#islam allam
asma-al-husna · 5 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-‘Aleem— The All-Knowing, The Omniscient— on more than 150 occasions in the Quran. He is the One whose knowledge is complete and perfect. Al-‘Aleem knows the tiniest of details of all things hidden and manifest and He has recorded the properties of everything in a book that is with Him!
The All-and-Ever-Knowing, The Omniscient
‘Aleem comes from the root ‘ayn-laam-meem, which points to four main meanings. The first main meaning is to have knowledge and be aware and certain, and the second is to gather information. The third main meaning is to have deep knowledge of minute details, and the fourth main meaning is to act according to knowledge.
This root appears 854 times in the Quran in 14 derived forms. Examples of these forms are ‘ilm (knowledge), ‘alima (to know), ‘allama (to teach), and ‘aalemeen (the worlds).
Linguistically, Aleem is the intense form of ‘alim (knower). Al-‘Aleem is the All-and-Ever-Knowing. The name Al-`Allam is the most intense form of the word; it appears four times in the Quran and it points out to the perfection and totality of Allah’s knowledge. Al-‘Aleem comprehends everything with certainty; no knowledge is concealed from Him and He is intuitively aware of all things even before they take place.
Al-‘Aleem Himself says: That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing. [Quran, 6:96] And to Him belongs that which reposes by night and by day, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing. [Quran, 6:13] and Indeed, your Lord— He is the Knowing Creator. [Quran, 15:86]
No ignorance, no learning, no forgetting
Allah’s knowledge can’t be compared to any other knowledge in creation. Our knowledge is preceded by ignorance and we gain knowledge by learning. We also forget. How many times have we studied something only to forget it the next day? Allah’s ‘ilm is neither acquired through learning nor preceded by ignorance; nothing in the heavens or on Earth escapes His notice.
Al-‘Aleem says: There falls not a leaf but He knows it, nor a grain in the darkness of the Earth, nor anything green nor withered but it is all in a clear book. [Quran, 6:59] His knowledge isn’t followed by forgetfulness, as Musa ‘alayhi salam said to Fir’awn: My Lord never errs, nor does He forget. [Quran, 20:52]
What is the most honourable knowledge?
We know of disciplines of knowledge such as physics, chemistry, math, medicine, engineering, and physiology, and we know Allah. The first kind of knowledge has to do with things created by Allah ‘azza wa jall, while the other has to do with Allah, the creator, Himself. That’s why the most honourable knowledge is to know Allah, His beautiful divine names and attributes, His religion, etc. And the way to this knowledge is through studying the Quran and the Sunnah.
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Stick to the commands of Al-‘Aleem.
Al-‘Aleem says: And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein. [Quran, 50:16] If you know that He sees you while you’re alone and when you’re in the company of others, that He knows all of your secret thoughts and intentions, if you firmly believe that Allah ‘azza wa jall knows all things, then stick to His divine commands and know that they are the best for you.
2. Desire to learn.
Be eager to increase your knowledge, especially Islamic knowledge, since Allah loves knowledge and those who possess it just as He hates ignorance and those who are wilfully ignorant. Be patient and persevere in seeking beneficial knowledge, and recognize that learning is a form of worship; how else can you know what Allah wants from you? How else can you do what pleases Him and avoid what He dislikes? At the same time accept that there’s knowledge that He did not reveal to creation.
3. Acquire knowledge of the world.
Say: ‘Turn your regard (to ask): What is in the heavens and on Earth?’ [Quran, 10:101] Learn about the world around you with the niyyah (intention) to appreciate Allah’s creative power and wisdom even more so that it is an act of worship.
4. Be humble.
Let Allah’s perfect and detailed knowledge humble you. This is why it is said: the one who knows the most about Allah fears Him the most. Knowledge is a quality that we naturally admire in people; let the amazing ‘ilm of your creator increase your love and admiration for Him.
5. Contemplate yourself.
The human body is much more advanced than any machine; in your brains there are 140 billion cells whose function is not even known yet. It is from Allah’s generosity that He gave us the ability to think and to reason and that He gave us a natural hunger to learn. And within your own selves, do you not turn your regard? [Quran, 51:21]
6. Accept what is decreed for you.
Knowing Al-‘Aleem makes your heart able to accept what He decreed for you because you know He designed your destiny by His knowledge and wisdom. Whatever pain, stress, disappointment, and injustice you go through, Allah knows. Remind yourself of this to get closer to Him, especially during trials.
7. Ask Al-‘Aleem to increase your knowledge.
Allah Al-‘Aleem loves those who seek knowledge and teaches you to offer Him the following prayer: رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًا- My Lord! Increase me in knowledge [Quran, 20:114]
8. Do dhikr with this name.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Anyone who says three times in the evening:
بسم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسمه شيء في الأرض ولا في السماء وهو السميع العليم
In the name of Allah, with whose name nothing on earth or in the sky can harm. And He is the All-Hearing and All-Knowing— nothing will harm them until the morning, and anyone who says it three times in the morning, nothing will harm them until the evening. [Ahmad]
O Allah, Al-‘Aleem, we know nothing but what You teach us. Instil in us eagerness to learn, guide us to the best knowledge, increase our knowledge and make us benefit from it, and guide us to act upon our ‘ilm by doing what pleases You and staying away from what displeases You. Make us contemplate ourselves and the creation around us, and assist us in accepting your decree at all times, ameen!
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fridagentileschi · 1 year
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Magdi Cristiano Allam, convertito cristiano, ha il coraggio di dire la verità.
L invasione africana è voluta dalla grande finanza internazionale per eliminare la gente italica in primis e gli altri popoli europei in secundis, sostituendoli con una popolazione afro-meticcia.
È una forma di genocidio senza armi.
Lo hanno inventato i Nostri Avi Romani, per punire i popoli nemici sconfitti più resistenti.
Ora siamo Noi oggetto di questa forma di genocidio, pochi decenni e non ci saranno più italiani di sangue.
Se qualcuno ha ancora dubbi, deve sapere che George Soros, uno dei multimiliardari della grande finanza, è il principale finanziatore e sostenitore delle ong che fanno sbarcare gli afro-invasori.
Intanto, mentre dubitate e scrollate un' altra cretinata su tik tok... è stata aggredita per essere stuprata una nonnina di 89 anni.
La situazione è questa:
una massa enorme di uomini con poca scuola e tante pulsioni, animati dalla brama di una ricchezza facile, che Non temono la Legge Italiana, non temono le forze dell' Ordine, una massa che aumenta di numero ed in forza giorno dopo giorno, anno dopo anno...diventa sempre meno controllabile , chiedo:
a che punto vogliamo arrivare con questa invasione? Alle rivolte,agli eccidi, ad una guerra?
Se non si blocca l invasione e si procede con forza ai rimpatri, tutti gli scenari sono possibili.
È una questione solo di tempo.
Siete talmente pieni di odio contro gli ebrei che non capite che per l' islam e gli islamici anche noi siamo gli ebrei da sterminare. Non capite che tutto il mondo ancora non conquistato dall' islam è Israele. La loro lotta avrà termine non quando Israele sarà in mano loro ma tutto il mondo, TUTTO, sarà Dar al Islam.
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teneres · 2 years
"Erkeklerin, erkekliği gitti" bu sözün muhattabı olan "Müslüman" erkekler, tarihte bu sözü Moğollar ve Haçlılar gelip İslam beldelerini işgal ettiklerinde, cihada çıkmadıkları için duyuyorlardı. Günümüzde bu yerinde kalakalma durumu maalesef geçerliliğini korumakla beraber, ortada en az yerinde oturmak kadar büyük bir problem daha var ki o da hanımlarına yol göstermesi, örnek olması, İslam'ı öğretmesi ve Allah'a karşı sorumluluklarını hatırlatıp, bunun için gerektiği yerde kısıtlayıp, gerektiği yerde sert çıkması gerekirken, sadece kendi nefsi söz konusu olduğunda erkekliğini hatırlaması ve hanımına sert çıkmasıdır. Allah'ın hakkı ise maalesef akıllara gelen en son şey oluyor. Hatta bazen hiç gelmiyor. Çünkü kendisi de evli olunca karısının, kendi üzerine yüklenen haklarından bihaber. Türkiye toplumunda eskiden kalma bir deyim vardır "kadının şeyhi kocasıdır" Yani kadın evde çocuklarla, ev işleriyle meşgul olurken; camiiye giden, ilim meclislerine katılan erkek erkek eve geldiğinde öğrendiği bilgileri karısına (ve tabii çocuklarına) da öğretmekle mükelleftir. Ne hazin ki, sosyal medyada paylaşımları ve yorumlarıyla allame-i cihan olan erkeklerimizin aklına dönüp hanımına öğretmek, hatırlatmak, Rasulullah ﷺ'in "biriniz bir yanlış gördüğünde eli ile düzeltsin, gücü yetmezse dili ile düzeltsin" hadisi gelmiyor. Ancak yemeği eksik/yanlış yapmışsa, çocuklar çok ses yapıyorsa, veyahut başka şahsi bir ihtiyacı ve/veya rahatsız olduğu durum varsa evde (deyim yerindeyse) terör estiriyor. Peki ya Allah'ın hakkı çiğnendiğinde?
Bundan daha fenası ise, yapılan yanlışa göz yummak bir yana, kadının erkek tarafından cesaretlendirilmesi, o münker fiilleri işlerken bizzat erkeğin de buna eşlik etmesi. Evinin içinde birbirlerinin üzerine nasıl atladığını görmediğimiz kaç tane sakallı-çarşaflı/peçeli kaldı? Birbirlerine şuh bakışlar atan? Oturma odasından, yatak odasına, salonundan mutfağına kadar bütün evlerini seyr edebildiğimiz?
"Kadın, kocasının izni olmadıkça, evine hiç kimsenin girmesine izin veremez."
Buhari, Nikah 86; Müslim, Zekat 84
Yine Veda hutbesinde de Rasulullah ﷺ “… Sizin kadınlar üzerindeki bir hakkınız da evinize istemediğiniz kimseleri almamalarıdır.” buyuruyor.
Tirmizî, Rada 11; İbn Mace, Nikah, 3
Şimdi bu hesaba göre, kendisi arsızlık yaparak, yahut kocasının umursamazlığından cesaret alarak veyahutta bizatihi kocasının da onayıyla hatta O'nun hesabından evlerinin ve kendilerinin bu halini paylaşanlar, bu hadislerin tam olarak neresindeler? Bu soru kadına gibi görünse de aslında erkeğe. Rızanız olmadan evinize giremeyiz ama gözlerimiz girebilir ve günün her saatinde, istediğimiz yerde bakabiliriz? Tıpkı "tenimi göremezsiniz ama vücut hatlarımı görebilirsiniz" dercesine tenlerini göstermeyecek kadar uzun elbise giydiği halde, dar kalıp giyinenler (ve tabii sosyal medyada paylaşılan fenomen olanlar) gibi.
Hanımının suratına kocaman emoji koyup paylaşarak, neredeyse dudak dudağa öpüşecek kadar iç içe girmiş halde fotoğraf paylaşıp yine bu poza da çeşitli efektler ile güya gizlilik koyarak; Cuma'dan ağ atıp, Pazar günü toplayarak sözüm ona Cumartesi avlanma yasağına uyan Yahudiler gibi olduğunuzu hiç düşündünüz mü?
Kendinden çok takipçilerinin, karının psikolojisini ve zihin dünyasını bilmesi nasıl bir his? Eve giren çıkanı, reelde konuştuğu muhattap olduğu kimseleri (güya) kontrol et ama sosyal medyada kontrol etme?
Harcadığı parayı kuruşu kuruşuna hesab et ama işlediği haramları hesab etme?
Kendin için süslenmesini, güzel görünmesini arzu edip, teşvik et ama Allah için amellerini, kalbini, ruhunu süslemesini hiç umursama?
Nisa Suresi 34. Allah’ın bir kısmını (erkekleri) diğer bir kısmına (kadınlara) üstün kılması ve mallarından harcamaları nedeniyle erkekler, kadınlar üzerinde idare edicidir (kavvamdır)
“Kavvam” kelimesi etimolojik açıdan; “kame bi” bir şeyi üstlendiğinde onu yerine getirip, korumak, bir işin ya da malın sorumluluğunu üstlenip, maslahatı gözetmek ve velayet gibi anlamlara gelmektedir.
Aynı kökten gelen “kayyım” kelimesi, başkan ve işi yöneten manasındadır.
“Kayyımu’l-mer’e” tabiri kadının geçimini temin eden koca anlamında kullanılmaktadır.
İbn Manzur bu köke, koruma, ıslah etme ve bir şeyde sabit kalma anlamının yanında ayrıca bu kelimenin efendisinin hizmetinde kalkıp oturması sebebiyle cariye için de kullanıldığını ifade etmektedir.
|| İbn Manzur, Lisanu’l-Arab, 12/497-499
Abdullah ibn Ömer (radıyallahu anh)'tan rivayet edildiğine göre Rasulullah ﷺ şöyle buyurdu:
“Hepiniz çobansınız. Hepiniz güttüğünüz sürüden sorumlusunuz. Âmir memurlarının çobanıdır. Erkek ailesinin çobanıdır. Kadın da evinin ve çocuğunun çobanıdır. Netice itibariyle hepiniz çobansınız ve hepiniz idâre ettiklerinizden sorumlusunuz.”
Sahih-i Buhârî, Cum`a 11, İstikrâz 20, İtk 17, 19, Vesâyâ 9, Nikâh 81, 90, Ahkâm 1;
Sahih-i Muslim, İmâre 20;
İmam Ebû Dâvûd, İmâre 1, 13;
İmam Tirmizî, Cihâd 27
Tahrim Suresi 6. Ey iman edenler! Kendinizi ve ehlinizi, yakıtı insanlar ve taşlar olan ateşten koruyunuz! O ateşin başında, acımasız/sert, güçlü, Allah'ın kendilerine emrettiğine karşı gelmeyen, emrolunduklarını yerine getiren melekler vardır.
Amr İbn Kays şöyle dedi;
Muhakkak ki kadın, kıyamet günü Allah'ın huzurunda kocasıyla tartışıp şöyle der:
"Beni eğitmedi ve bana hiçbir şey öğretmedi! Onun yerine bana pazardan ekmek getirdi."
|| Tefsir es-Sem'ani, 5/475
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HADIRILAH KAJIAN ISLAM ILMIYAH RUTIN SETIAP HARI SENIN(terbuka untuk umum kaum muslimin dan muslimah) Judul: HUKUM MANDI UNTUK SHALAT JUM’AT Kitab Taisirul ‘Allam Syarah Umdatul Ahkam Bersama:alUstadz Hary Badar bin Marwan حفظه الله InsyaaAllaah Senin1 Sya’ban 1444H (20 Februari 2023M) Waktu: Ba’da Maghrib – Selesai Masjid ashSHIDDIQJl. Kebon Gedang Gg. Hj. Siti Aisyah Rt 02 Rw 10 Maleer…
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harsh003 · 4 months
Reimagining the Future of South Asia Amidst Historical Divisions.
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One became the mother of democracy in India, where the rape of women is still not fully investigated, corruption is high, and law and order is bought with money to this day. Any woman even in modern India today probably scared to report her rape.
“This part of the world was considered as wealthy as Europe as back as 1500’s. We were a good host to Mugal invaders and then followed by the British East India company.
Millions of people died to obtain the birth of a divided India on the 15th of August 1947.
Millions more died trying to leave what was a home for a new home under a new sky.
MThis was India Sky, Pakistani Sky and later to become Bangladesh Sky. Yet we have forgotten that Sky is only one and it cannot be divided.
We left the horrible occupation for freedom for which we were ill-prepared.
The birth of India and Pakistan was built on the bodies of immigrants.
One became the mother of democracy in India, where the rape of women is still not fully investigated, corruption is high, and law and order is bought with money to this day. Any woman even in modern India today probably scared to report her rape. She knows too well that she will be interrogated by a Police 10, Police Senior, DCP, Press, and lawyers. She will be virtually ripped apart so she probably thinks no point in reporting.
Mother of democracy but really we are not as we are divided on caste, regional biases, language bias, religion, and yes we are independent. Many argue with me that at least we ar in control of our own destiny. I don’t agree with this destiny which takes us to an unknown path.
India is known for thousands of years as the land of learned people, peace-loving, law-abiding people.
How is corruption rampant in India? How will anyone get justice? Not possible unless you have money and connections.
We have achieved some economic progress due to some of our policies instigated in 1970 and 1980.
Pakistani where shall I start, it is quite close to being labeled as a failed state. It was formed yet again by two people Mohammed Allam Iqbal and Mohammed Ali Jinnah. It was supposed to be a Muslim household and a democratic one. Democracy in Pakistan never flourished and the institution of the army always had an upper hand in all things
In the beautiful fields of Punjab, the Deseret of Sind was never allowed to belong to the workers.
Landowners controlled the masses and hence wealth did not move much to the workers.
Pakistan means Pure Land but it’s politics is filthy. It was a dreamland for the immigrants but in 1960 it suffered the Bengal massacre which lead to the division of the country. An independent election won by Bengalis was not accepted and led to the birth of yet another country under another Sky!!!
The land of pure is often finding it hard to control its 4 provinces. Lovely people of Punjab are made to fight Sindhis and etc.
Economical it has also not prospered due to lack of education, misunderstanding of the Teachings of Islam, early marriages, etc.
So, in the end, we are worse off than what we were once and worse led by foreigners. We must continue the search for a United India and strengthen the hands of the ordinary people.
We can be the biggest economic market if we still believe in
Breakfast in Dhaka
Lunch in Delhi
Dinner in Lahore
we will have no choice but eventually to come and find a way forward.
In the heart of bustling Mumbai, a vision for a just and equitable world is coming to life through the tireless efforts of Dr. Ahmed Haque, a renowned philanthropist, peace activist, and beacon of hope for many. Founding the Just World Order Federation (JWOF), Dr. Haque is not just dreaming of a better future; he is actively laying the groundwork for it. This initiative, deeply rooted in the principles of justice, equality, and peace, seeks to empower the voiceless, support the powerless, and challenge the injustices that mar our society. Contact Us for more details.
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salvo-love · 6 months
@don_luigi45 @ellyesse @partitodemocratico @partitodemocratico.del.web @giuseppeconte_ufficiale @movimento5stelle #LauraBoldrini Chi cancella il Crocifisso evidentemente non comprende il suo notevole contributo al nostro Mondo Libero. Tale significato riguarda il nostro ambito civile - laico, perché il Messaggio Cristiano conferma sul piano religioso ciò che l'Antica Roma aveva già introdotto civilmente. Nessun musulmano, nessun ebreo, avrebbe cancellato la propria storia. Solo noi cristiani cancelliamo la croce dalle foto in nome dell’inclusione. Cancelliamo la nostra identità quando gli altri non lo farebbero mai! È sbagliato e riduttivo dire che “non possiamo cancellare la storia” (quindi il crocifisso è ok); bisognerebbe dire “siamo felici di essere cristiani perché il cristianesimo è sinonimo di fede, speranza, carità, bontà, amore, giustizia e pace; e anche civiltà”. Condivido il messaggio. Non è questione di #centrodestra o di #centrosinistra, è semplice #coerenza e rispetto del proprio popolo. Avere rispetto per se stessi non significa mancare di rispetto ad altri. Magdi Cristiano Allam: «A Pioltello il dirigente ha sbagliato. Agli alunni, anche ai più piccoli, è impedito di mangiare e bere: è pericoloso per la salute. Le università sono intolleranti? La colpa è dei professori». Cruciani: "Cedimento totale dello Stato italiano. A Pioltello, il consiglio d'istituto di una scuola ha deciso di chiudere un giorno ad Aprile per la festa del Ramadan. Allora, se le feste le decide un'altra religione, pigliatevi tutto a questo punto!". Pres.Mattarella @Quirinale il suo sostegno alla vpreside della scuola di Pioltello in nome dell’inclusione/rispetto delle diverse culture NON è condiviso dalla maggioranza degli italiani perché è parso una sottomissione politica ad un Islam NON condiviso nemmeno tra gli islamici! https://pic.twitter.com/KnqmhRbl8n Una lotta quella dell'inclusione, portata avanti a tutti i costi della sinistra. Perderla sarebbe ammettere già la palese sconfitta di convivenza con l'islam, distante dai nostri valori. Inclusione anche a discapito della nostra cultura! Bocciati dagli elettori per questo motivo! Mai creare precedenti... ormai loro, appoggiati dal PD antitaliani perché crede di avere il loro voto vanamente, hanno capito che possono fare quello che vogliono, caro presidente @quirinale questa non è inclusione ma sottomissione vedi Francia. Leggi la profetica Oriana Fallaci.
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pooma-islam · 1 year
Abdullah Aal-Bassam: “The intention is what distinguishes an act of worship from a habit.” (Taysir Al-Allam, Vol. 1 pg. 24)
Abdullah Aal-Bassam's statement highlights the importance of intention in distinguishing between an act of worship and a mere habit. In Islamic theology, intention (niyyah) is considered a crucial aspect of worship, as it is the intention that determines the spiritual significance of an action.
When a person performs an act of worship, such as prayer or fasting, with the intention of pleasing Allah and seeking His reward, it becomes a means of drawing closer to Allah and earning His blessings. On the other hand, if a person performs the same actions as a mere habit or routine, without any intention of worship, it does not hold any spiritual significance.
Therefore, the intention behind an action is what makes it an act of worship, and not just a habit or routine. This highlights the importance of mindfulness and consciousness in one's daily actions, and the need to constantly remind oneself of the intention behind each action.
அப்துல்லா அல்-பாஸம்: "நோக்கம் என்பது ஒரு வழிபாட்டை ஒரு பழக்கத்திலிருந்து வேறுபடுத்துகிறது." (தைசிர் அல்-அல்லாம், தொகுதி 1 பக். 24)
அப்துல்லா அல்-பாஸ்ஸாமின் கூற்று, ஒரு வழிபாட்டுச் செயலுக்கும் வெறும் பழக்கத்துக்கும் இடையே உள்ள வேறுபாட்டின் முக்கியத்துவத்தை எடுத்துக்காட்டுகிறது. இஸ்லாமிய இறையியலில், எண்ணம் (நியாஹ்) வழிபாட்டின் ஒரு முக்கிய அம்சமாகக் கருதப்படுகிறது, ஏனெனில் இது ஒரு செயலின் ஆன்மீக முக்கியத்துவத்தை தீர்மானிக்கிறது.
ஒரு நபர் தொழுகை அல்லது நோன்பு போன்ற வணக்க வழிபாடுகளை அல்லாஹ்வை திருப்திப்படுத்தவும், அவனது வெகுமதியை தேடவும் செய்யும் நோக்கத்துடன் செய்தால், அது அல்லாஹ்வை நெருங்கி அவனது ஆசீர்வாதங்களைப் பெறுவதற்கான வழிமுறையாக மாறும். மறுபுறம், ஒரு நபர் அதே செயல்களை வெறும் பழக்கமாகவோ அல்லது வழக்கமானதாகவோ, வணக்கத்தின் எந்த நோக்கமும் இல்லாமல் செய்தால், அது எந்த ஆன்மீக முக்கியத்துவத்தையும் கொண்டிருக்காது.
எனவே, ஒரு செயலுக்குப் பின்னால் உள்ள நோக்கமே அதை வழிபாட்டுச் செயலாக ஆக்குகிறது, அது வெறும் பழக்கம் அல்லது வழக்கமல்ல. இது ஒருவரின் தினசரி செயல்களில் நினைவாற்றல் மற்றும் நனவின் முக்கியத்துவத்தை எடுத்துக்காட்டுகிறது, மேலும் ஒவ்வொரு செயலுக்கும் பின்னால் உள்ள நோக்கத்தை தொடர்ந்து நினைவூட்ட வேண்டும்.
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blogalloh · 2 years
Alhamdulillah Alloh Maha Sayang & Maha Menerima Tobat. Aku Jadi Kesayangan Alloh Saat Tobat Dari "Lelaki Memakai Sutra Emas" #Dakwah #Islam
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Di antara jenis pakaian yang terlarang bagi pria adalah pakaian sutera. Pakaian ini terlarang bagi pria, namun dibolehkan bagi wanita. Kebanyakan ulama -bahkan ada yang menukil sebagai konsensus (ijma’) mereka- bahwa memakai sutera murni bagi pria itu haram kecuali jika dalam keadaan darurat. Dalil-dalil yang menunjukkan  haramnya: Dari Anas bin Malik, ia berkata bahwa Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, لاَ تَلْبَسُوا الْحَرِيرَ فَإِنَّهُ مَنْ لَبِسَهُ فِى الدُّنْيَا لَمْ يَلْبَسْهُ فِى الآخِرَةِ Alhamdulillah Alloh Maha Sayang & Maha Menerima Tobat. Aku Jadi Kesayangan Alloh Saat Tobat Dari "Lelaki Memakai Sutra Emas" “Janganlah kalian memakai sutera karena siapa yang mengenakannya di dunia, maka ia tidak mengenakannya di akhirat.” (HR. Bukhari no. 5633 dan Muslim no. 2069). Padahal pakaian penduduk surga adalah sutera. Jadi seakan-akan hadits di atas adalah kinayah (ibarat) untuk tidak masuk surga. Allah Ta’ala berfirman mengenai pakaian penduduk surga, وَلِبَاسُهُمْ فِيهَا حَرِيرٌ “Dan pakaian mereka adalah sutera” (QS. Al Hajj: 23). Juga terdapat riwayat dari Hudzaifah, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, لاَ تَلْبَسُوا الْحَرِيرَ وَلاَ الدِّيبَاجَ وَلاَ تَشْرَبُوا فِى آنِيَةِ الذَّهَبِ وَالْفِضَّةِ ، وَلاَ تَأْكُلُوا فِى صِحَافِهَا ، فَإِنَّهَا لَهُمْ فِى الدُّنْيَا وَلَنَا فِى الآخِرَةِ “Janganlah kalian mengenakan pakaian sutera dan juga dibaaj (sejenis sutera). Janganlah kalian minum di bejana dari emas dan perak. Jangan pula makan di mangkoknya. Karena wadah semacam itu adalah untuk orang kafir di dunia, sedangkan bagi kita nanti di akhirat.” (HR. Bukhari no. 5426 dan Muslim no. 2067). Begitu pula dari ‘Umar bin Khottob, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, إِنَّمَا يَلْبَسُ الْحَرِيرَ فِى الدُّنْيَا مَنْ لاَ خَلاَقَ لَهُ فِى الآخِرَةِ “Sesungguhnya yang mengenakan sutera di dunia, ia tidak akan mendapatkan bagian di akhirat” (HR. Bukhari no. 5835 dan Muslim no. 2068) Imam Nawawi rahimahullah berkata, “Sesungguhnya orang kafir mereka bisa mengenakan emas dan perak di dunia. Adapun di akhirat, mereka tidak akan mendapatkan bagian apa-apa. Sedangkan orang muslim, mereka akan mengenakan perak dan emas di surga. Dan mereka akan mendapatkan kenikmatan yang lain yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, tidak pernah didengar telinga dan tidak pernah terbetik dalam hati.” (Syarh Shahih Muslim, 14: 36) Dari Abu Musa Al Asy’ari, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, حُرِّمَ لِبَاسُ الْحَرِيرِ وَالذَّهَبِ عَلَى ذُكُورِ أُمَّتِى وَأُحِلَّ لإِنَاثِهِمْ “Diharamkan bagi laki-laki dari umatku sutera dan emas, namun dihalalkan bagi perempuan.” (HR. Tirmidzi no. 1720). Di antara hikmah kenapa sampai emas dan sutera dilarang: 1- Tasyabbuh (penyerupaan) dengan orang kafir sebagaimana disebutkan dalam hadits Hudzaifah di atas. 2- Tasyabbuh (penyerupaan) dengan wanita. 3- Berlebihan dalam mengenakan sutera bukanlah sifat jantan dari laki-laki. Memang laki-laki dituntut pula untuk berhias diri namun tidak berlebih-lebihan. (Lihat Al Minhatul ‘Allam fii Syarh Bulughil Marom karya Syaikh ‘Abdullah bin Sholih Al Fauzan, 4: 207) Masih berlanjut pada pakaian sutera dalam kadar bagaimana yang dibolehkan … Hanya Allah yang memberi taufik. — @ Pesantren Darush Sholihin, Panggang, Gunungkidul, 29 Jumadal Ula 1434 H www.rumaysho.com Sumber https://rumaysho.com/3297-larangan-pria-memakai-pakaian-sutera.html بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْم – قُلْ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌۚ – اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُۚ – لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُوْلَدْۙ – وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهٗ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ Allohumma solli ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa sollaita ‘alaa aali ibroohim, wa baarik ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa baarokta ‘alaa aali ibroohim, fil ‘aalamiina innaka hamiidummajiid. Allâhumma-ghfir liummati sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-rham ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumm
a-stur ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin. Allahumma maghfiratuka awsa’u min dzunubi wa rahmatuka arja ‘indi min ‘amali. Alhamdulillah Alloh Maha Sayang & Maha Menerima Tobat. Aku Jadi Kesayangan Alloh Saat Tobat Dari "Lelaki Memakai Sutra Emas"
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asma-al-husna · 1 year
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Allah calls Himself Al-‘Aleem— The All-Knowing, The Omniscient— on more than 150 occasions in the Quran. He is the One whose knowledge is complete and perfect. Al-‘Aleem knows the tiniest of details of all things hidden and manifest and He has recorded the properties of everything in a book that is with Him!
The All-and-Ever-Knowing, The Omniscient
‘Aleem comes from the root ‘ayn-laam-meem, which points to four main meanings. The first main meaning is to have knowledge and be aware and certain, and the second is to gather information. The third main meaning is to have deep knowledge of minute details, and the fourth main meaning is to act according to knowledge.
This root appears 854 times in the Quran in 14 derived forms. Examples of these forms are ‘ilm (knowledge), ‘alima (to know), ‘allama (to teach), and ‘aalemeen (the worlds).
Linguistically, Aleem is the intense form of ‘alim (knower). Al-‘Aleem is the All-and-Ever-Knowing. The name Al-`Allam is the most intense form of the word; it appears four times in the Quran and it points out to the perfection and totality of Allah’s knowledge. Al-‘Aleem comprehends everything with certainty; no knowledge is concealed from Him and He is intuitively aware of all things even before they take place.
Al-‘Aleem Himself says: That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing. [Quran, 6:96] And to Him belongs that which reposes by night and by day, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing. [Quran, 6:13] and Indeed, your Lord— He is the Knowing Creator. [Quran, 15:86]
No ignorance, no learning, no forgetting
Allah’s knowledge can’t be compared to any other knowledge in creation. Our knowledge is preceded by ignorance and we gain knowledge by learning. We also forget. How many times have we studied something only to forget it the next day? Allah’s ‘ilm is neither acquired through learning nor preceded by ignorance; nothing in the heavens or on Earth escapes His notice.
Al-‘Aleem says: There falls not a leaf but He knows it, nor a grain in the darkness of the Earth, nor anything green nor withered but it is all in a clear book. [Quran, 6:59] His knowledge isn’t followed by forgetfulness, as Musa ‘alayhi salam said to Fir’awn: My Lord never errs, nor does He forget. [Quran, 20:52]
What is the most honourable knowledge?
We know of disciplines of knowledge such as physics, chemistry, math, medicine, engineering, and physiology, and we know Allah. The first kind of knowledge has to do with things created by Allah ‘azza wa jall, while the other has to do with Allah, the creator, Himself. That’s why the most honourable knowledge is to know Allah, His beautiful divine names and attributes, His religion, etc. And the way to this knowledge is through studying the Quran and the Sunnah.
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Stick to the commands of Al-‘Aleem.
Al-‘Aleem says: And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein. [Quran, 50:16] If you know that He sees you while you’re alone and when you’re in the company of others, that He knows all of your secret thoughts and intentions, if you firmly believe that Allah ‘azza wa jall knows all things, then stick to His divine commands and know that they are the best for you.
2. Desire to learn.
Be eager to increase your knowledge, especially Islamic knowledge, since Allah loves knowledge and those who possess it just as He hates ignorance and those who are wilfully ignorant. Be patient and persevere in seeking beneficial knowledge, and recognize that learning is a form of worship; how else can you know what Allah wants from you? How else can you do what pleases Him and avoid what He dislikes? At the same time accept that there’s knowledge that He did not reveal to creation.
3. Acquire knowledge of the world.
Say: ‘Turn your regard (to ask): What is in the heavens and on Earth?’ [Quran, 10:101] Learn about the world around you with the niyyah (intention) to appreciate Allah’s creative power and wisdom even more so that it is an act of worship.
4. Be humble.
Let Allah’s perfect and detailed knowledge humble you. This is why it is said: the one who knows the most about Allah fears Him the most. Knowledge is a quality that we naturally admire in people; let the amazing ‘ilm of your creator increase your love and admiration for Him.
5. Contemplate yourself.
The human body is much more advanced than any machine; in your brains there are 140 billion cells whose function is not even known yet. It is from Allah’s generosity that He gave us the ability to think and to reason and that He gave us a natural hunger to learn. And within your own selves, do you not turn your regard? [Quran, 51:21]
6. Accept what is decreed for you.
Knowing Al-‘Aleem makes your heart able to accept what He decreed for you because you know He designed your destiny by His knowledge and wisdom. Whatever pain, stress, disappointment, and injustice you go through, Allah knows. Remind yourself of this to get closer to Him, especially during trials.
7. Ask Al-‘Aleem to increase your knowledge.
Allah Al-‘Aleem loves those who seek knowledge and teaches you to offer Him the following prayer: رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًا- My Lord! Increase me in knowledge [Quran, 20:114]
8. Do dhikr with this name.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Anyone who says three times in the evening:
بسم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسمه شيء في الأرض ولا في السماء وهو السميع العليم
In the name of Allah, with whose name nothing on earth or in the sky can harm. And He is the All-Hearing and All-Knowing— nothing will harm them until the morning, and anyone who says it three times in the morning, nothing will harm them until the evening. [Ahmad]
O Allah, Al-‘Aleem, we know nothing but what You teach us. Instil in us eagerness to learn, guide us to the best knowledge, increase our knowledge and make us benefit from it, and guide us to act upon our ‘ilm by doing what pleases You and staying away from what displeases You. Make us contemplate ourselves and the creation around us, and assist us in accepting your decree at all times, ameen!
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majidalaydeross · 2 years
2B Egypt - Mission Feb "El 3amaleya Febrayer" from Maged Sabry on Vimeo.
Client: 2B Egypt Agency: Eye ADV Creative Director: Amr Deabes
Creative Team: Amr Deabes -Mohamed Kamal - Eman Hemamy- Ahmed Samy Allam
Dubbing: Bayoumi Fouad - Maged sabry -Amr Deabes -Mohamed Kamal
VO: Maged Sabry Rec/Mix/Sound Design: Beshoy Magdy - Click Sound Studio
Executive Producer: Ahmed Samy Production manager: Ahmed Fawzy
Account Manager: Maya Fouda
Puppeteers: Walid Badr – Mohamed Nour Eldin – Ayman Hussein–Wael Awad –Ahmed Bakr – Omar Khallaf –Bassem Mohamed –Sally – Islam Mohamed
Mascot Actor: Mohamed Eid Mascot design: Mohamed Sulaiman Puppets design & Mechanism: Dr. Ossama Hassan
Art Director: Omar Attia 1st Assistant Art dir. : Essam el Mansoob 2nd Assistant Art dir. : Yousif Mustafa
Casting Agency: WM Casting Agency Casting Director: Emad Adel Cast: George Ghabbour -Menna Abaza -Zein Khaled - Hajj Saeed
Stylist: Ree Qoutb
Storyboard: Amr L Sawy - Mahmoud shaboury
Post House: Film Lab (Mohamed Abouhamed) Senior Post Producer: Maha Abaza Line Producer: Moaaz AlShika Colorist: Yara Mokhless Editor: Hussien Mokhtar Assistant Editors: Amr Muhamed Elsanhoury Nehal Wagdy VFX: Ahmed Elseidy Shnoda Lawendy Reem Adel
DOP: Basem Saad El.deen Focus Puller: Fady El-Sawy
Assistant Director: Mohammed Abdel Aziz Directed By: Maged Sabry
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islamallam · 5 years
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ShhHkbBtT013TTa- SeLlllف PoرTttttrهي
music🎼: Tommy Guerrero - Black Dust.
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*HADIRILAH KAJIAN ISLAM ILMIYAH RUTIN SETIAP HARI SENIN*(terbuka untuk umum kaum muslimin dan muslimah) *SESI 1*Judul: _Pertemuan ke 18_*BAB TAJWID* _Kitab Syarah Matan Al Jazariyyah_ Bersama :alUstadz Ganjar Abu Muhammad حفظه الله InsyaaAllaah Senin*27 Sya’ban 1444H* (20 Maret 2023M) Waktu: Ba’da Ashar – selesai *SESI 2*Judul: *WAKTU SHALAT JUM’AT DI ZAMAN NABI* _Kitab Taisirul ‘Allam Syarah…
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alpha-png · 3 years
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Islam Allam http://byislamallam.com/ https://www.instagram.com/byislamallam/
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salvo-love · 6 months
@don_luigi45 @ellyesse @partitodemocratico @partitodemocratico.del.web @giuseppeconte_ufficiale @movimento5stelle #LauraBoldrini Chi cancella il Crocifisso evidentemente non comprende il suo notevole contributo al nostro Mondo Libero. Tale significato riguarda il nostro ambito civile - laico, perché il Messaggio Cristiano conferma sul piano religioso ciò che l'Antica Roma aveva già introdotto civilmente. Nessun musulmano, nessun ebreo, avrebbe cancellato la propria storia. Solo noi cristiani cancelliamo la croce dalle foto in nome dell’inclusione. Cancelliamo la nostra identità quando gli altri non lo farebbero mai! È sbagliato e riduttivo dire che “non possiamo cancellare la storia” (quindi il crocifisso è ok); bisognerebbe dire “siamo felici di essere cristiani perché il cristianesimo è sinonimo di fede, speranza, carità, bontà, amore, giustizia e pace; e anche civiltà”. Condivido il messaggio. Non è questione di #centrodestra o di #centrosinistra, è semplice #coerenza e rispetto del proprio popolo. Avere rispetto per se stessi non significa mancare di rispetto ad altri. Magdi Cristiano Allam: «A Pioltello il dirigente ha sbagliato. Agli alunni, anche ai più piccoli, è impedito di mangiare e bere: è pericoloso per la salute. Le università sono intolleranti? La colpa è dei professori». Cruciani: "Cedimento totale dello Stato italiano. A Pioltello, il consiglio d'istituto di una scuola ha deciso di chiudere un giorno ad Aprile per la festa del Ramadan. Allora, se le feste le decide un'altra religione, pigliatevi tutto a questo punto!". Pres.Mattarella @Quirinale il suo sostegno alla vpreside della scuola di Pioltello in nome dell’inclusione/rispetto delle diverse culture NON è condiviso dalla maggioranza degli italiani perché è parso una sottomissione politica ad un Islam NON condiviso nemmeno tra gli islamici! https://pic.twitter.com/KnqmhRbl8n Una lotta quella dell'inclusione, portata avanti a tutti i costi della sinistra. Perderla sarebbe ammettere già la palese sconfitta di convivenza con l'islam, distante dai nostri valori. Inclusione anche a discapito della nostra cultura! Bocciati dagli elettori per questo motivo! Mai creare precedenti... ormai loro, appoggiati dal PD antitaliani perché crede di avere il loro voto vanamente, hanno capito che possono fare quello che vogliono, caro presidente @quirinale questa non è inclusione ma sottomissione vedi Francia. Leggi la profetica Oriana Fallaci.
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dadanunuartzine · 4 years
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>Islam Allam {byislamallam.com} -1- untit,AaaaaLaaaaaA-eld. inspired by the music of " Cliff Martinez - Chang and Sword ". 2- untit,UnNkKknowWWnnn⁶-eld inspired by the music of " Monolake ‎– Television Tower " in DADANUNUFanzine Open Call 2020.
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pooma-islam · 1 year
Abdullah Aal-Bassam: “The intention is what distinguishes an act of worship from a habit.” (Taysir Al-Allam, Vol. 1 pg. 24)
Abdullah Aal-Bassam's statement highlights the importance of intention in distinguishing between an act of worship and a mere habit. In Islamic theology, intention (niyyah) is considered a crucial aspect of worship, as it is the intention that determines the spiritual significance of an action.
When a person performs an act of worship, such as prayer or fasting, with the intention of pleasing Allah and seeking His reward, it becomes a means of drawing closer to Allah and earning His blessings. On the other hand, if a person performs the same actions as a mere habit or routine, without any intention of worship, it does not hold any spiritual significance.
Therefore, the intention behind an action is what makes it an act of worship, and not just a habit or routine. This highlights the importance of mindfulness and consciousness in one's daily actions, and the need to constantly remind oneself of the intention behind each action.
அப்துல்லா அல்-பாஸம்: "நோக்கம் என்பது ஒரு வழிபாட்டை ஒரு பழக்கத்திலிருந்து வேறுபடுத்துகிறது." (தைசிர் அல்-அல்லாம், தொகுதி 1 பக். 24)
அப்துல்லா அல்-பாஸ்ஸாமின் கூற்று, ஒரு வழிபாட்டுச் செயலுக்கும் வெறும் பழக்கத்துக்கும் இடையே உள்ள வேறுபாட்டின் முக்கியத்துவத்தை எடுத்துக்காட்டுகிறது. இஸ்லாமிய இறையியலில், எண்ணம் (நியாஹ்) வழிபாட்டின் ஒரு முக்கிய அம்சமாகக் கருதப்படுகிறது, ஏனெனில் இது ஒரு செயலின் ஆன்மீக முக்கியத்துவத்தை தீர்மானிக்கிறது.
ஒரு நபர் தொழுகை அல்லது நோன்பு போன்ற வணக்க வழிபாடுகளை அல்லாஹ்வை திருப்திப்படுத்தவும், அவனது வெகுமதியை தேடவும் செய்யும் நோக்கத்துடன் செய்தால், அது அல்லாஹ்வை நெருங்கி அவனது ஆசீர்வாதங்களைப் பெறுவதற்கான வழிமுறையாக மாறும். மறுபுறம், ஒரு நபர் அதே செயல்களை வெறும் பழக்கமாகவோ அல்லது வழக்கமானதாகவோ, வணக்கத்தின் எந்த நோக்கமும் இல்லாமல் செய்தால், அது எந்த ஆன்மீக முக்கியத்துவத்தையும் கொண்டிருக்காது.
எனவே, ஒரு செயலுக்குப் பின்னால் உள்ள நோக்கமே அதை வழிபாட்டுச் செயலாக ஆக்குகிறது, அது வெறும் பழக்கம் அல்லது வழக்கமல்ல. இது ஒருவரின் தினசரி செயல்களில் நினைவாற்றல் மற்றும் நனவின் முக்கியத்துவத்தை எடுத்துக்காட்டுகிறது, மேலும் ஒவ்வொரு செயலுக்கும் பின்னால் உள்ள நோக்கத்தை தொடர்ந்து நினைவூட்ட வேண்டும்.
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