#it can’t be edw-in
Hi please can u write Edward Cullen x sick reader. Where the reader is stubborn and still shows up at school despite being sick. (I’m sick rn and can’t find any Edward fics) hope u have a nice day
Thank u :))
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Warnings: none really, sick!reader, potentially getting other people sick 😅, stubborn!reader, firm and patient edward, thank you for the request btw and sorry it took so long for me to get to it ❤️
Words: 1307
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Edward knew immediately when you sat in the front passenger seat of his car that you were sick.
His brows draw heavy with concern. "You're-"
"I'm fine." You croak and buckle up. Moreso lying to yourself than to Edward. Your head felt like it was stuffed with cotton and you were pretty sure a small fever was beginning to rise on your forehead. Like hell you were missing school that day. You'd studied day and night for your test; was finally confident that you were going to pass.
Reading your thoughts, Edward sighs and leans back into his seat. "(y/n), a test doesn't matter when your health is in question. Your teacher will let you take a makeup test. You need to go back to bed."
There was no energy in you to roll your eyes. "After I take my test then I can rest. I just want to get it over and done with."
"You won't do well if you're si-"
"Edward, please. I know my body. I can survive until second period." Arguing did nothing to help you feel better.
He could just grab you and take you back to your room. Doing that would further enrage you.
"You promise to let me take you home after second period?" The pleading in his voice softens you.
"I promise."
Exhaulting another sigh, Edward nods to himself. "Alright. I'm holding you to that."
A part of you doubts that you'll be able to make it to second period, but you would try to.
Edward may not have fought you more, that didn't mean he was pleased watching you struggle that morning. You were bumping into other students and walls as you lost your balance several times.
Alice pulled Edward aside, her honey eyes narrowed. "Why would you let her come to school like that? She's obviously sick, Ed!"
"I know. Believe me I tried. She promised to let me take her home after her test in second period." Edward lowers his voice, he doubts you can hear him. His gaze is on you as Jasper helps to steady you.
"I don't think she'll make it." Alice frowns and folds her arms in front of her chest. "I don't have to look into the future to see that."
"You try telling her then. See how easy it is."
She wouldn't even try, having experienced your stubborness before. You always wanted to appear tough to the Cullen family as you were selfconcious of being the only human among them. Compared to them you were weak. You compensated by doing whatever you could as a human to appear strong. Including refusing help when you were sick. Edward knew it would wound your pride greatly if he forced you home. So did Alice.
You didn't share first or second period with Edward. He kept tags on you via his mind reading to see how you were faring.
Struggling to stay up in your chair, your eyes were fighting every second to remain focused on the whiteboard at the front of the class. You don't remember much of what the teacher was talking about. Conserving your energy and mentally going over things for your test the following period. You were fading fast. Chugging water helped a little.
When the bell rang, finally alerting of the end of the first period, you were slow to get to your feet. If you tried to move any faster than your current pace, the world would slip from under you.
You use desks to coast your way to the classroom door. Barely making it to the door, there appears Edward. Frazzled when he takes in your flushed face.
Before he could object to you continuing the school day, you stop him by placing a hand on his chest. His mouth closes as he quietly surrenders.
Help me to my next class. Please. You ask him via your thoughts. Doubting you could talk without feeling vomit rise up your throat.
Edward breathes through his nose but doesn't complain about you overworking yourself when you needed rest.
Ever the gentleman, Edward cups your elbow and guides you.
"The moment the class ends, I'm taking you home." He whispers to you as he helps you through the scattering of students running late.
You'd smile if you could. I love you.
You catch the quirk in the corner of his lips and the brightening of his eyes.
It cost you the rest of your strength, but you did it. You fucking did it. All questions answered to the best extent of your knowledge.
There were few steps that were between you and the teacher's desk.
You suck in a breath and stand, hand gripping the edge of your desk for support. Navigating through rows of kids bent over their paper's, you focus ahead of you.
When your teacher notices you, she pauses at the waxen sheen of your face. The moment your test is on the surface of her desk you quietly croak "Can I go to the nurse's office?"
Edward was right outside the door, prepared to take you into his arms. You wanted to laugh.
The thought of a mother hen pops into your mind, making Edward scoff. "If I'm a mother hen so be it." You were unable to protest when he easily scoops you up and dashes to his car. Alice is waiting, rocking back and forth on her feet until she spots the two of you. There's a plastic bag in her hand that looks overly full.
"I'll tell the office." Alice takes Ed's car keys to opening the passenger door for you. Then she places the grocery bag in the back seat. "I googled what made people feel better when they're sick."
"Thank you Alice." You manage to get out as Edward opens the door with just one finger. He sets you down and straps the belt across your chest but not before tossing your backpack into the back seat.
Wondering what Alice had bought you, your forehead presses against the passenger side window, you momentarily fall asleep.
Only waking up when Edward is carefully picking you up from the car's passenger side. He's so careful with you. Always.
You realize when he opens the door that he's brought you to the Cullen house when the front door doesn't match your's.
"I don't want to leave you sick and home alone." He explained while hurrying up the stairs.
And. . .
"Ed. . ." Are you scared?
His jaw clenches. In his room he makes sure you're comfortable with whatever you needed. Water. Pillows. Blankets if you got cold.
Then he settles next to you. His face unreadable. You curl up closer to him and just that mere contact melted him.
"My mother and I. . . we were very sick when I became a vampire." This was something he'd told you a while ago. They'd become sick during the Spanish influenza outbreak. "I know the medical world is much more evolved than it was during my time, but it still terrifies me when you get sick."
"Oh Ed," You sit up even when Edward urges you to lay back down. "I should have-"
He furiously shakes his head. "No. You didn't do anything wrong. Sickness just reminds me how human and fragile you are." Rolling onto his side, you copy him. Head comfortably cradled by a pillow.
You could finally rest.
His fingers brush along your brow, soothing your warm skin. You shimmy closer against him. Edward's much larger frame conforms around you.
"I know you won't die from this. Not that I'd let you die from illness." Adding the last part a bit under his breath, you still caught it.
For a second, Edward pulls away from you to retrieve a bottle of medicine from the bag.
"Now be a good girl and take your medicine."
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Requesting non-romantic headcanons of the four Weston dorms (separate) having a student in their house that's the go-to inventor and fixer, who always has their head in the clouds about the next thing to make
They fix and make things just fine, it's just the process of making and testing that cause messes in the dorm
Like Violet having to deal with the fact this is the second time they've broken an important pipe, or Greenhill with broken windows after some automatic ball-throwing thingy-majig meant to help them with cricket practice (to be fair, Midford did ask for it) wouldn't turn off
bahahaha this is so good! poor boys XD
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Well, it’s sort of like a problem for the dorms, of course. Does he care as much? Hmm… no, not really. Until it starts to directly affect him (here meaning affecting his frequent naps), he doesn’t pay (Name) too much thought. Most of the issues, Edgar tends to sleep through and leave for others.
Most of the time, he leaves all the problems that this person causes to Maurice to sort out. Either him or Joanne, depending on who happens to be available. … It usually falls to Maurice given that he has more of a backbone than Joanne. Edgar essentially shrugs and says, “Cole, take care of it, won’t you?” rather than deal with it himself. It’s half legitimate depression making it difficult for him to actually do things, and half him just being lazy and not feeling like doing things.
About the time that (Name) ‘fixes’ Edgar’s favorite sofa by replacing it with one they made which is too soft and completely swallows him when he sinks into it, that’s when he starts getting involved. They can’t mess with his sleep schedule like this and just think it’s going to be fine! He tries to convince them to stop, threatening Y’s if they don’t at least stop… fixing… things that he frequently uses.
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As bothersome as the whole thing is, Gregory is at least more proactive than Edgar in the same situation. While he tries not to be harsh, he doesn’t pull punches in reminding (Name) that, well, they’ve broken the pipe, so they need to fix it now. (Both times, in fact.) He keeps reminding them until it gets done.
If nothing else, he has the honor to not send Cheslock to do his dirty work. Cheslock just gets sent on errands to fetch things. Gregory wants so badly to simply ban (Name) from doing any testing in their dorm. He’s not very diplomatic, either, struggling to find the right way to say, “Listen, I appreciate your fixing things round here, but you have to be more careful not to break other things while you’re fixing the first thing, alright?”
The broken pipes are, quite honestly, the biggest headache that he has to deal with. Being that Violet Wolf is full of artists of all kinds, the dorms are filled with instruments and projects. Any of them getting ruined is more complicated than having to replace books which are already in circulation or sports equipment that wears out quickly. It’s a blow to one’s creativity. And water damage is spectacularly effective in destroying art, writing, and musical instruments. (Name) has to learn how to be more careful in general, but especially he needs them to not break any more pipes lest they want to also break artists’ hearts.
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Is potentially the most frustrated by it than his friends would be. Though anyone who had to deal with it would be irritated, Herman has to try extra hard not to let his temper get the best of him. He knows that (Name) is just trying to be of service, which is admirable… so why does it get under his skin so much?? Because they’ve been told multiple times to be more careful and it feels like they just aren’t listening? Dammit. He knows they don’t mean to be so spacey…
At first he’s quite happy to have someone inventing things which will help him and the rest of the house improve their game. He even encourages it. Sports and cricket in particular are something he’s passionate about, so he’s excited to see what they come up with. Until they come up with a machine — at Edward’s request — that pitches balls and happens to also break windows. Clearly things have gone sideways, so he’s fast in getting (Name) to not make any more sports inventions.
He’s so disheartened by the broken windows. They’re a gigantic pain in the rear to fix, and it often means a day or two wasted in replacing the glass depending on how many were broken. In the meantime, the dorm is exposed to cold, rain/snow, or blistering heat, as well as insects. There’s not much help from anyone else because of the house rivalries. So he absolutely recruits (Name) in helping fix it; it’s at least half their fault and half Edward’s for the initial suggestion, so neither of those two are getting out of helping with repairs. And Herman will gladly crack the metaphorical whip if he needs to.
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Good Lord, can he have no rest at all? No? Fine, then. He’s endlessly aggravated by the whole situation, but he tries very hard to keep his composure. Lawrence can at least appreciate the intelligence of a scientific mind such as (Name)’s, so he attempts to nurture that. Of course, that’s incredibly hard to do when they keep causing trouble in the dorm despite not meaning to.
He’s another one who might send his fag to deal with this if he’s a bit too busy to do it himself. (Though as opposed to Edgar, Lawrence does so not because of depression or laziness, rather because he genuinely is quite busy with studies and extracurriculars.) Clayton has a sadistic streak which Lawrence finds useful in firmly reminding (Name) that they have something to clean up or that Lawrence needs them to not tinker around with something in a certain area today.
More exhausting than anything is if he has to keep replacing books thanks to (Name)’s inventions. It’s not uncommon that their experiments and projects will end up accidentally tearing apart books entirely or shredding pages or destroying them in some other fashion. Lawrence’s respect for the written word and pride in his dorm’s personal book collection can’t take much more of this! Not to mention that the books are often required for coursework, so it legitimately hurts everyone’s marks. Isn’t (Name) at all bothered by this???
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mortifiedatbeingknown · 9 months
"A Rather Polite, Bigger Thing" (Pt. 3)
The robot’s eye-lights blinked off obediently. As quiet as she could be, she knelt down and opened her box. Its contents were rather laughable: the daintily embroidered towel, a small handful of decorative soaps carved to look like flowers that had been a housewarming gift, and her coffee thermos, now filled with warm water. Hardly the sort of thing to combat oil stains, but she hadn't had the opportunity to shop for stronger cleaning agents yet. It would have to do. 
"Hold still, please…" 
The robot made no reaction as the towel first touched his limbs. Neither did he ask as to why his eyes had to be closed. In truth, she just didn't want to upset him. 
If he couldn’t even bear to step inside her own home… then watching her soil such a fresh, white towel on him would not help in the slightest. 
"I'm not hurting you, am I?" She wanted to make sure, especially with how much harder she was going to have to have to scrub. 
“I am unable to feel pain, my lady. ” Was the measured response. "Not from the outside world. You do not have to worry yourself on that front."
“You can’t?” The EDWs were old models, but were they truly that old? “I mean… of course. That’s…probably for the best, right?"
“That would depend on your opinion of what I should be used for.” 
The robot’s head sagged back as she moved to cleaning his chest area. “Do you wish for me to feel pain, my lady?” 
Her blood ran cold. “What? 
The robot repeated his question. "Do you wish for me to feel pain, my lady? Because if you do, I am sorry to say that I will not be the correct model for you."  "
Her voice rose. "No, no! Of course not! Why would I ever want that?”
The robot twitched. "I…I only wish to make you aware of my limitations, my lady. I do not mean to imply…" 
Another spasm. She quickly got to work on patting him dry, scared that perhaps the water in his system had started to create internal damage. 
"Are you able to feel anything at all?" She said, realizing just too late how wrong that sounded. Her cheeks heated up. "Sorry. What I meant was…" 
“I am capable of feeling tactile stimuli," the robot responded smoothly. "But i am, however incapable of assigning it a positive or a negative connotation.” 
“Wait… ‘negative or positive?’ Does that mean you can’t feel comfort either?” 
“It was unnecessary to my function. To ensure my cost would be affordable to the masses, the feature was cut.” 
“Oh.” Now that was hard to imagine. Pain sensors were mainly to aid mechanics in finding and fixing mechanical malfunctions whenever they arose. True, comfort was technically a more useless function, but ever since the release of the OLI models, it had become such a staple feature that no one questioned it. "I'm sorry." 
"It is all right, my lady. I cannot mourn a feature that I was never intended to have." The robot replied. 
She worked on in silence, head heavy with thoughts. The towel was black with filth now; the soaps nothing but scraps. Still, the robot was clean now, and a roll of bandages she had salvaged from a first aid kit served to stifle the leaks, at least for the moment. 
"I think you are ready to enter the house now." She said, rather proud of her efforts. "What do you say?" 
"As my my lady wishes." The robot replied, although when she tried to pick him up, he requested instead to spareher back and allow him to crawl along next to her. When they reached the door, he opened it for her, using its longer arm stump to push down on the handle. 
   So, that's how he did it… 
"Thank you." She said as she walked inside. The robot followed, and she gently pulled the door shut behind them both. 
It had still not been ordered to reactivate its eyes. It hadn't needed them to navigate its way back to the door, but now… 
Was it polite to ask? Would it be better so as to not risk bumping into anything and damaging her belongings? 
It's decision was interrupted as the lady grabbed it and heaved upwards, leaving it sitting on a higher, elevated surface that sank down under its weight. 
"You can just rest there for the moment." The lady said. "Is there anything else I can get you?" 
My eyes open. A refuel. A purpose. But those were not existence-threatening requests. They were not polite enough to ask. 
"I will be fine for the moment, my lady." It said truthfully. "Please attend to your needs." 
"Alright…." The tone in her voice was still unhappy. Oh no… had it misread her intentions? Perhaps it should have asked, so that she would feel useful… 
…but it was too late. She had walked away, and a far away door had slammed shut. It had failed once again. It had failed…it had failed… 
It's limbs twitched at the fresh dose of disciplinary measures. 
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amouria · 1 year
yeah full on shade to Edw*na and how the show wrote her! I hate her so much I can’t stand to see her even when she was genuinely being nice.
Polite Society is going where I would expect a sister dynamic should go in such a scenario.
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macarensesangles · 2 years
im still debating whether pfeil “canonically” goes back to BRD after endwalker actually. i am very attached to him as a dark knight story-wise at this point.
i’d initially thought he does go back to being a bard because he dropped it in heavensward since he was so depressed he couldn’t sing anymore, and it’s only near the very end of endwalker that he really genuinely snaps the fuck out of it. so symbolically it would make sense for him to go back.
on the other hand...i don’t know, it feels too easy, almost? like, i think he’s at a point post-endwalker where he could pick up the bow and cringe harp again and sing a gay little song if pressed. but i also don’t think he’s that person anymore, really? like, that was him at age 17. he’s changed a lot since then.
and i guess despite his change to DRK symbolizing his mental illness winning, I think the DRK plotline is kind of like...i mean, he has to come to terms with it, he can’t keep pushing down parts of himself, and i think even though by the end of EDW he’s genuinely happy he’s never going to be the same as before, when he was a kid. and even when he was a kid, that was a precarious situation, because he never could have lived his whole life avoiding ever regaining his memories of his childhood. also there’s a bunch of shit about both learning to accept and love fray (and fray learning to accept and love you!) and drawing above all on the love you have for the people you’re meant to protect as a DRK, which is so good. if anything i think that’s what it ends up meaning to him and what he’s all about
also it’s so cool. drk is SO fucking cool. I want pfeil to be cool.
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The Scorching Flames Hurt Less than the Coldest of Nights
by AutumnThePansexual
He’s so tired. Exhausted. But he can’t be caught unawares again. Not when Edw- not when Blackbeard is like this.
 He stays awake that night, and then the next.
 It only starts to become an issue when he’s gotten by with less than an hour or two of sleep each night for the past six weeks.
Words: 1686, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Characters: Israel Hands, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Lucius Spriggs, Fang (Our Flag Means Death), Ivan (Our Flag Means Death), Crew of the Revenge (Our Flag Means Death)
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Israel Hands, Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Abuse, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, somnophilia?, Whump
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44107749
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exhaustedwerewolf · 2 years
I finally finished a marvellous light and even though I didn’t know much or have my expectations going in I still managed to insanely underestimate how thirsty robin and edwin were going to be for each other. I was listening to the audio book on commutes. I’m not even talking about the sex scenes, I’m talking about when something not-necessarily-sexy is happening, like robin sees edwin’s hands, or sees him wince in pain, or edwin sees robin’s fucking forearms, and goes:
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like please, boys. control yourselves.
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material-giiirl · 2 years
I’m so sick of epifaneiakous anthrwpoys kai anthrwpoys poy apofeygoun na niwsoyn synaisthimata me kathe tropo. And I’m so sick of blaming myself for feeling too hard. Den katalavainw giati sthn genia mas prepei na katapiezontai entona synaisthimata and we can’t just let them flow. Gia auto eimaste edw gia na niwsoume ola ayta ap ton erwta kai thn agaph kai thn xara mexri ton pono, to gelio kai thn apogohteush ola ayta einai enas kyklos poy prepei na agkaliazoume oxi na apofeygoume
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minwooks-moved · 2 years
i’ve been meaning to stan 173, where do you suggest i start
omg my beloveds !! i started getting into them by watching the youtube vids that i’ll link under the read more ⬇️ there’s … kind of a lot sorry JDNDND
one of my personal faves .. although i lowkey hate that it’s edw*rd av*la’s as i’m aware that he’s been … not great about a few things in the past / recently? is them trying to recreate makeup looks ; it’s v funny to watch youngseo + bit be the only ones that are really … Good at it & gives you a glimpse into their dynamic(s) + personalities pretty well !
( ^ tho i will say that i think they say something about junseo being the leader, and he’s not anymore :< hangyul’s the leader now !! their company / him & jseo(according to gyul) decided to change it during jaws era 🤧 though they never officially announced it … gyul announced it through bbl 🫠 )
i’d also rec the behinds for their debut trailer(s) as they’re two older vids that are subbed : [ one ] [ two ] <3 ! it’s very cute & remains one of my favorite places to start as it’s super cute :(
their company only recently started to really sub some of their stuff ! they subbed the first two behinds, and then through crush on u era & the era after (loved you) they . didn’t . < / 3 though i will say that the behinds are still v cute — subs or not ! they also hold some of my fave moments 💗 so would rec watching those still ^^ just beware that it’s like .. a 50/50 chance of any type of behind on their main channel being subbed JDBD
i’d also rec loved you’s m/v the most as she’s my absolute fave & i adore her…. so bad….. she’s so prettie :(
and also from ^that era, this live version of #trace is so….. she is so favored & beloved it’s actually almost embarrassing JDBDBD ( and the i can’t sleep m/v is so…. Neat <3 )
here’s also another interview from this/jaws era that’s so cute 🥺 it’s def one of my faves !! this recent behind is also subbed & v cute from what i can remember rn <3
also here’s a playlist that i’ve put all their dance-covers / practices to date that i can find tonight ( but if i find any more, i’ll add them <3 )
these are all that i can think of at the moment, so i hope they help !! please lmk if you want anymore vids 🥰
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The Rise of a dark empire: The Second dragon war
Prologue: The beginning of the war
It was a sunny day in Hakum Village as the Monsties played and the villagers did their usual business. Jones comes out of his house to have Narkku and Mabel do some work. Since Mabel was a diablos, she was good at digging and there was something that Jones wanted to add. However before he could get the two, there was talk that the Kinship Ore from all over had vanished including the two in the Pondry Hills. The Guildmaster from Gildegaran and the village chief had came out with urgent news that was worrisome. It wasn’t just the Pondry Hills Kinship Ore that was missing, but the ore from every known location was missing and evidence of a skirmish was there as well. Who could have done such a thing? News not only spreads through the Riders and Gildegaran territory but it even begins to reach as far as Dundorma and beyond. In the best interest, Jones was tasked with recovering the Kinship Ore and he was to take the monsties with him. Narkku, Brak, the entire gang was to come, but Jho’s rider refused to let Jho go, but Jho wouldn’t be left behind. He pushed through the rider and went with Jones. 
Lao receives the report from several guild knights and Hunters that was on the investigation that there was several sightings of an EDW responsible and the marking matched that of Thanatos’ army. The Dragon looked at Azuzu who was in his custody currently. It was time to let Azuzu go free and there was nothing else to teach him or in that matter no other issues. “You’re free to go Azuzu. There’s nothing left I can teach you. Before you go, I must show you something.” He goes over and uncovers something written in Amatsu. Lao could only translate a few words that described a way to peace without harming. “I can’t make out most of it but i did make out a small part saying the way to peace is paved without harming. I believe though that your father had meant for you to find this when you was of age.” After that Lao left Azuzu to translate it as he was expecting a message from Dionysis delivered by Tweeks shortly. Likely he would have to get both Tor and Tiamus as they may end up being involved.
The time has come, Thanatos had returned and he was stronger than before. “Shiv, it is time.” Not long after that several ships came ashore loaded with Illegal hunters under Thanatos’ command. One ship in particular had the kinship ore inside it ready to be put in place to lure Narkku when he comes.
The great dragon war was about to start.
(Those in the RP will have a turn order also a single prologue post will do before Chapter 1 of the RP.)
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corrupted-shadows · 2 years
TW: Needles, Vomiting, mentions of dying
Well into the next morning Dark was sound asleep on the chair, his arms crossed leaning against Pandora’s hospital bed as he slept
That until something started to beep…faster and faster
He opened his eyes to process what was happening
Glancing at the heart monitor Pandora’s heart was beating much faster than it should be
He looked back at Pandora who showed clear signs of discomfort and worries in her sleep
She shifted and turned back and forth
Dark said softly tapping her arm
After not getting the response he was hoping for he stood glancing down at her
He said grabbing her shoulder softly
Her eyes immediately opened and she quickly sat up smacking his hand away
He took a step back watching her confused
She grunts and moved her hand behind her neck trying to grab at the crystal
She said and Dark took her hand pulling it away
“No no we can’t do that, what are you even doing?”
Dark asked
“Hurts it hurts”
She said and clenched her hands
“I can’t let it hurt…need to be there for them…”
She said and attempted to stand, Dark blocked her path
“Pandora I can assure you Juliette and Faith are fine”
He said and glanced down at the button beside her bed
He pushed it alerting Edward
“No no they need me…I need them”
She said softly before sitting on her bed, staring at the floor her fist clenched tight
“I…need them”
She whispered as tears started to form, Dark sighed and sat beside her to reassure her
“Pandora we need to make sure you’re better and I know you aren’t”
Dark said not making any moves to hug or touch her in case she didn’t want physical touch
Edward knocked on the door before stepping in
“Is everything okay? I saw you call for me”
He said worriedly and puts his stuff down walking over
“She keeps saying the crystal is…hurting her which is the opposite of what it is supposed to do”
Dark said and Pandora blinked the tears away
“Cold…it’s really cold…”
She whispered
“Can I see the crystal?”
Edward asked looking at Pandora, upon moving her hair it was quite the sight they weren’t expecting
Ice was forming around the crystal, her skin tightening around it ever so tightly
“What the heck?”
Edward said confused
“I don’t feel good”
Pandora mumbled wrapping her arms around herself
Edward glanced at her then moved to hand her a bucket
It wasn’t long until she started to gag, with nothing in her system she started to throw up something rather a yellowish-green
“Stomach acid”
Edward sighed softly and took a moment to grab something from the cabinets
“With nothing in Pandoras’ system her body has no choice to throw up stomach acid, with the acidity of that it’s going to burn”
He said listening to Pandora groan
He took a few pills out before leaving the room for a quick second to grab a drink
“But the ice what is…it never did that”
Dark said softly and moved Pandoras’ hair, as he held it up he observed the ice as if it was…growing
It spread down her neck heading towards her back
“Edward we need to get her to Wilford”
Dark said as Edward came into the room
“We can't, she needs to be monitored and-“
Edward started before Dark interrupted
“Edward she needs him now more than ever, with the rate this is growing there just might not be a Pandora”
Dark said and Edward lets out a breath as he started to undo the machines attached to her
On both sides, the two hoisted her up slowly walking with her
It was going decently well until something caused Pandora to let go
The yell even sounded painful as she fell from both of them onto her knees
She grabbed the crystal the best she could
As per usual that caught the attention of others but no surprise her sisters were the first to rush out of their rooms
“Is she okay?!”
Juliette asked worriedly as she held Faiths' hand watching their older sister in worry
“Where is Wilford this is only going to get worst”
Dark said glancing at them
“H-he’s in his studio, do you need us to help?”
Faith asked
Dark said and looked at Edward as the two picked her up starting to rush over to the studio
Despite his decline, both Juliette and Faith followed
“Come on you can’t tease us as well”
Jack groaned sitting back in their seat glancing at Wilford
Wilford said before turning around once the doors opened
Ace and Jack stood at the sight of Pandora
“What happened? Is she okay?”
Jack asked concerned
“Extraction now”
Dark said as he walked passed Wilford
“E-Extraction?! Dark are you mad we never actually performed one before!”
Wilford said watching them sit Pandora on the floor
“It’s now or never”
Dark said and held Pandora’s hair up watching the ice grow
Faith went quiet at the sight of the ice
Wilford walked over summoning a needle
“Are you sure we can perform this?”
Wilford asked kneeling beside Dark
He looked at Wilford and grabbed his hand stabbing the needle right into the crystal
Pandora at that moment tensed up with widened eyes, a pained scream came from her as she tried to make them stop
Faith and Juliette quickly moved to her side, the two sitting in front of her letting her lean against them
“There we go it’s ok it’s ok”
Juliette whispered reassuringly
“It’s almost done you got this”
Faith said watching a purple twirl form in the needle
Ace and Jack watched anxiously as the purple seemingly just started to leave Pandora entirely
The ends of her hair quickly faded to just black and she slumped forward against her sisters softly breathing as she quickly passed out into yet another deep slumber
Wilford pulled out the needle as the ice around it started to melt
“Her body rejected Lumi as well…”
Faith said sadly glancing down at her sister
“What do we do now…”
Juliette asked worriedly looking at Dark and Wilford
“You might have to remove the crystal entirely”
Edward said and seemingly no one enjoyed the idea of that
“What would happen if you removed it?”
Jack asked curiously
“We don’t know that is going to be highly dangerous”
Dark said trying to think
“You always carry around an extra crystal use that”
Edward said
Dark felt his pocket taking out the crystal he always carried with him
Does he remove it and replace it or not? Dark isn’t exactly sure
After a moment he let out a breath
“Ok…let’s try it”
He said glancing at Wilford before reaching the crystal
@pagansheep @springybreadpringles @why-killed-markiplier @jack-attack @worldtravelerbuff
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trupowieszcz-moved · 2 years
Edw- No. No I can’t do it. Even I can’t go that far.
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sole-di-fragola · 3 years
No I can’t stop making AUs about Disney and PatB, so there is another.A Hercules AU
Pinky as Hercules,Brain as Meg,Snowball as Hades,Billie and Edwing as Pain and Panic,Fignewton as Pegasus,The Warner Siblings,Babs and Buster as the Muses and Flavio and Marita as Amphitryon and Alcmene.Can you help me what character would take the role of Phil?
Slappy is now Phil
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yotsuyugoebrutus · 3 years
Since I can’t mute people here like I can on twitter I probably have to unfollow you for a bit for EDW spoilers. No worries though, I’ll come back
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
I am starting an entirely self-indulgent thread of my favorite RenRuki songs. I am trying to stick to the really, really RenRuki ones, and not just, ones I get a mood off of. Please feel free to send me your own faves, I might try to make a compilation. My musical aesthetic leans toward modern indy/folk.
First off, I don’t want to duplicate, but please also refer to these superb playlists by other people:
Sword & Shield/Star & Stray
Renji’s Drunk Karaoke Playlist
Song suggestions for numerous Rukia ships but A Lovely Mess is very good
Onto mine!
So, right now, my absolute #1 Renruki song is Messengers by Jared & the Mill. I am trash for this song. My dumb heart. I wish I were any good at moodboards or whatever. Please someone make me a edit of something with this song, I would die. But if you’re searching for worth Well, you’ll find it with her But she’ll ask for your trust ‘Cause it's hard being shown how to learn So, let her know that the stars Haven’t moved, God, I hope they’re the same Tell her life could be worse And I’m trying my best now to change
I Can’t Believe I Found You In That Town by Mike Doughty I don’t write songfic, because I am nearly 40-frickin’-years-old, but I am writing an Inuzuri fic by this name, because it’s extremely perfect. This is my #1 Mike Doughty pick, but I hope we all know how I feel about Madeline and Nine by now. Oh my days, they were so easy Till I kissed you in that door Now my arms, they feel so empty Like they never did, before
Etta James by Brian Fallon. All Brian Fallon songs are Renji songs, but this one is especially RenRuki. And for most of my sad life I figured I was gonna die alone 'Cause I just burned in the curve of my scars Twenty long years away from your heart But finally, finally, my love is in my arms
Two Princes by the Spin Doctors. I am not taking questions at this time.
Anywhere by Passenger. Look, we all know that Let Her Go is an extremely good Renruki song, but may I also propose this one as a running-around-in-matching-caps follow-up? Darling that’s when I’m with you / I’ll go with you anywhere
Part of Me by Good Old War. This and Looking For Shelter are my big Leaving Inuzuri songs. We've got to run If you're holding on the seams will come undone And you'll only get part of me We don't want to catch a break while we're playing it safe You'll only get part of me
Homemade Dynamite by Lorde. This is also on my Self-Destructive Teens in Inuzuri playlist, and also, Lorde had a secret Instagram for reviewing onion rings, and that is Big Rukia energy right there. So let's let things come out of the woodwork I'll give you my best side, tell you all my best lies Seeing me rolling, showing someone else love Hands under your t-shirt Know I think you're awesome, right?
The Harold Song by Ke$ha. This is my go-to Rukia-pines-for-Renji song, again, I am not taking questions. Or when you took me, across the world, we Promised this would last forever but now I see It was my past life A beautiful time Drunk off of nothing but each other till the sunrise
Girl in the War by Josh Ritter If they can’t find a way to help her, they can go to hell
The Night We Met by Lord Huron I had all and then most of you / Some and now none of you
Home by Edw. Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes. I realize this has a lot of American place names in it, but it’s a Big Renruki Mood, especially the spoken word bit in the middle about falling out of a window. "While you were sitting in the backseat smoking a cigarette You thought was gonna be your last I was falling deep, deeply in love with you And I never told you 'til just now"
The Heart is a Muscle by Gang of Youths. Ha ha you knew it was coming I wanna be loved I wanna be whole again So tuck my hair behind my ears And touch my soul again
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aldersonsloop · 4 years
i feel like some people just can't emphatise with elliot so they turn his trauma into a gimmick (usually to show "how wonderful and loving uwu" other characters are compared to edw*rd) and that's... really toxic
and also not your place to tell people to not be offended when you're not traumatised yourself and just play with the subject for shits and giggles
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