#isaac lahey preference
cozy-writer · 2 months
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violetfairydust · 1 year
I'm going to start posting more on here. I randomly selected this snippet, but I really liked the follow up, so I'm sharing both. There's probably a lot that won't make sense without context, but if you want it, I will be happy to share my wild imagination with y'all.
Stiles popped up from behind the counter. “Why are you up so early?”
Isaac jumped. “Early start at work. Old Man McDonald’s funeral is today.”
“So you’re saying that Old McDonald bought the farm?”
“EIEI oh well.”
“So Old McDonald kicked the bucket,” Stiles said as he signed his name at the bottom of some papers.
“That’s too bad,” Parrish said. “He was such a…” he looked up considering his word choice “famous old man.”
“Yeah, famous for being crotchety.”
“Doesn’t mean he deserves to drown in the milk vat.”
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lfzyxf · 4 months
You asked for requests for Isaac and I just thought of a potentially really cute one. You know that trend where one member an established relationship refuses to say “I love you” back to the other to see how they’ll react? Yeah, that with Isaac and Reader. Preferably with reader being the one doing the trend, but I’d be okay with being the other way around if you’d rather explore that.
I hope this is somewhat what you had in mind. I think Isaac would be the type of boyfriend that can't actually get mad at you, so he solves it in a different way lmao. I hope you like it!
Isaac Lahey x gn!reader Word count: 663 Masterlist
“Okay, I’m heading out now,” Isaac tells you. The two of you had been hanging out all day, spending your time relaxing in your bed. Away from all the supernatural stuff for a few hours. Until Derek needed Isaac to go back to the compound of course. Which was unfortunately now. “Can’t he give you one night off?” You complain, your time with Isaac has almost always been cut short by either Derek or some other supernatural thing going on.
He sighs before smiling sweetly at you “he needs to prepare me for the upcoming full moon sweetheart.” He starts to put on his leather jacket before continuing to speak. “Or would you rather I rip out someone’s throat?” You pretend to think for a moment “Is it someone I like or...?” He gives you a look before softly kissing your cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school, I love you,” he says before opening the door and stepping outside your room.
You remain seated on your bed, arms crossed, not replying. It takes around a minute before you can hear him stomping his way back to your room, your door slamming open. “You didn’t say it back,” he says, staring at you with wide eyes. “Say what back?” you respond obliviously, your head tilted appearing as innocent as you possibly could.
A look of confusion appears in his eyes momentarily before he narrows them. “I know what you’re doing.” You blink up at him “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He stands still for a moment, not speaking before suddenly pouncing on you. He grabs ahold of your hands, placing them next to your head. “Say it back” he tries to appear intimidating, but you can tell he’s holding a smile back.
You shake your head stubbornly, trying to fight your way out of his grasp. “Never.” You think he’s about to give up and let you go. He releases your hands, sitting up while nodding his head. “Okay,” he says before a look appears on his face, one you are all too familiar with. Except it’s usually one he gives to Stiles or Scott “I’ll just have to torture it out of you then.”
There is no time to reply before he starts to mercilessly tickle your sides. You can’t help but laugh, trying to wiggle your way out of his grasp. “No! Let me go you oversized toddler” you yell at him, laughter mixing in between your words.  Your face starts to hurt from all the laughing when you finally decide to give up. “Okay! Okay, I surrender, I surrender!” He releases you immediately, sitting back on his heels. You don’t say it right away, teasing him for a few moments longer before finally giving in. You sigh dramatically “Fine, I guess I love you too” you roll your eyes to while you’re at it.
His mouth falls open, his eyes wide “You guess? You guess you love me? Oh, really. Is that how we’re gonna play this?” His hands have already started to find their way back to your side, ready to attack you once more.
“I’m joking! I’m joking” You shake your head softly before holding his face softly, your hands softly caressing his cheeks. “My lovely, darling boyfriend. I love you so, very much.” You kiss the top of his head softly before leaning back. He stays still, debating whether your confession is acceptable or not.
“Fine, I guess that was good enough for now” he responds, getting back up from your bed. “Not sure it’ll be good enough of an excuse for Derek though.” You laugh softly while you follow him, walking up to Isaac and kissing him before putting your head against his chest. “I’m sure he’ll survive a few more minutes without you”
The two of you stay silent as you enjoy the embrace before Isaac quietly speaks up. “You do love me, right?” Making you laugh softly before nodding “very much.”
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mxltifxnd0m · 3 months
passenger prince headcanons ⟡ i. lahey
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pairings: isaac lahey x reader, isaac lahey x gn! reader
word count: 532
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warnings: no use of y/n, brief angst, mostly fluff, humor, slight au where isaac doesn't leave after szn 3,
a/n: i've been wanting to write a fic for my pookie Isaac, but my head is empty. so I came up with these headcanons because I mentioned to my friend about isaac being a passenger princess LOL
anyways, enjoy the headcanons and if you have any ideas for Isaac that you would like to see, please send them to my inbox 😁
𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘢𝘤 𝘭𝘢𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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⟡ okay it's never established in the show that isaac has a car or a license
⟡ so he would hitch rides from scott (especially during szn 3)
rarely would he get a ride from stiles, but they would bicker the entire time and almost crash because of it
they only ride together if absolutely necessary
⟡ but if scott or stiles were unavailable, you would give isaac rides back to the mccall house
it was convenient since you lived down the block from Scott
⟡ when isaac first joined the pack, the two of you weren't on the best of terms but overtime eventually warmed up with one other
hitching rides with you definitely helped smooth things over
⟡ but then isaac found himself wanting to get rides from you over scott
scott noticed and was suspicious of his sudden change in attitude but didn't say anything about it
⟡ you found isaac's company pleasant in your car the more you spent time with him
⟡ after allison's death, the both of you found solace and comfort in each other presence and would take long drives late at night to get your minds off of things
⟡ sometimes, you guys would just go out and drive to a random parking lot and end up having really deep conversations with one another, bonding the two of you even closer
the pack picked up on the closeness of the two of you and started to make bets on when the two of you start to date
⟡ and even when you guys got together (it was a month after they made the bet and Lydia won), you were still the designated driver of the two of you
⟡ anywhere the two of you went together, you drove
it didn't matter if he wanted to take you out and planned the date, you drove regardless
⟡ you didn't mind driving everywhere. if anything, you prefer it
you tried teaching him how to drive, but he almost crashed a couple of times, and you didn't want to damage your car and have to explain to your dad what happened
⟡ you have asked him when he plans to get his license
he responded with a shrug, "Why would I when I have you." he said with a smirk on his face. you rolled your eyes at him.
but when he turned eighteen, you forced him to get his license.
⟡ after he gets his license, he still doesn't drive
anytime he does, you complain about his driving
you're the better driver out of the two of you
he says it's so not fair because you'd been driving longer than him
⟡ so you've dubbed him your passenger prince
he hated the nickname at first, but he secretly loves the nickname
⟡ in response, he calls you his personal chauffeur
“so, that's all i am to you? a chauffeur and not your girlfriend?”
“i fear i have made a mistake.”
“you have.”
⟡ but despite the nickname, he is really good at being in the passenger seat, giving directions, and being aware of the surrounding cars (thank his werewolf senses for that)
he doesn't pick the music because the driver picks the music (shotgun shuts his cakehole) ;p
⟡ isaac is your passenger prince, and you wouldn't trade it for the world <3
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teenwolfvore · 1 month
Pred/Prey Profile
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Jackson Whittmore
Pred Levels: 8/10
Prey Levels: 6/10
Prey Capacity: 4
Preferred Vore Style: Oral, Cock, Anal(Occasionally)
Potential Prey: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Aiden & Ethan Steiner, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, and Liam Dunbar.
Potential Preds: Peter Hale, Derek Hale, Ennis, Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar and Jordan Parrish.
Names highlighted in red either are hunted by Jackson more or hunt Jackson more.
Explanation: Jackson believes himself to be at the top of the food chain in Beacon Hills. Jackson loves to prove his superiority over his fellow werewolf brethren by constantly devouring them with his mouth or his cock. He saves his ass for his long time rival and current best snacks Scott and Stiles. Of course he even loves to make a meal out of Derek when he gets in the mood. Jackson needs to be aware however because his co-captain's status means nothing to the Hales. One wrong step and it will be Jackson at the bottom of a belly and the food chain.
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takaraphoenix · 1 month
Oh and I am intrigued by the human alpha Stiles you mentioned! Let's say for 17 if that's not taken!
Tags: m/m, established relationship, Pack Mom Stiles, True Mates, Human Alpha Stiles, Erica Lives, Boyd Lives, Jackson Doesn't Leave, Pack Feels, fluff, m/f
Main Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Side Pairings: Scott/Allison, Boyd/Erica, Jackson/Lydia
Teen Wolf Characters: Mieczysław 'Stiles' Stilinski, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd III, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Scott McCall, Allison Argent
@writersmonth Prompts: red + kitchen
Summary: It was a normal afternoon at the Hale House when Stiles first flashed his eyes Alpha red. And over something as stupid as when to salt pasta water.
This Story on FFNet | This Story on AO3
My Kitchen, My Rules
Stiles Summer Stories 2024
Stiles frowned as he walked into his kitchen. Yes, his kitchen. Two rooms in this house belonged to him and everyone else was just tolerated in them. Those were the kitchen and the library. And he earned those! The kitchen, because he had supplied all the sandwiches during the rebuilding of the Hale House, and once the house was half-way up, he had put his foot down and demanded them to do the kitchen second (after the bathroom, because peeing in the woods got old fast).
At the time, Stiles hadn't even noticed that Derek gave him full free reign on picking appliances and style, he took a total step back. He didn't think much of it, figuring that Derek just wasn't a fan of interior design. But when it came to the basement, to the living room, Derek took control. And then came the library, the library Derek put in specifically for Stiles, with all the books from the Hale vault. A ridiculously big and amazing courting gift that, again, Stiles didn't see as that at the time, because a library was something the entire pack benefited from.
The Hale Pack was growing and strengthening after taking down Gerard together, with Jackson joining them now that he was a wolf. Things were good. Stiles was happy. Until he started noticing changes, in the pack's behavior when it came to him. Listening to him, without protests – if he put force behind his words. They didn't just do anything he asked for, but if he commanded them, they obeyed. They also got much more tactile with him. And they broke into his bedroom near nightly, at least one beta would sneak into his room for comfort or advise or both.
It was when Stiles' own behavior changed that he realized what was going on though. Because he started to develop werewolf instincts. He'd growl and snarl, bare his teeth as though he had fangs, started scent-marking the betas, not out of copied behavior but out of genuine instincts.
His suspicion was confirmed by the Alpha Pack, who hadn't just come to torment a random, normal pack. No, they wanted the incredibly rare, valuable human Alpha in their pack. Granted, Stiles could have done without the latest big bad being the one to point it out. He would have preferred Derek with maybe chocolates or flowers, confessing his undying love to Stiles. But then that was unrealistic, considering all things traumatic and emotionally constipated.
So Stiles was the Alpha Mate and by being a human and the Alpha Mate, he'd started developing wolf instincts and Alpha abilities, when it came to the pack. It was rare, because usually when an Alpha found their mate in a human, they'd offer them the bite and the Alpha Mate became a wolf themselves. It was incredibly rare for the Alpha to let things run for this long without offering the bite. But then, that wouldn't change anything anyway. He didn't want to be a wolf.
Ever since they'd taken the Alpha Pack out, Stiles got to actually relish in his role – and also to enjoy the perks of new boyfriend. Beautiful, strong, sarcastic, growly boyfriend. Stiles was happy, was in a good place. Having his mate and their pack, the by now fully renovated Hale House that had quickly become a second home to him. Things were perfect.
Well. Nearly perfect, as he walked into his kitchen and found the betas make a mess. Allison was sitting on the counter, Scott between her knees and the two heatedly making out. No sex in Stiles' kitchen, that was one of the sanitary and sanity rules because if Stiles had to cook where he knew the unspeakable had happened, he'd only order take-out from hereon out. Lydia and Erica – also known as the most unqualified people to cook – were stirring something in a pot. Their respective boyfriends were fighting over the pot of water next to them. Isaac was setting the table (aka Isaac was the only one wise enough to only do allowed things in the kitchen).
Stiles brushed his hand over Isaac's neck and ruffled his curls, earning a pleased noise from the beta, as Stiles made his way over to the rest of the betas, a glare on his face.
"What do you think you're doing in my kitchen, you feral puppies?"
The pack froze and slowly turned toward him. Jackson had a salt-shaker in hand but Boyd was holding his wrist tight, holding it in place so he couldn't salt the water. They all looked like a weird still painting. Stiles' glare hardened, even as he started feeling a little queasy.
"We're making dinner, Batman," Erica perked up proudly.
"Whatever you are doing there is not edible," Stiles pointed at the pot. "There is a whole onion in there. It's not even peeled. Why would you… What compelled you… And you two! What are you doing fighting over the salt? What?"
"You salt the pasta water after boiling," Boyd frowned. "Salted water boils slower."
"That's stupid and Stiles always salts it before," Jackson growled annoyed.
The two betas started arguing loudly and shoving each other. He growled at the betas loudly.
"Shut up!" Stiles snarled. "In this kitchen, we salt before it boils, because we want the flavor in the water, besides, only large amounts of salt and much more heat would make that matter."
The betas gasped and actually whined at him, baring their throats and what. Lydia blinked at him, even as she stepped up to her own mate and took Jackson's hand, to stop him from gloating.
"Your eyes just flashed red, Stiles," Allison pointed out softly. "Alpha red."
Huh. Okay. So. That was new. Stiles blinked and swayed a little. Scott immediately rushed from Allison's side to grab him by the arm and ease him onto a chair, looking worried.
"We wanted to make dinner, since you're sick," Erica offered more softly this time.
Heaving a sigh, Stiles rubbed his face. Before he could lecture his disobedient puppies, the door opened and Derek walked in with a pile of pizzas higher than him. A small smile spread over Stiles' lips as the Alpha put the pizzas down and then immediately leaned down to try and kiss Stiles – just for Stiles to turn his face because he was sick, so Derek ended up kissing his cheek.
"I brought dinner, since you're not feeling well I figured we could have pizza."
"Yeah, you're not the only one who wanted to help with dinner," Stiles sighed.
He motioned at the betas and the stove, where whatever Erica and Lydia had made instead of a sauce was boiling over. They started cursing and took it off the stove, starting to clean up. Derek frowned as he took in the chaos, just to shake his head and grab Stiles, picking him up.
"You are sick, you need to rest, not to worry about the pups," Derek declared. "You, bed. And you lot, clean up this mess, I want the kitchen pristine before we even touch the pizzas."
At the betas' whines, Stiles sighed in defeat. "I do appreciate the sentiment. Thank you. But… never, ever touch anything in there again. My kitchen, my rules. Understood, pups?"
"Yes, mom," the betas chorused, only half in jest, making Stiles smile wryly.
~*~ The End ~*~
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sunsetchicane · 3 months
track limits! (request info)
super important info below
who addi writes for:
formula one: oscar piastri, max verstappen, lando norris, lewis hamilton, charles leclerc
nhl: quinn hughes
kpop: any skz members, any ateez members, any txt members, any seventeen members, any (g)-idle members
teen wolf: scott mccall, stiles stilinski, lydia martin, isaac lahey
harry potter: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, regulus black
you can totally ask about other things, i just might say no lol (but i'll do so kindly)
who elle writes for:
formula one: charles leclerc, carlos sainz, max verstappen, lando norris, lewis hamilton, oscar piastri
teen wolf: scott mccall, stiles stilinski, isaac lahey
honestly, if you have an idea, it doesn't hurt to ask lol !
request rules
if you request anything, be kind and polite! we have a zero tolerance policy for bullies.
we reserve the right to deny or alter any requests we are not comfortable writing or simply don't want to write.
please specify if you would like us to write with a fem! or gender neutral! reader in mind. We will not be writing male! reader (we have no experience being men lol).
we won't write about abuse, noncon, and dubcon.
we won't write driver x driver [and the like].
although we will write smut, there is a chance your request will be denied if the topics make us uncomfortable. please don't harass us if you don't end up seeing your request.
*IF YOU REQUEST SMUT: YOU CANNOT DO SO ANONYMOUSLY* we will be checking your page for an age of 18+. if you're over 18 and prefer to stay anonymous, message us so we can write your request but not respond directly to your ask.
you can ask for one of us specifically to write your request, please just indicate in any way that pleases your wee little heart. if you don't really care, just write a standard request.
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themuselesswriter · 1 year
Top, Bottom or Switch - Daniel Sharman
Okay so the other day I was thinking (and you know that's never good) about Daniel Sharman's most famous characters and for some reason I have a theory that lots of his characters are bottoms in bed, so you guys will have to suffer my classification! Lorenzo De Medici This is the only character that I think of as a top. He seems like an expert at what he's doing, he always initiates the sexual interactions and he seems like the type of a guy who would come from a work day and be like "here love, let me take care of you for the rest of the night" and besides, he is kind of a hoe and his vibes are dominant.
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Kelly Lord he is the type of guy who would be like "I'm an alpha dog bruh" but he is secretly a bottom, but he is the type of bottom that doesn't like to admit that he is a bottom if that makes sense? Like, he would throw in a fit but he would end up being a bottom, he would enjoy it, then feel ashamed or shy about it and he doesn't show this side of him unless he really trusts their partner cause he would be afraid that it would slip and his family would know and make fun of him.
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Lancelot Du Lac (The Weeping Monk) Oh he screams bottom. Like, he wouldn't think about taking a sexual partner until he's out of the paladins' reach and when that happens, he would be too overwhelmed by all the decision making and the changes, so he would have a hard time expressing that he wants to be taken care of in the bedroom and that being a bottom gives him a sense of comfort and familiarity, he would even try to fake being a top to his partner just to please them but his partner would eventually figure it out.
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Isaac Lahey In my humble opinion, Isaac is a switch. He initiates sexual interactions, he is confident, egoistic and loves the look of pleasure on his partner's face when he is getting it right so he would be a top leaning. However, there are days where his past hunts him and he feels the most vulnerable, on these days, he would prefer to be a bottom and have tender sexual interactions instead.
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Troy Otto My man is a bottom and no one can convince me otherwise. He gives off top vibes in life but bottom vibes in bed, he is kinda oblivious when it comes to sexual interactions, his partner would need to initiate them (I have theory that Troy is a virgin, okay?!) and like, he would experiment a little but settle down to enjoying being taking care of in bed because it is such a precious feeling that he rarely gets to experience, to be looked after, loved, treated well, so yeah, he's a bottom.
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Anyhooo, thank you for sticking around for my TedTalk! Next Episode: what type of fruit are you based on your favorite Bridgerton quote:'). Also, do you guys have different theories about these characters or different ones?
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theking-mustdie · 1 month
pairing: background Scott McCall x Isaac Lahey
warnings: claustrophobia, panic attacks, mentions of feeling nauseous, PTSD, child abuse, mentioned scratching at own skin
a/n: i am on a mission to bring back claustrophobic isaac. this is my first work ever im open to constructive criticism!! ooc? maybe? i have no idea.
word count: 2,040
Isaac has coasted through his time in the pack without his claustrophobia, or its symptoms, being discussed at all. To be fair, there was hardly a lull in monsters-of-the-week to ever walk up to someone like Scott or Stiles and randomly throw out: ‘Hey! Did you know that my father locking me in a freezer in our basement did irreversible and unspeakable damage to my mental and physical health?’ So he wouldn’t say he minded the lack of communication. He preferred no one pry into his weaknesses or his business that they had no interest in knowing about.
However, there were some times where his panic was simply unavoidable.
From experience, Isaac consciously made sure to avoid his claustrophobia getting the best of him, usually stood next to exits or windows in any room he’s in. He’s not too fond of the unknown.
So when Scott suggested taking a day-trip somewhere after the insane, durach-filled month they had, Isaac reveled in the idea of a break and eagerly agreed.
“Where do you want to go?” Scott asked Isaac one afternoon, spread out on the couch.
“I haven’t exactly ventured outside of Beacon Hills so I wouldn’t even begin to know where to go,” Isaac replied from the other couch, half-asleep. With no threat looming overhead, Isaac hadn’t been as distracted, meaning that his nightmares had come back full force. He tried to keep himself awake to avoid the flashbacks he’d rather forget, but it was only delaying the inevitable. He’d rather not have indulged anyone else with his issues because it’s his burden to bear, and he’s almost positive that Scott couldn’t care less about his personal problems when he had a whole town to protect.
“We could always borrow Roscoe and drive down to the beach. I could use some time outside,” Scott replied after a beat, thinking.
“How far away is the beach?” Isaac asked, unfamiliar with any nearby beaches.
“Um probably about an hour and a half?” Scott guessed.
“That’s fine with me, but don’t expect me to go splashing around in the water like a dog.” Isaac crossed his arms and glanced over to Scott.
Scott laughed, rolled his eyes, and said “we’ll leave tomorrow morning” definitively.
That night Isaac was able to catch thirty minutes of sleep until he was plagued with images of bleeding nails, metal chains, and impeding darkness before he startled awake. He decided it was a lost cause and tiptoed downstairs to grab himself a glass of water as he tried not to disturb Scott or Melissa. He returned to the McCall guest bedroom and settled on chipping away at his mountain of late work for school.
The night prior Isaac and Scott agreed on leaving at nine o’clock in the morning, so as the clock struck eight Isaac packed up his school work, hopped in the shower, and threw on some athletic shorts that could pass as swim trunks. As he left his room to head to the kitchen and find breakfast, Scott stepped out into the hallway and gave Isaac a small smile in greeting.
If Isaac’s gaze lingered on Scott’s bare chest, no one was there to witness it.
They both ate breakfast while talking about their plans for the day. Scott wanted float in the ocean and relax while Isaac wanted nothing more than to lay on the sand and read whatever crappy books the McCall’s had tucked away in their guest bedroom bookshelf. He needed a good distraction.
As they gathered the needed towels, sunscreen, and other beach items, Isaac began packing Stiles’ jeep that he had left outside Scott’s house the night before. But not without an intimidating threat of death if anything were to happen to it.
After a heated argument about who should get the aux, Scott was playing his music and they were off.
Isaac loved scenic car rides. He loved looking at the trees, houses, people, and anything that caught his eye. He leaned his head against the window and silently tried to fight sleep but eventually dozed off with the roaring of the engine and the rocking of the car acting as a lullaby.
Isaac slowly regained consciousness, unaware of his surroundings nor how long he had been out for. The first thing he had registered when he woke up was the car right in front of them. He tried to put the confusing, weird feeling that washed over him aside and turned to ask Scott how long he had been asleep.
"About half an hour. We were driving pretty smoothly until we hit the morning rush." he answered. He spared a glance at Isaac and saw the confused look adorning his face. "What's wrong, dude?"
Isaac whipped his head up to look at Scott and offered him a tight smile. "Nothing, just a little tired. I'm fine."
Isaac knew Scott could tell he was lying, but dropped in favor of looking at the road.
As he got a hold of his bearings, Isaac realized that they were sitting in the middle of bumper-to-bumper traffic. He tried to discreetly glance behind the Jeep, to the left, to the right, and ahead without alerting Scott, but a feeling of panic rose in his chest. There was maybe five feet of space between Stiles' car and others at all times.
Isaac began to understand what was wrong with him.
His heart started beating faster and his breathing started to quicken. He attempted to focus on anything else, the radio, the honking in the distance, even Scott, but nothing was working. His anxiety began to rise, and with it, the desperation to get the hell out of the car and off the highway.
Scott let out a frustrated groan, unaware of what was happening in the seat next to him. "We're stuck in here. The people ahead of us won't move," he said, his hand came down on the top of the steering wheel to emphasize his point. Scott turned to look at Isaac and saw that he was slumped over in his seat. Isaac yanked at his seatbelt with one hand, fully shifted, and clawed at the door of the Jeep with the other.
He was officially freaking out.
His exhaustion, bottled up emotions, and PTSD were all fighting a losing battle in his head. Usually simple things like traffic wouldn't set him into a panic attack, but it seemed all forces were working against him. His seatbelt felt like it was suffocating him, the walls of the Jeep were smaller than he remembered, and his werewolf senses were dialed up to ten.
Isaac stopped clawing at the door and frantically looked around the car to find anything that could help put him at ease, but came up short. The cars that surrounded the Jeep started getting closer and closer and Isaac started to use his free hand to claw at his chest, willing his heart and lungs to slow down.
However, before he could do any real damage, he felt his wrist being yanked away from his skin. More terror coursed through him at the confining grip until he realized that it was Scott holding him. His eyes found Scott's and Isaac let out a small, barely audible whimper.
Scott, however, heard it and jumped to do something to help Isaac. They wouldn't get anywhere if they stayed on the highway where Scott had to split his attention between Isaac and the road, so Scott shifted his hand to hold Isaac's as he moved to pull off the closest exit. In about five minutes, they were parked in the nearest diner and the driver's side door was thrown open.
Isaac's state had not improved in those five minutes. He was in dizzying state between reality and that damn freezer. His surroundings were disorienting and he couldn't make out what was real and what his panic-ridden brain was feeding to him. The only thing he could feel was the cold hand that once held Scott's.
He distantly heard the sound of the passenger door being thrown open and his seatbelt unbuckled. Suddenly, someone's hands were on his face as they said his name over and over again.
Isaac's brain cleared enough to register that Scott kneeled in front of him, hands on his cheeks, and repeated his name in hopes of garnering his attention.
Isaac locked eyes with Scott. Before Scott could acknowledge what was happening, Isaac threw himself out of the car and ran to the middle of the deserted parking lot. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the bile creeping up his throat to return from where it came. The next time he opened his eyes he took a deep, albeit stuttered, breath and looked around. The only person he could see was Scott and the closest object to him was at least fifty feet away.
He collapsed on the concrete and spread his arms and legs out as far as they went. Scott slowly made his way to Isaac, sitting on the ground next to him, but allowing him space.
The pair sat in silence for a while, the seconds ticking by as Isaac closed his eyes and focused on taking deep breaths.
Isaac was the first one to break the silence and turned his head towards Scott.
"I used to be in that freezer until I no longer knew what day it was." Isaac closed his eyes and took another steadying breath. "It didn't matter what I did, because to him, I always deserved it. I thought that by becoming a werewolf all these stupid feelings in me would have stopped. It only made it worse." Isaac talked slowly as he came to terms with his situation alongside Scott. "I don't remember how it started, but I remember every single time. I remember the bandages I wore on my fingernails because I pried them all off at some point or another. I remember the hours convincing myself that I deserved every second I spent in that fucking freezer. I remember the sound of my Dad coming down the basement steps, praying that he was going to let me out before he turned around and went right back up the stairs. I remember him letting me out of that box and hugging me tight, convincing me that he loved me and only wanted the best for me. Sometimes it worked. Most of the time it worked. I didn't know how to run away. I didn't know how to leave because he was all I had. I stayed because I was scared he was all I'd ever have. I didn't want to take the chance that he was right. That I'd be nothing without him."
After Isaac's confession they sat in silence. Isaac eventually sat up to match Scott's position.
"I- I don't know what to say." Scott confessed.
"It's alright," Isaac reassured, "I thought you deserved an explanation in exchange for dealing with me," he breathed out.
"God, Isaac, you don't owe me anything. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier, I could have helped you!"
"It didn't matter earlier. What were you going to do, add my shit on top of the shit you already had to deal with?"
"Of course it matters that you're dealing with this! And alone?" Scott emphasized before taking a deep breath, "I'm not really good at giving words of wisdom, or any advice really, but I'm here, always. I know it sounds hollow, but I'm around whenever you need to talk or rant or, who knows, punch. You don't have to keep going through this alone. That's what a pack is for." Scott reached his hand over to the boy's and clasped it around Isaac's.
Isaac lifted his eyes to meet Scott's and squeezed the his hand in lieu of thanking him, not knowing if he had the capacity to talk yet.
"You hungry?" Scott asked after a while. He released Isaac's hand and got up off the cement, reaching his hand out to help the other boy up.
"Is this place even running?" Isaac asked disgusted, looking at the not-so-nice exterior of the run-down diner.
"Only one way to find out!" Scott shouted, already on his way inside.
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swinglifeaway19 · 23 days
Roleplay Partner Search
Hi there! 
My friends call me Sammy. I've been roleplaying for roughly fifteen years, started on Quizilla ( rip ) and have been writing ever since. I work a full time job, Monday - Friday that takes up the most of my time during the week. Weekends are spent with my boyfriend and friends.Most of my roleplay responses will be weekday evenings & Sunday nights. I'm available most of the time to chitchat or headcanon if that's your jam. I love making friends with my writing partners. Communication is key. 
18+ Please. Am adult. Children stay away. 
Probably over Discord? Unless you have a better suggestion. PM me and we can discuss. 
Doubling friendly and doubling encouraged.   I always play a female oc and a character of your choosing. If you want canon ships for your side, cool. I dont mind. You have an oc that you want to pair with a canon character? Even better. Tell me everything.  
Length. The longer the reply,  the longer it takes for me to reply. I dont really have a length limit, I can match whatever you throw at me, but I'd rather have a shorter reply full of meaningful sentences that move the roleplay along than a long reply full of fluff, ya know? 
Plot > Smut. I dont mind smut, I just need it to not be the sole focus. 
Its been forever since I've made one of  these so I'm probably forgetting something. If you have questions/comments/concerns, feel free to shoot me a message. 
Below are fandoms I'm currently looking for. Bold is who I would like to play against. Italics are characters I'm comfortable playing ( some fandoms have a crap load of characters, if you dont see someone you want in italics, please just ask if I can play them. More often than not, it's a yes). 
A Court of Thorns and Roses series - Completed( Lucien Vanserra, Eris Vanserra, Azriel) [ Azriel, Cassian, Rhysand , Eris Vanserra, Tarquin, ask for more ]
ACOTAR x Throne of Glass Crossover - I would kill to play the child of Manorian, pairing them off with Elucien child. Plot with me pleeeeeeeeease. 
Stephen King's It - Novel, TV Ministries, Chapter 1 & 2 Completed. highly prefer to rp when they are adults, though we can flashback/headcanon platonic moments from when they were kids. ( Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon )[ Any of the Losers ]
One Piece - Live Action. Through Punk Hazard in Anime ( Roranoa Zoro. Vinsmoke Sanji )[ Any Straw Hat, Buggy, Mihawk, Shanks, theres a lot of characters so ask ]
Yu Yu Hakusho - Anime Completed. ( Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke )[ Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara. Ask about anyone else but willing to try ] 
Stranger Things - Caught up. ( Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Steven Harrington ) [Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jim Hopper ]
Hunger Games - Original Trilogy Novels & Movies Completed. Willing to do original plot. ( Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair )[ Mostly anyone save for Snow ]
Teen Wolf ( Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey, Stiles Stilinski )[ mostly anyone ]
Until Dawn ( Mike Munroe, male oc )[ anyone ]
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ceruleanmusings · 10 months
Dear @teenwolfholidayfest,
All I want this years is…
A fic where Isaac comes back from France just in time to spend the holidays with the McCalls. (Scisaac, can be platonic or romantic.)
A fic where Isaac never left for France and one day gets a call that Camden is alive but in bad shape at a VA hospital
A fic where a new group of hunters comes to Beacon Hills and Isaac comes face to face with their leader: Camden
A fic from Camden's POV where Camden never went off to the army but the Lahey parents are still dead and Camden is Isaac's legal guardian. He notices something is changing about Isaac and doesn't know how to bring it up because he thinks it's about Camden being too scared (actually emotionally abused and manipulated) to do anything about his dad physically abusing Isaac when really it's because Isaac is going through werewolf changes. The boys forgive one another in the end.
A fic where Isaac goes to Camden for dating advice and Camden knows Isaac is seeking advice about wanting to date Scott but Isaac won't say it so Camden gives him a hard time as a big brother should. (Preferably Camden's POV but I'll take however you want to spin it.)
A Scisaac holiday fic where Scott agonizes over the perfect thing to get Isaac for Christmas only to realize all Isaac want is to spend time with Scott. Alone. Specifically. No Stiles. At all. (Romantic).
Thank you!
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painofhumanity · 13 days
Male muses who are into being pegged by a woman:
Morgan Johnson
Ben Hanscom (only Beverly)
Tyler Lockwood (only Caroline)
Isaac Lahey (but only with someone he really trusts, not a casual hookup)
Bonus: Zephyr Nightwell is okay with it, and would let his partner do it if she likes that sort of thing, but it would be because she gets off on it. It doesn't really do anything for him, because he prefers to be the dominant one.
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lunar-eclipse-tales · 8 months
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RP Partner Search
Hello! 🫡 31 F she/her pronouns searching for 18+ literate/semi-literate/rapid fire rp partner for a Teen Wolf m/m Derek Hale and Isaac Lahey pairing. Ship: Disaac. Searching for someone to specifically play Derek Hale while I play Isaac Lahey.
Also searching for another Teen Wolf m/m pairing. Chris Argent and Peter Hale. Ship: Petopher searching for someone to specifically play Chris Argent while I play Peter Hale.
A little about me: I’ve been rping since I was 13. I’m ok with pretty much anything when it comes to rping and we can discuss this beforehand to go into more details. I rp on discord and like to set up servers for us so we can have things organized. I want a partner I can have a friendship with where we can talk and get to know each other and send pictures back and forth of inspo or even if we just like them. I want someone I can squeal and cry with over our babies.
Looking for someone ok with rping NSFW, BDSM, angst, hurt, drama, domesticity, and fluff. I would like NSFW/Spicy themed with a plot. Preferably with Derek being the dominant one and Isaac being the submissive. I am ok rping all over the spectrum when it comes to kinks that range from common to taboo so we can discuss that in private.
Please message me on here or add me on discord @the.Cheshire.collective and we can discuss things! 🖤
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infinityyrp · 11 months
In search of a long term, flexible, consistent roleplay partner.
21+. I'm in my late twenties so I need someone that can match my energy and not be childish and ghost for no good reason.
I write in third person or first person. Either or, I try to match my partners with everything they give.
I'm looking for the Fandom Teen Wolf— I wouldn't mind discussing original plots and characters though, if you're completely OPEN to alot of different things.
I prefer the female role, I've been burned far too many times in the past with doubling. Some people in the roleplay community really lack the ability to play equally.
I will be open to doubling up if you give each side the same attention. Keep in mind if you don't, I'll match your energy with your side, and eventually let you go.
I'm looking for someone to play Derek Hale and Scott McCall against my female OC.
I can play anyone from the Fandom, but Stiles Stilinski and Isaac Lahey are my specialty.
Please be comfortable with all aspects of drama. I have little to no limits but will respect your triggers, though some things might be a deal breaker. Your IRL morals shouldn't be effected by a fictional story— (R*pe, suicide, abuse is completely understandable though and I'd never hold that against you!) I'm talking more along the lines of, IF you don't like kids and shit in a rp, cheating, love triangles, etc. Then I'm probably not the partner for you. I have enough fluff in my daily life, I don't want the same for my rp life LOL. Consistent romance/vanilla stiff gets boring for me.. at least on my end. But if that's what you prefer for YOUR SIDE. I'll do it all the time. But the same effort better be reciprocated for my side when it comes to drama otherwise we won't be compatible.
I'll respect your reasonable limits/triggers.
My limits are — Bathroom play, incest (This is negotiable!) and deep pedophilia. (Won't do anything under 17.)
My OCs are people of color and considered plus sized in society's eyes.
I'm LGBTQ friendly.
I'm POC friendly.
I hope we can be friends outside of roleplay.
I prefer female partners, I've had bad experiences with Males in the past.
I'm married and a mom so my personal life comes first, however I send multiple replies a day and want someone on the same wave length as me when it comes to rapid fire/replying a few times a day.
I understand life happens though abd at that point, communication is key.
I'm not ghost friendly, we're grown, communicate so we can part ways cordially.
I'm in other Fandoms, just ask and we'll discuss it.
Discord is my preferred method of communication/ roleplay.
I make organized servers and use Tupperbox.
Please don't be afraid to reach out, I promise I'm very friendly and easy going!
My writing style is 2-3 paragraphs, I'm all about quality over quantity, but I won't accept anything less than 2 paragraphs, and most of the time I write until nitro kicks in.
If you've made it this far, great!
Hope to hear from you soon!
My timezone is GMT-5.
My discord information:
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sundrop-writes · 5 months
Sundrop's Rules
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aka things to know before you send in a request
If you want to be tagged in any future fics I write, you can read about that here.
I have decided to go back to an old format for requests where technically - requests are open all the time. The only reason I will close requests (and if I do, it will be explicitly stated in my pinned post) will be because I am overwhelmed with the amount of requests that I have, or because I am taking a break from writing due to reasons in my personal life (which I sometimes do because of my chronic illness). But I prefer to keep requests open all the time, because it means that people can send in ideas that can inspire amazing fics.
In general, I love it when people send in ideas and discussion about the characters I love - even if its not in the form of a request. At any time, you can send me random thoughts and headcanons about the characters that I write for, and I am likely to respond to those asks with my own fanficy type thoughts, and often these are the type of things that inspire me to write - more so than sending in an actual request.
But if you want to send in a straight forward request, then below is all the information you need to know before you do so. (If you don't read all the information in this post first, then I am likely to amend your request into something you might not like, or I may just delete it altogether.)
Important notes: there are some dialogue prompts on this post that I am really excited about writing for, so if you are sending in a request, pay special attention to those. And while I primarily write for female reader characters, I also write for gender neutral reader characters and masc/male reader characters (and it's something I really enjoy doing).
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Characters That I Write For:
Please note: I am not writing for Criminal Minds at this time, and Criminal Minds is the only fandom on my Main Masterlist that I am not accepting requests for.
With all the other fandoms and characters, you can send in requests at any time. But note - I will pay more attention to fandoms that I am particularly interested in (aka if I have recently written and released fics for those fandoms, if they are listed in my pinned as my current main interest, etc.). If you send me a request, even if I don't respond to it right away, I will keep it in my inbox for a long time and I may get to it later. I like to write things when I feel inspired to do so, and there is no time limit on this.
I am open to adding more characters to this list, so if your favourite character is not here, feel free to ask me if I am willing to write for them. All of the characters on this list are ones that I will write for as love interests - characters that I see through a sexual and romantic gaze. I am open to writing for other characters from these series platonically, so let me know if you would be interested in that list. (I will also write for these characters platonically, but I will assume that any requests for them are as romantic or sexual interests unless otherwise stated.)
DC Titans - Gar Logan, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Kory Anders, Donna Troy, Hank Hall, Dawn Granger, and Conner 'Kent' (with him, I prefer to write smutty topics with S4 Conner/Luthor!Conner, and I will write angst and fluff with any version of Conner).
(These next two are new additions and fandoms I would really love to get requests for.)
The Maze Runner - Newt, Thomas, Gally, Minho, Teresa, and Brenda.
Teen Wolf - Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale, (maybe) Scott McCall, and (maybe) Jackson Whittemore.
The Walking Dead - Glenn Rhee, Maggie Greene/Rhee, Daryl Dixon, King Ezekiel, Jerry, Rosita Espinosa, Abraham Ford, Tara Chambler, Andrea Harrison, Michonne Hawthorne, and (maybe) Rick Grimes. (Important note: I do not write for Negan. He is a character I really dislike and I will not use him as a love interest in my fics.)
The Last Of Us - Ellie Williams and Abby Anderson.
Harry Potter - Harry James Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Draco Malfoy.
Stranger Things - Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers and Billy Hargrove.
Misc. Horror Characters - Mike Schmidt (Five Nights At Freddy's), Vanessa Shelly (Five Nights At Freddy's), Derek Cho (Mayhem), Bee (The Babysitter), Nick Jones (House of Wax), Carly Jones (House of Wax), Stu Macher (Scream).
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General Rules and Guidelines:
Requests should be sent to the ask box on this blog. I don’t accept requests in DMs because it is too disorganized and difficult to keep track of them. Finished fics may be posted as separate posts, or they may be posted as a response to the ask. Also as a general note - requests are not guaranteed to be done - they are just used as inspiration for me. It is not a fanfiction ordering system, it’s a casual collaboration on concepts and ideas.
Every single one of my fics includes a reader character. I don’t do character x character fics. If you are making a request, I will assume that you want it to be an x reader fic even if you don’t mention that part in your requests. Also, I am going to assume that you want some kind of romantic or sexual element between the reader character and the canon character unless otherwise specified, because that is what all my fics are about. And if you don’t specify the gender of the reader character, I am most likely to write the reader character as a cis female. (Though lately I have been skewing more toward writing my fics as gender neutral by default, but it depends.) Also, I am very likely to include the term Y/N in my fics. (If you think that’s too cringe, run along. I grew up in a time where Y/N was sacred and cringe didn’t exist.)
Speaking of gender - in your request, please specify if you want the reader character to be female, male, or gender neutral. When I write gender neutral fics, even in smut, I do not describe the reader’s genitals or gender presentation in any way. So I don’t write ‘GN AFAB reader’ fics. If you want the reader to be described as having a vagina, that would be a fem reader in my fics.
Also typically, I don’t describe the reader character as having specific physical traits. I like my reader character to be as broad as possible to appeal to as many people as possible. (And because I don't like focusing on those physical traits while writing.) I don’t write a character that has a specific race, height, hair color, etc. but one exception I have to this rule is that I love writing fat/plus sized readers in my fics. I love spreading love for fat bodies, especially through fics - I love making people feel good about their fatness through the gaze of a fictional character. So definitely feel free to send in requests for a plus sized reader character, as it’s one of my favourite things to write. 
For reference, I will also write about a reader character with autism or chronic illness (someone with chronic pain or a fainting disorder, or someone who uses a cane or a wheelchair), because these are groups that I am a part of and I know that they are not portrayed in fiction often enough. If you have any questions about these aspects, please feel free to send me an ask or a DM.
Also, if you do want to include in the request that the reader has certain non-physical traits, that’s okay - in fact, I encourage this. I love it when people include non-physical traits in their request because it helps to aid the plot along and it can differentiate the reader character from my other fics - and I love it when the reader character feels like a unique person in each of my fics. So feel free to thrown in things like describing the reader as being nerdy, outgoing, artsy, even being a single mother/parent or having certain superpowers where it might apply (like for a Titans fic), or having immunity from a Walker bite for a TWD fic.
I will accept requests for poly ships. I love writing for poly ships. (Character x Reader x Character.) I am a huge fan of requests like this - because I am in a poly relationship myself, I absolutely love writing for the dynamics of poly relationships. I love writing it with inserting a reader character into an already existing canon ship (like with Gleggie), or writing for two of my favourite characters who have a lot of chemistry together but were never romantic on screen (like with JayGar x Reader) - and I will even add characters to the above list just to put them in a poly relationship (like with Ellie x Reader x Dina). But please keep in mind, I will only write for three characters in a poly relationship, including the reader character. (With some small exceptions that you would have to ask me about.)
I will write smut, angst, or fluff, but I mostly prefer writing smut or angst. When requesting smut (or smutty themed things), please specify if you want the characters to be dominant or submissive. In your request, write ‘sub!reader’ or ‘dom!reader’, something to denote the dynamics to let me know what you want it to be. I am a big fan of writing submissive men, so I won’t shy away from things like that - but I will write any dynamic as long as it’s properly communicated to me. 
Also keep in mind - I will write 100% heartbreaking whump. I love writing heartbreaking fics with no happy ending - you just have to prompt me to do so. I will write for a lot of dark topics and different kinks. In general, the list of things that I won’t write is a lot shorter than the list of things that I will. So if you’re wondering if I’m okay with a request or not, just ask. 
For reference, my big ‘nos’ are: virgin!reader fics, or fics where the reader is sexually inexperienced or portrayed as innocent. I am okay with doing a ‘faux’ innocent reader (someone who is only pretending to be innocent), and I am also okay with writing about a canon character being a virgin and having their first sexual experience with the reader. (That’s something I love writing about, actually.) I am okay with writing about sexual coercion, sexual blackmail, or dubcon. (Or even noncon or cnc, under certain circumstances.) 
Also, I am okay with writing age gaps or age gap kink, but typically unless otherwise stated, I always aim to write a reader character who is around the same age as the canon character and acts mature in my fics. I will always write someone sexually autonomous and lustful, not a clueless virgin.
Also, I don’t write fics about miscarriages, safeword use, or extreme choking kink. And while I don’t write about miscarriage, I am okay with writing about pregnancy - it’s something I enjoy writing about, actually. I also enjoy writing parenting fics and family fics with children.
Below, I have listed some prompts for you, in case you need some ideas for your request. (In fact, I encourage you to use these prompts because I love them.) You don’t have to use these prompts, these are just ideas of the kind of requests I like or ideas you can use if you want to see me write for these characters but don’t know what to send in! You can definitely make up your own prompts/ideas similarly to these if you want to. 
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Dialogue Prompts
I really love all these prompts and I want to write for them - if you send one in, I may write a short blurb attached to the ask for the request, or I may write a longer, more detailed oneshot if I feel inspired to do so. Please only send in one dialogue prompt per request. (Note: the ‘bonus’ part still counts as one prompt, it is just the other half of the conversation/exchange.)
“Who did this to you?” 
“You died. You should be dead.” (Bonus: “Well, I’m not.”)
“Can you run that by me again?” 
“You know, if you weren’t so annoying, you might actually be hot.” 
“Could you just listen to me for once?” 
“Why are you doing this?” 
“Oh, fuck.” 
“Hey, hey. It’s gonna be okay.” 
“Oh. Oh.” 
“Is that blood?” (Bonus: “It’s not mine.”) 
“No, shut up. Stop talking like that. You’re gonna be fine.” 
“Shut up and kiss me already.” 
“Why would you do something that stupid?” “Because I’m in love with you.” 
“I think I might be pregnant.”
“Oh, great. It’s you again.” 
“Is that a bite?”
“Oh my god. You’re here.”
“I’ll never forgive you for this.” 
“Why don’t you just let me help you?” 
“I am done waiting for you.” 
“I’m in love with you, dumbass.” 
“Please, just let me take care of you.” 
“What are you gonna do about it?”
“I’ll kill all of them.” 
“I can keep you safe.” 
“You’re lucky it was just a scratch.” 
“So you aren’t heartless after all?” 
“I had it under control. You didn’t need to do that.” 
“Can’t sleep?” 
“I thought I lost you.”
“You’re being really nice.” (Bonus: “Yeah, are you surprised?”) 
“I’m not afraid of you.” 
“You know, I was wrong about you.” 
“How about a goodnight kiss?”
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Smut Prompts/Ideas
(This kind of devolves into a list of kinks toward the end, but it will show you what I am comfortable with writing and give you an idea of the things I like to write.)
The Canon Character is a Virgin (ex: Virgin!Jason Todd, Virgin!Glenn Rhee, etc.)
Caught Masturbating (could be the reader walking in on the canon character, or reversed)
Accidentally Sending Nudes (I won't do this one for canons where they don't have cellphones like TWD and TLOU, but I could alter it to an accidental discovery of naked photos)
Dirty Talk/Teasing
Training/Wrestling/Sparring That Turns Into Sex (I originally wrote this prompt for Titans, but I think it could work for other fandoms too)
Them Seeing You In A Slutty Outfit For The First Time (Alternatively: Them Seeing You Dressed Up For The First Time)
Late Night Semi-Public Sex - where they have to shove a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet (or the reverse)
Stuck and Fucked/Situational Bondage/Predicament Bondage
Sex Pollen (I don't think this would work for every fandom, but I will always try to work it in where I can because it's one of my favourite tropes ever)
Character A gifts Character B a Sex Toy (possibly after learning that they have little to no experience with sex toys or after some joking around about sex toys - but it turns into serious horniness)
Breeding Kink
Dumbification Kink/Objectification Kink
Knife Kink or Blood Kink (or both?)
Daddy Kink or Mommy Kink (Canon Character's reaction to being called Mommy or Daddy for the first time, or them slipping up and calling you one of these titles in the heat of the moment)
(I am open to adding more onto this list, and these are just examples of things I enjoy writing about)
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Angst Prompts/Ideas
(I can do any of these with a happy ending in order to fulfil a Hurt/Comfort prompt, and for the ones with death, we can just change it to 'near death'. I do really like writing Hurt/Comfort as well as Pure Angst.)
They Break Up With You To Keep You Away From Danger
Their Reaction To You Breaking Up With Them
You Die In Their Arms (or the reverse)
Specifically for The Walking Dead or The Last Of Us - Their Reaction To You Being Bitten By A Zombie (and your last moments together)
Their Reaction When You Are Killed By An Enemy
One Of You Has Been Brainwashed Or Drugged And Hurts The Other Person Or Completely Forgets The Other Person
They Sacrifice Their Life To Save You
They Save You From A Near Death Experience (or the reverse)
They Find Out That You Are Alive After Thinking That You Died
Being Reunited After Years, But You Didn't Part On Good Terms
Unrequited Love (they see you with someone else, they think you'll never love them back, etc.)
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Fluff Prompts/Ideas
(I don't have as many ideas for these because I am bad at writing pure fluff fics lmao.)
Canon Character Finds Out That You Are Pregnant (could be with their child, but I could also do this prompt with a female love interest)
Canon Character Gifts You A Dog Or A Cat
Meet Cute - showing how you and the Canon Character met; running into each other at a coffee shop, a moment from the canon, etc. something showing your general first impressions of each other
Spending Your Birthday With The Canon Character - showing what they would do for your birthday
The Canon Character Proposing To You
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I also want to do more MLTs, Reactions, and Headcanons. These are shorter formats of fics that are easier to complete faster, so definitely send in some requests for these!
To clarify:
MLTS - ‘Most Likely To’s aka a short description explaining which character of the group (or two, or three characters) would be ‘most likely’ to do something or enjoy something. This could be exploring their potential enjoyment of a kink or how they would behave on a date, how they would be as a romantic partner. It can be anything you want, get creative. 
Reactions - 'how would they react to…’ aka a short description explaining how the characters (two or three, you can choose) would react to a certain situation. (If you want this format done with the whole group at once, it will likely be much shorter.) 
Headcanons - a collection of bullet points that creates a shorter, quicker, more efficient style of fic by taking the reader through a tour of ideas, the character’s reactions and thoughts in a shorter format. (These are like full fics, but can usually be done faster.) 
(If you need some inspiration, examples of prompts will be below.) 
Prompts for MLTs: 
Most likely to seek revenge if you were harmed by an enemy (or if you were killed by an enemy) 
Mostly likely to have a breeding kink 
Most likely to enjoy PDA 
Most likely to want kids in a relationship
Prompts for Reactions: 
How would they react to an unexpected pregnancy? 
How would they react to seeing you naked for the first time? (Or seeing you naked by accident?)
How would they react if someone insulted you in front of them? 
How would the group react to finding out that you have been hurt? (Note: you can mention who you want the love interest to be and who you want to be platonic in this case) 
How would they react to seeing you alive after believing you had died? 
How would they react to you saying ‘I love you’ for the first time? 
How would they react to finding out that you have been bitten?
Prompts for Headcanons: 
Headcanons for how the two of you met - What was their first impression of you? How long did you know each other before things became romantic?
Sex headcanons (how is this character in bed, what are their kinks, etc.) 
Headcanons of tropes (ex: enemies to lovers with Daryl, childhood friends to lovers with Maggie, There Was Only One Bed with Tara, etc.) 
So now that you have read all that, if you would like to send in a request, you can send in one to my ask box: here!
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teenwolfvore · 2 months
Pred/Prey Profile
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Derek Hale
Pred Levels: 7/10(Beta) 9/10(Alpha)
Prey Levels: 6/10(Beta) 8/10(Alpha)
Prey Capacity: 5-6
Preferred Vore Style(s): Oral, Cock
Potential Prey: Scott Mcall, Stiles Stilinski, Jackson Whittmore, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Ethan & Aiden Carver, Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, Nolan Holloway, Corey Bryant.
Potential Preds : Scott McCall, Jackson Whittmore, Danny Mahealani, Peter Hale, Ennis, Aiden Carver, Jordan Parrish, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, and Corey Bryant.
Names highlighted in red either are hunted by Derek more or hunt Derek more.
Explanation: Derek is a powerful and experienced predator. Being a naturally born werewolf comes with its advantages and he uses it to snack on his fellow werewolves like Scott and Liam. However Derek tends to overly on his physical prowess and that can get him into trouble with preds like Theo and Peter. As an alpha, Derek's power only increases and his capacity increases even more! However it should be known that this also makes them more delicious and desirable as prey. While it isn't often Derek ends up as food, Jordan and Ennis often are happy and smug with a Derek filled belly!
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