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vrubpatel · 1 year
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atardecer-en-abril · 4 months
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Atrapado en la complejidad de mis pensamientos, no me di cuenta del rumbo que habían tomado mis pies. Quisiera decir que estaba perdido, pero cuando alcé la vista reconocí aquel lugar que solíamos frecuentar en las citas secretas y nocturnas.
Suspiré. No había nada que podía hacer parado al inicio de ese callejón, más que entrar al café donde compartimos la vida.
El corazón se me oprimió en el pecho, pero caminé con valor y atravesé el umbral de la puerta, escuchando la campanilla anunciar al barista mi llegada. El hombre me sonrió, pero su sonrisa no se sentía cálida como en noches pasadas, estaba seca, sombría, como si ese desconocido pudiera ver la pesadez que me carcomía el alma.
Pedí lo de siempre, incapaz de atreverme a probar algo nuevo, y esperé pacientemente mientras escuchaba conversar a un par de parejas a mi alrededor. Ese café era bien conocido por ello, pues el ambiente hogareño y la amabilidad de su personal, te hacían sentir cómodo, tranquilo y feliz. Era un ambiente ideal para que los enamorados prometieran amor eterno a la luz de la luna. Tal como en algún momento te juré al oído.
La soledad me acechó de inmediato. Hoy no estaba esperando que tus ojitos castaños me miraran con cariño, ni vería una sonrisa amplia seguida de una disculpa por haber tardado en llegar. No había un motivo que me mantuviera pendiente de la puerta, pero mis ojos no se despegaron de ahí. Inconscientemente, tenía la ilusión de volver a ver tu sonrisa y tu largo cabello bailar al compás del viento.
Evadiendo mi realidad, me permití vivir en un ensueño. Entrabas por la puerta unos minutos más tarde. Tu lacio cabello caía grácil sobre tus hombros desnudos, pues el vestido de mezclilla que llevabas estaba descubierto. "Te encontré, mi cielo. Adivina a quién me encontré. ¿Recuerdas a la ch-" Escuchar tu voz y ver esos preciosos labios rosas pronunciando un recital que sólo estaba destinado para que yo lo escuchara, me hizo perder la cabeza.
Te observé en silencio, repasando cada detalle de tu rostro y el cabello que en un gesto atrevido cubría tu mejilla y parte de tu ojo. No podía pronunciar palabra alguna. La imagen se veía tan real, tan nítida, además estaba seguro de que eso no había pasado jamás. Tal vez me volví loco, me reclamé.
Al no obtener una respuesta de mi parte, tu expresión alegre empezó a perder su brillo y quise hacer algo para remediarlo. Me estiré lo suficiente para alcanzar tu cabello y acomodarlo detrás de tu oreja, acaricié tu mejilla y fijé la mirada en esos preciosos ojos castaños. Perdido entre la realidad y la fantasía, acorté la distancia entre nosotros, rocé mis labios contra los tuyos y...
"Aquí tiene su orden, joven."
Parpadee. Observé al frente sin dar crédito de lo que acababa de pasar, luego miré al hombre que tantas veces nos había atendido antes; el mismo al que le habías presumido con una sonrisa enorme el anillo que acababa de entregarte; no era el más caro o elegante, pero ese día lo luciste como si fuera un gran diamante. Me miró por unos segundos que se sintieron eternos y finalmente me mostró una pequeña sonrisa. Antes de irse palmeó mi hombro un par de veces.
Entonces lo entendí. No importaba en qué parte del mundo me escondiera, tu recuerdo y el fantasma de la vida que pasamos juntos era algo de lo que jamás me podría ocultar, estabas pegada a mí, adherida a mi alma y a mi corazón. Y ni el café, ni una noche solitaria, serían capaces de desvanecer el dolor que llevaba por dentro.
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chromaticmemories · 1 year
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bebemoon · 6 months
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a look with jimmy choo's 'luna' loafers, requested by anonymous .
heaven by marc jacobs off-shoulder gathered cut-out dress in dark green
miu miu crystal spiral choker w/ logo + anna sui "beetle shell 2o9" irisdescent nail polish + 9o's zigzag teeth headband
jimmy choo "luna" black iridescent/holo platform heel loafer w/ sailor moon character "luna" face detail on front
d.s. & dura "steamed rainbow" eau de parfum
blumarine green faux-fur shoulder bag w/ crystal logo
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brokeartists-mw · 2 years
Tears of Themis (未定事件簿) Translations Masterlist
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❖ Personal Masterlists (including birthday, exclusive, top-up, etc. cards):
❖ Summer Breeze Event:
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Luke 「Shape of You」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Artem 「Entwined Fate」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Cool Summer」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「Twilight Beauty」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Mysteries of the Lost Gold Event:
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Luke 「Irisdescent Heartbeat」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Artem 「Dreamful Melodies」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Heartfelt Suspense」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「In the Darkness」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Symphony of the Night Event:
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Luke 「How I Remember You」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Artem 「Fixated on You」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Between Good and Evil」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「Fabulous Feast」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Romantic Rail Getaway - Witness to Love and Promises Event:
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Luke 「Peaceful Place」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「Will of the Trees」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Xmas Partyland Event:
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Luke 「A Star in the Palm」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Artem 「Por Una Cabeza」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Snowy Fairy Tale」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「All Through the Night」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ A Love Poem to Skadi Event:
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Luke 「Twinkling Eyes」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Artem 「Wandering Heart」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Blazing Colors」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「Daytime Aurora」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Love in the Air Event:
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Luke 「Companionship」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
Artem 「Intentions」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
Vyn 「Promise」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
Marius 「Keepsake」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
❖ Romantic Rail Getaway - Treasured Time With Him Event:
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Artem 「Sunshine After the Rain」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Food for Thought」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Electrifying Night Event:
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Luke 「Through the Heavens」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Artem 「Winning Ball」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Neon Melody」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「Graffiti Vibrant」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Secrets of the Tomb Event:
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Luke 「Overflowing Thoughts」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Artem 「Echoes Ablaze」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Flickering Moonlight」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「Dimly Lit」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Code of Flowers Event:
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Luke 「Entrusted Feelings」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
Artem 「Unwilling to Part」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
Vyn 「Focused Gaze」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
Marius 「Palpitations」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
❖ Blissful Fête Event:
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Luke 「Under the Milky Way」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3
Artem 「Eternal Yearning」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3
Vyn 「Committed」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3
Marius 「Expression Through Art」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3
❖ Revisiting Youth Event:
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Luke 「Love Between Pages」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Artem 「New Skies」Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Eternal Whispers」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「Precious Mornings」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Dreams of Childhood Event:
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Luke 「Persistent Wishes」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Artem 「Heart Listener」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Eternal Whispers」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「Precious Mornings」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Bewitching Night Rave Event:
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Luke 「Moonlight Prisoner」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
Artem 「Imitation」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
Vyn 「Return to Night」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
Marius 「Sinful Lust」 Private Message 1 | Private Message 2
❖ Snowfallen Secrets Event:
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Luke 「Lukewarm Fragrance」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Artem 「Masquerade Passion」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Aimed at Your Heart」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「Love Berries」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Blizzardous Threads of Red Event:
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Luke 「Dreamlike Drama」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Artem 「The Weeds」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Vyn 「Burning Embrace」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「Mirage of You」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
❖ Cozy Couple's Getaway I Event:
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Vyn 「Sunset-Dyed Sand」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Marius 「Wishing Star」 Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
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wefoundalaska · 2 years
the first time i ever saw you, i wanted your arms around me. it was instant, knowing i’d fit against your chest with my head tucked just under your chin, feeling your heartbeat race and skip and then match mine, slow and steady. i knew you’d hold me like something precious, a little bit delicate, valuable if in one piece, and irisdescent but cloudy like sea glass. you knew enough not to squeeze, not yet. the closer i’d press into you, the tighter you’d wrap your arms around me, and i thought at any moment i’d shatter but you knew better.
i still wonder if one day a jagged piece will cut you, an edge i’ve forgotten to treat, a reminder of how we both felt broken when we met. but you are attentive and careful. you are holding back a tiny bit, six months of wanting still to go, and i’m going to do my damnedest not to hurt you til then, so you can see what you thought was sharp is all softness, so we can hold each other and never let go.
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tenderlysharpmidain · 2 years
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pieta sculpture by michelangelo but it's cyborgs retro irisdescent led and black cinematic highlights, holographic reflections, gold indentations, in the style cinematic hdr hd render octane --v 4
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"Manteau Vert Irisdescent" de Balenciaga (circa 2006) présenté à l'exposition "The Collection of André Talley" chez Christie's, Paris, janvier 2023.
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So uh characters and their gender ids and sexualities cuz why not
Kvold: cismale/masc (he/him but doesn't care too much), demiromantic/demisexual (any sexual attraction comes more from established romantic attraction)
Autumn: transfemme/female (explicitly she/her), aroace (sex-positive, she's a bit of a sucker for romance but only as a bystander)
Hroka: cismale (explicit he/him), aroace (sex-repulsed.)
Rakkaus: cismale (he/him), demiromantic? monoromantic (like only attracted to one person)? heterosexual??? not really though, more demisexual?? (it's a whole thing with him, devotion or whatever)
Yksin: femme/cisfemale (she/her, maybe they? kinda NB? kinda doesn't care just don't call her by he/him), strongly lesbian
Rokkri: cisfemale, demiromantic/heterosexual (she has a rather specfic type tho, so she may as well be considered demisexual)
Me, because why not: cismale (i hate being called a man tho, screw men), demitomantic kinda, demisexual kinda, but hetero in both, like not even omni cuz... men? seriously? you could have a woman instead (I say kinda for both because... like... *shrug*. frankly I'm more mono, like Rakkaus, but aha... uhm. whatever.)
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k00280973 · 2 years
Idea development sketchbook
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Documentation of hydro dipping idea in sketchbook. I wrote out the trail and errors involved in the process, taking note of what works and what doesn't. After the progress review, I got some advice on how to make the irisdescence from the clear nail varnish more visible. The next step is to make a ceramic object to hydro dip. If possible to make it thin enough that light can shine through it.
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dkt3closet · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Women's adidas U for U Long-Sleeve Tee Size 2X.
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atardecer-en-abril · 5 months
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En el baúl de los recuerdos que estaba escondido en el ático, encontré fragmentos de mi vida cubiertos de polvo y oscuridad.
Entre las páginas, vi cambiar las estaciones, las flores murieron igual que mis sueños e ilusiones dando paso a un pesado invierno.
Congelé el tiempo un momento y sostuve entre mis manos lo que la vida me robó, anhelando que en algún momento regresara.
Sostuviste el mundo en una mano mientras la otra estaba en mi cintura, tu mirada reflejaba una galaxia que quería explorar.
En su defecto, se convirtió en un enigma que no fui capaz de resolver, no vi las tormentas en tus ojos, ni las pude detener.
El invierno golpeó nuestra puerta, dando paso a que un frío gélido se instalara en la casa donde la primavera parecía eterna.
Lo que prometimos duraría toda la vida, fue fugaz, como una estrella en el cielo, preciosa, distante, pero nunca eterna.
Sigo aquí en la casa que nos vio crecer, el eco de tu risa se oye en los pasillos, tu presencia aún se siente en la habitación, trayéndome los recuerdos de la vida que perdí y nunca podrá regresar a mí. No en esta vida.
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kendrixtermina · 8 months
(the sublime sensowunder of the aleph-null dimensional manifold)
Where do I even begin to describe…?
I cannot look my fill,
Even as it burns in my eyes
Even as my parched, sore corneas
bake in the salt of my weeping,
encrusted in radiance -
There is so, so much.
Where do I even begin to describe…?
Tower of Babel,
skewering heaven,
starry walls of the world now folding themselves open,
supreme blackness glimpsed through the cracks in the sky,
ever waiting there, for us,
to be seen.
Where do I even begin to describe…?
Beach of spacetime,
laid out before us,
sitting there for a brief picnic at the edge forever,
gazing down at being,
observing the earth as it turns, irisdescent and triumphant,
celestial temple coated with marbles divine
Where do I even begin to describe…?
Vault of Mind-Dome,
with which one does conceive.
Universe within, realm of dreams,
wise vaunted registrar of the skies,
decoder of lights and sparklings,
of unexplained inconsistencies.
Where do I even begin to describe…?
Ship of Heavens, sailing forward
broaching the very most virgin and blackest of seas
to be covered once in cities, and city-cowered planetoids
singing portals and bendings of the possible
vessels of trees, flesh and eternity,
garded-bubbles to be hung.
Where do I even begin to describe…?
Voidic Ocean, spheres of dyson,
constructs both possible and not
what space of being that minds might not yet conjure up?
Minds of silicon or flesh,
dreams both virtual and magic,
gates both metal and stone
Where do I even begin to describe…?
Fractal Forest,
the unraveling of laws,
unpuzzeling of pieces
the mapping and comprehending,
silent conquest from within the scholar’s study,
the sword that conquers only by the naked might of truth
Where do I even begin to describe…?
Astronaunt’s Triumph,
starman’s awakening,
dreamer’s gap, in which to find
one’s eternity beneath the floorboards
endless dancing dice-rolls of possible and not,
long-running, moving-pattern in the leisure-game of life
Where do I even begin to describe…?
All the things hang together.
I wouldn’t even know where to start picking it apart into something comprehensible.
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brckensocietyarch · 8 months
okay peeps, i’m going to start working on drafts tomorrow, i’ll be slowly working through them, probably queueing most. i appreciate everyone's patience but because i’m finally actually doing replies i’ve gaged some that i’ve lost muse for. like always, if your threads are dropped please don’t take offence, i’m always open to starting new threads, even with the same muses but my brain just isn’t connecting with the current threads rn. dropped thread list below:
@luriddaze - velvet&chase, diesel&josslyn
@vvhimsicals - blake&halle, jett&trsitan
@mccntower - paxton&ayla, vixen&devan, dustin macher&annalise, absinthe&chad, diesel&serenity, chloe becker&jett, maison&irisdescent, darby prescott&finn
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stampwithtami · 11 months
Last Day for Warm Wishes - November 2023 Paper Pumpkin Kit
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NOVEMBER 2023  PAPER PUMPKIN KIT TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THIS KIT The Warm Wishes November Paper Pumpkin kit comes with everything you need to make traditional Christmas treat packaging boxes that you can fill up with all sorts of small goodies, treats, gifts, and more. Subscribe to Paper Pumpkin kits by November 10 so you can take part in spreading the light of Christmas around them with this kit! October Kit Coordination For Even More Creative Possibilities! The November Warm Wishes kit coordinates with the October Home for the Holidays Paper Pumpkin Kit! If you can’t get enough of this traditional Christmas scene and need more cozy crafts, then make sure to check the October Refill’s availability and spend more time crafting this holiday season! An Add-On To Take Your Crafting Further You can purchase an add-on to the November Warm Wishes kit—and it’s one you won’t want to miss! The Warm Wishes Cards & Envelopes includes 20 cards and 20 coordinating envelopes you can use for even more Christmas crafting. We love the extra creative possibilities to make the season shine even brighter for the people around you!   SUBSCRIBE (PAY AS YOU GO) PRE-PAID KITS ABOUT THE KIT Kit Name: Warm WishesThis kit includes: - 8 boxes; 4 each of 2 designs - 1 Mossy Meadow Stampin’ Spot - Iridescent glitter accents on paper - Precut paper pieces - Linen thead - Treat bags - Warm Wishes photopolymer stamp set - Completed box size: 4-1/4" x 4-1/2" x 1-1/2" (10.8 x 11.4 x 3.8 cm) and 4/1/4" x 3-3/4" x 1-1/2" (10.8 x 9.5 x 3.8 cm) - Coordinating Stampin’ Up! colors: Balmy Blue, Blueberry Bushel, Cherry Cobbler, Crushed Curry, Daffodil Delight, Lemon Lolly, Mossy Meadow, Night of Navy, Old Olive, Pecan Pie, Real Red SUBSCRIBE ABOUT THE ADD ON Warm Wishes Cards & EnvelopesAvailable for purchase starting 11 October; only while supplies last.Item number: 163985$14.00This add-on includes:• 20 Cards & Envelopes • Irisdescent glitter accents on paper• Folded card size: 5" x 7" (12.7 x 17.8 cm) SHOP ADD ONS AND REFILLS PPX VIDEOS Subscribe to Paper Pumpkin through me and get 6 alternate project videos with each month's kit. Find out more about my free PPX Crew videos and how you can get them Paper Pumpkin kit subscription. PPX VIDEOS TAMI'S PAPER PUMPKIN VIDEOS & GALLERY OF IDEAS WHAT ARE PAPER PUMPKIN KITS? Paper Pumpkin is our monthly One-Stop Box™ that offers a unique variety of paper projects for subscribers of any skill level to enjoy! These thoughtfully themed and all-inclusive craft kits encourage Stampin’ Up! customers to explore their creativity, try new techniques, and discover their potential in papercrafting.  SUBSCRIBE TO PAPER PUMPKIN Paper Pumpkin is our monthly One-Stop Box™ that offers a unique variety of paper projects for subscribers of any skill level to enjoy!    TAMI'S PAPER PUMPKIN GALLERY Read the full article
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