#is that what was behind sam's wall wasn't memories at all. it was Lucifer himself.
quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
prompt: samifer, "my husband"
(i love your drabbles, by the way)
(oh, that's good, because i love writing them. one of the best parts of my day, really. they're not long enough to stress me out, but the exact 100 word limit is challenging enough to make them fun.)
(and uh also i made two again. lmao. to be fair to me, these are very interlocked. interpreting the prompt a little loosely? i hope it suffices.)
A small detail in the whirlwind of Sam's last day on Earth, that before Lucifer takes him from Detroit, he slides the wedding ring off his former vessel's finger.
That turns out not to have been Sam's last day at all, and then Sam's sitting across from Dean, perfectly fine (something's wrong), and there's a ring on his finger, still.
"Where did you get that?" he asks, like he doesn't already know. He wants an answer that doesn't scare him.
Sam shrugs.
Sometimes he presses the metal to his lips. Not a kiss. Like he wants a taste of grief.
Sam's wall is broken, and Dean knows, whatever his brother claims, that there's molten metal leaking in, cooling on his skin only to entrap him further. The gold band on his left hand is a constant reminder.
Dean takes it off only once, when Sam's asleep in the passenger seat. He tosses it out the window of the Impala.
That night, he wakes up to Sam kneeling in their motel room. Dean stays still, silent.
A gleam of gold in the dark on Sam's folded hands.
"…until death do us part," he's whispering, head tilted up to meet unseen eyes.
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Something Bad (Part 4)
Summary: "Through the fault of her golden heart, the reader gets brutally raped. Leaving marks not only on her body but also in her mind" Pairings: Dean!Brother x Sister!Reader, Sam!Brother x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Sexual assault, Rape, Blood, Swearing, Mentions of nudity A/N: "If you want to be added to the tag list of the next part of this series, message me or comment!" Word count: 1000ish
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First Part
You were sitting on your bunker bed, staring at the blank wall. Sam’s loose shirt and big jacket wrapped gently around your bruised skin. His too-big sweat pants warmed your legs and feet, securing you.
Now all you wanted was to just be by yourself. But even through it all, you needed a piece of your older brother with you. Not his sweet, useless motivational speeches or worried looks... But his warmth and smile.
Not theirs.
You wanted your brother, not your brothers.
Dean’s clothes smell of alcohol. His eyes are cold and green. And his deep voice. Each of these things reminded you of him. He brought back every touch, push, and all that you wished to forget.
When you closed your eyes, your abuser reminded you more and more of Dean than a blank, faceless figure.
What if?
No, no, just that thought was ridiculous.
He wouldn’t do that! Right?
He was at the bar with Sam...
Wasn't he?
You were fighting with your thoughts. You didn’t know if you could trust your own memories. Your brother wouldn’t have done such a thing to anyone, especially you.
But you could’ve sworn that it was him this night.
Tiredness took control of your wounded body, letting your concerns fade away with every heavy blink. After a little while, you fell asleep.
A flutter of wings from the hallway woke you up completely.
“Y/N?” A familiar tone cranked you up.
“Come in,” you said with a hoarse voice. The door opened slightly, and a tall man in a long trench coat approached you. He looked worried and tired, like everyone around you.
“What are you doing here, Cas?” You asked while yawning and rubbing your swollen eyes.
“I’m here to heal your wounds... And see if you’re okay.” You nodded while he crouched next to you.
“Can you... can you somehow make me forget about what happened?” Cas looked at you with flack written on his face.
“Y/N, do you remember closing Lucifer in the cage by your brother? After he got his soul back? It was so damaged that those visions of hell could kill him. Dean made a deal with Death so he would erase his memories of hell...”
You nodded, and he continued.
“And even this wall in his mind made by Death himself. It didn’t save him from what was hiding there... I’m just a fallen angel with broken wings and a lack of grace. I’m not capable of doing that, but I wish I could.”
You nodded, trying not to move too quickly, not to hurt yourself. The man put two fingers on your forehead and closed his eyes.
The pain slowly declined, making you lose the tension in your bones. You smiled at him because you felt better.
Castiel gave you a confused look and drifted away from you.
“What?” You asked while your smile was fading away. “What’s wrong?” You furrowed your eyebrows and got up from bed. “Castiel-“
Before you could finish, the angel disappeared, leaving you standing confused in the middle of your room.
After a few hours of trying to fall asleep and waking up from nightmares, you had to leave your room to wash off yourself, yesterday’s dirt and blood, which was still covering your skin.
You left your bunker room and gently closed the bathroom door behind you. Meeting your brothers was the last thing on your wish list.
You took a long, hot shower, washing every inch of your body. You let yourself focus on the sound of running water while forgetting, just for a moment, about yesterday’s events.
After you dried yourself with a towel, you wiped off steam from the mirror.
Swelling around your eyes became less visible. All the bruises and cuts were gone, but you could still fill them on your skin.
Seeing your naked body made you shiver. Looking at it reminded you of what you were through. Touching your skin reminded you of hands grabbing it just a few hours ago.
‘What if he got me pregnant? Maybe that was the reason Cas was so upset?’ You felt light-headed, and your legs gave out under this thought. You sat on the toilet, desperately trying to catch your breath.
Anxiety built up in your chest as you grabbed your throat, desperate for air.
It can’t, no.
This wasn’t your fault, you knew it, but guilt that crept around your mind made your heart beat faster.
You? Teenage girl having a baby.
Panic took control over your whole body. Shivers ran down your spine as you desperately tried to cover yourself. You tried to calm your breathing down for a good few minutes.
You got up from the bathroom floor after a while. You were about to grab a towel when you heard a loud bang followed by a man’s moan.
You quickly wrapped a towel under your arms and grabbed a gun you always kept near yourself. Without hesitation, you rushed to the bunker’s major library, which was the source of the sound.
You brushed silently through the dark hallway close to the wall. You hid in the shadow. Your heartbeat was so quick that you could hear it rumbling in your own chest.
Everything you were thinking about in the bathroom was meaningless right now. One thing that counted at the moment was protecting your brothers.
When you carefully came into the room, you saw your eldest brother tied to a chair. Blood was covering his face and shirt.
Sam was standing right in front of him. His brother’s blood covered his knuckles. He was panting from tiredness.
He raised his hand, preparing for another hit. You looked at him in panic and screamed, trying to stop him.
“Sam! Stop, you’re hurting him!” You dropped your gun and rushed to your brother, trying to get his attention.
Sam looked at you in shock. Before he could say anything, someone behind your back interrupted him.
“No, he isn’t” A familiar tone made you jump and turn around immediately.
You saw your oldest brother standing behind you, with anger in his eyes.
Next part.
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