#it IS very cute ;___;
nipuni · 1 year
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Once again I bring you some Eriks 😊
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m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s · 2 months
DUCKY! I love the idea of Crosshair calling his beloved Ducky. Not to project myself or to give a plot idea, I was chased by a duck when I was tree years old. It's a core memory of mine. Anyways, I just came to formally request something along the lines of Crosshair calling his female S/O Ducky because it feels like it would just be so cute!! ❤️✨
also did i like finish this and then forget to post it.
does it matter?
also, let me know if you guys would be interested in a part 2, because i really want to, and it would be so cool if someone requested it okay anyway here is the fic :)
Crosshair x F!Reader, pt. 1
Word Count: 1,637 words
Warnings: N/A, besides use of nicknames
Genre: Angst & Hurt/Comfort, but there’s no comfort at all, it’s just hurt
Description: An argument with Crosshair leads to a ducky conclusion.
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Lucky Ducky
You had to be an idiot to think this mission was going to go well. Idiotic. Out of your mind.
Magically, your alarm hadn’t gone off this morning. You knew for a fact you had set it last night, you even remember wishing Tech a “good night” before setting it. It was set, you were positive.
Funnily enough, the gear you had set out for yourself the following morning was also gone, strewn randomly around the ship. The rest of the Batch didn’t appreciate the messily placed gear, even though you knew for a fact you had set it all up for yourself.
Oh, and your pillow.
You knew exactly what had happened to your alarm, the gear, the pillow. Or better yet, who.
Who was also paired with you during this mission.
What Hunter was thinking, you’ll never know. Pairing you with Crosshair was a choice. A very, very, very idiotic choice.
Crosshair and you had never gotten along. For as long as you had been with the Batch’s chaotic family dynamic, Crosshair was an estranged member. Extremely estranged from you.
From the start, he had been pushing your buttons left and right, up and down, side to side. Jamming, breaking, everything he could do to annoy you, upset you, anything at all. Even though you could jab back, he still annoyed you to no end.
Like right now.
“Hurry it up, sweetheart. You’re holding me up,” Crosshair declared, paces ahead of you.
You had been trapezing with Crosshair through the grassy landscape. Mossy green trees towered above you, poppy reds, baby blues, and sunset oranges decorated the grass in the shape of flowers. The sun was high, clouds cradling the energy source. It should have been extremely relaxing.
“Holding you up, or holding you back?” You grumbled, trampling through some brush Crosshair had failed to hold back for you. You were positive he had done that on purpose.
“Both.” He responded, still walking ahead of you.
“Get over yourself, princess.” You commented, mood souring from how annoying the sniper could be.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Whatever, princess.”
An irritated sigh escaped Crosshair’s lips, helmet removed in the short spout of insults.
Maker, you couldn’t stand him.
Luckily, you were fast approaching the hillside you needed to keep eyes from while the rest of the Batch snuck into a base. It housed some tech thing you needed, and you and Crosshair were to “get along and keep watch”.
You could keep watch, but get along? That would be a stretch. Yet now, finally up here, it was a perfect time to confront him.
You two approached the top of the hillside, Crosshair preparing to settle in for the watch.
This was the time to strike.
“I know you messed with my stuff,” you mentioned nonchalantly, turning towards the sniper. He was getting his weapon ready, eyeing you with that annoying smirk he had.
“Not sure what you mean there, sweetheart.”
So annoying.
“I know you messed with my stuff! I know you turned off my alarm, and you moved my gear, and both sides of my pillow were warm!” You exclaimed, spinning to face him.
Anger was beginning to simmer in your blood, aggravation tickling the nerves of your already short fuse with Crosshair. A fuse that could spark at any moment, yet you knew if you reigned your emotions in for long enough, you could spark him when the time was right.
“Still not sure what you mean, sweetheart,” he sneered, body now turning to face you in response. His demeanor remained unchanged, but his eyes were starting to narrow.
“I know you messed with my stuff, Crosshair,” you remarked, the springy green landscape suddenly becoming interesting. If you played it right, you would be successful.
He just had to take the bait.
“You know, it’s wrong to frame people,” he answered, walking forward for a better scope on the hillside. You could give up now, but you felt persistent today.
And he had taken the bait.
“Well then I guess it’s wrong to say I’m a better shot than you.”
It was like his breathing stopped.
Time to push his buttons. Revenge for him messing with your morning.
“Well, I mean, it’s true. My shot has gotten better at the range. I would say it even rivals yours,” you commented, acting as if it was the simplest thing.
He spun to face you. A fiery flame burned within his eyes. Hell was waiting for you in those eyes.
Too bad hell didn’t scare you.
“What did you just say,” he snarled, weapon being abandoned. He strode up to you, yet you stepped back in sync.
You realized he wasn’t asking either.
He was demanding.
“Oh, just that my shot rivals yours, princess,” you repeated. A huffing growl broke through his teeth. He continued to prowl toward you, the fire dancing wildly in his eyes.
It was a strange tango you were doing. You, the prey, pushing buttons to no end, wanting to see the outcome. Crosshair, the predator, ready to rip you a new one.
Maybe if you just pushed a tad bit more…
“I mean, you just have to accept I might be a better shot, princess.”
“Stop. It.”
“It’s alright, it happens to the best-”
You never got to finish your sentence. Instead, you were screaming.
You had fallen off the hillside.
Or better yet, Crosshair had pushed you.
Instantly, you were tumbling down the hill at full speed, unable to stop yourself.
“Shit,”Crosshair mumbled, racing to the bottom of the hill.
You were no longer in a grassy landscape, you instead had landed in a bright cerulean blue pond. Blooming pink and white blossoms decorated lily pads along the edge, pond moss floating on the surface. A couple of reed bushes were hanging over the edge as well. Behind you, flourishing trees extended leafy arms out over the pond, providing shade.
It would’ve been a much more pleasant view if you weren’t wading in it.
Crosshair reached the edge, a strange sort of panic and concern plaguing his face.
For some reason, your heart twisted at the look on his face. Almost like it pained you.
Like he hadn’t meant to push you at all.
You waded closer to shore, sitting up in a shallower portion of the pond. Water pooled around you, and somehow the anger you were holding onto burnt out.
His expression didn’t make sense to you.
How could he look so… sorry?
Quack. Quack. Quack.
Your mind halted, eyes searching for all the noise. A quick look around you showed you the answer.
All around you, golden creatures had surrounded you. They were tiny, orange webbed feet paddling around you. Soft, fuzzy, cute. As you leaned your head down, it occurred to you what the adorable creatures were.
Baby ducklings.
Quack. Quack.
You almost hadn’t noticed the laughter that rang through the air.
Crosshair. Laughing.
The sound caught your ears by surprise, heart twisting once again. Strangely, the twist felt different.
“What’s so funny?!” You demanded, the little ducks still swimming around you in glee. Your eyes darted between the laughing sniper and the cute creatures, as if you couldn’t believe which was crazier.
“Nothing. It’s just- well…”
His eyes glistened with joy.
You had a feeling you weren’t going to like his next words.
“You’re just one lucky duck, aren’t you?”
You groaned, earning another round of laughter. You couldn’t believe it. Not only did he have the audacity to push you off the hillside, but now he was standing here, laughing at you.
A shout rang out from behind you, suddenly allowing you to be greeted by the sight of the rest of the Batch.
“What are you two… doing?”
Hunter had lost his yell halfway through, confusion clouding his expression at the sight. The rest of the Batch looked just at shock, all of them at a loss for what to say. They weren't sure what to question first, Crosshair laughing, you being surrounded by ducks, or how keeping watch had turned into this.
Quack. Quack. Quack.
“Well, Ducky here decided she needed some swimming lessons with her new friends,” Crosshair snickered, face plastered with that stupid smirk.
Oh, now he had really done it.
“Ducky?! You’re joking! Not only do you push me off the hillside, you laugh at me, and you give me a nickname?!” You screamed, shooting straight up. Your anger had suddenly returned, nerves fried with anger and pond water.
Crosshair’s smirk disappeared, laughter dying with it.
His face changed, becoming unreadable, yet his eyes held an unfamiliar guilt
“I’m going back to the ship,” you muttered angrily, eyes piercing Crosshair’s gaze.
You stumbled out of the pond, dripping like a wet towel. Pushing past Crosshair, you started trekking back towards the ship. Protests rang out from the others, but you ignored them.
Hunter was out of his mind for pairing you up with Crosshair, you were an idiot for thinking this mission could have gone well, and you were certainly idiotic for pushing his buttons just to get at him. Even if it had made you feel like you had the power in your court for once.
You weren’t idiotic enough to miss the guilt in his eyes though. That in itself made your heart do that ugly twist again.
Your mind was like the pond, splashed with confusion, guilt, and uncertainty. You were too distracted to even realize you were leading a line of ducklings behind you. It wasn’t even until halfway back to the ship that you noticed, eyes scanning the tiny line of creatures.
Quack. Quack. Quack.
You closed your eyes, sighing in exasperation.
Quack. Quack.
Some lucky duck you were indeed.
taglist: @padawancat97
also tagging the lovely @moonstrider9904, as well as a few others who I think would like to see this! @hellothere-generalangsty@nahoney22 @eyecandyeoz @baddest-batchers @ladysaturnsdust @leenabb104104 @snowlotr @thora-sniper @dalu-grantkylo
If any of those tagged, or anyone else is interested in being on my taglist, here is the form to fill it out, or leave your interest in the comments. You can also find my taglist form on my pinned post!
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Kazutora's voice sounds so excited in the festival event it makes me so happy
Specifically the way he says "yay" here, he's so proud of himself!!!
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I couldn't resist the meme
Picrew tagged by @the-trinket-witch
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A lot of ppl have already been tagged so I'll tag anyone who'd like to do it!
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xxmoonch1ldxx · 9 months
Today I offer you: Anthony being cute and Ian fisting his mouth
Tomorrow? Who knows.
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ironladders · 4 months
i love doing TYMs with ashrah because of her 😊 face when you succeed
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ruyakasunshine · 13 days
arda speaking Spanish 🤏
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secretagent9 · 10 months
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no clue what i'm gonna use it for but it'd make for a nice place to store all of my omori goods™ until i figure out what else to do with it, though if anyone's got any ideas, i'm aaaaall ears!
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possuminnit · 11 days
what game is that? it looks so cute
Little witch in the woods! I think it's around $14 usd on steam :)
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so last night pa came home from a day and night of drinking with a stray kitten
I am hoping he decides to hand it off but in the event he does not I am putting my foot down on taking care of it appropriately
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So does Fourth just like touching Gemini's chin so much that he works it into his characters..... or is it just some weird coincidence that both Li Ming and Gun do that?
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sidetongue · 2 years
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some more photos of our friends 
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wyrddogs · 1 year
Wish I'd asked a classmate to video agility class last night.
We're introducing the concept of driving ahead over obstacles, so we're working up to a three-jump sequence in a straight line. (Zaku is running with the bars removed because he is un infante.) Put some hot dogs down on a spot plate, set dog up in front of the first jump, send to hot dogs. Set up dog behind first jump, send to hot dogs. Set dog up in front of second jump, send to hot dogs, etc.
We got as far as going over the second jump last night and Zaku did great! It's a pretty difficult sequence-- I make him sit while he's thinking about hot dogs, have him stay, move four steps away from him, and then send him forward. Then he has to run in a straight line between two separate jump stanchions. Hard stuff for a young puppy! But he was holding his stay and driving forward with a lot of enthusiasm, so I'm happy with it.
The reason I wish I'd gotten a video is because on the third rep my agility trainer remarked that while he's running at his top speed, his feet are going in four separate directions. Gotta love the puppy awkwards.
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aimless-passerby · 5 months
Omg, this one is cool! Vietnamese edition?
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inseparableduo · 7 months
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Imagine having a sleepover with these two,,,
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chistery · 11 months
best jokes in 'The Producers'
"ill decide who goes braughless around here"
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