#isla oc
lcb-sinner-69 · 1 year
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OC doodles bc I’m procrastinating on sleep
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Sims 4 Lookbook 28
its beach themed
Look 1
Look 2
Look 3
Credits: @wildmelon @saruin @uh0htaj @daylifesims @nsves @simancholy @ikari-sims @enriques4 @plumbobgrrrl @charonlee
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kiwi · 8 months
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@brothenjoyer real "taking your little sister to hot topic" vibes
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nottoonedin · 3 months
Behold.. my ALNST OCs:
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And Monica!
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These aren't their final designs, just rough drafts(?) but I'm happy with how they turned out for now!
They're lesbians.. (One's in denial, one's head over heels, I'll let you figure out which is which lol)
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dolceminerva97 · 1 year
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Sorry for seeming repetitive with these artworks, but I wanted to make a post with all of them together! The last time I drew all my ocs together it was a group of chibis in 2018, some characters have been updated and new ones created since then, it was about time I could re-introduce them all :D
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pajamagurll · 26 days
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HI me and my buddy @reginalusus did an art collab together and it was very joyous… would do again some other time 😁 it helped out of art block a lil bit 🎉
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leviiackrman · 1 month
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DARCY MORGAN - Red Dead Redemption [full colour]
more art || character page || commissions
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @bbrocklesnar @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @greenecreek @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @alexxmason @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel @imogenkol
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islxms · 1 month
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𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 ✩ 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 ✩ 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟
pairings - actor!aaronwarner x actress!femoc
summary - wonderful news, came in the least moment you expected. But who cares, you finally got the role as the main character. So now here you are moving to the set where you will be working on for the past years.
warnings - none
words count - 2,5k words.
︳⋆ ⎙ 𝅄 𝖬𝖠𝖨𝖫𝖡𝖮𝖷 ﹎ I'm so excited to write the next chapter! A little spoiler: Warner. || Anyway, Nicole is Natalie Portman. Also, thank you for the support in my first chapter. It means a lot to me. || Remember to see my Wattpad to get updated on the story frequently first. || If you find any errors in this let me know.
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I jolted awake to the insistent ringing of my phone, my heart pounding as I sat up in bed. Glancing at the alarm clock, I saw that it was exactly four o'clock in the morning. Who in the world would be calling me at this fucking hour? The screen lit up with the name "Flynn's Boyfriend," and I couldn't help but smirk despite my annoyance. I had saved Kenji Kishimoto under that name just to mess with him, and it never failed to get under his skin. He preferred I called him 'Rapunzel's' instead, but there was no way I would since she was one of my favorite Disney princesses besides Belle, and I had some sympathy for her.
With an exasperated sigh, I snatched up the phone. "What do you want?" I snapped, irritation lacing my voice.
"Good morning to you too," he replied, his tone full of teasing mockery. "Thanks for asking. I’m doing fine. Yes, I’ve already eaten and drank today—no need to check on me."
"For god's sake, Kenji. What do you want?" I asked, already regretting picking up the call.
"I just wanted to congratulate you on your permanent role as the main character of Dear Love!" he announced, his excitement clear even through the phone.
"It's fucking four a.m.," I growled, rubbing my temples in frustration.
"I know! I couldn't wait to tell you! Aren’t you excited?"
I paused, the weight of his words sinking in. Excited didn’t even begin to cover it, but I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of hearing that in my voice—not after dragging me out of sleep like this. "Kenji, if you ever wake me up at four a.m. again, the only thing you'll be starring in is a horror movie about your untimely demise."
He chuckled, completely unfazed by my threat. "Noted. But seriously, Nicole, this is huge! You did it!"
A smile tugged at my lips despite myself. "Yeah, I guess I did," I admitted, the reality of it starting to sink in.
Kenji’s tone softened, the teasing edge disappearing. "I’m proud of you, Sunshine. You’re going to kill it in this role. I just know it."
"Thanks," I replied, my voice more sincere. "Now, can I please go back to sleep?"
"Sure, sure," he said, the grin evident in his voice. "But don’t forget—you owe me breakfast for this wake-up call. I’ll pick you up at seven."
I groaned, already dreading the early morning. "Fine. But if you're late, I’m making you buy lunch too."
"Deal," he said cheerfully before hanging up.
I tossed the phone onto the bed beside me and flopped back onto my pillow, staring at the ceiling. Despite the excitement buzzing through my veins, exhaustion began to tug at me. I closed my eyes, letting the thrill of the news settle in. I’d done it. I’d landed the role. With a small, satisfied smile, I allowed myself to drift back to sleep.
The next morning, my alarm blared at the ungodly hour of six-thirty. I groaned, rolling over to smack the snooze button, but the memory of Kenji's call pulled me out of bed. I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anticipation. Today was the first step into a new chapter of my career, and I wasn’t about to start it off by being late.
I showered quickly, letting the warm water wake me up fully, and then threw on a simple but stylish outfit. Comfort was key, but I wasn’t about to look anything less than my best.
By the time I was ready, it was seven on the dot. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, only to find Kenji already waiting for me outside, leaning against his car with that infuriatingly smug grin of his.
"Right on time, Sunshine," he called out as I approached. "I almost expected you to flake and leave me to eat breakfast alone."
"Not a chance," I shot back, climbing into the passenger seat. "I wasn’t about to let you hold that over my head."
Kenji chuckled as he started the car. "Smart move. So, what are you in the mood for? Something celebratory, I hope."
"I could go for something decadent," I said, settling into the seat. "This is a special occasion, after all."
He nodded a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Perfect. I know just the place."
As we drove through the city, I couldn’t help but glance over at Kenji, who was humming along to the radio with a carefree ease.
We pulled up to a cozy little café that I hadn’t been to before, its exterior lined with colorful flowers and inviting wooden benches. Inside, the smell of fresh coffee and pastries greeted us, and I immediately felt my mood lift.
Kenji led us to a table by the window, and soon enough, we were digging into a breakfast feast fit for a celebration. Fluffy pancakes drizzled with syrup, scrambled eggs, bacon, and of course, a mountain of fresh fruit on the side. It was exactly what I needed to start the day off right.
"So," Kenji said between bites of his pancake, "how does it feel knowing you’re about to become a star?"
I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t hide my smile. "Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I still have to film the damn thing."
"Oh, please," he scoffed. "You were born for this. You’ve got the talent, the looks, the attitude. Hollywood doesn’t stand a chance against you."
I paused, taking in his words. It wasn’t often that I allowed myself to soak in praise, but coming from Kenji meant something. "Why did you keep insisting that I be part of it?" I asked firmly.
"Because I didn't film a movie series alone for a year or two, or whatever it takes," he said, taking a sip of his hot chocolate before continuing. "Plus, the role of the male main character was already taken, which means I don't have to end up kissing you since you're my best friend, you know?"
"Yeah, yeah. I know. But who got the role?" I asked, my curiosity becoming more and more visible.
"Oh, his name is Aaron Warner, I think. Don't remember, but don't worry about it. He is attractive. As for his personality, uh... It's questionable..."
"Aaron Warner? Could you please give me a more detailed description?! And not those descriptions where you say three words put together, for god's sake."
"You know that when you get mad, your Italian accent appears the same as your Italian genes." He chuckled but quickly stopped when I gave him a look.
"He is five feet nine inches tall, with gold blonde hair and jade green eyes. He has a muscular build and carries himself with a cold, unemotional demeanor, often keeping to himself and not being very social." He quickly replied. Like I would kill him if he didn't.
I couldn't believe how detailed his description was; it was as if he was possessed by some demon. His words widened my eyes in surprise.
"Can I see a photo of that?" I asked.
"Google exists, girl—yes, I do!" He quickly grabbed his phone and started scrolling through his gallery. When I gave him that 'serial killer' look, he called, which I think I got from my father, Dante Salvatore Solans, a lawyer. As for my mother, I got her beauty and my soft side; she was a doctor, after all.
"Here," he said, turning his phone to me and showing me a picture of what seemed like a tall boy with slowly golden hair and piercing green eyes, which caused a shiver down my spine despite the fact it was just a photo. And lastly, a white shirt in contrast with black trousers, which seemed quite small since it made his body more noticeable and defined, probably fighting for their life to not rip off.
"Can't believe more girls fall in love with him, more than me. He can't even start a conversation!" He said dramatically, looking surprised.
"I wonder why," I replied sarcastically.
"Hey! What do you mean by that? I'm hot and funny! He is just attractive, nothing more!" He snapped in defense.
After savoring our breakfast, we decided to take a stroll around the neighborhood before returning home to tackle the inevitable task of packing. We needed to gather all our essentials in preparation for our move to a new location, where we would be residing for the next several months. To be completely honest, I was more than a little excited about it. I had never been involved in a television series before, only in films. The thought of this new venture filled me with a mix of nervousness and exhilaration.
I began by packing my clothes, knowing that they were indispensable. I carefully folded each piece, from cozy pajamas to makeup essentials, and from necessary medications to my favorite bags and shoes. Each item I placed in my suitcase held a certain significance, representing a different aspect of my life. By the time I finished, I had two large suitcases packed to the brim, ready to accompany me on this new chapter.
Sunday came faster than I anticipated, and before I knew it, my suitcases were lined up outside, waiting to be loaded into the car. Kenji was already busy placing them in the trunk alongside the other bags. As I was about to slide into the passenger seat, something unexpected caught my eye. A brunette girl was sitting in the back seat of the car. She slowly turned her head to face me, her expression hesitant and uncertain.
"Hi," I said nervously, scanning the car to make sure I wasn’t intruding on something.
"Hey," she whispered before continuing, "I'm Juliette Ferrars. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, Juliette. I'm Nicole Blair Solans, but you can call me whatever you want," I replied with a smile as I got into the passenger seat, fastened my seatbelt, and quickly fixed my hair.
"Are you... um, Kenji's girlfriend or...?" I asked, curious about the dynamic between them.
"No, no. I'm just his friend," she replied quickly, shaking her head.
"Oh, that makes more sense. There's no way Kenji had a girlfriend. I've never seen him with one, and I don't think I ever will," I laughed, teasing him.
"Excuse me?!" Kenji exclaimed as he got into the driver's seat. "You're just jealous because I'm funnier, more gorgeous, and way more intelligent than you," he pouted like a child, sticking out his tongue at me.
"Anyway, we can't start this trip without some Taylor Swift." He turned on the radio, blasting "Wonderland" at full volume as if our conversation hadn’t just taken a playful turn. Without missing a beat, he began singing along in the most exaggerated, off-key voice possible.
Juliette and I exchanged amused glances before deciding to join in.
"We found Wonderland! You and I got lost in it!" we all screamed together, our voices filling the car as Kenji started driving. The joy and silliness of the moment made the long drive feel much shorter.
The drive took five hours and a half, but with Kenji and Juliette, it felt like just ten minutes. We laughed, sang, and shared stories. The whole ride was filled with laughs and smiles. And Juliette and I ended up becoming already like best friends. I found out she was going to sit with us since she was going to be my hair and makeup stylist and a side character of 'Dear Love.'
By the time we arrived at the set, it was already nine p.m. The sky was dark, and the set was illuminated by soft, warm lights that created an almost magical atmosphere. As we stepped out of the car, the cool evening air greeted us, and I could feel the excitement bubbling up again.
We were met by Castle and some of his co-workers, who greeted us with enthusiastic hugs and compliments, especially Kenji, as he seemed to be a good and old friend of theirs.
"Welcome to Omega Point, Mr. Solans. The set where you will be filming Dear Love," Castle smiled at me, prompting an unexpected smile in return.
"It's a pleasure being here," I replied firmly, shaking his hand.
"I was informed about your long journey. You both must be exhausted. Why don't you take some time to relax in your accommodations? We can save the full tour for tomorrow," he said, smiling warmly. His voice had a firm authority, yet it was tempered with kindness and friendliness.
"Thank you, we would appreciate that," Juliette replied, her tone steady as she returned his smile.
"Excellent. Kenji, please show them to their rooms."
"Of course, sir," Kenji responded, gesturing for us to follow him. After a few minutes, we arrived in front of an imposing, private hotel.
The hotel stood as a beacon of luxury, its architecture a seamless blend of modern elegance and timeless refinement. The grand facade was adorned with intricate details, from the polished marble pillars to the soft, ambient lighting that highlighted the building's sophisticated lines. As we stepped inside, the lobby unfolded like a scene from a dream. Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, casting a warm, golden glow over the room. Plush carpets, woven with intricate patterns, muffled our footsteps as we walked across the polished marble floor. The air was scented with a subtle blend of fresh flowers and rich wood, creating an atmosphere of serene opulence.
I exchanged a glance with Juliette, both of us silently marveling at the surroundings as Kenji led us through the corridors, each one more impressive than the last. Finally, we reached our rooms. Kenji opened the door to my room first, revealing a space as exquisite as the rest of the hotel. The room was spacious, with large windows that offered a breathtaking view of the city. The decor was understated yet luxurious, with soft, neutral tones accented by rich fabrics and elegant furnishings. A king-sized bed, dressed in crisp white linens, dominated the room, inviting me to rest.
"Please let us know if you need anything," Kenji said with a polite bow before leaving me and Juliette to settle in our rooms.
I took a deep breath, letting the tranquility of the space wash over me. Placing my luggage by the wardrobe, I took a moment to explore the room. The bathroom was a marble sanctuary, complete with a deep soaking tub and an array of high-end toiletries. A long, relaxing bath felt like the perfect way to wash away the fatigue of the journey.
After soaking in the tub for what felt like an eternity, I slipped into a plush robe and made my way to the bed. The soft mattress and pillows seemed to cradle me as I lay down. With the gentle hum of the city in the background, I closed my eyes, allowing the comfort of the room to lull me into a deep, peaceful sleep.
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isla-hazbinart · 7 months
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I needed an OC to officially (in me head) get in relation with the canon characters, please to meet you APE!
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judesmoonbeauty · 2 months
Art Comm completed by @ reliafutu on X. My OC: Isla x Jude⌛️🌊
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Isla’s Lore: Most know that her Victorian version isn’t cursed, but her mod AU version is. However, the water plays a large part in their lives, and both girls are excellent shots. Their fathers took them hunting quite a bit growing up, and although modern Isla can drown anyone with within her line of sight, she’d rather shoot someone dead because she can lose control of her ability when her emotions are too high. Although, Jude loves watching her victims struggle for their lives as they drown, so she humors him when she’s not emotionally involved
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lcb-sinner-69 · 1 year
intro post (nice)
hello I’m Isla :•) I made a project moon side blog bc funny username go brr. I go by any pronouns and follow from @bymidnightsmoon. Ishy is my fave sinner 🧡
I have some proj moon ocs 👉👈 when I post about them they’ll be tagged with #isla oc, #isla art will be my art posts, #isla writing for writing.
other tags:
#isla talks - for my text posts
#isla ask - for answered asks
#project moon oc - other people’s project moon ocs :•D
#limbussy - limbus company
#lorb corp - lobotomy corp
#limbus company spoilers
#canto [numeral] spoilers
I have not played ruina yet :•( I do not tag content warnings for sensitive topics common to the game (gore, body horror, drug use, etc) unless it’s excessive.
go check out my friend @cogito-dreams they’re really cool and so are their ocs :•D
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cowplant-ate-my-sim · 4 months
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Sims 4 Lookbook 30
Look 1
Look 2
Look 3
Look 4
Credits: @livixo @destinationboogie @maximoons @astya96cc @seoulsoul-sims @fukkiemon @thatonegreenleaf @waterblue @xiuminuwu @cazhan @boonstoww @greenllamas @daylifesims @sentate @ruchellsims @cocoelleansims @charonlee @wildmelon @loreleisims @cloudcat @wonder-bitter
tumblr won't tag the others
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kiwi · 1 year
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nottoonedin · 4 days
*Monislas your MiziSua*
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cecilioque · 2 years
Lani Comic Master Post
I’ve organized the comic in order so its easier to find and read.  
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Lani’s Journey
Concept Art >> Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4 > Have to fight > Meet Kamado > Meet Beni  > Mantine Surfing > Meet Zisu > Bad Aim > Where did she go? > Berry Picking > Time to go > I am Free > Again > You Can Leave? > New Year/New Tracks / Forgiveness Part 1 / Forgiveness Part 2 / But can you stop me / Why I Leave / Meet Volo / Did she leave? / No time is wasted / And so they wait / Home / Magikarp / Irreplaceable YOU / Pointless / Little Steps / Space and Time / Take a break / Speed Run Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Blame Me / Boiling Point / Unraveled / Forgiveness Part 3 / Keep Going
More Lani Comics
Dinner /  Coconut / How do you lose a woman / Ukulele / Meme Music / Isn’t that a date? / I have a permit / Lani’s fears / Ice Boy / Panic Attack / The Gang is all here / Watcha got there? / What a Woman / Pretty Flowers / Run / Scars Part 1 / Scars Part 2 / Two truths and One lie / What do you take with you / Emmet No / Smoochies / A Bad Dream / Happy Holidays / Is that his wife?/ Celestica Flute / Girls like flowers / Looking for a fight Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 /  Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Final Part /Surprise / Pearl Clan Outfit / How to say goodbye / Black Parade / Core Memory
Comics for thought
Meet Emmet Part 1/ Meet Emmet Part 2 / Is Emmet Sad? / New routine Part 1 / New routine Part 2 / Lost part 1 / Lost Part 2 /  We needed you / Plant Trees / A Good Person / We are not the same /
Submas Funnies
Heat Stroke / Am I a Man or a Muppet / V2 Man or a Muppet / Muppet Boys / Return of the buff brother / I was sad / Joltik Attack / Emmets Socks / Lego Men
Caelum and Emerson
My art:  1 | 2 | 3 | Sword Practice | Leathers | Before | Uniform | Fashion | Emerson | Roseate Eyes | The Astronomer | Art by @fronomeeps​:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Inspired | Caelum Expressions | Cat Caelum | 2 | Sketch dump | Humanity |
Character Design Analysis
The Submas / Volo / Adaman
Character Appearances
Daki @anime-grimmy / Isla @faestorian / Jess @draken-rotzi / Reno / Clone Lucas @tjs-stuffs​
Other Social Media
Instagram@sunseachu / Twitter@sunjuicy1 / AO3
Caramelldansen Animation Meme Template
Tall Character base / Short Character Base
Email List 
(Newsletter, updates, and bonus offers)
Merch Section
Ingo Haori / Emmet Haori / Diamond and Pearl Clan Hoodies / Ginko guild Hoodie / Socks / Shirts / Ingo Hoodie / Emmet Hoodie / Eel Shirt / Eel Pants
Submas Set / Warden Set / Emmet / Ingo / Volo / Warden Ingo/ Traveler Emmet / Lani / Isla / Daki / Joltik / Tea Time Submas
Other Merch
Body Pillows / Submas Reusable Sticker Book / Pokedex Reusable Sticker Book / Tote Bags / Submas Socks / Keychains
EU Shop
Coming Soon
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rockwgooglyeyes · 25 days
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Kune (@pengugu09), Innamorati (@alien-til-i-stage) & Toki (@zerostyrant)
I really like Kune's colors. I'm such a bitch for dusty pink hair. OH! and Zen, I love Toki's design, I don't know if I ever said that heh
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