#is it the same kitty or different kitties? I was too lazy to assign different kitty colors to everyone so who knows
gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Cat Comcatibility.
Featuring some of the Post NEO AU group and designs, and my Mother and Father OCs.
A Healthy Dose of Chaos Master Post
Father and Mother OCs Master Post
Two original ideas for this: Hanekoma and Minamimoto are playing with kitties while Joshua and Coco, uh "bond", over current and previous kitty misfortunes.
The other was Father playing with a kitty while watching Hanekoma and Mother's kitty experiences. He says "Very cute" and it's an exercise to everyone (including Father) what that's in regard to. (There's one(?) wrong answer.)
Hazuki was not in either original plan so he's a surprise addition but is involved in the AU and Family so he's here too!
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markosmate · 4 years
Could you do one with the boys who’s so is a werewolf ?
ahh of course! i hope you like it! :) - 🧚🏻
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• Alright, so werewolves? Not something the boys are used to running into in Santa Carla
• It’s worth saying that normally supernatural creatures can’t just tell that they’re around other supernaturals, nor can they tell what kind they are
• Therefore, for the first few months you and the boys started dating neither you nor them knew anything was up with the other
• It wasn’t until the boys came back to the cave after a hunt one night - telling you they were just running a few errands - that you realized
• Of course you had noticed the fact they never went outside during the daytime and you had picked up on the cunning intelligence each of them seemed to have
• Well in Paul's case he didn’t have book intelligence, but he did have manipulative and devious intelligence, something you knew was a common trait in vampires
• Butt you brushed it off - maybe they were just smart?
• However when they came back from their hunt, they hadn't exactly done a good job at completing cleaning themselves up and you could smell the scent of blood wafting off of them from a mile away
• You quickly stood, letting your instincts take over, and inspecting your "pack" for any injuries
• They were all extremely confused at first, looking at you as if you were crazy as you pulled their sleeves up and checked on their faces and under jacket collars for any possible fight wounds
• "Doll, what are you doing?"
• Paul had laughed at your antics as you moved aside the mesh material on his chest to observe
• "Where's the blood?"
• That made them stop completely in their spots with wide eyes
• "What blood? What are you going on about kitten?" David had brushed you off pushing past you to sit in his wheelchair
• "I smell it."
• You didn’t catch your mistake until it was too late and it was now your turn to still in your spot as the boys heads whipped around to look at you
• Marko spoke first, stepping closer to you with a raised eyebrow
• "You smell it?"
• You sighed, it was now or never you figured
• "Well it’s cute that you’re an oversized dog or whatever, and I hate to be the one to break it to ya doll, but this might not work anymore."
• David was honestly the least likely to be okay with what you are
• (Only because he has a horrible past experience with werewolves,,,,)
• "What?" You were honestly completely heartbroken. (You didn’t know they were vampires yet obviously) So your first instinct was that they were disgusted with what you were,,, I mean david called you a big dog so...
• "Yeah I mean we’re vampires," Paul had spoken up leaning against Dwayne who was leaned back against a wall. "We’re kinda destined to never get along."
• Then your heartbreak turned to anger
• "You’re seriously ending what we have because you four overgrown bats can’t handle being with a sworn enemy? You guys are rebellious, isn’t that something you’d thrive to do?"
• That made them all stop - "She’s got a point." Dwayne chuckled moving Paul to the side to scoop you up in a tight hug
• After that night, you guys had many chats about the differences of both of your species and the history between the everlasting war between both
• David eventually came around, explaining to you that of course he loved you more than anything (except his boys and himself of course) and he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings that night, he was just caught off guard
• After that, all five of you get used to the newfound information, y'all have certain things you do together that really tie the knot of trust in the relationship
• Marko and Paul are absolutely obsessed with going on hunts with you
• "Oh you’re hungry babe? We can work with that!"
• "Yeah kitty kat, you corner them on the ground and we'll attack from the sky - can’t go wrong with a good plan!"
• You’re not in the mood to chase after prey? That’s fine, one of the blondes will carry you securely as they fly and when they get close enough to the prey, they'll let you down and let you attack from close up
• It goes the same the other way too
• Your boys aren’t really in the mood to stalk a bonfire of people and have to immediately clean the blood bath up afterwards?
• That’s fine, leave it to you
• You can either chase prey to the bluffs for them to attack, or you can use your charm to lure them after you into the cave right into the boys' jaws
• David absolutely loves just finding a nice cool place on the boardwalk to sit with you and hangout for a couple of hours without the chaos of the others
• One of his favorite pastimes is watching the people on the boardwalk and trying to decipher what kind of person they are just from either a glance in their direction or a short glimpse into their mind
• Turns out, you quite enjoyed doing that as well
• So whenever the others wanted to see a movie or eat at a new restaurant and you wanted to hang back - David would offer a night for you both to just relax and analyze the characters of Santa Carla from afar
• Dwayne??? He could sit there for hours on the couch with you on his lap as you both read books upon books filled with information on supernatural creatures that had been passed down to the boys from Max
• You both love finding out where the vampire/werewolf vendetta started, and finding out any folklore or information about both your own communities and those of other supernaturals that are usually hard to find
• Paul sometimes teases you two for being such book nerds but he’s actually just kind of jealous that y'all can suck up information so quickly and he has a hard time even memorizing a phone number
• Overall the boys were definitely very skeptical at first
• You’re a werewolf and you’re on their territory
• But, you’re also their sugar, their gum drop, their love bug - they wouldn’t do anything to hurt you and soon it doesn't even cross their minds anymore that y'all are two completely different supernatural species
• Plus, your hunting skills definitely benefit them when they’re too lazy to hunt - so they've concluded that not only are you an amazing asset to their team, but it’s a major plus that you can cuddle and make-out with them too ;)
• They love you, and they want you to be with them forever
• David definitely assigned Dwayne to figuring out a way to turn you into half vampire/half werewolf
• Because even though being a wolf significantly slows down your aging process, it won’t keep you young forever like being a vampire would
• Don’t worry though, they won’t give up until they find a way to keep you around for eternity ;)
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endobiologist · 3 years
Furry Species Stereotypes #1 - By Me
These are only my personal views of the furry fandom's species I know from my personal experiences with them,
and if not that, then general common assumptions or stereotypes.
Thus, this is not gospel truth for everyone!
If you disagree, please tell me why!
I'd love you guys' take.
I also tried to name as many species I could think about off the top of my head without looking them up, which took FOREEEEVER.
You can reply to this or anon ask me, or DM me with ones I've missed, even your personal own created species (even if no one knows them yet), I'll do them too in a reply to this!
Real existing species stereotypes down below, here!;
WOLVES ; Due to this being the most common persona, you are most likely someone who follows the crowd and likes things that are popular. You however are still a pretty solitary being, preferring a dark corner over a party's dance floor. You love honesty and loyalty and have those traits to a fault, never ever abandoning a friend or ally, in need or not. You may also like things like squishy toys and squeaky toys, fidget spinners, and any manner of play item. Also, basically, to sum it up; YA' BASIC. Sorry. 😆
FOXES ; Somewhat similar to ferrets, raccoons, & sometimes rats, you both scurry around quickly simultaneously physically, and in conversation, and you may "borrow" items from places seemingly like a kleptomaniac, but for sentimental items. Basically if you are friends with a fox fursona, your jacket and/or gloves, pins, pizza (LOL) and many other miscellaneous items may go missing "mysteriously" due to them collecting it as a habit. They almost never mean true harm, they just like keeping your stuff because it reminds them of you, which can be seen as creepy by some people. But it is also very endearing, if done with pure intentions. But you may want to tell the fox to stop taking your things and ask you first! LOL. You always seem to have a ridiculous amount of energy and for some reason, an insane amount of optimistic viewpoints, and positive happy personality. You also like your books, preferring to spend a night reading then playing video games. (Although you do enjoy those too.) You are pretty academic, but yet you can also do well in physical sports, if you're into that sort of thing. There are a few points in the wolf & dog category I would assign here too, most likely due to all three being canines, like liking the squeaky and squishy toys and other stem items, and being verrrry loyal if a bit solitary in nature.
CATS (BIG) ; ...Y'all are usually assholes! There! I said it! I'm sorry to say, but nine times out of 10, you guys seem to be huge dicks, and I'm... not sure why, exactly?? What attracts the enormous dickwad to the big cat's umbrella of wild cat species? Maybe, perhaps, it is the superior, regal, and majestic appearance of big cats,--perhaps relating to their usual narcissism in normal life? Okay, so, I'm exaggerating a little, I have met some big cats that are great and very good friends. But a lot of them I've seen have been downright rude, callous, cold, and distant, at best! And downright asswads at worse!! However it seems like as bad as they go when they're bad, they go really good when they're actually good. When they are cool people, they're actually surprisingly chill, especially when comparing to the other type of big cat. They tend to usually be D.J.s, dancers, comedians, performers or some sort of person in the entertainment field, in some way. Those type're usually hella nice to get along with, however their super friendly exterior disguises a very weird, eccentric and esoteric mind beneath. They also seem to ooze confidence outwardly, even if they aren't confident feeling on the inside. They are royal and regal, and usually relatively unfazed by anything that would hurt normal people pretty badly. These are usually the type of people who don't get into emotions very often, or if they do, they always still have a wall up between them and the other person. They're strong, but that's because they force themselves to be strong, and it makes for a very bad night if the big cat snaps and takes out their very strong, tiger-like roar of anger on others! Thus if you are a big cat, I suggest finding ways to manage your anger, and finding ways to relieve your stress, as I noticed people who are big cats in their fursona tend to be very stressed in real life for some reason. Again, I'm not sure why people who are, are attracted to that species specifically.
CATS (SMALL) ; You kitties are solitary like the big cats and wolves, however much more docile. There's two main types of cats that are house cats in fursona; There's the serious brooding figure that seems to be always alone yet peaking curiosity in everyone's eyes--the type that is stealthy, sneaky, and very cat-like--as in, realistic cat-like. You may sit strangely or have odd habits in voice or body, something that makes you stand out as different. There's also the second type of cat, which is basically an UWU XOXO anime girl that is ridiculously feminine, high pitched, and almost always is a neko type furry character instead of a full furry anthropomorphic character. Not that there's anything wrong with nekos, they're awesome too, it just seems to be a trend that any neko is usually a cat. You may like to actually smoke catnip! (Okay that was a joke LOL, but yes, it is possible, and yes it does get humans somewhat high, but most would not recommend it due to it being short & tasting bad! LMAO 😆) You also really like batting things around, or batting things off tables or counters--when you have a cup of tea beside you, the urge to knock your mug off the table is irresistible, even though your rational mind denies the notion from actually happening. You tend to like yarn snd thread, whether that means just playing with it or knitting or sewing etc. and making creations with it! You usually like fish a lot, mostly sushi is your favorite, and usually, you tend to be more based in Japanese culture.
DOGS ; See wolves, but add loyalty hella and way more people-oriented. you're somehow more basic than wolves 🤣
RABBITS ; As someone who has a rabbit as one of my main 3 fursonas, I have to admit I love rabbits. We are usually very social, unlike the animal we're based on, preferring to conversate and meet people. Although, like the rabbit, we may be shy to actually begin the conversation, or initiate plans on our own. We also scare easily, and most of us for some reason tend to have anxiety or panic disorders, not always, but quite often, and that can usually be why we relate to the characters of rabbits which go still & shake or attack fiercely with their hind legs if scared. There are some people with rabbit fursonas that are definitely fully shy, but a lot of them are actually quite more outgoing than you would think they are. And no, rabbits usually don't love carrots. (Including real rabbits, they eat mostly hay and carrots should only be a treat!) But for some reason one thing I noticed is that almost everybody's fursona in existence is. Just. Super sexual and flirty and just out there in every way. They can come across as perverted and strange to a lot of people due to this, once they reveal their true colours rather than their cutesy entrance, to those they know well.
DEER ; You guys are the innocent bunch, the kids that seemed to never know what was going on when it came to violence or sexual content in any media or situation. This innocence continues throughout your life. You're usually a 'deer in the headlights' and can get very confused easily and a lot, and also you can become quite shy and reclusive if you don't have friends to pull you out of it to shove you into social situations by force. You may not be 'the brightest bulb in the bunch', but you are definitely the friendliest, kindest, and most understanding one in it. Most people love being your friend because your support gives strength that can't be found elsewhere, due to the power and stability of your connection to people. You also may really like salad.
BEARS ; You guys are a bunch of big gentle giants. For some reason, most every person who plays a bear fursona seem to be gigantic in real life, either super tall, or super fat, or super muscular, or a combination or all of the above! Whatever it is, they're always big intimidating figures. Yet, despite this, they seem to be very sweet, mild-mannered and very loyal. They also seem to have a lazy streak, preferring to lay down and eat honey rather than do anything productive on time. Don't get me wrong, they'll do the task, but it'll just take until they feel like doing it. However when they have ambition, they have it and have it well, being able to rise to Big manager positions very easily. They tend to be very shy both in romantic situations and just in general. Despite their large presence, they're just a bunch of softies.
OPOSSUMS ; An opossum is one of my main fursonas, based on me. Plus I can tell you from experience that opossums are little shits. They will pester the shit out of you, text you non-stop, and talk your ears off if you let them. They're not trying to be annoying or clingy, but they're just that type of person that really clings to people and likes talking to people as long as possible when they like them. Like raccoons, rats, and other things on this list, they like hoarding treasure and they tend to be sneaky mischievous little beings, loving to pull pranks or make a joke to make someone laugh hard. The opossums are kind of the clowns of the furry species, always being the comedian of the group. We love soft blankets and we tend to sleep with our head under the covers completely like we were in our mother's pouch. Also a lot of us do what I call the 'human sofa', where we curl around someone's back as they sit, and become their backrest, to snuggle them.
WEASELS & FERRETS ; Same as opossum, but make them scary and super suspicious all the time. I mean seriously, these guys are "sus". Who knows what they're up to? But they tend to be great comedians, and can always crack a joke that's sly and sarcastic to make someone burst out laughing, even if it's just one person who does due to their obscure references to their many fandoms.
RACCOONS ; Same as opossums, weasels, and ferrets--except add that you love trash. Whether this means collecting empty boxes, like shoe boxes and electronic boxes, or collecting old newspapers, or straws, or broken glass, (who knows?!) or making new pretty things out of old withered things, all of it you adore! You enjoy the feeling of making the most out of nothing, and pulling something out of your ass to survive no matter what the situation. This tendency can lead to intense resourcefulness in every area of life.
SKUNKS ; They all tend to be really chill, mostly... because all of you are fucking weed smokers! I guess it comes with the territory since skunks have a skunky smell, but damn does your skunky smell smell skunkier than a skunk! 😆🤣 Okay, okay, now besides the usual stoner stereotypes, you skunks are pretty chill beings, usually preferring a night on the couch. Although when they do catch you adventuring, they'd catch you frolicking in nature, and catching tadpoles, or doing something odd in a river. You love forests, and also love the sounds of city, traffic, and cars passing by. Rain is one of your favourite times.
BADGERS ; Y'all are some bad motherfuckers, the type of person who could kick anyone's ass, any amount of people, and come out without a scratch. People like you are nearly indestructible, and also tend to be somewhat snappy and harsh to others, although usually unintentionally. You tend to love honey, and/or any kinds of sweet things, which tends to contrast with your spicy personality. You have a pain tolerance out of this world, and you also have mental pain tolerance as well, seeming to never get hurt or let down by others' actions. This is due to you never fully trusting, and always preparing somewhat for a let down.
TANUKIS (JAPANESE RACCOON DOGS) ; This is my main fursona, and like opossums, Japanese Raccoon Dogs / Tanukis are ridiculously loyal and strange, almost clown-like beings, and also like raccoons, they love finding old things and transforming them into new. They also tend to be very artistic and really like colours, usually having some form of synesthesia if not multiple, usually having to do with colour association. Also you usually have a very strong connection to Japan and it's culture, either being Japanese or just loving the culture itself, and tend to base a lot of your life around Japanese things. You may even be planning to move to Tokyo someday! Tanukis are notoriously mischievous, but in a friendly, jokey way, and they tend to never want to make people mad. Due to this, they are always very friendly and positive, as much as they can, even if they feel the opposite inside. These are also the types of people to be very esoteric, weird, and downright uncanny, which fits their Japanese theme as Japan does some weird shit too LOL. Also usually stoners. Also pretty flirty, but not overly.
COYOTES & OTHER MISC. CANINES ; As a less common version of dogs, you have some manner of uniqueness about you! You tend to be active, especially physically, and in sports, usually very likely to do hiking as well. You tend to be pretty chipper, although you can come across as sarcastic or biting when you're in a bad mood. When you're in a good mood, everyone can feel it, and your smile brightens up the space around you! People tend to be attracted to your demeanor, even if you don't mean to attract them, they still come, and this quality can lead you to some of your lifelong friends (and perhaps, enemies.).
SHARKS & OTHER AQUATICS ; You aquatic creatures tend to be the jocks of the group, however despite your jockiness, you actually have quite a brain on you; being able to figure out complex things like math problems that are way ahead of where you are, or learning to read very soon in your life, and maybe even being in spelling bees or talent shows later on! You tend to have a scientific mind, and definitely have at least one or two fish tanks, if not a whole room full. You can be a bit perverted, and even a little bit dominating in conversation, but for people who can get past that--you make a loyal, fun, and active friend.
SNAKES & OTHER REPTILES ; You all tend to seem shady no matter how stand-up you are, and the fact that you never go in the spotlight, always preferring to stay by the sidelines and observe and watch others closely. Occasionally, you may leave a small remark, and due to you barely talking, those things you do say echo only louder for those who hear. You tend to be reclusive and secluded, loving the silence of rainy days with no one bugging you, and your beautiful reptiles. You tend to be quite confident, and even heroic at your best, being kind and also empathetic and caring, and intelligent. At your worst, you can come off as cold, manipulative or even cruel at times. Snakes and reptiles are usually seen with dislike and/or fear by others, which can lead to a hardened heart in you that makes you trust less easily, fearing judgement in who you are.
AXOLOTLS & OTHER AMPHIBIANS ; You guys kiiinda tend to be the 'uwu i'm special!!1!' bunch, but rather than in an insensitive annoying way, in the way that you're genuinely childish and innocent and naive, which can be both a blessing and a curse. Like the aquatic axolotl, you stay young forever, (kind of like Peter Pan!) and you seemingly never lose your sense of humour, your playfulness, or your absolute randomness at times. You are someone who would fight to the death for a friend you just met, even though you are usually pacifistic. You have great traits when it comes to caring for others, and fully taking care of others--skills that would bode well for you becoming a nurse, doctor, psychiatrist or therapist. You tend to love water, and will go swimming the whole summer while it's warm enough! You also don't mind, even if it's cold, you'll jump in anyway.
MICE & OTHER RODENTS ; You guys tend to be even more cutesy and little than rabbits! A lot of you guys seem to be age aggressors due to mental illness, and thus choose a very small, innocent animal as their fursona. These people can also just be generally childlike, innocent and playful, albeit very shy. The other type of rodents are the creepy ass ones who give off a high & mighty vibe, being very confident, swaggering, and even mysterious at times. They're the cool kids you see in school, pretending to be some mysterious goth kid, but really they just learned the goth look a week ago.
GENERAL INSECTS/BUGS ; You tend to be very odd, weirding out the general public more than you do connect with them. You've always felt a strange disconnect between yourself and the world, feeling like you're not really there or like you could be more. You might have transformed from being a totally different person in your past, to being a radically different person now. You tend to rule change and dreams and mystic things, perhaps even being some sort of psychic. You tend to have an extremely open mind and a very welcoming, understanding personality, due to you even seeing the beauty in bugs, which so many find repulsive. This quality will follow you into life, which you must be careful of--don't start trusting everyone you meet. Due to you always seeing the best in everyone, you can get taken advantage of easily.
And now fictional/mythical/extinct/hybrids down here;
DUTCH ANGEL DRAGONS ; Y'all give off a very confident vibe to me, although it's hidden under an exterior of pretend anxiety or hesitancy, which you really don't feel. You're one of those preppy kids who tends to dress girly regardless of gender, can't handle coffee but loves their jasmine tea, likes their succulents planted in their house in cute little DIY decorated plant vases, and wears pastels of colour. You tend to be a bright, vibrant person who sees the best in things, and you can be a little naive due to your extreme and blind happiness that radiates purely from you.
GENERAL DRAGONS ; You tend to intimidate others easily, but this is not something you mean to do whatsoever. In fact, you usually try your best to make friends although you usually scare them off, whether due to being unintentionally too clingy, or just being too awkward in conversation. You tend to have anxiety or different worries about things, but you try and overtake these things with a massive upbeat attitude. Although sometimes, this attitude does falter, and you can become somewhat pessimistic without reminder. Also, like raccoons, ferrets and other similar animals, you love to hoard treasure and things you love, everything from gemstones, to rocks, to bottle caps, to pieces of broken glass--it doesn't matter what it is, if it's collectible, you will collect it.
PROTOGENS/PRIMAGENS ; You guys tend to lean heavily into the Japanese aesthetic, or at least into the vapourwave aesthetic. Perhaps even steampunk! Whatever it is, you follow it heavily. You also tend to be a tech nerd. You can help anyone with any computer problem almost effortlessly, and you even have knowledge of technologies in the recent past such as devices like record players, VHS tapes, etc. that most younger people wouldn't know about (if you are young, or if you're old, you know from experience.). You could even be a hacker of some sort if you wanted to, considering your huge skill with computers. Personality-wise you tend to be very cutesy, excitable and both very very innocent, and yet somehow perverted, at the same time. You most likely speak more than one language. I'm not sure why, but it seems like every protogen or primagen I've met speaks multiple languages, two at least, if not more.
SERGALS ; Very similar to sharks, with some qualities of reptiles. You guys also have the Leo zodiac-like personality type of loving to be loved; being in the spotlight is your favourite thing, no matter what it's for! Due to this, some Sergals will tire of reaching for difficult positive attention, and will start to even accept negative attention as attention they want, then will try and act like a troll on purpose to fuck with people, only to get a reaction. Other times they're just chill and generally relaxed people, although if you threaten their family they become very hostile and very unstable emotionally, quickly.
CRUX ; Due to the history of the species being about being experimented on, and abused, and combined, etc. etc., people who play cruxes tend to be pretty edgy "look at how dark I am!!" people. However not always--sometimes, weirdly, very girly, upbeat & happy people will roleplay cruxes. So it's kind of unsure what you'll get when you interact with one. It's pretty much a 50/50 chance on whether they're upbeat & happy, or dark & brooding. Whatever the case, they tend to be usually neurodivergent, since cruxes are mentally ill if you think about it basically, a lot of people have latched on to them as their comfort species for being mentally ill. Like dogs, you love squeaky toys and also you love piercings, and tattoos, and any body modification you can achieve!
PHOENIXES ; Similar 'emo' type to cruxes--people generally choose phoenixes due to their history of being unbreakable when it comes to physical harm. Due to this, a lot of emo people latched on to them. However there are also regular people who play phoenixes, and they tend to be very regal--if a bit intimidating, and are very ambitious & strong-minded people. They have a fieryness that blazes through to show their phoenix-y nature bubbling underneath the surface.
GRYPHONS ; For some reason, you tend to be very aggressive and domineering individuals--think Bakugo Katsuki from My Hero Academia, the anime. Sometimes you can come off as a huge asshole, but you're really well meaning on the inside, and you try to do your best by everyone--you just seem intimidating and aggressive due to resting bitch face and voice, LOL.
DINOSAURS ; You are an excitable individual, whether that means being angry easily, or hyper easily. You tend to be younger in age, or at least younger in mind, having an innocent heart and somewhat ferocious ambitions. You are strong and untamable when it comes to authority figures bossing you around. Most of the time there's no changing your mind if it's set, and you can be very stubborn, pushy, and audacious at your worst, and at your best; proud, confident, encouraging and passionate!
SKULLDOGS & OTHER SKULLIES ; Similar to phoenixes and cruxes, they tend to attract emo, goth, punk, or scene people, however rarely a bubbly girly person will roleplay one, and usually do it with pastel colours instead of dark. They tend to be somewhat reclusive, but yet enjoy people's company when forced to interact. They are people who don't really give a shit much in most circumstances, but when something gets them stirred up, it gets them up and going quickly. They can be somewhat cold and harsh to those who don't know them well, who know that it's all a façade of intimidation, to drive you away from getting closer to them.
FOLVES & OTHER HYBRIDS ; Similar to foxes, you're an excitable hyper furball that will jump around the room, and meet as many friends, and talk to as many people as you can! You guys seem to have none of the reclusive types of personality traits that foxes usually have, and instead seem to be very pack-bonded people! You love finding lucky things, like a clock or license plate that has triple numbers, or picking up a lucky penny off the street. The little things in life make you very happy.
So what do you think?
Did I get your species correct?
If so, or if not, tell me why in the replies! I will read 'em all.
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ghosthunthq · 4 years
Two Genies, One Bottle - A GH Genie Au
By @thisurlplease
It was Monday. Again. Not that Mai hated Mondays per se, but they got exhausting sometimes. And she had started the day off on such a high, too, feeling rejuvenated from her lazy weekend. But then her class assignments piled up, she didn’t have enough cash for a decent lunch, and she had a lovely stack of bills waiting for her in her mailbox. It was tough trying to scrape by as an orphan, but she was managing somehow.
Mai’s stomach growled in complaint, reminding her just how little she had for lunch. “Don’t give me that tone, young lady,” she chastised, “I’m doing the best I can.”
She sighed and lay back on the grass. “Sooner or later, something’s gotta give.” If only she could catch a break, find a job that paid well and left time for school, or something. Stumble upon a hidden treasure…
Mai’s musings were interrupted by a rustling in the bushes. She quickly sat up, trying not to psych herself out. Perfectly normal, non-scary animals lived in bushes on the edge of a wooded area. She just had to handle this calmly.
“Okay, creepy monster, you better not jump out at me. I’ve got a…” Mai paused to rummage in her bag, pulling out the sharpest thing she could find. “Aha! A pencil. I’ve got a pencil.”
“Mrow.” A black and white cat with mismatched eyes popped its head out of the bushes.
“Oh, you’re a cat. I can deal with that.” Mai had secretly been hoping to take in a stray. “Here, Mister Kitty-kitty.”
But the kitty did not come. In fact, he bolted towards the woods.
“Wait, come back!” Something in Mai told her she needed to follow this cat. So she did.
The cat was fast, but she managed to catch up to it in a clearing. It was like it was waiting for her. She gulped in a lungful of air, smiling triumphantly. “Hey, handsome boy. You wanna be my kitty-cat?”
The cat stared at her silently.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” She scooped the cat up into her arms. 
And suddenly she was falling. “Oh ssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii—” Mai screamed, but before she could finish the expletive, she landed in a pile of leaves with a muffled fwomp.
“Oof, again?” Mai had fallen in a hole or two before. “Dang it, who keeps just leaving these holes in the middle of the ground?”
Mai sat up with some effort, rustling around noisily in the leaves. As she did so, her hand made contact with something cold and solid. It felt similar to a glass bottle, but with ridges all around. Pulling it from the leaves, she examined it. It was a ridged bottle like she had thought, with a long neck and bulbous base, but there was an eerie glow to it. She dusted it off, trying to get a look inside.
“Hm, what is thi— Oh!”
Smoke swirled from the mouth of the bottle, rising into a large cloud. Slowly, it took shape until a bizarre creature stood— floated before her. It was as if the creature was suspended in water, his hair gently swaying back and forth. His skin was a pale blue with brilliant blue tattoos adorning his face and chest.
“I wish for more genies!” Mai blurted.
“WAIT, YOU CAN’T JUST—” The genie cut off, his eyes widening. There was a loud poof and the genie erupted into a giant cloud of steam. 
“Oh geez, I can’t see a thing! Mr. Genie guy?” Mai coughed. “Oh gross, I think I just inhaled genie.”
“It’s not genie,” said an irritated voice beside her. “It’s the result of an exothermic reaction from magical discharge.”
“A what now?” Mai asked, trying to wave some of the steam away.
“We’re so hot, we made it all steamy up in here,” came the exact same voice, albeit in a more jubilant tone, from her other side.
“Wait a second…” Mai squinted. She could just make out two shapes in the clearing steam. “Are there two of you now?”
“Yeah! And it’s awesome.” There was a gasp. “I can see my hands… O.M.G! I’m a real boy!”
The steam had cleared now, and instead of a genie, there appeared to be two tall, pale, and extremely skinny teenage boys.
“No,” said the other one, who was clearly unimpressed, “you’re still a genie.”
“Riiiiight, a real boy named Gene.”
The cat, which Mai had completely forgotten about, mrow’d again.
“Oh, hey Lin!” said Gene, the happier of the two, “Glad to see you’re still hanging around. You’re really taking this guardian business seriously.”
“He’s your cat?” Mai asked.
“He’s not a cat,” answered the other guy— genie. “He was cursed. Just like we were.”
“Yeah,” Gene cut in, “some witch didn’t like us junking up his mojo, so he turned Lin into a cat and us into a single genie. And man, is it good to have my own body again.”
Mai frowned. “Why a genie?”
Gene waved his hand around. “Servitude, blah, blah, blah.”
“Because,” the other interrupted, “Gene liked to flaunt his name around. The witch thought it’d be ironic.”
“And because,” Gene added sassily, “this guy can’t stand being stuck with me.”
The other looked away moodily.
“Well, okay,” Mai said, “you’re both still genies, then? Does that mean I still get wishes?”
“Yup!” Gene nodded. “Five, to be exact. But listen, you can’t wish for anymore genies.”
“How come?”
“Well, honestly, we just don’t have that kind of power now that we’re split in two. And it was just luck we were two entities in the first place.”
“Dumb luck,” the bad-tempered genie muttered.
Mai stood arms akimbo, scowling at him. “You’re just mad you’re a weak genie.”
“I’m plenty powerful. Besides, I don’t need magic to get by when I have intellect like mine.”
“Wow, you’re pretty narcissistic, aren’t you? I bet it doesn’t hurt none that you’re handsome, too,” Mai said sarcastically.
“You think I’m handsome, huh? Well, thanks. It comes in handy.”
“Wow, okay. I’ll just call you Naru the Narcissist from now on.”
“Ha!” Gene suddenly belted out. “The name fits you perfectly, Naru.”
Mai swore, honest to god, she saw Naru blush.
“Whatever,” he muttered, “get to wishing.”
“Hold on. Mai could really help us out.”
“How so?” she asked.
“Break our curses, pretty please?” Gene smiled, placing his hands together. “Please?”
“That would leave me with…” Mai counted on her fingers. “Two wishes? You, Naru, and Lin would need the other three?”
“I’m amazed, she can count.”
“Grrr. Maybe I just won’t break your curse then, Naru.”
“Mai, please, he’s just emotionally constipated. He’d be eternally grateful.”
“Okay,” Mai sighed. “I guess I’d feel bad leaving him down here to rot.”
“Good!” Gene smiled brilliantly. “Now what do you want?”
“What do I want?” Mai murmured to herself. This was a huge decision. “Well, for one, I wish we weren’t stuck in this stupid, dumb hole.”
“Boom, done!” Gene snapped and clapped his hand to his fist, then they were suddenly no longer in a stupid, dumb hole. They were back in the woods by Mai’s home.
“Gene!” Mai whined as she shielded her eyes from the unexpected brightness, “I didn’t mean that to be a real wish!”
“Tch, dummy,” Naru huffed.
“Hey mister, you are not nice!” Mai snapped, shaking her finger at him. “At least I got us out of that hole before you were both normal humans.”
“There was an exit,” Naru said blandly. “Or did you think we were all just dropped in through that hole you fell through?”
“Fine, whatever. Next wish is for you, then, Mr. Narcissist.” She quietly cleared her throat. “Since he’s been patiently waiting without snarky commentary, I first wish to break the curse on Lin-san.”
Naru snapped his fingers and very suddenly, Lin was no longer a cat. Instead, he was a man… a very tall, bean-pole of a man, with a long fringe over his right eye.
“Holy smokes, you’re tall.”
“Yes, I think he knows that. What’s your next wish?”
“Oh, uh, I wish to break your curse and make you human again.”
Naru snapped his fingers and… did not look any different.
“Did it work?”
“Yes,” he said plainly.
“Okay, then. Gene, final wish before I make you human again.” She took a deep breath. She knew this was the way to go. Yes, riches would greatly improve her life, but they couldn’t last forever, right? What was the saying? Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day, but teach him to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime. Right, then. “I wish I had a cool job that pays well and allows time for school work.”
“Boom. You’re a paranormal investigator, Naru’s your boss, Lin and I are your coworkers.”
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ludi-ling · 6 years
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(Just a little Valentine’s day Romy fanfic with accompanying fanart done during my commute today. Happy Valentine’s!
PS: It’s set after the current Rogue & Gambit miniseries. Even if I don’t know what the hell is gonna happen in it XD).
***Valentine’s Day***
She didn't often take time out.
There was always something occupying her, teaching or superheroing or mentoring or shopping or organising or hanging out with friends... Training and sparring and conferring with teammates over strategy, policy, PR and legal issues… And then tied up with that was study, keeping up with case law, preparing the classes she'd taken, marking assignments and doing student benchmarking...
Really. It'd been a long, long time since she'd had some downtime, since she'd found a moment to wind down. Honestly, she was wound up so tight these days, she was beginning to fear she was on the verge of losing it.
"Take some time off," Kitty had said to her. "Go on vacation."
And she'd scoffed and said:
"But I'm needed here."
"Rogue," Kitty had said in that headmistress voice she was becoming so accomplished at using, "you're no good to us on the verge of a mental breakdown. You need some time to relax, to reset yourself. When was the last time you took a holiday?"
She'd stared blankly at the wall. For the life of her she couldn't remember. 
"See?" Kitty had piped up pointedly. "Look. Take a break. Go somewhere nice. Somewhere you can relax. Bermuda. The Seychelles.  I went to Lisbon last summer. It was gorgeous. And everyone speaks awesome English. You'll love it!"
She'd frowned. Somehow she didn't feel she was allowed to relax. How messed up was that?
"I dunno, Kit-Kat..."
"Rogue," came the severe reply, "Go. That's an order."
"Oh yeah? Or what?"
"Or I tell Gambit you need some time off, and get him to book you both on a dirty weekend away."
Well, that had sealed the deal.  She stomped off in a huff, and once she’d got back to her room, she booked herself some holiday.  Three days – not too long, but enough to keep Kitty from making good on her threat.
A few days later and here she was.
Valle Soleada, standing in front of the house Irene had left her.
It was a long time since she'd been here. She'd half considered selling it, or renting it out, but for some reason she never had. Standing here, on this lazy California beach with the sun pounding down on her, she was reminded why. There were few places she'd truly felt at ease, at peace. Some of the happiest moments of her life had taken place here, moments that now seemed so bittersweet. It was that bittersweetness that had made her reluctant to return, that had kept her away so long. But now... She was glad she was back. She felt liberated, free from all the cares and responsibilities that came with all the superheroics that were her business.
She gave a little smile to herself and walked the wooden steps up to the veranda. She felt in the pocket of her denim cut-offs for the keys and unlocked the door. When she stopped inside the vestibule she was surprised at how fresh and inviting everything seemed. She paid a maid to come and take care of the place every week, just to keep it in a liveable condition, with the intention of spending more time here than she actually did. She didn't regret the decision now.
She dumped her bags in the hallway and immediately went straight out the back door and onto the beach. A warm sea breeze hit her, the sound of the waves washing over the shore a glorious soundtrack that she realised she'd missed. How many times had that sound lulled her to sleep at night as she'd lain in the warmth of his embrace?
She half frowned, half smiled. The memories were pleasant yet... irritating. Irritating because they were so damn perfect, and she'd been stupid enough to let perfection go.
Things change, gal, she told herself sternly. But some things didn't, and trying to make sense of the stew left behind was something she'd never been particularly good at.
She gave a sigh and headed back indoors. She was wondering now whether she could brave heading into certain areas of the house, but she figured she was a big girl and if she didn't face this now she never would.
So she picked up her bags and climbed the stairs up to the bedroom, and gently opened the door.
She'd slept in here once since they'd left. She'd taken some time out after the whole Legacy thing, trying to re-orientate herself. After one night she'd moved to one of the guest bedrooms, finding the ghost of his presence a distraction from the purpose of her visit. It hadn't changed much since then. The maid did a great job keeping everything dust and dirt free. A light fragrance filled the air and she realised her housekeeper had left a cute little bowl of pot pourri on the dresser. She laid her bags down on the bed and peered into the closet. Her leathers were still hanging up in there, and she gave a wry grimace. Somehow, it felt like a different person had worn them.
She wasn't sure where his old X-Treme uniform was. She'd definitely seen him wearing the boxing boots once or twice since, but the rest...
She shook her head and closed the closet, moving on.
The curtains were closed and so she went on over and opened them up, throwing the window open too while she was at it. The room was suddenly filled with light and air and the scent of the sea, and she breathed it in with relish.
That was when she heard a sound. Floorboards creaking down the corridor.
Her senses were immediately alert, and she crossed the room back to the door, the adrenaline kicking in, her muscles getting ready for a fight. The footsteps were suddenly right outside the door, and she was just about to yank it open when it swung right open and slammed into the wall with a bang.
She gaped.
In the doorway was Remy LeBeau.
"R-Remy?!" she exclaimed ; and she might've believed this was all just a dream until he cried in exactly the same tone of voice:
"I thought you were in intruder!" they both said at the same time, which shut them up for a few seconds.
She glared at him. Standing there in sweatpants and a T-shirt with bleary eyes and a bedhead. It was clear she'd literally just woken him up.
"What are you doing here?" she asked him testily, cross that he'd spoiled her vacation yet again.
"On vacation," he answered in an equally sour tone - he was probably thinking the exact same thing.
"So am I," she huffed. "And this is my house."
"So?" he grumbled. "I got here first. Got everything unpacked and I stocked up the fridge and all. So I ain't goin' nowhere, if that's what you're suggestin'."
She growled. There was no way in hell she was leaving now, not for his benefit.
"Fine," she said. "Just... Just don't ... Get in my way. Okay?"
He quirked an eyebrow at her.
"Oh right. I'm the one should be sayin' that to you, chere. You're the one goin' round makin' noise and spoilin' my beauty sleep."
"It ain't my fault you're such a light sleeper!" she groused. "I could drop a pin and you'd hear it! Remember that time when--"
She quickly caught herself mid-sentence. He saw the look and smirked.
"No need t' say it, petite. I know what you're thinkin'."
She blushed. The only things to come out of that little incident had been the discovery that Gambit could not be handcuffed to a bed without being woken up (one accidental little jangle of the chain had had him sitting bolt upright in a flash), and a couple of days worth staggering around because all sorts of unmentionable muscles were unbearably sore.
"Look," she began, chastened out of her bad mood by the memory. "Truth is, I came here to unwind, to have a little space to myself for a couple of days. I was kind of expectin' to be on my own... But I ain't gonna throw you out on your ear, Cajun, and it's nothin' personal. Just... lemme have my own space and we're good. Okay?"
With him, honesty was always pretty much the best policy - ironic, considering the trouble he had with it himself. He put up his hands with an agreeable little smile.
"A'right. I'll keep outta your hair, if that's what you want.  Don't wanna get in the way of your 'me time'."
He backed off slowly, but the smile on his face told her he wasn't being sarcastic. After the turmoil and angst their relationship seemed to have been in recently, it was a welcome relief.
"Thanks," she said softly.
"No problem." He half turned to leave, before adding with a pointed look at her: "Yah need anythin', I'm in the guest room down the hall.  Where Sam used t'stay."
And with that he left.
After that it was useless to have any ‘me time’.  Not because she found his presence off-putting per se, but because she was trying to analyse everything.
She wondered why he was sleeping in Sam’s old room and why he was even here at all. She wondered why seeing him here had rattled her so much and why she’d been so defensive.  Since their time in Paraiso things had been… good between them. The last thing she’d wanted to do was spoil that.
It was just that he had endless ways of catching her unawares, of getting up under her skin without even meaning to.
Truly, she’d come here to be by herself.  But she felt guilty now for insinuating that him being here offended her.  She didn’t want him to think that, because it wasn’t what she felt.  The past few weeks things had changed between them, for the better… And she didn’t want to lose that.  It just felt… weird… not to be slapping away his affection at every corner because of her own fears, her own inadequacies, and really… He hadn’t even offered any affection.  Even if she secretly knew that he was always offering it, with a simple glance or a smile.
Besides, she couldn’t stay cooped up in here like this, not in their old room.  It was only bound to make things worse.
So she sighed and left, headed out and down the corridor to the guest room.  She gave a knock and when she heard his “come in!”, she entered.
She was surprised to see he was packing.
“You’re leavin’?” she asked.
“Yeah.” He didn’t look put out by it, contrary to expectation. “Figured it’d be best.  You’re here for some space, and I’d just get in the way.” He folded up a shirt and put it inside his duffel bag before standing straight and glancing at her. “Don’t look at me like that, chere. I ain’t angry ‘bout it.  Just don’t wanna mess up your vacation.  Or mine, neither.”
That stunned her.
“You think we’d mess up each other’s vacations?” She couldn’t help looking a little hurt at that. “Remy, honestly… You don’t haveta go.  I’m sorry I sounded so… pissed off back there.  I didn’t mean it.”
He regarded her a moment, apparently turning her suggestion over in her head.
“Rogue,” he finally spoke with sincerity. “We can both kid ourselves that you and I are gonna stay in this house and not disturb one another, but seriously.  You and I both know that ain’t gonna happen.”
She chewed on her lip.  After what happened in Paraiso, he was probably right.  The only thing was, she didn’t think she’d mind so much anymore.
“Well, where’re you gonna stay then?” she asked him.
“Oh, Paint and Jack’ll let me sleep on their couch, if I promise to babysit their kids.” He paused and glanced at her. “You remember Paint and Jack, right?”
This time she was really offended.          
“Of course I do!” She pouted. “Yah mean you’re still in touch with them?”
“Well, yeah. I pay ‘em both a visit every time I’m down here.  They always ask after you.  Keep on goin’ on about seein’ you on the TV wit’ your Avenging friends. I tell ‘em you’re doin’ great. Although most of the time, I don’t really know.”
There was a little bit of bitterness in that statement, but in truth she’d barely heard it. Something else he’d said had caught her attention.
“Wait… … You said ‘every time you visit’… … How often do you actually come down here?”
He shrugged, going back to his packing.
“Once every couple of months…  For the same reason you’re here.  To get some time out.  To be alone. To get a little perspective.  To remember.”
The last was lightly delivered, but said a lot more than any of the other stuff. She swallowed a breath.  She was both touched and humbled to hear him admit that he came here often, and that a part of him came to remember what they’d shared here.  She was affected even more so that he’d maintained a life here, kept their old friends and probably hung out at their old haunts.  It made her feel like she’d run away from just another good thing in her life, like she’d thrown away yet another something that could and should have made her happy.
“Okay,” she finally said in a small voice. “Well, I’ll feel better knowing you’ll be stayin’ with friends… I don’t wanna turf ya out…”
“Rogue,” he spoke firmly. “It’s fine.  Don’t worry. Take some time out, relax.  God knows you need it.  Just promise me you won’t do no work, okay?  I jes’ know you brought those kids’ assignments wit’ you.  If you take ‘em out, I’m gonna steal ‘em and hide ‘em somewhere you can’t find ‘em.”
He’d said it to make her laugh, but all she could manage was a faint smile.
“I won’t, Remy.  Promise.”
Her ears were starting to rush and her heart was starting to pound, and it was becoming way too much for her to process, so she left.
She stood at the window of her room, their room, and struggled with herself.
Why had she walked away?  Why couldn’t she be brave enough to open herself up to him and let him in?  Still, after all this time and all the ground they’d recently covered?  
You love him, she told herself helplessly. So go back and tell him.  Tell him you don’t want him to go.
The thought had her trembling, had her stomach in knots.  She squeezed her eyes shut and breathed.  She tried to talk herself into the thing she wanted most in the world. How hard can it be to reach for the thing that you want?
She’d almost psyched herself up to just go and do it when he got there before her.  The door to their room opened softly, and quietly he crossed the floorboards and came up behind her.  There was nothing so sweet or so comforting as the way his arms wrapped round her, the way he held her tight, the way he pressed his face into her hair.
And suddenly it was all bleeding out of her, the tightly coiled knot inside her was unwinding, and she was herself again, even if only for just a moment.
“D’you really want me to go?” he asked her, and she leaned back into him, shook her head.
And they stayed just like that for a while, watching the seagulls circling the sky and listening to the lullaby of the sea, just as they’d always done.
“You do know what day today is, chere?” he murmured, brushing his lips in her hair. For a second she was nonplussed, until she remembered.  February 14th.
“Aw, geez,” she muttered humorously. “Fate sure has a way of kickin’ me in the ass.”
“I dunno,” he chuckled. “I think fate brought us here, together, on this very special day, for a reason.” He propped his head on her shoulder. “Y’wanna work out what that reason might be?”
She twisted her head and gave him an arch look.
“Neither of us needs a reason, sugah,” she bantered back. “Except that I love you; and I’m pretty sure you love me.”
“Amen to that, p’tite,” he grinned; and they both laughed lightly before sharing the first of many kisses that night.
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fountainpenguin · 7 years
What are the similarities and differences between fairy magic colours and ghost ray colours?
Oh, FINALLY! I’ve been drumming my fingers, waiting for someone to ask me about the Ghost colors. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to reveal them one by one in “No Anesthetic” (since each one is a chapter title), or do a post about them (which I wrote and scrapped three times), but an Ask makes it tough to refuse.
In both shows (under my headcanons), colors are situational, and not selected by the user at will (Well, that’s a lie. Ember can choose what color to use with her guitar, which in itself implies that different colors have different abilities or levels of strength). They’re KIND OF based on emotions, but there’s a lot of cognition involved too. 
And the emotions and situations associated with the colored powers of each show obviously vary (Ex: Green is a rare color of magic in FOP, but probably the most common one in DP).
This is the tl;dr- the full color post can be found here.
Yellow -> Putting others first; delight - Can only be reverted by caster; does not revert itself with caster’s death; in “He Poofs, He Scores”, this color was associated with balance.
Blue -> Irritation (Common in fights) - Can be reverted by the caster or a bystander with great effort, but irritation must have subsided somewhat; in “HPHS”, this color was associated with speed.
> > Indigo -> High inner conflict; instant regret - Same as above, but will also reverse itself when the caster falls asleep (Some Fairies don’t believe it’s real, but since it seems to be Juandissimo’s signature magic color, I can’t just ignore it! It’s a “tested proof vs. anecdotes” argument that gets mentioned sometimes in my fanfics, but it’s not like a big deal or anything).
Pink -> Knee-jerk response; also used in shapeshifting - Any bystander can revert it with a bit of effort;in “HPHS”, this color was associated with reflexes.
> > Red -> Obsession; survival instinct - Reverts itself within minutes;in “HPHS”, this color was associated with strength.
Purple -> Neutral (Magic’s natural state) - Can only be reverted by caster; reverts itself with caster’s death; interestingly enough, in “HPHS”, this color was associated with happiness.
Green -> Misery; can also be triggered by laziness - Reverts itself within hours; in “HPHS”, this color was associated with coordination.
Reminder - because it’s FASCINATING - that Foop’s magic once went from blue to purple to green in the course of a single episode (“Scary Godcouple”). I mentioned this in a video one time (at 1:00), if you wanted to hear me talk about learned helplessness and stuff. Best homework assignment ever~
All I want for Christmas is to find the “HPHS” original script on Scribd and see if each trait is paired with its color specifically but it’s not on there so :/
So, we all know where that brings us! I drove myself to F I T S trying to find any color parallels, and any previous post I may have made speculating about ghost colors will be retconned by this post. I finally settled on the idea of “emotions based on concepts that don’t translate well into English”, and gave them “ghost language” names. Check it out:
Califca (cahl-if-kuh) n. - Boldness intertwined with stupidity; well-meant rashness; orderly chaos. Deliberate intent achieved through thoughtlessness. Or i'calif (v.), the act of enjoying the presence of the color red.
Obviously, this is Youngblood’s element! Ember used the switch on her guitar to trigger it in “Girl’s Night Out” and amplify Kitty’s kiss. In doing so, this affected the entire city, suggesting it to be a very powerful color. It’s also the color associated with Freakshow’s staff, and there’s one very quick hint that Dark Danny used red when he was messing around at Nasty Burger. Otherwise, it doesn’t seem to get used much, which is interesting given its power. Also, like, Youngblood having that much power??? Wow. I suspect his prosthetic limbs help him channel that kind of energy.
Ampau (Am-paw) n. - The intrinsic joy garnered from experiencing moderation; pleasurable patience. Or ampau’du (v.), to notice and delight in the existence of the color pink.
Vlad has used pink quite often, and I’ve seen Desirée and Walker use it too (as examples). I was originally going to make it the color that only heals, helps, or defends, but then it got used as a weapon too much, so now it’s based on patience. Patience? Yeah, sorry, you’re just gonna have to go with it.
Sherch (shærsh) v. - To pride oneself in helping another achieve a goal which carried with it a sense of looming impossibility; to bathe oneself in the color purple.
The “achievement unlocked” color! Y’know that whole thing about neurons in your brain being connected when you try new things? Yeah, trying new things or hoping something works will trigger purple. It seems to be a very rare color in DP. Ember used it to hypnotize the school crowd in her debut episode (who curiously all had red eyes despite the purple energy blast), and there may be other purple examples, but I can’t think of them off the top of my head.
Bruir (Broo-air) n. - The action that results when one reacts to a sudden flash of inspiration; a place where the color blue is a welcome addition.
I believe this is the equivalent of pink in FOP- the knee-jerk response color (though other colors normally take precedent over it).
Tijii (Tee-jee) adj. - Defendable, easy to find pleasure in, affectionately appreciated or admired to the point of urging others to soften their hearts; naturally-formed green tint or shade
Green boils down to being the defensive color, and feelings of self-defense can trigger it too. Since it’s also the “happy/neutral” color, it’s pretty common.
Califca -> Red -> Rashness (Equiv. of FOP blue, and some pink)
Ampau -> Pink -> Patience (Equiv. of FOP purple)
Sherch -> Purple -> Hope (Equiv. of FOP green, but with more optimism)
Bruir -> Blue -> Insight (Equiv. of FOP pink)
Tijii -> Green -> Happiness (Equiv. of FOP yellow)
Yeah, they’ll do juuuuussssst fine. My ghost “emotions” may seem a tad funky, but hey- they’re something! I have to start somewhere!
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cutshawsnidowoa · 4 years
Why Does My Cat’s Nose Change Color?
The post Why Does My Cat’s Nose Change Color? by Cait Rohan Kelly appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
This first time I noticed that my calico cat Merritt’s nose seemed pinker than usual, I thought I was imagining it. But when it happened again and again I got curious and a bit concerned. Merritt’s pale pink nose would turn a bright, hot pink when she was excited or after a bout of fetch (yep, she’s one of those doglike cats!). This got me thinking: why does my cat’s nose change color — and is it normal?
Merritt as a kitten, at rest with a very light pink nose. Her cute little nose freckle (more on that later!) wasn’t there yet! Photography courtesy Cait Rohan Kelly.
Why does your cat’s nose change color?
If, like me, you’ve noticed your cats nose getting brighter and more vibrant like some sort of kitty Rudolph on a foggy Christmas Eve, you’re not alone.
“Cats noses can change color from light pink to darker pink, normally in times of excitement or stress due to a temporary elevation in heart rate and blood pressure,” says Jenny Kistler, DVM at Brandermill Animal Hospital in Midlothian, Virginia. “This is a normal event and is usually nothing to worry about as long as it is short term.”
Related: 4 Cool Facts About Cat Noses
Dr. Sasha Gibbons of Just Cats Veterinary Hospital in Stamford, Connecticut, says that temperature also plays a role in a cat’s nose changing color. “The cat’s nose is highly vascularized (which means it has numerous small blood vessels throughout it),” Gibbons says.“These blood vessels can grow or shrink with different variables (such as heat, cold and high or low blood pressure). This can cause variations in the pink coloration of the nose. For instance, when a cat is cold, the blood vessels are smaller so the nose might appear light pink. When a cat is hot, or blood pressure raises, the vessels are larger so the nose may appear darker pink or red.”
Do cat nose color changes only happen in certain kitties?
We are a two-cat household but I only see the color changes happen to Merritt’s nose. My other cat, Gabby, is a colossally large and lazy tabby who doesn’t play or get excited about much in life (besides catnip). He has a pink – albeit a darker, more pigmented pink — nose.
In turns out that this phenomenon is simply more noticeable in some cats. “All cats have the same anatomy of the nose, but the variations are much easier to see in cats with light-colored noses,” says Dr. Gibbons.
How are these nose color changes different from nose freckles? Should you ever worry about those?
You may be reading this article thinking, “but what about those little dots on my cat’s nose?!” Good news — those spots, aka nose freckles or lentigo, are normal, too. And, like a cat’s nose changing colors, they also only show up on certain kitties.
“Freckles can appear in cats carrying the gene for red color, such orange- or cream-colored tabby cats and calicos,” Dr. Jane Brunt, CATalyst Council executive director and American Association of Feline Practitioners’ past president, explains. “They show up as dark brown spots near the mucous membranes so you might see them on the nose, lips and eyelid margins and they tend to increase with age. These freckles or ‘age spots’ are usually harmless. Have your veterinarian note this at each yearly exam, and you can even take photos to watch them over time.”
This cool coloration occurs on both of my cats. Merritt, a calico, and Gabby, a cream-colored tabby, both have one small nose freckle on their left nostrils. Even though they are definitely not related or even the same age, I think of this as a cute little sibling tattoo or the equivalent of a kitty nose ring they got to rebel against their cat mom (me).
Merritt excited to take possession of my purse as you can tell by her bright pink nose. Or, maybe she’s anxious about dad folding his laundry in the background! Photography courtesy Cait Rohan Kelly.
Should you ever be concerned about your cat’s nose changing color?
A cat’s nose changing color because of a toy chase is one thing. But are there any times you should see your vet about it?
“It’s important to know what’s normal for cats, and for your cat, and noticing the color of your cat’s nose indicates you are an observant and caring cat parent!” Dr. Brunt says.
According to Dr. Brunt, here’s what’s not normal when it comes a cat’s nose changing color:
“If your cat’s nose is usually a pale pink and now it’s white, this could be a sign of anemia or circulation problems.”
“A bluish or dusky hue to your cat’s nose can indicate decreased oxygenation of the tissues, which can be caused by internal organ failure, a low-blood hemoglobin or toxins such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), which should never be used in cats.”
“If the color change is related to an increase in your cat’s activity level and there are also signs of respiratory problems, like rapid breathing or panting with an open mouth, that may be an emergency and you should take your cat to the veterinarian or an animal emergency center. It depends on what’s happening at the time and it’s always best to have your kitty checked out by a veterinarian, especially with sudden changes.” 
Dr. Kistler also notes that nose color changes and nose freckles are most likely normal. But “you should be concerned and contact your veterinarian if you notice any raised, discolored areas on the nose, as well as ulcerations, erosions, swelling or bleeding.  These can be signs of more serious problems,” she says.
When should you be concerned about your cat’s blood pressure? What are the signs?
Let’s go back to the fact that your cat’s nose color changes are sometimes caused by blood pressure changes. Does this mean that a cat’s nose color change could indicate blood pressure problems?
“As in people, high blood pressure or hypertension in cats can be a silent and serious health problem,” explains Dr. Brunt. “That’s why screening is so important in adult and senior cats and your cat-friendly veterinarian will be able to do that. When hypertension is advanced, in addition to a pinker nose which may be difficult to notice since it tends not to change, other signs can include yowling, pacing and blindness. Hypotension, or low blood pressure, can occur as a result of illness or injury and your cat may appear lethargic or sleeping more than normal.”
In other words, cat nose color changes are usually nothing to worry about unless you notice other out-of-the-ordinary symptoms. Chances are you’re already an observant cat parent if you’ve noticed that your cat’s nose changes color. Keep up the good work!
Top photograph:  _Runis_/Thinkstock.
Read Next: Ask a Vet: Is a Dry Cat Nose a Cause for Concern?
The post Why Does My Cat’s Nose Change Color? by Cait Rohan Kelly appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
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mathematicianadda · 4 years
More Great Ways to Annoy a Mathematician
Which Ratio is Truly Golden?
I find it troubling that the golden ratio has so little in common with the golden rule.
Like, if you did unto others 1.618 times what you’d have them do unto you, then we’d all wind up exhausted.
And if you’re only doing 1/1.618 times unto them, then isn’t that a bit lazy?
  A Puzzle About Rates
I’ve always enjoyed those puzzles like, “If 3 chickens can lay 3 eggs in 3 days, then how long will it take 100 chickens to lay 100 eggs?” They’re counter-intuitive (e.g., in my example, each chicken lays 1 egg per 3 days, so the answer is also 3 days), yet deal only with simple constant rates.
So what if the rates weren’t constant? Like in, say, a bureaucracy, where 20 times more people will accomplish only 1/20th as much?
(Sorry for putting the answer upside down. It reads: “Please complete the attached form (Z302: Aggregate Task Completion Rate Information Request) and we’ll process your inquiry in 4-6 weeks.”)
  In this case, “a mathematician” refers specifically to Matt Parker, whose excellent book Humble Pi discusses the first two of these mistakes.
  The Asymptote of Happiness
Lots of poets have found asymptotes a convenient literary symbol – the idea of eternal striving is a resonant one (even beyond the eternal striving of the struggling algebra student).
  I love me some Raymond Smullyan.
Sorry again for putting the answer upside down. I dunno why I thought that was a clever idea. Mostly just forces you to turn off the auto-rotate setting on your phone.
Anyway, it reads: “Ask anything. You should already know not to buy lowfat yogurt.”)
  Proving a New Theorem
Not that I’ve ever felt this myself. I’m just speculating.
What is parenting, if not a neat LARP?
(LARP = Live-Action Role-Playing Game, for those of you with less geeky acumen than I anticipate my audience to have.)
By the way, my friend Rayleen once described to me a brilliant comic, where one person asks, “When’s the baby due?” and the other person is drawn with a small horizontal stick figure emerging from their stick torso. (See? It’s such a good comic, I can just describe it.)
  The Sales Pitch for Math
I think a lot about the different arguments for math, and the ways that they support or contradict each other. Is it a beautiful art? An urgent set of universal civic skills? Key preparation for technical professions?
The answer is yes to all three. But not for all math, and not all at once – and attempting to blend the purposes can lead to a muddle.
  The Meaning of “Let”
It’s always tickled me that the mathematician’s verb “let,” which sounds so chill and laissez-faire, is actually a binding command.
  “All Happy Families Are Alike; Every Unhappy Family is Unhappy In Its Own Way”
I wrote a bunch of these a few years ago. This one has the benefit of being true: all circles are geometrically similar, but not all ellipses are.
(The same is true, by the way, of parabolas and hyperbolas. The former are all the same basic shape, just zoomed in or zoomed out, whereas the latter constitute a whole family of different shapes.)
(Chew on that, Tolstoy.)
  The Court-Appointed Translator
I wrote this little dialogue after listening to a great episode of The Allusionist, before it turned out that Game of Thrones would suffer the worst collapse in storytelling that I have ever experienced.
Oh well!
As my wife said, “At least this way we’ll never have to bargain with our daughter about when she’s old enough to watch Game of Thrones. The ending is so bad, in 10 or 15 years no one will be watching it anymore.”
  Identity Politics
This is a really dumb pun.
Also one of the more popular cartoons in this list.
Go figure.
  Another Dumb Pun
This one is inspired by that time Malcolm Gladwell referred to eigenvectors as “igon vectors,” and Steven Pinker blasted him for it, at which point Gladwell blasted Pinker for something else, and eventually we all lost the thread and just went about our days.
And if you want more godawful matrix puns, I’ve got ’em.
  I don’t know what day you’re reading this, but guess what? It’s also a bad approximation of pi! So go ahead and celebrate!
(Though if you want some very clever alternative pi days, check out Evelyn Lamb’s page-a-day calendar, which includes a Pi Day each month, and not where you’d expect!)
  Uncountably Many Wishes
After I posted this, there was a bunch of discussion on Twitter about whether I’d mischaracterized the Axiom of Choice, which is totally possible, in which case, oops.
Also, some folks pointed out that it’s pretty greedy to wish for uncountably many wishes, when you could just as easily wish for countably many.
To which I say: What’s the point of a magic lamp, if not to have greed be your undoing?
  Maximization vs. Minimization
For lots of optimization problems, maximizing makes sense, but minimizing doesn’t. (Or vice versa.) An example: What’s the largest rectangle you can make from 4 feet of wire?
It’s the 1-by-1 square, with an area of 1 square foot.
But what’s the smallest rectangle you can make (in terms of area)? Well, you could make the 1.9999 by 0.0001 rectangle, which has a very tiny area…
Or you could make the 1.999999 by 0.000001 rectangle, which has an even smaller area…
Or the 1.99999999999999 by 0.000000000000001 rectangle, whose area is microscopic…
…and so on.
I hope that was worth it! And I suspect it wasn’t! Anyway, moving on.
  More thoughts here.
  The Villainous Mathematician Explains His Plan
Clearly this villain should be assigning more group work.
Anyway, I for one am curious to know how a complex-valued currency might work. I’d pay a hefty fee for an accountant or tax attorney who can turn imaginary assets into real ones, or real debts into imaginary ones.
  The Cat on the Bed
I found it very hard to draw a decent space-filling curve.
Also, to draw a decent cat.
  Only Slept Four Hours
This is how I feel about anyone who sleeps less than 7 hours in a given night.
  Axioms of Life
This is my version of that xkcd about kitties.
Also pretty well summarizes parenthood. I still enjoy a cerebral geek-out, as I always have; but I also really enjoy holding my daughter in my arms and calling her the world’s best monkey over and over.
  How Many Stars?
I would totally read a graphic novel about the dating life of Georg Cantor.
The problem is that no one is going to write this graphic novel except for me.
Oh well. I’m under contract for two more books at the moment, but after that will come TRANSFINITE LOVE: THE ROMANTIC ESCAPADES OF A SET THEORIST.
  Quick-Draw Answers
Drawn from an actual experience, in my first week teaching 7th grade. I hadn’t really figured out how to tee up a problem-solving experience yet.
  Twenty Questions
Drew this one for a Jim Propp essay. Recommended as always!
  A New Proof
A teaching friend of mine had a whole list of proofs that 1 = 0, which he busted out at various developmentally appropriate points in grades 6 through 12.
I love that. Curious how far you could get writing a book of proofs that 1 = 0, each introducing a key idea in mathematics…
Maybe that’ll be my next project after the George Cantor romance novel.
  E = mc
Philosophical question: Is this a pun?
The case against: “A pun is a joke that plays on words that sound similar but mean different things. This isn’t doing that.”
The case for: “A pun is a joke that plays on linguistic expressions with similar surface features, but different deep meanings. This is doing exactly that: the premise of the joke is that an exponent and a footnote are both denoted with a superscript, yet mean very different things.”
So I guess this has a deep resemblance to puns, but lacks a surface resemblance… which is itself, not very pun-like.
Ruling: Not a pun!
  “The Exception Proves the Rule”
I guess you hear this inane phrase less often these days. But there was a time, kiddos, when people could hear a devastating counterexample to what they were arguing, and then blithely say “the exception proves the rule” with a straight face.
  The Math Sequence
I’m pretty agnostic on the math sequence. But I have strong intuitions that Star Wars should be screened in the order: IV, V, I, II, III, VI, and so on. (I view the sequels as pretty optional. Prequels too, for that matter, but if you limit yourself to the original trilogy, it’s a boring problem.)
  The “Same” Age
A lot of people on Facebook seemed to read this as though the right-hand character was creeping on Ariana Grande. Not my intention at all! I just wanted to pick a mid-20s celebrity. Could’ve just as easily been Bieber.
(My primary association with Ariana Grande, by the way, is her performance in the short-lived bar mitzvah-themed Broadway musical Thirteen.)
I’m not sure there’s a joke here.
I’m fond of this drawing anyway.
  Linear Child
Michael Pershan, the internet’s most relentlessly analytical math educator, inexplicably loved this joke, so I call it a win.
Someone on social media speculated about the position by which this linear combination had been “conceived,” which I found quite vulgar and upsetting (but which I also sort of invited by drawing a comic about procreating vectors).
  If P, then Q
Where do we draw the line between logical succession, and outright stalking? I leave that to the courts.
  Loons and Lunes
Sometimes I just want to do a cute drawing that has no joke in it, okay?
  The Vertical Line Test
I’m actually skeptical that the phrase “vertical line test” has any value. To me it feels like a fancy name for a fact that doesn’t need a fancy name. And, as in the two-column-proof version of geometry, giving fancy names to facts that students should be reasoning out for themselves can become obfuscatory rather than clarifying.
  Whose Fractal is Whose?
Please join me in making “Patricia gasket” a thing! E.g., “Did you know Copley Square in Boston is the approximate shape of the mathematical figure known as a Patricia Gasket?”
from Math with Bad Drawings https://ift.tt/2RlT021 from Blogger https://ift.tt/2wnolKj
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cutshawsnidowoa · 5 years
6 Cat Meow Sounds and What They Mean
The post 6 Cat Meow Sounds and What They Mean by Kellie B. Gormly appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
Do you recognize any of these six cat meow sounds that kitties make to speak to their humans? Even in a household with six cats, a distinctive moaning meow leaves no doubt that my orange tabby, Tinsel, is lurking nearby with some mock prey in her mouth. “Tinsel!” I call out in response to the trademark, guttural meow-moan. “What’ve you got for me?”
Within seconds, Tinsel appears from around the corner with a pair of socks in her mouth or the occasional soft cat toy. Obsessed with socks, she loves “hunting” and carrying pairs around the house. I consider this Tinsel’s ersatz hunting, feeding her predatory instinct while living the life of a strictly indoor cat.
First, why are there different cat meow sounds?
What’s up with different cat meow sounds? Photography ©graphixchon | Thinkstock.
We cat owners — particularly those with talkative cats — hear many vocalizations, but is a cat meow sound just a one-size-fits-all kitty word? Or do cats have a vocabulary of cat meow sounds, with different pitches, pronunciations and rhythms of the same basic sounds denoting different messages? It appears that felines do speak to us in varying cat meow sounds, says Marilyn Krieger, certified cat behavior consultant. And some breeds even have their own distinctive cat meow sounds — like the Siamese, known for a voice that sounds like a baby crying.
“Generally speaking, meows and the different meows you hear are for people,” Marilyn says. “They are so capable of so many different types of vocalization.”
If we respond to those cat meow sounds — like feeding him when he makes a certain vocal demand — then that sound becomes tailored to you, because it produces results, Marilyn says. She has two Bengals named Olivia and Jinniyah, and a Savannah named Sudan — each of whom has unique cat meow sounds to communicate with Marilyn.
I have identified six different cat meow sounds, though, as people’s anecdotes have confirmed, many cats have highly individual noises that aren’t necessarily part of all cats’ vocabularies. It’s difficult to spell a sound with a made-up onomatopoeia, but I’ll do my best.
1. The ‘I Caught It’ Moan: “Owwww”
Cats make different meow sounds when they ‘catch’ a toy. Photography by VLADIMIR LVP / Shutterstock.
Inspired by Tinsel’s sock obsession, this is one of those cat meow sounds that seems a bit like a muffled moan. Imagine a slightly faint “Owwwww, Mowwwww,” and you’ll get the idea. Many cats use this when they carry in their mouths plush mice, socks and anything else that feels like prey. I assume they’re celebrating their catch and showing it off to their humans.
2. The Mama Cat Chortle: “Rrrruh”
Mother cats make certain meow sounds to their kittens. Photography ©flibustier | Thinkstock.
You’ll hear these cat meow sounds when mother cats communicate with their kittens or sometimes if your cat is just being friendly. I hear this sometimes when my cats jump up onto my couch or bed, kind of as a “Here I am!” greeting. A cat chortle is a birdlike, endearing sound, somewhere between a chirp and a purr. It has a bit of a vibration to it, perhaps spelling something like “Rrrrrrruh.”
“It’s almost like we’re rolling our Rs in a way, but it is a soft roll of the Rs,” Marilyn says. “That’s a sweet kind of affectionate type of vocalization.”
3. The Growl: “Grrrow”
A growl / meow might be a warning before a full-blown cat growl or hiss. Photography ©points | Thinkstock.
Growling may be mostly a dog thing, but cats have their own version of the low-pitched, menacing sound. A cat growling sound is not a happy one, unless it is part of play wrestling. Heed the warning. If your cats are making wavering, growling “Grrrrow” noises at each other during mealtime, they’re feeling stressed about another cat poaching their food. You can fix this problem by not putting each cat’s bowl too close to another, Marilyn says. Cats are, by nature, solitary hunters and eaters.
4. The ‘Feed Me Now, Human’: “Meow! Meowww!”
Your cat might have a specific meow sound he makes when he’s hungry. Photography ©Ukususha | Thinkstock.
Different cats have different ways of communicating their impatience and hunger. In my house, increasingly loud and incessant cat meow sounds like, “Meow! Meoww! Meowwww!” mean, “Get off your lazy butt and feed me already, human!” You’ll also hear this caterwauling if your cat is asking for something else — to be let out of a room, for instance, and you’re not listening. The longer you ignore it, the louder and more insistent these cat meow sounds get.
5. The Kitten Squeak: “Meeew!”
Kittens have unique meows, too. Photography ©Remedios | Thinkstock.
Oh, that high-pitched squeaky mew of a kitten meow. These cat meow sounds will melt the feline lover’s heart! Note that if an adult cat lets out a strong, high-pitched meow, it is a screech rather than a cute kitten squeak, and the cat is upset about something.
6. The One-Syllable Chirp: “Meh!” or “Eh!”
A kitty’s “meh” or “eh” is a conversational filler. Photography by annadarzy/Thinkstock.
This is a quick, staccato “Meh!” or “Eh!” that seems to serve as a conversational filler or greeting. My cats often do these cat meow sounds when they approach me for affection or just have a dialogue with me. St. Louis-area resident Jaime Ingle has two Maine Coons, Pumpkin and Daisy.
She hears this “Meow eh!” chirp from Daisy when she gets her human up in the morning, as if she is saying “Good morning, Mom!” (As for Pumpkin, she employs a distinctive scratchy “Me-yowww!” while she rubs against Jaime’s legs, begging for treats.)
Amanda Tatala, who lives in the Pittsburgh area, has recognized in her Tiger a short “Mrra!” meow, which she translates as a recognition-based “Oh, there you are!” or “Yay, you noticed me!”
“I’ve noticed he does it more often when I know he’s hungry,” Amanda says. “Yay you noticed me … now put something in my dish!”
A final note on cat meow sounds
While all those different cat meow sounds may provide fun listening, take note if your cat’s meow sounds change, Marilyn cautions. It could indicate an illness, like senility or a thyroid problem.
“If the cat starts doing an incessant meowing or a different kind of meowing — something that is not usual and does it a few times — there might be something wrong, and the cat needs to be examined by a veterinarian,” she says.
Tell us: What cat meow sounds do your cats make? What do those meows mean in cat language to you?
Thumbnail: Photography by Casey Elise Photography.
This piece was originally published in 2017.
About the author:
Kellie B. Gormly is a Pittsburgh-based journalist otherwise known as Mother Catresa to homeless kittens and cats. She blogs about her adventures in fostering at mother catresaschronicle.blogspot.com.
Editor’s note: This article appeared in Catster magazine. Have you seen the new Catster print magazine in stores? Or in the waiting area of your vet’s office? Click here to subscribe to Catster and get the bimonthly magazine delivered to your home.
Read more about cat sounds on Catster.com:
7 Reasons Why Your Cat Meows Nonstop
9 Weird Cat Sounds and What They Mean
Why Cat Hiccups Happen — And What to Do About Them
The post 6 Cat Meow Sounds and What They Mean by Kellie B. Gormly appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
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cutshawsnidowoa · 5 years
6 Cat Meow Sounds and What They Mean
The post 6 Cat Meow Sounds and What They Mean by Kellie B. Gormly appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
Do you recognize any of these six cat meow sounds that kitties make to speak to their humans? Even in a household with six cats, a distinctive moaning meow leaves no doubt that my orange tabby, Tinsel, is lurking nearby with some mock prey in her mouth. “Tinsel!” I call out in response to the trademark, guttural meow-moan. “What’ve you got for me?”
Within seconds, Tinsel appears from around the corner with a pair of socks in her mouth or the occasional soft cat toy. Obsessed with socks, she loves “hunting” and carrying pairs around the house. I consider this Tinsel’s ersatz hunting, feeding her predatory instinct while living the life of a strictly indoor cat.
First, why are there different cat meow sounds?
What’s up with different cat meow sounds? Photography ©graphixchon | Thinkstock.
We cat owners — particularly those with talkative cats — hear many vocalizations, but is a cat meow sound just a one-size-fits-all kitty word? Or do cats have a vocabulary of cat meow sounds, with different pitches, pronunciations and rhythms of the same basic sounds denoting different messages? It appears that felines do speak to us in varying cat meow sounds, says Marilyn Krieger, certified cat behavior consultant. And some breeds even have their own distinctive cat meow sounds — like the Siamese, known for a voice that sounds like a baby crying.
“Generally speaking, meows and the different meows you hear are for people,” Marilyn says. “They are so capable of so many different types of vocalization.”
If we respond to those cat meow sounds — like feeding him when he makes a certain vocal demand — then that sound becomes tailored to you, because it produces results, Marilyn says. She has two Bengals named Olivia and Jinniyah, and a Savannah named Sudan — each of whom has unique cat meow sounds to communicate with Marilyn.
I have identified six different cat meow sounds, though, as people’s anecdotes have confirmed, many cats have highly individual noises that aren’t necessarily part of all cats’ vocabularies. It’s difficult to spell a sound with a made-up onomatopoeia, but I’ll do my best.
1. The ‘I Caught It’ Moan: “Owwww”
Cats make different meow sounds when they ‘catch’ a toy. Photography by VLADIMIR LVP / Shutterstock.
Inspired by Tinsel’s sock obsession, this is one of those cat meow sounds that seems a bit like a muffled moan. Imagine a slightly faint “Owwwww, Mowwwww,” and you’ll get the idea. Many cats use this when they carry in their mouths plush mice, socks and anything else that feels like prey. I assume they’re celebrating their catch and showing it off to their humans.
2. The Mama Cat Chortle: “Rrrruh”
Mother cats make certain meow sounds to their kittens. Photography ©flibustier | Thinkstock.
You’ll hear these cat meow sounds when mother cats communicate with their kittens or sometimes if your cat is just being friendly. I hear this sometimes when my cats jump up onto my couch or bed, kind of as a “Here I am!” greeting. A cat chortle is a birdlike, endearing sound, somewhere between a chirp and a purr. It has a bit of a vibration to it, perhaps spelling something like “Rrrrrrruh.”
“It’s almost like we’re rolling our Rs in a way, but it is a soft roll of the Rs,” Marilyn says. “That’s a sweet kind of affectionate type of vocalization.”
3. The Growl: “Grrrow”
A growl / meow might be a warning before a full-blown cat growl or hiss. Photography ©points | Thinkstock.
Growling may be mostly a dog thing, but cats have their own version of the low-pitched, menacing sound. A cat growling sound is not a happy one, unless it is part of play wrestling. Heed the warning. If your cats are making wavering, growling “Grrrrow” noises at each other during mealtime, they’re feeling stressed about another cat poaching their food. You can fix this problem by not putting each cat’s bowl too close to another, Marilyn says. Cats are, by nature, solitary hunters and eaters.
4. The ‘Feed Me Now, Human’: “Meow! Meowww!”
Your cat might have a specific meow sound he makes when he’s hungry. Photography ©Ukususha | Thinkstock.
Different cats have different ways of communicating their impatience and hunger. In my house, increasingly loud and incessant cat meow sounds like, “Meow! Meoww! Meowwww!” mean, “Get off your lazy butt and feed me already, human!” You’ll also hear this caterwauling if your cat is asking for something else — to be let out of a room, for instance, and you’re not listening. The longer you ignore it, the louder and more insistent these cat meow sounds get.
5. The Kitten Squeak: “Meeew!”
Kittens have unique meows, too. Photography ©Remedios | Thinkstock.
Oh, that high-pitched squeaky mew of a kitten meow. These cat meow sounds will melt the feline lover’s heart! Note that if an adult cat lets out a strong, high-pitched meow, it is a screech rather than a cute kitten squeak, and the cat is upset about something.
6. The One-Syllable Chirp: “Meh!” or “Eh!”
A kitty’s “meh” or “eh” is a conversational filler. Photography by annadarzy/Thinkstock.
This is a quick, staccato “Meh!” or “Eh!” that seems to serve as a conversational filler or greeting. My cats often do these cat meow sounds when they approach me for affection or just have a dialogue with me. St. Louis-area resident Jaime Ingle has two Maine Coons, Pumpkin and Daisy.
She hears this “Meow eh!” chirp from Daisy when she gets her human up in the morning, as if she is saying “Good morning, Mom!” (As for Pumpkin, she employs a distinctive scratchy “Me-yowww!” while she rubs against Jaime’s legs, begging for treats.)
Amanda Tatala, who lives in the Pittsburgh area, has recognized in her Tiger a short “Mrra!” meow, which she translates as a recognition-based “Oh, there you are!” or “Yay, you noticed me!”
“I’ve noticed he does it more often when I know he’s hungry,” Amanda says. “Yay you noticed me … now put something in my dish!”
A final note on cat meow sounds
While all those different cat meow sounds may provide fun listening, take note if your cat’s meow sounds change, Marilyn cautions. It could indicate an illness, like senility or a thyroid problem.
“If the cat starts doing an incessant meowing or a different kind of meowing — something that is not usual and does it a few times — there might be something wrong, and the cat needs to be examined by a veterinarian,” she says.
Tell us: What cat meow sounds do your cats make? What do those meows mean in cat language to you?
Thumbnail: Photography by Casey Elise Photography.
This piece was originally published in 2017.
About the author:
Kellie B. Gormly is a Pittsburgh-based journalist otherwise known as Mother Catresa to homeless kittens and cats. She blogs about her adventures in fostering at mother catresaschronicle.blogspot.com.
Editor’s note: This article appeared in Catster magazine. Have you seen the new Catster print magazine in stores? Or in the waiting area of your vet’s office? Click here to subscribe to Catster and get the bimonthly magazine delivered to your home.
Read more about cat sounds on Catster.com:
7 Reasons Why Your Cat Meows Nonstop
9 Weird Cat Sounds and What They Mean
Why Cat Hiccups Happen — And What to Do About Them
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