#ise kaoru
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Taishou Mebiusline: Chicchai-san - Ise Kaoru
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uenodivision · 11 months
Hypnosis Mic Shuffle Team, Vol. 3 (Part 2) (Cont.)
Team Sapphire (Luna Veritas)
Wataru "Overseer" Sasaki
Lyall "Corvus" Shiba (Team Leader)
Kureha "Eclipse" Koizumi
Kaoru "Arachne" Shinozaki
Always Fight for Justice (Overseer Solo)
Supernatural World, Come Alive (Corvus Solo)
Maybe Today Will Be Better (Eclipse Solo)
Fast Forward Through Time (Arachne Solo)
Team Diamond (Garden of Evil)
Reika "Belladonna" Aichi (Team Leader)
Lola "Aphrodite" Takahashi
Queen Card
Fusao "Revenan†" Ise
Don't Breathe Too Deeply (Belladonna Solo)
The Party Never Stops (Aphrodite Solo)
A Fatal Farewell (Queen Card Solo)
What is Her Name? (Revenan† Solo)
@kanazawa-division @niigata-division @saitama-division @edogawa-division @shizuokadivision @minato-division03 @chiyoda-division2
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argumentl · 3 months
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Toshiya's insta story.
Kaoru gave everyone Akafuku mochi (Famous Ise sweet) as a present in Mie.
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azad30altug · 20 hours
Lacan'a göre ''Arzu bir kaybı geri döndürme ihtiyacı'' ile ilişkilidir.
Ve aslında insan bu kayıp hissini doyurma çabası yüzünden etrafıyla ilişkilenir.
İlişkilerin paradoksu da tam buradadır.
Biriyle ilişkilenince kaygı başlar...
Onun bizde ne gördüğünü ve bizde en çok neyi bulmak isteyeceğini düşünmeye başlarız.
Arzulanma ihtiyacı nedeniyle, O'nun arzusu bizim arzumuz olur.
Öte yandan o arzuyu tam olarak doyurduğumuzda, kişinin aniden gelişen kayıtsızlığı ile de burun buruna geliriz.
Zira her zirve ardından bir düşüş getirir.
İlgi ve şefkat, özden gelen değil sadece karşımızdakini bağlamak için verilen bir şey olduğunda, her iki tarafı da ölüme götüren bir zehir gibidir.
Vazgeçilmez olma arzusu, iki taraf için büyük bir gerilim unsuru yaratmaktan başka bir şeye sebep olmaz.
Arzu uyandırmada zirveyi yakalamış olan kişi bu halden aşağı düşmemek için çabalarken, kendi çıtasını da diğerinin uyarı eşiğini de hep yukarı taşır...
Ve sürekli olarak diğerini yeterince tetikleyebildiği görme çabası ile bitap düşer.
Arzuladığı şeyle karşılaşan kişi ise önce çok yükselip, ardından aşırı tatmin edilmiş olmanın verdiği rahatlıkla kayıtsızlaşır ve giderek daha bir kendine odaklı olur.
Tatmin edici olmaya çalışan kişinin tekrarlayan kayıtsızlıkla karşılaşması,
Bir süre sonra büyük bir kırılma yaşamasına ve diğerini kendisinden mahrum etme yoluna gitmesine neden olur.
Doğan yoksunluk ''AV KEYFİNİ'' geri getirir!
Ve ilişki kısır döngüye girer.
Arzu temelli olmaktan öteye gidemeyen yani BEN ODAKLI duygusal yapılanmalara sahip insanlar arasındaki bağlarda,
Kısa haz anları, kısa güven ve huzur süreçleri yaşansa da bitmeyen kaygı, çekişme ve acı döngüleri, ilişkinin kalıcı renkleri olur.
Sadece ''kendi merkezinde doygun olabilen'' insan,
Karşısındakinde sürekli bir arzu uyandırmak için yapılan vericilik ve kaçış döngülerine ihtiyaç duymadan davranır.
Sevgi, arzulanma arzumuzun getirdiği delirimsek koşturma içinde bulunabilecek bir şey değildir.
Sevgi kendimize verdiğimiz değerle oluşacak, büyüyecek,
Ve ancak o zaman özgürce akacak bir pınardır.
Şimdi dönün ve güzel kalplerinize iyi bakın <3
İllüstrasyon: Kaoru Yamada
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Tsukasa is scared of like 6 people in terms of those he will admit to: Kaoru Shiba, Natsumi, Kamen Rider Ichigo, Emu, Kiriko Tomari, and Ahim de Famille. He says any other statements of people he fears are not true. Though ask Daiki or Sugo on the other hand….
Personally I feel that Tsukasa will never admit to being scared of anyone, but even then everyone knows who and what he's scared of:
Igarashi Yukimi
Ise (yes, the baby dragon)
Sea cucumbers
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lovelyyfluff · 2 months
Kaoru Hakaze
"Etrafa sevgiyi yayan bir esinti"
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Selam~ Ben UNDEAD'den Kaoru Hakaze. Rhythm Link'e ait olan bir grubuz, ayrıca Rei ile UNDEAD'in ilgi odağı sayılabiliriz. Eskiden her şeyi akışına bırakıp rahatlardım, ama artık işimi ciddiye alıyorum. Yani elimden geldiğince kızları... Hayır, bütün hayranlarımı gülümseteceğim. Sen de beni destekle, olur mu?♪
- Kaoru
Kızlar tarafında şımartılınca motive olan biri. Sörf yapmayı seviyor. Çapkın ve rahat kişiliği olsa da nazik ve şefkatli bir tarafı var. Etkileyici performansları eşliğinde yumuşak bir sesle şarkı söyler.
Kaoru, Rhythm Link'in altında çalışan UNDEAD'in bir üyesidir.
Karakterin tanıtımını kendi ağzından dinlemek için idol hikayesini okuyabilirsiniz.
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Yaş: 18-19
Mezun olduğu okul: Yumenosaki Özel Lisesi
Boy: 178 cm
Kilo: 63 kg
Doğum günü: 3 Kasım
Hoşlandığı şey: Dalga sesi
Hoşlanmadığı şey: Sürekli sızlanıp söylenen insanlar
Hobi: Kızlarla çıkmak, su sporları yapmak
Uzmanlık alanı: Kızları kokusundan tanımak
Aile: Babası, abisi, ablası
Diğer bazı bilgiler:
Tatlı yiyecekleri sever. En sevdiği ise pankek.
Temizlik yapma ve yemek pişirme gibi ev işlerinde iyidir.
Kızları daha iyi anlamak için shoujo mangalar okuyor.
Gitar çalmayı öğrenirken Koga ona yardımcı olmuştur.
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frenchshiro · 7 years
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mebius crew + monopoly is a disaster but hey shigure is rolling in the dough at least (at the cost of kaoru’s piggy bank) (memes are my only salvation oka y--)
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kicsibius · 7 years
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They are so cuteee *-* They are twins, sleep in the same bed and love each other... they are the newest angels <3  I want them *-*
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ogiuemaniax · 2 years
Shattering the Old Baltimore Ceiling: Otakon 2022
Shattering the Old Baltimore Ceiling: Otakon 2022
Out of all fan conventions, I consider Otakon the one can’t-miss event. There’s certainly a sentimental component, as I’ve been attending for about 15 years at this point, but I think their approach to the concept of the anime con is vitally important: a celebration of anime fandom that’s not for profit and also gives respect to both the creators of the works and the fans themselves. This year,…
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kenkaodoll · 2 years
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tales 30 (JUMP SQ)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with the “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involves the Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in the original manga before the Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (May 2022) there are a total 54 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation.
Previous Story: https://kenkaodoll.tumblr.com/post/683227437222494209/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tales-29-jump-sq
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Fujita Denzaburo and his men were escorted to Nanshuji Temple in Sakai, but their interrogation proved difficult.
Although they captured him, he stubbornly refused to talk. Investigations were also conducted at the Sanjushi National Bank and the first branch of the National Bank, but without success.
“We have solid evidence. If we show it to them, they won't be able to get away with it.”
Hearing these words of Inspector Sato, several of his followers began to speak in hushed tones.
“Of course, sir.”
“If they know that you have the evidence, even the most obstinate will give up and admit their guilt.”
“We will convict him by confronting him with the evidence.”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“There is no need to wait for the confession of an infidel who challenges the government.”
Among his cronies, the police inspector who had given the reward money directly to Chou and Kamatari spoke in high spirits. 
“Let's go to the Fujita Group warehouse and seize the evidence.”
“I'd like to see them with my own eyes, the imported printing press and all.”
Inspector Sato's nose rose even higher at the mention of the foreign made printing press.
“Come in, I'll show you around. I found it by accident.”
Chou and Kamatari were the ones who showed him around, but he boasted as if he had found the printing press all by himself.
And when the group arrived at the warehouse of the Fujita group, the huge printing press had already been removed from the warehouse.
Of course it was the work of Misao and the rest of the Oniwabanshu.
The inspector walks right and left in the empty warehouse.
He shouted, but there was no one to answer.
Both Chou and Kamatari had long since fled away.
“Well, that's still a lot of information.”
Under the clear Osaka sky, Chou and Kamatari were walking along the *Tokaido Road at a brisk pace.
“I would have liked to have seen the inspector's face when he realized the warehouse was empty.”
“If you were there, they would blame it on you.”
“I know, right? He wanted to take credit for finding the printing press, so he didn't seem to notice that we had excused ourselves before him. They should have at least kept an eye on us to make sure we didn't hide any evidence, but they didn't do that either. And since they paid us compensation first, we don't owe them any advice either.”
“He's so dim-witted, that inspector.”
“I feel better now that I've repaid that little girl.”
"All's well that ends well. Congrats”
“So what are you going to do now?”
“I don't know. I don't have anything in mind. I'm thinking of going to Kuwana.”
“Why Kuwana?”
“That's the place of *Muramasa, the sword that avenged the Shogunate!”
“Ah, there. I'm not interested in swords, but I'll join you on the way.”
“Where are you going, then?”
I don't have anything in particular to eat, but when I heard Kuwana, I wanted to eat clams. I might even go to eat Udon.
“Oh, let's go to Ise.”
“Too bad. I don't want to eat Ise udon. I want to eat Nagoya's *miso nikkomi udon.”
“Ah, that way.”
It seemed that they had decided where to go.
Meanwhile, Yahiko and Misao.
In the early morning of September 15, when Fujita Denzaburo was arrested, they had already taken the printing press out of the warehouse and brought it to Aoiya in Kyoto the next day.
And at the time when Chang and Kamatari were heading east on the *Tokaido Road.
Aoshi returned with Fukutaro.
Aoshi-sama! Welcome back. And you too, Fukutaro-kun."
Misao cheerfully greeted Aoshi and Fukutaro. She reported that she had managed to remove the printing press before it was seized as evidence that Fujita Denzaburo had been manufacturing counterfeit banknotess.
“Well done!”
Aoshi thanked Misao and Yahiko.
“Denzaburo Fujita has been arrested, though.”
Yahiko was not quite sure what was going on here. Since he could not let go and say he had done well, he felt unsettled, like he had a fish bone stuck in the throat.
“After the restoration, Japan became a judicial nation with a western policy. We must leave the rest to the law.”
Aoshi's goal to settle the wrongdoing of the Oniwabanshu by the Oniwabanshu.
“One can only hope that we are not in a country that would put people on trial for crimes without evidence.”
“That’s right.”
 On this point there was nothing Yahiko and the rest could do.
“So, what's wrong with you, Fukutaro-kun? What happened to your outfit?”
In Yokohama, Fukutaro was dressed in fancy Western clothes and a silk hat. However, when Aoshi brought him to Kyoto, Fukutaro was dressed in a navy blue kimono and a haori. He was dressed modestly.
“I was wearing it as a kind of sign board to make my street stall stand out. Besides, since it was called a wrongdoing by the Oniwabanshu, it wouldn't be very convincing to apologize if I was dressed in a bizarre outfit.”
'Well, sure, you're right. But is an apology just finished by saying sorry?"
Yahiko asked him a question.
“That won't get it done, will it?”
Okina interrupted.
“Yes, that's right. He used his forbidden technique as a member of the Oniwabashu to commit a crime. The crime will be judged not by the judiciary but by the Oniwabanshu. Fukutaro, you...”
Aoshi was about to say something, but Okina drowned it out with a loud voice.
“Fukutaro, you are going to paint a scroll for each of the four seasons in all the private rooms of this Aoiya every year from now on. The *fusuma paintings will be renewed every three years. That is your atonement for your sins. Aoshi, is that right?”
“That's fine, I guess…” 
Aoshi might have been thinking of a more serious punishment. However, he did not object, perhaps thinking that if it was for Aoiya's sake, it was all right.
“But I didn't know what I could draw. I was even thinking of quitting calligraphy and painting and starting over from scratch.”
Fukutaro scratched his head in embarrassment.
“No! A man with your talent stop painting? That would be a shame, wouldn't it?”
“Really! Don’t stop it!”
Okina and Misao loved Fukutaro’s work very much.
“So, I thought it would be better if I did not live again and was killed for my wrongdoing of Oniwabanshu.”
Fukutaro said this so lightly that it was hard to believe he was talking about his own life.
“That's not the way it's supposed to go, Fukutaro.”
It was Yahiko. As someone who had already lost his parents and was feeling sad about it, he was annoyed at Fukutaro's careless comments about being willing to be killed.
“You know. I was listening to you the other day. Fukutaro, aren’t you being carried away by the enthusiasm and madness of someone who wants to go to the West and create new paintings from beyond the sea?”
“You could say that.”
“I'm an outsider in the field of painting, but I've seen some great sword fighters with my own eyes. So let me tell you, in the way of the sword, there are those who want to fight and those who fight for something.”
The former was the sword-hunter Chou, who longed to wield a sword, and Yukishiro Enishi, who had no choice but to live a life of vengeance. The latter he was thinking of Kenshin, who wanted to save at least those in front of his eyes with his Sakabatou (reverse-blade sword), and Kaoru, who was aiming for a sword that would bring life to people.
“I think the path of painting is similar, isn't it? There are those who want to paint and those who paint for the sake of something. You are longing to be a person who wants to paint, but in fact you may be a person who paints for something. In order to find out, I think it is not a bad thing to paint for Aoiya.”
“I see. You have a point there.”
Fukutaro put his hand to his chin and nodded.
“You are a very young child, but you have a lot to say.”
“I am not a child. I am Yahiko Myojin, a Tokyo samurai.”
“Yes. I look forward to your future. When you grow up, Aoiya might be full of my work.”
Fukutaro, with a gentle smile on his face, agreed to paint a picture for the Aoiya.
Then at Kamiya Dojo.
“Oh my God! Kenshin, look at this.”
Kaoru unfolded the Tokyo Daily Newspaper and showed it to him.
“Arrest of Denzaburo Fujita, a wealthy merchant in Osaka.”
“This is...”
“Chou was after him. And Yahiko and Misao-dono are working on the case Aoshi asked them to work on.”
“He's been arrested…  You're sure this guy didn't print counterfeit banknotes?”
“According to Yahiko, it would seem so.”
“Misao-chan and the others didn't make it, did they?”
Putting his hand on Kaoru's back, Kenshin said, 
“There is no such thing as a life in which everything goes well.”
“I agree. It's impossible for a youngster like Misao and Yahiko to save a person who is about to be framed for a crime that could shake the country to its foundations. That's normal. I've been through so much in the last year that my senses have become numb.”
"Yes, that's right."
“When Yahiko comes home, we should give him plenty of good food to eat and show him our appreciation.”
“That's a good idea…”
Kenshin was about to say something.
“I'm home!”
A cheerful voice echoed through the Kamiya dojo.
Kaoru turned around in surprise. Yahiko was standing there.
“I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles.”
Yahiko noticed that Kaoru was holding a newspaper with an article about Denzaburo Fujita's arrest.
“Oh, that. He was arrested five days ago. For a newspaper to write about something new, it doesn't mean it's up to date, does it?”
At that time, there was a considerable time lag between the time an incident in Osaka and the time it appeared in the Tokyo newspapers. It was difficult to send enough information for a newspaper article by telegram due to the limitation of the number of letters and other factors.
“Hopefully Fujita Denzaburo will be released for lack of evidence. If it doesn't work out, it means the Japanese law system is corrupt.”
“Which means...”
“The printing press that Fukutaro used for making counterfeit banknotes was dismantled and disposed of by Oniwabanshu, Shiro-san and Kuro-san. There is no more evidence of it.”
“You did well, I see.”
“That's great, Yahiko! We should eat something delicious to celebrate.”
After all, whether the mission failed or succeeded, they would go out to eat something delicious.
“It's been a while since I've been to Akabeko, that I have.”
“I'm sure Tsubame is feeling lonely. Let's go see her.”
“I want to know the details of what happened.”
Yahiko, who had just returned to Kamiya Dojo, had to turn around and go out again. Yahiko felt he was in a hurry, but he was relieved to see Akabeko in a relaxed atmosphere after a long absence.
*)Tokaido Road: old seaside road to Kyoto from Tokyo
*)Muramasa, commonly known as Sengo Muramasa, was a famous swordsmith who founded the Muramasa school and lived during the Muromachi period in Kuwana, Ise Province, Japan. His swords were used by the Tokugawa clan.
*)miso nikkomi udon: udon cooked in a broth containing miso paste
*)Fusuma: Room partition
**Fujita Denzaburo's arrest is based on a real event, you can read more about him here.
.…..continue in chapter 31…… https://kenkaodoll.tumblr.com/post/683499038076715008/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tales-31-jump-sq
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with the English also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that sounds not making sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want give corrections. TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file. TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters in his website. You can go and check on there.
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shokuheshi · 7 years
Ise Twins: Game VS Anime 
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rz-jocelyn · 3 years
List of Birthdays: The Cast of the Live Spectacle Naruto (Updated)
Born in the 1990s Character - Actor (Age) - Date of Birth
Uzumaki Naruto (1st gen) - Matsuoka Koudai (25) - 1997.08.09 Jugo (2nd gen) - Emoto Kouki (25) - 1997.06.03 Shizune / Samui - Kojima Sari (25) - 1997.02.05 Uzumaki Karin - Nanaki Kanon (25) - 1997.02.07
Uzumaki Naruto (2nd gen) - Nakao Masaki (26) - 1996.11.27 Inuzuka Kiba - Iiyama Yuta (26) - 1996.07.29 Akimichi Chouji (World Tour 2016) - Taniguchi Takuto (26) - 1996.05.02 Yamanaka Ino (1st Gen) - Inami Anju (26) - 1996.02.07
Sai (2nd gen) - Sadamoto Fuuma (27) - 1995.11.23 Hyuuga Hinata (2nd gen) / Karui - Sena (27) - 1995.09.01 Sabaku no Gaara (2nd gen) - Naya Takeru (27) - 1995.08.07 Hyuuga Hinata (1st gen) - Takahashi Saki (27) - 1995.07.30 Hozuki Suigetsu (2nd gen) - Maeda Ryuutarou (27) - 1995.05.27 Uchiha Sasuke - Sato Ryuji (27) - 1995.01.17
Nara Shikamaru (3nd gen) - Yasue Kazuaki (28) - 1994.12.19 Sabaku no Gaara (1st gen) - Suga Kenta (28) - 1994.10.19 Hozuki Suigetsu (1st gen) - Hagio Keishi (28) - 1994.09.28 Rock Lee - Sato Yugo (28) - 1994.08.29 Nara Shikamaru (2nd Gen) - Kobayashi Tatsuya (28) - 1994.08.19 Haruno Sakura - Ito Yui (28) - 1994.04.26 Yakushi Kabuto (World Tour 2016) - Takahashi Ryo (28) - 1994.02.18
Yakushi Kabuto (1st Gen) - Kimura Tatsunari (29) - 1993.12.08 Uzumaki Naruto (World Tour 2016) - Motoki Seiya (29) - 1993.10.06 Aburame Shino & Sabaku no Gaara (World Tour 2016) - Ueda Shinichirou (29) - 1993.10.01 Haku / Hyuuga Hinata (World Tour 2016) - Imamura Miho (29) - 1993.07.29 Jugo (1st gen) - Yamaguchi Tomoya (29) - 1993.07.08 Uchiha Sasuke (World Tour 2016) - Sakurai Keito (29) - 1993.02.08
Namikaze Minato - Kitazono Ryo (30) - 1992.02.09
Uchiha Madara - Ise Daiki (31) - 1991.05.15 Sai (1st gen) - Kitamura Ryo (31) - 1991.01.25
Inuzuka Kiba (World Tour 2016) - Samukawa Shougo (32) - 1990.10.23 Akimichi Chouji - Katou Ryo (32) - 1990.02.13
Born before the 1990s Character - Actor (Age) - Date of Birth
Yamanaka Ino (2nd Gen) - Fujiki Kaoru (33) - 1989.11.28 Deidara - Tsuji Ryo / Ry☆ (33) - 1989.11.27 Nara Shikamaru (1st Gen) - Hattori Tsubasa (33) - 1989.09.13 Pein/Pain - Teruma (33) - 1989.06.06
Yamato / Tenzou - Fujita Ray (34) - 1988.09.06 Yakushi Kabuto (2nd Gen) - Okada Ryosuke (34) - 1988.02.16 Jiraiya (World Tour 2016) - Hisamatsu Ryouta (34) - 1988.02.06
Sarutobi Hiruzen, The Third Hokage (World Tour 2016) - Shirasaki Seiya (35) - 1987.08.11 Aburame Shino (World Tour 2016) - Honda Takaya (35) - 1987.04.12 Killer B - Koyanagi Shin (35) - 1987.03.14
Momochi Zabuza (World Tour 2016) / Tobi - Katayama Hironori (36) - 1986.04.22
Nagato - Tamaki Yuuki (37) - 1985.12.17 Hatake Kakashi - Kimisawa Yuki (37) - 1985.01.31
Konan / Terumi Mei - Kobayashi Yuka (38) - 1984.04.21
Uchiha Itachi - Rachi Shinji (39) - 1983.03.16 Tsunade - Daigo Seshiro / Cecile Daigo (39) - 1983.03.08 Zetsu - Kawai Ryuunosuke (39) - 1983.05.23
A - Kitamura Keigo (40) - 1982.08.08 Momochi Zabuza - Uchida Asahi (40) - 1982.05.30
Hoshigaki Kisame - Hayashino Takeshi (40) - 1980.01.05
Orochimaru - Hiro Yuumi (46) - 1976.11.05
Umino Iruka / Hatake Kakashi (World Tour 2016) - Ichinose Hidekazu (47) - 1975.03.16
Jiraiya - Umegaki Yoshiaki (63) - 1959.07.12
Sarutobi Hiruzen, The Third Hokage - Hirakawa Kazuhiro (64) - 1958.08.13
Year Unknown Character - Actor (Age) - Date of Birth
Orochimaru (World Tour 2016) - Ranma Yu - XXXX.09.12
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sinful-liesel · 3 years
R18 Drama CD Split No.31 - July 2021
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Hello! I’m hosting a split for July 2021 R18 Drama CDs releases! ☆
Additional details can be found in the registration form. Please let me know if there are any errors.
Reblogs & shares are appreciated too! ❤ #lieselGOs
Registration Form: bit.ly/2SnzNRq
Registration Deadline: July 02
Paypal, Ko-Fi, Venmo & Google Pay 🆗
Stellaworth (unless stated otherwise)
July Releases: 14 (including tokuten, if any)
Bonus Gifts: TBA
July Releases
Otona no Pheromone Wakeari Dandy 40 Sai (CV: Gotou Nedoku / Go to Bed)
Life Saver Jinmeikyujo Kara Hajimaru Koi (CV: Masaru Kuki)
Wagamama Kareshi! -Atsushi Iki no Baai- (CV: Haru Amano)
Wagamama Kareshi! -Kaoru Ise- (CV: Haru Amano)
Senran no Yo no Mouai -Shuuen ni Mukatte- (CV: Masaru Kuki)
Ani to Otouto kara Douji ni Motomerare… ~Ubaiai Sankakukankei~ (CV: Haru Amano)
Name Danshi ~Kowamote Koinu Shouboushi Keigo Kano~ (CV: Noboru Tetrapod)
Oshiete, Sensei. Osamu Sagawa no Baai (CV: Kakeru Yunomachi)
Juraku-gou Futatabi -Koibito- (CV: Manaka Sawa)
Hyouhen Kareshi ~Host ga Champagne Call wo shitekuremasen~ (CV: Noboru Tetrapod)
Torokyun Otomari -Kyuntoma- Season 2 Sono 2 Douryou Kare x Hoshizora Resort (CV: Manaka Sawa)
Sensei, Kocchi Mite yo scene2. Suugaku Junbishitsu (CV: Hokki Nimaigai)
Taikutsu Musume wa Kousei dekinai (CV: Atsushi Domon & Renado Sendo)
Be My Buddy!  Toshiya Suda no Baai (CV: Masaru Kuki)
To view the registration form, you will have to copy and paste the link manually or click the link in the "source" at the bottom of the post.
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maiji · 5 years
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Tale of Genji stories in one post - see full gallery on Instagram.
1) (2nd photo) Nonomiya Jinja is a Shinto shrine located inside the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, a pit stop for Imperial princesses on their way to serve as priestess of the Ise Grand Shrine/Jingu - like Akikonomu in the Tale of Genji. They had an informal quiz which @atorier translated for me. I failed 0 for 5. 2 questions were about character ages at various points of the story (I was within 5-8 years!!). 2 I misunderstood to be about Murasaki the character when they were actually about Murasaki Shikibu and was thoroughly confused at when these things were indicated in the story lmao. The last asked who was the model for Hikaru Genji. Scholars disagree on this and I’m personally in the court of Genji not being based on one particular figure, but I gamely answered Ariwara no Narihira. They used Minamoto no Toru. So much for my street cred.
2) At the Tale of Genji Museum in Uji I was excited to play the Genjiko incense guessing game! Basically it involves smelling a sequence of 5 incenses, identifying which are identical, and marking your guess with the matching Genjiko mon/seal. I thought their setup with stamps for each mon was very well-done. I got it right and the staff gave me a sticker that says I did it!!! I think they purposefully made it easy with really obviously different scents though…
3) Fukuju Saryo cafe (mentioned in my previous Uji post) had a pair of drinks based on the two main rivals of the Uji Chapters!! At first I was like “why is Niou matcha latte and Kaoru houjicha latte 🤨” then “oh houjicha is mild and matcha is bitter, okay I accept that.” @atorier was like “so judgey 🙄” I’m just excited I got to say “Kaorunokimi kudasai” which made the waitress chuckle 😂😂😂 and that I got to go to the closest thing to a Tale of Genji character cafe.
4) The museum had a lot of mannequins recreating the kaimami (peeping through screens and fences) scenes, and a section where you could see what it looks like to peek through Heian blinds, so I made a photo comic. Thanks Zanazac for modelling a sexy Heian lady.
Bless my friends for listening to me go on and on about the Tale of Genji. https://www.instagram.com/p/B3svRS3Bd33/?igshid=11cqbvul8m181
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rinusagitora · 5 years
In the throes of blood and blossoms
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Karin Kurosaki, Momo Hinamori, Izuru Kira, Renji Abarai, OC: Mae Izumi, OC: Ryuuji Kawashima, OC: Sachihiro Masaba, OC: Kaoru Hatori
Pairings: platonic KarinHina-centric, platonic RyuuKarinMae, minor RenShuuKiraHina, mentioned badship AiHina
Words: 3,100+
Summary: Shinigami!Karin AU. Trade with @thuyuui who requested shinigami!Karin or platonic KarinHina something. WARNINGS— alcoholism, surrealism, gore, mentioned COCSA; The scars of her human life blister and boil, yet Momo soothes her.
AO3: works/20481566
Dreamwidth: N/A
FFN: s/13377820/1/ (sfw)
Daiichi loomed. He was taller than Karin remembered. His brains dripped onto her forehead from the cracks in his scalp, he wheezed and twitched.
“I thought you loved me,” she told him.
“I thought you loved me,” he retorted.
“I guess we were both wrong.”
Karin grabbed him by the fissures in his head and ripped him in half. His bones cracked like thunder.
Karin shrieked. Izuru shook her out of her hysteria. Her hair and clothes were caked to her sweaty skin like scales.
“It’s okay, sweetheart, it was just a bad dream,” Momo said.
Just a bad dream. Daiichi was a bad dream too. He couldn’t hurt her anymore, she couldn’t hurt him. “What time is it?” Karin asked breathlessly.
“Just after midnight,” Izuru answered.
Karin peeled herself off the couch, pulled on her sandals, and made for the door. She needed fresh air. Izuru wasn’t too far behind her by the looks of it. She hated to worry him, but unless he asked her, she kept her distance.
She came upon a stagnant pond. She waded into its waters and floated on its surface. Was it not for Izuru behind her, she would have allowed herself a meltdown. She couldn’t worry her roommates more than she already did. But her human life was still a fetid sore in her chest. It built up until Karin was more pain than person. But the water, cool and calm, soothed her tension plenty. It was like her death all over again. The sense of liberation was a relief.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Izuru asked. His head gently collided with her own as he floated with her.
“It was just a bad dream, just silly.”
“You’re pale as fresh linens. That doesn’t seem so silly.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it. I want to be alone right now.”
Izuru receded into kidou-fueled invisibility. She quietly thanked him for his consideration.
Karin didn’t want to kill herself, she just needed the weightlessness to carry her heavy soul.
Daiichi was quite the monster. Years after her rape, years after his murder, and he still visited nightly. Her backside burned. Her gums were raw.
She floated until daylight. She returned home, bathed, and dressed for school, and wordlessly left the house for school, where she was alone, even when she was with Ryuuji and Mae. That was the fate for people like her. Dirty people. People with blood on their hands.
Mae waited at the entrance with asauchi in hand.
“I brought strawberry juice for lunch. Do you and Kawashima want to have lunch with me?”
“Yeah…. I’ll ask Ryuuji what his plans are.”
Mae was quiet for a moment. Their poker faces were both well-practiced, but Mae was astute. “What’s on your mind?” she asked.
Karin shrugged. “Insomnia. I didn’t have breakfast, either.”
Mae gave her a bag of dried persimmons. “Eat. I’ll see you at lunch at our usual spot.”
“Oh… thank you. I’ll see you at lunch.”
Karin sat in her first class of the day. Not a heartbeat later, she was joined by a classmate, Sachihiro Masaba.
“Hey,” he said, “you’re Karin, right?”
There were many times where Karin was subject to exchanges with curious and occasionally impolite classmates. Her bizarre powers were wild rumor after an incident a year ago when she threw an enormous wood pillar at Toushirou Hitsugaya during a school-wide remedial lesson. Of course, she was always a subject of curiosity, since she lived with polyamorous lieutenants. It was a socialite’s gossip wet dream.
“Can I help you?” she asked.
“Well, I’d appreciate it. I’m sure you’re harassed by a number of classmates, though,” he said. “Part of our assignment has me completely lost. You’re smart. Could you spare a minute to help me out?”
“Sure.” At least he didn’t care to grill her about her life. “What’s got you stuck?”
Karin tutored Sachihiro for a minute before class began. When the first bell rang, he leaned in and said, “Thanks, Karin-chan. You wanna go party this weekend? There’s gonna be a ton of booze.”
She sneered. “You wanna see me sloshed?”
“Considerate it thanks for helping me out. I’ll even bring my girlfriend so you don’t go thinking I’ll, I dunno, rape you or something…. That’s my girlfriend Kaoru’s biggest fear. Hence why I bring it up.”
Karin’s heart lunged into her throat. She was so touchy, the mere mention of sexual assault made her ill. Nonetheless, she laughed it off. “Can’t be too careful. There are some creeps out there.”
“So… I’ll pick you up at seven, then?”
“Seven works for me. I’ll see you then.”
“A party? Like… fuck, what did you call it? A kegger or something?”
“Yeah. Sachihiro Masaba invited me. I’d like you guys to come with,” Karin said to Ryuuji and Mae.
“I, for one, would love to go. My chemistry class is keeping me up late anyways. I need a night to wind down,” Mae replied.
“I don’t have a choice by the sounds of things,” Ryuuji concurred.
“Alright. Just get to my place before seven tonight.”
“A party?” Renji, Izuru, and Momo exclaimed simultaneously.
“Yeah. One of my classmates invited me. I’ll be going with Ryuuji, Mae, and his girlfriend Kaoru,” Karin explained as she pulled her hair into a pair of buns.
“Well… if you won’t be alone, I suppose I have no qualms with you going,” Momo said. “Just… promise me you won’t drink too much.”
“Love, that’s the point of these things,” Renji retorted.
“Yeah. And I’m an adult. I’ll pace myself.”
“These tend to get out of hand too,” Izuru said. “I don’t want to smother you, Karin-chan, but no more than two drinks tonight, okay? You can get sloshed when you come home. God knows I never fucking sleep to begin with.”
She sighed. “Alright. No more than two drinks if it puts you at ease.”
Karin was alerted by Mae and Ryuuji’s reiatsu in the house. They had let themselves in. Karin brought her friends over enough times they had a standing invitation.
“Well, aren’t you all prettied up,” Ryuuji complimented. “Hello, Lieutenants.”
“Kawashima, Izumi,” Momo greeted as Renji and Izuru dispersed. “Watch Karin-chan for me. No more than two drinks tonight.”
“Aye aye,” Ryuuji replied.
Not too long after, Karin felt Sachihiro outside. He wore a plain yukata, open to his belt, when she opened the door. Kaoru Hatori was a beautiful young woman with a square face, thin wrists, and dark hair braided around her head.
“Hey there,” she said. “We ready to head out?”
“Let’s go.”
“So,” Kaoru began, “how long have you and Sachihiro been friends?”
“Less than twenty-four hours. He just invited me after I helped him with his homework,” Karin said. “I’m not one to turn down free booze so I couldn’t refuse.”
Kaoru laughed. “Yeah, me neither. Vice and virtue, I guess.”
“I’m not sure what that means.”
“We all have flaws. Ours just happens to be alcohol.”
“Oh,” Karin said, “yeah. That’s true.”
Karin wondered what Kaoru meant. Perhaps she was just paranoid, but it seemed like strange wording.
Not long after, they came upon the shore of a large lake. The sand shimmered and the air glittered. The sense of magic was potent.
“Is this really where it’s supposed to be? Did the guards bust it or something?” Ryuuji said.
“No. It’s just hidden,” Sachihiro explained. “Anyone better at kidou than myself?”
“I am,” Mae replied confidently. She pushed Sachihiro aside, raised her hands up to the starry sky, and chanted under her breath. They were enveloped by people moments later. The smell alcohol was as cacophonous as the sound of juvenile delinquency. Karin was right at home.
“Holy shit, Izumi-san, this is amazing,” Sachihiro said with awe. “I didn’t think you could do it so fast.”
“You underestimate me,” Mae said as she tucked her hair behind her ear.
“I’ll get us drinks. What does everyone want?”
“Whiskey,” Kaoru and Mae said.
“Just some beer,” Karin answered.
“Sake here.”
Karin and Ryuuji placed a blanket over the sand and their group sat down to chat before Sachihiro returned with drinks.
“So, what’s it like living with four Lieutenants?” Sachihiro enquired when he gave Karin her beer.
“Like living with any other married couple. There’s just a bigger bed.”
Sachihiro’s eyes were wider than saucers. “They aren’t just roommates?”
“You need to fix your radar, dude. Nontraditional marriage is more common than you think. Matsumoto-fukutaichou and Ise-taichou have been married for a couple years. Outoribashi-taichou and Hirako-taichou too. Kira-fukutaichou has his fair share of gay subordinates in long-term partnerships.”
“Do… do they all fuck each other?"
"Sachihiro, not appropriate!” Kaoru hissed.
“It’s fine,” Karin groaned. “Yes. Like most married couples, the Lieutenants I live with have a rich sex life.” Of course he turned out to be nosy. “Masaba, the Seireitei is more queer than you realize. Just keep your questions to yourself. Either way, it’s not your business.”
“Nonetheless, it’s a relief. I’ve been scared for Kaoru's… y'know.”
Karin pictured, just for a split second, her hands around Sachihiro’s dumbass windpipe. Kaoru looked terrified as well. “Dude, you can’t just out your girlfriend like that. Just because the Seireitei has a lot of queers in it’s ranks, doesn’t mean there isn’t queerphobia. Outing her to the wrong people could cost her her life.”
“I’m sure. But I know I could tell you about it because you’re pretty open-minded. Kaoru can protect herself pretty well, too.”
“I don’t care what you think about me. The fact of it is you can’t just out her to whoever you want. It’s her decision who she comes out to..”
Mae’s hand clasped Karin’s shoulder like a vice. “Let’s go for a walk,” she commanded.
“God, I hate straight people,” Karin snapped. “I hate men. They treat girls like fucking… fucking property they can do anything they want with. How dare he out that poor girl.” Daiichi treated Karin the same way, like a fucking thing he could do anything he pleased with. Like when he told his friends she liked girls, and suddenly she was asked everyday if they could watch her have sex with other girls. Daiichi took her whenever he pleased. It made her blood boil. It made her eyes water with humiliation.
“That was incredibly inappropriate.” Mae and Karin sat on a hollow log together. Mae held her hand. “What’s wrong? This has you… unusually emotional.”
Karin wiped her eyes. “I’m just… I’m tired of men, Mae.”
“Okay. Let’s go home. I’ll fetch Ryuuji so we can get out of here.”
Mae left Karin alone. She saw a bottle of whiskey not too far away, more than half full. She plucked it out of the sand, downed it in a handful of swallows, and tried to ignore Daiichi’s phantom behind her.
Mae’s nails dug into Karin’s arm. She was madder than Karin was wasted.
“Karin, I have no idea why you keep doing this to yourself.”
“Drinking myself shit-faced?”
“Yes.” Mae sighed. “I’ve never been good with social graces, Karin, but I can tell something is amiss, and you refuse to tell me why. It’s quite vexing.”
Karin’s head lolled back. “I can’t tell you about it.”
“Why not? Have I not earned your trust?”
“Of course. I just… can’t tell you, is all.”
“Can you tell me why?”
“I’ll get into a lot of trouble if I tell you.”
Mae’s red eyes darted between Karin and the road. “I see,” she said. “Once you tell me, I will keep your secret. There’s nothing you could have done worse than what I have done.”
Karin groaned. She ought to give Mae something, at least. “It’s just… everyone keeps sticking their whole fucking fist in my business. Reminds me of my brother, always lording over me. Sachihiro Masaba wasn’t the man I thought, and it reminded me of my brother.”
“I thought you were an only child,” Mae replied, as if it at all related to what happened with Sachihiro.
“I lied. I’ll let you in on this secret. You’re a good friend, you deserve some honesty.” Karin walked with her head on Mae’s shoulder. “My brother is… powerful. We come from a powerful bloodline. My brother refused to let me to take advantage of my powers. He smothered me, like his so-called good intentions fixed everything. I wanted to nurture my power. I needed to. Someday, he wouldn’t be there to protect me, so I wanted to learn to protect myself. I eventually killed myself to escape his tyranny.”
“… are you a Kurosaki?”
“You promised to keep it a secret. You can’t tell anyone.”
“I will.” Mae helped Karin back up to her feet. “Let’s get you home, Karin.”
Karin was handed off to Momo. They stumbled onto the couch where Karin seized Momo’s lap.
“Drank too much,” she answered before Momo even asked. “Bad night. Men are Awful with a capital a.”
“Unfortunately, the good ones are few and far between.”
“You must’ve won the lottery then if you married three of them,” Karin said.
“Yes and no.” Momo combed Karin’s hair out of her face. “Regardless, you need to be vigilant, Karin-chan. You smell like you drank a barrel of scotch.”
“It was a bottle of whiskey and a beer.”
“My point exactly. You’re going to hurt yourself if you keep drinking like this.”
“That Masaba is a dillweed.”
“The boy you went to that party with?”
“Yeah. Outed someone without their permission…. A transwoman, nonetheless. I don’t think anyone overheard but I’m still super worried for Kaoru-chan. She’s super sweet.”
“That is a very inconsiderate thing to do. I will have Izuru speak with this Sachihiro Masaba tomorrow.”
Karin snorted. “Like that’s gonna do anything. Men are thoughtless. He’ll just forget or something, and even if he doesn’t, there are two more douchebags to take his place.”
“… I’ll get your blanket, dear. Just get some rest.”
Karin was laid on a throw pillow, and moments later, she was coiled in a blanket like an infant.
Daiichi loomed, with his head in two pieces from the neck up. Worms and maggots wriggled in his gore. Even though his eyes dangled from his optic nerves, she felt his gaze on her.
“Are you gonna kill him too?"  he gurgled with the two halves of his mouth.
"No,” she said, “he’s not a fucking basketcase, unlike you.”
Daiichi’s head slapped together wetly. It still oozed blood between the parts, his mouth mouthed unevenly as he spoke. “You sure? You wanted to kill him.”
Sachihiro’s face suddenly replaced Daiichi’s as he swung a hammer down on her head.
Karin awoke in a cold sweat. Concentrated evil stood next to the door. Karin had no visual reference for Sousuke Aizen, but she knew it was him with a knife at Momo’s throat.
“She’s all I have left,” Karin whimpered, “don’t do this….”
The living room flooded with blood. Momo’s body was lost in the tide. Karin wailed as she waded through its waist-high depths in search for her precious mentor.
Shuuhei, Izuru, and Momo we’re gathered around Karin once she woke. Moonlight filtered through the curtains. Renji came from the kitchen with a mug of warm, chamomile tea.
“You were screaming in your sleep,” Izuru informed her. “Care to talk about it?”
Karin sat up, took her tea in both hands, and shook her head. “No. It was just a silly nightmare, is all.”
“Karin… you can’t bottle this up,” Momo told her. “Up. We’re going for a walk.”
Obediently, Karin set aside her tea, and followed Momo outside.
“You haven’t told me everything, honey,” she said. “I love you, Karin-chan, you know I do, but you have to be honest with me so I can help you. What really happened between you and Kurosaki?”
“I’ve told you everything that happened with me and Kurosaki,” Karin told Momo. Momo was still correct, however. Karin held back the majority of her nightmarish life in the World of the Living.
“So then what the hell is going on?”
“There was this… this boy,” Karin said. “He was nice to begin with. I fell in love and he took advantage of that.”
“He raped you, didn’t he?”
“A multitude of times,” Karin answered coolly, despite how her chest ached. “I don’t think anyone ever realized what he was doing until it was too late.”
“Too late?”
Karin’s eyes watered. The memory of her hands covered in his brains churned her stomach. “I killed him. He was choking me, telling me I was going to die. I kept telling him to stop, but he didn’t, and I couldn't… I couldn’t take it anymore, Momo. I grabbed him by the hair and bashed his head into the ground until grey matter was oozing out his head. I just… I didn’t know what to do anymore.”
Momo didn’t miss a beat. “Good riddance,” she said. “Honey, I’m sorry you went through that. Sousuke… Sousuke did the same thing. But what that boy did to you was wrong. You were only protecting yourself.”
“I know. I have no qualms having killed him. But I see him everywhere. In all men, I see us in every couple like Masaba and Kaoru-chan. Men who wantonly endanger their significant other, never consider their feelings.” Tears streaked down Karin’s face. She was embarrassed and miserable by her emotionality.
Momo cupped Karin’s face in her hands. “I am your ally, Karin-chan. It’s more complicated than that, of course, but I am here to shoulder your burdens with you. I won’t let you suffer alone.”
Karin squeezed her eyes shut. “Thank you,” she croaked, tearfully, and wrapped Momo in a tight hug. “I love you so much Momo. I’m always alone. I’m always hurting. I don’t know how to make it stop, but it hurts less when you’re around.”
“I love you too, Karin.”
Karin just… really wanted a hug.
She was she wasn’t normally the type who needed constant attention. She was fairly independent. Since she passed away, she hadn’t missed a single assignment deadline. She managed to balance her obligations with her social life. While feisty, she never really started confrontations.
Sometimes, she just… needed a hug. Like a back brace.
Momo caught her those times. Karin ended up bent uncomfortably as she wept in Momo’s shoulder. Things seemed a little better when Momo played with her hair.
“Thanks,” Karin said. “I’m sorry. I’ll get better.”
“Karin-chan, you’re fine,” Momo assured her, “we all have our moments of weakness. I’m here to help whenever you need it.”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
“Are you going to be okay going to school today?”
“I’m glad. It’ll take your mind off this.”
“I’ll see you tonight, Momo.”
“I love you, Karin-chan.”
“I love you too.”
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frenchshiro · 7 years
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大正メビウスライン christmas!~  🎄❄️🎁✨
(part 1, 2, 3, compilation)
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