#isla ask
lcb-sinner-69 · 11 months
intro post (nice)
hello I’m Isla :•) I made a project moon side blog bc funny username go brr. I go by any pronouns and follow from @bymidnightsmoon. Ishy is my fave sinner 🧡
I have some proj moon ocs 👉👈 when I post about them they’ll be tagged with #isla oc, #isla art will be my art posts, #isla writing for writing.
other tags:
#isla talks - for my text posts
#isla ask - for answered asks
#project moon oc - other people’s project moon ocs :•D
#limbussy - limbus company
#lorb corp - lobotomy corp
#limbus company spoilers
#canto [numeral] spoilers
I have not played ruina yet :•( I do not tag content warnings for sensitive topics common to the game (gore, body horror, drug use, etc) unless it’s excessive.
go check out my friend @cogito-dreams they’re really cool and so are their ocs :•D
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rogersideup · 1 year
Here's my nice to be kneaded headcanon: Reader always brings him treats so Steve feels bad he's not returning something. Since he's now helping out some days a week, he starts doodling little things on post it notes and leaves it in the bakery for her to find. The first few times it's employees that find them and everyone's confused who it's from, till reader puts them all together and it's the spots she took Steve when she showed him the town. She saves them all and it looking forward to what's next on Steve's list to draw.
Nice to be Kneaded:
More fun stuff!
*Had to change up the request a bit as to not interfere with a future plotline that’s already been written.
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Hidden Treasure
Can be read as a one shot, or in conjunction with Nice to be Kneaded.
Series masterlist More Fun Stuff masterlist
Nomad Steve x Baker Reader
word count: 1,664
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"Hey, look at this really cool thing we found!" One of your employees, Sabrina, told you enthusiastically while quickly approaching you at your spot on the desk.
You ripped your eyes away from the product order invoice on the desktop screen to take interest in her excitement.
"What is it?" You asked, as she handed it to you.
In your hand, she placed a yellow sticky note that was drawn on with a ball point pen. An immediate smile tugged at your lips when you recognized it. It was one of the espresso machines in the lobby.
On the sticky note was a drawing of the machine itself, sitting on the counter accompanying a fresh latte. The detail was sickeningly impressive considering it was on a 3 x 3 yellow square, and drawn on with a 75¢ ball point pen.
"I was doing a quick run to wipe down all the tables after morning rush and found that stuck to the small table by the espresso bar!" Sabrina enthused. "Isn't it incredible?!"
"It's amazing" You agreed with a smile.
"I wonder who did it." She pondered as you handed it back to her.
"Maybe a customer during morning rush" You shrugged, smile still invasive. "Have you guys found any more of them or was it just this one?"
"Nope, this is the first and only one." Sabrina noted. "Maybe they'll come back and leave more."
"Well whoever it is deserves a coffee and a cookie if we catch them." You noted.
"This work of art must be cherished forever" She noted, grabbing the roll of tape and tearing off a piece. She taped the sticky note masterpiece to the wall right next to the computer. "This is the new, official, Nice to be Kneaded art museum."
That post-it stayed on the wall for two days before Steve came back into the bakery to help out with the bulk supply delivery. That's when he caught a glimpse of his drawing taped to the wall, and knew he needed to leave more for you and your employees to find around the bakery.
Day by day, week by week, the scrap paper and pen art museum on the back office wall became quite an impressive display. So much so that you eventually became ignorant to the new additions on the daily because they started to blend in with the rest. But every once in a while, you'd catch your team talking about the most recent little pieces of art so you'd go to inspect the entirety of the collection.
One particularly quiet night in the bakery, you had texted Steven to see if he wanted to hang out with you. It wasn't usually a night he'd come by, but you missed his little antics and his stupidly handsome face.
Without question, he was walking through the door of the bakery 20 minutes later. His golden hair was still slightly soggy from the shower he was taking when you grabbed his attention, and he was dressed casually and comfortably as he always was.
"Hey there, honey!" You smiled big, happy to see your best friend.
"Hello, hello!" He greeted you with a smile just as big as yours, and gave you a big hug.
One thing about Steven was that he was of the same mentality of a Great Dane, he was a lot bigger and stronger than he was aware of, yet he thought he was a lap dog. Even his gentlest of hugs engulfed your entire body, and squeezed you comfortably tight.
"Thanks for coming! It was getting real quiet and lonely in here without you."
"You know I'd never miss a chance to spend time with you." He playfully exclaimed. “Need help with anything?”
“Nothing other than curing my boredom” You shrugged.
His eyes looked over to the wall of sticky notes he had drawn on, completely unbeknownst to you and your entire staff. “What’s all of this?” He questioned, interested to hear your take on the drawings.
“Oh, that’s our art museum” You smiled. “Some unknown person has been leaving these drawings around the store for us to find.”
“Oh really?” Steve cocked his head to the side, fighting a smile.
“Yeah, it’s really fun. We all love it so much” You smiled. “It’s like finding hidden treasure, then when we find them we add them to the wall.”
“Do you have a favorite one?” He asked.
He watched your eyes scan them all over, before your pointed to one of the post-it’s. “That one, but they’re all amazing. I’m going to save them forever.”
His eyes followed your finger to the drawing he did last week of the outside of the bakery, and he could agree that it was one of his favorites too.
You could see the inside of the bakery through the windows on the front, and shining through the reflective glass was the big neon sign that read ‘Nice to be Kneaded’. There were many days where pulling into the parking lot of your cozy bakery filled him with immense comfort, and that drawing made him feel just the same way.
“I like this one” Steve pointed to the drawing he did two days ago of the back of a kid up on his tippy toes, peaking into the case full to the brim with treats.
“Awwwww that one is so cute!” You cooed.
Conversation strayed but Steve’s mind stayed fixed on the little drawings. Much like every other aspect of his life, he didn’t want to lie or keep secrets from you, but he did want to make it fun.
So, he started making it increasingly more obvious that it was him every day he spent in the bakery just to clue you in.
If you were baking cookies, he would draw the cookies.
You cleaned the glass of the bake case? Surprise. The next drawing would be of the case full of pastry with little sparkling shimmers on the glass to show it was completely finger print free.
Oh and that cake you were decorating right in front of his face? Yeah. That was tonight’s drawing.
He got every last detail, down to the different piping tips you used for the princess style, the tiny pearled beads you carefully placed at every joint and peak, and the writing on top in your beautiful handwriting that he honestly struggled to recreate.
Steve really thought this would be the one that pushed it over the edge and helped you put the pieces together, but when he walked in the next day, you said nothing about it.
Even when you looked at it and taped it up in its respective spot, you still didn’t solve the little riddles he was leaving you.
Well, that was true until about an hour later when you walked over to the computer to confirm order details on the cake you were about to start. Making sure you got all the flavors, colors, and theming right was very important to you.
He watched your eyes go from the computer screen, to the drawing you just attached to the wall, back to the computer, back to the drawing.
“Oh my gosh…” You caught his attention. “I just realized this is the cake I made yesterday!” You said happily.
“Wait… don’t you think that’s a little odd?” Steve asked, trying to push you along further into the clue.
“Why would it be?” You questioned.
“Well, if you decorated that cake last night when only you were here, then put it in the fridge for pick up early in the morning, how would the artist have even seen the cake?” Steve continued.
“Wait, you’re so right. That customer picked up at opening.” You agreed. “Oh gosh, and the day before that was a picture of the bake case, I just cleaned it the night before…”
“See, now that’s really odd.” He egged you on.
“Who the hell could this be?” You thought out loud. “Do I have a stalker.”
“Well let’s think rationally about this mystery guy. Can you think of anyone who would’ve seen you clean the bake case and decorate that cake?” Steve asked.
He watched you think for a second. “Other than us two I have no idea… You were here too. Did you see anything weird?”
“Not at all.” Steve couldn’t even hold in the laugh he was desperately trying to conceal. “So if it was just you and I…”
Before he could even finish his sentence, you remembered one very important detail about Steven.
He was an artist.
Steve could literally see the moment it clicked in your head, your face snapped into something between joy and annoyance. But you were smiling with big pink cheeks, so he really didn’t care.
“Steven!” You laughed joyfully, voice raising a few notches.
“What?!” He questioned gigging with you.
“Why didn’t you tell me it was you!” You screeched, reaching forward and very gently play hitting his arm.
“I was seeing how long it would take you to figure it out!”
“…and you said it was making you and all your employees happy!” Steve continued explaining. “Leaving drawings around the store to make you guys happy is the least I could do in exchange for how happy you and the bakery make me.”
You cheeks only deepened their blush as his explanation sunk into your mind and heart. “Honey, you already do so much for us and they don’t even know you’re here helping out. You’re appreciated by everyone regardless, and what you do here goes a long way.”
“Yeah, but, I really like making the drawings” he admitted shyly.
“We all love them too. Thanks for all you do for me, Steven.” You said sincerely.
“No, thank you.” He said humbly, his cheeks were blushed pink just like yours.
“Okay, now I just have to get these all in a picture frame…” Thought.
He laughed. “Stop it! They’re literally just post it notes!”
“One man’s post-it is another man’s masterpiece!”
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victormalonso · 8 months
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I ask the permission to talk | victor m. alonso
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the-resident-gay · 2 months
top 5 fable ships go
I don't know ship names very well so please forgive me
I've also decided to do 5 platonic and 5 romantic because yes
5. Wetbird- I am a proud Icarus POV main and I enjoy a healthy bit of Vens POV as well. There is something about this ship that just feels very right to me and also they both have experience with Fable so I feel like they'd have this ability when something might set the other off with trauma and stuff
4. Ghaae- The OG polycule on the server and they can do no wrong in my eyes. They support each other so nicely and its just wonderful.
3. Isla/Enderian- The momssss. I love them sm for so many reasons. Enderian being protective of Isla and only soft for her is mmmmm/pos
2. Ocie/Centross- you guys I love them. I love them so much. They are so similar and I love them so much and they're just mmmmmmm/vpos. How to I explain the love I have for these two.
Wolftross- I hold them in my little hands. As a Centross POV main(until the cathedral, ofc), watching this relationship form was one of my favorite things ever. From the castle back to spawn to s3, I love this ship with my whole heart.
5. Rae/Wolf(Nightingstar?)- Okay so I love these two as a duo, and the cast can do what the cast wants to do with their characters. Now, with that being said- something about them becoming romantic didn't and still doesn't sit right with me. I can totally see the two in a QPR, they have a great dynamic as partners, but I just prefer them as a platonic ship.
4. Ari/Momboo- I have seen like three posts about them as partners and I hold them in my hands. The sun/moon imagery. The potential for nicknames. They would be wonderful QPPs.
3. End duo- They're such close friends. They are always there for each other. I hold them in my hands.
2. Ghosty/Momboo- LOTW and the guy she revived. The everlasting friendship. Their beauty as a duo. They are so good you guys I don't know how to sell this please just trust me on it.
Prison duo- I could go on for so long about why these two are the perfect platonic relationship in my eyes. They have similar trauma, saw each other at their worsts, when through so much shit and came out as best friends. Icarus taking off their jacket, which they don't do often, in front of Centross. Icarus letting Centross give them a tattoo. Icarus barely fighting Centross when he took off their gloves. Centross showing up on Icarus' doorstep with a skulk injury. Centross fighting Fable for Icarus. Them, everyone.
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pxltown · 1 year
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cold sheets, but where’s my love?
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asheepinthenight · 6 months
Hello! I have replayed Talon's End over and over to see the different options, and I am absolutely in love with Hawk and am looking forward to seeing more of Shea :D
I'm not sure if you've already answered this, but do you have rough idea of how tall each character is? Ik from the height option that most likely Hawk is Tall (I imagine probably 7 ft+?) but I just wanted to see if you have a specific height in mind for everybody :]! Thank you for making this very lovely IF<3 Hope you are well!
For the ROs, Hawk is 6'10", and Shea is right around 6'. If you're curious about the side characters, too, the siblings depend somewhat on headcanon due to genetics and all that. Soren is on the tall side (~6'2"), and Sabine is about average height (~5'6"). Isla is 5'2", and Erich is 5'8". MC's parents heights I will leave up to headcanon!
You didn't ask about critters, but in case you're curious about those, too, the geckos are 4-5" long, and the scary bat creature is around 10' at full bipedal height (about 4' when in chase mode).
And thank you for the well wishes! I hope you're doing well, too! :)
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thiziri · 6 months
do the little tindalls attend the carol?
No they didn't! 😔 Only the Philips did!
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clockworkbee · 8 months
heyy! can u please reccomend some books about yearning/struggling/fighting for power? thanks <3
im an asoiaf and the folk of air fan and need more books with the *i'm little but i'm coming for the crown* energy)
Hello! (sorry for responding a little late)
‘Yearning, struggling, fighting for power’ books, hmmm 🤔 let's see.
The Bear & The Nightingale | Katherine Arden - a coming of age story (the winternight trilogy) with a badass female protagonist. Some yearning and a hell lot of struggle on the way to fighting for power. [Russian Folklore, Historical Fantasy]
Carry On | Rainbow Rowell - I think it covers all the three things you asked for, even though it's not very plot driven, so like, the fight for power isn't heavy (compared to tfota) and it's aka. Simon Snow trilogy. [Fantasy]
Vicious | V. E. Schwab - book 1 in Villains trilogy with only two books out (book 2 has an open ending; doesn't end on a cliffhanger) I can't say you'll find yearning here (depends on what you think as you read) but there's definitely a fight for power, rivalry and struggle. [thriller, mystery, fantasy]
A Darker Shade of Magic | V. E. Schwab - too freaking much a fight for power by side characters (who do have a pov) with some inner struggle and a little yearning. [Historical Fantasy]
The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller - a standalone retelling with enough yearning and struggle as well as a fight for power which might end up breaking your heart or maddening you. [Greek mythology retelling]
Lovely War | Julie Berry - a standalone book with loads of struggle and yearning. It's set in world war I so there's that (but not a personal fight for power). [historical fiction, greek mythology]
To Poison a King | S. G. Prince - a fairytale-like setting in which you'll find the protagonist's struggle as well as yearning. There's a fight for power in there too (but again, not as heavy as tfota, and not the fmc’s) [Fantasy]
I'm already responding late to this so here's a few I could think of right away and I'll definitely add more later if I remember any. Thanks for the ask!
—bee 💗
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tortoisesshells · 18 days
taking advantage of your suggestion for three characters so I don't have to make a decision on which duo to pick: gov swann, elizabeth, and james in #96?
“A little in the way of water will not harm me, Commodore,” Elizabeth had insisted, obstinate, her arms crossed before her. The noise of the rain and wind nearly drowned her words, and Norrington leaned close to hear her complain of the reeking humid airlessness of the Dauntless’s cabin, shut up to hold the weather out. Even after their betrothal, some part of him felt it an unwarranted imposition. “A little may not, but this is a great deal more than that. What will I –” he stopped himself, and corrected, “What will your father say if you are swept away?”
send me a number and two (or more) characters, and get a five sentence drabble!
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ask-aileen-berwick · 27 days
Weekly Song
As an update, the exams went well. I will slowly be getting back into regularly posting. However, daily songs will be turned into weekly songs.
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camelspit · 3 months
Can you draw Isla the Ice Star fairy and Whitney the Whale fiary? They're my favs!
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i love whitney!!! probably one of my favorite fairy designs <3
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ask-sebastian · 5 months
8. Three songs that remind you most of summer and vacation
There is something about pop punk that just feels like summer.
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rogersideup · 3 months
。°✩ ♊︎ The Gemini ♊︎ ✩ ° 。
Hi besties!
I’ve been trying to get chapters out every Monday, but the next chapter will probably be out on Tuesday or Wednesday this week because tomorrow just so happens to be the day I was born, so… I guess I have to celebrate!
But that gives you all the chance to catch up, re-read, and send me all of your thoughts to my inbox!
Okay, thanks for reading. Be back soon! Love y’all!
~ Isla 🌟
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victormalonso · 8 months
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I ask the permission to talk | victor m. alonso
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I’m really excited for this IF. It kinda reminds me of those webcomics where the main character gets isekaid as a side character in an otome game who desperately tries to dodge the story, only to end up on one (or more) routes. Meanwhile, the comment section is readers desperately wishing she would just end up with the original game’s protagonist who she has way more chemistry with. This is why I’ll be romancing Isla. Sorry if this is weirdly specific.
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Wow, I know about isekais and transmigration but I never thought of it that way for this IF and what an interesting way to look at, thanks for sharing ginkgo! Don’t be sorry, I love it so much 🫶 i hope you’ll enjoy romancing Isla along the way 💘
…and although you never asked, I’ll be sharing Isla Madison facts for you and other Isla romancers (I will soon be sharing other ROs’ facts too dw ^^)
Born on September 7 (Virgo).
5’5 (165 cm) in height.
An only child to a patriarchal family and she secretly hates it.
Great at Rubik’s cube, she used to join competitions in Diamond City, a city where she lives back in middle school.
Used to do ballet at some point before she joined a theatre guild in high school.
Had one commercial endorsing a shampoo on her last year of high school but decided she hated the growing limelight, much to her parents’ disapproval.
Had a huge argument with her father when he learned that she wanted to be a nurse. It’s why she strived to get a scholarship and work part time job to get what she wants.
She runs a secret blog where she reviews books and movies during her free time.
Had 3 ex-boyfriends.
Currently obsessed with cottagecore aesthetics.
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destined-if · 5 months
Heya!! I hope you're well. Is destined still being worked on or did you end up deciding to focus on the other IF you had mentioned thinking about writing ? If you have been working on anything else, is there anything you can tell us about it? (if you're comfortable and it's not too spoilery)
Random question Do any of the Destined characters have a favorite hobby or past-time?
hii! i'm doing well, thank u for asking!!
currently, i'm splitting the work i'm doing... kinda like A days and B days?? i work on destined for a day then @mortala-if the next! so destined is still being worked on, just a slower pace! i wanted to even out my time on each project so it's fair to each one.
(the reason i haven't been posting is simply because i haven't been getting asks LMAO. i understand that i should push out content even if there's no asks, but I've been focusing on the actual demo for destined rather than the tumblr)
if you want to learn about it, you can go to my tumblr for it! @mortala-if has been floating in my head for a bit, longer than destined and much longer than when i posted the drabble! i just started putting it out there since i fully grasped the plotline and the character arcs i wanted to include!
and onto the question!!
Ian/Ivy: Surprisingly, they used to be really into journaling, but it faded away shortly after MC joined. They find it embarrassing now, but they still want to-- they just don't have that kind of time for a hobby anymore. They birdwatch sometimes, though. Isla: She likes baking and sewing, mostly sewing. She finds something calming about it, and the fact her grandma taught her adds to that. She likes when she's sewing and someone has a conversation with her. She tries to find time for it, but it's kinda futile.
Elias: He likes reading as well. I can see his favorite genre being murder mystery or horror books that he reads with a deadpan. Another hobby I see him having is cooking. Melody: It obviously used to be dancing, but that kinda faded into a career. They collect lots of things, mainly shells- seashells, snail shells, things of that nature.
Casper: He likes playing the harp, but like the other characters, he doesn't have a lot of time to practice. When he does, he plays in front of his siblings.
thank you for the ask!
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