#is my tag for this
blackat-t7t · 1 year
Unpopular opinion about the likes vs reblogs / kudos vs comments fandom wank
Not gonna put this in that person's reblogs, but honestly I strongly disagree with the idea that liking/kudos is basically nothing, or worse than nothing.
As a writer, do I prefer comments to kudos? Absolutely! I love hearing what people think, what they enjoyed, what made them laugh or cry or feel things.
But I'm not going to be *mad* about someone giving me a kudos. I love getting those emails! Especially if I see the same name giving kudos to multiple fics!
Saw someone saying likes/kudos is like someone seeing your cake, taking a slice, eating it, and walking away.
But it's not. That's what views are.
Liking is more like if that person made eye-contact with you and smiled, nodded, saluted you with their fork, maybe gave you a thumbs up (like a real-life "like"👍).
It might not be as exciting as them coming up to talk to you, you may not make a friend to talk about baking with, but it still shows they enjoyed and appreciated your cake!
And maybe the only reason you brought the cake was to find peoole to talk about baking with. But yelling at the people who just smile and nod, or telling them to get out and not come back, or even just badmouthing them behind their backs- that won't encourage people to talk to you. It might even make them decide to walk past without trying your cake at all.
TBH the idea that only the *right* kind of interaction is valuable, that it's reasonable to get mad about people enjoying your work but not enjoying it *enough*...
It feels like it's only contributing to fandom being turned into a commodity. Like you're buying into some kind of ~hustle and grind~ culture where your hobbies aren't worth doing if they don't bring you a benefit outside of just *doing* them.
I don't say this to hate on people who get discouraged by lack of engagement.
I'm saying that likes *are* engagement.
And also that... if you find your mental health negatively effected by seeing likes without reblogs, maybe you need to work that out with yourself, rather than the people interacting with your work.
Maybe stop posting for a while, and take some time to draw, or write, or whatever, just for *you*.
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mosswolf · 2 years
if it isnt clear im having an embroidery/visible mending interest moment!! love to sew :]
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presidential--suite · 2 years
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✨ Top Five Treys ✨
#5: Theater Talk (2011)
(Series with @a-magical-evening 💖)
Ramblings about this appearance: 
A through line I’ve found when listening to so many interviews is that Trey really loves to comment on how the subject of his work enjoys his work. Catholics like Anne enjoyed this commentary, Mormons say “hey it’s Orgazmo!”, people stop us on the street and say this, we’ve met people who say that, etc. I think that illustrates his actual care for the subjects, which he’s expressed before. These examples are used as like a ‘hey, we’re not out here just writing shit to make people mad, they like this stuff, you or the specific guy we’re making fun of are probably the problem’. I can understand the notion of hating when others are offended on someone else’s behalf. That goes into his whole notion of hating self-righteous, elitist people, or even liberalism, in that some people feel the need to speak up and in turn speak over people.
I like how clearly he is fascinated with Mormonism, and history, and his home, and musical theater. He has real passion for things, and I admire the way he can take these concepts and interests he has and funnel them into creative projects. You can see the steppingstones from Cannibal, to Orgazmo, to BOM, and how they all incorporate the culture and history surrounding the place he grew up, especially South Park.
I think watching this interview could clear up a lot of accusations that M&T don’t give a fuck about anything and just enjoy the nihilism of making fun of people. Both of them show this respect and fascination with religion. They speak so carefully and softly about it lol.
That’s so great that they met Bobby and all of them were like hell yeah Mormon musical!! I also like how they went to see Avenue Q together and the idea that Trey’s always dragging Matt to musicals until he’s like okay I’m into it now, let’s win all the Tonys lol. It also makes the Broadway Brodown episode of SP funnier, with the idea that: if the person who doesn’t want to see a musical goes and sees a musical for the person who does, they should get rewarded with a blowjob...Like, Trey we know you’re the theater queen who cries at Le Mis, you can’t claim Randy as your self-insert here...so what part of the equation is he??
Matt smiling at Trey is the cutest fucking thing, stoppp
Rare occurrence of Trey back tracking with the statement that they liked every Mormon they met and they’re so likable, and then he’s like ‘wait!! There are probably bad ones!! I know!!’
Trey calling BOM his baby 😢
“Have they ever not jumped to their feet?” “BASEketball.” Lmao
That letter from Steven Sondheim really touched Trey, that’s so sweet. He framed it too.
“You guys always come as kind of a matched set, do you do anything independent of each other?” “No.” 😇
Anyway, on a superficial note: he looked so hot here honestly. I hate a man in jeans, but they look good on him tbh... Very clean look, his eyes are very striking, and the stubble is such a good look that I love. I like this era of him still keeping a little length to his hair, where it curls up a bit, very cute. Ugh, he’s just so pretty, so gorgeous. Love him. Love all his gesticulating and when he smiles. He’s so fine. 💖💖💖
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thisiskatsblog · 2 years
Hi, do you know when Louis got the horseshoe tattoo and Harry the three nails? Cause the horseshoe looks like it's missing nails on the left side.
Oooohh good question. Back in the day there was someone with the full tattoo timeline but I don’t think that person is here anymore. Anyone who can help us with this?
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chiimeramanticore · 4 months
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compilation of this type of post
edit: idk how much this is gonna do but since making this post i got covid and need some help, please consider it
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chronotopes · 20 days
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nobody got hurt so im allowed to giggle about this extremely looney tunes looking accident on a part of 64 i used to drive down at least once a week
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ra3kiv · 7 months
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sea, swallow me
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cubistemoji · 5 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Knowledge Revenge.
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snakesinsocks2005 · 6 months
Pin for survivors
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gemboundprism · 2 months
1959 chevy impala that i made in spore, inspired by @making-you-in-spore
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jamjoob · 3 months
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mroddmod · 11 days
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the queen of the disco or whatever
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Man I gotta figure out how to draw his hands correctly
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fuckingshutup · 3 months
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yumenikkii · 19 days
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just another average day in gravity falls
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