#is a story that aew would tell
rustchild · 2 years
So AEW’s using dirtsheets and reporters to take advantage of people’s expectation that they’ll have access to insider knowledge in order to create a new Kayfabe, right? Like. I could be wrong, but all of these dirtsheet stories hitting simultaneously about how Punk and Hangman have real heat and Punk was considering not even showing up to dynamite seem to be doing a lot of work to portray Punk as the exact heel character they’re trying to build in the ring. It looks like they realized they could generate buzz this way during the MJF storyline, and then decided to run with it.
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gethooked · 5 months
To be young and in love ~ HOOK imagine
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Hook story where he confesses to reader - requested by @brideofinfamy
You joined the AEW roster the same time as Top Flight and Anthony Bowens. You guys created the og Lads. After a while of being signed there was a new guy that was around Taz and the rest of Team Taz. You just thought he was another person that Taz was training and that he was going to leave after a while because he couldn’t handle the training. Little did you know that he was actually Taz’s son who was training to be a wrestler.
You found this out at the same time as everyone else did. You found out he was Taz’s son after Taz and Cody’s promo and after Taz choked Cody out. And out came HOOK. The first time you saw him on the monitor it was like you were in love with him already and Dante caught on. He thought he would help you by starting to hang out with HOOK and getting to know him so somehow you and HOOK could hang out or at least talk.
After him trying for 2 months for something to happen, it finally happened. The Lads decided to go out for a late night dinner after dynamite, they asked you to come and you did because why not. Throughout the dinner HOOK and you would exchange glances here and there. After that dinner you knew you had to get to know him more. It was like wherever you were, HOOK was right there with you.
You went to go train in the ring with some of the other girls. HOOK ws in the crowd with the other Lads watching you and talking to the boys. As time went on HOOK and you would spend more time together without anyone else being with you guys. You knew you wanted a relationship but didn't want to screw things up so you kept your feelings to yourself. The night he finally confessed to you he liked you was a late night movie marathon in your hotel room.
You guys took turns picking the movies. Of course it was during the movie you picked that he confessed. You picked a cheesy romantic movie and the main characters just confessed their feelings to each other. This either gave HOOK motivation to confess his feelings to you or he had this planned out for a while now. But he paused the movie.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something. The very first day I actually met you and talked to you I fell in love with you at first sight. I don’t know if you feel the same but will you be my girlfriend? If not, let's just forget what I said and finish watching the movies.” HOOK said. You didn’t say anything and that scared him. What you did do though was give him a kiss on the lips. “I feel the same way. I was scared you didn’t. I would love to be your girlfriend!” You said. After hearing what you had to say he gave you a kiss also.
From that day to now, you guys have been together for almost four years. And you couldn’t ask for anything else in the world.
Taglist: @99hook @carlybow
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thesupreme316 · 9 months
how would the aew boys react to you breaking your nose if you can can you add Kenny thank you love you work🌺
AEW Stars React To: You Breaking Your Nose
yall are so sweet; thank you for supporting lil ol me ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Pairings: Kenny Omega x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, Hook x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, Wheeler Yuta x Reader, Christian Cage x Reader, Santana x Reader,
Word Count: 920
Supreme Speaks: idk if I've done this before but here you go! thanks to anon for requesting this. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: mentions of father abandoning a bastard (typical Christian things), not proofread, mentions what happened for the reader to break their nose
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @cassie0sstuff @triscillal @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Kenny Omega (During training)
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Kenny heard a small crack and immediately picked you up
Does not allow you to re-enter the ring and takes you to the doctor
Looks up home remedies to help you
Understands that you’re angry and tries to figure out ways to relieve you
“Do you want a coloring sheet? No, I don’t think you’re a child- okay now you’re acting like one…Yeah-uh”
Tells you stories about when he broke his (I can’t remember if he did) or his friends broke theirs
He tries to distract you from the pain by his jokes or practicing promos in front of you
Will intentionally mess up for you to smile
Kenny’s really upset that you’re injured but tries to brighten your day by any means possible
Eddie Kingston (Your opponent intentionally injured you)
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I feel like I always say this…..EDDIE IS BIG MAD
Eddie is big on respect…he’ll respect you as long as you respect him and those he keeps close to him
Once he saw the ref throw up the X sign, oh Penta and Fenix had to hold him back from going to the ring
Then he saw your bloody face….he started to cuss out your opponent
And then he cussed out Kenny and the Bucks for allowing someone with bad blood to go against you
Will drive you personally to the hospital cause he needs to lay eyes on you
He’s ticking in so much anger that you’ll need to calm him down
“I’m fine doll, I just hate how a shithead couldn’t contain their displeasure to themselves. On the bright side, you still looked like a god/goddess....betta than their hating ass”
Santana (You took an extreme bump in the ring)
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You took a facebuster on the ladder and then bounced off, rolling outside of the ring
Listen, this man would be the one to stop watching your match just out of fear (he hates you getting hurt)
Like he physically cannot watch the match anymore
Once he saw blood dripping down your face, he automatically asked for the match to be stopped or at least for you to stop participating
When you come backstage, he automatically hugs you as he doesn’t care about the blood on his shirt
“Mi amor, you scared me out there…I thought I had to go jail while you go to the hospital”
You have to hold him back from cursing out your opponent(s)
Distracts you with food and cuddles (DONT @ ME)
Wheeler Yuta (Your opponent accidentally injured you)
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Baby boy is sad
He just looks like someone knocked the wind out of him; he hates seeing you bleed
Is subconsciously mad af at your opponent
Will literally baby you for the rest of the day, week, month, hell even year
“You’re not gonna take any more knees to the face. I won’t allow it….NO BIG BOOTS EITHER”
I think he would be the one to buy protective gear for you while Bryan and Mox look on in concern as he picks up everything in the damn store
He thinks that breaking your nose limits all activity and movement for you
Will not let a minute go by without him saying how pretty you are (with and without a straight nose)
Hook (Someone was trying to fight him and they hit you)
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Okay…… man is literally the devil
Will make sure that you are okay before tossing the person over his head
He is punching the shit out of them until he looks over at you and sees blood
Hook gives one more punch before carrying you to a safe corner
He immediately gets you ice before taking you to the doctor
Feels guilty about you getting hit, mentally beats himself up
“I’m so sorry that I allowed that to happen.”
I truly do think that Hook would feel so bad and will try his best to make it up to you in any way possible
Will buy flowers, bears, food, a nerf gun (whatever your heart desires)
Ricky Starks (You hit a door)
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Imma be honest….he laughed at you
Like full-on cackled as soon as you made contact with the door (it sounded like an evil witch)
But stopped once he saw blood pouring down your face
Feels like a jackass as he brings you to the doctor (I also think he is saying sorry repeatedly)
Once he hears the word surgery, he offers to pay for it
As your spirit starts to pick up and you feel like yourself after the initial wave of shock
Ricky will go back to laughing at you
Will joke about your nose only when you're comfortable and accepting of the fact
“It’s not my fault you got your ass kicked by a damn door”
Christian Cage (A fan threw something at you)
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He’s suing and kicking out the bastard who threw the object at you during the meet-and-greet
Tells security to get him and sends Luchasuarus for extra support
He immediately shuts down his booth and walks you to medical support
Sends a tweet that calls out people who think that was cool and okay
“You’re a disappointment, no wonder your father left you”
Holds you and whispers caring thoughts that only you can hear
Buys anything and everything you need (already paid for the surgery)
Offers to buy a security squad so you can protect yourself
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midwestmade29 · 1 month
Jealousy 💚
Why is a jealous Jay White so hot? 😂 Thank you @coleskingdom for always sharing your extensive knowledge on King Switch with me and letting me pick your brain all the time 🥰 This story is for everyone that participated in my recent poll and voted for Jay. Enjoy 🖤
Word count: 2.4k Divider by: Me GIF by me 🙂
Disclaimers: Jealousy, cursing, unprotected sex. Read at your own discretion.
When Jay sees you talking to your ex, he lets his jealousy get the best of him…
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You, Will and Jay go back a long time. In Japan, Will and Jay often wrestled each other, had corresponding storylines, and even belonged to the same faction for a period of time. Outside of the ring, they were friends until you got thrown into the mix. After being introduced to Will one night, the two of you hit it off immediately and ended up in an official relationship!
Things with the two of you were going well, but Jay sort of became background noise the more time you and Will spent together. He often excused himself from conversations and social events that you guys were at. You enjoyed your friendship with Jay, but you could always tell something bothered him about holding that title.
Unfortunately, everything changed between you and Will when you got the opportunity to move back to the United States. The two of you had several long, difficult conversations about your relationship and if it could withstand that kind of distance. Both of you ultimately decided to end things with the breakup being amicable with nothing but love and respect for each other. Will and Jay stayed behind and went on to have extreme success in NJPW while you found your own in AEW.
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-> 2023 <- A couple years later, you and Jay rekindled your friendship, and in no time your friendship blossomed into a full-blown relationship. The two of you were inseparable! When Jay signed his AEW contract, you were with him every step of the way, from the decision making, negotiating, and signing his name on the dotted line. His new deal opened up so many opportunities for him and allowed the two of you to live in the same country after being apart for so long. AEW was lucky to have him on their roster, but you felt like you were the lucky one finally having him by your side.
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-> 2024 <- A lot can change in a year, that’s for sure! Never in your wildest dreams did you think your current boyfriend and your ex would end up signed to the same wrestling company again, but here they are. Sure, Will had done things with AEW before, but now he was officially All Elite! The two of you had fallen out of touch over time, chalking it up to having thriving careers, living in different time zones, and simply growing a part. Will had since moved on and found a new love just like you did with Jay. You weren’t worried about seeing him, you were more worried what Jay would say or do to him! His jealous side wasn’t pretty.
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You and Will ran into each other one night after Dynamite. You were walking to your locker room and spotted him leaning up against a wall on his phone. As soon as he noticed you too, he put his phone away and smiled! “Well, if it isn’t the prettiest bird this side of the Atlantic,” Will said kindly while opening his arms to you. “How are you love?” Halfway through your conversation with him, you couldn’t help but notice how often his eyes would drift between looking at you and looking past you. When you heard footsteps coming from behind you, you turned around and saw Jay staring daggers at Will. “Well, well, well if it isn’t the Golden Boy himself blessing us all with his presence,” Jay called out sarcastically.
He stood next to you and draped his arm over your shoulder before making it a point to kiss you long and hard. Your cheeks were flushed when he pulled away, mostly from embarrassment but also from the possessiveness of the kiss. Will being Will extended his hand politely to Jay while offering his best “Ello’ mate” only to have the tip of a gold bat placed in his hand. “You’re breathing with the Switchblade now, Golden Boy. AEW belongs to me, this is still my era. I’d watch yourself around these parts if I were you,” Jay’s tone was low and thick with disdain while he waved his bat in Will’s face. “Well, Bruv, while I appreciate your advice, I don’t think I’m the one that needs to have my head on a swivel. You never know when a hidden blade might get ya,” he warned as he took a step towards Jay. “Put that fuckin bat in my face again and I’ll show you who’s era it really is,” Jay become rigid with anger as he stood next to you. He was about to step forward when you placed your hand on his chest, silently begging him not to take things further. When he saw the nervous look on your face, he backed down. “Consider Y/N convincing me to spare you today your official welcoming present. Stay in your lane or next time I won’t be so nice,” Jay threatened. With his arm still draped over your shoulder, he guided the both of you around Will and walked away. You peered back at him and mouthed “sorry,” earning a nod in return.
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Tony Kahn had big plans for this week’s Dynamite at Daily’s Place! From start to finish, the show was jammed packed with some of AEW’s biggest stars, including a Casino Gauntlet match that both Jay and Will would be a part of. Your anxiety instantly grew as you listened to Jay telling Austin and Colten about it, the wickedness in his voice completely evident. You stopped him before he went on his way and tried to reason with him, “Please, Jay. Promise me you’ll be on your best behavior when you and Will are in the ring together. Please, for me?” “You drive a hard bargain, love. But what would the others think if I took it easy on ol’ Golden Boy? You’re dating King Switch sweetheart, not King Bitch. While I might not be on my best behavior, I’ll try not to send him to the hospital, deal?” Jay said with a wink. He kissed you on the forehead on his way out of the room, twirling his golden bat and whistling a cheerful tune.
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Will’s music blasted through the venue making the crowd go wild at his surprise entrance! He first squared up with Kyle O’Reilly before taking down Penta and Dante Martin. His small celebration was cut short when Jay snuck up behind him, putting him in a headlock and trying to land a Blade Runner on him! Will managed to counter the signature move, stopping Jay in his tracks and forcing him to back away. To the rest of the world, the smile they shared seemed genuine, but you knew better! After giving Will a fist bump, Jay made sure he had the upper hand when he immediately started to gouge his eyes and backed him into a corner. He landed several chops on his chest, Will making sure to return the favor before Jay rolled out of the ring. Around the 14-minute mark, the ref gave the final 3 count signifying Will as the winner! You knew once you were reunited with Jay backstage, you weren’t going to hear the end of how the “Golden Boy” took the W away from him.
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It felt like the entire company was attending the party Tony Kahn was throwing at his house! His home was immaculate and so incredibly large. There were decorations all throughout the inside and around the backyard. The open bars located inside the house and by the pool were the main attractions for most while the delicious hors d’oeuvres were a close second. Somewhere down the line you had lost track of Jay and found yourself standing at an empty cocktail table outside all by your lonesome. “Did the Switchblade cut you loose for the night?” Will jested as he sat his drink down. “I’m surprised the bloke left you all alone knowing I was lurking around,” “Ha ha, very funny. He’s mingling around here somewhere, I’m sure. Not really my thing,” you winked. “He doesn’t own me, you know. I’m free to talk to whomever I want,”
It was obvious Will wanted to say something else on the matter, but he let it go and tried to make small talk instead. “So, are all of Tony’s parties like this? Extravagant and crowded? I don’t think the lad spared any cost,”   “Definitely! He just wants everyone to enjoy themselves and have a good time. You’d be crazy to turn down an invitation to one of his events,” you chuckled. The conversation with you and Will was light and fun, but he eventually got pulled away to talk with some of the other guests. Almost right on cue, Jay walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you flush against his chest. “Having a good time chatting it up with Golden Boy?” his voice was honey in your ear, even though you knew there was more behind his question than sweetness.
You turned around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck and speaking softly, “I would’ve been having a better time if I was chatting it up with you. Where have you been? I missed you,” “Trying to keep the boys out of trouble. It’s a full-time job as you know. I’m here now love, I’m all yours,” “Good,” you smiled. “Right now, I think I’d like to be anywhere else but out here. It’s too peopely, if you know what I mean,” Jay picked up on what you were suggesting and grabbed your hand. He led you towards the pool house, checking every room once you were inside. When the coast was clear, he crashed his lips against yours, devouring your mouth hungrily and greedily. Your tongues danced together in perfect unison, your breathing becoming more ragged the longer your lips remained connected. His hands roamed freely all over your body, grabbing handfuls of his favorite parts while your own were tangled in his hair. His strong arms picked you up effortlessly, carrying you over to the bar top and sitting you down on it.
You wrapped your legs around Jay’s hips, bringing him as close to you as possible. He had your dress bunched up around your waist, nearly ripping off your panties in his haste to get you bare before him. The groan he let out when he discovered you weren’t wearing a bra was low and throaty, but the moan you let out when he took your nipple in his mouth was anything but quiet. “Usually, I’d tell you to keep it down, but I don’t think I will this time. Let it all out sweet girl, let me hear those beautiful noises you make,” Jay growled against your chest. He was enjoying this way too much.
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It took everything in you not to rip his shirt wide open and make the buttons on it go flying everywhere! As you undid every one of them, you couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself at the thought of Jay walking around the rest of the night with his shirt wide open. You knew no one would even bat an eye at it because he was always putting his goods on display! The man was proud of his abs, and he had every right to be. “Are you going to continue to eye fuck me, or can we move on to the real deal sweetheart?” he jested. “I’d prefer the latter,”
His white linen pants were down around his ankles now, his underwear quickly joining them when you yanked them down in a hurry. “So eager for me, aren’t you sweet girl? I bet you thought about this all night, didn’t you?” The look on Jay’s face as he inched himself inside your wet folds was incredibly sexy, filled with pure lust and need. No matter how many times you are intimate together, it never gets old. The two of you were undeniably and completely love drunk off one another.
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Every thrust of Jay’s hips echoed through the room as they slapped against you, each one purposeful and deep. His face was buried in your neck, your arms wrapped around his with your fingers laced in his hair. His firm chest was pressed against yours, barely an inch of room in between them. You could’ve sworn you heard a door open, but Jay encouraged you to brush it off. “Someone probably got lost, don’t worry about it. Eyes on me, love. Don’t look away,” he whispered.  You felt the tip of his hard length brush up against your sweet spot, instantly bringing your focus back on your bliss. You tried to stifle your moans and whimpers by biting Jay’s shoulder, but it was no use. You were too far gone, more than ready to topple over the edge and take your man with you. “Jay, I’m so close! So, fucking close!” you cried out. You thought the sudden grin that covered his face was from your declaration, but little did you know the real reason. You had been right about hearing someone moments ago because Will had suddenly walked by the room you and Jay were in! Your back was facing the door, so there was no way to know about the events taking place behind you. The two men locked eyes with each other, but Jay never lost his stride. “Tell them sweet girl, tell them who makes you feel so good. Let the whole party know who is the only one who can make you unravel like this,” he encouraged breathlessly. “Y-you Jay! Only you!” He increased his speed as he gave the middle finger to a mortified Will, making the poor guy run away in a hurry! When he returned his attention to you, Jay picked up on the signs your body was giving him, making sure to capitalize on every cue. “That’s it, love. Cum for me! God you’re so beautiful like this,” And just like that, your entire body began to tremble, every hair standing on end as you fell apart around Jay. The inferno that had been building up inside you had spread like an unruly wildfire through every fiber of your being, burning hot and completely consuming you. Every nerve ending had come alive, firing on all cylinders, making you feel every sensation, every wave of pleasure that much more.  Jay’s erratic movements gave himself away, his grunts and whimpers becoming more frequent just moments before he came inside you. He filled you with his hot seed, making a complete mess of you.
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Once you and the bar top were cleaned up, the two of you reemerged at the party. Will was nowhere to be found the rest of the night, but who could blame him? Your mind wasn’t focused on the missing Kingpin though.  You were more interested in your King Switch and when you could get him alone again.
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deepdisireslonging · 19 days
All the Better
For lack of better description, the Reader belongs to Wardlow, the war dog of AEW. He likes to lean into the wolf motif, especially when it comes to taking care of his girl. For their anniversary, he buys her a red set of lingerie… and tells her to run.
Pairing: Wardlow x Reader
Warnings/Promises: SMUT, hunter/prey vibes, eroticizing of a children’s story, edging, pheromone-perfume use, oral (female receiving), P-in-V; So. Much. Smut.
Word Count: 2960
Note: I’m so not sorry for hitting you all with this. Happy reading!
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For being such a big guy, Wardlow was quiet. You’d lost count of how many times you’d be in the kitchen making coffee, or backstage going over paperwork, or anywhere else thinking you were completely alone… and suddenly the hairs would stand up on the back of your neck. You’d turn, and there he was. That big smile lighting up his face and warming you like the sun. He especially liked sneaking up behind you to growl a greeting against the skin between your shoulder blades. This silent ability of his pretty much always kept you on edge.
You were home. It was the eve of your anniversary. You were nervously cleaning up before Wardlow would arrive, probably rushing in on two wheels. He had hinted for days that he had something special planned. More than dinner out at a nice place. You’d dressed up a bit, just in case. But just on the surface. Since he had a habit of ripping off your underclothes the second he had you in his arms, you didn’t bother past matching the color of your bra and panties.
The doorbell rang.
You smiled. Ever the gentleman.
“Hello, there, tall stranger. How may I help you?”
Your man looked delectable. His medium-nice suit showed off his broad shoulders well. And his shirt was open at the front, giving you the smallest peak of his strong collarbone.
“I have a delivery for a Ms. Y/N.” He held out a bouquet of your favorite flowers. While you accepted them happily, he smirked as you kept an eye on the package under his arm. “And this too.”
You sat the flowers aside and reached for the box. Just as your fingers grasped the ribbon, his hand shot out, snagging your wrist. He tugged you close to his chest; his cologne made you heady.
“I’m giving you a ten-minute head start. Then… run. Hide. But I will find you. And you won’t rest till tomorrow morning after I’m done ravaging you.” He leaned back, watching your expression. “Alright?”
You nodded vigorously. With the way his eyes glinted hungrily, you had a good idea what the box contained.
He looked you up and down like he could already picture having you pinned to your bed, or the couch, or a wall. He glanced at his watch. “Nine minutes. Thirty seconds.” Then, gently pressing against your stomach, he pushed you back into the house. He arched an eyebrow at you with a smile and closed the door with him on the outside. The lock engaged.
You rushed up the stairs to the bedroom, the flowers abandoned by the door. Ripping open the packaging, you froze as the first glance of lace peeked between the layers of tissue paper.
It was red. The whole set. There was more coverage for your breasts and ass than his usual picks. Then again, it would hold you a little better as you ran. The baby-doll jacket had a lightweight hood sewed onto the back, finishing the ensemble.
So he wanted to play Big Bad Wolf.
You fumbled your way quickly into the set. This Little Red Riding Hood was happy to make for an interesting chase. But when you glanced at the clock on the end table, you jolted. How much time had passed? You didn’t think to look earlier. Now you had no idea if he’d knocked five minutes ago, three, or nine.
You frantically tried to think of a place to hide.
On a whim, you spritzed his favorite perfume on your pulse points. It had been an impulse buy, more of a joke. The pheromones the perfume was supposed to contain had made you giggle when you saw it on the shelf. Then breathless when Wardlow caught the scent of it when he buried his nose in the curve of your neck. Now you always kept it in stock. If it drove him wild on a normal day… You wafted a spray over your belly button for good measure.
You heard a creak. Was he headed up the stairs already? Or was the house settling?
Forgetting your half-baked plan, you hurried across the hall. The house wasn’t too big, but there were extra rooms for when your parents and friends visited, and for your office, and for his personal gym. The steps you heard seemed to still be downstairs. You hazarded tiptoeing to the top edge of the steps.
He wasn’t in sight. But the flowers were in a vase on the kitchen counter.
If he wasn’t in sight… this might be your only chance to hide downstairs before he came up to look for you.
You hugged the railing on the way down. Just as you slipped behind the large armchair in the corner, Wardlow stepped into the living room. You couldn’t see him. But you could hear how his steps paused at the base of the stairs. Holding your breath, you waited to hear his next move. When you heard nothing for several seconds, you glanced around the back of the chair.
His shoes were sitting empty at the bottom of the steps.
Silently, you cursed to yourself. He was quiet in shoes. And nearly completely silent in socks. But… that would also make his pursuit slippery on the hardwood floors on the kitchen-side of the house. You headed that direction, hoping to hide somewhere in the dining room.
You never made it.
A hand reached out from the shadow of a door frame and snagged you by the throat. In seconds, you were pinned with your cheek to the wall as Wardlow pressed hard behind you.
“Hello there,” he teased in your ear. He took a deep breath, taking in the quivering of your body and the sight of you in your red outfit. Then he inhaled the scent of your perfume. If you’d been able to see his face, you were sure his eyes would have dilated. He leaned in closer, running his hands over your stomach and your breasts. “You’re a genius.”
You laughed. “Thanks. Still didn’t last long.” With whimper, you bit your lip as Wardlow ground his hard bulge into your ass. “Feels like you won’t last long either.” But when you tried to reach back for him, he growled in your ear and pinned your hands to the small of your back.
“What makes you think we’re done playing?” He continued to knead your breasts. Hyped up on adrenaline as you were, your nerves were already thrumming. Each squeezing grip and roll of your nipples drove you higher towards pleasure. “Like I said, I’m not going to be done with you till morning. And I intend to take you as I like you, when I like. So, run, Babygirl. Run.”
With a gasp, you realized you were alone again. Your body was shivering with need… and playful fear. This was worse than you thought. You thought his plan was to ravage you when he caught you. But now you knew: he intended to hunt you down over and over again, toying and edging you all evening, until he couldn’t take it anymore. And Wardlow was a patient man.
Dizzy with arousal you stumbled to the dining room. And regretted your choice. There was nowhere to hide here. And your red lingerie stood out like a red flag to a bull. Your chest heaved with panting; you could still feel his large hands on your breasts. He wasn’t far away.
The lights flicked on, making you yelp.
But he didn’t come into the room.
You knew he was waiting outside. Waiting for you to dash by so he could grab you again. What would he do to you this time? Spread his hands across your hot spots again until you couldn’t see straight? Or would he dip his fingers beneath the fabric to search out your slick? There was plenty for him to find.
Taking a breath, you made a break for it. No hand reached for you. No shadow rose up into your path. But the light flicked off in the room, making you run faster. You ran to the end of the hallway, suddenly turning into a room. You re-closed the door as quietly as you could and looked around. It was Wardlow’s gym. The wall-to-wall mirror on one side left nothing out of sight. But you hurried to the far corner anyway, ducking behind the cabinet that held his equipment. And not a moment too soon.
Wardlow entered. He looked around, glancing in the mirror for a flash of red. When he didn’t see a trace of you, he shut the door. You assumed it was on his way out. With your hiding place on the same side as the glass, you weren’t 100% sure.
Time to find another place to hide.
But as you emerged, a shadow moved behind yours.
Wardlow pinned your back to the wide bench in the center of the room. He took a seat, hiking your legs over his clothed thighs. Before you could try to roll away, he spread a large, warm hand over your abdomen.
Without a word, he began to run his thumb across the fabric above your clit. It was thin enough for you to feel every movement, and thick enough that he would have to work for a bit before your wetness would seep through. He titled this head to watch your response. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as you arched, doing your best to move closer to his administrations and grind into his bulge. His eyes glittered as you keened under his quickening touch. You were panting. With your hands in your hair, and your eyes closed, you were completely at his mercy.
He slid his other thumb into your mouth, using it to tilt your head to one side. You opened your eyes. Shivering, you saw yourself in the mirror as he saw you: already blissed out of your mind and your body pleading for him to take you.
“Please,” you moaned around his thumb. Sucking on it like you would his cock, you smoothed a hand down your thigh before placing it over his on your sex. “Please, baby-“
“Not yet.”
Sitting you up, he motioned to the door with a nod. He chuckled as you stumbled into the door frame on the way out.
Your captures came quicker after that. He did, indeed, pin you to the back of the couch. And to the bookshelves while he kissed deeply between your breasts. He’d dragged you out from under the guest bed, ignoring your screams of shock and delight so he could mouth up your spine. You only made it halfway up the stairs before he pinned you there too, kissing you deeply enough that you never wanted to move. But he sent you off with a slap to your ass.
Vision blurry around the edges and mind hazy with need, you finally collapsed onto your bed. The box you’d left there was gone. And he’d somehow managed to sneak up here and flick on the electric candles you kept for such nights. You agreed they were safer to use when your need burned for each other without needing to risk burning down the house. Trembling with arousal, you let the babydoll caplet fall off your shoulders. You crawled up to lay against the pillows. Despite the trouble it would cause when he caught you, you kneaded your breasts.
The door swung open, giving Wardlow a full sight of your hands trying desperately to replicate what his could do.
“Surrendering already, baby?”
“Mhmm.” You bit your bottom lip, keening for him to manhandle you all he liked.
But he stopped at the foot of the bed. “That’s it. Put on a show for me.” He choked as your mouth fell open with a high whine. “Do you need me that badly, Y/N? Where do you need me?” You reached for the edge of your panties, but he stopped you with a tsk. “Only I get to take those off.”
Your eyes drifted open from where they’d fluttered shut. And you almost forgot to keep moving. As much as you had been giving him a show, he began to give you one. Every girl’s crazy ‘bout a sharp dressed man. Because half the fun is watching the suit come off. Your breath stuttered as he lazily undid each button on his shirt. His suit jacket was long gone. As the expanse of his shoulders and chest were revealed, you pressed your thighs together. He smirked at your desperation, deftly removing his pants and every last scrap of fabric. While your movements stilled, enraptured by the sight in front of you, he lightly fisted his cock. For a second, the air paused. You leaned further into the pillows under his gaze. Then he crawled over you.
“What a big mouth you have,” you said with a smirk. You twirled your fingers into his hair.
He chuckled. And caught your earlobe between his teeth. “All the better to eat you with, my dear.”
He kissed you deeply under your jaw. Over your lips until you could barely breathe. And into the center of your chest to make you arch. Deftly, he unhooked the back of your bra and slid it down your arms before tossing it to the floor. He kissed down your stomach. When he scented around your belly button, he almost lost his composure. Instead, he snagged the last bit of lace between his teeth, dragging it down and off until you were bare for him.
It infuriated you how he kissed the inside of your thighs. How he kissed down to one of your knees and back up again. All the while his hands kneaded your hips. You desperately thrust, trying to draw him where you wanted. But he took his time. Nothing you could ever do was going to dissuade him from taking you how he liked, when he liked.
Just when you were sure he would keep you on edge like this for hours, he finally ran his nose across the top of your sex. The way he ate you out was like he’d never taste you again. Once he found the slick you had since the first time he pinned you to the wall, he was relentless. Tongue and fingers and humming and everything to take you high without sending you over. His thumb lightly flicked your clit while his tongue lapped at you. And when he did curl his fingers into you, it was never fast enough to make you cum.
So you tried one more thing to get what you wanted.
“Please, Michael. Make me cum. Please, baby, please.” You took to kneading your breast again, while your other hand curled into his hair.
His response was to rest his head on his hand as it splayed across your abdomen. All the while, his thumb never stopped toying with you. Each flick sent a jolt through you, making your breath stutter. He smiled darkly, watching your whole body flinch with the sensation.
“Why? Maybe I want to eat you out like this all night?”
You mewled. As lovely as that sounded… “but I need you. Needed you since you came to the door. Need you to fill me like only you can. Please, Michael. Give me your cock. Fill me up. Please!”
He chuckled. And stood. He jerked his cock while never stopping his flicking over your clit. “You need my cock? Here it is. Can’t you see it?”
“Need it in me. Please-“
He curled two fingers into you, nearly making you arch off the bed. “Alright. Since you asked so nicely.” He crawled over you again, sucking your nipple into his mouth. Distracted by his mouth, you jolted again to feel him enter you.
Finally feeling your body drawing him in, Wardlow did his best not to crush you. He panted into your skin. Mouthing across your chest, he muttered, “fuck.” It shocked him how your walls clamped around him, doing their best to not let him go. He kissed you deeply. And swallowed your rising cries as his desperation finally took control. Burying his face into the crook of your neck, he inhaled your perfume again. It stuttered his pace, then sped it up.
You held onto him for dear life. Diggin your nails into his back and wrapping your legs around his waist, you did everything you could to draw him closer. All the while also trying to remain conscience long enough to finally feel your pleasure snap. When it did, you cried out his name into his hair. And you kept murmuring his name as he continued thrusting into you.
When he did fill you, it wasn’t your last orgasm of the evening. He kept his promise. The first rays of morning were just filtering in through your windows before he collapsed beside you. Several of the candles had died out, their batteries depleted long before he was satisfied with taking everything he could from your pleasure.
Lips shivering against your skin, he kissed the underside of your jaw. You smoothed your thumb over his cheek.
With a grin, you breathed a laugh. “You didn’t tear off the set. Don’t you like it?”
“Mhmm. But I needed to keep it mostly together. So we can do this again. If you’re willing.”
“Yes. Very.” You pushed at his shoulder till he was on his back. With a sigh, you tossed a leg over his waist and rested your head on his chest.
The sun was high in the sky before either of you woke up. Only for him to dive into enjoying you again.
Wrestling/WWE Masterlist 
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jeysmullet · 11 months
headcanon of wrestlers reacting to their girlfriends defending them against someone else backstage??? darius martin x female reader, dante martin x female reader, hook x female reader, ricky starks x female reader, and isiah kassidy x female reader
Aew Men React: To Their Girlfriend Defending Them Backstage.
Pairings: Darius Martin X Fem!Reader, Dante Martin X Fem!Reader, Hook X Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks X Fem!Reader, Isiah Kassidy X Fem!Reader, Nick Wayne X Fem!Reader.
yall lemme say this before i write this.
@thesupreme316 is somebody i take writing style inspiration from in terms of writing head cannons , so please don’t try and say i’m coping them.
Darius Martin:
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•This man is shy. like really shy when it comes to you.
• So when he was standing with the Lads and they heard some people arguing, when he figured out it was you arguing about him, this man’s face was hot.
• He would grab you from the person you were arguing with and drag you into a different, quieter area.
• All while still trying to calm himself down.
• “Why were you even arguing with them?”
• “Because they tried saying that you weren’t a good wrestler, and of course i had to defend my man.”
• And even if he tried he could not be a little upset at you for getting into a argument with your co-worker.
Ricky Starks:
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•He is so cocky.
•Like this man could be standing around with his co-workers, and he like,
• “Y’all partners ever defended y’all like that?”
•Eventually he would have to drag you away and calm you down.
•That doesn’t mean the cockiness stopped.
• “You were arguing over me?”
•Like moral of the story, he would make you never wanna defend him again.
Dante Martin:
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•He’s kind of shy like his brother, but he’s really sweet about it.
•When he dragged you away from the person you were arguing with, he would make sure you’re okay.
• “Are you okay? Did they say something about you?”
•When he found out you were arguing because you were defending him, he got really smiley.
•Like this man’s face could explode with how red his face got.
•But then he got into somewhat of a parent mode.
• “Baby, you could’ve gotten in trouble. I don’t want you to have to watch everyone else wrestle and you can’t, and it be my fault. I love you though, and thank you for defending me.”
•He’s just a little smiley ass baby.
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• Hook try’s to act nonchalant about it, but at the same time he gets really happy about it.
•Like he’ll try to use his hoodie to hide his smile, but it fails.
“He’ll try to let y’all end it on y’all’s own, but he’ll end up taking you into a different room when he feels it’s getting a little bit to far.
•When you finally calm down, you notice how smiley he is.
•He gets red in the face when you start picking at him.
•He’s just overall happy his girl defended him like that.
Isiah Kassidy:
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•Isiah would record it.
•Like i have absolutely no doubt he wouldn’t record it, and then use it as a vlog bit.
•When he finally stops recording because he notices y’all are getting louder, he’ll pull you to another room.
•When you calm down, you notice his phone in his hand.
• “You recorded that didn’t you?”
•He would try to lie and say he didn’t but to be honest we all know he can’t lie.
• “I’m never defending yo ass again.”
•He very… unique.
Nick Wayne:
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•I feel like Nick is very levelheaded.
•Like when he sees you, he automatically drags you away.
•He realizes you could get in trouble, so he calms you down before it gets any worse.
•When you finally told him why you and the person was arguing, mans would turn so red.
•When he finally gets his face back to a normal color, he thanks you for defending him.
•He also tells you not to get in trouble with the boss because of him.
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Love? Hate?
Send requests🖤
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lethimtalktoyeah · 8 months
Some HCs about reader joining Adam in his AEW debut (AUish cause not entirely accurate to the actual segment)
this is just some crackish stuff I wrote in my notes app, not ,fuelled by the thrill of my boys reuniting
- <3 -
-Back in your WWE the days you had been causing trouble with Edge and Christian non stop until one fateful day an injury ended your career and you had to make the decision to leave WWE behind
-Luckily for you , you managed to stay emerged in the world of wrestling tho , visiting various wrestling companies across the whole world as a valued journalist and managing to keep in contact with your friends
-When Adam reached out to you to tell you he‘d switch companies you were surprised but beyond happy that‘d he‘d join Jay/Christian in AEW
- Adam: Okay but imagine his face if I‘d bring you along as my right hand woman or something like that
-You knew Adam texted this in a joking manner but as his debut came closer , you couldn’t shake the thought out of your head
-You loved doing what you did right now but deep within yourself you knew that nothing would ever top being involved directly and this was the perfect opportunity to get out there without risking your health
-So , one “What if we’d actually pitch this?” and a dozen of meetings later , you were set to debut in AEW along with Adam , taking on the role as his right hand woman
-The collective decision was made to keep your debut as a secret from Christian , in order to get a genuine reaction
-“What if we don’t get along anymore?” The debut was only two days away , sending your brain into overdrive
-“You mean what if he doesn’t let you be a pain in the ass anymore?” , seeing your expression Adam immediately changed to a softer demeanour “Hey, there’s absolutely no way you wouldn’t get along anymore.” he searches your eyes with a reassuring smile, reaching over to squeeze your knee in sympathy
-“After all I know all you dirty secrets.” Adam smirks mischievously ,hinting to the late nights and car rides you’d open up to him about your crush on his best friend
-“Your insufferable .” You smack him with a gasp, huffing a laugh as he rubs his arm
-2 days later and you’re hidden away in the backstage are of the arena, readjusting the suit jacket on your shoulders
-Adam and you had settled on a casual business approach for your look as his right hand woman. Boots , suit pants , a suit jacket and to both of yours amusement , a cropped turtleneck underneath (because if something would challenge Christian then I’d surely be a turtleneck show-off)
-“The way is all cleared for you.” A crew-member interrupted your thoughts, prompting you to get up and follow them
-reaching the ramp , you could hear Adam’s theme blasting outside and the crowd going wild
-your nervousness slowly got replaced with sheer and utter excitement as you stood , chin held high, waiting for your signal
-You could hear the crowd go silent as Adam stopped outside the ring and began to speak , a bewildered Christian looking down at him
-“…and of course I wasn’t stupid enough to come here alone.” You could see the gears in Christian’s head turning
-“Let me introduce you to my right-hand woman.” You could hear the smugness in Adam’s voice as your new theme blasted over the speakers
-The crowd going absolutely crazy as you stepped out , walking down the ramp with a confident strut
-Christian’s eyes widened upon seeing you , failing to hide his shock behind his cocky and arrogant act for a mere second before narrowing his eyes at the cropped turtleneck under your business jacket
(- Imagine Christian pulling up in a cropped turtleneck cause he’s not letting anyone outshine him in a turtleneck)
[might continue this but as an actual story]
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smartycvnt · 1 year
Master of Puppets
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Title: Master of Puppets Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Reader Summary: Y/n reveals herself as the unexpected motivation in Rhea's heel turn. R WC: 493
Finn, Damian, and Dom were all laid out inside of the steel cage. Rhea stood proudly in front of them, fully prepared for even more carnage. This match would go down in the history books as one of the most violent matches in WWE history. Seeds of tension had been planted within Judgement Day, but nobody was really sure where they had come from. Leading up to this, it had looked like Rhea and Damian against Finn and Dom. From outside of the ring, Y/n had watched and waited for her cue to come out. Damian and Rhea standing over the broken bodies of Finn and Dom wasn't enough for her, and she waited until Rhea struck Damian down with a baseball bat.
"Good girl," Y/n said as she opened up the door to the cage. All of the guys looked towards Y/n as she took her spot next to Rhea. Y/n could tell all of them were beyond confused about her part in this. Everybody had to have been. Y/n had no problems with the Judgement Day, not to anybody else's knowledge at the very least. However, she had an issue with each of the guys separately. Damian had cost her stable the run of NXT back in the day, just like Finn had sent away her former stablemates years before, but Dom was a different story. Y/n had simply been jealous of him talking about how much Rhea loved him, there was only so much that she could stomach.
"This is our company now," Rhea said as she looked down at her former stablemates. Y/n entertwined herself with Rhea as the two of them stood there. She wanted there to be pictures, ones that would be immortalized as posters and shirts later on. "Everything is ours now."
"That's right. Maybe they'll have you back in Japan Finn," Y/n said as she waved at the man. "I hear that AEW is taking in nobodies with good last names, maybe you can find a place there Dom. As for Damian, it really is a shame when things don't go your way, isn't it? I hope you enjoyed your little run of dominance because the three of you are going to be my bitches until I'm done with you."
"Y/n, let's go," Rhea said as the guys started to stir. Y/n kept her arm linked with Rhea's as they left the ring and walked up the ramp. Damian, Finn, and Dom all started to get onto their feet, but stayed in the ring. Rhea could see the looks of hurt and betrayal in their eyes, but she didn't pay them any mind. All Rhea needed was Y/n, who would boost her up and make sure that she was taken seriously. Y/n had promised Rhea the world, and Rhea believed that Y/n was truly the only person who could fulfill her promises.
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finndoesntwantthis · 1 month
Okay so the first time the Elite threatened to get a divorce was back in 2018 and let me tell you! If you didn’t live in the fandom at that time you may not know that we legit did not know if the group was going to break up for real or not.
They were all in bullet club, and it was Pre-All In, AEW not even on the cards at all. In story line, Cody was in the throws of trying to finish the job Adam Cole started in trying to draw a wedge between the Bucks and Ken and essentially steal the Young Bucks from Kenny and oust him entirely from being Bullet Club’s leader. At the same time Ibushi was back in NJPW, and Cody was trying to convince the Bucks that Ken cared more about him then he did about them, and he was the one who was going to leave them (also cody’s sexual obsession of Kenny era don’t get me started).
IN REAL LIFE, Bullet Club was at the most popular it had EVER been (thank you Elite) and WWE was pushing hard to hire them. Fans were split on whether they wanted them to sign cause that was like the dark ages of Vince buying up any indie talent that was good and throwing them to NXT (where at least they had good storylines and Matches like Adam Cole) or simply not using them well at all. The tag division also started not being used well so it was like, why would the Bucks sign to that. Basically nobody was sure that the Elite were going to get the respect/status/storylines that they deserved, so a lot of fans wanted them to stay in NJPW and ROH where they could continue to do whatever they wanted.
Knowing all of that, the Elite like the little monsters that they are, used the fact that nobody was sure what any of them were going to do, to hint at a possible break up forever because half would sign and half would stay. Like. We genuinely did not know if they were going to continue working together. So when the divorce story was put forth, emotions amongst fans were so high because we truly didn’t know if the outcome was going to be a permanent separation literally due to being at different companies.
Thankfully they never planned on signing, and the Golden Elite was formed, and All In happened, and that lead to AEW and now here we are.
So when I say this Divorce Era is more fun, I mean it’s purely entertainment and we don’t have to sit here and think this might be the last time we ever see them all work together lol this is genuinely just a fun story about the world’s messiest and most toxic polycule going through one of their phases, but the band isn’t gonna break up and be locked behind different walls at the end lol
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plentyoffandoms · 1 month
Nick Wayne x Female Reader??? Semi-Angst and Fluff? The reader sees some bad comments people are making against Nick and she defends him over social media which leads to Bick thanking her with a kiss and them confessing their feelings to each other.
Nick Wayne x f/Reader
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Main Masterlist ♡ Wrestlers Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestler Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: some swearing.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @junglehooks 2nd gif @elitehanitje
WC: 970
Requested by @hooks-martin hope you like it.
I couldn't take it anymore.
All these toxic wrestling fans are coming after Nick. Saying how he isn't a good wrestler. That he is only signed with AEW because of who his dad was.
That it was all because of Darby Allin that got him here. Yes, Samuel did help, but Nick would have eventually gotten here.
None of them have any idea how long he worked towards this. They have no idea that he was going to be here no matter what.
But, the comments from the haters kept coming. From wrestling fans who have never once stepped foot into a ring, and have no idea what it actually takes to do everything all wrestlers have to learn and do that they do not fully cause harm to others and themselves.
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Nick tells me not to pay attention to what they say. He says this every single time I bring it up, as since it is bothering me, it must be bothering him.
"I post, and then I don't look at my phone. They can say what they want as they hide behind their keyboards, but I don't look at the hate." Was all he said to me.
Well, it bothered me, one of his oldest friends.
I met Nick in the third grade when I transferred schools, and even then, all he could talk about was wrestling.
I didn't know it then, but that is when I fell in love with him as he talked about going to watch his father wrestle that weekend.
Speaking of his dad, who we all still very much miss, people would compare him to his dad, and they should never be compared with one another.
I heard the notification go off on my phone, bringing me out of the thoughts of the last holiday I spent with Nick, his mom, and dad.
I grabbed my phone and instantly regretted it.
Nick posted a photo, not even five minutes ago on Instagram, and the haters are already there, I was going to ignore it, just like how Nick does, but then, one comment seemed to stick out more than one.
I have never seen this user comment on any of his stuff before, but damn, they aren't going at Nick about his wrestling, but by his looks.
It didn't take me long to start an argument with a stranger on the Internet, defending my friend, well secret crush.
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Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
I was showing Tyler something that I wanted to buy when I saw notification after notification of an argument going on the latest photo I posted on Instagram.
I usually don't bother with it, but I noticed one particular username, and I had to check it out.
I saw the comment about my appearance, but also how my best friend was sticking up for me and isn't backing down.
I know she always does, but this time, she was going off.
"I gotta go and see what she is up to." I said to Tyler. "You mean save her before she goes completely mad, and the two of you get called in to HR?"
"Wouldn't be the first time we got into trouble." I said while laughing at the memories of all the shit we used to get up to.
I found her exactly where I knew she would be. In her hotel room, muttering to herself. Most likely trying to figure out what she was going to say next.
"Just let yourself in." She said without looking up.
"You are making yourself crazy over this person." She slammed her phone on the bed and looked angrily up at me, which I found adorable.
"Look, I ignored them after you asked me too about your wrestling, but when it comes to your looks and appearance, nope, I can not stand by and allow that." She said to me as she moved positions. I sat down next to her on the edge of the bed.
She was about to grab her phone as the other person had responded, but I grabbed both her hands and turned my body to face her.
"Thank you." I leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek, just like I have always done, but she turned her head at the last moment, and our lips connected for the first time.
We both pulled back in shock, but she smashed her lips against mine as we shared our first heated kiss.
I needed air, so I pulled back, and I rested my forehead against hers.
"Maybe now isn't the right time, maybe it is. Maybe there isn't a right time." I started to yammer.
"Just spit it out, Nick." She quietly said.
"I like you, and I love the fact that you stand up for me whenever you get a chance. You always have, and that is one of the reasons why I fell in love with you," At this point, how I was feeling just seemed to spill from my lips.
"Well, Nicholas, I am also in love with you."
"Wait, really?" I was stunned.
"Of course. Why do you think I defend you so much."
"I should have known." I could help but laugh as I said that.
"Yes, now about you, and I go out to dinner."
"You asking me out?"
"Yes, I am Nick."
I stood up and grabbed and held my hand out for her take. She placed her hand in mine, and I helped her off the bed.
"Time for this very long, overdue date, and I have the perfect spot." I ignored her questions as we left her hotel room.
I ignored the comments after posting a photo of the two of us that night, her kissing my cheek, and me declaring my love for her for the world to see.
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thesupreme316 · 11 months
hi i was wondering if you could do aew boys reacting to you getting injured this is my first request. i love you storys🩷
OF COURSE SWEETHEART and thank you so much for the kind words
AEW Stars React to You Getting Injured:
Pairings: Hook X Reader, Eddie Kingston X Reader, Dante Martin X Reader, Ricky Starks X Reader, MJF X Reader, Kenny Omega X Reader, Daniel Garcia X Reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Supreme Speaks: hiiiiii...sorry for the spam for the past couple of days (just wanna get these requests out and make room for more)...THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND LOVE. thank you to @aew190 for the request. also the reader is unspecified so gender neutral (tailor it to your liking). Please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warning: not proofread
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @aew190 @hookerforhook @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
You were in a match (with an opponent of your choosing)
You were about to attempt a diving move (or signature move)
But then your opponent countered it; causing you to slip and hit your shoulder first extremely hard
You felt immediate pain and laid on the mat for a little bit as the ref checked on you
You decided to continue the match and you won, making the crowd cheer
Clutching your shoulder, you were able to walk yourself to the back where your boyfriend/best friend sat
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Man is worried; but it’s concerning to those around him
Like this man has not moved, blinked, nothing since you took that bump
Even though it wasn’t that bad of a bump, you dislocated your shoulder
He just kept looking at how you clutched your arm in pain
Hook lightly hugged your other side and whispered “As long as you’re okay, everything is fine.”
This man would be the best nurse; you never would have to lift a damn finger
Hook carries your bags, has all your favorite drinks and snacks in his bookbag, and never complains
Gives frequent updates to The Lads
“They lifted their arm today….to throw a pillow at me. But still, progress.”
Will help you gain your strength through workouts and therapy
Eddie Kingston:
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Man is worried but he runs around like a chicken with his head cut off
Cussing everyone and they momma out, “Fuck you, fuck you, hi Ishii, and FUCK YOU CLAUDIO”
After figuring out the injury was not as bad as it could have been, Eddie immediately becomes that nurse that will do their job while complaining
You: Can you help me put this hoodie on?
Eddie: Oh my gawd, you are so needy….but yeah fo sure I gotchu
He doesn’t like to see you in pain; will distract you with old wrestling or him just going off about people
Despite him saying that he doesn’t like you or want to help you, he will never leave your side and will do anything to comfort you during this
(Man will tell jokes but never lies)
Will act like everything he does is no problem or it means nothing, but it does mean something to both you and him
Is secretly planning for revenge
Kenny Omega:
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His heart would literally fall apart as he realized what happened
Keeps watching the match to make sure nothing else happens
When you come backstage, he already talked to Tony about taking you off TV for a little bit
Gives you all the time and attention in the world
Wears your merch for support
Gets online to find a specialist for your injury
Will not leave your side; Kenny might actually move into your house temporarily to help out
“Why the hell is all your cups so damn high? This is not safe for a short injured demon like yourself.”
Kenny will spend all his days playing video games with you, helping you around the house, and getting you back in shape for the ring
All to make sure that you’re okay and safe
Daniel Garcia:
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Okay; hear me out
Man would freak out and then once learning that your injury is not that severe, would turn up
I’m talking man would act like you’re not hurt and drag you to every social gathering he could
Shit might throw you a recovery party
“One club, another club, another club, brunch, another club.”
It’s his way of comforting you; as a person who was injured, he was deprived of socializing with others
He doesn’t want that for you; he wants you to recognize that just because of your injuries, doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on your friends
Will do anything if you ask him though
Daniel will also FaceTime you a lot so that you’re not missed throughout the locker room;
“Everyone say hi to Y/N, now everyone boo them cause they're not here.”
Ricky Starks:
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Man is worried at first because he’s fought numerous injuries before
More or so worried about the aftermath of it for you; doesn’t want you to get left behind
Instantly thinks of ways for you to be on TV without being in the ring and pitches them on your behalf
Ricky: So then, Y/N interrupts them and is like “Hell No” like Brandi to Jade
TK: Ricky I-
Ricky: Wait your turn…..jackass
Is forever right beside you in case you need anything; doesn’t want you to feel alone
Will go with you to all your consultations and stuff, bring you all your favorite food and stuff
I also think Ricky would be the one to stop everything just to check on you; where it’s over the phone or in person
Also, if you have a cast or a brace, Ricky will bedazzle it in your sleep
Dante Martin:
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As he is injured and his brother suffered from numerous injuries, he was instantly feeling bad for you
Lets you know that you are not alone
Sits backstage with you as The Lads got matches and storylines; talks about anything and nothing
I think (because of the fact Dante and I were born in the same year) Dante would definitely be cracking jokes about this
“At least we got each other during this. I got one leg and you got one arm, we’re practically one full person.”
Dude will do anything to make you smile;
Feels more content and happy with you beside him
Ya’ll are constantly pushing each other to go to physical therapy and recovery
if ya’ll weren’t dating beforehand, you definitely are now
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Instantly roasts you on Twitter
….Idk why you expected anything else…
Anyways, he would definitely take care of you by giving care and attention
While roasting you to your face; you are never safe from this man’s wrath
Will buy you unnecessary and extreme items for your recovery; but claims that he needs the state-of-the-art towel warmer (really it's for you)
ALSO the man will buy you a Burberry scarf and tell you it’s a fake, but it's actually real
I think he genuinely feels bad that you are injured and will try to make your life easier during this time in his own way
If he can’t be there for you, he’s bringing you on the road to keep an eye on you; will never leave you alone tbh
To others, Max just doesn’t really care for you but you and him both know that he’s trying his best and that’s all that matters
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fallynleaf-gifs · 1 year
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Wherever I go... whatever country I go to... I want the Golden Lovers to fight with the same emotion and one heart. —Kenny Omega
“What would Kota think?”
This is a long-overdue gifset. I meant to finish it in November 2021, then I meant to finish it in early 2022, then, well, May 2022 happened, and the Golden Lovers story effectively got put on ice, so I shelved the gifset, too. But now we have reason to hope again, so here it is. The Golden Lovers’ path has never been a straightforward or easy one.
I’ve seen Kota Ibushi described as a “ghost” that haunted Kenny Omega for those few years, but I don’t think that’s quite accurate. Kota has been part of the fabric of AEW itself since the very beginning. Despite the fact that he has yet to make an actual appearance, he has been present in direct references and allusions, in the Golden Lovers symbol on the shoulder of Kenny’s gear, and in the golden “E” in “AEW”, which originally came from the Golden Elite.
Without Kota Ibushi, AEW as we know it would not exist. Of course, a large part of that is his continuing influence on anything and everything that Kenny does. Kenny Omega only really tells one story. It’s the same story that he has been telling his whole career. Sometimes it’s a quiet, subtle story, and sometimes it’s a very loud one. Sometimes it’s both at the same time.
The first direct, unmistakable reference to Kota in AEW happened in an infamous Undertale-themed VTR on October 30, 2019. In it, Kenny is plagued by his own insecurity (which was not helped by Kota’s recent G1 win, in contrast to Kenny’s recent failures in AEW), and a seductive voice tries to prompt him to let it take control before his other tag partners leave him, too. But Sans steps in to stave off the inevitable, and Kenny manages to keep it together—for about a year or so.
The next reference happens a little over a week later, at Full Gear on November 9. Kenny has an unsanctioned match with Jon Moxley, and he brings out all sorts of weapons, including a horrific bed of barbed wire that Hangman Page and the Young Bucks were reluctant to help him with. But what gets him in the end isn’t any weapon, but a failed Phoenix Splash (Kota’s first finisher) onto the exposed wood of the ring. From there, Mox hits a Paradigm Shift and pins him. Kenny could endure broken glass and barbed wire, but the one pain he couldn’t withstand is the pain of a broken heart.
After that, he tries to retreat back into the only comfort he knows: tag team wrestling. He pressures Hangman into tagging with him, and the two of them set their sights on tag team gold. Miraculously, they manage to make it work, winning the titles a scant month and a half or so before the world shuts down. Kenny’s main focus is on tag team wrestling during this time, but in order to fix one major blemish on his singles record, he ends up wrestling Pac in an ironman match on February 26, 2020. One of the moves he pulls out is unmistakably a Kamigoye (Kota’s current finisher).
A few days after that, on February 29, Kenny and Hangman defend their titles against the Young Bucks at Revolution. It’s a match with quite a few references and callbacks (especially to the Golden Lovers vs Young Bucks match in 2018), but the most striking moment was the Bucks hitting Kenny with a Golden Trigger (the Golden Lovers’ finisher), which Kenny kicks out of after a mere 1-count, prompting a massive response from the crowd. No one can weaponize the Golden Lovers’ own love against him like that.
The end of that match portends division and betrayal between the four men, but before the story can continue as planned, the covid-19 pandemic hits, and everything in the world of pro wrestling changes.
The year that follows is a hard one. Kenny’s AEW tag title run has a cruel symmetry with Kota’s concurrent NJPW tag title run. Just as Kenny and Hangman finally find their equilibrium, FTR arrives to sow conflict, The Elite fractures, Kenny and Hangman drop the titles, and Kenny gives up on tag team wrestling. Everything in the Undertale VTR had come to pass. Having nowhere else to go, he goes to an old family friend: Don Callis.
Then, at Winter Is Coming on December 2, wrestling in frigid 40°F weather at the open-air Daily’s Place, Kenny beats Jon Moxley for the AEW World Championship, thanks to Don Callis helping him cheat. The two of them abscond with the title after the so-called “golden screwjob”, and Kenny takes it somewhere the Young Bucks aren’t willing to follow him—Impact Wrestling.
Thus kicks off the Belt Collector arc. Kenny soon acquires two new/old goons: Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows, both former members of Bullet Club. He starts considering himself part of Bullet Club again, and declares his intent to collect more belts besides the AEW one (and the AAA Mega Championship, which he already had), starting with Impact.
On January 4, 2021, Kota Ibushi wins the IWGP Heavyweight and Intercontinental Championships at Wrestle Kingdom in NJPW. A few days after that, Kenny posts an Instagram story wherein he looks at Sports Illustrated’s list of the top 10 wrestlers of 2020. Kenny is number five on the list, and Kota is number eight. We can see that Kenny was looking at Kota’s entry before he looked at his own.
Then, on January 28, on the three year anniversary of their reunion, Kota tweets at Kenny, proposing that their two companies change the industry together. Kenny replies, using Nak’s translation as a mediator, and says, “Already feeling lonely in the Kingdom I left for you? Shall I destroy it? Take my hand, we’ll build a new one”. Kota responds to him, but receives no answer.
A few days after that, on February 3, Kenta appears on AEW Dynamite, blowing the so-called Forbidden Door between AEW and NJPW wide open. From that point on, we’re truly in uncharted territory.
Kenny challenges for (and wins) the Impact World Championship in April, but leading up to that match, Don simultaneously stokes Kenny’s ego and tries to gaslight him into erasing Kota from his own history. He encourages Kenny to repeatedly say that no one has ever kicked out of the One Winged Angel (only one person actually has: Kota Ibushi. He’s the source of Kenny’s greatest strength and his greatest weakness). However, no matter how much Don tries, Kenny’s age-old insecurity emerges on March 23, when Don names a long list of wrestlers that Kenny is supposedly better than, and Kenny yells out “Bigger than Ibushi!”
Kenny names Kota again in a AAA promo on August 31, listing him among the best high flyers in the world. It’s abundantly clear that to Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi is the greatest wrestler in the world. No matter how far Kenny goes, no matter how many belts he collects, no matter how many accolades he receives, Kota Ibushi will always stand above him in his own mind. Kenny will never be able to outrun him or let go of him. He can’t fill the hole in his heart with a new tag partner, and he can’t fill it with belts, either.
While all of this is happening, Kota is unfortunately not having the greatest summer of his life. He loses the IWGP belt to Will Ospreay on April 4, then gets aspiration pneumonia in July. He participates in the G1 Climax tournament in September and manages to make it all the way to the finals, but he dislocates his shoulder after a failed Phoenix Splash while facing Kazuchika Okada on October 21.
Kenny’s own injuries come back to haunt him, too, but his autumn goes a little bit better.
Adam Cole—an actual ghost from Kenny’s past—comes back to sow trouble for the Elite (though it takes a while to actually manifest), debuting at All Out on September 5 along with Bryan Danielson. Bryan wrestles Kenny a couple weeks later in his first match as an AEW member, on September 22 at Grand Slam. He forces Kenny to fight him with everything he has, and for just a moment, Bryan is able to draw out the Best Bout Machine instead of the Belt Collector. As he always does in his moments of greatest need, Kenny reaches for Kota Ibushi, and once again executes a Phoenix Splash, which, as always, he is unable to actually hit. This time, it doesn’t end in tragedy, though. Instead, the match goes to a full time limit draw.
The death knell for the Belt Collector looms near, however. Hangman Page earns himself a shot at the AEW World Championship at Full Gear on November 13. Three days before the match, they hold a contract signing for it on Dynamite.
Hangman, who knows Kenny very well by this point, is able to read the subtext. He finally figures it out. He realizes that everything Kenny said to him, everything that he did to him and with him, it was never actually about Hangman. It all sprung from a deeper wound that Kenny has carried with him all this time. As soon as Hangman figures this out, nothing Kenny does to him can hurt him anymore. "But if I remember, you once had another tag team partner who maybe you felt like you didn't measure up to either."
That one line also does something else that’s very important: it brings Kota Ibushi out of AEW’s subtext and into the main text. He’s part of the story now. And he always was. (The man himself liked a gif of Hangman’s “you once had another tag partner” line on twitter shortly after it happened. If there was ever any doubt that he’d been keeping up with what Kenny was doing in his absence, it’s gone now.)
Maybe the best illustration of this is a front row sign that a fan brings to Hangman and Kenny’s match at Full Gear a few days later. “What would Kota think?” Kenny stops to stare at it for a long moment before entering the ring. Years earlier, he’d talked about being so surprised and thrilled that the fans had managed to pick up on the Golden Lovers story leading up to their reunion in NJPW. He was so touched by the fact that the fans had known their history, after all that time. I wonder if he felt something similar here. It was in many ways the culmination of his efforts. The story made deeply tangible, here at the climax of its most difficult chapter.
As was always meant to happen, Kenny loses to Hangman and drops the AEW title. He makes one last onscreen appearance on November 17, 2021 before temporarily stepping away from AEW and away from wrestling so that he can recuperate from years of overworking himself. He says, “I feel like... there’s things I gotta fix, there’s things I gotta change, and I can’t do it here.” Is his relationship with Kota one of those things he had to fix?
Here’s where the story gets a bit hazy. Unfortunately, the year that follows does not go particularly well for either of the Golden Lovers, and plans have to get rewritten. Their respective injuries take longer than expected to heal, which leads to Kota having a falling out with NJPW in May 2022 after they try to force him to come back to the ring too soon. Kenny is finally able to make his own return in August 2022, but he returns to a troubled backstage environment, which finally boils over during the media scrum after All Out on September 4. Kenny and the rest of the Elite are forced to vacate their freshly won Trios Championships, and they all get suspended for a few months during the investigation.
But even in the darkest of moments, things aren’t all bad. The Golden Lovers reunite in a restaurant in Japan on September 15. They reunite on their own terms, outside of any company. The future is still a bit unclear for them, but wherever the story goes next, they want to do it right. “Because the tag team with him is more special to me than anything,” Kota says. He asks Kenny to wait for him, and Kenny assures him that he’ll wait as long as it takes. They both proclaim that the Golden Lovers aren’t over.
One day, the stars will align for them again. If it happens in AEW, the stage is already set. "What would Kota think?” was the question posed at the end of 2021. Maybe one day we will get to hear his answer.
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midwestmade29 · 29 days
Protective 🩵
To Anyonymous: Thanks for sending in your request! I hope you enjoy what I came up with 🥰 Word count: 957 Divider by: @saradika-graphics GIF credit: @cowboyshit Original Anonymous Request: can you please write an Christian Cage X Fem Reader Story where both are dating and she's also an Wrestler in AEW, but their relationship is secret due to their age gap, while reader is on the way from her locker room to the ring an production dude came pretty close to her and made some offensive comments because of her revealing gear which makes her uncomfortable and he witnesses it and he runs to her to guard her and make sure she's save and says something like "leave my girlfriend alone you perv" and when everyone is looking at them after he said that Reader confirms they are dating and she kisses Christian. Reader's best friend Anna Jay comes up and said "you could tell me he's an good catch, i'm happy for you" Disclaimers: Harassment. When Christian rushes to your aid, the both of you accidentally oust your relationship...
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You had just gotten changed into your new ring gear when there was a knock on the locker room door. “Come in,” you called out. Christian poked his head into the room, making eye contact with you and smiling. “Are you alone?” he asked softly. You nodded your head, and he closed the door behind him before making his way over to you. He grabbed your hand and spun you around slowly, admiring his girl and her new gear. “You look incredible baby! I’m glad you went with your original design, it suits you,” he complimented sweetly. “I’m a lucky guy,” “You’re sure it’s not too much? It’s a lot more revealing than I thought it would be,” you asked sheepishly. Your self-consciousness suddenly kicked in, but Christian put your mind at ease when he wrapped you in his arms and kissed you. His lips were next to your ear as he whispered, “It’s perfect, Y/N. You’re perfect. All that matters is if you like it and are comfortable wearing it. Anyone else’s opinion is irrelevant,” A smile covered your face as you nuzzled in closer to him, reveling in the way he was holding you in his strong arms. A knock at the door interrupted your sweet moment, bringing your attention to the clock on the wall. “Shoot, I’ve gotta go baby. Thanks for stopping by, seeing you was just what I needed,” your words sincere and full of appreciation. “Of course! I’ll be backstage watching on a monitor, cheering you on the entire time. Knock em’ dead baby,”
With a final kiss, you exited the locker room, Christian lingering there for a while longer to keep his presence unknown to anyone nearby. So far during the course of your relationship, the two of you had been successful at keeping it hush hush. Your age gap didn’t bother either of you, but you didn’t want the rest of the world judging it or sticking their noses where they don’t belong. It was yours and Christian’s little secret, making your relationship feel that much more intimate.
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Your least favorite production team member was waiting for you on the other side of the door. Most of the time you were able to avoid them, but it looks like tonight luck wasn’t on your side.  “Why are you here? I didn’t see your name on the list earlier,” your words laced with annoyance. “Not happy to see me princess? I sure am glad to see you! New ring gear tonight?” he replied, making your skin crawl. After rolling your eyes, you ignored his questions started to walk away. “Oh, don’t be like that! Although seeing you walk away in those skimpy little shorts of yours is making me forget all about your attitude,” You stopped in your tracks, whipping your head around in the creep’s direction, trying to fight off the intense anger you were feeling. “Excuse me?!” you shouted. The eyebrows of a few people passing by you were raised, but they kept on walking. “You’re a real piece of work, aren’t you?” There was a wicked gleam in his eyes when he moved in closer to you, making sure to block you when you tried to move away. “Hey, no need for this hostility sweetheart. I’m just admiring the goods. And boy do they look good! You should make all your gear this low cut and skimpy,”
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Just as you were about to respond, the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching caught your attention! Christian came into view and shoved the production team member out of the way, “Leave my girlfriend alone you pervert!” His protectiveness over you shined through as he turned to face you and asked if you were okay. Christian rubbed your arms soothingly, only breaking eye contact with you for a moment to address the creep once more, “If I ever hear you talk to Y/N like that again, I’ll break your jaw so you won’t be able to!” Much to your dismay, a crowd of people had gathered due to all the commotion, their eyes large with confusion and intrigue. After the production member ran off, Christian embraced you tightly, holding your head against his toned chest. Your mind was still reeling from the events that just played out, but you were thinking 100% clearly when you pulled away from him and placed a hand on each one of his cheeks. “Thank you,” you whispered against his lips before crashing yours against them. The kiss was filled with so many emotions that it left you breathless when it eventually ended.
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Someone standing behind Christian cleared their throat, so he moved to the side so the both of you could see who it was. Your best friend Anna was revealed, her face unreadable as she stood with her arms crossed. “Um, could you give us a minute, baby?” you asked Christian, feeling bashful all of a sudden. He kissed your forehead before taking a few steps down the hallway, still keeping his eyes on you. “You know, best friends usually tell each other things,” Anna said flatly. You shifted on your feet, nervousness bubbling to the surface while you tried to think of something to say. “You could’ve told me, Y/N. Christian is a good catch! I’m happy for you,”
Relief washed over you when she pulled you into a hug, all tension leaving your body. “He really is, isn’t he?” you smiled. “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, we were just enjoying it being our little secret for now. I guess that cat’s outta the bag now though,” you joked. With your arms intertwined, you and Anna walked over to Christian, and the three of made your way backstage for your match.
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spine-buster · 6 months
just friends, pt. 2
aka, another time it could have happened again
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gif credit @/besthimbomachine
Length: 3704 words Summary: It's New Year's Eve. Tyson and Hazel's favourite holiday is New Year's Eve. A beautiful dress doesn't quite help any New Year's resolutions. A/N: This series is slowly taking over my mind. This is some more blue balls for you all before we finally get to a sequel.
31 December 2019
Hazel took time to get ready for AEW’s New Year’s Eve party; she took time shaving and exfoliating in the shower, lathering herself in lotion, curling her hair, applying her makeup, slipping into her dress.  She took time looking at herself in the mirror, happy with how she looked.  It took a while to get here, literally and figuratively, but judging by the colour of her dress and the slit that reached up her thigh, she was, firmly, here.  Happy.
The party was to be held in TIAA Bank Arena for the entire roster, and while she knew she wasn’t running late, she knew Tyson would be. 
Can you hurry your ass up?
Perfection takes time, hunny
You are the worst person alive
Hazel snorted to herself at Tyson’s text, if only because she could picture so perfectly him saying it in person, too – if he were ever on time.  Regardless, she waited out in the hotel lobby, scrolling through her phone.  She saw some personal stories posted from some other friends already at TIAA Bank Arena, seeing all the decorations, the bar set up, and the hors d’oeuvres already being served.  She was starving.  If Tyson made her miss the hors d’oeuvres, she was going to kill him.
Her instincts told her to look up, and when she did, she saw Tyson walking towards her wearing a nice button up shirt and a pair of pressed slacks that fit him perfectly.  He looked good, but to Hazel, he always did, even though she couldn’t say it out loud.  She thanked the Lord it looked like he scrubbed all the spray tan off too, and trimmed his beard so it wasn’t too scraggly.  Sometimes she thought it looked so, and she made sure to tell him.  ‘It looks better when it’s shorter, Ty,’ she’d tell him, and usually within twelve hours it would be at a length she loved.  It was kind of like when he told her how he liked her long hair, how he didn’t want her to cut it again after she had chopped most of it off into a long bob a few years ago now.  Hazel went for regular trims so her hair was healthy and grew it out to a length that cascaded down her back.
Okay, so maybe they did say it out loud from time to time.
“Did you order the Uber?” she asked when he was close, but he didn’t answer.  She waited patiently for a response, but didn’t get one.  Tyson didn’t respond because his eyes were travelling from her face down her body, the dress accentuating every beautiful curve and line.  “Kenneth!”
He snapped out of it.  “What?!”
“You’re going to make me miss the hors d’oeuvres,” she said.
“No I’m not,” he said.  “The Uber’s two minutes away.  Let’s go wait outside.”
He walked behind her, watching her ass in the dress.  He had to think of the smell of his hockey team’s locker room from 20 years ago to prevent himself from getting a fucking erection in the lobby of a hotel.  He wanted to punch himself for thinking what he was; for thinking about what he wanted to do to her in that dress.  The things he could get away with.  The things she’d let him get away with.
If it was the right time.
“You look great by the way,” he said nonchalantly, barely making eye contact with her as they stood outside waiting for the Uber to pull up to the door.
“Yeah, thanks,” Hazel was almost bashful, running her hands down the fabric that covered the front of her thighs.  “You don’t—you don’t think it’s too m—”
“Nah, no way,” he cut her off, shaking his head vehemently.  “Everything…you just, you look incredible, Haze.”
“Thanks, Ty.  I mean it.”
He looked at her finally, a small smile on his face.  “If any of the guys hit on you tonight, you’ll know why.”
Before Hazel could say that none of the guys would hit on her as long as he was around (except for Austin, probably, and even then it would be as a joke), and before she could blurt out something stupid like “I wish you’d be the one to hit on me,’, their Uber rolled up in front of them.  She climbed into the back, trying to get her dress not to bunch up too much.  Tyson hopped in after her, staying behind the passenger seat.  “TIAA Bank Arena, please,” Tyson said to the driver before looking out the window to distract himself.
At the party, Tyson didn’t appreciate how he and Hazel were separated.  She had been whisked away early on and he watched her order gin and tonic with lime from the bar.  He hung out with some of the guys but the eye he kept on her in the dress was near constant.  New Year’s was his favourite holiday and he wanted to spoil himself by staring at her – sue him. He wanted to spoil himself in more ways, but he knew he couldn’t.  It was getting harder the more he saw her smile, the more he saw her laugh, the more he saw her cheeks flush red and her smile get wider as the night passed, taking pictures and laughing at jokes and singing along with the music.
For what it was worth, Hazel noticed.  She noticed Tyson’s eyes on her almost the entire night, stuck on her as she giggled and smiled and sipped her drink.  She could tease him all night if she really wanted to, and she knew it.  But instead of doing that – instead of teasing him more than she already was – she decided to whisk herself away to the bathroom, if only to cool herself down and reapply her lipstick. 
As she bent over the vanity to reapply her lipstick in the mirror, the door opened and in walked Tyson.  He stared at her through the mirror, smiling as he shut the door behind him and leaned against it.  “Hey,” his voice was soft.
“Hey you.”
“You okay?” Tyson asked quietly.
“Of course,” Hazel nodded.  She picked up her glass filled with ice and a lime.  “This is water.”
“It is?”
“I keep asking the bartender to fill it with just tonic water,” she revealed, smiling.  “You know how I always like to remember New Year’s.”
Tyson couldn’t help but smile at her little scheme, pushing himself away from the door and taking the few steps towards her.  “Yeah.  Of course.  Just like me.”
“We promised, didn’t we?” she maintained direct eye contact with him through the mirror.
“We did,” he said, remembering their conversation and promise in Tokyo all those years ago. His hand went to her waist, without warning. Then it snaked around, his hand resting on her lower belly. Hazel looked at him through the mirror. “Have I told you that you look beautiful tonight?” his voice was low.
A smile broke out on her face; one she could barely conceal. “Mhmm,” she nodded her head quickly. She placed her hand over his, intertwining their fingers slightly. “You’re getting real handsy, Ty.”
“Sorry,” he didn’t mean it.
“You don’t have to apologize. You just have to…be careful.”
“Of what?”
“Yourself,” she deadpanned, biting her bottom lip mischievously.  “You’re your own worst enemy sometimes, you know that?”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
Smirking at each other through the mirror, Tyson slowly pulled his hand away from her, but didn’t step away from her body.  “Are you having fun?”
“The most fun,” Hazel closed her lipstick, turning around so she was finally facing him and not looking at him through a mirror.  “You know how much I love all these rapscallions.  Are you?”
“Now I am.”
When there was about five minutes to go, the waitresses and caterers began pouring the champagne into the flutes.  Hazel watched as each one filled up one by one, everybody gathering together to watch the final minutes.  As the champagne was passed around, Hazel accepted her flute graciously.  Tyson, of course, politely declined. 
“Can I have his?” she asked the waitress, who was more than willing to oblige.
With two champagne flutes in her hands, the final minutes were dwindling.  Tyson stood beside her, watching on, a smile on his face.  The excitement in the air was palpable.  The countdown was always the best part.  And when the last minute of the year hit, he watched as Hazel performed an excited jig. 
Then, thirty seconds left.  They both turned towards the TV again, counting down with the growing number of their friends shouting out the numbers.  Tyson grew more and more emphatic with his screaming of the numbers the closer they got.  Hazel screamed along, careful not to spill her champagne.
Five!...Four!...Three!...Two!...One!...Haaaaaappy New Year!
Hazel screamed along with everyone else, raising her hands with the champagne flutes up in the air for dramatic effect.  Tyson was screaming along with everyone and clapping his hands.  She could see Austin and Britt already sharing a New Year’s kiss, and a few others, too.  She brought the first of the champagne flutes to her lips to drink, to suppress what she really wanted to do.  Hopefully the moment would pass.
When she looked into Tyson’s eyes after downing the second flute, she saw everything she loved about him; everything she was so desperate to have but desperate to keep hidden, to keep locked away in some small compartment within her.  “Happy New Year, Ty.”
His smile was soft, but light, and genuine.  “Happy New Year, Haze.”
It was nearing two in the morning by the time Tyson and Hazel decided to call it a night.  There were still plenty of people at the party, and they were still all giggly and smiley, but they wanted to go back to the hotel.  Tyson ordered the taxi as Hazel said goodbye to everyone, kissing everyone’s cheek and hugging them tight.  When they left the venue, Tyson walked behind her again, watching her hips and ass move in her dress. 
The car pulled up in no time.  Hazel crouched into the taxi first, shifting all the way over to the other side.  She could immediately feel how cool the air was in the car, in such contrast to the humidity outside.  As Tyson climbed in after her, her body shivered.  “Hyatt Regency, please,” she said to the driver, watching as Tyson close the door behind him.
As the taxi driver signalled to rejoin the road, Tyson moved so he was in the middle seat, practically in her seat.  Then, his hand went straight to her thigh, where the slit of her dress exposed as much leg as it could.  Her eyebrows rose playfully.  “What d’you think you’re doing?” she asked playfully.
“What?” he asked non-chalant, the smallest of smirks building on his face.  “Not like my hand’s never been there before.  Plus, you shivered.  Body heat is paramount.”
Between training and matches, and between, well…he wasn’t technically wrong.  But he still knew he was pushing it, and Hazel knew he was pushing it too.  While she appreciated the physical touch – she always did with Tyson – she knew it wasn’t the right or the best thing to do.  “Oh Tyson,” she chastised him, leaning back against the window.  “You know what would be even better?” she asked as her hand went to lay on top of his on her thigh, their fingers slightly intertwining.
His hand attempted to go higher, closer to her core, but she stopped him.  “What’s that?” he asked.
“If you gave me a foot massage.”
He pretend gagged and she laughed out, knowing that he hated anything to do with feet.  “Now why the fuck would I do that?”
“Cause you love me,” she said.  “And these heels are awful.”
“They look great.”
“Beautiful but awful.”
“Why don’t you just take them off?”
She rolled her eyes.  Men.  “The first rule of heels is you can’t take them off until it’s the end of the night.  Your feet won’t fit back in them if you do, and it actually becomes more painful to walk in them again.”
Tyson shook his head.  “Beauty is pain, I guess.”
“So I guess I’m not getting a foot massage, huh?” she smiled.
“No chance.”
They chatted and joked for the short ride back to the hotel, wishing the driver a Happy New Year and tipping generously with cash so he didn’t have to claim it.  The second Tyson’s hand left her thigh and his body left her side, she felt the loss.  She hated admitting so.  She buried the feeling again as she stepped out of the car.  But before Hazel could even shut the door, Tyson’s hands were on her again.
Except this time, he lifted her up dramatically into a fireman’s carry.  She yelped loudly, acutely aware that despite her dress still being on and the fabric covering everything it needed to cover, her ass was in the air.  “Tyson!”
“Oh will you stop,” he mimicked Gorilla Monsoon perfectly.  “You said your feet hurt!”  He began walking towards the door and through the foyer.  Hazel could feel her body heat up from embarrassment as she saw the concierge look at them.  What a sight to see at two in the morning.  She was thankful that nobody else was lingering around.  “Better than walking, huh?”
“Can you at least carry me like a normal person so my ass isn’t in the air?”
Carefully, so as to not tear at her dress, they transitioned like they were in the ring in-between wrestling moves, and eventually, Tyson was carrying her bridal style.  She pressed the button for the elevator before looking into his eyes and cradling his face in her hand.  “Hey Tys?”
“Thanks for carrying me.”
“I’d do anything for you.  You know that.”
“I know that, but your back is bad.”
“Doesn’t matter.  Your feet hurt.”
Her heart swelled.  Tyson had always been so good to her, and her to him, but she revelled in this sweet moment as much as she could.  It was only when Tyson’s face started to get closer did her heart begin fluttering instead of swelling.  “Ty…” she whispered. 
“You smell delectable,” he mumbled. 
“That’s Jo Malone for you,” she tried to joke, even though she knew it wouldn’t hit.  Tyson’s mind was somewhere else as she dug through her purse for their room key.  She shoved it into the reader, the little light turning green before she opened the door for them.  Tyson carried her into the room without even looking where he was going, the hair on his beard tickling the sensitive skin on her neck.  She couldn’t help but smile and giggle.  “Ty…”
“Let me put you on the bed,” his voice was husky all of a sudden.  He placed her down on the bed but followed her down, his face still in the crook of her neck, his body looming over hers.  “Christ, Hazel…”
Even though she was smiling, and even though almost every inch of her wanted this and could have had so, so much fun with it, she couldn’t.  Trouble – that’s what this was.  They could get into a lot of trouble this way.  “That’s not the best idea, Ty,” Hazel whispered as she felt Tyson’s nose on her décolletage, on her clavicle, on her neck.  She knew his lips were next.
“Why not?”
She giggled.  “You already felt up my thigh in the taxi.  You just want to because you’re hyped from the party.  New Year’s has always been your favourite holiday.”
“Our favourite holiday.”
“Regardless,” she smiled to herself like a Cheshire cat, “you shouldn’t do much more, Ty.  It wouldn’t be right.”
He knew she was right, fuck he knew she was right, but he gritted his teeth and bit his tongue.  ‘Yes it would be right’ he thought.  ‘Anything we do is right.  Anything we’ve ever done has been right.  It’s been right because it’s been with each other.’  He dislodged himself from her neck and rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling of the hotel room.  “It’s that dress, too,” he said to mask everything he was feeling, in a tone that covered any agony with humour.
Hazel’s smile didn’t leave her face.  “It’s always the dress, huh?”
Tyson stayed silent, continuing to stare at the ceiling, trying to collect his thoughts.  His arm was up above his head, the back of his hand resting on his forehead.  “Sorry Hazel,” his voice was soft and low.
“You don’t have to apologize.  I just don’t want you doing something you’ll regret later.”
‘But I won’t regret it’ he thought to himself.  “Yeah, yeah,” he nodded slightly.  “Thanks for always looking out for me, Haze.”
“You know I always will.”
Both of them took deep breaths, staring up at the ceiling as they lay in bed.  Tyson couldn’t get the images out of his mind of Hazel at the party posing for photos, laughing, her legs glistening in the light.  Her beautiful smile that took up half her face.  The shine of her hair down her back.   Fuck.
He felt Hazel shift beside him.  When he looked over, she had lifted her knee to her chest, stretching to grab the buckle of her heels.  The material of her dress rode up her thighs, exposing more of her skin.  They came off one by one, with Hazel haphazardly throwing them to the side on the floor.  He watched as she pushed herself up, sitting on the edge of the bed, her back now facing him.  He couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“Hey Tys?”
“Can you unzip me?”
He shot up, but tried not to look too eager.  He moved so he was directly behind her, watching as she gathered her hair over one shoulder.  He grabbed the small zipper of her dress with his big hands.  He took his sweet ass time pulling it down; Hazel knew he would.  A part of her wanted to tease him so badly, only because she knew she had the power to at the moment.
When he was finished, he didn’t say anything.  Instead, Hazel sensed it and she stood up from the bed, not bothering to look back at him.  He watched her as she walked through the room, watched as she reached her suitcase and promptly dropped her dress to the floor, leaving her in only her underwear in front of him.  He caught glimpses of the curves of her breasts as she threw her hair up in a ponytail and dug through her suitcase to find her pyjamas.  His mind took him back to Tokyo and it was like a magic trick how he could remember the feeling of them in his hands when they made love.
Hazel went into the washroom and closed the door behind her, and Tyson knew it was so she could wash off her makeup.  The memories of the night they’d just had flooded his mind, interspersed with memories of Tokyo.  Her dress.  The first time she wore one of his t-shirts after crashing at his apartment in Shinjuku.  Her being backstage after the G1 Climax.  Her laughing at his dumb joke at the bar.  Her lips around the straw of her drink.  Her hand over his when he grabbed at her thigh inside the taxi.
When Hazel got out of the washroom, clean-faced and with her hair in a bun, she noticed Tyson laying back down on the bed, still in his clothes from the party.  When she moved closer, she realized that instead of using the time she was in the bathroom to change, he hadn’t.  Now, he sleeping in his pants and shirt, an arm draped across his chest.  He looked so peaceful in his slumber Hazel almost didn’t want to disturb him.  But she knew what she had to do.
She crawled onto the bed slowly, making sure not to disturb him, and began to pull his belt out of the loop and unbuckle it.  When she tugged slightly, he moved his arm, and it wasn’t until she unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them did he groggily open his eyes.  “Hazel?” he asked.
“Let’s go to sleep.”
Considering what he had been thinking of before he fell asleep, he wasn’t sure if this was reality or a dream.  The fact that her hands were near his crotch was enough to make him confused.  “What’re you—”
“You can’t sleep in your party clothes, Tys.  Lift your hips for me.”
He did as he was told, and felt Hazel pulling his pants down, all the way down, until he was left in his boxers.  She moved to his shirt and started unbuttoning it for him.  In his mental haze of still not knowing if this was a dream or reality, he bought his hand up and placed it over hers.  She stopped and looked at him.  “I’d do anything for you,” he whispered softly.
A smile spread across her face.  “I’d do anything for you too.  Let me take this off you now, okay?”
Her hands were soft as they glided across his chest and up to his broad shoulders to push his shirt back.  It came off easily.  Hazel noticed Tyson’s heavy eyes.  “Get your head on a pillow, Tys.  You’ll be more comfortable.”
He pushed himself back and settled himself; meanwhile, Hazel pulled back the covers, got underneath them, and pulled them over their bodies.  She snuggled into his back, his body heat radiating onto her.  She paused for a moment, her lack of judgement winning out against her better judgement as she placed three kisses along Tyson’s shoulder.  She dragged her lips along his skin between them, making sure her lips lingered on his skin when she was done.  “That okay?”
He groaned slightly in response, nodding his head.  “That feels so nice,” he sighed out.
Hazel couldn’t help but appreciate the sentiment.  “Let’s go to sleep, Tys.  Tomorrow when we wake up there’ll be a whole new year of memories we can make together.”
Always together.
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wwenhlimagines · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you would be willing to write a story about the reader and Hook having a baby together and being on Ethan’s Toy Hunt Vlog. Thank you :)
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Toy Hunt with Baby Senerchia - Hook Imagine
These two requests were similar, so I'm combining them into one story.
Hope you all enjoy it!
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When I first told Tyler I was pregnant with his child, we were both hesitant to tell anybody. We are still young, and we don't want everyone to be telling us their opinions of how we should parent. Of course, we will ask our parents and close friends for advice, but the whole world knowing was a different issue.
Luckily, I work behind the scenes at AEW, so it's not like I had to be written off TV, but Hook decided to take some time off as I neared the end of my pregnancy. Tony decided an injury angle was the least suspicious way to give him some time off without alerting fans.
We welcomed our sweet baby boy Trevor a few months ago now, and we couldn't be more in love. Tyler is slowly returning to work by mainly working promos or squash matches. Everybody backstage is great with helping me if Trevor starts to fuss while Tyler is busy. Willow loves to hold him and gently rock back and forth to soothe him as I make sure all of the props are ready to go.
Whenever Tyler returns, it is hard not to awe at his smile, seeing Trevor reaching out for him with a drooly grin. He happily takes his little man in his arms and makes sure to let you know he is taking him to catering. Tyler finds the carrier for him to lay against his chest and places Trevor in it before heading over to catering to get some chips.
As he sits in catering eating his chips, Trevor has fallen asleep, and so Tyler slowly gets up and heads to a quieter corner to wait for the end of the show. Danhausen walks by, but he has quickly learned not to disturb Tyler while he is with his son as the baby is terrified of his face paint. Tyler nods at Danhausen to say hi, and Dan simply gives him 2 thumbs up and smiles before continuing his journey.
Meanwhile, Ethan Page has found his way over to me with his vlog camera. "Hey, Y/N! We are planning on going on a Toy Hunt tomorrow if you and Hook are interested. I've heard they have a lot of (your favorite collection)."
I hum as I pretend to think about it before laughing and replying, "Of course I'll be there! I'll talk to Hook and see what he thinks, but I am definitely in!"
Ethan smiles content with my answer and walks away to find more people to join the Toy Hunt. When I am done for the night, I grab a snack for catering before heading off to find the 2 boys I love the most. I smile as I turn the corner and see Tyler sprawled out on a crate with Trevor in the carrier, laying on his chest as they both seem to be napping.
I walk over and try to pick up Trevor, only to have Tyler quickly grab my hands and shove them away. I back up a bit as he opens his eyes and sees it is just me. He sighs and reaches back out for me. "I'm sorry, babe. I thought you were someone else trying to take Trev here from me."
I smirked and leaned in to kiss him as he got down from the crate. Trevor started to squirm, and I quickly took him out of the carrier and held him against my chest. "Sorry baby, it's time to go to the hotel, though, so we can eat and then get a decent night's sleep."
Trevor settles down as we walk back to the locker room, and Tyler grabs his backpack, and the car seat and lays Trevor down in it. I try to pick it up, but Tyler insists on carrying it out to the car. I smirk and let him carry it knowing how protective he is of the both of us.
Once we settle into the car, Tyler drives us back to the hotel, and I decide to ask him about the Toy Hunt. "Do we have plans for tomorrow? Ethan invited us to a Toy Hunt, and I told him I was in, but I wasn't sure about you and Trevor."
Tyler shook his head as he kept his eyes on the road. "I don't believe we have anything planned. Do you think it is time to let the public know about the baby, though? They know we are together, but we still haven't posted about him yet."
I sigh as I think about it, "We could ask your dad to watch him?"
Tyler shakes his head again, "He told me he has an earlier flight out tomorrow."
We pull in the hotel parking lot and get out of the car before grabbing the car seat and our bags. We walk inside and get into our room before sighing and getting Trevor settled down.
"I guess we could take him and just keep him in the carrier wearing a hoodie. Ethan would be fine putting a smiley face over him or something. That way, we could go, and his face doesn't get shown."
Tyler shrugged before laying back on the bed. "We should probably post that we have a baby first before letting Ethan post the Toy Hunt, though."
I nodded and laid down next to Tyler before leaning into his side and pouting my lips up towards his. He smiles before kissing me softly and pulling me closer to him. "He takes a while to edit, so we have some extra time. Let's go tomorrow, and we can figure out what to post later."
Trevor starts to fuss, so I feed him and change him as Tyler gets ready for bed. Once he comes back out of the bathroom in his boxers, I smirk before handing Trevor over to him. I let my fingers linger around his waist before grabbing his ass quickly before running off to the bathroom. "Hey, that's not fair. I can't even retaliate!"
I giggle from the bathroom before poking my head back out. "I'll let you retaliate once little man is sound asleep."
Tyler winks at me and starts to rock back and forth, trying to soothe Trevor back to sleep.
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The next morning, we get up, and Tyler gets some breakfast from the lobby and brings it back to the room as I feed Trevor and get him ready for the day. Ethan texts me with the address and time for the Toy Hunt, so we get dressed before heading over.
Once we arrive, I try to get the carrier, but Tyler quickly puts it on and reaches out for me to pass Trevor over to him. "Are you sure you want to carry him?"
Tyler nods while getting Trevor buckled in comfortably. "You are the one most excited to search for your collection. I won't need to be on camera much."
I shrug and pull Trevor's hood up over his head before we walk over to join Ethan and Danhausen. The camera hasn't started rolling, so we let them say hi to Trevor before the Toy Hunt begins. Once we entered the store, Tyler became extra protective in making sure Trevor's hood was up and carrying his backpack full of baby supplies on his back.
Ethan leads me over towards my favorite toy section, and I start to search for anything I don't already have. I find a couple of things I might want to buy and decide to go check on my boys.
Tyler has found some toys that light up and make noise, and I hear Trevor's giggle as Tyler waves the toys around and makes silly faces. I snapped a couple of pictures before walking over to them and smiling as Trevor reached out for me. I placed the toys I had brought over on a crate and took the baby in my arms.
"Hey baby boy, is Daddy entertaining you?"
Trevor giggled as I blew raspberries into his neck. I see a flash out of the corner of my eye and smirk seeing Tyler sheepishly putting his phone back in his pocket. "You know I can't help myself when you two are being so adorable."
I kissed Trevor's head before handing him back over his dad. I grabbed the toys and held them up towards the baby. "Which one should I get, baby boy?"
His little arms reached out towards the one in my left hand, so I took the other one back and came back with it. Ethan walks over to us and asks what we plan on getting. I happily show him the treasure I found and geek out about adding it to my collection.
From behind the camera, I can see Ethan looking over at Tyler hesitantly. I scoot closer to my boys and show Trevor the toy I chose again. He giggles as I wave it back and forth in front of him, and Tyler smiles down at the two of us.
Ethan soon walks away to find Danhausen in the corner, making up some absurd backstory for the figure he had in his hands. Tyler and I decided to pay for the toy I found as well as the toys he and Trevor had been playing with. We paid and then waited for the others by the front door.
Trevor started to get antsy, so we gave him the toy we had just bought him. He started to giggle and kick his little feet. The owner of the store encouraged us to sit down in the kids' corner, so we made our way over there and settled down.
Ethan and Danhausen came to find us after they paid for their newfound treasures. Danhausen sits down next to Tyler, and Trevor curls into his dad's chest. The friendly gremlin pulls a light up bouncy ball out of his pocket, and Trevor's eyes grow wide. He is hesitant to reach out for the ball, but Danhausen happily gave it to me, and I handed it to Trevor. He smiled and giggled as it lit up in front of him.
We all walked out of the store and did our reflection of the store for Ethan's vlog. I hugged the other men goodbye, and Tyler got Trevor settled into his carseat. We got in the car and decided to go back to the hotel after stopping for food.
Once we got into the hotel room, we had to change Trevor's diaper and eat our lunch before we sat down on the bed and played with our baby boy. "I think we should post the pictures we took today to announce our little bundle of joy."
Tyler nods and grabs his phone to open Instagram and post the picture of me blowing a raspberry into Trevor's neck with the caption "The loves of my life 💕"
I smile as I posted the picture of Tyler and Trevor laughing together with the caption "My boys have my whole heart ❤️"
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Tags: @thesupreme316 @gethooked @730hook @baybay-boom @hookedonhook @louisianalady @hooks-martin @plentyoffandoms @daddyslittlevillain @hooksimp @legit9thlunaticwarrior @lclb13 @hookswifeeyy
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moondust-imagines · 4 months
Reunited (Hades!Christian x Persephone!Reader)
Hi! This is it, this was written over like 3 years so it might be a bit all over the place. Remember I always love your feedback 🥰🥰
Warnings: None really other than my slight lack of Greek mythology knowledge
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He watched her from the tree line, shrouded in shadow. She knelt in the grass by the water surrounded by nymphs dancing around. There were flowers in her hair and an ethereal glow to her skin. The long silk of her skirts pooled perfectly on the grass. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on.
She noticed a flower she had never seen before and was instantly intrigued. They were growing in a line as if they were trying to lead her. She followed them deep into the dark forest, far away from the nymphs. The flowers stopped at a large clearing. The thick cover of leaves let through little light, casting an almost grey glow on the forest floor.
“Hello” A voice spoke from behind her. She jumped slightly and searched for the source of the voice.
“Hello? Who’s there?” She asked.
A tall man emerged from the trees. His blonde hair was cut short, his eyes were a piercing blue. His clothes were all black only showing the flesh of his face and hands. She straightened her back to hide her nervousness and graced him with a polite smile.
“Did you like the flowers?” He asked, gesturing to the trail she followed here.
“Oh yes, they’re beautiful. What are they called?” She asked, crouching down to inspect the pale petals more closely.
“Narcissus, I’m glad you like them” He replied
“It’s strange, I thought I knew every kind of plant that grew here” She pondered.
The flowers were certainly not from here, she could tell right away. It would seem this man was from elsewhere too. She straightened up and brushed imaginary dirt from her long skirt.
“I’m sorry, I never asked your name” She smiled at him. His stomach did flips as his mind committed the sight to memory. There wasn’t a thing in the cosmos that would make him forget how her eyes lit up when she smiled.
“Hades” He replied. He gently took her hand and brought it to his lips. “And yours?”
“Persephone” She replied. A light blush dusted her cheeks.
Persephone’s hand stayed in his as they walked around the forest. He showed her all the dark corners she was oblivious too. He told her stories of his time with the humans. She was fascinated, her mother never let her mingle with humans as they were too dangerous. She hung on his every word. Disappointment washed over her as the reached the tree line, the sun was starting to set on the horizon and her mother would soon come searching for her. She stepped into the golden light but Hades grasp remained on her hand.
“Will I see you again?” She asked quietly
“Of course, my darling” He replied, pressing another kiss to her knuckles before letting her go.
Many years later
Being immortal had its perks, no worries about illnesses or the randomness of life and death. There was also downfalls, any human you built a relationship with slowly decayed right in front of your eyes. It hadn’t been like that with your husband, Hades. He hadn’t vanished slowly like a human would, he was gone in the blink of an eye. You had wandered the earth searching for a sign of him for many years and found nothing. Eventually, you had given up hope. Hades did not want to be found, not by you or anyone.
So you had settled into a somewhat quiet life. You had discovered professional wrestling through your half-brother Ares who now went by Adam. He loved fighting, even if you could never really win, it let him blow off some steam. So occasionally you would travel around with him for a few months. You would always end up arguing with him and leaving before too long.
Two weeks into this current trip with Ares. It had been a few years since you last traveled with him, he now worked for a company called ‘AEW’. He wouldn’t have much longer left wrestling before he would have to ‘retire’. People were bound to get suspicious if he kept going much longer.
“What sorry soul has to endure you this week then Adam?” You asked as he showed you to his locker room.
“Not sure yet, that guy I told you about, Christian? He’s been giving me trouble lately” He replied. He threw his bags onto the leather couch in the middle of the room.
He had talked about Christian before. You had never met him but you knew he had fallen out with Adam before. Honestly, hearing about their battle made you think of Hades. He would love this chaos.
“I’m going to shower. Feel free to wander off” Adam said, waving his hand behind his head.
So you did just that. Nobody seemed too bothered by your presence, they must be used to people they don’t know walking about. You turned a corner and almost ran into a blonde woman and young man. She glared at you angrily for a second before someone shouted behind her.
“Hey! Who the hell are you?! Stay away from my-“ He screamed before trailing off when he saw your face, his own paling.
You didn’t know what to do, it was him. Hades. All this time, he had been right here. The silence was almost deafening. The woman looked at him confused.
“What, who the hell is she?” She barked.
Hades pushed past her and grabbed your arm, dragging you away without a word. He pushed you into an empty room and slammed the door shut, locking it behind him.
“What the hell are you doing here Percy?” He growled. Hearing his old nickname for you made the reality of the situation crash down on you. He was really here.
“What the hell am I doing here? What the hell are you doing here? You’re the one who vanished” You said, your voice shaking with the effort of holding back your tears.
The sight of tears welling in your eyes made his stomach churn. He couldn’t lie, his whole soul had missed you. A few years ago he had returned to your shared home to find you, only to find no trace of you.
“Please don’t cry, my love” He sighed. His arms reached to hold you but you swatted him away.
“No! You have to explain yourself, you left Hades! I haven’t seen you in years” You exclaimed, tears finally falling down your cheeks.
“I know, I know. I’m-I’m sorry” He sighed while backing away from you. He hung his head as he listened to your upset rambling. What else could he say? You were right, he left you. If you were anyone else he would’ve just walked away from you. But you were his, his Persephone, and he wasn’t about to leave again.
When he went to hold you this time you didn’t push him away. Too emotionally exhausted to keep fighting him. He held you tightly against his chest and his face buried into your hair. Your tears were probably soaking through his shirt but neither of you could bring yourself to care. Your hands practically clawed at his back as you pushed yourself closer to him.
“Oh my Percy, how I’ve missed you” He whispered
“I’m not forgiving you yet” You mumbled into his chest.
“I know, my love.”
Hades had quietly slipped you his hotel room key before you left the arena. You had so many questions for him but he had to keep up his appearance. Part of you wanted to confront Ares to find out if he had known but that was an argument you weren’t quite ready for. Sitting in Hades, no, Christian’s hotel room was a strange feeling. There were only small traces of him scattered around the room, some flowers you had given him a long time ago were dried and sitting in a small box on the dresser. Your favourite necklace you thought you had lost was next to it. You went to put it on but your shaking hands struggled with the clasp.
“Here, let me” Hades voice said quietly. You hadn’t even heard him come in. You held your hair to one side as he secured the chain around your neck.
“Where did you find it?” You asked quietly, staring at your own reflection in the mirror.
“At the house” He replied simply. You caught his eye in the mirror.
“You went back there?”
“I was looking for you” He shrugged “Must have just missed you, or so Ares thinks”
“So he knew where you were? That bastard” You growled
“He’s never been the most intelligent” Hades mused. He was still watching you in the mirror, trying to gauge your emotional state before saying anything else.
“I am sorry. For leaving” He said quietly
“I know” You sighed “I just don’t understand why you did”
Hades sighed heavily and sat down on the bed. He wasn’t nervous often but you had always brought out strange emotions in him. Even after all these centuries, you made him nervous. You watched him carefully, not moving a muscle. His eyes were trained on the floor.
“You wanted to see the world and all its new wonders. I thought.. the best way to do that was to set you free” He explained still glaring at the floor.
You knew that he was deeply insecure, growing up with family like his would do that to anyone. He was so unsure if he was even deserving of love that he would push it away before he could get his hopes up. It was why it took you so long to marry. You crouched down in front of him and took his hands in yours.
“I wanted to see the world with you, my darling” You said gently. His eyes finally rose to meet your own gaze.
“I destroy things, my love. Death follows me wherever I go, you know that. Everything you would’ve grown to love would die. I couldn’t do that to you” He said.
“That is what makes the human world so beautiful. It dies, it’s temporary.” You explained
“But-“ He started to try and talk himself out of your explanation. But you shushed him by pressing your lips to his forehead.
“I’d much rather have you than the world, my darling” You whispered against his skin. His hands circled around your hips and pulled you into his lap.
“I’ll give you any world you want, my love”
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