#this took sooooooo long o god
withnosuchgrace · 7 years
the things tag
i was tagged by the always sweet @doitforsuga (seriously you tag me in these and i love it soooooo much :’)))
i’m gunna tag @slutlingar @chenderellastrash @delta-cubes @boomchimpow @sherlockedwhovian09 and whoever else wants to do this!!!!!! 
alright it’s time to avoid studying and do this (bc i have no control over my life anymore) 
5 things you’d find in my bag:
a pen (you never know when you need a pen)
a pad of post-its (so you can actually use that pen lmao)
5 things you’d find in my bedroom:
my laptop
a lamp that’s like covered in buttons and other random shit making the light quite dim 
my bamboo plant :’))) (that i occasionally forget to water rip)
a little old af tv and vhs player for when i wanna take a dip into the past
a shit ton of stuffed animals hahahah 
5 things i always wanted to do in life:
living in a cute lil apartment 
travel the world with friends
publish a book 
fall in love (LMAO THATS SO SAPPY BYE)
when i was a kid i always wanted a cat and three years ago that dream came true wow life is full of miracles
5 things i’m currently into:
kpop (obviously lmao)
Riverdale (it’s been a while since i’ve been really invested and actually up to date on an american tv show)
fashion (like buying clothes and creating outfits and stuff like i wear things i would have never worn three years ago)
writing (i write a lot more lately than i have in the past)
knitting (i knitted my cousin a blanket for her baby and i’m already missing knitting it’s really relaxing ahhaah)
5 things on my to do list:
 finish all my finals in one piece and with minimal breakdowns
finish writing the stories on my “to write list” (it’s kinda long rn rip)
actually apply to ikea hahahahah
meet @chenderellastrash this summer!!!!!!
figure out wtf i wanna do with my life :((
5 things people may not know about me:
in my family, i’m always considered the “smart, quiet, and responisble” one and like i get it bc when i was younger i was really shy and serious, especially compared to my siblings but i’m trying to break out of that role and strive to be the funny one (bc im hilarious???????) 
i talk really fast and when i’m nervous or excited it gets ten times worse so i dont even make sense half the time when i speak bc im just making up words as i go 
i used to be REALLY shy in high school like to the point where i wouldn’t even talk (in grade 7 i had like 0 friends tbh it was traumatizing) but i’ve gotten better at controlling it and i’m a lot more open now but there are still times where i completely shut down and freak out and sometimes i’m terrified of being alone bc it gives me flashbacks to 7th grade (i’ve gotten better at this too so im proud of myself but yeah it’s hard for me to make friends sometimes rip like i hardly ever make the first move irl)
(holy shit that last one got sad af oops) when i was in grade 1 i joined the school choir and was super excited but my mom made me quit bc they were singing christian songs and i’m muslim lmao
my tongue can touch my nose ayeeeee
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop:
one direction (lmao my first loves)
fall out boy
twenty one pilots
little mix
ed sheeran
childish gambino
melanie martinez
troye sivan
(it was so hard only picking 10 i listen to too many artists rip)
10 favorite non-kpop songs:
what a feeling - one direction
grown - little mix 
flawless - the neighbourhood
bloodstream - ed sheeran
oh, calamity! - all time low
you - the 1975
sober - childish gambino
angels - chance the rapper 
stylo - gorillaz 
gasoline - halsey 
10 favorite movies:
10 things i hate about you 
napolean dynamite (i have it memorized)
kabhi khushie kabhie gham (the bollywood film that pretty much sums up my childhood)
dilwale dulhania le jayenge (all time fav bollywood movie) 
breakfast club 
white chicks 
nacho libre (it’s like a family favourite hahaha)
school of rock 
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons:
jane the virgin 
weightlifting fairy kim bok joo (my fav kdrama tbh)
we bare bears
adventure time 
avatar: the last airbender 
stranger things
fresh prince of bel-air 
gravity falls 
(i’m really really bad at keeping up with tv shows like there are a whole bunch that i would’ve added to this list but i’m like really behind on them rip)
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above:
reading (i used to read a lot more in the past than i do now bc i hardly have time and if i do i’m usually watching something or writing so rip i have books all over my room that i wanted to read or reread)
learning languages (not very great at it  but i’m slowly getting the hang of urdu)
drawing (not very good at it though)
watching animated movies // shows
writing (i have a bunch of unfinished original stories but then fanfics got in the way)
discovering new music 
playing board games with friends and family 
i used to be really into anime lmao 
figuring out my aesthetic bc i have no idea who i am 
that’s it!!!! if you’ve made it this far congratulations!!!!!! you know me slightly better!!!!!
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local-writer · 2 years
* cracks knuckles * so I heard you want tog requests
Okie okie sooooooo
Could you do headcanons for Bam, Khun, Hatz and Wangnan: if they were to accidentally hurt their s/o during training or a battle?
Thanks bestie ✨✨
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Omg thank you for requesting this bestie ✨ I'm just sorry I took so long - hopefully I can make up for it though!
Summary; Bam, Khun, Hatz and Wangnan accidentally hurt their s/o
Type; Headcanon
Genre; Miscellaneous
Warnings; Mentions of blood
I really do hope you enjoy it, I tried. I was nervous while writing, so apologies if this isn't my best. 😭
☾ Bam ☽
- Listen, we all know how Bam is. He would never hurt his friends, much less his s/o, on purpose
- So when Bam accidentally knocked you unconscious out on a mission, he was a mess
- Bam rushed to your side, blowing holes through anyone who stood in his way and pulled you into his arms, immediately checking for your pulse and thanking the gods when he found it
- If Bam wasn't needed, then you better bet he rushed you to the ship where you were tended to
- The injuries weren't bad - in fact, you had took the hit quite well, considering it was a blast of shinsu
- But despite the injuries being minor, Bam refused to step into the room you were in, fearful that he may hurt you again
- That was his worst fear come to life - hurting you. The poor boy believed he was a monster already, how do you think he felt now? He felt like a beast, undeserving of you
- When you woke up, Bam was the first person you asked for. You knew that Bam would be blaming himself, so you immediately sought him out
- Bam was ecstatic to see you awake, however kept his distance. When you tried to approach him, Bam would shake his head and tell you to keep your distance, that it was safer for you
- Yeah, that wasn't happening. When Bam was willing to let you approach, you didn't waste a second and wrapped your arms around him
- Bam was tense at first, handling you as if you were porcelain that would break at the smallest of touches. Until, he finally broke
- Bam cried his heart out in your arms while you shushed him, running your hand through his hair while he asked if you were okay
- It took many assuring words, kisses and hugs before Bam finally accepted that it wasn't his fault. But he wasn't done yet, a large order of cuddles were very much needed
- Let's just say, that was the last time Bam got reckless with you on the battlefield
♛ Khun Aguero Agnis ♛
- Khun is careful when out on the battlefield. He's not stupid, he'd rather not get himself killed
- However, when in training, he has the tendency to get a bit reckless
- You've had to put a few bandages on before because of his recklessness, but he's never went overboard
- Unless he was frustrated
- Your boyfriend had a rather bad day today, so what better way to blow off some steam then to train?
- Well, it wasn't a good idea this time. Khun was quite aggressive with his attacks - so much so that you could hardly keep up with the lightbearer
- When you didn't get back up after a hit, Khun thought you were bluffing for a moment, telling you that he wasn't falling for it
- When he turned you over and saw that you were not only unconscious, but had blood rolling down your forehead, he felt panic course through his veins and he had never moved so fast in his life when he rushed you to the infirmary of the ship
- Khun patched you up in no time at all, however this did not clear him of any guilt
- He had taken his anger out on you, of course he felt ashamed! So you woke up to Khun trying to do everything in his power to make it up to you
- It started with a hug and a gentle kiss to the bandage covered wound as he apologized profusely, swearing that he would do any and everything to make it up to you. You could even hear the waver in his voice as he spoke, almost as if he were about to cry
- So, being the little shit you are, you played around with him in an attempt to make him feel better, "I don't know Aguero, you may have to buy me an awful lot of things to make it up to me."
- He knew you weren't mad right then and there
- You then receive a light smack on the back of the head and a sweet kiss on the lips from your boyfriend
- From then on, he never took his anger out on you while in training
⚔ Hatz ⚔
- Hatz is a skilled sword fighter. Diligent and graceful, yet careful when others are around. So you never expected the day to come that Hatz run you through with his sword
- Of course, it was accidental. White had provoked Hatz into a training session that quickly turned into a sword fight thanks to White
- You knew that your boyfriend was strong, but you had no trust for White. You feared that the male would hurt your boyfriend, so without a second thought, you rushed towards the two
- You remembered that it wasn't the wisest idea to stand between two angry swordsman the second you felt a sharp pain in your shoulder - and to your surprise, it was your boyfriend who had stabbed you
- All the anger left Hatz in that instance and it was replaced by panic when he saw his blade sticking out of the other side of your shoulder
- White mocked Hatz, calling him an arrogant swordsman who couldn't control his anger, to which Hatz did not deny
- After being patched up, Hatz tried to apologize, but you were a little angry with Hatz for even letting White provoke him to begin with
- Shame on you, Y/n. Hatz really thought you were going to leave him
- When you saw the utter heartbreak in his eyes, any anger evaporated and you pulled him down onto the bed you two shared when he tried to walk away and locked him in your arms
- "You're not mad?" "No. But White is gonna get a piece of my mind tomorrow. I'm going to turn him into a human pretzel -"
- You gave White an earful the next day - YOU EVEN TRIED TO THROW HANDS WITH HIM
- Hatz and White don't have sword fights around you anymore
➹ Wangnan Ja ➹
- Wangnan uses shinsu balls to fight, so it's a little hard to control where the blast happens
- And you just so happened to have been caught in one of those blasts once
- You find it comical the way it happened, however Wangnan does not. In fact, he still beats himself up for it
- You had been caught in one of the blasts of his shinsu balls once. You were in battle, fighting off opponents with a bit of struggle
- When you heard someone yell duck. Well, thinking that thay were talking about a literal duck, you turned around to ask your boyfriend what the hell these people were talking about when you saw one of his shinsu balls roll in front of you, bumping your foot
- You cursed and the damn thing suddenly went off before you could move out of the way
- Wangnan was by your side in seconds, panicking when he saw all the blood that covered your body. You were alive, but quite injured
- Wangnan didn't mean for the bomb to land so close to you, but it had ended up traveling further then he meant for it when he had tossed it
- Wangnan rushed you straight to Khun, abandoning the fight all together. He was only worried about you in this given moment
- It took days for you to recover and Wangnan felt so horrible the entire time, that familiar feeling of being a walking curse hanging over his head. He cried, he barely slept and he looked terrible when you finally woke up
- You bet that Wangnan was latching onto you, crying and apologizing for what had happened to you, saying that it was his fault. It broke your heart to see your boyfriend in such a state
- You weren't mad, not at all. So you held him close while he cried into your shoulder, eventually making him settle down next to you in the bed where you comforted him with cuddles and reassuring words
- If you so much as complain about a small ache, Wangnan apologized for it in belief that it was his fault
- It took a while, but you finally convinced him that any minor aches or pains were none of his doing, however it would take a lot to convince him he wasn't a curse
- Wangnan still blames himself for that incident, but you always manage to make him laugh when you joke about the memory, making his heart a little less heavy
- Still, he doesn't use shinsu balls around you anymore
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up No. 13
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glasses-and-bandana-s hat gefragt:
Hi, I was wondering if I could ask you for a match up if you don't mind? 👉👈
My name is Nille, I'm 20, bi and I use she/they pronouns. I'm a college student in 3D animation 😊 I'm a pretty passionate person and hiding my emotions is not smth I'm good at or like doing for that matter. Aside from that, I try to be more laid back and relaxed. Being the mom friend, putting myself aside and stressing over everything for 6 years was enough for me 😅😂 I'm naturally curious and I try my best to be kind and helpful.
I like learning languages, all art forms (making and history), traveling and baking. I am a MASSIVE movie nerd, especially when it comes to animation.
I don't like my dad, feeling lonely, being underestimated and the snob mentality we have towards animation in the West (I can and will fight ppl over it).
As for a short physical description: I'm 1m69, have an hourglass figure and I'm as pale as a sheet of paper. My hair is a dark brown pixie cut and my eyes are green/grey. Oh and dem freckles lol.
Thank you a lot for your time and energy. Please take your time (not just with this request, but with all of them), your health goes first 💕 Take care and thank you once more 💕
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Hey! How are you doing? I hope your doing good. First of all I apologize for making you wait for so so sooooooo long. It´s just that I had a lot to do for college and was really worn out after I was done with the biggest exams I had. I am really sorry. Like I really felt bad when I started to work on your request and that of the others. Thinking about the fact that I still have a lot do finish makes me actually want to cry… AnYwAySSSS. That’s not the point. Thank you so so much for requesting. You seem to be a great, creative, super nice and fun person. Therefore I really hope you will like with what I came up with. But if not let me apologize in advance. Tell me when your disappointed or if there is something you do9n´t like. I will work on it.
Other than that my dear requester, happy reading!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: please tell me when you know who made this beautiful masterpiece so I can give credits and tag them. Found it in google pictures(?). Thank you in advance. !!!
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- I´m gonna be honest with you. I was struggling. Like struggling real hard. Like was sitting in front of my laptop with a picture of Shanks and Ace in front of me while trying to figure out who to choose. But then Luffy popped up at some point but then vanished only to be replaced by Sabo. He at some time vanished too and I was back at wondering if I should take Shanks or Ace. But then I thought about Vivi and I was getting nervous. BUT. A FTER A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. I MANAGED TO CHOOSE! And here we are my dear. I will be pairing you up with Bartolomeo.
- ….
- No! Jokes aside now. I´m pairing you up with Ace. XD
- You were part of the Whitebeard pirates since a year now. You enjoyed every single day o sea while living your best life.
- You got along with every crew member, no matter if there were male or female. You were one of the youngest members and one of the most loved one. Not gonna lie you sometimes were even called Pops little princess. The way he always called you to sit next to him during meals was always adorable. But everyone understood why. You were a chill and cheerful young lady. You were easy going and sweet. You always tried your best to help wherever you could. There were a lot of days in which you did the least liked tasks what always got Pops to get mad at the boys for making you do it. But you never cared. You enjoyed and liked being helpful.
- You took care of every crew member. Mostly when some of them came back from a missions /fights. You loved all of them and always genuinely showed it what made everyone appreciate and respect you for being with them.
- And whenever you did not help out any crewmate you would be hanging out with Ace.
- Ace. That reckless and sometimes clumsy man was the best part of being out on the sea as a pirate.
- They say that a princess would never leave her comfort zone voluntarily. For nothing and no one. But if it´s a person that is able to make them forget who they are and treat them like a normal human being, they would drop anything and anyone to be with them.
- And exactly this was the case. You were part of the royal elite on a island that was located at the first half of the grand line. You were an intelligent and open minded young royal, that was liked by the civilians but hated and despised by the royalty for being hard working to achieve your dreams and fulfill all of your wishes. They didn´t like the fact that you did not make others work for you while you did nothing but enjoy life as a royalty. (Not gonna lie I was inspired by a character of another anime I recently started. XD). They wanted you to follow the words of the elders and simply focus on your appearance so the prince can fall in love with you.
- You hated your life there. You hated your family. You hated the norms and values they lived there. The only thing you wanted was to get out and live your life as a normal human being when Ace appeared out of nowhere and dragged you around the island in hope to find a good restaurant that served good meat.
- This might sound ridicoulus but that was your first encounter. Your first encounter with a man that did not bow in front of you, placed a kiss on your knuckles, made you tons of compliments and had a stupid conversation about the weather.
- He came up to you and asked if the old grumpy looking man was botheting you and if you wanted him to punch him. He was ready to fight the stranger for a stranger. But when you told him that the grumpy man was your father he shrugged his shoulders and just repeated his question. His beahviour made you laugh and you told him that as much as you wanted him to be punched in the face he still was your father. So you asked for his name and lead him around the park you currently were at. But the poor man got bored and made you lead him to the market so he could eat.
- Whenever you would think about your first encounter with him you would be smiling and thanking the gods for sending you such a good hearted and nice man. A man that slowly and with more days and weeks passing turned into your boyfriend who turned you, a well mannered and raised royal into a navigator of one of the strongest pirate crews.
- Ace never held you back from doing what you liked or wanted to try. In fact he always encouraged you to keep doing that and always made sure no one was bothering you.
- There was one think you really appreciated. And that was his habit of always being around you. No matter what the circumstances were. There was a party? He always made sure to keep an eye on you. The whitebeared pirates were docking on one of their islands? Ace would be holding your hand and show you around. He would go out to eat. He would always drop by at your cabin to ask if you wanted to join him.
- Ace knew that you didn´t like being alone since you were always left alone by your family so he alwys tried his best to accompany you.
- As much as you loved and appreciated him, there was one thing that always and forever will be overwhelimg to you. and that’s the fact that the most energetic and reckless man was able to fall asleep in a blink of an eye. Like you could be talking to him and look away for a second just to find him snoring on the ground when you searched for his eyes. Like WtF! How is he able to sleep on the ground so peacefully?!
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tainted-wine · 4 years
Sooooooo, I wanted to your know take on Hawks taking pictures during any kind of spicy encounter? I've read it in Yandere settings but why not just a dirty boyfriend who loves the shy faces his innocent f s/o makes🥴😈🥴😈
(Oh look, another thirstpost that evolved into a ficlet. This accidentally strayed from your idea a bit, I hope you don’t mind! I just love it when shy readers enjoy having filthy stuff done to them alright? Let’s pretend this is the same one that licked his ass)
Ha I love this! And I want to take it up a notch and say that s/o is also the type that’s too shy to make eye contact during most of the sex. His camera is capturing your sweaty face as he fingers you, snapping a pic every time your lips part to make that sexy gasp when his thumb presses against your clit.
“Come on, baby. Don’t you wanna smile for the camera?”
You never cooperate, which he doesn’t mind at all. The more embarrassed, the cuter. It’s easy to take advantage of the fact that you always keep your eyes closed. He can surprise you with moves that you don’t see coming, allowing the phone that’s floating on his feathers to catch your shocked reaction.
It’s a mix of Hawks praising you and also being a naughty bastard. You’re just the most precious thing he’s ever seen and he wants to be able to look at that beautiful O-face whenever he can. Don’t worry about him ever sharing the pics; no way in hell is he ever gonna let others see you like this.
One sleepless night, when you’re finishing a text chat with your devious boyfriend and wishing him a good night, he sends you an unexpected message.
Hawks: These might help you sleep. You never take the time to enjoy the view when we fuck. So I did you some favors ;)
All of a sudden, several videos are being loaded onto your phone and holy fucking shit.
Hawks has been doing more than snapping photos. He’s been recording you in the heat of the moment as well. There are several clips and they all nearly give you a heart attack.
One is shown from his perspective, his sharp thrusts making you rock into the mattress, small whimpers escaping your mouth. Hearing yourself like that is making your face so damn hot, and it gets even hotter when the angle pans down to show his dick sliding in and out of your pussy.
This was not going to help you sleep. Instead you feel an all too familiar throb down below.
The next video seems to be taken from the same moment, but this time it’s from the bottom, and you’re given the amazing view of Hawks right over you. His face is flushed with an open-mouthed grin that didn’t falter from the moans slipping past his lips. It’s only when he cums that he finally loses it, those golden irises rolling back before his eyes close, and his mouth hangs open as he releases loud choked whines.
He looks fucking amazing. How have you deprived yourself of this for so long? 
Another clip loads. It’s from the night when Hawks convinced you to have your mouth fucked. He really filmed that?! The phone seems to be floating beside your face, giving you a nice view of his cock sliding past your lips. Your eyes are closed as they always are, flinching when he nearly hits the back of your throat.
The throbbing has gotten impossible to ignore. A hand reaches down to your damp cunt, a part of you feeling mortified at how aroused you are from watching yourself like this.
Your fingers pump in and out at the same speed as Hawks’s dick in the video. It was the filthiest thing you’ve ever witnessed, watching him stretch your cheeks from inside, listening to your own wet gurgles that get even sloppier by the second, your hands tightly gripping his ass while he humps your face.
You always had trouble looking at something as simple as his face during the actual act, so why couldn’t you look away now even if you tried?
With a few more rather violent thrusts (but you still remember how each one only turned you on more), he cums with a damn snarl. The very sound of your hungry gulps as his cream flows down your throat nearly brings you to the edge. Just a little more, a few more rubs to your clit should do it...
But then the fourth and final video plays right after the previous one, and just when you thought things couldn’t get any more embarrassing and exhilarating, you see Hawks’s head happily nestled between your legs. You can’t believe just how much your boyfriend has gotten away with simply because you refused to keep your eyes open during sex.
Well now, for the first time, you were making eye contact with him. He was looking intently at the camera as he ate you out, predatory eyes piercing right through the screen and into you.
You slow down your fingers; you want this to last just a little longer. You want to cum to the thought of his tongue.
You can hear your other self moan behind the camera, thighs twitching on his shoulders. His head bobs gently as he licks and sucks at you, occasionally closing his eyes and moaning, as if your taste alone was orgasmic. Your fingers keep on rubbing, slowing down whenever you feel like you’re right at the peak.
Hawks suddenly takes your thighs and pushes them toward your chest, your ass now slightly lifted off the bed.The camera is moving closer, closer to Hawks’s face buried in your pussy and oh god...with this new position, you get a very close and personal view of his mouth working at your cunt.
You can hear the wetness of his tongue when it moves to part your glistening folds. Your juices stick to his mouth in thin strands, such detail making your escalating pleasure impossible to hold back any longer.
You couldn’t look away. Your own moans blended with the ones in the video as he kissed your pussy deeply, the vulgar sounds even louder than before. His face was becoming drenched with your slick. All it took was another sharp glance at the camera before closing his lips around your clit to finally make you burst.
You wanted to keep watching through your crushing orgasm, but the white hot pleasure forces your eyes shut. The sound of you cumming as well in the video makes it all the more intense, Hawks growling as he tries to hold you down and drink up your steady flow.
The video ends, and you want to both curse and thank him for recording these without you knowing. You noticed that there was another text sent to you just a few minutes after the clips.
Hawks: You’re already getting off to this, aren’t you? Don’t worry, shy bird. I’ll make sure to send you more in the future~
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Empire State Of Mind
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x stark!reader
Warning: None
Summary- (FLUFF)(CRACK)the story of how Peter Parker got over his fear of heights (I was inspired by one of Peter's lines in the Spiderman ps4 game)
A/N: Okay this is me getting back to fics because apparently the only way I can actually get inspiration to write is if I'm procrastinating sooooooo since school has started I guess there will be lots of that lol
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When Peter told Ned about his fear of heights, he completely freaked out.
"You can't be afraid of heights. You're Spiderman!," he whisper-shouted at their lunch table. "How can Spiderman be afraid of heights?!"
Peter shrugged. "I dunno, maybe I'll just have to get over it eventually."
"But if the spider gave you strength, perfect eyesight, and all those other awesome things. How could it not give you the ability to not be afraid of heights?!," Ned asked, utterly confused. "I mean, spiders aren't afraid of heights."
"Yeah Ned, I know. But-"
"And if spiders aren't afraid of heights then when the spider bit you, you should've picked up that trait too, right?"
"-Maybe you just got a really lame spider. Maybe the spider that bit you was afraid of heights and he was a spider outcast and-"
When Peter told MJ about his fear of heights, she immediately mentally prepared herself for his funeral.
"How is Spiderman afraid of heights?"
Pete groaned. "I don't know..."
"I knew it," she sighed. "You're gonna die."
"Wait, what?"
"You can't be out there saving the city while being afraid of heights. That doesn't mix," she explained matter-of-factly. "You're gonna die."
"I'll get over it, MJ. I just have to keep trying."
She shook her head. "Whatever you say, loser. But when you die, the only thing I'll be saying at your funeral is 'I told ya so'."
When Peter told Harry about his fear of heights, he teased him about it relentlessly.
Peter braced himself. "And before you say it, yeah I know: 'How is Spiderman afraid of heights?'. Ha. Ha. Funny."
Harry tossed a pretzel into his mouth. "That's pretty pitiful, Pete," he snickered.
"Yeah I know-"
"-You're supposed to be the 'Amazing' Spiderman, not the 'I-can-only-save-you-if-we're-under-fifty-feet' Spiderman."
"You know what? I'm just going to stop telling people," Peter mumbled, hiding his face into his hands.
"C'mon, I'm just messing with you, bro," Harry teased. "But seriously, how can Spiderman be afraid of heights? That's like Ironman being afraid of iron!"
Peter stared. "...it's really not though."
"Whatever." Harry reached over to ruffle Peter's hair with his hand. "Just come to the penthouse tonight and I'll throw you off the roof. Bam. Fear conquered."
When Peter told you about it, you did the natural Stark thing to do, and helped him out...after teasing him of course.
"How the fuck are you Spiderman and you're afraid of heights? How does that even work?," you laughed.
"Ugh, not you too [Y/N]," he groaned.
"Why're you scared if you've got your webs?," she interjected again. "As long as you remember those, you can't fall."
"That doesn't really help."
"Wait, so you save all those people in tall buildings while you're so scared of heights? Wow. You're even more awesome now."
Peter shrugged it off. "I guess when the moment comes to save people, I kind of have to push the fear aside, y'know?"
"Aaaand why are you even telling me this? What, you want me to fix you or something?" You laughed again, slapping the table. "I'm good with robots, Pete. I'm not a wizard."
Peter shuffled in his seat. "Well I-i was kind of hoping that... maybe you could h-help me?"
You raised an eyebrow. "And how would I do that?," you asked, giggling a bit. "Push you off avengers tower?," you teased.
"A-actually I was hoping for the Empire State Building..."
You paused. "...wait, what?"
Peter nodded in response.
"Pete..I was only kidding... Like really, are you being foreal?!"
He smiled, patting his hands on his lap nervously. "Will you?"
"You're going to fall off the Empire State Building to get over your fear of heights?," you asked.
He nodded uncertainly. "Yep."
"...And you want me to push you off said building?"
"Yeah pretty much," he confirmed.
You stared in disbelief for a moment before checking your watch. "The things I'll do for your dumbass," you sighed. "Alright. Meet me at the top of the Empire State at four. But if you die...I will not be held responsible.
Peter crawled cautiously along the side of the Empire State Building, being sure to never look down.
'You're not that high, Pete. You're not,' he told himself. 'You're only like twelve....t-twelve....hun....'
"Twelve h-h-hundred fucking feet off the fucking ground oh my goshhh!," he whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut as he continued up the building. "Oh my God, please let me live."
He crawled with his eyes closed until he couldn't feel the thick glass wall anymore. Peter jumped over the railing of the 103 floor observation deck and finally placed his feet on solid ground.
"Wow, Spiderman. You're literally shaking," he heard your voice laugh.
Peter looked at you, wide-eyed as you sat on top of the railing, legs pointed outward, facing the city. "How are you not terrified right now?!"
You shrugged. "I literally take the iron suit for a joy-ride like every week. Heights don't bother me. Now, are we doing this or not?"
"J-just.. gimme a second," he mumbled. "You can do this, Peter. You can do this," he pep-talked himself. "You got this."
You remained sitting on the railing and swinging your legs, trying to give Peter some space to get himself together.
After what felt like about ten mintues, you looked over at him. "You okay over there, Pete?"
Peter took a deep breath and gave a small nod before peeking over the side of the building, which he quickly realized was more than just a big mistake on his part. "F-fuck no!" He quickly stepped back until he was the furthest he could be from the edge. "It's too high! I-i can't do this!"
You groaned. "C'mon, Pete. Wasn't this your idea anyway?"
"Actually it was sort of Harry's!," he stammered. "...[Y/N]..I-i really don't think I can do this."
You ran towards him, cupping his face with your hands. "Hey, hey... relax. You're gonna be okay. You hear me?"
Slowly, he began to nod. "...O-okay," he sighed and took the time to prepare himself again. "I think I'm ready."
You backed away a bit. "You sure?"
"Look," you said. "Y'know, you don't have to do this if you really don't want to."
"No," Peter declared, squeezing his eyes shut, his hands turning to fists. "No, I said I'm going to do it today. So I have to do it today. I have to."
"Well then let's do it."
"But I can't!," he whined.
You groaned. 'If this dork doesn't make up his mind.'
Then it hit you.
"I guess when the moment comes to save people, I kind of have to push the fear aside, y'know?"
He'd told you the answer to his problems without even knowing.
"Got it," you whispered.
Turning around quickly, you climbed back over the railing separating the standing area from the edge of the building with a mischievous smile.
Once comfortable, you started to rock, swinging your legs back and forth. "Golly gee, Peter. I sure hope I don't fall!," you yelled dramatically in the perfect 'woe-is-me' fashion.
Confused, he looked up from where he was frozen in place. "[Y/N], what?"
You continued to speak dramatically and robotically. "Oh it would be such a shame if maybe I were to..." You gestured a person falling with your hand until it finally reached the end. "Splat!"
"[Y/N], c'mon. Stop."
"And I suppose if I were to happen to be plummeting to my death-" you looked over at him with wide eyes. "-The only person capable of saving me would be the AMAZING Spiderman!"
"[Y/N]. I'm not kidding around. Seriously, this is dumb."
"Gee wilikers! I guess my life is in your hands now Spidey!," you smirked before throwing yourself off the edge of the Empire State Building.
"[Y/N]! What the fuck!"
"Whooooooooooooo!," you yelled as you fell, confident that he would catch you.
Rolling his eyes and cursing under his breath, Peter immediately threw caution to the wind as he jumped over the fence. The only thing on his mind was catching you.
'You idiotic bitch of a girl that I love...'
Gathering his crazy surroundings, he looked around until he finally saw you. And there you were, free falling and whooping like you were on a rollercoaster and not actually almost dying.
'Okay, Pete,' he thought. 'Save her or Mr. Stark will literally kill you..Plus your girlfriend will be dead... yeah definitely that too.'
"[Y/N]!," he yelled.
"Any time now, Peter!," you shrieked once you felt you'd been falling for a bit too long. "C'mon, I know you can do it so how about you FUCKING DO IT!"
Finally catching up with you a bit, he shot a web out to pull you towards him, and then shot another on the building.
You gasped when you felt something yank you upwards. Immediately after you were scooped up by a blur of red and blue.
"I've got you, [Y/N]," he gasped out, one arm holding you while the other was busy holding the two of you up with the webbing. "I've got you."
You held onto him tightly and let out a laugh of relief. "I knew you would," you giggled. "That was awesome."
He began to laugh too. "Oh my gosh, you crazy little adrenaline junky!"
You smirked in response, looking around at where you were now "Sooo.. we're hanging off the Empire State Building..what now?"
Peter looked around too. "Uhh-" he smirked. "-wanna go for a swing?"
"That's just the adrenaline talking, Petey," you informed. "But I mean, I'm down if you are. You're not still scared?"
"Oh I'm terrified," he laughed before leaning in for a quick, messy kiss. He stared at you with nothing but love in his heart. "But I'll be fine as long as I've got you."
The next time Peter found himself swinging through the air, the last thing on his mind was how high he was going.
@spideyyeet, @soft-petey, @hey-its-grey, @allegra-writes, @chaoticpete, @underoosjae, @allegra-soleil, @sovereignparker, @lost-space-ranger, @kelieah, @spidey-reids-2003, @spidey-boy-89, @thesherlockianavenger, @crappy-unicorn
89 notes · View notes
nad-zeta · 4 years
Hello dear! I love your works and I wonder if I can ask for head canons of the warlords with an MC that doesn't want to be pregnant, she's a NoMo modern woman, but she feels insecure about the warlords looking for another wife that wants to have their babies due to the time period they're living, the warlords just to be really disappointed with her or they just dumping her (since it also happens in the future sadly) thank you!!!
Hi hi, love!❤❤🔥 Thank you so much for the request! ❤Sorry for taking sooooooo long with this!😱 Also, side note I believe that whether you want children or not, the warlords would love ya unconditionally no matter what! ❤Also, I only did this for 3 of the boys! Let me know if you want me to do it for the rest. Hope ya enjoy and I hope you have a good day!❤❤😊 
Headcanon: MC not wanting to get pregnant feat: Mitsuhide, Kenshin, and Nobunaga
You have been feeling nervous all-day ಠ╭╮ಠ
Today was finally the day that you were going to tell Mitsuhide that you were a NoMo modern woman and you don't ever want to get pregnant 
The two of you have been in a long time relationship and rumours were starting to floating around saying that the sneaky Kitsune was planning on proposing to you that night 
⚆ _ ⚆
The Kitsune had legit gone all out ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
You walked into his garden to see a romantic candlelit dinner, surrounded by flowers and tealight candles ≧☉_☉≦
Some of his vassals were even playing some light romantic music in the distance to create a more romantic atmosphere ρ(ーoー)♪
You walked down the makeshift aisle of rose petals leading to the table
And spread out on the table, was a feast of all your favourite foods 
(◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。 
TBH you were on the point of tears, you knew warlords needed an heir and the romantic setting wasn't going to make this heavy conversation any easier (ಥ_ʖಥ)
You had convinced yourself that this was your last night with the kitsune that you loved so much, and that after tonight you would most likely find yourself single once again  (つ﹏<)・゚。
Mitushide saw the strained look on your face and the redness of your eyes desperately trying to hold back the tears  (>﹏<)
He started to panic thinking that perhaps you didn’t love him after all, and that you didn’t want to become his wife  (|||❛︵❛.)
He plastered a smile on his face to disguise his nervousness and anxiety, and guide you to your seat. 
 He had decided to give you some time to calm down and open up to him on your own (≖ᴗ≖✿)
As the night progressed, and the two of you became more and more anxious when finally Mitsuhide decided it was time to rip off the bandage ◉_◉
He stood up and walked over to you and crouched down on one knee 
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Before he could even ask your hand in marriage, the well of tears broke and you were now sobbing into your hands  (つ﹏<)・゚。
Through hiccupping sobs, you managed to get out, “I’m sorry Mitu, but I have to tell you something, I don’t want to get pregnant, I can’t give you an heir, I understand-“  ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
Before you could finish your sentence, you found yourself in Mitsu’s warm embrace, “Little mouse just being loved by you feels like a dream, I never hoped to ever have children, much less find the love of my life. If you do not want children, then that is perfectly fine by me, just as long as you are forever by my side, I am happy.”  ( ‘́⌣’̀)/(˘̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
He then wiped away your tears and gave you a small kiss on the lips, “I know I am undeserving of love, much less the love of such a sweet, wonderful little mouse, but I find myself unable to push you away. My dearest, will you let me love you for the rest of my existence? Will you make me the happiest man alive and become my one and only wife?” 
( ° ᴗ°)~ð (/❛o❛\) 
You smiled through the tears and met him in a passionate kiss, whispering that you loved him and would love nothing more than to become his wife
(。◕‿◕。)  (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) 
The two of you lived a life full of bliss, and Mitushide never pushed you to have children and never took another as his wife, staying loyal to you from the moment you met 
♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °・
The two of you did, however, did have children as Mitushide’s little fox had found herself a partner, who had left her alone and heavily pregnant
The two of you took up the role of parents with the little fox and raise 3 sweet fox kits as your own
Of course, your little fox kits was incredibly spoilt as the two of you cuties doted on them like crazy  (♡´❍`♡)*✧ ✰ 。* 
This bunny boi was living in pure bliss with you (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Although soon after your marriage to the bunny lord, his clan members started pestering the two of you for an heir (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
Kenshin had begun to notice as the weeks progressed that you would avoid conversations about growing your family at all costs |ω・)
Until one day as you were petting one of your fluffballs, you started to talk to him 
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
You were feeling the weight of the world resting on your shoulders with people telling you from all directions that it was your duty as his wife to produce an heir (ノ#--)ノ\。゜。
“Umi I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to be pregnant” a tear slipped from your eyes 
As if sensing your sadness the other bunnies started gathering around you and nuzzling into you
Umi stood up in your lap so that he could nuzzle your face, except he was a bit too small, so he settled for nuzzling into your neck (⁎˃ᆺ˂)
You chuckled slightly through the tears, at the cute fluff balls trying their absolute hardest to comfort you, “You know what my biggest fear is, that he would l-l-leave me” you were now full-blown crying at that thought of Kenshin leaving you or taking another wife to give him children 
 ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
What you didn’t know was that Kenshin had been listening outside the paper door the whole time and his heart broke into two |−・;)
His hands trembled as he slowly opened the door and announced himself
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
The second the rabbits heard him, an avalanche of fluff ran to him and started pushing him toward you with their tiny noses as if to say, go and comfort her (•ㅅ•) (ㅇㅅㅇ❀) 
(╯°□°)╯︵( .o.)
Kenshin sat down in front of you and cradled your face in his hands, you didn’t dare look into his eyes ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
He wiped away the tears that were streaming down your face with his thumbs
Your voice shook as you tried to speak and repeat to him what you had revealed to your fluffy army “Kenshin I-” (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Kenshin then pulled you to fall against his chest and he wrapped his arms around you in a tight warm embrace, “Foolish girl, did you think I would leave you over something so insignificant.” (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
You let out a sob, and he started to nuzzle into your hair and rub soothing circles on your back  ( ‘́⌣’̀)/(˘̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
“You are the love of my life, my soulmate and I love everything about you and if you do not want to be pregnant and have children then so be it,” he said all while kissing you and nibbling on your ear, in hopes, to bring that smile back  (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
“But your clan....” he then sweetly kissed your lips to cut you off (◠‿◠✿)
“My clan is of no concern, they have successfully pulled me away from a loved one before and they will not have the chance to do it now” (≖︿≖✿)
He then places your hand on his heart, “This is yours my love, and it will always be yours and yours alone, I have no need for children when I have you in my arms.” (。◕‿◕。)
“Besides we already have a colony of cute fluffy children to care for, these little trouble makes keep up busier than any child ever would.”
You gave a small chuckle through the tears as the bunnies started cuddling the two of you the second they were mentioned by their beloved god of war (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)
After that, no one ever mentioned anything about an heir again, as anyone who dares make his goddess of war upset were to face the wrath of Kenshin and your loyal bunny army  
The two of you cuties have been married for almost two years now 
 ( ° ᴗ°)~ð (/❛o❛\)
Nobunaga was in the final stages of unifying the country and his clan members started getting impatient with the two of you, for not having produced an heir yet (;一_一)
And TBH, Nobunaga had been bringing up the topic of children more and more lately (°ロ°)☝
A topic which you had managed to easily avoid up until this point
Both you and Nobunaga had been so busy, him with unifying the country and you with your designing business (˶◕‿◕˶✿)
You were one of the biggest clothing producers in japan  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
You had started a business which hires woman in need and teaches them the skills needed to care for and provide for themselves. ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ)
They would use their newly learned skills to fill commissions and earn some money for themselves. 
It was a concept from the future, a woman being independent and not relying on men for anything(◕‿◕✿)
Nobunaga loved that you were a strong independent woman, and supported all your ideas with an open mind (✪‿✪)ノ
But now it was finally time to rip of the bandage and tell him about the fact that you just didn’t want to be pregnant cause you were a NoMo modern woman (人◕ω◕)
That night as the two of you was cuddling in the futon together, Nobunaga had brought up that his clan had been pestering him about needing an heir more and more as of late (; ̄ー ̄川
He narrowed his eyes at you, as you scrunched up your face (-∧-;)
“Why do you look so displeased at the idea fireball,”  (´・ω・`)
You remained silent, your mind going into overdrive, you loved Nobunaga so much, and you were so scared that he would take on a second wife or leave you for not wanting to get pregnant  (つ﹏⊂)
He pulled you closer to him and peer into your eyes questioningly waiting for your answer ب_ب
You looked down, a small tear escaping your eye as you told him about your modern woman ideals   (ಥ_ʖಥ)
He listened patiently, and his heart broke a little, at the fact that you had been carrying this burden on your shoulders for so long ༶ඬ༝ඬ༶
There was a thick silence between the two of you as you had finished your story 
Nobunaga thought for a second, processing this new information until he finally broke the silence, “Foolish woman.” (≖ᴗ≖✿)
That was the only thing he had said before capturing your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
It conveyed all his love and affection for you 
(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
When the kiss ended both of you were left breathless 
Nobunga leaned his forehead against yours, “Now smile for me my sweet fireball, for your beautiful smile is worth more to me than anything else. If you do not wish to have children then I will break the news to the clans tomorrow.” (◕‿◕✿)
He could see what you were thinking and gave you another kiss, “Fear not my queen, I shall never bed another woman, and I have no interest in remarrying. You, my dear fireball, are the only keeper of my heart and the only one whom I will forever love.”  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。
Keeping true to his promise Nobunaga spent the rest of his days completely devoted to you. 
Although the two of you did become parents and provide the clan with an heir. 
As one day, you and Nobunaga had stumbled upon an abandoned street child whose parents had been killed, and you instantly fell in love with the small boy (◕‿◕✿)
The two of you decided to adopt the boy and raise him as your own. 
And the three of you lived happily ever after 
Hope u have a wonderful day❤
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Murderous Love Chapter IV
(WARNING: This fanfiction has themes of Suicidal Ideation, Suicide itself, Self harm, Sexual Assualt, Murder, Extreme Bullying and Humiliation and a lot of Mental Illness related content and is NOT appropriate for children and the faint of heart. If you are under 18 or may be triggered by the content of this fanfiction please do not read this.)
Motochika’s POV
Myself and Mitsuhide were relaxing in our mini studio apartment that his parents made for us so that we can live independently while we are minors.
Tomorrow our fight to get Da Ji charged and convicted of sexual assault and distribution of Child Pornography and Loki and Ares charged and convicted as accomplices to Da Ji begins.
I knew Odin and Zeus would not take us putting those three in jail laying down. Mitsuhide was scared, he knew his life would become worse if those three are acquitted of those charges. Thankfully Dousan, Noh’s father is the best lawyer we have and has given us a no win no fee guarantee because he knew that due to Zeus and Odin being rich bastards, we may not get the outcome we want.
I hugged Mitsuhide tightly while singing to him, hoping that my singing would soothe him. I then noticed that Mitsuhide was not calming down at all, he then looked at me saying
“Hide the blades, medication and long cords. Now.”
When I heard that I let go of Mitsuhide and went to do so. I’m so glad Mitsutsuna taught me what to do when Mitsuhide ends up having a manic episode or a depressive episode. I then looked at Mitsuhide asking “Anything else?”
Mitsuhide nodded “My wallet.”
I nodded and hid his wallet as well. I then walked to my beloved and hugged him “I love you, I won’t leave you, you’re a god amongst men, you’re the strongest guy I know, you’re an absolute badass, you’ve survived so much and you’re still here, I’m so proud of you”
Mitsuhide rested his head on my chest smiling. I wasn’t told to tell Mitsuhide nice things about him, I just added that to combat the intrusive thoughts that might come up as he deals with this episode, such as feeling unworthy of anything great in life. He looked at me smiling
“I’m so sorry for having that episode.” He spoke,
I looked at him weirdly before saying “Don’t be sorry for something that is not in your control.”
Mitsuhide looked down “No one wants to hire me so I can’t get a job and I don’t want to rely on my parents to get my medication…”
I soon became worried. I looked at him before letting go of him “I just need to ask your father when dinner is ready”
I then walked out of our studio apartment and towards Mitsutsuna saying “Hey sooooooo I found out why Mitsuhide is having these episodes. He doesn’t want to rely on you to get his medication, even though he knows that you and your wife are more than happy to help him…”
Mitsutsuna froze “Wh-What? O-Oh my god!”
He then picked up his phone and called Ritsuko (Mitsuhide’s mother).
Mitsutsuna then said “So, Mitsuhide has not been taking his medication for his bipolar and his depression…
He doesn’t want to rely on us to get it for him…
I know we had that conversation with him that we’re his parents and if we can’t get him the medication he needs then we don’t deserve the honour of parenthood…
Please just get the medication for him, I’ll have a chat…
Motochika managed to get him to talk about whether or not he’s getting his medication…
Okay, I’ll do that for you”
He then hung up the phone and looked at me saying “Thank you so much for telling us this.”
I nodded “It’s okay, if we can at least get him on his medication for the duration of the Trial we can manage his condition as the trial goes on.”
I then walked back to our mini apartment, Mitsuhide looked at me saying “You told them didn’t you…”
“I’m sorry honey, I had to, they want to help you, please let them help you.” I replied.
I hugged him tightly before Ritsuko arrived and handed me the medication. “Thank you Motochika, I think you’re the man that my son needed.”
I nodded and accepted the paper bag.
It was the day the trials of Da Ji, Loki and Ares began.
I stood by Mitsuhide’s side as we made our way into the court room. Da Ji glared at us as the evidence was presented.
Soon it was Dousan’s turn to present evidence. He walked to the whiteboard and projector and turned it on soon revealing the Instagram post made by Da Ji that had the photo of Mitsuhide naked lying on the dingy bathroom floor.
Loki, Ares and Da Ji were held back as Dousan revealed the evidence and explained the statements given by myself, Mitsuhide and the school staff who found us in the bathroom.
The trial lasted for about five days and Judge Orochi sent the Jury out to discuss what the verdict is going to be, as we waited for the verdict Loki looked at Mitsuhide saying
“Now you’ve fucking done it, how much attention do you fucking want you whore!”
I blocked Mitsuhide’s ears when Loki opened his mouth to talk.
We then saw the Jury enter the courtroom again and the jury Forewoman Tamamo was asked if Loki was guilty or not guilty.
Tamamo replied “Loki and Ares had the majority vote of not guilty of all charges. While I have voted guilty I believe there has been some form of bribery going on that I do not know about. As a result for the sake of the members of the jury who are sympathetic towards the victim the least the courts should do is grant him the restraining order.”
“OBJECTION BITCH!” was heard, I looked in the direction the voice came from to find that it was Loki, he then looked at the judge saying
“Your Honour, I do not believe that Akechi Mitsuhide should be applying for a restraining order against myself and Ares, the three of us are all minors and there is no need for a kid to be applying for a restraining order against other kids, I believe he is doing this for attention, he imagined everything, that Instagram post is fake and we will take legal action if you allow the restraining order to go through!”
Orochi slammed the podium saying “ORDER IN THE COURT! Mr Loki Asgardian you have spoken enough, do not argue with our jury members again. Tamamo, my apologies for the interruption. Do you find Da Ji guilty or not guilty of the Sexual Assault charges and Child Pornography Charges?”
Tamamo replied “We have found Da Ji guilty of Sexual Assault and Production and distribution of child pornography, however, the majority recommends mercy.”
I saw Tamamo roll her eyes, I could tell that she has tried to get us the justice we deserve.
Orochi looked at everyone saying “Loki Asgardian and Ares Olympus are acquitted of all charges and I sentence Da Ji to four months in juvenile detention” he then grabbed the hammer and hit the hammer puck to make the sentence final.
Mitsuhide soon started crying but these tears are not happy ones, they’re tears of sadness and anger.
Orochi looked at me with a sullen look saying “I’m sorry, this is the best I can do…”
Four months for raping Mitsuhide then taking a photograph of him in the nude without his consent and posting it on the internet is unbelievable! What do we get!? Stuck with the trauma and having those assholes smiling like fucking crazy because they got away with it.
“Mr Chosokabe?” I heard that which brought me back to reality, I turned around still carrying Mitsuhide bridal style.
The person calling out to me was Tamamo. She walked to me and handed me a folder “Here. I have made it a rule that any communication between the prosecution or defence and the jury must be screenshot and sent to me. If you do anything rash that could get you in bigger trouble with the law these might help you justify it. These are all of the messages from the defence bribing the majority of the jury to give a not guilty verdict or if it has to be a guilty verdict to prevent suspicion recommendation of mercy.”
Mitsuhide took the folder while I had tears in my eyes said “Thank you so much, you’re so sweet”
Tamamo giggled saying “Don’t thank me, thank Kaguya, another juror for bringing this up. She was suspicious of the defence for a while and was a bit annoyed that she wasn’t the jury forewoman, I told her that if she needed to talk to me about what was happening in the court I am happy to listen. This was what she presented. Good luck taking matters in your own hands, I will be supporting you from afar.”
I nodded as we walked to the car. I placed Mitsuhide in the middle back seat, he put his seatbelt on as I sat next to him.
Hades was driving us as he was given a note by Mitsuhide’s parents stating that they are unable to bring us to the courthouse. When Hades got in the car he then screamed loudly “FUCK YOU ZEUS YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I FUCKING HATE YOUR GUTS! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE WHY THE FUCK MUST THE WORLD LET YOU BE SO PRIVELEGED THAT YOU COULD JUST FUCK UP A FUCKING TRIAL LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING PERVERTED PLAYBOY ASSHOLE I HOPE YOU FUCKING ROT IN HELL!”
I blocked Mitsuhide’s ears as Hades screamed. When he was finished Hades looked at us with tears in his eyes saying “I’m calling your parents and asking if I can take you two somewhere for icecream and shopping to cheer you up.”
He then did so, explaining the situation, thankfully both my and Mitsuhide’s parents approved of this before we could leave a guy with silver hair and aqua streaks in his hair got in the car and looked at Hades and kissed his forehead saying
“Hey Hades, baby, what’s wrong?”
Hades looked at the guy saying “My younger brother is a privileged asshole Yang Jian… he made my mental health client lose his court case…”
Yang Jian kissed Hades’ forehead again saying “I’m guessing a repeat of us when we were sixteen? Everyone pulled the ‘they didn’t know better they’re only little’ garbage?”
Hades nodded he then said “I have asked my client and his boyfriend’s parents if I could take them out for ice cream and shopping to cheer them up. If you want you can go somewhere else while I do this”
Yang Jian looked at Hades saying “which client is it?”
“Akechi Mitsuhide” Hades replied.
Yang Jian replied “You referred Mitsuhide to the place I work for and they chose me to be his mental health support worker. This is the perfect opportunity to get to know him, even if I spend the entire time with him in silence, building rapport does not require talking at the first instance.”
Hades nodded before turning on the ignition and driving to the next town over. I’m willing to assume to keep us away from Ares and Loki so we can have some time to breathe and be happy before we get thrown through the gauntlet of bullying for trying to throw people in jail.
When we got to the mall Yang Jian looked at us asking Mitsuhide “Hey, is it okay if we just spend time together just you and me? Hades will look after Motochika for you.”
I looked at Mitsuhide who replied “O-Okay b-but if we see those two no ifs, whats or buts, I’m finding Motochika and staying with him.”
Yang Jian nodded “I understand, I want to make sure you’re comfortable and safe.” Mitsuhide put the folder in my satchel, grabbed his Lapras plush doll and his handbag and went with Yang Jian while I stayed with Hades.
I looked at Hades asking “’A repeat of us when we were sixteen’? Are you saying that this has happened before!?”
Hades nodded sadly “Yes. Not to this scale, but my parents never approved of Yang Jian, they acted like Yang Jian was a bad influence on me. I wanted to pursue a career in mental health, so did he.
My parents wanted an accountant. But because of the fact that my parents hated Yang Jian, Zeus gets to be a dick to me and not get in trouble for it.
Which sucked… and it also sucks knowing that he gets to get away with letting his son and his friends do what they want with light consequences…”
I nodded and we went to a musical instrument store because I wanted to get a new shamisen.
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bestworstcase · 4 years
1, 6, and 16 for the TTS meme!
post-series questions
1. What was your favorite moment from the finale?
oh god there are so many and all of them have to do with zhan tiri whoops
i think i’m going to have to go with the moment when zhan tiri steals the moonstone because it’s just. it’s just so great. 
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T H E    S P I N 
other choice moments include gay baby jail, escape from gay baby jail, scrawny weirdo adult humanoid ziti, the... fangs and demon tongue hiss skitter away thing, and cassandra being just Too Sexy during the fight in the palace halls
6. What did you think of Zhan Tiri as the big bad?
i answered this already here but while we’re on the subject — i’m a big fan of manipulative characters in general but it’s often a frustrating trope/character type to be a fan of because a lot of times manipulation in fiction is not written very well and only works by authorial fiat, but with zhan tiri they knocked it out of the fucking park. i do wish we had seen a lot more of her and cass in the first half of season three because while i think we got enough glimpses to understand the general thrust of how zhan tiri took cass from “traumatized aimless disaster” to “deranged and homicidal” during their months-long demonic road trip, I Would Have Liked To See It, especially with the corona crew sort of just... spinning their wheels in fluffy character-building side quests for the most part while cass was off screen. 
but beginning with cassandra’s revenge and proceeding through the rest of the season, hoo boy. a particular standout moment in my opinion is the absolutely seamless way zhan tiri switches from manipulating cassandra with blatant lies to manipulating cassandra with mostly-truths in once a handmaiden and the fact that she turned cass finding the mirror shard to her advantage so effortlessly that i honestly wonder whether that wasn’t her plan all along.  
also jennifer veal deserves an award. her voice acting was sooooooo good
16. What’s an episode plot that you wish we’d gotten to see?
i would have liked it if season 3 had had a cass-focused episode in the first half of the season sort of a la zuko alone. during the bomb i felt pretty okay with the amount of cass screen time we got, but now that i’ve finished the whole season i think in retrospect that it actually was not enough and the season as a whole would have been much stronger, plotwise, if we had seen more of what cass and zhan tiri were up to. alternatively i would have liked the saporian takeover plot to be extended into an arc covering the first half of the season.
this is edging more into the territory of a general critique but imo season three had a ton of phenomenal character episodes but its the great weakness is that until cassandra’s revenge, a lot of the major overarching plot happens... off screen, and even after cassandra’s revenge we get things like zhan tiri telling rapunzel, “i’m manipulating your friend and on this specific date, i’m going to come to corona and destroy you” and then rapunzel not really doing anything with that information until she finally brings it up in plus est en vous. it comes off sort of like team corona isn’t taking the nascent apocalypse war seriously, and that was very frustrating, and i think giving a little more time to cass in the early season or giving team corona more important things to deal with as an overarching b-plot in the early season would have both alleviated this problem a little bit. 
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beg-for-it-black · 4 years
LDWS Week 1 Voting
Guys! Voting is HERE! As of right now, voting will stay open until Monday at 6pm EST. You all have 1 vote for most favorite and 1 vote for least favorite drabbles. Participants are encouraged to vote, but you may NOT vote for yourselves! I should explain a bit more how this works, I guess. The winner isn't decided by whoever gets the most most fav votes. Each most fav vote gets +1. Each least fav gets -1. Once those are tallied, a winner will be determined. If there's a tie, there will be a tie breaker so that there is one winner and one person eliminated. Please, try not to vote on a drabble just because you like a pairing. Take into account the quality of the writing and how well it fits the prompt! When you vote, just send me a message stating the number and the title of the drabbles. Do not send messages on anon. The prompt this week was "Well that was a bad idea" and had to be between 440-450 words.
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bo0zey · 4 years
Pick your favorite questions from the list.
i will do them all for u 0.o
1. Name cianna [see-ah-nah]
2. Nationality mexican irish german romanian hungarian french
3. Age 20
4. Birthday december 17, 1999
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign) sun: sagittarius; ascendant: leo; moon: aries
6. Gender female
7. Sexuality uhhhhhhhhhhhh idk but i will willingly kiss either gender
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself) /tagged/my-face or u could just google pictures of fat rats
9. What do you/did you study? I’m currently a sophomore nursing major!
10. What's your current job like?/What job would you like to have? I’m currently a microbiology TA and I love it :) My dream job would be something with animals, like a vet tech or veterinarian
11. Your birth order i’m the oldest!
12. How many siblings do you have? 2 younger brothers
13. Do you have good relations with your family? my mom was my best friend, my dad and i get along better now that i’m in college, my brothers and i get along pretty well & we’re staring to get closer now that they’re getting older n growing up n developing their own personalities lol
14. How many friends do you have? errrr idk this is a hard question. i have a lot of acquaintances but i’d say i have maybe like less than 10 real friends??
15. Your relationship status single :D
16. What do you look for in a SO? funny!!!!!!!!!must be humorous!!!!and sarcastic and a little weird w darker sense of humor so we can laugh n be dumb together!!!!!!! also i would like them to be kind to me and those around them bc mean ppl suck. also they have to like animals. also i would like them to be loyal and trustworthy and 110% in love w me. and for physical stuff idk kinda attractive but NOT CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE like i personally don't really like the typically ‘attractive’ person??? 
17. Do you have a crush? currently in love w the cute chinese boy who lives across from my dorm room even tho i have never even spoken to him n he is totally unaware of my existence!!!!!!!! hahah oops :D
18. When did you have your first kiss? i mean technically 3rd grade i think but that doesn't really count so like maybe 16????
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands? i mean in the long term i would definitely like to have a serious relationship but at the moment i’m only into casual stuff bc my heart isn't ready to be broken again sknfkjdbnkjd
20. What are your deal breakers? errrr i’m not sure....cheating is a no no, ppl that are interested in fucking every single person they see is a turn off, DUMB PEOPLE like ppl you can't even have a proper conversation with bc they're so DUMB, and ppl who r mean/judgmental/arrogant
21. How was your day? ok! accidentally slept thru my math class but caught a glimpse of my crush across campus when he was abt to smoke a cig and i got chipotle n i online shopped a ton from shein
22. Favourite food & drink deep dish spinach pizza from giordano’s & orange vitamin water
23. What position do you sleep in? i fall asleep on my left side hugging a body pillow
24. What was your last dream about? ate a braid of hair and inside the braid was bacon
25. Your fears not going to make it thru nursing school, not being financially stable as an adult, not having a family of my own, probably more but those r currently top 3
26. Your dreams i don't have any idk....maybe having like a house of my own and having as many animals as i want?? and i would like a loving partner with a daughter of our own
27. Your goals survive nursing school and lose 40 pounds and don't die before my cat
28. Any pets? i have a dog named cherry Cola, a cat named Leto, and a betta fish named Perc
29. What are your hobbies? writing stories about people in love, listening to music
30. Any cool places in your area? in my college town??? NO it sucks. in my hometown??? Not really it’s a small lil village with only restaurants and parks. but at home i’m near downtown chicago so that’s cool i guess
31. What was your last awkward situation? the first thing that comes to mind is my FIRST and so far ONLY encounter with my crush. we live in the same dorm building and i was wearing my nursing scrubs and had no make up on and about to go upstairs to my dorm, and then i heard footsteps and i was like ‘hahaha what if its my crush’ AND THEN HE FUCKIGJNG appeared from down the hallway to go back to HIS DORM [which is RIGHT ACROSS FROM MINE] and i literally STARED at him, then threw open the door and RAN UP THE STAIRS LIKE I LITERALLY DIDNT EVEN HOLD THE DOOR OPEN FOR ME AND HE WAS LIKE SO CLOSE BEHIND ME I WAS JUST SO NERVOUS MY FLIGHT OR FIGHT RESPONSE TOOK OVER AND I FUCKING FLED I LITERALLY RAN AWAY FROM HIM I AHTE MYSELF SO MUCH IM SUCH AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
32. What is your last regret? errrrr idk i regret a lot of dumb things.......
33. Language/s you can speak English n a LITTLE bit of Spanish
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.) i’m really into zodiac stuff and i have got to say they are pretty spot on in accuracy idk
35. Have any quirks? ummmm ofc!!i am the quirkiest person i know hajnjfxbkjx like if u asked my roommates/friends they’d probably be better at answering this than me bc i don't see anything abt me as quirky but they always tell me i am quirky and do weird things but idk man I'm just existing 
36. Your pet peeves err idk currently its ppl that constantly brag about dumb shit
37. Ideal vacation somewhere warm with me + the ocean + the loml + unlimited alcohol
38. Any scars? yeah :D both emotional AND physical!!!!
39. What does your last text message say? ‘ok thats a more than fair statement’
40. Last 5 things from your search history how many carbs should i eat, chipotle bowl calories, is the grim reaper the angel of death, ceftriaxone adverse effects, red man syndrome
41. What's your [device] background? lockscreen is a peach-theme background i made and home screen is my weight loss goals
42. What do you daydream about? the characters in my stories.................and being skinny 
43. Describe your dream home pretty brick house??? flowers outside??? 3 floors--main floor, basement and upstairs??? 3 bedrooms n 3 bathrooms maybe??? master bedroom has its own bathroom!!! and open concept main floor. big kitchen and very homey n warm all around. as for like an apartment i want something cozy and aesthetically pleasing and warm 
44. What's your religion/Your thought about religion i don't have a religion but if ppl do have a religion then thats not my business
45. Your personality type entj but only bc i got 3% extraverted; i am very closely related to intj tho n i think i fit that one better
46. The most dangerous thing you've done uhhhhhh probably operating a vehicle while high out of my mind. definitely the dumbest thing i ever did 0/10 would recommend anyone ever doing that
47. Are you happy with your current life? its ok but it could probably be better. i want to be done w college and skip to the part where i have a successful career and my own home and i can lay up w the loml every night
48. Some things you've tried in your life alcohol???weed??gummy edibles....
49. What does your wardrobe consist of? sweaters/sweatshirts/leggings
50. Favourite colour to wear? black, maroon, peach, purple, gray, idk
51. How would you describe your style? oh jeez idk i wear whatever i want so like e-girl when i really try and basic white girl when i don't care
52. Are you happy with your current looks? no i hate everything about myself lol
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be? more freckles on my face....also be thinner n have longer hair
54. Any tattoos or piercings? my nose and septum are pierced!
55. Do you get complimented often? kinda by my friends but i always yell at them to stop so they don't compliment like as much bc they know i hate it but they still do it sometimes idk
56. Favourite aesthetic? i wanna be an e-girl yo!!!!!!!!! 
57. A popular trend that you dislike nobody has a crush on me and i hate it
58. Songs you're currently obsessed with? pied piper by BTS
59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like. anything by BTS lol i used to like be embarrassed for how much i like k pop but now i don't really care lol #stanBTS2020
60. Favourite genre? rap/r n b/alternative
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? i listen to every genre except country sooooooo yeah i really like billie eilish, BTS, the weeknd, juicewrld, lil nas x, trippie red, post malone,
62. Hated popular songs/artists? i don't rlly like selena gomez or justin bieber or taylor swift
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5 only - RY X i.f.l.y. - Bazzi novacane - frank ocean jungle - drake bang! - trippie redd
64. Can you sing or play any instruments? no and no
65. Do you like karaoke? no but i like to sing along to songs when I'm alone
66. Own any albums? haha noooo i got apple music son
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations? errr RARELY i used to listen to r n b stations tho
68. Favourite movie/series? idk donnie darko?? i also just finished tharntype n that was really good. also i liked tokyo ghoul. AND GIVEN IS REALLY GOOD
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc i like horror/scary/paranormal/funny movies and i like love stories in books
70. Your fictional crush/es danny phantom, ken kaneki
71. Which fictional character is you? uhhhh idk...
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so frerard, ryden, taekook, mewgulf
73. Favourite greek god? idk they all kinda suck but maybe hades
74. A legend from where you live that you like i don't really know any:(
75. Do you like art? What's your favourite work or artist? i like to look at art! i think van gogh is cool
76. Can you share your other social media? ig: ciannnna venmo: ciannnna
77. Favourite youtubers? i don't really watch youtubers but maybe shane dawson and emma chamberlain
78. Favourite platform? twitter
79. How much time do you spend on the internet? too much time
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite? i once played GTA5 that was fun!
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts) idk i don't really read anymore:/ i was into the hunger games and the twilight series when i was young. now i kinda read online manga and i really liked BJ Alex and killing stalking. and like for online books the unholyverse series, a splitting of the mind, the anatomy of a fall
82. Do you play board/card games? no but i like to play checkers and uno and cards against humanity
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? nopee
84. Favourite holiday halloween is cool also christmas is alright bc gifts
85. Are you into dramas? i’ve been getting into thai boys love dramas lol sue me
86. Would you use death note, if you had one? um YES.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to? everyone needs to be a little kinder and have a crush on me
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? absolutely not I'm not physically fit and don't have useful skills
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be? vampire duh [or maybe ghost]
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death? i want to see my mom
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick? idk something cool ... i love the name Daisy
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week? idk probably kylie jenner
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo idk the alien? 94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true -im very productive with my time management skills -my favorite color is purple -i don't get nervous when I'm alone in public
95. Cold or hot? cold
96. Be a hero or be a villain? anti-hero
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme? sing if i’m good at it but if I'm not good then rhyme
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time? shapeshifting
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?immortal
100. ..... or .....? ......?
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xhaotixaesthetica · 5 years
College! Jaebum x Kinda Mad Genius! Reader
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Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
You are in: a genetic mutation of Gaia, the dwarf planet 
look at this cute ass idiot ugh my heart
so WE’RE GONNA SPICE HIS AU UP A BIT totally not because I’m already sick of the same reader inserts, just enjoy this as a story and don’t complain pls
in this au you’re an astrophysics and computer programming major, minoring in bioengineering
in other words, you’re smart af
like you’re one of those child prodigy kids
Graduated high school early and took a bunch of AP's and CLEP tests so you’re way ahead and somewhere in between a junior and a senior but since you’re so young, you just say you’re a junior
you literally have the IQ of a genius and a bunch of Ivy league schools got in a fight over you but you were like nah nah i want something fUn so you came to SEOUL WOO HOO
you get A's in everything without even trying but that's OK because it leaves more room for you to do more SCIENCE
currently in a polyamorous relationship between you, Math, and Science
you’re really fascinated by the complexity of the universe but at the same time really into physics and math so when you found out that astrophysics existed when you were like 12, you knew that was it for you
you barely have time to eat, much less be fashionable, so you wear pretty nothing but jeans, huge hoodies, Converse, and a super hero t-shirt underneath (same but just because i’m too broke to dress nice)
with good brains comes bad everything else and you’re a hot fucking mess
clumsy, notes scattered all over the place, writing astrophysics shit in the margins of all your papers and doodling constellations on them while the professor lectures, it’s bad
you’re actually kind of extroverted and hyper but you just focus all that energy into astrophysics so everyone thinks you’re a hermit
you’re not obsessed with video games and comic books specifically, you’re just obsessed with space
like Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Ender's Game, Prey, Alien, Dead Space, and even Halo, you love em all, cause fuCkinGH spACE MAN same i’m a space gay
always writing reminders on yourself but they only help 60% of the time because you’re a hot mess
you can play the harp and the sitar?? the most random ass instruments, you literally have your harp in your bedroom and your sitar in your lab and like they were gifts from one of your cousins and you’re really protective over them
whenever you have a mental block you sit cross-legged and start playing your harp/sitar and chanting OM or the lyrics to We Will Rock You and your roommates are like omg they really are a mad scientist
you don't mind relationships but like no one wants to be with you cause they think you’re kind of fucking insane so you try not to think about it and just blow stuff up in the chem lab
like you’re really excited, you’ll gladly talk to people and you’re really bubbly and happy and friendly but all you talk about is astrophysics??? and you’re not on like level one, no you started reading college level astrophysics books when you were 14, you’re like wayyyy past PhD level so it's like you’re speaking another language
and no one wants to hang out with you like they think it's cute how passionate you are and how fucking just warm and open you are but still no one wants to be around you cause you’re like some sort of mad scientist and they're not interested in what you’re talking about
but you keep a smile on your face and keep to your astrophysics even though you start to think something's wrong with you and start getting kinda sad
aw bby :’(
and tHEN THEY WERE ROOMMATES that's when Jaebum came along
Jaebum is majoring in Ancient Studies and minoring in Greek and he’s Captain of the Football Team
pretty much every male-attracted person likes him but ain't no one going near that boy cause he is T E R R I F Y I N G
wears all black and never says anything and then when you talk to him he just has this resting bitch face on with no expression and everyone's like I’ll I’ljust go now and he just continues reading
he’s always reading with his earbuds in, you bother him it's your funeral
and it's weird cause like he has friends a precious few and ppl know he's not cold with them so why’s he ALWAYS COLD AND APATHETIC TO EVERYONE ELSE LIKE YOU GOOD MATE???
knows he's terrifying and uses it to his advantage
has no problem glaring down people who reach for the same thing at the supermarket or try cutting in front of him at starbuck’s and they near shit themselves
does not give two shits about all the people staring at him all the time as long as they don't talk to him or interrupt his reading
stays at home unless he's at class, practice, or a game
on the Dean’s List, and a massive teacher’s pet
but still, people just like to admire him for his looks and gush about how mysterious he is and that really irks him cause no one wants to actually spend the time to get to know him he’s not even that mysterious, he’s actually a bit of a crackhead so he's like i don't need y'all i have the Gupta Dynasty to keep me company
youngjae and yugyeom rolling their eyes, like HeRe HyUnG GOES AGAIN
knows more about ancient worlds than the current world?? like sometimes mark catches him staring at technology like it's an alien concept and he's like dude you've had a cell phone since you were like 12, when was the last time you had a break from reading that, chill out for a second and come back to modern times
and jb just scoffs like i don't need your modern times and buries his head in the book again but he just wants someone who's able to talk about the present AND the past with him without ignoring one cause he thinks both are really important
anyways one day you were late to an 8am class and you were rushing and dropped some papers and Jaebum came across it and he was like what in ThE HELL IS THIS cause first of all it was almost completely illegible and then when he did manage to read it, he couldn't understand it cause it was real complex math and science shit and he looked at the name and he knew who you were cause you’re the campus genius and the campus crazy
so he hunts you down until he comes across your lab later on in the day and you’re frantically looking through your BILLIONS OF PILES of looseleaf paper and jb's just thinking about how much of a fit jinyoung would have if he saw this tomfoolery
and he handed you your stuff and you were so grateful and friendly and you reminded him of a crazier version of youngjae
he couldn't help but be curious when he saw the really complicated math and science going on on your paper and he was like what's that, how does it work, what's the history
for a full fifteen seconds, you looked at him like he was god incarnate and you like i'M gLaD yOu AsKeD
and you were talking really fast but the way your eyes lit up when you talked about astrophysics and the way the sun from the window illuminated your features jfc
jb didn't believe in love in first sight he swore he didn't
unless it was you
like even if you weren’t conventionally pretty and most people wouldn't even notice you, bummie didn’t care, it was like you were the goddamn sun or something
he stops you in the middle of explaining and he's like look you're going a bit too fast, so could you repeat what you said but just a lil bit . . . slower
and for a long moment, you were stunned jungshook because like this boi . . . this devastatingly handsome boy who blows everyone off and makes them wet their pants in fear wants to hear me rant to him about astrophysics
and he actually wants you to slow it down so he can understand instead of just pretending to listen
and like you may be a genius but JB just broke your brain for a second
but then you jump back into it like yeah sure
and jae honestly finds you fucking adorable like how excited you get about astrophysics and he actually finds himself interested in it and then he starts talking about ancient cultures and greek and you already kinda know everything he's talking about and enjoy the conversation and he's all heart eyes
gets protective over you after like 2 days???
you don't care, you’re just happy there's someone who thinks you’re interesting so you don't even notice him glaring at anyone who talks to you and always hanging around you to scare other guys off
tbh bummie doesn't really comprehend why people don't like being around you cause like??? you’re so fucking pretty and cute?? you took all his uwus reader
only takes like 10 days before JB finds out you’re really affectionate and you’re hugging and cuddling all the time but he actually???likes it
and soon he's the one begging you for cuddles and you’re like ( ^_^) ofc babe lemme just finish doing these calculations right quick and JB's like asdfghjkl did they just call me what i think they just called me
but like you guys are always hanging at your lab and since JB doesn't really talk except with you and his friends and you never talk about anything but astrophysics on the off chance she gets back to the dorm in time enough to talk at all no one knows that you guys are even hanging out
it's not long after that jae asks you out and he takes you to an amusement park and you have a FiElD dAy because sooooooo much math? and pretty colors? and cotton candy? and he's made you the happiest person ever and in that moment when he sees your face he just can't help himself like pls be my s/o and you’re like ASDFGHJKL ARE YOU PLAYING WITH ME RIGHT NOW JFC OFC
and he just drops a bomb on his friends like they're all going out to dinner and he brings you and he's got his arm around your waist and he's just like guys meet my s/o and everyone's choking like S/O We ThOuGhT YoU wErE aRo oR sMtHiNG and for a minute they're so confused because no one even knew jaebum was talking to someone much less the mad scientist person when did this happen
and like they can see all throughout dinner that you’re really fucking strange but it's kind of cute and it makes bummie happy so Welcome to the Family, we have cookies
lol friends? nope, say goodbye to those, everyone is so terrified of bummie and his resting bitch face and them muscles that they refuse to come near you cause you’ve basically got Jaebum stamped on your forehead but that's ok because somehow you became really good friends with his friends and like you have this group chat that jae's not in specifically so they can share embarrassing things for you to tease him about later
but bummie highkey encourages it because if he pretends to get mad, you’ll play your harp for him and he loves that shit
jaebum will knock the living daylights out of anyone who mistreats you or makes you feel bad
like one time yall were walking back after a date and this dude grabbed your ass and was about to open his mouth to say some vulgar shit but he didn’t even get the chance before jaebum LEAPED ON HIM LIKE A FUCKING INSECT AND MOWED HIS ASS D O W N
jae had like two scratches on him meanwhile the dude on the floor probably needed a goddamn ambulance and he just took your hand and continued walking like anyways, like i was saying, no one can give me a valid reason why I shouldn’t get a cat
yall will 10/10 adopt a cat together
well it was supposed to be one but yall were weak bitches, so it turned into 3 same
at first yall rotated the cats between y’all’s apartments but then you were both like let’s just fucking move in together omfg
bam bam constantly breaks into your apartment to play with your cats
you come and cheer jae on at his football games
the first time everyone was SHOOK 
for fuck’s sake, you just learned what a touchdown was when you infiltrated a superbowl party for the food sAME, why tf were you even here
but then they saw jae beam at you and they were like omfg, they’re these people
when they win, he runs up and scoops you into his arms and spins you around, pressing a bunch of kisses all over your face and calling ou his good luck charm and you’re screaming at him for hugging you while he’s sweaty and gross even though you’re laughing and kissing him back
when he loses, you and him go to McDonalds after he showers and you just sit at a table eating while he nuzzles his head in your neck and sulks
reader, i highkey advise you to get a couple tats or a body piercing and not tell him
just have your hoodie off one day so he happens to see the tat/piercing and you’ll see his eyes darken and he’s trying to keep calm like
“i didn’t know you had tattoos/piercings”
and he’s looking down at you so intensely he’s almost glaring
“i do, wanna try and find them all?”
you did it
you activated beast mode
whenever jae sees you upset or sad, he’ll just engulf you with his whole body and you can smell his aftershave and feel his warmth while he puts on calming music and tells you greek myths in that smooth, soothing voice
and when you have your head on his chest, half asleep, he’ll just kind of stop for a second because holy fuuck, you’re so gorgeous and you’re his? how did he land you?? he’s the luckiest guy in the world?
and when you look up, wondering why he stopped talking, you see him looking at you with just this really soft, mushy look of complete adoration and before you can even say anything, he’s like i fucking love you
Gaia, the dwarf planet 
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firedingo · 5 years
A Not So Little Update Post On Life
So it’s been a while since I’ve done one of the blog posts. Not by choice though. Life has been hectic!
So one of the biggest changes for me has been walking into a full-time caring role for my father who is challenging at the best of times because he likes the world to operate on his terms and that’s not how life works. At times I struggle to get him to see the seriousness of his situation.
He has long term health issues which include chronic alcohol abuse leading to memory issues and seizures when he undergoes withdrawal. He’s also only partially compliant with taking his medication which leads to further issues.
On top of that he had a valve replaced a few years ago with a metal one which means his blood clotting level needs to be monitored regularly and at the moment he’s like a rollercoaster going between so thick it’s like cheese to so thin it’s like water.
It’s also not helped by the fact my father is also essentially homeless and couch surfing with friends and refusing to even entertain any option that would cost more than $100/week. He’s dreaming if he thinks he’ll find anything at that rate because he won’t but because a mate of his will charge him that much to sleep on his couch he now compares everything else to that -_-
The other big thing which I think I’ve mentioned before has been uni. I went back to study to finish off my bachelor of Information Technology off. I have about a year’s worth of work left but doing it at part-time rate since I’ve been caring for my father.
Passed 1 of 2 subjects last semester which was my first semester. Got an additional exam for the other subject. Missed passing the final exam by 8 marks which means no subject pass even though I have the marks to pass :(
Only doing one subject this semester but will sit two exams in exam period. The additional exam from last semester and the exam for this subject. I’m hoping I can do this. A touch anxious because despite dropping back to one subject I’m still struggling to find time thanks to my father.
So 2 weeks ago my father was admitted to hospital confused thinking it was 1999 again. I spent a week concerned about him. Then 2 days ago I was admitted briefly for a few hours.
Viral Illness
For the last 6 days I’ve been suffering what I think is just a common cold but it has beat the living crap out of me. On triage at the hospital I had a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
I was also highly dehydrated despite drinking perhaps 4 litres or more of water every day for the previous 4 days. Alas none of the water was being absorbed and was just passing through me.
I also had a heart rate of 130 beats per minute which is only like 40 more beats than I’d normally have.
So they started me on a bag of fluids and got me some pain relief for my throat which by this stage was making it all but impossible to swallow food or liquids. About 30 minutes into the bag of fluids they checked me again and my temperature had gone up to 39.1 degrees Celsius or 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Yikes! Another 30 minutes later and my temp was back at 38 degrees Celsius or 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Then the lovely nurse I knew gave me some steroids to reduce the swelling in my throat and started some antibiotics to cover their butts in case bacterial(I don’t think it’s bacterial but anyway).
Quite a few people commented that the colour has returned to my face after the bag of fluids. I began to realise little things like the return of saliva generation, the reduction in my thirst desire which I’d just not really registered in the 4 days prior. I was drinking automatically when I needed it but not really registering I was thirsty.
After everything I felt a lot more alert and more like myself. I wasn’t shivering every 5 seconds too. Just before discharge they checked my obs again and temp was down to 37.2  I think degrees Celsius or 98.96 degrees Fahrenheit. I remember 37 point something at least. Almost normal as I think it’s 36.7 for normal. My heart rate came back from 130 beats per minute to 100 beats per minute which was much better too.
So as you can see I’ve had a hell of a week with a raging fever and cough and sore throat. On Tuesday evening I reckon I might have been a good 39 or even 40 degrees Celsius / 102.2 or even 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
So consequently I’m now so far behind on an assignment due this week. Hoping I’m granted special consideration for it. Between my dad last week and me this week I’ve been unable to work on it. It’s not hard but it will require a clear head and time neither of which I’ve been able to find.
Church & Christianity
Now the other big news. So I’m not sure if I’ve said it here or much here but I think it’s worth sharing.
So 7 and 3/4 months ago I started going to church with my neighbours. At first it was an exercise in curiosity and intellect. I learned heaps and found sooooooo many assumptions I’d made were sooooooooo wrong too.
Remember kids, Never Judge a Book By Its Cover! And that goes for the Holy Bible too!
Seriously though I’d never read it and made assumptions from what little I did know. I was made a fool of to myself for that. I was glad to know the truth first hand for myself.
What I never expected was to believe. In all this time I’ve been skeptical and questioned everything and you know what? It stacks up more than you might expect.
What has struck me the most is when you read through what Jesus went through in that final week leading up to his crucifixion. It becomes pretty clear that the horror of what is about to happen begins to really set in for Jesus.
Through Year 11 at high school I took Ancient History for a subject. I looked at Emperor Nero and the burning of Rome. Consequently I got to know Tacitus’s work very well and I quite respect him as a historian. He speaks about Jesus.
Tacitus was a Roman senator. He was born within a few years after Jesus’s death and he was no fan of Christians or Jesus and was VERY loyal to the Roman empire, yet he speaks with such confidence of the death of Jesus you have to ask why would he lie? To me this along with the likely medical evidence of what he went through says Jesus died on the cross.
It was a pretty gruesome death. He essentially suffocated to death in agonizing pain and according to the Bible he was fully conscious of what was happening until the last moment when he finally grew too weak to be able to inhale again.
So the striking bit, the striking bit is that despite all that, Jesus WILLINGLY went through it all. How many people can you say that would do that? That would suffer an unbelievably painful death to save another?
That’s such a profound love that it’s almost incomprehensible. We see mirrors of that behaviour in tragedies we experience. I think about the one of the cars that drove down one of the streets in Melbourne and people pushed others out of the way of the car to save them only to be collected themselves. That’s love, incredible love!
That’s why I so really.....well love this passage from Romans 5, because I think it captures the whole idea and act of love so well.
6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
- Romans 5 : 6 - 11
The other thing I never expected was to be poked back when I started poking Christianity. I can’t explain it.....or well I can’t scientifically explain it but when I pray God hears me and my prayers are answered.
Mental health
Getting to know Jesus and through Jesus God has been one of the best things for me. So the word Gospel means good news and truthfully this has been good news, this has been the best news of my life.
Quite literally it has saved my life. And I don’t mean like saved from being thrown into hell. I mean saved from taking my own life by suicide saved.
Before as readers should know, I had a pretty hopeless outlook on life. I would describe it as a nihilistic hoplessness because it really was that bad.
So I went to my church’s Good Friday and Easter Sunday services. The minister preaching then on Easter Sunday said “death removes the meaning from life”. It profoundly changed the way I looked at everything!
It all struck me and made sense to me on that Good Friday but it was Easter Sunday that transformed my life and filled me with hope.
Suddenly everything mattered in the light of the idea of eternal life. For you see even our greatest buildings will be consumed in more or less 1000 years. At that point what can we do that will last? Nothing!
But if we live after death then the most valuable thing we have is our relationships and how we treat other people.And that means what I do now will have a lasting impact because I will remember what I’ve done and so will they.
That means every action now has meaning, from something as simple as helping an elderly person reach something at the supermarket to how I speak about my life to other people.
I have begun to change in response to this too. Fear no longer rules my life.
I find that lots of the Bible is true, for example when Jesus says:
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
- Matthew 11 : 29 - 30
I find that this is very true. The burden is far less than I put upon myself and I bear the world on my shoulders as the Titan Atlas did/does.
I have been so profoundly changed for the good by my belief I got baptized last Sunday. I froze my arse off too :P
Despite that it was a wonderful day and I want to share with all of you the profoundly good news and great gift I have found in Christianity and my church.
While I know not everyone is interested, can I encourage anyone who is to take a chance, to really go all in. Look at me, I tried to take my own life in the past twice no less and yet I have been given the greatest gift - a life of hope and love by daring to take a chance. If I can go from nihilistic hopelessness to a life of hope and love then why not give it a shot?
What’s the worst that can happen eh? Worst is that nothing changes but I think you’ll find more than that because there’s something about Christianity that’s beautiful and healing.
To give you some insight. I’ve been struggling with self-harm thoughts for a long time, more than a decade. The other night while I was very ill and not coping I had to deal with them again. I said no and pushed back against them. It’s the first time I said no and didn’t self-harm myself despite the thoughts.
I have changed. I have grown, I have healed and I am healing and I am loved and I love and I have hope and NONE of this would have been possible without church and Christianity. It’s truly profoundly changed my life for the better!
Game Jam & Closing Stuff
So as you can see my life has been hectic hey? I haven’t given up on video games either :D
I started having a crack at GMC Jam a few weeks ago but well dad ate my time up. I did get something started though. I should finish it though.
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And yes that is a giant infinite column of spawning slimes :P
And yes I noticed my tiles needed a bit of adjusting and offsetting to make them a touch bit better but that’s cool. I was impressed I got like 4 variations with minimal work to add variety.
The player also animates just in a still image that’s hard to show.
Just been so stupidly busy I just haven’t had the time for video games! But I wanted to share some of my life and give a bit of an update on things because well it might be a while before I can get another one of these little......well not so little update posts out.
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babes-and-baddies · 6 years
Finally getting around to sending in a request! How about headcanons for Dabi with a civilian s/o? Maybe how they were before and after they find out he is a villain? This blog is really great so far btw!! Thank god for all the Dabi, we really need it ;)
im sooooooo sorry this took so long!!! hope you like it :)
You finding out was something Dabi hoped to avoid.
Even before officially turning to villainy, Dabi never cared too much for society as a whole. Fitting in and living a normal life was never something he excelled at, much less attempted to; meeting you was something that happened entirely by chance.
You were clearly special, different from everyone else. Dabi was never the type to grow close to just anyone, and he wouldn’t have gotten together with you if you weren’t able to understand his ideals. This was a relationship, not a fling, so the two of you would have to be on the same wavelength. If you couldn’t accept him for who he is, flaws, ideology and all, then you wouldn’t be worth the effort; you ended up being worth all the effort he had to give.
Despite your approval, he still would try and keep you separate from his life as a villain so long as you choose to stay a civilian. Dabi knew full well of the flaws in society, and others learning you were dating a villain is something they would never forgive you for even if you yourself was innocent.  A bit of secrecy was necessary to keep you safe, even if it was hard on you both. Sometimes the less you know, the better; his villainy happens to be one such thing.
Even with all the trust between you, as heard-earned as it was, there were countless things Dabi found the need to keep from you. Hopefully you’d be able to handle not knowing; many things about himself he may perhaps tell in the future, but some things are better left unsaid. League business if none of your business, and likewise you’re none of the League’s.
Even if it was safe, Dabi’s not one to share, regardless. Despite the part of him that wants to show you off to the world, he knows it’s better to just keep you to himself as far as his colleagues are concerned. His allies are an annoyance at best, and at worst it best bears not thinking about; and any discernible connection you have to them is just another potential complication in the making.
No matter how special you may be, you’re a civilian. It’s too dangerous for you to get too close; truth can be a fire best not played with.
You finding out was inevitable.
Despite being a civilian, you’d hold your own unpopular outlooks. You’re dating Dabi, after all; typical ideals were never the type to hold your interest. Fitting in enough to get by was fine for yourself, you needed survive in society after all, but to truly conform was never for you. And sometimes you’d wonder if going along as you did was truly right.
You always could tell there was something special about Dabi, something raw and dangerously beautiful. So after watching the news one night and seeing him on-screen with heroes in pursuit, everything became clearer. Him being a villain only seemed to make sense; that doesn’t mean it was all okay. Yes, things were broken and in need of fixing, but the League of Motherfxxking Villains? The one known to attempt to kill kids? Even if you understood and agreed with his endgoals, surely there were better means he could take.
Two main options were available to Dabi here: to talk to you and try and work through it, or to leave you behind as a liability. The latter may have been the most practical, but something held him back. You seemed to understand him, in a way so few had bothered to before; perhaps taking the time to resolve this would be worth it. Some secrets may remain, but at least you’d know how many things were remaining in the dark. Reconciling may not have been easy, but both of you found it more than worth the effort.
After that, little things about his life would find it’s way into yours. From complaints about his teammates to nursed wounds i the middle of the night, Dabi gave you a side of himself you only saw as a shadow before. Even if he kept you out of his life as a villain, it was no longer wholly separate; through it all, you learned more and more about the other side of your boyfriend’s time.
You learning about Dabi’s being a villain wasn’t a bad thing, in the end. In fact, the two of you understood each other far better than you ever had before. You were still a civilian, of course, going about your life as you’ve always done. But when you’d watch the news it was the cheer the villains on rather than hope for their capture. Even if the two of you had to be more careful, the opportunities gained made it worth it.
No matter the fact that you were a civilian, you were special. And despite all the risks involved, sometimes only the truth sets you free.
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dontkyeom · 6 years
summary of monsta x in sf: year 2!!
no one asked for this but it’s for the Memories!
my friend and i waited in line since 10 and met this lady who explained the whole wristband and stupid lottery thing to us
we later found out neither of those applied to us bc we were p3
also met a couple girls in front of us who also had p3 and we basically lost our positions in line bc we thought we had to go through the wristband process too bc we had p3 ga
also met a few girls behind us who were SO SWEET AND COOL AND FRIENDLY and good dancers too like wow go off sisters
and lots of mbbs were giving out free stuff! i would look at them again but it’s gonna make me sad :’)
anyway the whole line thing was such a process but eventually we get inside!! and got a pretty decent spot where i could still kinda see (i’m 5′2) and my friend could escape if she needed air (she’s claustrophobic)
started with jealousy, be quiet, and beautiful!! so hype!! 
our fanchants - strong!!
their stage presence - everything!!
the tech effects - AMAZING
they introduced themselves after those first few songs (their english!!! so good!!!!!) and they were like we saw u guys waiting outside weren’t u cold?? like sis,,, yes i was but it’s WORTH IT
and jooheon said when he first came here he said he could imagine himself living here :’((( i guess he likes our cold ass weather
they also asked who came last year and who’s here for the first time and hyungwon raised his hand bc he was in the hospital last year and OOF girly almost teared up!! so glad he was able to make it this year :’)
then they went into gravity (sooooooo soft) and tropical night and OOF
im getting chills rn just thinking about it
they talked again in groups after this so that the others could change
first was kihyun jooheon and im and they were talking about mbb’s groove during tropical night so they tried to match our groove and jooheon was beatboxing and kihyun got embarrassed and ran off the stage to change LMAO
im got the translator to beatbox for him i think
and then wonho shownu hyungwon and minhyuk came on and they were like,,, i think they were talking about groove?? so they danced too!! and hyungwon beatboxed but it was so cute bc he turned around facing upstage to do it i think he was shy LMAO
hyungwon also like mimicked wonho flexing in front of the mirror he’s so funny
he spoke a lot of english!! it was really cute!! (can you tell he’s my bias LMAOOO)
anyway everyone came back and then they performed crazy in love and all in and BITCH!!!! SO FUCKING HYPE!!!!
and then they played a video while they changed for their performance stages!!
kihyun wonho and minhyuk’s stage was the cutest fucking shit and i’m gonna ignore that someone dryfired an arrow bc omf my heart gave its biggest uwu during their song
and then shownu and jooheon did versace on the floor and,,, sister was NOT READY
best cover ever oof
and then hyungwon and im sang fake love and made it a ballad and i’ll never hear fake love the same ever again
and they also danced to how long and like,,, we all saw hyungwon’s choreography video,,, we BEEN KNEW that’s some good ass choreo but OOF I WAS STILL NOT READY
after that was more talking (aka stalling time for quick changes LMAO) and sis these fits were SO GOOD SHOUTOUT TO THE STYLIST
they performed from zero (i cry I CRY, TOO FUCKING GOOD) and because of u
omf it was so funny tho bc some people forgot the part that’s like “because of,,, because of U” and sang because of u twice and jooheon was like hehe NOOO!!
and then they talked again and they were like do u wanna see the original from zero!!! bc in the performance shownu and minhyuk did the tilt chin thing and we were like OIH;DGHUSDH;SD
we got to see the og hyungwonho chin tilt!!! and then minhyuk was like wait!!! new couple!!!! and everyone was like ???? and minhyuk was like SHOWNU AND HYUNGWON
and that’s how we found out those two are roommates! hehe hyungwon was like my roommate! you go down! (bc hyungwon’s always the one getting his chin tilted, confirmed, he’s a switch)
after that they performed white love (soft but hype?? quite the combo) and ROLLER COASTER
AND THE CROWD? SOOOOOOOOO HYPE (take a shot every time i say the word hype)
chills pt 3
i can’t remember when the next video played but the next songs were lost in the dream (my friend’s fave song!!), destroyer, shine forever, rush, special, and trespass rock version
i’ll never get over the rap breakdown in shine forever tho wow my FAVE
also fanchants went OFF for these songs!! i hope we made them proud :’(
before dramarama they were like this is our last song!! (we knew they were lying tbh) and were like LET’S MAKE SOME DRAMA
chills pt 4
and then they went offstage to change and we basically chanted monsta x for 2 min straight and screamed when we saw the curtain shake
a lot of my friends were like MY HEARING
they performed fallin which was AMAZING
and then they did their bows for each part of the stage and SIS WONHO RIPPED HIS SHIRT OFF AND CHUCKED IT TO THE SECOND FLOOR
at some point in the night im said hella and everyone was just like :o he did NOT
he also said sf mbb know how to act (smh that’s right we do this is a PSA to all the creepy disrespectful mbb who follow them and don’t give them space during their free time and also to those fake ass hoes at the wild 949 event who tried to make them touch their boobs - LET THEM LIVE, SHOW SOME RESPECT, DON’T BE GROSS. that is all)
but yeah,,, just like that,,, the best night of my life was over
thank you to all the lovely mbb i met!
thank you to monsta x for the amazing show!
thank you to the techies for running that show! i could never forget about y’all!
i am currently sore as heck but it was all worth it! here’s to hoping for a show next year!
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safety-princess · 3 years
What the fuck is this
You were my first match on tinder… I downloaded it as a joke. I wasn’t expecting to actually meet anyone; I literally swiped left on every profile I came across because I didn’t think I was actually ready to start talking to people... until I saw yours. I don’t know if you remember the first message you sent me, but it was the “your friend goes missing in a foreign country blah blah blah do you still do your skincare routine?”. I thought that was the best ice breaker ever. Then you asked what game we should play, so we played Piko, and let me tell you…. I was so fucking nervous, my mom had to give me a whole ass pep talk. You were amazing, though. What a great first date game though, like the amount of problem-solving and teamwork; sooooooo good. I’m pretty sure I went on about that for the next 2 weeks. My mom and her Boyfriend were so excited every time I’d come over and give them updates. Of course, I left out a few little naughty details. Let me tell you… when we went to the movies I was so nervous. Not only had I not been on a date since my divorce, but I’d never been on a date with someone I wasn’t currently like BF/GF with. I was pretty certain that I needed to shower right before I walked into the theater because I was so nervous, and then I saw youuuuu. I think the cool thing about it all was that you asked me so many of my preferences before we went out, like meeting there or driving together, and ordering shiii and what not. That made me feel really comfortable like you actually wanted to put in the effort to make sure I felt comfortable and had a good time. You were giving off such good vibes. Oh boy, and that first kiss in the parking lot literally had me melting, I was a whole ass puddle of just pure happiness. Irresistible. *chefs kiss babyyy* 
I think it was only a couple of days later the first time I got to go over to your house, and meet max. That is a night I never want to forget. I’m pretty sure the come down from that night took me at least a week. You were so warm and inviting and made me feel safe. When I told my sister I was going to your house, she fucking panicked. She was like “you know he’s gonna wanna do stuff and what if he adult naps you, what if he’s a serial killer?!”. The only serial you’re killing is Raisin Bran. I told her, “What if I wanna do stuff? And, to be honest, That’s a death worth dying.” She’s always so skeptical which I definitely appreciate because I live most of my life on a whim, well since I was 16 most of my life has been on a whim. I thought it was really cool that we spent like 8 hours together, and we just talked the whole fucking time. You made it feel so easy. 
I was talking to my mom one day after that, and I was just going on about you. Literally for my whole hour-long lunch. I ended up in a word jumble and just spit out, “I think I’m catching feelings.” She replied, “I’m glad you finally noticed because he’s all you’ve been talking about.” That was the first time I realized just how important you were to me.
Remember the first time we took max to the park? I’m pretty sure that was the first time we held hands and of course I was just a little ball of nervous so I was hella sweaty. I was like screaming in my head “OH MY GOD THIS GUYS GONNA THINK IM SO NASTY CAUSE MY HANDS ARE SO SWEATY”. Of course, I mentioned it, and you were just so reassuring that it didn’t bother you. I was thinking like, oh my god holding hands in public? Going to the park to walk his dog? This is so fun, I like this a lot. The garden area was so pretty and then we walked over to the tree and ate a leaf, well you willingly ate the leaf and put a bit in my mouth and I was just like, shook, and I’m not sure if it was like confirmation or reassurance that I was needing at that moment to swallow it but you willingly provided it. It was fun and a little adventurous. 
Then we went on that adventure to the top of that mountain to watch the sunset. My boss was so excited about it. Not only was I taking time off work, or that I was going to be out in nature (sooooooo good for my mental health) but when I told her it was a date with you she had a million questions about you. I was so excited to tell her all about you. I literally was jumping up and down. I think we ended up talking about it for like 2 hours, till I clocked out to leave. I really like the music you listen to, so the drive there was fantastic. And at the top of the mountain when we laid down the blanket and looked over the city, woah, that was such a beautiful experience. It was so peaceful up there. It was really refreshing to be so comfortable and goof off. I had so much fun with you that day. Jumping on the picnic table and watching you roll the log down the hill was just… it was everything I needed it to be and more. So fucking romantic watching the sunset. It was so beautiful, I could cry about it. I think that day specifically is one that I would want to live again, just to experience it for a second time.
I think that ever since then when I’m with you, it’s like nothing else matters in the whole world. It feels like nothing bad has ever happened. Even when we talk about stupid past stuff, you always make me feel super valid and heard. You’ve never once made me feel silly for liking something, in fact, you’ve been very supportive, like when I asked if you wore socks in bed, and you just replied: “If you want feet pics you can just ask, it’s okay”. I’m still in denial about the foot fetish, I just think you have cute feet. You have cute everything. I’m not exactly sure what I did in life that provided me with such an amazing person to spend my time with, but I am thankful every day that it’s you. I never want to take it for granted, I want to be super intentional with you. I think you’re a very amazing human that should be protected at all costs. I want to make you feel supported, I want to encourage you, I want to make you feel valued, I want to take you on cute dates, I want to give you all the attention and reassurance you want/need, I want to fulfill all your fantasies, I want to be at the top of your roster in your notes app. And it’s not only because you are that for me, but also because I genuinely believe you deserve the very best of what life has to offer. I want this to last for a very long time.
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ralfstrashcan · 6 years
3x09 Reaction / Commentary
I loved that Opening Scene, it was appropriately dramatic and the music fit perfectly..... but I wouldn't be me if I didn't have some questions.
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1) Why is Clary's braid so on fleek? Because those jailers were totally ripping at her hair and didn't seem to care if the result looked good.
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2) Don't think I missed the obvious way the jailers where avoiding her runes while washing her skin, lol. They probably would have come off if scrubbed with a scrubber.
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3) Did Clary come too late to that public mass execution, like some naughty school kid?? Because everyone else was there already. Did they start without her? lol
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4) Why do they get to wear those fancy red robes when they are burned to death literally five minutes after? Isn't that a total waste? Also, those robes aren't uni sized, they are perfectly tailored. Who made them?? No wonder they can only hold those trial day thingies once a month, they're probably busy preparing clothes the rest of the month.... or do they have those robes at the ready for every Shadowhunter, like, at the same time that you get your Rune Ceremony they prepare a High Treason Execution Robe in case they have to off you at some point??
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5) What would they have done if his corpse fell down the stairs instead of artfully to the side?
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6) Seriously, can we take a moment to appreciate how truly savage Shadowhunters are. Because it's kinda shocking and very fitting.
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Okay but since when does super duper ultra dead mean turning into salt? Did I miss something?
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Oh my they actually address that in the book! I'm impressed... not least because of that fancy-ass bookmark. Where can I buy that?
Also is this supposed to imply that Cain was a Dayligher, as in a Vampire? I'd say I need answers, but I really don't.
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Considering Simon's whiplash-y behavior this Season it's probably a toss up what he'll anwer.
Btw Simon's reaction to Kyle offering to get him blood is exactly the reason why I thought it would be counterproductive if he stayed on Simon's case and why it should consequentally be his decision if he wants Kyle to stay: He was honestly gonna walk through town in starved state? Reckless much? And all because he doesn't want to accept Kyle's help.
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I mean, I totally approve of Izzy's cleavage, but why does her Angelic Rune keep wandering upwards? That's a little unsettling and bothers me, I'll be honest.
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For a second there I was confused because why would Magnus need his own permission.. then I remembered. And honestly, I cheered, because I kinda missed Lorenzo and his slick hairdo and I've been excited to see him again since I caught a glance of him
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in the Season Finale Promo.
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Man, if it's dark already does that mean they've been at it with the executions all day?? What even. How many traiters do they have on a monthly basis?? Kinda disconcerting if you ask me.
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OMG IRIS!! What a pleasant surprise!! I honestly thought we'd never see her again and up until this very second I didn't even care. But now I'm really happy she's there! Absence does make the heart grow fonder, it seems :) ................also does that mean that since 2x08 less than a month passed?? Because they hold them monthly and incinerate everyone who's there? I'm confused.
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Wtf Jia, what even. I was starting to like you, and then you go and abuse your power like that. So uncool. And if Iris's execution was moved up does that mean it's been more than a month since 2x08?? Such confusion.
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Okay, honestly I wasn't that surprised that Heidi was in the bag, but she was clearly conscious when Jace took her out and that begs the question why she was so inactive while in the bag. Shouldn't it be super easy for her to rip the bag apart since she's a Vampire??
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Okay but isn't blabbing that out in front of Silent Brothers and other prisoners totally indiscreet? Like, Jia moved Iris's execution up partly so she couldn't spill, right? (Or just because she was angry Iris didn't do her bidding? I mean if Iris is gonna die anyway that's not really a good punishment, is it?) What if the Silent Brother says “Yo, no, no creepy ressurection necromancy magic on my watch”? What even is the hierarchy between the Clave and the Silent Bros?
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LOVE the fact that Valentine is chained to the cot even though he's still dead.
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Whaaaaaaaaaaat I don't understand. Does she mean “I'm more powerful than the angel” or “I want Valentine back alive”??
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So I guess Luke doesn't have a pack anymore? Well, this was a long time coming. Considering that he even challenged the previous alpha back in 1x05 to save Clary it is consistent that he puts Clary first. And honestly, it's understandable on a personal level because he's been looking out for Clary for 18 years now and before 1x06 he was kind of the underdog of the pack (pun not intended). Still, he's once again slinking his alpha-duties. For the last time now, I guess????? Tho how will a new alpha acquire alpha powers? I thought you get them through killing the previous alpha????
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The way he spat out that glob gave me serious chills. Awesome.
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Okay but why do they have security cams in the morgue, what the hell man. Then again they have several security cams per dorm back at the NY Institute, too, so there's that. I guess the only mercy was that they didn't have security cams in Val's grave too, lol.
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YASS I love Negotiation!Alec, please three Seasons of this verbal sparring and covert threats, oh hell yeah I'm a goner.
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Simon using Luke's steak trick from can't-find-x-the-episode warms my heart, I'll admit that.
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Dude, Heidi really has no mercy putting that tape on their hair, like it hurts just watching this.
Also, why did Lilith stint on Heidi's make-up?? Rude.
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My heart breaks so much for Jonathan right now, maybe now he'll stop being a daddy's boy and give Lilith a chance to demonstrate her parenting skills??
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Clary, smartly manipulating Valentine into doing what she wants from him, I like.
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Pretentious Quill, I approve.
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I have sooooooo many questions about that list.
1) Why are there so many (as good as) dead people on it? Ragnor won't be any help from the grave, I'm assuming Elias is the same Elias who was killed off in 1x04, and Iris is currently residing in a death cell (and even if she wasn't, why would Magnus even ask her for help after he extradited her to the Clave? She probably wouldn't help him even if she could.) And god knows where Dot's at at the moment.
2) Why are Cat and Ragnor so low on that list, like seriously?! Also, why would Magnus write their full names, I mean surely he'd use abbreviations?? Or at least leave out their last names, c'mon.
3) Those weren't instructions, those were two lines and the one you could read was “I need your help!”
4) Also, I can hardly believe the person who wrote the list in a super elaborate and twirly hand is the same person that wrote those notes, and even if I assume for a moment that Magnus wrote both.... why the hell would he put so much effort into the list and scribble the pleas for help? Shouldn't it be the other way around??
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5) Why did he cross Dot off the list when the note he just sent was clearly addressed to Elias?! Who is still dead!?!
.......it seems the stress is getting to you, Magnus.
(Also, mass texts would have been much faster. Just sayin'. Dramatic warlocks, refusing to use smartphones and hindering swift communication.)
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Putting the kid under your care first, I dig that. And I dig Magnus recognizing this for what it is and not acting as if Cat is deserting him, because she isn't.
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Izzy hating on Kyle is kinda rude because faulting him for not protecting Simon, okayyyy, if needs must (even though Kyle's job is actually to protect people from Simon, not the other way around, but whatever...) but blaming him for Heidi's escape? What? He wasn't even at the Praetor Facility?! That's totally not his job?? Seriously?
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Capable Elaine, oooohhh I dig that a lot!! Why is everyone so capable in this Episode, it's awesome!!
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When I saw that red fletching on the arrow I was sooo convinced that the guard is really Alec, why else would his face be obscured?!?!?! But sadly I was mistaken.
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Clear Case of “Spirits that I've cited my commands ignore” hahaha awesome.
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Seriously, they were so active just moments ago, why are they staring now and not acting?! :( I mean, strike while you have the chance.
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I'm wondering if that's a very subtle allusion to Lorenzo's Warlock Mark.
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OKAY IT PROBABLY IS?!?!?! Oh man, those Warlocks. Insulting each other's Marks. Now I'm just thinking of
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Also, say what you want about Lorenzo
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but he's damn smooth. I love that in an antagonist.
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Yeah, I don't want to say Lorenzo is right, but he kinda is. Magnus's impulsiveness is the number one source for most of his bad decisions. It's one of the things I love so much about his character. Even though he's centuries old he's never quite settled down into tranquility. He's like a stormy sea, unpredictable and wild.
Soooo I totally loved their fight scene. I enjoyed it way more than the one with Iris in 2x08 because a) I can't forgive that terrible cut with the broken bookshelf and b) Iris was intent to flee, so even though the magic ball throwing was nice it wasn't a close ranged fight.
There were some details in this fight that I really loved
1) Lorenzo stealing Magnus's magic and using it against him.
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That's a fascinating thing because does that mean magic is just energy that can be hijacked by anyone capable? Doesn't it have a personal touch, like 'my' magic would never hurt 'me'? So many questions
2) This
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I totally love it because it makes so much sense, like a warlock is a magical person, they're not just magical hands. Of course it's probably easiest to channel magic through the hands, but just because it's easiest doesn't mean it's the only possibility. And honestly, Magnus would totally be the kind of person to learn channeling magic through different parts of his body because it's super cool and can totally come in handy (yeah dumb pun totally intended). The only problem I have is.... if Magnus didn't pick up this skill very recently, why was he ever overpowered by someone grabbing his hands (1x13, 2x10)? Because that irked me then, and now even more because now I know it was really bull? I can kinda forgive it because this is now and the other stuff was earlier and I don't expect show writers to know what they'll write in one or two seasons but a) shouldn't you be aware of what your character can do, like, does he have a certain skill y/n regardless of whether he uses it on-screen or not and b) I really hope this skill Magnus apparently has isn't forgotten and there won't be a situation where he could use it to gain an advantage and just... doesn't.
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The Oh-shit-what-did-I-just-do-Face.
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First I was really confused why Lorenzo was running for the hills because Magnus just screwed up and could easily be brought before Warlock Justice or whatever they have for insubordinate subordinates, but then I realized... he's probably scared of Magnus, and a coward.
FunFact: I tried getting a pic of his retreating back but he just kinda...
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awkward-slides out of the frame.
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I can really credit that Simon was trying to get Heidi to lash out, like wow, even he is capable this episode, I'm so happy.
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Oooh Luke on his way to his suicide mission be capable.
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That Silent Bro could have put up more of a fight. Aren’t they supposed to be super badass?
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The best plan would actually be to kill them all and bring them back with the Necromancy Rune... then again, we only ever see Clary use her new runes, so that kinda begs the question if she's the only one able to use them. That doesn't really make sense to me, but it's the only reason I can think of why literally nobody besides her uses them. Especially that Portal Rune is hella fine, so yeah. But it's never really addressed, so this is just speculation on my part.
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I love that it's so relatable and wonderfully acted why Magnus changes his mind. I mean, not even half a day ago when talking to Cat he said he'd never go to his father, but this change of heart doesn't seem whimsical because this scene greatly conveys his feelings that lead to this decision.
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I love the Simon&Izzy friendship (and would wish for it to remain just a friendship).
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So I guess that's the explanation where all of Val's Circle Members disappeared to. I feel a little cheated out of this fight. And this could have been avoided if they had done the kill-Necromancy-Rune-thing. Also, if they could have managed to get just one stele from one of the guards they could have freed Iris and compelled her to open a portal for them. I mean, sure, she didn't want to resurrect Valentine, so she probably wouldn't want to help him escape but a) Jia probably didn't offer her her freedom in return for her services and b) with the prospect of seeing Madzie again I could imagine Iris seizing the chance, thinking she can trick Valentine and escape alone. I would have loved to see something like this, especially because it isn't really resolved here if Iris is still alive. Until I see proof of the contrary I'll assume she's alive and I really hope to see more of her because she's an interesting character.
Also, those are the same lamps as in that other Clave building thing, so they probably had one interior designer for the whole of Idris? Lol?
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Yeah, Val, it's no wonder the door doesn't open if you try to unlock it with a Foresight Rune. This seems to run in the family tho, because in 3x05 Jace does the exact same thing.... except that his rune works. Lol, fail Valentine.
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Yeah, on that note..... did she succeed? Is Jia still alive to conveniently pardon Clary at some point in the future?
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First I wanted to yell at her because she could easily create a portal, she'd just have to nick a stele from one of the bodies.... and then I realized......... she was tricking Valentine. And I was stunned. Even Clary behaving capable, like, is it Christmas?????? Sure feels like it!!!!!!!!!!
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......shall I start calling you Garret Jacob Hobbs? Because I will.
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I love that. It fits the fanatical streak of this character perfectly. I read a really, really great post about this once, it is here and you should definitely check it out. I don't agree with everything, but there are some really interesting aspects in there.
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So I'm a li'l confused because Val was still obviously breathing and I'm not sure if that is because Alan van Sprang couldn't hold his breath or because he's not really dead lol.
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.......then a rib is the way to go, I guess. Seriously, why not just say bone or something?
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It seems blood starvation gives Vampires really weird Hannibal-esque visions.....?
(Playground Insults Pic is from here, Magnus and Lorenzo’s fight gifs are from here)
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