#I’m sorry I was half asleep
marichatfurever · 10 months
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I will never not be thinking about these two.
We’re not going to talk about loveybug’s legs in that first picture I just did not have the energy for that
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zorosdimples · 2 months
love with zoro is intentional.
it doesn’t come easily. he’s as unyielding as his swords—steadfast and true. hard lines and sharp edges, he’s deadly when wielded properly. but he’s his own master; he doesn’t allow the winds of change to guide him. only of his own volition does he act.
blades hold secrets. they’ve seen and done things that make grown men pale and queasy. they’re accustomed to harsh conditions, to injuries, to biting words, to carelessness. it’s a delicate balance, maintaining the deadliness and the beauty of a weapon.
but it’s not impossible.
getting to know zoro takes patience and tenderness. prying into the life of a man who has only ever known loneliness and death is difficult. he’s slow to trust and even slower to speak his mind. he has a sharp tongue (so do you), and you each end up with a nick here and a scratch there—nothing that will scar.
you both have to be forthright with your feelings and understand that vulnerability isn’t weakness. connection is human. every sword needs a scabbard, every scabbard a sword; perhaps, then, zoro needs you. and you need him.
as a man obsessed with discipline, the messiness of love terrifies zoro. but when he looks at you—the soft curl of your smile, the curious glint of your eyes—he knows that it must be worth it. and it will be—
as long as you’re willing to meet him halfway.
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lon3rlife · 4 months
Dating Rick Sanchez Headcanons
Mostly fluff. I’m going to ramble a lot because I love him sm
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He’s extremely overprotective and would do absolutely ANYTHING to keep you safe, even if it means putting his own life on the line.
He comes and goes to your house as he pleases. You’ll come home to see him on your couch or stealing your food. He’ll also portal to your house in the middle of the night and get into bed with you without saying anything.
He’s not huge on pda, he’ll have an arm around you on the couch when you guys watch tv with the family and will hold your hand and give you a reassuring squeeze when you get anxious, but he won’t hesitate to get extremely touchy if someone is looking at you wrong.
In private though he’s a hugeee softie and will never let anyone know. If you’re working on something or cooking something in the kitchen he’ll come behind you and hug you from behind (you usually don’t even know he’s there and he scares the living shit out of you). He loves when you lay on his chest while he plays with your hair until you fall asleep, and in bed he’ll pretty much melt into you holding you tightly.
He loves your hair so much. If you’re brushing it he’ll stand there admiring you, and he just loves tangling his hands through and and playing with it while you guys cuddle.
You guys always get into the dumbest fights like if pancakes are better than waffles or that he needs to do dishes if he comes to your house and eats your food without cleaning up. They leave you frustrated and Rick pouting like a child for a few hours until you guys kiss and make up.
I think this is canon but he’s actually a really good cook. Once a week you guys make it a habit to cook a homemade meal together to get a short break from the stress of everything and spend quality time together.
If you leave for a trip for work or with friends he will be EXTREMELY clingy the days leading up to the trip because you guys spend so much time together he doesn’t know what to do with himself when your gone. (He ends up portaling to your hotel at night because he isn’t able to sleep without you)
Kisses you anywhere. On your lips, your forehead, your neck, chest, arms, you name it.
He’s definitely a bad influence 100%. He will get crazy alien drugs and take them with you, he won’t force them on you but if you don’t want to take them he’ll be like “come on baby you’re missing out don’t be lameee.” He will also take you to parties on different planets just to get completely shitfaced.
Even though he’s a night owl and stays awake most nights, his favorite time of day is the morning. He loves the intimacy of laying with you just talking about anything without any specific plans for the day, the sun hitting your face just right still sleepy and you playing with his fingers is the most special time for him.
PETNAMES 1000%. He will use the most obnoxious ones as well, usually he’ll call you baby, sugar, honey, or a shortened version of your name.
You get along very well with the Smith family, especially Morty which makes Rick sooo happy. Also you help Morty with his homework because Rick sure as hell doesn’t, and Morty looks up to you so much and trusts you enough that he’ll talk to you about anything he needs to get off his chest.
Omfg writing these are sooooooo much fun if anyone wants me to write more I will cause I have so many more but it’s like 1am and I’m tired
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wrathofrats · 4 months
Ifrit and aether groping and rubbing their chests together in dews bed so he opens the door and finds them all wet and messy with drool and lube just from touching each others tits
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oshiawaseni · 2 years
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While the second opening was disingenuous to the heart of Izuku's solo arc, the actual content of the anime itself has remained quite faithful. Even going so far as to add or change some details to better represent the characters and their feelings. It's almost as if these changes were an amendment to the manga, just in case the manga didn't answer certain questions well enough.
Like the true reason Izuku decided to leave U.A. The manga presents Izuku's loved ones as a group, with Katsuki there as the last person your eyes should look at. But will readers make that connection? With the removal of just one word in the anime, the group part of the sentence, it shows viewers a more solid, concrete reason: It was explicitly because of Katsuki nearly dying.
Another example is how the various translations of Katsuki's line ("waatteru") created fandom friction, and they would flitter between "I know" and "We know," depending on who was translating it.
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I always thought it had a very personal "I know" vibe to it because as Katsuki stated, and this is something reminded to us only 3 chapters earlier: He is the person who "knows" Izuku best. The anime removes ambiguity of the I know/We know debate by having Izuku apologise only once he'd made it into Katsuki's arms, making their exchange of words appear even more intimate and direct to one another. Katsuki knows.
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Then after he stumbles his way into Katsuki's arms, there is that bonus clip of him being awake to hear Katsuki's gentle forgiveness of him. To express that the last of his resolve has crumbled because of Katsuki’s apology and being held in those arms he feels safe. He feels loved. So Izuku gives himself fully to Katsuki's care, murmuring out his beloved’s name with a "Ka…” right before finally succumbing to sleep. I think this extra moment makes the feel of their apology seem even more romantic… because it's supposed to.
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And now Ochaco's handhold! It being featured in the opening gave some of us grief every week simply because this arc was never about IzuOcha, it was about Katsuki and Izuku.
Katsuki realising his need for Izuku to be by his side and losing SLEEP over not knowing if he's okay. Katsuki's proud statement of knowing Izuku best and that he couldn't be left alone because of his disregard for himself. Katsuki instigating the search and rescue of Izuku. Katsuki humbling himself before Endeavor and Nezu, setting aside his pride in exchange for the safety of his most important person and best friend, PLEADING Endeavor for his help because he's SO AFRAID of Izuku being out of his sight and losing him forever.
Katsuki saving Izuku's life again. Katsuki humbling himself a second time, apologising to Izuku and telling him to put some trust into him and their hero friends; that they can be relied on to help him. Katsuki telling him his ideals of saving people weren't wrong, and they can only win by saving everyone: Izuku, the people at U.A and the people in the city.
The beautiful poetry in Izuku’s reason for leaving, to protect his most precious person, being overtaken by his reason to stay: Izuku’s unconditional, everlasting love for that person and his overwhelming need to be by their side. And here Katsuki was, finally telling him it was okay to; he wants him there.
Even Daiki-kun said the last of Izuku's resolve left him because of Kacchan’s heartfelt apology… Yes. The opening’s handhold was really out of place.
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And after Izuku is brought back to U.A, we get to the real IzuOcha handhold... But rather than grabbing his hand like she does in the manga, they have her grab the more impersonal wrist area instead. It's so hard to believe we are in a timeline where Bones are making an opening Ocha-centric, when it shouldn't be, and yet NERFING her handhold in the ACTUAL anime content…??????
All of this has got me thinking that maybe Hori himself has been directing Bones to make these changes - to make BkDk's growing love for each other a more prominent fixture in the story that’s almost impossible to miss, while dampening the IzuOcha teasing into little more than kindness between two good friends. And in doing so, the anime has now become spiritually connected to the manga because this is the exact same direction the manga has been going in lately.
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Why else were all of these changes and enhancements made in the anime? Maybe it’s because Horikoshi is preparing people for the bkdk romance that's about to go into full bloom.
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dreaminghelaena · 1 year
no thoughts just how the starklings wolf nicknames are not subject to change. the red wolf, the winged wolf, the white wolf… but robb’s is the ‘young wolf’ because he’d never grow out of his youth. he was destined to be a boy forever, in life and in death
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bloodlustngore · 11 months
Catch me! ~ Vanessa A
Hiiii so here’s the Vanessa x reader that won the vote (I’ll still upload the Amanda Young one dw) this has been in my drafts for days bcos I haven’t proofread it & I wrote it whilst I was tired, so of it doesn’t make sense you know why. Anyway…
This one is more like Security Breach so not really movie Vanessa!
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Summary: Y/n ends up staying behind at the Pizza-plex with Vanessa, the blonde tries to tell her that she has to leave because the place gets 'weird' during the night. Y/n finds it funny to Make Vanessa chase her.
(Vanessa & reader are friends) it’s like not really mentioned much.
Word count: 1300 (ish)
Vanessa had tried to tell Y/n that she must leave, the main entrance to the Pizza-plex had closed until six a.m and now there wasn't really anyway for Y/n to leave until six in the morning. The blonde had warned Y/n that strange things happen here when everyone leaves...but Y/n knows that, she knows the rumors of this place.
But that didn't stop Y/n from wanting to know Vanessa more...they'd been close for a few months now, ever since Y/n bumped into her a few times here. "What did I tell you Y/n?! Now you can't leave until six and I have to make sure you stay put!" Vanessa argued as she dragged Y/n back into her office with her. "You're a grown woman and you're acting like a child!" Vanessa then added. Y/n rolled her eyes at the blonde, she wasn't fussed about her yelling, Y/n found that hot...she just stood and admired the blonde.
"Are you even listening?!"
"Blah blah...yeah Vanessa I know this place is strange when everyone leaves. I know that the animatronics are alive. And I also know you, I'm not afraid of any of them...or Vanny." Y/n knew not to really bring up Vanny...Vanny was her alter, not to be messed with, then again Vanessa wasn't really to be messed with.
"I just...don't want anything to happen to you Y/n. I don't want to harm you." Vanessa added. That was genuine, the blonde woman really cared for Y/n and if she ever hurt her she wouldn't know how to live with herself. "You won't. If Vanny makes an appearance I know how to occupy her."
Vanessa sighed, she knew that she wasn't going to win this; Y/n was just as stubborn as anything but she secretly loved that about her. Not to mention Vanessa had no energy to argue with her right now, she had a job to do. "Just stay here."
Y/n rolled her eyes "until six in the morning? No chance." She shrugged, Vanessa was too busy wondering what Y/n was thinking until she saw the woman take off towards her office door and outside it. "You gotta catch me first!"
"Ugh! Y/n this isn't a game!" Vanessa yelled as she began to chase after Y/n. She didn't have time for this, and Y/n was a grown woman. Not that Vanessa wasn't opposed to having any fun but this was her job and she needed to make sure that everything was in check whilst making sure Y/n doesn't run into something she would regret.
Eventually Y/n had stopped in front of a lot of arcade games. This was one of Y/n' favourites when she was a kid. "Hey Nessa! Wanna try and beat me at the bowling?" Y/n chuckled. The blonde stopped in her tracks and sighed. "Y/n...can you please just go back to my office. I can't do my job with a pretty woman running around. I will get into trouble." Vanessa hoped that Y/n didn't just hear the part where she called her pretty.
But Y/n did...she blushed a little bit but didn't bring it up, pretending like she didn't hear the pretty blonde. "Oh c'mon, no one else is around. Freddy and the others are in their rooms. The other bots don't care..." Y/n paused for a moment, giving Vanessa a small smile.
"I said no."
"You're so boring, Vanessa"
They went silent for a moment, Vanessa let out a sigh, taking that 'boring' comment a little to heart. She approached Y/n and leaned in a bit towards her, their lips ghosted over each other's. "I'm not boring, I'll prove it."
"Yes! Let's start up the game."
on Vanessa started up the mini bowling game, typing in their names for the board. The music for it started playing. "I'm so gonna beat you" Y/n chuckled.
"Oh yeah, you wanna bet Y/n?" Vanessa added, amused by Y/n' enthusiasm. "Oh I bet Nessa."
Y/n went first but it didn't go to plan, she barely knocked any of the pins down, but when Vanessa went up she got a strike first go. Turning around and smirking at Y/n. "You're smug now just wait!" Y/n chuckled.
Y/n didn't win the round...Vanessa did altogether. "I won so what did we bet?" Vanessa asked, with a chuckle. She smirked at the woman who looked so defeated. "We didn't really bet anything..." Y/n muttered, still annoyed with herself.
Vanessa was about to say something until she changed her mind, a rock song had started playing and this was one of her favorites. "Wanna dance?"
"Of course you like rock! It is a good genre..." Y/n added. Vanessa grabbed Y/n' hand and the two women danced close to each other, laughing and sometimes spinning each other around. Vanessa had completely lost track of what she was meant to be doing, too in the moment of dancing with Y/n...even if the blonde suggested dancing in the first place. The two women had to stop a moment to catch their breaths. But it was short lived, Vanessa kept glancing at Y/n' lips every few seconds.
The blonde didn't waste any time when she grabbed Y/n by the waist and pulled her closer to her once again. Y/n didn't even get time to question her, as Vanessa pulled her in for a kiss, Y/n was shocked at first but she didn't pull away, she didn't want to. Instead she kissed Vanessa back with just as much need the first time the blonde kissed her. Vanessa wrapped her arms around Y/n' waist even more, pulling her as closer as she could, Y/n' around the back of the blonde security guards neck.
The kiss had become deeper when Vanessa backed Y/n up against an arcade machine, and as soon as Y/n let out a gasp Vanessa slipped her tongue into her mouth. They had completely forgotten where they were, and whilst nobody else was around apart from a few bots and also the main animatronics...this was still Vanessa' job. The sounds of heavy breathing, Vanessa was about to take this further until the lights suddenly turned off.
Vanessa pulled away, a very serious look on her face. Which concerned Y/n as well. "Shit. Y/n I need you to go back to my office and stay there, okay?" Vanessa added. "We can talk about this...later" she pointed out.
"Did the breaker trip? In this area?" Y/n questioned.
"I'm gonna see if its only this area...you go back to the office” Vanessa added. "I'd feel safer with you then alone in your place.”
"I'm sticking with you Nessa."
Vanessa rolled her eyes she was about to groan but stopped herself, Y/n has always been stubborn since they first met. And although Vanessa loved that about her...she also didn't want anything horrible to happen to her. "You're so fucking stubborn Y/n. Fine, here' a spare flashlight. Stay near me."
"Yes ma'am" Y/n chuckled. Vanessa couldn't help herself, she grabbed Y/n and kissed her once more, leaving Y/n even more speechless than she already was after their make out session that was rudely interrupted. "Lets go and get this over with." Vanessa added. Y/n staying next to her.
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bitedisease · 18 days
(at the blacksmith)
farmer: i talk a lot, huh
olric: yes but it’s nice! i love hearing your thoughts!
farmer: water chestnuts are easy to acquire and easy to eat
march: if you say anything else on this topic i’m going to murder you
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grimweathers · 1 month
it’s not anything people haven’t already said before but it is so crazy that brokeback mountain came out in 2005… time has gone by so fast and things have CHANGED so fast. when it came out, brokeback mountain was considered SUCH a joke simply because it was… gay! that was it! that’s all it took to make it the punchline to so many jokes! crazy. i think most of my mutuals are around my age or older so i’m sure most of you remember this (not sure if it was a big deal outside the us at all lol)
back then i pirated it because i was Desperate for gay movies/tv and wasn’t old enough to see it in theaters (lol) and then after watching it i was like. extra taken aback by everything because the movie is 1) good, and 2) devastating??
like idk man i’m sure younger people are sick of hearing millennials/etc. “things were so different just 20 years ago!!!!” but they WERE and it’s wild to think about
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sugarsnappeases · 2 months
kara i wanna know allllll about your reg. tell me EVERYTHING <3
so obvs canonically pretty much the only thing we know about reg is his betrayal of voldemort and the cause etc etc so i like to centre that in most of my thoughts about him……
he joins the death eaters bc he’s a loser w a freakish voldemort obsession who has like three friends and bc he’s lonely and he hates sirius and he wants to spite him by joining the group to which he’s so opposed. he wants to prove sirius wrong and prove himself right and i believe wholeheartedly that, even if he was influenced somewhat by the way he was raised and by the circles he runs in, he joined the death eaters completely of his own volition!!! i’m passionate about this!!! i think it destroys the nuance of his character to say that he was forced to join or that he joined w the intention to betray them all along or whatever . to me, he was fucking gagging to be a death eater and he’s so smug when he’s allowed in. i picture him ranting to barty and evan about ‘the great honour that has been bestowed upon him’ whilst lovingly stroking his dark mark
anyway, then he gets scared. he’s just a boy!!! and he realises he’s in too deep when it’s far too late… to me he just can’t stand the violence of the death eaters. like he’s a blood purist and further than that thinks he personally is superior to pretty much everyone else, on account of his black blood, but he hates that he has to get his hands dirty in order to see his idealised vision of the world (sans mudbloods and blood-traitors) realised…. he’s soft and weak and squeamish and lonely and always so so miserable at all times as a rule. he also tries to hide how scared he is by being a massive bitch. classic.
then he realises that tom has a horcrux (and imo he would figure this out fairly easily after the kreacher thing, bc he’s smart but also bc tom read about them in a book in the HOGWARTS LIBRARY!! so it’s not much of a stretch to say that the same book and probs further, more detailed books would be in the library at grimmauld, likewise in most of the darker pureblood family libraries…. this is another thing i’m passionate about. horcruxes aren’t this big secret. nobody makes them bc nobody’s a fucking idiot like tom is. they’re also warned off properly by their rents. tom doesn’t have this…. ANYWAY) he realises tom has a horcrux and that the guy he’s idolised and basically sold his soul to is fucking bonkers (shameless self promo - i write a bit about this realisation in the regulus letter in my fic ‘where can i put it down?’…. makes me crazy) and he’s scared and alone and he wants out and he does the one brave thing of his life in dying…..
and he doesn’t think it’s a brave thing. he tells himself that sirius was a coward for running away and betraying them and specifically him. he tells himself he’s being brave, braver and better than sirius, when he’s like sticking it out, joining the death eaters, following the role prescribed to him, so when he decides he’s gonna go to the cave it’s like giving up, it’s being a coward, its admitting to himself that he’s never been better than sirius no matter how much he want or tries to be, it’s betraying the cause and everything he’s stood for but he HAS to do it. for sirius and for kreacher and for himself and for the chance that maybe he’s not past saving. he spends his whole life trying to be good but in the sense of behaving and then his death, his first (and last) real rebellion, is the only time that he actively attempts to be good in terms of a moral act even if it has nothing to do w a renouncement of blood purity. and i don’t think he fully realises that when he does it bc it’s all so tangled up in other things. and i’m not saying that he’s like morally reprehensible the rest of the time (he’s just a boyyyy) but the majority of his active choices have been kinda bad ones up to this point even if he’s been like . passively good . and also literally just a child. an angsty teen if you will
his life is marked by inaction and bad decisions and his final act is kinda the antithesis of this and it’s tragic bc he’s not ever going to survive it. and sirius is never gonna know. it makes me miserable. does any of this even make sense lmaooo basically he’s a loser and he misses his brother and he’s so lonely and he loves sirius so much even as he hates him and he’s quiet and he wants so desperately to be a good death eater bc this is everything he’s ever wanted but he just can’t in the end!!! he’s just a boy!!! a boy who would nurse birds with broken wings back to health and cry when they flew away, a boy who would hold his brother’s hand and hang on every word he says and exist almost entirely in sirius’ shadow until said shadow is suddenly gone and he’s left reeling, a boy who’s so so soft and gentle but who hides it all behind layers of barbs and cold remarks, a boy who is desperately desperately sad and scared and GOD I LOVE HIM……
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satninroses · 1 year
Imagine #2| Austin Butler x Reader
Austin taking your virginity.
“Oh god, Austin, please go harder!” You moan breathlessly. His thrusts were rough and fast and you were loving it. “Mmm, Austin! You’re so thick it AH! It feels so good. Ausss!” Your moans turning into loud whimpers and incoherent babbles.
“God baby you’re so pretty. So pretty on my cock. So pretty moaning my name out of that pretty little mouth.” His thrusts get rougher and faster as he begins to chase yours and his high. His hands fly to the globes of your ass. He grips your hip in one hand and squeezes your ass with the other. He releases his hand from your cheek and slaps your ass.
“Austin! Oh god! Pleaseeee I’m gonna cum! Pleaseeeese!” His thrusts grow sloppy and unrhythmic at the sound of your pleading cries.
“Gonna cum baby. You gonna cum on my dick baby?” He growls. He lets out a low groan and begins to slow his thrusts dramatically.
“O-oh god Austin. I’m cumming! GOD!” You clenched around his dick and came. The feeling of your walls milking his cock coaxs him to cum as well.
“Shit baby,” he huffed. “Should have done this a lot sooner. Should have fucked you nice and deep so long ago.” He pulled his cock out and laid you on the bed. You breaths were slow and labored as if you had just run a marathon.
You lift your arm and push your fingers through his pretty blonde hair. “I love you so much baby.” He lays next to you and holds your sweaty body against his.
“I love you too baby.”
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whereismyhat5678 · 5 months
Ngl, I felt sick as fuck today so I decided to draw myself 😎😎✨✨
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This is legit what I wear to school on a daily basis- A hoodie, pants and my go-to hat. (Also my glasses, I actually have two pairs. I draw my red iconic ones since they’re easier and I like wearing em’ more, but I also have these glasses that also act as sunglasses. I thought it’d be cool to add this in-)
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You know how cool it’d be if I actually had CHARISMA? Like, I got so much game I could pull BOTH genders? Nah man that’d be pretty cool- let me be a gentlemen and swoon ladies over, let there be a man that actually calls be pretty sincerely. THAT would be kickass if you ask me. 👀✨
Although you know my ass in reality is like this with people I like:
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I mean I general with friends and aquientences(?) I’m fine with talking to them, it’s just I think I’m a tad bit more nervous around people who don’t talk to me, like a person that’s only talked to me a little- 💀
(I’m just gonna admit it I have no rizz, I talk big game but I actually have none, help 😭)
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
So maybe someone is saying shit about Jamie on TV (could be his dad 🤮 or some asshole TV person) Roy is on the couch absolutely talking smack back in his defense.
Jamie just looks on before he's kissing Roy (they aren't together but the tension has been at it's peak!)
Roy kisses him back and before Jamie knows what happened, he's panting besides a fucking fit Roy after the best sex of his life 😉
Jamie can’t believe it.
He just fucked Roy Kent.
Okay technically got fucked by Roy Kent.
Which might honestly be better.
He moans when he stretches a leg out. He turns onto his side to look at Roy.
Roy who reaches down for his leg and pulls it across his hips and starts rubbing the muscles.
“So you like me huh?”
Roy rolls his head over to look at Jamie. He drags his nails down the muscle he just rubbed out. “Yeah I do. Don’t like when people talk shit about things I love-”
Jamie sits straight up. He stares at Roy. “Love?”
Roy has both hands covering his face. “No?”
Jamie throws his legs over Roy’s waist. He can feel himself getting horny over this confession. Roy Kent loves him. “I love you too you know?” Roy grabs Jamie’s hips. “I do. And I can’t tell you how happy I am.”
“Mate you’re happy? Wait until we tell the team I know they bet money on us.”
Roy blinks, he shakes his head and pulls Jamie down for another kiss. “Love you.” Jamie breaks the kiss with his smile, “I’ve loved you for years. God I love you too.”
Roy stares at Jamie for a second, “fuck the poster. Is your mum going to kill me for this?” Jamie sets his hands on Roy’s chest, he starts spinning the hair. “She’s gonna be more excited then I was tonight.”
“Speaking of celebration we should keep going and really end it with a bang!”
“Was that a bad joke.” “It wasn’t if you would laugh?” Roy kisses Jamie again. “Good thing you’re cute.” Jamie grins down at him. “I’m the cutest!”
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lazorbeanz · 7 months
Sonic feels as if Tails has spent way too much time “tailing” (sorry bad pun xP) after him in his interests and passions, and is always there with him while enjoying them.
So one day he decides to dedicate that day to just spending time with his little brother, doing whatever he likes, going wherever he wants.
He was already a little confused when his brother arrives in his lab, asking if there’s anything he can help with. He chooses to play along however, knowing fully well stuff like this tends to confuse him which leads to eventually getting bored.
Lunch time comes around and they’re both hungry (no surprise) so Tails gets up and heads off to make them both chillidogs, but Sonic stops him in his tracks, insisting they should have mint flavoured. (since it’s something tails likes) Tails refused, it was weird of him wanting to eat something even tho he’s complain in the past that it tastes like “toothpaste”, but his brother kept insisting, so he gave in. He came back with mint ice cream and chillidogs
Just as he suspected, Sonic was having a hard time eating the ice cream (hence why tails made up the latter) he eventually gave the rest to tails, who ate it like a champ
And so the rest of the day consisted of staying in the lab all day, as that’s where the fox wanted to be. Sonic tried to help tails wherever he could, but he either got really confused on a assigned task, or he was doing his task all wrong and his little brother would have to constantly correct him
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vetuhoh · 2 months
I’ve just figured out who Joseph reminds me of in this fake Collective meeting. It’s Kendall Roy. He’s Kendall Roy trying and failing to lead a board meeting right now.
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lovecoredeity · 2 months
I love how I’m actively not able to due art do to multiple variables and have stuff that I have said I’d do and still haven’t yet but am also very much considering redesigning an oc slightly
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