#it came from the nightosphere
cornaby · 5 months
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I May or May Not have started another high-effort project that’s going to take me forever;
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outofccontext · 7 months
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source: Adventure Time. S2E1: "It Came From the Nightosphere"
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haemosexuality · 10 months
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marceline has the best drip in adventure time so i decided i want to, draw all her looks ig. or at least all the ones i like. im excited to see how many i do before giving up (part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5)
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peachpaws0 · 1 year
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”How could you embarrass me like that and then stab my dad?!” S2 E1 - It Came From The Nightosphere
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atiming · 8 months
It came from the Nightosphere.
This episode being the opener of season 2, nearly coming off the tails of Henchman, really cements the direction Marcy's character ends up taking. Admittedly, Eviction already had a few bits that'd get built upon— namely the being a thousand years old and losing sight of one's moral code; but it's mostly a really mean-spirited introduction. Henchman really picks up the slack and introduces Marcy as a genuine friend to Finn and cements core aspects to her character. She's an edgelord that likes looking cool, and while she's not necessarily evil or malicious, she still has a genuine mean streak to her due to her immaturity (which Heat Signature elaborates upon nicely).
Similarly, It came from the Nightosphere introduces an even bigger and even more overwhelming facet to her character— that is, under her cool act lies a really troubled girl with lots of emotional baggage (understatement of the millennium).
In typical Adventure Time fashion, the way it's presented is cheeky and ironic. The fries song is silly out of context by itself, but the sequence of Finn's beat boxing deflating into a troubled sigh is a great gag to kickstart the episode. The idea that seemingly the central conflict of the song is something as silly as fries getting eaten being contrasted to bombs such as "Daddy, do you even love me? 'Cause I wouldn't know it" is pretty funny on its own, but the fact the first thing Hunson does upon arriving to Ooo is to try to suck Finn's soul, to which Marceline dryly remarks he always does things like that pushes the joke further. He tries to kill her friends constantly, but she cries over the fries. I didn't remember the comedic genius behind the Fries song.
The episode unfolds in a similar comedic fashion. While Finn is horrified over the evil he has unleashed on Ooo and wants to stop him, Marceline remains brattily self-centered, only concerned about her bass or her longing for an actual loving relationship with her father. "I just want my dad to care about me" It's an extremely funny non sequitur.
While Hunson's "evil worldview" and Marceline's inability to be upfront with her emotions are the purported tension between them, I actually appreciate the fact it undercuts the "touching" heart-to-heart of Hunson's "But I do love you!" since it leaves more room to explore the storyline (and I hate Hunson's neglectful ass lol). Furthermore, it strikes as being a genuinely more grounded and emotionally complicated route to have Marceline acknowledge his love as True but still finding having to confront him exhausting and still having lingering resentments.
Overall, a really solid early episode establishing Marceline's character while still being cheeky and refusing to present or resolve the conflict straightforwardly, which would come to be one of AT's bigger writing strengths over time.
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It Came from the Nightosphere: Finn accidentally unleashes a great evil onto Ooo when he tries to reunite Marceline with her father.
Lemonhope: Lemonhope struggles between his desire for freedom and his responsibilities to his people.
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yahoo201027 · 9 months
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Day in Fandom History: October 11…
When Finn summons the dark lord of the Nightosphere, Hudson Abedeer, Marceline’s dad, in hopes of reconciliation with his daughter, Hudson heads out and try to attack the people of Ooo and steal their soul. The first episode of Season 2, “It Came from the Nightosphere”, premiered on this day, 13 Years Ago.
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mifil · 9 months
Hoo boy, there were a lot of designs in the ep 7.
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Maja and Crabbit
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Gridface Princess
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Obviously, Ricardio.
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Magic Man and Ron James
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Bandit Princess on the left, no idea who that might be on the right
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That's the pianist from the Henchman!
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Doctor Princess
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The Warden from It Came from the Nightosphere!
That's all that is obvious to me. Feel free to share if you know about any other people in those scenes.
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s02 ep01 - It Came From The Nightosphere : written and storyboarded by Adam Muto and Rebecca Sugar
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slymewizard · 9 months
IF ANY OF YALL HAVENT WATCHED ADVENTURE TIME OR STOPPED PARTWAY THROUGH AND WANNA BINGE IT BEFORE FIONNA AND CAKE ENDS NEXT WEEK HERES A LIST OF EPISODES THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT! (And a few that are just good to watch in general) (Adventure Time lore is dense and filled with references to previous episodes so theres a lot to cover even cutting out unimportant ones. Start as soon as possible so you guys can finish in time for thursday)
Season 1: The Enchiridion, Ricardio, My Two Favorite People, Evicted, What is Life, Ocean of Fear, Freak City, Henchman, Finn Meets His Hero
(9 episodes)
Season 2: It Came From the Nightosphere, The Real You, Death In Bloom, Susan Strong, Go With Me, The Limit, Mortal Folly, Mortal Recoil
(8 episodes)
Season 3: Memory of a Memory, Too Young, Wizard Battle, Fionna and Cake, What Was Missing, The Creeps, Beautopia, Holly Jolly Secrets (parts 1 and 2), Dad’s Dungeon, Incendium
(11 episodes)
Season 4: Hot to the Touch, Return to the Nightosphere, Daddys Little Monster, In Your Footsteps, Sons of Mars, Burning Low, Lady and Peebles, You Made Me, I Remember You, The Lich
(10 episodes)
Season 5: Finn the Human, Jake the Dog, Jake the Dad, All Your Fault, Bad Little Boy, Simon and Marcy, Puhoy, Be More, Sky Witch, Frost and Fire, Too Old, Earth and Water, The Vault, Play Date, The Pit, Apple Wedding, Blade of Grass, Rattleballs, Betty, Lemonhope (Parts 1 and 2), Billys Bucket List
(22 episodes)
Season 6: Wake Up, Escape From the Citadel, The Tower, Breezy, Something Big, Joshua and Margaret Investigations, Is That You, The Cooler, Evergreen, Astral Plane, Gold Stars, The Visitor, The Mountain, Dark Purple, Jermaine, You Forgot Your Floaties, Orgalorg, On The Lam, Hot Diggity Doom, The Comet
(20 episodes)
Season 7: Bonnie and Neddy, Varmints, Mama Said, Stakes (Parts 1-8), The More You Moe the Moe You Know, Kings Ransom, Crossover, The Hall of Egress, Flute Spell
(16 episodes)
Season 8: Broke His Crown, I Am A Sword, Bun Bun, Normal Man, Elemental, The Music Hole, Preboot, Reboot, Two Swords, Do No Harm, Jelly Beans Have Power, Islands (Parts 1-8 except maybe 2)
(18 episodes)
Season 9: Orb, Elements (Parts 1-8), Abstract, Ketchup, Fionna and Cake and Fionna, Whispers, Three Buckets
(14 episodes)
Season 10: The Wild Hunt, Bonnibel Bubblegum, Seventeen, The First Investigation, Jake the Starchild, Temple of Mars, Gumbaldia, Come Along With Me
(8 episodes)
(136 episodes total, 143 episodes skipped, approximately 25 hours and 40 minutes total)
None of Distant Lands is SUPER necessary but I recommend watching all of them.
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multiversal-madness · 8 months
So...what is Hudson's relationship with simon like? How does simon feel about his dad?
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In short, it is the epitome of 'complicated'.
As for the longer explanation, I'll start at the beginning when Simon was just a kid, which was when he first met his dad. It wasn't a good first impression.
I imagine when Simon was a kid, he didn't have too many friends. Maybe some kids would try to befriend him at first, but either he accidentally scared them off or their parents told them to stay away from him, both happening because of his unnaturally grey skin, his pointy ears, his sharp teeth, claws and the way his eyes weren't always human.
With no one but his mother around, Simon was desperate for connection, so he did some digging and found a way to summon his father and that's where things went wrong. Simon accidentally ended up setting Hunson loose on the small town he lived in.
A lot of people lost their souls that night, but luckily Simon's mother was able to send Hunson back to the Nightosphere before he did too much damage. She heavily scolded Simon for summoning him and the two fled the town to avoid suspicion. Simon didn't sleep properly for a long time after that incident.
But surprisingly enough, as he got older he didn't hold as much as a grudge against his dad as he felt he should have. He came to understand that some demons just don't have morals, and even if some did they were nothing like human morals. Hunson was just one that had no morals or sense of good but he did love Simon.
Simon in his late 20s/early 30s would start visiting Hunson infrequently, as he still hadn't 100% forgiven Hunson and he didn't really like how the Nightosphere affected him (a headcanon for another time).
Their relationship stayed pretty much the same from that point to a while after the mushroom war. When the Lich had begun his attack on Ooo, he worked alongside Princess Bubblegum and Billy to fight his forces, but it wasn't enough.
Kingdoms were falling to ruin in days and with the Lich going after the gems of power, not only were himself and Bubblegum in danger, but so was Marceline - or Frostbite Queen as she now went by.
Simon went to Hunson to ask for the Nightosphere's army (or the closest thing his father had to an army). Hunson agreed, with a caveat. He'd allow Simon to command the forces of the Nightosphere if he agreed to become ruler of the Nightosphere.
Even though he was angry at Hunson for pushing such a thing at a time like that, he didn't see any other option. He agreed to it and was allowed to use the demons in the fight against the Lich, becoming the ruler of the Nightosphere in the process.
And as ruler, he was now the owner of the Nightospheric amulet. He barely uses it, just as a last resort since he can only just control it for a small amount of time.
Though Hunson's time apart from the amulet actually does him some good. He's still evil and Simon doesn't trust him to wander Ooo without some form of suppressor so he doesn't suck souls, but by the time show would take place, Simon and Hunson are on fairly good terms.
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outofccontext · 7 months
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source: Adventure Time. S2E1: "It Came from the Nightosphere"
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j4gm · 10 months
Fave AT episodes from each season?
Ooh I think I've answered this before but it's always a fun one.
Season 1 you've got to go with Evicted, the Marceline episodes really are the standouts of that season.
Similarly for Season 2 I'd probably go with It Came from the Nightosphere but with Together Again hindsight I am also a big fan of Death in Bloom.
Season 3 has so many good episodes, I have to go with What Was Missing overall, but my favourite lighter episode of that season is Hitman.
Season 4 has got to be I Remember You, with Princess Cookie being my favourite lighter episode.
Season 5A for me is a toss-up between All the Little People and Simon & Marcy.
Season 5B I have been swayed by Tipsy's The Vault propaganda but I also love Bad Timing and Time Sandwich and a lot of others in that season.
Season 6 is insane but I am gonna have to stick to my guns and say You Forgot Your Floaties is my favourite, despite Jake the Brick being the episode I go back to watch the most often.
Season 7 (in the new season order not the old order) has the whole of Stakes but since I can't just say the whole of Stakes I will instead go with Varmints. Also Hall of Egress.
In Season 8, High Strangeness beats out the whole of Islands for me. I just love that episode.
Season 9 I would go with Three Buckets.
Season 10 would be the finale for me, since I absolutely loved that when it came out, but if that's cheating then my runner-up is Bonnibel Bubblegum.
I wonder if this is the same as what I've said before.
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jakesuit0 · 8 months
Go With Me Review
“Go With Me” manages to give more insight into multiple different character dynamics in the span of 11 minutes. Finn and Bubblegum, Jake and Marceline, Finn and Marceline, and Marcy and PB have series defining moments for their relationships, with even some super insightful Finn and Jake interaction sprinkled in. Not even the 90-minute Stakes miniseries manages to accomplish that. 
Despite Finn’s puppy love for Princess Bubblegum, Finn does not understand romance nor is ready for it. Despite this, Jake pushes Finn to bring a date to couple’s movie night. Jake and Marceline encourage Finn to pursue someone who is too old for him, albeit for different reasons. Jake has a naive view of romance, and has no frame of reference for how to help a (barely) teen human boy deal with his feelings. He views Finn as someone capable of having true romantic feelings, which Finn clearly isn’t yet. Finn immediately shoots down PB’s description of the night as “romantic”. PB declines for whistling practice. I don’t think this was just an excuse to turn down Finn. Bubblegum finds Finn's crush on her cute and harmless in the first two seasons. I think she’d be willing to humor him by attending, not yet knowing the effect that kind of behavior has on Finn. Jake gives more terrible advice, pushing Finn to keep pursuing PB. 
Marcy’s introduction into this episode is great, with the slow split screen reveal of her presence. It’s also the first of many times we see her hiding inside the Treehouse. Jake reveals that he has gotten over his fear of vampires. While Marceline can still easily spook him, it's nice that Jake has finally come around to Marcy like Finn did in “Henchman”. I love how Finn and Jake both get separate mini-arcs throughout a few episodes before they each accept Marceline as a friend. Marceline not being able to go out in the sun (before they got lazy and just started photoshopping sunscreen bottles into title cards) is already enough of a barrier to work her into plots, we don’t need Jake’s fear as another one. They had a funny workaround in “It Came From the Nightosphere”, but I’m glad they retired it. I love how they still address this development. Most shows would have just given up on the running gag without an explanation to make writing episodes easier. 
In order to make Peebles jealous, Finn and Marcy pretend to have a great banter session outside Bubblegum’s window. This leads to our first ever interaction between Princess Bubblegum and Marceline, the second most iconic character duo in the series, and one of the most famous character dynamics in cartoon history. While it takes 103 episodes for Marceline to interact with Ice King, and 170 for Lumpy Space Princess, Marcy gets to interact with a member of the main cast that isn’t Finn and Jake in season two! Even without the context from future episodes, this scene gives a lot of clues to their relationship. There is clear tension between them. It is obvious they have a history, with Marceline calling PB by her first name, something we haven’t even seen Finn do up to this point. It’s satisfying seeing how well this scene works with information provided a decade later in “Obsidian”. Marceline likes to tease PB, and Bubblegum puts up a tough exterior to act like she doesn’t care about Marcy, like she did while Marcy first sang “Woke Up” in the Glass Kingdom. It’s obvious they’ve had multiple interactions similar to this over the hundreds of years since their break up. Finn’s newfound friendship with Marceline would only force these kinds of interactions to become more frequent. This is probably the most drastic example of an episode being impacted by a later installment in the series. And oh yeah, Princess Bubblegum’s first name is Bonnibel! I love how well her first name flows with Bubblegum. It’s nice having a shorter and easier name for her than “Princess Bubblegum” that isn’t just “PB”. I love getting pieces of character biography like names and ages dropped so casually.
Marceline just wants to get back at her ex as well as have fun messing with her impressionable friend like usual. Marceline literally says her reason for wanting to help is that “it'll be funny”. Of course Marcy knows that wrestling and wolves would do nothing but upset PB. She plays these pranks at the expense of Finn, but Marceline knows to not take Finn’s crush seriously in the first place. Her “advice” is as bad as Jake’s but she isn’t stupid like Jake. 
In the process of getting wolves for Marceline’s next plan, we see how much more compatible Finn is with Marcy than PB. They’re both fun, wild animals. Bubblegum reacts appropriately to Finn putting wolves in her room. It's sad seeing her ban Finn from the kingdom. She understands she is dealing with a child and that Finn has a good heart, so she keeps the door open for when Finn starts behaving better. She knows that Finn will come around and it feels more like a parent or teacher disciplining a misbehaving child. I’m sure Bubblegum realized that this was all Marcy’s doing soon enough anyway. On the other hand, the Finn Marceline pairing is a much more fun and refreshing dynamic when compared to PB and Finn. This is purposefully highlighted and something Finn comes to realize. After his latest failure, Marcy tells Finn to forget about Bonnie. I get the feeling that another motivation for Marceline was to sabotage Finn so he wouldn’t keep dealing with the heartache she knows comes with PB.
All of this sets up a fake out that the series would turn to start pushing Finn and Marceline as a romantic pairing. Finn goes to ask Marcy out to the movies instead. Someone getting this close to Marceline makes her uncomfortable. Her reaction is to try to scare Finn away, a tactic she internalized from when she thought she scared her mother away and reinforced in the downfall of her relationship with Princess Bubblegum. Marceline misinterprets Finn’s invitation as a romantic gesture. Marceline and Jake egging Finn on throughout the episode caused this. He is only barely 13, he isn’t ready for that! I like Jake rightfully feeling embarrassed for his actions. Marcy realizes Finn’s intentions and happily goes with Finn as friends. She still can’t give up messing with Finn, with the great “no tongue” comment that went right over his head. I’m very happy the series didn’t go for a Finn, PB, Marceline love triangle. It’s nice for Finn to have a female friend without any baggage. The episode teased Finnceline for the only time in the series, and then immediately shot it down forever. Well, forget about “Bad Little Boy”. I’ll discuss that episode’s implications when we get to it.                  
Finn and Marceline ditch movie night when confronted with the onslaught of make outs. They are truly perfect friends. The episode ends on wolves tearing apart the screen after a couple proclaims that nothing will ever tear them apart. There is a joke in Spongebob that is identical to this, with Plankton instead of the wolves. There is absolutely no way that it’s a coincidence. 
“Go With Me” is the third and sadly last Finn and Marceline duo episode. While I think “It Came From the Nightosphere” is the overall better episode, I think this is the best showcase of their relationship in the series. It's great seeing these character dynamics be explored in a more sitcom-y episode.
Grade: A
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sketchfanda · 1 year
Marcy and Rigs:Tales of a vampire queen and her trash boat
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(Pictures belongs to @patanu102​ who is also the mad man that came up with this insane crossover ship)
So what’s set to follow in this post is a random couple of one shot ficlets or whatever comes to mind as well as headcanons when it comes to the wild crack pairing of rigby from regular show and Marcelino from adventure time. The human versions pic is my main visual,course some chars in this setting will either be like they are in canon or human, it depends on the funny and what not XD. And may on occasion involve rigby with both marcy and Eileen because hey the guy deserves some love and even with this pair focus,I’m still a riflemen guy to my core. So yeah in this case the setting is akin to regular show canon; seemingly regular world where insane,random wild shit happens be it eldritch abominations showing up because of too many ties in a game of rock,paper scissors or future washed up rock stars coming back in time to kill you because you somehow stole their fame in the future. It just also happens to include anthropomorphic candies and other weird creatures up and to including our resident demon vampire queen.
So background wise marcy is much the same as canon,used to be a regular kid who just so happened to be the spawn of the satanstic archetype eldritch horror Hudson abedeer who at one point became a vampire of course. She’s got some issues of course especially what with a certain  ex of hers but she’s still got some friends that make life a bit easier for her to handle. Such as an antiques dealer by the name of Simon (don’t ask him about that crown he’s got kept under heavy lock and key or the voices Yiu might hear from it about the secrets of ice and snow,DO NOT ignore the signs Especislly the one that says “In the name of all thst is holy,do not touch this crown!”) and a godfather in skips (he’s been around a long time,and yeah him and a few others in the mystic immortals circle aren’t too fond of Hudson). Skips is one of the few adults she would genuinely admire and respect and the closest thing she has to a moral compass of course,and he’s she regularly rocks out with death and she’s nine too fond of his demonic little infant brat Thomas.
So of course it’d be Somethingmoike an open mic night or talent show at the coffee house one evening mordo and rigs in the crowd. And up steps marcy and her scream queens rocking the house with a couple of tunes and rigby is getting a major case of love at first sight bad,like in wayne’s world when the titular char first lays eyes on Cassandra,who also happened to be a kickass cool bass player. Coincidence? I think not,but of course rigby has the dignity and decency to not devolve into a simp,especially on mordecai’s level,that’s for sure!! it’s pretty much like of course they meet up and talk after the show,and before mordo knows it,the duo is a trio as marcy and rigby get along pretty well and share some similar tastes and interests. and like in canon before anyone notices or realises it,they’re dating!! with eileen too because that delightful quirky nerd is the balance to those 2 slackers!! oh sure rigby would love to rub it in mordecai’s face but eileen is the good conscience in this case...marcy though? she’s merciless. it’s a natural fact that from day 1,she’s ruthless when it comes to snarking and making snide remarks at mordo. the guy’s low hanging fruit just ripe for picking out for mockery.
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Now regular show being how and what it is,where something seemingly mundane can spiral out of control into mayhem involving space,time and tussling eith secret blonde cults and a giant coffee bean,one such incident being mordo calls Hudson from the nightosphere because of course thst damn simp would think marcy’s got commitment issues due to unresolved matters involving her dad. Only to realise too late Hudson is a soul sucking demon and his obtuse pushy nature in trying to get marcy to take over as his successor as ruler of the nightospehere. Marcy of course is livid to a point she goes full monster and is about ready to unleash the freakin’ apocalypse. Good thing rigby manages to intervene. Never underestimate a determined hamboning slacker raccoon who managed to graduate and get his highschool diploma boys and girls. And that’s a mark on marcy’s blacklist for mordo,among many he’s sure to rack up. Marcy:hey,okay punchies for it? mordo:tch,sure fine,can’t be any worse than rigby Marcy:*bulks uo hr arm muscles to Amazon preportions,windsup* Mordo:wait a-!!!*too late,pow!! Sent flying so hard he leaves a dent impression on the wall* rigby:ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!!
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Rigby:oooh Uhm…listen I’m kind of a grower….*ziiiiiiiiiip,thud!!* marcy:……get on the bed And of course rigby woild be lying if he said he didn’t find marcy’s monster forms ultra hot..and yes they’d be very active and wild in the bedroom. Mordo still wonders why his bedsheets keep seeming all soaked up. He will never know,ever!! Highfives:Yiu uuuh..got some bug bites on your neck Eileen:eep!*she knew she should’ve told marcy to tone it down with the love bites!!* muscle man:huh,so does rigby..l Rigby:*gives marcy a deadpan look* Marcy:*blep* So yeah possibilities abound with the insanity here.
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