · 9 months
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#𝑊𝑇𝐹𝐼𝑆𝑃𝐴𝑇𝐼𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐸   : a extremely private & selective multimuse,   beloved by reh   (   she/her   &   22   ).   low activity & minimal formatting. affiliated with HELIADOR & NEREIDAE
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barbie roberts. barbie, horror based.
blair waldorf.   gossip girl, headcanon based.
cayetana grajera pando. elite, headcanon based.
choi chaewon, cho chang. h.arry p.otter, headcanon based.
cruella de vil.   cruella 2021, movie compliant.
flora campos.   winx club, headcanon based.
giselle of andalasia. enchanted, movie compliant.
grace hargreeves.   the umbrella academy, s1 compliant and headcanon based.
heather chandler.   heathers, movie compliant and based. @leadheather
lt. jake hangman seresin. topgun: maverick, headcanon based.
jang hanseo.   vincenzo, headcanon based.
jiang cheng.   the untamed, headcanon based.
judith ford.   36 questions, musical compliant.
layla willians.   sky high, headcanon based.
luther hargreeves.   the umbrella academy, headcanon based.
lydia martin.   teen wolf, headcanon based.
malia roeut.   descendants, au and headcanon based.
min eunji.   all of us are dead, headcanon based.
naveen maldovenia.   princess and the frog, headcanon based.
nina zenik.   six of crows / shadow and bones, book based with show inspiration.
oh jeongwon.   night has come, show compliant with headcanon inpiration.
peeta mellark.   the hunger game, headcanon based.
pete saengtham.   kinnporsche, headcanon based.
sally jackson.   percy jackson and the olympians, book based with show inspiration.
sharpay evans.   high school musical, au and headcanon based
stormy.   winz club, headcanon based.
theo raeken.   teen wolf, headcanon based.
amelia "archer" rhodes-kazansky. topgun: maverick, naval aviator.
delphi chrysalis.   the hunger games, capitol avox / rebel spy.
doralice ducarmin.   droyi coire.
evangeline maldovenia.   descendants.
giselle charmant.   descendants.
iara aruan.   eternals.
iphigenia snow nee dowling.   the ballad of songbirds and snakes / the hunger games, first lady, turned rebel.
ivy marshall. 9-1-1, firefighter of the 118.
laetitia rosier.   fandomless, witch.
lacy bergmann.   pjo, daughter of aphrodite.
mads mimnaugh. mixed canon, your favorite gremlin.
melvin "mj" jung.   fandomless, drama major student.
nancy lind.   fandomless, jounalism student.
perola costa. the hunger games, district four victor.
sutara adhara.   droyi coire.
tilly gothel.   descendants.
virgilio severino.   droyi coire.
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Hi! I wanna make two playlists based off of two people from Greek mythology and I would love some help.
The first one is an Icarus playlist. I want it to be about the fall itself and him hitting the water. I want songs that make your heart hurt a little or give you the feeling of drowning or falling.
The second playlist i want to be about Iphigenia, the daughter of Agamemnon. I want it to be about how she felt as walked to her death. The anger, the betrayal, the sadness. How she felt as her father, her king, told her she must be sacrificed in order for him to go to war. To appease the gods, to appease his soldiers. In any of the telling of her story she seems to be either a preteen or a teen, she was a child. I want both of these playlists to be heart wrenching, I want them to make people feel something when they listen to them.
I would really appreciate any song suggestions people might have!
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authorgirl1111 · 6 years
Expansion on this,  and this 
Ok but Iphigenia, Cassandra, and Helen all live in a city where a lot of people who came back from the underworld live? 
Shakespeare teaches Shakespeare at the high school. Where Iphigenia goes (she was like 16 when she died at least in this canon)
A lot of resurrected kings came back, like Odysseus and Agamemnon as well as Achilles and them, and there’s a bit of a fight between the former kings over who should rule the town, and voting season is fun, because it usually those kings trying to out do eachother, before Odysseus wins cause he’s just the better orator. 
Iphigenia stays with Helen because she doesn’t want to stay with Agamemnon (who killed her) or Clytemnestra (Who killed her father, and is... let’s just say that death has not been kind to her- at all).
Orestes visits Iphigenia whenever possible usually to hide from his mother who wants him dead because of the whole killing her thing. 
A lot of people prefer to where clothes in the style of which they died in, but a lot have embraced modern day clothing.
Cassandra thinks Odysseus is a dumbass, and she despises Agamemnon and his wife. 
A few witches who died during the salem witch trials were able to successfully hide the city from Olympus. As for Thanatos... Cassandra and he worked out an agreement. 
… What should I call this AU? Back from the dead? Deadsville? 
I have a fanfic about Apollo meeting three interesting people who run a Greecian style teashop that’s basically based off of this. Doesn’t have the whole living in a city that resurrected dead people found though.  
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encrucijada · 3 years
while the way deidamia and iphigenia were disrespected is what gets my blood boiling in regards to tsoa. what really ruined the book for me aren't the mythological inaccuracies (i mean i Love the pjo series). what ruined tsoa for me was how Boring patrochilles was?? and all because patroclus had 0 ambitions outside of achilles. "oh he wanted to be a healer" which amounted to one (1) sequence in like the last third of the book. why did miller not make patroclus into a warrior like achilles what was the purpose. they both had the personality of a lamp the Worst case of passive characters i have ever seen. i'm gonna need you to give me more than just "childhood best friends to lovers" and "they were In Love okay". like...... for a story that spans years they were exactly the same people at the beginning and at the end. if anything achilles just succumbed to his inherent assholery
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leonoraflint · 6 years
❧ there is a hole in my walls where your hands went through ❧
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❝ In the wrong light, anyone can look like a darkness. ❞ CONOR LESLIE? No, that’s actually LEONORA “LO” FLINT. Only TWENTY FOUR years old, this RAVENCLAW alumnus works as a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR and is sided with the DOUBLE AGENTS. SHE identifies as a CIS WOMAN and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be WRY, UNTRUSTING, and ABRASIVE but also PRAGMATIC, PERCEPTIVE, and FAITHFUL.
leonora “lo” flint is both flint and rowle, and there is duality in her bones
the truth is this: lo does not like bullies.
bullies are cowards at heart, and she does not lionise bravery, but she has always derided those who put others down for their own enjoyment — there is nothing superior in having to tear others down and claw your way to the top over their bodies
it’s for this reason that she’s never been notably pro or anti purists: she’s always been scornful towards those who were cruel and vindictive towards those based on their blood status, but she’s always been that to anyone with that sort of behaviour, and always called them out for the way they were doing things, not the why
she is not a purist, but the truth is complicated
case in point: she loves her family, and has a complicated relationship with them. purism is in their bones, runs through their family tree, and she grows up with it on all sides. it touches her particular unit less, but not extremely — eirianwen rowle and sabina flint are the most open-minded set in their families, but when they earn that title from being the only ones of the flints willing to take in the gryffindor, it’s a low bar. on every side, there is blood purity, and supremacy is the backdrop to lo’s life.
death tw // nowadays, on the flint side, sabina’s siblings are all death eaters — marcus, the eldest, was involved in minerva’s death; diana, the youngest, was involved in harry’s; and octavian, diana’s twin, is one of the right hands of the death eaters; and on eirianwen’s side, wes is a death eater, tactical like octavian, and not much older than lo herself. // end tw 
pregnancy tw // being the fucking extra purebloods they are, lo had to be both rowle and flint. blood is everything to these nutcases, and so wes’ father was the sperm donor and sabina carried the child. a younger lo got a certain satisfaction from knowing that, even if the other kids were brave enough to say something about her mothers, they couldn’t say anything about her blood, the currency that so many of them were taught to trade in. it’s not something that’s ever really affected her, except now, with her membership with the death eaters, being not only family but also blood has certainly helped her case // end tw
the thing with telling everyone off is that there is a certain ambiguity about it, a distance created between beliefs and perception, and it makes you a canvas, allowing for people to assume their own truths, their own expectations. there is a certain freedom in that.
she’s a private investigator, and that’s actually a lot of why she ends up as a double agent
some of it’s experience, sure — she’s picked up certain skills throughout her career, like how to move through crowds, how to listen without people noticing, how to shrug on and off personas and keep your selfhood tucked away — but some of it is the effect of the experience. she’s always had a knack for finding things, for seeing things, for thinking things through and using unorthodox methods, but she does not like bullies, and sometimes... well, in her job, you can see all ends of people, all the edges of humanity, and sometimes chase something for months on end without answers, and the truth is, it’s made her a bit jaded. tired, too.
jaded, on most people, looks like not believing anything can make a difference: with lo, it looks like believing in the worst in people, and, bizarrely, it’s what motivated her to help.
she looks at it like this: if people are as bad as she thinks, then the people fighting against the awful things need all the help they can get, because they’re already at a disadvantage. and maybe it’s a hopeless fight. maybe it’s something that lo shouldn’t bother with, because she knows her family, and to do so would absolutely be to risk her own life.
but lo has never liked bullies.
her relatives and names are, in theory, enough, but leonora flint does not take chances, and she also very actively, within their private familial circles, shifts more solidly towards her flint aunt and uncles, citing things like throwing in her lot with the favoured side, because marcus’ heir is going to be disinherited, and she says — why not decidedly make a stance now?
wes is an interesting figure. he is her cousin, closest in age to her on the rowle side, and she loves him, she does. he’s her half-brother technically, he’s her cousin in truth, he’s sharp and clever in ways she appreciates, cruel and dangerous in ways she doesn’t, and it does not matter if he has always been a constant in her life, because she knows him, and she knows if she slips up, if he gets suspicious, if he catches her... she’s dead, and she won’t even know it’s coming, because he’s clever enough to bide his time and play the long game, like a chess master setting up his board for his masterstroke play.
the truth is, there’s no winning. either she is caught, and she dies, likely at the hands of one of her many relatives (marcus or diana are likely to do it themselves... octavian or wes, however, might just plan it mercilessly, and get someone else to execute their will, and there is something worse in that), or she succeeds, she holds out until the war is over, until they’ve won, the order has won, and then she is alone: a double agent, not trusted by some of the order, and with no family left, because she has betrayed them, and the flints and rowles have their differences, but neither are forgiving.
she’s always been a bit sarcastic and acerbic to the surface, but she’s warm when you know her
the rowles are Welsh™ and they got terrible welsh names but thankfully they did not pass it on to their children (lo and wes got off a lot better than genie—iphigenia, honestly—or the branch that married into anothe rpureblood family with extremely cornish names), but to this day, lo prefers felinfoel if she’s ever at a pub, and ended up learning cymraeg amongst her other languages of study in her youth
has actually done some physical fight training since becoming a private investigator, but she doesn’t particularly publicise it (being able to throw a punch, however, is a useful skill)
not particularly an animal person
has a pinterest HERE
easily fed up w men
not very trusting at all, even before being a double agent, which has made it even harder than usual to express her emotions, especially about what she’s doing
so she buries it down a bit
particularly wrt her thoughts about betraying her fam, esp wes (the others are like, A Generation Older, but he’s around her age so), bc like... there’s literally nobody she would feel comfortable bringing it up with
very seriously considered how this could all easily lead to her potential death lmao
wes vs lo!! let’s go!!
character parallels: jessica drew (marvel); rosa diaz (b99); baz grimm (carry on); magenta (sky high); zoë nightshade (pjo); lola drake (the drake chronicles)
it’s 5:45 am what the fuck ok i’mma post this and try hit the hay <3 hopefully it makes sense!!!
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authorgirl1111 · 7 years
Iphigenia, Cassandra, and Helen are three woman involved with the Trojan war, and where massivel screwed over by the Trojan war.
Iphigenia as sacrificed so the Greecians could go off to war.
Helen’s abduction kickstarts to Trojan War
And Cassandra became a war prize after the Trojan War and was then killed by Agamemnon’s wife.
I sort of want a fic where those three characters meet in modern day after escaping the underworld and just end up kicking ass?
Like Helen’s dad is Zeus so she has badass lighting powers.
Cassandra, has prophecy powers (up to whoever if the curse dissipated  after her death , or she learns how to work around it) so she always knows where things are happening.
Iphigenia is a regular human who consistently tries to sacrifice herself, but on top of that she’s also the studious one.
And every one of them HATES Paris, and has that one specific deity they despise.
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