#is currently still in pieces stuffed in a bag. completely unfinished.
ploncc · 9 months
I hated getting told "take the time to do it right the first time" and similar as catch all rules for every possible situation when I was a kid. Every answer to "how do I fix this" came down to "don't fuck it up."
Not to mention that yeah, sometimes you know how to do it right, and you have the time and your crop of spoons is luscious, and then yeah, shit tends to work better when you take the time to do things right the first time so you won't have to do them again. Sure. Why not.
But sometimes you don't have the time to do things right.
Sometimes you need to do a field patch so your problems can get sent to the (hopefully metaphorical) hospital to get a proper fix.
Sometimes you don't have the energy to keep your eyes open for more than five minutes and "doing things right" takes thrice that, at least.
And sometimes you don't know what the fuck you're doing, and there isn't a manual for what you're doing, and there isn't anyone you can ask for help, and making mistakes is the point. And when that situation comes around, trying to "do things right so you won't have to do them again" is the kind of rule that's going to make you into a fucked up little perfectionist terrified of trying anything because what if you mess up, and when that happens you're going to start missing all kinds of journeys being frozen by the fear of fucking up even though messing up is the only way you're going to figure out how to do the thing right, and is the entire fucking point.
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strayingdawn · 3 years
Can I request a felix one where they go to a small shop to buy snacks at midnight and get in a tiny bit of trouble with the store owner by accident?
Of course! And sorry this took so long, I hope you like it! :) (I didn’t mean for it to get this long...oops. Sorry about that) >and feedback from anyone is always appreciated uwu
wc: 1,8k
“Are you crying?” Felix asked you with slight amusement in his eyes as he lifted one eyebrow.
“What?! Why would I be cr-” A startling hiccup interrupted your sentence. “... Okay, maybe I teared up a little.” No one would believe your failed attempt at denial if they could see you, and Felix had a front-row seat. Your red-rimmed eyes slightly stung as more salty streams of tears flowed down your face. The image was quite pitiful without context. However, in this scenario, Felix couldn’t help but let a few giggles escape him.
You and Felix had been trying to schedule a night to spend together for weeks, maybe even months at this point. Whenever you both thought you had finally set a date, one of your teachers would rip it from your fingertips and replace it with a new project or test to study for. Sure, you could have study dates, but you both know that your heightened crackhead energy when together and deliriousness induced by deadlines would not mix well. In short, you would both fail. And if you weren’t both drowning in assignments, either you would have a club meeting or Felix would have a swim meet.
However, finally, the odds were in your favor. After many tiring weeks of missing each other's warmth, smiles, and comfort, you both found a clear weekend.
So, tonight, you’re in your bedroom, surrounded by many blankets you didn’t even know you owned inside the elaborate fort you and Felix managed to somehow build. Of course, the first attempt failed after you “accidentally” passed a pillow to Felix while he wasn’t looking which resulted in a pillow fight, and Felix cheating by tickling you. Obviously, you still won, but that’s not important. You finally finished your fort after cleaning up the pillows and blankets that were scattered everywhere (including the pillow that somehow ended up on a curtain rod) and prepared Disney+ for your movie marathon while Felix got snacks downstairs.
Now, the reason why you’re crying right now. You and Felix were well aware that as long as you were involved, it wasn’t truly a Disney+ movie marathon if Hamilton was not played at least once throughout the night. And Felix is always willing to tolerate your addiction to the music and action that is Hamilton. However, with the number of times you’ve already watched it, which has surely exceeded fifty, he didn’t think you would still have the ability to cry by the final curtain call. Clearly, he was mistaken.
“Haven’t you seen this like fifty times?” he questioned with skepticism in his voice and some confusion painted on his face, especially since you usually remained neutral through any movie, despite the occasional teary eyes.
“Who cares! It’s heartbreaking seeing his monologue before death, Burr’s guilt, and then Eliza goes on to tell his story and the stories of others,” more sobs break through the air as you recall the final scenes. Sure, you could admit you were being a little dramatic, but how could anyone not find someone’s death and unfinished legacy depressing. “Wait...did we run out of snacks?”
But of course, food is some of the best medicine for sadness, and easily snaps you out of your misery.
“Huh, I guess so…”
“Well, what do you want to watch next? I can set it up while you get more.”
“About that...those were all the snacks you had…”
“What! What do you mean that’s all I had? It wasn’t even that much!” You knew you went through lots of snacks this past week while you studied since you usually pushed eating an actual meal to the side, prioritizing your work. But you didn’t know you basically cleared out the kitchen.
“Well, what are you yelling at me for? I’m not the one who runs on four hours of sleep a night and depends on candy and coffee to make up for it.”
“Okay, now's not the time point to point out my poor life choices.” You paused for a second, trying to think of a solution for your dilemma. “Well, what are we supposed to do now? It’s,” you glanced at your bedside clock, “12:00 am.”
“We could go to that little shop down the street” Felix suggested, but you weren’t sure you should go anywhere this late at night, especially in your current state, even though the idea of food was pretty persuading.
“I don’t know..should we be going out this late?” You were all for adventures, and you considered your neighborhood to be pretty safe, but your warm fort and stuffed animals tempted you to stay. Felix noticed your hesitation.
“Come on. It’s not like we’ve never gone out for a late-night snack before...plus, we can get creamsicles,” he said, nudging your shoulders, knowing you couldn’t deny your favorite ice cream. Curse Felix and the way he knows you like the back of his hand.
You sighed, also knowing he had you hooked. “Fine,” you huffed. “Let’s go.” You stood up and held out your hand, which he gladly grasped onto as he rose to his feet as well.
“Wow, you’ll really do anything for creamsicles,” Felix teased with a slight smirk that you could see in your peripheral vision.
“Oh shut up, you act like we’re going on some death-defying journey,” you roll your eyes at Felix’s attempt to provoke you. He simply shrugged his shoulders and chuckled a little.
As soon as you stepped out of your front door, you felt the gentle breeze envelope you. It wasn’t too cold nor was it too warm; it was slightly cool and simply refreshing. The soft wind pushed your hoodie and sweatpants into your body like a hug and blew your hair out of your face giving you a clear view of the night sky. The stars twinkled like glitter on a black piece of paper. You felt connected with everything as you inhaled a deep breath. You started to get lost in your surroundings until Felix’s slight tug on your arm brought you back to reality.
“Oh, sorry. I forgot how much I enjoy nights like these.” You had a relaxed smile on your face, as you admired the stars and the shapes they created while walking beside him.
Felix simply hummed, submitting the earlier, breathtaking image of you at such peace into his memory. “It’s fine. It does feel really nice out here. Aren’t you glad I convinced you to come?” He asked in a rather teasing tone.
“Yeah, yeah. Ya did good.” You rolled your eyes while letting out a chuckle. Felix followed with some of his famous giggles.
The rest of the small, five-minute walk was filled with little jokes and clowning each other if the other one tripped or stumbled. Before you knew it you were already walking into the little shop, and the woman, who you assumed was the owner since you’ve seen them at the shop in passing many times when the shop was closed, greeted you both, fairly friendly despite this late hour.
You and Felix separated once he suggested you could split up, considering you both knew each other’s likes and dislikes fairly well. You wandered across the beige floor tiles towards the chip aisle, while the drinks caught Felix’s attention.
After choosing seven bags of different chips, for variety of course, you noticed a certain stand-alone display across from you. It held quite the selection of little cake snacks. It seemed new which piqued your interest, so you decided to search for something that might suit your taste. Apparently, you must have been so focused on the baked goods that you didn’t even hear Felix’s steps coming toward you. Felix also noticed your diverted attention.
Now, those who knew you well also knew your tendencies to be dramatic, especially when startled. So Felix’s sudden exclamation had you springing forward, arms flailing...right into the display. The whole snack arrangement wasn’t even that big, shorter than you, but it still managed to make a great boom and fading rumble as the impact sent waves of vibrations through the metal and some cakes went flying in different directions.
At first, you were frozen in complete shock, staring at the disaster in front of you. Until you caught a glimpse of the freckled boy who was now beside you, also surprised by your reaction.
“Felix!” You whisper-shouted in an accusing tone, even though the clear, loud crash surely already caught the store owner’s attention.
“What do you mean ‘Felix’? You’re the one who knocked it over!”
“And you’re the one who scared me which made me knock it over!”
“Well I didn’t know you were almost worse than Hyunjin and his dramatics!”
You let out an exasperated and somewhat panicked sigh. “Well, what do we-”
“Oh my goodness!” Oh no. You wouldn’t have to think about your question for too long, as the owner would surely give a solution. Whether that was good or bad, you didn’t know yet.
“Wh- I-I am s-so sorry! I was startled, a-and accidentally knocked it over! I promise it was an accident-” you fumbled for the right words to say, hoping the store owner would have mercy on you.
“Um...it’s fine..accidents do happen. However, you’ll have to pay for this mess you’ve created one way or another.” She still wore a calm, sweet smile that eased your worries.
“O-of course! We will gladly clean this mess for you.”
Felix noticed your specific choice of pronouns. “We?” You only jabbed Felix’s side with your elbow and confirmed what you said under your breath. As Felix attempted to reason with you, the store owner grabbed a garbage bin for the few treats that didn’t take the fall as well as others.
Forty-five minutes and a whining Felix later, the display was basically back to its original state, minus a few snacks. Thankfully, the owner didn’t immediately kick you out after your work was done and continued to assure you that the two of you were still welcome anytime. So, you both walked out with bags full of drinks and food to last you a week full of movie marathons, unless you get flooded with work and revert to old habits, of course.
“I still can’t believe you dragged me into your mess,” Felix commented, still seeming a little salty about being forced, by you, to clean up the little cakes crushed by the display. However, you knew his frown was only a disguise, so he could give you a hard time. Felix would have helped even if you had begged him not to. He might laugh at your misery first but would still lend a hand nevertheless.
“Oh, it wasn’t that bad. Besides, it was worth it,” you held up the bag you were holding full of ice cream. A smile slowly appeared on your face as you remembered Felix’s words from earlier. Felix seemed to catch on quickly, so you both spoke your thoughts aloud.
“Anything for creamsicles.”
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Saturday morning I was getting ready to head to a Bible Study and my tiny wardrobe door was open. I caught a glimpse of the sweet smiling flower, in the first picture, hanging amid my clothes.
Let me fill you in on why this moment was a beautiful one by sharing two stories.
1. Ten years ago I spent my summer deep in the Minnesota forest, very close to the Canadian border. I would say this was my second real adventure away (my first being moving to college, but that was only 4 hours away). When I arrived I truly had no idea what to expect. That summer I was challenged to be vulnerable with strangers, learn in the moment when working with our kids, and find a great deal of adaptability in plans. After I returned home, I felt the wave of emotions. I lived hard and grew fast over those 3 months without taking a breath. I bonded so quickly with complete strangers and now our lives were on different paths. I missed the crazy community of all meals together and fun games throughout the day. However like all good things, I was able to hold onto the sweet memories and the relationships built.
So that brings me to why I have a flower in my tiny wardrobe in Uganda now. This flower was given to me by one of the foreign national staff that had flown over from Ireland. Some of the specifics are fuzzy, like why we we're shopping in town, when she gave it to me on our trip and the kind thing she said when she gave it to me. But Oonagh (I LOVED her name) had picked out this plush stuffed flower for me. I don’t think she really understood the magnitude of what she was doing. But she was a person that I was amazed at her resiliency and attitude on life. She had flown across the world and shown up in a new place and was being so generous and thoughtful. I can only imagine that there were so many adjustments for her. We hadn't known each other for that long, but this small act has continued to have an impact.
I remember as I was unpacking my bags full of dirty camp memories that summer, I found the flower and decided to keep it. My next journey after Minnesota was to Colorado. And this little flower made its way there as well. I’ve always put it in a place where I know I will see it daily, but it’s in a place that is often overlooked. Over the past years this flower has been it in my linen closet, on the shelf above my washing machine, and now in my tiny closet.
I can’t say that I recognize it every day, but when I do it happens in the moments where I need it the most. You can’t not smile when there’s a smiling flower looking back at you. And I love that I find it in the mundane projects of life.
2. Recently I have been living out of my Home Depot storage boxes and old suitcase for the past 2+ months. I’ve had days of annoyance, days of feeling unsettled, and days where I’m just over having to open different bins to try to piece together an outfit for work. One of the first things I did independently here in Uganda was work with a carpenter to try and build a wardrobe for my room. To leave out many of the specifics, it can be summarized that it wasn’t as successful as I thought it would be. The wardrobe currently sits unfinished in my hallway. It will not fit into my room and unless I want to pay more for it to be cut it in half, it will stay in our hallway for the duration of my time here.
This project has been valuable in growing my patience, my grace, and adapting in a new culture. I have worked through language barriers in our collaborating of this project, spent many hours sitting in my house as it morphed into woodshop, and tried to balance being an minority independent woman who is firm, yet cautious.
I share these two stories because it's not a big event or anything crazy... it's just about two very natural, small parts of my life. Jesus is here in those moments, just as much as He is there in the big life changing ones. The act of someone from so long ago still impacts me today. And the project of a "basic necessity" helped me grow.
I pray that you live out small moments of actions, notes, words, or treasures in the people's lives around you. You will never know the type of impact you will have (And that's ok because that's not why we do it.)
But, I also pray that you remain present enough to take note and soak in those little moments that add to your day.
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withnosuchgrace · 7 years
the things tag
i was tagged by the always sweet @doitforsuga (seriously you tag me in these and i love it soooooo much :’)))
i’m gunna tag @slutlingar @chenderellastrash @delta-cubes @boomchimpow @sherlockedwhovian09 and whoever else wants to do this!!!!!! 
alright it’s time to avoid studying and do this (bc i have no control over my life anymore) 
5 things you’d find in my bag:
a pen (you never know when you need a pen)
a pad of post-its (so you can actually use that pen lmao)
5 things you’d find in my bedroom:
my laptop
a lamp that’s like covered in buttons and other random shit making the light quite dim 
my bamboo plant :’))) (that i occasionally forget to water rip)
a little old af tv and vhs player for when i wanna take a dip into the past
a shit ton of stuffed animals hahahah 
5 things i always wanted to do in life:
living in a cute lil apartment 
travel the world with friends
publish a book 
fall in love (LMAO THATS SO SAPPY BYE)
when i was a kid i always wanted a cat and three years ago that dream came true wow life is full of miracles
5 things i’m currently into:
kpop (obviously lmao)
Riverdale (it’s been a while since i’ve been really invested and actually up to date on an american tv show)
fashion (like buying clothes and creating outfits and stuff like i wear things i would have never worn three years ago)
writing (i write a lot more lately than i have in the past)
knitting (i knitted my cousin a blanket for her baby and i’m already missing knitting it’s really relaxing ahhaah)
5 things on my to do list:
 finish all my finals in one piece and with minimal breakdowns
finish writing the stories on my “to write list” (it’s kinda long rn rip)
actually apply to ikea hahahahah
meet @chenderellastrash this summer!!!!!!
figure out wtf i wanna do with my life :((
5 things people may not know about me:
in my family, i’m always considered the “smart, quiet, and responisble” one and like i get it bc when i was younger i was really shy and serious, especially compared to my siblings but i’m trying to break out of that role and strive to be the funny one (bc im hilarious???????) 
i talk really fast and when i’m nervous or excited it gets ten times worse so i dont even make sense half the time when i speak bc im just making up words as i go 
i used to be REALLY shy in high school like to the point where i wouldn’t even talk (in grade 7 i had like 0 friends tbh it was traumatizing) but i’ve gotten better at controlling it and i’m a lot more open now but there are still times where i completely shut down and freak out and sometimes i’m terrified of being alone bc it gives me flashbacks to 7th grade (i’ve gotten better at this too so im proud of myself but yeah it’s hard for me to make friends sometimes rip like i hardly ever make the first move irl)
(holy shit that last one got sad af oops) when i was in grade 1 i joined the school choir and was super excited but my mom made me quit bc they were singing christian songs and i’m muslim lmao
my tongue can touch my nose ayeeeee
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop:
one direction (lmao my first loves)
fall out boy
twenty one pilots
little mix
ed sheeran
childish gambino
melanie martinez
troye sivan
(it was so hard only picking 10 i listen to too many artists rip)
10 favorite non-kpop songs:
what a feeling - one direction
grown - little mix 
flawless - the neighbourhood
bloodstream - ed sheeran
oh, calamity! - all time low
you - the 1975
sober - childish gambino
angels - chance the rapper 
stylo - gorillaz 
gasoline - halsey 
10 favorite movies:
10 things i hate about you 
napolean dynamite (i have it memorized)
kabhi khushie kabhie gham (the bollywood film that pretty much sums up my childhood)
dilwale dulhania le jayenge (all time fav bollywood movie) 
breakfast club 
white chicks 
nacho libre (it’s like a family favourite hahaha)
school of rock 
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons:
jane the virgin 
weightlifting fairy kim bok joo (my fav kdrama tbh)
we bare bears
adventure time 
avatar: the last airbender 
stranger things
fresh prince of bel-air 
gravity falls 
(i’m really really bad at keeping up with tv shows like there are a whole bunch that i would’ve added to this list but i’m like really behind on them rip)
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above:
reading (i used to read a lot more in the past than i do now bc i hardly have time and if i do i’m usually watching something or writing so rip i have books all over my room that i wanted to read or reread)
learning languages (not very great at it  but i’m slowly getting the hang of urdu)
drawing (not very good at it though)
watching animated movies // shows
writing (i have a bunch of unfinished original stories but then fanfics got in the way)
discovering new music 
playing board games with friends and family 
i used to be really into anime lmao 
figuring out my aesthetic bc i have no idea who i am 
that’s it!!!! if you’ve made it this far congratulations!!!!!! you know me slightly better!!!!!
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darkgreiga · 6 years
Wishes, Dreams, and Memories Chapter 30
Fandom: Rune Factory 4 Rating: T (to be safe) Genre(s): Adventure, Hurt/Comfort Characters: Lest, Dolce, Pico, Amber, Dylas, Leon, Frey, Arthur, Margaret, Forte Summary:  She had a wish to see him again. He had a dream of her last moments. They had their memories of having only each other. The amnesiac Earthmate never knew that by bringing his best friend back wouldn’t make his daily life go back to normal. Nor did he know she was the key to his and his ancestors’ past. Chapters: list Navigation: <<prev   |   next>> Author’s notes: I’m ending this second arc with a bit of story about Frey’s past.
Chapter 30 – Hidden Truth
“There, that should do it,” Lest had already finished tying up Frey’s wound and stood up.
Frey got back to her feet as well, but her eyes trailed off from her bandaged wound to the tear on Lest’s clothes, “Are you sure about this? You can just leave it open until we get out of here.”
“Don’t worry, I have spare clothes back at the castle,” Lest started walking in front of her, looking around to find the way out of the castle, “Besides, I don’t think revealing that strange wound to the others is a good idea. Not to mention that you’ll get infections from that wound.”
“I guess you’re right…” Frey slowly followed Lest’s steps as she went to look at her wound once more, ‘The infection isn’t the problem at all. Explaining everything about this wound is the main problem here,’ Frey looked up at Lest, who continued walking ahead of her, ‘No, there will be a time to tell him everything at least. Even if he no longer remembers that day, he still deserves to know the truth…’
Frey let out a quiet sigh as she recalled the events of a certain day, a few years earlier.
“I’m home!” Lest cheerfully entered a small house and ran towards the dining room with a piece of scroll in his hand.
“Calm down, Lest!” Frey let out a laugh as Lest ran over to the table, “It’s not like I’m going anywhere, you know.”
“Here…” Lest was still panting, but slid the scroll across the table and towards Frey, “I… just got accepted… to Norad’s royal field research team!”
“H-Huh!?” Frey hurriedly put her bread back on the plate and opened up the scroll, “This is…”
“Yes!” Lest raised his fists in the air happily, “I’ll be joining your team and begin my first job with you!”
“O-Oh… Oh!” Frey tried concealing her dissatisfaction and forced a smile, “Well, that’s great! I’m so proud of you, Lest!”
“Thanks!” Lest took the scroll back and rose from his seat, “Okay, I’ll go and get my stuff packed so I’ll be good to go tomorrow!”
“W-Wait!” Frey tried calling out to Lest, but her brother had already ran out of the room. She let out a sigh as she leaned back on her seat, ‘This isn’t supposed to happen… Lest isn’t ready for this dangerous mission, especially after the news that a few Sechs soldiers had already infiltrated Norad…’
“You must be very proud of your brother, correct? After all, he is very good in both the kitchen and the battlefield!”
“Look at him tilling those fields like he was born to do it! Maybe you should try and learn from him about taking care of the fields, so I can leave the fields for you two to take care of.”
Frey suddenly remembered a few praises aimed towards Lest, ‘Well, the late old lady told me that he was good at the fields… Naturally, because we’re Earthmates…’
“Um… Frey… I think the turnips you planted a few days ago just rotted… Are you sure you still want to do this?”
‘Yes, I’m doing things for your sake,’ Frey replied to Lest’s voice in her mind as a frown formed on her lips, ‘I should have been able to do it, because I’m supposed to be an Earthmate as well…’
“That wooly doesn’t like to be petted, though. But I think you can tell what he was thinking too, right?”
Frey stayed silent as more and more memories come pouring into her mind, “I… can’t…” Frey looked down at her unfinished breakfast as she slowly rose from her seat, “It can’t be, right? If Lest has the power of an Earthmate, how come that I, his biological twin sister, doesn’t have that same power?”
“Frey?” the sudden call had surprised Frey, who turned to see Lest looking at her in confusion, “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine,” Frey quickly sat back down, “Do you need something from me?”
“No, I’m just letting you know that I’m going out to the market to buy some supplies,” Lest replied with a smile, “Do you want to come?”
Frey shook her head, “Sorry, I have something to take care of today.”
“Okay,” Lest nodded in understanding, “I’ll see you later then.”
Frey listened as Lest left the house before she went out of the dining room and into her room. Grabbing her own supplies as well as equipment, Frey headed out of the house and towards the Norad castle just a few houses away. Her decision might have been reckless, but she was determined to go with it just to protect her brother.
Frey pushed the big doors open and entered the research room, which was completely empty. She looked around the room and spotted a small bag with some blue light coming from the bag’s tiny holes. She took the bag in her hands and opened it, revealing a few glowing blue spheres inside it. She took out the smallest one and looked at it closely, brightening the room with faint blue light.
“They’re… the rune spheres Mom created before Ethelberd found out…” Frey began turning the glowing sphere around as she inspected every part of the sphere, “I feel a strange energy coming from it…”
The sound of clanging sword was suddenly heard from the other side of the door, surprising the green-haired young woman. She slowly pushed the door open, but only wide enough for her to look at the situation outside. Soldiers with two different uniforms were battling each other, much to her surprise. The scene of a soldier almost being stabbed prompted her to quickly close the door and blocked it with her body.
“T-The Sechs…” Frey whispered as her heart started beating fast from the sudden tension before she turned her attention to the rune sphere she was holding, “I… I’ll just borrow this for a while to protect myself,” she stuffed the sphere into her pocket before grabbing the rest of the spheres in the bag and put them into a shelf.
Frey peeked from the room once more to check the situation before she quietly made her way out of the room.  She went through the hall by hiding from vase to vase, making sure that none of the Sechs soldiers saw her movements. When she was near the gate, Frey was surprised by the sudden yelling coming from behind her. In shock, she turned and met eye to eye with one of the soldiers, much to her dismay.
“Soldiers! We have another witness here!” the soldier called out to his comrades before Frey ran through the gate.
A Sechs soldier suddenly came into her way as she was leaving, but Frey was ready to counter the sharp sword with her spear. She skillfully dodged the sword to the side and swung her spear to hit the soldier’s arm followed by a series of quick stabs. The armored soldier stepped back to avoid the quick stabs, only to crash into his fellow soldier and both of them fell.
Frey took the chance to run away from the castle, but not without a group of soldiers following behind her. She didn’t really pay any attention to where she was going anymore as she kept looking back to see that the soldiers were still following her around. She didn’t think of where she was now, but the forest in front of her could help her hide while she recovered her sore legs from all that running.
A few minutes passed after Frey went into the forest and the soldiers had seemed to lose her tracks. Panting, Frey walked through the same scenery of trees and bushes before she came out into a big clearing. She fell to her knees from exhaustion and tried to give herself some rest from the intense escape from the soldiers.
Frey sat under one of the trees for a short rest, but noticed a big tower when she looked at her front, “Huh?” Frey rose back to her feet and looked around in confusion, “This… this doesn’t look like the forest near the capital anymore…”
Frey approached the tower, only to notice that the rune sphere had started glowing a little brighter. She took the sphere out and looked at it once more, but her mind suddenly went blank as she stared at the object. She could feel the same strange power she felt back then as she held the sphere in her hands. The energy was pouring into her body and washed away any fatigue she had.
“I don’t feel tired anymore,” Frey noticed that she was feeling a lot more refreshed than she was moments ago, “Is this… the rune sphere’s power?”
“Yes, that is correct,” a voice suddenly was heard from behind the rustling bushes, surprising Frey as she looked around cautiously, “You’ve just felt a small portion of the runes’ power.”
“Who are you?! Show yourself!” Frey pointed her spear at the direction where the voice came from and a soldier walked out from between the trees, “That armor… I can see that you’re not just an ordinary Sechs soldier.”
“You’re correct, young lady,” the soldier stopped in front of Frey, just a few inches away from the tip of her spear, “But I have no obligation to reveal my full identity to an enemy I’m about to slay.”
“Listen well,” Frey glared at the soldier, “You’re not talking to an ordinary young lady as well,” she moved her spear a bit, pointing at the soldier’s neck, “I am the head of the field research team in Norad Kingdom, as well as the second-in-command of the king’s royal guards.”
“I see,” the soldier smirked before pulling out his sword, “Then I can finally fight against someone of my equal.”
“Captain Kane!” another soldier came running into the area, followed by a couple others behind him, “The hostage Earthmate had escaped and managed to take down a few of our men! Team one is currently tracking him down while team two is looking for the rune spheres within the castle before Norad’s reinforcement arrives.”
“Huh,” Kane turned to the soldier with a glare, “I will have those men relieved from duty. There isn’t a place in Sechs Empire for people who can’t take care of a single runt.”
“Just go,” Kane turned back to face Frey, “I’ll deal with the rest of you after I clean up here.”
“Y-Yes sir!” the soldiers went back into the woods, leaving the two fighters on their own.
“Is that how you treat the people under you?” Frey asked sternly, “They are still your people, you know.”
“Know that it isn’t your place to lecture me when you had just abandoned your own team,” Kane replied as his powerful swing knocked Frey’s spear off her hands, “Give me that rune sphere and I’ll consider sparing your life.”
“Not when I can still fight and win!” Frey quickly took her spear, but the weapon was easily caught in Kane’s bare hands, “W-What?!”
“This is quite shameful to Norad,” Kane forcefully took the spear off her hands and threw it away. Just as Frey was about to run and take it back, the Sechs soldier blocked her way with his sword, “Norad’s royal guard is a complete joke. I can feel that your skills and abilities are far below mine or any other soldiers in my team.”
“I’m an Earthmate. I can do things most people can’t,” Frey looked at him with a deadly glare, but Kane remained unfazed.
“Not from what I’m informed off,” Kane took a few steps closer and kicked her in the face, sending her falling backwards, “A moderately experienced fighter when against monsters, but a complete novice when against humans. Your Earthmate abilities are little to none. Frey is your name.”
“You… what do you want with me…?” Frey slowly went to her knees, wiping the slight trace of dirt from her face.
“Didn’t I tell you?” Kane pointed his sword at Frey’s face, “I only want the rune sphere you have on you.”
“You… will never have it…” Frey slowly got back to her feet, “Not… while I’m alive!!!”
Frey charged in with her bare hands, but her punches and kicks could be easily dodged. Kane caught her fist as she was about to punch him in the chest and threw her to the side. Frey landed and rolled back to her feet, charging in once more with her fists. Kane dodged her punch to the side before kicking her hard on the stomach, sending her flying a few meters away.
“Give it up or you’ll waste your life,” Frey slowly turned her head around with her body still lying on her stomach, “You know yourself that you can’t win.”
Frey looked at the sharp metal pointed at her, completely aware that even with her training, she couldn’t beat him. She could always outsmart strong monsters and win, but the same strategy couldn’t be used against another human being. That along with her lack of experience in actual sparring matches against another person had become her disadvantage.
‘Maybe this is it…’ Frey had given up, until she remembered the powerful object she had been carrying, ‘Wait… I think… I can use it…’
“Now,” Kane kicked Frey once more, turning her around so that she was lying on her back, “Where’s the rune sphere?”
Frey closed her eyes and let out a confident smile as she put a hand on her pocket, “No longer within your grasp.”
“What?!” Kane watched in disbelief as Frey rose to her feet with her wounds slowly healing.
‘I can win this!’ Frey opened her eyes confidently, ‘I only need more power… A lot more power!’
The ground slightly shook as Frey raised her hand, pointing her palm at the soldier, “The power of the runes… b-but… the informant couldn’t be wrong…”
“I am an Earthmate! The Earthmate who can beat you easily!” Frey spoke up as she approached the terrified soldier with the flowing energy clearly visible around her, “I… will… beat… YOU!!!”
The rune energy flowing within Frey’s body gave her enough strength to create small craters as she walk, but her steps came to a complete stop as she fell to her knees. Frey clutched her chest in pain as the glowing energy around her switched colors from blue to black. Kane watched in horror as the energy around Frey kept on changing colors, before Frey’s whole body suddenly turned transparent.
“What’s… going… on…” Frey whispered in pain as she noticed that she was fading, before everything around her went dark.
“Uh…” Frey stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes, seeing herself to be awake in an unknown place. She sat up on the bed, looking around in the empty room, “Where is this…?”
The door in the room creaked open, “Ah, I see that you’re awake now,” Frey turned to the young woman at the door, “Just a moment, I will return with His Majesty.”
Frey stared at the door in confusion as the woman left, “His Majesty…?”
The door opened once more to reveal the young woman from before, “I am sorry to keep you waiting,” the young woman bowed slightly before she stepped aside to reveal a man with light yellow hair, “I shall be on my way.”
The door closed behind the man as he approached her on the bed, “How are you feeling, young lady?”
“I’m… fine, I guess…” Frey’s head was still a bit dizzy as she looked at the man, trying to recall the identity of the person in front of him, “And you are…?”
The man chuckled, “I suppose getting forcefully sent to the forest might have some side effects to your memory. My name is Antor, the current king of Norad.”
“King…?” Frey paused for a moment, before she realized who she had been conversing with, “O-Oh! My apologies, Your Majesty!”
“No, it is fine,” Antor responded with a smile before it was replaced by a serious look, “It seems like you have had a rough time when the Sechs soldiers suddenly attacked the castle. It was quite fortunate when a distant family of mine is also an Earthmate who was willing to help resurrecting you.”
“Resurrecting?” Frey got off the bed as she looked at the king in shock, “Have I…”
Antor gave her a hesitant nod, “You happened to fuse yourself with a rune sphere, but your body rejected the foreign energy flowing in your body. With a body overflowed with rune energy, the cycle of runes forced you to be pulled into the Forest of Beginnings.”
“I… see…” Frey frowned as she slowly recalled the events with the attack up until her encounter with Kane, “Is this… my second chance at life?”
Antor shook his head, “Unfortunately, it is not. As long as you are not out of the rune energy from that rune sphere shard, you can still live your life exactly as you were able to.”
Frey reached for her pocket where she had put the rune sphere before and found a piece of the sphere there instead, “Is this rune sphere?”
“Yes, but only the remainder of it,” Antor replied, getting Frey’s attention, “The sphere exploded when you entered the forest and that particular shard was the only one we managed to recover.”
“I see…” Frey put the shard back into her pocket before a familiar person came into her mind, “Lest… Lest! Is he okay?! He is my brother!”
Antor went silent for a moment as he slightly turned his face away from her, “He… along with the rest of the rune spheres… went missing a day after you went to the forest…”
“No way…” a single tear escaped from her eyes, “That can’t be true, right…?”
“That was the unfortunate truth,” Antor’s voice turned into a whisper as he put his hands on Frey’s shoulders, “The only eye witness had already been killed, so I cannot tell you whether or not he is still alive.”
“No, he must be alive,” Frey wiped the tears from her eyes, “He has to live, or I’ll never forgive myself for leaving him behind. I already promised…”
“There is one thing I would like to clear,” Antor spoke up in a serious tone, “The Sechs is still looking for the rune spheres, so they would most likely look for him as well. If you want to find your brother, I may be able to give you a helping hand.”
“Please do,” it was Frey’s turn to put her hands on the king’s shoulders, “I’ll do anything to make it up to my brother! To make up for all the things I did wrong in the past!”
Antor could tell that those words weren’t lies and nodded, “Very well. I will put you in charge of information gathering. That position will be quite dangerous, but with the powers you obtained after fusing with a rune sphere, I am certain that you can do it.”
“Yes,” Frey released Antor from her grasp, “Your Majesty, please let me know what I need to do.”
“I will assign you to the reformed research team, or now known as the intelligence division. Your task will require you to travel between Norad and Sechs quite often, so I have to know whether or not you accept this condition,” Antor saw Frey getting down to her knee in respect, “Is that your final answer?”
“Yes,” Frey nodded while staying down on her knee.
“Good,” Antor turned to face the door, “I will keep the information about you and your brother between the two of us. This should prevent any unnecessary problem in the kingdom during your mission.”
“Yes. Thank you, Your Majesty.”
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andyhollows · 7 years
these are actually hella fucking cute y'all
I liked this questionnaire thing a while back ago and decided to finally answers these 100 questions. I’m making a different post than reblogging it with the answers so you’ll be able to see which answers are mine. Link  for if you wish to read/take it yourself. :)
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
I tend to have more milk than cereal even though I fill up my bowls to the top with cereal. XD 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
I live in Florida so the coldest it gets is usually around 50-60 during the days and 20-30 at night, if we’re lucky. But, yes, I do, very much so. 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
I don’t read books, but back when I was in middle/high school, I used to just fold the edge of the book and using a pencil, put a dash where i last left off, or being an artist, I would create my own little bookmarks using a normal piece of paper. 4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
I don’t drink coffee/tea, I probably drink cappuccino and that’s only from WaWa’s when it’s cold enough and I usually put cream and like 2-4 packets of sugar in it.  5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
Only when I haven’t brushed or recently ate something like lasagna or some sort of pasta. 6: do you keep plants?
No 7: do you name your plants?
If i don’t even own a plant, why would i name it? 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
I usually just draw/sketch with a pencil 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
Yeah, I tend to just lip sing to whatever music I’m listening to. 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
Yes lol I tend to toss and turn but I almost always end up on my back. 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?
I don’t really have any inner jokes i can think of at the top of my head. 12: what's your favorite planet?
Pluto, i don’t know why. 13: what's something that made you smile today?
I saw another post in my “likes” and I looked at the original post it came from and it came from Game Grumps and that made me laugh so hard. 14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
Nice, for sure. It would probably just be all the walls would be white or some sort of light color and our furniture would be pretty modern and solid colors. We tend to have the same taste so it wouldn’t clash together. 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
“All of space is completely silent...” 16: what's your favorite pasta dish?
Either Chicken Al’ Fredo or Spaghetti. 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
Blue or Red would be pretty cool and i think i could pull it off 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
I don’t have any with friends, but with my family: i was like 14 years old and roleplaying with my current boyfriend, Jonathan, my brother and Ashley and my character was suppose to get pregnant but i didn't know how a pregnancy test was taken so i said i put it in my mouth and it came out positive and i came out of the restroom saying I'm pregnant and EVERYONE laughed! 12 years later, they haven’t let me live it down. 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
I don’t have a journal but i have a ton of sketch books and they usually contain chibis or my OCs, myself, my best friend or my game characters and unfinished doodles. 20: what's your favorite eye color?
Green 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
I don’t have a favorite bag, i’m not really the type to hold onto something like that, but my favorite bag right now is either my Domo backpack or my nightmare before christmas one. 22: are you a morning person?
No 23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
Sleep, watch TV/youtube videos and play video games 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Yes, my best friend, you know who you are :P 25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into?
I’ve never broken into anything, unless you count just walking into unfinished houses in my neighborhood. 26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
My flats are the shoes I’ve had forever but I don’t wear them anymore, instead i now mostly wear my sandals, only cause im lazy to put on socks and sneakers. 27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor?
watermelon! 28: sunrise or sunset?
sunset, i feel sunrise will just start blinding me if i keep starring at it XD 29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
When they’re totally dorking out over some comic book or some movie lol 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
Yes 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
Socks are alright. I usually stick to wearing solid color socks. I don’t sleep with socks cause when i do, because i toss and turn my socks slip off and it’s annoying. I own some white socks but i prefer colored ones. 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
3AM... with friends? Uhhh... since most of my friends are online, i don’t really do much, cept talk about whatever unless we’re drunk 33: what's your fave pastry?
Any sort of cake! 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
I don’t have any stuffed animals i’ve had since i was a kid, most of them were given on my birthday or as a congratulations. The one i’ve had the longest is this cute little ghost i named Spooky and i got her on my birthday and i still have it. 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
I do like stationary stuff and pens, i always want all the pens, pencils, markers, highlighters, stickynotes, everything even if i don’t have a use for em. 36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
I don’t know... probably some disney song LOL 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
i don’t LIKE keeping my room a mess, im just fucking lazy 38: tell us about your pet peeves!
when they happen, i’ll let you know, i can’t think of any at the top of my head. 39: what color do you wear the most?
black 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?
i don’t wear jewelry, cept earrings and the ones i own are gifts from Christmas so don’t really have a story. 41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?
i don’t read books :D i only read manga XD but if that counts, Horimiya 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
Again, i don’t drink coffee so i don’t know of any coffee shops. 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
My family....? like a decade ago lol we were mostly trying to look at the meteor shower 44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
uhhh.... umm... >.> geez.. that’s tough, had to have been before becoming a teenager! 45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
yes, they have yet to let me down. 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
i don’t know any puns, i’m not a punny person! and no im not trying to be funny 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
i don’t know XD im picky but i’m not like totally disguested with a type of food... maybe oysters? 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
my biggest fear as a kid was pretty much the “monster under my bed” thing, i never liked leaving my foot hanging off the side of my bed, i always ran and jumped onto my bed after turning off the lights, etc. to this day, no that fear is gone, now it’s bugs XD 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
i never bought a CD/record in my life, i usually just had a friend or my mom burn me one  50: what's an odd thing you collect?
i don’t really collect anything specific, i do tend to want anything that’s related to black butler or the nightmare before christmas or doctor who 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
“Why I Cry” by NSP only because they got me into it XD 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
i don’t like memes 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
out of all of them, i’ve only watched beetlejuice, i’ve heard OF the rocky horror picture show, never heard of heathers or pulp fiction and beetlejuice was just weird.
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
my nephew XD 55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point?
I don’t know/can’t remember 56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
i don’t know, not often i pay attention to people 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
every time i listen to bohemiam rhapsody i remember the flash video my brother created XD 58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
i think my friend Ricky is the wine mom, mostly cause he’s the only one i know that drinks wine and gets drunk when drinks too much and the vodka aunt has to be my friend Elliot because almost every time i talk to him, he’s drunk  59: what's your favorite myth?
i don’t know, idk a lot of myths 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
i don’t really like poetry so i don’t have a favorite 61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received?
i try to think out my gifts carefully, but the stupidest gifts i’ve received was this last christmas, when i got 5 slippers from my family because of something i said xD 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
i don’t drink juice at all >.> and i probably should 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
with my music, i tend to organize them by artist, any new song i get from an artist i already have in my library has to be within that same bunch 64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
dark blue/black, it’s night 65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with?
YES, MY BEST FRIEND!!! 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
a bunch of black roses? >.> 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
amazing!!! 68: what's winter like where you live?
non-existent 69: what are your favorite board games?
Anything that’s fun and makes my family do weird things 70: have you ever used a ouija board?
Nope but i am curious about using one 71: what's your favorite kind of tea?
sweet and citrusy i suppose? i dont drink tea 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
absolutely! 73: what are some of your worst habits?
i bite my nails.. a lot 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
do i have enough space to describe such a dork in my life? 75: tell us about your pets!
i have 1 dog! her name is diamond, she’s an adorable mutt! 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?
probably sleeping.. pffft! 77: pink or yellow lemonade?
doesn’t matter they both taste great 78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
minion, like from despicable me minions? XD cause if so, im in the sorta fanclub 79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
they drew me XP 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
mine are sand colorish and no i didn’t choose it, we painted over the white/pink color that was there before, some of my other walls are different shades of blue. 81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
i guess like a horizontal oval shaped open window with small black curtain looking out to an ocean of chocolate syrup 82: are/were you good in school?
yeah, i was 83: what's some of your favorite album art?
no idea, i dont really look at album covers 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
i’m too afraid of needles and have a low tolerance for pain, so no tattoos for me, if i did get one, i’d get one of probably my zodiac sign which is Scorpio 85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
i don’t read comics, i read manga and my favorite ones are Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji and Horimiya 86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
what are concept albums??? 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
any disney/marvel movies 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
none that i can think of at the top of my head 89: are you close to your parents?
not really, there are things i’ll tell them, but not everything 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
i dont really have a favorite city 91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
this year? i plan on traveling down to go see my best friend! that’s my main goal 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
no cheese on my pasta! 93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most?
ponytail, i can’t really keep my hair down cause of the humidity here 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
my best friend XD 95: what are your plans for this weekend?
video gaaaaaaaaaaames! 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
i usually procrastinate 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
uhh... zodiac? idk what myer briggs is and im not that big of a harry potter fan 98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
hahahahaahahah xD me! HIKING! LOL!! 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
No.. 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
I’d go 5 years into the past to reassure my younger self that i don’t have to have my life all together and absolutely know what i want to do with my life
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