#is lolyhime
its-ashehausen · 1 year
In honor of pride month here's my favorite lgbt ships from bleach
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mysterylover123 · 3 years
Mysterylover watches Bleach episodes 267-268: “RivalFlirting to the Max”
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1. New OP again! Just when I was getting used to this one. This one is thick with Ulquihime vibes, BTW.
2. Ichi vs Ulqui, go! Or cut away to Renji I guess. Thats OK. I’m not mad or anything. 
3.  OK a  Rukia fight! I can deal with that. If we must delaythe inevitable more - IMMEDIATE CUTBACK TO THE MAIN FIGHT OK GOOD THIS ARC HAS MADE ME PARANOID.
4. Ulqui is good, BTW. Doesn’t take him long to land a hit on Ichi. I mean, you know. Penultimate boss. He’d have to be good.
5. More of Renji and chad. I mean, I like you guys but you’re not fighting Ulquiorra and I came for Ichi vs Ulquiorra so let’s GET BACK TO THAT.
6. Good, we do. Ulqui is all ‘why so strong’ and spits out a lot of the usual reasons, including ‘Orihime’, which is probably it. He calls her “One of us” which is interesting. Like, dude she didn’t jOIN you.  Are you just hoping to recruit her?
7. Ooh he’s getting into Ichi’s head and making him wonder if Hime turned on them all! Mind game Ulqui. Anyway Ichi basically says what I said, that it’s Hime’s power, kimi no chikara janai ka and all that. 
8. They trade some more badass blows, both looking absolutely gorgeous while doing so. Surprisingly Ichi holds pretty well. He’s moving fast and actually gets him! Nice!
9. Ichi speculates that Ulqui is either turning more human, or he’s turning more hollow. The former observation really pisses Ulqui off. 
10. Also  both of their shirts ripped open. Just, because apparently. Anyway THIS ISN’T EVEN ULQUI’S FINAL FORM APPARENTLY so the fight’s gonna continue. OR OMG WHAT. ORIHIME TAKES A HAND. SHIELDS ICHI HOLY CRAP. NOW THAT’S A CLIFFHANGER.
11. The recap for 268 tells me the shirt opening thing was because Ichi sliced Ulqui’s shirt open. Um. What. Anyway back to Orihime saving the day.
12. Ulqui is getting inside Hime’s head, damn. But fortunately Ichi cuts him off and thanks Hime. Thanks for being our matter-of-fact protag, Ichi. 
13. “You’re quite talkative. I thought you were more silent” says Ichi. That’s true, he is pretty chatty. And also gets to stand there in wind billowing from Ichi’s attack with the sexy open shirt and billowing hair, because why not. Anyway FIGHT GOES ON.
14. Hime gets fucking kidnapped outta nowhere by, i think the evil lady from before? Damn, don’t take her away from the plot!
15. Uryu rejoins Chad and Renji. I think as long as they’re together I’ll call them the Three Stooges. 
16. Evil Lady is calling Hime a ‘monster’, holy shit. Ichi notices and tries to help but Ulqui has other ideas. He tells Evil Lady #1 that he wasn’t saving them. And LOL Ichi saves Move! and Ulqui says “MAKE ME”. Wow Ulqui. Poetic. 
17. Evil Lady #2 refuses to hurt Hime! Yay! You’re downgraded from Evil Lady #2 to Anti Villain! She’s grateful to her for saving her life, nice. (Also you two don’t see the contradiction in injuring someone with healing powers?
18. Evil Lady #1 is unclear if she’s planning to kill Hime or make out with her based on her pose.  Ichi gets hurt trying to help her by Ulqui. 
19. We cut over to Rukia again. Ruki ILU but this had better be good. Anyway we do rejoin them, but add in some weird big new Espada who is nowhere near is intriguing as Ulqui. 
20. Ulqui apparently agrees with me because he tells him to eff off. Please listen to him dude. I need my Ichi vs Ulqui Showdown. Oh and he tries to kill Anti Villainess and calls them ‘bitches’, so he’s effing cancelled and I want him to effing die.  
21. Like, I don’t even like Evil Lady but he beat her up now and so I want him off my screen.  Thankfully we get some  drama between Hime and Evil Lady as a result. Hime heals her because she’s The Best. And even shields her. 
22. EVIL LADY SAVES HIME?!!? OK NOW I WILL CALL HER HER ACTUAL NAME. LOLY. She’s cool now. (Is she like  Hime’s version of Grimmjow? I think she is.) She does the Vegeta thing of “Only one allowed to defeat her” about Hime and transforms. AWESOME. 
23. The Giant Asshole sadly oneshots her. Dammit. Just die already you’re interrupting the plot. We get more angst between Hime and Loly, which is starting to become RivalFlirting. 
25. And he’s trying to kill Hime too. URYU TO THE RESCUE THIS TIME! WOW. Did not see that coming but hey, it’s welcome! He and Ichi engage in some rival flirting of their own to close us out.
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stan-methan-all-day · 3 years
Kind of spoilers?
Since Bleach is returning soon, and I found out that Loly and Menoly will be in the TYBW arc, and of course Loly is close to getting killed yet again, which means Orihime saves her.. Could we possible see her and Orihime become friends or is that just my hopeful feeling. I know Loly tortured her and abused her, and I know it’s probably bad to ship them but towards the end when she protected her and smiled at her before almost, It just made me ship it. I just hope this means I can get some #Lolyhime content  
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residentialbitch · 4 years
Loly: God, i hate you so much!
Orihime, taking a drag from a cigarette: We just had sex?
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its-ashehausen · 9 months
Of course YouTube won't let me post any other of my edits unless it's Ulquihime xD
But anyways here is an edit from like a year ago that I did for the ship Lolyhime. They would obviously be toxic af given what Loly did to her, but I think when she defended Orihime from Yammy, I believe she started to care about her but just wouldn't admit it
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