#is it spelt that way too???
marichatfurever · 10 months
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I will never not be thinking about these two.
We’re not going to talk about loveybug’s legs in that first picture I just did not have the energy for that
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poisonous-honey · 3 months
Child of the Otherworld
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Who’s Here: Reader/Player, Aether, and a bunch of others with roles so small it’s not worth saying lol
Contains: SAGAU (Not Cult AU), Child!Reader, Barely proofread I got tired and busy
Note: Hey Anon! Sorry, but I don’t write for the cult AU. I consider any mention of the reader being the creator the cult AU. I haven’t written or read about that AU in forever. I still got inspired and wrote the rest of this though! So here’s a short intro and then a few small bits at the end (╯▽╰ )
They don't really care if you’re a child or not.
They're happy both living their lives in their respective roles (for the most part) and acting it out on the grand stage that is your device. It's simply the nature of their existence, whether you're young or old matters little to them. What matters is that you continue to play.
Cause if the player stops playing, do they really exist at all? What would you do if you eventually got bored of them? Will their world come to an end if you ever decided to delete their game?
Even if it didn't, they would feel terrible to not put their all into their respective roles. To some, it's fun and exhilarating. To others, it's just their job, an important aspect of their life that they take pride in. Your enjoyment is key, whether keeping it has dire consequences or not.
So when you suddenly stopped playing one day, without any kind of forewarning or hint that you might be taking a break, they panicked.
The first day was odd. You didn’t normally skip any, nor did you verbalise if you wouldn’t be able to play that day. At least to the Traveller’s and Paimon’s knowledge since they’re the only ones that can hear you. Maybe you had somewhere to be last second or your device got confiscated. They could live with that.
The second day they got antsy. They tried to keep a level head, maybe you got hooked onto a different game for a bit, or you were being forced to study or do homework. Two days still wasn’t much to go off of, you could be fine. They can wait.
Well they hoped they could, but their resolve didn’t last for very long. The third day with nothing from you they sent out notification. They weren’t even hoping for you to use it to open the game, well they were, but they mostly just wanted to to interact with it. Opening the game, silence it, swipe it away, anything. Their nerves grew when it sat untouched for the whole day on the shelf.
The fourth day they sent an email. They didn't know if it was you in charge of the email account or someone else, but it was one of the only ways they could communicate off the device. Nothing came of the email as far as they knew.
With the lack of interaction with any form of direct contact by the time of the fifth day, some started to think that something bad had happened to you. Not everyone, but enough to try and see if anyone from any of the other games on your device knew anything about your disappearance. Unfortunately, none of them did.
After getting nothing from them, they scoured for information on any other application you may have on the sixth day. All they found out was that none of them had been opened since you first stopped showing up.
The seventh day they're scrambling, trying and failing to look for information anywhere on your whereabouts. By this point it's made clear you haven't even touched your device since you left them. Most of them now are worried for your safety and the potential danger their whole world is in with your absence.
It's when Aether is taking a mental break from all of the searching and worrying that he finds you in Whispering Woods. You’re trying your hardest to collect the apples in the tree and failing pretty spectacularly. He doesn't expect every kid to be able to jump high enough or climb trees though. Or have bombs.
He doesn't know it's you at first, just a child who wandered too far off and is probably hungry. So when he comes over to help you he's not exactly expecting his worldview to get shattered.
“Hey! Do you need any help?”
You quickly turn upon hearing his voice and beam at him. He doesn’t think he's seen anyone smile, or at least give a genuine happy one, since this whole debacle started. Your smile is so precious he's happy he's found you. Though in the back of his mind it does get him to think about how you could've ended up here. Were the knights at the gate not as vigilant as he thought? Or did you sneak out some other way?
“Yes please help me! The apples are so hard to reach. I've been hungry forever!”
Aether chuckles, just a bit concerned about your statement but not thinking much of it, and easily climbs the tree to safely pick the apples for you. He wanted to make sure not to damage them so you could eat the full thing. His usual methods of jumping or hitting the tree until they all fell probably would lead to a very blemished apple.
He hops out of the tree with all three apples and hands them over to you. You struggle a bit to hold all of them, before Aether suggests using your shirt to hold them. You follow and proudly call your shirt the basket shirt. Now that he's pointed it out, your shirt doesn't seem to be of Mondstadt origins. Nor does it seem to be from anywhere really. The rest of your clothes are also out of place. Why didn't he notice before? Just where are you from-
“Thank you so much Aether!”
Hearing his name causes him to freeze. How do you know that name? He's been very particular about which name he uses when, and the code doesn't give away information to everyone freely. Not to mention anyone who has heard his real name hasn't ever brought it up again, so at this point the only people who should know are Lumine, Paimon, Dainsleif, and-
Now that he thinks about it, your voice is awfully familiar.
He doesn't know if his current train of thought would be good or bad to be proven true. He guesses it would be a bit of both, but…
Aether gives you a smile he hopes is reassuring and kneels down to be eye level with you.
“I'm glad I could help. Do you think you could do me a quick favour now?”
You tilt your head, “Like a trade?”
Aether nods, “Sure, I'd just like to ask a few questions if that's okay with you?”
You smile at him again just as bright as your last, “Okay! I can do that!”
He asks questions that no random child would know pertaining to his journey and people he's met. You answer most of them with ease. You took a bit to think for some, but every answer was in some form correct.
“Who helped free Dvalin from the abyss?”
“That's easy! It was you, Diluc, Jean, and Venti! Deeval- uh, oh yeah, Stormterror is Venti’s so of course he's going to help.”
“You know who Venti really is?”
“Yeah, he's the wind god! Barb… Bar- uh… Bartobas?
“Close enough.”
“What’s Dainsleif's goal?”
“To fight the Abyss, the enemies of humanity!”
“Do you remember what our first conversation was with him?”
“I think he asked us questions? I don’t really remember, sorry.”
“That’s fine. You’re doing great so far.”
“Do you know who Neuvillette is?”
“Mr. Neuvillette is the hydro dragon. Hey, do you know if he can fly?”
“I think he's just good at swimming.”
“I did too, but my friends don't think so. They were like, ‘He's a dragon! He must be able to!’ But not all dragons can fly! Did Pokemon not teach them anything?”
“I'm… Sure they'll learn soon.”
“Who’s currently in charge of the Abyss?”
“Lumine! I hope you can travel with her soon, it's pretty mean to leave you for the bad guys like that.”
Okay you're definitely the player. Now he's freaking out for a different reason.
Why are you here? How did you get here? How is this even possible, you're not made of code. What does you being here mean for the world? You're technically not playing the game, but you still exist with it. Does this count as you playing it or do you physically have to be playing with your device to keep the world stable. How long do they have if it doesn't count? Is this even something they have to worry about in the first place?They were never able to find a concrete answer about that. Most importantly though, how can they bring you back to your own world? Your parents must be worried sick.
“Did I do a good job?”
Hearing that snaps him out of his whirlwind of a mind. Right, you’re still here and in the middle of the woods, probably starving. Three apples aren’t going to do anything. Everything else has to be second to you right now. He needs to make sure you're able to be cared for before he can think about any of that.
Aether kneels in front of you and puts out his hand for you to take, “You did great, thank you. If it’s okay, do you think you could come back to Mondstadt with me? It’s dangerous to stay out here all alone. I’m worried for your safety.”
You happily grab a hold of his hand, “Thank you! I didn't know where I was for a long time, but then I saw the sunset fruit and when it got dark I saw lightflies and found out I was in Genshin! It's so cool, but I can't find Mond. Sleeping on the ground hasn't been fun.”
Just how long have you been alone in the forest? Aether hopes with his entire soul that it wasn't when you first disappeared, that was a week ago. How has no one found you???
He thinks he's finally going to have to tell Jean about all the slackers if they can't even spare the time to do their patrols properly.
As soon as he could, Aether rushed you over to Mondstadt and straight to Jean’s office, accidentally ignoring Paimon on the way. He thinks she went through every emotion she could as he was telling her about everything leading up to him barging in. She was currently in shock as you were running around the room chasing Paimon, who caught up and heard the tail end of the conversation.
After the initial shock, Jean starts a letter to inform the other nations that you’ve been found in the game and asks Traveller to go around to tell the rest of the vision bearers in Mondstadt. He does just that after stopping by Good Hunter for you. The news isn’t taken lightly by anyone. A few had to be convinced, but promptly stopped doubting when you said something out of pocket about them. Once Albedo was in the know he said he would dedicate his time to figuring out how you got here and how to return you, but it would be best to get the Dendro Archon’s opinion.
After leaving you with Albedo so he could run a few wellness checks and general tests to see how your physicality was holding up, he teleported to Sumeru to see if Nahida knew anything. Unfortunately she’s just as clueless as everyone else, but asks him to play scout again and gather anyone who he thought could be of use in solving your predicament.
Even with some of the smartest minds in Teyvat collaborating to work on this project, it will still take a while before tangible progress is made. So for the foreseeable future you’re stuck with them and you’re going to need someone to look after you. Almost everyone was willing, so they just assigned Aether as the main babysitter since he travelled a lot and you’d get to meet a lot of people that way. If he ever needed to do something dangerous or just time to rest he could easily ask someone to care for you for a while.
Now they just have to hope that Teyvat doesn’t implode. 
At least you weren’t kidnapped.
Aether: You both need to slow down. The food’s not going anywhere.
Paimon: You’re the one who kept Paimon waiting for so long and then ignored! Paimon’s stomach will not wait another second! Paimon can handle this anyway.
You: Yeah, we’re hungry and won’t wait anymore!
Aether: Maybe for you Paimon, but they might choke.
Paimon: They’ll be fine
You: Yeah, I’ll be- [chokes]
Aether: *sigh*
Paimon: Are you sure it’s a good idea to let them talk to Childe?
Aether: No, but he’s good with his family. I can’t see why he’d treat them any differently.
You: Look Ae- uh, Traveller! He taught me how to use a dagger!
Aether: I also can’t kick him out of the teapot on my own.
Paimon: Maybe you should find a way around that.
Neuvillette: Lady Furina, these clothes are much too big for them.
Furina: Nonsense! Look at how adorable they are!
Paimon: They are cute, but what if they trip and fall over!
[You run around the room with ridiculously sized clothing on, trying to act like Neuvillette before you trip and face plant onto the floor]
Aether: We’re getting them new clothes.
Kaveh: Alhaitham what are you doing? Shouldn’t you be planning with the rest of the club?
[You're on his lap as he reads you simplified versions of battle tactics]
Alhaitham: We’re currently at break, and the Traveller needed to get something done so this one is with me. I'm currently teaching them how to create better builds and team compositions.
Kaveh: Have they even expressed the want to do any of this, or are you taking this as your chance because you can’t stand being played suboptimally.
Alhaitham: Wouldn't you rather be used as you were intended, or do you like acting as a spinning top and providing nothing to the team's damage?
Kaveh flustered: W-Well- Ugh that's not the point! They can play however they want, put the book away!”
Zhongli: Why are you here Barbatos.
Venti: I had a feeling you were going to bore them and I was right! What kid wants to be talked at for days on end.
Zhongli: The little one expressed on their own that they wanted to hear of Teyvat’s history.
Venti: Maybe if- Wait where'd they go.
[They turn and see you in the clutches of some random treasure hoarders]
Treasure Hoarder: You lot look like you got a fair amount of mora. Why don’t you hand some of it over and no one gets hurt.
Venti: If you know what’s good for you, you’d let them go now.
Zhongli: [his eyes begin to glow] If they knew what was good for them, they wouldn’t have pulled such an inane stunt in the first place.
Dead Men Walking: I- We just need some money. We know you got some so hand it over!
You: Ow, you're hurting me.
[The Treasure Hoarders proceed to get their ass beat into the ground]
Amber: Aw they're so cute!
You: You’re the gliding champion right? Can I see how fast you can go!
Amber: Maybe once this meeting is over. I'll happily show you just how fast I can be!
Jean: Don't put any ideas in their head Amber.
Fischl: Why, if it isn’t thy benefactor from beyond the veil.
You: [giggling] You still talk funny.
Fischl: Huh? Wh-What's that supposed to mean???
You: Mona Majiks!
Mona: It's Megistus, but you are a young one so I'll leave it for now.
You: You're a super cool fortune teller right? Are you able to read my future?
Mona: You already- Uh, sure! I don't see why not. No promises it’ll work though, you are from a land beyond Teyvat’s stars.
You: That’s okay![She then got a migraine that lasted the rest of the day]
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monsterbrush · 18 days
Ever thought about what Magni's birth mother (Járnsaxa) would look like? Considering the parallels between Thor & Kratos (+Thor being Kratos' foil), I imainged the angst that Járnsaxa could have been Thor's Lysandra before the massacre. Knowing Járnsaxa's background, it's likely that Magni wouldn't remember her at all. 😔
Love your art btw! 💕💕💕
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I think about Járnsaxa all the time.
I like to think that Magni is her spitting image. He got her blond hair, her stern features, and they frown exactly alike! But you are correct, Magni never really knew her, the way I think about it, and folks don't speak of her often. As far as Asgard is concerned, Sif is Magni's mother. Though it is difficult to ignore Magni's blatant resemblance, and glaring Jötnar heritage, the Asgardians are masters in the art of blissful ignorance. Magni is Aesir. Who even remembers where he came from? He's Thor's son!
While not yet mentioned, she will play an important role in my fanfic Brittle Knives. Ya'know, that thing I've been very slowly pecking at.
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i-may-be-an-emu · 13 days
sfth fanart doodles? 👀
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First two are Tich and Derek btw (but I didn’t have references for any of these so they’re all kinda off)
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deemacs · 1 year
regarding oceangate, i do want them to survive a little bit just for them to absolutely sue the shit out of the owner, i want the greedy people to fight to death on my tv screen, telling us about the horrors they had to endure, finally doing something for the public by entertaining us. turning from kings to jesters.
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sinnbaddie · 3 months
Konoha 11 thinking Kakashi and Gai’s new matching necklaces are so cute and Kiba being the only one who knows what they really mean and being so embarrassed
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ghetto-omega · 4 months
"Incredibly common white people space" is so true
Like no shade to white people fr but as someone who is poc, I'm always like- "man.. where's the bipoc 😭"
It doesn't make feel lonely but I'd definitely feel less? Alienated if there was more melanin in the both the misces and alterhu communities
Yes absolutely !! I'm still so afraid of talking about any serious experiences I've had as a black person on here, I just don't wanna be alienated anymore than I already am both IRL and online 😭🤚🏾 it's just the little things that make you feel estranged, like if I use a lot of AAVE in a post it never gets as much interaction as it would if I just talked "properly".
Like I'm already stepping so far out of my comfort zone just making my blackness known, and like.. kinda a central part of my blog !! I just really hope other POC/BIPOC take a little comfort in it maybe U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U
Besides, I'm having a lot of fun here !! Even tho I have a couple miscecanis friends irl, they've never been really interested in the world building side of things so I'm glad I get to share it with people who DO care about that lol
Thanks for the ask anon, I love you I love you I love you U。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。U
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wjehfshs · 2 years
Lo’ak, Neteyam, Rotxo, and Ao nung X Human! Reader who suffers from hallucinations and delusions
Quick note: this is mainly for me because I myself struggle with this and I just need some comfort :(
Tw: Hallucinations and delusions, mentions of mental illness and war
Comfort, SLIGHT angst, fluff
He’s gonna be honest, he never really understood any of it, his father had told him once or twice about old marines who had nightmares from what they saw but he never really understood the full extent of it
After you told him what was happening he got worried, like super worried. He would never leave your side so just incase if you needed him too, he would tell you if something was real or not.
His heart broke in two when he first heard you talk about what you deal with
If you ever had a delusion he would refuse to leave your side until you calmed down. It didn’t matter if it took a couple hours or a week he wouldn’t leave you. He loves you so much
He’s the oldest son so he naturally has that older brother instinct to take care of you
Since he’s so much taller than you, and much stronger, he would pick you up and let you bury your head in his shoulder if you ever have a hallucination or delusion
He doesn’t live with that day to day struggle like you do but he can imagine how stressful it must be, he sees how exhausted you are and how paranoid you can get, so he always loves to take you on walks or on his Ikran to peaceful, quiet places to let you relax, he would let you fall asleep on his body as he’s cradling you.
He’s still very protective of you but unlike his younger brother, he still gives you space, as I mentioned earlier he sees how paranoid and tired you get so if you want, he’ll give you alone time, but also if you want he’ll stay with you in your room in the lab, and just let you fall asleep on him or let you show him all of your human things like your phone or human clothes and accessories
When you first told him what you deal with he panicked, he genuinely started crying because he was so worried for you. He’s such a sweetheart he wanted to try everything to make it go away. He tried to ask if going to Ronal would do any good but you had to break it too him that it was something you probably just had to live with forever.
He loves you so much he’s probably just a bit overprotective, same as Lo’ak, he never wants to leave your side. He’s there all the time, during your episodes, your panic attacks, EVERYTHING. And if you feel as if you’re too much for him he would hold your small face him his huge hands and just reassure you for however long it takes that he loves you and nothing can change that. He would do everything to make you feel at least a little better.
He would take you swimming to show you the beauty of the ocean, of course he would be holding onto you like you where going to float away if he let go. He just wants to keep you safe and happy.
Ao nung:
Same at Rotxo he would immediately try to ask if going to his mother would do anything to help but you had to explain that it was something in the brain, not the body.
Same as Lo’ak he would be with you at all times to help you figure out if something was a hallucination or not.
He’s really not the best with words so if you’re going through something he would just hold you until you calm. I mean he would try his hardest to comfort you verbally but he’s best at just holding you until you feel better.
He gets so worried that you might have a breakdown or hallucination when he’s out hunting to the point where he just can’t focus he’s too worried and he’s trying to hurry everyone up. You had to reassure him that if you did by chance have that happen while he was gone, you still had the others, Jake is an ex-marine he’s seen many people go through episodes he has a basic idea how to help.
After you told him that he calmed just a little but he still prefers to keep his hunting trips short just in case.
I actually had a lot of fun writing this. To anyone dealing with these things just know you’re not alone I deal with it myself it’s very scary and it makes you feel alone but remember there are always people out there to support you <3
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merklins · 1 year
🃏 with whoever you want?
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Well, since the two of you seem to agree...
Sleepless as a Tarot card (:
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(Sketches and my epic reasoning for why I chose the Ten of Swords below the read more) (It's long)
DISCLAIMER: I didn't know much about Tarot cards before these asks, so everything I mention here came from approximately four hours worth of research. Enjoy!
There are seventy-eight tarot cards in a deck, so how do you pick just ONE? There were sooo many good options that I was considering for Sleepless, it was really tough! The Cups had a LOT of cards if I wanted to focus on his relationship with Doc, and Wands was a big contender too, but it would have been tricky to pick just one to sum up all of the internal stuff Sleepless had going on. I excluded the Pentacles because those were mostly focused on work life, and the Major Arcana was out of the question too because. I. I forget now but I think I wanted a challenge and none of the Major Arcana explanations were sparking anything for me. SO SWORDS IT WAS!
The Suit of Swords are kind of like the Suit of Wands, but it seemed to focus a lot more on how everything builds up because of external matters and what you do with it! For example there's some cards in this deck that deal with heartbreak, contending with your feelings, fixing mistakes, and even more! "BUT MERKLINS aren't those all things that Sleepless had to deal with?" Well, yes! From what I read, Tarot cards are used to reflect upon and even predict events that happen in your life. Heartbreak, rest, and distancing oneself are all individual matters that Sleepless, and anyone else, have gone through or overcome! But I wanted something that tied in really closely to zer role in In Your Dreams. If you think of some things Sleepless did during the blog, I IMAGINE that zer grand double-crossing redemption would be pretty high on that list!
So the Ten of Swords, and In Your Dreams. Ready for this? The Ten of Swords in its upright position carries a lot of heavy meanings about being betrayed, abandoned, befallen by a horrible fate, losing something or someone important to you, all of that and even more. It's the card that sends you crashing to the lowest that you've ever felt, and drives you to either give up or take ACTION. I believe ALL of these different meanings could be applied to Sleepless! I can't remember if we were given a precise explanation for what Sleepless did to earn the ire of the Mad Science Team, but Coomer did mention at some point that they never should have banished a mad scientist for being a Mad Scientist. So I imagine that means that whatever it was Sleepless did, it was hardly out of place for them! They were simply a Mad Scientist doing mad science, and suddenly EVERYONE was against them! Their closest allies, their friends, and even their partner. What do we call that? BETRAYAL! Sleepless probably felt BETRAYED. Everyone they cared about had seemingly abandoned them and. that was it! That was IT. He fucked up one time (he didn't even understand what he did was wrong) AND EVERYONE LEFT HIM FOR IT. Hence the five swords in his back: Benrey, Coomer, Bubby, Tommy, and Doc, who pierced RIGHT THROUGH HIS HEART.
But the Ten of Swords is also about moving on. About recovery and acceptance.
You see, Tarot cards have another interesting feature, in which reversing the card so it's upside-down changes the meaning. For the Ten of Swords, these altered meanings are about what comes from that anguish. What you do as a result of the grief and turmoil you were faced with. In some cases this is a solemn acceptance as you grow a new circle and start anew, and in others this is dealing with the emotional scars you were left with, and fighting to get back what you lost. The reversed Ten of Swords is meant to resolve whatever conflict it inflicted upon you from the upright position. How did Sleepless resolve that? What did ze do to recover from the pain zer friends caused zem? Well, after a little off-screen trial and tribulation... Ze found the man who hurt them. AND REPAID HIM THE FAVOR! Sleepless rode out the act they had been carrying to get in G-man's good graces, even confronting their friends and presenting those scars in a way that scraped at their hearts like little daggers, before finally driving their own sword (scissors) into the perpetrator and ending it ONCE AND FOR ALL. Sleepless followed through the entire meaning of the Ten of Swords. He was abandoned by his friends, left alone and betrayed. He braved out those feelings in solitude, coming to terms with what he did wrong and how his friends had hurt him. How they hadn't meant it. And finally, HE DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Sleepless made that effort to mend that bond he had lost, AND FOR THAT HE WAS REWARDED HANDSOMELY! Sleepless got his friends back. His team. His partner. They ALL learned from it. Everyone grew.
In the reversed position of the Ten of Swords, some people say that the image is meant to portray the healing process. The swords would have fallen out, and all that would remain would be the wounds, which would eventually heal and scar over with time. IT'S SIMPLY PERFECT FOR SLEEPLESS' CHARACTER ARC!
Ah ah ah, I'm missing something here, aren't I? "That's only six swords! This is Ten of Swords, where are the rest?" Well, the remaining "swords" are shown off by the chat bubbles in the background, which are meant to represent the messages on the blog! It's a metaphorical thing (: Every time the messages accused Sleepless, doubted his intentions, or said horrible things to him throughout his journey of healing and redemption. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but WORDS ARE SHARP AS SWORDS!
If you've made it to the end of this post, and survived reading my lengthy analysis, then I reward you now... WITH THE SKETCHES!!
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victoriademedici · 5 months
I’m not good with roman numerals so every time I read Felipe’s name on a post I read it in my head as King Felipe Vee Eye instead of King Felipe the Sixth. I probably could’ve guessed it meant the sixth before but I just googled today to confirm lol
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It's fascinating how you're taking the details fans know in LoP's canon (the Nameless Puppet's left arm being sewn back onto his body, Carlo's disdain of his father, Gepetto's desperation) are being expanded upon in your fic? As someone who's studied pacing and story beats in various media over the years, I guess there'll be at least one more Ergo memory dive before coming around back to the main story of the game. Keep up the good work!
Ahh, thank you!!!
It's so intriguing to me that we get little snippets of the backstory, but not the whole story in the game. There's so much room to play with the possibilities of how P and King of Puppets Romeo came to be! I've seen some wonderful (and painful) comics and fanart exploring the options, and I had a lot of fun throwing my hat into the ring too! (Hopefully I haven't stepped on anyone's toes!)
And you're partly right! One more chapter that contains memory dives, but then I've got something slightly different and exciting planned for that last chapter...
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faunandfloraas · 7 months
Having to suppress the urge to be a smart ass but boy oh boy do I want to be a smart arse
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tstain-i-guess · 1 year
you know my au right
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im designing some villains now
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impetuoustrait · 1 year
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Ash went into labor on graduation day and proceeded to give birth BY HERSELF infront of a large ass window. Despite all of the chaos, Leandor Calloway joined the family 
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and in case anyone was wondering wHERE THE FUCK JACK WAS he was taking a little snooze in the children’s ward after asking me whether he liked to game or not
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brainrotzora · 15 days
recent ffxiv livetweeting. spoilers through the end of arr patch quests btw.
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#ffxivposting#suicide mention#I GUESS. SORRY#made this account 90% so i could livepost this game better.#moving off my priv twitter to here bc literally only my irl has access and i know he doesnt gaf. i love u bro<3#and im actually going to die going thru this alone to be honest chat. help#just gave my wol a haircut btw :) working on a new fit also hehehe. she's my favorite.#she doesnt have a name because i put a stupid ass placeholder name because i started playing with my Real Life Family. but shes so cutiepie#keep taking screenshots whenever she looks cute in a cutscene which is often. lovely#btw. im aware t.hancred isnt a gayboy. he's a womanizer. which is kind of a gay thing to be. also stuff did happen to him in arr#and he gets pouty about it sometimes which is funny. rip to this guy. but youknow. lol#like if you think about it it's like man that really blows for you huh? but i cant get a good gauge on how much HE thinks about it. hes too#busy w/ his scorned lovers et cetera. as things go.#where im at now is uh. let me check the msq quest list. somewhere around lvl51 msq. chat i miss flying So Bad i am so slow.#by the way i do know the race names. for the record. that guy is a gay ass Elezen(tm).#also im not trying to bully u.rianger(?spelt like that right?) he's nice. his voice IS funny though.#i have not skipped any of this story. even the parts that sucked total ass and shit. my working knowledge is. Okay.#the patch quests were sooooo rough at the start but at least near the end they started ramping up and i got dragged in.#got to yell at npcs bc they were pissing me off so bad near the end there. quite a fun time.#also starting hw story stuff is really funny when youve been playing drg. like hey! i know you!#also ive been saying his name as 'estinen' the whole time wdym it's 'e.stinien'. i hope he never takes off that helmet btw#anyway. i cannot fucking draw my wol. at all. need to get better refpics later i guess.#speaking of. i am not googling any of these guys to draw them because i dont feel like getting spoiled.#yet another L im taking.my stupid baka life. as they say.#you cant hold anything im saying against me here it's almost midnight. fuck i have class tmrw. what ever#ANYWAY. all that to say. i need to talk to someone abt this shit to be honest.#shrug.
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sksninja · 3 months
Nothing makes me feel like an adult quite like rotating the cushions quarterly so the cushions sag evenly ♡
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