#isn't it more fun if you can squint and imagine what they're feeling?
quietbluejay · 24 days
Fulgrim 1
put on your hazmat suits folks
okay I wouldn't call this a strong beginning but it's not terrible we're describing the marble sculpture dude and his friend
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this is at least not gross like the ATS version veered into
we also get a comment about "she'd be prettier if she didn't wear makeup" (about a different woman) which like, in isolation isn't that bad it's just combined with everything else Ostian (sculpture dude) isn't a fan of her (bemakeuped musician lady)
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so he likes her fine now
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sdjkflhsdjf a guy whispers to his partner and Becqua stops the entire concerto in a huff he tries to pull rank but she's unmoved nope she's not gonna play any more today! noooo cries the audience in despair
but lo! a hero has arrived to save the evening
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I did a dramatic reading of this whole bit once for my dnd group if anyone's interested I can record some dramatic readings from this book
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also like, i guess we know why Ostian isn't really into Becqua or able to tell she's hitting on him
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the next bit cut to a battle on Laeran and it was…actually pretty decent prose wise we get a little Laer description and background on the EC
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every time you think a primarch has hit the depths of jackassery you always find out they can keep digging pffff they named a ship "Fulgrim's Virtue" also, Fulgrim wants the system compliant within a month
the protectorate thing is interesting because it's literally the only case in the entire Heresy I've seen such a thing discussed the Roman inspiration of the EC is also being super played up, Julius Kaesorion is wearing a toga, and just, a lot of the general vibe well the marble busts lining the corridors lol the way they're fighting huh you know the prose hasn't gone over the edge into silliness that much, ATS was a lot worse by this point we've really only had Fulgrim's entrance
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marble benches? uncomfy the EC are talking about the arts
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they really do feel like kids lol
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also lmao Mr Stop Worshipping Me
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"manifest destiny" take a shot oh it's time for someone to bring up some inconvenient facts
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i like Fayle already, but I always do for people who stand up to primarchs
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lmao anyways Fayle is right and should say it
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so like given what I've seen of EC tactics and strategy so far how are any of them alive lmao
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if i took a shot every time fulgrim throws off his robes in a mcneill novel i'd…well i probably wouldn't have alcohol poisoning but i'd most likely be feeling pretty nauseous
Solomon is fighting the Laer, and really really wants to kinkshame them also dudes i know you're being invaded but it's super uncool to involve people in your being stabbed kink without consent solomon: we've never turned around before so onwardsss!
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well im glad we don't have solomon in charge of the iron warriors lmao we go to another officers POV and he's taking high casualties but did win
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lmao the helmet thing again
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definitely healthy! back to the remembrancers and Serena self harms in public it's funny it cuts from the brutal fights back to these guys flirting on the deck (Ostian and Serena)
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to quote a dude I knew on discord, slitherslither they wish to go hither
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this is a very funny mental image just imagining snakemen going BOING
Solomon goes a bit kill happy reminds me of Kharn here lol
Solomon is an idiot -takes helmet off so can't communicate -completely isolated from everyone and no clue where he is -keeps losing men because he's got a thing about not retreating
luckily he gets found by someone else
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gag me
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well i guess i was wrong about Ostian and yep we have a love triangle on our hands im also squinting a bit here since McNeill's a weeb (also: Bequa has blue hair)
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if i have to read this so do you
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i don't think the word "extremities" means what you think it means ostian, lying: uhhhhh not really bequa then is like: ok let's have sex on the deck I'm never going to make fun of Khayon having a not-girlfriend again in my entire life bequa kabedons him
hm. don't like this
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well, at least bequa actually let him go after he said he and serena were involved why was this necessary, mcneill
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given the casualties i saw on the EC side [citation needed] oh boy we get to meet Fabius so Fabius has been studying Laer bodies
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oops fabius is getting a little too close to heresy
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could I pretty please request for the rogues with a S/O who has a child from a different relationship? I love your writing and I want to thank you for it. It makes my day whenever you post something 💕
Victor Zsasz: Not the biggest fan of kids. They scare him a little. Not because they're scary but the commitment and all the things that can go wrong is what scares him. However kids seem to love him? It's a nuisance for him so dating someone who has a child? Oh boy. He could definitely be more thrilled. "Hi...I don't really care about you." Literally. That's his first ever sentence to the child. If you've ever seen Lucifer and how he is with Trixie. It's very similar to that. Very reluctant but the kid grows on him. It's shown when the child runs rup to him and Victor always grabs them and tosses them over his shoulder or yeets them onto the couch behind him. The affection is shown because not once does he throw the child on the floor or anything that isn't cushioned and not going to cause injury. His playful behaviour makes him very appealing. He'll act like he doesn't care but if you squint and pay attention, you can tell he loves the kid like they were his own. He's like the cool distant step-dad and he absolutely has their back. Like when the child is in their teens and missed curfew, before said kid gets their ass kicked by his s/o, Victor is lifting the kid over one shoulder. Kicking and screaming because they'll thank him later when they aren't caught up in stupid shit and they both only have to put up with some yelling and not many hours of it. Victor doesn't like the yelling so if he has to bring the kid back by the ear, he will DO IT.
Mad Hatter: Just like that, he has a child too now. Will refer to them as his own child. Will be able to get on better with a younger child because of his imagination. With teenagers, he just can't relate. Always has a stash of candy somewhere and ready to share it with the child. He is extra embarrassing at any school events like graduations. He's got a lot of feelings and he's just so proud of them! Is always ready to play games with the child. Such as the time he was chased by the child around the dining room in circles. To his horror, the child was fast and he was running out of breath! It's rather difficult to disappoint him. It might not even be possible! Easily jumpscared by the child. Over all he coped much better than anyone expected. Even if he is terrible at giving discipline.
Ragdoll: Like Hatter, he calls the child his own to everyone. Very eager parent. He's easy to please as he's always proud of the child. Tell him everything about the day, he wants to know everything. He's listening whilst coiled into himself like a pretzel and yes he will act like that's normal. He likes to be fun and so secretly hopes they'll prefer him over their actual father. Very affectionate no matter how old the child is and be greatly offended. "Don't push me away when I'm loving you!😠" Enjoys watching the child play sometimes finding the scenarios and games the child comes up with very entertaining. Constantly asks when the child is coming back to them. "Is it our turn yet!? How long now!? I can't wait that long!" Makes a huge effort for the child to have their own space- ideally a room, even if small, that the child could call theirs. Goes all out on the decorating too. Figures out what the child likes and practically litters the room with it.
The Riddler: He's going to be as gentle as he can about this because he doesn't have time for the arguing... he doesn't care about this child of s/o. It's not his child. Why should he care? If they stay out of his way, then the two might be able to get along. If not then he'll wait until the child is an adult to then forget about their very existence. I sense a lot of arguments so here's hoping the child isn't stubborn. I'd say most time there would be high tensions when the child is old enough to have their own thoughts and feelings. If a young child, they'll likely get along fine because Edward won't notice their existence. An older child might be a bit more difficult.
Scarecrow: Children can find him off-putting given his lack of emotion and his obsession with fear. However the child of his s/o is off limits. Unfortunately. He has very little interest in this child and pays bare minimum attention to the child. Really the two can coexist with little to no interaction rather easily. It won't really mean anything to Jonathan until he's with a long term partner or marries the S/O. Then it'll be a case of trying to warm up to the kid but there's really no promises. He's isolated enough to see the kid isn't his so he should really keep his distance. A real relationship is only possible if the child reaches out and for a lot of time it'll be one sided. Only in rare moments will Jonathan show any kind of bond with the kid.
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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— oh imma do all of them :3cccc and honestly you could throw any/all of your muses at me I have a bunch of fun writing with you :3
Soi Fon:
— ( This one could work for either Soi Fon or Yoruichi ) but given that that she's commander-in-chief to the Onmitsukidó, that would give some connection to Mukuro's late fiancé since that was the division he was in. That could be a way that they'd sort of know each other besides Mukuro knowing of Soi Fon given that she's a captain. — While I can see their personalities clashing ( with Soi Fon being a 'we have to follow orders' person and Mukuro being the embodiment of the shrug emoji towards orders and authority figures ) I can also see them learning from each other. — I'm trying to think of how to spin a fun shipping plot but I think that a fun kind of rivals to lovers thing would be fun? Like they're both just kind of *side eye* towards one another but they also can't seem to be apart for long lol also the sex is probably too bomb
— Honestly I think having her and Yoruichi be childhood friends would be fun! With Mukuro learning how to efficiently sneak out of her clan's compound their paths could cross and Yoruichi spots her and is like 'well, well, well, fresh meat someone new to tease.' Also honestly if we go w/ their paths crossing and Yoruichi talking about what she does with Mukuro could probably be the push Mukuro gets to go to the Academy when she gets exiled from her clan — To add to the one above the mental image of their paths crossing again but this time it's Yoruichi in her cat form and Mukuro who's just like 'aw kitty~' and as she goes to pet Cat Yoruichi, she says 'nice to see you again, Mukuro' and there's the fun little comedic moment of Mukuro panicking 'did I just hear this cat speak actual words or am I more exhausted than I thought?' — That would also give some good good childhood friends to lovers trope lol with the reunion and having them both be like 'oh... she's hot'
— I love the idea of them being paired up for a mission and then unexpectedly running into one another outside of their assassin jobs and it's just a bit like the spider man pointing meme — Honestly with how horny that Mukuro can get after a successful assassination job, that could led into some spicy moments ;3 — I imagine that they probably begin interacting with one another prior to Yor having that fake marriage but I can easily see that when Mukuro finds that out she's just like... *squints* oh. B/c by that point she's probably developed some sort of feelings for Yor and to hear that she's fake married to a guy would probably set Mukuro off and while she'd be civil on the outside, on the inside, she's absolutely livid and figuring out how to plot his demise so Mukuro could be with Yor. ( if shipping is a route you'd like to take with them anyway :3 otherwise Mukuro could be just absolutely over protective of Yor )
— Ooh I do love me a good rescue plot :3c For instance her clan could change her mind and be like 'oh mukuro's like mega powerful now so we want her back' and then just yoink her in some fashion and either Byakuya knows somethings up almost immediately or it's something like she gets nabbed on her way to/from a mission and people are like 'hmmm she... isn't back yet?' — I honestly just love how soft they are with one another so I'm always down for more things like that. Mukuro opening up more and both of them learning that it's okay to love again. So I'm always up for more interactions like those, like them having walks and holding hands and talking, just enjoying the company of one another. OH! like having a moment where Mukuro is ready to show him her back scars ;v; and that could lead to some sweet lovey dovey moments afterwards. maybe very emotional/heartfelt lovemaking huuhu:3c — I think a thread where either Mukuro gets sick or Byakuya gets hurt and there's just the almost non stop worrying/doting that one is doing to the other.
— I do really enjoy the thought of Itaru's coworkers finally getting him to attend an company party or something ( honestly Mukuro was also probably like 'i'll get you like 10 buys of whatever the highest cost package of any in game currency you'd like, if you go and take me and we can even stay enough for just a quick visit and eat some free food' ) and all his lady coworkers are just like 'aw yessss time to flirt with itaru outside of work' but then he comes in with Mukuro and they're just in disbelief. Because honestly Mukuro also lives off of making others jealous lol. — Either Itaru is out doing like a late night snack run and he runs into a bloodied Mukuro ( not her blood ) or while he's out he sees Mukuro with known Yakuza and he raises questions ( because I'm not sure if she would have revealed that she's an info broker/assassin to him yet - I think she'd probably lie and be like 'oh ya i'm swimming in cash because i'm a rather popular vtuber' ) Either way some good good drama :3 — Mukuro would probably help him increase his stamina ( either legitimately or through... you know ;3 huhu ) or honestly an interaction of like 'oh wow Itaru your stamina has really improved since you've started dating Mukuro, what sort of workouts have you been doing?' and those who could probably get an good idea of probably what the cause is will just go silent and wait for Itaru to explain ( and mukuro at the sidelines like :3c 'yea babe what do we do?' )
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【 plots please! meme 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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lluvia-otsana · 2 years
2,13,20 (book ask)
I got an ask, time to overshare -w-
If you make it to the end, you get a cookie (or you can cheat and scroll to the end!)
2. Top 5 books of all time:
Harrow is def no.1 by far for me, as much as I loved and devoured GtN in one sitting. Both of those books I've reread a million times and hold such a grip on me I can recite so many lines word for word, I can repeatedly open the books just to revisit scenes, I'm so invested in what will happen next in the series, and somehow they're even better on reread. There is always a portion of my mind now possessed by this series lol.
Ugh I'm bad at top 5 tho. I love the Murderbot series too but there's so many novellas in that series that if I include them TLT and Murderbot could take all the top 5 slots. It's sci fi action packed but also the narration is just such fun snark a bit like GtN.
In the same vein of the above books with their dark humor and banter I really enjoyed Nevernight. Probably also cuz the sidekick was a magical sarcastic cat made of shadows. And horny bi girl rep.
Also love When Women Were Warriors - it's my cheesy wholesome romance go to series. It's enemies to friends to lovers ish but soft.. except the swords.
Since the question says of all time, I will include that when I was a little weird kid I was obsessed with the Silverwing series and reread those a million times. Including and *especially* the very strange Firewing book that took place in bat hell lol. One of the main characters gets burned to death in the beginning! Great books for kids.
13. Do you have a goodreads?
Yeah, I've mostly been using that one lately. Trying to combine books/manga/webcomics in one site even tho goodreads isn't always great for shelving manga/webcomics.
If you wanna snoop and spend a second harshly scrutinizing me I think the link is:
Haven't been using it to keep track of books read per year as much until recently cuz I usually read physical books* and wasn't updating times before.
(*I live close to a gigantic indie bookstore I love to support. A dangerous place to live.)
20. What are things you look for in a book?
I like authors with a crazy imaginative mind. I wanna be thrown into a really different universe and experience the passion they put into the details of their beloved story. Bonus points for funny world building footnotes and appendices - I don't care that it detracts from the plot. I don't care if I don't know wtf is going on and I need to think and squint for foreshadowing and to understand the truth of what the characters are feeling - I like biting thru the layers of thick plot and characterization tbh. I love humor interwoven into the series and want to care about a diverse cast of characters. Not cuz it's forced in there but especially if it's SFF if you're gonna write an entirely different world why not put that care into writing different perspectives rather than the default usually cishet and male ones. I care more about the characters' motives and feelings and actions feeling real than them being morally correct. I don't need romance in it I can read diverse relationships, platonic or hateful or whatever (more fun if it's still intense in some way) But truthfully I am a sucker for deep monog romance if it fits somewhere in there.
Here 🍪 („• ᴗ •„)
(And thx for the excuse to ramble at myself @ghostlament)
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
What would you say midorima aomine and kise think of bil!kagami?
what i would say about their thoughts will be in future chapters, of course 😏
idk i feel like a lot can be extrapolated from the chapters already there, and knowing the canon characters. are you asking because you want confirmation?
tldr bil!kagami is not what any of them expect from a fellow sport boy. what they expect is different, based on how colorful (heh) each of their personalities are.
kise: finds him fascinating, doesn't know if it's an act or not, wants to keep poking him if not for being in an entirely different prefecture
midorima: grudgingly respects he's not a "mindless dunking monkey", secretly thinks he's someone not intolerable to meet on the street
aomine: aomine.exe is buffering, try again later
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lgwifey · 2 years
wait omg these match-ups sound so fun. can i have one for hp & one for mphfpc if that’s not too much?
i’m 5’2, i’m white & american, i use she/her pronouns, and i’m bisexual!! if u need any more i have short blonde hair w bangs & blue-grey eyes hehe. i’m an enfp (and if u know anything abt enneagram i’m type four!). i love writing, singing, reading, and just being around the ppl i love- so i’d say those are my hobbies :)) as for style… i don’t rly have a specific style but i love academia, cottagecore, princesscore, fairycore, and stuff like that. the things i wear tend to fall into at least one of those categories i think <3 i’m a hufflepuff and a quiz told me i’d be a half-blood lol. let’s say my peculiarity is that i have like. butterfly wings that’s cool i think lmao
v excited to see what i get!! also do u have a name u go by online? (if ur not comfy sharing ur real name lol) i just wanna know so ik what to call u when we interact!!
𝐈'𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 (𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦) 𝐎𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚
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Okay so...
• I feel like you and Olive have the same kind of personality traits. And that you'd just look cute together.
• You start dating after knowing each other for a few decades. I seams like a long time to know each other for, but things work differently in the loop and one of you wasn't sure whether the other only viewed each other as a friend.
• She would literally love your peculiarity. Because lbh, butterflies are the best (sorry not sorry). She would spend ages just staring at your wings whilst you read or wrote. If you're trying to show her a new book which Millard had introduced to you then there is a 85% chance she'd wonder off attention wise to where your wings where. They're just mesmerising to her ~ "Ol ? Ol ? Olive ?" *quick blinks* "Huh ?" "I was saying about this line in chapter seven-" ~
• Your dates would be pretty small, but cute. They would probably be held at the bottom of the garden or in town, in an attempt to get away from the noise of the kids. If you where in town then they would have to not be obvious, because of the era you where stuck in and all that, but sometimes you two would be really obvious about it just for the fun of them not being able to remember after a few hours. If you're having a picnic date with princess dresses and tiaras, (probably gonna end up happening because we all live for the aesthetic) then Claire and Bronwyn would usually end up making excuses to bring more food to you so then they could join, which Olive was sometimes too nice to protest to, but at least you got some time together without interruptions before they turned up.
• Okay hear me out on this one but, she'd constantly be stealing your dresses. Your outfits are just too cute for her to resist most of the time, so she'd sneak into your room across the hall and 'borrow' some clothes from time to time ~ *olive strolls into the room with a pot of tea* *looks over from the piano, squints eyes* *olive waves* *enoch scowls because why not* *tilts head* *olive leaves the room with the empty tea pot* *turns back to the piano before looking back around to Enoch, eyebrows pull together in confusion* "she's wearing your cardigan, yes." "I thought so !" ~
• When Jacob arrives, he's a little confused as to why you're glaring at him ~ "She's really nice, loves everyone." "Even Enoch." "Shut up Millard." *Jake looks over to where you're sat with a book upside down, looking over the top with your eyes dark and glaring at him* "She seems lovely." *Olive grabbing onto his arm to drag him off to the next room on the 'tour'* "Isn't she just, next is-" ~ . You eventually loose your glare when you remember that Olive isn't into him, after much assurance from her and alot of bad jokes from a certain dead raiser.
𝐈'𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲
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Okeydokey ...
• Okay so I imagine you transfer from Ivermory in like fourth or fifth year and staright from the get go, George is infactuated with you.
• Like it's boarder line obsessive.
• Fred is his No 1 hype man. Well he thinks he is, in reality he sits there and makes sarcastic comments to his twin whilst the lad accidentally stares at you as you talk to your friends at the Yellow decorated table ~ "And here we have a wild George Fabian Weasley. Mating season has come around once again and he has his eyes set on a certain American honeybadger. In fact, he's had his eyes set on her for two years, he's just too much of a pussy to ask her out." "D'ya think she has to wake up really early to make her face that beautiful ?" *Fred looks up from his bacon with a confused look, ends up staring at his brother in disbelief* "It's probably just natural. She's so pretty Fred, isn't she ?" "Mate, if you don't shut up I will hit you." ~
• Okay so you're both pretty different. You're a literature girl ; books, music, writing and academic. He, however, was not. You did find out though, that he was good at potions from all of his and Fred's prank concoxions. And your potions weren't the best to put it politely. You'd obviously been harbouring a crush on him for a while, a few months after you'd started at the school precisely. How could you not, he was funny, kind, didn't cat call you, was one of the beaters for Gryffindor's quidditch team and he wasn't too bad on the eyes. He also had never pulled a prank on you which you where grateful for, but you weren't sure whether that was just because he hadn't noticed you. That's how you became friends, you'd asked him to tutor you in sixth year since your grades where dropping. Fred obviously teased him relentlessly for this because he didn't pull the first move.
• Time skip and in seventh year, after he's dropped out, he asks you on a date. Obviously you accept.
• Another time skip and you meet his family. Because Harry and Hermione are busy stopping the wizarding world from dying, you become the new source of Muggle infomation for Arthur. Obviously, George isn't too fond of your time together being interrupted by his dad whenever you're at his parents house ~ "Dad." "So the machine doesn't have a small elf in it washing the clothes ?" "No. It's just the machine's-" "Dad!" *You and Arthur look up from the couch to see George leant against a wall* "Hi son." "Hiya Georgie." *annoyed wave* "We where just talking about those muggle washing machines. Did you know-" "No I didn't . Anyways, darling how about now that we've seen mum and dad we go back to the shop ?" *Gets dragged out the door* ~
• Side note... but the pet names he would call you. THE PET NAMES. (darling, sweetheart, princess, huffles, honey)
• You end up getting on really well with Fleur, to Molly's dismay because your her favourate future daughter-in-law. You share a bit in common and she ends up taking you shopping in the village she grew up in for cute dresses. She tries to get you into french literature, which you end up giving into trying. Also France has alot of art history so you end up begging her to go on a little art tour with you. Bff vibes.
• I think you and George would just make a great couple in general. It's kinda a yin yang thing you have going on together. You balance each other out.
match up update
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nulltune · 2 years
&&. ‎@igniferous is not safe from the besties
i didn't rb a meme and u didn't send me anything but i love and just wanted to fill this out fot them okok <3
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texts the other memes at 3 am: hakuno!!!! but very out of context and very likely to be cats. wolf would probably be like "wtf is this". would like to think that infects him a lil bit tho! and the next time he sees a meme he's just -squints eyes- -tentatively sends to the moon menace girl- (wolf vc this is what she calls a "meem" isn't it 🤨)
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable: hakuno: "hey wouldn't it be fun if we-" wolf: "no." (she manages to drag him into it anyway)
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted: don't think neither of them would ever be Wasted(TM) but hakuno doesn't enjoy drinking so she'd appoint herself designated driver. i just imagine chilly drunk wolf in the passenger seat telling her some story while hakuno is :| but listening attentively actually. seems fine and dandy except hakuno's not the best driver and with the way she's driving, you'd think they're from gta pulling the biggest bank heist in the world (hakuno: this is a nice podcast -bounces up from speedbump but it unbothered bc she's too short to hit the car roof- -she would've gotten a concussion if she did-) (wolf: SVFKSG ok anyway- it was 428472 years ago when FEKGJSJFKSJFKDKFJ)
always has to host the impromptu sleepover: ok but i'm thinking wolf........ because hakuno would come over and wooooh oh hey it's real hecking late now! she's fine with going back herself (even though she's homeless actually) but hold on wolf's not gonna let her go into the dead of the night like that-- it's dangerous 😤 who’s netflix account gets mooched off of: don't think either would have one but!! i imagine hakuno talking abt it (unable to buy it tho bc she's penniless 😔 /hj) every now and then and wolf ends up getting one some day. he doesn't say it but hakuno sees that there's an account with her name on it already and she's just :0 !!
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie: hakuno would split the work between em! it's funner that say, she thinks (hakuno: nod nod.) so if she brings the snacks, he supplies the movie, and vice versa. it'd be so funny tho because it'd rlly show the difference between poor simple girl hakuno and rich boy wolf sjghdjg
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight: 🤔 i don't think they'd ever get into a serious fight but maybe wolf. .. after he says it hakuno's like "...we were fighting?"  Σ(°ロ°)
is the ‘ mom friend ‘: WOLFF ok hear me out!!! i just think he'd be like those seemingly very strict but actually caring mothers okok. also hakuno's good at taking care of others but not herself so, yes. wolf pls look after ur bestie thank uuu
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail: hakuno and she'd be so extra p l s ...... tosses pebbles at his window (if he has one) to get his attention and then starts singing happy birthday with the most flat voice everrrr. bonus: you know that one scene in kungfu panda 2? where po's yelling to shen but he's so far away shen can't hear him? if that happens with them i just know hakuno's chaotic enough to start climbing the damn walls to get to wolf 😭😭 (hakuno vc it's faster-)
is the better wingman to the other: somehow i feel like they both could be a real good wingman for each other :chinhands: it'd make for an interesting scenario tho!! i think it'd be vvv fun to explore >:3
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘: hakuno can kick ass so i think she might just be the strong in that aspect (tho i think wolf is pog at magic!!! iirc!) (...wolf teaching hakuno magic when? 🧐) but she doesn't choose violence okok-- she's the strong that encourages wolf to show more of his sweet side 😌
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together: wolf with a very big sigh after hakuno's continuous and not so subtle hints for him to sing ("do you want the next song?" "there's no need to be shy" "oh, this song seems like it'd be fun. want to try?") but it comes with the condition that she sings with him !! hakuno chooses drop pop candy and if wolf feels like he might die from embarrassment i would not blame him!
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ldyinblckmsk · 4 years
Always the extra, never the lead
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x F! Reader
Genre: Angst
Words: 1.8k
A/N: Hey, guys! I'm back hoho serving another angst (if you squint your eyes lol). I hope I broke your heart or makes you feel pain or sad coz that's what i wanna make you feel while you read my piece oftrash. This plot is plaguing mah mind. Also, the title sucks lolololol I can't think of anything argh!
Enjoy :)
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It's funny how people cheer themselves up by thinking that they are the main character of their own story. You think that it's  ridiculous to give themselves a fake hope while the fact that the cycle of their story doesn't change anything. They'll never be the protagonist, no matter how hard they try to be one.
That's why you gave up, right. You settle yourself to be just a bystander, watching the main roles act their piece under the big spotlight. Watching the man you love entranced by the stare of the girl he likes. See, it's not you. Because, after all, as much as you wanted to be the Cinderella or Snow White or any other damnsel in distress, he'll never be the prince that will save you. You're just an extra.
Confess your profounding love to him? You already thought of it and considering the consequences of it, you're just a coward who didn't want to jeopardize the only relationship you had with him. You're fine with being his bestfriend. At least, you still have an excuse to be at his house until midnight just hanging out with him. You can still wear his hoodies  and imagine yourself acting like how the other girls did to their significant other.
That until she came.
He spent less time hanging out with you. He rarely even talks to you and ask if you're still breathing. As if all of a sudden, every memories you spent with him vanished like a bubble when the narrator introduced his leading lady. Of course, you were jealous, infuriating to be honest, she stole your man, the ash blond you were crushing since you laid your eyes on him. And the thing that makes you go insane is the fact that you don't have the right to be angry because he's not yours to claim.
The only thing you can do is sit there and let yourself drown in pain. Pretend that you're fine with the set-up and act normal. You didn't want to mess up the play, don't you?
Fine, my ass. You're not a masochist.
They're still not together, that means she's not his either.  They're still at the phase of knowing each other, so you still have a chance to confess. There's no way that they already fall in love with each other that fast.
Here you are in his room, laying comfortably on the silky sheets of his bed, staring at the ceiling. You just invite yourself to his house.
"Hey, dumbass! Are you even listening to me?" His voice snapped you out of trance. "I'm sorry. I got a lil dizzy for a sec. What were you saying?"
"You alright?" The hint of concern on his voice didn't go unnoticed by you and you just cherish this moment that way you always do. Your breath hitched when you felt his cold hands touch your forehead, his other hand on his comparing your temperature. The small act of friendship makes your blood rush to your cheeks.
"Geez. I'm fine, Katsu." You rolled your eyes at him, swatting his hand away. As much as you want to prolong the skinship, you didn't want to make yourself become a flustered mess. "Now, what were you saying?" You propped your head with both hands under your chin, as you roll on his bed now laying flat on your stomach.
"I said are you coming with me this Friday night. We're just going to eat." You looked at him suspiciously. For a second, your heart triumphs.
"Wow, you already want to see me again."
"Tch. Just say yes or no, idiot." You chuckled at his scowling face. "Just admit that you missed me, grumpy-chan."
"You're a pain in the ass."
And just like that, you didn't have any decent to sleep as you were so excited for Friday to roll. Whatever plan he has, you can't help but to think that it's like he's asking you to go out with him. Ignoring the second line he said, you let yourself dive in fantasy.
It's Thursday and you're still conflicted on what to wear, you asked for help of your friends. Surprisingly, they agreed to help you right away without raising their brows and questioning you about the date with the 'mystery man'. 'Cause they already know who it was, just from how eager you look.
Your love for the blond isn't news to them. Being classmates and friends for almost three years, they already knew how your mind works though they didn't really know how frenzy and complicated the wires in it. They just know the surface of it.
"How about this?" Mina showed you the haltered red dress that ends just above your knee. You decided on it right away which makes your friend shakes their head at your eagerness. After that, you're just casually having fun, giving you advices and tips on your so-called date from their experience.
You saw him leaning on his car, permanent scowl on his face while constantly checking his phone. You eyed him from your position, awe struck at the ravishing aura he oozes. The white dress shirt he's wearing highlights the muscle he workrd so hard to built. He looks so clean and sinful at the same time.
"There you are, grumpy-chan!" You walked towards him slowly, smacking his back as your usual greeting, smile plastered on your face with the hint of blush spreading on your cheeks. You watched him stunned for a while, eyes roaming to your body. "About fucking time. Let's go."
You were surprised when he opened the door for you but you just shake it off. He's gentle, seems like his careful with his actions.
He glanced at you for a moment before he went inside the car. His heart went wild when he saw you. He thought you looked prettier when you dressed up. He always saw you wearing baggy shirts that's why when you showed up with that tight dress he malfunctioned for a bit. You looked bold and sexy like a predator hunting its prey, quite opposite from the girl he's pining. He shakes the thoughts of you away as he began to drive.
Akiya is full of sunshine and rainbows. She's sweet and looks vulnerable like an antique dishware that needs to be taken care of. And he has the great urge to protect the quirkless girl. Funny, how he was so bully to Deku being quirkless and  here he was falling for one.
He was so upset to himself when he found out his stupid affection to the girl. Their constant talking amd bubbly personality made it possible to like her. But everytime he's with her, his mind straying away to your well-being. He knew that you have feelings for him but he didn't dig further because you're not vocal about it. With how much his time was spent with you, he cared deeply for you. He loves you, of course, but it isn't like kind of love you felt for him.
After sorting out those endless thoughts, still, his adoration for Akira weighs more than your friendship.
That's why he's inviting you to dinner with him.
The anxiety is bubbling up inside you. The look on his face screams that there's something going on inside his head that you're not ready to unravel. Call it instinct but something feels odd. The ambience around you doesn't suit your guts. You're beyond happy that you're having a good time with him but there's this unsettling feeling that's eating your inside.
Is this what you think it is?
He's the one who initiates the conversation first, sensing the awkwardness in your table. Feeling blue, you just answered him with nods and short words. Clenching your jaw as you forced yourself to smile naturally. It's not really that difficult for you to do it since you are good at hiding.
The dinner was served and you just sat there, eating in silence. You don't dare move your eyes from your plate. You felt him checking on you for the nth time of the night then followed by a sigh.
You fucking knew it. Your grip on the knife was tight while slicing the tender beef. You're silently praying that you'll have the control of your emotions tonight. The night is still young but the 'date' is nearing to end. 
"Y/n, just don't fucking talk and listen to me." His hand combing his spiky hair in frustration. He didn't know how to break it to you without hurting you. "What's with the serious talk, grumpy-chan? It's not like you, ya know." You laughed.
"I said I'll do the talking, idiot." You rolled your eyes at his remark."You know Akiya, right?"
"Uh, yeah, she's the girl you like, right." You said with an obvious tone in your voice, smiling, almost seemed like you're teasing him. Almost. Because the bitterness you felt left a hint on your voice.
Silence. No one dared to speak. Not because of your last statement. It seems like gods are not in the mood to heed your prayer as you desperately trying to stop the tears that you didn't know were already falling. You inhaled deeply, calming yourself down, slowly accepting your defeat.
You were the one that breaks the eerie silence. "So, you two are already together. Is that what were you going to say to me? Or is there anything el–" 
Realization strucks your chords. How can you be so fucking simpleton? A small laugh leaves your mouth while nodding your head crazily, new batch of tears forming in your eyes. He only watched you, confused.
"Oh my god! You fucking knew it. Am I right?"
"I'm a clown. You knew I love you yet–" You laughed again. People gaze at your direction, feeling pity at your state. You are mess right now.
"What the fuck are you talking about? Yes, I knew it. I knew your feelings but your my bestfriend for fuck's sake!" He raised his voice, bloodshot eyes lingering at your form.
As if like you flipped your switch, you looked at him with blank eyes, no emotions were found as you speak to him. "Is it entertaining? Is it funny to watch me make a fool of myself? Am I stroking your ego when I looked at you with fucking heart eyes huh, Bakugou? Tell me."
"That's why I'm fucking talking to you right now. I want you to stop it. I need you to stop loving me because I can't reciprocate it...I love Akiya."
"I know! Don't fucking rub it on my face. I know it. I already knew it! Okay? And yet here I am still fucking hoping that there's still a chance." You're desperately trying to sound fine, wishing for your voice not to crack. "I-I'm still fucking praying that I wish it's me. Why the hell it can't be me? Why, Katsuki?"
No, you're not going to break down in front of him. That will be last tears you'll shed. You shut your eyes tightly, regaining your control over your emotions. You didn't spare a glance at him, looking yourself at your mirror while retouching your make-up. You grabbed your phone, texting Mina to pick you up while you're talk to him. "Just so you know, I'm not going to cut ties with you. If that's what you're worried about. I'm still your friend, dropping the 'best'."
You looked up at him, eyes meeting his for the last time. You saw his pained expression, clenching his jaw when he looked away.  You get up, ready to leave. "Another thing, next time when you reject someone don't do it over a fancy dinner. That just gives them a false hope and that's fucking painful." You chuckled.
Bitter smile plastered on your face,  you prepare yourself for the conclusion of the story. Walking to his side, you bend to him while placing a kiss on his cheek, whispering your final dialogue as the side character.
"Goodbye, grumpy-chan."
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dreamiesdotcom · 4 years
complicated (slow spin-off) | z.cl, h.rj
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Summary: Think of heartbeat, only a little faster. And more demanding. Afraid? Hurt? In love? How different are they supposed to feel? Free fall. Stardust. Rose. "Perhaps, everyone just falls in love with their best friend," Renjun drawls out, "Even just a little bit, from time to time."
Word Count: 2.9k
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All Renjun ever wanted was peace, an alien friend, and a book that hits him right in the gut.
The thing Jaemin does where he's hopelessly in love? None of that — they're almost always falling for each other in such different times that they never align, and when they do overlap, one's feelings is already dying down.
The thing that Jisung does where he looks at Jaemin like he's terrified? Terrified because of how much he loves him in the way he shouldn't? Yeah, Renjun wants none of that as well.
Chenle, too — this boy, how Renjun doesn't want to feel whatever hell it is Chenle goes through every day.
Watching the boy you adore, who happens to be your best friend, fall in love with your other best friend who's in love with your other best friend just sounds like an experience he doesn't want to have. Pining is one thing. Pining this aimlessly is another.
Looking through a classmate's camera as he finds the shot the other asked him to look for? A whole new level of complicated feelings and friendships and he doesn't even want to know. They have a project and that's about his business — so he doesn't judge nor pry, but he chuckles, "Jeno-ssi, did you give me the wrong camera, or am I only supposed to see candids of Donghyuck?"
Jeno blushes red, stutters an apology. He fiddles with his gadget a bit, messing with cards. For the meanwhile, Renjun decides to go and buy coffee for the both of them. It's trouble, really, since he already can't feel his legs from sitting so long but then it might be for the better.
It's less of a drag from when the other sweetly mutters a thank you, and it's a pity that Renjun didn't really get to focus on that.
"Hey, you're welcome and sorry to interrupt you but... Jeno?" he squints at the street outside. He carefully, slowly, sits back down on his chair and gets a clearer view — he can't believe the sight in front of him. He calls the other again, "Am I seeing this wrong, or is that Lee Donghyuck?"
Jeno raises a brow and looks to the side, the park opposite the store they're sitting at — certainly, at 3 a.m in the morning, the boy at question is there. He's walking past streetlights, a cup of coffee in his hands, and now he just sat at the swings.
Now, Renjun isn't his friend; he's not interested in him one bit, but he's not blind either. At one glance he knows that Jeno likes Hyuck, and at one glance, he knows that the person at the park is definitely the said boy.
Again, that's not his business, but that's also not what he's looking at.
Lee Donghyuck seems to be giggling, the brightest smile on his face as he gently swings — only he's not alone. He's with a very familiar person, one of Renjun's best friends, the subject of Na Jaemin's love.
"Uh. Yeah," Jeno nods, turning his head back to his laptop one beat late. He hands Renjun the camera, this time with the appropriate card. Renjun doesn't miss the dull sparkle in his eyes as he forces out a laugh, "Let's get back to work?"
They're not particularly close friends, so Jeno's feelings are not his business; he doesn't think he should even know about it, but hey, it's either that he wasn't so discreet or that Renjun's just observant — it's not his fault that he hesitates a bit, especially when Jeno blinks away his tears like that.
He doesn't want to make it awkward, still, so he nods.
Questions flood his mind as they work silently, questions much like 'Why do people do this to themselves? Of all the people you'd fall for, why your best friend? Is it because you're always close? Is it the mutual understanding?' He doesn't understand at all — looking at Jeno, he's really, well, an elegant person. Not to mention, kind as well. To be realistic, most people fall in love with looks at first so no doubt people adore Jeno, and yet... yet he's here, waiting on a possibly unreturned affection.
But then to consider, Jisung is stunning. That didn't make Jaemin love him the same way. What the hell is this mess?
"It's already 4:30, so what do you say we head home now?" Jeno proposes, and he snaps out of his stupor. Renjun absentmindedly nods.
They walk side by side in peaceful quiet until they part to the direction of their own homes. Before he reaches his, he remembers the pictures from Jeno's camera: snapshots of Donghyuck's sweet smile occupies the camera's memory — one where he's dressed up as an angel, one where his eyelids glimmer of gold eyeshadow and glitters, many of where he's laughing and not looking at Jeno's direction. Some of where he's wistfully staring at his phone.
It kind of reminds him of Jaemin to Y/N, or Jisung to Jaemin, or Chenle to Jisung. Now, whenever he looks at lines that never meet, he'd think of Jeno and Donghyuck as well — because Jeno doesn't need to say it, but his eyes do the work for him. Renjun doesn't need words to figure out that Jeno's in love.
Renjun worries about him a little.
Whenever something intriguing happens, he's almost always accidentally there — back then, when he and Jeno saw Hyuck and Y/N, and now, standing a few meters away from Chenle and Jisung.
He doesn't understand — all he wanted was peace, an alien friend, and a book that hits him right in the gut. Watching his friends do this thing they're so bad at is easily not something he signed up for.
He could look away. He could turn and walk the other way since obviously, Jisung and Chenle would feel awkward if they realized he's there, but then he heard it. Chenle's question. It makes his heart miss a beat.
"How many times are you gonna keep on breaking your heart?"
Renjun furrows his brow. Could Chenle even answer his own question? It's all too ironic. It's none of his business, but it's all too ironic.
He realizes at that incredibly strange moment that Jisung and Chenle appeared like a movie scene, or a drama, whatever works. Something in the way they stand in front of each other is oddly pleasing, an aesthetic so hard to get enough of. If not for the anguish in Jisung's eyes as he falls on Chenle's arms, Renjun would say that it's the perfect sight.
Before all of that, Jisung had smiled and answered the other's question: "How many times can your heart break for the person you love?"
Chenle only stretched his arms as a reply, an invitation for a consoling hug. "Never too much," he wanted to say.
Renjun could see.
How in the world they don't notice him there, Renjun doesn't know. By now, he figures he should be used to his friends being dense. He means, well, they had these feelings for each other for as long as he can remember and if Huang Renjun, Mr. It's-None-Of-My-Business-So-I-Didn't-Know, noticed whatever the hell this mess is, surely they should've known long ago, right?
Chenle stands there alone. Jisung must've left earlier during the time he spent spacing out. He stands behind the other, a reasonable distance away so he still doesn't figure out he's there. He waits for him to resume walking; for five minutes, he doesn't. Renjun makes himself known by rushing and cheerily slinging an arm on the other boy.
"Hey, Zhong Chenle, whatever it is you've been doing these days, how did it go?"
"Same old, I'm amazing," he airily says, startled but comforted at the knowledge that it's a friend and not someone trying to kill him. "Haechan hyung wrote a song. I'm certain it's for Y/N."
"Really? That's sweet," Renjun can just begin to imagine the blush at that friend's cheeks if Donghyuck decides to sing the song on the school showcase. It should be a fun night for them! Jisung is performing, Chenle too, Jaemin as well... his smile dies down a little at the other's name.
"But... Jaemin, though."
It's something he shouldn't know — pretty sure Jaemin thinks nobody knows about his feelings, but then again, how can he hide anything from anyone when he looks at that person with hearts for eyes?
"Yeah. I'm worried for Jaemin hyung and Jisung," the younger wistfully sighs, tugging the other to walk on his pace. He sighs again. "You know how he is."
"I do. In fact, I'm worried about all of you," Renjun hums. Chenle raises a brow, but Renjun makes note of the split-second panic in the younger's mask of faux confidence. Renjun smiles, "I'm worried about you, Chenle-ah."
He makes an odd sound aiming at nonchalance, and it scares him how natural he sounded as he fakes a laugh. He slings an arm on Renjun, making them walk the opposite direction of where they should be going, "You've been working hard and you're saying nonsense now. Let me just treat you ice cream — trust me, hyung, you need it."
The older of the two sighs and decides to let it go. Before that, though, Chenle smiled at him and shook his head, "What's there to worry about me?"
Internally, Renjun wanted to pull him into a hug. In his mind, he'd held his friend and answered, the heartbreak you feel in silence.
Back then, Jaemin told Renjun something very interesting — something about the way he glances at people.
As an example, Jaemin had said then that Renjun looks at Y/N like he does to his favorite book, full with wonder — Do you know how loved you are? How many people love you... how many hearts broke for you... how beautiful and conflicted you are — and well, he agrees. He does feel like that.
Jaemin said Renjun looked at both him and Jisung like twin stars, as if the world is never correct unless they're side by side. One is always beside the other, even when one is shrouded behind clouds.
Secretly, Renjun disagreed: he feels like he looks at them like a scene that was supposed to be but never was. An accidental masterpiece that never occurred because the artist was too careful.
Jaemin said Renjun looked at his almost acquaintance Jeno with a strange kind of familiarity, like they knew each other for several lifetimes but never dared to actually get to know each other; he stared at him as if they were identical. As if somewhere in the boy with hopeless love beating in his heart is a part he relates to.
But Chenle... Jaemin said he looked at Chenle like his heart broke. He didn't go into detail, he refused to, and it left him confused.
A year, seven months, and two weeks from that event, Renjun realizes just why, and he figures out that after all, most things in life are not a choice. Maybe that's why people continue to adore hopeless cases.
All Renjun ever wanted was peace, an alien friend, and a book that hits him right in the gut. He never asked to realize that all those years, he refused to acknowledge something, a big part of him. He never asked to be one of those people who couldn't control their feelings.
"You were a dream that shined brightly above me..." Renjun reads, the words more saccharine and dreamy when it's spoken in his voice, "and just like the fate of a gazer and a star, you are so far from my reach. But still, you've had me at first sight, and all I wanted was for gravity to let me fall from Earth and then into your hold— this doesn't even make sense."
"Yeah, but only because you skipped to that chapter, dummy." Chenle grumbles, stealing back his book, "These are references. They're referencing to the past events you didn't get to read."
"Yeah, but still. It's unrequited love." Renjun answers, "It's way too complicated for me."
The wind blows, an addition to the cold lingering in the air. Jaemin isn't present tonight as he's dealing with the consequences of procrastinating essays for weeks, so naturally, his best friend Y/N should be there too. Renjun wishes no heartbreak to his pure, lovesick heart — something in him knows that it's where everything will lead to, but he hopes it'll go easy on him. Jaemin deserved the world, none of the painful side of it.
Jisung didn't come today, too. He's busy with his performance, perfecting every snap and every turn, every single move that completes his routine. Maybe it's a diversion for him. Renjun prays he doesn't overwork himself, and he hopes the younger doesn't go harsh on himself, he hopes he doesn't beat himself up for falling for someone who was too busy hoping to catch somebody else.
Jisung deserved the world, as well. All of his friends did. Renjun finds himself quickly growing fond of them all from their most lovable traits down to their unnoticeable flaws. He loves them all each a different way, all with the same intensity.
This one, though. This one might just be a little too special.
A deep frown leaves him as he decides to lay down the grass he's previously been sitting on, and Chenle bemusedly laughs, a small sound compared to his usual.
"You're smart. That's why everything is way too complicated for you."
And it's there again, the longing in his gaze, the one Renjun knows is for someone else. The omnipresent feeling of telltale heartache signs floats around him like lustrous fireballs, but the boy beside him seems iridescent, each a different color on every side. If Renjun closes his eyes long enough, he could just imagine himself having control and not fading at the sight of every view.
"You know, don't you?" Chenle asks, turning his head away from the other and staring up at the sky instead. He compares to an epic painting. "I'm in love with Jisung."
"And Jisung is in love with Jaemin, Jaemin who is in love with Y/N," he adds in affirmation, knowing it's what Chenle wants to hear but his mind is far away from being lucid to that thought.
In his mind, he adds, but me? Do you know that I'm in love with you? He shakes that thought away, "I know. I know you guys, and it's not hard to see."
Carefully, Renjun adds, "The words each of you refuse to say... they're in your eyes. All the time."
With him laying down like this, the other resembles the Little Prince from the book Renjun always loved. His blonde hair sways with the wind and the things it does to Renjun makes him heady of stars. Chenle shrugs, "I thought you'd be mad. It could've ruined our friendship."
Think of heartbeat, only a little faster. And more demanding. Afraid? Hurt? In love? How different are they supposed to feel? Free fall. Stardust. Rose.
"Perhaps, everyone just falls in love with their best friend," Renjun drawls out, "Even just a little bit, from time to time."
Now, he gets a little bit of what Jaemin was trying to say but refused to explain: Renjun looked at Chenle like his heart broke. He looked at him like that, and a thousand more unsaid ways he didn't even know existed. He looks at him like all he wanted to do was tell him his feelings, but he was so afraid. He looked at him like he's afraid that he won't fall in love as hard as this anymore, like he's scared that one day he'd be unable to adore someone romantically because they're not this boy, his greatest love.
He looks at him like all he wanted was a sight so beautiful he overlooks the other, and arms so warm he doesn't seek this one-sided fire, like he craves for a drink that'll burn away the confessions stuck on his throat and trapped on his lips.
He looks at the boy he loves with lenses of blue, that in a way where he isn't really sure if he wanted to forget or remember. All that he knew was he wanted to be loved.
Chenle chuckles again, but this time he lets himself fall down and lay beside Renjun. He reaches his hands to the stars, dwelling on how much smaller he is than these speckles of lights, and swears on each and every one of them — "Friends forever?"
"Best friends," Renjun corrects. "You, me, Y/N, Jaemin, Jisung — best friends forever."
And he said it a hundred times, he wants to say it a million more. He wouldn't wish any other way for all of them but always; there is so much he wants to share, so many things he wants to experience with all of them.
They're best friends forever, they've said that a hundred times. He wants to say it a million more.
But somehow, sitting underneath the stars with only his favorite book and Zhong Chenle beside him, it doesn't feel right.
It doesn't feel right to be just best of friends.
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Okay, so since Irresistible Trouble is over, might I request some Spiller x reader with the prompt "i want to be your home." ?
A House is Not a Home
Fandom: The Borrowers 
Pairing: Spiller x Reader (Irresistible Trouble’ verse) 
Word Count: About 1,1k 
Warning: Strong language, if you squint there's a little angst.
 a/n: This was such a cute prompt! I had the best time writing it and I hope you like it!
"Have you ever been here before?" Spiller handed you half of a grape.
"Once, when I was a child..." you fixed the pin holding your hair up. You and Spiller were sitting next to each other on the roof, next to the chimney, looking at the stars and the moon, washing you both in that silver glow.
"I wish I could see stars more often, we don't get them in the underground. They are so tiny, but shine so bright."
"My mum told me stars aren't tiny at all, just very far away, but they're massive. Bigger than any bean or any house, bigger than anything you could ever imagine."
"Wow, how do they stay up there if they're so big?"
"I don't know that," you laughed. "Maybe that's just where they're supposed to be."
If you could see the way Spiller was smiling at you... But you were too busy trying to connect the little dots in the sky and taking small bites from your grape.
"Are you excited to leave tomorrow, princess?" he tried to sound chill. "Just you and me, out and about in the world?"
"Yeah, I guess I'm built for adventure," you let your head rest on his shoulder. "I do always miss home, but I know it will be here when I'm back."
Spiller put one arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to him. These past few weeks you two have spent every second together, planning your big trip around the world (or at least around the city), it was a lot of fun even though it was taking much longer than expected.
During this time one thing hasn't left Spiller's mind, no matter how hard he tried to forget it or push it aside: How sad you were when you thought he was leaving by himself after you found the pin.
"Remember when you told me I make you feel a weird thing in your stomach?"
"You still remember that?" you shook your head, embarrassed.
"What is that weird thing? Is it just an uncontrollable desire to shag me?"
"Jesus, you're smug..."
"Well, is it?"
"Does it matter? You're shagging me, I'm getting shagged, we're both happy."
Spiller took a deep breath, not knowing exactly how to deal with these feelings or the way you were reacting to his attempts to talk about them. He has been with several girls, he would always get tired of them and move on, but he didn't want to move on from you. There was something else there, there was friendship.
"Once you asked me if I was in love with you and I said I didn't know."
"What?" you choked on grape juice. "Why are you bringing that up?"
"Because I think I know now."
"No, no you don't," you pushed his shoulder playfully. "Stop with this bullshit, yeah?"
"I'm in love with you, babycakes."
"Yeah... Right. If you wanna try something else in the bedroom, all you gotta do is ask. Are you thinking of fucking me from behind?" you mocked. "Or maybe you want me to fuck you from behind!"
"I'm serious!" he tried not to break down laughing.
"You, being serious? Spiller, come on, we both know you don't fall in love. I like what we have, you're pretty good in bed and you make me laugh, you don't have to do anything else." 
"I know I don't have to, but I want to," he used his fingers under your chin to bring your eyes up. "I don't know who made you think you're not worth it, that you don't deserve romance or love, but I wouldn't lie to you to fuck your arse, I have much better ways to do that."
"You're unbelievable..."
"This thing I make you feel, is there any possibility that it could be you loving me back?"
"Can we just get inside and have sex? You'll feel better after..."
"Doll, I can't believe I'm about to say this," Spiller took a deep breath. "But sex isn't the answer to everything. Why are you so scared?"
"I said 'I love you' to someone once, he was my whole world," you turned away, hoping he wouldn't see your teary eyes. "He was handsome and dangerous, I liked that about him. He made me feel things, but once he got what he wanted, he was gone. I should've listened to my mum."
"That twat must be really stupid if he couldn't see everything else you have to offer." 
"Like what?"
"Like how funny you are, or smart, or caring," Spiller smiled to himself. "How cute you look when you're angry, the way you sigh when you're having a nice dream, the way you rub my back when you hug me, the way you play with your hair, just like this, when you're nervous."
"Spiller..." you stopped twisting the end of your hair between your fingers. "Why are you doing this? We both know you'll get tired eventually and I like being your friend, I don't want you to go."
A single tear rolled down your face and he wiped it away with his thumb, placing a tender kiss on the same spot.
"You should know by now, I'm not going anywhere."
"Why not?"
"I don't wanna be your whole world, I wanna be your home," Spiller whispered. "The place where you feel safe, peaceful, where you can be yourself, even if it's silly or gross sometimes. 'Cause I love all of you, even the parts you hate. And we're still friends... Hell, you're my best friend! That doesn't have to change."
"I love you too," you murmured, choking on your words.
"I knew it! I'm very lovable..." Spiller bit his lip playfully before pressing his lips to yours. His heart racing after hearing someone say that to him for the first time.
"How is this gonna work?" you ran your hands through his hair.
"Well, I suppose instead of calling you my friend, I'd put a "girl" in front of it."
"Sounds good to me." 
"So, earlier when you said all I had to do was ask... Did you really mean it?" 
"Don't ruin the moment, Spills!"
Tag list: @crisis-of-joy @elliethesuperfruitlover @misskittysmagicportal
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@rebelwrites ✨
When I opened this blog, I would never thought I could find someone like you. You're the most kind, lovely, funny and badass person ever. We started talking because of our language problems, sharing spanish-english translations, and you have become an important person to me. We're talking the whole damn day, about writings, about Mayans, about SOA, making jokes and having fun. You have helped me whenever I had a mental breakdown, giving me all the support on the world, and I couldn't be more proud of calling you my friend. Sending you a big hug with a lot of love from Spain, I will let you read why I wrote for you. And I just hope you have the best birthday ever surrounded by your friends, family and Kiwi. I love you, my lil slut ❤✨
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When Heather wakes up lonely on her birthday morning, she's confused. And a little bit pissed, waiting to do it surrounded by Jax arms. She palms his side of the mattress to check that it's cold, so he probably had to leave the house for some club shit. Putting on her glasses and stepping out from the bed, she walks out of their shared room wearing nothing but one of his large black shirts. Grabbing the fabric in a fist, she takes a deep breath feeling less lonely as Jax's scent fills up his lungs. But some strange noises inside the kitchen push her out of his bubble.
Arching a brown eyebrow over the glasses, pulling the blonde locks of hair to a side, she sticks out her head off the frame to find Happy fighting with the coffeemaker.
“Son of a bitch… I'm going to fucking ki—”.
“Open the lash on the top and put the capsule inside”.
The man stares at her in silence, as if she talked to him in another language. Rolling her eyes, Heather takes some steps closer to follow the same instructions she had given him literally two seconds ago. He is fascinated.
“So, what are you doing here?”
“Birthday”. He replies, as he points himself.
Squinting until she gets the joke, she can't help but break into loud laughs, scaring Happy for a moment because he wasn't expecting. Scaring. Happy.
“Jax asked me to pick you up”.
“No, thanks. I don't wanna die”.
“But you have to come with me”.
“For what?”
Nothing. Not a single word. He has already met his quota of conversation for the rest of the day. When the coffee is ready and the man is going to take the mug, Heather is fast clicking her tongue repeatedly.
“Make yours, grown man”.
A growl escapes from his mouth, watching him close his hands in two fists.
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After a warm shower fantasizing about what her husband has prepared for today, she is ready to wear some clothes before leaving. Excited and with a bunch of ideas running through his head, she puts on a pair of ripped jeans with a comfy white shirt under a black squared franel shirt and her favorite jacket leather. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she finishes the outfit with her favorite pair of camel Timberland boots. Jax has tried a thousand times to convince her of changing them for a new pair, but she refuses, keeping that pair because it was the first gift that he made her.
Getting out from her room, tying up her hair on a messy bun and grabbing her bag, she follows Happy to the outside. Putting on the helmet, knowing that she will have to re-make her hairstyle, Heather sits behind the man not sure if it's a good idea; questioning herself why she can't simply drive her red Ford Fiesta to wherever they're going.
And she is starting to understand it after reaching the racing circuit in the surroundings of Charming. Jackson is already there, resting his body against a long car covered by a black sleeve. The smile on his face grows a little more when the president can make eye-contact with her. Jumping out from Happy's bike and giving him back the helmet, they meet halfway. Jax doesn't doubt, welcoming her between his arms and filling up her face with a bunch of tender kisses.
“Happy birthday, wifey”. His tone of voice is full of happiness and love, placing an arm over Heather's shoulders. “Ready to open your present?”
“Isn't this place too public to take off your jeans?”
The loud laughter that Jax utters makes her giggle. It's not like she can avoid these kinds of comments with someone like her husband.
“C'mon, lil slut”. He hums leading her to the car.
With nervous fingers, she pulls the cover out to the floor. Her heart races too fast, alternating her attention between the present and the man proudly smiling by her side. An immaculate red Mustang Shelby GT500 of '65, with two white strips crossing the whole body. Freshly restored just for her. Her dream car. Heather has talked about it like a hundred times with Jax, but she would never have thought that his husband could find one and all the pieces and original spare parts to tune it up.
She wants to say something, but her vocal cords look like they are freezed right now. Turning at the blonde man, starting to worry just in case she doesn't like the present, she practically jumps onto him. He can't help but cry. Since the first moment they two meet, the only thing that Jax has wanted is to make her happy. To make her laugh. To make her feel loved. To make her feel the most important person in his life. She is. For him, there's no one else but his amazing wife.
“Do you wanna ride it?” He murmurs into her ear, holding her tightly against his body. She nods in silence, she can't talk yet.
When the grip loosens, she takes off her glasses to clean the tears in her eyes, using the fist of the sleeve as her steps continue to her new stunning car. The smell of gingerbread fills her lungs, as soon as she opens the driver door, focusing her eyes on the air-freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Jax can't help but break into loud laughter, as he sees her face looking at the item with a picture of him. Shirtless. The kinds of ideas that only he could have, obviously.
And it's like a damn fantasy. Not seeing her husband terrified on the copilot seat, but how fast her Mustang rides. Taking the curves like in a damn Daqar, almost putting it onto two wheels and speeding up on the long straight. The engine roars like a furious lion, vibrating the road under it. She loves the velocity. It makes her feel like the freedom after a lockdown. Heather has no words to explain it. But the happiness that runs her body is like touching the sky, with Eminem playing through the speakers just like in a dream.
And even if she thinks that the day wouldn't be better, her mind changes as soon as she reaches the yard of the clubhouse, driving her Mustang with Jax riding his bike by her side. A big birthday's banner welcomes her at Teller-Morrow. There are white balloons all around, the crew cheering her up with claps and whistles, before starting to sing to her.
Jax has been preparing it since a month ago, wanting it to be the perfect day just for his wifey. He would give her the moon, if she asks for it. Layla is the first one on hugging her, tightly and transmitting her all the love in the world; before being interrupted by the high-pitched barks of Kiwi. Of course, she should have been there too. Taking her best friend into her arms, receiving a bunch of dearly licks all around, Heather goes straight to Chibs and Opie to melt themselves into a big warm hug.
“Happe' berday', lass”.
“Hope you like what we did. We put on it our best”. Opie says about crying, seeing her so happy, aware that she deserves only good things in life.
“Yeah, but where's the pizza?” She asks with some chuckles, making them laugh.
“Next to the coffee, darling”.
Jackson takes her wife into his arms, leaving the poor Kiwi between their bodies not knowing who she has to lick now.
“Thank you for that, husby”. Heather pouts at him, looking at his god-damn-hot man through her eyelashes.
“You don't have to, my love. You know I would give my life for you, for seeing you smile. That's the only thing I want”. He replies, showing her that charming grin that makes her shake. “I love you more than anything, Heather. I can't imagine a day without making you happy. I can't imagine a fucking day without you”.
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