canadianlucifer · 6 months
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i wanna be bioluminescent
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captain-astors · 1 year
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I loved hearing everyone’s headcanons and I loved drawing this! Even if it was exhausting and I never want to have 18 characters in the same drawing ever again. Enjoy the only time I’ve ever drawn a happy Shuu.
Also technically Ayato was my own addition but listen there’s something inexplicably trans about all his outfits.
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tatatatatara · 1 year
Tokyo Ghoul characters as Florida Men
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kyanitedragon · 4 months
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javaghoul · 8 months
Anteiku Gets a 1 * Review
Omg, someone has given Anteiku a SCATHING review 😱
How do the staff react?
When Kaneki reads that the quality of service has gone down, he feels guilty. He wonders if he's the cause, but he isn't concerned enough to voice it. He hopes he flies under the radar and his other colleagues get blamed.
Who the fuck gave Koma a bad review? Not only did they say his drinks look and taste like "dirty toilet water", they also described him in incredibly unflattering terms. He's devastated and self-conscious, and even stops wearing his bowties. Poor guy.
Touka knows she isn't a "moody emo bitch", but it still plays on her mind. Egged on by Irimi, she becomes an armchair detective and tries to come up with a list of customers who could be suspects.
Allow me to anthropomorphize Hetare for a sec and say he's heartbroken at being called a "health and safety violation".
Nishiki knows that it could be any number of disgruntled customers that -correctly- named and shamed him in the review. So he spits in all the drinks just to make sure revenge has been served.
Although the reviewer clearly didn't realise that Yomo is a staff member, they did write about their disappointment that the baristas' made no attempt to chuck out the homeless degenerate that is often seen loitering in the shop.
Yoshimura doesn't bother with The Internet's so is blissfully unaware.
Eto is the reviewer.
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black-reaper-arc · 1 month
If Tokyo Ghoul characters were in Sweet Tooth.
(Haven't watched it yet but we are currently looking into it; will update/reblog this when si have watched it all, if sey opinions have changed.)
[personal opinions!]
Kaneki Ken is a Musk deer. (Very cool animal that we encourage you to look up!)
Haise Sasaki is a Highland Cow! (We're considering them different people)
Hideyoshi Nagachika is a Golden Retriever. No questions.
Touka Kirishima is, obviously, a bunny/rabbit.
Nishiki Nishio is a lizard or some kind. (Komodo Dragon? They're cool, we think.)
Koma Enji is a Spider Monkey... for obvious reasons.
Irimi Kaya is a Doberman, again, for obvious reasons.
Kuzen Yoshimura is a Great-Horned Owl.
Eto Yoshimura is a Snowy Owl.
Amon Koutarou is a German Shepherd(?)
Seidou Takizawa is an Akita (?, dog generally).
Our own OC's! (Ask away!)
Lumi-Aspen Northcoat, a Musk Deer/Snow Leopard. It/They. (its' Musk Deer comes from experimentation when it was little/baby/fetus)
Aestas Faecrest, a Husky/Golden Retriever. Any Pronouns. (a mutt, both are dogs so they're not like Lumi who's two different species)
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mechadeimos · 11 months
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some silly hcs regarding the roommate situation in the tg human/college au i’m working on, in hopes that someone will find them funny:
juniors. the duo basically everyone is weirded out by, but ultimately writes off as harmless. people usually go to them for fashion advice. (they’re both gnc/genderfluid, so they’ve got advice for everyone)
juniors, and the best neighbors ever. koma (my aroace king) is a ride or die for basically everyone, and renji is just along for the ride. he and uta have a silly little “not-quite-dating-but-more-than-friends” thing going that their friend group absolutely EATS UP
juniors. actively dating; their neighbors hate them. kaya works w/ renji and koma at the campus café
freshmen, and childhood friends that opted to go to school together. they never actively mean to get in trouble, but it almost always finds them anyway. kaneki is a literature major—same as renji
freshmen, also childhood friends. standard “punk-who-looks-for-fights” and “is-constantly-apologizing-for-her” dynamic
sophomores. the school’s top med student and top criminal justice major. constantly having beef w/ uta and renji for seemingly no reason
sophomores. ui…you poor, poor man
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as21-7 · 2 years
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canadianlucifer · 4 months
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the ghouls struggle to cook a soup
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shewhoeatssand · 2 years
Koma snores like “hooOOOOONk, mimimimimi….” and it’s so loud
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trash0saurus · 2 years
Bad Decisions- new chapter!
(Chapter 33)
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javaghoul · 1 year
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Imagine the ghoul-centric rants coming from an inebriated Kureo Mado. Fortunately, he isn't a drinker.
Urie is a red wine guy. Doesn't like the feeling of being drunk and losing self control, but will drink a glass every so often.
Arima teetotal.
Take drinking-spirits-on-his-own man. Contemplative drinker.
Eto heard that the best authors write drunk, edit sober, but she prefers to write seething, edit slightly less-so. Isn't much of a drinker, but did go through a phase when she was younger.
The tension leaving Yamoris' shoulders is visible when he has a drink or two. Handles alcohol well. Chatty when slightly tipsy...and dangerously charismatic.
"omg bro I am WAYSTID let's party I'm ready for this", is something Ayato would say after drinking half a glass of the weakest blood wine in existence. 100% a former underage drinker, and a lightweight one at that.
Yoshimura has mixed feelings about alcohol because he's seen the damage it can cause. Still, he'll have a drink or two on special occasions. Never allows himself to get plastered though.
Koma of course he's a happy drunk. He's near enough the same just a bit louder. Buys all the drinks. No hangover.
Irimi depending on the day she's had, Irimi can be a bit of a nasty drunk. Cries easily too.
Touka has seen Ayato drunk and at his worst and learnt not to touch the stuff.
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kyanitedragon · 4 months
I think the misconception that Touka isn't feminine comes from the fact that the original Tokyo Ghoul is told in Kaneki's POV.
(Seriously. When you read the manga and force yourself out of that mindset, you realize a LOT of different things.)
Because its through Kaneki's POV, we have a very specific introduction to Touka.
We see her briefly in her sweet waitress act, then glaring when Rize lures Kaneki...
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...and then we officially meet her when Kaneki's having a breakdown and they yell at each other,
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and then again when she beats up Nishiki and forces being a ghoul on Kaneki and having another nasty argument.
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Through Kaneki, time and again, we see Touka as this loud, violent, informal ghoul girl.
It takes her a while to like Kaneki, and even then she doesn't let him know that. She doesn't let him see that side of her. It's subtle and hard to see - literally kept to the background at times. Look at that little fond smile!!
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But remove Kaneki entirely from the situation for a moment. Look at Anteiku when he's not around. Before they met.
It's not that Touka's informal. It's not that she never uses honorifics. It's that she doesn't think age alone should warrant them. She uses them for people who she respects.
Yoshimura? Koma? Irimi? Yomo? Ryoko? Uta? Itori? She calls them all -san respectfully.
Look at how cute and happy she is to see Ryoko at the start of the series!
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It's literally just Kaneki, Nishiki, and Tsukiyama who she doesn't use honorifics for, and then Hinami because she's younger and they're friends. She even uses the cute nickname Hina.
Everyone calls her by the cutesy honorific Touka-chan, and she's never been shown to mind it. Even at the start when Kaneki was only ever pissing her off.
And her violence? Kaneki was being rude to her, so she lashed out. Ryoko died and Hinami was in danger, so she lashed out. But if you saw her on a good day, a normal day, when nothing awful was happening? When no one was pissing her off? She wouldn't be violent. She wouldn't be rude. Sassy and playful, maybe, but not rude.
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Take another look at her in Chapter 116, when she's not around Kaneki or Nishiki to rile her up. Just speaking to Yoshimura.
Not too much unlike her personality in :re, huh?
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Or look at any of her scenes alone with Hinami, like chapter 22 or 89.
Touka likes rabbits. She has a rabbit mask that is canonically based on an in-universe series.
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She has a bunch of rabbit plushies in her home.
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She has a lot of potted plants.
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She likes going to the zoo and seeing the animals with Yoriko.
Remember this scene? Of Yoshimura gently advising Kaneki to not judge ghouls? I think this can also be said for not judging Touka as a person. I mean, look at her here! Gently letting a butterfly land on her as she relaxes on her balcony surrounded by her potted plants! A complete 180 from what we've seen of her before this moment.
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She has a rough and tomboyish side, yes, but she's also incredibly girly and feminine. And I really love that about her, that she's both at the same time. It's not a contradiction. Ishida lets her be both, and he always has. We see a little more of her rough side in the original, and a little more of her soft side in :re, but they've both always been there and always will be.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Uta x reader - timing
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Hii i hope you are doing good i had idea for Uta from Tokyo ghoul.💕 Reader is Kaneki’s little sister who was born like ghoul (nobody knows how) and she started working for anteiku the same day as Kaneki. Uta goes to anteiku every day after she started working and everyone even Ken was teasing him to ask her on a date or something. (His sister is only sweet to Uta) - @ashllleyyy💜
You looked at your brother from your spot on your couch and gave him a soft smile.
Getting up, you walked over and adjusted his jacket, pulling his eye patch from his face so you could see his mismatched eyes.
“I can’t control it…” He mumbled.
He took the eye patch in and walked over to your bathroom to put it back on.
You stood in the doorway, arms crossed over your chest as you looked at him through the mirror, black and red eyes boring into his.
“K… listen to me okay, it’s going to be okay. I promise.”
“Easy for you to say, you’ve been a ghoul your whole life….”
Sighing, you moved so he could walk past and you grabbed your jacket.
“We’re all going to take care of you, okay? We’re a family, we’ve got to look out for each other.”
Kaneki turned to face you, holding out your jacket towards you.
“Is that why you started working at the same time as me?” He asked.
Pulling in your jacket, you nodded your head and ushered him out of the door before locking it and leading him to the car.
“Of course idiot. I know you’re struggling, but you’re getting better. It’s been a few months, and you’re slowly improving.”
Kaneki gave you a soft smile and you grinned back at him.
“Thanks sis…”
You hummed and handed him the phone to pick some music while you drove.
You didn’t exactly live close by, and Kaneki didn’t want to be alone just yet, he was scared, and upset, so you were letting him stay with you.
Hide was mad about it, but he also knew if he ever wanted to see his best friend he could always drop you a message to either take Kaneki to him or pick Hide up and bring him over.
After a peaceful car ride, you parked in front of the cafe and gestured for him to make his way in.
You gathered your stuff and made your way in a few minutes after him.
You made your way upstairs first to put your stuff away and you walked over to Touka’s room.
Knocking on the door you waited.
“What?” She called.
“Hey it’s me, I’m coming in.”
Opening the door, you walked in and closed it, following the light to the bathroom where she was knelt down, gripping her stomach.
Kneeling next to her, you pulled her hair from her face.
“You can’t keep doing this.”
“She’s my friend.” Touka snapped back.
“I know… but maybe just don’t eat as much of it?”
Touka sighed but she didn’t reply.
She knew you were right, it was practically killing her at this point.
“I’ve got to get ready…”
You helped her up, but instead of taking her to get dressed, you lead to her bed and sat her down, giving her a small smile.
“I’m covering your shift, don’t worry. Get some rest, and if you’re feeling better later come down, okay?”
She reluctantly nodded her head and you beamed brightly, tucking her into her bed before passing her phone over and heading towards the door.
“I’ll bring some coffee up soon.”
Uta was lingering outside, debating whether or not he should go in, but it was getting cold and seeing a few of the doves walking around he quickly decided.
Walking through the doors, he headed over to a small table in the corner away from the windows and looked around.
“She’s gone upstairs.” Kaneki smiled.
“I wasn’t looking for her…” Uta mumbled.
Nishiki chuckled as he walked over, setting a cup down in front of the gothic ghoul, leaning against the other chair.
“Of course not, it’s not why you come here every night.” The ghoul taunted.
Uta grumbled a little and pushed the cup away.
“Come on! I make good coffee!” Nishiki huffed.
“It’s cause it’s no (Y/N)s coffee.” Irimi grinned.
She waltzed over and took the cup away, giving Uta a little wink.
“I don’t see why you just don’t ask her out.” Koma shrugged.
“There’s no one she would date someone like him.” Nishiki scoffed.
Uta glared slightly at the other ghoul, and he looked around to make sure you were still upstairs.
“Because I don’t. That’s why.” He mumbled out.
You were heading down the stairs and waltzed out into the cafe, heading behind the counter to start getting yourself ready for the shift.
“Your favourite is here.” Koma smirked.
Looking at him, you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up ape.”
“Oooo so cold.” Irimi snickered.
You brewed a coffee, walking around them you headed to the exact table you knew Uta would be sat at and set it down with a smile.
“Just the way you like it.”
Uta smiled up at you and you beamed down at him, putting on your straight face again as you went to serve some customers that just came in.
Every so often someone would come over, teasing him, or telling him to just flat out ask you out.
You shift ended an hour ago, but your brothers didn’t end until the shop closed, so you headed over to Uta’s table and pointed to the seat.
“May I?”
He slide you over the coffee cup in front of him and you slid it back.
“You’re gonna need it since I’m off shift now.” You teased.
Uta rolled his eyes at you and chuckled a little.
You guys sat talking for a little while, and he glanced at his phone, stuffing it into his pocket.
“I have to go.“
“Let me drive you, there’s doves crawling everywhere right now.”
“And your brother?”
“He’ll be fine he’s still here for a few hours.”
Uta shrugged, and you gathered your stuff letting your brother know where you were going.
Uta glanced at you and smiled a little to himself, he was going to ask you out tonight
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tatatatatara · 1 year
Eto is the cool auntie to Ichika. Like she would randomly barge into the house, bribe Ichika's dad with unpublished stories, lavish the kid with food and gift, take photos together, make a mess of the house together, and leave, in just for one hour.
Arima, as the passive guy he is, will sit there and do anything Ichika tell him to. Sometimes he is a noble woman having tea break with Ichika's dolls, sometimes he plays the prince to rescue her from the evil witch (Eto). (Pssstt Ichika thinks he is a bad actor but that's just because her dad and auntie ("BIG SIS" - screamed Eto) Eto are really good ones)
Koma and Irimi are the babysitters. Koma is fun and chill with kids. Irimi is there to stop Koma from doing stupid things, make Ichika clean up her toys and go to bed on time.
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