jexnmcrexu · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons on the kandrew dynamic? There’s such a dearth of analyses on the interactions between Kevin and Andrew and it’s a shame because their behavior with each other is so deep, peculiar and fascinating :O
Did you mean hc or analysis? i’m gonna add a bit of both just in case ;) Buckle up because this got... so long...
- See the thing about kandrew is... they’re so complex
- I mean it’s just. At first glance their personalities just completely clash, you know?
- Kevin lives and breathes Exy, he pushes himself beyond his limits, and he has this single-minded obsession with his game being flawless
- While Andrew couldn’t care less about the sport, has absolutely no drive besides the promises he makes, no ambition
- So like, when I learned all this and realized they were practically attached at the hip I went ?????
- However we later learn about the promise Andrew made Kevin, that if he stayed at Palmetto he would keep him safe
- (and this hurts a whole fucking lot because Andrew thinks the only way of keeping people from leaving is by binding them with a promise and that just BREAKS MY HEART!! but that’s a topic for another post)
- We also learn that Kevin promised him a future if he stayed by his side
- So this was basically a “I want to be with you but you wouldn’t be with me in normal circumstances so here, I can offer you this” from both of them
- They’re a disaster
- Anyway so they have a tumultuous relationship from the start
- God listen here LISTEN
- Andrew refused to go with Kevin to the Ravens because he didn’t want to follow someone who was satisfied with being second best
- Like he just hated Kevin for that
- But when Kevin went to Wymack after Riko broke his hand, Andrew must have seen there was some courage in there he could work with
- Otherwise I assure you he wouldn’t have made a deal with him, he wouldn’t have found Kevin interesting enough
- I’m crying thanks
- At this point Andrew becomes Kevin’s rock
- (I like to compare this with a concept I learned in two TJ Klune’s novels, wolfsong and the lighting-struck heart (even though they exist everywhere else)
- In the sense that Andrew is Kevin’s cornerstone, a link that keeps him from despairing and succumbing to darkness
- And he’s also Neil’s tether, the link that keeps him grounded and prevents him from running away
- It makes me very emo
- “You spend all this time watching our backs. Who’s watching yours?”
- shut UP
- So Kevin heavily relies on andrew
- Let me tell you this: when I first read aftg I went in knowing NOTHING about the books except that there was a gay couple; i didn’t even know it was the main couple; i didn’t even know it was about sports
- And I thought that that couple were kevin and andrew
- I kid you not, I didn’t catch on until halfway through the raven king
- It was just so plainly obvious that they care about each other
- Like sure, they fight a lot, Andrew threatens Kevin and fucking cuts him with a knife at one point
- But that’s how they are; they’re constantly dancing around one another because they both have this huge thing in the middle: Andrew’s future
- And they both know it
- It’s what keeps them together but also what keeps them apart
- There’s an essential part of their relationship that simply cannot work if they don’t acknowledge it
- Which Andrew refuses to do until like the end of the king’s men
- ridiculous, both of them
- So on to my headcanons
- Basically I think they started to hook up a couple of weeks after Kevin transferred to Palmetto
- They were at Eden’s and they were drinking and Andrew was horny and Kevin was hot
- And tipsy
- So they kiss. I can’t decide if Kevin initiated it or if Andrew did
- I think maybe Kevin
- Kevin isn’t familiar with Andrew’s history at this point, so Andrew gathers inhuman amounts of patience and explains, without going into detail, that they’re playing by his rules
- Basically: don’t touch unless prompted and always, always ask first. Or else, knife in your gut.
- It becomes a regular thing and Andrew hates that it’s a regular thing but he also doesn’t
- Kevin is very conflicted because of the public image he needs to uphold
- But he never angsts about it with Andrew because he knows that would only push Andrew away
- A year goes by and there’s feelings in the way that they both kind of acknowledge, only never out loud
- it’s more in the actions?
- in the way Kevin always looks for Andrew first, in the way Andrew is always aware of where Kevin is in the room, never goes too far from him, and
- i can’t stress this enough
- in the way he is unconditional support for kevin
- kevin is a mess; his childhood was traumatizing— so was Andrew’s, and yet Andrew is always there for Kevin whenever Kevin falls into despair
- He knows how to calm him, how to keep him grounded, and is willing to go to the ends of the Earth to protect him
- He doesn’t make deals with everyone, y’all
- Just people he wants to keep close
- Kevin is one of them
- And Kevin... GOD, Kevin
- He never, ever gives up on Andrew
- No matter how many times Andrew tells him no to exy, he keeps pushing and he keeps waiting and he doesn’t. give. up.
- Kevin saw potential in him, but he also saw that the reason he didn’t care was because he didn’t think he deserved it
- And Kevin pushed
- And Andrew pushed back, in his own way
- Between him and Neil they made Kevin realize he was so much more than number 2
- I bet you Andrew used it as a counter argument so many times whenever Kevin brought his exy skills up
- “I’m sorry, I don’t listen to second places”
- It drives Kevin absolutely insane
- They’re constantly pushing each other and grabbing at them at the same time
- It’s why they work
- Their dynamic is just complex and passionate and beautiful
- Hopefully we get to read about them more
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redrabbitspod · 5 years
How do you feel about Spider-Man leaving the mcu?
I feel nothing, but Seth has very strong feelings about it. Don’t get him started. -A
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bloodydamnit · 5 years
dude you are working your ASS off for this new interactive fic. I read your post and I was like holy SHIT. Your level of commitment is honestly so admirable and inspirational, man. The way you're turning it to life is literally such a groundbreaking idea. I'm so looking forward to this! I hope April 14th comes soon!!! :DDD
OISRHSOEIGROSEIG THANK YOU SO MUCH! we’re literally having so. much. fucking. fun with this. and we have so many plans!!!!!!!!  like omfg. my guy we have so many plans. and im so excited for people to get involved!!!!! i literally cannot fucking wait omfg.  thank you again!!!!
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antagonistbarbie · 6 years
Hi Sarah! I've seen your recent posts about the show Deadly Class. Would you recommend it? :O It looks super interesting but I'd just like to know people's reviews before watching :D
Yes!!!! There’s only 3 episodes out so far (tomorrow the 4th ep comes out) and it is so damn good. I’m talking a mouthy sarcastic motherfucker of a main character with a traumatic past and going to school for assassins. Seriously I watched all 3 episodes over the weekend and once I watched them all, I went back and rewatched them again. I super recommend watching! ^.^
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saecookie · 3 years
✒️ :D
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And a lot of garlic bread to you too dear 💖
(Send me ✒️ and I’ll write your URL in my handwriting along with a little note about what I think of you!)
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requiemofkings · 6 years
What’s your Twitter? :O I’d like to check it out! (I apologize if it’s already written somewhere D:) Thank you!
it’s @ captainneyu! 
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cydonian-mystery · 2 years
Tagged By: @nonbinary-bosmer
Favorite Color: Black Relationship Status: Single, and I'm fine with that
Song Stuck in my Head: STO combat music, apparently the bug that made it play constantly in-game spread to my brain, please send help Last Thing I Searched For: 'conestoga tarp trailer', because I'm playing ATS and special interests go brr
Time: 1:11 pm, CST Dream Trip: I'd like to visit Alaska. Something I Want: A cure for my chronic pain and liver issues.
Tag 10: @herlossmybanjo, @femme-mothman, @frick-it-all-to-hecc, @mothdaemon, @baronessbamf, @aquietanarchy, @zezelchark, @owlbear33, @ishouldnotbhere, @grimdark
Obviously if any of you don't want to participate in this, no pressure. It's just for fun.
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dijonai · 4 years
Hi can I ask who are your favourite blogs that post alot about Jin (and hyung line in general) that also the blogger itself has "persona"? Lol this is so strange to describe but I mean people like you who make text posts or scream in the tags... Like nore interesting than "just" a regular posting. No shade to anyone!! All love, Just looking for more fun on my dash
taww thanks (i think??)
my favorite jin fans are @jinv @theprofessorjin @pumpkjin @everythingoes (great for hyung line content in general!!), @jinvant @houseofarmanto @seoksjin @smolseokjinnies
other amazing hyung line content blogs i like are @honsool @hobeah @love4hobi @hosnack @cyanjoon @jjoon @taegi @rookiehobi @jhopetodream
some of my favorite mutuals who have a great personality are @ppersonna @jiminslight @taemaknae @inthemoodforloveyourselftear @ishouldnotbhere
sorry im not of more help i literally blank when people ask me for blog recs ;-;
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jexnmcrexu · 5 years
Hello it’s me again! I don’t really have a prompt, but I hc Andrew as “head” of the kandreil household? Like Kevin and Neil can do whatever they want, they’re grown men, but if they plan to pull some ridiculous Exy stunt or get a pet or do something else significant, they need Andrew’s approval. I feel it’s natural given Andrew’s need for control and kevneil’s wanting to respect his boundaries/please him. Like, Andrew as house alpha. What do you think? I wanted to hear your thoughts on this! :D
Oh, absolutely. Like you said, Andrew’s need for control makes it logical that he gets to make the Big Decisions. They all talk about it and usually come to an agreement but yeah, I agree that everything they wanna do has to go through Andrew first.
Andrew doesn’t like to say no to either Kevin or Neil, but they always double and triple check to make sure Andrew is saying yes because he wants to and not just because he doesn’t wanna say no. I mean, Andrew’s not stupid, but Kevin and Neil never stop checking. And Andrew appreciates it, though he never says it out loud.
Andrew does try to let Kevin feel like he has a bit of control over certain decisions, though. Like, Neil has no problem just surrendering control and going along with whatever they decide, but I feel like it’s a little bit harder for Kevin? Let’s not forget that he was in a similar situation in which he had to become the person his abusers wanted him to be, act and say whatever he felt they wanted to hear or see, so he had very little control over himself and his surroundings.
I feel like sometimes this causes fights between Kevin and Andrew, but more often than not they have a nicely balanced dynamic and they know when to lend that control and authority and when to claim it.
Neil is just happy to make them happy.
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redrabbitspod · 5 years
Nothing much has happened yet but I already love this lmao keep up the great work guys :D
Thank you very much! That is very nice of you! - Renee
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redrabbitspod · 5 years
Why’d you name the podcast “Red Rabbits”? I hope this isn’t a stupid question :P
Eh. I’ll give you a pass. Gonna have to listen, I guess. - A
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redrabbitspod · 5 years
AHHHH happy birthday Seth!!! :D
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jexnmcrexu · 5 years
Hello, this is a very random ask, but thank you so much for being such a staunch, reliable kandreil fan in the aftg fandom. I’m literally parched for kandreil content because it’s like I’m consuming and re-consuming it over and over, plus I LOVE your analyses of the kandreil dynamic and I always come back to yours too. I’d love to just hardcore fangirl over kandreil with you my guy because DAMN i am so far gone with these three fools
My heart just went all WHOOOSH with this???? I would love to fangirl about them with you as well! And I feel so honored omg?? I’ve been wanting to do a more in-depth analysis but I haven’t found the time :((( but ahhh thank you SO MUCH for this ask, it brightened my night!!
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bloodydamnit · 6 years
Bro I love the way you render Andrew—the sharp arch of his eyebrow in your latest pic like whOaaaaa like ma boi is regal but chic af damn I love you and your art thank you for existing and sharing your wonderful talent with us
sergusoirgjs thanky ou so so o soooooo much. i LOVE making andrew and i love painting him even more. i know that my andrew may not seem canon but idfc i love him so much.. thank you thank you THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU TOO!
youre amazing and i hope youre having the best day T^T
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bloodydamnit · 6 years
BOI *throws hands* BOIIIIII dude you just never fail to blow me away with your art man, how tf are you so talented??? This is the first thing that pops up on my feed and it legit makes my day! I'm gonna go read that fic now, thank you so much!!!! :D
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bloodydamnit · 6 years
Hey, I love your renders so much!!! I was just wondering (I don't know if you've received this ask yet), but by any chance have you drawn my boi Kevin Day? I'd love to see him in your art style! I'm a sucker for the way you render Andrew's eyes :O
hi hi! thank you so much!!!!!
YES I AM!!!! I HAVE to make Kevin Day. I dont know why I havent yet?? I mean, I have his character made tbh. i just never actually got around to making a proper render and therefore a painting. But It’s definitely on my list! I also have Wymack and Abby ready. lololololol. They’re all comin!!!!
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