#because my denim vest
ploncc · 1 year
I hated getting told "take the time to do it right the first time" and similar as catch all rules for every possible situation when I was a kid. Every answer to "how do I fix this" came down to "don't fuck it up."
Not to mention that yeah, sometimes you know how to do it right, and you have the time and your crop of spoons is luscious, and then yeah, shit tends to work better when you take the time to do things right the first time so you won't have to do them again. Sure. Why not.
But sometimes you don't have the time to do things right.
Sometimes you need to do a field patch so your problems can get sent to the (hopefully metaphorical) hospital to get a proper fix.
Sometimes you don't have the energy to keep your eyes open for more than five minutes and "doing things right" takes thrice that, at least.
And sometimes you don't know what the fuck you're doing, and there isn't a manual for what you're doing, and there isn't anyone you can ask for help, and making mistakes is the point. And when that situation comes around, trying to "do things right so you won't have to do them again" is the kind of rule that's going to make you into a fucked up little perfectionist terrified of trying anything because what if you mess up, and when that happens you're going to start missing all kinds of journeys being frozen by the fear of fucking up even though messing up is the only way you're going to figure out how to do the thing right, and is the entire fucking point.
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plutonicbees · 3 months
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cassie sandsmark star jorts from issue #23 of yj98 you have always been famous to me
(before pic + additional photos and unnecessary ramblings under the cut)
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I made these jorts in 22 hours over the course of 3 days! pure willpower via my love for cassie sandsmark because I am a total novice in sewing and i am still not very good at it. (i really just combined various tutorials and improvised on measurements and then regretted improvising measurements later on).
I thrifted these jeans last year for cassie vibes (even though I had already made her star-spangled red bellbottoms at that point) and wasn't a fan of how they fit + I couldn't figure out how to style them. I enjoyed sewing in the panels to flare them out and then everything else (cargo pockets and sewing in stars) was hell <3
the pockets are not placed well (nor are they particularly well-made), the hem is uneven, the stars are quite janky (and I think I stitched on too many), I probably stabbed my fingers a million times, and I am so in love with them
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lost-technology · 1 year
Rem Lives AU Fanfic Idea
So, I have this idea for a Trigun Stampede AU.   A “Rem survives” AU.  (Please don’t roll your eyes).   The idea of it is that most things go like in canon.  Vash and Nai are jettisoned off on a shuttlecraft.  All of the stuff with the Big Fall is the same.  Vash being found by Ship 3 is the same.  He even gets scrutinized and imprisoned just the same.  However, in the early days and week where survivors are trying to piece things together, a lot of wounded survivors from crashed ships that are reasonably close by are brought into Ship 3 because they got out of it with most of their facilities intact (I believe Luida said something about activating a gravity-well so that they kind of landed rather than full crash?).  Ship 3 is one of the few ships with a working hospital and they gather up any survivors they can in need of help.   Vash, from his cell, gets used to the sirens and the drone, hearing gurneys come in every once in a while whenever a Search comes back.  And then one day, when Luida comes in to do her daily check on him and bring him food, she has him come with her (still in chains, for the comfort of the rest of the crew - jerks) because they think they might have found someone of interest to him.   Indeed there’s Rem - alive (due to some kind of lucky air-pocket in the command room during the crash), but really messed up.  Burns and cuts all along her right side.  They had to amputate her right leg.  One eye and half her face is all bandaged up.  They don’t know if she’s going to make it.  Whump! Whump! ANGST!  She regains consciousness briefly, recognizes Vash and puts all of her monitoring equipment into a FRENZY as she tries to get up out of bed, DEMANDING to know why there are shackles on him before she’s sedated for her own good.  And Vash is led back to his cell with this image burned into his mind.  He stresses himself out for the next few days and is not allowed to see her because of how precarious her condition is.  And then the incident with the Plant happens and Vash heals it and becomes the Hero of Ship 3.  Rem starts recovering enough that they are allowed to see each other and Vash basically lives in her hospital room for a while, refusing to leave her side.  She gets a prosthetic leg - thank you Brad - goes through intense physical therapy to recover and use it.  Is very concerned about learning what happened to Nai.  Vash is reluctant to tell her the whole story...  Vash does that “Brad deciphers the Black Box and runs off to try to find Nai” thing as in canon when Rem is taking a nap in coldsleep.  I do not know yet if it is for a health reason (crash really did jack up her insides and she’s subject to multiple surgeries, some of which are best done when she’s kept on pause while the technology meant for implants is tweaked), or if it’s because she becomes a Ship 3 crewer and is put on sleep-wake rotation. Maybe both? Probably the surgery-thing.   She’s pulled out of coldsleep when Vash returns missing an arm...  And helps teach Vash how to use his new prosthetic, using her knowledge / experience from her leg.  She decides to join Vash in searching for Nai.  Ship 3 is against this because, well, she’s the Hero of Project SEEDS, having held her post and relayed the alarm / reversed poles on the ships to save everyone that is yet alive. (She doesn’t feel the same way, is full of regret, always second guesses how she should have “read the signs” in the ship-readings / blames herself for things that aren’t her fault, because hey Vash has to get it from somewhere and generally has a massive case of PTSD).  Everyone wants to protect her.  No one wants her to put herself in danger.  And that’s when she takes a SEEDS service-revolver and absolutely pin-point obliterates all of the targets on a target range to show that she can look after herself.  To say that everyone is blown away by this is an understatement.  “Senior Crew Training,” she tells them.  They all had to be weapons-proficient, even if they were not expected to actually have to need to use them.  And so... Vash and Rem adventure around Noman’s Land.  Vash is treated to new perspectives on his mother, the kind he never got in canon.  She is, generally speaking, a non-fighter (and gets them out of trouble with diplomacy and devious ways.  “Rem does crime” is an Ao3 tag I coined, after all).  She totally did crime with forged data to try to protect Vash and Nai, she’s going to be no different - just a little bit devious there, or a lot...  Rem fighs with her brain.  And Vash, being a supernaturally skilled Plant-gunman, keeps that brain from getting blown out of her.  With her around, though, he cuts some of his more passively-suicidal crap and gains fewer scars.  She winds up taking long terms in coldsleep back on Ship 3, though, because her goal is to not age and die before they get to Nai.  That boy needs to be grounded!    
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bunn-iiii · 10 months
"You can have sensory issues and still dress however you want!" yes true, some people with sensory issues may not have difficulties with certain fabrics as much as other sensory input which leads to being able to wear most anything they want. but not all people with sensory issue can just wear anything, I have a specific kind of fabric for pants and it has to also be a certain percent since most of the time it comes in mixes and if it isn'tthat or sweat pants i want to cry. I can't wear leggings, I can't wear jeans or just denim in general, I can't wear things that are too stiff or I'll feel like I'm trapped, I can't wear shirts that are too tight cause I'll feel trapped, I can't wear long sleeve shirts because they're often too tight, I can't wear low socks they have to be mid calf or higher, silk feel slimy, and most fabrics are too itchy. but yes uh huh i can still wear anything and this totally does not heavily restrict what I can wear (or at least what I can wear for very long). I can definitely dress in the emo style for a long time and be wear tight skinny jeans and tight shirts and too many belts.
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leadendeath · 9 months
Artist ask game: 5, 10, and 20!
5. favorite little detail in a drawing you did
expressions is what i'm choosing for answer. i have a sideblog for my spongestuff usually, but you get to see some of my assorted favorite little freak Planktons right now :D
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10. favorite art medium
i like markers because once you put down one "coat" of them, that's it. not like paint. i have this weird thing where i cannot tell when it's "done" when i paint. i think, "oh i'll just add a bit more here..." ...hard to explain. broadly looking at art mediums, embroidery is always my fav because similar to filling in color areas with marker, when it's done it's done, and i work pretty quickly with thread (probably because there is a clear goal... i struggle with making and achieving goals </undiagnosed adhd> :( )
20. what do you think youve improved on the most over the past year
it has been a terrible year for me art-wise, due to declining health mainly, but i'm starting to try to look at art overall more positively! that's what i've improved on. it will only get better this year. also if we're expanding art beyond drawing, i sewed a lot! actually started and finished a project (made a plushie, of my special little green freak no less, because i need to cuddle him that bad) actually several. got myself new patches. and a vest to put em on. i just need to combine the two heheh
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kedreeva · 1 year
For WipWed! :D Starting off with words for Sentinel CH10, please and thank you. ^_^
Of course! Also I'm gonna let you make the next decision I'm about to make.... does he wear the shirt?
WIP Wed Game | Make me write | Guiding Light
“I know,” he says quietly, not looking over. “It’s silly, but, I like how your clothes feel.” Even not looking, he sees Eddie still, and the back of his neck goes hot in embarrassment.
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unamused-kookaburra · 2 years
Everyday I mourn the lost simpsons comic I made when I was 10.
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alcorian-cycle · 1 year
fyi punk should be diy. if any of my followers wanna dress punk but feel like they cant because its expensive, here's the secret: a good punk look can and should be made out of literal junk. old bottle caps, safety pins. i recently asked my sister if she'd give me some spare key rings so i could join them up with mine and make a longer chain (its attached to my favorite pair of pants rn). if something doesnt feel shiny and pointy and punk enough, stab it with some safety pins. make your own patches out of spare fabric scraps. cut the logos and patterns off of shirts and turn them into patches. pick up some cheap basic embroidery stuff (thread, needle, bamboo ring, thats all you need--hell you dont even need the ring its just helpful) to sew your patches on & make some of your own. or just embroider right on your clothes! it doesnt have to look good. most real punk patches are self-made with wonky lettering. you can get a good leather jacket, denim jacket, vest, etc at your local thrift store. you can try chains like savers and you can try non-chain shops. (btw thrift shops arent just for clothes, theyre lifesavers in general. i got my favorite table for $15 at savers. its old and ornate with carved designs and shit. please shop at thrift stores theyre the best thing ever.) also, when i was younger i remember i made my own spiky bracelets out of studded ribbon (cheap, get it at joanns or some other fabric or crafts store) and safety pins to hold it together. dont waste money on fucking hot topic. you can make your own shit. thats what punk is all about. i promise anyone judging you for having handmade punk clothes and accessories is a fucking poser.
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muttever · 2 years
suddenly inspired again to try to find a denim vest to make myself a dorky metalhead werewolf battle jacket. i need this to complete my ascension
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formosusiniquis · 8 months
This one goes out to that old guy I saw at walmart yesterday loading up his pioneer woman cookware onto his motorcycle while enter sandman played
steddie | G | WC: 1154
“Hey baby, can you?”
Steve's sweet tone sours immediately returning to the much more familiar gently bitchy tone Eddie knows and loves. “You don't even know what I was gonna ask.”
“Twenty-five years of marriage, lawful and not, Sunshine. I know when you're about to ask me for some shit we don't need.”
“Why would I be calling you if we didn't need it?”
“Because if you needed it you would have told me about it when I said, ‘Stevie, sweetie, light of my life, sun to my dawn,’” he looks around trying to figure out where the hell they moved the oranges and why the produce section is never in the same configuration anytime he comes here. He makes eye contact with a kid wearing an artificially faded printing of his own tour merch looking at him with a starry eyed look of recognition not of the celebrity but of family.
“Did you forget where you were going with that old man?”
He decides he might as well put on a show, both halves of this conversation already know he's going to do what he's told. “‘Stevie, my one truth north, my muse, my reason to continue living, my dearest husband, I'm going to Walmart,’ I told you not but thirty minutes ago and asked if you needed me to get you anything and you said no.”
“Oh, you aren't going to monologue for your adoring public all the sweet names I called you?” Steve is amused, he can tell, he's always been able to tell. He's accepting this as his penance for not giving Eddie an actual grocery list when he left.
“Well dear heart I am in public, but if you think we can find another grocery store to go to after getting banned from this one. I guess there is the Kroger on the other side of town.” The kid laughs, tries to hide it behind their hand, but if Eddie has had anything in this life it's experience with teens eavesdropping on conversations they shouldn't be.
“Oh you're really hamming it up, huh, Teddy. Can I tell you what you're getting me yet or do you still have a couple minutes in your set?”
He's given up on oranges, moves on to the onion he actually came here for, the lone ingredient for dinner that he'd forgotten from his clicklist. If they want to actually have the roast tonight it needs to start soon. “What is it that you remembered we needed, oh song of my heart.”
“I already sent you the link so you get exactly what I want.”
It's just ominous enough of a non-answer that he pulls his phone out of his pocket, juggling it and the five things he'd already grabbed that weren't on his one item list. He doesn't have the time to regret not grabbing the cart he was sure he hadn't needed when he sees what he's been sent.
“I'm on my bike! Where am I going to put that?”
“I'm sorry, am I hearing you correctly? Was I right when I said, ‘Teddy bear, my stars, my bard-’”
“You aren't on speaker.”
“My beloved damsel in distress, maybe the motorcycle isn't the most efficient of midlife crisis vehicles. Aren't you going to want something with more trunk space, why don't you get a Caddy or a Bimmer for old times sake. And what did you say?”
“I don't recall.”
“Probably for the best wouldn't want you banned from Walmart, what would the tabloids say?”
“Nothing that would match your wit, Sweetheart. Does it have to be this one?”
“Yes, the plaid matches the kitchen remodel, so be a good boy and strap it to your bike. And remember we've still got one kid to put through school if she decides to go, don't bring home any strays with you. Do you need to do your encore now, baby?”
“I accept your quest, my dashing prince. I shall return home with my bounty posthaste.” Encore complete, audience still enraptured, Eddie dips into the sincere. It's been nearly thirty years together and he's not once ended a call without saying, “I love you.”
“Love you too, my knight in denim battle vest. I'll see you when you get home.”
The call ends with the usual dull toned beep beep, the playlist the call interrupted starts to filter back into his earbud. He realizes he's going to have to walk right past the kid to get to the side of the store with Steve's Instant Pot.
“Hear they're about to have a reunion tour,” he says gesturing down at the reprint of their Came Back Wrong Tour shirt. The faux-fading has left a crack through his own face at the bottom making him unrecognizable, not that he looks the same now as he did at 25. “Those old bands just don't know how to retire.”
“I think it's smart that they're playing up the recent tik tok fame.” The kid says, “No one's even seen their lead singer since the 90s and after their first national tour he'd started wearing that mask.”
It hurts a little bit the way the kid says 90s like it's some bygone era lost to time. Tries to appreciate instead how good the mask idea had been, he'd really been an innovator. “That was a pretty sweet gimmick, you think he'll bring it back? It's kind of Orville Peck's thing now isn't it.”
The kid slumps, managing the impressive feat of looking desolate while standing over the tomatoes. “Probably, not that I'll see it. I couldn't manage to get a ticket.”
That is something he can fix, “Here,” he manages to grab ahold of his wallet, “as luck would have it, I've got a couple spares.”
The kid looks torn between fear and elation, it's likely at least the second strangest thing to ever happen to them in a Walmart. “Oh I can't-”
“No strings, I got it through work for my sister-in-law to go with my husband. She asked why none of the good bands ever have reunion tours so… not going obviously. And my husband insists he's too old to be that close to the stage. You'd be doing me a favor really.”
“If you're sure,” they say, the hesitance more a mannered necessity than real.
“Sure as shooting. Seriously, here give me your name so my husband knows who to make the thank you note out to.”
“Aspen, thank you really!”
Twenty minutes later when he’s got a kitchen appliance bungied to the back of his bike he’ll appreciate that something good came out of this. Three weeks later when he’s standing at the front of a sold out arena he’ll mostly appreciate another chance to be dramatic, “This next one is for Aspen who didn’t laugh when an old man tried to flirt with his husband in the produce aisle. Gareth, count me in.”
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a battle jacket (also called battle vest, cut-off, punk jacket, patch jacket, and probably other stuff) is a jacket (duh) usually made from denim or leather with DIY additions of patches, studs, flags, painted panels, chains, and other bonuses, used to signify subculture. Punk, metal, and biker scenes all use patch jackets, but I'll only go into specifics about how they're used in the punk scene. Metalheads, I think, almost solely personalise with music/band shit. Bikers use them to signifying which club you're riding with. Punks started using them in the 70s and they've remained a staple of the subculture's style since. They're good for signalling your politics, bands you like, and other information you might want to get across. They also look cool.
If you're here I assume you wanna learn how to make your own so I'll cut the history lesson short and get on to the practicals.
1: first you're going to want to get a plain jacket, probably denim or leather, but you could get a canvas jacket if you're nervous and new to the scene because it's way easier to stitch canvas, so you could experiment with that as you're building confidence. The jacket should be at least a bit oversized because with all the stitching and painting or whatever you'll be doing, you could run into fit issues with a very form fitting jacket. also, this jacket might frequently be worn over other jackets or layers so that will help with that too
2: start making choices. namely whether you want to keep the sleeves. obviously you can remove or reattatch the sleeves later but I think making that big mod first is a good starting point to help you feel like it's a work in progress. so if you're going to chop the sleeves I say do it now
3: brainstorm. I know, I know, coming up with your own ideas is hard, but this is your own totally literally unique piece, so think about what sorta look you want
4: you don't have to brainstorm alone though. search tumblr or pinterest for punk jackets, punk patches, punk clothes ect for inspiration. you might get a good idea for an individual patch, or for a broader layout
1: the big deal. this is what will make your jacket into a battle jacket. there are some unofficial rules/sayings in the scene about what sort of patches you should put on your jacket. some people get dickish sometimes about if you put a non-punk band on your jacket? however i think that is bollocks and you should do whatever you want forever. one saying i do personally mostly stick to is "politics up front, bands on the back" with the idea you stick your politics on your front so you can see the punches coming
2: where do you get the patches? you make them yourself. You can buy ofc but don't get shit off amazon or shein or whatever the fuck. If your fav band or small artist is selling patches go for it though. You will have the most choice if you make your own patches. Do you have scrap fabric (maybe the sleeves of the jacket, which is where i got a lot of my patch material)? Do you have paint and paintbrush? good. you can make a patch
3: how do you do that? well depends on whether you stencil or freehand. stencil means you cut out an outline, of say a band logo, out of card, and use that as a stencil. freehand means you paint whatever tf you like
4: paint?? yes paint. messy as you like. start maybe with simple slogans or symbols often found in the punk scene like "ACAB" or "eat the rich". maybe an anarchy symbol. i also like to paint a layer of mod podge over my designs to waterproof them.
5: great, you've got a patch, what are you going to do with it? sew it onto the jacket. unless ofc you bought an iron-on in step 2, in which case iron that shit on and be careful punks. most likely though, you're sewing it on. a lot of punks use tooth floss to sew on because its cheaper, easier to find, readily waxed and waterproof, and does a better job sewing shit down onto heavy duty material like leather or denim. I use a combined running stitch and whip stitch personally
1: all those punks you've seen have metal sticking out their jacket eh? yeah, theres a whole lot of options here. spikes of many different sizes and shapes, which within that can be stitch on, screwback, or have fold down prongs on the back of them
2: where do you put them? probably the front or top of the jacket. you can put them on the back but that might be uncomfortable, or rip up someone's upholstery
3: where do you get them? you can still DIY these by cutting up a metal drinks can [whole other post] but BE CAREFUL. i suggest checking out the internet for these, same buying rules as patches though. no shein. no amazon.
1: go wild
2: other common additions would be chains, lighter caps, badges, and can tabs
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littlexdeaths · 3 months
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someone’s a little jealous…
older brother’s best friend eddie x fem reader
warnings: smut +18 only, jealous!eddie, possessive!eddie, thigh riding, praise kink, semi-public sex, also a lil sprinkle of mean!eddie bc i love him.
it’s a recipe for disaster masterlist.
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“eddie, hold on—” you mewl, unintentionally grinding yourself harder onto his thigh.
eddie has you pinned between the side of your garage and his chest, purposefully out of view from the prying eyes of your brother. his lips are everywhere, pressing heavy kisses wherever he could reach.
no sliver of skin was left untouched, whether that was from his wandering hands or his lips. he wanted you to feel him all over, to imprint his touch onto your skin forever.
as if to remind you just who you really belonged to, not that you could ever forget.
once you’d said your goodbyes to steve after an incredibly unpleasant dinner, you’d planted a chaste kiss on his cheek (it’s all for the bit, right?) but eddie was beyond fuming.
he’d convinced your brother he had forgotten something back at his trailer, so he’d be gone for at least another twenty minutes. giving him plenty of time to pull you aside and have his way with you.
“what? you want your other boyfriend to come take care of you? is that it?” he grunts, pressing his denim-clad thigh harder against your cunt.
your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head, fingernails digging harder into the meat of his shoulders.
“no, i want you, ed.” you whine, feeling the way his lips turn up in a smirk against your jaw.
“is that so?” he hums, nipping at your throat. “didn’t look that way at dinner, baby. looked to me like you really wanted, stevie.”
he all but sneers the other male’s name, the possessive edge to his voice has you practically trembling in his embrace. you’d seen eddie jealous before, but this was on a whole other level.
and you can’t deny the way your cunt practically throbs in response to it.
but when you frantically shake your head and look up at him with those doe eyes, his resolve starts to slip. “it’s only you, eddie. i only want you.”
he makes a deep humming sound in the back of his throat, pressing more heated kisses along your jaw.
“think you’re gonna need to prove it to me, sweetness. prove to me that you’re my good girl.”
he leans one hand on the wall beside your head, and the other he uses to help continually guide your hips along his thigh. your body is buzzing, practically alight under his ministrations— but as good as this felt, you needed more.
“need you to fuck me,” you whimper, burying your face in the sweaty skin of his neck to press some open-mouthed kisses there.
you can feel the chuckle that vibrates against your lips, the sound further dampening your panties.
“you gotta earn that, sweetheart. show me you can come like this and then i’ll think about it.”
he can tell you’re pouting without actually seeing you, earning you another deep chuckle. but you know that’s not going to get you what you want. so when you grip onto his battle vest for leverage and use it to further dampen his jeans, he has to hold back a moan.
“that’s it baby, see you can listen, huh?” the condescension in his tone is thick, “just gotta give you proper incentive, that it?”
you can only manage a whine in response, your own thighs starting to tighten around his own once you find just the right spot. and you’re downright frantic then, hips stuttering as you chase that high. your boyfriend only encourages you, gently coaxing your face from his neck.
his eyes are dark, hungry as he greedily takes in your expressions. the way you tuck your lip between your teeth, a habit you’d formed to keep yourself quiet. and the way your lashes are fluttering, eyes threatening to close with each glide of your clit against the denim beneath your hips.
you’re utterly wrecked, and it’s all because of him.
“cum for me baby, you can do it.” he coos, leaning down to press your lips together.
that’s all it takes for you to fall apart, your body trembling in his strong embrace. he swallows your cries as he kisses you deeper, cradling your body against his own. but you barely have time to relish in the feeling as you hear the back door slam open.
you both freeze as the distinct sound of your brother’s whistling fills the evening air. eddie carefully slides his thigh out from between your own, and you allow your body to rest fully against the garage. neither of you make another move as the lid of the garbage can is flung open, barely five feet around the corner from where you both are standing.
sid makes a noise of disgust as he tosses the bag of trash into the can, and you have to cover your mouth to stifle a giggle. eddie just gives you a pointed look, as if to say, really? right now?
unbeknownst to you, your brother has guns n’roses blasting through the headset of his walkman— so there’s no way he would’ve heard you anyhow.
but your body sags in relief when you hear the back door close again, and eddie blows out the breath he’d been holding.
“jesus christ, that was way too close,” he groans.
you can’t help but giggle when you tug him back into you, nudging your nose with his as you kiss him deeply. eddie rests his hands on your hips, groaning into your mouth when your knee brushes against the bulge in his jeans.
“wait, wait, wait, sweetheart.” he almost whines, causing you to giggle again.
“you promised me, munson.”
he curses again, pulling away from you to run a hand through his tousled hair.
“trust me, i’ll make good on that promise, baby…. but later, okay?”
he gives you a look as you jut out your lower lip in a pout, to which he responds by taking it inbetween his teeth with a grunt.
“god, you’ll be the death of me. you know that?”
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series taglist: @nailbatanddungeon @angel-eyes-and-devil-hearts @mugloversonly @eddiemunsonfuxks
dm me if you want to join the taglist!
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loveshotzz · 1 year
Hi hi babes 🖤🦇
May I pretty please request ☆ { licking } their neck to make them gasp with our Stevie?
Thank you 🥰
Hi my sweet sweet Drac 🖤 I would love nothing more than to give you what you want.
steve harrington x fem!reader
wc: 1.8k
warnings: 18+ Co workers to lovers, Mentions of drinking at a party, dry humping, hickey giving, uh-oh did you make Steve cum in his pants? :(
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You weren’t supposed to give into Steve Harrington, you promised yourself you wouldn’t after your first day at Family Video when he laid it on thick with the kind of flirting that would have gotten him anything he wanted in high school but you knew better now and his own confidence had gotten knocked down a few pegs over the years. The problem was he could tell you liked it, because as much as you hated to admit it, you did. Steve caught the twist of your lips that you were always trying to hide when he’d tell you how cute you looked every time you walked into work even on the days it was just a t-shirt and jeans. You never told him to stop, even when he’d ‘jokingly’ ask you out to dinner after every close. It was always a shy smile and a roll of your eyes with a ‘shut up Steve’.
So how’d you end up straddling his lap in the basement at one of Rick’s parties that you didn’t even want to go to with his bottom lip between your teeth? You blame Robin Buckley and her incessant need to take multiple shots in a row to ‘get it over with’, and then abandoning you as soon as Nancy arrived leaving you with the boy you’ve been trying not to relent to and his reaction to your skirt all night.
Steve’s fingers dig bruising indentations into the soft dough of your hips when you let his lip go with a wet pop, watching it snap back into place even more swollen and pink than before from under your lashes. The mossy forest of his eyes is taken over black, pupils blown wide half hidden by heavy lids as he looks up at you with hair even messier than its normal disarray with your hands as the culprits. Your skirt sits rucked up just enough for him to see the blush pink lace of your panties underneath that match the dusting on his cheeks, and the wet patch that you know will leave a mark on the light wash denim of his jeans the more you grind against him. He lifts his hips up as he pulls you forward, gliding you over the inseam of his zipper with just the right amount of pressure against your clit to have you gasp. He feels even bigger than you imagined, bigger than all the stories you’d heard from other girls.
A cocky lopsided grin tugs at the corner of his mouth pushing up the cheek with the two moles that look like a vampire bit the apple of it, traces of pink from your gloss still linger on them and the glitter coating shimmers in the low light. He tilts his head back to look up at you, the thick expanse of his neck exposed along with the sharpness of his jaw. The new angle reveals a mess of freckles you’d only dared to let yourself look at from afar. Glitterless and bruisless, a blank canvas that taunts you.
Leaning forward your hands find a home on his chest, while his fingers spread wide over the curve of your ass. The tips of them daring to slide along the bottoms of your panties. His pecs twitch against your palms from under the thick fabric of his navy polo that fits snug over his broad shoulders, almost like it's a size too small just like his jeans and just like his vest at work. Steve Harrington knew what he was doing. Of course he did.
Tequila and pineapple are sweet on your breath, mixing with the peach of your gloss in a way that makes him impatient to collect them in a kiss again when the tip of your nose traces up the straight bridge of his. It leaves your lips just a chin tilt away from him if he really wanted but his dark eyes flick down to the growing wet patch between your thighs instead, grabbing handfuls of the soft fat of your ass to encourage you to grind harder.
“S’pretty you know that?” He groans bucking up when your hips oblige him, the tip of his cock fighting with the inseam of his jeans, pushing into the silk of your underwear making an even bigger mess of you. “Too damn pretty, honey. Could stare at you all day, fuck - I do.”
“Steve!” The way you giggle his name makes his teeth flash in the kind of smile that has you feeling like the flustered girls you see leave the counter at work.
“What? It’s true, can’t keep my eyes off you.” He sits up, straightening his back with big hands that pull you up with him.
The new position has your chests pressed, the length of him rubbing along your clit with enough pressure to make you whine and god does he need you to do it again. Grunting he starts his hunt for another with lips that find the hollow of your throat, smirking against your skin when your fingers tangle in his hair. You wanted to give it to him.
“I didn’t think you were gonna give me a chance,” His babbling doesn’t stop, especially when your hips start to circle, “you were playin’ so hard to get baby, but I’m patient when I really want something.”
“We work together Steve -“ You try to argue with a shaky breath, lashes fluttering closed as he nips at the sensitive spot behind your ear. The springs of the couch starting to squeak under your movements, too close to care about holding back any more. “It could get messy, you know? - Shit.”
He hums like he understands with your earlobe sucked into the heat of his mouth, letting it go with a pop before his eyes meet your heavy gaze with a mischievous glint that only stokes the flames he’s lit across your body, licking every inch of your skin.
“I don’t know,” The corners of his mouth twist up in a grin snapping the elastic band of your panties “seems pretty messy now.”
His tongue traces your top lip, while his fingers find purchase wrapped around your hips. Tan skin pulls taut over his knuckles using his strength to bring your hips down on him harder, a deep groan rumbling from his chest when you tug at the thick locks of his auburn hair from the roots.
“That’s not what I - “ Your lips connect for a moment, tongues meeting briefly before you pull away with a huff, “that’s not what I meant and you know it.”
The tip of his nose bumps with yours, his breath fanning across your face in a mixture of leftover peach gloss and the whiskey he opted for instead upstairs.
“What’s the worst that can happen?” He asks with another roll of his hips relishing in the way it makes your jaw go slack with a smirk, “We get paid to have sex? Big woop.”
“Is that how you think it’s gonna be?” Your bottom lip meets his top when the question comes out, your eyes meeting his from down the slope of your nose.
“Maybe,” He wiggles his eyebrows with a chuckle that hits hot against your throat, “If you want, after I take you out on a date of course.”
“Oh we’re going on dates now too?” Grinning with a tilt of your head, you think about stealing a kiss that he’s eager to give.
One of his hands leaves your hip, the warmth of it coming up to cup your jaw, the pad of his thumb tracing your bottom lip before tugging it down.
“Yeah, we’re going on dates”
He closes the little space between you, finally stealing what you’ve been teasing him with. His mouth moves with yours like he’s sure of himself, tongues meeting in a slow dance instead of a battle for dominance. His other arm wraps around your waist, biceps that are just as strong as they look pulling you closer, caging you in with another buck of his hips. The whine he’s been trying to get out of you starts to tease him from the back of your throat, the beginnings of it making his lips twitch against yours in a cocky way, even when he knows he’s dangerously close to needing a new pair of pants.
He’s not expecting one of your hands to come up and pinch the sharp edges of his jaw between two red painted fingers, or the way you start to control the kiss and Steve starts being the one to writhe underneath you at whatever mercy you want to give him. Truly, he doesn’t want any.
Now it’s him who whines when you pull away, your kiss swollen sticky lips finding the familiar path to his cheek. Another glittering trail of pink that leads down under his jaw where you nip just like he did to you.
The pet name comes out like a warning when your tongue swipes across sweat slick skin. The tip of your nose nudging behind his ear with a smirk. Your hips circle with purpose now, not the wild abandon from before, feeling the way it makes him twitch in his jeans. He shudders when you lick the length of his neck, teeth scraping along the protruding vein as his arm tightens its hold, the palm of his hand curling around the back of your neck.You hum in approval, lips wrapping around where your teeth just were before sucking hard.
He groans your name loud enough you’re sure someone upstairs heard him, eyes rolling in the back of his head and toes curling in his sneakers as his hips buck up meeting the roll of yours. You know it’s going to be enough to leave his sun kissed skin lilac and blush when you’re done, but he doesn’t seem to care when the hard tip of him that threatens to bust through the seam of his jeans keeps hitting your bundle of nerves over and over again.
Steve’s head falls against the back of the couch, eyes pinching shut opening himself up more for you while his hips stutter. You feel the warmth of him flood between your legs. A string of curse words spilling from his lips, when your own release has your body freezing on top of him, thighs closing tight around his and an open mouth to his neck in a silent scream.
It’s quiet for a while, both of you trying to catch your breath with the bass of the music that vibrates the walls from upstairs. A content hum from your lips breaks the silence when he rubs his hand down your spine, nails scratching softly as he goes.
“Yeah, we’re going on dates.” He finally huffs out in a laugh, earning the giggle that he liked so much as his ‘yes.’
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thatonebabybat · 10 months
Being Masc & Goth
This blog usually isn't fashion-focused, but I was thinking about alt fashion and how it's sometimes a struggle to figure out how to style things in a masc way if you're interested in darkalt fashion, but you don't want to go too casual or basic with it. So I thought I'd throw together some tips, link some DIYs, and maybe throw in a few moodboards. I want to preface this with one thing: You do NOT have to adhere to traditional gender roles. Fuck anyone who tells you that you do. If you're a guy and you want to get into alt fashion don't let anyone tell you that you can't pull off a skirt or a dress or a strappy top. Literally the whole point of being alt is Doing Whatever The Hell You Want Forever. However, not everyone feels comfortable in that (I made this post because I'm transmasc and sometimes the long gothic dresses make me dysphoric), and not everyone is safe to do that ( as much as it sucks ass, if you live in a conservative area sometimes it can be genuinely dangerous for guys to wear makeup and dresses in public, and your safety should always come first), so I thought I'd lay out some tips on how to dress alt and masc from my own experience. I'm still learning so feel free to leave your own advice in the replies or reblogs! General Styling Tips: - Jackets. Jackets, jackets, jackets. Something about a big jacket always seems to give an outfit a more masc energy, and adding a cool jacket to an outfit can be a great way to elevate it and add some extra visual interest. I like black blazers, leather jackets, and black denim jackets in particular, but vests (formal menswear ones or more casual denim or leather ones) can work well too, especially in hot weather. - Any basic black pair of jeans will look 100x more alt if you loosely attach some chains to the pockets or belt loops. Also, pants with wider legs tend to look more masc than tighter fits. not sure why. Slacks can also be a really good and underrated option. - If you want to find good headwear, cool sunglasses have never failed me. You may be able to take some inspiration from Ouji fashion as well, but that's just my personal taste. - If you have a basic piece around, you can add pins, patches, safety pins, etc for a more casual look, or if you're going for something more formal, trims and lace details and embroidery can really add interest and elegance to it. (if you can't sew, you can order iron-on embroidered patches online or find them in craft stores that'll do the trick just fine.) This can take your pair of slacks or plain black blazer and turn it into a piece of formal gothic menswear you can make a staple of your wardrobe. - Find inspiration in your favorite goth artists. There's a lot of really cool goth music out there and a lot of those bands get really innovative with their looks! Figure out what you like about their style and try incorporating a few things in, it's fun! - If you have an alt wardrobe already but it just seems like something's missing or it could use some interest, try switching up the silhouettes or adding an extra layer! Seriously, don't be scared of playing with textures and sleeve shapes! I see a lot of dudes who just wear a band tee and a pair of jeans all the time, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, that can be a great look! But I think a lot of dudes just genuinely think that that's their only option and that everything else just "wasn't made for them" and that makes me a little sad. shred up some shirts and layer them, wear some bell sleeves, throw some extra safety pins or studs on, have fun! No one said masc fashion couldn't be fun. Unisex/Masc DIY Videos I Found:
... And Some Inspiration!
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[These are all goth music artists, I wrote the band/artist names in small text on the images that were not already watermarked for those who are curious]
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that-butch-archivist · 4 months
"Femme correspondents connected with me in a different way. Many were grateful for my past work and for the opportunity to announce their identities in their own voices. Their statements reflected one bitter irony: if, in the straight world, butches bear the brunt of the physical and verbal abuse for their difference, in the lesbian-feminist world, femmes have had to endure a deeper attack on their sense of self-worth. Leather and denim, flannels and vests--butch women could easily adapt these prevailing signs of feminist gender resistance into superficial passports to acceptance, but the femme woman, in her lace and silk, high heels, and lipstick, had no place to hide. Many learned to pass as a "dyke" in public while in their homes and in their beds, they flew their flags of color and sensuality. The femme voice is underrepresented in historical records, though markings of her presence abound. Often, she is the security behind the butch display, the one who makes the public bravado possible. Lady Una Troubridge's words to Radclyffe Hall, while spoken by a white, upper-class, Christian woman, capture some of the enduring aspects of femme power: "I told her to write what was in her heart, that so far as any effect upon myself was concerned, I was sick to death of ambiguities ..." Yet to others, the femme woman has been the most ambiguous figure in lesbian history; she is often described as the nonlesbian lesbian, the duped wife of the passing woman, the lesbian who marries. Because I am a femme myself, I know the complexity of our identity; I also know how important it is for all women to hear our voices. If the butch deconstructs gender, the femme constructs gender. She puts together her own special ingredients for what it is to be a "woman," an identity with which she can live and love."
- An excerpt from "Flamboyance and fortitude: An introduction," written by Joan Nestle, the introduction essay for The Persistent Desire: A Butch-Femme Reader. (Emphasis in bold my own.)
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lovebugism · 1 year
Eddie x Gareths sisterrrrr????? Like Romeo and Juliet type stuff where Gareth is like my sister is NOT dating you
thanks so much for your request, anon!! i had so much fun writing it!! there isn't much conflict with gareth, but i hope you like it anyway! jealous!eddie x girly!reader (1.6k)
bug's summer fic fest ♡
Gareth picks you up from the mall at six o’clock sharp.
You say goodbye to your friends, all of them wearing the same tank top and pleated skirt duo you’re in, before getting into the passenger seat of his pick-up truck. You’re dressed too nicely to be sat in such a beaten-up thing. Too pretty for it, too.
“Wanna get something to eat?” the boy asks as he pulls out of the parking lot, talking over the Dio song blaring on the radio.
He’s wearing his usual flannel vest over a tattered Metallica tee. The former is riddled with various vintage pins fitting for a metalhead. Down to his skull necklace, ripped jeans, and dirty sneakers — the two of you couldn’t be more different.
You flip down the visor and use the mirror to put on a swipe of glittery lipgloss. You feel almost naked without it. “Slurpees?” you offer before smacking your mouth to spread the sparkly glaze.
“That’s so not dinner,” Gareth laughs as he shakes his sandy curls. 
You arch a manicured brow in his direction. “Got a better idea?”
“Nope,” he concedes, popping the ‘p.’
He’s got too much of a soft spot for you to deny you of anything. Perks of being the youngest sibling, you suppose.
You feel butterflies fluttering like crazy in your stomach, their wings brushing the edges of your ribcage as he pulls into the gas station — and it’s not because of the $1 Slurpees. Your stepbrother’s best friend, Eddie Munson, usually deals drugs in the back parking lot on weekends. Like the absolute dreamboat he is. 
It’s been days since you last saw him. Six of them, to be exact, but it’s not like you’re counting or anything.
While Gareth waits in line to pay for your drink and his food, you decide to quell your yearning. It’s much more like a hunger, though. Whatever innocent crush you used to have is far more salient now. You miss Eddie like a dinner you didn’t get to eat — noticeably empty, weakened without his smile to bring you back to life.
You round the corner to the back lot and find him flipping through a wad of cash. He leans against the brick wall with one dirty sneaker kicked up against it. Despite the middle of summer head, he hasn’t yet forgone his leather jacket and dark denim jeans duo. He looks killer, as usual — so you could only imagine how he’d look out of them.
When he hears the sound of footsteps scuffing against pavement, he looks at you from the corner of his eye. His gaze is halfway hidden beneath his fluffy bangs before he turns to face you wholly. 
He grins at the sight of you, and you fill whole again.
“Hi, Teddy,” you greet with a smile, stained blue from your raspberry Slurpee.
He rises on both feet and tucks the money into the back pocket of his baggy jeans. His head tilts to his shoulder as he looks at you, too cute for his own good. “Whatcha doin’ out here, princess?”
Your stomach flutters at the nickname you’ve heard too many times to count. 
“Came to see you,” you shrug innocently, curling your smile around the straw of your drink.
Eddie beams, brows raising in amusement and cheeks reddening at your answer. He hopes you’re too far away to see his cheeks glowing as pink as they are now. He’d just blame it on the summer heat, anyway. 
“Really?” he lilts, voice light and airy with mirth.
You shrug as you swallow down the fruity slushy. “Gareth brought me for Slurpees.”
“How sweet.”
“Right?” you hum with a blue-tinted smirk, slowing when you finally reach the boy. His weed-tinged, woody musk envelopes you completely — he might as well be embracing you. “Best brother ever.”
Gareth isn’t really your brother, despite how often you call him that. You’re related by marriage, not by blood. You’ve known him your entire life, though, so you figure you might as well be.
Eddie knows this, so he smiles and takes a rather dramatic step back from you. “And that is exactly why I have to stay approximately three feet away from you at all times, princess.”
“Why’s that?” you squint at him.
When you take another step closer, he takes two more back.
“‘Cause he’s been threatening to beat my ass about dating you since we were thirteen.”
A smile quirks the right side of your lips. “Well, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” you lilt.
Eddie’s brows raise at the mischievous inflection in your words. This time when you step towards him, he stays in place. “You’d really do that to him? To the ‘best brother ever?’”
You take another daring step towards him. Your chin tilts up to look at him in your ever-shortening proximity. “I’ve done far worse things than think his best friend is hot, Teddy.”
“Yeah?” the boy coos, chocolate eyes dancing with amusement as his chin dips to his chest to peer down at you. He makes the mistake of looking lower — at your breasts in your pretty little tank top and the silver of your stomach showing beneath the hem. He wants so desperately to hold you, despite everything that tells him he shouldn’t. His best friend, namely.
“And what’s that, princess?” the boy croons to you.
“I don’t kiss and tell,” you blink innocently up at him, then shrug. “Sorry.”
Eddie knows he shouldn’t be jealous, but he is. 
You’re not his, but god, you were so good at making him feel like you were. You were around so often, always so sweet in your way — sometimes, it felt like you really did belong to him. The thought of his girl with someone else makes him feel like puking.
Jealousy radiates from him like steam, palpable enough for you to feel. 
You grin.
“Don’t worry, Teddy,” you singsong, taking another goddamn step closer. Eddie knows he should be taking a thousand more backward, but your chest brushes his torso and he forgets how to walk. “I only have eyes for you.”
The boy swallows through a tightening throat. He nods for a moment, trying to work up the courage to use his voice. He’s scared that it’ll break, and he’ll lose all cool points with you. And he’s the rockstar, the older brother’s best friend — he can’t possibly have that.
“Good to know,” Eddie finally nods.
“Don’t keep me waiting too long, though. Might have to find some other metalhead to give me attention.”
Your smile widens when his jaw clenches, honeyed glaze hardening at the thought of you finding someone else. Your heart flutters when you realize that he sees you as his. He’s already been yours for a long, long time.
Gareth calls your name from a distance, muffled and far away. It’s nearly inaudible, but it knocks Eddie from his stupor all the same. “You should go, princess.” 
“My parents usually go to bed around nine. Gareth’s usually sucking in the ceiling by eleven,” you maunder suddenly, wide eyes sparkling with roguishness. “If you park your van a few houses down around midnight, no one will be the wiser…”
“You want me to sneak into your bedroom?” Eddie laughs softly to himself. He hasn’t done that since he was sixteen. He thought he was over chasing girls like that. Turns out, he wasn’t really. Not when it came to you, at least.
“Uh-huh,” you hum with a firm nod, lips wrapping around the red straw of your slushy right after.
“And what’s in it for me, huh?”
Truth be told, Eddie couldn’t give a shit. He already knows he’ll be at your house at 12 o’clock sharp, climbing up your trellis like some kind of offbeat Spiderman. He just wants to hear you tell him something, anything — a wish for him to go on for the next several hours while he’s stuck dealing in the heat, thinking about you.
You don’t answer him with words.
You rise on the tips of your toes, holding onto your Slurpee with one hand and using your free one to cup his cheek. You usher the boy softly towards you as you press your mouth to his. And it’s not the most heated kiss in the world or anything — just a languid, honeyed thing that makes your lips lock like they were made to do it.
Eddie’s idling hands rise to your waist. His ringed fingers squeeze the bare skin of your sides as he sighs against your mouth. You taste cold and sweet — like blue raspberry and ice and lipgloss — his savior in this heat. The tip of his nose smushes against the side of yours, desperate to melt with you entirely. He thinks it might be close to possible, having you so close in the sweltering summer evening.
He’s breathless when you pull away from him.
“More of that,” you answer through labored breaths. “And maybe a little extra, if you’re good.”
Eddie doesn’t bother denying his want for you anymore. Fuck it, he’ll just fight his best friend. He can take a punch if he has to, but he’s not sure Gareth could even throw one — especially not at the boy he’s known for practically half his life.
“Your bedroom’s the last window on the light, right?” Eddie asks through rosy, kiss-bitten lips.
“Yeah,” you grin, backing slowly away from him. “I’ll leave my light on.”
He nods until the words catch up with him. “Okay.”
“See you then, Teddy.”
When you turn the corner for the main parking lot, Eddie can finally breathe again. 
The air is noticeably less sweet without you around.
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