#isola plotter
bigshot · 1 year
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Permanent Plotter Call for Spamton G. Spamton I made the first one in the old editor and back when I was still getting a grasp on writing Spamton, so I'll be deleting or ignoring it and rewriting it entirely! If you already liked the first one, you can still like this one.
Spammy needs himself some long-term relationships, be they good or bad, so hit this up if you want to let this awful little man into your muse's life! All are welcome and I'm always up for suggestions!
Liking this post definitely nets you:
Memes! Loads and loads of memes!
A live horse (me) stampeding your DMs!
Maybe an unexpected starter or meme reply!
Wanna see some fun suggestions for potential palling around? Or whatever the opposite would be, if you hate him that much? Click Here!!!
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Friends! Spamton's great at making people think he likes them, but it takes a specil kind of person for him to trust! Muses who see straight past his bullshit are the best candidates, as he wouldn't feel like he's gotta sell himself or his products to them! He's got serious abandonment issues, though, so it may be an uphill battle to make him believe someone's kindness is genuine.
Enemies! It's easy to upset him if you go for the ego and he's not exactly an easy person to talk to. In fact, he probably annoys most people to death! Be ready for some nonsensical and colorful insults if you get on his bad side and maybe even a fight! If you wanna kick Spamton's ass, go for it! He is small and awful. He also bites pretty hard.
Business Partners! This guy's been around the server a few times by now, so he's got a fairly firm grasp on running a business and crunching numbers! Things just... tend to go downhill once he starts acting on his ideas. He doesn't care so much about the money as he does being able to run things his way, so he'd be totally willing to hand out advice or help behind the scenes (... ironically, for a price).
Customers! That said, he does love making a sale! If you're looking for somebody willing to obtain and sell your muse something a little less savory, you've got a muse gullible enough to buy absolute junk, or you got a job nobody else is desperate enough to do, Spam's your man! If the price is right, he'll sell or do it!
Romancing! (Why!!?) Haehehaha....! Wait... you're serious!? Spamton's all but convinced he isn't really worthy of affection (hm yes, woobify the scrimblo), fully aware of how ugly most people (including himself) think he is, and every relationship he's had in the past was either shallow or exploded extraordinarily (and that was BEFORE the whole puppet thing happened). He keeps himself pretty guarded when it comes to his own feelings, so if you're really up for it... well, [[God]] speed and buy him things. I do love my angst.
Star/Sungazing/Nature Lovers Spamton is in Heaven right now, literal or not. Most of his previous life was devoted to escaping his home in the Dark World (specifically, the Internet) and getting into the (presumably) Light World, which he called Heaven. He's never experienced things like a natural sky, wild animals, weather changes, seasons... He's often taken hostage by the beauty of it all, he practically worships the sun, and may need help figuring some of it out. Guy's liable to fall into the ocean or get stuck in a tree or just melt his eyes staring at bright lights.
Staring Into The Void Until It Stares Back (But With a Bro) Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like? Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food? Spamton's great at following nonsensical discussions and gets a lot of joy out of it when people entertain or understand his glitching thought patterns, but he's also somewhat aware of his status of being a side character in a video game. Self-Aware muses, ones prone to mad ramblings, or even other Internet citizens would find an amazing conversational partner in him!
And there's always more ideas!! Like I said before, I'm always up for anything and if I ever write up a meme for you that screams "turn me into a thread," know that I'm TOTALLY game.
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witchoftrinity · 2 months
like all the other muses I'm gonna throw out a new ad for the month! gonna keep open for now since I want to get some new interactions here (But if you've met her feel free to like as well!)
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hcrpyiia · 4 months
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HIHI!!! Yumi's been here for a bit now so I think it's about time I made something like this for her. If only to just knock it out and get it out of the way!
ANYWAY!!!! so, I'll safely assume by you liking this, I'm welcomed to slide into your DMS or whichever to plot random stuff and scream to you, send memes, and post sponty starters!
With that being said, down below under the read more is a list of things to explore!
Friends: Yumine is easy to get along with. She's kind and is always looking for friendship. If you think you and yumine will vibe well, then this could be you. You could be Yumine's friend! She needs these anyway in this trying time!
Enemies: it's not easy to make an enemy out of Yumine, even when you do somehow make an enemy out of her, she's always willing to see the person and give them that second chance. Regardless though, there are rare cases where she may absolutely hate your guts. What kind of person are you? If you think you can get on Yumine's shitlist, then let's go!
Found family: Back home, Yumine has a found family in the town that saved her and nursed her back to health. Yumine is actually a pretty family-orientated person and is always looking for bonds to deeply connect with.
Crush/Romance: Yumine has had ONE crush in her entire lifetime and it was with the man who actually was in charge of checking up on her. She isn't incapable of feeling for anyone, but it is difficult for her to get there for a number of reasons! This would require a lot of plotting and a lot of thinking through for sure.
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hollowfaith · 1 year
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hi have you ever been touched by an angel anyways you know the drill please like this post to give me permission to:
hop into DMs for plotting (short or long term)
send you starters/minis (with permission)
@ you or drop into your inbox
throw memes + headcanons about our muses
[insert stuff between us here]
as for relationships here's how aurelius would classify potential candidates:
𖤍 FRIENDS (derogatory 💔) - it's easy to be his friend even if you're just a lowly mortal, as long as you're interesting or different in some way. are you motivated by a goal or crippled by expectations? is something about you fundamentally wrong or broken? talk to him, he's a good listener and he loves to ramble, especially if it's philosophical discussions or chats over tea or advising someone after hearing their sob story (humans get emotional over the funniest things). he can't help the holier than thou attitude, but he's great at keeping his condescending thoughts to himself and treating you almost like a real friend! so there's that. most of his "human friends" fit here because of his superiority complex >w>
𖤍 FRIEND (affectionate 💖)* - unlike fake friends you get to be real friends if he sees you as an equal. the easiest way to get there is to be as cool and strong as klaus. or you beat aurelius himself somehow (but you need to convince him to accept the results first). please be okay with murder and cannibalism before you apply. he doesn't have any real friends (not even klaus) so you'd be one of a kind, which makes you special. but do you really want to shoulder the pressure of someone who knows too much for the rest of your days...
*(limited to 1 slot only for now, everyone else is just friends [derogatory] to some extent, alas)
𖤍 ENEMIES 😡 - be a demon (sorry angel prejudice here). ruin his suit one too many times (he believes in 3rd chances but no more). it doesn't matter if you're nasty or mean or sinful (those are interesting), the issue is trying to drag him in with you when he says no (those are annoying). trying to control him in anyway. trying to control or take klaus in anyway. generally getting in his way. not all enemies are kill on sight, most just get demoted to the friends (derogatory) category if they're a waste of time or get more of his time in return, because you can't stand him either and misery loves company.
𖤍 SERVANTS/SUPPLICANTS...? 🙏- do you like to take care of people. do you enjoy the freedom of following orders. are you okay with prostrating yourself at random intervals to offer prayers and praise to some self-entitled stranger. have you given up on life and just want guidance. OK, then submit your hand for the standard brainwashing procedure (a formality for now until it's actually unlocked) and let him look after you, you poor lost lamb.
PROS: he will come to your events in support (like a soccer mom) and protect you while looking great doing it too;
CONS: you're more of a possession than a person so your rights don't really exist (but that doesn't matter too much in normal life anyways)!
YMMV: no insurance package included but you do get complimentary healing/blessings against demons* for life? *this and all other perks pending unlock of abilities
𖤍 DEPENDENTS 🙇 - you don't actually worship him but you sure do rely on him a lot (mentally/physically/emotionally/whatever), and for some reason he humors you because he thinks it's fun. maybe you consider him your mentor or savior, maybe he considers you his pawn or toy. less expectations and responsibilities from both sides but you can still call on him in a pinch, you just won't be his first priority if he's busy. also, he's nice to you. always. because you're just that pathetic worth it. : )
𖤍 TRUE NEUTRAL 🤝 - you're not weak-willed enough to be used but not strong enough to overpower him, you're just there. maybe both of you have something useful (intel. chess games. recipes?) to offer the other and that's why you get along. you might help each other one day and stab each other in the back the next, but that's fine because you weren't friends (or enemies) to begin with, yes? good for...business associates/drinking buddies. less manipulation and minimum disdain (if any) here, there's polite indifference on both sides.
𖤍 "LOVE" RIVAL....? ?? 💀 - for the love of god if you like klaus or have close relations with klaus you are automatically on this list and need to get off it or get a lover so he can ignore you permanently. a better category than enemies because he doesn't try to destroy you on sight, but the guy sure knows how to smile and glower at the same time. danger level expected to increase after he actually starts developing the right feelings towards his "partner." perhaps you want him to remain oblivious indefinitely instead.
𖤍 ROMANCE 😂 - there's only one person he's obsessed with at the moment but if you one-sided crush him obviously enough he will take pity on you and give you token chocolates on valentine's and etc. so that you don't die of a broken heart (or embarrassment). it's only natural for him to have adoration from multiple sources even if he never returns those feelings, so if you're fine with treating him as some otome game boyfriend come to life with no real results he doesn't mind playing along. it's kind of a mercy for you to be loved this way, don't you think?
𖤍 OTHER 🤔- make up your own category lol
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anghexescu · 1 year
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OH SHIT, another one? That's right. A brand new Relationship starter call. I figured it would be nice to start all over AND maybe add a couple of new choices in here. Anyway, by liking this starter call I'm going to go ahead and assume I can just throw you a spontaneous and random starter whenever, send you memes, scream about our characters in the DM, plot randomly, etc!
Click the readmore to see the options!
Friends? Klaus could use more friends actually. This guy is almost a little too recluse, isn't he? He keeps himself plenty busy with training, working at both Bubu Pharmacy and Lionheart, but that doesn't mean he doesn't ever have free time. Talk to him, see what he's like, and be his friend! I promise, Klaus can be fun!
Close Friends? Klaus doesn't have many of these, but the ones he does have, he cherishes them. He cherishes all of his friends, but there are just a handful who seems to understand exactly what kind of guy he is. May know him in a deeper level, even! Things he's worried about, things he really, really enjoys, what he's scared of, stuff like that.
Mentor? Currently, he’s being taught and trained under Kratos and he’s learning a lot as he goes. From flying, to learning more about how to wield a sword, and learning about other things. Klaus goal is to learn as much as he can about everything so if you have anything you can teach him, he’d welcome it. 
Fellow Angel? There aren't many angels here, but the ones that ARE around, he'd like to meet them. He’d like to know some of the things they go through. It’d be nice to have an angel friend or just someone who can relate to him. He’s actually scared about what he is…It’d be pretty cool if someone like him could show him that there’s nothing to be scared of. 
Rivals? Nothing negative of course. Klaus is probably---MAYBE the only rival who'd want to get better in the way of 'let's get better together.' HAH, wait is that even considered a rivalry, because Klaus would be that guy that'd cheer his rival on!
What about something else? I know there’s MORE to relationship than these, so if you have any ideas PLEASE hit me up! I’m always down for ideas~!
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plantamagicae · 4 months
permanent relationship/plotter call
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hello everyone! i figured it was high-time to make something like this for willow. if you're interested, please take a peek at willow's application and stats page.
if you're liking this post, you're giving me permission to sneaky slide in to your dms to plot -- and you're just gonna have to deal with me being an idiot all the time now. also, friendly reminder.... willow is 15. so no sexy stuff
okay... here we go!
friends: willow is very easy to befriend, the only difficulty is keeping her as a friend. she's been hurt quite a bit in her past by so-called "friends," so it may take a bit for her to really call you a friend.
enemies: who doesn't love a fun bully? willow sure doesn't :) that's what makes it fun. so, for this, you have to do something really despicable, otherwise she'll still see you as a possible friend. wanna piss her off? make fun of her but be an ass about it.
found-family: back on the boiling isles, willow has two very loving fathers whom she cares about very deeply. being in spirale is kind of tough; she thinks about them often and misses them very much. willow is very family-oriented, but she also considers extremely close friends her family. she's always looking for people to add to this inner circle.
romance: willow never really... thinks about romance or thinks that she's capable of romance. she has the idea that she doesn't deserve to be loved stuck in the back of her brain, probably due to all the "half-a-witch willow" remarks. she's grown since then, but not by much (that comes later in season 3 oops). this will require a LOT of plotting -- you have to become extremely close with willow before even considering this. also, she's not good at showing her emotions. she's real good at keepin' that shit in and letting it grow until it eventually explodes.
etcetera: if there's anything that i don't have listed here that you think would be a good time, feel free to message me!! i'm down to clown.
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skyfarering · 1 year
perma plotting call!
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hello! since gran has been in isola for a bit, thought it would be good to finally do a plotter! anywho, i'm not the best when it comes to writing these so forgive me if any part of this sounds a little off!
by liking this post, you are okay with me:
dming you at any time (still a bit shy but dw i'll do my best)
responding with any minis or starters you post
literally anything else
friends. gran is SUPER friendly and loves meeting new people! even if they aren't super extroverted like himself, he will do anything to get someone to open up. he is missing his bestie in his world, so hopefully he can get one here! maybe they can spar together, who knows!
employers. anyone gran would consider an employer, he has had many in his own world and sometimes the jobs he takes on are can be by the same person. if you need his help, he will be able to take on the job!
enemies (?). he's got plenty in the sky realm for sure but in isola? literally only one. not that gran really wants enemies, in fact he would rather steer clear away from any kind of conflict. if someone could just butt heads with him and not try to kill him, it would be appreciated.
romance. I MEAN....good luck, he isn't dense at all...just it's not really on the forefront of his mind at the moment. though there might be someone he is attracted to, not that he would admit to it! but the skies are the limit here and he does have a big heart for anyone!
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kujoutengu · 10 months
Plotting Call
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((It's been a while, and I figure now is a good time to make a post of some plots and ideas I'd like to explore with Sara! There is a lot to her character, and canon simply did her dirty with development, and I want to fix that!
Some ideas I want to explore are as follows: (Under a read more for length)
>Sara making friends and developing meaningful friendships!
In canon, Sara's personality and upbringing have made it hard to relate or connect to anyone, with Kuki Shinobu being the sole exception. I would like for her to come out of her shell and to start bonding with people, and learn how to make friends!
>Sara coming to terms with her adoptive family and how she was used.
In canon, namely near the end of the Inazuma archon chapter we see her going against her adoptive father to follow her own beliefs and ideals, and it marks the start of her finally looking to, and exploring her relationship to her clan, and as a member who was adopted in. Furthermore, we know from canon and lore that she was nothing more than a tool in her father's eyes, and was indoctrinated as a part of her membership in the Kujou Clan. She was indoctrinated both on a religious level (made easy by the fact that she believed the gods saved her life) and politically (her views on her clan prior to the end the Inazuma arc), and I want to explore her finally coming to terms with all of this and breaking it down in the hopes that she can gain some semblance of independence and learn to live her own damn life.
>Sara realizing that Ei wasn't the god that gave her a vision, and that a lot of what she believed about the Shogun wasn't exactly true.
There is no question that Sara's loyalty runs deep, and is the result of religious indoctrination. I want to explore Sara wrestling with her faith in, and devotion to her god and come out the other side more grounded and less obsessive/zealous.
>Sara embracing more of her youkai side instead of trying to blend in with humans 24/7. Let her be free to be non human and show it more!
>Romance. This is very much a long shot, but I would like to have her find a woman to be happy with ;u; This is a very minor point and wouldn't be something until much later, if at all.
If any of these plot points interest you, please like or reply to this post and I'll hop into DM's to plot!))
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kleinstar · 1 year
been planning on doing since like ...... before last event started which is the main reason i originally postponed this, another is just that brain empty
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but yeaaah the usual stuff: if you like this i have a permission to bother you (if i manage whelp im on some social recline lately) in DMs or wherever etc, also i can send you meems as well as bother you during events for some plotting...
as for what relationships i have to offer .... under cut, we can even go pre-estabsh if you like and stufffs (idk when ill contact)
FRIENDS / REALLY GOOD FRIENDS / SMTH ELSE ALONG THE LINES - is what it sounds! eiden's not a hard guy to befriend he's happy to bother you (to the point of nuisance? depends a bit...) He's happy to offer advice, happy to support even total strangers... really he's a guy that loves to do stuff for people from the bottom of his heart! this is true even if your character's a little on questionable moral side (like at reasonable amounts, depends whether you want to keep it lighthearted or not).... he's not a TOTAL pushover but he's also very much a people pleaser -- on the flipside he CAN in fact be a menace himself! Lighthearted pranks and all (he feels bad if he goes too far lol)... - generally though they'll just do with what friends would do !
BUSINESS ASSOCIATES - idk like whatever stuff business you would have with adult toy store but lol well you can always just be material supplier etc. but anything else goes too
COWORKER - he's got adult toy business (eidensspot is the url im too lazy to link) and well, he'd be your boss?
SOME SMALLTIME GIG THING? - you manage to get eiden roped into any job you can think of
FOES?? / ANTAGONISTIC ?? - its less that he would just trust anyone but more just... due to wanting to see things from all sides eiden might give people a little too much leeway sometimes so it can make him easy to screw over (but he wont give people endless chances either tho lol). it takes A Lot from him to dislike person but like if you treat him like dirt he'll have some problems lmaoo. guiltrip, gaslight, manipulate.... whatever works.
IT'S COMPLICATED/LETS TAKE SOME TIME - maybe you just start a little bad and so they have to make some real effort for them to understand each other? eiden might be willing to work it out with even more difficult people. He's very like to try to seek compromises and so on but there's just something that doesn't sit right with either of them... Maybe they just end up kind of arguing when they meet, etc.... things like that. this can be kind of on antagonisic side too ? but for some reason there is this will to work whatever this is out!
MENTORS/CONFIDANTS - Eiden is yours or you're eiden's! In whatever? Eiden's usually pretty put together but it'd be fun to have those people that will kind of challenge him sometimes too, in ...whatever? (ofc friends can be this too lmao but yknow like primary purpose...thing? idk how to put this) Take that more serious side out of him sometimes!
YOU KNOW SOMEONE HE KNOWS AND SOMETHINGS UP or uh something like that? maybe nothings up at all - like... self explanatory? common ground i guess! eiden's great mediator too if needed (tho you can also accidentally end up relying him too much if you like???? or something like that) and so on, self-explanatory enough
SPICY - i cant believe i almost forgot this, we can have it be pre-estabsh or not?
SOMETHING ELSE??? - not here? tell me! maybe its a mix of things ?
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Miyoi Okunoda | Touhou Project
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Geidontei's Finest!
Look at all those Chickens whale motifs!
"Why she wearing a whale hat?" Don't worry about it (It's a mascot)
Food or drink she's got your back
Especially the drink part
Ooooh you want to order liquor from her and suffer no consequences for your actions,
Sike your suffering hallucinations now
But not everyone, just those that deserve it
Instead you should just relax, enjoy yourself, talk about your problems or issues, and be merry
"What's that girls name again?"
Phone Navigation: App | Stats | Threads | Rules
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inheritedname · 2 years
Permanent Relationships & Plot Calls
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I feel this should be a good time to make this for Archer! Although he's a bit hard to actually pin down and decide what I wanted for him and etc, but here's a general mess of idea that I'd feel work somehow.
If you're interested in threading with Archer (Robin Hood), (whether we had spoken or threaded before or not) this is a good way of saying I'm very open to RPing.
This is once again just a general list of what I'd like for Archer to do and what he already does or goes in the first place. These can be pre-established relationships if you'd like or what every context you decide you to envision it!
If you're ever interested feel free to send me a DM, or send an ask!
["true name".] very few know Archer's true name (besides the Servants and Masters, but lets ignore that,) but they pretty much detest the idea of anyone trying to dig deeper into who they are -- unless they had known someone for a while or feel ready enough to tell you. but if you do dig or bother them for the idea of knowing their name, you're immediately someone in their hate territory!  
[close companions 2 friends.] Archer is a bit all too resistant to making friends, if anything- he doesn't see a reason why anyone would have such an expressed interest in getting to know him. In fact expressing one's interest openly seemingly lets his guard down and flustered, and puts him in a position he clearly doesn't know what the other wants. But if you really try to like keep going at it, by showing or just being there for him - he's going to very much likely enjoy your company. Not that he will say out loud.
[enemies.] i feel like at this point he should had had made some enemies (at some point) because hes a generally very not too cheery guy, and maybe what he does rubs you off! yes this is is a call for him to have some enemies (one that he could be either neutral or despise! pick your poison fellas.)
[frenemies] i think they should have some rivalries of some kind, over anything that could be of something your character may have beef with archer. but i would love just having him begrudgingly getting along with someone else only for this moment only. it's something id would not mind doing.
[romance???] its in the back of my head, but i feel archer would at least catch peoples attention/attraction, but one another hand, hes very not into the romance aspect at all! he would rather steer clear of romantic ventures, and if anything - shies away from it. but hes also a complicated sort where he pretends!!! to like picking up people/flirting and the likes, so you're very much allowed for muses to have romantic feelings/crushes or etc, he just wouldn't reciprocate but would bashed fully thank you for it. of course, i suppose it doesn't really stop them from going out on a few dates but good luck trying for that endeavor wit them!
[form a contract] archer is actually an independent servant and isn't associated with anyone nor isn't associated with chaldea! in fact they're mostly on their own! however, i am interested in the idea of archer forming a contract with someone new (other than a fate/, but fates has their fair share init too) and exploring such an relationship of being archers master, and theyre being your servant! how would you *treat* archer or deploy it? after all hes in your command - if you feel you're up to the task. (1 time offer.)
... which also leaves floor to anything else you think of, which i can be open to within some limits. but before that, heres some other ideas of what archer does / goes - if you feel like getting the ball rolling!
[Cafe Au Lait]  Archer works as an gardener at the Cafe, but he can be also sometimes working off-scene with the animals that the Cafe happens to have. Perhaps you would want to ask for advice for your gardening needs, or run across him working as a gardener? Feel free to talk to him about your plant needs - he may be inclined to help out if he's interested. (Always is!)
[Forests or the likes.] Archer can be typically found roaming around in any places that has lots of greenery, in fact you could always find them in these certain places. In trees, for instances, is where they usually hangs for a very wide view of everything. Or anywhere in said designated place to be filled with nature in the wards.
[Taverns/Bars] Another place you may find Archer hanging around are the shady bars, etc. You usually find them in the background, or in the smoker's corner having a chat up with someone or having a drink. Often times, Archer can be pulled into drinking games - which he'll sometimes more or less participate when he's really bored. Other times, he may be playing card games or darts!
and I guess since I might as well list out other extended details, if you'd like to use those for instance! More can be found on his /stats but I have expanded on some for more details!
[Animals] Archer enjoys surround himself with animals, often time birds, but he doesn't mind being around other creatures! No he cannot speak to them, but he can understand them a bit because being raised with some of them had helped him have a keen understanding with some! Perhaps you share an interest of animals - there fore, would love to talk to Archer about the animals he likes to be with.
[Talking to Faeries] He happens to have a deep connection with the mystical being faeries - in fact, he may be talking to some, if there's any on the island! Perhaps, you could bond with him about the faeries, or simply understanding about knowing of a creature you can communicate and see (that others can't.)
[Cooking] Yes, he's an Archer that can cook -- (too many of them!) but he doesn't actually talk about it often. In fact he can be often making new recipes or searching for new things to cook. Perhaps, you have a suggestion, or happen to be hungry?
if any of these ideas / situations / circumstances grab your attention or the like, or you vibe with them, feel free to let me know! thanks for reading this overtly long detailed list that wasnt intended to get this long. have a good day.
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bigshot · 2 years
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☎ ~ Permanent Relationship / Starter Call
Hi all, it's Lexi! I’m usually too nervous for starter calls... but this is broad enough that I think I’ll be fine, even if it’s been literally years since I did up one of these things!
Liking This Post Means:
You can show up in my DMs or askbox unprompted!
You’re totally free to post random starters aimed at Spamton!
You’re alright with starters being aimed your way (I’ll ask, first!)!
You’re alright with your opens/mini being responded to!
You’d be open to DMs about plotting (I have Discord, too)!
You’re gonna be getting memes on Meme Day!!
Alright, that’s out of the way! So... you wanna have a puppet show? Let’s take a look at your options!
Spamton is aware, on some level, of how poorly he does when it’s just him and he has had success working with others in the past (even if it was brief). He’s good at getting things rolling, he’s a whizz when it comes to crunching numbers, he’s lived and breathed business since his first steps... but as soon as he starts marketing, everything goes downhill. 
He’s open to bringing in outside help to do dirty work for him and might even pay, if there’s profits to be had on his end.
Pay him and he’ll be willing to do or get most anything for you, given that you pay enough. Just dont expect to hire him for something as extreme as murder and not see some of that cash going towards him hiring someone else to do the dangerous part.
Spamton may be Post Pacifist and more than just a little lonely, but he has a hard time trusting people enough to call them friends. If you still want to try, though, you’ll need some serious patience. It takes time and/or special circumstances for Spamton to see someone as more than just another easy mark or the means to an end, however mundane or grand his plan of the day might be, and he’ll fully expect to be bitten in the ass or otherwise bailed on if he gets too friendly with someone. 
But once you convince him you’re legit?  He’s loyal to a scary degree. Also, expect pipis.
This one’s easy! Stealing from him is the most surefire way to earn yourself enough fury that you’d think Spamton might just combust, though full on attacking him with intent to kill/maim is going to get an equally as mean grudge. Muscling in on his turf or screwing with his sales works, too.
He’s got nothing to really lose, so insults barely phase him and he hardly considers threats as... well, threats unless there’s some real substance behind them, so do be sure to leave an impression if you want to be something a little more than “that one asshole.” 
You’re the bravest person I think I’ve ever met. Also........ WHY???
If you’re still interested after that chance to reconsider, just know that if convincing him you’re a genuine friend is hard, this is near to impossible. 
Spamton’s middle aged, his glory days are way behind him, and he’s Spamton. He’s selfish, greedy, uncaring, and he smells like a mix of old takeout and cheap cologne within an hour or so of showering. He’s both touch averse and touch starved. His idea of a kiss is bapping his teeth on people and saying “mwah.”
He’s open to flings (and he definitely does judge anyone who looks at him that way) and might even flirt or (extremely rarely) get caught in the furthest, most difficult to see corners of whatever adult entertainment venues might be nearby, but he’s completely and totally convinced that nobody could ever be interested in any genuine way. 
And if you still want to try? He’s got the reverse sales pitch already prepared.
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whosthehacknow · 2 years
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((I have yet to do one of these for him, so this will be a plotter + relationship call. By liking this you give me permission to come to you with ideas for rp and all that good stuff.
Places where Alador can be found:
> Fibonacci Ward, specifically the lower levels where he works and goes looking for scrap metal and various odds and ends for his inventions.
> Cotes Ward: His apartment. He can also be found in the forests looking for strange creatures and beasts whenever the mood strikes.
> Friendships. This man pmuch burned his bridges with Darius (I think?) and his wife (ex wife?), and a lot of his former acquaintances at Hexide (minus Lilith), so he could definitely use some friends.
> Romantic Relationships: He is still going through the motions of a failed marriage and relationship with Odalia, and is really not interested in having a partner anytime soon. If it happens, it happens, but he’s not looking and not interested.
> Family/Found Family: Yes please. He is not a great, or even good father figure currently, but he is taking baby steps to improving his relationships with his kids (Amity currently since the twins aren’t present) and becoming a better parent.
I am open to him having siblings or parental figures as opposed to adopting kids, though the latter is okay (preferably once Alador gets more development in this area.)
> Enemies and Rivals: Yes please! I am completely open to these!))
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isolaradiale · 2 months
POLICY UPDATE (04/27/24)
Hello everyone!
It's that time again! Time for a P O L I C Y U P D A T E or "MFRP PATCH NOTES" if you'd prefer! We have a few things to touch on this time including some policy changes, reminders, and even a new tag!
Starting on a positive note: we've recently made some changes to our Discord server to reduce the clutter and take advantage of the recently added forum channels. If you haven't dropped in yet now might be a good time! You can find a link to it here!
Going forward there will no longer be a rank requirement for a character to have internet access! This was a carryover system from the previous group but we have decided this stipulation is pretty unnecessary so every character will have proper internet access upon acceptance.
We've moved links to past policy updates onto their own page instead of listing all of them on the "important links" page. Only the most recent policy update will be featured alongside a link to this page on important links going forward!
At the end of last month we made a post about communicating within the group. If you haven't read it yet please make sure you do! You can find it here!
If you are writing a muse that is under 18 years of age please do not engage with any dash commentary or replies on these characters that are adult in nature! While we understand that all of our members are adults we still expect that characters that are canonically minors to steer clear from these subjects because engaging in them may make others uncomfortable. Minor characters are explicitly forbidden from engaging with any form of sexual or suggestive content in any form, whether it be as simple as commenting on it.
For those that wish to reserve newly released gacha characters we'd like to reiterate the policy we've had for some time now. These characters cannot be reserved or applied until a full week has passed since their release! So if they were released at any time between 12:00am and 11:59:59pm EST on the 1st of the month they cannot be reserved or applied until 12:00am EST on the 9th! We do this so that there is a one time fits all policy, as different games release characters at different times. There was an inconsistency with this on the rules page but we've gone and corrected it!
When ranking up your character to Subgiant or Giant we request a certain number of interactions with "individuals". We'd like to clarify that these individuals refer to different characters and not different muns. However when submitting your rank up requests please keep in mind that we won't be accepting using more than three characters from the same mun going forward.
Going forward you must have your character's canon age listed either on the application itself or your stats page to be accepted. We understand that in many cases canon ages aren't given for characters but we ask that you make your best guess. If we feel that you may be over or underrepresenting their age we may ask you to change it! In the case of immortal or unaging characters please list their physical age (ie how old they look) along with their chronological age.
We also ask that all existing members make sure to include their character's ages on their blogs somewhere to coincide with the change above! There's no rush to do this immediately but we may start reaching out if we notice accounts without it in a few months!
To keep things a little more organized we'd like to add a new tag! Going forward if you'd like to post a permanent plotter call, or if you'd like to search for one to like, please use the "#isola perm call" tag! We hope this makes it easier to find these posts so that they're easier to utilize!
-- the island stars.
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archaictold · 5 months
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what's this? a permanent plotter repost? in my isola radiale, at 5am? it's more likely than you think... it has been a HOT minute since i've done anything like this. seeing as zhilan has long settled into spirale, i think it's about time i cast my reel into the pond a second time and start strengthening long-term plots for him. i'll preface this by saying we do not need to have threaded before for you to express your interest! if you think your muse can vibe with any of these  ( or even if you have an idea i haven't covered here! ) , you're more than welcome to hop onto this plotter call. 'what does this do, exactly?' you might be asking. i'll tell you! by liking this, you can guarantee:
me hopping into your IMs to plot!
memes for meme day!
spontaneous starters! ( with your permission, of course! )
… and all things good for development! now! onto the real meat of this post!
RELATIONSHIPS. these are the bonds i want to see zhilan develop! some of these include——
FRIENDS. if you've been around zhilan for longer than 5 seconds, you've probably noticed that he is extremely friendly! zhilan has the personality of a sunbeam: it's bright, it's cheerful, it's warm and everything you would expect of a walking beacon of positivity. he's pretty talkative, even when faced with less talkative muses. he's also really trusting and believes the best in people, sometimes to his own detriment. he'd make a good friend to just about anyone, being a rather personable individual! he's got some good ones here, too. i'd like to have him strengthen those, while opening him to new ones! GEEK SQUAD. do you have a muse that's also super nerdy? you're in luck! they probably stand a chance of coming across zhilan in his natural element, that being his lab at the university or one of the libraries scattered about spirale. there is no greater joy to him than positing theories and discussing the nature of one's work. even if their fields differ, he'll want to hear all about it! ENEMIES. now, i feel like it's hard to get under zhilan's skin unless you're the absolute anarchy of humanity, BUT! i do think his optimism can rub people the wrong way, especially if they're more jaded. i'm not expressly looking for people to antagonize zhilan, but i do think it's impossible for him to get along with everyone. thus, i'm leaving this here! SPARRING PARTNERS. you wouldn't know it from zhilan's scrawny stature, but he does dabble a bit in martial arts! now that he's gotten his polearm back, he's actively looking to improve his combat skills… which are admittedly not that impressive, unless he's acting as a support. maybe your muse could act as a mentor, or even a fellow peer! THE MUSEUM. zhilan has a job position here! it's… kind of an odd choice, yes, but he doesn't exactly want to pursue an academic position at the university. so where better to put that treasure trove of knowledge to use than a museum! if you're visiting for any reason, you'll likely come across him among the gallery. just, er… not the abyssal gallery. he tends to keep out of there. THE UNIVERSITY. zhilan borrows one of the lab spaces here for work related things while he's in the middle of setting up his own establishment. zhilan doesn't have his own work office set up yet, but he does spend a lot of time in this one. he's gotten into the habit of helping history and anthropology majors with their research as they've started visiting him alongside clients. he's not a professor here, he swears. but he can't say no to those seeking knowledge! you'll find him here fairly often, when he's not at home or in... YESTERYEAR. zhilan frequents this branch rather often, being the sort to gravitate to old dilapidated ruins and forgotten history. if you know a thing or two about this branch, he'll be incredibly interested to hear about it! who knows! maybe the two of you can explore it together… CASTMATES. zhilan might be a fandom oc, but i'm really keen on the idea of him developing some established bonds with his canon counterparts.  ;v;  their shared canon background already gives them a good basis for interactions, so i'd like to nurture some connections for him with his genshin fellows! aaaand that’s about it! of course this doesn’t cover everything, so if you’ve got an idea and you don’t see it here you’re free to hop on this post and shoot it my way! thanks for reading!  :^)
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punishercross · 20 days
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SO I've never actually written one of these before, but considering that I pretty much constantly have muse for this guy and always want new threads and am just insane about Trigun in general, let's actually make a permanent plotter.
In general, I take these as a "I can reach out to you, you can reach out to me" kinda thing, and assume that one of the categories below is something that piques your interest! Although I will say my DMs are always open, and I'm definitely approachable in the isola discord server.
General content warnings for this character include: child abuse, child experimentation, death, violence, smoking, alcohol, religious trauma, cults.
I read rules before I write starters, but I think that it's important to consider personal comfort with characters when discussing collaborative writing!
Wolfwood can be a difficult person to get close to. While he's definitely one for joking and pulling the occasional con for shits and giggles, he's actually a deeply traumatized man who was trained as an assassin by an insane cult in exchange for the safety of other orphans. He's led an extremely violent life and doesn't shy away from it despite his own deep-seated desire for normalcy. While he's trying to play nice in Spirale, he absolutely will kill if it means preserving his own life. Wolfwood is a sheep in wolf's clothing.
As a rule, I have zero issues with people recognizing Wolfwood from his work with Lionheart, because of the other Wolfwood, or because he's a guy with a big fucking cross and that's pretty memorable. I also don't mind you choosing whether or not he has the Punisher if starting the thread, because he's definitely a conversation piece! Unless in combat, the Punisher is wrapped up in cloth and belts, so unless you've seen him use it as a gun it just seems like a weird cross. Although to note that he's now been in a public exhibition match with the other Wolfwood(s) where these clowns were drinking their glowing Kool-Aid AND firing rockets and lasers at each other, so. There's that. Other notable points include that he usually wears sunglasses all the time, even indoors, and that his "uniform" has crosses embroidered into it. He, technically, is an ordained priest, but he'll refer to himself as an "undertaker". He also may con you out of money, because he's a holy man.
As stated before, Wolfwood can be an extremely difficult person to gain a deeper relationship with. He can be temperamental and is extremely closed off, his world views often differ from people around him given his general propensity for pessimism despite wanting for optimism. While he's trying to be on his best behavior in Spirale due to the influence of his partner, he's still definitely working a job that puts him in dangerous situations. When it comes down to it, he'll pull that trigger, regardless of how he may feel about it at the time. Despite how he can be in general, Wolfwood is particularly good with kids and teens, switching into "big brother" mode as needed. This is especially true in Spirale, as he views any kid being brought to Spirale as being displaced given the very nature of the island. Generally, friends, coworkers, and collaborators are welcome in this category! He's also not averse to found family, as he's an orphan himself.
I would love for some antagonistic relationships, as I'm a particular fan of inflicting all sorts of trauma on my muses and I love fight threads. I mean, ahem, Wolfwood is actually kind of an easy person to have an antagonistic relationship with. Between his upbringing, his job here in Spirale, and his affinity for pushing people's buttons, it's not that hard for the undertaker to get on someone's bad side. Alternatively, as he's generally accepting of most walks of life, it can take more to provoke him than it typically takes for him to provoke others. Being on the other end of the Punisher isn't entirely a reason for him to hate someone, and a job's a job. He will, of course, defend himself, but as he has generally low self-esteem, he tends not to take much too personally, especially from strangers. After all, it's hard for people to mistreat him more than he already has been, and he has low expectations of most people he meets. Of course, he can be provoked if it involves people he deeply cares about, or if a kid is being treated poorly. He'll definitely sucker punch someone on a kid's behalf.
PLOT IDEAS (Updated 5/26/24)
Working Dangerous Jobs - I love putting Wolfwood into SituationsTM that test his character development. The more dangerous the better. I enjoy making NPCs to involve in this, too, so we can have a pretty extensive mission for our muses to go on.
Fight! Fight! Fight! - I'd really like him to get into more fight threads. How far those go, well, we can play that by ear depending on the why of it all!
Stranded in the Mistwood - He frequently travels between The Land of Burnt Umber and the center of the island for work, which means driving through the Mistwood. Having a bike break down in the Mistwood is more than a possibility, and I think it could leave room for shenanigans, danger, or both!
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