#iris iro
Hey everybody, Yuu here! Just going to the spa Superstar and the girls invited me to for Mother's Day!
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Superstar and the girls had left me a note this morning saying they went out to play, (However I know they're secretly getting me gifts thanks to Iris 😈😊)
I'm sure they'll be back soon so don't worry about them not answering any questions! You can still ask them questions, they probably just won't answer right away 😅!
Happy Mother's Day everyone ^^!!
(OOC: here's what I got the photos from! ^^)
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theo-the-unicorn · 8 months
Welcome back!
I'm guessing you turned into a rainbow? I wonder how that happened (/pos).
Also, of course you and Iris may have a hug ^^
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shoku-and-awe · 2 months
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I know it’s a little out of season, but these hydrangeas deserve to be honored, and I'm not gonna wait for next June to do it. Look at these beautiful variegated pastels!
Also, because multicolored, can I complain about something that happened at pub trivia the other night? They asked what metal is named for the Greek word for color, and I instantly and with the utmost confidence responded "Iridium," and my poor teammates trusted me and wrote it down, but it turns out that I misled them! Because 色 iro in Japanese meaning color, and arco iris in Spanish meaning rainbow, and iridescent in English—it's like every language I know is conspiring to trick me about colors!
It's actually chromium that comes from the Greek chrōma, meaning color. Iridium comes from the *Latin* for color, iris or irid, which is also the etymology of arco iris and iridescent. Sigh.
But apparently hydrangea comes from the Greek too: hudro meaning water and angeion meaning vessel. That's because its seed capsule is shaped like a cup. Which is not untrue, but I also think it's maybe the least remarkable thing about hydrangeas.
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lunawings · 10 months
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Today, 11/18/2023, I met iRis at AnimeNYC and they signed my PriTicket file bag.
I really ought to go to bed to wake up early to line up for their concert tomorrow but I must type these words because I dont even know if I will believe MYSELF in the morning.
They LOVED my Naru cosplay and were already waving at me as soon as they saw me in the line AND EVEN STARTED SINGING HEART IRO TORI DREAM WITH ME. They laughed when I said to make it out to Luna becausd that's Naru backwards.
My only regret was not talking to Miyutan more. She was at the end of the line and even though the whole experience only took like 3 minutes I was already too overwhelmed by then.
But now iRis will probably always remember me as that Naru cosplayer from New York.
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miirshroom · 4 months
Elden Ring: A Study of the Church of Irith
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Continuing my series musing about the types of environmental storytelling attached to each type of structure found in the Lands Between. The Church of Irith is a good candidate to examine because of the mystery of who/what is "Irith" and also it is located in Liurnia, which has seemed to me the zone that in a lot of ways can serve as a tutorial for noticing the more subtle forms of environmental story.
Part 1: Basic Layout
The Church of Irith is located at the north side of Stormveil Castle, on approximately a north-south orientation, where the entry door is at the north end. It is the nearest Church to the Chapel of Anticipation, geographically. There is a Sacred Tear Chalice found at this church. Thops is met here and he is seated below the left hand of the Marika Statue. At the conclusion of Thops' questline there spawns in this church a scarab with the "Thops's Barrier" Ash of War. 
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From standing at the foot of the Marika statue and looking out the door, a yellow-leafed tree can be seen perfectly centred on the door. Actually, it is two trees stacked in the same alignment, which is what makes the foliage of this tree look fuller than a typical tree of this size. Continuing past the tree and into the distant horizon, the entry to this church is also aligned with the "Guest Hall" of Volcano Manor on Mt. Gelmir.
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Part 2: Linguistics
There is a statue of Marika in this Church, so rather than "who is Irith?" a better question is "what aspect of Marika is Irith?" Like a similar principle to real churches, where sometimes you get a Church of Christ the King and sometimes a Church of the Redeemer.
"Irith" as a complete word string may be a conjugation of the Welsh word "iro" meaning "to anoint" or "to oil" in the singular future third person as in "one who will be anointed". Or perhaps "one who will be oiled" in preparation for being set on fire. 
In Hebrew, Irith is a variant of "Irit" meaning asphodel (the flower). In Greek myth, Asphodel Meadows is the place for the souls of people who led mediocre lives. Amusingly, this is the church where Thops is met, and he laments his bluntstone mediocrity.
The first 3 letters of "Irith" match those of "Irina", and indeed Hyetta's first location after the death of Irina is visible from this church. The word string "iri" has many meanings, but the one I find most appropriate to highlight is the Yoruba word ìrí meaning "the act of seeing, sighting, or discovering", as previously I have noted that the "Ori-" in "Oridys" is of Yoruba origin. The "-th" in this case is just a modifier that makes nouns of verbs of action. So to simplify this could be called the "Church of Sight and Discovery", which again has relevance to Thops - he is the only person from which the Starlight sorcery can be learned and this is used to provide sight in dark places.
Splitting into "I" and "Rith" there is some meaning to be found. Since the 3 definitions I find for rith are English, Irish, and Welsh in originit seems reasonable that "i"/"me" applies to the first syllable. The English meaning is "a small stream", the Irish meaning is "to run", and the Welsh is a mutation of "rhith" meaning "form, guise, disguise, or illusion". So in this context Irith represents a small stream that runs and adopts an illusory disguise while doing so. With the context of this Church being just outside the throne room of Stormveil Castle, this calls to mind the story related by Kenneth Haight where Godrick fled the Capital disguised as a woman. And the illusion functionality of the "Marika's Veil" item that he also took from the Capital during this flight.
Examining the Japanese in Romanized phonetics - イリス, "Irisu" - shows that half of the previously mentioned meanings for Irith are obfuscated by the translation. Instead the etymology document by The_RedScholar notes that it is implied to be the "Church of Iris", which could refer to the flower, the goddess of the rainbow, or again a part of the eye. Personally, I have some opinions about how the progressive colours of the rainbow are the basis for the magic system used in the Lands Between through the intermediary of chakras. In short - a spectrum where red spells are most grounded in concepts familiar to physical reality like "blood" or physical meat, orange/scarlett spells are like "biochemistry", yellow spells are learned "reflexes" or "unconscious biases" reinforced by memories stored in amber, green is the one that the game itself is all fucked up about (see: poison swamps) - probably emotions or empathy related, up to blue spells being manifestations of intangible concepts like "communication" and "thought", and purple being even more abstract concepts like "dream" and "cosmos".
One more point should be noted regarding the linguistics of Irith, which is the similarity between "Irith" and the "Irithyll" of Dark Souls. Irithyll has been proposed to mean "the time of the moon" from "Ir" + "ithil" as sourced from Tolkein's elvish languages. However in this case the word "ithil" meaning "moon" is truncated, and also the Church of Irith is one of the few places in Liurnia where the moon is NOT ever visible, because it is behind Stormveil from this vantage point.
Since Thops is physically present in the Church, his name should be considered as well. The Vietnamese word "thóp" means "fontanelle", which is the weak point on a baby's head. Phonetically, the word "thóp" is pronounced similar to the Japanese romantic version of the name トープス, Tōpusu. Therefore, his name likely means "weak points". This aligns nicely with his character arc in which his greatest achievement is creating the "Thops's Barrier" spell - the purpose of a barrier is to cover weak points.
Part 3: Additional Environmental Context
Observations of the landscape can be made by climbing the walls. There are 4 total climbing paths at approximately the 4 corners, which can be reached by platforming with Torrent's double jump. Recommended vantage points are provided at the tops of the walls as marked by smooth rectangular platforms sitting at the top of the crumbling walls. This use for the platforms is most clearly demonstrated at Church of Elleh. From the site of grace inside that church, the statue on top of the Fringefolk Hero's grave is directly aligned with the Weeping Peninsula Minor Erdtree. Upon climbing the wall to get a better look at this phenomena, it was noted that a square platform also sits on this alignment. And though I would love to show this alignment with the site of grace on the map, I can't because as it turns out the marked location of this particular site of grace is a lie and it's actually offset by a few metres. I can show the matching alignment by rotating the compass as below:
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Similar framed observations of distant landmarks can be made from each corner of the Church of Elleh, and at every other church (except maybe the ones in Caelid), but given the choice between the two locations I prefer to examine Irith first.
Location 1: From the Northwest corner two things can be seen simultaneously: Hyetta is centred directly on the Erdtree and the Liurnia Divine tower is exactly hidden behind a rock spear (one of several scattered across Liurnia with no apparent rhyme or reason - except that in cases like this they obscure objects in the distance). Within the Church itself from this perch the Marika statue is visible framed within a gap in the stonework such that her hands are hidden by stone, and with an optical illusion barrier of stone columns between her and Thops. It can also be clearly seen from here that the Chapel of Anticipation is disconnected from the mainland.
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To the west Raya Lucaria is clearly visible with the Academy Gate Town at its base, the arched gate to Laskyar Ruins is visible, the Cathedral of Manus Celes is framed in front of a Minor Erdtree, the 3 pergolas on the lower part of the plateau are visible, and the chasm that leads forwards into the lowlands is well defined between two rocky outcrops that end in dead end graves.
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Location 2: From the Northeast corner, the rock spur shifts to cover the Carian Study Hall and Hyetta is standing generally below the Altus Plateau Divine Tower where Rykard's Rune is activated. Raya Lucaria is still visible if turned to face there directly, but is obstructed in peripheral vision. The trunk of the Erdtree is generally obscured by yellow-leaved trees.
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Also from this vantage point the Liurnia southwest plateau is completely hidden from view by the church spire and the gap between the Chapel of Anticipation and the mainland is obscured so it can't be seen that it is not intact, and the Marika statue both over there and inside the church are hidden from view.
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From both of these corners, far to the north Ranni's Rise can be seen clearly, and Renna's Rise is directly over Bellum Gate and Seluvis's Rise blends into the stone plateau. The Liurnia North Minor Erdtree is approximately in line with the Dectus Lift, with a spur of rock partially covering the trunk. As previously mentioned, the Mt. Gelmir Guest Hall is also visible.
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Location 3: From the Southeast corner, the Marika Statue is seen from the back, and also generally the full interior of the church is visible. The disconnection of the Chapel of Anticipation is again clearly visible. Much of the landscape is otherwise obscured by yellow-leaved trees, except for a small window through to the Cathedral of Manus Celes. Whether or not Thops can be seen from this corner depends on positioning - from the position with the window to the Cathedral he is invisible behind the statue, and can only barely be seen by inching to the corner of the platform.
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Location 4: From the Southwest corner, only the hands of the Marika statue are barely visible and Thops can be seen by looking straight down. The Chapel of Anticipation is visible, but also the Church of Dragon Communion is visible around the edge of Stormveil. Much of the surrounding landscape is again blocked by yellow-leaved trees, except that both the Liurnia and Altus West Divine Towers are visible and so is Hyetta. Although with a small note that at night time the Altus West tower disappears almost entirely into the darkness.
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There is another thing missing from all of these views, which is that the moon cannot be seen at all from anywhere within the church because it is hidden by the castle. This is also one of the churches with no site of grace in it, although I have noted that even at Churches with a site of grace present there will be certain angles at which it is hidden behind a pillar. I had already picked up the Sacred Tear Chalice and attacked the scarab with the Thops's Barrier ash of war, so I have no data on what angles these are visible from.
Next Steps
The observations from the Church of Irith provide multiple jumping off points to follow the trail of environmental observation.
Jumping back to the nearest site of grace - in front of Lightseeker Hyetta - a few observations can be made. From the Site of Grace, the Marika statue at the Chapel of Anticipation can be seen hovering over the Church of Irith - strengthening the connection between these two locations. Also from the Site of Grace vantage Hyetta is aligned with Raya Lucaria. And Boc is here although he was previously not visible from the Church due to standing behind a bush. He is staring at the Erdtree.
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Hyetta as the next breadcrumb in this little trail and it is found that when approaching square to the front of her she is standing in a way that she is directly under the distant Chelona Rise. From Hyetta's vantage point (and also even to a lesser extent from the site of grace) the dark half of the moon can be seen in the sky, although likely with her weak eyes she would likely not be able to see it since the illuminated crescent is still behind Stormveil. Also from her location, the Marika statue at the Chapel of Anticipation is hidden behind the Church, but the statue of the man wrapped in gold vines is still visible.
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Another thing to follow up on was the connection to the Precipice of Anticipation. The Church of Irith is clearly visible from the location where the portal drops the player, and so is the Cathedral of Manus Celes. However, there is an odd discrepancy - the position of the Church of Irith is wrong and the corners do not match. But what is very clear from this angle is that the spire of the church has been placed to align directly with the Liurnia Divine Tower.
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Anyways, those are all of the methods that I can currently think of to extract information about the churches, for which there is little to no written lore placing the context of their existence. I would recommend the other churches in Liurnia as other good places for an introduction to thinking about the context that these structures are placed in, or the Church of Elleh. There is a degree of difficulty scaling depending on map region for sorting through what details to focus on.
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444namesplus · 1 year
abl aci acr age aid aki ala all als alt ami ana ann ant ape arc are arm ato aun aur aut avi awa axi bab bac bai bak bal ban bar bas bat bea bec bee bel ben bes bet bia bik bil bin bir bit ble blo blu boa bod boi bol bom bon boo bor bos bot bou bow bra bre bro buc bul bum bur bus but buz caf cag cak cal cam can cap car cas cav cel cen cha che chi cho cit cla cli clu coa coc cod coi cok col com con coo cop cor cos cou cov cra cre cro cub cul cur cut dal dam dar das dat daw day dea deb dec dee del dem den des dia dic die dir dis div doc doe dol dom don doo dos dov dow dra dre dro dru dua duc duf duk dul dum dus dut eac ear eas eat ech edg edi els env epi eur eve evi exa exi exp eye fac fad fai fak fal fam far fas fat fea fee fel fil fin fir fis fiv fla fle fli flo flu foa foi fol fon foo for fou fre fro fuc fue ful fun fur fus gai gal gam gan gat gav gaz gea gen gif gil gir giv gla gle glo glu goa goe gol gon goo gor gow gra gre gri gro gul gur hai hal han har hat hau hav haw hea hee hei hel her hid hig hik hil hin hir hol hom hoo hop hor hos hou hug hul hun hur hyp ico ide idl ido inc inf int iri iro isl ite jac jai jak jan jav jaz jea jee jil joe joh joi jok jos jum jun jur jus kee kem ken kep kha kic kil kin kir kis kit kne kni kno koh kyl lac lad lai lak lam lan las lat lav law laz lea lef len les lev lie lif lik lil lim lin lio lis liv loa loc lof log lon loo lor los lou lov luc lum lun lur lus mad mai mak mal mam man mar mas mat may maz mea mee meg mel mem men mer mes mic mik mil min mis moc mod mol mon moo mor mos mov muc mus myt nai nam nav nea nec nee nes new nex nic nin nod non noo nor nos not nov nud nut oat obe odd odo oka onc onl ont ope ora ott our ova ove pac pag pai pal pap par pas pat pea pec pee pes pic pie pik pil pin pip pit pla ple plo plu poe pol pon poo pop por pos pou pra pre pro pul pum pun pur pus qui rac rag rai ram ran rap rar ras rat rav rea ree rel ren res ric rid rin rio rip ris rit roa roc rod rol roo rop ros rub rud rui rul rus rut sac saf sag sai sak sal sam san sav sca sco sea see sel sem sen sep sex sha she shi sho shu sic sid sig sil sin sit siz ski sla sli slo sna sno soa sod sof soi sol som son soo sor sou spa spi spo spu sta ste sti sto suc sui sun sur swa swi tac tai tak tal tan tap tas tax tea tec tee tel ten ter tes tex tha the thi tho thu tic tid tie til tim tin tir tob tol tom ton too top tor tos tou tow tra tre tri tro tru tub tuc tun tur twi typ ugl uni upo urg use vai var vas vei ver ves vet vic vie vin vis voi vot wad wag wai wak wal wan war was wat wav way wea wee wel wen wer wes wha whe whi who wid wif wil win wip wir wis wit wok wol woo wor wra yan yar yea you yua zer zin zon zoo
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er-cryptid · 10 months
Iro- means iris
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carsinoska · 1 year
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Album: Elsie Ruby no Houseki Bako Artist: Otsuki-sama Koukyoukyoku
Elsie Ruby no Houseki Bako
obake yanagi wo toori sugita fukai mori no oku no oku ni tsuta no karanda furubita yakata yonayona kikoeru hanashigoe
mou sugu papa ga mukae ni kite kureru no! yasashii mama ga dakishimete kureru no! tanoshige ni hazumu koe de shoujo wa tsugeru   tsuki akari wo se ni shite
kin no kami to furiru matou rubii wo yadoshita akai me de warau warau   hazumu kowairo wo motte takaramono wo miseteageru! hiraita bako kara koboreru no wa hora, zenbu kirei na houseki-tachi
seken uzumaku uwasa hitotsu mina wa kuchi wo soroete iu mori no oku ni wa bakemono ga iru ashi wo fumiirete wa naranai to
tasogare-doki ni mori ni haitta mama modoranai yukue shirezu ni natta amata no hito tada hitotsu osanai kage mikaketa to iu jouhou dake nokoshite
kiri no you na me wo utagau katachi wo nasanu igyou wo itoshisou ni tomo to yobi naderu shoujo zururi zururi haideru yami kowakunai kara sou, anata ga kuru no matteita no
kin no oukan wo mushin ni atsumeta bin no biidama wo hikari ni sukashita sore to nani ga chigau to iu no? atashi mo houseki wo atsumeteru dake
kin no kami to furiru matou rubii wo yadoshita akai me de warau warau   hazumu kowairo wo motte takaramono wo miseteageru! hiraita hako kara koboreru no wa hora, zenbu kirei na houseki-tachi
anata no hitomi mo, totemo kirei da ne? hora, "Noar"   gohan no jikan da yo!
Tadashii Kazoku no Tsukurikata
Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Quickly, quickly, caress my head! Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Love only me more! Look only at me!
reshipi wo hirogete junbi wa ii? mazuwa o-mizu wo baketsu ni kunde tanso, sanso, suiso wo youi shita nara chisso mo sukoshi bakari hitsuyou mitai
buatsui hon wo hiraite nandomo renshuu shita toori ni shiranai kotoba no jumon wo tonaeru junbi wa yokute?
yasashii papa no tsukurikata wo oshiete ageru ne? suteki na mama no tsukurikata wa minna ni wa naisho da yo? tadashii kazoku no tsukurikata! jumon wo tonaete shiawase kazoku ga atashi ni mo mou sugu dekiru kara!
karushiumu, rin genshi, kariumu genshi kodomo no atashi ni wa muzukashii keredo takusan o-benkyou shita kara kitto jouzu ni kazoku wo tsukureru hazu ne!
houseki bako wo hikkuri kaeshite watashi no okini-iri wo ageru ne? osoroi no rubii mo ii kedo sore yori tokubetsu na iro wo!
kashikoi papa wa umi no you ni fukai safaia wo kawaii mama wa hana no you ni azayakana emerarudo! ningyou ni naifu tsukisashite mekakushi wo shita nara rousoku tomoshite kurayami ni mahou wo kakechaou!
dorodoro tsuchikai ga ugokidasu hako no naka no hitomi ga mitsumeteru sukaato no yami ga ugomeki karera ga atashi no na wo yobu
Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Quickly, quickly, caress my head! Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Love only me more! Look only at me!
hitori de sabishikattan da yo doko ni itteta no? atashi no suteki na o-tomodachi shoukai shite ageru
yasashii papa no tsukurikata wo oshiete ageru ne? suteki na mama no tsukurikata wa minna ni wa naisho da yo? tadashii kazoku no tsukurikata! jumon wo tonaete kondo wa minna de shiawase ni eien wo ikiyou!
hora hayaku atashi wo dakishimete!
Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Quickly, quickly, caress my head! Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Love only me more! Look only at me!
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megsbooklr · 1 year
Summer 2023 Reading Plans
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(June - August)
Novels & Novellas
finish reading Into the Riverlands by Nghi Vo ✅
read His Last Bow by Arthur Conan Doyle ✅
read The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle ✅
read Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov ✅
read Babel by R.F. Kuang ❌
read Snow Crash by Neil Stephenson ❌
read Osamu Dazai's Entrance Exam by Kafka Asagiri ✅
read The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo ✅
read The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz ✅
read The Three Monarchs by Anthony Horowitz ✅
read Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz ✅
read Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by Charlie N. Holmberg ✅
read Sachi-iro no One Room by Hakuri ✅
read Sachi-iro no One Room Gaiden: Seikai no Meitantei by Hakuri ✅
read Orange by Ichigo Takano ❌
read Holmes of Kyoto ch. 1-48 by Mai Mochizuki & Ichiha Akizuki ✅
finish reading Aoharu x Kikanjuu by NAOE ✅
read Bungo Stray Dogs vol. 23 by Kafka Asagiri & Sango Harukawa ✅
read Moriarty the Patriot vol. 15 by Ryosuke Takeuchi & Hikaru Miyoshi ✅
read The Summer Hikaru Died vol. 1-2 by Mokumokuren ✅
start reading The Case Study of Vanitas by Jun Mochizuki ✅
start reading The Apothecary Diaries by Natsu Hyuuga, Nekokurage, Itsuki Nanao ✅
start reading Spy x Family by Tatsuyi Endo ✅
start reading My Happy Marriage by Akumi Agitogi & Rito Kohsaka ❌
start reading Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata ✅
start reading Gokurakugai by Yuto Sano ✅
read Summer Ghost by Otsuichi, Yoshi Inomi, Loundraw ✅
start reading Go with the Clouds, North by Northwest by Aki Irie ✅
start reading Horimiya by HERO & Daisuke Hagiwara ✅
read I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio by ElectricSplatter ❌
re-read Reprise III by elfpen ✅
catch up with Reprise IV by elfpen ❌
keep reading Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe ✅
keep reading Return of the Mad Demon by JP & Ihy, Yu Jin ✅
keep reading The Snake and the Crane by Chichi ✅
read the Extras of MDZS ✅
read Stars of Chaos vol. 1 by priest ❌
read Heaven Official's Blessing vol. 6 by MXTX ✅
read Liu Yao by priest ▶️
read Thousand Autumns vol. 2 by Meng Xi Shi ✅
read The Nature of Middle Earth by J.R.R. Tolkien ❌
read Aiglos vol. 25 ❌
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anievo · 16 days
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Makoto Shinkai Iri Sama Naoko Yamada Dengan Karya “Kimi no Iro” (The Colors Within)!
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"So this is the Twisted Playhouse Daycare? It's certainly nice to meet all of my friends children from the future, and I see Iris here as well ^^"
(@theo-the-unicorn )
(Ooc: HOWDY :DD)
Rolly: Awww c'mon Lia, let my clones have fun! Wait till Theo sees the rainbows in here!
Iris: Yeah cmon Lia, it'll be fun!
Lia: NO!! Are you trying to kill our new guest-?! Wait a minute. . . IRIS?! WHEN DID YA GET HERE?!
Iris: Your Mama Yuu let me in! She showed me all kinds of stuff you guys have here! This place is rainbow-tastic!
Lia: Awww.... (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ thanks! Superstar did make this place for us after all!
Lia: But anywho, welcome to the Twisted Playhouse Daycare Theo! We hope ya enjoy your stay!
Rolly: And the party canons!
Lia: NO-!
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theo-the-unicorn · 8 months
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(Was inspired to make this from this blog :3)
Hello there, Iro! Well, it's certainly been a while since I've seen one of my kind, much less a Alicorn. I'm glad to someone similar to me. ^^
(Ooc: Aw! I'm glad my blog inspired you to make a new oc ^^)
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ijichi-nijika · 2 months
irus iris iras iros ires
that vtuber
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lunawings · 6 months
High School PriChan the Musical, Part 2!
By popular demand!
So, as I mentioned before, Part 2 of the High School PriChan virtual musical (originally streamed on 3/9/2024) was a lot more dense than the first. All you really need to know about Part 1 is that Miracle Kiratts, Meltic Star, Ring Marry, and Daia were kidnapped and brought to a high school in space by Sadame Ginga for a mysterious purpose.
And so, our story begins exactly where we left off. They even open the show in the same exact way as part 1, with a reprise of the original song High School Challenger.
After the opening song, the girls discuss their upcoming Culture Festival (which has an overcomplicated name that Sadame keeps changing) and predict that Sadame Ginga will just appear and tell them it's happening all of a sudden without them actually having planned anything.
And guess what happens!
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But they are all used to it by now.
So, what does everyone actually do for the Culture Festival?
Could it be, performing a live!? (They have done nothing else at this "high school" so far...)
So we have another string of performances, the most interesting of which is again Daia's. Just as she's about to begin, the screen starts glitching out and she is joined by her other self to form Double Daia. Together they perform Forever Friends! Yes, the MyChara Zuttomo song from PriPara!
Daia just covered Heart Iro Tori Dream in the last installment, so I don't know why she gets all the surprise covers but YAY DAIA!!!
The mascot Daia leaves and we reach the "climax" of the Culture Festival: the MyChara runway! Well, they call it a runway but it's actually a conveyor belt. (I don't know why they couldn't do the usual runway animation?) And so, the MyCharas of everyone who paid to get in are all wheeled out and do a pose at the end of the conveyor belt. How very exciting, for everyone who got in that is. This part seemed to drag on forever though... But well, I guess it was kinda neat seeing all the various season 3 coords I never got to see before.
After the runway, so much "sadame iine" has been uniquely gathered that Sadame Ginga insists they put on a special performance that has never been seen before. If so, a miracle might occur!
All of a sudden, Mel, Mirai, and Rinka start talking about some kind of a special group they once took part in, in a different world. This is all very confusing in universe, but it's Run Girls Run. They are talking about Run Girls Run.
So, the three of them perform Brand New Girls!
This leaves Emo, Sara, and Anna watching on the sidelines... leading Sara to suggest to Emo, hey, why not perform with us? It turns out that when Meltic Star was just Anna and Sara, they had considered inviting different members from Miracle Kiiratts to join them. Anna was apparently particularly interested in performing with Emo, Sara discloses. They had prepared songs that they could perform with Mirai and Rinka as well, but the first one they wrote was for Emo!
And so, they invite Emo to perform that song right here, right now!
Emo is a bit freaked out since she doesn't know the song, but Sara insists all she needs to do is study the lyrics and she will be fine. Anna has studied Emo's dancing style and created the moves to fit her perfectly, after all...
So, "Emotic Star" (or "Anna, Sara, Bananas" as Anna calls them, composed of three fellow members of iRis) perform the Valentine song Choco Tea Cocho Heart (a Meltic Star arcade song).
After this performance, the "sadame iine" is maxed. Sadame brings up a special monitor resembling a sliding puzzle showing possible fates of the universe and announces they now have the power to change destiny!
Naturally, the girls are taken aback to find out that this is what they have been performing for all this time. They demand Sadame explain.
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And so, Sadame takes them to the superintendent and principal's office, her Sadame Room. Here, Sadame explains how she came to possess a record of the entire history of the universe, past and present.
"Oh? A record? That's what my grandma used to listen to music!" says Emo.
No, not a record. Sadame only uses the latest technology.
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A VHS tape.
And it's recorded in extended play!
And, after studying said tape, Sadame had discovered that the disaster that killed the dinosaurs was about to return once more. But this time, a direct hit! Our galaxy, which just happens to be shaped like Kirachu, is about to hit another galaxy, which also happens to be shaped like Kirachu.
The girls are naturally distraught that the entire world is about to be destroyed, but Sadame announces she won't allow it. So, as it turns out, despite her scary appearance and forceful methods, Sadame did not have a nefarious reason for kidnapping the girls at all. She's been trying to save the world through PriChan all along!
Sadame then begins the performance she thinks will save the world (a reprise of her solo from the last show, "Face your Fate").
However, she is unsuccessful as her performance is suddenly interrupted as the two galaxies seem set to collide! Sadame is distressed as this wasn't supposed to happen, and the curtains close!
But, Mirai steps in to remind her that creating this high school and bringing everyone together was not useless because it allowed them to meet. Emo and Rinka agree with Mirai, and Meltic Star tell Sadame she's given up too soon. Everyone chimes in with the usual PriChan spirit of not giving up, and giving everything a try!
After a quick intermission with the mascots, we return to find the negative Kirachu galaxy (which Emo nicknames Urachu) has appeared on the horizon. Maria tries to push it away with cuteness only for Suzu to inform her she's just gonna pull it in it closer!
Sadame falls to her knees, lamenting that everything she did was useless.
Mentioning this brings up all their old PriChan memories, which were also included on the VHS tape. Emo and Mirai reminisce about their debut with Ready Action and what the song means to them. They were scared, but they had to try, and this song cheered them on.
"Let's do it! Let's try!" says Mirai as she holds out her hand to Sadame.
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Sadame takes her hand, and the two perform Ready Action!!
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Sadame's sadame meter is full, but she knows she will just fail like last time if she tries again. They need a way to collect even more iine. More than ever before.
Just as everyone is feeling down, they hear a voice from above. It's Alice! And Eve! They have been keeping tabs on the situation but due to a time lag, were just a little late in contacting them. They inform them with the use of Mel's parents' technology and a special performance on a special stage, they can change sadame iine into galaxy iine! However, they need to be in view of the Earth (the school is on the dark side of the moon).
Solulu and Luluna then appear to help as well (Note: Alice, Eve, Solulu, and Luluna don't have models, they are just communicating on a screen with static images) and send the girls their Illuminage coords. Miracle Kiratts performs, which sends everyone traveling on a shooting star to where they need to be!
(Or so we hear, in another intermission with the mascots.)
The mascots, with the help of mascot Daia, change into their idol forms and go to help as well!
Then, with no segway whatsoever, we are with Anju. Anju performs Fortune Karat in space.
Meanwhile, the other girls have arrived closer to the earth, where they need to be to accomplish the performance that will gather everyone's galaxy iine and change destiny.
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I'd like to note that, although Sadame does not get an Illuminage coord, she's like... significantly more sparkly now.
Also, the girls realize the stage they have arrived on is actually Hakucho, Anju's mascot, transformed! So that's what Anju was doing? GoGo Mascots and the other Daia arrive too! Together they form the supergroup, Super Galaxy Miracle Star!
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A group which can change destiny!
Super Galaxy Miracle Star performs the musical theme, High School Challenger (third performance of this song overall).
(Wait, I just noticed that even though they made a point about her showing back up, mascot Daia wasn't in this performance?? ??????)
And so, by the power of PriChan and its followers, the Earth, no, the GALAXY is saved once more.
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Anju, Alice, and Eve reflect on the power of PriChan and Alice and Eve hope to perform with Solulu and Luluna someday. Anju tells them that the future exists to give us possibilities.
Sadame apologizes for her forceful ways of getting everyone involved in all of this, but they all forgive her since, after all, they had fun! They thank Sadame, saying they could not have done it without her. But Sadame says she should be thanking them for teaching her about the real power to change the universe (giving everything a try)!
The others ask Sadame if she is going to return to the school (to which transportation is fixed now, I forget at what point the robot got broken...), and she says of course. She is, after all, the superintendent, the principal, the student council president, the culture festival chair... (etc).
The other girls will all be returning back to their own respective high schools on Earth, but they decide this isn't goodbye. They are all connected by PriChan!
Sadame, who still feels responsible for the fate of the universe, will return to studying the updated VHS but also go on a journey to the center of the universe. Surely, she will discover the secret of the fate of everything there!
The others question if that is possible, but she reminds them what they taught her. You'll never know if you don't try!
The curtains close as Sadame is sure they will meet again!
The curtains open again with the girls back in their respective high school uniforms, ready to again try and perform the musical they were trying to perform in the last show before Sadame interrupted by kidnapping them and bringing them to space. But this time the mascots are with them too!
Suddenly, they hear something. Could it be...?
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It turns out Sadame has given up on embarking on her journey... by herself. Instead, she will be using Hakucho, who can apparently travel faster than the speed of light and communicate back virtually.
So, now Sadame can visit whenever she wants! Except she does still have responsibilities at her school. She, after all, is the superintendent, the principal, the school council president... And she does have to analyze the data from Hakucho as well.
For now though, she is here! And will participate in the musical as well! It's her destiny!
And so, the curtains close for the final time as the real musical supposedly begins...
The end.
What a wonderful little thing. It was nice to be able to check in on everyone during their high school life, and meet a completely new PriChan idol character. You may have been able to tell already by reading this, but I really liked Sadame's arc, and seeing her finally smiling and enjoying herself performing with Mirai was my favorite part! Also, they threw a whole lot of fanservice for Emo/Anna shippers in here as well hehe.
I hope they keep doing these virtual musicals! I wouldn't be surprised if PriMagi or King of Prism is next!
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blog-jucelino-luz-blr · 2 months
Chikamu 4 Super Dutu rinokona kurova dzimweni nzvimbo uye rinoisa Taiwan yakangwarira zvakakwana
Chikamu 4 Super Dutu rinokona kurova dzimweni nzvimbo uye rinoisa Taiwan yakangwarira zvakakwana Mushumo naJucelino Luz -Mutori wenhau -07/23/2024 Taiwan iri kungwarira kupfuura kwedutu guru Gaemi, iro rinozobudisa mhepo yakasimba inodarika 250 km/h ngemhepo inovhuvhuta inotarisirwa kuguma kudarika 240 km/h pamusoro pePacific, yakaenzana nesimba redutu guru reCategory 4 pamusi wa. chiyero…
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444namesplus · 3 months
aba abe abh abi abo abu acha ache achi acho achu ada ade adh adi ado adu afa afe afh afi afo afu aga age agh agi ago agu aha ahe ahi aho ahu aja aje aji ajo aju aka ake akh aki ako aku al ala ale alh ali alo alu am ama ame ami amo amu an ana ane ani ano anu apa ape aph api apo apu ar ara are arh ari aro aru asa ase ash asi aso asu ata ate ath ati ato atu ava ave avi avo avu az aza aze azh azi azo azu ba bal bam ban bar baz be bel bem ben ber bez bha bhe bhi bho bhu bi bil bim bin bir biz bo bol bom bon bor boz bu bul bum bun bur buz cha chal cham chan char chaz che chel chem chen cher chez chi chil chim chin chir chiz cho chol chom chon chor choz chu chul chum chun chur chuz da dal dam dan dar daz de del dem den der dez dha dhe dhi dho dhu di dil dim din dir diz do dol dom don dor doz du dul dum dun dur duz eba ebe ebh ebi ebo ebu echa eche echi echo echu eda ede edh edi edo edu efa efe efh efi efo efu ega ege egh egi ego egu eha ehe ehi eho ehu eja eje eji ejo eju eka eke ekh eki eko eku el ela ele elh eli elo elu em ema eme emi emo emu en ena ene eni eno enu epa epe eph epi epo epu er era ere erh eri ero eru esa ese esh esi eso esu eta ete eth eti eto etu eva eve evi evo evu ez eza eze ezh ezi ezo ezu fa fal fam fan far faz fe fel fem fen fer fez fha fhe fhi fho fhu fi fil fim fin fir fiz fo fol fom fon for foz fu ful fum fun fur fuz ga gal gam gan gar gaz ge gel gem gen ger gez gha ghe ghi gho ghu gi gil gim gin gir giz go gol gom gon gor goz gu gul gum gun gur guz ha hal ham han har haz he hel hem hen her hez hi hil him hin hir hiz ho hol hom hon hor hoz hu hul hum hun hur huz
iba ibe ibh ibi ibo ibu icha iche ichi icho ichu ida ide idh idi ido idu ifa ife ifh ifi ifo ifu iga ige igh igi igo igu iha ihe ihi iho ihu ija ije iji ijo iju ika ike ikh iki iko iku il ila ile ilh ili ilo ilu im ima ime imi imo imu in ina ine ini ino inu ipa ipe iph ipi ipo ipu ir ira ire irh iri iro iru isa ise ish isi iso isu ita ite ith iti ito itu iva ive ivi ivo ivu iz iza ize izh izi izo izu ja jal jam jan jar jaz je jel jem jen jer jez ji jil jim jin jir jiz jo jol jom jon jor joz ju jul jum jun jur juz ka kal kam kan kar kaz ke kel kem ken ker kez kha khe khi kho khu ki kil kim kin kir kiz ko kol kom kon kor koz ku kul kum kun kur kuz la lal lam lan lar laz le lel lem len ler lez lha lhe lhi lho lhu li lil lim lin lir liz lo lol lom lon lor loz lu lul lum lun lur luz ma mal mam man mar maz me mel mem men mer mez mi mil mim min mir miz mo mol mom mon mor moz mu mul mum mun mur muz na nal nam nan nar naz ne nel nem nen ner nez ni nil nim nin nir niz no nol nom non nor noz nu nul num nun nur nuz oba obe obh obi obo obu ocha oche ochi ocho ochu oda ode odh odi odo odu ofa ofe ofh ofi ofo ofu oga oge ogh ogi ogo ogu oha ohe ohi oho ohu oja oje oji ojo oju oka oke okh oki oko oku ol ola ole olh oli olo olu om oma ome omi omo omu on ona one oni ono onu opa ope oph opi opo opu or ora ore orh ori oro oru osa ose osh osi oso osu ota ote oth oti oto otu ova ove ovi ovo ovu oz oza oze ozh ozi ozo ozu pa pal pam pan par paz pe pel pem pen per pez pha phe phi pho phu pi pil pim pin pir piz po pol pom pon por poz pu pul pum pun pur puz ra ral ram ran rar raz re rel rem ren rer rez rha rhe rhi rho rhu ri ril rim rin rir riz ro rol rom ron ror roz ru rul rum run rur ruz sa sal sam san sar saz se sel sem sen ser sez sha she shi sho shu si sil sim sin sir siz so sol som son sor soz su sul sum sun sur suz ta tal tam tan tar taz te tel tem ten ter tez tha the thi tho thu ti til tim tin tir tiz to tol tom ton tor toz tu tul tum tun tur tuz uba ube ubh ubi ubo ubu ucha uche uchi ucho uchu uda ude udh udi udo udu ufa ufe ufh ufi ufo ufu uga uge ugh ugi ugo ugu uha uhe uhi uho uhu uja uje uji ujo uju uka uke ukh uki uko uku ul ula ule ulh uli ulo ulu um uma ume umi umo umu un una une uni uno unu upa upe uph upi upo upu ur ura ure urh uri uro uru usa use ush usi uso usu uta ute uth uti uto utu uva uve uvi uvo uvu uz uza uze uzh uzi uzo uzu va val vam van var vaz ve vel vem ven ver vez vi vil vim vin vir viz vo vol vom von vor voz vu vul vum vun vur vuz za zal zam zan zar zaz ze zel zem zen zer zez zha zhe zhi zho zhu zi zil zim zin zir ziz zo zol zom zon zor zoz zu zul zum zun zur zuz
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