#is my page kunikida brain rot maybe but idrc
kunikida and dazai on one of their first missions together
dazai: “you seem like you’re not used to working with a partner…”
kunikida: “we’re not partners…if anything this is a marriage of convenience.”
dazai: “i want a divorce…”
kunikida: “and i want you,,, to focus on the mission!”
dazai *sticking his tongue out mockingly*: “oh booo where’s you’re sense of humor kunikidaaa!”
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guys i’ve been thinking
{this theory isn’t spoiler free}
[references to; osamu dazai’s entrance exam, chapter 28, chapter 58, episode 20. episode 33]
throughout this theory i reference kunikida’s notebook and “the book” with their respective colors (as shown there)
so i was thinking about kunikida (because he lives rent free in my brain) and his notebook- and i am intrigued at its potential connection to “the book” we’ve heard so much (yet know so little) about…
in chapter 58 when ranpo finds chief taneda we learn that the DoA are using a page ripped from “the book” to ensure the success of their plan- which got me thinking
we know that the page torn from “the book” is being used by the DoA but we also know that it was being used for research purposes- which leads me to theorize that kunikida’s notebook is perhaps a variant of that research?
we know that his notebook is held to the logical constraint of size (the object he conjures can’t exceed the size of the notebook) but that is when it’s more specifically tied to his ability…. so what for his schedule- i find it odd that he would use his notebook for both his ability AND schedule/ideals since we’ve only seen his ability used to conjure objects and he could very well use another notebook for his planning/ ideology….
with that in mind i am curious to know if kunikida is only using the surface level of the notebook and maybe isn’t aware/ doesn’t want to use its true powers because he is still tethered to the freedom of the human condition-
for example, his ideal partner- lets say he could use his notebook to manifest the ideal partner that meets all fifty-eight of his conditions…. but he won’t because he wants to make space for a life that’s not entirely bound by the logical/ methodical principles of his notebook…. there is a sense of freedom in his doing so (if his notebook really is a variant of “the book”) because it allows for kunikida to experience life through his idealistic lens while also giving leeway to the unaccounted for and illogical aspects of life-
all and all kunikida’s ideals may be perfect but they are just ideals… he is the one who gives them power and he is the one who has the freedom to see to it they become reality- kunikida’s notebook (though i theorize to be a variant of “the book”) is to him just his notebook, and therefore has less of an all-consuming/destructive weight to it (as it does when in the hands of the DoA)
in conclusion; i think that kunikida’s notebook is a variant of “the book” because of that one line chief taneda said about a page of “the book” being used for research.
thanks for reading
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now my question to the jury is- why is kunikida so often made to be this overly obsessive idealist who’s go-to emotion is angst related?!? like we are talking about the man who has one of the galaxies largest guilt complex and ideals or otherwise is really just out here doing his best as he goes along?!?!
like yes he has his moments of annoyance but i think that so much of that is rooted in the internal battle raging on like 24/7 because of his ideals-
like this man has been passed off as being naive when he actually maintains a deeper understanding/appreciation of the world bc despite how awful it has been to him time and time again he remains loyal to his ideals and is willing to do whatever it takes to see they are fulfilled to the best of their abilities- like hello?!?!
sorry sorry i’ll get off my soap box now
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oh my god it’s like my account is a wasteland of kunikida and dazai thoughts but screw it i’m not stopping
{kunikida and dazai on a mission}
kunikida: “anyways no use regretting the past… i wish i’d studied ancient history.”
dazai: “i thought you did do ancient history?!”
kunikida: “i studied algebra dazai… for two years and i talked to you about it daily!”
dazai *looking to get on kunikida’s nerves as per usual*: “well that’s all ancient history now…”
kunikida: “really dazai….”
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anyone wanna do me the honor and tell me wtf y’all think doppo kunikida’s favorite food is bc i’ve scoured the internet (i googled and clicked three very unhelpful links) and would like to know for this fluff thing i’m doing
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can y’all imagine how fine kunikida would look in a turtleneck *passes out*
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the bsd fandom gravelly overlooks the meme potential of kunikida liking to fish… i’m just sayin
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