#is EVERYONE talking about butt plugs though?
W h y
Sat on my break at work, minding my own business, went to open tumblr but accidentally opened tiktok.
My phone is at full volume.
Before I could close it, the first video loudly announced "SINCE EVERYONE'S TALKING ABOUT BUTT PLUGS RECENTLY..."
I have never wanted to be absorbed by a chair as much in my life.
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
practice (pt. 3) | jjk
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⇢ PAIRING: fuckboy!jk x inexperienced reader
⇢ RATING/GENRE: m/18+ | college au, fwb, smut, fluff, angst
⇢ WC: 12.8k sorry
⇢ WARNINGS: emotional at points, fighting rip, oc lowkey in her villain era, they both say mean things to eachother (nothing tew intense), jk is not a himbo >:(, characters are forced to face their insecurites </3, misunderstandings, finger sucking, oral sex (f and m recieving), 69 action if u squint, brief ass eating, a little manhandling, titty sucking (obvi), flavored lube, butt plug moment, miss hitachi is finally here !!!, unprotected sex, corruption kink, squirting, overstimulation, slight dom jk, a bit of manhandling, praise, creampie, maybe unrequited love, maybe not (lol jk u'll find out), where's waldo but instead of waldo its bam
⇢ SUMMARY: sparks fly as you try to forget about jungkook.
⇢ NOTES: it’s finally here! if you haven't read pt 2 in a while, i'd suggest rereading it before reading this part! maybe even pt 1 bc callbacks. you might miss a few things if you don't. kinda nervy to post this bc everyone was so conflicted. hopefully the ending is satisfying for all. also sorry if the smut is meh, this piece was more plot driven than other things i’ve written. thank you so much for the love and support on this series. seriously cannot thank you guys enough. very bittersweet to be saying goodbye to it but i hope you stick around. love you and as always feedback is v appreciated !! big ty to @floweryjeons for betaing !!
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dumbo do u want lunch? i can drop it off in about 30
You were midway through a three hour lab and you really needed to focus. Unfortunately, the professor’s droning was easily overtaken by incessant vibrating. You peek at your phone with a scoff before shoving it back into your pocket. 
Jungkook doesn’t get the hint.
dumbo i’ll just get the usu
dumbo lol i forget… ur lab is in room 305 in the civic engagement building right?
Room 222 in the science building. You don’t correct him, though. 
It was difficult to ignore the sharp, self-inflicted stabs that pierced through your back whenever he texted you. But you had to rip the bandaid off before it had time to adhere to you entirely. You hadn’t talked to him in days. Not since he lied to you.
Whenever you had the urge to respond, you went through memories. Pictures of him looking unamused, pink pout scrunched up as you smushed his cheeks together. Videos of his nostrils fluttering as blaring snores filled your dorm room; your soft giggles in the background.
Little snapshots of the present that were now the past. 
You were slowly weaning yourself off of Jeon Jungkook.
Your phone goes off again during your break. 
dumbo hey i’ve been waiting for like 20 min
dumbo gonna head out since ur probably caught up. free until about 4 tho so text me if u want anything i’ll come back
dumbo or we can just get something after the showcase?
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dumbo are you running late?
dumbo you know it starts at 7p right?
dumbo ik you hate being late so i’m starting to get nervous…
dumbo just let me know that you’re safe please
Those texts were sent nearly three hours ago. You’ve tried to distract yourself with homework, Sailor Moon, and the watermelon mask you were currently washing off your face. Nothing helped. The guilt lingering in your chest was heavy and you wish it would trickle down the drain like the abandoned products. 
You sigh, shaking your hands vigorously to flick off the excess water. A damp knuckle presses your phone screen. It’s 10 p.m. on a Friday. Back at square one. 
The scent of your green tea moisturizer fills your nostrils as you glide the creamy substance over your skin. Fingertips dancing gently across the surface of your plump cheeks. The touch is soft and delicate, just like his was-
Intrusive thoughts make you want to remove your frontal lobe.
You try to remind yourself that although vibrant and dashing, Jungkook was anything but your knight in shining armor. Greedy. Disgusting. Selfish. Just like the rest of the men who tried to conquer the tall brick walls of your heart, mind, and body. 
You look at yourself in the mirror. Despite the brightening mask, your dewy skin was dull. The inner corners of your big eyes were overtaken by winding red branches. The thick black bags under them appear even heftier than your beloved Playboy duffel. Your plump lips are coated in your Laniege lip mask. It’s candy-flavored, but it doesn’t taste as sweet anymore. You look lifeless. 
Did cutting Jungkook off really affect you that badly?
Or perhaps you always looked like this, and the loss of him made you realize how truly gloomy and lackluster things were before.
For the past two months, your reflections were filled with pearly white teeth and crinkled eyes. Being with Jungkook was careless and irresponsible in all the right ways. Whenever you were with him, the negative thoughts that often plagued your mind were forgotten, and you were just… free. 
But look where that got you.
The sound of your phone pinging brings you back to reality. 
dumbo tae said that you’re home with mina…
Taehyung. What a little snitch. You’ll make sure that Mina punishes him adequately. 
dumbo not sure what your deal is but i’m fucking heated
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“What do you know, Taehyung?” You sneer his name like a curse; the nasty ‘T’ word.
“I know everything,” he responds nonchalantly, flipping through his absolute mammoth of a textbook. He nods his head toward the guilty party beside him. “Your bestie told me.” 
“Liar!” Mina gasps, smacking his sweater-clad bicep. Her voice lowers immediately when Taehyung shushes her. You were in the library after all. She looks at you exasperatedly. “I didn’t tell him like- ‘everything’ everything.”
“I don’t need to know everything.” He closes the hardcover book gingerly, peering at you over the thick black rim of his glasses. You’re convinced they’re a sham, and he only wears them to look professional and intellectual. “My keen deductive reasoning has led me to the conclusion that this situation is—in fact—fucking ridiculous.”
You gawk at bluntness. “Aren’t you literally studying to be a therapist?” 
“Psychiatrist,” he corrects with a cheesy grin. “I’m allowed to tell you when you’re being childish.”
“Tae, be nice.” Mina warns with a scowl, holding her index finger out right in front of his nose. “I know Jungkook is your friend, but he’s grimy.”
“I swear, I’m not trying to be a dick.”  Taehyung laughs, raising his hands up in surrender. “I’m just giving perspective. I care about you, __.”
“Sure you do.” You answer curtly, rolling your eyes. 
“And-,” Taehyung claps his large palms together, fingertips pointed towards you in an accusatory fashion. “-I know Jungkook better than both of you.” He gestures between you and Mina. “He’s not a bad dude.” 
“He ditched her to go to a party!” Mina beats you to the punch, voice whiny and frustrated. “And lied about it! He’s trash!”
“Thank you, Mina,” you whisper-shout, placing a finger over your lips to remind her, once again, that you were still in the library. As much as you love her, you didn’t necessarily want all of campus knowing your dirty laundry. Your eyes scan the dimly lit room for eavesdroppers. Luckily, it was fairly empty at this time of day. 
“Why don’t you just talk to him?” 
“It’s not that simple, Tae,” you sigh, turning your attention back to the empty word document on your laptop screen. In the twenty minutes you’ve been sitting here, you have only managed to type the essay’s title and your name. Spelled wrong. Sneakily, you correct the typo before anyone notices. 
“Maybe…” Mina starts, lips scrunching to the side in contemplation. She looks at her boyfriend innocently before tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear. Playing all the right cards. “Maybe… you could talk to him for her? Or do a little snoopy snoop to see what he’s up to?”
“There’s no way in hell I’m playing double agent for you guys.”  
“Come on, Tae!” Mina pouts. “It could be fun!”
“No,” Taehyung laughs, shaking his head. “I refuse to get in the mid-,”
Taehyung’s words are cut off by an uncomfortably familiar voice. Its usual soft, playful tone was laced with sternness. The sound makes your spine straighten. 
You were so distracted that you hadn’t heard his clunky black boots stomping towards you. The firm grip of tattooed fingers on your shoulder makes you look up. Even under the rim of his bucket hat, you can see the angry stars dancing in his black eyes. They’re hot and scalding with irritation. “Can we talk?”
“About?” You peep in feigned naivety. 
“Oh, please,” he scoffs loudly, laughing in disbelief. The seat beside you is yanked out with a startling screech. Jungkook plops down on it and turns to face you, knees digging into your outer thigh. Always so incredibly close. “Don’t give me that shit-,”
“Jungkook.” Taehyung calls, trying to stifle the bubbling lava in Jungkook’s stomach before he erupts. It was rare to see his happy-go-lucky friend so agitated. “Chill.”
His eyes soften at the warning. It’s like Jungkook hadn’t even registered how angry he had actually become. The entirety of his college experience has been spent distancing anger—and any other negative emotion—so far from his being that he couldn’t even detect the cues anymore. He inhales deeply through his nose, white t-shirt pulling tight at his chest, before exhaling. 
“You good?” Taehyung asks. 
“Yeah, I’m good.” Jungkook nods, bringing a hand up to massage slow circles into his temple. Despite how upset you are with him, the self-soothing mechanism makes your heart ache. “I promise, I’m calm. I just want to talk.”
His pupils dart between the two unmoving figures across from you.
“Alone, please.”
Jungkook and Taehyung lock eyes for a moment, communicating silently through some bro-telepathy that has you and Mina exchanging confused glances. Suddenly, the curly-haired boy nods, collecting his textbook and intertwining his fingers with Mina’s. “Let’s go, babe.”
“Tae, wait!” Mina protests, trying to wriggle out of Taehyung’s grasp. She looks at you apologetically as her boyfriend urges her towards the exit, unable to break free. “Call me after, okay?” She shoots Jungkook a threatening glare before turning away. 
And just like that, you were left alone with the man you’d been avidly avoiding for the past week and a half. 
“Are you mad at me?” Jungkook questions, silver piercing glimmering in the light as he gnaws on his bottom lip. The pink skin under his bunny teeth was already turning red. “Like… did I do something wrong?”
You look everywhere but him, mindlessly scrolling up and down the empty page on your laptop screen. It was a poor attempt to act unbothered, despite the heavy thumping in your chest. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“The showcase?”
“What about it?” 
Jungkook always took your attitude in stride, leveling your petty comments with kisses and playful eyerolls. This eye roll, however, paired with a painfully clenched jaw, is anything but playful. “Quit playing games, __. I’ve had enough,” he grits. 
He never calls you by your name. 
“Playing games,” you echo with a sarcastic laugh. In the pit of your stomach, you can feel the sadness morphing into a fit of heady anger. The words taste vile and sour on your tongue before they’re spewed at him. “That’s rich coming from you.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the puzzled expression on his face. Eyebrow piercing twitching in confusion as the cogs in his brain spin, trying to make sense of your words. “I don’t understand…” 
How does he not understand?
“Why didn’t you come to the showcase?”
You huff out a sigh, gaze fluttering to the ceiling. 
“Answer me,” he urges, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, clearly trying to shift your attention back onto him. As if that wasn’t what landed you in this position in the first place.
Your voice gets caught in your throat when you feel his sharp exhales fan across your cheek. Fast and restless. It makes you miss the deep, peaceful ones he would make when buried under your heavy duvet; hair disheveled from tossing and turning and the brush of your fingers as you lulled him to sleep. His breath smells like toothpaste and vanilla gum. You glance at your taskbar. It’s 12:23 p.m. and he hasn’t eaten yet.
“I didn’t go because this is unproductive,” you sigh, closing your laptop and finally gaining the courage to face the man beside you. “You being in my life is unproductive.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Unproductive.” When your eyes meet his big dark ones, you can’t stand them. You can’t stand him for what he’s done, for how he’s turned something so special to you, so ugly. It coaxes that equally ugly, scaly, green defensiveness out of you. You want to retreat, and rebuild the walls higher, so that your emotional security would never be destroyed again. Anyone who threatened it would be burned, including Jungkook, sitting before you with doe eyes as you prepared to breathe fire in his direction. “I know it’s a difficult word, but you’re a big boy. Sound it out.” 
The look on his face makes you regret the low blow instantly. 
“Jesus,” he huffs, taking his hat off and scrubbing his hands over his face like he’s trying to wake up from a nightmare. “Why are you being-”
You cringe, expecting a nasty insult.
“-so mean?”
For some reason, that hurt more than any curse word would. 
“I’m not mean.” 
“I know you’re not,” he lifts his head, searching your face for any remnant of the girl he’s spent the last two months with. “So why are you acting like this?”
Your silence eggs him further. 
“You know what, I’m so fucking sick of you treating me like I’m stupid,” his eyes squeeze closed when he swears, nails digging into his tattooed knuckles as he crosses his big hands. The confession rips through him and hits you like a physical blow. You suddenly remember all of the times you’ve teased Jungkook about his major or insulted his intelligence. 
‘What tests? You’re a photography major.’
‘You’re an idiot, Jungkook.’
‘Your major is showing.’
You didn’t mean any of it. Not one bit. They were just shitty efforts to conceal your feelings for him. You never realized that Jungkook was taking your comments to heart. But it was too little too late. You can’t turn back time and the floodgates have already opened. 
“Just because I’m not some big-shot science major, doesn’t mean that I’m fucking brainless. And it certainly doesn’t mean that you’re better than me.” With his hat sitting on the glossy wooden table, you can fully see the angry arch in his brows. The scrunch in his nose intensifies as he seethes. “What? You think you’re too good to go to the showcase? If you didn’t want to come you should’ve grown a pair and said something.”
“It’s not that,” you protest, chin quivering with ugly dents as you try to hold back tears. “I just… figured you’d bring someone else.”
Jungkook pauses for a moment, cogs coming to a halt when he finally comprehends your vague statements. “Stop acting like you can read my mind- or that you know me better than I know myself.” He snatches his hat and drops it back on his head, fingers gripping the rim to adjust the position. “Because you clearly don’t know shit about me.”
You watch silently as he scoots his chair back, standing up with urgency. How did things come to this? Two months ago you were casual friends, now you’re fighting in the middle of the school library. You would’ve never let him into your dorm room that night if you knew it would hurt this bad. 
“And I actually thought-,” Jungkook says, turning to face you. His lips open and then close promptly before he waves a hand at you. “Fuck it, nevermind. I’m done.” 
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You look extremely suspect.
Speeding through campus with your hood up, sweater strings almost dangling to the floor with how tight you’ve pulled them. You can barely see where you’re going. The small fluffy peephole you’ve provided yourself is no good for navigating the winding halls of the dreaded liberal arts building. 
You’ve been sleeping in later and later; a recent habit. Most days you felt drained, barely able to muster the energy to crawl out of bed. That’s exactly what happened this morning, hence why you’re marching down this evil, forbidden shortcut, in hopes of making it to class on time. 
It’s a Tuesday. Jungkook doesn’t have classes on Tuesdays. But you’ve done everything in your power to avoid him and the places he frequents. You haven’t heard from him since the.. incident. Not a single text or call. It hurt like hell, but what did you expect? You weren’t exactly nice to him the last time you two spoke. And it wasn’t like he cared to begin with. He was probably already buried in someone else; moaning blissfully. Meanwhile, you can’t even leave your damn room without thinking about him. 
Shut up, evil brain. Back to the matter at hand—getting to class. 
You decide that music is the best method of distraction. An exaggerated sigh slips out as you yank your phone out of your pocket. You’re just about to crank your airpods up when a couple of distant voices catch your attention. 
“These are from this weekend's showcase, we’re taking them down next week…” A muffled response that you can’t comprehend. “Yep, all are my students.”
You stop dead in your tracks.
The professor’s prideful tone rings in your ears, drowning out whatever breakup playlist you were previously listening to. The mention of a showcase, the showcase, makes your heart drop with a painful thud. 
Your skull feels exponentially heavier than normal when you lift it, finally breaking eye contact with the dingy concrete floor underneath you. There are pictures hung all along the white walls of the campus center. No doubt leftover from an event you deliberately skipped. 
You roll your head back, attempting to loosen the uncomfortable tension in your muscles. Anxiously gnawing on your bottom lip, you take in your surroundings. Jittery hands pluck out your headphones and plop them back into your Luna-shaped airpod case. Underneath all the sadness and guilt, your body was teaming with curiosity. 
You never found out what Jungkook’s topic of choice was. And now that you think about it, you haven’t seen any of his photography. Ever. 
A quick look wouldn’t hurt, right?
Besides, maybe this was what you needed to move on. A final goodbye to the man who has held your mind captive for far too long. 
With a deep exhale and a heavy heart, you take the plunge and step forward. You lull along the walls, staring wide-eyed at each photo. Most of them take on a dark modern vibe, displaying people and objects in dreary settings. A sea of gray and black. Devoid of color. You glance at the labels above. The topics chosen were gloomy, too. 
Hm. Life imitates art. 
You wonder if those students have had their hearts broken as well. 
A vibrant splash of color makes you halt. Your eyebrows furrow as you stare at the canvas. There’s a blood-red rose. The lens is so zoomed in that the flower eats up the entire portrait. You place a manicured digit against it, tracing your fingertip along the jagged veins in the delicate petals. The imagery is surreal, almost comparable to a heart. Not a cutesy cartoon heart—the literal human organ. You think it’s stunning, standing out amongst the rest like a beautiful sore thumb. 
The printed black font along the border makes your breath hitch.
Love - Jeon Jungkook.
The subject confuses you, but the photography makes sense. Of course, this was Jungkook’s work. It’s obnoxious, lively, and so incredibly different from the rest. Stunning and enchanting, nonetheless. The next photo in his set is of two shadows, a bit distorted as they're splayed against the concrete. A couple holding hands. You recognize the silhouettes immediately; Mina and Taehyung. You can’t fight the smile spreading across your face. 
Next in the portfolio is a room, white walls decorated with faux ivy vines. The little, golden lights laced throughout them gives the picture a warm saturated glow. At the center of the photo is a woman laying underneath a cream duvet. Her bare back is facing the camera, messy hair sprawled on the pillow. It’s a bit risqué, but you get how it connects to his chosen subject. It’s the aftermath of the physical act of love.
To any other student or teacher strolling by, the woman in the picture was a stranger. But to you, she’s the farthest thing from a stranger.
She’s you.
Jungkook must have taken it while you were sleeping.
A wave of the most perplexing, juxtaposing emotions washes over you. Your palms turn clammy as you try to process what you’re witnessing. Why would he do this? Include a picture of you in a project, literally titled ‘love’, only to fucking lie to you? To take advantage of your affection and string you along while he entertained another person?
You find the answers to your aimless questions in the next photo.
The only time you remember seeing or hearing fireworks was… 
The night of the party. 
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“Jungkook,” you sigh, pressing your damp forehead against the grainy wood of his door. You never thought you’d be in this position. Chasing after a man. It’s humiliating and out of character, but you need to make things right. “I know you’re in there…”
You’ve been standing outside of his dorm room for the past ten minutes. Knocking, pleading, begging. All to no avail. The sound of rustling blankets and footsteps on the other side makes you lift your head, eyes widening with hope. The optimism is lost once the soft noises stop completely. They only served to confirm your suspicions. Jungkook is home and he’s purposely ignoring you. 
Oh, the irony.
Earlier in the week, the roles were reversed. Jungkook was the one pining for your attention. Now, you know exactly how he must have felt that day in the library. And you don’t like it one bit. 
“Look,” you huff, shaking a few clumpy strands out of your face. “I know you probably don’t want to talk to me right now… but I’m really sorry.”
The only response you receive is the whoosh of running water. 
Your shoulders slump in defeat. Obviously, he’s not going to answer the door. Why would he? He had every right to be mad. You hadn’t hesitated to dismiss him, and his passions, when you were the one upset.
You come to the grim realization that maybe things are better this way.
Jungkook is completely, entirely, wholeheartedly different from you, and you from him. So much so that you were incompatible. You’ve barely dipped your toes into anything serious, yet the two of you were already fighting and miscommunicating. It would never work, whatever it is. It couldn’t.
Deep down in your heart, you know none of that is true.
As much as you try to rationalize the distance, you can’t convince yourself that your life is better like this—because whenever you picture a future with Jungkook or reflect on the past, you see and feel nothing but sunshine. The walls begin to crumble and you feel free. Maybe, the characteristics of Jungkook you deemed annoying and different, were what made being with him so euphoric.
But none of that matters anymore. Whatever chance you had at that, at something more with him, you've completely destroyed. With a grimace and an awful pit in your stomach, you decide the best thing you can do for him is leave him alone. You adjust the takeout bags in your hand and begin to head out. 
Just as you reach the end of the dingy hallway, you hear a click and a loud creak. You spin so fast you almost get whiplash. 
Jungkook is standing in his doorway, looking at you blankly with a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. He’s shirtless, full muscles rippling under his milky skin. Normally you would ogle at the sight of his toned chest and defined abs, but your focus is elsewhere. Like on the red flannel sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips, sharp v-line peeking over the hem. You recognize them from the night you helped him study for an upcoming quiz. 
‘This is a conspiracy,’ he grumbled, convinced the test was an elaborate scheme by the school committee to punish him for his frequent drunken mishaps and countless guideline violations. You laughed, resting your head on his shoulder as you helped him memorize terms and ideas. You guys didn’t leave the library until 2 a.m.
He looks warm and cozy. Dark tresses swooping in messy waves across his forehead as he peers at you with doe eyes. After not seeing him or checking in on him for a while, you let out a sigh of relief. 
“Hey,” he mumbles softly, voice coming out muffled over the bristles of his toothbrush. He pulls it out, letting out a tiny ‘oops’ as a glob of toothpaste hits the floor. He wipes it away with his foot before continuing. “What are you doing here?”
“I…” Everything you wanted to say had trickled out of your mind like the little droplets of water running down your skin. 
He meets your silence with an unamused squint and starts to close the door. 
“Jungkook, wait!” You shout, taking a few frantic steps closer. “I saw the showcase!”
He pauses. “You did?” His thick brows slant in confusion. “How?”
“It’s still up in the liberal arts building.”
He nods his head slowly as an awkward quietness falls over the corridor. You can tell he’s still upset with you and the tension makes you queasy. 
“I have pancakes,” you offer nervously, lifting up the crinkled plastic bags in your hand. It’s so damn cheesy. But you're trying your best. You prayed that he understood the reference, and remembered how he showed up to your dorm in the same exact way. The fateful night that started it all. 
“Interesting.” His nose twitches as he tongues the little hoop on his bottom lip. Obviously fighting a smile. Thank God. “What kind?”
“Chocolate chip… your favorite.” 
He hums a contemplative noise, scanning you up and down. Your hair is dripping. The pink velvet hoodie you’re wearing is clinging to your figure in ways he knows it isn’t supposed to. “Why are you wet?”
“It’s raining,” you point out. 
Jungkook glances over his shoulder, glancing into his room and out the window at the cloudy, gray sky. There’s a change in his expression when he faces you again. “You walked here in the rain?”
You nod meekly. 
The harsh glint in his eyes softens. He sighs deeply, head dropping in defeat as he holds out a colorful arm, inked digits gesturing for you to come closer. “C’mere, Bambi. I’ll get you some clothes.”
You’ve never been so elated to hear that nickname. 
“Thank you,” you peep, scurrying towards his open door before he changes his mind and sends you packing. Goosebumps form on your skin when your bicep brushes against his bare chest as you hastily enter the room. The light touch leaves your cheeks hot.
“Hold on,” he says, disappearing into his tiny bathroom. You set the pancakes on top of his nightstand, awkwardly standing in the middle of his dorm. This isn’t exactly how you envisioned your first time at Jungkook’s place would go.
While idly taking in your surroundings, you spot a little whiteboard above his bed. On it, scribbled in blue marker, is the biggest boobs you’ve ever seen in your life. There’s a heart eyes emoji tacked on in the corner. A good artistic detail, you think. You should be rolling your eyes at his boyishness. That’s what you always do. But an endeared laugh comes out instead. 
Why was a poorly drawn pair of tits making you soft?
Right underneath the whiteboard is a collage of taped pictures. You bend at the waist for a better look. There’s a polaroid of him and Taehyung, arms intertwining at the elbows, both downing a dark, probably alcoholic, beverage. How cute of them. The next photo is of Jungkook on a rollercoaster, tongue out and eyes crinkled as he middle fingers the camera. So wild and free. Your heart swells in familiarity. 
But the more you stumble upon, the more unfamiliar Jungkook becomes. There’s a few blurry pictures of a big black dog he’s never spoken about before. The next one has you gushing. It’s a candid image of baby-faced Jungkook, holding up his high school diploma with a proud, big, bunny smile. There’s an older woman in the frame kissing his cheek. You tilt your head in confusion. You wonder if it’s his mother. You had just assumed he couldn’t stand his parents and didn’t keep in contact with them.
Maybe… you don’t have Jungkook figured out like you thought you did. There’s still so much you have to learn. You make a mental note of all the questions you want to ask him later. 
That is if there even is a later. 
The bathroom door opens and Jungkook walks out. “Here,” he says, handing you a pile of neatly folded clothes. There’s an oversized black hoodie on top. Your favorite sweater, the one you always steal from him. You watch sullenly as he sits down on the edge of his bed. 
“I’m sorry,” you reiterate, absolutely loathing how weak and frail you sound. Jungkook doesn’t respond. He just stares into your soul with those scrutinizing eyes. “Can you talk to me, please?”
“I wanted to talk at the library,” he groans, arms jolting forward in frustration, fingers painfully flexed and hooked like claws. His bare chest flushed an angry red. “I’ve been trying to talk to you. All fucking week!”
Startled, you jump at his voice, dropping the stack of clothes you were holding. Jungkook’s eyes widen.
“Ah, I-'' he interrupts himself with a shameful hiss. You pick up the fallen fabrics with shaky hands, placing them on his nightstand with the forgotten pancakes. Jungkook digs the heels of his hands into his eyes, too apologetic and embarrassed for losing his cool to look at you. “I’m sorry.”
To be fair, he hadn’t been that loud. It was more abrupt than anything else. But your Jungkook was as happy and carefree as the wind. This side of him was new, and you were still figuring out how to navigate the uncharted waters. “It’s okay.” You can’t blame him. Not after everything you’ve done. “You’re allowed to be mad.” 
“I’m not mad,” he sighs. The tattooed fingers splayed over his eyes slide in to clamp the bridge of his nose. The other hand pats the spot next to him on the black comforter. “Come here.” 
“But,” you look down at the damp clothes, “I’m wet.”
“It’s fine. Sit down.”
You listen, cautiously sinking down into the bed. Despite the copious amounts of nude escapades, you’ve never felt more vulnerable with him. Usually, when you’re in bed with Jungkook, he’s panting above you, sleeping below you, or lying beside you. Head snuggled into your neck like an annoying, albeit affectionate, cat. Now, you make sure to keep your distance, anxiously picking at your chipped nail polish. 
“What happened?” He questions breathlessly, relieved to finally verbalize the words that were weighing heavy on his chest. “Everything was going great and then you switched up on me. Like the showcase? Really, Bambi? I was the only person there without a guest.”
The disappointment in his voice cuts you deep, but the vision of him at the event he had been so excited for, completely alone, hurts even worse. You were his muse, and you rejected him. Looking at him was an awful decision, because you get lost in his eyes immediately. Those beautiful, captivating, endless eyes. Filled with pain and uncertainty. You realize the only way to make that awful look disappear, is to confess…
“I really like you, Jungkook… a lot. Like- more than just friends…”
Once again, you’re met with silence. Jungkook’s face is unreadable yet so familiar. You've seen that expression before. You can’t pinpoint when or where exactly, but it makes your heart pound so loudly that your ears ring.
“So,” you continue shakily, “the last time we hung out—when you canceled our plans—I got really upset.”
“I was finishing my project.” 
“But then I saw a picture of you at a party-,”
“Yeah,” he defends, looking at you exasperatedly, unable to follow your train of thought. “I wanted to take pictures of the fireworks.” 
“I know that now,” you admit, shifting uncomfortably in your seat, “but the picture was from Nayeon’s Instagram.” 
“Nayeon?” He frowns. “I haven’t talked to Nayeon in months.”
“But you guys were-” your eyes dart around in search of the right phrasing. You settle on ‘a thing’, putting little air quotes around the ambiguous title. 
“Why does that matter?” He asks incredulously. “Her and I ended things before we even started hooking up. I haven’t had sex with anybody else since we’ve been a thing.” The last part is teasing, he mimics your air quotes as his pierced pout curls into a smirk. Ah, Jungkook gets it now. Your unbecoming actions over the course of the week were a product of jealousy and possessiveness. Any lingering trace of anger is washed away with the revelation. “I told you that.”
“Yeah, but…” After mulling over your thoughts, you hesitate to speak. You hadn’t realized how ridiculous and childish you were being until now. Taehyung was right after all. “I don’t know, the way you said it seemed… fishy.”  
Jungkook deadpans you before shaking his head, chuckling under his breath. You watch it all unfold awkwardly. How embarrassing. 
“It’s not funny, Jungkook!”
“Ah!” He echos your shouts through a laugh, cupping your head with his large hands and jittering it gently. “Stop thinking! Your brain is evil!”
Hm. Valid point. 
“In my defense,” you retort, cuffing his wrists with your tiny hands. His skin is warm and soft. You’ve missed touching him so much. “You literally mentioned Nayeon while we were having sex.”
The playful stars in his eyes combust. “Huh?”
“Oral fixation.” 
His eyes widen in remembrance. “Oh shit,” he groans, slumping down, hands dropping into his lap. “Looking back, that was so fucked, but I- I just thought it was funny. I swear I didn’t mean anything, like- bad by it. I-.” Frustrated by his own stuttering and lack of judgment, Jungkook mushes his fingers into his sockets before laying down in defeat. “That was so fucking stupid of me. I’m stupid. I’m sorry, Bambi.”
That word coaxes a visceral reaction out of you. 
“Don’t say that,” you whisper. His tattooed fingers part in the middle as he hesitantly peeks at you. You giggle for a moment, and so does he, but then you feel the gravity of the situation. Sniffling, you look down at the beautiful boy. How could you have ever been so nasty to him? You push his bangs back gently. They’ve gotten longer. Cupping his cheek, you slowly brush your thumb across his soft skin. You’re afraid that if you’re too rough, he’ll slip right through your fingers. “You’re not stupid, Jungkook... I’ve never met anyone who sees the world how you do. You’re so creative and clever in your own right… I’m sorry if I made you feel like you weren’t, because I don’t think that at all.” Voice crack. “I never did.”  
“Hey,” Jungkook coos in concern. “It’s okay.” 
“No, it’s not okay,” you argue, blinking furiously to fight back the waterworks. “And I’m really sorry about the showcase. I know how important it was to you.” 
“Shh,” he shushes, “please don’t cry.” He catches your hand and brings it to his mouth, pressing the sweetest, gentlest kiss to your fingertips. “You apologized, so we’re good, yeah?” 
“Mhm,” you sniffle. It feels like a ton of bricks have been lifted off of your shoulders. “For what it’s worth, your portfolio was gorgeous.”
“Nah,” he teases, wrapping an arm around your waist and encouraging you to lay down with him. “You’re only saying that because you were in it.” You smile softly, thankful for his light-hearted banter. You stay like that for a while. Face to face. Just looking at one another. You think you could stay like this forever, basking in his beauty. His warmth. Jungkook speaks first. “Why didn’t you just talk to me about the picture?” 
“I guess, I was just scared of losing you… but then I just started ignoring you, which doesn’t make sense… so probably should’ve just talked to you about it.” The stream of consciousness makes him laugh. “I really like you, Jungkook.”
“I don’t do relationships.” 
You feel your heart shatter into a million, irreparable pieces. 
How cruel. 
“Wait, those aren’t the right words,” Jungkook shakes his head. “What I meant to say is that I’ve never actually been in a relationship.” The stammered admission has you stunned. Campus fuckboy Jungkook has never been in a relationship? “And I have no fucking clue what I’m doing but… I really like you, too. I want you, I do… I don’t know how good of a boyfriend I’ll be but,” he looks at you for the first time throughout his nervous ramble. His eyes are just as terrified as yours. “I’m willing to try if you are.”
You blink at him. Did he just say… boyfriend? 
“__,” Jungkook calls, anxiously toying with his lip ring. “Do you want this?”
You’ve never wanted anything more. 
Without warning, you smash your lips into his. This kiss is sloppy and brash, but he’s yours. Jungkook is yours. “I think you chipped my tooth,” he winces, chuckling breathlessly. “Is that a yes?”
You nod vehemently. 
“Okay,” he smiles, tilting your chin, “now give me a real kiss. None of that amateur shit you just pulled.” 
You kiss him again, head full of clouds and tummy full of butterflies. Jungkook grabs under your thighs, maneuvering you on top of him, knees on either side of his cinched waist. Your lips are more controlled this time. There’s a little tongue action. Nothing too dirty, just soft brushes and prods like you’re two virgins testing the waters. Everything is slow and unhurried. You feel like you’re floating, levitating, fucking astral projecting.
“There we go,” Jungkook grins, the rounded tip of his nose tickling yours. It’s so sappy, and you can only imagine how dumb you two look, staring at each other with sparkly eyes and goofy smiles.
Jungkook is still Jungkook, though.
A sneaky hand and the grinding of a zipper interrupts the cute moment.
“You perv!” You shriek, giggling wildly as you swat his naughty fingers away. The damage is done, and the sleeve of your open sweater slips down your bare shoulder. “Is sex all you think about?”
“Mm,” he hums in confirmation, placing a peck on the newly exposed skin. “Sex with you,” he specifies before peeling the damp material from your arms and tossing it onto the floor. You cringe at the clanging of your expensive, deadstock, Juicy Couture hoodie. “Why are you so covered up?” Jungkook sits up to suck on your erect nipple, right through your translucent, white tank top. Whimpering, you grind against him. “You gotta take this off…” he sighs dreamily, yanking the pesky shirt over your head.
Wow. He’s extra needy today. Not that you’re complaining. 
“Jungkook,” you complain, arms crossed over your chest. “Stop staring!”
“Why are you being so shy?” He does this often. Gawks at your naked body until your skin burns and your cheeks sting. It's a strange feeling. So uncomfortable yet so reassuring. You’ve never had a man look at you the way Jungkook does, like he’s trying to remember every birthmark, curve, and detail. That level of intimacy was scary. You can’t help but squirm under his intense gaze. “You’re my girl now, aren’t you, baby?
His girl. You swoon. 
“I am, it’s just kinda awkward.” 
“How so?” He patronizes, bottom lip jutting out in a deep pout. “Can’t I look?”
“You can just… don’t stare.”
“I do what I want.” The sudden switch in his voice makes your breath hitch. “Move your arms. Let me see you.”
Oh. He’s in one of those moods. 
You and Jungkook rarely dabbled in sub and dom dynamics. Maybe, he was too afraid of intimidating you. Maybe, you were too afraid to initiate. But boy was his aggressiveness a treat. The duality between the relaxed attitude he carried in his everyday life, and the occasional primal beast that came out during sex, made your mouth water. 
“Really?” He tuts his tongue when you counter him with a scowl, raising a threatening brow at you, code for ‘go ahead, test me’. You do, not moving a muscle. 
Jungkook physically pries your arms apart and twists them behind your back, holding your wrists together in one hand. The swift movement makes you gasp.
“This okay, Bambi?” 
All you can see over the bubbles of your cheeks is his tangled, black hair. His forehead rests against your collarbones, sharp exhales fanning across your chest. The hot gusts make your nipples pebble and the light stimulation sends a jolt of electricity coursing through your spine.
“Yes,” you whimper. 
Using his free hand, Jungkook grips your jaw, indulging you in a sweet kiss. “Good girl.” The whispered praise has your clit throbbing. He turns your face towards the sleek mirror mounted on the wall. “Look at you, baby.”
Insecurity looms over you like a black raincloud as you’re forced to look at the reflection. The sight of your nude body makes you feel icky. Instinctively, you try to jerk away.
 “Hey, stop-” he gruffs, tightening his grip to cement you in place. “Chill. Take a deep breath.” 
You obey, closing your eyes and inhaling deeply.
“Why are you so combative today?” The rough edge falters for a moment when Jungkook confirms that he ‘just learned that word yesterday from a synonym website’. You giggle. Why must he be so adorable? “Don’t I always take care of you?”
“You do.”
“Do you trust me?” You nod. “Use your words, baby.”
“I trust you, Jungkook.”
“Good girl,” he smiles, making you face the glass again. His touch is much more gentle this time, guiding you with a delicate finger on your chin. “Don’t look at me,” Jungkook chuckles when he catches you staring at him and then points at your bewildered expression, “eyes on you.”
Despite the initial resistance, looking own reflection isn't as difficult as it was the first time. There’s little things you pick up on, like the way your thick, fluffy hair lays. The way your chest looks so supple pressed against his. How your hips curve out at the right angle. Your skin is smooth and poreless. That Laneige toner is really out here doing the lord's work.
“Look at how beautiful you are.”
Although Jungkook’s words are sweet, you wouldn’t go that far. But you guess, one could say you’re cute—which is more credit than you’ve given yourself in a while.
“Aren’t you so beautiful, baby?”
You hum to appease him, but this experience was definitely a start. You’re gaining self-confidence, one baby step at a time. “You’re beautiful, too.”
“You think so?” He asks airily, flashing one of those teeny tiny smiles he does, where only his two front chompers poke out. You swear this man is an angel, or some mythical being that was too ethereal to exist on planet Earth. Mumbling a small ‘uh huh’, you peck at the corner of his mouth. His silver hoop feels icy against your lips, but his hands, rubbing soothing lines up your back, are so warm. “I wish you saw yourself the way I do,” he says with sparkly eyes. “How could I want anyone else, Bambi?”
Your heart swells two sizes too big and you don’t even know how to respond. 
“Alright, space girl,” Jungkook chuckles at your ditzy state, delivering a quick swat to your ass to bring you back to reality. An impatient, tattooed arm is hooked under your thigh, tossing you to the side before he gets to his feet. “Lay down. ‘S been a while since I ate that pussy.”
“Wait,” you say, unphased by his lewd comment. “Can I…” you look down at his crotch, “you know?”
“What?” He smirks at your vagueness. “Suck my dick?”
Foreplay normally consisted of Jungkook’s head between your thighs, his fingers milking your g-spot, or a shy handjob here and there. Now that he’s your boyfriend, you suppose it’s finally time to return the favor. Especially since he looks so delicious with his messy hair and his pretty tits out. 
“Please,” you choke, cheeks burning with embarrassment at how quickly the plead slipped out. 
“You don’t have to beg,” he purrs, stepping between your parted thighs sat at the edge of his bed. You gulp, nose aligned with his growing bulge. “Actually, yes, you do,” he retracts, swiping his big thumb across your bottom lip tauntingly. You’re dripping, already knowing where things are headed. “Been a bad girl lately, haven’t you?”
“Yeah,” you pout, shrinking under his beady eyes, peering right at you over his big nose. “But you said we’re passed that.”
“We are,” he agrees, “but I could use some reassurance. Wanna give me a little bit, baby?” 
“Suck it,” he requests, tapping his thick digit against your deep frown, “show me how good you’re gonna blow me… just so I know…”
God, you can’t deny him. Not when his voice is drenched in lust and he looks that yummy.  Flicking your hair over your shoulder, you grab his wrist, taking his thumb into your mouth, all the way down to his palm. Moaning, you swirl your tongue around the pad. He plays along, plunging and pulling his finger into your wet suction. Your lips are going to look so fucking pretty around his cock, Jungkook thinks. 
“‘Kay, no more,” he says, voice strained as he yanks his hand away. The movement makes you accidentally bite your tongue. Asshole. He proceeds to tangle his spit-covered hand into your hair. Major asshole. With a thick fistful, Jungkook shoves you into his clean-shaven pelvis. “Am I hard yet? Check for me?”
He knows he’s hard. You know he’s hard. But you indulge him anyway, mushing a sloppy kiss into his v-line. The view of his eyes is disrupted by the heavy heaving of his chest, and his cute little nipples; spiked and erect. Dipping down, you place a loving peck on the tip through his pants. The red material is damp from his arousal. “Yep, hard.”
“Cute,” he laughs in reaction to how sweet and innocent you look down there. “Take it out, then.”
You tug his pants down, letting them pool at his ankles. His boner springs up with vigor, whacking you in the nose on its path up to his navel. “Oh fuck,” he gasps, smacking a hand over his mouth in guilt. You glare at him, suspicious of how genuine that ‘guilt’ really is. Something you’ve noticed about Jungkook is that his smiles reach his eyes first. You don’t need to see his lips to know he’s holding in a laugh. The little stars in his irises and the crinkles in the outer corners blow his facade. “You okay, Bambi?”
“Control your dick, Jeon,” you sneer.
“Can’t,” he pouts, wrapping his palm around his tree-trunk-sized base while kicking his pants aside, “he wants you.” You’re impressed at how quickly he steers the conversation back to sex. Also, personifying his dick? That’s new. Clicking his tongue, Jungkook measures his hard cock across the length of your face. If it wasn’t for the curve, his pretty pink tip would be touching your hairline. “How’s he gonna fit, baby? You sure you can take it?”
The questions were rhetorical, purely dirty talk, but they held a piece of the intimidating truth. “I don’t know,” you respond honestly. 
“Have you ever done this before?” Sensing your nerves, he pulls back a bit.
“Only once,” you shiver, recalling the questionable memory. “So I don’t know how good I’ll be at this…”
“Pfft,” he dismisses your concerns, “don’t worry about that.” He pets your cheek and you nuzzle into his touch, thankful for the comforting gesture. Then, Jungkook plops down, shimmying up the bed clumsily until he’s hunkered down in his pillows. Following suit, you turn to face him and begin tying your hair up. 
“Wait!” He hollers, stopping you at the elbow. His eyes widen at his own unexpected outburst. “Leave it, please. I like it down…” he coughs, “so pretty.” 
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see your frizzy baby hairs shooting wildly in all different directions. Pretty? Regardless, you let go, messy strands falling in loops against your chest and back.
“I have flavored lube if that helps. In my nightstand.”
Of course, Jungkook owns flavored lubricant. It's pretty on-brand for him. But your eyes nearly pop out of your skull when you open his top drawer, unveiling almost an entire Adam & Eve store. 
That’s a stretch and you’re dramatic.
Still, you stare in wonderment. There’s an unopened pack of condoms, ‘ribbed for her pleasure!’ printed on the front in purple letters. The blue and white wand next to it makes you choke. The Hitachi. It’s much bigger than you expected, but it makes sense. If it’s as powerful as Jungkook boasted, it must need a fucking car battery. You gulp. 
“Snooping through my things, Bambi?” 
“No,” you squeak, shaking your head. “You have quite the collection here, Mr. Jeon.”
“Mr. Jeon, that’s sexy,” he laughs, making you jump with an unexpected smack to your ass. “See anything you like?”
Cheeks ablaze, you stay focused, finally spotting the little aqua bottle of… blue raspberry flavored lubricant? You pick it up, causing a shiny piece of metal with a little glint of pink to roll out.
“Really, dude?” 
Jungkook’s brows furrow in confusion until he sees the silver butt plug, decorated with a pretty pink gem on the end. Absolutely perfect for you. “Oh, yeah,” he snatches the toy from your clammy hand and eyes it with pride. “Isn’t it pretty?”
“I can’t believe you actually bought one.”
“Why not? I said I was going to.”
“I know,” you huff with a nervous snicker, “but I didn’t think you were actually going to do it.”
“I mean,” he looks at you like you’re brainless, “you like anal, no?”
“No!” You shriek defensively. Anal play wasn’t even on your sexual radar...
Well, that’s not entirely truthful.
You enjoyed it the last time you had sex with Jungkook, in the shower, getting stretched out by his thick thumb in your butt. You remember how mindblowing and pleasurable it felt to be full. “Well, maybe. I don’t know.”
“That’s okay,” he smiles reassuringly. “We don’t have to use it. I just figured it’d be nice to have, in case you wanted to experiment, you know?” 
He’s so sweet and thoughtful it makes you ill. 
Now that you think about it, your sexuality is basically untapped. You’ve barely scratched the surface of self-discovery. Before Jungkook, you’ve never had a man care about your pleasure, or encourage you to take risks for your own sake. No ulterior motives. Being with Jungkook was like skydiving. Horrifying at first, life-changing once you took the plunge. With him, the parachute was there whether you decided to jump or not. You know that you’re safe, so why not take the plunge?
���Actually, Jungkook,” you stammer, “I kinda wanna try it… the butt plug.”
“You sure?” 
“I’m positive.”
The conviction in your voice is like a beautiful ballad in his ears. Brick by brick, you’re opening up. Every day spent together, the walls erode a bit more. 
“I got the smallest size I could find, see?” He holds the toy up to his thumb to demonstrate. It’s only a little longer, a little thicker. “So it’s not that far off from what you’re used to.”
“Thank you, baby,” you gush, planting a fat kiss on the dough of his cheek. The contrast between his bready, baby face and his razor-sharp jawline makes you dizzy. You need him in your mouth asap. “Can I suck your dick now?”
“Absolutely, but first can you-,” his index finger twirls in a circle. You blink at him blankly. “Ah, fuck it.” Deciding it’d be much easier to move you himself, Jungkook sits up at the waist to spin you until you're face to face with his third leg, resting patiently against his stomach. The modified 69 has you creaming. “Like that…” he mumbles dreamily, hooking his fingers into the waistband of your track pants, tugging them down your thighs to expose your perky behind and glowy cunt. 
“I don’t know where to start.”
“Innocent little thing…” he whispers, smoothing a palm over your lower back. He leans up to chomp on the fat of your ass cheek, leaving bunny-toothed dents in your skin. A predator eating its prey. “Want help?”
“Please,” you mewl, melting under his touch. 
“Spit,” he orders, cupping an inked hand under your mouth. Reluctantly, you spit into his palm. He uses your saliva to wet himself, coating his unbearably hard cock with a few languid pumps. Opening the cap, Jungkook squirts a little drop of lubricant onto his finger. “Taste.”
You softly suck on his fingertip. The liquid is sweet like a blue raspberry jolly rancher, but it’s not nearly as sweet as Jungkook’s deep guttural moan and hooded gaze. So worked up just for you. Only you. Yours.
“This, too,” he coos, bringing the butt plug up to your lips, “suck it.”
Seeing him this needy and touch-starved was doing things to you. Maybe you should ignore him more often, if it meant that he would be this feral. You comply, wrapping your lips around the icy metal.
“Being so good, baby,” he affirms, resting the drenched plug against his solid stomach before squirting a generous amount of lubricant onto his length, tugging until he’s glistening with a sticky blue sheen. Big and pretty. “Just start with the tip, alright? Go slow.” 
You nod, mesmerized by the little bead of dew resting on the slit of his pretty pink head. Well, it’s a bit blue now. Cotton candy. Yummy. 
“Stick your tongue out.” You do, hovering closer. Jungkook taps his length against your tongue with nasty, wet smacking noises. “You want me so bad, don’t you?” 
You nod impatiently, making your flat tongue brush against the crown of his leaking cock
“Fuck,” he groans, “put it in your mouth.”
There are a few reasons why you find blowjobs problematic. Unfortunately, you were cursed with an annoyingly overactive gag reflex. Very unideal for dick sucking. However, your primary concerns were taste and texture. But Jungkook’s cock feels like butter when you take it into your mouth. Smooth and silky. And the lubricant made him candy-flavored.
“You like that taste, Bambi?” Jungkook chuckles at how eager and dutiful you look, licking and sucking on his swollen tip like a lollipop. You hum in response, slowly swirling your tongue around his tip with purpose. Giving you a hand, literally and figuratively, Jungkook starts stroking the shaft, stimulating the parts of him you have yet to gobble up. “Want more?” You’re not sure what he’s referring to, but you agree anyway, completely entranced by him. With that, Jungkook squeezes under the tip, and you feel a tiny burst of precum hit your tastebuds. 
He’s so sexy you could die. 
Moaning, you clench your thighs together for some much needed friction, causing a single drop of wetness to trickle down your leg. Right before his very eyes. He’s never been so hungry, and it would be so easy to just…
“Jungkook!” You moan so loudly you’re sure everyone on campus can hear it. He had laid his tongue flat, trailing your arousal back up to your pussy and then sensually dipping between your folds in one hot lick. He even traces higher, prodding against your other hole until you’re seeing stars.
“Watch your teeth,” he winces when you get carried away, “be gentle, baby.” Peeping a shy apology, you curl your lips over your teeth and slide down past the tip until you’re halfway down his length. You focus on your breathing, nostrils expanding as you inhale deeply. “That’s it, take more.” 
So captivated by his ‘yeahs’ and ‘uh huhs’, you miss the sound of a cap clicking open. Suddenly, you feel a cold drizzle slide between your cheeks, before a pair of warm hands spread the slippery substance all over. He uses the residual to thoroughly coat the butt plug. 
“Gonna put it in now.” He spreads you open with one hand, pressing the silver against your clenched muscle. “Let me know if anything feels off.” 
The initial push is a bit much. You pull off of him with a wet pop, whimpering as he sluggishly inserts the foreign object. He stops at the sound of your whines. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah- fuck,” you grunt, “big, thas all. Please, keep going.”
“I mean, it’s not that big,” Jungkook chuckles, running some saliva over the toy for more moisture, “you’re taking it well, though.” Slowly but surely, he works you open. The noises you moan around his cock are obscene. Not because it hurts, but because it’s so satisfying. 
“Feels good, Koo…”
“Sheesh,” he breathes, staring in astonishment at the pink gem in your ass, “it’s so fucking pretty. So sexy.” In his fucked out, head empty state, Jungkook bucks up, shoving all eight of his curved inches down your throat. He doesn’t realize what happened until you pull off with a gag and teary eyes. 
“Bambi,” he coos wearily and fear ridden. “I didn’t mean to do that, I swear.” 
You send him the meanest, fiercest glare you can conjure up, hoping his conscience burns just as much as your throat does. 
“No, come on,” he pleads in despair, reaching for you as you crawl away, “I’m sorry. It was an accident. I wo-,” 
You shut him up by hoisting a shaky leg over his hip, straddling him. “You really can’t control yourself, can you?” You hover over him with a teasing smile. How could you possibly stay mad at him when he looked like Tuxedo Mask? The dreamy love interest of your favorite cartoon. 
He sighs in relief, panic leaving his body as fast as it came. “No, I can’t,” he smiles softly, shaking his head and snaking both arms around your waist, “not with you.”
And at that moment, you swear you’ve never been happier. 
The closeness you felt was indescribable. Not physically, although his python grip was warm and comfortable. It was all emotional. You’re spiraling out of control, heading flipping and stomach somersaulting, but it’s okay—a contained type of chaos. Jungkook feels it too. The shift in the air. The subtle, yet painfully obvious, change in your dynamic. You’re different this time around. A little more outgoing. A little more fearless, as you sit on top of him. He loves it. He thinks he might even love…
“You gonna ride me, Bambi?”
“Mhm.” You feel like a schoolgirl again when you kiss him. That nervousness, wrapped in unbearable excitement, whenever you passed your first crush in the halls. Yeah, that's how you feel right now, looking down at the most stunning person you’ve ever experienced. 
Sparks. Fireworks. Butterflies.  
You and Jungkook exchange shy smiles when your hands touch, reaching for his erection, desperate to close the gap and become one. So ready to connect your bodies, minds, and hearts in the most intimate way. Clumsily, you fail at first. You’re both so wet that his flushed tip slips, completely missing your entrance and sliding past your clit. 
“Sorry,” you chirp abashedly. 
“That’s okay,” he pipes, holding himself up for you, “try again.” Just the thick head of his cock resting against your folds is enough to know that there’s going to be an adjustment period. A stretch. There always was, Jungkook is fucking huge. But you have a feeling that this new position would hit differently, making him feel bigger, harder, longer. With a firm grip on your hip, he guides you down onto his piercing length. A symphony of moans and sighs fills the room. 
“How’s that?”
You’ve never felt so full.
The butt plug makes the squeeze even tighter, pushing his cock right into your g-spot. The burn ignited a mind-numbing fire inside of you. That, or he was just so deep that you felt him in your stomach. “‘S okay,” you whimper, gnawing on your lip and clinging onto him for stability, “really deep like this, Koo.”
“Take your time,” he gruffs, wincing under the dig of your petite fingers, making little crescent indents in his biceps. Amid sex, the tension in your body served as a reminder that you’re still learning. He was doing his best to be good, but the way your pussy just swallowed him up like that, triggered something primal. Tightest, wettest pussy he’s ever had the blessing of penetrating. Biting his tongue until his mouth tastes metallic, Jungkook battles the urge to thrust up into you until you’re dumb and drooling. He’s trying so hard to be good. The internal struggle is heard in his voice when he speaks, strained and gravely. “Start slow.” 
Eventually, the tiny licks of pain transform into a milky, insatiable hunger. When you look down at him, all you see is the base of his thick neck, head thrown back as he succumbs to the gratification of your walls. ‘Wow, what a man,’ you think to yourself. Your man. Encouraged by your eagerness to please, you begin sloppily jerking your hips at a fast pace. No flow or rhythm. 
“Easy, easy,” Jungkook shushes with a grin, stopping you at the waist. “Why are you in such a hurry, hm? We have all night.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing,” he laughs, grabbing the shaky hands that are resting awkwardly on your thighs. “Let’s get your form right first. Lean on me.” With the command, your palms are placed flat on his broad, solid pecs. Already, the angle and leverage work with his curve deliciously. “And it’ll probably feel better for you, if you moved like this instead,” Jungkook grips your ass, rocking you into a grinding motion. Instead of up and down, your cunt drags back and forth on his throbbing shaft. 
He’s right. It feels so much better like this. The dreamy sensation has you moaning and moving like a pornstar. 
To be honest, this wasn’t even the type of video Jungkook clicked on when looking through his PornHub feed in the mornings. Absently scrolling past orgies and blowjobs like the daily newspaper. He preferred things fast. Pummeling every inch into you before pulling out swiftly, leaving only the very tip inside to keep you needy and begging. But fuck, the slow, sensual rolls of your hips were turning his brain to mush. And the way you’re dripping down his balls might make him demote missionary to his second favorite position. He’s hypnotized, staring up at your perky tits, rippling and bouncing freely above him. 
“Yeah, baby…” you cheer, carding your fingers through his thick, healthy hair as he sits up at the waist, latching onto your nipple. The gentle runs turn into harsh tugs when he takes the sensitive teat between his teeth. The overstimulation makes you hiss. 
“Taste so good,” he huffs, “I can’t keep my mouth off of you.” Slicking his wispy bangs away, Jungkook leans back, stealing a naughty peek at you fucking yourself on him. Using him just how he likes. He spreads his legs apart, praying it’ll help you sink down even further, if possible. “Yeah, take it all…”
“Love taking it all…” 
That hot, gooey ballooning is already forming in his balls. The pooling in his shaft is a warning; he’s going to bust soon. Jungkook maintains a strict ladies first policy, so he needs to think of something. Fast. A lightbulb switches on in his head when your neglected clit glides across his smooth pelvis. 
“Hold on.” With a hand on your lower back, Jungkook squeezes you against him, preventing you from toppling over as he leans to the side and fiddles around in his special drawer. You gulp when he takes out the infamous vibrator. 
“You look terrified,” he jokes, pointing out your fearful gaze and plump lips, currently forming a cute little ‘o’ as you observe the wand. 
“Hm, I wonder why?” You scoff at him in fiend ignorance. “Oh, it’s superrr strong, most girls don’t even last five minutes,” you mimic in your best Jeon Jungkook impression. Voice dropping an octave to match his deep, even tone. You think it’s pretty accurate, but his melodic giggles say otherwise.
“I mean, it is,”  he confirms, powering on the vibrator, “but there’s different settings, like, here’s the lowest.” The white crown is placed on your inner thigh, letting you get accustomed to the movement before he uses it to destroy you, and your most private areas. The low rumble travels up the muscle in your leg until it reaches your clit with a faint hum. “See? Not bad, right?”
The lack of foreplay on your end, had you teetering on the edge. So when Jungkook presses the strong, creamy buzz to your swollen bud, you’re a goner. 
“Fuck!” You wail. “This is the lowest speed?”
“Tell me how it feels.”
“I- oh!” Evilly, Jungkook moves the toy down, nudging the rounded corner underneath your hood, directly stimulating your little bundle of nerves. “I… don’t know… can’t… think right now…”
“Have nothing to say now, huh smart girl?”
Oh, so this was your punishment. 
If you could even call it that. You’ve never felt so fucking good. 
The rapture coursing through your vein forces you to stop, clawing at Jungkook’s shoulders. He picks up where you left off, rutting into you with vigor, hitting all of your sweet spots perfectly. That, combined with the smooth plug in your ass and the vibrator on your clit, has you overwhelmed and out of control. 
“Fuck! Jungkook, I can’t- too much.”
You’re cumming before he even has the chance to object. Thighs quivering. Arms shaking. Eyes rolling back into oblivion. The darkness is disrupted by lightning bolts of white, hot pleasure. Your entire body tingles like you’ve just stuck your acrylic into an outlet. Jungkook guides you to the light as you brace the crashing tsunami of your orgasm. 
A literal tsunami.
“You squirted.”
“I did?”
“A little.” Unfortunately, he didn’t get the chance to witness it. Just relished in the warm splashes on his pelvis, his upper thighs, and his cock. You nuzzle into his shoulder, groaning disgruntledly in shame. Jungkook humors you by resting his cheek on top of your head, swaying subtly as he holds you. “Guess you’re not my Bambi anymore. Deer can’t swim.”
“They can swim,” you murmur. “You don’t shit about deer, Jungkook.”
“You’re more like a fish or something,” he coos happily, ignoring your correction. “...Ponyo.”
“You like Studio Ghibli movies?” You ask, picking up your heavy head and looking at him with big, animated eyes. “Since when?”
“Since before my balls dropped,” he responds curtly.
“I didn’t know that…” 
“I think there’s a lot about me you don’t know yet, baby.” 
There’s no malice in his words. They’re not a sneaky jab, or an attempt to make you feel guilty. They’re just the truth.
“Can I ask you something, Kook?”
“Of course, you can,” he hums, friskily nipping at the apple of your cheek. 
‘Do you like anime in general? Or just Studio Ghibli?’
‘If so, what’s your favorite? Oh my God, this is so exciting!’
‘Is that your dog in those pictures?’
“You’re crazy, and yes, that’s my dog,” he chuckles at your endless string of curiosity. “But how about I nut first?” As if on cue, his member twitches inside of you, reminding you that he’s still hard and waiting patiently for his release. “And then you can interview me. Sounds good?”
“Yes,” you say, cheeks scalding. “Sorry.”
“Stop saying sorry,” Jungkook repeats, pecking you lovingly. "I'm gonna lay you down now..." Strategically, he maneuvers you onto your side, plopping down behind you. You curl into his frame, back arching with the rise and fall of his panting chest, his beautifully sketched arm wrapped around your waist. The other rests on the bed, sticking straight out for you to use as a pillow. Your top leg is thrown over his hip, spreading you enough to run his length over your puffy cunt. Grabbing the Hitachi, he brings it back to your engorged clit. The touch makes you yelp. 
“Mm, I love how sensitive you get,” he whispers, licking a hot, needy stripe against your cheek. You peep out a confused noise, cowering under his tongue. Yuck. He’s so gross… but so sexy. “It’s not even turned on yet, baby. What would happen if I put it all the way up?”
“I think I’d fall in love with you…”
His heavy breaths stop as locks eyes with you. You can't distinguish the iris from the pupil. It all blends together like the night sky, filled with little stars of raw emotion. He’s pondering something, dewy lips parting and closing as the thought fades. 
Nothing is said, but you don't mind. Because when he enters you, rocking into you with languid, passionate thrusts, you feel it. The unspoken words surround you like the weather. They’re warm like a summer breeze.
“Mine, isn’t it?” He speaks against your lips, Hitachi set to the max, going full throttle on your nub. “Say it.”
“This pussy is yours,” you cry, crystal streams clouding your vision and streaming down towards his arm.
“Not that,” he chokes through gritted teeth, trying to postpone his orgasm. Waiting for you to say the magic words and open Pandora’s box. “You, baby. Tell me that you’re mine.”
“I’m yours.”
“Yeah,” he nods, lips curling in as he bathes in your dripping cunt. His strokes become short and uneven as he reaches the point of no return. “I’m yours, too.”
The declaration of reciprocal affection and want fills your chest before shooting to your core. You cum together, sighing into each other's mouths as pure, intense bliss takes over every square inch of your body. Every cell tingles. You try to kiss, but the seal of your lips is broken by your needy cries. During the mutual orgasm, Jungkook trembles. Chest, legs, and arms all quivering in unison as he milks both of you dry. Painting your walls with warm, white spurts until he has nothing left to give. The Hitachi isn’t turned off until you beg. 
When you’re done, neither of you can bring yourself to disconnect. Sex left your sweaty bodies idle and fucked out, but the intimacy of it all kept you rooted in place. Airy kisses are planted on your shoulder. Light scratches outline his tattoos. His seed is hot inside you in the most disgustingly comfortable way. You don’t move for a while, laying in each other's aura until the rain clouds fade and the milky way can be seen by the naked eye. Twinkling lights of stars and headlights flicker against his skin as you count his breaths. They grow more steady as the minutes pass. 
“I have a plan.”
Intrigued, you crane your neck, quirking a brow at the man behind you. “A plan?
Without warning, Jungkook expertly gets to his knees. Your ankles are hauled up by your head, manicured toes tickling his cotton pillowcase. Folded in half at the waist.
“Bambi,” he huffs above you, softening cock still tucked inside of you. “Hold your legs for me.”
Oh. You know what he wants.
“Baby,” you giggle flirtatiously, hands curling under your thighs to keep them in place, “what are you doing?” He must want another round. Excitement bubbles in your squished chest and cramped stomach at the thought of having him twice in one night. 
“If you stay like this, I should be able to run to the bathroom without getting cum on my bed.”
“Are you kidding me?” You spew in disbelief and disappointment.
“Baby, please,” he groans with pleading eyes. “It’ll take two seconds, I promise.” 
“Fine,” you oblige with an overexaggerated pout, “but hurry. This hurts!”
With your permission, he scurries off into the bathroom. A light turns on and the faucet runs. He must be getting something to clean up with. Despite your best efforts, and the ache in your bent neck, his baby juice leaks out of you, cascading down your butt with impeccable speed.
“Jungkook, It’s dripping!” 
The door slams against the wall with a loud thud as he bursts through, wet cloth in hand. A second too late. “No!” He sighs in annoyance, dropping to his knees on the mattress, angrily watching a fat white droplet splash onto his black comforter. “Really?”
“What was I supposed to do?” You shout back playfully. The whole situation was dumb and immature, but you can’t stop laughing. You cackle like a madwoman when he runs the damp towel through your folds. “‘M ticklish,” you respond dazily when he raises a brow at you. The giggles turn into a sharp hiss when he slowly removes the plug from your swollen hole.
“Does it hurt?” Jungkook coos, spreading your cheeks to get a better view of the slightly red, inflamed area. 
“A little, but I’m okay. I promise.” 
“Good,” he hums, smacking your ass, hinting that he wants you off the bed. “Go pee while I change the sheets.”
There’s a change in your appearance when you look in his bathroom mirror. The girl reflected, wearing her boyfriend’s black, pine-scented, oversized hoodie, seems… happy. She is happy. The resting bitch face that Mina often teased you for is completely gone. All you see is glowy skin, bright eyes, and puffy cheeks. A tiny hand comes up to massage them. Ow. They hurt from smiling so much. From laughing like a maniac. You’ve never seen yourself so lively. You’ve never felt so alive. 
With a content sigh, you skip back into the bedroom. 
Jungkook is already settled, snuggled under the clean bedding like a big baby. The sound of the door opening makes him jump, waking up from the two minute nap he accidentally fell into. Turning to you, he smiles lazily.
You’ll never get used to that face of his. That beautiful face.
“I’m knocked, Bambi,” he yawns, opening his big arms. “C’mere.”
Heart heavy with warmth, you climb between the sheets. You lay on your back, preparing for him to sink his head into your full breasts like feathered pillows. His favorite cuddle position. 
“We never ate the pancakes,” you frown, noticing the plastic bags on his nightstand when you reach over, shutting his lamp off.
“‘S okay. We’ll eat ‘em in the morning.”
“Ew, Jungkook,” you scoff revoltingly. “They’ll be rotten by then.”
“You’re rotten but I still eat you.”
Hm. Touche. 
“You know,” he lulls, lips smacking together. It’s a habit that only comes about when sleep clouds his mind. “I’ve had a crush on you since the day we met.”
“Liar,” you whisper with a smile, twirling the loose strands at the nape of his neck. Just the way he likes. “You called me a bitch, the day we met.”
“You’re so dramatic. I did not call you a bitch.” The way his tired, hooded eyes blare open at your false statement makes you laugh. “I said you were bitchy. There’s a difference.”
You recount the memory.
“You know what, I like you. You’re a little bitchy but-,” he slurred at the end of the night, helping you gather the discarded solo cups, "Also innocent. Kinda like a baby deer. What the fuck was that movie?”
“But underneath that attitude… I don’t know- There was just… something about you. Something special. And I knew that I could bring that side out of you, eventually."
“Bambi! Right… I can’t wait to ruin you.” 
God, why are you so emotional today? 
Tears pile into your waterline. They’re not from sadness or anger. 
Laying in bed with Jungkook, who’s sighing peacefully as he drifts off to sleep, you can’t believe that this is your life. 
After a few minutes of silence, you realize that there’s no way you’re following him into dreamland. You’re way too wired and ecstatic. Who could blame you?
“Jungkook,” you whisper.
No answer.
A grunt of acknowledgment. 
“Are you awake?”
“But you just responded, though...”
“Can we watch Sailor Moon?”
“Baby!” He whines, high-pitched and huffy as he turns his head in frustration. “‘M sleepin’!’”
“Jeez,” you roll your eyes, still sluggishly playing with his dark ropes. “Someone’s grumpy…”��
There’s another beat of silence before he speaks.
“Fine,” he groans dramatically, twisting back to his original position with a smushed frown against your boob. “I’ll watch one episode. One.” 
You squeak excitedly, pecking the top of his head in appreciation, pulling out your phone and turning on your favorite series with glee. He puts up a good fight; loopily murmuring ‘wow’ and ‘no way’ whenever you share a little fun fact about the character lore. Halfway through, the sound of Usagi and Rei arguing is overtaken by Jungkook’s soft snores. 
Soft for now. You know once he hits the REM phase, he’ll turn into a lawnmower. 
With a defeated sigh, you close the streaming app and put your phone away, cuddling closer to your boyfriend. 
Your boyfriend. 
You're dying to finish the season. At this rate, it's going to take you guys forever to watch Sailor Moon in its entirety. But that’s okay, you suppose, because forever with Jungkook doesn’t sound that bad at all. 
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it's requited love yall :')
© chryblossomjjk 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost]
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mgc02 · 6 months
The Bet
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Tw: nsfw, butt play, degradation sort of
Keep in mind I'm aroace very new to writing this kind of stuff
Angel dust x GN reader
Losing a bet to your boyfriend Angel Dust came with its perks. You had started making these bets to spice up your relationship. It started small. "If I beat you at cards you have to give me a kiss" but it soon got to be similar to a spicy game of Truth and Dare. And bet in particular got... intense. "One more game of darts babe, come on" Angel was making any excuse to keep the party going even though you were ready to call it a night. "No, you just don't wanna stop drinking and partying but you can do that without me." You reasoned. "It ain't as fun without you" he tried to sweet talk you. "How about we make a bet to make things more interesting?" He proposed. You knew what you were getting into. If Angel won you were going to be in for a ride but you couldn't help it. It turned you on just a little bit and excited you. "Okay fine. If I win... you have to top me." Your boyfriend Angel was more of a bottom and you were happy to take charge but there were times you wanted to be in opposite positions. "Deal. But if I win... I get to... decide your punishment at a later date." He said with mischievous grin. "Aw what? I don't even know I'm agreeing to... or are you just not that creative today?" You challenged. Angel scoffed clearly offended. "Are you kidding? You have any idea what I do for a living? Not that creative..." You held in a laugh because of how easily you got to him. "Nah, I just have a couple of ideas in mind and I just want some time to pick which one. Now do we have a bet or not?" He smirked. "It's a bet." You agreed. Too bad you suck at darts...
Angel didn't waste time rubbing it your face. "Aw you didn't have to lose on purpose that bad to help my ego." He teased. You gave a dirty look but with a playful smirk underneath. "Well, I'm going to bed now" you yawned. Angel didn't fight you this time. "G'night babe" you blew him a kiss as the elevator doors closed. The next few days went by like normal and you completely forgot about the bet. That is until Charlie announced that they were having a big fancy masquerade party and all of hell's most powerful and elite were invited. "You see, since my dad cut me off and Alastor doesn't have much use for money we are looking for some investors and this party will be our big attempt gain support." Charlie explained. Vaggie, who was a straight to the point kind of person, added to the conversation. "These people are some of Hell's most rich and powerful so everyone needs to be on their best behavior." You wondered what Angel thought of all this nonsense but when you looked over you caught him staring at you with a devilish look in his eye before he turned away quickly upon you noticing him. That evening you were deciding what to where when you saw him entering your room from behind you in the mirror. "That outfit is fire baby I would go with that one." He said gesturing to one of the outfits you had set aside. "Yeah, I like this one too." He smiled almost a bit too innocently. "I have just one note" he said. "Oh yeah and what's that?" You asked. "Don't go without this" you looked up to see he was holding a butt plug. "You think I'm gonna wear a butt plug to this thing?!?" You looked at him as if he was crazy. "I know you are. You lost the bet remember." Unfortunately you're memories came flooding back. "Damn it." You agreed to that stupid bet in the first place. And you should've known he was going to do something like this. You begrudgingly agreed and took it from him. "Here let me help you with that." He wasn't taking any chances as he took upon himself to insert it into your anus. It wasn't too big but it was gonna take some getting used to for a bit. It definitely felt weird walking around with something inside you. You got all dressed up and headed downstairs.
The party was filled with very high class demons. Some were hellborn nobles and others were sinner overlords. And even Lucifer himself was there despite the fact that he cut Charlie off. Although he didn't seem too pleased to be there. You tried to act normal despite what was going on in your rear and it started to feel a little better. You were still hyper aware down there but you were getting more comfortable with it. You floated around the room. You made small talk with a few demons here and there before you noticed Charlie was guiding her father Lucifer in your direction after introducing him to everyone else. You were quite nervous but you forced a smile. "And this is y/n. Y/n this is my father Lucifer." He didn't seemed interested in you as he coldly put out his hand without giving you a glance "pleasure" he said unenthusiastically. You went to shake his hand "pleasures all mi-" you gasped as you felt a strong vibrating sensation in your rectum. Lucifer definitely noticed and had a look of surprise. "Um the pleasuress.. all mine-SIR" the butt plug was set to an on and off setting where it would start buzzing and then stop. You felt your legs getting shaky as you tried to maintain your composure. Lucifer was aware you were acting strange, but in hell's name couldn't tell why. Charlie was more just concerned. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yes I'm fine! Totally fine!" Charlie could tell you wanted this conversation to end so she did it for you. "I should show you the view from the balcony dad. It's breathtaking." She led him away as you sighed in relief for only a second when you noticed Alastor on his way over. WTF? You thought. "Hello, y/n! Pardon my intrusion but Angel told me you wanted to speak with me" that fucking asshole! You leaned on the table for support trying to make it look casual. "You KNOW whaaat, I.. I don't remember what was-must not have beennnn important" you smiled nervously hoping he would just go away but he didn't seem notice. "Well, that's odd. You'll have to let me know if it comes to you later. How are you enjoying the party?" You continued talking to him clenching your cheeks and leaning on the table desperately trying to hide the torture you were under. Finally Alastor was needed elsewhere and you were free. You needed to find Angel now! You scoured the room before spotting him at the bar casually sipping on wine engaging with Husk. You made you were having over having a difficult time walking. "Angel! We need to talk!" Angel just gave you a smirk. You were started to become infuriated "Angel this is serious. There's a lot of powerful demons here." Angel took a sip of his wine "so?" You sighed in frustration. "So... just pick something else for the bet please" you pleaded with him. "Alright. Alright." He said. You saw him pull out of his pocket just visible to you the remote. He pressed a button a few times. Suddenly you felt the most intense buzzing ever and almost fell to your knees before he caught you. You heard Charlie approaching in alarm. But Angel reassured her. "Nah, don't worry about it. They just had too much to drink. I'll take them up to their room." He practically carried you which definitely convinced everyone that you were drunk. They probably thought it explained your strange behavior through the night. He guided you up the elevator, past your room and into his room. He pushed you onto the bed and removed your clothes and the butt plug. After all the times you came really close to climax tonight you were in desperate need. "Time for you to accept your end of the bet" he whispered in your ear. You were in for a long night. And you weren't complaining.
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rubyreduji · 2 years
the art of learning how to knock — csc
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summary: seungcheol really should learn how to knock
tags: smut (minors dni!), idol!au, 14th member!reader, male!reader, side kmg x reader warnings: explicit unprotected sex, walking in on, masturbating, sex toys, anal play, taking and sending explicit photos, butt plugs, daddy kink wc: 4.4k an: i’m going to be honest this is pretty mingyu heavy oops but they are not the focused couple my bad. also booooo cringey basic ending that yall cant make fun of bc i still kind of like it LOL
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Seungcheol wakes up and groans. Despite the rest of the group having a day off today, he, Soonyoung, and Jihoon have a meeting with the higher ups. Slowly Seungcheol gets up and starts to get ready.
When he’s just able to leave he goes to say goodbye to his dorm mates. Joshua bids him goodbye and good luck and Minghao just waves him off, too consumed in his book to truly say goodbye. That only leaves you now.
The little maknae who is far too adored by the group. Seungcheol can’t complain though as he probably dotes on you the most out of everyone. You deserve it though. Even though you’re the baby you make sure to take care of everyone and look out for them. In such a big group it’s natural that some people are closer to some than others, but it seems like you are genuinely close with everyone.
You’re probably still asleep but Seungcheol will just pop into your room and drop a kiss on your head before he leaves. He opens your door but you’re not sleeping. Instead you’re pressed against your wall, crowded up by Mingyu who has one hand in your pants while the other is trailing up your shirt. You gasp as Mingyu sucks at your neck.
Mingyu hears Seungcheol first and pulls away quickly. You whine as all contact is lost. Mingyu’s face is red as he stands, trying to put distance between the two of you like it will convince Seungcheol he didn’t see what he just did.
“C-coups-hyung!” Mingyu says. “That wasn’t- we weren’t- it’s not what you think.”
“So you weren’t just defiling our maknae?” Seungcheol glares at Mingyu, his voice coming out in more of a growl than he expects. Mingyu cowers away. “No, tell me Mingyu, tell me you didn’t just have your hand shoved down his pants.”
“Hyung, I’m so sorry!” You quickly stand and bow to Seungcheol. Automatically Seungcheol melts at seeing you.
“We’ll uh, talk about this when I get back,” Seungcheol tells you. He then turns to Mingyu. “Mingyu. Get out.” Mingyu nods and quickly scrambles out of your room and the dorm. You’re still bowed and Seungcheol walks up to you and lifts your body. He presses a kiss to your forehead. “You’re not in trouble. We’ll talk later, okay?” You only nod and Seungcheol leaves feeling a bit bad that he obviously scared you.
Seungcheol heads to the meeting, his brain still thinking about what he witnessed earlier.
Members hooking up wasn’t unheard of within the K-Pop world. Seungcheol has never experienced it in Seventeen but it was bound to happen. He just didn’t think it would be you and Mingyu.
Seungcheol lets out a long sigh. This is too much to think about.
“Are you okay hyung?” Soonyoung asks him as they ride together in the company elevator.
Seungcheol sighs again. “I caught Mingyu in Y/N’s room this morning.”
“Mingyu and Y/N?” Jihoon pipes up. “You’re joking.” 
“I wish.” Seungcheol drags his hands over his face. “I told him we would talk later but I honestly don’t know what I’m going to say to him.”
“Just tell him about the risks and how it’s his and Mingyu’s decision but to be considerate of the group and each other,” Soonyoung shrugs and Seungcheol can’t remember when Soonyoung became the intelligent one but he’ll take it. 
After the leaders got done talking to the higher ups they decided to have unit meetings but this now means that Seungcheol has to face you and Mingyu in a room together, along with Vernon and Wonwoo. You guys are all together in Mingyu and Wonwoo’s dorm but nobody has said anything yet as Seungcheol keeps glaring at Mingyu.
“So…” Vernon says. “What did you need to talk to us about hyung?”
“Right uhm, we have a few photo shoots coming up. The company wants us to split up into units to take them. They also want us to do unit songs for our next album so we’ll need to work on that,” Seungcheol says. He’s still glaring at Mingyu a bit and you sigh.
“Hyung, should we talk now?” Seungcheol glances nervously at Vernon and Wonwoo. “They already know.”
“What?” Seungcheol frowns.
“You told Soonyoung, who told Seokmin and Seungkwan, who then told everyone else,” you explain and Seungcheol internally curses himself. Of course. The three loud mouths of the group. “It’s okay Cheol-hyung. We already know everything you’re going to tell us. It’s nothing serious and we’re going to be careful.”
“Can’t you trust me?”
“It’s not that Y/N.” Seungcheol’s brow furrows.
“Then what is it? It’s natural to have…urges. Idols do it all the time.”
Seungcheol doesn’t know how to tell you he doesn’t have an issue with the members hooking up with each other. He has an issue with the members hooking up with you. You seem to come to this realization on your own though.
“Hyung,” you say it like you’re scolding him. “I’m not a baby anymore! I’m twenty-three now. I can take care of myself. You guys act like I’m some innocent child but it’s not like that anymore.”
In theory Seungcheol knows you’re right, but it doesn’t make it any better. Sometimes he wants to just bundle you and Chan up and hide you two away from the world. You’re right, you guys are older now, but that doesn’t stop you two from being his babies.
“Coups-ah.” You stand and walk over to him. You grab his face and squeeze his cheeks in your hands, grinning as you do. “It’s okay~”
“If it makes you feel better hyung,” Mingyu starts.
“Shut up,” Seungcheol growls, which would probably be more intimidating if you weren’t squishing his face right now. Mingyu still shuts up though.
You’re now using your hands to shake his head around. “Relax. We won’t let it get out of hand. Now, is this meeting done?” You drop your hands from his face.
“Well…I guess for now…”
“Okay great!” You lean down and kiss his cheek. "Since everyone knows now though, we don’t have to hide. So maybe uh, don’t come into Mingyu’s room for a bit. Okay bye!” With that you grab Mingyu’s hand and drag him to his bedroom. Mingyu’s face is red as you do but he doesn’t stop you.
Seungcheol glares at your retreating backs. He barely even got to say what he wanted to, but then again he didn’t even know what he wanted to say. Now he has to live with the knowledge that you’re in Mingyu’s room being desecrated by the giant. 
“Hyung? You’re a little red in the face,” Wonwoo says. 
“I’m fine,” Seungcheol snaps.
“I didn’t say you weren’t! I’m just pointing out your face is a bit red. You know they’ve been doing this for like months now,” Wonwoo says casually.
“No need to snap. Yeah Y/N typically comes up here. I mind my business but I had a hunch on what was happening.” Wonwoo is a little too calm for Seungcheol right now. “Why does it matter so much anyways?”
“Because, it’s Y/N.”
“Hyung…do you…?” Wonwoo doesn’t finish his sentence but Seungcheol understands what he’s implying.
“What? No!” You’re the maknae, that’s all. He doesn’t have feelings for you or anything. Nope, not at all.
“If you so say hyung,” Vernon and Wonwoo mutter.
Seungcheol really needs to learn how to knock.
The members are having a fourteen member dinner together tonight and you haven't read the group chat yet so Seungcheol volunteers to come get you. He thinks you’re taking a nap and he walks into your room to wake you up. But just like last time you are in fact not sleeping.
“Ah, ah, ooh~” your moans fill the room and Seungcheol stops in his tracks, his face turning red at the sight.
You’re draped across your bed, your shirt is pushed up so your stomach is revealed and your pants are just barely pushed down around your thighs. A clear dildo is being thrust into your wet hole and Seungcheol watches the way the puffy pink muscle grips onto the toy as it disappears in and out of you. Your dick is being gripped in your other hand as you pump yourself rapidly.
Seungcheol coughs a bit and you suddenly realize his presence. Seungcheol is looking at the wall by the time you pull the covers over you, face red.
“Oh my god Seungcheol! I’m so sorry.” You bury your face in your hands. “Why does this keep happening?”
“Uh, dinner’s ready,” Seungcheol mumbles.
“R-right. I’ll uh, be right there.”
When you finally sit down at the dinner table your face is still red and Seungcheol still has the image of your puckered hole burned into his brain. The only seat open is the one next to Seungcheol and you two can’t meet each other’s eyes as you sit down.
The rest of the night you two try to avoid each other and you even jump when his leg accidentally bumps into yours. After dinner is finished you split from the group quickly, stating you have a headache. Seungcheol wants to follow after you but decided against it.
Later while laying in bed Seungcheol can’t get you out of his head. The erotic noises you were making and the tantalizing pieces of skin he saw. He can barely fall asleep with his brain running so hard but he eventually is able to get himself to sleep.
Unfortunately for him while he sleeps his brain decides to betray him again. He dreams of your naked, flushed, willing body under him, panting as he runs his hand over your pliant flesh squeezing you in all your soft areas. Your eyes are begging for him to fuck you while small whines leave your throat. You need him. 
Seungcheol wakes up with a start, his body drenched in sweat, his cock uncomfortably hard in his boxers. What the fuck is wrong with him. He shouldn’t be having these kinds of thoughts about you. You’re the maknae, the baby. Seungcheol is the leader and the oldest. He was literally yelling at Mingyu the other day because of this.
Then Wonwoo’s stupid words creep into the back of Seungcheol’s head.
Hyung…do you…?
Does he?
Seungcheol has always had a soft spot for you, everyone knows this. It’s evident in the way he teases Chan but dotes on you. He’s close with the other members but he has a special bond with you. He’s never put too much thought into it but maybe now he should.
Seungcheol is aware he’s glaring. It’s not going to stop him though.
You guys are at the photoshoot and you’re waiting for Vernon and Wonwoo to get out of hair and makeup. Your body is pressed into Mingyu’s as he whispers something in your ear and Seungcheol has never wanted to strangle Mingyu more in his life.
Okay, so maybe Seungcheol likes you. Whatever. The realization just makes him want to kill Mingyu even more.
He also wants to kill whoever is your stylist. You’re in oversized black jeans with large rips in the knees, revealing just enough skin where it’s not too distasteful. Your shirt is a loose fitting mesh tank top with a blue cropped zip up hoodie over it. You look hot. Sinfully hot. You have black eyeliner smudged around your eyes and your hair is styled with gel to make it look wet as it hangs in your face.
“Coups-ah!” You call and Seungcheol meets your eyes. “Are you ready?” When he looks he sees that Vernon and Wonwoo are ready now. Seungcheol nods and follows the four of you to the photographer.
The photoshoot goes by fairly smoothly, other than the fact that the photographer is upping your sex appeal and it’s making Seungcheol’s dick hard. He catches a glance at one of the photos where you’re staring at the camera, your piercing eyes on display, your plump lips parted just slightly. You look like an incubus ready to pounce on your next victim.
“Are you okay hyung?” You ask him as you and Wonwoo switch out to take solo pictures. “You look a little flushed. Are you feeling sick?” You press the back of your hand to his forehead. “You’re hot too. Are you going to be able to finish the photoshoot?”
“I’m uh, fine. It’s just a bit hot in here,” Seungcheol lies.
“Hmm well if you get feeling worse don’t push yourself.” You smile kindly at him before going to sit next to Vernon, falling into a quick conversation.
The rest of the day Seungcheol tries to ignore how you and Mingyu hang off of each other and how at one point you take your jacket off so your whole arms and chest are on display and it makes Seungcheol feel like a pervert.
By the time the group gets back to the dorms Seungcheol is annoyed and sexually frustrated. He contemplates just taking a cold shower but he is just a man and instead he jerks off alone in his room thinking about you. Not that it’s anyone’s business.
Seungcheol is going to kill Mingyu. He’s actually going to do it.
Seungcheol is sitting in his room when he gets the notification that someone texted the Seventeen group chat. What Seungcheol sees when he opens the message makes his blood boil (and his dick stir).
Mingyu: Look at what a good boy he is
Attached to the text is a photo of you. No, not just a photo of you, a nude.
Your whole body is bare and your face is shoved into the bed as your ass sits in the air. The picture is taken from a back angle so your puckered hole is on display, one of Mingyu’s large hands is spreading your asscheeks to show it off. Between your legs is your hard cock, red and dripping, begging for release. There’s a white splatter of cum on the small of your back and Mingyu’s dick hangs just barely in frame at the bottom.
What the fuck. What the fuck.
Seungcheol is torn between being appalled and being turned on.
He decides he can be both and gets up to storm to your room. What is Mingyu doing pulling shit like that?
Without much thought Seungcheol barges into your room. Mingyu is sitting on your bed with his legs spread as you kneel on the ground, your mouth stuffed full of Mingyu’s dick.
“Kim Mingyu, what is wrong with you?” Seungcheol growls. 
“What the fuck hyung!” Mingyu squeals. Mingyu quickly pulls you off his dick so he can cover up his bare lap. You on the other hand take a second to realize what’s happening.
Your lips are swollen and a bit of spit drips down your chin. There are tears in your eyes as you look around confused. You're still naked and your cock is still hard, still not taken care of. Seungcheol pushes the thought that he could treat you better away in turn to glare at Mingyu again.
“Why did you send that picture to the group chat?” Seungcheol hisses.
“What picture? Oh shit. Did I send that to the main chat?” Mingyu scrambles for his phone. “That was uh, meant for just Chan.”
“Chan!?” Seungcheol whips around to face you. “Are you sleeping with Chan as well?”
“N-no,” you sniffle a bit. “Don’t be mad at me Cheollie please.”
“Shit baby, I’m not mad at you,” Seungcheol assures you.
“Chan wishes he was sleeping with Y/N,” Mingyu pipes up. “And it seems like some of the other guys do too.” Mingyu’s startled manner has been replaced with a cocky one as he scrolls through his phone. “Too bad I got to him first.” 
Seungcheol fumbles to pull his phone out and look over the chat. All of the guys seem to be responding positively to the photo. A little too positively.
“It doesn’t matter what the guys think. That was very stupid of you. What if the wrong person got ahold of that photo?” Seungcheol frowns.
“You can’t even see his face!” Mingyu argues back.
“Get out of this dorm, Mingyu,” Seungcheol growls.
“Who’s going to take care of poor Y/N then? Look at him.” Seungcheol does. You’re wiggling your hips around, your hands just twitching to be able to touch yourself. Mingyu pulls you up onto the bed and places you on his lap. He brings his hand down to finally bring relief to your aching cock. “Are you going to take care of him hyung? What were you saying the other day about ‘defiling the maknae’?”
You’re letting out small high keens as you Mingyu continues to work at your cock. You can barely pay attention to the conversation the two men are having, too busy burying your face in Mingyu’s neck. 
“You’re the only one who has a problem with this hyung. Why is that? It can’t truly be because you’re a prude. Are you just that protective of Y/N’s innocence? Or…are you just possessive of Y/N? Want him to yourself? Shame if that’s the truth because it looks to me like he’s under my thumb and not yours.” To emphasize his point Mingyu digs his thumb into the slit of your cock and you moan and grip onto Mingyu tighter.
Seungcheol can’t find his words. He can’t take his eyes off your leaking cock. His own cock stirs around in his pants, his anger at Mingyu the only thing keeping it at bay. Mingyu’s hand works at your fast, rougher, and soon you’re cumming, spurting your cum across Mingyu’s hand and your stomach. Your face is blissed out and you’re letting out the most sinful sounds Seungcheol has ever heard.
“Do you still need something Seungcheol?” Mingyu asks. Seungcheol tears his eyes away from you to meet Mingyu’s gaze. “Because if you don’t I suggest you leave.”
Seungcheol wants to yell at Mingyu. Curse him out and scream at him and go into a rage but he sees the way you’re starting to fall asleep in Mingyu’s arms and decides to hold off. Only because of you though. He’ll just yell at Mingyu later.
Y/N: gyu is on some date right now and im just so needy
Y/N: can someone please come help me 🥺
Holy shit.
The text throws Seungcheol off.
It’s sent to the main chat after practice one day. Seungcheol can barely even comprehend Mingyu going on a date because you just asked one of the member to come help get you off. Seungcheol knows the other guys find you attractive and he knows them well enough that a handful of them would gladly take this offer.
He rushes to your room to find he doesn’t even have to barge in, the door is already wide open. His initial idea was to stop any of the guys from going in, and to stop you as well, but when he peeks in from the door frame to see you fisting your cock all of his resolve brakes. Your breath comes out in small pants and a pink flush covers your body. When you look up and see Seungcheol you start to whine.
“C-cheollie~ help me,” you beg.
Swiftly Seungcheol closes your bedroom door and locks it shut.
“Wan’ you so bad. Wan’ed you even before Gyu,” you admit. “Touch me please.”
“Fuck baby, holy shit. You’re so pretty.” Seungcheol slowly approaches the bed as you continue to yank at yourself. “W-what do you need me to do?”
“Fuck me please. Touch me. Anything,” you beg.
Seungcheol hesitates for a second. Is this a bad idea?
Fuck it, he’s already come this far.
Seungcheol surges forward and pulls you into a kiss. Your skin is fevered and soft under Seungcheol’s hands and it drives him feral. God he’s wanted to touch you like this for too long. You kiss at his lips hungrily as he swallows up your moans and whines. Seungcheol drags his hand down your torso and to your crotch.
The wiggling of your hips spurs Seungcehol’s movements on even more and he grabs you in his palm and starts to pump at you. Seungcheol swallows up your soft pants as he kisses you even harder, getting drunk off just your lips. 
You break away for a moment so you can speak. “M-more. Please.”
“I’m already touching you baby. You need more than this?”
You nod. “Need something more inside.” You wiggle out of Seungcheol’s grasp so you can turn around, presenting your ass to the older man. There’s a butt plug seated in your hole and Seungcheol has never seen anything hotter in his life.
Seungcheol is barely thinking as he strips himself of his clothes and grabs the bottle of lube on your bedside table. He kneads at your ass with one hand while he pumps his own length with the other.
Gently Seungcheol removes the plug from your ass but you still whine at the feeling. Seungcheol tries to soothe you as he pours lube onto his cock. He lines himself up to your hole and starts to push in. He can barely fit his tip in to begin with. You’re tight even with all the preparation you did beforehand. 
“Shit Y/N,” Seungcheol groans as he shallowly thrusts into you, trying to get you to take more of him.
“H-hyung,” you whine.
“How are you so tight?” Seungcheol groans. “Mingyu not fuck you good enough?”
“Uh uh, not as good as you would,” you say. “G-gyu acts all p-possessive, but he isn’t. P-plays a part to r-rile you up.” You stumble through your words. “He was helping me get your attention.”
Seungcheol played right into you and Mingyu’s hand. Well shit.
“A-are you mad d-daddy?” You ask, the name slipping out of your mouth. Seungcheol embarrassingly finds it hot.
“Fuck baby. Could never be mad at you. Should have just told me though. Daddy would have come and fucked you nice and good,” Seungcheol tells you as he ruts into you even more. Your hole loosens a bit and he’s able to shealth his full length into you. “Good boy, taking me so well.”
Seungcheol’s grip on your hips is tight as he starts to fully rock into you. Your body is already trembling under his and you’re mewling out with every hit of Seungcheol’s tip. Seungcheol picks up his pace to something that could only be described as animalistic. His hand presses between your shoulder blades, pushing you down into the mattress even more. Your whole body is nearly pushed into the bed, your hips grinding up against the sheets.
You’re babbling nonsense as Seungcheol fucks you. Your drool is dripping down onto the bed and tears are starting to form in your eyes as well. Seungcheol can’t focus on anything other than the way you're wrapped around his cock, squeezing him so tightly as he pounded into your ass.
“So good for me. Such a pretty boy. Yeah just like that baby,” Seungcheol coos. He can feel his balls tightening the more he plows into you.
Everything about you is intoxicating. Your skin is soft and warm under his palms and he loves how it feels when he squeezes at the pliant flesh. The noises you keep making are doing nothing but spurring on Seungcheol’s orgasm, the high pitched whimpers going straight to his dick.
Seungcheol has never been an overtly sexual person but he thinks he might become one if you keep it up like this. His mind floods with different scenarios where he could have you. A quickie backstage before a performance. Crowding you up after rehearsal in the dance room. Bent over in the car right before you guys catch a flight. He wants to do everything with you. Try new things with you.
“Daddy!” You cry out. “Need’a cum.”
“I got you baby.” Seungcheol reaches around your body to grab your cock in his hand. It’s heavy and he can feel the veins along it as he starts to pump you in his fist. “Cum whenever you want. Shit. Gonna cum too. Where do you-”
“Inside!” You call out. “Please. Need to be stuffed full with your cum.”
“Holy shit,” Seungcheol groans and he releases right then, spilling his load into your hole. The feeling of his cum inside of you drives you over the edge as well and you’re cumming all over Seungcheol’s hand. When you come down from your climax your body slumps onto the bed, out of breath.
Seungcheol pulls out of you and flops down beside you. He brings his hands up to play with your hair as you shuffle around to lay on his chest.
“You okay baby?” Seungcheol asks in a whisper.
You weakly nod a bit. “Feel good.”
“I’m going to be honest I don’t think this can be a one time thing for me,” Seungcheol admits.
“Good. I like you Seungcheol. Like, I really like you. I thought you just saw me as some kid though,” you say softly.
Seungcheol chuckles at this. “I think you’ve proven that you’re not just a kid anymore. So…you and Mingyu really weren’t…?”
“Ah,” you hide your face in his chest a bit, “that. We were talking one day and I kind of brought up how it’s hard to do anything as an idol and he agreed and then offered to help me out if I ever wanted. Then I brought up my crush on you and he said he could also help with that and well, you know.”
“Wonwoo said you guys had been doing stuff together for months.”
“Wonwoo…may or may not have been a part of it as well,” you admit sheepishly. “Mingyu and I did do stuff, just not to that extent. Everytime you caught us it was on purpose. Gyu knows you’re awful at knocking and decided to uh, use that to our advantage.” 
Seungcheol stares at you incredulously. He has caught you guys…purposefully. That’s something he didn’t see coming.
“God you’re going to be the death of me,” Seungcheol mutters.
“Yeah,” you say sweetly, “but I think it's worth it.”
“Oh do you now?” Seungcheol teases and you nod, grinning back at him. “You’re lucky I think so too,” he says before swooping down to kiss you and he decides that yeah, maybe his habit of not knocking isn’t such a bad thing after all. 
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a/n 2: im not going to tag anyone for this fic just because most of my readers don't want to read male readers but i have updated my taglist to be more thorough so either refill it out or send an ask if there's content you do/don't want to be tagged for! thanks xx
join my taglist: here!
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Yandere Neighbor Wars: Less Than Safe
Tomura Shigaraki 🎮✋🏻 vs Dabi 🪡🔥
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🎮✋🏻🪡🔥You knew your neighborhood wasn’t the safest  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥If the hole-y walls and cheap rent weren’t enough to prove that  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥The raucous sounds of criminal activities would do the trick 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥And while this wasn’t the neighborhood to confront your neighbors for anything  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥You seemed to have an odd tendency for this to happen 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Hey gorgeous you come here often?” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“I live here…obviously.” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Doubt it. There’s no way a goody-two-shoes actually lives here.” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Oh? Then it wasn’t this goody-two-shoes' wall you shot 4 stray bullets into?” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥You’re lackadaisical neighbor covered in tattoos, piercings, and stitches: Dabi  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Who doesn’t care all that much for your safety until he puts two and two together 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Suddenly he’s smoking a blunt on your shared block  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Or outside your workplace 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“What’sa matter babe, I’m just here ta protect ya don’t mind me.” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Your other neighbor isn’t so forward 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Uhm I think they gave me, your package.” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Ugh of course those morons would do that! I’m going to kill that—Whoa!” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“...Uh sir…hello?” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“....Yeah…” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥After your meeting you find yourself plugging in more of these mysterious holes 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥And having to deliver more packages that are delivered to you 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Even the ones that possibly contain human remains+ 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Yeah this is definitely going to keep happening so just let yourself in, it's easier to acclimatize you that way.”  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Though it seems your neighbors already butt their heads quite a lot it gets even worse when they both seem keen on changing your situation:
“Where is this breeze even—Dabi!? What the heck, man!? What’d I say about breaking in through the window?” You dropped your coat and work uniform to dash across the little space to close the window, passing by the intruder who was much more interested in penning a new name onto his ankle. You didn’t wait for a response, continuing to talk as you did your usual perimeter check. 
“You’re practically making my place open season for all the weirdos with an open window like that!”
Dabi scoffed, “Babe, your open season because you’re you. I’m in fact holding down the fort.”
You shook your head putting your dropped things back in place. 
“Riiight. And it doesn’t have anything to do with eating my food?”
The man put a scarred hand to his chest feigning pain as his familiar smirk spread across his face. 
“Aww babe, you think so low of me?”
“I think low is an understatement. They think you’re dirt.” 
The blunt and gravelly voice of Tomura Shigaraki rang throughout the bedroom growing louder as he shuffled into the living room, a portable game in hand. You did a double take as you were sure you walked in there but you shrugged letting him make himself at home. After all, this was normal for you to be the host to your no doubt criminal neighbors.
“That’s awfully bold of you, packrat. (Y/n) loves me don’t you babe?”
“Don’t call them that and don’t let everyone know how delusional you really are. (Y/n) attracts enough creeps already.”
“Well King Incel,” “I’m not a–” “Yes you are, and I’m the least of their problems. In fact, I’ll be their precious hero, ain’t that right baby?”
You chuckled while shaking your head before beginning to close your bedroom door. Sticking your head out when they got up to follow you.
“Ah ah I’m taking a shower and no this isn’t a group activity! If you come in I’ll stab you, got it?”
“Got. It?”
“Fine, fine.” “Maybe next time sugar.”
With the slam of the door and a click of your lock, a tense silence fell over the room. The only sound was the cries and screams and the sound of bullets from Tomura’s game system. When the sounds abruptly stopped Tomura was the one who spoke.
“Their hero, huh? You’ve got plans or something?”
Dabi sucked his teeth, dubiously grinning at Tomura’s glaring pair of eyes.
“I thought you were a gamer no? Aren’t you supposed to wait for my big reveal?”
Tomura growled, clutching the game in his hands.
“Forget that. You’re going to do something stupid and everyone knows you don’t leave the dumb to their devices. So what’s your plan.”
At Dabi’s silence, Tomura felt a surge of anger slamming his game into a nearby coffee table. He gritted his teeth and banged his fist.
“DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!? I’ll figure it out eventually so you might as well tell me!” 
Dabi groaned, he would have laughed had it been anyone else but he wasn’t so stupid to poke the bear cub. 
“(Y/n) and I are going to get out of here. This crap apartment isn’t good enough for them and they're way too lax. I’m just taking care of them so don’t get your panties in a twist.”
For some reason that didn’t seem to soothe Tomura who stood to his feet with closed fists. Angrily shaking them as he visibly scowled at Dabi. 
“Y-you stole my idea!”
“Your idea? Please in the real world, kid, it’s called being smart.”
“No it’s called being a scheming b-”
Your bedroom door swings open as you make your way into the kitchen. All it takes is a curious tilt of your head in Tomura’s direction that has him sitting back down and begrudgingly returning to his game. You simply shrugged passing by a smirking Dabi as you made your way to the kitchen.
“So boys what’s for dinner?”
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sweetlilbambi · 2 years
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pairings: professor!frank adler x sleazy!bus driver!ari levinson x naive!reader x pervy!lloyd hansen
warnings: dark content, non/dubcon, don’t read if that bothers u pls, general pervert stuff lol, masturbation, dirty thoughts, university stuff, depraved thinking, n i think thats it?
note: not a full fic!! just a lil concept of what me n sab always talks about hehe <3 s’like our lil baby n i wna share it to u all <3
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attending a university where your professor is frank adler and all the girls on campus gush over the hot older brunette. how could they not when he walks around the campus with the sleeves of his buttoned up shirt rolled up to his forearms and deep voice booming thru the whole room whenever he speaks. he’s handsome and everyone knows it, he knows it. 
so it’s not a suprise for him to use his charm when he set his eyes on you, pretty little you. his star student. walking around with your short skirts and adorable tiny dresses that almost leaves nothing to the imagination. it drives him insane, and sometimes he thinks that you’re doing it on purpose, especially since numerous people have tried shooting their shot on him. 
but to his surprise, your naive self doesn’t realize all the longing looks you recieve from people, and the many heads that you turn just with your presence. 
so don’t blame him if you walking up to his desk with that sparkle in your eye and the shy smile that grows on your face makes his cock hard as a rock. you’re asking for clarification about one of the questions in his assigned packet but frank can’t focus, no. his mind is full of thoughts about lifting up your skirt and bending you over his desk while he slides your panties to the side so he can ram his cock inside that tight little hole. 
maybe he’ll make you ride him in his chair too. but he’ll leave the door unlocked just cause he knows girls like you loves a little risk. he’ll whisper in your ear about how much of a slut you are for letting your professor use your cunt as a stress reliever, and bully his way into your hole while he rubs your nub. oh his cock is twitching under his trousers just at the thought of it.
he snaps out of his thoughts once he hears you ask if you could set up an appointment for a bit of help on the topic, and he tells you that he’s free right this second. thinking that if he plays his cards right, he’ll have you on your knees in a snap. but the frown that replaces your smile makes him curse under his breath, listening to your explanation about your part time job in the library. 
guess his desires will have to wait. but don’t worry, he’s a patient man. and what frank wants, frank gets. one way or the other. 
your job on the other hand though, is just so lovely. everyday after your classes are over, you take the campus bus while you stare out the window with your headphones plugged in your ears and your curious eyes watching everything move around you.
but the sleazy bus driver, ari levinson, manages to always catch your attention. you learned his name from all the small conversations that he always makes with you, a hybrid of a smile and a smirk always on his face whenever he speaks. he always asks about yourself, your major, what you’re up to, your love life, and sometimes he even makes a comment or two about your sex life.
it makes you confused, but the smile never leaves your face while you answer his intrusive questions, it would be rude not to! and your mama always reminds you of your manners.
plus, mr. levinson is so nice! he always make sure you look your best before you head to work! you got a dirt on your chest? don’t worry, he’ll clean it for you while his fingers make contact with your nipples. the wind is blowing your skirt up? well he’s there to pull it down! he even gives your butt a firm tap and a little squeeze that makes you blush. his hands always linger a little too long, but you don’t mind. after all, a little touch is nothing compared to the service that he provides for the students! 
though behind that reliable bus driver facade, lies his true intentions. his head littered with thoughts of just snatching you up and using you inside the bus that you use everyday. make you remember how his cock feels shoved inside you while he drives you to your destination. 
he thinks he’ll go slow at first, his left hand covering your mouth while his right holds his base until the tip of his cock meets your drooling hole. maybe he’ll even tease you at first, slap your clit with his cock and rub it through your folds and spread your wetness until he finally push his cock inside you. he bets you’ll like that. 
but ari knows you’re just a fragile little girl, and it will take some time til’ he gets to his goal. so he’ll stick to staring and groping you for now.
after you step out the vehicle and give ari a little goodbye wave, you’re off to your favorite place in the university! surrounded by books and quietness that you so need after a stressful day. 
most of the work you do is only organizing the books and checking out the items that people get, most of the times the students can fend for themselves. but there’s a regular that’s always apart of your day.
you think he’s an outsider, not really thinking he’s a student since his looks are far from being one and you don’t necessarily think he’s a professor or a staff either. after looking at his library card many times before, you quickly learned that his name is lloyd hansen. the man with a mustache that’s always using one of the computers.
what you don’t know though is how he jerks off his cock under the desk while watching you walk around the room. his cock rock hard and tip an angry red while precum oozes out of his slit. he imagines you licking it up all the time.
he edges himself everytime he does it, he waits until you’re stacking the books and reaches the bottom section. he watches you take the books in your hand and bend over to put them in their rightful places. that way, lloyd can catch a glimpse of your pretty underwear (that he likes to think you wear for him) and it’s what always tips him over the edge.
every single time he makes sure to keep his cum in his hands, and after fixing himself up, he picks up a random book with his messy hand to have an excuse to go over and give it to you. he watches as you take the book in your hand and take notice of the white sticky substance that transferred on your palms. you only complain with a small “oops!” before wiping the wetness on your skirt and giving him a small thank you in return. the action is enough to make his cock hard again.
and everyday it’s the same, perving on the prettiest librarian that he’s ever laid his eyes on and making sure that she leaves with traces of him. 
you on the other hand is none the wiser, heart full for the man who always helps you. even though his eyes always seem to be on you and everytime he hands you an object, it always seems to have this wet, sticky substance. but you don’t prod! just happy to have such a nice frequent visitor!
overall, you love attending this university and all the people in it! wether they be a secretly depraved professor, a sleazy bus driver, or a pervy regular! you don’t mind, they just make your day so much better.
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seeingstarks · 1 year
the cream on the cake wants to escape
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summary : being newly signed to all elite wrestling, you don't know many people and expect no one to show up to your birthday party but end up with company of the devil himself and mr. best in the world. pairing : mjf x cm punk x plus size afab!reader cw : cursing, many sexual innuendos, teasing, breast grabbing/kneading, daddy/babygirl/daddy dynamic, implied cmjf references, thigh riding, cock/clit teasing, begging, male masturbation, blowjobs, dirty talk, double penetration, creampies, butt-plugs, slight bondage, ass slapping, utter filth. a/n : my birthday is in three days and with cm punk coming back soon i just had to whip something up also i love cmjf but basically this is something small i made for myself. i hope you all enjoy it though and as always reblogs are very much appreciated!! my ask box might be open soon for drabbles as i'm slowly getting the inspo for writing again. <3 there may be a few spelling/punctuation errors. word count : 2,518 words tag list : @josiewrites , @baysexuality
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some of the talent backstage had their suspicions when you became apart of bullet club gold in just a matter of months after being signed to all elite wrestling.
the rumours began to spread, hushed whispers down the halls the moment you left a room. there was no getting away from your ex - however none of them knew what actually happened.
you carefully hand-wrote each invitation to your birthday party being held later that night, allowing everyone to bring a plus one. in each envelope corner you curled a cursive letter heart with your initials on it.
not knowing many people at all elite, you felt doubt that anyone would come. if you had known more people maybe they would have thrown you a surprise party instead of doing one for yourself.
with a sigh you sat down at catering after grabbing a boxed cupcake juice robinson gave you earlier but didn't have time to sit down and eat until now.
glancing around, not many seemed to even care or notice it was your birthday. they were either too wrapped up in their own lives or didn't see you sitting all alone.
pulling out a lighter from your jacket pocket you attempted to ignite the flame a few times but had no luck. "seriously, the one time where things go to absolute shit and it's my birthday!?" you cursed out weight shifting as you felt someone's presence next to you.
anyone but him. "how is my switchblade babe doin', aye? need a light?" jay questioned with a smirk before pulling out his lighter and igniting the candle on the cupcake as if it were nothing.
you rolled your eyes before even taking a glance at jay, "didn't need your help, and don't call me that. we're not together anymore. don't even know why we're in a stable together." you crossed your arms at your ex.
"wow.. last time i help a friend out. well, i'll leave ya' be then." jay stood up and walked away while you took the wrapper off your cupcake and took a bite from the sweet treat.
a single tear fell down from the corner of your eyelid, today of all days you felt most lonely. the salty liquid ran all the way down to your lips and you didn't want anyone to see you crying. luckily bullet club gold wouldn't be needing the locker room today as you booked it and locked the door behind you.
the rest of the day seemed to go by at an agonizingly slow pace, you began to set up pastel decorations and blew up a few balloons as the clock ticked down nearing the time for guests to arrive.
walking into the washroom, you fixed up your h/c hair and brushed it off to the side while fixing your black dress which hugged your curves perfectly. not having the time to put a bra on or even caring about it, you shrugged while looking in the mirror and threw a light jean jacket on over the dress while slipping on a pair of combat boots, comfort and style.
once ready, you took a seat on the sofa and waited a good ten minutes before someone knocked on the door, "coming!!"
once seeing who was in your doorway your mouth fell agape, so many questions filling your mind but words unable to form.
"you 'gonna just stand there or welcome me in, i'll move ya' if i have too." shaking your head, you simply giggled and stepped aside.
"how- when- where?" you questioned and raised an eyebrow while looking the chicago native up and down who did indeed age like fine wine.
"okay.. see lemme' explain. me and uh- let's say a co-worker of mine paid off the others not to come in order for you to have a special night, that is... if you want."
you punched phil on the chest, who didn't flinch the slightest. the chicago native pretending to be hurt and scrunching up his face, "ouch that hurt soooo much."
"i was crying earlier and this so called co-worker of yours is nowhere to be seen!" you yelled at him and punched the man once again.
"shhh, babygirl. there he is." your eyes left his and looked up to meet with a pair of dark hues belonging to the devil himself who locked the door behind him.
"aw, are you two getting started without me?" maxwell asked.
gulping thickly you hid you your face in the crook of the chicago native's neck, your cheeks starting to heat up the moment phil wrapped his large hands around your waist and gave a slight squeeze.
"so brave before and now look at her hiding... we're gonna' have fun with you tonight, such a shy doll isn't that right?" maxwell taunted and approached the two of you, the heat of his breath running down your own neck sending chills down your spine, "but tonight is all about the birthday girl.. tomorrow me and phil have our fun.. that is if you can still walk by the time we're done."
stepping away from phil momentarily, you allowed him to still hold your hips as you looked up at him with a soft smile. "well... i've always wanted to try thigh riding.." you admitted shyly while glancing between the two men as they each shared a knowing look which could only mean trouble.
"oh? whose thigh do you wanna ride first?" phil pulled you in closer, rubbing his hands along your curves and pressing his growing hard on up against you, "look what you're doing to me already baby.."
maxwell smirked as another pair of hands went behind your figure, going under your shirt and massaging your breasts as you let out a soft moan for the devil, "fuck- not wearing a bra, is that just for daddy?" he asked and pinched your nipples causing a whine to escape your lips all at the same time when phil brushed the tip of his cock up against your clothed entrance.
"n-no it mm- happened by coincidence but i will make sure to wear em' less for both my daddies." you responded with a grin.
"did you hear that phil? she's got two daddies now- will be fun adding a chick into our little adventures, hm?" max questioned the chicago native who simply nodded as the two men continued to tease you.
throwing your head back you let out another moan, your underwear soaked at this point simply by the fact of phil teasing your clothed clit with his cock and maxwell tormenting your breasts with his hands, kneading at them as your nipples hardened under his touch, "more daddy- please-" you begged and took a sharp breath.
lifting your arms up, maxwell helped rid you of the black dress and phil briefly picked you up off your feet to slip the combat boots which were discarded haphazardly toward the floor.
you looked down and attempted to take your underwear off which caused phil to shake his head, "not yet, baby. don't think we forget about your little request."
phil took his clothing off and laid back on the sofa, luring you over with a finger wave as you straddled his thigh he pushed his knee up against your clit.
"go ahead and get off on my thigh, babygirl." your cheeks heated up once given permission as you began to ride his thigh, soft whimpers and moans already falling from your lips at the friction being created from your underwear.
"look at you.. soaked already and you haven't even had a cock inside you yet. just imagine how messy you're gonna be with both me and max inside you." the mere thought of what phil just said caused you to ride his thigh even faster, the moans becoming louder, your attention being adverted for a moment as you looked over in the corner to see maxwell jerking himself off in the chair, "don't stop doll, 'wanna watch." he spoke with a pant and you kept eye contact with maxwell while moaning out, "mmm-fuck!"
you were clearly falling apart on the chicago native, his cock hard while watching the curved beauty above him get off on just his thigh. "daddy- i'm so close-" you whined and grinded up against the man before making even more of a mess in your underwear.
"fuck- i'm close too babygirl-" maxwell spoke in broken breaths and phil gave you the okay to leave his thigh but not before he took your underwear as a sort of token to his accomplishments.
you crawled off the sofa, ass in the air which was definitely a sight to see for phil as your clit was still soaked from moments before. you dropped down to your knees infront of maxwell who had cum already dripping from the tip of his cock.
you stuck your tongue out and gave him kitten licks, looking up at maxwell with hooded eyes as his hands wrapped around in your hair and tugged gently while you took more of his length in and sucked lovingly. the man was already edging himself so it didn't take long for him to fill the entirety of your mouth with his warm seed, "i forgot to buy cake but that was some good as hell frosting." you smirked and wiped the remainder of the cum off your lips.
"always more where that came from, baby. however when the clock strikes midnight we get to have fun our way."
"what does your way entail exactly, phil?" you asked in a shy tone.
"well.. let's just say instead of crying over a stupid ex it will be because of overstimulation or.." phil looked around the room, a smirk growing on his lips, "cause we tied you up with this pastel ribbon. all depends if you're a good girl for us or not. isn't that right?"
you nodded your head, "yes sir, but i rather like that idea."
maxwell stood up from the chair and approached you, "what do you say we try it out tonight?"
you nodded your head so fast if you were a bobble head it would have popped off, eager to have more fun with the two men. "yes, pretty please."
"oh.. look how desperate she is to be tied up and filled with two cocks... think she can handle us both at the same time?" maxwell asked phil.
"let's find out and see."
phil picked you up and carried you to the sofa, placing kisses on each wrist before tying them together with pastel ribbon.
"ass up, legs spread." maxwell used a demanding tone of voice which had you dripping, he ran his fingers along your folds, "such a good girl already. prepared for the devil to corrupt you?" it wasn't a question, more of a warning as he slid into your entrance, giving you little time to adjust in attempts to grasp at the sofa.
"fuck, such a beautiful sight. look at her already clenching onto you so tight max.." phil hummed and entered himself slowly into your asshole, nearly hissing at how tight you were.
"p-phil- you're huge!" you yelled out, head barely able to think of a single thought while being stuffed full of two humongous cocks.
phil slapped you on the ass while entering the rest of his cock into you slowly as maxwell started to thrust, "that's daddy to you, got it?"
"uh-mhmm! yes daddy!" words became incoherent mumbles once the two men picked up speed, both making sure you were okay but at the same time whispering absolute filth into your ears as you clenched around their lengths as if your life depended on it.
"f-fuckk! you both feel amazing!" grunts and groans alike fell from both their lips and you could've sworn you heard them both call each other daddy, leaving you to wonder what they did in the midnight hour before adding a woman into the mix. you were never one to judge but with you there it was three times the charm.
the moans became increasingly louder as they pounded into you relentlessly, you'd all probably end up with a noise complaint sooner or later.
"go ahead and cum babygirl.. we can feel how close you are." you felt the heat of the chicago native's breath up against your ear, "yes sir." the flood gates were open as you came around maxwell's cock and he released inside of you while phil did the same. the three of you continued to ride out the high but you were the most worn out.
phil was the first to pull out as cum dripped from his tip all the way down from your asshole, "i was 'gonna save this for later but.. you should open it now." he handed you a small black box wrapped with a gold bow, the contents inside being a butt-plug.
your eyes went wide as you looked over at the chicago native, "what am i supposed to do with this?"
"think y'know.. sweetheart.. want you to sleep with it in as a reminder who owns that ass." he smirked and took the plug from your hand before inserting it inside your body.
"y-yes sir, thank you for the gift daddy." you placed a kiss to the chicago native's lips which he then returned and nipped at your lower lip, leaving you to want more.
maxwell had been keeping you warm in a way with his cock as you felt him continue to twitch inside you, a whine falling from your lips when he pulled out aswell.
"don't worry baby. there is much more where that came from." maxwell revealed a brown gift bag with the words burberry inscribed on the outside.
you sat back on the couch, still panting a bit while opening the gift from max which was a matching set of burberry lingerie in just your size, on the side was a pair of angel ears.
pouting you looked between the two men and they each furrowed their eyebrows, "what's wrong, baby?"
"just wanted something to keep this cum inside me. love being full of both my daddies icing like a cake." you grinned up at them as phil had something hid behind his back, a matching plug to the one gifted, "you're in luck."
yawning, the night activities started to take a toll on you so you got dressed in the lingerie which would surely be torn apart by morning and you kept the chicago native's gifts quite warm aswell.
once returning from the washroom, maxwell and phil were in their boxers and you cuddled up between them on the sofa before shutting your eyes as they each placed a kiss to your cheek.
"how was your birthday?" maxwell asked as you rested against his shoulder and you scratched the chicago native's beard softly, noticing him start to drift off toward slumber with your loving touch.
"best birthday ever. thank you both so much. now get some sleep, knuckleheads."
phil slapped your ass playfully in response, "goodnight, babygirl."
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magpiepills · 1 month
Game Over
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Pairing: SNL Mario x Princess Peach! Reader
Word count: 2.3
Summary: a friendly wager over the Star Cup leads to an unexpected victory.
Warnings: pegging, anal fingering, dirty talk, drinking, flirting, butt plugs, use and abuse of video game imagery, crack fic, probably cringe. No use of y/n, reader is princess peach, but her hair, skin and body type aren’t described.
A word from the author: This is a repost! Here is my bonus contribution to the Peg That Middle Aged Man Campaign! I love this fic. This may be one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. I was giggling like an idiot the whole time I worked on it, and I’ve been dying to finally share it. Yes, it is crack, but I think it’s also kinda hot?
“You lost, Mario,” You said, running a gloved finger over the shiny button of his overalls “you know what that means. I’ll come find you later.” You winked at him over your shoulder and went to celebrate your win.
He had barely gotten out of his kart, angry at himself for losing, angry that he couldn’t react as quickly as he used to, couldn’t dodge banana peels fast enough to keep you from speeding by, a blur of pink in his peripheral.
You took your victory lap, waving gleefully from your kart, and accepted your trophy under a flurry of confetti. No mere cup could bring you as much pride as collecting your winnings from Mario, though.
Mario had accepted defeat graciously, you had won fair and square. You’re an honest woman, a good woman. Even though his cock ached at the sight of you sauntering toward him in the garage, he wanted to go back on his word, travel back in time to take back the bet, to wager something, anything else. Mario knew it was useless. He had already let his secret slip, let you know his secret desire, and now you were going to collect, going to give him everything he wanted and there was no going back. Game over.
Mario was handsome, much better looking up close where you could see the true depth of his brooding eyes, see the gray threading through his mustache, the way dirt and grease seeped into his denim and smell the engine grease, sweat, and mint that cling to him. You’d wanted him for ages, danced around each other, teasing, hinting, exchanging glances, never quite finding the right time to hook up. He was so quiet and earnest, you were exuberant and bold. Fire and water, to be certain. What do Fire and Water make if not steam, though and last night the pot was about to boil over when you’d met up with a few other drivers before the Special Cup race. Friendly wagers weren’t uncommon and everyone was in high spirits after a tough series of other races. Competition was fierce and only the best of the best were left.
Glasses were filled and drained and filled again, and you were feeling buzzy and alive when you spotted the sometimes plumber on the outside of the small crowd. His eyes were shiny and his cheeks and chest were flushed pink from so many toasts to his opponents. He raised his glass when your eyes met, drawing you to him. “Luigi just bet an entire week’s pay on the first race.” He teased. Luigi was swaying on his feet, smiling and holding Yoshi for balance. “What did you wager, Mario?” You asked, knowing as well as he did that Luigi wasn’t ever going to beat Mario. “Told him I’d give him the business if he won.” Your jaw dropped in faux surprise, and you smacked him lightly on the arm. His arm. Maybe you’d drank a bit too much too, but it was so solid you couldn’t help but let your hand linger, squeezing it gently to feel the solid muscle. You didn’t know how long you’d stood there, gazing at his bicep, studying its strength, imagining it hooked under your knee, or lifting you against a wall, until you heard him speak. “What about you, Princess? You want to make it interesting too?” He was smirking down at you, lust glinting in his eyes.
“Yeah. Let’s make it interesting Mario. What do you want to bet?” You smirked back, tilting your head playfully, your little crown slipping to the side just slightly before you right it.
Mario adjusted his stance, squaring his shoulders and letting you drink in the great size of him, his height, the broadness of his shoulders, the taper of his waist evident even under his overalls, the softness of his belly, grown from a fondness for meatballs and pasta. His strength was tenfold, strong enough, you thought to punch through bricks if he wanted. “If I win, I’m gonna take you out, and you’re gonna let me show you a real good time.”
His words gave you a chill that run up from the base of your spine and made your scalp tingle, leaving you a little breathless. “Yeah? And if I win, then what?” He grinned, placed a wide hand on your ruffled waist “I guess you’ll have to show me a good time.”
You could have left it at that, a flirtation without teeth, but you needed more. “What’s a good time to a guy like you, Mario?” You desperately wanted to know now.
“C’mere, I’ll show ya.” He tugged you down a dark hallway, into the shadows, where the music and the laughter and the voices were dampened by wood paneled walls. Your hand felt small in his and for a moment his thick fingers grazed over your gloved ones, admiring the delicate fabric, how smooth and soft it was, how clean and bright it was, never a smudge of oil, not a single red drip from your glass. They were pure and pretty, just like he liked to think of you, his Princess Peach.
There in the dark he locked you into a kiss, scratched by his mustache and soothed by his tongue, you could only let go and let him take you.Hiking your skirt higher, he nipped at your neck. He kissed wetly along your jaw, and breathed into your ear just as you felt the solid heft of his hard cock come to rest over your clothed cunt. Even under his overalls you could estimate his size. “Is that a pipe in your pocket?” You tease, rolling your hips against him.
Mario hummed. “I’m a plumber, Princess. Lay a lot of pipe. Good at it too.” He continued to kiss you, grunting in frustration at the voluminous skirt keeping him from getting his hands on your ass. “Fabric.” He mutters. “Impractical.” You lean back, smiling at his eagerness and the hunger in his eyes. You gathered the fabric of his very practical overalls at either side of his hips, pulling the material taut over his straining cock. He rocked his hips forward, begging for release. You wondered what he was wearing under there. It would be so easy to find out, just unclip his straps and they'd probably fall to his ankles. Your mouth watered, but senses prevailed and you remembered your wager. “And when I win, Mario? Are you going to let me bring out my pipe?”
You didn’t really expect it would happen. Sure, Bowser loved bouncing on your cock, let you take him all over the castle, begged for it. “Fuck me, Princess, please!” He bellowed. Mario though? For lack of a better term, you never pegged him as one to let a woman dick him down. You fully expected to suck his cock or let him fuck you hard and fast, maybe take your panties as a bonus prize. Here he is though, lips parted, eyebrows furrowed. “That what you want, Peach? You think you can give it to me right?” His voice grew deeper and you knew the surprise was written over your face. “Know I can. I think once you get it you’ll throw every race just to get it again, too.”
That had your opponent groaning and bucking against you, hard and leaking.
You licked your lips, quickly flicked your gaze from his eyes to his lips and back again, and leaned close to let your lips brush the shell of his ear. “Save it for the race, Mario. Better get a good night’s rest.” And with that you slipped back out into the raucous crowd, little crown bobbing along with each step across the room and out he door, gone before he could respond.
In the dark, warm garage, you found Mario wiping down his kart with a rag, his movements slow and practiced, methodical, buffing until the red paint gleamed, reflecting the moment he saw you standing behind him. He tossed the rag into a bin and smiled, lopsided and a little shy. He shifted his weight and wiped his hands on his pants. “Here to make good on the wager or you want to go double or nothing?”
“I want my prize now, Mario. Unless you’re going to renege.” Your voice was soft and sweet, and as you spoke you closed in, helping yourself to a generous feel of his chest, his biceps, and down his strong forearms before you pulled them around your waist and stood on the tiptoes to reach up for a kiss from his hot and willing lips.
His kiss was searing and deep, you’d like to stay locked with him like this forever, but there was business to attend to first. Deftly, you unsnapped the hooks holding up his dusty overalls, letting them sag low on his hips.
Mario’s head spun. He had given the race his all, determined to bury himself in you to the hilt and fuck you mercilessly until you screamed his name and soaked his cock. He was certain of his victory, but something in the back of his mind gave him pause. A little what if…
And so when you spun the defeated man around, guiding him to lean against the hood of the kart and reaching between his endearingly small ass, you found he was ready for you. Throughout the race, Mario had worn his favorite butt plug, the one that fit with just the right stretch and was adorned with a happy little golden star atop the flared base.
Your heart pounded. He had prepared for you. He knew you were his most formidable opponent and he knew he could very well lose. Your heart sang in your chest. Holding back a delighted giggle, you tugged gently at the plug, making him moan and sigh. You steadied him with a hand on his hips and carefully worked the plug free, tossing it into the bin with the rag, more clean up for later.
From your purse, you fetched a small bottle, laying it on the hood right where Mario could see it, then stepped out of your full, ruffled skirt, revealing that you, too, were prepared. You’d driven to glory with the red and white polka dotted cock resting heavy on your thighs, hidden by your skirt, but urging you to your win, reminding you what awaited. You took the bottle and drizzled the cool green lubricant into your hand. Mario watched, eyes fixed on your strap on. Only closing them when he felt you press one, then two fingers into his tight ass. Gently you stroked him, letting him adjust to you, letting him push back onto your hand with a soft whine.
With every move, his overalls clinked against the side of the vehicle, soon drowned out by his wanton moans and curses. “Fuck, Peach. Fuck, ohh..”
“How’s that feel, baby? That good? Do you need more?”
Mario nodded, swallowing thickly, breathing heavily.
“More. Please.”
You shoved his red shirt up his back and kissed along his spine, easing in a third finger. As he relaxed into your movements you found a rhythm, fucking him with your fingers, praising him, kissing him anywhere you could reach, and taking his big, callused hand when he reached for yours.
When you felt him begin to clench, you pulled away. “No, Mario. You’re not coming yet. Don’t you dare.” You didn't win this race to just finger his asshole. You coated the mushroom head of your silicone cock and nudged it against his warp zone. “You gotta come on my cock. You want that, baby? Want me to fuck you now? Really properly fuck you?”
Again he nodded, and you smacked his ass. “Need to hear you say it, Mario. Do you want my cock?”
“Yes. Yes. Want you to fuck me, Princess. Please. Fuck!”
Desperation looked good on him, but so did euphoria, so you guided your thick, dotted cock into him and watched in awe as the ring of muscle stretched to take you, pulling you in, it seemed. Aided by the generous drizzle of thick, green lube, you rocked into him until your hips were flush with his ass. You stayed there, letting him adjust, head dropped forward, letting the pleasure wash over him.
He felt so full. His cock dripped precome down the gleaming side panel, and he began to move his hips, winding them a little back and then a little forward, slow and steady, “Move for me, Peach. Fuck me. I can take it.”
You increased your pace, fucking his ass a little harder, a little faster, a little deeper, but keeping control. “Doing so good for me, Mario.” You praised. “Look so sexy taking this cock. My pussy is so wet. Do you know what you do to me? Letting me fuck you like this? Taking my pipe?” Your words and praise swirled in his mind and suddenly your hand was around his cock, stroking him, twisting with each pass up his shaft as you buried your cock deep and gave only shipper, pulsing thrusts. “Need you to come for me. Come and I’ll let you eat my pussy.”
His orgasm was instantaneous, thick ropes of spend dripped down the side of his kart, desecrating the shiny finish, but he didn’t care. He slumped forward as you slipped out of him, sated and happy, aching in the best way.
You came back, kissing him again, passing him a clean cloth to clean himself up, thanking him for an invigorating race and an unforgettable night.
Hopping up onto the hood, you laid back, wearing your gloves and crown and nothing else, “You finished first this round, Mario. Now it’s my turn.”
He spread your knees with strong hands, “Let’s a-go!”
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Here is the epilogue I promised! Don’t let the new header fool you where is absolutely no plot to this… I hope everyone who read enjoyed this series and as a little treat for all we went through to get here this is one last look at where we ended up
Pairings: Jake Kiszka x Danny Wagner *slash
Tags and warnings: 18+ ONLY!!!, very NSFW, slight dom Danny, m/m sex, butt plug and facial… the babies being in love finally! very little editing
Word count: 2.6k
Jake had just finished lathering up his hair when he heard the door to the bathroom open. “I’m almost done” Jake spoke out into the openness of the shower, thinking Danny was probably wanting to get ready for bed soon.
It had been weeks since Danny returned from visiting Sam in LA and surprised Jake with a confession. What a relief it was to finally be able to tell Danny how he really felt now that he knew his feelings would be returned.
And returned they were, nearly tenfold. Danny being his boyfriend was more than he’d ever dreamed of. He was patient, caring, observant, though at the same time not too pushy or overbearing.
Honestly not much had changed between them other than their new bedtime ritual. They’d lay in bed together and both vent about their day, it was the way they decided to keep their work lives and personal lives separate, stay calm while at the restaurant and talk it out at home. No matter how riled up Jake would get about the supply truck messing up his order, or the cooks showing up late, by the end of his unload Danny would look Jake in the eyes and ask him “do you love me?”
Every night Danny would ask him the same thing and Jake would easily forget his worries. Instead he’d focus on coming up with a new way to tell Danny how much he loved him each time.
“I love you with all my soul”.
“I’ll always love you”.
“There isn’t a word to properly describe how much I’m in love with you”.
“My heart is yours forever”.
“My love for you knows no bounds”.
“All my love Danny”.
With every proclaiment of love Danny would smile and blush before giving Jake a kiss and they’d go to sleep together feeling absolutely content.
Jake looked forward to crawling into bed with Danny just like any other night, though when the shower curtain was drawn back and Danny stepped inside with him he realized he might be in for a little more.
“Don’t mind me, finish washing up” Danny smirked when Jake squinted through one eye as the shampoo washed from his hair.
“How am I supposed to do that when you’re standing naked right in front of me?”
“You prefer I join you in the shower clothed then?” Danny chuckled and reached forward to gently grab at Jake’s waist. “Here, turn around then”.
Danny used his grip on Jake to carefully turn him before grabbing his body wash and running his soapy hands across Jake’s shoulders and upper back, then lower until he slipped underneath his arms and started to wash his chest next. Jake closed his eyes and let his head fall slightly to the side, exposing a tiny piece of neck that Danny couldn’t resist leaning over to place his lips against.
Jake reveled in the the feeling of Danny’s hands and lips on him. Running a business proved to be exhausting, so neither of them had much time or energy to really fool around after hours. That didn’t mean Jake didn’t still think about it often though, and that showed in the way his body was already reacting to Danny’s touch.
“Jake” Danny spoke when his hands ran down his stomach and brushed against his hardened length.
“I know” Jake sighed in frustration and pent up needs, “just ignore it”.
“Jake” Danny spoke again, still rubbing his hands in slow circles across Jake’s lower abdomen, “I want to kiss you” he asked with his lips still connected to his neck. “Can I? Can I kiss you as much as I want?”
Jake turned back around and wrapped his arms around Danny’s shoulders, pulling him down closer to his level. “You can take my breath away if you wanted to” Jake replied before stretching upwards to connect their mouths in a passionate kiss.
Danny cradled the back of Jake’s head in one hand and let the other fall to the small of his back then took a step closer until their fronts were pressed together. Jake moaned slightly into his mouth at the contact, but Danny took it as an opportunity to slip his tongue inside and deepen the kiss. Jake’s knees went weak, but their hold on each other kept him upright as Danny continued to ardently kiss him.
Just when Jake thought things really would get heated Danny removed his hand from his back and reached behind them to turn the shower off. Without a word he disconnected from him and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel he then turned to beckon Jake over before placing the towel over his head and beginning to dry his hair off.
Jake stood there while Danny worked the towel over him, obviously still worked up, and he would have been embarrassed if he hadn’t looked down and saw that Danny had gotten just as excited about their wet make out session as he had.
“Ready to get into bed?” Danny asked after taking the time to dry himself as well.
“I’m ready for bed, but not for sleep” Jake replied with a pout because Danny had ignited this fire within him but hadn’t shown any intention of putting it out yet.
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of you tonight” Danny attempted to ease him.
“Oh, is that so?” Jake’s pout turned into a smirk because now he got what Danny was doing. He was trying to pretend like he wasn’t dying for a good fuck like Jake was. “Then by all means, take me to bed handsome”.
Danny continued to keep his cool as Jake followed him down the hallway to their now shared bedroom. The thought that Jake had no idea what he was getting himself into with all that Danny had planned gave him the drive to stay as calm and put together as possible.
It’s been way too damn long, Jake thought as he crawled into the bed, excitement taking over and pushing all other thoughts of work or how tired he was out of his mind. Instead the only thing that was left was the throbbing between his legs and the way Danny looked as he joined him, hungry.
Danny immediately connected their lips again and grabbed Jake’s wrists to pin them above his head. “I want to show you just how much I love you tonight. Is that okay?”
Jake swallowed hard, tugging his arms slightly against Danny’s grip and seeing he wasn’t planning on letting go so easily. He remembered this domineering side of Danny from that night on the couch together and it excited him that he was coming out to play again, though he knew it could also mean some trouble. Either way the offer was really enticing and Jake being held underneath him like he was wasn’t in much of a position to make any requests of his own right now.
“Okay, show me” Jake gave in, letting himself settle on top of the pillows.
With Jake’s permission now, Danny’s eyes seemed to darken as he leaned back and took a good look at the body he had laid before him, ripe for the taking. There was so much he wanted to do, so many ways he knew he could reduce Jake to a crying whimpering mess, but he’d already made up his mind what he wanted to do before he’d even stepped into that shower with him.
“Keep your hands here” he demanded, loosening his grip on Jake’s wrists he still had pinned above his head and trailed his fingers down his arms, watching the reaction his fingertips brought to the skin along the way.
Danny sat up, wedging his knees between Jake’s thighs and parting his legs so that Jake was spread open in his lap. Now that he had him in the position he wanted, he slipped his hand underneath one of the pillows to retrieve the lube he’d gotten out earlier.
“So you prepared for this?” Jake taunted, watching in amusement as Danny popped open the cap and warmed up the slick liquid in his hands.
“Oh I'm very prepared” Danny replied, unconcerned with Jake’s snarky attempt at rattling his composure. He was in charge right now, and soon enough he’d have Jake fully aware of just how prepared he was.
One lubed up hand wrapped around Jake while the other slipped between his legs to start prodding at his entrance and within moments of beginning his steady strokes he was already slipping a finger inside. Jake relaxed quickly into the feeling of being partially filled, and Danny knew he could take another soon.
With a second finger already inside Jake was wiggling his hips, trying to get Danny to find that spot, but instead Danny only tightened his grip around his cock and started really stroking him.
“Danny…” Jake groaned, stilling his hips and furrowing his brows, “You can’t jerk me off like that or I’ll-”.
“It’s okay, go ahead and cum for me”.
“But Dan-” Jake was cut off by a choked sob as he tried desperately to keep himself contained while Danny vigorously worked him. He started to panic a little when he felt the coil in his stomach tightening knowing it was inevitable it would snap if Danny kept going, but he didn’t want it to end so quickly.
Danny knew where Jake’s thoughts were, knew he didn’t want this to be over, but what Jake didn’t know was that Danny was just getting started. “I know Jake, you’re going to be cumming more than once tonight. Go ahead and give me this one and I promise the next will be even better”.
Jake shot Danny a look, a slightly terrified and also excited all at the same time look, and then he reached his first breaking point. Unable to hold it any longer he came into Danny’s palm immediately feeling how badly he’d needed to get off. Maybe Danny was onto something. There was no way he would have been able to last long no matter what they’d done, so he went ahead and got that one out of the way.
“Are you good?” Danny asked when he felt Jake’s body loosen up again after his orgasm. Jake nodded, looking down at himself now soft and glistening with the remnants of his climax. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you hard again”.
With only a few moments to gather himself, Danny was pulling his fingers out and inching forward on the bed until he was pressing inside slowly, giving Jake the chance to adjust before he started a slow shallow thrust of his hips.
Jake groaned at the sensation. Being fucked was a different pleasure, but with it being so soon after he was still boardlining on overstimulation. Especially when Danny pushed in further and finally reached his spot.
“Fuuuuuck Danny right there!” He cried out, moving his hands only to rake his fingers through his hair as his back arched off the mattress.
“See what I said, look at you” Danny gleamed, proud of himself as Jake glanced back down and saw he was already starting to harden up again. Then Danny gripped Jake by the hips and pulled him further into his lap as he leaned backwards and started a harder faster pace, absolutely breaking Jake further apart with each pound into him and against that bundle of nerves.
The warmth in the pit of his stomach slowly returned as Jake moaned and writhed until Danny was suddenly slowing to a stop. Jake began to question why Danny was pulling out already, but he was silenced with another demand, “stay there”.
Moving from between Jake’s legs, Danny grabbed the bottle of lube again and Jake watched in confusion as he squeezed a few more drops into his hand then swung a leg over Jake’s waist.
“Danny wait are you... but you haven’t-” Jake became concerned when Danny reached behind him to lather Jake up again, though it only lasted a moment because then he felt Danny feeling around for something else. Danny let out a sigh, then leaned forward and revealed a small purple object, a plug.
While Jake was in the shower Danny had actually already taken the time to ready himself, then he’d put the plug in to stay stretched. With it removed now he sank down onto Jake in one fluid motion and they both moaned at the new connection.
Before Jake’s brain could even catch up to the stimulation he was feeling now Danny started bouncing up and down, tossing his head back and letting his jaw fall slack. Danny knew he wasn’t going to be able to last long either, not after all the work he’d already put in, so he started stroking himself until Jake decided to take over.
“Did I say you could move your hands?” Danny tried to maintain his dominance, though the way his thighs began to quiver and the tension in his lower stomach built he knew he wouldn’t have been able to keep it up for much longer anyways. So instead he gave in and let Jake touch him, planting his hands against Jake’s chest to get better control. “I’m so close” he cried, unable to stop his riding until his own orgasm began to wash over him.
“God Danny, don’t stop” Jake moaned, digging his heels into the bedding and taking over fucking Danny until he was shaking and collapsing over onto the bed next to him.
Jake used his cum coated hand to start working himself now that Danny had rolled off him. He’d been promised another orgasm and he was too far gone now to even care if Danny saw him finishing himself off.
“Jake come here” Danny begged, sitting up onto his elbows and pulling on Jake’s arm. Jake looked over at him through heavily lidded eyes, he was so close too he just needed a few more tugs… “Jake” Danny pleaded again, earning his full attention this time when he tugged on his arm again and opened his mouth.
Jake quickly got onto his knees and crawled over to where Danny laid waiting for him. “You want my cum?” He purred using his other hand to cup Danny’s cheek and slip his thumb inside his mouth.
Danny nodded and closed his lips around Jake’s thumb, giving it a suck and a swirl of his tongue before Jake grunted and pulled it out. He inched closer and Danny opened his mouth again, sticking his tongue out as well this time just before Jake painted his face.
Danny was right, he came harder this time than before, partially because it was the second time in one night, though mostly because he was so turned on by all of Danny's lewd acts.
“Since when did you get so kinky?” Jake panted as he fell back down onto the bed next to him, spent and chest heaving.
“Since I started dating the very sexy Jake Kiszka” Danny replied, turning onto his side and throwing an arm and a leg over his boyfriend. “Do you disapprove?”
“No no, absolutely not!” Jake hurriedly replied, taking Danny’s hand in his own and giving it a squeeze. “This was an unexpected treat, thank you”.
“Are you ready for sleep now then?” Danny settled next to him, knowing eventually they’d have to get up and clean off again before getting under the covers, but for now they were satisfied with just holding each other.
“Mhmm” Jake replied, his eyes already closed.
“Just one more thing” Danny continued, waiting until Jake peaked one eye open at him.
“Do you love me?”
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17 Months Messing Update: I Wore a Butt Plug to Christmas Dinner
I had held a poll on my Twitter asking if I should wear a butt plug to Christmas dinner. Needless to say, the results were overwhelmingly positive. While my followers had voted that I wear a large one, the one I had selected didn’t stay in all that well when I walked so I went with my next best option: the large Doc Johnson silicone plug. Its traditional shape made it simple to wear, and as it slipped inside of me to be held for the next few hours, I gradually grew accustomed to the weight and feeling of the plug nestled in between my butt cheeks. Even though I didn’t acknowledge it at the time, I felt comforted that I wouldn’t have to deal with any messy diapers at my family dinner because the plug would protect me.
In order to ensure that I had no messy accidents at dinner, I had been careful of what I ate in the few days leading up to the event, and in the hours before the event, I cleaned myself out with a few enemas. I prefer using the bag that you hang up on something with a long hose that goes inside you because I can just use water to clean me out. There’s something comforting about letting out a stream of water into my diaper in that manner because it gently reminds me that if I manage to hold on for even a couple of minutes, my strength will eventually falter and dwindle until I have no choice but to stop holding back the flood. Feeling helpless as I give in to my body’s needs and to the safety of my diaper really gets me going, especially as a comforting warmth weighs down the back of my diaper and makes it sag.
I prayed I wouldn’t have to feel that same sensation at my family’s dinner.
Before I left for my family’s Christmas dinner, I used a lube shooter to put a lot of lube inside my butt; if I had only lubed the toy before I pushed it in, it would have felt rather dry and would feel a bit uncomfortable after a bit. This method ensures that I remain comfortable at all times. When I arrived at the house, I made sure I looked presentable, that the back of my leggings and hoodie combo wasn’t covered in baby powder, and that my diaper was ready to go. I rubbed in the tapes for what felt like the tenth time in the last thirty minutes, almost as if it was a tool to reassure myself.
My family doesn’t know that I wear diapers all the time and I would prefer to keep it that way. I’ve always worn BetterDry around them and anyone else I don’t want to be in the know because they always start off so thin and discreet and that’s what I chose to wear that day. I can’t imagine what my parents would say if they found out that I was wearing a diaper, much less that I’ve been wearing them for several years at this point. 
Even though my family doesn’t come from much, my mother always likes to throw the biggest and bestest dinners on the holidays much like her mother did and her mother before her. I offered to help, knowing that it would put me at risk, but she declined as always; I know she takes great pride in doing it all herself. Dinner was nice. Everyone had a grand time, including me. I’ve worn around my family on countless occasions; either they don’t know or they aren’t saying anything about my diapers. Frankly, either of those options are good in my book. 
I tried to sit as much as I could because it helped me hide the ever-growing poof of my diaper. The drinks flowed just like they do every holiday at my parent’s house though I kept it to a minimum knowing that if I had a few drinks, I wouldn’t be able to drive for a while and I’d be walking with a waddle in no time at all. As the night wore on, I felt my inner thighs get pushed apart, little by little until it was really obvious to me that I needed to leave or change my diaper. I wanted to play it safe so I said my goodbyes and drove home.
When I got home, I hopped into bed and played with myself in my soggy diaper, teasing myself with my vibrator as I rewarded myself for accomplishing what I set out to do. I felt so naughty wearing my pink plug around my family, talking to them normally as if I didn’t have 5 inches of silicone up my ass for hours on end.  You can add more time onto this timer by sending me books, diapers, and other gifts from my wishlist. Everything listed has a comment next to it that says how much time is added, too. Any support would be greatly appreciated!
Current ending time: April 19, 2025
Total Days Remaining as of January 6, 2023: 834 days which is 27.8 months which is also 2.28 years.
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Toki Wartooth • NSFW Alphabet
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Author's Note: This is my first time really using Tumblr, so the formatting for posts aren't where I want them to be right now. Anyways, let's see how these do!
A = Aftercare: Absolutely! He's a sweetheart and adores showering you with hugs and kisses. Depending on how rough the session was, he'll run you a bubble bath or massage you.
B = Body Part: His favorite part of you is your waist. He likes to wrap his arms around them and hold you. He may be a little territorial so he'll hold them even outside the bedroom. On himself, probably his abs since he talks about them the most.
C = Cum: On your face - he's a fan of facials. He doesn't mind finishing inside you either.
D = Dirty Secret: Toki wants to completely own you. He's been shadowed by Skwisgaar for a long time, so he wants at least something to himself that Skwisgaar hasn't done ten times better. Possessive on an insecure level, he needs reassurance.
E = Experience: Toki has decent experience, mainly groupies. However, he doesn't let that ruin his time with you since you're the only one who matters.
F = Favorite Position: Toki likes when you're on your knees. Overall, any position that makes you look completely helpless.
G = Goofy: Not by a long shot. This man is in his own world, completely focused on all the ways he can fuck you. Though, say I love you once and he might crack a smile and giggle.
H = Hair: Toki keeps it trimmed regularly, whether if it's neat or not depends.
I = Intimacy: Very intimate, very passionate. No matter how rough and demeaning he is to you in bed, he makes sure you're okay with it first. Affection is his love language.
J = Jack Off: It's canon that he (along with the rest of the band) regularly jack off. Sometimes, he'll make you do it to him.
K = Kinks: Toki is into S&M, mainly because of repressed trauma. He enjoys the power he feels from seeing you hurt and helpless during sex. He has a harness under his bed just for you. He also enjoys softer, more domestic kinks like dollifacation.
L = Location: Preferably in the bedroom, he would rather have your body seen by him and to take his time with you.
M = Motivation: Just the pure thought of you. Some motivators for him is neck kissing and you facing him in his lap.
N = No: Toki doesn't want his back touched, nor does he want you to pull his hair. He also doesn't want to hurt you badly, nothing beyond spanking - choking is a risk.
O = Oral: Blowjobs are reals cool! As stated above, he loves to give you facials. He talks trash about going down on a girl, but he's very sweet with you when he does. Yes, his mustache tickles your inner thighs.
P = Pace: Slow and rough.
Q = Quickie: Toki isn't much of a fan as he prefers to draw out the session, but everyone gets desperate. He'll do quickies in reserved places in public, and even on the tour bus or backstage.
R = Risk: Toki is only game to experiment if you are. Every once in awhile, he learn some new BDSM tricks and want to show you. Mainly, he just does what he already knows.
S = Stamina: Excellent. Though, most of his sessions are heavier on foreplay than fucking, he can go all night if he wanted.
T = Toys: Toki sometimes uses toys on you. He could either be generous and just use a bullet vibrator, or keep a butt plug or dildo ready to occupy one of your holes while he uses the other. But, he feels confident enough in bed that his fingers or dick is good enough.
U = Unfair: Toki the Tease. All this dude does is make you anticipate by stretching out foreplay or going slow in sex. Verbal teasing like degrading, also yes. He'll take any opportunity to make you look less than him.
V = Volume: Compared to the rest of the band, he makes a lot of noise. Instead of grunts or soft groans, he'll moan boyishly.
W = Wild Card: Toki likes seeing his partner's makeup run and smudge down their face. He'll even doll you up so he can fuck your throat or make you cry, just so he can watch the mascara bleed down your cheeks.
X = Xray: Toki is packing, have you seen him in that thong..? I see at least eight to ten inches in there.
Y = Yearning: Toki isn't as open about his sex drive, but he's just as bad as the rest of the band.
Z = Zzz: Toki watches you fall asleep, then he falls asleep himself. It's soothing and healing to him in a way.
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 6 months
dionysus xii, m | jjk x ♂wiyllt x myg
pairing(s): jungkook x male wiyllt x yoongi — important: contains m/m pairing— male OC is male whatifyoulivelikethat aka me, the author ;)
summary: The following events are extremely gay. Jeon Jungkook puts himself in a dick 69 (and likes it). Min Yoongi puts himself in a maid outfit (kinda). Also, they share a boyfriend. Not that any of them are gonna admit that straight up. That would just be embarrassing. (They will in their head though, heh.)
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; important! male OC and Yoongi are pansexual and Jungkook is bisexual; I'm warning you: everyone's dick is out; in love and none of them will admit it out loud, classic; JK is a lil insecure and gets his reassurance ofc; Yoongi is just a slut kidding but also not; domestic, tbh; D/s smut (hyung kink, praise kink, spit kink, mild restraints, 69, choking, m-masturbation, cumming on each other, cum eating, crossdressing - maid Yoongi + leather body harness + butt plug, pain kink, m-receiving oral, edging, handjob, hair pulling, unprotected anal sex, cowgirl (cowboy? eh, you get it), missionary anal, creampie); non-idol!BTS - sub!Jungkook x dom!male OC x sub!Yoongi; switches between Yoongi’s POV and JK's POV; for the few people who read this series, um, why? my male self has dirty, filthy sex, smh
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi
“Fuck me. I’m so damn tired of humanity. Does no one have a backbone or ears these days? I don’t get paid enough. Ugh. Patience is a virtue and all that shit. Fuck virtue. I’ve used my last fuck and I just want a damn nap. What about you? You’ve been sitting here all day. I know, aren’t you much comfier since I put you back in the couch?”
Min Yoongi cocked his head.
Commotion? Checked the time. Oh, shit. Did that many hours fly by? He removed the headset from his ears and stood up. Fluttering RBG lighting tried to call him back to the white desktop, but instead he headed to cracked-open bedroom door, past dark gray sheets and a folded black blanket that weren’t his. Yoongi had, however, made the bed. Simply because he had seen the mess.
“I know, bro. You’ve been with me too long to be dumped on the floor like that.”
Yoongi pressed two fingers to the door and pushed it open a little more, craning his head and giving himself a clear view of the living room.
He saw a head of black hair, naked broad shoulders, and a deep scarlet dress shirt halfway off.
what if you
“I’d talk to Jungkook but that guy doesn’t listen to me.”
He could only see half of the back tattoo.
He called out.
“Why are you stripping for the giant plush bear?”
The black hair whipped in a sharp arc, exposing white gold earrings and angular jaw, followed by dark, dark eyes and plush mauve lips in a soft ‘o’ shape. The dress shirt slid down, caught by a flighty hand, but Yoongi didn’t need to see the rest of the tattoo. He knew exactly what it said. He had, after all, run his fingers over it and kissed each letter for many nights.
And that chest.
Fuck, he wanted to make out with it.
The man known to many as Dionysus, but to Yoongi by given name, gawked at him.
“How long you have you been here?” the other male sputtered.
Yoongi caught himself smiling. He usually hated that but, in this case, it added to the teasing. He wasn’t given many chances to tease when it came to his favorite person so Yoongi made sure to take every chance he got. “Couple hours. I wasn’t getting anywhere in the studio today so I figured I would take a break and play Diablo. You said I could use your setup.” He made sure to keep his voice very calm and even despite wanting to burst into laughter.
Those impossibly dark eyes shifted from side to side very rapidly. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Since you started talking to the bear.” It wasn’t true but Yoongi wasn’t above lying when it was for his own amusement. One more sin to add to his already hefty list.
The other man made a pained expression and threw his dress shirt onto the black leather couch. It wasn’t aimed to be sexual but Yoongi appreciated what he was seeing all the same. “Great.” Ah, he really did it enjoy the way irritation made that familiar husky voice even deeper. “Now you think I’m even crazier than I already am because I talk to my plushies. I’ll have you know Mr. Bear has seen some shit.”
“Is that his name?”
“Not really. He doesn’t have a name. I just use him as a backrest when I’m alone and watching television.”
Somehow Yoongi found himself a bit jealous of the two-meter-tall café-au-lait-colored plush bear sitting floppily on the couch. It looked back at him with a partway-open stitched smile. Don’t look at me like that. I won’t say anything when Jungkook inevitably dumps you on the ground again, Yoongi thought to the bear.
The bear, understandably, continued smiling.
The currently shirtless man was going through his black leather briefcase with an annoyed click of his tongue, muttering something along the lines of, “Don’t you fucking tell me that I lost my hair tie too, for fuck’s sake,” with dark waves of black falling past his cheeks. It was longer than how he usually had it, huh? The sides had been shaved as usual, but it seemed that he had left it longer this time, similarly to how Yoongi had his hair now.
Speaking of.
Yoongi carefully tugged the black hair tie out of his hair and put it in the pocket of the sweatpants.
For no reason at all.
The rest of his black hair fell around his neck, the curtain bangs wisping against his cheeks. A step closer to the coffee table, and the other male looked up, defeated, and was about to say something, mauve lips parting and all, giving Yoongi about two seconds to fully appreciate those decadent prominent collarbones and dark nipples and crisp black slacks clinging to delicious hips.
Then the front door burst open.
“Yo, hyung!”
Yoongi twitched in annoyance.
Really? As if surprise was needed. Actually, that tone was probably more akin to seeing an unexpected visitor. Jeon Jungkook had a one-track mind. He also hardly used honorifics – except when he wanted to make it very clear that he was the youngest and seeking attention right now. Now Jungkook closed the door.
“Whoa! You’re naked! Wait. Why are you naked? And in front of Yoongi-hyung? That’s not fair!”
Yoongi stuck his tongue in his cheek and turned to see the doe-eyed, playfully pleading expression of Jeon Jungkook. His black hair was a little shorter now, but neatly parted for once. Surprisingly, he had yet another piercing on the right side of his lip. Half of his arm tattoos were exposed and there was the shadow of the full sleeve under the baggy black t-shirt. Those slate-blue jeans were so shredded that Yoongi was surprised that the denim was still holding on. There was so much leg showing that Jungkook might as well have worn shorts. Or nothing.
“I literally just got home. I was going to change.”
Instant complaint from the younger man. “Why? You look better like that.”
Yoongi felt the directness of those dark, dark eyes asking to provide some confirmational logic. He avoided them and said nothing, staring at the wall next to Jungkook’s head instead. Was that framed print of Jhin from League of Legends always there? Huh.
“I can’t stay naked.”
“You always say that, but you’re wrong,” Jungkook protested, kicking off his sneakers and pushing them against Yoongi’s as he crossed over.
“Don’t tell me you came here to get me to make you dinner again.”
“But, hyung–”
“I was going to make dinner,” Yoongi cut in. “I found black sea bass on sale.”
“I can’t make you cook in my own home,” that deep sigh replied, gazing at him under soft black tresses while one arm was outstretched and holding Jungkook’s chest back. True to his nature, Jungkook flailed about and played along. “I’ll change and help you.”
Oh, really now.
“Your home?”
Yoongi glanced at Jungkook and back to those dark, dark eyes, openly smirking.
“It’s our home now.”
“Is there any fantasy you’ve always wanted but never got to do?”
“Me?” The folding of laundry paused as those dark eyebrows knitted in confusion. “My horny ass? Yoongi, come on. You think I wouldn’t attempt the literal second I had a plausible impulse?”
Hmm. That wasn’t really the answer Min Yoongi wanted. He reached over to try and help but had the back of his hand promptly smacked away once again. He didn’t like feeling useless, but the man who called himself Dionysus at times might have a control problem. Or, rather, with one glance to those dark, dark eyes, he may be feeling a bit guilty still about Yoongi doing random housework as he saw fit.
But that was how Yoongi showed…
With how much time he was spending over here, Yoongi figured he might as well. He didn’t like a messy environment either. Three guys spending too much time in one small apartment were bound to get out of control if they didn’t all work together to keep the place clean.
Still, his host was not letting him get into his business (just his mouth and occasionally his asshole, heh). At least when he was home. Therefore, Yoongi had attempted to distract. And failed, but he knew he would. He still wanted to know though. Mostly because he wanted to be special.
He didn’t just think that.
“Do you mean you only attempt to do things that you know the other person will say yes to, or have you actually tried everything you want to do?”
The other male made a neat stack of folded boxer briefs and frowned. His dark hair curled over his forehead in the most delicious, rolled-out-of-bed way. Mmmm. “Well, no one can try everything. I can’t grow tits to try tit-fucking or switch to a vagina to try triple penetration. Sigh.”
Yoongi jerked his head back. “What?”
“I would have to try and find three guys who can stand to see each other naked and that’s a stretch considering you’re still weird around Jungkook,” he continued, opening dresser drawers to put articles of clothing in their respective places. “Which you never have to get used to, by the way. I am only giving an example.”
“I’m fine with seeing him naked.”
Side eye.
Yoongi shrugged, acknowledging he said that a bit too quickly. “He’s usually without a shirt in your apartment.”
“He’s not the most subtle,” the other man agreed.
A short silence. Yoongi found he enjoyed watching him doing such home tasks. When the taller male got dressed for work, he usually wore tailored pieces such as dress shirts and pants. But at home he wore a loose black t-shirt with a graphic of a grim reaper watching television and fitted track pants from the professional League of Legends team T1. Simple, but showed off his slightly eccentric personality. It was a step down from when he dressed to go out where he tended to be much sexier. This type of comfort meant that they were close.
Well, they were also fucking, but Yoongi knew this was different than the physicality of it all.
“What about crossdressing?”
Yoongi looked up and found dark, dark eyes staring at him, hands frozen in mid-action.
“Me? I don’t own highly feminine clothing currently, but I guess I could find something…”
“No,” Yoongi corrected. “Me. Cross-dress for you. I know you don’t only like men.”
A sudden thrill coursed through him upon seeing the intrigued expression. He maintained his casual, calm demeanor. His boyfriend still hadn’t moved, not a centimeter, but was instead surveying him curiously, as if he was trying to figure out the seriousness of the suggestion.
“You don’t only like men,” the deep voice countered.
“That doesn’t answer the question of whether or not you would be turned on if I wore more feminine clothing.” Yoongi paused for effect. He, too, could be enticing when he wanted to. “If you want to fuck me in a skirt or dress.”
This was supposed to be a shocking kinky proposal but it was backfiring slightly. Yoongi lifted his thighs slightly and thanked his past self for wearing these baggier sweatpants. He shrugged as leisurely as he could.
“You know, bend me over and violate me.”
Those plush mauve lips parted.
“Could be fun.”
Ever quick and always witty response. “Is that why you grew your hair out?”
Yoongi almost snorted. At least his dick stopped perking up. “No. Come to think of it, helps though.”
An open-mouthed smirk.
“And here I thought you were only a musical genius, but you continue to amaze me.”
Past Jeon Jungkook would have never predicted that he would also be deep throating dick when partaking in a sixty-nine, but life had a strange way of making the impossible possible. He probably would have predicted being in handcuffs at the same time though. His porn history was quite telling even if he hadn’t yet had the guts to explore it back then.
If he had thought he couldn’t breathe that well with pussy in his face, well, now Jungkook was beginning to appreciate what other women had done for him in the past when he was the one on top.
This was a lot more difficult than he thought.
Not that he had much time to think about it. Currently, Jungkook was struggling to focus on sucking dick because there was too much going on between his legs. Large hands gripping his tense thighs and pinning them down. Wet. Tongue roughly sliding down the topside of his cock while the underside rubbed against the roof of that talented mouth, the back of that throat squeezing the head with every descent. Tight. He could even feel the measured, warm breath against his balls every time he was swallowed, adding winding sparks to the constant rollercoaster of pleasure. Hot. Jungkook was embarrassed to feel that he was only able to get three-fourths of that hard length into his own mouth but he blamed it on the angle.
His wrists were handcuffed together, but Jungkook could still reach up and run his fingertips over the other male’s lower torso, aching to touch skin on skin.
Well, he had a whole dick down his throat, but you know what he means.
The one above him shifted and the hips rose, giving him some breathing room. Then slowly descended, pressing deep into his throat and mildly suffocating him with his balls. Not that Jungkook minded at this point because the mouth was tightening, changing the expanse of sensation to all over his length, the tongue spreading out and curling around his girth. Little flicks of wet muscle building the ecstasy, heightening the impending apex, making his core tense and his eyes roll up into his head as his hyung thrust slowly into his mouth, using him like the hole he always wanted to be. He did feel bad, just laying there as the other man fucked his throat and sucked him off.
Strong fingers dug into his thighs, hopefully leaving bruises.
He did feel a little guilty.
Mostly, though, Jungkook was so far gone that he couldn’t hold back anymore.
It really was a fitting alias for someone so excessive.
A deep chuckle resonated around his jerking, shivering cock, bleeding into the blinding haze of orgasm, sending another wave soaring through him. Slight shame, sure, but mostly pride at hearing the clear satisfaction. He could feel it too, the swallowing and the hands that gripped his shaking inner thighs, kneading his flesh. Those full lips floated around the base of the still-engorged head of his cock, rubbing back and forth. Fuck. Fuck, it was hard to explain. A suspension of sensation, not the fleeting high of release but a constant bliss that made him want to cry.
The hips rose. Hard, wet cock fell out of his mouth, slapping him in the face and smearing his own spit on his lips and cheek. He gasped, choking on his own saliva, moaning deeper when that mouth went down on him again, keeping him hard, coaxing his want. Jungkook didn’t care. He didn’t care what was right or wrong. Didn’t care what was happening, even as fingers laced around his slippery balls and locked them in a cage. Didn’t care, reaching up and grazing his fingertips over that dripping length, pressing it to his cheek and rubbing it against his jaw. His saliva stuck to his face. His neck. Whimpers bubbling in his chest as nails scratched down his inner thigh, forcing him to spread his legs open more.
The mouth retreated.
And then tongue cupped around his balls, teeth nicking, leaving him a gasping mess of whines as it travelled all over accompanied by a palm closing in around the throbbing head of his cock, gliding saliva over the sensitive skin.
His entire body tensed, succumbing to the wicked rush of sparks and arousal spreading all over.
“Heh, let me get off you,” the husky voice above him mused.
Jungkook had a fleeting thought of, no, crush me, but then it was flood of air and light invading his senses. Ack! He recoiled into the pillows even though it wasn’t even that bright. Just RGB lighting from the computer and the ghost-shaped lamp on the nightstand still aglow. Didn’t matter though, because now he had to face…
Dark, dark eyes looked down at him.
Paired with an amused smirk.
Jungkook wanted to hide behind his hands but they were handcuffed together. He couldn’t exactly be super subtle brushing back his sweaty hair or anything. The other male continued watching him, his black hair curling around his left cheek and ear. Jungkook found himself staring at those shoulder lines and collarbones, finding himself a bit jealous of the natural beauty of them.
The other male leaned down.
Expression dangerous.
“H… Hyung…?”
Then Jungkook yelped as he felt his right leg was raised, pressed against the other man’s chest. He briefly hated himself for not working on flexibility more, but then Jungkook has no more room to think as his boyfriend’s left hand wrapped around his throat, that smirk turning wicked.
His what?
Jungkook choked and it wasn’t because of the hand around his neck.
“Look at you,” that hazy, low voice continued. “How cute.”
He suddenly became vaguely aware that the deep breathing and sound of hand on flesh was not him, but the older male jacking himself off right above Jungkook’s aching, untouched length. Hey! But he couldn’t say it, whimpering, inhale shorting when the hold around his throat tightened, cutting off more blood. His brain felt fuzzy, his tongue thick and unmovable.
“H-Hyung, please…”
“Please what, my darling?”
He couldn’t feel the pre-cum wasn’t leaking all over his inner thigh right now but Jungkook was pretty damn sure it was happening, and his cheeks were heating up, burning, my darling, sputtering, unable to say anything to the rhythmic slapping sound and calm sighs of physical pleasure. He could feel the cool metal on his skin as he crawled his hands down, down.
Fingertips brushing against dried spit and cum.
“Can I… Can I touch myself, p... please, hyung?”
Jungkook could see that self-satisfied smile through his blurred vision and it made his heart race faster, made his core coil tighter, made his mind slip deeper, deeper into service.
“Of course. Such a good boy for asking.”
Maybe he should have been afraid on how easy it was, afraid of how willing he was to fall into this depravity and be this vulnerable, afraid of how that little praise made him lose his mind, but Jungkook couldn’t think about anything. He could only feel. Feel his thoughts bleed out with the lack of blood. Feel his arousal spiking when he touched himself, stroking his length below that moving hand. Feel the whine escaping him as he teased the swollen head of his cock, rubbing his thumb over the thin skin. Blood rushing, muscles twitching, his legs pinned open by another man’s body, and the man who called himself Dionysus when he wanted to be in the shadows grinned at him, like the devil, bringing him unbreakable heaven amidst all this sin.
“You want me to cum on you?” the other man teased, running his index finger over Jungkook’s jaw as he choked him. “Want me all over your pretty cock so you can get off using my cum as lube?”
Jungkook could only moan in affirmation, both because he was being choked and because he couldn’t think straight – as expected with this dick-on-dick action – at such an obscene, arousing suggestion, excitement and exhilaration burning his veins as he saw the tension ripple across his hyung’s chest, jaw tightening, dark eyes darker, biting his lower lip hard.
Messy black hair was hanging down.
The only foreshadowing was one of his eyebrows cocking deviously.
Then Jungkook gasped as the other male leaned forward and shot hot strings all over his hands, his cock, his burning skin, his eyes rolling back as he felt the thick head press down on his shaft and dribble cum down in a painted streak. The grip on his throat loosened, shooting him into a different rise, oxygen swarming into his lungs. His vision reeled, blurry. Controlled, calm exhales washing onto his shaking chest. No remorse. His gaze snapped back, feeling the twitching head burying into his balls, staining them with orgasm.
Those dark, dark eyes dared him.
“Go on. Your turn.”
Couldn’t look away.
Locked gazes, mouth open, gasping for air, gripping himself tightly. No, tighter. The whimpers growing in his throat, jacking himself off hard and fast, pushing for the climax, couldn’t help himself, couldn’t stop himself, slippery, wet, drenched in the heavy scent of sex and the cologne of green tea and marshmallow, herbal and warm, drowning, so good, s-spit on me, hyung, and that little smirk before he did. The splat so visceral, all over his punishing grip and sliding over the pulsing head of his cock, glistening purple-red, and Jungkook threw his head back, unable to look anymore, the hot flush of his cheeks spreading all over, guilty, guilty of being in love.
He came all over his hands and stomach, gasping out that forbidden name.
The hand on his neck left him cold.
His right leg fell, no longer suspended in the air.
Each breath rattling his lungs. His nerves still singing. Movement, but Jungkook didn’t dare open his eyes to know. Then he sucked in a breath, feeling a soft, warm tongue lick around his fingers. His palms. His cock. His crotch. Sucking up the mixture of their cum and spit, feathering kisses and hot breath over his tingling skin.
The sweetness was killing him.
My darling.
Jungkook was pretty sure he was insane and making up everything in his head. He didn’t want to do anything but feel this moment. Hands slipped under his. Sticky, wet, and yet those fingertips traced his palms, laying them down against his abs as that mouth kissed up and down his cock, small licks curling around to flick his balls gently. He wasn’t even hard.
It felt so good.
So good.
He didn’t try to fight it. Couldn’t even if he wanted to. Jungkook let himself get lifted, the forearm against his lower back, kisses up his trembling chest, and then those dark, dark eyes observing him under shadowy lashes, amused. Those plush lips grazed Jungkook’s two lip piercings.
“You gonna get up, lazy bones?”
Jungkook made a noise of disagreement.
He had to be forced to clean up, but secretly (or not-so-secretly) Jungkook enjoyed that.
Apparently, he had tugged on the handcuffs a little too much because there was an indent left on the back of his wrists when they were removed. Oops. He hadn’t meant to do that. He didn’t want to get scolded, so he kept his wrists out of sight the best he could so his hyung wouldn’t notice. He received a silent side-eye, but no comment. Warning him to be careful but not wanting to make it a nagging. His hyung always warned him not to overdo it. Jungkook just… got lost in the moment.
“You okay?”
It was hard to describe the feeling he got when Jungkook looked up to the other man. Maybe embarrassed, feeling disheveled compared to the confident spark in those dark, dark eyes surveying him with amusement. Maybe confused at the butterflies dancing in his chest, envious that the older male seemed so calm shirtless, messy hair, black boxer briefs, drying his hands on a towel before tossing it onto his shoulder like a goddamn movie main character. Maybe…
Those mauve lips curved into a smile.
Jungkook couldn’t define in words what love was, but love was definitely the feeling he felt in this moment, witnessing that smile.
“Did you enjoy that? Anything you didn’t?”
“O… Oh?” It finally clicked in his brain what was being asked. His cheeks seared with warmth. “Um…?!”
Instead of sitting beside him, the man who called himself Dionysus at times smiled wider, giving him the appearance of an endearing trickster. He remained standing in front of Jungkook sitting on the side of the bed. Too close to be mistaken as friends. “I thought I did a pretty good job. You came harder than usual, or what it because I was watching you this time? Guess I can’t tell if I’m too busy swallowing, hm?” Why was he talking about this so calmly? But there was nowhere to run either, caught between a piercing gaze and devious smirk, graceful fingers fanned over one hip like an underwear model.
“I… w-wha… hyung was amazing, I–”
And then Jungkook froze.
Words dead in his throat.
That was right.
The other man bent down and brushed hair out of his vision, but Jungkook was freezing up. Right. Now that the adrenaline was gone, the scent of green tea and marshmallow was as comforting as it was a remainder. Hyung is amazing. Every time, without fail, thinking about every touch and every kiss and Jungkook was only along for the ride.
“Was… Was I okay, hyung?”
“Hm?” Movement, and Jungkook shifted his gaze to see that familiar head tilt teasing him. “What do you mean, were you okay? Did I not show my appreciation well?” A fingertip traced across his cheek.
Chills shimmering all over his shoulders and yet.
“But you only came once.”
A light chuckle. “Uh huh.”
Jungkook felt his vision blur. Shit. Why was he getting teary? He blinked hard, biting his lower lip tensely, the swift pain fighting back the tears. The other man noticed immediately. Of course, he did. He knew everything about everyone. He could read body language like a children’s book, and Jungkook was simply not on that level.
“You didn’t cum in my mouth…” he mumbled, looking away, ashamed. “I’m not good enough.”
Jungkook had been trying not to think about it too much. Everything was already complicated, from how they met to the not-so-straight sexual relationship to the pit-a-pat feeling in his chest at wanting to be called my darling over and over again, but certain rain-cloud thoughts had been persistent, overshadowing everything else. The feeling of not good enough. When it had only been their isolated interactions, Jungkook didn’t think about how the other male slept with other people. Honestly, Jungkook didn’t even care since it was so obvious his hyung made him a priority.
But then there was Min Yoongi.
Watching them together was just…
He felt hands on his shoulders, but Jungkook shut his eyes, shaking his head quickly, the whirlwind thoughts pouring through him. He had no right to be upset. No place to make demands, no idea what were the right words to say, no, he needed to shut up and appreciate that he could even be in this position. “I’m sorry, I’ll try harder next time, I’m sor–”
“Stop saying silly things.”
“I’m sorry.” His voice choked up, cracking in his chest. “I can do better.”
A sharp pain shot over his forehead. It took Jungkook a moment to realize he had been flicked. His eyes snapped open, snapping his head up to gawk, slack-jawed. The older man looked annoyed, looking down at him with a hand still on Jungkook’s right shoulder. He lowered his right hand, shaking his head with a sigh, wave of black hair drifting over his left eye.
“Jungkook, please, can you listen to me for once in your life?”
Rubbing his forehead with his left hand. Less ow but still ow. “What?” Didn’t he listen pretty well? Er, sometimes. But hyung liked the bratty thing!
“You really think I give a shit about quantity over quality?” Even being scolded in that husky voice wasn’t that bad. Those dark, dark eyes narrowed and Jungkook instinctively felt his spine stiffen. Ahem. Right. Listening. “Bro, I’m not keeping count. Every once in a while, I like to discuss about how the sex was and what you liked about it. Me, I don’t stop unless I’m satisfied. It isn’t the number of orgasms or what exactly happens that is the satisfying part for me. The satisfying part is you.”
“But if I was better… wait, what?”
Jungkook pointed to himself, eyes widening. “Me?”
Eye roll. “Yeah, you, idiot.”
And then that face was close, suddenly dropping down. Green tea. Marshmallow. Herbal and warm. Soft black hair, even darker eyes, plush mauve lips in a small smirk. The shine in that gaze, the solidness of that hand on his shoulder, and that expression absolutely not having any of Jungkook’s bullshit.
“I chose you.”
“Is this about Yoongi?”
Jungkook found he couldn’t say anything but he didn’t have to.
Silence was telling.
His hyung nodded. “Whether it is or not. Whether you believe me or not… I’m not comparing. I don’t compare you to him or anyone else. I don’t like people near me. I don’t like doing things I don’t like doing. But I like being near you. I like learning the things you like and I like doing them for you. Are there things you do that aggravate me? Yeah, like this stubbornness you have about not telling me what’s bothering you sooner so I can set you straight. But I chose you. I’m stubborn too, and you’re not going to change my mind.”
Closing the distance.
His left hand slipped away and now they were forehead to forehead, staring into each other’s eyes.
“I… I can do better for you…” Jungkook whispered to the darkness.
 “You’re already loads better than the first time. Couple more loads and we’ll reevaluate.”
The darkness sparkled.
The pause that followed, not uncomfortable but substantial.
A fleeting kiss and lingering words.
“You’re mine. And don’t you forget it.”
“Do you need help in there?”
“No. Shut up.”
Did he have to pull up the listing on his phone to figure out the strap situation? Yeah, maybe. Perhaps he shouldn’t wear the harness? Well, he had already gotten it halfway on. Sigh. Okay, zip this up, straighten this out, lace up these hook-and-eyes, turn it around, put the damn frilly ass apron on, and…
Min Yoongi looked at himself in the mirror.
What the fuck am I doing?
He couldn’t walk out like this.
It had been a stupid idea and now the stupid had gone too far. Was all this really worth the bit? Fuck, he couldn’t even look himself in the eye. Yoongi spied the white ruffled headband by the sink and crammed it on. Ack. Pulled it off and readjusted the front of his black hair to frame his face and then rest the headband behind. Should he tie his hair back? He reached up and collected some of his hair back. It didn’t give a “pretty” look. He left it down, pulling more of it forward. Smoothed out the mid-thigh length black skirt. It was made of a thicker material that had more body and swish to it. He hadn’t liked any of the cheap costume options when he searched around, so instead Yoongi had selected clothing pieces that matched and made his own outfit.
Flowy white blouse with a high collar and large black velvet bow.
Fitted black corset over it.
Black skirt with the added touch of a white ruffled apron and sheer black thigh-highs.
And, under it all, a surprise.
He had thought about buying an easy costume. Trashy and slutty and fuckable. He had even looked into the latex options but reading up on the meticulous preparation and the sweaty aftermath (and the smell, ew), uh, nah. Besides, if he other male had done as he asked, with the silver rings and all, Yoongi would have felt silly in a costume. No, he wanted it to be obvious that some thought had been put into this. He had wanted it to be a conscious effort.
Okay, and also Yoongi wanted to look somewhat hot.
He wanted to be able to pick styles that looked good on him, not throw on some poorly-made get-up. Not that he knew if this was a sexy outfit or not. He didn’t mind seeing himself in a more feminine silhouette. Dare he say his slender frame worked in his favor here? Well, anyway, it was more the implications of why he was wearing it. And what he was going to do in it.
Should he have brought makeup? Shit.
You’re stalling.
“Shut up,” Yoongi mumbled under his breath, snatching his cologne from the counter and dousing his neck. Who cared about makeup? He was still a man. He was only wearing different clothes that he usually did. Yoongi was just trying a different look. His boyfriend didn’t want a different person.
Yoongi abruptly spun around and yanked open the bathroom door. His face felt like it was on fire.
“Oh, good, I was beginning to think you fell in the toilet–”
Dead silence.
Damn, the man who sometimes called himself Dionysus looked good. Sitting on the edge of the bed, legs spread open. Dressier than usual, just as Yoongi had asked. Black slacks. Black brocade dress shirt with embroidered white flowers. Pressed, fitted black vest. Long fingers spread out on the bed, each one adorned with sterling silver rings. Black hair swept to the left, longer than usual, brushing against his jaw, exposing his right ear and the thin silver chain connecting one of the helix piercings to the lobe.
Yoongi managed to push his hand away from the doorframe, breathing out slowly.
“Hello… Master.”
The other man was malfunctioning.
“H… Hah?”
Staring at him with a stunned look. Wide eyes and slack jaw included. It actually helped Yoongi stand a little straighter and relax a little bit. At least he wasn’t being laughed at. He frowned and held onto his left elbow with this right hand, unsure what to do now. The pressure of his right forearm over his corseted waist helped ease the nervousness a bit.
He didn’t plan a whole maid roleplay or anything.
The other male sat up attentively. “You didn’t say it was a maid outfit.”
“Well.” Yoongi looked away, feeling his cheeks flush hotter. “It is the most classic S-and-M costume, right?”
“Hmmmm, I’ve never seen this set before. Did you pick the pieces individually and plan the outfit?”
Weird that he noticed so fast. But nice. “Y… Yeah…”
“Oh? How thoughtful.”
Ack, what was this? Yoongi was suddenly hyperaware of the air between his legs and the effect of words. And tone. And… shit. He was doing that thing. He let go of his arm and stuck his hands by his thighs, hiding his balled-up fists in the swish of the skirt. He didn’t notice that the other man was standing right in front of him until it was too late, freezing up as the shadow appeared. Snapping his head up to a familiar smirk on mauve lips, sparkling dark orbs watching his every move with amusement.
“How do you feel?”
Like my ribcage is gonna explode! Just fuck me so I don’t have to say anything!
Racing sparks shot up his spine as an exploring fingertip traced his chin. Yoongi realized he had gotten used to the stripped-down version of his lover. He had gotten used to the t-shirts, the comfy pants, the lack of rings, the messy hair, and the natural sexiness of every move. The other man was mindful of how he held himself, but at home there wasn’t an air of showmanship nor a sharp outfit to hide behind. He didn’t believe in giving it all away at once. After all, this was a man who chose an alias for most of the general public to address him.
Yoongi could tell right away when people were perfectly comfortable in their appearance reflecting who they were inside. He was witnessing it right now. Those fingertips slid down his neck, caressing the velvet bow. Their eyes locked. Darkness to anticipation. Their colognes mixed together at their close proximity. His, citrus, sharp, dark. Melding with green tea, marshmallow, and intoxication.
They called him Dionysus.
But Yoongi called him…
“What did you call me again?”
A half-smile. “You’re taking this pretty seriously, hm?”
Instead of his usual witty response, Yoongi remained calm, aiming to shift the mood into their respective headspaces.
“I always take serving you seriously, Master.”
The playful expression remained, but the air was different now. Hotter. The taller male raised his hands, backing off slightly, looking up and down unashamedly. It was less objectifying than it was a detailed overview.
“You look good in a skirt.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Raised eyebrow.
Yoongi shrugged. “My legs are as nice as any girl group member. Nicer, even.”
A mirthful laugh. Movement. He was unbuttoning the sleeves of his shirt and rolling them back, exposing his wrists and forearms. A heavy silver chain bracelet on his left wrist. “I do like your legs wrapped around me, so maybe you’re onto something.” There was a peek of silver chain around his neck too. That’s right. He had shown Yoongi a necklace he had purchased recently, a heavy sterling silver pendant that could hold a guitar pick, so, naturally.
He had asked for one of Yoongi’s.
“W-What are you doing?”
Small smirk. “Preparing.”
“For what?” he snapped back. Yoongi hadn’t meant his voice to bristle but what how the hell was he supposed to react? He was in a skirt, for fuck’s sake! And an apron! And a damn frilly headband and they were going to–
He froze as a heavily ringed hand gripped his chin.
Insatiable dark, dark eyes.
“For you.”
He couldn’t move as that head tilted, smirk turning into the grin of a devil, and then those lips were on his. Dangerously soft and to the pattern of a pulse, keeping an infuriating distance between them. Yoongi felt himself reach up, but another hand stopped him, tight grip around his wrist, silver rings cutting into his skin and making him gasp. The hand on his chin slipped away, stalking around his shoulder and around his neck, pressing his trapped hand against his chest.
His body tensed.
The leather harness cut into his torso. A breath too tight.
He whimpered into the kiss.
A pause.
Yoongi could feel the taller male staring at him but he didn’t dare open his eyes.
“Something wrong?”
“No,” he muttered immediately.
“No as in yes or no as in I’m not supposed to know yet?” the gentle, stern voice pressed.
Yoongi opened his eyes slowly, not making eye contact but appreciating the shape of those perfect lips instead.
“No as in shut the fuck up and let me do my job.”
He glanced up with a glare.
Playful amusement and deliciously intrigued.
“You know, you’re a really bossy maid.”
Yeah, well, Yoongi couldn’t bring himself do the whole helpless schtick they did in porn movies because that shit would be way too embarrassing, not to mention not his personality at all. Besides, Yoongi knew him well enough. There was no fun in dominating a helpless creature. No satisfaction unless there was resistance.
Also, his boyfriend was obsessed with Jungkook, so he must love fucking a freaking annoying brat.
“And you’re not going anywhere dressed like that,” Yoongi snapped, lifting his hands towards the vest.
Only to get slapped away.
“Oh? Why not?”
Bro, do you wanna fuck or what? He tried not to let his frustration show. “Then where would you be going?” Okay, fine, he would play along. For now.
Casual shrug. “A date.”
Are you serious? His annoyance must have shown, because that relaxed expression became subtly arrogant. “Why would you need to go on a date–” When I’m literally right here! The fuck I put all this on for?!
“Are you implying that I don’t need someone else to touch me?”
Hook, line, sinker.
Yoongi gawked at him, dumbstruck.
The other male raised a finger and toyed with the edge of the velvet bow along his neck. “I can’t say I like the idea either, but masters and maids are supposed to be professional. Lines can’t be crossed. It is better if I leave right now.”
Wait, what the fuck was going on? Where they actually being themselves or roleplaying? How deep were they getting into this? This was a joke, right? There was no way he was just going to up and leave Yoongi in his cute maid outfit with blue balls and go off sucking somebody else’s face. The fuck was that? The anger flared up hot. I’m not your actual maid, you fuckin’ idi–
But before jealousy cloud his vision, a ringed hand covered his mouth.
Swift and with one yank, the velvet ribbon was undone.
“Lines can’t be crossed.”
Why did it feel as if the other man towered over him? He wasn’t so much taller, but there was such an obvious difference between the calm and the fury. A curtain of black hair trapped Yoongi in shadow.
“But there are no rules in this unbreakable heaven, right?” that husky voice whispered, low and dark.
Yoongi couldn’t say anything.
He just nodded, his blood racing in his veins.
Those dark, dark eyes seemed satisfied.
“Hold out your hands, my darling.”
His legs turned to jelly. What? The world was an electric haze. The fuck he just say? His hands raised automatically, gasp tittering in his throat as he felt the velvet wind around his wrists, then pivot perpendicular to tie around itself in the center, knowing exactly that it was the other male doing it with a smile, acting as if he didn’t just create a whole rollercoaster of emotions in less than five minutes.
But Yoongi could do nothing.
Nothing but listen.
“Kneel down for me.”
Obediently, tucking his calves under him, being careful and proper about it. The skirt flared out, covering his legs and feet entirely. Yoongi straightened his back, not wanting to look sloppy. It was impossible to slouch in the corset anyway. He didn’t feel like a different person but there was a strange exhilaration at the wrongness of it all. He settled his bound hands in his lap and looked up.
The other man stood above him, smiling, thumbs in the edge of his slacks.
“I like it.”
His cheeks warmed but Yoongi couldn’t bring himself to say anything because, fuck, he found himself enjoying it too. His fingers curled in the thick fabric of the skirt. Tightness in his core. Desire swirling, radiating. He didn’t break eye contact.
“You don’t like the idea of someone else touching me?” the other male asked again.
Yoongi frowned. “Why would you want that anyway?” he countered sharply. “They wouldn’t be able to satisfy you.”
That piercing gaze narrowed. A heavy hand on his head, tilting it back.
It made his entire body shiver with delight.
“They could learn.”
“He doesn’t count.”
Raised eyebrow.
Now who the fuck are you referring to, Min Yoongi? But he told his brain to shut up, shut up.
“Jungkook wouldn’t do this for you,” he breathed out, shuddering with need.
A penetrating gaze. “It’s not a competition, Yoongi.”
Yeah, it wasn’t.
“Different people are capable of different things.”
Oh, he knew. He could see it. He did see it. And he definitely didn’t mean for it to come out that way, because he didn’t hate watching their entangled bodies. The roughness. His breathing grew rapid and shallow. There was something wrong with him, surely. It wasn’t a competition but Yoongi did love the intense competitive surge he felt whenever he witnessed them together. It made him want to do more.
Be more.
Be his.
“Look at me.”
He didn’t want to look anywhere else.
“L... Let me serve you, Master.”
So calm it was beautiful. The hand on his head left, sending a tingle trickling down his spine as he adjusted the headband to complete the image. Appreciating it. He nodded. Reached down, silver rings flashing in the light, unbuttoning his slacks. It was only then that Yoongi noticed the subtle tent.
Two fingers beckoning him forward.
“Unzip me.”
Under the skirt, Yoongi squeezed his thighs together. Bit his lip and raised his tied hands. He had done this action enough times but this time felt different. Like he had to be better. More subservient. Maybe it was all in his head. He gripped the thin zipper pull, tugging it away from the body to avoid catching onto anything. The prickling of his skin intensified as he realized the other man wasn’t wearing underwear.
He darted his gaze up.
The devil’s smirk shrugged nonchalantly. “Why bother when we were clearly going to get naked anyway?”
Yoongi narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything. Besides, there was an important task in front of him. He ran his fingers over the swelling length, the familiar velvety skin under his fingertips. Fuck, he had such a pretty cock. Due to his hands being bound together, he ended up bracing his palms along the underside and wrapping his fingers around the girth, inhaling sharply as he felt it twitch in his hands.
His own cock was mirroring, but Yoongi couldn’t touch it.
Yoongi looked up again.
His Master was disturbingly collected at being caressed like this. He kept his hands behind his back, not interfering. A regal stance. Must have also collected the hem of his dress shirt as well to hold it up and out of the way.
“Ah uh, no hands. That’s cheating. Back on your knees they go.”
He lingered a moment before obeying. Dancing along the fine line of punishment. Breathe in. Breathe out. The base of his palms touched his knees. It wasn’t that different from their normal sex, but the tension… It was impossible to explain. As if the possibilities that had suddenly expanded became a feeling, a thrill unmatched due to the lack of fear.
Yoongi opened his mouth.
Tongue sliding out.
The strong taste made him moan, closing his lips around the hard length.
This? This he was good at. This was familiar hardness against his tongue, pushing it up to the roof of his mouth, sliding down deep to take it all. Slow, especially against the head, curling lips around it and rubbing slickness to velvet before choking himself again on the thick tip. Fuck, he could die like this. It was wrong on so many levels, the whole scene, and yet it was so right, opening his eyes to see himself being admired from above, the top few buttons of the brocade shirt undone to reveal those prominent collarbones and sterling silver guitar pick necklace. Heavy, weighted.
Always keeping a piece of me with him.
Those mauve lips curved upwards.
“Your mouth is the fucking best, Yoongi.”
One of those ringed hands lowered and skimmed across, following the top of those thighs that the slacks were still trapped around. There was something additionally arousing about still being in their clothes. Their roles still maintained. Yoongi felt something press against his lower lip.
He tipped his head back and flicked his tongue over the other man’s balls, stimulating them each time he went down, heart beating fast as he saw the tension ripple out. It was a real effort to loosen enough to sweep his tongue out and then back to tightness around the head, but a challenge was a turn-on and Yoongi was no quitter, rising a bit on his knees to take in that cock deeper. Paid close attention to his throat muscles and his lip movement, keeping the pressure consistent and forceful, not giving up.
How could he?
Ugh, he was addicted to those low, soft moans. Addicted to the subtle twitch against his tongue, addicted to the hardness and the way that girth stretched out his throat, shivering, feeling pre-cum drip down his own thighs, but he couldn’t touch himself, no, not unless instructed. No hands. He slowed down a bit, wanting to make it last longer, tucking his tongue around each of those balls pressed against his lower lip and chin, strings of saliva dripping down his chin. Didn’t care. Yoongi knew the other man liked it. The cock in his mouth was so damn hard that his jaw ached. He kind of wanted it in his ass right now, but Yoongi was confident that he could get his Master hard again.
After all, his mouth was the best.
The man of excess would know.
He looked up again, intensifying the pace.
He watched those broad shoulders shudder, open-mouthed smirk watching him.
“Fuck, I love your eyes.”
Yoongi could say the same thing, but his mouth was currently full of dick.
He stopped teasing the balls and completely focused on the shaft. Molding it against tongue and lips, wet friction, slick and firm. No hands, so of course he had to be extra careful to use the force of his torso rather than his neck that needed to stay relaxed so he could swallow it all as deep as possible. Closing his eyes, basking in the attention, becoming the pleasure he wanted to give – tight, wet, deep – fast enough to not be ignored but steady enough to build up that inevitable orgasm, close, desperate for the taste, his fingers twisting into the hem of his skirt, whimpering in the back of his throat, craving it, the leather body harness under his clothes digging in to his rapidly rising and falling chest.
So close.
“Don’t choke, my darling,” that husky voice murmured above him.
Then he felt the sudden grasp of his head and the force of hips pushing down his throat. He sure as hell wasn’t going to choke at the rapidly expanding pocket of cum jammed down his throat but, um, hello, did Yoongi just hear that correctly? He was so startled that he griped the bottom of the pants, shivering as he swallowed, gripping tightly. Fire raced over his skin. His nerves singed, alight. Again with the ‘my darling’?! He was delusional. He was hearing shit he wanted to hear. Yeah, that was the only explanation. He kept his mouth closed, swallowing again, shuddering as he felt those hips roll, pushing in and out, remaining hard against his tongue.
Using him.
Yes, this was the safe space, being used.
“Stand up for me.”
Oh, shit.
He stumbled a little, wincing at the pins and needles, but strong hands helped him up. Pulled him closer. Yoongi looked away, busying himself with wiping his chin and straightening his outfit. His headband was somewhere on the floor. Welp. It was the cheapest part of the outfit. He let himself be dragged towards the bed, not saying anything. What was he supposed to say, anyway? Ah he was overthinking this, but how could he not? Was he supposed to act like a girl? A maid? Himself as a maid? Uh.
“H-Hey, what are you doing–?”
“Stand still.”
Yoongi suddenly found his legs sandwiched between two very strong thighs as his Master untied the velvet knot. Oh. He kept his silence as the knot was carefully deconstructed and undone, not making a sound at it was tossed aside. He liked watching those hands work. They were meticulous, treating him with care.
Then, those hands disappeared.
Yoongi raised his head.
Then froze as dark, dark eyes captured him along with ringed fingers closing in around his thighs.
The sharp tone interrupted him.
“My title?”
Up his skirt. Fingertips traced the tops of the sheer, thigh-high stockings. Flicking the elastic, almost making him flinch as it snapped back into place. His hands had involuntarily found their way to those shoulders, gripping them for balance. He didn’t really want to say it so close. The other male waited patiently, squeezing the backs of his thighs but not going higher or more towards the center.
Yoongi swallowed.
The butterflies in his ribcage threatened to explode.
“Yes… Master?”
A devil’s smile.
“You know why I like skirts, Yoongi?”
“… No?”
They were sitting on the edge of the bed, until they weren’t. The other man scooted back a little and then Yoongi nearly yelped when he was grabbed by his bare ass and lifted. Thankfully, he was able to compose himself and not yell, even when the other male forced his knees in between Yoongi’s and made him straddle his lap. Yoongi’s knees now on the bed and he was fully clutching onto the taller male’s shoulders to avoid toppling over.
“Wait, I’m nak–”
“I can touch everything and you still look pretty,” his Master laughed, tickling warm breath against Yoongi’s neck. “Oh, looks like you had the same idea I did. Great minds think alike.”
This ass! “You can’t just violate–”
Yoongi stopped dead mid-sentence.
Those dark, dark eyes sparkled.
“I can’t what?”
But Yoongi couldn’t say anything because he already did.
He simply froze as those hands kneaded him, ring bands indenting his skin, gasping softly as he felt fingertips brush up against the straps along his legs. The bottom of the chest harness connected to straps around the tops of his thighs so it didn’t ride up. Well, it did, but only in the most delicious of ways. There was another strap around his waist and ones decorating around his chest and back, but for right now the leather below was all that was revealed. The issue was that Yoongi hadn’t really figured out if he was meant to wear underwear or not, because he didn’t want to have to take off the harness during sex and he didn’t want to wear boxer briefs over it. That would be fucking weird.
So, he just figured to go commando.
Of course, that also meant his cock had leaked pre-cum all over his inner thighs and the butt plug in his ass was now being played with since it was easily discovered.
“Ah… d-don’t…”
His Master clicked his tongue, disapproving and sensual all at once. He was tugging and pushing the flared base of the metal but plug in and out, creating a slow, maddening pace. Yoongi had picked a medium-sized one. Didn’t know how long he was going to have it in, but wanted to be prepared and all that.
“I do what I want with you, Yoongi. I am your Master, and you are my plaything.”
Fuck, he was so damn cocky but the pleasure was immense, breaking him down. Yoongi hadn’t even realized how the need to be touched had heightened and now the sudden devoted attention was making his jaw clench and his eyelids flutter, a gasping moan escaping him as warm fingers closed around his neglected cock, immediately becoming stiffer at the coaxing strokes.
“I… o-oh, fuck…”
Somehow his arms had slid around to the other man’s back and his head dipped down, forehead against shoulder, his hands splaying over the vest. The corset prevented him from bending over any further, but he couldn’t really see anything due to the skirt anyway. Probably for the best, because if Yoongi saw that hand covered in those rings, he would want to cover them with his cum immediately.
“Our clothes… f-fuck… You’re going to ruin our clothes,” he mumbled, biting back a moan as his cock was choked and the butt plug was fully shoved into his ass with deliberate force.
“You mean you’re going to ruin our clothes.”
Yoongi bit his lower lip and hissed behind his teeth, locking his arms around the other man and trying very hard not to orgasm as the persistent strokes started up again. There was no logic in holding himself back other than his own stubbornness and, of course, prompting his Master to edge him, which he did so happily. Too happily, first driving him so close that Yoongi buried his lips into the other man’s neck and almost screamed, only to be cut off with a firm squeeze to the head, causing his whole body to spasm with need, and then building the second orgasm by dropping his cock completely to toy with the butt plug instead. Holding his ass open with one hand, rings leaving indecent indents, and using his right hand to pull out the plug completely, circling the exposed, shivering hole with the tip, and then shoving it back in, creating a mortifying wet sucking sound that was a combination of lube and his tight ass.
Yoongi was determined not to embarrass himself with begging.
He deserved a reward for merely mewling for release, feeling his cock bob and smack his inner thighs, so close but not close enough.
“What’s that?”
Fuck, don’t make me say it.
Yoongi whimpered under his breath.
“P… Please…”
The response was sweet venom.
“Please what?”
He should have known. This sadist. Yoongi had half a mind to use his real name but he resisted and remained a good little maid.
“Please fuck me, Master.”
It was worth it.
He still had to be patient, of course. Honestly, Yoongi was beginning to enjoy being dragged along a little, held close by the waist as he was placed firmly on top of the other man on the bed. The apron was tossed aside. He held onto the other male’s shoulders as the hook-and-eyes were undone, not quite looking him in the face. Probably had something to do with how hot his cheeks felt right now. The corset was tugged out of the skirt. His blouse fell out with it, covering them in a curtain of white chiffon.
They undressed each other.
Usually, it was faster and with voracious greed. But this time, it was button by button. Dismantling his vest, chancing a moment to raise his gaze and see himself being observed. Not in a discerning way. No, more in a…
Dare he believe it?
Adored way.
I am so fucked.
“I enjoyed the packaging, but you look better naked, Yoongi.”
“… Shut up.”
He leaned down as the zipper of his skirt was undone, pressing his lips to exposed skin. He felt a racing heartbeat under his kiss, heard the soft sigh of contentment above him. There was only a single stray button holding the blouse together, but Yoongi didn’t let the other man access it, instead skimming his lips down that torso, inhaling the scent of cologne and warm skin. He took the skirt with him, untangling it from his legs and pushing it down the bottom edge of the bed. The stockings were loose too, so he got rid of them as well, tugging down the slacks in his descent. The other man got the hint and helped him out, shedding the rest of their lower clothes.
He closed his mouth around his Master’s cock.
“Yoongi… ah…”
He was soft but only for a moment. It was the perfect opportunity to loop his tongue around those balls as he worked that length to its hardest, running his tongue along the underside of the head, popping his lips softly at the ridge, kneading those thighs under his hands. Blowjobs on the bed were a different story. He had the most control here and the help of gravity, pushing all the way down into his throat until he couldn’t breathe and then, again, moaning as fingers tangled into his hair and locked his head in place, those hips rising into his mouth instead, fucking his throat slow and hard.
“That’s enough. Come up here and show me what’s hiding under your shirt.”
Heat rushed into his face. Shit. He tried to resist. Kept his lips locked around that hard cock, but a sharp pull of his hair sent a flare of pain that could not be ignored and he winced, gasping and clawing up the bed as he was decisively dragged up by his head. Saliva dripped down his chin, his mouth open, panting hard as he rose by force, his palms struggling to find footing in the sheets, meeting a cocked eyebrow and impassive expression.
Yoongi was above, but he felt below this dominant energy.
Fingertips touched his stomach.
The inhale caught in his throat.
Those dark, dark eyes did not look away.
No words exchanged. The touch traveled up. Up. Stopping at the leather straps, snapping each one against Yoongi’s skin. He whimpered, still held by his hair, shuddering. He could feel the onyx stones of some of those sterling silver rings. His blouse still held a single button, but it was rising with the forearm sliding up under it. And then.
The buttonhole was a little too big for the small mother-of-pearl button.
The shirt popped open.
For a moment, the darkness remained locked in gaze.
And then the man who called himself Dionysus at times looked down.
Yoongi shut his eyes, feeling the heat of embarrassment creep down his neck. It wasn’t so much the leather harness itself but rather the obviousness of how fucking down bad he was. Fuck, I need to get a grip– but any more thoughts were gone in a snap, his eyes shooting open at the sharp pain, his shoulders flexing to tighten the tension of the leather. Looking down, watching and feeling a thumb rub into his hard nipple, and then, snap! Gasping as the strap smacked back against his skin, excitement pooling down his stomach as another long finger pulled back on another strap, taking it as far as it would go, and moaning as it hit him in the recoil of being let go.
His back was arched so the straps along the front were all taut. His damn ass in the air and all. Fuck. The white blouse had slipped down his shoulders, his torso jerking at the inflicted pain, his hair falling into his face, sweat breaking out along his forehead, his inner muscles clenching around the butt plug.
Fuck it.
Yoongi couldn’t wait any longer.
He reached past the other male and grabbed the towel on the nightstand. Didn’t bother to ask. Threw aside his shirt and reached back, jaw tightening as he gripped the base of the anal plug. It was a little slippery from the lube but, as he always prepared beforehand, it was clean. He was almost lightheaded with hunger as he pulled it out, whimpering at the loss, rolling it into the towel and placing the bundle back onto the nightstand.
Leaving the black leather body harness on.
Naturally, Yoongi wanted to be fucked in it.
“Aw, I wanted to bend you over and make you lift your skirt to show me.”
“Next time,” Yoongi growled back, twitching at the thought. “What position?”
The devil’s smile returned.
“How else? Ride me.”
Yoongi felt the color drain from his face. This sadist really wants to hammer it home, huh. “F… Fine.”
He was already in position. There wasn’t far to move. He just had to position his hips and lift his hard cock to look down and see the other man gripping his girth with his right hand, slowly stroking himself, white pre-cum beading against the dark purple head.
The silver rings gleamed under him.
“Want a condom?”
He shook his head. “I prepped. Don’t worry.”
“I’m not. Asking for your comfort.”
Yoongi glanced up.
Fuck, he was so damn hot. The guitar pick necklace was bunched up, the pendant stuck in between his collarbones. Shirt and vest still clinging around his upper arms. Didn’t seem bothered by it. Yoongi swallowed, lowering himself.
“Not too slow,” that throaty voice hummed. “You’re ready for me, aren’t you?”
Normally Yoongi would tell him to go fuck himself but presently he was too horny and too subservient to care, which was precisely why he held open his own ass, relaxed, and sank down. The other male held himself steady, exhaling deeply as he slid in. Still bigger than a plug, fuck, and Yoongi snapped his head back, gasping at the fullness, letting go of his own cock and gripping his thighs, trying to get used to the size. He figured he had enough experience with anal by now but, fuck, he was so damn hard and thick.
He was given a moment to adjust.
Then Yoongi felt a hand close around his leaking cock.
This sadist had the audacity to raise his free left hand and press his index finger to his full lips.
“Less talking. More moving.”
Yoongi felt the stiff length twitch inside him and he groaned, rocking his hips into it. Their clothes on the floor. The skirt. The stockings. The apron. The blouse. The pleasure mounting with him, filling himself again and again, using gravity and lust to his advantage, tightening his core to make the pleasure radiate. Gripping the sheets next to his calves, feeling the leather straps cut into his chest, his nipples getting hard at the pain, watching himself get jacked off with that hand covered in silver rings, inescapable ecstasy radiating up his spine.
“I… I’m going to… cum all over your stomach…” Yoongi gasped, whining as he hit his favorite spot, fuck, so deep and so full, relishing in being used like a plaything for pleasure while being pushed to his own limit.
His boyfriend grinned like the devil.
“Mhm, that’s the goal.”
It was an obscene scene.
In retrospect, Yoongi couldn’t outline all the details of it. He was too far gone, too turned on and too many sensations deep to remember how long it lasted. Tipping his head back, thrusting that cock deep into his ass, moaning as he felt the strap at his waist being caught, pulled, digging the straps into his back instead of his chest, feeling the tightness around his upper thighs, violent pleasure building between his spread-open legs, his cock throbbing in a punishing grip, closer, gasping.
He tucked his chin down in dismay, groaning while he watched his hips flinch and felt his cock pulse, dripping out a stream of white across the other man’s lower belly. The hand stopped but his climax didn’t, searing him with blinding pleasure as more cum shot out and smeared everywhere, staining the air with the scent of semen. Yoongi gasped, reeling, and then whined. Two hands clasped around his hips and the other male thrust up into him, hard, again, again, sending Yoongi’s eyes rolling back at the roughness, pitching forward and catching himself with his palms, losing himself to the fucking from below, trying to assist, but the orgasm was too fresh and his body was still limp, forcing him to merely hold on and take it, again, again, deep, hard, used like a plaything.
My darling.
Yoongi moaned as he felt the jerking cock spill into him, pumping him full of cum.
The forbidden name escaped his lips, pleading.
Yoongi could never explain how the other male had the strength. Maybe it was some kind of freakish adrenaline. One moment he was on top, still disoriented from the brutality, the next, he was on his back, his own cum sticking to his lower stomach and crotch, arms and hands around his back and ass to hold him in place when he was lifted. The fuck? And the cock was still inside his ass by some miracle.
His Master was still hard.
Yoongi gasped, feeling the cum inside him squish as the other male clenched his jaw and slid back in, slow and deliberate. Pleasuring himself. Instinctively, Yoongi pressed his thighs to the other male’s sides, surprised to feel the brocade shirt was somehow still on. In fact, there was sweat sliding down that chest, which almost never happened. He was usually never hot.
Well, also, Yoongi couldn’t remember the last time he had been creampied and continuously fucked.
He wasn’t complaining though.
He couldn’t say anything at all, desperately panting, the pleasure too much to worry about silly things like breathing, grabbing onto the shirt collar and thrusting up to meet those hips. Both of them moaned in unison, cum sticking between them, lost in lust, forgetting responsibilities and fucking instead, so close, so full, the squishing, slapping sound getting louder and louder.
A low growl.
“I’m gonna cum, Yoongi.”
His words jumbled together and barely made any sense.
“Fuck, yes, in me, fuck, cum in me.”
The hips smacked together.
The rising lust burst, pumping him full of cum again, his eyes cracking open to witness. Lashes lowered, mauve lips parted, the tip of pink tongue over white teeth, carnal satisfaction melting over his features. Weighted exhale drifting out. Warmth spreading over Yoongi’s arms.
Yoongi gripped onto the shirt collar, staring up at him.
There’s no one else for me.
Those dark, dark orbs shifted and looked down at him.
“Happy?” the husky voice panted, smirking slightly.
He had a witty response prepared but he promptly forgot it. “Yeah. That was some of the best sex I’ve ever had.”
The smirk widened, pleased. “You’ve said that before.”
“It’s true every time. You get better.”
A wink. “Helps when you’ve got a tight virgin ass.”
Yoongi felt his eyebrow twitch. He regretted being honest. “Shut up. Get off me.”
“Um, you seem to forget I pumped your ass full of cum.”
“Sounds like your problem.”
“This is our home, remember, which makes it our problem.”
Yes, it was, but Min Yoongi took a leaf out of Jeon Jungkook’s book and remained a brat. His boyfriend liked that shit, as evidenced by the bickering, and the later not-so-punishing punishment of being bent over in the shower to get his ass fucked again because he was being freaking annoying. Ah, love.
Yoongi didn’t just think that. Nope.
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gaybaby2424 · 5 months
I wish Daddy would hypnotize and forcefully thickly diaper my ass in 5 of the thickest diapers ever invented the diaper regression hypnosis worked so well that I started babbling and making baby noises in less than 2 hours while I was getting hypnotized daddy began to think of what else to do to me then have daddy put a shit ton of glycerin up my ass, along with an huge enema after that I want daddy to give me some pills he ordered from the dark web and give them to me daddy would say I’m giving you these to make you lose your bladder and bowel control and this pill makes it to where you can not physically move except for your head and the last pill to permanently take all my big boy hair except my head and have me so smooth after daddy told me that I started balling like a big baby then I want daddy make then daddy tells me he’s got a very tiny surprise for me he left then came back and said this is called a permalocker baby boy your little pathetic baby dick is gonna be locked up forever what happens is when I latch this and clicks it will never come off and there is no key or key hole 5 bottles and have daddy feed me 2 of the bottles of baby formula and save the rest for our outing then I want Daddy to dress me up and make sure I have the most perfect sissy faggot clothes but no pants and I want to be put into a adult baby stroller and I want daddy to tie me down in the stroller with rope and make sure my legs are wide open so everyone can see and most likely smell the pathetic diaper bitch shitting his diapers like a baby I want daddy to bring his 2 best friends who are both gay and they both love getting boys diapered and make them use it and have kinky fun and they thinks I’m the sexiest fag diapered boy ever and want to rent me out for 1 whole week doing humiliating things to me all the while I’m heavily diapered I want daddy to put a thick locking paci on me and then have him take me out in the most busies parts of town and walk up and down the sidewalk super busy sidewalks while i keep whimpering cause my tummy hurt because they put a catheter and a butt plug in me and made sure I can’t go pee or poo for a while they get more things ready for the baby and from everything they gave me to make poopies and all three of the men keep saying so loudly that awww is the poor dumb baby gonna make huge poopies for your daddies and how they love how I look just like a dumb baby boy they told me that they reprogrammed my brain to make it where there is no big boy thoughts just a dumb baby who wants to please there daddies but right when the baby was cramping he accidentally had a big boy thought and got the daddies attention and told them no he doesn’t want this and they are trying to keep him quiet so they can try and use some more hypnosis on him even though he can never run away cause he is unable to use any of his limbs cause of the pills after the daddies finished with my big boy problem now that I’m a baby again me and my 3 daddies continued down the busy streets and showing everyone there new baby and soon we were down in the middle of the mall eating where everybody can see they picked me up and warmed up all 3 bottles for me and I started drinking them as a fast as I can as daddy said now is baby gonna be a good boy and finish all 3 bottles as soon as I was done they burped me and put me back in the stroller next to all three of my daddies where I sat for like 20 minutes waiting for them to finish eating and talking as soon as they were done they went into the public bathroom and took my catheter and butt plug out and told me to hold it as long as I can or else I’m gonna have so many punishments so I nodded my head they redid my diapers and started leaving the mall and right in front of the mall daddy said where should we go now I want it to be somewhere where it is way too busy so they though and said how about the KINKY PLACE it’s a bar where everybody can go in and play and be so kinky anyway they are always busy and inside is so huge.
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
hell yeah baby backstory time
it is time for the boston tea party caper!!
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notes under the cut assss always
this episode is a bit of a mix-up for me. i like it but not my favorite all things considered. i'm still excited though- some of the moments in this episode are GOLD
JHSGHSD "hey red hows san diego" "not great" "im not talking about you girl"
"i thought he lived in the cloud"
player looks so unamused pls
shadowsan is the best character here he's so funny
if they vowed to use their "superpowers" for good and ivy hotwired that car later on i guess maybe they used to steal cars and then decided to go straight maybe
ivy is so cool
OH hey also by the way their younger designs. SO GOOD carmen should have gotten a dorky in between phase we were robbbbed
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not trey and his butt chin
i like how the screen glitches when its paused on trey. new headcanon this is a powerpoint presentation they threw together right then and there
you dare knock LYDIA
"i got this" zack says with the confidence of a man who just ate taco bell learning they won't see another restroom for eight more hours on the road trip
the talking through the race kills me every time 😭you can't hear each other
man this racetrack has an overhead drone keeping exact pace with the leading car
zack had a chase devineaux phase too once
carmen sandiego: oh no no we're rated for seven year olds!! the boston tea party caper: the mafia boss who lent us money threatened to put a hit out on us if we didn't commit a robbery for him on a suspicious front for a money laundering operation for the mob
the main reason i dislike this episode and need for speed is because zack doesnt ever get to learn. he was impulsive and it was bad in duke of vermeer, he was impulsive and it was bad in boston tea (okay fine, it shows us his younger self! fine with that) BUT THEN HE IS IMPULSIVE AND ITS BAD AGAIN NEXT TIME. FOR THE SAME REASONS whyyy wouldn't they take duke of vermeer as an opportunity to show his growth instead of making him out to be some angry no control childish idiot who sacrifices untold amounts for a little payback. and drags ivy down with him EVERY TIME
there's something so cool and sinister about ivy smiling, reassuring him, and then slowly pulling down the ski mask to hide any emotion. ivy and zack seem like they could have been prime targets for VILE recruitment- they could have gone down a much darker path
shadowsan was so invested
carmen's puberty crammed in those few months between the boat and the boston holy shit
player accidently saved zack and ivy's asses by turning off those cameras jgjsgkd
the second perspective of zack crashing into the wall kills me every time pls
here goes carmen with "its for your own safety" who taught her that phrase
i love how z and i immediately think that this person couldnt possibly be...i dont know. an employee or a manager or someone who works at the donut place. she's gotta be another thief. i mean they are right but like why
the giant ass green vault behind the fridge door 😭
wait didn't they arrive in a truck parked on the other side of the building
carmen ALSO had a chase devineaux phase
???? isnt that truck she just stole the one they got there in???
i mean carmen. girl. you kicked them out of their own robbery and then stole their car did you expect them not to follow you
carmen's devineaux side coming out <3 also completely shameless carmen cant drive comic plug
there are so many car accidents literally everyone could have died in for these two (this and need for speed) episodes. credits roll as the paramedics show up to carmen who just CRASHED HER CAR INTO A FUCKING HOLE HEAD FIRST
they had to make sure to show us that carmen was literally the worst driver possible to justify zack being there
i love zack immediately getting super friendly with the random woman who just stole their car, crashed it, and then stole it again with them inside
carmen: haha suave quip zack and ivy, the two most neurodivergent bitches on the planet: IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR
also carmen looks hilariously uncomfortable wedged behind this shipping crate. she's experiencing her first infodump
the loaning money joke is actually very funny
i kind of like how awkward carmen still is in some areas. she still talks like a VILE operative- she reports her every move to player, she simply responds with "understood." because thats the only way she knows how to relate
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ivy: oh no camera: zooms out to show the most outraged face the animators could draw
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screenshots of all time
can you imagine your weirdgirl little 16 year old classmate dips and you see her a few months later and she's turned into this trenchcoat wearing 5'7" long haired adult woman whose only goal is to make your life a thousand times harder
not quite sure how this episode said "oh yeah. her classmates who knew her as a kid constantly call her by the wrong name and disrespect her despite constant corrections. and also her mother figure, seeing the new her, disowns her with the proclamation that this new person killed her child when she took this new name and betrayed her" and made it not transgender
le chevre was so cool about everything for like three minutes
HEY okay my favorite detail of the show is that when carmen runs in this episode she gets way out of breath because she isn't in shape yet i LOVE that detail
i have never heard more emotion from gina than when she went "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME"
el topo is also cool about things for like three minutes
zack and ivy bounce constantly between dumb orange cat energy and golden retriever who would jump into the ocean for a guy who petted them once energy
legend has it carmen still manages to throw el topo and le chevre in the water every time they are within a mile of it
i love le chevre backing up and running away from her because he's like oh shit. wasn't she like the best in our class?? is she going to kill me or something?? why did she leave VILE what the fuck im booking it nah
its never brought up ever again that ivy's "shirt" is actually a blue undershirt and a black vest and that is criminal we needed a gay vest. something
the slomo kick is so hot
those plates must have hurt so fucking bad
okay well. you DO commit crimes
"the police have no idea they exist" okay. TELL THEM
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"got any room for us on your next job?" "you know what? sure! come along and help me take down this global criminal organization. uhhh what are your names again btw?"
yall i dont think eddie is going to want to see you for the money
A FLYING CAR he said yeah zack that was smart
i love how offended by literally everything the bostonians do shadowsan is
that hq wont be so wasted when you die of hypothermia! good luck carmen
alrighty, thats the beantown caper all done! only two more to catch up on before I'm on time again for my favorite episode this saturday >:)
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mourntheantagonist · 2 years
*Slides a bunch of pennies over*
How about them bottom/sub Billy headcanons?👀
oh anon, no pennies needed! I will talk all about this for absolutely no charge!
bottom billy headcanons
— the first time billy has sex with a guy. he tops. mostly because that’s just what people assume about him, so when the guy making eyes at him across the bar pulls him into the alley, there isn’t much conversation before the other guy is fingering himself open. It’s fine. It’s good even. but he wants to be in the other position. he wants to feel what that guy felt that made his eyes roll back like that.
— his first time bottoming is not good. bad. actually. it’s another random guy at another random bar. It hurts. the guy is not only rough, but he’s mean. and not in like, a sexy way. In a way that makes billy disassociate for the majority of the experience, the only reminder being the pain all over his body, and the horrible feeling of being left alone, pants around his ankles, having to walk home despite it hurting so bad. he doesn’t bottom again for a long time.
— there’s eventually someone he likes, not just some random hookup at the bar. It’s a regular. someone he knows the name of and has been talking to for weeks at this point. and like every encounter he has in those places, it always ends in sex. it’s the first time he bottoms since his first ever time, and he’s afraid. but it ends up not being anything like the other time. this guy is slow, and preps him good, and doesn’t call him a whole and a slut while making him bleed, and he doesn’t just leave him immediately after he comes. he makes sure billy feels good, and billy, oh so dumb, falls for the guy. but, it turns out he was just some random hookup. a hit it and quit it. because they never talk again.
— tldr on those last three; billy has bad and painful sexual experiences before coming to hawkins, and is this, very weary of bottoming, but also, just not excited by topping.
— him and steve don’t progress to full on sex for a while. it’s all just blow jobs and hand jobs and an embarrassing amount of frottage leading to cum stained pants. steve is the first to ask for it, telling billy he wants to fuck him, and they’d never talked positions before, and billy just guessed that was it, and he felt immediately scared again.
— billy turns him down. tells steve he doesn’t want it that way, and that he’d rather steve bottom, and billy’s surprised when steve readily accepts it. (though, steve’s not really excited for it, moreso excited to pleasure billy, not so much for himself).
— and it’s just okay. and billy is sad because he thought for sure the first time he’d have sex with steve like that there would be fireworks. and it was definitely better than all those times before because it was steve. but. he couldn’t help himself but long for more.
— one day, things are getting hot and heavy, and they’ve been doing it the other way this whole time, but, billy feels like he’s going to explode and there’s just this, urge, not just for the feeling of bottoming, but for the trust that it requires. it’s the main reason he’s been so afraid to do it again. because he needs that trust there. and he trusts steve. and the idea of trusting someone makes him so so horny.
— billy almost exclusively bottoms with steve after that.
— tldr; billy is a slut for trusting people.
— billy cries during sex. I just thought I’d put that out there. that’s not a headcanon tho that’s a fact.
— billy likes it when steve fucks him against any vertical surface. (shower wall, locker room lockers, etc.)
— he hates not seeing steve’s face when they fuck. he has to see steve’s face.
— steve can and will make billy come untouched.
— billy likes anal beads and butt plugs as well. it’s true he told me.
okay okay I think that’s enough of those.
but wait. there’s more.
sub billy headcanons
— billy. wants. to. be. d o m i n a t e d.
— billy is a bratty sub. write that shit down.
— everyone would assume that billy craves control, but there’s something about getting to willingly give up control to someone that is both therapeutic and very sexy to billy. and as said previously, billy is an absolute slut for trusting people.
— I think billy is nervous about broaching the subject with steve, some parts of him are embarrassed for wanting it, some parts are afraid of steve’s reaction. his biggest fear is steve saying no.
— but. when everything is talked about. well. billy has the time of his life.
— he likes bondage. he likes being tied down and having the use of any of his limbs taken from him. he likes letting steve have his way with him.
— he likes it rough. despite past sexual encounters, he likes to feel pain when it’s steve inflicting it, and when he knows the pain is not coming from a source of hatred. he likes being spanked and held down and he likes his hair being pulled and he likes steve being a little forceful with things.
— he likes being told what to do. he likes pushing back against being told what to do (he’s a brat after all) and he likes it when steve punishes him.
— he has a daddy kink.
— he also has a praise kink. he definitely has a praise kink are you kidding? he needs constant validation and steve calling him a good boy?? ah!
— I already said this but it deserves the repitition. billy cries during sex. he does he does he does.
— billy likes when steve leaves marks. he likes the bruises. (he likes that they blend in with others, and that he can no longer tell who created the mark. he likes that he can just assume steve did.)
— the best part for billy is definitely the aftercare. when steve cuddles him and tells him how good he was for him and brushes his fingers through his hair and scratches his back and peppers soft kisses all over his body. yeah. that hits the spot right there.
— he likes when steve face fucks him. cock is his best friend after all.
— billy likes to be choked. he likes steve on top of him with his hand around his throat, looking deep into his eyes, watching him closely and making sure he’s okay, he likes steve having that kind of control over him. (somehow, giving up control, just makes him feel like he’s more in control).
— steve loves to edge billy until he’s squirming and begging, and billy loves to beg, and loves to be told no.
this is so much. but you asked!! anyway. this feels less like headcanons and more like me just outlining a fic but it’s all true and it needs to be said. bottom!billy rights. sub!billy rights.
also. fic recs with this shit present is very very welcome. I’m hungry
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
A New Level of Vacations
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Heather Dunbar x Bryan Kneef x reader Yes, 'we've gone into the world of crossovers and I've placed my two kinkiest characters into one fic to round out @thatesqcrush 's kinktober. I don't know what possessed me to do this (yes, yes I do, it was @witches-unruly-heart asking for Barba/Heather/Reader and I went...but what about Bryan?) and this was born. I will likely be writing more for these three in the future because...how could I not?! (also open to suggestions on to who the fourth could be that they invite in?) Covers the breeding/creampie square. Also lil fun fact, this is the longest one shot I have written, and is even longer than the Off Limits SERIES!!! like... WHAT? it took me a MONTH to write and that was not because of writers block. Read the warnings, and enjoy besties! Warnings:Language, smut, dirty talk, derogatory talk/name calling, threesome (M/F/F), daddy kink, mommy kink, breeding kink/creampie, cum kink/play, choking/minor breath play, strap on, oral (male and female receiving), face fucking, spit, a tiny hint of face slapping but it’s not hard, it’s rather rough sex at points y’all, butt plugs, anal, spanking, squirting, snowballing, double penetration, overstimulation, some minor crying thanks to pleasure, bondage/tying up/spreader bar used, face sitting, and some praise kink.
A week away always meant a week of lavish hotel suites, private infinity pools right off the master bedroom, lush pillows and beds that were nothing smaller than a California king. They also meant the highest of shelf liquors, whether poured in your suite or down at any of the three bars, and the most luxurious of meals, delicacies you wouldn’t get to taste anywhere else in the world. They meant that you’d get to showcase your favourite dresses, revealing just enough skin to drive everyone crazy, though only your partners would know just how seductive the lingerie set underneath was. And that was because they were the ones who bought it for you, whether online, sending you with a credit card to the store demanding pictures before you bought, or taking the time to make you a whimpering mess in the change room before letting you purchase. On the rare occasion you would surprise them with something you’d bought without them knowing, and those were the nights you got absolutely ravished, both of them pulling as many orgasms from you as they deemed possible before coming themselves, constantly praising you for just how fucking beautiful you were, reminding you much they loved you.
The smaller trips away, ones that only one of them were needed for you would only stay for a day or two, not wanting to leave out whoever was stuck at home. There was usually a lot of facetiming, phone calls filled with your moans, audio messages of you begging to be fucked for the other to hear and masturbate to while the one you were with teased you endlessly. But this time, this week away? It was an actual vacation, with no work to be had, which meant all of it would be nothing but pleasure for the three of you. You were set up in a private suite in a gorgeous hotel in Bali, a giant pool right off your bedroom, able to watch the sunset each night from either the comfort of your bed or inside the pool overlooking the ocean. You’d barely left the suite the entire time, not needing much more than each other to occupy your time despite the gorgeous country you were in.
Yes, vacations with Heather and Bryan certainly were something else.
Your hotel suite took over an entire corner of the building, the infinity pool giving you 180 degrees view of the ocean and the sky. Heather had wanted to watch the sunrise over the ocean, urging the two of you to get up far earlier than you’d wanted, especially considering the night prior, but you couldn’t exactly tell her no. You lounged in the pool, alternating between whose arms you were in as you watched the sun rise, a happy hum leaving your lips each time someone kissed at your skin. Breakfast was room service, served on a floating tray that you all indulged in, conversation easily flowing between you as you discussed the day ahead. Heather couldn’t help but chuckle at the way you kept yawning, your head dropping back onto her or Bryan’s shoulder whenever it got the chance. Bryan rolled his eyes playfully, saying they had to get you out of the pool before you fell asleep on them and drowned and much to her annoyance, Heather did agree that he was right. Bryan scooped you up in his arms, carrying you inside, encouraging you to wrap yourself in a towel as you sleepily stumbled through the suite. He laughed softly, making sure you were actually dry before stripping you of your bikini and nudging you towards the lush bed.
“You’re going back to bed aren’t you?” Heather asked dryly as she wrapped a towel around herself, walking into the bedroom to find Bryan already burying himself under the covers.
“Heat it’s not even seven, where the fuck else would I be going?” He scoffed, “you coming?”
“No. Unlike some of you I actually got to bed at a reasonable hour last night, there’s a beach yoga session I want to go to.”
“Whatever floats your boat.” He grumbled in response, his strong arm wrapping around your midsection, pulling you tightly to him before she rolled her eyes and left the room, Bryan quickly falling into a very peaceful sleep.
You woke up a couple of hours later, finally feeling rested but more than willing to stay curled up in bed, Bryan’s heavy arm wrapped around your waist, your naked body pressed to his. You adjusted slightly, burrowing into the pillow, your ass wiggling against Bryan and your breath caught in your throat at the feeling of his erection pressing into your body. Behind you he chuckled softly, his beard tickling at your neck as he murmured, his voice still gruff with sleep,
“You already want to go again? Such a needy slut you are.”
“Mmmm…” was all you could get out back to him, the arm he had around your waist shifting, his fingers ghosting over your skin, cupping at your chest, pinching at your nipples sharply, pulling a gasp from you. Your back arched, ass pressing into him and he let out a small groan, rutting against you.
“Bet you’re already wet too.” His lips pressed into your neck, teeth nipping at the sensitive skin as his hand sunk south.
“You’re one to talk.” You grumbled back, pressing your body against his hard cock. In retaliation he spanked at your clit sharply, earning a gasp from you.
“So you wanna be a fucking brat?” He chuckled darkly, teeth sinking into your neck as his hand spread your legs, cock nudging at your folds, “maybe we should see how much you can take? You’ve been completely insatiable this week, should fuck you until you’re begging us to stop?”
With one smooth movement he buried his cock deep into your cunt, hips smacking against your ass and you let out a soft yelp of pleasure. Bryan began to thrust hard and deep into you and you could feel every ridge of his thick cock with each roll of his hips. Your arm reached around behind you, burying into his hair as your body arched into his, your moans getting louder with each snap of his hips.
“Oh fuck daddy!”
“Yeah? You like my cock this deep in that needy little pussy? Want me to fill you with my cum?”
“Yes! Please! Want it leaking out of me.”
You let out a louder moan as his cock dragged over your g-spot, the hand he had on your hip crept around your body in search of your clit, pinching it between his fingers and earning a gasp from you. He was right, you’d been so incredibly needy all week, begging him and Heather to fuck you every night, never able to fully fulfill the desire that pooled within you. His cock stretched you out, your pussy fluttering around him when he twitched, pulling a groan from him. Bryan rolled you onto your stomach, propping himself up on his knees so he could fuck you harder, faster, beginning to chase his own release and stuff you full of his cum. Your moans turned into whines as fire burst through your body, prickling just under your skin, your fingers clawing at the bedspread.
“More daddy! Please!” You cried out, eyes scrunching shut and Bryan laughed darkly behind you. Spitting onto your ass he spread the wetness around with his thumb before sinking his thumb into your tight hole, “oh god! Yes!” Your body shuddered underneath him, pussy clamping down around his cock, your words became a string of moans and cries as you hit your peak.
“That’s it, take it you little slut, just like daddy wants.” He grunted, the room filling with moans and the sound of skin on skin as he thrusted powerfully into you. His cock throbbed, groaning over the feeling of your cunt fluttering around him and he sunk one particularly sharp thrust into you, grunting as his cum painted your walls. He squeezed around the base, milking every last drop out of him and you let out a heavy moan at the sensation.
“This certainly isn’t sleeping.” Heather’s voice murmured from the doorway, a smirk evident in her tone.
“Sorry mommy.” You muttered, voice muffled by the pillows and Bryan let out a dark laugh, pulling his thumb out of your ass and giving you a swift spank.
“Little slut just can’t get enough.” He slowly pulled out, watching his cum dribble down your thighs before thrusting his cock back in, fucking his cum deeper into your needy pussy. You moaned, trembling at the sensation.
“More…” You moaned and it was Heather’s turn to chuckle darkly, moving through the room to the bed side. Her fingers curled under your chin, lifting your head off the bed and your eyes fluttered open, letting out a little sigh as Bryan pulled all the way out, his dick softening, replacing it with his fingers, stretching the cum between them.
“Oh kitten…” she mewled, “you really do want to be stuffed full, don’t you?” You nodded feverishly and she laughed, pinching sharply at your chin, “want to be used? Pumped full of cum until you can’t handle it? Watch it drip out of all your stupid little holes? Like the little cum slut you are?”
“Please mommy!” Your cry was met with Bryan’s cum slicked fingers thrusting into your mouth, smearing it around your lips as your tongue lapped around the digits, sucking them clean.
“I think that can be arranged.” She replied with an evil grin, crossing to the bench across from the bed where the bag of toys had been left. Heather pulled out the squirting dildo and slid it into the strap before stepping into that, picking up the bottle of cherry lube to fill it with. “Since you want it so much, I think we’ll leave the tying up to when you’re begging us to stop.” She smirked, dropping the restraints onto the bed along with a butt plug, “make sure you can’t squirm your way away from us, you did beg so politely. You’ll be good?”
“Yes mommy.” You shifted on the bed, settling on your knees, ready and pretty for Heather.
“What’s your word?” Bryan asked from behind you, lips meeting your neck once again.
“That’s our good girl.” He purred into your ear and you let out a little shiver.
“C’mere kitten.” Heather crooked her fingers and you scrambled to the side of the bed to get closer to her. She let out a small chuckle, hands grasping at your waist as she flipped you onto your back and you squealed as she spun you around so your head was hanging at the edge of the bed and your legs were settled beside Bryan. “Go find us some drinks won’t you?” She asked him and he shifted off the bed, disappearing from the room.
Heather climbed onto the bed, crawling in between your legs, her fingers spreading you pussy lips as she hummed in appreciation. Pussy puffy and swollen, clit peaking in the cool air of the room while Bryan’s cum leaked out of you.
“That’s our pretty little slut…” she murmured, lining her cock up and sinking into you until she was buried to the hilt and you let out a whine, your body twitching at the sensitivity, “oh don’t start that already, I know you can take it.”
“Yes mommy.” You let out a moan as her cock began to drag through your cunt, wet sounds bouncing off the walls at the sound of your juices and Bryan’s cum smearing around Heather’s cock.
She rocked forward, leaning over you and her hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing gently, nodding at you as your hand wrapped around her wrist to signal if you needed to tap out. She thrusted into you slow, deep but sharply, your breath catching with each pump of her hips. She watched the way your eyes were fluttering shut already, the way your hips would rock to meet hers, whines escaping your lips.
“You like that princess, don’t you?” Bryan practically jeered as he re-entered the room, “god do I ever love watching you fuck her.” His comment directed toward Heather this time as she continued her tantalizing thrusts, she replied with a chuckle, accepting the mimosa from him before taking a hefty sip and placing it down on the bedside table.
“You thirsty kitten?” She asked and your eyes cracked open your brow furrowed as you glanced between the two of them, “or would you rather have daddy’s cock in your mouth? Feel him get hard between those pretty lips?” Her hand moved off your throat so you could answer and you gasped out,
“Daddy’s cock! Please!”
“I had a feeling that was going to be the answer.” He cooed, but still tilted your head up to help you take a drink before the glass joined Heat’s on the bedside table.
Her hips suddenly thrust into you with enough power to push your head over the side of the bed and you let out a little squeak as her hand found its way back to your throat, squeezing harder this time. Bryan’s hand came to your mouth, tracing your lips with his thumb, watching the way your mouth fell open before sucking the digit in between your lips, groaning as he fucked it in and out of your mouth, smoothing your hair back with his other hand as he peered down at you.
“You may be such a fucking whore but you are always so fucking good for us, you know that?”
You did your best to nod, a gasp leaving you when Heather’s cock hit your g-spot, your eyes squeezing shut. You reopened them your hand reached above your head, wrapping around Bryan’s cock, urging him towards you and he wasn’t about to try to resist. His cock was still smeared with your mixed cum and you were more than eager to get it into your mouth, whining when he teased you, tracing your lips with the tip of it and you were rewarded with Heather squeezing tighter around your throat.
Bryan sunk his cock into your mouth, letting your lips wrap around it, your tongue lap at it, tracing the veins you were oh so familiar with. You sucked it into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks and he let out a groan, feeling it twitch as the blood started to run south with only one thing left on his mind. His hips started to pick up, moaning at the feeling of your lips and hand wrapped around his cock. He began to match the pace of Heather’s hips, the two of them working in tandem to make you absolutely fall apart between them.
“Oh you sweet thing…” Heather’s hand closed tighter around your neck and your body shook with pleasure, “if you’re a good little thing and come for us mommy will fill that greedy pussy with cum, you understand?”
You pulled off Bryan’s cock, gasping for air when Heather let up on your throat so you could speak, “can I touch myself?”
“Absolutely not.” She replied, “but I think Bry can do the honours of that.” She tossed him a smirk as his cock sunk down into your throat again, Heather letting out a low moan at the feeling of the bulge in your neck against her hand. “That’s it…” she praised, “fuck her throat like I know you like to. Even better if you make her cry.”
“Always so sadistic you are.” Bryan chuckled and Heather rolled her eyes, knowing he was getting off on this just as much as she was.
He plunged his cock into your mouth, matching the brutal pace Heather was pounding into your cunt, she shot him a wicked grin before spitting onto your pussy and he leant forward, smearing it around your clit, causing you to let out a heavy whine around his cock. Your body rocked up into the touch, pussy clamping down around the dildo as your eyes squeezed shut, mouth sucking harder around Bryan’s cock and he let out a grunt. You started to lose control, the fire shooting through your body as you began to shudder against the bedspread, whining your lips slipping off Bry so your cries could leave your lips. He paid no mind, his fingers continuing to furiously rub at your clit while his other hand came to caress at your cheek softly.
“That’s it princess, you do so well for us, mommy wants you to come around her cock. Let us see you come undone.” You whimpered in response, glancing up at him and he laughed darkly before slapping your cheek and you let out a cry.
“Oh fuck! Fuck!”
Heather’s hand closed so tight around your throat you saw stars, tears building in your eyes until Bryan slapped you again and they were rolling down your cheeks as your body trembled, orgasm shooting through you.
“Fuck kitten, you’re always so fucking hot when you come.” Bryan grunted, hand wrapping around his cock as he started to fist it.
“You ready for mommy’s cum?” Heather panted above you and you nodded feverishly, “what do you say?” She slapped your clit and your body jolted up off the bed with a loud cry.
“Please mommy!” You cried, “I’ve been so good, so good! Need your cum, need you to fill me up.”
“That’s it princess.” She growled in response, pounding into you a few more times before thrusting so hard Bryan had to catch you from falling off the edge of the bed and Heather squeezed at the edge of the dildo, spilling her cum deep within you. “Oh god just look at you…such a nice needy cunt.”
Heather let her cock slip out of you, watching the way it dribbled out of you as you panted, your body shaking in aftershocks and she chuckled. Bryan moved from the side of the bed, climbing up onto it to get his own look at your dripping cunt before he grabbed at your thighs, pulling you back down on the bed and flipping you over so your face was buried in the pillows. He pulled your hips up so you were balanced on your knees and let out a dark laugh.
“Oh just look at that needy fucking cunt.” His hand stroked up between your legs and you shuddered, letting out a loud gasp as two of his fingers sunk into you, fucking both Heather’s and his cum deep into you, “you want more, don’t you, you little slut?
“Please daddy.” You begged, hips rocking back against his hand, your entire body quivering, “need you to cum in my pussy again. Wanna be… so full.”
“Only if you use that pretty mouth of yours to get mommy off.” Bryan grunted, grabbing your hair and tugging you up flush to him as his hand continued to mess with the cum spilling between your thighs and Heather was able to situate herself on the pillows, spreading her legs wide for you to settle between. Bryan tugged you down the bed a bit to line you up properly as Heather pulled off the strap, exposing her waiting pussy for your eager mouth.
“She wants to be full, you heard her.” Heather stated, tossing the plug in Bryan’s direction.
With one fluid motion Bryan easily thrust his throbbing cock into your drenched cunt, sopping sound pulling laughter from both of them as you let out a groan, fingers clawing at Heather’s thighs as you laid between them. Bryan picked up the bottle of lube, dribbling it onto your ass before smearing it around and sliding a thick finger in.
“Oh fuck…” you muttered as he began to pump his hand in time with his hips, adding in a second finger, slowly stretching you out. You moaned out louder, a dreamy smile breaking out on your cheeks as you rutted back into him. He suddenly stalled in his movements, spanking you hard enough that you cried out.
“What did I say princess?” He warned, spanking you once again, “did you already forget about that gorgeous cunt in front of you? Get her off first.”
“Yes daddy.” You whined, wiggling your hips and he spanked you again waiting for you to surge forward, your tongue swiping through Heather’s pussy before he continued with his movements.
“Good girl…” She praised with a moan, her head dropping back into the pillows as one of her hands tangled into your hair, holding you to her.
Behind you Bryan let out an appreciative hum, his fingers thrusting into you a couple of times before he started to rock his hips, similar to how Heather had, slow and deep. He pulled his fingers out, swatting at your ass at the expected whine you let out into Heather’s pussy before picking up the plug and coating it with lube. It was the large size, the one that would stretch you out enough to take his cock next and the one you’d been begging to be used all week long. He slid it into your ass, nestling the jewel between your cheeks, pushing oh so gently on it as his hips began to rock harder and faster into you.
You moaned into Heather, the vibrations pulling a moan from her as your mouth wrapped around her pussy, tongue dipping into her as deep as you could manage. You pulled out the juices, groaning at the sweet taste of her, nuzzling deep into her pussy and her hand clenched tighter into your hair.
“Just like that kitten, so fucking good, you know how mommy likes it.” She cooed.
You did your best to focus on getting her to her peak as Bryan continued to torment you, thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into your cunt as he toyed with the plug in your ass. The double sensations along with the taste and smell of Heather was driving you absolutely insane and you adored it. Your mouth moved up, sucking at Heather’s clit and she gasped, her hips shooting up off the bed and you smirked against her skin. A hand snuck up, matching Bryan’s pace as you started to finger her, curling your fingers with each thrust to find that sensitive spot within her pulsing walls. Heather’s nails scratched into your skull, both of her hands shoving your face into her cunt as she started to grind against your mouth, letting out more and more moans with each move of your hand. Your tongue darted out, dancing patterns onto her clit as you fingered her with precision.
“Keep going slut.” Bryan grunted from behind you, “she’s almost there. Then you’ll get my cum.”
You simply groaned in response, hips pushing back onto him as he pumped lazily yet deeply into you, hips snapping against yours, thumb pressing into the plug. You sucked harder around Heather’s clit and you could feel her pussy clamping down around you while she swore loudly, her hips shooting up off the bed, stilling as her juices dribbled down your fingers and wrist.
“Fuck kitten…” She groaned, body shivering as you licked her through her orgasm, “always so good at that, my good little pussy eater.”
“Thank you mommy.” You breathed out, pressing a kiss to her inner thigh as Bryan continued to pump into you.
“God you’re such a desperate little slut aren’t you?” Heather chuckled, slowly coming back to earth before she glanced to Bryan, “you should come in her mouth, she always looks so pretty with her mouth full.”
“You’re right.” Bryan’s hips snapped against yours and you let out a cry, trying not to collapse into the mattress as he pulled out of you, making sure the plug was still snug in your ass, “get on your knees like the whore you are kitten.”
Your body trembled, weak in the knees as you crawled to the edge of the bed, doing your best to be steady on your feet before you dropped to the carpet beneath you on your knees. You tilted your head up, mouth open and tongue out as Bryan stood over you, fisting his twitching cock with a grunt, Heather watching from the bed with a sly grin on her cheeks. Bryan shoved his cock between your lips and you let him fuck your face, deep into your throat, each thrust bringing more tears brimming in your eyes as you gagged around him.
“Awwee.. little whore’s gonna cry.” Heather chuckled and you let out a whine the best you could.
“Such a good little whore though.” Bryan groaned, “you look so fucking hot with my cock down your throat, you know that pet?” You did your best to let out a moan around his dick as he continued to thrust into your lips. “Oh fuck…. You want my cum down your throat or all over your face you slut?”
“In my mouth.” You whined and Bryan pulled out, fisting his cock until his cum was spilling between your lips and you were letting out a satisfied groan.
“God look at you.” He moaned, eyes raking over your body, flushed and slick with sweat, your cheeks tear stained, eyes rimmed with wetness and you let out a little giggle.
“Show mommy.” Heather demanded and as you leant up on your knees Bryan surprised you, surging over you to kiss you deeply, tongue surging into your mouth. You let out a small gasp as he sucked his cum from your mouth before leaning over you and letting it spill onto your chest, painting your skin.
“Good enough for you?” He asked.
“The little cum slut deserves it.” She cooed, stroking your cheek gently, “now why don’t you get up here and ride mommy’s cock while daddy fucks that pretty little ass of yours?”
Your body tingled at the thought of being completely full, letting out a little shiver as you stood on shaky legs. Bryan chuckled, wrapping a sturdy arm around your waist pulling you flush to him, laying soft kisses on your neck.
“Give her a minute.” He muttered.
“She doesn’t need a minute.” Heat replied sharply, “do you need one? Because I’m ready.”
“You’re only ready because your dick is plastic.” Bryan retorted, his hands roaming across your skin as he spoke, pinching at your nipples, smearing his cum on your body, beard scratching at the crook of your neck.
“Did you want to fuck her ass or not?”
Bryan scoffed, shoving you toward the bed and you toppled into Heather’s arms as she tugged you onto her lap. You let out a little whine when her fingers came to play with your leaking cunt, shoving the mixture of cum back into it before two fingers curled and she lifted them to your lips. You sucked them into your mouth, keeping eye contact with her as your tongue lapped around them.
“Good girl.” She praised, her free hand lining her cock up to you and you sunk down onto it letting out a lewd moan. “That feel good?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, barely rolling your hips, letting out a little gasp at how sensitive you were already. Heather’s hand reached around you, beginning to toy with the plug, thrusting it in and out of you in preparation for Bryan’s cock.
Behind you Bryan had already starting fucking into his fist, the sight of you lazily riding Heather completely blissed out a sight he would never get enough of and one that would have him hard again in no time. He crawled onto the bed on his knees, a hand sliding up your back to push you down onto Heather,
“Stay still princess.” He murmured, hand spanking at your ass before pulling the plug out of it. Grabbing the bottle of lube he coated his dick with it, dribbling some down onto your ass before nudging his cock into your tight hole.
“Oh god…” you breathed out the moan, body relaxing completely against Heather as they waited a brief moment for you to adjust to the feeling. “Feels so good…” you whined, “move… please?” They both let out small laughs,
“That’s our good little slut.” Bryan murmured, pulling out bit by bit and inching back in until he had a steady pace set and ready for Heather to match as she braced on the bed and started to move underneath you.
You were honestly thankful that you didn’t have to do much at this point, your body ached in the best kind of way, hips rocking between the two of them as they fucked into you deeper and deeper with each thrust. Heather’s lips made home in the crook of your neck, no doubt leaving multiple marks that would show up tomorrow, her teeth scraping at your skin every so often.  The sounds coming from your cunt were ones of absolute filth, stretched and drenched in cum as the sounds of skin on skin bounced through the room along with moans and whimpers. It didn’t take long before your body was shaking, your orgasm shooting through you as your juices squirted all over Heather and you were nothing but two holes to be used by them.
“I think your pussy’s wet enough for now, we’re gonna fill up that pretty ass of yours.” Heather muttered, looking to Bryan who nodded, picking up the pace of his thrusts as you cried out, body trembling, pussy pulsing around Heather’s cock, tears blurring your eyes.
“Take it so well.” Bryan grunted, “love fucking your pretty ass, and you love it don’t you?” He spanked you and you cried out, shuddering in Heather’s arms. She pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, her thumb caressing your cheek and wiping your tears away. “So fucking tight.” Each of his words were punctuated with a heavy thrust and he let out a guttural moan, stilling behind you and you could feel his cock twitch, hot cum spilling into your ass and you let out a muffled moan into Heather’s shoulder.
“That’s it kitten.” She stroked at your hair, “doing so good for us, so fucking good.”
Bryan gently pulled out of your ass and the sight of his cum leaking out of you was enough to get him going again already, cock throbbing in his hand.
“Such a pretty slut.” He spanked at you again, grabbing your hips to pull you off Heather’s cock and you hissed at the sensation, feeling the cum and lube drip down your thighs. “Not done with you yet.” He turned to Heather as he climbed off the bed, “tie her down.”
Your body collapsed onto the bed, panting and shivering, you attempted to curl up, closing your legs and Heather let out a dark laugh as Bryan disappeared into the bathroom to wash his dick.
“No more.” You murmured and Heather laughed again, pulling your arms up, looping a scarf around your wrists and then tying it to the headboard.
“What’s your word?” She asked, stroking at your cheek and you simply shook your head, “that’s what I thought. You can handle one more, I know you can.” She ducked, pressing a kiss to your lips, staying there for a moment so her tongue could explore your mouth, giving you a bit to relax and calm down. She pinched gently at your chin, kissing the tip of your nose before she climbed off the bed and stepped out of the strap, “flip over for me.”
You did as she asked, gasping as your throbbing clit hit the bed, feeling the strain in your shoulders from your restraints already. Heather’s hand massaged at your ass, still stretched and full of cum before she slipped the dildo into it and you let out a satisfied groan.
“Wanna keep that cum in there kitten, once Bryan’s done with your pussy we’ll fill up your ass with more of mine, understood?”
“Yes mommy.”
“What? You’re just gonna watch this one?” Bryan asked, moving through the room to climb onto the bed, flipping you back over.
“I was thinking I’d sit on her face.” Heather replied with a smirk, “might as well get off once more, right?”
“Better get started, not sure how long I’m gonna last this time.”
“Amateur.” Heather shot him a grin that he scoffed at as she climbed over you, settling her hips over your head, “you ready kitten?”
“Yes mommy. Please let me taste you.”
She sunk down and you surged upward the best you could to meet her pussy with your mouth, sucking eagerly and she let out a low moan, bracing herself on the headboard as she began to ride your face.
“So fucking hot.” Bryan muttered, climbing on to the bed he pulled your legs apart and you whined into Heather’s cunt, your own still fluttering around nothing, the cool air on your clit enough to make your body tremble. You tried to close your legs and Bryan smacked your clit, pulling a cry from you, “none of that you little slut, you know you like this.” You felt him shift on the bed and let out a gasp at the cold feeling of metal around one ankle and then the other as he hooked you into the spreader bar. “Not going anywhere now, are you?”
He chuckled, hands ghosting up your legs watching the way you trembled, looking up to watch Heather grind herself down onto your mouth, her head thrown back in pleasure as you made her come undone with your mouth. Bryan didn’t even have to prepare you, your cunt messy and leaking, his cock slid in easier than it ever had before. You were shaking after only a few thrusts, your pussy clenching down around him and Bryan knew none of you were far from hitting your peaks, his thrusts gaining speed and depth with each pump.
Your tongue plunged into Heather’s cunt, twisting and twirling around as you sucked at her before your lips moved up to her clit, wrapping around it. Your arms ached in their bonds, wishing you could get your hands on her, make her feel even more incredible than you could with just your mouth. You could feel her clit throbbing in your mouth in the same moment you could feel Bryan’s cock throbbing in your cunt and your ass clenched around the dildo. Heather rolled her hips in time with Bryan’s thrusts, her words coming out only as moans and airy breaths, her fingers clenched around the headboard.
“Fuck.” He swore, “pussy’s so goddamn soaked, you should see it Heat.”
“I can fucking hear it.” She replied, her hips jolting forward suddenly as she gripped the headboard even tighter, “oh fuck kitten! You’re gonna make me come.” She began to shudder above you, one of her hands crawling up her body to pinch at her nipples, orgasm starting to wash over her, “take mommy’s juices, I know you want them.” With another cry she was shaking, her body on fire as she came, squirting onto your face and you did your best to lap it all up, licking her through her orgasm, groaning happily at the sweet taste of her.
Heather swung her leg over you, breathlessly collapsing into the bed, her chest still heaving, skin shimmering in sweat, dampness prevalent between her legs that Bryan couldn’t help but grin at.
“Almost there princess.” He grunted, “you want daddy to fill you up? Give you all my cum?”
“Oh god! Yes! Daddy please!” You whined, your body was already trembling, coming close to reaching your third peak of this session alone, tears streaking down your face at the over stimulation. Part of you wanted nothing more than to close your legs, have it over and done with but there was still that little part of you that was enjoying the pain a little too much.  
“Doing so good for us kitten.” Heather rolled onto her side stroking at your cheeks, smiling at the way your pressed a kiss to her thumb before sucking it into your mouth and she chuckled, “just can’t resist every hole being full, hmm? Such a good little fucking whore. You just love being used like this don’t you? Daddy certainly loves it, loves using you like a little fuck toy.”
“Oh god.” Bryan groaned, his cock throbbing within you as your walls clenched down around him and he let out a hiss, cum spurting deep within you. He squeezed hard at his cock, making sure you were full to the brim before he slowly pulled out of you, the both of them watching the cum dribble out, there was almost too much in you to be contained anymore, overflowing onto the duvet.
Bryan couldn’t help it, lowering his mouth to your cunt and you shrieked when his tongue swiped through you, scooping up as much of the cum as he could. Heather shifted up on the bed, her hand closing around your jaw while her thumb pried your mouth open, knowing Bryan’s plan. Your body was still heaving, aching against your restraints as Bryan climbed up the bed, spitting the mixture into your mouth. You knew better than to swallow, Heather’s grip on your jaw was enough to tell you that if you did, you’d be getting punished for real. She chuckled, watching the cum swirl around in your mouth before she ducked over you, scooping it out of your mouth and leaning over your body, spitting it onto your throbbing clit. Her hand followed her movements, smearing it around, ever so lightly ghosting over your clit and you yelped, the swollen nub still throbbing. While she was doing this Bryan moved to your ankles, softly undoing the spreader bar cuffs, laying gentle kisses on your ankles, rubbing softly at the marks.
“Flip her.” Heather instructed as she moved to the head of the bed, swiftly undoing your wrist bonds and you let out a huge sigh of relief, finally not feeling so on display.
Like Bryan she left feather light kisses on your wrists, rubbing softly down your arms while your eyes fluttered shut. Bryan’s hands closed around your waist, flipping you onto your stomach. Heather crawled off the bed, moving to the foot of it as Bryan pulled your hips up, squeezing at the base of the dildo stuffed in your ass and you let out another groan as the lube shot into you. He then slowly pulled it out, letting out a low swear at the sight of his cum and the lube mixture dribbling out of your tight hole and trailing down your legs. His hand moved up, one finger fucking it back into your ass while his thumb fucked the mess back into your pussy.
“Such a good little cum slut.” He cooed, leaning forward to press a kiss to the small of your back before his hand left your body, “you always take it so fucking well. You just love being a fucking mess dripping of cum, don’t you?”
“Yes daddy.” You whimpered, shivering in the air conditioning of the room as you started to come down from your high, the heat of the entire day slowly leaving your body. You felt Heather’s hands grope at the curve of your ass, pulling your cheeks apart as she took a moment to admire the mess they’d both made between your legs.
“Shame it’s not dripping out of her mouth too.” She murmured and Bryan laughed, giving you a gentle spanking to signify that you could drop down fully onto the bed. “Would you like that kitten? Should we find a friend to come play? Fuck that pretty mouth of yours while daddy and I fuck your cunt and tight little ass?”
“Yes mommy…” your voice had returned to that dreamy like state as you let out a little yawn, burrowing into the pillows.
“Awe… did we wear you out?” Bryan laughed softly, his hands rubbing up your back softly, thumbs massaging into your skin and you let out a happy sigh as the stiffness melted away.
“Mmhmm. Need a nap.”
“How about a bath first?” Heather asked, “as much as I love you being a fucking dirty mess you’d be sleeping in a puddle.”
“You run the bath.” Bryan suggested, leaning over you to kiss your temple, “I’ll call housekeeping, get these sheets changed and order some room service for lunch, she needs to eat too.”
“Fine.” You let out a little grumble but when your eyes cracked open you had a smile on your cheeks, “thank you.”
“You’re so good to us we have to make sure to repay you kitten.” She smiled back at you, smoothing back your mussed up hair before leaning in to kiss you gently. “Now c’mon, you think you can stand on your own?”
“Absolutely not.”
Bryan laughed at that, wrapping a sturdy arm around you and helping you up to your feet, following Heather into the bathroom where she had the bathwater running with lavender oils already swirling through the water.
“I’m gonna grab you one of those smart waters, make sure you hydrate.”
“Yes daddy.” Smiling you pressed a soft kiss to his lips before sliding into the bathtub in front of Heather letting out a happy sigh as you did so, the water encompassing your body in relaxation.
Yes. Holidays with Heather and Bryan certainly were something else.
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