#may adams (oc)
anglerflsh · 14 days
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not escaping the courty love allegations
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murmurmurena · 1 year
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vintagecandy · 4 months
btw I thought you all might have wanted to see the video variant where its all edited together with the soundtrack of an old 60s film lol.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 6 months
AU Lore Dump: Lab AU
There was one aspect of the Lab AU I never got around to posting about here, and I figured I might as well share it now.
post Lab Jonah's escape, Adam was going to be mutated by Gabriel itself, via mutating agent being put in his food. this resulted in defects that were seen when he was born coming back to him as an adult, namely things similar to what Gabriel has going on with their appearance, plus some other stuff.
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Wish I actually posted about it cause it would've been fun to discuss more-
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
For Devil's bastard au: what is the chance that Nicaisa full mama bear/feral mode when alastor get hurt by Adam?
I'm pretty fluid with the timeline of this AU, but to be honest, I just don't see Nicaise falling before the botched extermination. It would take some time after she first learned about the exterminations for her to really spread the word. With the revelation that sinners can ascend to Heaven, Sera and the Elders of Heaven are really feeling the pressure to maintain Heaven's status quo. This is a big catalyst for why they banish Nicaise.
However, I do very much want Adam to return as a sinner, so even if she's not around to go mama bear when it happens, she and Adam are still gonna have beef. Adam can't even make fun of Alastor for being a mamma's boy because Nicaise scares him shitless.
Bonus: Lucifer has little hearts in his eyes as he watches Nicaise dress Adam down. And then Alastor is leaning down in his face flashing the nightmare eyes and simply says:
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phoenix--flying · 4 months
Titans Win AU; Intro Profiles - Hunters of Artemis
*this au takes place around Sea of Monsters
Camp Half-Blood Cabins Big Three | Two | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve
Zoë Nightshade (She/Her) Zoë is nymph, the daughter of Atlas and Pleione. Physically, she appears around fourteen but is chronologically over two thousand years old. Her exact location is unknown, though she is safe and with her hunters.
Zalea Walker (She/Her) Zalea is a daughter of Poseidon, she was born before the oath, putting her chronologically four hundred three years old, however, having joined the hunt when she was fourteen years old, that is her physical and biological age. Following the oath, Artemis turned Zalea into a wolf to keep her safe from Zeus' wrath but returned her to her human form following Kronos' returned. Her exact location is unknown, though she is safe and with the hunters.
Naya Walker (She/Her) Naya is a daughter of Poseidon, she was born before the oath, making her chronological age four hundred one years old, however, she joined the hunt at twelve years old so that is her physical and biological age. Following the oath, Zeus attempted to strike her down but she was saved by Amphitrite who turned her into a dolphin and returned her to her human form following Kronos' return. Her exact location is unknown, though she is safe and with the hunters.
Mae Davis (She/Her) Mae is a daughter of Hecate, she's chronologically a hundred ten, but is physically only eleven. Though her exact location unknown, she is safe with the hunters.
Iphigenia ‘Geni’ Siatas (She/Her) Iphigenia is a legacy of Thetis and a descendant of Achilles. She appears fifteen, though is over eight hundred years old chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Phoebe Matthews (She/Her) Phoebe is a daughter of Zephyros. Physically, she's twelve years old, but chronologically she's one hundred twenty-eight. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Naomi Collier (She/Her) Naomi is a daughter of Acheron, the nymph of the chthonic river, and although she only looks fourteen, chronologically she's one hundred forty-five years old. While her exact location is unknown, she is safe with the hunters.
Celyn Meza (She/Her) Celyn is a daughter of Oceanus, she's chronologically five hundred seventy-three, but appears twelve. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Mary Rosario (She/They) Mary is a mortal, she appears twelve, but chronologically is in her twenties. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Corey Escobar (She/He) Corey is a child of Metis, her physical age is sixteen, but her chronological age is unknown. His exact location is unknown, but he is safe with the hunters.
Laverne Hatfield (She/Her) Laverne is a mortal, she is twelve years old physically but ninety-two chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Tairi Sakagami (They/Them) Tairi is a child of Hypnos, they're chronologically one hundred seven and thirteen physically. Their exact location is unknown, but they're safe with the hunters.
May Adams (She/Her) May is a daughter of Sinope, she is physically twelve but chronologically around six hundred eight. Her exact location is unknown, but she's safe with the hunters.
Evangeline ‘Eva’ of Delphi (She/Her) Eva is a daughter of the primordial god Chronos, appearing as a twelve year old, but she is over two thousand five hundred chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Willow Remmel (She/Her) Willow is a weeping cherry dryad, her age is unknown. Her current location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Nutra Saenubon (They/Them) Nutra is a child of Themis, physically they appear as a fifteen year old, but chronologically they are one hundred twenty. Their exact location is unknown, but they are safe and with the hunters.
Iliana Bouras (She/Her) Iliana is a daughter of Apollo, she appears as a seventeen year old but is around twenty chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Aviva ‘Av’ Moretti (She/Her) Av is a daughter of Persephone, she joined the hunters recently and is only twelve both physically and chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Primrose ‘Prim’ Wright (She/Her) Prim is a daughter of Demeter, she's sixteen physically but nineteen chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
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all-lars-bars · 10 months
I have a character pitch!
Former Little Sister who is now transmasc
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
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Ruth: he's luke he's luke you're luke...I'M LUKE?? Are there any other Lukes I should know about??!
Tsum Tsum:
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WIP Wednesday + Last Line Paragraph
Tagged by @direwombat @g0dspeeed @inafieldofdaisies and @josephseedismyfather
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @cassietrn @chazz-anova @adelaidedrubman @wrathfulrook @shallow-gravy @strangefable @voidika @poisonedtruth @derelictheretic @detectivelokis @josephslittledeputy @vampireninjabunnies-blog @snake-in-the-garden @strafethesesinners @a-rose-in-a-garden-of-weeds @henbased @ladyofedens-blog @little-wolf-seed and @deputy-morgan-malone + anyone else who wishes to join and share.
Here's a WIP of Silva's Hope. And we got some Mary May! This isn't my most polished work so the final result will be a bit different once it's published. WIP below:
Mary May raised a brow at Nadi, regarding the smaller blonde with puzzlement. She finished polishing the glassware, placing it onto the counter with a soft clink.
Setting both arms firmly on the bar, Nadi's brown eyes had to endure the intensity of the barkeep's light blue. She noticed the skepticism, how the Fairgrave woman was running her words through her head, tearing them apart.
However, Nadi didn't waver from her poker face, and maintained the clueless Fall's End overseas nouvelle venue act. Masking emotions was a quality she learnt from Jacob, and later John had given her a few tips on how to hide intentions to get information better.
A pause was heavy between the two, until Mary May finally responded, but with her own question, "Now why do you want to know about a dead girl?"
Nadi smoothed a hand over to her small braid, playing with it as she answered, "Well, like I said, I've been learning so much about Fall's End for a few weeks now... to get a clearer picture on everything that goes about here, you know? But I can't seem to get a straight answer on this Omar girl. She seemed to have a... mixed reputation, non?"
Much to Nadi's delight, Mary May snorted as she shook her head, reaching under her counter to grab a beer bottle.
"Understatement of the century," the barkeeper mumbled, eyes easing the intensity in her eyes. Cagnotte, Nadi proudly thought to herself as Mary May's lips parted to answer.
“Now, so you know, my word isn’t exactly a picture perfect replication of who Elsa Omar was," Mary May stated, opening the bottle and pouring it into a glass for a patron, "Neither does anyone else in Fall's End. We only ever saw one or two sides of her, and that was what she wanted us to see. The closest you’re going to get to an accurate description of her would be from her older sister, but even then, I'd assume her account on her little sister wouldn't be anything but with rose-tinted glasses. What sister wouldn't think their sibling was anything more than the person they grew up with?"
Mary May held a distant look that Nadi pretended to not notice as she thought on her words. The short-haired blond couldn't help but agree with the sentiment. As an older sibling herself, she knew exactly what it was like to view those younger and older than herself in a different light than everybody else. Even when she probably shouldn't have. I'll need Sister Nancy to tell me more about this older sister of Elsa's. Hopefully she's managed to achieve her assignment by now.
"Now with that said,” Mary May paused, tapping her fingers against the wooden counter, “Elsa Omar was a performer, a tricky one at that. I believed her about her fragile bones. Defended her even. Because who would lie about something like that? Probably helped her case that there were times we heard of her getting what should have been very minor scrapes for anyone else but serious injuries for her. Multiple trips to the clinic wasn't unusual for that girl. Felt bad for her, as did everyone else. We were also in awe by her spirit, in spite of the disadvantage she had. I know I was."
Seeing that she still had Nadi's attention, Mary May continued, "I never like to speak ill of the dead. It just... never feels rights when the person isn't around to hear it themselves. But I gotta say, Elsa was, and will always be, one of the most confusing people I have ever met."
Nadi tilted her head, shuffling her stool seat closer to the counter, "How so?"
Mary May huffed, shaking her head with pursed lips and furrowed brows as she spoke, "I just never got her deal. She had a successful business. A family member close by. And got lucky with men and women alike. I honestly thought she was plenty decent until she continued to run her mouth around me. She could be really nice to you. She could be really good to you. She could have even made you believe she was your best friend. Or she could be a self-absorbed, rude shit with an ego that puts John Seed and Guy Marvel to shame. Never hated her, but didn't exactly like her either. Most people though either had one opinion or the other about her, both good and bad. As I said, she was tricky. And quite the actor. I could never tell which facade was her true self. If either was the "real her" anyways. She didn't cause unnecessary problems, or try to get my business shut down, which made me a little lenient to tolerate her. Her sister always got a free pass from me because she didn't bother anyone. Or she was too shy to. Though I chalked it up as someone who didn't have a good handle on their English yet. Never liked making conversation, always keeping things short. Not Elsa though, she talked like it was her way of breathing."
Nadi clasped her hands together and rested her chin on top, supported by her elbows on the bar counter, as she continued to listen to the sinner speak her mind. While the business she owned enabled others to indulge in their vices, Nadi couldn't help but be enraptured by Mary May's words. She could see why John had a small infatuation with the barkeeper. She had an aura of a person who was capable of taking care of herself, a reliable ally who could pull her own weight and someone who was tough. Someone who wouldn't go down that easily. All were admirable traits, and useful too. Not to mention, she was pleasing on the eyes.
Nadi felt disappointed that the other blonde let her Pride vehemently dictate her decisions, rejecting the Father's truth. John's chances to give salvation. Would've loved to see her walking around in Chosen attire, came the intrusive thought.
The image of a beauté like Mary May dressed as a Chosen, just like Nadi's fellow brothers and sisters back at the Veteran's Centre, darkened Nadi's cheeks, and her want for someone's touch return.
Shaking her head, Nadi shooed those tempting thoughts away. Restrain your LUST, Sinclair, a voice, either her own or John's, chided, You already need to resist charming your boss, don't push yourself further into sin by leading others or yourself down that path... again.
"Hey, you alright?" Mary May's voice cut through Nadi's thoughts.
Nadi blinked, and put on a smile before gesturing towards Mary May, "Oui. Got lost in thoughts. Please, continue."
And here is the last lines for La Última En Pie. Nightmare sequences are difficult to write (also trigger warning for child abuse, nightmares of implied child murder and, uh, creepiness):
“No matter where you hide. No matter how far you run. No matter which sinners you choose to sully what little virtue you have with,” Father told her, his grip getting tighter, constricting her breath, “You. Will always. Be. Mine."
Sylvester clawed at his arm, his wrist, his hand. Choking on screams he kept silent. "This isn't supposed to be happening," she wanted to say, so desperately, "This wasn't how this went." Her wide grey eyes stared into the unbothered gaze of whom she shared the colour with. Father drew her face closer to his, as he whispered his promise, "And we will be together in my Garden. My paradise. No matter which form I mold you in."
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adventures-written · 8 months
;; Today is chore day. Not sure when/if I'll be on, but here's some additions for test muses(Hazbin Hotel):
- Adam
- Lucifer Morningstar
- Sir Pentious
- Emily
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maikamaki · 1 day
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With each passing day, the idea of bringing Sparda as someone neutral in character attracts me even more.
Dan knows what Sparda did in the past (he killed thousands of demons and was openly prejudiced against hybrids) and over time he changed his attitude and is the Sparda that Dante and Vergil knew in childhood.
Dan likes to make fun of Sparda about everything his son has done, and Sparda gets tired of being in the cell next to that bastard.
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homoeroticvillain · 10 months
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a little rough but jello and eve bickering after one of eve's shows
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zima74824 · 1 month
Adam: I’m gonna get my revenge on Lawrence…..
Zima : but Adam what if you get arrested and sent to jail?????
Adam : it’ll be worth it…..
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Dead inside (about the show :P) but still drawing memes
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forever-eternal · 5 months
hi!! So I had a question, what if The Parents had a genderswap or body swap happen to them?
Hello Lovely!!!
The answer to this is very simple::
They do not care. They are not attached to their genders the ways humans or their States are. Their gender is simply the body they formed with, and their behaviors would not be any different if they formed as the opposite gender. They are still madly in love with each other and still behave the same.
Adam is using Robin’s body to do all the dumb shit he would do if he wasn’t constantly in pain. Robin is using Adam’s body to take him to a fucking doctor to get prescription pain meds and take a nap until they kick in.
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truly-fantastic-me · 4 months
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Holy shit I have never made an OC so quickly!
I am aware this is most likely not going to be canon, so, it's more of an AU than anything. But I like the idea of Alastor being a father and what that entails with his character.
This is Andrew "Andy" Altruist, son of Alastor. In life, he followed in the footsteps of his father by becoming a radio show host, although he had to change his last name to avoid association with a serial killer. He was a newscaster and would play the latest popular rock hits of the time. His favorites were surf rock, motown, and a little bit of psychedelic rock. He didn't like hippie culture very much, but their music was a guilty pleasure of his.
He had lifelong issues with alcoholism that he couldn't overcome. In August 1969, he died of alcohol poisoning just after attending Woodstock. He wasn't found dead until a few days later, once things settled from the whole event.
His relationship with his father was a rather... complicated one. He didn't find out Alastor was a serial killer until he was nearing 18. He recalled feeling uneasy around him at times because of his almost constant smile. But he also looked up to him. Alastor was someone who kept a cool head when things got tough, composed and in control. He helped Andy a lot with his early learning and taught him various ways of defending himself, including with a gun. Alastor made sure to make time for him as often as he could.
But Alastor was also verbally abusive towards him, always pushing him to be stronger and more 'manly.' At his worst, he would tell him, 'keep crying and I will give you something to cry about,' with an unexpectedly wide smile. He discouraged any sort of vulnerability, including crying. He would tell him to 'always have a smile,' a skill he never could pick up on. As a result, he grew up with complex feelings about his father, resenting him for making him so afraid and thankful about the good memories they've had. This was the one (1) thing Alastor eventually came to regret in his life.
Andy kept to himself while he was in Hell, avoiding Alastor like the plague. It wasn't until he saw Vox's recording of the battle with Heaven that he decided to visit his father. He wanted to make sure his father was okay, or at least, didn't die.
There's a lot more to him, but I'm a bit tired right now. I think he's going to be one of muses on my RP blog, @very-important-muses
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