#irene polo
yourdailyqueer · 11 months
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Irene Polo (deceased)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 27 November 1909 
RIP: 3 April 1942
Ethnicity: White - Spanish
Occupation: Journalist, writer, publicist, translator, entrepreneur
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bellshazes · 6 months
one day i'll actually watch the hc/empires crossover stuff i need to and write the actual point of ruinsfic i never got to abt bdubs qua sun god and bdubs&gem on being in stories or playing at being in stories or bringing stories into being and improvising stories and, most of all above all fucking else, writing a story so well that it renders you its author/character obsolete and you vanish from it leaving only mythology where once there was a person, maybe, perhaps. all that shit about stones and ruins and memory was supposed to go somewhere. but you could also just go read invisible cities or whatever so i guess it's fine
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occhietti · 1 year
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Sporcatevi bambini!
Sporcatevi le mani di terra, nascondete i piedini sotto la sabbia, mangiate la frutta a morsi grandi come si fa con la vita.
Non date retta a chi vi mette un telefonino in mano e vi chiede di stare seduti e zitti al tavolo di un bar o sul lettino sotto l'ombrellone.
Ribellatevi a chi vi vuole principi della moda, con la polo bianca e i pantaloncini stirati.
Fermatevi ad assaggiare la pioggia, fuori dagli ombrelli colorati, fuori dalle righe disegnate, con la tempera spalmata sulle mani.
Urlate al mondo che siete bambini, voi che vi stringete la mano senza guardarne il colore, voi che avete diritto ad essere solo amati, ad essere creduti, ad essere liberi.
Voi che avete diritto al mare limpido, a mille carezze, alla favola della buonanotte raccontata con amore e non da Alexa.
Sporcatevi di vita, di gioia, impastatevi di lacrime per una sbucciatura sul ginocchio e poi aprite sorrisi infiniti per lo yogurt con le smarties.
Ricordateci che siamo noi a prepararvi per il mondo e a prepararvi il mondo.
Insegnateci a disegnarlo meglio, a cancellare i confini, ad aiutare chi cade, ad aspettare chi rimane indietro.
Aiutateci a lasciarvi un mondo di pace.
È un vostro diritto.
È un nostro dovere...
- Irene Renei
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albanyroyals · 1 year
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10:51 AM | Whitehorse Polo Club, Merania
[Anthony]: Rina, the doctors said Mama will be fine.  She'll make a full recovery by the end of the week, her injury was not fatal according to the doctors.
[Irene]: That's good to know. We have moved back to the palace, I'll be in charge there, don't worry.
[Anthony]: You're more than capable of doing the job. I know it. Irene: Thanks, Ant.
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[Irene]: So, Mr. Secretary, where are we on the investigation?
[Secretary Jones]: With new pieces of evidence being submitted, we are making quick work.
[Irene]: And? Do we have a lead on who did it? Who tried to kill my mother? And how they are tied to the assassination of my father?
[Secretary Jones]: We have 4 suspects as of this moment Your Majesty. We are trying our best to narrow down the suspects.
[Irene]: When can I expect a final decision, Mr. Secretary?
[Secretary Jones]: We will be giving you a full report by the end of the week Ma'am.
[Irene]: Thank you. You are dismissed.
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[Irene]: I have a feeling that this investigation is taking too long. By the time this investigation is done, all of us would probably be dead.
[Anthony]: Don't say that. They are all doing their best to catch this criminal.
[Irene]: Ant, do me a favor, conduct your investigation on this case, and keep it only between you and me. Is that alright?
[Anthony]: Rina, I think we should put our utmost faith in the investigators assigned to this case. But... If it's for your peace of mind. I will do it.
[Irene]: Thank you so much! Keep me updated weekly or daily yeah?
[Anthony]: Alright.
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comfy-whumpee · 1 year
Safety Net
Whumptober 1: Safety Net. To catch up on where Northlight has been, check out their masterlist.
Northlight taglist - I'm only going to do this to y'all once this month because otherwise it'd be every day! @bloodybrambles, @wildfaewhump, @lektric-whump, @that-one-thespian, @raigash, @whumpywhumper
It was late. They didn't know what time, in the eternal bright light of the lab, but almost everyone had gone. The only people still here were Lachlan, who was somewhere under observation from his near-death, and Northlight, who the others claimed wasn't a person at all.
It was never silent in this place. Almost under the range of hearing was the hum of the many machines that kept it such a pale and lifeless place. The many eyes of Caroline were always open, and there would be listening ears as well. Other things, who knew what, were pointed at Northlight's body at all times, and then there were the locks and bolts keeping them behind all those doors, alongside the simpler straps and buckles pinning them to the examination table.
Surrounding it all was their blood, in some form or another, creating a barrier that its original body could not cross, like two matching poles of a magnet forever pushing each other away.
Northlight closed their eyes to grant meagre protection from the overhead light. Head turned to the side, they listened to the hum of the machines, and the clicking buzz of the bulb. They pondered Lachlan, a brave young man despite his terrible choices. An admirable youth of seriously concerning idiocy. His blood still faintly stained the floor.
If only the damn muzzle would be taken off. Constance Irene must have learned that lesson sometime before now. Someone like Lachlan, who was clearly as good as a cadaver to Caroline’s experiments, might have been swayed if they could just talk to him. But instead, they were forced into wordlessness, and they didn't even know if he had heard them crying as he was killed.
The situation felt helpless. They couldn't speak to change it. No moving, no powers. They had never felt more like the mythical body the cult made them. Even all those years between the pillars, they had the understanding of seasons, of night and day, of weather and nature. This building would be the same on the first day and on their thousandth, except that the people hurting them within it would be aged.
Would Lachlan age, now? The blood was meant to give eternal life, but the boy seemed to already be at such risk. He'd been murdered by his boss and watched by a dozen doctors with no sign of help. Surely he would, at some point, be given an injury that Northlight's blood would fail to heal. Irene was hundreds of years old, but she drank much more than the droplets that made her elixir. Lachlan wouldn't be allowed all that. He was here to be hurt. Sooner or later, he'd be treated the same as they were.
The sound of a distant door opening snapped them out of their reverie. Someone was here. Was it Lachlan, wandering in search of comfort? A cultist hoping for an illegal taste of their blood? Perhaps, they allowed the ridiculous thought briefly, it was a rescue. Perhaps it was a hero, a friend, Dahara, or James, or Archer and his team.
Of course not. Nobody knew they were even in this time, let alone in this place. They were trapped in the belly of a sterile beast with blood flowing in its bricks and mortar.
A tall body came into blurry view at the edge of their vision, and they turned in time to see Kurt pass the observation window and enter. He was wearing a plain blue polo and khaki trousers, no lab coat, and this was definitely not a scheduled experiment. Caroline would be here if it was; she was in charge, even of her older brother.
Kurt hesitated in the doorway, face tight. He, like his sister, like many others, had been given Northlight's blood to drink. He was beholden to it for his health, beholden to keeping Irene happy with his work. An illicit visit was jeopardising that.
After a long moment, he stepped inside properly, closing the door. The room was too large, empty without the students in it, and for a moment he seemed like a dinghy adrift at sea. But he came to port at Northlight's side, hands wringing together briefly before reaching out to Northlight as they often had, brushing hair off their face. They were warm and steady, and Northlight fought not to relax at the touch. These moments had kept them grounded while they were hanging from the chains before the lab, the brief visits from the doctor who checked their eyes and forehead. It was a welcome relief.
“I've paused the cameras,” Kurt whispered. His eyes darted behind his glasses. “Lachlan is asleep. He's fine, he's healing – impossibly fast.”
Northlight closed their eyes briefly, relieved despite knowing the price.
Kurt’s hand shook for a moment as he adjusted their hair again, nudging clumps of it back, near-black with grime. “You cried, earlier. When they… During the experiment.” His face was sallow with fear and pre-emptive regret. He took a breath through his teeth, as if flinching before even saying the words: “If I take off the muzzle…will you tell me why?”
Northlight clenched their jaw for a moment, flexing it in the only minute way they could. They nodded.
Kurt’s exhale was shuddered, but his hands moved steadily again, committed. He unbuckled the straps, letting them fall loose before easing the hard plastic away from Northlight’s jaw. It clung to them, refusing to let go of its deep grooves, until Kurt’s gentle fingers pressed their skin free of it in light motions.
He held it there, an inch from Northlight’s face, as his chest heaved with huge breaths. “Tell me,” he urged them, “tell me now or I'll put it back.”
Northlight looked at him. He hadn’t slept. He wasn’t even in pyjamas. He had been awake since the fatal experiment hours ago. He was clearly suffering for it. Perhaps he was afraid of nightmares. Perhaps he was realising that he lived one.
He was a man who needed to believe, they supposed, meeting his wild stare. A man with a big heart, who could be kind and generous, but had sunk so deeply into this cause that he was scared of it being wrong.
Could they bring a man like this to the surface?
“I…” they began, rasped in a scorch of pain that clamped their face like the muzzle itself. They forced onward, the words more air than voice: “I cried because they killed him. She killed him and gambled his life on bringing him back. I cried because he sat still and welcomed death.”
Wide green eyes move between theirs. “You felt sad?”
“I felt g-grief.” They forced a swallow, wincing. “I have seen – death,” they inhaled fire, exhaled smoke, “but this, m-my body used to make s-slaves out of vict-tims… Hh…” The next word was too faint, and they licked their dry lips. “He,” they said, and felt their lip crack with the shape of it, “can't survive without it no-ow. He'll get sick. Weak and fra-agile.”
The effect wasn’t so instant, from what little they knew, but the words had the desired effect. Kurt, predictably, thought of himself first, not Lachlan. And where Lachlan had been given a mixture that was barely pink, Kurt had drunk almost directly from Northlight's open wound. “Sick?” he echoed. “The point is so you don't get sick. People who take it stay healthy, they don't get sick or die, they heal from injuries.”
“At first,” Northlight agreed, nodding their aching head. It felt like their jaw was about to swell shut but they wanted to keep moving it for as long as they could, and that meant talking. “It helps at first. But it comes with its own price. You trade one disease for another.”
Kurt shook his head, not buying it or not wanting to. “I’ve seen it. Seen it used on people long-term. Lachlan's brother has a heart condition, they both do, we kept them alive. His brother had a heart attack, we cured him of the aftermath. We saved his life. We could save it again if he has another, if we’re fast enough. If we have enough.”
“I don’t need his se-secrets.” They had to stop, coughing a puff of painful air. Their face screamed at them for moving it, and they were pulling on their cuffs with the need to hold and massage its tender sides. “It doesn't m-matter. This isn’t…”
They held such power over this man, who had only ever seen what he expected to see. They had to pull the blindfold free.
“Isn’t an argument,” they conclude once they've caught their breath. “My body, my power. You, others… It is an addiction. Without it you rot. How d-do you think your – lady’s s-skin got so grey? Her eyes reddened?”
Staring openly in horror, Kurt’s mouth found the motion to say, “She’s just that old, that…”
“I'm at least as old as h-her,” they whispered. They sucked in a breath, wanting to deliver this with the certainty of an oracle. “You stole magic that wasn’t yours. Your body will reject it. You can only d-delay death, never defeat it.”
“You defeated it,” Kurt objected, then his voice strengthened as he persuaded himself, “You don’t age, you don’t die – you’re lying.”
“I’m not human,” Northlight reminded him bitterly, “you say so yourself—”
“Don’t we have to try?” The interruption stole Northlight’s breath. Kurt’s face was flushed, as if he were on the verge of tears. “Don’t we have to, if there’s any chance, any way to save lives, to stop suffering, even if it brings you pain and misery—”
“Every moment of every day—”
“—your life is only one, and it's never going to end, this is a tiny fragment of your life and we’re trying to save countless people, so why can’t you accept that your power can be for everyone?”
They took a breath to reply, and the feel of it dragging against the sides of their throat told them that their words were numbered. They could move their mouth at last, but they were parched, and the words wouldn't come out for much longer.
They hadn’t had any water to drink since Kurt himself provided it.
“It won’t be a cure.” They swallowed, then had to cough as the sides of their throat closed together with all the gentleness of gnashing teeth. “I don't disagree. I t-take your point, but it isn’t a cure…”
“We’ll find something to stabilise it,” Kurt replied with conviction. “And even if it’s not forever, it’s less pain, less sudden loss… It’s a safety net. It’s choice.”
Nausea shuddered through them. Having a choice about mortality, whether to live a greying, decaying creature or die when the earth calls you? Who would want to become like Irene? Her body was so frail she went nowhere without her aide. She wore makeup and dark glasses to hide the toll on her body. She stayed secluded, terrified of losing what years she had stolen from their veins. She was a husk.
“You d-didn't choose,” they point out, grimacing. “She chose, she – other people – they choose if-f you can…”
“For now,” Kurt tells them with soothing confidence. “Only while we test it. All of us are happy to give our lives, to make you our work. The public will get the completed version. No more death, illness or injury. Happier people, longer lives, less suffering and pain. The whole world will change.”
“A world built on blood.”
“Blood paid on behalf of the rest of the world, to keep them safe. Is that not worthwhile to you?”
Northlight opened their mouth to reply, but their voice only rasped. They mouthed the disavowal instead. No, because this isn’t for them. This is to control them.
It was a useless loop. Any problems with the panacea would be experimented away. Northlight's suffering was too irrelevant to matter. Their leader, the central driving force of the whole cult, was only a half-dead shade of a human because she hadn't been able to refine the elixir as well as they could now.
Pure belief was not related to reality. It could not be debated, argued or disproven. Northlight could not help someone who would never choose to listen. Their voice had given out, but there was nothing left to say.
After a minute, Kurt sighed. “This isn't why I came in,” he admitted. The feverish shine had gone out of his eyes. He seemed tired. “You aren't human? You really seem… But of course not. Your blood…”
Northlight swallowed, even knowing it would hurt, like nails descending their windpipe. They exhaled into a whisper. “Do I have to be human to feel? I have lived and loved among you either way.”
Kurt’s eyes found theirs. He never lingered on the scar that crossed their face, always looking straight into their eyes when he felt the need. Northlight realised, for perhaps the first time, that despite the doctor’s age and qualifications, he truly was the younger of the two of them.
The stare felt like it was sucking them in, dragging them into Kurt’s own mind, and they looked back with both hands clenched.
When it ended, it was because Kurt looked away. He didn't say anything. He only put the muzzle back on and left Northlight alone.
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mancino · 1 year
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Sporcatevi bambini! Sporcatevi le mani di terra, nascondete i piedini sotto la sabbia, mangiate la frutta a morsi grandi come si fa con la vita. Non date retta a chi vi mette un telefonino in mano e vi chiede di stare seduti e zitti al tavolo di un bar o sul lettino sotto l'ombrellone. Ribellatevi a chi vi vuole principi della moda, con la polo bianca e i pantaloncini stirati. Fermatevi ad assaggiare la pioggia, fuori dagli ombrelli colorati, fuori dalle righe disegnate, con la tempera spalmata sulle mani. Urlate al mondo che siete bambini, voi che vi stringete la mano senza guardarne il colore, voi che avete diritto ad essere solo amati, ad essere creduti, ad essere liberi. Voi che avete diritto al mare limpido, a mille carezze, alla favola della buonanotte raccontata con amore e non da Alexa. Sporcatevi di vita, di gioia, impastatevi di lacrime per una sbucciatura sul ginocchio e poi aprite sorrisi infiniti per lo yogurt con le smarties. Ricordateci che siamo noi a prepararvi per il mondo e a prepararvi il mondo. Insegnateci a disegnarlo meglio, a cancellare i confini, ad aiutare chi cade, ad aspettare chi rimane indietro. Aiutateci a lasciarvi un mondo di pace. È un vostro diritto. È un nostro dovere... Irene Renei Foto dal web
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artzychic27 · 2 years
So I’ve just watched the first episode of Wednesday, thoughts? (If you’ve seen it)
And thoughts on it asthe Artist Family version?
I watched the whole damn season, and all I can say is… LATINA REP, BITCHES! I fucking LOVE Jenna Ortega! And her choreography? *chef’s kiss* Also, you can’t tell me Wednesday and Enid aren’t in love, because I will put piranhas in your bathtub while you’re in it
And now... The Artist Family 🫰🏾🫰🏾 (Also, Science Kids + Austins are in this AU)
Marinette’s expelled! And for no good reason at all!
Some guys on the water polo team shoved Nathaniel in a locker, so naturally, Marinette put piranhas in the pool while they were swimming and one of them but one guy’s dick off... Seems like they were overreacting
Fortunately, attempted murder won’t go on her permanent record. Think of the shame... Attempted murder.
Unfortunately, no other school in the district will take her thanks to the Artist’s reputation.
But fortunately again, there’s a wonderful school out in the woods, Corbeau Academy, a school for outcasts
While wandering around the woods for a while after getting chased out of their homes, Marc and Nathaniel used to go to Corbeau for about a year before... Complications. Marc was in the Eulogy Club, the Arachnid Club, and Nathaniel was captain of the fencing team and president of the Art Club who didn’t mind his “cursed paintings”
Although it’s the middle of the year, Headmistress Mendeleieve allows Marinette to attend due to her grades and the fact that Marc and Nathaniel made a good impression when they went to Corbeau and tasks Ismael, a Gremlin, to show Marinette to her dorm in Ophelia Hall
One of Marinette’s hall mates is Jean, a descendant of the inspiration for the Phantom of the Opera. He’s not entirely a phantom yet, only able to turn invisible and not do other ghost stuff. He somehow gravitated towards Marinette despite her coldness
In Ophelia Hall, she’s also introduced to the dorm mother, Irene Rossi
Before the Artists leave, Marc gives Marinette a crystal ball to call them, and Juleka gives Marinette a necklace made of obsidian
Unknown to Marinette, Nathaniel has That watch over her to make sure she doesn't try to escape. It doesn't take long for Marinette to find That and make them pledge their loyalty to her
Marinette’s not interested in being social. She’d rather figure out why she’s suddenly getting visions of the future, practice her violin, steer clear of the school’s “Queen Bee Siren,” and figure out who tried to kill her with a gargoyle
After escaping from therapy while in the town of Ville Normale, Marinette runs into some normies (Guess who) in a cafe who try to harass and intimidate her when they see her Corbeau uniform
But she beats all three of them up, catching the attention of the local sheriff and a certain brunette who likes wearing green
As soon as she gives her name, the Sheriff goes stark white and asks if she’s related to Nathaniel. With her answer, he backs away slowly while muttering, “He belongs behind bars.”
Of course, the fight gets her on the Headmistress’ bad side
Later that night, Marinette is on the balcony practicing her violin while Mendeleieve, some students, the Sheriff, and Austin Tomassian just go on about their activities
Jean, who’s also on the balcony makes their way over to Marinette just as the other Phantoms are circling around the school. When asked why they don’t join them, Jean explains he’s a late-bloomer and starts to cry as he remembers a visit to a doctor who reveals he may never become a full phantom
Marinette doesn't hold back on explaining her feelings towards crying, making Jean snap and ask if she’s ever cried.
She did... Once when she was younger. She was still living with her parents and they allowed her to have a pet tarantula she named Serafina. When taking Serafina out for a walk, a group of bullies cornered her and made her watch as they killed Serafina
That was the last time Marinette ever cried, because she knew her tears wouldn't bring Serafina back.
After Jean promises not to tell anyone, Marinette asks if she can borrow his computer to plan her escape and sends That with Jean’s number written on their palm
At a Harvest Festival, Marinette meets up with Austin Tomassian (her ride) who shows her a file she found in his parents’ office, showing Nathaniel’s criminal record prior to when the Artists became a family
Before Marinette escapes, she runs into the same guys from earlier, revealed to be Austins’ ex friends, and they chase her out into the woods. Just when Marinette thinks she lost them, she runs into Simon, a banshee and has a premonition of his death
Before she can warn him, he shows her a drawing his mother sketched when she was a student, depicting a woman who looks a lot like Marinette standing in front of fire as she faces off against an unknown figure in the school courtyard
Just as Simon’s about to use his Banshee scream to harm Marinette and prevent this future, he’s suddenly mauled by a monster
Marinette: ... I avoided death on two separate occasions, discovered Nathaniel might be more than an arsonist, uncovered the fact that I could be the one to destroy the school, and a homicidal monster might have just saved my life... I think I’ll grow to like it here.
*Marc, Nathaniel, Juleka, Rose, and Alix are calling her via Crystal Ball*
Marc: I told you so. Also, let’s keep that thing about Nathaniel to ourselves, okay?
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goalhofer · 12 days
2024 olympics Italy roster
Federico Musolesi (Bologna)
Mauro Nespoli (Voghera)
Alessandro Paoli (Torino)
Chiara Rebagliati (Savona)
Riccardo Orsoni (Asola)
Chituru Ali (Albate)
Lamont Jacobs; Jr. (Rome)
Eseosa Desalu (Casalmaggiore)
Filippo Tortu (Milan)
Diego Pettorossi (Bologna)
Luca Sito (Milan)
Davide Re (Milan)
Simone Barontini (Ancona)
Cătălin Tecuceanu (Savona)
Pietro Arese (Turin)
Ossama Meslek (Vincenza)
Federico Riva (Rome)
Lorenzo Simonelli (Rome)
Alessandro Sibilio (Naples)
Yassin Bouih (Reggio Nell'Emilia)
Osama Zoghlami (Bracciano)
Yeman Crippa (Trento)
Eyob Faniel (Venice)
Daniel Meucci (Pisa)
Francesco Fortunato (Andria)
Massimo Stano (Palo Del Colle)
Matteo Melluzzo (Syracuse)
Vladimir Aceti (Giussano)
Edoardo Scotti (Lodi)
Mattia Furlani (Marino)
Stefano Sottile (Borgosesia)
Gianmarco Tamberi (Civitanova Marche)
Claudio Stecchi (Bagno A Ripoli)
Andrea Dallavalle (Piacenza)
Andy Díaz (Azzurri)
Chiebuka Ihemeje (Verdellino)
Leonardo Fabbri (Bagno A Ripoli)
Zane Weir (Westville, South Africa)
Zaynab Dosso (Rome)
Anna Bongiorni (Pisa)
Dalia Kaddari (Cagliari)
Alice Mangione (Niscemi)
Elena Bellò (Schio)
Eloisa Coiro (Rome)
Ludovica Cavalli (Genoa)
Federica Del Buono (Vicenza)
Sintayehu Vissa (Bertiolo)
Nadia Battocletti (Cles)
Ayo Folorunso (Fidenza)
Alice Muraro (Vicenza)
Rebecca Sartori (Bassano Del Grappa)
Giovanna Epis (Venice)
Sofiia Yaremchuk (Rome)
Eleonora Giorgi (Milan)
Antonella Palmisano (Mottola)
Valentina Trapletti (Magenta)
Arianna De Masi (Milan)
Irene Siragusa (Poggibonsi)
Ilaria Accame (Savona)
Anna Polinari (Verona)
Gia Butler (Los Angeles, California)
Roberta Bruni (Rome)
Elisa Molinarolo (Soave)
Larissa Iapichino (Borgo San Lorenzo)
Dariya Derkach (Pagani)
Ottavia Cestonaro (Vicenza)
Daisy Osakue (Turin)
Sara Fantini (Fidenza)
Sveva Gerevini (Cremona)
Giovanni Toti (Chiari)
Diego Lenzi (Bologna)
Salvatore Cavallaro (Catania)
Aziz Mouhiidine (Campania)
Sirine Charaabi (San Prisco)
Giordana Sorrentino (Rome)
Irma Testa (Torre Annunziata)
Alessia Mesiano (Rome)
Angela Carini (Rome)
Anti Sandrini (Livorno)
Raffy Ivaldi (Cazzago-Ex Polo)
Giovanni De Gennaro (Brescia)
Nicolae Craciun (Rome)
Carlo Tacchini (Verbania)
Gabriel Casadei (Turin)
Marta Bertoncelli (Ferrara)
Stefanie Horn (Sabaudia)
Matteo Zurloni (Cassano d'Adda)
Camilla Moroni (Genoa)
Beatrice Colli (Sondrio)
Laura Rogora (Rome)
Pietro Bertagnoli (Verona)
Alberto Bettiol (Castelfiorentino)
Luca Mozzato (Arzignano)
Elia Viviani (Isola Della Scala)
Filippo Ganna (Verbania)
Simon Consonni (Ponte San Pietro)
Francesco Lamon (Mirano)
Jonathan Milan (Tolmezzo)
Simon Avondetto (Moncalieri)
Luca Braidot (Gorizia)
Sara Fiorin (Desio)
Elisa Balsamo (Cuneo)
Elena Cecchini (Udine)
Elisa Longo-Borghini (Verbania)
Silvia Persico (Alzano Lombardo)
Miriam Vece (Crema)
Chiara Consonni (Ponte San Pietro)
Martina Fidanza (Ponte San Pietro)
Letizia Paternoster (Cles)
Vittoria Guazzini (Pontedera)
Martina Berta (Turin)
Chiara Teocchi (Bergamo)
Andreas Sargent-Larsen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Riccardo Giovannini (Rome)
Lorenzo Marsaglia (Rome)
Giovanni Tocci (Cosenza)
Maia Biginelli (Rome)
Elena Bertocchi (Milan)
Chiara Pellacani (Rome)
Sarah Di Maria-Jodoin (Rome)
Emiliano Portale (Rome)
Giovanni Ugolotti (Parma)
Pietro Sandei (Parma)
Emanuele Camilli (Rome)
Evelina Bertoli (Rome)
Federico Vismara (Milan)
Michele Gallo (Rome)
Pietro Torre (Livorno)
Davide Di Veroli (Rome)
Andrea Santarelli (Foligno)
Gabriel Cimini (Pisa)
Guillaume Bianchi (Frascati)
Filippo Macchi (Pontedera)
Tommaso Marini (Ancona)
Alessio Foconi (Terni)
Luca Curatoli (Naples)
Luigi Samele (Foggia)
Chiara Mormile (Rome)
Rossella Fiamingo (Catania)
Giulia Rizzi (Udine)
Alberta Santuccio (Catania)
Mara Navarria (Carlino)
Arianna Errigo (Monza)
Martina Favaretto (Camposampiero)
Alice Volpi (Siena)
Francesca Palumbo (Potenza)
Michela Battiston (Palmanova)
Martina Criscio (Foggia)
Irene Vecchi (Livorno)
Guido Migliozzi (Vicenza)
Matteo Manassero (Verona)
Alessandra Fanali (Alatri)
Yumin Abbadini (Ranica)
Lorenzo Casali (Offagna)
Mario Macchiati (Fermo)
Carlo Macchini (Fermo)
Nicola Bartolini (Milan)
Alice D'Amato (Genoa)
Manila Esposito (Boscotrecase)
Giorgia Villa (Brescia)
Angela Andreoli (Brescia)
Elisa Iorio (Brescia)
Millie Baldassarri (Fabriano)
Sofi Raffaeli (Chiaravalle)
Alessia Maurelli (Rivoli)
Martina Centofanti (Rome)
Agnese Duranti (Spoleto)
Daniela Mogurean (Padua)
Laura Paris (Rho)
Andrea Carlino (Torino)
Matteo Piras (Torino)
Gennaro Pirelli (Naples)
Manuel Lombardo (Turin)
Antonio Esposito (Naples)
Christian Parlati (Naples)
Veronica Toniolo (Trieste)
Savita Russo (Ragusa)
Asya Tavano (Udine)
Assunta Scutto (Naples)
Odette Giuffrida (Rome)
Kim Polling (Leek, The Netherlands)
Alice Bellandi (Brescia)
Matteo Cicinelli (Rome)
Giorgio Malan (Turin)
Elena Micheli (Rome)
Alice Sotero (Asti)
Matteo Sartori (Rome)
Davide Comini (Lecco)
Giovanni Codato (Saronno)
Nicholas Kohl (Sorengo, Switzerland)
Matteo Della Valle (Como)
Jacopo Frigerio (Como)
Salvatore Monfrecola (Naples)
Emanuele Capponi (Latina)
Nicolò Carucci (Milan)
Stefano Oppo (Oristano)
Gabriel Soares (Sabaudia)
Giacomo Gentili (Cremona)
Luca Chiumento (Padua)
Andrea Panizza (Lecco)
Luca Rambaldi (Ferrara)
Giuseppe Vicino (Naples)
Matteo Lodo (Terracina)
Giovanni Abagnale (Gragnano)
Vincenzo Abbagnale (Scafati)
Gennaro Di Mauro (Massa Di Somma)
Emanuele Gaetani-Liseo (Palermo)
Leonardo Pietra-Caprina (Milan)
Davide Verità (Angera)
Alessandra Faella (Naples)
Veronica Bumbaca (Turin)
Alice Codato (Saronna)
Linda De Filippis (Varese)
Alice Gnatta (Udine)
Elisa Mondelli (Como)
Giorgia Pelacchi (Lecco)
Silvia Terrazzi (Pisa)
Stefania Gobbi (Padua)
Clara Guerra (Verona)
Aisha Rocek (Erba)
Nicolò Renna (Rovereto)
Lorenzo Chiavarini (Rome)
Bruno Festo (Brescia)
Riccardo Pianosi (Pesaro)
Ruggero Tita (Rovereto)
Chiara Benini-Floriani (Riva Del Garda)
Jana Germani (Trieste)
Giorgia Bertuzzi (Fraglia Vela Malisine)
Marta Maggetti (Cagliari)
Maggie Pescetto (Genoa)
Elena Berta (Rome)
Caterina Banti (Rome)
Edoardo Bonazzi (Novi Ligure)
Danilo Sollazzo (Casorate Sempione)
Paolo Monna (Fasano)
Federico Maldoni (Bologna)
Riccardo Mazzetti (Busto Arsizio)
Massimo Spinella (Reggio Di Calabria)
Mauro De Filippis (Taranto)
Giovanni Pallielo (Vercelli)
Tammaro Cassandro (Capua)
Gabriel Rossetti (Florence)
Barbara Gambaro (Silandro)
Martina Bartolomei (Laterina)
Silvana Stanco (Winterthur, Switzerland)
Jessica Rossi (Cento)
Diana Bacosi (Città Della Pieve)
Alessandro Sorgente (Lake Worth Beach, Florida)
Alessandro Mazzara (Erice)
Leonardo Fioravanti (Rome)
Giovanni Caserta (Catanzaro)
Carlos D'Ambrosio (Valdagno)
Leonardo Deplano (Florence)
Lorenzo Zazzeri (Florence)
Alessandro Miressi (Turin)
Alessandro Ragaini (Castelplanio)
Filippo Megli (Firenze)
Marco De Tullio (Bari)
Luca De Tullio (Bari)
Matteo Lamberti (Brescia)
Michele Lamberti (Brescia)
Greg Paltrinieri (Carpi)
Thomas Ceccon (Thiene)
Matteo Restivo (Udine)
Nicolò Martinenghi (Varese)
Ludovico Viberti (Turin)
Giacomo Carini (Piacenza)
Alberto Razzetti (Lavagna)
Paolo Conte-Bonin (Thiene)
Manuel Frigo (Cittadella)
Domenico Acerenza (Potenza)
Marta Iacoacci (Rome)
Sofia Mastroianni (Desio)
Giulia Vernice (Rome)
Linda Cerruti (Savona)
Lucrezia Ruggiero (Rome)
Enrico Piccoli (Castelfranco Veneto)
Isotta Sportelli (Rome)
Francesca Zunino (Savona)
Emma Menicucci (Torino)
Chiara Tarintino (Corato)
Giulia D'Innocenzo (Rome)
Matilde Biagiotti (Bagno A Ripoli)
Viola Scotto-Di Carlo (Pozzuoli)
Sara Curtis (Savigliano)
Simona Quadarella (Rome)
Ginerva Taddeucci (Lastra A Signa)
Margherita Panziera (Montebelluna)
Lisa Angiolini (Poggibonsi)
Benedetta Pilato (Taranto)
Francesca Fangio (Livorno)
Costanza Cocconcelli (Bologna)
Sara Franceschi (Livorno)
Sofia Morini (Reggio Nell'Emilia)
Giulia Gabbriellescchi (Pistoia)
Table tennis
Giorgia Piccolin (Bolzano)
Debora Vivarelli (Bolzano)
Vito Dell'Aquila (Mesagne)
Simon Alessio (Livorno)
Ilenia Matonti (Salerno)
Matteo Arnaldi (Sanremo)
Luciano Darderi (Villa Gesell, Argentina)
Lorenzo Musetti (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
Andrea Vavassori (Pinerolo)
Simon Bolelli (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
Lucia Bronzetti (Anzio)
Elisabetta Cocciaretto (Ancona)
Sara Errani (Bologna)
Jasmine Paolini (Bagni Di Lucca)
Alessio Crociani (Rimini)
Gianluca Pozzatti (Trento)
Bianca Seregni (Milan)
Alice Betto (Cavaria Con Premezzo)
Verena Steinhauser (Brexen)
Samuele Cottafava (Formia)
Paolo Nicolai (Ortona)
Alex Ranghieri (Pordenone)
Adrian Carambula (Rome)
Alessandro Michieletto (Desenzano Del Garda)
Simon Giannelli (Bolzano)
Fabio Balaso (Camposampiero)
Riccardo Sbertoli (Milan)
Giovanni Sanguinetti (Bologna)
Mattia Bottolo (Bassano Del Grappa)
Gianluca Galassi (Trento)
Daniel Lavia (Cariati)
Yuri Romanò (Monza)
Roberto Russo (Palermo)
Alessandro Bovolenta (Rome)
Luca Porro (Genoa)
Valentina Gottardi (Formia)
Marta Menegatti (Ariano Nel Polesine)
Marina Lubian (Moncalieri)
Carlotta Cambo (Montopoli In Val d'Arno)
Ilaria Spirito (Albisola Superiore)
Monica De Gennaro (Piano Di Sorrento)
Alessia Orro (Oristano)
Caterina Bosetti (Busto Arsizio)
Anna Danesi (Brescia)
Myriam Syllo (Lecco)
Paola Egonu (Cittadella)
Sarah Fahr (Piombino)
Oghosasere Omoruyi (Lodi)
Kate Antropova (Sassuolo)
Gaia Giovannini (Bologna)
Water polo
Marco Del Lungo (Tarquinia)
Francesco Di Fulvio (Pescara)
Alessandro Velotto (Naples)
Tommaso Gianazza (Legnano)
Andrea Fondelli (Genoa)
Francesco Condemi (Catania)
Vincenzo Renzuto-Iodice (Naples)
Gonzalo Echenique (Rosario, Argentina)
Nicholas Presciutti (Rome)
Lorenzo Bruni (Prato)
Edoardo Di Somma (Genoa)
Matteo Iocchi-Gratto (Berane, Montenegro)
Gianmarco Nicosia (Rome)
Giuseppina Condorelli (Catania)
Giuditta Galardi (Prato)
Silvia Avegno (Genoa)
Sofia Giustini (Arenzano)
Dafne Bettini (Bentivoglio)
Domitilla Picozzi (Rome)
Valeria Palmieri (Catania)
Claudia Marletta (Catania)
Agnese Cocchiere (Lavagna)
Giulia Viacava (Genova)
Caterina Banchelli (Firenze)
Chiara Tabani (Prato)
Roberta Bianconi (Rapallo)
Sergio Massidda (Ghilarza)
Antonino Pizzolato (Castelvetrano)
Lucrezia Magistris (Pavia)
Frank Chamizo (Ostia)
Aurora Russo (Turin)
Emanuela Liuzzi (Giugliano In Campania)
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castellidisabili · 2 months
Mi fanno paura i vicini. Uno sputa, altri mettono musica di Natale a Luglio, altri ancora adesso cantano qualche musica di chiesa forse in latino. I miei ricordi corrono a quel campanile in via Zamboni, vicino al Palazzo Paleotti, che suonava l'Ave Maria sempre alle sette, in modalità carillon. Non so se suona ancora, ma so percepirlo da lontano. Ho visto che ogni città è la stessa perché ogni città è odiata. Ho scritto un tempo che ogni città è sempre la stessa città. Calvino avrebbe detto che questo avviene perché ogni città è Irene: questo è il nome che lui ha scelto per indicare quello di cui sto parlando ora io. Ci fu un tempo in cui leggendo Le città invisibili sperai di essere anch'io un Marco Polo giunto nelle terre dei faraoni, ma i miei desideri sono battiti di ali di farfalle. Gli insetti sono gli angeli del mondo terrestre. Cantavano le cicale, i grilli saltavano. Qui solo corvi, gabbiani malvagi, pappagalli. Le città si scambiano gli animali, la Polvere parla ancora con voce di daimon.
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lindsayrps · 1 year
alexei kincaid development
FULL NAME: alexei peter kincaid NICKNAME(S): alex PREFERRED NAME(S): alexei BIRTH DATE: april 25 AGE: 37 GENDER: cis male PRONOUNS: he/him ROMANTIC/SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heterosexual/romantic NATIONALITY: american ETHNICITY: white CURRENT LOCATION: san francisco, ca. LIVING SITUATION: 3b/3ba condo on 12th ave in nob hill/russian hill
BIRTH PLACE: los angeles, ca HOMETOWN: los angeles, ca PLACES LIVED: los angeles + san francisco SOCIAL CLASS: upper upper middle EDUCATION LEVEL: business degree FATHER: james kincaid MOTHER: isidora kincaid SIBLING(S): matthew, daphne, ophelia, cassia BIRTH ORDER: oldest son. CHILDREN: none PET(S): none OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: begrudgingly, the brunch bunch. PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: oh, several. more than, really. whether he wants to admit it, though, he's been in a weird not really spoken about open relationship with irene devlin for the last ~15 years. ARRESTS: nope PRISON TIME?: nope
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: art gallery owner CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THEREOF): yes. PAST JOB(S): worked in several art galleries as post-grad SPENDING HABITS: honestly, he's kind of a big spender. he likes the finer things in life and that extends to clothes, accessories, the hobbies he indulges in, spending on his friends/family. MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: his art collection, a silver hamilton jazzmaster performer auto watch
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: he's a (home) gym person, a weight lifter but he's not training to be a body builder or anything like that. he's gotta be able to haul around his niece. SPEED: decent INTELLIGENCE: a hair above average, if only because man loves knowledge and Learning but not in a show-offy way. ACCURACY: average STAMINA: decent TEAMWORK: he works best with irene and maybe his siblings (and sometimes the brunch bunch when they're not being...well, themselves), otherwise he prefers to go things alone. LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, conversational spanish. DRIVE?: yes JUMP START A CAR?: yes CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: yes RIDE A BICYCLE?: yes SWIM?: yes PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: no PLAY CHESS?:yes BRAID HAIR?: no TIE A TIE?: yes PICK A LOCK?: no
FACE CLAIM: alessandro borghi EYE COLOR: blue HAIR COLOR: brown HAIR TYPE/STYLE: well kept, short, got a bit of a swoop to it. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: yes/yes. contacts almost every day, glasses are for when he's not around anyone except for, like, irene and his family. DOMINANT HAND: right HEIGHT: 6'1 BUILD: athletic EXERCISE HABITS: weightlifting and swimming are pretty much the big forms of exercise. multiple times a week. SKIN TONE: fair TATTOOS: none PIERCINGS: none MARKS/SCARS: a few from a childhood spent with three younger sisters and a younger brother. NOTABLE FEATURES: his eyes, a well kept beard USUAL EXPRESSION: resting bitch face CLOTHING STYLE: fairly snappy dresser, he's not one for "casual" clothes. work constitutes well tailored suits, ties, dress shoes. casual outfits for him include, loafers, cropped/linen/flex trousers, loose fitting button downs, an occasional polo. rarely, if ever, will he wear jeans. JEWELRY: his watch ALLERGIES: none DIET: normal
ENNEAGRAM TYPE: the achiever MORAL ALIGNMENT: true neutral TEMPERAMENT: choleric ELEMENT: earth SOCIABILITY: eh. he's not overly sociable, in general, but he Must for the brunch bunch. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: stable af DRUG USE: not really ALCOHOL USE: sure PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: theoretically, no.
SPEECH STYLE: even, average paced. ACCENT: nope HOBBIES: anything kind of "high brow". art, theatre, things like that. DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: 90% of his drive is focused on his desire to be better than everyone else. POSITIVE TRAITS: ambitious, hardworking, unafraid to go after what he wants, straightforward. NEGATIVE TRAITS: he's got a bit of a domineering personality, he doesn't often enjoy being talked back to which, with the brunch bunch, you can imagine.... SENSE OF HUMOR: dry DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: never in the presence of his niece, but yes.
ACTIVITY: swimming ANIMAL: lion BEVERAGE: coffee BOOK: god something deeply pretentious. i don't know what, though. CELEBRITY: no. COLOR: blue DESIGNER: YSL FOOD: he enjoys a good steak but also not above being adventurous with food FLOWER: no GEM: no HOLIDAY: they're all hellish but christmas with his family is fine he supposes. MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: car MUSICAL ARTIST: no clear favourites SCENERY: cityscapes SCENT: anything clean and soft scented. SPORT: no SPORTS TEAM: absolutely not. TELEVISION SHOW: succession WEATHER: he's a fall bitch VACATION DESTINATION: what's a vacation
GREATEST DREAM: opening up another gallery GREATEST FEAR: anything happening to matthew/fern/his family. MOST AT EASE WHEN: with irene/by himself LEAST AT EASE WHEN: with the brunch bunch bc they're chaotic asf. WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: see greatest fear, also the gallery having to shut down/being financially unsuccessful. BIGGEST REGRET: eh MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: no TOP PRIORITIES: gallery / friends/family / everything else.
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realgothamhousewife · 2 years
A brief note on Dolores’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. John was an insurance man, Irene a housewife and wannabe socialite. John and Irene were older when Dolores was born. John was 40, Irene was 37. They waited to start a family, partly because of difficulty getting pregnant, partly because John was trying to climb the corporate ladder at work.
John enjoyed hunting, fishing, polo, etc. Irene liked sewing and playing bridge. She was always impeccably dressed, with tailored suits and dresses, and a closet full of fur coats and stoles. Dolores’ parents asked one thing of their daughter, and one thing only: marry a man from a good, old money, family.
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famousbob · 2 years
8 year old post
Just a note to say it’s been about 8 years since I was last here on tumblr (mostly too time consuming and fast paced for an old man like me).  I recently finished ‘SpockLock” (now known as “An Ancestor of Mine . . . “ and in beta test!) and came back online to see that the following was a draft from many years ago which I never posted.
A few more answers to specific con-related questions you had! 
You’re totally right that public photos are often shared publicly without asking for permission - the reason why it’s different with cosplay is precisely because we all make the costumes ourselves! Because it’s a creative work that we poured a lot of time effort and money into, it’s nice to be credited, same as I would want to be credited for writing or artwork or any other creative venture that was shared by someone. The Irene Adler you mentioned (the sheer green robe one?) is actually a commission I made for makokitten! There is creative work being represented - the Victorian costumes a bunch of us wore on saturday, we had been planning since September. If it were just a personal picture of me hanging out in ‘normal’ clothes, I wouldn’t care at all about credit. 
I absolutely do not think that a photographer asking for the contact info of a cosplayer they photographed would be seen as invasive, it’s pretty common. A lot of cosplayers and con photographers who do this kind of thing frequently make and carry around business cards to make this kind of info-swap easier! Now, as has happened to me before, taking someone’s picture and directly afterwards asking them out? Deeefinitely inappropriate. But an info-swap is a very par for the course con interaction!
Blurring faces isn’t an action that there’s a lot of precedent for - in my experience, the best thing to do when there’s a picture you want to share but don’t maybe have permission/credit is to include a caption or note along the lines of ‘If you are the cosplayer, or know who the cosplayer is, contact me!’ This way the cosplayer can decide whether or not they want the credit, and it shows that the sharer is being respectful of the work! When I find an uncredited picture of myself that has some kind of similar caption, I’m happy, because it means the photographer liked my costume so much they wanted to share it but just lacked the means to get in contact with me! It happens all the time - cons are busy!  
I’d disagree with you though that it makes things too complicated to apply some discernment to who you allow to take an image of yourself! It’s always a bit of a gamble of a decision, but far safer than instantly trusting all interested strangers. And let’s be honest, we make these costumes to share! We WANT pictures to be taken, we want like-minded people who ‘get it’ to feel the same joy seeing our costumes as we’ve had making them! At other cons, photographers won’t always wear nerdy gear, but they’ll usually at least have a badge visible. An example of a rare time I turned down a picture: at dragon*con, I was wearing a genderbent version of one of the dwarves from the Hobbit. This meant I was wearing a skirt and feminine make-up, but also had a beard! Out of context, to people unfamiliar with Tolkien mythology and the Hobbit movies, it can get some strong reactions. A man asked if he could get a picture with me, and I said yes. (He was drinking a beer, I was drinking a beer, it was dragon*con!) When he moved closer to get in frame, he said “So what exactly were you going for with this?” And I, in a very amenable, friendly way told him that I wasn’t going to take the picture any more, and we parted on friendly terms. Because I had given him the benefit of the doubt - you betcha Tolkien fans can wear polos and board shorts! But the way he asked that question made it clear to me that the image I gave him the power to take would be presented without context, not as ‘this awesome cosplayer I saw at a con’ but as ‘check out this crazy bearded lady!’ And I opted out of a situation that I thought would end with my image being mis-represented.
When PFG talks about who has power, she’s talking about the moment when someone asks to get a picture. In that moment, the person being asked has the power to say yes or no, and the person doing the asking does not have power. This dynamic doesn’t extend to the whole weekend, or even the whole conversation!! But when asking permission for something, the control of that situation lies with the person granting or withholding permission. This is true both of strangers and of friends who I’ve known for years! 
I definitely should have clarified that when I referred to facebook, I meant private, personal accounts, and not on a public page. As far as I’m concerned, sharing images from a fun weekend with personal friends is always okay! That’s what I meant to refer to!
I’m a bit worn out talking about gender stuff, but I hope that can clarify some of the con/cosplay culture questions you had! Like I said, I’ve been part of the cosplay community for a very long time and these things are second-nature to me. Cosplayers also LOVE to talk about how hard they worked on their costumes - I guarantee you the next time you run into someone who sewed a costume from a series you like, they will talk your ear off about all the hard work and details! If you had a good time, I hope you’ll think about attending other meet-ups or conventions in the future! 
Thank you for your detailed answer. 
A good number of years ago a friend/colleague gave me a maxim I have taken to heart: “Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.”  Or perhaps in this case, ignorance.  I had no idea of the history of cosplay - any pictures I have glanced at I saw as either being obviously amateurish costumes or (what I thought) as professionally made (by a costuming company?).  I am not ‘crafty’ myself and would look to eBay or google to find a costume.  OTOH, as an audiophile I would rather build an amplifier kit than purchase one pre-assembled, so I do understand the joy of ‘rolling your own.’  (I did just re-edit my original IHOSE article to add the phrase ‘in their handmade costumes’ under the picture to at least credit your hard work.)
Being uninformed about 221bCon, tumblr, cosplay, comicon or other fancons, how some fans are wary of picture-taking (for their own valid reasons), and God-knows-what-else that I haven’t stumbled into yet, made it almost inevitable that my assumptions about a ‘Sherlockian’ event would be inadequate to explain what I was seeing/experiencing.
I needed context about many aspects of what was going on, just as you needed context of how I came to the con and published my article on IHOSE.  And as I have remarked, in on-line interaction I miss the tone of voice and non-verbal cues that are present in person-to-person communication.  Even your brief description of what happened to you at dragon*con makes the point.  I do not doubt that you made an appropriate decision about changing your mind having your picture taken.  You were there, you saw/heard not only the words you quoted, but how they were said in the context at the time.  But if I came to that con as a first time attendee (especially at my first con in 35 years) I could imagine myself asking you something similar, though I might phrase it as, “You look really cool, but I don’t understand how this relates to the Tolkien stories.”  (Is dragon*con only about Tolkien or dragon-stuff in general? - you don’t have to answer, I can google it and figure it out).  Now that I have a context it is a lot more understandable.  (Sometime I marvel that any two people can communicate relatively accurately most of the time!)
I recently did a paper on Holmes’ ‘you see but do not observe’ in which I quoted some research that says about 70% of our sensory experience is visual.  Even if Sherlockian playboy bunnies were chosen to imitate the Marvel bunnies, I didn’t recognize any Sherlockian connection per se other than your names.  OTOH, at a Marvel-con a green-skinned bunny could only mean a female ‘Hulk’ character even to me.  You are all attractive young women, initially attractive because of your physical appearance which was the first thing I saw at the time. And playboy bunny costumes, to me as an older male, do have associations with sexuality even if your unspoken intent was more ironic and meant to challenge gender stereotyping. I hazarded a guess about ‘cumberbunnies’ because of my penchant for puns and my (unknown to you at the time) recent purchase of cumberbunds to wear with my tux. 
Historically I am not usually outgoing in large groups.  But on this occasion with little knowledge of what surrounded me, I just had to ask questions of practically everyone I met.  I regret that I did not talk to any of you directly (though I did mention to one of you - to your sister? - that she could also be a very good Amy from Dr. Who - I am a fan of the show and noted her long red hair - don’t know or care if it was her own or not).  As I learned about the x-rated fanfic, I could understand a little more about playful sexual references.  I do have testosterone and try to keep it confined to my ‘naughty bits’ (as the Pythons would say) but reserve it for someone with whom I have a meaningful relationship and not have it take over my verbal behavior (though given an opportunity to make a wise-ass sexual pun I would probably risk it, especially amongst people who know me).
Anyway I do enjoy rambling on and interacting with intelligent people who have given a lot more thought to ‘things not dreamt of in my philosophy’ until now.  In fact, and I mean this as a non-sexist compliment, because of these interactions you are more attractive in a most general sense than the visual representation I saw at the con.  This doesn’t mean I want to date you or become your bff.  I am more than old enough to be your father (my wise-ass Electra complex remark aside) and have the physical attractiveness of an old pudgy Steve Buscemi and not a Benedict Cumberbatch or Martin Freeman.  I tend to think that the ‘attraction’ I provide for some women on tumblr who have made supportive comments is because I had a clever idea for a fanfic, I’m fairly intelligent, generally respectful and I’m open-minded (though maybe not so much that I’m long-winded!). You all have interesting ideas and experiences which until now have not been a focus for me.
So please you need not reply nor make this post public on my account (that is a pun!) but feel free to do so if you think it might be helpful to others in some way.
Best wishes,
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alexesteve · 2 years
157 (teaser) from BORNEO on Vimeo.
ENG Since his mother disappeared when he was a child, the number 157 has trapped Atlas. After trying to find an explanation for it all his life. One morning, the news on TV could change everything. This story is based on two real events that shocked the entire aerospace scientific community.
ESP Desde que su madre desapareció cuando era niño, el número 157 persigue a Atlas. Después de intentar toda su vida buscarle una explicación, una mañana aparece una noticia en la tv que puede cambiarlo todo.
Dirigido y escrito por Alex Esteve Una producción de Borneo Directores de fotografía Islada Atlas Sergio Pozo Atlas (niño) Mauri Sánchez Madre de Atlas Victoria García Directora de Producción Ana Gámiz Ayudante Dirección Marta M. Mata Directora de Arte Cristina Santa-Cruz Sonido Directo Javier López Soria Vestuario Fátima Ropero Gaffer Eric Mikhaelides Maquillaje Salvador Muñoz Ayudante Producción Fabiola Salguero Auxiliar Producción Rocío Román Auxiliar Producción Sol Benito Ayudante de Cámara Daniel Díaz Auxiliar Cámara Álvaro Gluckman Steady Israel Fdez Ayudante Steady Belén Landa Jefe Eléctricos Álvaro Pulido Eléctricos Luis Martinez y Bárbara Bombarelli Ayudantes de Arte Kike Ramírez y Juanma Cabrera Ayudante Vestuario Carlota de Molina VFX Biktor Kero Etalonaje Ianire Beriain Diseño de títulos Tiquismiquis Voz en off Sergio Pozo Voz en off (Noticia Tv) Marta M. Mata Voz en off (Noticia Radio) Fabiola Salguero Edición de diálogos Javier López Soria Diseñador de sonido y mezcla Luis Jiménez Barroso Foto fija Okaro y José de la Cuesta BSO "Fantaisie romantique sur deux mélodies suisses, S. 157 Compuesta por Franz Liszt entre 1836 y 1837 Intérprete: Christoph Zbinden Licencia Creative Commons" Figuración Esmeralda Martín Raquel Segarra Daya el Mansouri Mario del Cubo María Garnacha Ismael Soler Isabel Carrasco Pedro Aguilar Cristina García Rocío Román Fátima Ropero Israel Fdez Belén Landa Carlota de Molina Marta M. Mata Salvador Muñoz José de la Cuesta Auditoría de guión Isaki Lacuesta
Agradecimientos especiales Salvador Vidosa ~ Cultura ES Raquel González Javier Melendez Estas personas hicieron posible esta película Jon Casado Wences Sanz-Alonso María Orellana David F Rocío Jiménez Palacios Javier Cerezo Medina Alejandro Granja Irene Rubio Carlos Esteve Armando Gil y Paloma Bresca Ana Marciana Bodini nometoqueslashelveticas Antonio Saldaña Pablo Esteve Oliva Miguel Ángel Asenjo de Frutos (Miki) Charlie García Pedro Terrero (Creatubers) Los Parker's Vicky y Ramón Daniel Natoli Ava Amelia Esteve Paul Stein Inmaculada García Haro Vanessa Esteve David Rj Delia Márquez Chiqui González Amanda Gutiérrez del Castillo Dmitriy Sukhorukov Juan Polo María Bailén Gómez Jon Rivero Ernesto Jiménez Javier Barbero Montes MrsNoReply Gitana Criz Alberto Enrique Pons Events 2 Spain - Micexperiences Sofía López Martín Manuel Jiménez Moreno Inmaculada García Haro Fernando Santana Vega Javier Ramirez Molina Juan Krauel Vergara Luis Fernández Agradecimientos Marta M. Mata Sergio Pozo Ana Gámiz Laura Río Alejandro Franquelo Israel Fernández Kaajal Mansukhani Elena Guillén Tiquismiquis.club Miguel Caine Israel Fdez Elizabeth Oliver Javier Meléndez Martín Curro Narvaez Guillermo Esteve Andrea Noli Alquilavisual Facultad de Derecho de Málaga Freepik Festival de Cine de Málaga Málaga Film Office Ayuntamiento de Málaga
Con el apoyo de Festival de Málaga Area de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Málaga Fundación La Caixa
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silencervalkyrie · 3 years
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Read the original in Catalan here. 
Many thanks to @paracadet for checking and correcting the translation!
Barcelona-Sitges-Barcelona, with Buster Keaton, Luis Alonso and Norma and Natalie Talmadge
The first photographs of Buster Keaton, Luis Alonso (1) and Norma and Natalie Talmadge, taken in Santander, in Granada, Madrid, etc, moved us all. With such a special and fantastic emotion that only movie stars provoke: wonder. Shadows in the distance approach. The figures of light from l'écran, the shining marionettes from black and white, are among us in the flesh. This flesh from the movie stars who seem to flash in and out of existence, as if they were nothing more than an illusion of images.
And here relies precisely the key to their success: their immateriality, their unreal and intangible quality.
The distance and the unnaturalizing photography of cinema and of the réclame have turned them into mythical and impossible beings, loaded with all the advantages of admiration, without any of the disadvantages of humanity.
✼ ✼ ✼
To round off the atmosphere of expectation and shock that the approach of the "luminous shadows" of the cinema generates, our stars (the Talmadges, Keaton and Alonso) have passed through our country in an exceptional way. This has not allowed us to forget the prodigiousness of cinema. All of them locked inside of a blue 90 HP Rolls, fast, restless and improvised, without any planning, fixed route or time. From one place to another, capriciously, using the freedom that the vacation time at the Studios allowed them.
This disorientation made it unlikely that we would be able to meet them in Barcelona. And it was even more unclear if they were in the mood.
✼ ✼ ✼
Nevertheless, they arrived at the Ritz on Friday night at 11 p.m. Tired and tanned.
And we greeted all four of them in the hotel lobby on Saturday at noon.
Norma Talmadge, whose beauty stays the same outside the celluloid, is so naturally beautiful, "young" and elegant as she is in her best pictures.
Her sister Natalie, Keaton's wife, is very thin and most sympathetic.
Buster Keaton, red as hell due to the sun of the fifteen-day road trip through Spain, has such a simple face that touches your heart, but the effect doesn't last. Because Buster Keaton is an authentic comedian, a true artist at all times. And he demonstrates this by explaining to us his hunting adventures in Andalusia:
"There are so many partridges that you can kill them with the blow of a cane. Bam! And into your bag."
With a priceless mimicry, we find him in the garden grabbing one of the ice cubs from the hotel ice buckets and taking a bite and eating a finger and all (his cut off index finger, so the trick turned out splendid).
Luis Alonso is a magnificent young lad. With all that romantic hair from “The Love Mart” and those superb looks which only seemed possible for the beautiful incredibility of cinema. Good fellow, modest and kind, astonishing. In a way you wouldn't believe he is a cinema star.
We take photographs of them non-stop and make them a little dizzy. Buster Keaton is sweating like a pig. And the ladies embrace the heat as a compliment from the "burning Spain".
"Spain is very hot!" but they are suffocating.
"Shall we go to the beach?" says Alonso.
"Very good!" cries out Keaton.
"To Sitges," we propose.
✼ ✼ ✼
In the first place we pass by an establishment to look for bathing suits. These are given as a gift, naturally.
At the door of the shop a crowd of people would give him the shirt he is wearing. The fact that Norma Talmadge, Buster Keaton and Luis Alonso are just a few steps away from them and in the flesh makes people turn their heads. Especially children. Children can't believe they are in front of "Pamplinas"(2).
"El comparsa! El comparsa!" they yelled.
One hour later we're at the “Vila Blanca". It's a very sunny day. The sea seems like a cradle.
Luis Alonso and Buster Keaton go swimming. The ladies are too tired.
"How do you like Catalonia?" we ask while they rest under the shade of an awning.
"A beauty. It is brighter here than anywhere else we have been."
"What do you like the most from what you've seen in Spain?"
"Everything. Everything. But Granada...Oh, Granada! Unforgettable. As well as Barcelona. It's a shame we cannot see more of it. We have so little time! Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock we're setting off to Paris.”
While we have lunch, Keaton gives us his opinion regarding the talkies.
"Admirable. You see, I can sing alright. You'll hear... the rain fall."
"What are the actors you like the most?"
"Greta Garbo and Lon Chaney."
"Unfortunately," said Alonso, "we have been informed of his death with great regret. He was an intimate friend of Buster. And ours."
"Of all the films you've done, which one do you like the most?"
"Three Ages," said Keaton.
And Alonso and Norma:
"We say ''Camille".
✼ ✼ ✼
We've done what we could to catch Buster Keaton laughing. Impossible. As soon as a camera is pointing at him he looks like someone threw a bucket of ice water over him.
"A smile for me, Mr. Keaton," I ask him, making use of my qualities of a young lady.
Buster Keaton becomes more serious than ever.
"No! No! Laughing is forbidden."
A couple of steps away, the relentless "Metro" keeps an eye on him with his business contract in his hands.
"Laughing is forbidden."
In other words: it is forbidden to forget that Buster Keaton is "the man who doesn't laugh".
✼ ✼ ✼
It seemed as though half of the town of Sitges was around our table.
Alonso takes a child in his arms and caresses him.
"What's your name, maco?(3)"
The child cries in reply and the family scolds him, bewildered.
"Take good care of this boy, ma'am," shout some boys at the fortunate mother.
"This child sure is at risk of kidnapping!"
Then the signing begins. Albums, books of verse, notebooks, lottery tickets. Everything. Buster Keaton, Luis Alonso and Norma and Natalie Talmadge cannot keep up with all of their eight hands at the same time.
That's why the owner of the hotel doesn't let Luis Alonso escape, for he is the one who is paying.
✼ ✼ ✼
We flee.
The coasts of Garraf are a labyrinth of light at this hour. A labyrinth in which we wouldn't mind getting lost.
But we soon find ourselves in the Diagonal, and in the twinkling of an eye we're at the Ritz again. Our guests want to take a nap. Buster Keaton lets us know he's exhausted from driving so much.
We let them. And we say goodbye.
"Goodbye!" say the ladies.
"Goodbye," says Alonso.
Keaton asks us how to say goodbye in Catalan.
"Adéu," we say.
"Then...adéu," he says with a laugh. A charming, full of grace and optimism laugh.
A laugh that won't appear in any photograph or film.
(1) Gilbert Roland, born Luis Antonio Dámaso de Alonso.
(2) “Pamplinas” is the nickname of Buster Keaton in Spain. “El comparsa” is the title under which the film “Spite Marriage” was released in Spain.
(3) maco is a very common affectionate term in Catalan.
Polo, I., Santa-Maria Glòria, & Tur, P. (2003). La fascinació Del Periodisme: Cròniques, 1930-1936. Quaderns Crema, pp. 44-49.
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albanyroyals · 1 year
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11:05 AM | Kinelworth Estate
[Irene]: James, hon? Are you busy tomorrow? We can hang out with the kids. [James]: Oh! Uh… I… I have to meet with Mum and Dad tomorrow. [Irene]: Oh… Why? [James]: They just wanted to spend some time with me, I can't blame them. I promise you, I'll find some free time on my schedule to be with you and the kids.
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2:11 PM | Whitehorse Polo Club
[Sarah]: I'm sorry to keep you waiting, got stuck in a meeting [James]: No, it's ok! Are you hungry? I ordered some food inside. [Sarah]: Thank you. So, how have you been? [James]: Super, super busy. Laughs [Sarah]: Nothing has changed, still busy, and still good-looking as ever! Laughs [James]: Showering me with compliments eh? Laughs You don't look bad yourself as well. [Sarah]: I mean seriously, for a father of two- [James]: Three. A father of three. [Sarah]: What do you mean? [James]: Irene is pregnant, two weeks. [Sarah]: Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you two! Congratulations! [James]: Thank you… [Sarah]: You don't look excited, why? [James]: Well, seeing our family in our current position? I don't want my third child to grow up in this kind of environment. Center stage. [Sarah]: I see. [James]: I just hope me and Irene can parent this child better than our first two. Chuckles [Sarah]: You two can do it! [James]: Thanks, Sarah.
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Sporcatevi bambini!
Sporcatevi le mani di terra, nascondete i piedini sotto la sabbia, mangiate la frutta a morsi grandi come si fa con la vita.
Non date retta a chi vi mette un telefonino in mano e vi chiede di stare seduti e zitti al tavolo di un bar o sul lettino sotto l'ombrellone.
Ribellatevi a chi vi vuole principi della moda, con la polo bianca e i pantaloncini stirati.
Fermatevi ad assaggiare la pioggia, fuori dagli ombrelli colorati, fuori dalle righe disegnate, con la tempera spalmata sulle mani.
Urlate al mondo che siete bambini, voi che vi stringete la mano senza guardarne il colore, voi che avete diritto ad essere solo amati, ad essere creduti, ad essere liberi.
Voi che avete diritto al mare limpido, a mille carezze, alla favola della buonanotte raccontata con amore e non da Alexa.
Sporcatevi di vita, di gioia, impastatevi di lacrime per una sbucciatura sul ginocchio e poi aprite sorrisi infiniti per lo yogurt con le smarties.
Ricordateci che siamo noi a prepararvi per il mondo e a prepararvi il mondo.
Insegnateci a disegnarlo meglio, a cancellare i confini, ad aiutare chi cade, ad aspettare chi rimane indietro.
Aiutateci a lasciarvi un mondo di pace.
È un vostro diritto.
È un nostro dovere.
Autrice: Irene Renei
Dal web
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