#is this the most freddy and rebecca have conversed?
cerealbishh · 2 years
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"I called in a favor for you... with the Innocence Project."
"For real? I'm getting a retrial?"
"Eh. They're just reviewing your file for now. Baby steps."
"You did that for me and you said nothing. Why?"
"Didn't want to get your hopes up."
"(...) Then we'd better get my lawyer off this hill."
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 11 months
INSERT 25¢ TO CONTINUE : Into the AudoScape- Level 4: "Attack of the Talking Heads!"
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To the common man, the evening host of the annual Thanksgiving dinner at the Silverman's flowed flawlessly. There was a slight dimming in the dining room, but the lovely warm theme to the meal was welcoming nonetheless. There were no visible quarrels. Aunts, uncles, a few cousins, and grandparents stomped off the cold frost of the winter with wide open arms welcoming the residential hosts.
Freddie usually got a pat on the back and a conversation about his football team. Allope either got a pat on the head, a smooch on the nose, or a high five from the younger relatives, and Rebecca unusually got a nod, the brief lift of a hand and tightened smile, or a simple and emotionless "hi." The three kids stuck together just out of separate reasons for keeping distance from others.
Freddie was easily exhausted of being framed as just the 'football' guy and hated having to play through the same conversations of pretending to like something he didn't. Relatives would kindly ask him what college he was planning to apply to, to which he would name off a few on his long list of research, but usually being faced with the same reply of "What? Why that one? That team is terrible".
Rebecca kept active for only a little while, but backed out as soon as she caught onto conversations about some unnamed 'distant and ungrateful freeloader,' that her aunt and uncle just couldn't stop gossiping about, other than some weird TV personality that everyone seemed to like.
As for Allope, she was sick to her stomach with the inconsistency that two girls on a commercial couldn't come close to acknowledging her existence, but the artificial man who could clip out of his own body could; even getting to the point where he could possibly see right through the screen. The time for curiosity was behind her; even the thought of walking in front of the TV was like stepping on a minefield. Too bad for Allope, the TV was on all evening,with crowding adults laughing at whatever it said when given the chance.
"Hey, Al. What's up, kiddo?" Reb bumped the kid with her elbow to pull her out of her current habit of spiraling in abstract forms of thought. Sunk deep into her chair, Allope was bursting at the seams of keeping the knowledge of another realm from all those who could listen. "GRAH!-It's that creepy guy on the TV! He's just watching me, I just know it!"
Reb just struck a look of concern while Freddie held in his laughter, "What guy, Allope?" she replied.
Allope performed her sign for the name she forgot, by making an 'm' with her fist and making a 'v' shape around her jawline. They both seemed amused at the charade, but Reb still didn't follow along. "Y'know! The one with the teeth that go-" she clicked her teeth together while making a snarling noise.
Laughter escaped from Fred as he made an attempt to cover his face, "She's talking about Max Headroom. It's these clips of a computer generated AI; basically an artificial person, like a robot. He sometimes shows up between music videos from Channel 4. Allope was sneaking around and got into some troubles with her new headset last night. She just got freaked out when she saw him on the TV right after taking the set off, that's all."
Allope glared at the opposer in the corner of her eye, lifting the brand new Max Headroom-brand dishware that their mother with 'classical taste' so happened to choose for this year. Not only that, but weighing alongside the fact that almost the only brands they chose to use for dinner had the face of Max Headroom in front of his distinctive, shifting background lines right on the cover alongside some corny pun or catchphrase here and there.
"Yeah, that is a little weird", Reb agreed without either side fully catching on to who she believed the most, "Are you kidding? It's a robot. It's programmed to say all those things to please us. Maybe if they like it so much, it's just doing its job. It's in their name, ya know? They're supposed to serve man; we have souls and a consciousness, which always puts us on the top. But even when it comes to those things; we haven't gotten close enough to replicating life like this. It's likely just some guy in a,mask or clay or something-" Freddie argued.
"A-Ah. Yes; it's always just 'my life for you,' isn't it? I mean, what else was somebody like me made for?"
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The group's attention turned towards the other room. Most adults were dogpiling on the chairs and couches facing the blaringly-loud TV. The dim lights included the living room as well; however the television emitted a bright, sickly, turquoise radiance that permeated through the darkness.
"A-A-As your entertainer, I serve nothing more than to-... well-[heh]... entertain. But also-But also-But also- as your entertainer, I should serve as a source to find happiness, should I not? [hm!] Th-is holiday season  might I suggest  helping out our sponsor by beating a bop by Big Burger Bobby's; back to bring a bright and brand-new smile to yo-yo-yo-your face!
Try now their new b-butter?Buh...
[[Oh N-N-N-NO! NO! You somehow managed to mess up the teleprompter, AGAIN! DAMMIT, MARTY!-
'Don't you just know the menu'  D-D-D-Does it look like I can eat? Aha-And I tell you if I could,-I wouldn't be at some greasy low-rate-]]
[Ah-hem], sorry about the  interruption ; it looks like there's technical difficulties. Bu-but don't worry! This old gun always has  a big shot left  to  fire!  [isn't that right, Marty?]"
He looked to the right glaring and smiling passive-aggressively as the intermission closed. The adults chattered and repeated the words everyone else heard as if they didn't, and as if it was their own joke, just before walking away when a music video started to play.
"Allope," Rebecca spoke in a hushed tone as she tugged on the kid's shirt. Freddie was far enough away not to hear them, as he was still distracted by the television.
"Yes?", Allope looked up at her cousin.
"Don't doubt the impossible when it comes to that stuff. You'll wish you knew better if you do," Rebecca allowed herself to reveal a layer of honesty through her hushed tone. Allope was haunted by this sudden change, but nodded and gave a little "okay" anyways. Rebecca propped herself in her chair in a lese tense manner, "Plus, I know we can't really get rid of that box, but Fred said it can change the channels without even touching the tv, right?"
"Right. And then maybe it's of use to us. Just... Be careful for now-with everything. At least until we know a little more about that device, and maybe even where it came from."
The three kids had no idea what to make of the tv's response, but took this as a good sign to stray away from the TV when it was turned on. The tactic worked enough for the afternoon to follow along smoothly once again as everyone decided to return to their houses.
Sleep was never a problem for Allope before, so why would it be now? Though always feeling as if she was not getting enough rest at night, she hardly broke her dream-state; wandering in and out between vivid images of static and collaged photos shifting on a colorful pattern. She would always take naps during the day, but was still absent at night. Her dreams felt almost exactly like the virtual world, but in so many different visual qualities and styles. Minnie accompanied Allope on her exploration across the electrical patterns. The more she dreamt, the more she suddenly learned about her set in real time; even to the point of noticing buttons and switches on her set that she had not noticed before. She at least assumed that these recurring situations were all a fantasy, as she felt like she was somebody much different. She was taller, a little braver, and broke the laws of physics by clipping through as many walls as she could. Unlike her real controls, in her dreams she could go blocks away from her house without climbing down the stairs or even opening a door; it was all through the lightbulb to her Rainbow Brite and Twink shooting-star-themed lamp.
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Each dream, though different in location and adventure, would all end with her staring into a lone reflection left into a dark abyss, gazing upon the disfigured and indecisive face of somebody or something else; some nights appearing clearer than others. Allope had no clue of what it meant, but always took note of how odd it felt; as if she died and took the place of somebody from another planet-or even universe! But when she woke up, it always felt as if she was absent from her original state of skin and bones; as if she was resurrected. These dreams cost Allope sleep; daily dragging herself everywhere with one eye pried open more than the other. This feeling of fatigue wasn't natural in the slightest; it weighed like an anchor with the feeling as if her soul was being cut and broken away into little pieces like a pie. Each slice of energy was borrowed rather than eaten up, and would come back briefly in the evening.
Her mother attempted to drag her into shopping in the upper level of the mall during Black Friday. Allope stayed awake by focusing on little things like only jumping on the colored diamond-shaped floor tiles, attempting to make a tune out of the soft echoing speakers, as well as involving herself to whatever the elongated screens stuck onto the walls beneath and between the crosswalks on the upper floor said.
"Hello fellow foodologists, Nation-Wide trusted spokesman, Ma-Ma-Ma-Max Headroom here to inform you the importance of your child-child-child-child's  fundamental brain-development . Creativity. We can all agree that CREATIVITY is an important factor in your kid's transition to adulthood. Bu-u-u-u-u–u-u-u-u-ut answer me this; how-how-how-how can your child or a fine adult such as yourself be confined to the horribly bleak concept of minimalism? So why waste your time by  EXPOSING  you and your children to the con-con-con-con-confinement of boring circles and shapes in their everyday junk food, when they could have the wide open world of cheese crackers in the shape of ASTONISHING HISTORICAL ICONS [such as yours truly]  [hah~]  Buy now for the greater good [[unless you wish to doom your child to the latter]] Starting at the low-low price of only  $9.99  at your local food stores and outlets!"
Allope shrieked loudly, while maintaining eye contact with the disturbing computer man. She tried to run while dragging her mom behind. Her mother stood her ground to stop Allope, tugging her hand; "Allope, what is it, sweetheart? Do you see something you want?"
Allope tucked in her lips and widened her eyes; scanning each shop for an excuse to change their surroundings. A sparkling glimmer of starlight, sprinkles, rainbow, and forgotten children's hopes and dreams filled the coloring of her eyes when taking in the glorious view of a toy store with an endless shelf line of the brand-new 'Advanced' Limby Friends. "What are you looking at, Allope?" her mother asked.
"My Christmas list," she replied.
She barreled into the store with her mother following closely behind. To her relief, the enemy likely didn't catch sight of her presence. 
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pursuedbyworms · 4 years
why the fisher king is my favorite episode of criminal minds (i’m referring to parts one and two this whole time, i just combine them in my head)
(also read as: joey feels like rambling)
as a whole overview, the fisher king is an intriguing mystery with codes, clues, and old-timey medieval references that the bau gets wrapped up in with the goals of rescuing a kidnapped girl
let me just say, i love the mystery. i think it’s the most well-crafted out of all the episodes. it has all these aspects: the individual packages/messages everyone got sent, an ominous introduction to their “quest”, and many, many puzzle pieces that are all connected. the way it’s all presented, as a quest for the knights at the round table, really hits the spot for me, since i’m really into that kinda thing and the minute a sword is seen my cryptid brain goes “mmm!” the whole concept of the clues leading to this book, the collector, that needs to be used in order to solve this coded message is genius and epic. before we knew anything, we were presented with this wild array of clues: a rare butterfly, an obscure baseball card, and a head in a box (that one isn’t related to the collector but it’s still one of the best ways to ruin a date night). also, skeleton keys. i just think they’re neat. 
anyway, enough of me rambling about the complexity of the mystery. now let’s talk about the other aspect of this episode that is done really well: the character development. this ep introduces reid’s mom, which adds a significant piece to his character and shows us this new side of him. we’re also presented with the character conflict when elle gets shot, which can be seen as a result of gideon pushing the press conference despite being specifically told not to. gideon obviously is shown blaming himself, causing him to stay at the hospital to be there for elle. elle getting shot also shows us how characters like morgan and jj react to this kind of thing, since up until this point in the show there hasn’t been anything like that. (nevermind, there actually has at least a few times. but nothing has been quite as dire as this, unless you’re counting derailed, which i kind of do now that i think of it.) i think these kind of episodes are really important, since they show how much the team really cares about one another. (the other example coming to mind rn is that one where prentiss and reid get trapped in that cult compound, which is another one of my favorites. god, there are so many examples of this kind of thing, which is just another reason why i love this show so much.) oh! this is an edit later on because i just remembered elle’s whole afterlife-airplane conversation with her dad, which provides us with some backstory! man, shows like criminal minds sure love tossing in those scenes with characters’ dead relatives/friends/whatever when they’re in a near-death situation. anyway i think this one was a pretty good one, even if it seemed random.
so.. we have an epic mystery unraveling AND character development? what else can there be? ah, yes, let’s discuss the ending. (and by ending, i mean the part where they go to the house till the end of the ep.) i think this is a very strong conclusion to a really great case, leaving the audience feeling satisfied. we have a good scene with reid confronting the unsub, and then an explosion, and then the whole scene of them figuring out where rebecca is and saving her right before the house burns and crumbles to the ground. it’s great! (and then there’s the finishing scenes after that paired with the real good song by five for fighting that i just adore.) i bring up the ending of this mainly because it’s, again, satisfying. unlike one of my other favorite cases, the replicator. listen, i love that case. i just think it was building to something grand, and the conclusion we got felt anticlimactic and rushed. (except for that one epic scene with rossi saying “zugzwang,” that is absolutely gold.) it left me feeling unsatisfied, sure, the case was solved and everything turned out okay (well except for strauss...), but i never got to see a real confrontation with the unsub, a confrontation including everyone. plus, the whole thing of blake-getting-taken-and-trapped was met with a real stupid solution with no real consequences and then they just straight up left the building?? it was that easy?? i also think they could’ve gone farther with the helicopter getting controlled, but i’ve been talking about the replicator for too long so i’ll just save it for another day. 
other misc notes: 
- anderson. listen, i love this minor character. you can tell that he was crying after finding out that elle was shot, he clearly cares about the team. (my point is just further proven as the show progresses, anderson is the real g.) he’s definitely good at his job, too, he just made a mistake (granted, hotch and gideon also made mistakes). but yeah, no one is to be blamed for elle getting shot except the fisher king and his freddy krueger lookin’ ass.
- the shot of reid diving while the room explodes behind him is kind of ridiculous but i still think it’s great. also, it is hilarious that he is clearly covered in a bit of soot back at the bau while morgan and hotch just Aren’t.
- we get two examples of characters with awful handwriting: gideon and his illegible markings and reid’s scrawly-ass letters. it’s peak representation for us lads with poor handwriting.
- did i already mention the sword? because it’s freakin’ rad. 
- elle’s anger/sarcasm while being interrogated is so hilarious and very in character for her.
- there’s some good n’ funny dialogue in this episode, including the garcia quote “your mom read you valentine’s day poems? hello, therapy.” 
in conclusion, the fisher king is by far the best, most well-crafted episode/case of criminal minds. i simply adore it. also, season one is the best season of criminal  minds. 
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capo-cedes · 4 years
Red or Pink, What Will It Be?
INVOLVED: Mercedes D'onofrio, Bernice D’onofrio, Samuel D’onofrio, and Al Mazomonie TIME FRAME: Saturday, April 18th, 2020 LOCATION: Venue; New York City, New York NOTES: Mercedes host a gender reveal party for close friends and family, it turns out to be a really huge circus.
Mercedes stood in front of a backdrop and photography station; guests were capable of taking professional photos with her. It came as quite a shock for many to know that she had been pregnant all along, especially after just having attended her wedding on the 4th of this month. However, she was showered in love with open arms from everyone that was around, and might she add the 150 people on their guest list tripled. She had managed to throw together a lavish event that impressed even her father; she didn’t do it alone, however. Her amazing mother-in-law helped her along the way as well. She posed happily with two guests who she didn’t even know. Although she would not have preferred the endless belly touches, she didn’t argue with people about it. If anything, she would appreciate no one stepping on her dress or asking her of her husband’s whereabouts more. She had to leave before him to ensure that her makeup and hair was put together perfectly, and everything was set in stone for the venue. Much like her wedding day she sported her natural eye color and a few freckles within the massive crowd she usually would not have. Freddie was ever the more on guard, there was a massive building with hundreds of bodies, and it was so loud and over-the-top you couldn’t hear yourself think. There was music, carnival props playing, roller coasters and other carnival rides, as well as clowns and more. She had really put on quite a show. There were booths set up around the large building that had both carnival games and your traditional gender reveal themed games. Upon arrival, you were capable of putting your name down to be placed within a draw. Two lucky people out of all the names in the draw, who guessed the right gender would go home with a $2000 grand prize each. She had never embodied her father so much in this moment, her entire life and it showed with each compliment and small conversation that was exchanged with her. 
 “Where is he?” Al asked, pulling the cigar from his mouth as she walked up to Mercedes resting a gentle hand on her lower back. He’d left his wife somewhere between a cotton candy station and a teacup ride. “He can’t be late for this” he told her as he looked up at the massive clock counting down the time when the gender would be revealed to the masses. It was her tricky way of keeping people on their toes and mapping out the events time. Clever but nerve wrecking for Al who was desperately anxious to know what his baby girl was bringing into the world. 
 “Daddy” she said sighing “you asked me that twice already” she reminded him before she said “plus I told you, you can’t smoke those around me right now” Mercedes told him pointing at the cigar. She walked away from the backdrop, pulling the dress up and moving with it. “He’ll be here any minute I am sure” she shrugged lightly at him as she shifted closer towards Freddie, her feet were killing her in the high heels and she used him as a post to hold herself up against as she unfastened and loosened the ankle part to the shoes. 
 Al looked at Mercedes and he nodded his head at her “I understand that, but he should be here. He should have come with you” he pointed out factually. She wanted him to drop the conversation and he wanted to go send someone for Nicholas. There were two very different attitudes revolving around this right now. He sighed at the cigar comment and he put it out against the ground carelessly, before tossing the expensive item in a trash can nearby. “Well let me just make my way back over to the open bar then and get out of your hair” he said to her as she walked away from him. He shook his head sighing as he slid his hands into his slacks. He was going to have to talk to Nicholas about his tardiness, he was ever the more disappointed in him. 
 Mercedes fixed both shoes, so that they worked with her instead of against her. She shifted in the skintight red dress and she sighed heavily. She watched her father move to one of two open bars in the massive building and she exhaled resting her hand on her stomach protectively. She did wonder where Samuel was, it probably had to do with whatever little thing that had him out all day during the day and down in the soundproof lair in their home when he was present. She didn’t think about it, instead she watched the clock above them before she looked around at all the people enjoying themselves, especially Samuel’s family. That is what she wanted for everyone the most, a break from the normal day to day stuff and to really enjoy a day of fun. 
 The second hand clicked speedily around the face of the clock. Bernice stood watching the second hand, tapping out the passage of time against her forearm with a controlled scowl on her face. Those seconds moved minutes, which had now turned into an hour. Where the hell was her son? She stumbled forward, pushed from behind. Catching her balance, she whirled around to find the remorseful, candy covered face of one of her grandchildren wide eyed gazing up at her in horror. “Antonio.” She said, raising her eyebrow as her lips became pencil thin.  “What have I told you about running inside?” she asked him. “I am sorry, Nana. I was trying to get to the cups before sissy.” He said, pointing off in the direction of his sister. Bernice turned but was caught off guard by Al over with Mercedes. She bent positioning the child where she could watch the two openly. “Now, listen here.” She said, holding the boy's shoulder. “I want you to stop running. You are not an animal” she wiped the cotton candy from the boy's face, eyes on Al who looked bothered by something. As the boss walked away from his daughter she rose and ruffled the boy's hair. “Go find your sister and no more candy.”  Antonio’s son was off in a flash, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Which all went back to one thing, Nicholas and his growing pension towards tardiness. 
 Freddie looked at Mercedes as she stood alongside him, he cleared his throat and looked at the massive clock. “30 minutes” he told the woman, that was how long her supposed husband had before the large Ferris wheel in the room announced to them all the gender of their child. It was to lit up in the color options that determined which would be a boy or a girl, so either Red or Pink. He was curious to know the baby's gender himself even though it wasn’t his business. Mercedes looked at Freddie and she nodded her head as she looked up at the clock herself and she sighed softly as she walked away from him, she got it by now. Freddie didn’t think he was the best guy for her and felt she was settling for less than she deserved. But he was her husband and she loved him; nothing would change that. She walked towards a booth by herself, rubbing her arm as she smiled faintly at a few people and she reached the booth. “May I have some water?” she asked as someone moved to pour a glass of water adding ice and handing it over. “Thank you” she said politely as she took a sip of it thankfully and she straggled along, eyeing the booths with various treats and food, pondering it for a moment. She hadn’t eaten since breakfast and she was a little hungry. 
 Bernice was wearing a track in the concrete outside the venue. Anger raising. For the third time Nicholas’s phone went directly to voicemail. She exhaled harshly waiting for the beep, “Nicholas Samuel D'onofrio, this is your mother. I have one question for you. Where the hell are you? Your absence has been noted. And by your father-in- law no less. Get here or do me a favor and run.”  She disconnected the call, face hard. Then returned back into the event. She looked around for her daughter in law spotting her near one of the beverage booths. She smiled and made the necessary apologies as she worked her way through the room. She gave Mercedes shadow an appraising glance then touched the young woman lightly on the shoulder. “How are you holding up? “
 The venue could be seen from nearly three blocks away. One more who's who event like this and they all would need to assume new identities. Nicholas ran his hand over his fresh trimmed beard, tapping his foot lightly against the car floor. 
“Sammy, it’s mom again. I think you should answer it” Paul said, turning around in his seat to offer the man his phone.
 Nicholas shooed the phone away absently, “No need. We’ll be there in 5 minutes.”
 Paul grimaced, rubbing the back of his neck. “If you say so… what if it’s about your wife?”
 Nicholas snorted at the man’s ignorance. “You think it’s not?” He shook his head. “Listen, if something had happened to Mercedes, my phone would be ringing off the hook. Anyway, good work tonight. I only wish you’d found out sooner. That little detour is going to cause me a headache later” He told his brother forlorn. “At least I know exactly what my ex and Rebecca were up to. I want you to move forward with the plan. Chat Sarah up, make her believe it's going to be me and her again. Can you do it?”
  “Yeah, but I don’t see why you want to toy with the woman like this. Just kill her and be done...” Paul replied.  
 Nicholas smirked, “Now where would the fun be in doing that. Just do it“ he said, as they pulled up to the red carpet. 
 Mercedes moved slowly against the concrete in her heels she eyed the pretzels nearby when she felt a hand. She looked back and smiled “hey” she said, hugging the woman to the overly dramatic dress. At her words her brow stitched together, and she laughed her off, knowing what she meant. “Great, everyone is having fun. We did an amazing job” she said looking around. “It is perfect” she lied, no it wasn’t perfect her husband wasn’t there, and the clock was winding down. “I got a little thirsty and I remembered that I in fact have not eaten” she told her “since breakfast” she tossed out. “Debating on a pretzel or a slice of pizza” she said deflecting from the anger she could be displaying over Nicholas. 
 Bernice squeezed the woman just a little too tight. A consoling gesture even if she hadn’t asked for it. Bernice sighed, staring around at the pack space. “Yes, I suppose we did. Well, you did. The idea of a circus theme was genius. Lord know we are all no stranger to the three rings.” She laughed, despite herself. Bernice's hands went to her hips as Nicholas slipped from her mind for a moment. “You can’t do that Mercedes.  That b... “ She cleared her throat, to catch herself. “Baby needs food. I'll put together something from the fruit trays.” She touched the girl’s face, before she left. “Don’t worry… I’ve placed a few calls. Everything is right as rain.” She said, hoping against hope she was telling the truth. 
 One of the soldiers stepped up to open the car door, nodding Nicholas got out of the car buttoning his jacket.
 “This is bull shit Sammy” Paul continued as he hurriedly jumped from the front seat. “Just take the company and bury her in a shallow grave.”
 Nicholas turned to his brother and straightened the man’s coat. He was close enough to his face so what he said next wouldn’t be heard. “I intend to erase not just Sarah but everything her family stands for. She cost me my brother. Now if you question again, we are going to have a problem. You got that.” He stepped away from the man and brushed off the last of the imagined dust. “You look good, let's go.”
Paul gave a warning look to the guard standing just to the right of him and Nicholas. One smirk and he’d kill the man where he stood.  He let Nicholas take a few steps away before he moved to join him. Tabling the top of Sarah all together.  “Mercedes sure does know how to throw a party” he said instead. 
 Nicholas pulled at the cuffs of his black shirt, smoothly making his way up the walk, he’d vetoed the ringmaster’s outfit for something a little more his style. The Versace dinner jacket he felt fit the madness of the circus party his wife and mother had put together and still clear showed were he’d cast his vot. A boy. Honestly, the didn’t’ care either way, but he liked the jacket so that’s what it was. “She does.” He said, impressed as he walked through the doors, scanning the room for his wife. “Now I just wonder how many outfits she’s going to wear tonight.”  
 “I know” Mercedes chuckled while sipping the water through a red and pink straw, the circus theme was amazing. She needed to pat herself on the back for it. When she continued to speak, she looked at her confused for a moment before she smiled nodding her head “I know” she said sheepishly. “You are right” she told her; she did need to eat. “Okay” she said, nodding her head at her suggestion of fruit instead. When the woman touched her face and spoke about Nicholas, she sighed softly to her nodding her head “okay” she told her, believing the woman to be telling the truth. “I can’t let him ruin this day too, you know,” she said, getting a little emotional, “everyone is happy and is excited like me, I just have to bask in that” she said. “But thank you, so much. For being here and for trying to be a comfort” she said. “Al is… pissed to say the very least” she told her in confidence. “But it’ll be okay” she said as she rested her hand on her stomach.
“I thought the guest list was for 150 people” Nicholas grumbled, trying to find anyone he actually knew in the crowded space. Of course, he noticed other capo’s that were hanging out on the edges of the festivities. Soon though as he moved through the crowd, he began to recognize his nieces and nephews. Each kid stopped when they saw him and ran to attach themselves however briefly to the man. He slapped around the boys a bit and told the nieces they were too pretty for words. Then moved deeper in the space. Outside of the kids, Nicholas only nodded and shook hands when he had to. Luckily, Red’s signature color provided to come in handy once again. “Mom.” He greeted, stepping past the woman to get next to Red. “What are you two talking about?” He asked, kissing his wife on her temples. 
 Mercedes heard her husband’s voice and she looked up to see him, Versace down and she raised a brow. Fashionably late is what he chose? He looked good, however. “You look good” she told him kindly as he kissed her temple, she would have preferred her lips but that would do she guess. At his question she smirked and said “you” cutely to him. “We thought you wouldn’t show but surprise” she said as she looked up at the massive clock counting down. They had roughly 6 minutes before the Ferris wheel did the deed. She took another sip of her water and said “excuse me” as she walked away, giving Bernice a knowing look. Damn she told herself she wouldn’t be upset but as soon as she saw his sorry ass face it changed her entire mood. She walked through the crowd, and she made her way towards the event coordinator. Freddie was hot on her trail, shadowing her around the room. He caught up with her and held her by her elbow escorting her to her next spot in the room though her husband should have been. And he prided himself in doing so, a smile on his face as he nodded to the people. Mercedes sipped her water gently, she still needed to eat but considering she was to speak before the Ferris wheel moved, she’d have to wait. 
 Nicholas looked down at his jacket, “Thank you.” He said an uncharacteristic smile on his face. He outright laughed when she truthfully told him she thought he wouldn’t show. “My God. I want to know what we are having. Since someone refused to tell me. I figured if I didn’t want to wait until the birth I better show up.” Before he’d finished his sentence good, Mercedes was off. Nicholas frowned as she moved away, her hound dog right on her heels. He shrugged it off thinking maybe she needed to use the restroom. 
 Bernice gave Nicholas the once over, her face sour. She let Mercedes do the speaking until the girl looked to her then moved off. She rounded on her son; eyes cold. “You are fucking up. You know that right. Did you get my message? Everyone knows you were late to the party Nicholas. Just what the hell is more important than your wife?” 
 Nicholas watched as Mercedes moved further into the press, then shifted back to his mother slowly as she laid into him. He let her words hang in the air for a second then moved on to a more important question. “Where is she going?” He asked, pointing after Red. 
 Bernice crossed her arms and sniffed. “I am not one of your lackies. If you’d been on time you know where she was going.” Her nostrils flared. “It's almost time to make the announcement. If you must know.” 
 Nicholas smirked. He was tired of Mercedes and tired of his mother. He loved both women, but this micromanaging was driving him crazy. He turned to drink vendor behind him, “What’s a good drink for a father to be.” He asked the man ignoring his mother all together. 
 Mercedes smiled at Freddie, letting him go with the pat of his chest as she moved for the stage before the Ferris wheel. She grabbed the microphone from the DJ after he announced that it was time to announce what the bundle joy would be, and she bit her lip hard. She knew the crowd was large but if they could get a handle on the chatter and the bodies, she could actually get what she had to say out. Freddie took the microphone from her and he whistled loudly into it dropping his two fingers after he did. She licked her lips patting his shoulder and she cleared her throat a bit “now that Mr. D’onofrio has gotten here and the clock has struck 0” she said, gesturing it hanging for all to see. “I guess it is time for him to join me on the stage so that he along with the rest of you can learn of the gender to the bundle we are expecting” she said softly, looking throughout the crowd at everyone. 
 Al spotted Nicholas easily as he walked in, like the slick ass Rick he was. He moved towards him, ignoring the shared words between mother and son. “Bernice, you manage to look sensational every time I see you” he complimented before he took a sip of his drink. “I would love to steal the kid” he told her, grabbing Nicholas by the shoulder and tugging him alone, he didn’t have a damn choice in any matter Al was connected to. “There’s open bars son… those drinks are for kids” he said both sarcastically and literally. “Come tell your ole father-in-law what kept you” he said as several men shadowed them towards the direction Al was tugging him. He heard the loud whistling and looked up, he saw the clock had struck 0 and he sighed “saved by the bell” he said, releasing the grip on Samuel before he shoved the boy in the direction, he needed to be walking in. “Just the moment I have been waiting for” he said loudly as he moved closer to the stage where she stood, alone. Somewhere along the way, his wife was brought to him and he held her hand gently in his bring her in the middle of the crowd standing before the stage gazing at Mercedes. “I am going to smack the hell out of that kid” he said to his wife before he took another sip of his drink. 
 Bernice smoothed her feature as The Boss spoke. With long years of respect for the man, she blushed at his complement and inclined her head. “Al.” She said, rather informally. After all she had known the man longer than most people in this room had been alive. She rung her hands as Al grabbed Nicholas, escorting him away. “Damn.” She breathed, knowing there was nothing she could do. 
 Nicholas rubbed his eyes; his gleeful mood was being spoiled. He could have chewed glass as he heard his father in law approach. With a surprisingly firm grip, Al roughly seized him by the arm, and bodily pulled him away from his mother. He opened his mouth to give an explanation. Rather it would be a good one or not was beyond him. When a whistle then Mercedes' voice settled the crowd. Her words proved to do two things highlight his tardiness and turned every eye toward him. He placed his hand at his waist then walked to the stage. Any joy he could have felt in this moment a distant memory. He moved on the stage, brushing past Freddie with ease. Reminding himself how good a loyal man could be. And how depriving Red of hers wouldn’t be exactly fair. 
 Mercedes waited for Samuel to surface and when he did, she smiled at him. He wasn’t too pleased, and she wondered if her mother-in-law pushed too hard, or if her father had gotten to him. Either way, now he knew how she felt every time he left egg on her face. She grabbed his hand and kissed him gently on the lips, with her matte red painted lips. “Before the big reveal” she said on the microphone “I would just like to thank everyone for coming out and celebrating this big news with us” with a bright smile. “We really appreciate all of the love we’ve gotten since the wedding” she said looking over at Samuel as she continued to hold his hand. “I’ve practically waited my entire life for this moment” she said honestly “and I enjoying every minute of retiring my title as Red and Tiny, and trading it for Mrs. D’onofrio and Mother” she said meeting Al’s gaze she lowered the mic “have anything you would like to say?” she asked Samuel curiously looking into his eyes. 
 Nicholas slipped back into character, puckering and accepting Red’s kiss on the lips. Ignoring the cat calls and light heckling coming from the crowd. Her further announcements confused him in some respects, she seemed to, just as at their official wedding, be saying something to everyone that wasn’t entirely clear. Nicholas held his hand up, shaking his head no to the offered microphone wanting nothing more than for this to be over. “I’m just excited to find out what we are having.” He said, adding a good-natured smile to his face for effect. 
 Mercedes knew he wouldn’t say anything, but she could try, maybe he would surprise her. He declined and she smiled nodding her head “okay, let’s have at it” she said as she handed the microphone back over and the Ferris wheel began to spin slowly. She turned to it, standing back a little on the stage, still holding his hand as she faced the large metal contraption. The Ferris wheel was hued in red and pink, the lights danced against it and it continued to spin in various light shows and patterns as it spun. She smirked; she knew it was killing people however it continued its antics until the Ferris wheel stopped the lights shutting off. And simultaneously it glowed in all red and from the ceiling fell red balloons, white balloons and a lot of confetti, some balloons of which said it’s a boy written across them and the crowd erupted. She rested her hand against her stomach “a boy” she said proudly before she looked to Samuel with a smirk on her lips, turning to him slightly. 
 Nicholas turned to watch the Ferris wheel begin it’s show. The machine jumped through color pink then red over and over again. Resting on one color to make you believe that was it only to move back into its wild dance of uncertainty once more. Like his wife the damn wheel liked to play games. “You play entirely too much,'' Nicholas whispered into her ear. Then moved back to his standing position. With a clatter of gears, the wheel came to a stop, glowing RED. Nicholas looked up towards the ceiling as red and white balloons and confetti blanketed the room. He reached to the ground and picked up a balloon that displayed the words boy across it. Smiling larger than he expected he then looked to Mercedes with a toothy grin. “A boy.” He chuckled, holding the balloon, and rested his hand on her stomach. “I would have been happy with either a boy or a girl. But well if you insist. Thank you.” He kissed the nerve-racking woman on the forehead then pulled her closer kissing her lovingly, yet soundly on the lips, hand rubbing across her bump. 
 Mercedes watched his expression, she needed to believe it was genuine. He chuckled and repeated to her their child’s gender, she smirked at that saying “a boy” back to him again. She listened to his words and smiled “you’re welcome” she told him cockily as he kissed her on the forehead and then pulled her closer kissing her lips. Her eyes closed for a moment basking in it and the feel of his hand lingering on her stomach. She opened her eyes and looked at the crowd, she guessed the real party started now and she chuckled. More so at their parents than anyone else. 
 Nicholas chuckled at her confident response. As the room sent up their congratulations, he tossed the balloon into the air and slapped it into the crowd. Curling his fingers into Mercedes’ he made his way off stage. “Question,” He said, taking the steps carefully, shooting Freddie a stay the hell back look. “What was the no more Red or Tiny bit in your speech about? Do you really want to retire?” He asked, looking to her fully once they were back on solid ground. 
 Mercedes watched everyone in the front of the stage, however Al’s glare told her all she needed to know. Nicholas moved with her off the stage and she heard his question over the music and cheers, looking up at him. She held the dress with one hand until they were on solid ground again. “I just don’t-” she said sighing softly to him as she held his hand clutching it. “Al wants me to be Don” she finally confessed to him, after having held this from him for literal months on end. “He won’t accept no for an answer” she said looking into his eyes, she spoke loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough not to be heard by others. “Baby” she said looking at him “I just want you and a family” she said beggingly “I don’t want anything else…” she told him. “Remember what we talked about at the Rainbow room, in Fiji…” she reminded. “I’m not in love with the power anymore” she said shaking her head as her eyes glossed over “I have you and him” she said resting her hand on her stomach gently. 
 Al looked at Donna “I have to go speak to her; I need her to know that this was not the place for a stunt like that” he said angrily as he clutched his glass in his hand. He even shoved the glass at his wife to grab as he moved towards the couple that was moving through the crowd now. He always thought Rebecca would be the death of him, but these two, definitely took the cake. He approached them, stopping them in their strides. “Have you lost your damn mind?” he asked Mercedes, grabbing her arm. “I oughta slap some sense into your thick head” he sneered bitterly. “I told you to lay off that retirement business, you know what you have to do,” he said as he looked over at Nicholas. He grabbed Mercedes' face and tugged her forward, their nose practically touching. Sound familiar? “Do you understand me?” he asked her, glaring into her green eyes. “A baby and marriage changes nothing, the family comes first, and you have responsibilities to uphold…” he said as he let her go finally. “Red, Tiny, Mercedes… it doesn’t matter the order, but those titles are the only ones you have” he told her. 
 Nicholas paused at the end of the steps, turning to face Mercedes fully as she explained her comments. He exhaled, running his hand over his beard. He’d never thought Al would place Mercedes over Rebecca. Not really. “He is used to getting what he wants. You know that.” He wrapped her in his arms for a moment, running his hand up and down her back. “We’ll deal with it. I wish you’d told me before... “ He held her by the waist and began to make his way through the crowd when Al thundered towards them face a blotchy red. Nicholas’s fingers itched, hand moving towards the Glock at his side. It seemed almost unreal to see Al’s hand clutching Mercedes’ arm. But when he placed his hand on her face, he became enraged. He pulled Red away from the man. Stepping directly between Al and her. For once he was happy her ever present shadow was lurking just behind them as he physically put her in Freddie’s hands. “This isn’t the place.” He hissed to sharp but with all the control he could muster. “She’s pregnant and emotional. Leave it Don.” He said stepping back, prying his finger from the cold steel under his jacket. “I’ll talk to her. She’ll be back to her old self once the baby comes.” He added trying to make himself sound calm and sure of his words. While in his mind the man was already dead, on the floor, with a bullet through his head. 
 Mercedes looked at her father with somewhat wide eyes, he’d keep his composure. There was no way he’d embarrass her in front of everyone like this. As he went on to scold her, she held her hand up to try and calm the man down. However, he gripped her face with his hands, and it caused her lip to tremble slightly. She grabbed his wrist and looked at him with pleading eyes. As he released her, she exhaled slowly, heart racing fast as Samuel pulled her away from him, she stumbled back into Freddie in her heels. Freddie, grabbed the woman by her waist and her arm, holding her steady against him. Freddie watched on with wide eyes, the exchange between the three shocking him a little though he tried not to show it. Mercedes rested her hand on Samuel’s back seeing his hand “I-” she breathed trying to find her words as she looked between the two. 
 Al looked at Nicholas and he tilted his head “you, tell me when and where it’s my place to conduct business?” he asked, pointing to the boy with his finger. As the boy went on to remind him of his daughter’s current state, he looked at Mercedes again. He looked at Freddie, then Mercedes, back to Samuel and he said “hmph” between closed lips. “Don’t you ever come between her and I again” he said, walking up to Nicholas. “She might carry your last name, but she knows who her loyalty lies with” he said looking at Mercedes. “And so, do you” he said looking back at Nicholas, “remember your place, and you as well” he said to them both as he patted Nicholas face with his hand. He straightened his tie and walked off into the crowd smoothly. 
 He didn’t answer the rhetorical question the man posed. Instead, Nicholas rolled his shoulder back, planting his feet in a wide V, preparing for whatever might happen next. His lower jaw clenched iron tight as the man patted his cheek, but kept his mouth closed only daring to turn back to Mercedes once Al was out of immediate sight. “Are you okay?” He said voice lifeless as he collected Mercedes. 
As Al walked away Mercedes followed him with her eyes, she pulled away from Freddie slightly. Resting her hands on the front of the dress and she looked at Sam nodding her head at him, “yeah” she said quickly as she reached up and wiped a tear before it could ruin her makeup or lashes. “He just has a short temper is all you know that” she said trying to chuckle it off though she knew Al had lit something within Nicky. She was used to it now, his fickleness, Al knew she wanted to get out of this lifestyle before she lost her life or worse. “I’m sorry” she said as she discreetly wiped a few more tears from the corner of each eye. Crying about it would serve no real purpose here but had people been listening to her all along. “I want to keep him safe, no matter what and that’s something you and Al can’t promise” she said to him emotionally, her eyes filling with more tears. They said she was emotional because she was pregnant, but she wasn’t, hormones played no role, there was a target on her back and a bundle in her belly. She wanted nothing more than to protect everyone involved right now.
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The most important LGBTQ movies, TV shows, music and books of 2018
Say it with us: Representation matters. As a wave of change rolls through the entertainment industry, it’s unveiling the thirst for different stories — and, just as important, different storytellers — to appear on our screens and pages. No longer are audiences content to hear from the same homogenous voices we’ve always heard from.
2018 has been a banner year for onscreen and on-page representation, with diversity spreading all across our favorite binge-worthy media. As we look ahead at the movies, TV shows, and books in store for the future, there are several LGBTQ-related titles worth highlighting.
June 19: The Great Believers, by Rebecca Makkai
Makkai’s ambitious third novel centers on the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and the long shadow it cast. The story begins in Boystown, Chicago, where the epidemic has hit the queer community and a group of friends gather to mourn one of their own. The story jumps back and forth in time between ’80s Chicago and present-day Paris, where the sister (and only surviving relative) of the dead man searches for her estranged daughter. The Great Believers is filled with grief, but it also embodies the heart of the community.
June 26: Confessions of the Fox, by Jordy Rosenberg
Rosenberg is one of the first trans fiction writers to be signed by a major publishing house, and his forthcoming tome is proudly queer. It’s technically about 18th-century thieves, but it reimagines myths and fantasies of the old days in a more representative way, delving into LGBTQ subcultures and defying gender norms. As Rosenberg told EW, he “wanted to make that form of intimacy open to everyone.”
June 29: The Indigo Girls, Indigo Girls Live With the University of Colorado Symphony Orchestra
As its title suggests, the legendary folk duo’s latest release was recorded with a college orchestra during a sold-out show in Boulder, Colorado, last year. It features 22 songs from their extensive catalog, such as “Galileo” and “Closer to Fine,” remixed with a little something special.
July 6: Years & Years, Palo Santo
Fronted by actor-singer Olly Alexander (of Skins fame), this U.K. band’s new album envisions a world where the minority is always the majority. Its lead single, “Sanctify,” was inspired by “I’m a Slave 4 U”-era Britney Spears. What more do you need to know?
July 24: I Can’t Date Jesus, by Michael Arceneaux
This debut essay collection — a meditation on Arceneaux’s life as a gay black author — is boisterously funny, melancholic, and at times devastating. Arceneaux is a frequent Essence and Complex contributor and has built up a huge following, thanks to his wry commentary on everything from race to sexuality to popular culture. Jesus touches on topics including his own coming-out story and how artists like Janet Jackson and Lil’ Kim helped to shape his identity.
July 27: Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood
Rubbing elbows with (and the nether regions of) cinema royals like Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn at his same-sex brothel made marine-turned-celebrity pimp Scotty Bowers the unlikely keeper of closeted Hollywood’s secrets. But when documentarian Matt Tyrnauer peeled back the 94-year-old’s layers, he found a complicated figure whose glamorous past conflicts with his current hoarder lifestyle — a psychological anomaly begging for screen time too.
Aug. 3: The Miseducation of Cameron Post
This film, a recent Sundance breakout, stars Chloë Grace Moretz as a teenager at a gay conversion camp. It takes place in the early ’90s, and kicks off with the titular Cameron making out with the prom queen in the back of her boyfriend’s car. Her guardians send her to a “camp” called God’s Promise, which is exactly as disturbing as it sounds.
Aug. 31: Troye Sivan, Bloom
Only a handful of performers have parlayed YouTube stardom into successful pop music careers, and 23-year-old Sivan is one of them. His anticipated second LP includes the dance-heavy hit “My My My!”
Sept. 14: Lizzie
In this bodice-ripping cinematic take on the legendary maybe-murderess Lizzie Borden (who, if you’ll recall, was famous for being the prime suspect in the killing of her father and stepmother), Chloë Sevigny and Kristen Stewart fall axe-identally in love, with all the bloody consequences one would expect.
Sept. 28: Boy Erased
Lucas Hedges, Nicole Kidman, and Russell Crowe star in this film, based on the true story of a young gay man whose parents send him to conversion therapy. It’s based on the memoir by Garrard Conley.
Oct. 5: Studio 54
This definitive documentary recounts the rise, reign, and fall of ’70s New York’s most hedonistic hot spot.
Nov. 2: Bohemian Rhapsody
Rami Malek transforms into Queen’s Freddie Mercury in a film that charts his life in music — and his legacy as a queer icon.
Date TBD: Him or Her, HBO
Issa Rae (the mastermind behind Insecure) and former Daily Show writer Travon Free are developing this comedy, which chronicles the dating life of a bisexual black man.
Date TBD: AJ and the Queen, Netflix
Written by RuPaul and former Sex and the City showrunner Michael Patrick King, this comedy just got a 10-episode order. It stars the Drag Race host as a drag queen traveling across the country from club to club with a recently orphaned 11-year-old stowaway.
Date TBD: Thom and Carson Project, Bravo
Original Queer Eye alums Carson Kressley and Thom Filicia have reunited for this upcoming reality series in which they whip up impressive and affordable redesigns for their clients.
This content was originally published here.
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unicornshit28-blog · 7 years
Sirius Black x OC
Inspired by Grown Ups
The manor shared between the Black and Potter families always had a cheerful air that was if Kallan wasn’t in work mode. Kallan blew a loose strand of red hair from her face as she pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned loudly. She exhaled loudly upon hearing the news Arthur Weasley came to share with her. After she had graduated from Hogwarts she went on to becoming the Deputy Mistress for Magic along with Cornelius Fudge as the Minister. To say Kallan hated him was an understatement. The man utterly infuriated her. She honestly did most of the work and the sly minx only took the credit. Sometimes she would even catch him trying to owl Dumbledore asking for help on running the British Wizarding Community.
“Please tell me you’re joking, Arthur?” she begged as she glared at a strand of Arthur’s red hair which didn’t seem to want to stay behind his elfish ear.
“I’m afraid I am not, Mistress.” He said gravely.
“Mum?” her eleven year old son, Freddie, called. “Uncle James is taking Harry and me to watch a quidditch match!”
“Freddie, I’m busy!” she scolded and the back door shut signalling the departure of James and the boys.
“Arthur, tell me who even let that hag into the ministry in the first place?!”
“It was Fudge. He thinks that Dolores would do well for us all” he elucidated.
“I need to talk to Kingsley about this...” Kallan muttered whilst rummaging through the papers which lay sprawled out on her dining room table. “Thank you Arthur, you may leave.”
There were loud noises coming from the kitchen as her six year old daughter, Harper, banged drawers furiously in her search for string.
“Harper, keep it down in there!” Kallan called before picking up the muggle phone and calling Cornelius. Arthur had forced him to install a muggle phone in his office to which Kallan was grateful for because now she could scream at him without having to see his wrinkly old face. “Cornelius!” she yelled once he had answered the phone. “You did not receive my permission to hire Dumbridge!”
“I’m sorry but I didn’t feel that you needed to know” he answered in his squeaky voice which resulted in Kallan curling her bare toes on the tiled floor and cringing.
“It clearly states in rule 194 that if there is a deputy minister/mistress, their consent is needed before hiring anyone new!”
“I sent you paperwork wrapped in a purple parcel. It’s not my fault that you didn’t bother to read-” he was cut off by Kallan putting the phone down and storming into the kitchen where more of her paperwork was lying on the counter. Sirius stood at the stove busy cooking dinner. 
“Hey love” he greeted but Kallan merely mumbled a reply whilst looking through the cluttered pile on the desk in the corner of the kitchen. “Babe, you need to stop stressing.”
Once she found the purple parcel, her pale blue eyes scanned its contents before she let out an irritated huff. She picked up the other phone which was on the kitchen counter and phoned the minister once more. “Cornelius you son of a banshee!”
“I see you found the parcel...” he mused while Sirius shot his wife a small smile.
“You didn’t mention that the employee was a complete nutter!” Kallan argued. “She is not al-” she was cut off by Harper running into the kitchen with an excited smile on her face.
“Mummy look!” she held up a string with a tiny and bloody tooth on it. “My tooth came out!”
“That’s great! It seems like the tooth fairy will be paying my princess a visit tonight.” Sirius kissed his daughter’s temple before continuing with dinner. Harper grinned widely at her father, her messy red curls all over the place and a dribble of dried blood on her chin.
“Harper!” Kallan scolded. “I am on the phone!” she proceeded back to her conversation with the minister. “I assure you that I have the necessary paperwork t-”
“But Mummy my tooth came out!” Harper smile at her overworked mother.
“Harper” she began while Sirius eyed the two carefully as he put the chicken into the oven. “Go to bed! I’ll put the Galleon under your pillow later” she told her daughter before continuing once again. “Kingsley has provided enough-”
“What?” Harper asked softly her stormy grey eyes glossy with unshed tears. It was the only thing that resembled Harper to her father. Everything else made her a spitting image of Kallan, all the way from her long red hair to her tiny button nose which shivered upon hearing her mother’s words. Sirius stopped what he was doing to watch the two who were surely going to have a falling out. He decided that this time, he wouldn’t intervene.
“Harper!” Kallan yelled making her flinch. “I told you that I would come and put the Galleon under your bed lat- oh, sweetie” realization dawned on her as she slowly put the phone down.
“T-there is n-no t-tooth fairy?” she asked as her salty tears ran down her velvety and rosy cheeks. She turned on her heel and ran up to presumably her room.
“What have I done?” Kallan whispered to herself.
“I’ll go speak to her” Sirius said and gave her a reassuring smile. After he too had disappeared upstairs Kallan decided to put her things away. Seeing the look on her daughter’s face was absolutely heart wrenching. She merely wanted to show her mother that her first tooth had fallen out but Kallan was too oblivious to even see that.
She walked up to her room and took off her blazer and pencil skirt, replacing it with shorts and an oversized t-shirt which she had nicked from James during seventh year. A frustrated sigh escaped Kallan’s rosy lips as she tried her best not to cry. She walked to Lily and James’ rooms to retrieve her nightgown which she had left there that morning after she and Lily shared breakfast in bed. It was really convenient that the two best friends both had two children; an eleven year old boy, Freddie and Harry, and a six year old girl, Harper and Charlotte. Lily had taken Charlotte to a muggle dentist after she had complained about a tooth ache. Kallan picked up her robe but couldn’t help but ogle at the pictures in their room. There were pictures all around their room. There was one of Harry on his first broomstick and one of Charlotte trying a chocolate frog for the first time. There were even some pictures of her children. One in particular caught her eye. Charlotte and Harper sat at a table surrounded by their loved ones. They were at their joint birthday party celebrating their first birthday. Everyone was clad in different costumes to amuse the little girls who were much like sisters. Sirius and James were dressed as pirates while Lily was a princess and Sabrina was not so surprisingly dressed as a bald baby. What Kallan noticed next made her heart shatter. Kallan was in the picture all right, but she wasn’t dressed in a costume and she was in the background. Instead she wore her uniform, a pantsuit, and was arguing over the phone with an irritated look on her face. She remembered that day very clearly. It was the day that Fudge decided that he wouldn’t offer Remus a job because of his lycanthropy. She was absolutely infuriated and spent the rest of the day seething. Even Remus who was supposed to be upset was in the picture and was smiling brightly wearing a pixie costume. A sob racked Kallan’s entire body. She didn’t even pay attention to her daughter on her first birthday.
There was another picture with everyone surrounding a happy Harry and Freddie as they held up their Hogwarts letters. Once again Kallan was in the background scribbling furiously on a piece of parchment. There was sudden movement next to her and Kallan aimed her focus on Sirius who was dressed in a pink ball gown, adorned in shiny jewellery with red lipstick which looked forcefully applied.
“I messed up Sirius...” she whispered as she leaned her head into his chest.
“We just finished our tea party and she confessed that she is not upset about the tooth thing” he said whilst stroking Kallan’s long red hair.
“What’s she upset about then?”                                                                      
“She misses her mother” he sighed and grabbed her hands. “And I can only say the same for Freddie too”
There was noise down stairs indicating that Lily and James had returned home with the boys and Charlotte. Sirius kissed her lovingly before walking downstairs. With a final sigh Kallan headed towards Harper’s room. She tapped delicately on the pink door which led to her daughter’s princess themed room. Kallan slowly opened the door and saw her daughter sitting on her pink sofa with her ball gown messy and tiara falling from her head.
“I’m sorry I disturbed you, Mummy...”
“No Honey, don’t apologise. I’m the one at fault” she clarified as she scooped her daughter into a bear hug. She wiped her daughter’s tears away.
Sirius stood in the kitchen with James, Lily, Remus, Sabrina and Regulus while they waited for Kallan to come down. Charlotte lay sleeping on the couch while Freddie and Harry played exploding snap. Harper was practicing her makeup skills on Rebecca, Regulus and Sabrina’s eleven year old daughter. After what seemed like forever, Kallan had finally come into the kitchen.
“I gave up my post as Mistress for Magic!”
“WHAT?!” was the reply of all the adults.
“Why?” Lily asked her best friend.
“It keeps me from my family” Kallan explained. “I don’t want to miss out on anything else.”
“But you love working at the ministry” Sabrina pointed out.
“Which is why Kinsley assigned me as Head Auror which is much easier than being Mistress for Magic” she continued.
“Being Mistress for Magic is so not easier than being an auror, let alone head auror” James highlighted.
“Try babysitting Cornelius Fudge...” Kallan muttered darkly. “Anything is better than that!”
The adults laughed while they hugged Kallan.
“Care to explain the good news to the kids?”
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ezatluba · 5 years
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The 16 Best Books About Dealing With Grief, According to Psychologists
Welcome to Reading Lists, comprehensive book guides from the Strategist designed to make you an expert in hyperspecific or newsworthy topics (or at least a fascinating dinner-party companion), from microdosing and psychedelic therapy to French cooking. Here, a selection of books about understanding grief and the grieving process.
Processing grief can be a significant challenge to those directly experiencing loss and their loved ones. According to Dr. Lynn Horridge, “People’s experience of grief is so subjective, and as a culture, we suffer from a lack of literacy around death and grieving. This leaves people feeling isolated and unsupported in their grief, at a time when they need people and support most.” While no single text can offer a simple answer, we’ve compiled a list of books that can, at the very least, help you better understand the grieving process. “When we suffer core-level losses, the narrative arc of our life stories is torn apart,” explains Dr. Miriam Benhaim, clinical director of the Center for Loss and Renewal. “There are no shortcuts in this process, but books can help to repair and rewrite those narratives as we learn about the stories and struggles of those who have gone before us in meeting these challenges and in validating our feelings and reactions.”
We consulted a group of grief-focused psychologists, social workers, and counselors to find the best books about grief and grieving that cover a range of experiences and relationships. Our panel of experts includes social worker R. Benyamin Cirlin, executive director at the Center for Loss and Renewal;grief counselor Diane Brennan; author of Mindfulness and Grief Heather Stang; psychotherapist and author Karla Helbert; social worker Dave Roberts; Dr. Rebecca S. Morse; senior director of advocacy and training at The Dougy Center Dr. Donna L. Schuurman; grief counselor Shakira Perez-Jones; Dr. Laura Goorin; social worker Rebecca Gerstein; Dr. Alexis Tomarken; family grief counselor Jill S. Cohen; psychotherapist Ruth Kreitzman, social worker Colleen Bloom of the Center for Complicated Grief; and Dr. Gloria Horsley and Dr. Heidi Horsley of the Open to Hope Foundation and authors of Teen Grief Relief. As always, each book comes recommended by at least two experts.
Best book about dealing with grief after a death
1 How to Go on Living When Someone You Love Dies
Three of our experts recommended this text by Dr. Therese Rando, a pioneer in the field of grief counseling and the current Clinical Director of The Institute for the Study and Treatment of Loss. Her seminal guide to grief gently walks readers through essential and often overlooked aspects of the process while remaining inclusive of all types of losses.
According to Benyamin, the book is essential reading because her description of the grieving process is both “comprehensive and illuminating.” Brennan adds that it covers both the “practical and emotional steps necessary to recover from a major loss” from managing funeral preparations to learning how to accept help from friends and family. And Cohen calls it is “a classic” that is “practical, inspiring, and so worthwhile to read.”
Best books on grief for children
2 The Invisible String
Obviously, the way a child comes to understand loss is quite different from the way an adult does. When it comes to explaining death to young children, Cirlin recommends finding books that “help to contextualize the role of change, loss, and death in our lives” by finding metaphors in nature or the world at large. Four of our experts cited The Invisible String as a go-to book “that skillfully communicates to children the reassuring meaning of attachment and its importance in all kinds of losses,” says Kreitzman. Gerstein adds that she loves this book “because it can be used to discuss any type of loss” and the metaphor of the string is easily understood by children of all ages.
3 The Fall of Freddie the Leaf
While it may be a parent’s first instinct to shield children from the realities of death, several of our experts noted that it is more harmful in the long term not to facilitate these discussions. And a book provides a simple yet effective way to break the ice with kids. Three of our experts suggested The Fall of Freddie the Leaf, which follows the life cycle of a leaf named Freddie and his friends. “Simple and wise, this story is an allegory about the balance between life and death,” says Helbert. Cirlin adds that it is filled “with great warmth” and “meant to be read and reread.”
4 When Dinosaurs Die: A Guide to Understanding Death
Three of our experts — Ruth Kreitzman, Jill S. Cohen, and Donna Schuurman — suggested keeping When Dinosaurs Die: A Guide to Understanding Death on hand to answer any questions kids might have. “This book provides clear and straightforward information about death in a very engaging format,” says Kreitzman; and Cohen says it is “full of compassion and comfort.” Schuurman adds, “This is one of the few books specifically for children that doesn’t oversimplify or give pat answers about why people die. It explores the things children wonder about as they try to make sense of dying and death, as well as how to cope.”
Best book about the science of grief
5 The Other Side of Sadness
The Other Side of Sadness, by George Bonanno, a professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University, was recommended by two of our experts for those seeking a more research-based look at grief. “Bonanno is an astute observer of the intersection between science and soul-searching,” says Goorin. He couples the story of the death of his father with easy-to-read scientific research, based on hundreds of interviews. Bonanno is best known for introducing the concept of resilience into the field of bereavement and trauma, and explores this concept in-depth here. “If you’re interested in a scientific look at bereavement and what Bonanno does and does not think our culture gets right, this is a good choice,” adds Brennan.
Best books about sudden loss
6 I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye
Compared to an expected loss when the bereaved have time to prepare and say good-bye, sudden loss often “robs the bereaved person of a sense of safety and normalcy,” explains Benhaim, who compares it to an act of sudden violence. “This book does a masterful job of describing this dizzying and destabilizing assault on the inner and outer life of the mourner.” Stang notes that the book covers a wide range of material “from offering the wise advice to ‘treat yourself as if you were in intensive care,’ to debunking harmful myths, and even offering guidance on dealing with the media,” which makes it “an invaluable resource addressing all ages and relationships.” While this is not a memoir, the authors take the time to address their own experiences with a sudden loss in the first few chapters, which establishes a “sense of safety and companionship” between them and the reader, she adds.
7 Bearing the Unbearable
This book is “for anyone dealing with the traumatic death of a loved one,” says Helbert, and is general enough to apply to most relationships whether you are dealing with the loss of a child, spouse, or friend. “She emphasizes the reality that grieving takes time and should be given the time it needs,” says Perez-Jones, adding that it teaches mourners how to “eliminate the need to acquire the permission or approval of others” while they navigate how to “redefine life” after an unexpected loss.
Best book for parents of bereaved children
8 A Parent's Guide to Raising Grieving Children
Parenting a grief-stricken child — especially when a parent is also mourning — can be new territory for a lot of adults. According to Schuurman, “This book helps parents navigate their own grief, as well as better understand how to support their children following the death of a family member” by offering advice and strategies. The book is geared toward all age groups and covers everything from explaining death to a toddler to how best to manage the shifting moods of a grieving teenager. By weaving her own story of loss with the stories of dozens of young people and their parents, the authors help readers “feel a greater sense of normalcy in the midst of an abnormal and terrible event,” says Cirlin.
Best books for bereaved teens
9 Modern Loss: Candid Conversation About Grief
“The death of a parent throws the teenager into a disrupted and potentially isolated life because it is so far from the norm of most of his and her peers,” explains Cirlin. So it is essential that teenagers, in particular, feel connected to a community that is dealing with the same feelings and circumstances. This “very relatable and real” book of personal essays written by grieving young adults covers almost every grief and loss topic, and “pulls no punches,” says Schuurman.
10 Straight Talk About Death for Teenagers: How to Cope With Losing Someone You Love
“The author explains to teens what to expect from the loss of a loved one and how to cope, grieve, and live through and with this grief,” says Cohen. Helbert describes it this way: “Just what it says. Straight talk about death when any loved one or relative has died.” This straightforward and practical text covers topics ranging from “Self-Inflicted Death” to “Crying” while exploring the tough questions teens may have, she says.
Best books about grieving a sibling
11 Healing the Adult Sibling's Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas After Your Brother or Sister Dies
“Siblings are often called the ‘forgotten mourner’ because attention usually is placed on surviving parents, spouses, and children related to the deceased person,” explains Cirlin. Gerstein, who is a self-described member of this group of mourners, suggests this book by Alan D. Wolfelt because it “validates the sibling relationship and introduces the reader to the concept of disenfranchised grief, which many siblings feel but have difficulty articulating.” Wolfelt, who is the founder of the Center for Loss and Life Transition, provides 100 action-oriented ideas for embracing your grief while honoring the relationship you had with your sibling.
12 The Empty Room: Understanding Sibling Loss
Both Cohen and Horseley recommend this book for bereaved siblings, which features both memoir writing and journalistic research. The author reflects on her personal experience of sibling illness and loss, while also gathering insights and stories from over 200 sibling survivors, says Horseley. Because professional texts for this kind of loss can be limited, the feelings and voices of survivors are highlighted and uplifted.
13 Surviving the Death of a Sibling: Living Through Grief When an Adult Brother or Sister Dies
Surviving the Death of a Sibling: Living Through Grief When an Adult Brother or Sister Dies seeks “to elevate and elucidate the experience and altered lives of siblings who have lost lifelong companions and friends,” says Cirlin. Cohen particularly likes that the book offers both general guidance and “great coping strategies” to those grieving this particular and profound type of loss.
Best book about the adult loss of a parent
14 The Orphaned Adult: Understanding and Coping with Grief and Change After the Death of our Parents
“Many clients in our practice are surprised by the depth of their grief after the loss of a parent and struggle with a newfound sense of identity and aloneness,” says Benhaim. Because this is not an “out of order” death, like a parent grieving the loss a child, or a parental death experienced by a young child or teen, an adult child may feel pressure to cope with the loss of an elderly parent quickly. However, “the death of a lifelong witness to one’s existence is a huge change.” Cohen recommends The Orphaned Adultbecause it “validates how hard, perhaps surprisingly, it is as a grown adult to handle” the loss of a parent and explores “how this signifies so much more in the ‘big picture’ of an adult’s life.”
Best book about supporting someone who is grieving
15 It’s OK that You’re Not OK: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture that Doesn’t Understand
Figuring out strategies to understand and support a loved one experiencing a traumatic loss can be very difficult. Many of our experts noted that the current culture surrounding death does not adequately prepare individuals with the right tools. Schuurman recommends this text for bereaved individuals and especially to those who support them, because the author, who is both a therapist and bereaved partner, “understands the pain that grieving people carry on top of their actual grief, including the pain of being judged, dismissed, and misunderstood” by others. The book challenges the myths of grief, while also outlining skills and suggestions for providing comfort and care. “Megan Devine has captured the grief experience: grief is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be honored.”
Best book for bereaved spouses
16 The Year of Magical Thinking
Far and away the most recommended book — by eight (!) of our experts — was The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion, which chronicles her first year coping with the sudden loss of her husband, John Gregory Dunne. While this is not a self-help text, many of our experts recommended memoirs as a powerful tool. Tomarken generally recommends memoirs to her patients because people benefit “from feeling the familiarity of their experience.” Gerstein says, “Didion’s book on losing her husband is the holy grail of grief books. It is raw, personal, and captures the experience of grief up close.” Schuurman adds that “she writes in detail about both the existential and mundane aspects of grief.” While Goorin notes that Didion is describing her experience with chronic grief, which is a “less common response to loss” it is still a stunning “depiction of the depths of suffering” that other bereaved spouses are sure to feel connected to.
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The most important LGBTQ movies, TV shows, music and books of 2018
Say it with us: Representation matters. As a wave of change rolls through the entertainment industry, it’s unveiling the thirst for different stories — and, just as important, different storytellers — to appear on our screens and pages. No longer are audiences content to hear from the same homogenous voices we’ve always heard from.
2018 has been a banner year for onscreen and on-page representation, with diversity spreading all across our favorite binge-worthy media. As we look ahead at the movies, TV shows, and books in store for the future, there are several LGBTQ-related titles worth highlighting.
June 19: The Great Believers, by Rebecca Makkai
Makkai’s ambitious third novel centers on the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and the long shadow it cast. The story begins in Boystown, Chicago, where the epidemic has hit the queer community and a group of friends gather to mourn one of their own. The story jumps back and forth in time between ’80s Chicago and present-day Paris, where the sister (and only surviving relative) of the dead man searches for her estranged daughter. The Great Believers is filled with grief, but it also embodies the heart of the community.
June 26: Confessions of the Fox, by Jordy Rosenberg
Rosenberg is one of the first trans fiction writers to be signed by a major publishing house, and his forthcoming tome is proudly queer. It’s technically about 18th-century thieves, but it reimagines myths and fantasies of the old days in a more representative way, delving into LGBTQ subcultures and defying gender norms. As Rosenberg told EW, he “wanted to make that form of intimacy open to everyone.”
June 29: The Indigo Girls, Indigo Girls Live With the University of Colorado Symphony Orchestra
As its title suggests, the legendary folk duo’s latest release was recorded with a college orchestra during a sold-out show in Boulder, Colorado, last year. It features 22 songs from their extensive catalog, such as “Galileo” and “Closer to Fine,” remixed with a little something special.
July 6: Years & Years, Palo Santo
Fronted by actor-singer Olly Alexander (of Skins fame), this U.K. band’s new album envisions a world where the minority is always the majority. Its lead single, “Sanctify,” was inspired by “I’m a Slave 4 U”-era Britney Spears. What more do you need to know?
July 24: I Can’t Date Jesus, by Michael Arceneaux
This debut essay collection — a meditation on Arceneaux’s life as a gay black author — is boisterously funny, melancholic, and at times devastating. Arceneaux is a frequent Essence and Complex contributor and has built up a huge following, thanks to his wry commentary on everything from race to sexuality to popular culture. Jesus touches on topics including his own coming-out story and how artists like Janet Jackson and Lil’ Kim helped to shape his identity.
July 27: Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood
Rubbing elbows with (and the nether regions of) cinema royals like Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn at his same-sex brothel made marine-turned-celebrity pimp Scotty Bowers the unlikely keeper of closeted Hollywood’s secrets. But when documentarian Matt Tyrnauer peeled back the 94-year-old’s layers, he found a complicated figure whose glamorous past conflicts with his current hoarder lifestyle — a psychological anomaly begging for screen time too.
Aug. 3: The Miseducation of Cameron Post
This film, a recent Sundance breakout, stars Chloë Grace Moretz as a teenager at a gay conversion camp. It takes place in the early ’90s, and kicks off with the titular Cameron making out with the prom queen in the back of her boyfriend’s car. Her guardians send her to a “camp” called God’s Promise, which is exactly as disturbing as it sounds.
Aug. 31: Troye Sivan, Bloom
Only a handful of performers have parlayed YouTube stardom into successful pop music careers, and 23-year-old Sivan is one of them. His anticipated second LP includes the dance-heavy hit “My My My!”
Sept. 14: Lizzie
In this bodice-ripping cinematic take on the legendary maybe-murderess Lizzie Borden (who, if you’ll recall, was famous for being the prime suspect in the killing of her father and stepmother), Chloë Sevigny and Kristen Stewart fall axe-identally in love, with all the bloody consequences one would expect.
Sept. 28: Boy Erased
Lucas Hedges, Nicole Kidman, and Russell Crowe star in this film, based on the true story of a young gay man whose parents send him to conversion therapy. It’s based on the memoir by Garrard Conley.
Oct. 5: Studio 54
This definitive documentary recounts the rise, reign, and fall of ’70s New York’s most hedonistic hot spot.
Nov. 2: Bohemian Rhapsody
Rami Malek transforms into Queen’s Freddie Mercury in a film that charts his life in music — and his legacy as a queer icon.
Date TBD: Him or Her, HBO
Issa Rae (the mastermind behind Insecure) and former Daily Show writer Travon Free are developing this comedy, which chronicles the dating life of a bisexual black man.
Date TBD: AJ and the Queen, Netflix
Written by RuPaul and former Sex and the City showrunner Michael Patrick King, this comedy just got a 10-episode order. It stars the Drag Race host as a drag queen traveling across the country from club to club with a recently orphaned 11-year-old stowaway.
Date TBD: Thom and Carson Project, Bravo
Original Queer Eye alums Carson Kressley and Thom Filicia have reunited for this upcoming reality series in which they whip up impressive and affordable redesigns for their clients.
This content was originally published here.
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