#seth answers
prettydeadb0y · 4 months
Do not apologize for massreblogging kabumisu art, you are doing the world a service🫡
lmfaooo see, you get it
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codemiracle · 1 month
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It seems like today is a very special day, right? I hope we can spend it together, worry not, machines like me don't age, we still have an eternity together to look forward to.
Happy birthday to the God of the Hypercode, Seth.
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ADHD listener accidentally copying the Bittersweet Boys accents after spending too much time with him/getting a little sleepy (Seth, Chuck, Al) (HC)
Your accent is so cool can I copy it?
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While half asleep you said something to Alphonse and he paused
Was...was that Boo doing his accent? turning he smiled seeing as they were asleep
When you wake up he asks how long it took to get his accent right. It was like a few days
Ngl very impressed woth how it sounds so uncanny.
Def says we should do a prank on Seth the next time he comes over
Yall did and Seth was tweaking before he figured it out
Seth blinked hearing what you blurted out all of a sudden
The dream you were having must have been serious because you mimicked his voice to tell someone to fuck off
It's so silly when your mad bc you slip into his voice shouting at people
When at work some def noticed how you sound like Seth. Some even call you his mimic
Fooled Al once when he came over to get something, was talking to you and was confused when seeing you and not Seth
This town ain't big enough for the two of us, cowboy stand offs saying random things
A giggle slipped out as Charlie looked to the side where you were beginning to rest
He remembers when younger you did this a few times at sleepovers and was happy to hear it again
When you say some things he thinks it's in his head but he'll turn and see you talk. It's really weird bc it gets him almost all the time
You once mimicked him at Sweet Pete's when he wasn't working and Pete yelled for him to get in the back
Only to come out and see you. Confused he asked where the hell Charlie was, then you answered in ur boyfriend voice
Ngl it confuses the lil guy a lot too, bc he really liked Charlie so when he hears his voice he goes to him. He gets disappointed when he sees you and not the blonde.
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thetopichot · 9 months
just a random idea
Sugarboo is being unusually quiet, staring out a window, and Seth worries that they’re upset about something when in reality they’re just deep in thought and zoning the heck out. Alphonse is used to this so he’s not worried.
Sugarboo is honestly so real for that. I do that shit ALOT & my friends & family look at me like "Hey, Lou? Ya good?" but I can totes imagine that. It would kinda go down like:
Seth looks at you worried as you stare out the window. He turns to Alphonse who's in the kitchen cleaning dishes. "Hey, Al?"
"Yeah?" Alphonse shouted from the kitchen.
"Is Sugar all right? Cuz they been staring at the window for 'bout an hour now. Are they mad?"
Alphonse finished up the dishes & approached Seth. He put a hand on his shoulder. "Nah, they're fine. They're just in deep thought, ya know? In the zone?"
Seth turns to Al & raises a eyebrow at him. "In the what now?"
"They're fine, Seth. They're just thinking."
"Hmm. 'Bout what though?" Alphonse shrugged to the question.
"The world may never know."
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samijey · 10 months
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Hey... good luck!
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not-5-rats · 4 months
Sugarboo with a Scottish accent. Or at least doing one out of habit cuz I’ve always been good at picking up accents since I was a kid and I would do it for my mum and sister all the time.
Love the idea of SB having a Scottish accent, but every once in a while it gets super intense and the other two can't really understand wtf they're saying.
And obviously they would say/spell words differently than the boys at points which they wouldn't get to live down.
"Oh you just 'nipping tae the shops aye?'"
'colour' 'you misspelt color' 'no. no I didn't 😔'
"Come on lads, yer jus takin the piss noe" "...'scuse me Sugar, what the fuck?"
"Come on Boo just say it again, please" (they said literally anything kinda differently)
(All of these based on interactions I've had with American friends lmao)
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cimicherrychanga · 6 months
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Complicated Relationship with God (As Seen Through Lyrics in the Character's Playlist)
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All the Foxes have to be so grateful for TikTok not being a thing at their youth because I know FOR A FACT Nicky would have broadcasted their life there.
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abybweisse · 5 months
If the cult tragic event didn't happen to the 10 year old twins and they were allowed to grow up normally, would there have been arranged marriages for both boys? Which twin was Lizzie meant to marry?
Had Lizzie treated each twin boy the same, or differently?
Marriage arrangements
There possibly would have been an arranged marriage for both, but since our earl wasn't expected to inherit, there wouldn't be as much expectation for him to marry. If they'd had a daughter, there would have been more pressure to marry her off. They might have arranged a marriage between their daughter and Edward.
If Madam Red had borne a daughter, as she'd hoped, that daughter could have ended up betrothed to our earl, even though there would be a nearly ten year age gap. But I'm sure they could find someone much closer to our earl's age to match him with, if they wanted to arrange a marriage for him. The only thing is, the way Madam Red obsesses over Vincent, she might plead for them to have our earl wait until her own daughter was old enough to marry him.
Lizzie was meant to marry real Ciel, since he's the older twin, the original heir intended to become earl and watchdog.
She treated (and treats, technically) real Ciel as her betrothed. Our earl, she treats more like a brother or friend. Of course, right now she's angry with our earl and also angry with herself for not being able to tell them apart when our earl was pretending to be real Ciel.
This weird arrangement of marriages between cousins reminds me of the comparison I did between Black Butler and the Egyptian myth about Thoth helping the goddess Nut bear her five children: Osiris, Set/Seth, Horus (the elder), Isis, and Nepthys -- the siblings intermarry and have affairs, leading to Set/Seth killing Osiris, Isis getting Osiris resurrected, etc. Except here, we have Rachel giving us real Ciel (Osiris) and our earl (Set/Seth), Francis/Frances giving us Edward (Horus the elder) and Lizzie (Isis), and Madam Red was trying to have a daughter (Nephthys). Let's not forget that mysterious Osiris group mentioned by Rian Stoker. That might be how Undertaker was introduced by Druitt to Stoker in the first place....
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
Arsonist neil/firefighter andrew plsss
WIP Wednesday (5/8) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 167)
“Yeah.” Neil exhales. “Not Arby’s tonight.”
“Afraid I’ll show up there?”
“No. I just was going to try—” Neil cuts off to keep from revealing his dinner plans. Then realizes he’s being stupid. “I’m going to Subway tonight.”
“Excellent choice if you like wilted vegetables and stale bread and slimy cold cuts.” Andrew says, then there’s a bit of a yawn. “I’m serious. The one here in town used to be decent when I was a teenager, but it is terrible now. I would avoid it unless you want to be puking your guts up tomorrow.”
“Oh.” Neil sighs. “Thanks for the warning.”
“Mm. Perhaps you could try Gordon’s Deli. They make decent sandwiches.” Andrew says, next explaining to Neil where it’s located.
Neil makes a mental note of Andrew’s directions. "Thanks."
"Just don't tell them I sent you, they might spit in your food." Andrew says.
"Ew. Noted." Neil says, wondering why that is. "What are you doing for dinner?”
“Yes. You mentioned pancakes earlier and I want to eat them now.”
Neil laughs. “I didn’t mention pancakes, I told you that my mom and I had to fight a guy, he fell off a balcony, and—”
“‘Splat. Flat as a pancake on the sidewalk’.” Andrew finishes. “I know what you said. And I am making pancakes about it.”
“You’re crazy.”
“So I’ve been told. Goodnight, 10. And heed my warning. If you love your stomach, do not go to Subway.”
“I won’t.” Neil says. “Night.”
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stalebagels · 8 months
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dia-smthidk · 3 months
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he died ever since someone drew coin ass
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codemiracle · 6 months
Seth, you're essentially a God. Why do you need a gun?
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bc he likes them
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
Yuurivoice boys dealing with their listener dozing off against them?
Dozing off on the YV Boys!
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Watching a show that had long hour episodes to give full lore to everyone was wearing you down. Even though your the one that made Alphonse watch it with you, because someone to talk about it with. So after half way through the second episode you dozed off. When he finally realizes that you fell asleep he hurried to turn off things that are loud or bright. Then after getting you in a more comfortable position to cuddle as he follows suit.
The hike was long and had rough terrain to step over and make sure not to bust your ass on. After finally getting through the rough part you started to wipe your eyes to stay awake. Seth noticed right away because he knew you were going to get tired after the hike the both of you did. Slipping you into his lap he started to play with your hair and watch you sleep peacefully.
Coming home after work you felt the weight of your shift start getting off your shoulder. Seeing Charlie all comfy in a blanket cocoon you sat next to him listening telling you about how the lil guy got into the garbage. Listening while petting lil guy you slowly fell asleep on his side cuddling into him, he noticed when the lil guy touched his arm looking at him. Smiling he unwrapped the blanket cocoon and got you into it slowly then laid comfortably on the couch cuddling you.
Finn was telling you about a flower he got he really wanted because it was hard to get. When he turned to show you the flower he saw how sleepy you were, smiling he slowly let you lay your head in his lap. It was the cool breeze and sunny sky that made you fall asleep peacefully on his lap. Finn started to play with your hair putting small flowers in it while looking at you lovingly.
Watching Faust trying to clutch the game started making you sleepy, both were gaming for over four hours to get through the game play. Leaning on his back more than his shoulder Faust was commenting quietly to himself making his voice sound soothing, which lured you to sleep. After finally finishing the check point and saving Faust turned to see your reaction and praise him. Smiling softly to himself he turned the game off and got you comfy on his big bed you both were sitting on.
When taking a break you were feeling the suffering of looking at the screen too much. So you decided to use that connection with Auron and just stay in his office talking with him. Listening you started drifting off feeling your head fall a bit so you put it on his shoulder. He paused looking at you as you told him yeah your listening just resting your eyes, rolling his Auron let you rest against him. Picking you up he sat down at his desk holding you in his lap and continue working on things he needed done.
Laying down in bed both you and Lucien were watching YouTube videos on the bedroom TV. It was a animal documentary and Lucien was fully impressed by it and was cheering for the little baby animal to survive. The music in the background of the documentary was really soothing as the birds teach their babies to fly. For some reason you felt tired, doing nothing all day seemed to tire yourself out so you decided to take a nap. Leaning on Big Red he was a perfect temperature to fall asleep and cuddle up too, so with heavy eye lids you knocked out. After the documentary finished Lucien turned to ask you about the nest one and saw you were asleep. With a smile he laid you down where you were comfortably laying on his stomach and continued to watch the documentary's.
Studying for a test both college students were already in their fifth hour of doing so. Words started to burr together an the knowledge given by the book was not sticking in your brain. Jack suggested to take a break for a while since the last one was around the second hour mark and both have done a lot of work. The brown haired man took out his phone and started doom scrolling on tiktok, showing you silly video's as you leaned on him. One arm wrapped around you the warmth of him was a nice feeling in the cold library AC and his voice lured you to let your eyes droop. Smiling Jack poked your face and you mumbled sleepily to stop but he giggled. Moving you to a lounge chair by your study area he put you on his lap to enjoy your little nap you needed from hurting your brain so much.
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thetopichot · 3 months
imagine if Boo knew Seth and Alphonse when they were tweens but they had to move away in the middle of high school and lost touch after the boys ran off after graduating so Sugar had no idea what they were doing or what they were getting into or anything.
But they still have a bunch of old photos of the three of them as kids. Some of the happiest times of their life.
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Honestly, I love childhood best friends au especially with this concept being applied onto Seth, Alphonse, & Sugarboo because not only it's so very wholesome but the heavy angst that comes with it too. It especially leaves with the question that we all question eventually as we grow up. "What happened?"
I look through my old photos of my friends & people that I'm not friends with anymore. It hurts so much too because of how good things were back then & with this idea, you can absolutely use the amount of heavy angst with it. Especially with Seth & Alphonse because I feel like Sugarboo would absolutely question what happened to them.
This would be the absolutely definition of Bittersweet.
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spellboundcities · 10 months
Could we get some Seth when you're not busy?
There is not enough Seth content and it makes me sad
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okay google how to do a face study of a character that shows up twice (affectionate)
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