#is saturn out of whack??
talonabraxas · 2 months
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Sun in Leo I –
The Sun enters Leo I on 22 July at 3:45 am EDT — and remains until 1 August 2024 at 2:53 pm EDT, a period of ten days, eleven hours, and eight minutes. Austin Coppock called this decan The Spotlight since it was so often associated with experts and thought-leaders and high quality performers. T. Susan Chang called it Under Pressure. Both of these are great titles to associate with the decan that matches the Five of Wands in Tarot — a card that shows a group of youths battling it out with sticks, whacking away at one another but without result, rather like a group of enthusiastic academics fighting over inconsequential details, or theologians contending without clarity of aim. Saturn is the planetary ruler of Leo I who carries on that spirit of solitary dedication. In the Descending Chaldean Order, Saturn represents what the Renaissance scholar Marsilio Ficino called “one who dedicates themselves unremittingly, to the very end of study, to penetrate all the highest and most secret things.” By Triplicities, the ruler of Leo I is the Sun himself, and treating the two of them as a combination — Saturn dedicated to the mastery of any form of artisanship, and the Sun shining with all of the intermediate excellence that emerges from such a dedicated practice, speaks to the nature of Leo I: be excellent in all your doings these next ten days; no one will do it for you. -Wanderings in the Labyrinth “The natives of Leo are energetic and generous at the same time, magnanimous, mystics and authoritarians. They have a tendency towards anger and should struggle much to dominate that defect. Leo, being the throne of the Sun, announces fortune and high position. The occult significance is Intuition. Gold is the metal of this sign and diamond, its stone. The natives of Leo are authoritative and want to command only. Leo brings some journeys. The natives of Leo suffer a great deal morally.” -Samael Aun Weor, Zodiacal Course Sun in Leo Talon Abraxas
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elminx · 2 months
Energy Update: August 2024
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August is a “7” Universal Month [8 (August) + 8 (2024) = 16 – 1+6 = 7] in an “8” Universal Year. “7” is the number of the mystic or the Other-Traveller, and 7 months also tend to carry this energy. This is very in line with a month where the major astrological transits are Mercury’s third retrograde of the year.
The Set Up
We begin the month of August with the Sun and Venus in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus, and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. By month’s end, the Sun will have entered Virgo, Venus will have moved all the way through Virgo and onto Libra, and Mercury will have retrograded back into the sign of Leo.
The Nitty Gritty
All eyes are on Mercury who is deep in their pre-retrograde shadow by the beginning of August. Mercury will retrograde from 04° Virgo on 8/4 to 21° Leo on 8/28, so most of the month will be pre-occupied by this transit. This is THE big transit of the month; I have written in detail about Mercury retrograde here. Otherwise, we are in for a pretty standard month. We’re moving through the late summer signs, and things are heating up and slowing down. We need to keep an eye on our full moon in Aquarius with its multiple t-squares and the Venus-Mars square we will experience this month.
Our Sun is well placed in its home sign this month, but all of our other personal planets are out of whack in some way or another: Mercury is retrograde, Venus is in her fall, and Mars can’t make heads or tails of Gemini. This is going to show up in our world as all of us will be a little bit off track all month long. Step away from the grind, if you can, because you can’t get there from here right now, no matter what you do.
I’m trying something a little bit different this month and looking at our personal planet individually here – please refer to The Details section for specific dates and transits.
The Sun and Moon
As the Sun moves through Leo, it makes relatively positive aspects (sextiles) with the North Node and Chiron in Aries and a harsh square with Uranus in Taurus. Leo is our fixed fire sign and represents the true nature of the summer season—life gets slow and hot while the Sun transits the sign of the lion. We might as well make like cats and enjoy it. Leo can sometimes be known for laziness, but it is better viewed as a conservation of energy. Move when you have to this month, surely, but don’t be afraid to take a long nap in the heat of things. Things will not move quickly this month – you will not miss out if you step away from the fire for a bit of well-earned rest.
Both of our lunar events involve our Leo Sun and carry a lot of heat and pride. Beware of your ego, and remember to share the space in your life with those you care about. Our month begins with the Sun in exact aspects with our lunar nodes on the Aries/Libra axis – this is a check-in with the greater theme we’ve been experiencing around individuality versus dependency. Leo – especially in its more immature forms is so egoic that they may immediately side with Aries and their independent streak, but there’s a deeper stream at work here. Leos are pack animals; they function best when they have found their pride. Part of that is putting yourself aside and understanding how you fit into the bigger picture. This theme will run through both our Leo new moon and our Aquarius full moon.
Our new moon on 8/5 at 12° Leo is a good day to have a good day. It is not heavily aspected – the Sun and Moon will be in a wide sextile to Jupiter in Gemini, which certainly is encouraging, and that’s really it. It carries with it the energy of 1 and 8.
5 (Leo moon) + 5 (Leo Sun) = 10 = 1+0 = 1. 1 (Leo new moon) + 7 (August 2024) = 8.
Note here that “1” is the number inherent in ALL Leo new moons – they are always a good day to be yourself and to start over. (See above how Leo loves Aries, sign #1) “8” is the number for the Leo new moon in August 2024. “8” is also our number for the year; “8” years take us on a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. But what goes down must come up, and what goes up must come down. This is yet ANOTHER indication that 8/4 is a great day to change where you are in that equation. This is a new moon that you can use to rebalance your life – note here that “8” is also the number of Leo, and the Strength card (traditionally shown with a lion) is the card associated with the sign. Any work done with the number 8, the ouroboros, or the Strength card will be augmented by this energy.
On the other hand, our full moon on 8/19 at 27° Aquarius is our glaring warning sign for the month. The Sun and Moon will form a harsh fixed t-square with Uranus in Taurus that will be further aggravated by retrograde Mercury closely conjunct with the Sun and a secondary mutable t-square between Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Virgo, and retrograde Saturn in Pisces. T-squares are always worth noting because they create a lot of tension on the “hinge” planet (in this case, Uranus for our fixed t-square and Jupiter for our mutable). Something is bound to give. And when it does, it’s likely to be explosive.
Uranus isn’t known for its stability (it erodes/corrodes everything it touches, much like its namesake), and slow-moving Taurus becomes a ticking time bomb with bull.exe on the back end.
Sometimes, Uranian fuses are duds. That’s how unpredictable Uranus is. I want you to understand that I am not trying to incite fear or panic—we are talking about astrological weather reports here. Uranus puts explosivity in play. Whether the card gets drawn is not up to us—not really, not when Uranus is involved.
This is to say that if you have control over it, avoid things that have the potential for explosions on and around the full moon in August. Let’s be real here – we all get a little bit loony around the full moons, and tempers get high. We all know somebody who worked in healthcare or retail and has horror stories about how the public acts around a full moon. This one is likely to turn the dial up to 11. I would avoid the interstates and political protests and stay out of the way of any wall clouds – you know, if you can. Sometimes, you don’t get a choice. If you have to do it, bring protection and have a backup plan.
The full moon carries 4/2 energy.
11 (Aquarius Moon) + 11 (Aquarius Sun) = 22 = 2+2 = 4. 4 (Aquarius full moon) + 7 (August 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.
All Aquarius full moons carry “4” energy, which may stabilize things slightly. One can hope. This one also has “2” energy – it’s a good day for movement magic of all kinds. Use the energy of the number 4 to stabilize something in your life – perhaps charge a pyramid-shaped crystal with energy or put something within a box to be contained and built upon. The energy will be high and chaotic, so be prepared to ground it out if you draw in too much. There’s a lot to use with this lunar energy, but it could easily overwhelm you. Watch out, especially if you are prone to mania, and practice your care routines early and often.
The Sun’s entrance into Virgo will be uneventful, as always. This will ultimately help – I think – but we’re going to have to get there in September.
Retrograde. Read my report.
Mercury is retracing its steps back from the beginning of Virgo through the last decan of Leo for most of the month. Expect your life to go in a different direction as well. This echoes the energy of Mars in Gemini and can be applied liberally to some wild side project that you never have time for. The entire three-week period of Mercury’s retrograde is highly liminal. This is our third cosmic do-over of the year—you might as well use it.
She’s moving fast and will pass all the way through the sign of Virgo this month and enter her home sign of Libra. Virgo is the sign of her fall so expect to have to mellow the harsh in yourself and ignore it in your Others. I know – this is the hardest work we ever need to do. It’s not personal when Venus is in Virgo; she just…doesn’t quite know how to be nice. This isn’t a super pleasant addition to our month, but it is business as usual and happens once a year – often during Leo season. It’s hot. We are all going to grump a lump about it.
Venus in Virgo will square Mars in Gemini on 8/22, so watch yourself and how you interact with your loved ones around this date. Do you need to be that critical? Can you just show up and support them instead of telling them what to do….again?!? This is breakup weather because both people involved in the conflict will need to bend to truly make amends. Both Gemini and Virgo – ruled by Mercury – can learn and grow from these types of conflict. The question is: can you?
It is LEO season (mostly), so the way out is through your heart. If you can get out of the collective flow and back into your own heart, you will likely be kinder, and that kindness will (almost always) ripple out into the world around you. You can experiment with carrying rose quartz with you to counter the harshness of Venus in Virgo or practice breath work involving the heart center. A technique that I find helpful is to breathe love from the universe into my heart on my in-breath and then breathe love to the universe out of my heart on my out-breath.
This will lighten the minute Venus enters her home sign of Libra on 8/29.
Mars is chugging away in Gemini, a sign that he is poorly placed. Mars wants to keep moving toward its current target, and Gemini is full of side quests and back roads. This indicates that no matter how hard we work, we’re not getting places this month. You might as well just accept that now and turn your attention towards things that aren’t so focused. Mars in Gemini can focus right now, but not for a long time.
Hold until you need to do it, and then get it done.
Mars in Gemini has a tiny bit of the feeling of Mercury retrograde (especially Mercury retrograde in Virgo), so if you do need to put in the work, do it in a roundabout fashion. Get really creative. Points for thinking so far outside the box that nobody can follow your path but still get it done. Mars in Gemini strongly supports deep exploration of topics – this is the special interest zone for sure. This energy also supports writing a completely reckless first draft (like not of the manuscript you are supposed to be working on).
Mars will conjunct Jupiter at 16° Gemini on 8/14 and then square retrograde Saturn in Pisces two days later on 8/16. Don’t expect the roads to be clear. Things are not what they appear during this time. If you get a break on 8/14 – take it right then. By 8/16, it either won’t be there, or it won’t be what it seemed to be. Luck may swing wildly during this time.
Watch out for anger when Mars squares Venus on 8/22 – it won’t last long, but it is likely to be biting.
The Nitty Gritty
8/1 – Sun in Leo trine North Node in Aries/sextile South Node in Libra 8/2 – Venus in Leo square retrograde Uranus in Taurus 8/3 – Mars in Gemini sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra 8/4 – New Moon 12° Leo, Venus enters Virgo 8/5 – Mercury retrogrades 04° Virgo 8/7 – Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini 8/8 – Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus 03° Virgo 8/14 – Retrograde Mercury enters Leo, Mars conjunct Jupiter 16° Gemini 8/15 – Sun in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 8/16 – Mars in Gemini square retrograde Saturn in Pisces 8/18 – Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury 26° Leo, Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 8/19 – Full Moon 27° Aquarius, Sun and Moon square Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces, Jupiter in Gemini square retrograde Saturn in Pisces 8/22 – Sun enters Virgo, Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini 8/23 – Retrograde Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 8/24 – Retrograde Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini, Mars in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries 8/27 – Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus 8/28 – Mercury stations direct 21° Leo, Venus in Virgo opposed retrograde Neptune in Pisces 8/29 – Venus enters Libra, Venus in Libra trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius
As always, how you perceive astrology will be unique to YOU. If you'd like to know more about how you fit into this puzzle, you can purchase a natal birth chart from me here. I also offer personalized transit reports, Synastry/Relationship reports, and Planetary Election consults. I also sell cemetery art and love tips.
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
One Piece Chapter 1094 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back again
Another week break has been rough but we're back with our Straw Hats in Egghead
Let's see how it goes
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Starting with a Shimotsuki-themed colour spread; Zoro in the middle of course but you have Kozaburo, Koushiro, Kuina on the right, Yasuie, Ushimaru (plus Onimaru) and Ryuma (Zombie and I think regular) to the left. Seems only Toko is left out among the confirmed Shimotsuki
Well that's an ominous title as we pick up right where we left off
Graphical reminder that the Gorosei are above Vegapunk in chain of command
The Mark IIIs have started their assault on the Navy though as the VegaTank 8 sticks to the cloud path with its special wheels
Sanji's lady senses immediately pick up where Bonney is, as he darts into her direction
Vegapunk like 'a lady radar's not real but ok' XD
Bonney is under attack though, with a guy using like a shell Monk's Spade
Bonney been packing heat this whole time?
Gratuitous ass shot in a splits cartwheel while firing a gun
The attack is non-fatal, since it's called 'Near-Death Experience'
A Yohoho in the chat for the navy guy hit with it, he was suddenly bones for a second, and now there's the trauma
Bonney runs right into a Mark III but this one's not on our side
Old Lady Vice Admiral Bluegrass has commandeered this Mark III with her Ride-Ride Fruit, which allows her to command anything like a vehicle
Whoa lady the aging effects are temporary cool it down
Bonney once again stutters at the sight of her father's visage, which allows Sanji though to get the jump in to save her
Shell Spade man's attack is Whack-an-Otter, which I guess means he might have an Otter-based skill or fruit
With Bonney in hand Vegapunk drives to Sanji to make their escape
Back with Luffy vs Kizaru, and both are showing signs of fatigue
Kizaru's doing a lot of dipping out of the fight
The two, Zoro and Lucci then sense something though, the ominous aura felt by Jinbe and the other Vice Admirals
Also Nami, Chopper and Usopp are accounted for tending to Stussy
Saturn makes the order, all Pacifista are to cease
Knowing the chain of command, Atlas confirms that a Gorosei must be here
What the? WHAT IS THIS?
There's literally a summoning circle there!
Why did he need a boat if you just just summon him?
Marines are told that Saturn is coming, but you also have to be a certain rank (Commodore) to witness his arrival, all others must avert their gaze
This ritual circle is making a lot of emissions
I mean, the revision of '5 Elder Planets' makes sense and all but then you gotta use a pentagram to summon them
A non-Commodore didn't listen and gets immediately killed
no seriously WHAT IS THAT?
Saturn's fruit is not of this world, he's for sure an awakened zoan, black fire scarf like Lucci and Kaku wonder if the colour is reflective of alignment, but he's got like spider legs and a ram's horns and fur, also finger claws
My guess is the Ushi Oni, as Naruto fans would know it as the Gyuki aka the Eight Tails, they have toxic breath too
What's interesting for the Ushi Oni is that they do frequent around water, and have been attributed to poisoning water sources, maybe the Gorosei are the devils of which the fruits are named?
The Vegatank is knocked off its course by Kizaru, who barely missed the tank
Luffy's on his popeye energy, but he has to dodge one of Kizaru's laser, turning him into a spinning top again
But he uses the momentum for an ACOC Hook punch called a 'White Star Punch' in scanlations, sending the fist through the head much like he did with Kaido's face
Also some stars popped out for the headache Kizaru's gonna get
That seems to be Luffy's final blow though as he runs out of gas, right as Saturn recognizes him as Nika
I know the spider legs are intimidating but I just can't stop seeing Dr Kureha's trousers, Oda likes those flame legs
The Vegatank 8 is alas the most recent casualty of Egghead, but all its passengers are safe
...if not standing right in front of a towering Gorosei
There's some cold introductions between Saturn and Vegapunk
But Bonney is going straight for the kill, grabbing a sword and plunging it into Saturn's chest
Dialogue implies that the Gorosei must've commanded Kuma's personality wipe, maybe we'll cover what she saw next chapter
It has been 5 weeks since we have seen our wife, our queen, our light of the Revolutionaries, Nico Robin. WHERE ARE YOU HIDING HER ODA?
Well things continue to get more complicated.
We all knew Saturn would have to get involved but I don't think we were expecting a full demon summoning shit to go down. With Luffy exhausted in front of him too it's falling down to Sanji, Bonney and Franky to help him and the Punks escape.
Part of me feels like Kizaru will recover too, you don't see him KO'd after all. I am hoping that Zoro just finishes Lucci quickly after this though because I still don't buy that Lucci's in the Billion beri tier. Jinbe seems to be aware of the threat moreso that Nami, Chopper and Usopp so I wonder if he'll jump into action at all.
But obviously I doubt Bonney's stab has done anything really to Saturn, except probably invoked his rage from 'she's just a little girl' to *Kill Bill Sirens*. But I do very much hope we see that flashback, maybe Kuma will come in to save everyone again, either pawing Saturn away or pawing the Sunny away with the Punks and Crew.
There's still also the threat of Blackbeard there, that would definitely be a fruit he'd want, maybe the Yami Yami no Mi was the fruit of a former Elder Planet? But it could also invite an unlikely alliance. Or the Revolutionaries simply show up? Speed not really on their side though unless Dragon kinda flies there. Caribou gonna jump in an steal the Gorosei, clutch move of the century XD
Many directions things can go, but I very much need to know that Robin's safe and sound.
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wizardofgoodfortune · 2 years
I would love to hear more about Hob taking Dream on dates (or Dream taking Hob on dates)! I’m so soft for them learning all about each other’s lives and how to love each other 🥰
this idea is something i hatched along with @ghostboyjules and @rooftopwreck. thank u my beloveds, and thank u for the ask kai! im rubbing my tiny wizard hands together. get ready.
hob taking dream on dates
so this will mostly take place in the dreaming, with hob organizing it with lucienne and matthew and merv. because. dream is in a slump or something. and the dreaming residents are tired of the continuous rain and flooding. so hob hatches this grand idea of taking dream on a series of dates to show him what he missed while he was in the fishbowl.
rollerblading in crop tops and short shorts while eating ice cream in the 70s. somewhere with palm trees and hot concrete.
the moon landing. instead of buzz aldrin and neil armstrong it's them landing on the moon and planting a flag on it.
arcade date: air hockey, rhythm games, mini basketball, whack-a-mole, shooting games, racing, etc
racing in an ACTUAL race track
piloting jets!!!
4D movies!
concerts (queen, the bee gees, the cure, etc)
pride marches
bungee jumping! paragliding! maybe parasailing! speaking of watersports...
jet surfing! underwater scooters! flyboard flying! jet boating!
a few of these can take place in the actual world (like the watersports), but some of them definitely need to be in the dreaming. im very much obsessed with dream experiencing human things with hob.
dream taking hob on dates
as repayment perhaps! dream takes hob on a roadtrip across the galaxy. their stops depend on how far i've come in the comics, so feel free to suggest more!
the feywilds. perhaps they meet with the fey court. hob has to be reminded not to eat anything, thank you very much.
asgard. the floating kingdom. other realms of other pantheons.
the necropolis. dream was a bit hesitant given hob's aversion to dying, but hob insisted!
the storms of jupiter, the rings of saturn, the winds of neptune. halley's comet, the sun's solar flares... a black hole. specifically that black hole that's spitting out spaghettified stars. (perhaps a conversation about mother night putting dream into a black hole. haven't read that one yet though)
delirium's realm. death's realm. maybe hell. maybe the silver city. maybe the underworld. why not.
mount olympus. dream introduces hob to calliope (and maybe her sisters?)
orpheus' temple.
baghdad, but the one inside dream's bottle.
one of the soft places. maybe they meet eleanor and robyn.
of course, the dreaming: the house of secrets. eve's cave. fiddler's green. the castle. the other dream isles.
this got a bit out of hand! i was formulating some of this as i went along. again, thank you for the ask! this idea's a particularly exciting one that can easily turn into thousands of words.
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archoneddzs15 · 2 months
Sega Saturn - Nonomura Byoin no Hitobito
Title: Nonomura Byoin no Hitobito / 野々村病院の人々
Developer/Publisher: ELF
Release date: 26 April 1996
Catalogue No.: T-28001G
Genre: Adult Visual Novel
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The Japanese sure do enjoy their fair share of "Adult" games. The Saturn was home to many but nowhere near as many as NEC's PC Engine. These days real Hentai games can only be found on the PC. Most of the Dreamcast ones were slightly censored while the PS1 and PS2 ones are heavily censored. :p Good old Sega (^v^). Only due to outcry from the public, the Japanese press, and some Western gaming journalists, did Sega stop certifying adult games on the Saturn to be released under this naughty "Red" label.
Nonomura Byoin no Hitobito is one of the Sega Saturn's earlier hentai adventure games from 1996 but still looks good. The story is pretty whacked out for a Saturn title, mind you - the principal of Nonomura Hospital has killed himself. Or so it appears at first sight.
But the private detective Takumaro Kaibara is not so sure about that. Maybe it was a suicide, but maybe it was a murder. To find out what has really happened, Kaibara heads to Nonomura Hospital. It should be mentioned that Kaibara is famous not only for his talent as a detective but also for his skills as a seducer. It is also known that Nonomura Hospital is full of beautiful nurses. To kill two birds with one stone, Kaibara tries to make his way to the hearts of the sexy nurses, at the same time gathering information for the crime investigation.
This is a port of the FM Towns and PC-9801 erotic visual novel. Unfortunately for non-Japanese speakers, this game is going to be impossible to play but that probably wouldn't stop half of you from buying it just for the copious number of hentai pictures which is ELF's signature trait. Sadly, I can't show any screenshots of the game (because, yeah.... minors) but the best I can show is the spine card, game disc and the accompanying Youtube video.
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zirhlikuzgun · 2 months
January's classic experience: A classic saga of January's good-old adventures (prior to the Pokémon experience) - Part 123 = {Driving Ib and Ib - Part 123 🠊 The Triss team's sitcom show - Part 123 🠊 Parody adventures with Luffe and Sjanne - Part 123 🠊 The Angora guys by night - Part 123 🠊 Fritz and Poul (ft. Split) records their livestream commentary for "January and co.'s hero-brave sad-to-fab quest thru their hero-brave journey from sad to fab" - Part 123} ▶ [Mr. Müller's audio/video commentary for "January and co.'s hero-brave sad-to-fab quest thru their hero-brave journey from sad to fab"] January's hero-brave journey from sad to fab - Part 123 = [Mr. Schüster's audio commentary for "January and co.'s pre-historic quest"] January and co.'s pre-historic quest - Part 123 = January and co. saves the day, to break the pre-historic spell - Part 32: January and co. fights those crises in Planet Madson - Part 18: January and co. engages their super-hero-brave starmen-slaying struggles - Part 7: January and co. wipes out a lot of starmen, cause they're boosting up some bocket-rockie stunts
And now, back to the show.
7171.7171.7171."What has that got to do with anything"
7172.7172.7172.January and co. obtains a bocket rockle
7173.7173.7173."Oh, that's nice of it"
7174.7174.7174.January and co. adds some space just in case
7175.7175.7175.January and co. wipes out that evil eternity
7176.7176.7176.January and co. heads onward, far far away, to the hobbiville
7177.7177.7177.January and co. takes that stink with thou
7178.7178.7178."If you know, then you know"
7179.7179.7179.January and co. can do it whatever it works
7180.7180.7180.January and co. escapes that gluttonous dungeon ever
7181.7181.7181."I gotta suggest that i will wish that i will return back home, after having accomplished our hero-brave sad-to-fab quest"
7183.7183.7183."I approve of what just happened"
7184.7184.7184.January and co. heads into the depths of hell
7185.7185.7185.January and co. thwacks the manly feesh
7186.7186.7186.January and co. receives all two of them
7187.7187.7187.January and co. whacks that spiky jerky
7188.7188.7188.January and co. are at the welcoming committee
7189.7189.7189.January and co. can't wait to dominate the world
7190.7190.7190.January and co. witnesses that it came from outer space
7191.7191.7191.January and co. tackles those sharks
7192.7192.7192.January and co. gets satisfying about a bear friend
7193.7193.7193.January and co. saves the day at the ghost town
7194.7194.7194.January and co. helps together by sucha boy genius
7195.7195.7195.January and co. visits Mr. Saturn
7196.7196.7196.January and co. recovers the buried treasure
7197.7197.7197.January and co. goes trippy dippy
7198.7198.7198.January and co. drinks some lemon tea
7199.7199.7199.January and co. gets outta here from the dungeon man
7200.7200.7200.January and co. gets shy
7201.7201.7201."Hey, listen"
7202.7202.7202.January and co. shields it at their bodies
7203.7203.7203.January and co. meets some people at the neighborhood
7204.7204.7204.January and co. engages those teletubby dropouts
7205.7205.7205.January and co. beats those terroristing slugs
7206.7206.7206.January and co. gets a bad touch
7207.7207.7207.January and co. are so suporma
7208.7208.7208.January and co. shall never spread too many seeds
7209.7209.7209.January and co. beats the nature's bomb squad
7210.7210.7210."Are you implying something"
7211.7211.7211."Where's his wallet again"
7212.7212.7212.January and co. bewares of that bear
7213.7213.7213.January and co. pays him byack with mah-neeeah
7214.7214.7214.Somebody gets paid way too much
7215.7215.7215.January and co. steals its beard too
7216.7216.7216.January and co. gets lousy
7217.7217.7217."La la la! Ding! Scary!"
7218.7218.7218.January and co. experiences some technical difficulties
7219.7219.7219.January and co. trains their workout
7220.7220.7220.January and co. are training their workout
7221.7221.7221."Feed me, January"
7222.7222.7222.Max got his "best friend"
7223.7223.7223."Oooo la la"
7224.7224.7224.January and co. reads the most expensive newspaper ever
7225.7225.7225."FUS RO DAWG"
7226.7226.7226."I knew it was him all along"
7227.7227.7227."Welcomel to Soonmide"
7228.7228.7228.January and co. does resemble ash, after all
7229.7229.7229.January and co. are going 88 miles at an hour
7230.7230.7230."It's bigger on the inside"
7231.7231.7231.January and co. gets a "Special" magic cake, indeed
7232.7232.7232.January and co. makes way for P.W.V.
7233.7233.7233.January and co. trains to exercise in the sky
7234.7234.7234.January and co. makes it perfect of exercising in the sky
7235.7235.7235.January and co. sits the beach chair: that only weak thing
7236.7236.7236.January and co. has those rules of canon
7237.7237.7237."I choose P.W.V."
7238.7238.7238.January and co. defeats the Kraken
7239.7239.7239.January and co. engages the everlasting gobstopper
7240.7240.7240."Who's Billy"
7241.7241.7241."I need a playmate"
7242.7242.7242.January and co. gets some monkey love
7243.7243.7243.January and co. reacts to P.T.
7244.7244.7244.January and co. gets puked
7245.7245.7245.January and co. engages that grueling experience
7246.7246.7246.EV trains Sessy
7247.7247.7247.January and co. does some SOMA
7248.7248.7248.January and co. exterminates a lot of starmen
7249.7249.7249.January and co. goes all the way past the Stonehenge base
7250.7250.7250.January and co. receives the monkey love power
7251.7251.7251.January and co. gets superhot
7252.7252.7252.Sessy are sucha clever girl
7253.7253.7253.January and co. engages the final your sanctuary location
7254.7254.7254.January and co. wipes out those mailicious rocky horror lips
7255.7255.7255.January and co. challenges the apple kid
7257.7257.7257.January and co. confronts too many weird battles
7258.7258.7258.January and co. shoots those sharks
7259.7259.7259."Frankie goes to Hollywood"
7260.7260.7260.January and co. wipes out those brutal ducks, along with those stingy ants
7261.7261.7261."Fuck the police"
7262.7262.7262.January and co. receives an 1-up/right/down/left mushroom
7263.7263.7263."I may be kind of stinky"
7264.7264.7264.January and co. has some pencil problems
7265.7265.7265.January and co. gets blue
7266.7266.7266.January and co. hates to steal the thunder
7267.7267.7267.January and co. are always making it together
7268.7268.7268.January and co. accomplishes it outta here in Twoson
7269.7269.7269.January and co. pumps it up with the Runaway Five
7270.7270.7270.January and co. had never met this
7271.7271.7271."Don't interrupt me"
7272.7272.7272.January and co. finds a lovely grinding spot
We'll be right back after the break...
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djshannonigans · 4 months
Radio Clash on Newtown Radio, 6.2.24
Hosted by DJ Shannonigans
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Ice Cube - "Arrest The President"
Lady Wray - "Guilty"
SZA - "Saturn"
Brainstory - "Mnemophobia"
Durand Jones & the Indications - "Smile (live at Paste)"
Orgone, Terin Ector - "Lies and Games"
Curtis Harding - "Keep On Shining"
Lee Fields - "You Can Count On Me"
Charles Bradley, Menahan St. Band - "Heart of Gold"
Grace Cummings - "Everybody's Somebody"
Grace Cummings - "A Precious Thing"
Star Anna - "In the Dark"
Hana Vu - "Hammer"
Chappell Roan - "Good Luck, Babe"
Tierra Whack - "Moovies"
The Black Keys - "This Is Nowhere"
Fontaines D.C. - "Starburster"
St. Vincent - "Broken Man"
English Teacher - "R&B"
Full Flower Moon Band - "Devil"
Sheer Mag - "Eat It and Beat It"
The Go-Go's - "Our Lips Are Sealed"
Actors - "In Real Life"
The Drums - "Days"
Black Marble - "A Great Design"
Orion - "Cambodia"
Angel Olsen, Johnny Jewel - "All Mirrors (Johnny Jewel remix)"
Washed Out - "The Hardest Part"
Kavinsky, Lovefoxxx - "Nightcall"
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 4 months
Civil War | Official Trailer HD | A24
John remillard did exactly what our son said he did and he was not instructed by her son but our son figured it out. In the whole world practically stupid and the people who knew were being whacked and it was going to be over and we would be right there in trouble and our people would be in trouble and he figured it out but the other computer might be the one they say and he did say that he activated the computer it sent a hard copy and accident the plan which sent the ships to Saturn and it didn't go like the max wanted and it's this John remillard guy they think he did it on purpose and Sarah saw what he did and copied him and it kept him and checked a little bit and that's why Lily is rubbing the image of Mary Magdalene it's going on that that's who they're singing about and I figured it out and it's coming up soon the song and so forth in The civil wars coming up and it devastates areas. They use up tons of stuff and almost the whole stash out west no there's a second round and they actually push them out and then the Max and the pseudo empire return and they devastate them
Thor Freya
Olympus after they do the first round and fail they try to get our son out west and they can't seem to do it so you have to send him cars then it doesn't work and he's sending money and it doesn't work because they don't have a place for him to go cuz no one can stay alive if they try
0 notes
Chapter 27 god of hands part3
*Apollo smiled and slammed his fists together and kissed the Gauntlets*
*a bright light soon shone so brightly that no god could look at it. As even the mortals were effected.*
Kaito:*hisses as he backs into the shadows.*
Tsugu:*yelps as she sets on fire but gets away and puts herself out.*
Derail:ARGH! GODS ABOVE! *covering eyes with hand.*
*when the light died out Apollo's shadow soon moved as out came a ginormous mech statue of a goddess that appeared behind the god.*
Apollo:shall we continue?
Garou:huh. I've seen bigger. Come on then!
*Apollo held his hand up as Artemis made a bunch of light threads soon became a large shining bow bigger then either fighter.*
Apollo:this is Phobos Apollo's ultimate technique!☆
Garou:really now? Go on! SHOOT!
*an arrow of pure sunlight and fire shot through the air faster then light and completely invisible went through the air and burned through garou leaving a hole in his waist as the arrow went into the crowd almost hitting of all people Neptune*
Neptune:..what..what hit me? *sees the hole* Apollo's arrow did this?
*Garou staggered and fell over head first then shot up*
Garou:ow…shit. That hurt a bit. *looks up* not bad man. Looks like I misjudged you.
*Apollo laughed and shot out several arrows.*
Geirölul:FUCK! Garou! I'll become the claws again hold out!
*as the arrows flew garou got into a defensive stance taking several arrows to the legs arms and in his jaw as he wobbled he noticed the arrows burned his healing away and even his fire resistant self was giving way.*
Apollo:you fought well my foe but I must put you down now I shall put you out of your misery.
*the last arrow shot towards the hero and so Garou whacked it away at high speed right by the nymphs that did nothing but mocked him and the other mortals. He swears they called even Mai the woman who made Saturn kneel a weak ugly woman.*
Garou:do you know how pretentious you sound? Put me out of my misery? Do you know who you're talking to? ITS ME DAMNIT! I DONT FICKING CARE! I WORKED TO GET WHERE I AM! I FOUGHT THE MONSTERS! I KILLED EVIL! I! AM! GAROU! A WARRIOR! A FIGHTER! A MONSTER! TREAT ME THE WAY I DESERVE DAMN IT!
*Garou had more arrows shot at him as he Deflected every single one in different directions flying across the crowd almost hitting godkiller mortal gods demigods monster and demons alike.*
Apollo:*laughs* I see I think I might hate you! But I must admit your skills are beautiful.
Garou:you're sounding like a man now.
Apollo;hehe tell me why do you fight? For revenge? Vengeance?
Garou:good? Evil? I reject both! I'm not a hero or a villain! I'm a monster who fights for underdogs everywhere! Human Monster esper it doesn't matter! I'll fight for them!
*Apollo smiles and charges a arrow shot*
Apollo:Let's end this.
*the shot flew as Garou swung his own hand causing the arrow to rip through Apollos arm and the Artemis machine*
Apollo:! Oh! You didn't see the arrow! This must be instinct. I must say you're so thorough! I love it!
*he has the machine extends its arms and making a large bowstring to which Apollo aimed with his working hand as he backed into the string making it out like he'd be an arrow his strongest arrow his all or done move*
Apollo:it's so tense. But I thank you Garou. Geirölul. I've burned my soul ablaze to ashes and from the ashes we've become fully more beautiful! I thank you!
Garou:hehehe just know. You and I will never stop growing and advancing. Who'll take the steps? Who'll advance?
*Geirölul then turned into a large bladded gauntlet with spikes blades and a vortex like design that looked like an all life ending tidal wave of water to cut all that stood infront of it.*
*both then charged*
*The duo soon crashed with such force Hiemdall flew into a wall face first and the ground shook Blood came from both sides gasps and yells were heard.*
*both men stood. Garou was on his knees with Apollo's hand turned Arrowhead in his gut but Apollo had Garou's crushing fist in his torso which had been torn up by the attack.*
*both were very injured as Garou looked over.*
Garou:not..bad..I wish I had more energy…wed…get..a..last..wind…
Apollo:such…beautiful souls…I'm glad..so perfect…you fought so well..such valor…I'm glad your souls are truly beautiful. I'm delighted the last thing I saw was you beauties..I'd love to spend more time with you…
*and so Apollos died with a smile on his face and happy tears in his eyes as the human monster fell on his back looking right into the sun as Apollo's soul broke apart and flew right into the star.*
Geirölul:..such a weird shitty god.
Garou:I I think I miss him already…
Both of them:godspeed you magnificent bastard.
*Every nymph cried out for lord Apollo as many if them wanted Garou to die or to suffer for taking their Lord Apollo as the Greek gods stood in admiration of Apollo even Ares the one god who couldn't stand him.*
*and thus the legend of Apollo ended on this day.*
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sun-in-retrograde · 1 year
Outer Planets Astrology 14-20 August
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This week we’re saying goodbye to the Lilith-Eris-Uranus-Eris conjunctions that have characterized the Venus retrograde, and Eris is closing things off. But the whole point of Eris is staying power and the theme of not quite being able to get what you want or want what you get is really important. I feel ike it’s hard to feel actively satisfied during Venus retrograde in Leo.
Haumea has gone from 29 Libra 07 to 29 Libra 11 which means its continuing to move out of its opposition to the North Node and square with Pluto. Same message as always: If your chart is going to get activated around 27-29 degrees of Libra, Capricorn or Aries - be careful when you get what you want. Haumea, a planet named after a goddess of fertility, is a world pushed into the shape of an egg by strong pressures and past disasters. The dymanics of desire are already out of whack because of the Venus retrograde but this set of things leaves us even more fucklier. 
Gonggong starts the week at 5 Pisces 15 and will go back to 5 Pisces 12. Last week or was conjunct Saturn, also in retrograde. This week Saturn starts at 4 Pisces 49 and will end at 4 Pisces 18. So we have a close conjunction all week. This could be an emotional time, but it has the possibility of being useful. Gonggong in Pisces brings the possibility of emotions that turns thing on its head, and Saturn is a grounding presence in all that. It’s an unpredictable week emotionally, but there’s a potential to analyze, understand, and learn from the emotional chaos. 
Orcus starts the week at 14 Virgo 12 and ends it at 14 Virgo 20. This means there'll be a close trine with Jupiter in Taurus all week. Orcus is a very hyperfocused energy, but Jupiter is expansive. It’s a good time to learn something new, or apply your speciality in a new area, or expand. 
This week Eris will move from 25 Aries 12 to 25 Aries 11. Yes, its’ retrograde but I’m not sure it matters too much when it’s so slow. Eris will be trine the New Moon in Leo, which is conjunct Lilith and squaring Uranus. This feels like a great new moon for rebirth, the features that have been present for the Venus retrograde/Leo Sun period are all here. After this, the last element we have left of it all is a Sun square Uranus this week. Then the pattern of aspects will begin to unravel.If these aspects have impacted you it may have been as some quite explosive and combative discussions about what you value and how you fit in. Eris, to my mind, is the potential that these transits are not just a short term realignment and explosion, but a lasting change to attitudes, relationships, and values. 
That means I kinda think this new moon is a bit of a rebirth. End of one phase, beginning of another. There are a few more aspect to go before it fully unravels. The Sun will come perfectly in Trine to Eris on Friday. Then on Sunday Lilith comes into that trine. Sun trine Venus to me feels like being able to fight for the ground under your feet, while Lilith trine Eris feels like it’s about being unavailable for people who want you to be ashamed of yourself. They almost feel like restful trines at this point. A chance to close themes that we’ve been working on through the retrograde. After these two last trines the whole set of energies we’ve been talking about through the retrograde are done. These two last trines are about what happens next - we’re left holding our ground whether we’ve won, lost, or drawn. 
An example of this energy - over the Venus retrograde, the main progressive opposition party in Britain has promised to give trans people less than they said they would in the past, and have apologised to transphobes for the behaviour of trans people. A lot of moderates are celebrating this as an end to the fight on trans rights. Sure, neither the trans people nor the transphobes got exactly what they wanted but they’ll accept what has been offered and now there can be peace. However, most transphobes and trans people don’t support the compromise and don’t think the fight is over. This to me is a very Eris trine Sun and Lilith kind of vibe. The trines are here to tell you it’s not over until you win.
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taratarotgreene · 1 year
Weekly Astrology June 13-19 Happy Father's Day
Where’s the Moon, the Mood of the day? JUNE 13, Moon enters Taurus at 2:31pm EDT JUNE 15, Moon enters Gemini 9:46 pm EDT JUNE 18, Moon enters Cancer 6:57am EDT Hi everyone, the week has only 4 major classical planetary aspects June 13 VENUS in LEO quincunx SATURN in PISCES Heart and spirit or soul feel disjointed disconnected or just plain out of whack. The Aries Moon doesn’t help with its…
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mindhuestudio · 2 years
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Telescope update! Dragged it out to the back yard this morning to poke at it while it’s not dark and not quite so cold. Made it easy to work without getting all stabby! 😁 The mount issue may be fixed! The axis kept going to 0° declination, so I clamped down on the wing nut after resetting it to 42°. Maybe that will hold? 🤷‍♂️ If necessary I’ll get out the pliers. The other problem was that two poky bits were running into each other and applying wonky pressure to the mount, which explains the random flopping issue. Once corrected the scope seems to track pretty well. 👍🤞 Next, I aligned the spotting scope, which was waaaaay off. Hard to find Saturn when the thing you’re using to point the telescope is at least two degrees out of whack. After that it was time to address the iPhone issue. Which is basically alignment, or lack thereof. With a bright image as reference, I was able to get the adapter properly aligned with the normal camera aperture. Will I be able to do it in the dark? If the scope isn’t slewing around randomly, possibly! Sadly, the telephoto camera refused to play along. One discovery — using a Barlow lens, an extra bit that doubles the usable magnification of a given eyepiece, puts the image focal area out of range of the iPhone adapter. Good to know! So instead of using the 36x eyepiece with the Barlow to get 72x, I’ll just use the 90x eyepiece by itself. The only drawback to that is the higher your base magnification the smaller your field of view, which is why people use Barlow lenses in the first place. But I was able to get these pictures — a 90x of a wall, and two 225x of a wire and a chimney brick — although you can see how small the image area is. So, looking good for these next clear night. However, the final difficulty for iPhone astrophotography is one that’s pretty much unavoidable — the rotation of the Earth. At magnifications above about 80x you can actually see the object you’re looking at drift across the view because the Earth is turning. Higher end scopes have a motor system to track this motion, but I’ll have to do it by hand. #iphoneastrophotography #lunarphotography #themoon #114mmtelescope #shallowskyastronomy https://www.instagram.com/p/ClmRnq3pWbp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
reflexletterpress · 2 years
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Telescope update! Dragged it out to the back yard this morning to poke at it while it’s not dark and not quite so cold. Made it easy to work without getting all stabby! 😁 The mount issue may be fixed! The axis kept going to 0° declination, so I clamped down on the wing nut after resetting it to 42°. Maybe that will hold? 🤷‍♂️ If necessary I’ll get out the pliers. The other problem was that two poky bits were running into each other and applying wonky pressure to the mount, which explains the random flopping issue. Once corrected the scope seems to track pretty well. 👍🤞 Next, I aligned the spotting scope, which was waaaaay off. Hard to find Saturn when the thing you’re using to point the telescope is at least two degrees out of whack. After that it was time to address the iPhone issue. Which is basically alignment, or lack thereof. With a bright image as reference, I was able to get the adapter properly aligned with the normal camera aperture. Will I be able to do it in the dark? If the scope isn’t slewing around randomly, possibly! Sadly, the telephoto camera refused to play along. One discovery — using a Barlow lens, an extra bit that doubles the usable magnification of a given eyepiece, puts the image focal area out of range of the iPhone adapter. Good to know! So instead of using the 36x eyepiece with the Barlow to get 72x, I’ll just use the 90x eyepiece by itself. The only drawback to that is the higher your base magnification the smaller your field of view, which is why people use Barlow lenses in the first place. But I was able to get these pictures — a 90x of a wall, and two 225x of a wire and a chimney brick — although you can see how small the image area is. So, looking good for these next clear night. However, the final difficulty for iPhone astrophotography is one that’s pretty much unavoidable — the rotation of the Earth. At magnifications above about 80x you can actually see the object you’re looking at drift across the view because the Earth is turning. Higher end scopes have a motor system to track this motion, but I’ll have to do it by hand. #iphoneastrophotography #lunarphotography #themoon #114mmtelescope #shallowskyastronomy https://www.instagram.com/p/ClmRj4UPT7D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
lostmykeysie · 2 years
is there something going on or what? because i feel like we're all going THROUGH it this week c'mon there must be something. are the planets misaligned again nooooo planets don't misalign you're so sexy aha
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lcits · 2 years
A list of Castle in the Sky injuries that make me wonder how any of these characters survived:
First up is obviously Muska getting whacked with an empty wine bottle(that should have given him a concussion because it takes A LOT of force to break a bottle like that)
I think the reason it DIDN'T kill him was because he's Laputian and a bit more resilient than a normal human.
Sheeta falling off the airship knocked her out but somehow she’s still fine afterwards, minus a little bit of memory loss
Pazu. Just Pazu.
The pirates somehow avoiding being shot by the crew while invading the Saturn...
Muska's hands should show more damage since he's been shocked and bitten at least twice. He also tore tree roots apart with them, and they are still immaculate? (Yes I know, it's simpler to animate)
Are we just going to ignore the fact that a bullet most likely grazed Sheeta in the leg in the throne room??
Sheeta surviving Tedus is a mystery to me
Her and Pazu survive falling from a crumbling railroad track without getting conked by anything?? Lucky I guess?
In other words, this movie is crazy and I'm surprised anyone is alive...
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zirhlikuzgun · 2 months
January's classic experience: A classic saga of January's good-old adventures (prior to the Pokémon experience) - Part 119 = {Driving Ib and Ib - Part 119 🠊 The Triss team's sitcom show - Part 119 🠊 Parody adventures with Luffe and Sjanne - Part 119 🠊 The Angora guys by night - Part 119 🠊 Fritz and Poul (ft. Split) records their livestream commentary for "January and co.'s hero-brave sad-to-fab quest thru their hero-brave journey from sad to fab" - Part 119} ▶ [Mr. Müller's audio/video commentary for "January and co.'s hero-brave sad-to-fab quest thru their hero-brave journey from sad to fab"] January's hero-brave journey from sad to fab - Part 119 = [Mr. Schüster's audio commentary for "January and co.'s pre-historic quest"] January and co.'s pre-historic quest - Part 119 = January and co. saves the day, to break the pre-historic spell - Part 28: January and co. fights those crises in Planet Madson - Part 14: January and co. engages their super-hero-brave starmen-slaying struggles - Part 3: January and co. wipes out a lot of starmen, cause they're destroying their evil twins
And now, back to the show.
6783.6783.6783.January and co. defeats their nightmares
6784.6784.6784.January and co. gets a bad day at Planet Madson
6785.6785.6785.January and co. disovers the meteor crash
6786.6786.6786.January and co. slays a lot of ants
6787.6787.6787.January and co. are toughly blue
6788.6788.6788.January and co. gets some help of Max
6789.6789.6789.January and co. leaps onwards to Saturn
6790.6790.6790.January and co. bashes the Porky
6791.6791.6791.January and co. gets satisfying at the bus
6792.6792.6792.January and co. feels so funny
6793.6793.6793.January and co. engages onward to the desert
6794.6794.6794.January and co. takes it on away into the dark swamp
6795.6795.6795.January and co. strands into the forgotten underworld
6796.6796.6796.January and co. gets dazed at the night
6797.6797.6797.January and co. saves the day outta here from the future
6798.6798.6798.January and co. explores Onett
6799.6799.6799.January and co. climbs into the cellar
6800.6800.6800.January and co. battles those sharks
6801.6801.6801.January and co. contacts the mayor
6802.6802.6802.January and co. climbs into the mountain tunnel
6803.6803.6803.January and co. battles and defeats the titanic creature
6804.6804.6804.January and co. gets arrested by the police
6805.6805.6805.January and co. frees Paula
6806.6806.6806.January and co. takes a bus drive
6807.6807.6807.January and co. gets blocked
6808.6808.6808.January and co. meets the apple kid
6809.6809.6809.January and co. wipes out those malicious trees
6810.6810.6810.January and co. battles those insane artists
6811.6811.6811.January and co. defeats many suspicious bugs
6812.6812.6812.January and co. can learn it good
6813.6813.6813.January and co. whacks the moles
6814.6814.6814.January and co. wipes out a lot of malicious mushrooms
6815.6815.6815.January and co. gets frenzy with the Runaway Five
6816.6816.6816.January and co. engages into the haunted town
6817.6817.6817.January and co. helps Max
6818.6818.6818.January and co. swims aboard Tessie
6819.6819.6819.January and co. has some chewing gum
6820.6820.6820.January and co. grabs it on
6821.6821.6821.January and co. wipes out a lot of zombies
6822.6822.6822.January and co. eliminates those spores
6823.6823.6823.January and co. tackles that flesh
6824.6824.6824.January and co. meets Mr. Saturn
6825.6825.6825.January and co. climbs up the waterfall
6826.6826.6826.January and co. wipes out a lot of malicious slimes
6827.6827.6827.January and co. stands their best
6828.6828.6828.January and co. escapes those creepy bats
6829.6829.6829.January and co. arrives to Threed
6830.6830.6830.January and co. receives a bubble bath
6831.6831.6831.January and co. makes an unexpected way for Monotoli
6832.6832.6832.January and co. collects some gold
6833.6833.6833.January and co. searches for gold
6834.6834.6834.January and co. takes it away with the Runaway Five
6835.6835.6835.January and co. gets trouble about huns
6836.6836.6836.January and co. tests the contact linse
6837.6837.6837.January and co. has some better gold
6838.6838.6838.January and co. reopens back to business
6839.6839.6839.January and co. gets troubled into power failure
6840.6840.6840.January and co. gets sucked into Moonside
6841.6841.6841.January and co. gets dizzy with a "Hello and Ciao"
6842.6842.6842.January and co. destroys Mani-Mani
6843.6843.6843.January and co. helps some apes
6844.6844.6844.January and co. can allow it
6845.6845.6845.January and co. teleports onward
6846.6846.6846.January and co. has those sucks
6847.6847.6847.January and co. are luckily refixing it
6848.6848.6848.January and co. whacks those dirty mushrooms
6849.6849.6849.January and co. continues ahead to Hobby-madson
6850.6850.6850.January and co. gets an autograph
6851.6851.6851.January and co. sails aboard the water
6852.6852.6852.January and co. whacks those bad rats
6853.6853.6853.January and co. gets together in the club
6854.6854.6854.January and co. trains to become heroes
6855.6855.6855.January and co. returns to P.W.V.-topia
6856.6856.6856.January and co. resumes en route to Scaraba
6857.6857.6857.January and co. gets trouble of battling a bad guy
6858.6858.6858.January and co. leads P.W.V. into the dungeon man
6859.6859.6859.January and co. crawls inside the pyramid
6860.6860.6860.January and co. investigates the dungeon man
6861.6861.6861.January and co. sneaks underground
6862.6862.6862.January and co. sails the submarine
6863.6863.6863.January and co. are seriously having damages
6864.6864.6864.January and co. helps a shy guy
6865.6865.6865.January and co. discovers that the apple kid had been captured
6866.6866.6866.January and co. eliminates a lot of starmens
6867.6867.6867.January and co. escapes the trap
6868.6868.6868.January and co. gets too annoying
6869.6869.6869.January and co. receives deluxe
6870.6870.6870.January and co. helps the Tenda
6871.6871.6871.January and co. gets lovestruck
6872.6872.6872.January and co. battles the next boss
6873.6873.6873.January and co. heads into a pre-historic world
6874.6874.6874.January and co. approves to be heroes
6875.6875.6875.January and co. are almost there
6876.6876.6876.January and co. battles the fiery-attacking dog
6877.6877.6877.January and co. sucks into an imaginary world
6878.6878.6878.January and co. defeats their evil minds
6879.6879.6879.January and co. are so potential
6880.6880.6880.January and co. wipes out their nightmares
6881.6881.6881.January and co. collects the meteorite
6882.6882.6882.January and co. investigates the meteorite
6883.6883.6883.January and co. fights with the sharks gang
6884.6884.6884.January and co. resumes to Twoson
We'll be right back after the break...
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