#it could be a midsize suv
enviousjam · 11 months
If anyone tries to scare me today I'm throwing at you whatever happens to be in my hand at that moment
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malarkeyrambles · 2 months
deep rock galacticglyphid post
drg is my latest hyperfixation i think i love this game so mcuh ive been thinking aboutthe glyphids a lot and their biology im not super knowledgable on bio i just really like the topic so i might get a ton of stuff wrong but idc disclaimer: because glyphids evolved seperately from earthbeings (duh cuz they're on hoxxes not earth) any similarities to earth creatures is most likely just convergent evolution extraterrestrial life could be extremely similar like the glyphids or completely different its all speculative. anyway, first things first: Bone Game
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ok lets look at the glyphid grunt for a sec. Glyphids have two body segments, a head and an abdomen, and eight legs. Their front legs are usually enlarged for burrowing, attacking, and defending. These vary in size and shape depending on the bug. (most glyphid variants look like they have three body segments, such as the grunt shown above, but i believe that its just a protruding jaw as when it moves its head its entire body moves with it, and the Warden specifically has a much more obvious two-segment body plan due to its lack of sharp teeth and massive size difference in body and head) They may or may not have eyes, indicating that eyes were a trait they lost when they went underground. What separates them from spiders is their size, ability to vocalize, their eusocial hierarchy, and the fact that they probably have bones. Earth spiders are invertibrates, like all arthropods. We haven't seeen a glyphid skeleton completely before, but there is a lot of evidence pointing towards their true bony nature. They dont have typical exoskeletons that cover the entirety of the animal. They have "chitinous armor plating" as described by the bestiary that resembles more the armored back of a crocodile than an actual exoskeleton. This plating can be removed in battle and not impair the glyphid's movement, in stark contrast to an earth bug which if you removed its exoskeleton it would just be a pile of bug organs. Exoskeletons double as their skin. Also glyphid sw
armers have no armor and still are fine moving around. They also have defined teeth and jaws, unlike the mandibles on an earth arthropod.
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(peeled glyphid grunt guard)
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(glyphid swarmer with teeth and jaw visible) Lastly, and I'm not too sure on this one, but i dont believe an exoskeleton made of chitin could hold up a glyphid, yet alone some of the bigger ones. Praetorians are the size and weight of a midsize SUV, and they're not even the biggest glyphids get.
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Solitary vs Eusocial
If you got this far you're autistic about animals like me and probably know what eusocial means. If you don't, it just means there's a queen and workers. Think ants, wasps, and bees. While it's generally a consensus that most glyphids are eusocial under one Queen (we'll talk about her later), I think not all of them are. The bestiary says that glyphids are a genus, not a species, meaning that different glyphids can evolve seperately from one another and can be able to live independently instead of in a caste system. Of these, I think the beasts most likely to be solitary are the Stalker, Menace, Stingtail, and Septic Spreader. These guys have extra tools and divergent behaviors (sneaking up behind you, digging around, keeping a distance to shoot projectiles) that seem, to me, like they are taking advantage of the fact you are preoccupied with the glyphid colony and trying to snatch you up as prey for themselves.
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(from left to right) stingtail, septic spreader, stalker (below) menace
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It also explains why, in some locations, there are random batches of glyphid eggs out and about. It could be this could be a clutch of one of the aformentioned solitary glyphid eggs, and all glyphids look the same when they hatch.
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These swarmer nests could either be from the glyphid colony (we are in their territory, after all) or just a different variant of glyphid.
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( the blue gem is not supposd to be in there usually, just the purple circles. I couldn't find a better picture.) insert super smooth segue into :
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Glyphid Hierarchy
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apologies for the crunchy image but i put together this tierlist to explain how I think the glyphid hierarchy works. The tierlist didn't have the stalker in it but it would have gone in solitary for reasons Ive mentioned.
Notes: Soldiers are specialized for fighting but they all have different roles. Slashers and exploders tend to flank and sneak up on their target, the latter being born literally just to die. Praetorians and oppressors are meant to soak up attention and, in our case, damage. Web and acid spitters are meant to take care of flying enemies ( probably mactera in the wild, but in our case it's dwarves on a zipline), and wardens support the ground enemies. the green baby glyphids that are in the solitary tier are called Glyphid Spawn, and they aren't actually a glyphid; rather, a fleshy monolith called a Brood Nexus (below) had taken the DNA of a Glyphid and created their own version of swarmers with it. icky.
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Mutations and Anomalies
Certain bugs such as the Bulk Detonator, Dreadnought Hiveguard, and dreadnought twins are anomalies that either don't occur naturally or an unintentional byproduct of biology doin its thing. The Bulk detonator "is what happens when an exploder manages to not detonate during its volatile, and usually short, life." This description pretty much spells it out that these guys aren't supposed to exist.
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also, look at their mangled faces and bulbous, pustuled bodies. Exploders are meant to be sent out and explode. I don't know what the glyphid colony does with these, but I don't think they let them stay. Too volatile, and positively humongous. They're the biggest glyphids by far and i think glyphids just wouldn't let them be.
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I have no clue how the Crassus Detonator exists or how it turns an entire crater into gold when it explodes. The Dreadnought Twins are a Dreadnought that split into two in the cocoon. Assuming dreadnoughts pupate into queens (more about that below), it's likely that they would pupate into two queens, with possible ramifications outside of that (perhaps sharing energy in a cocoon means inhibited reproduction in some way?) I doubt they'd fight over power, because the dreadnought twins show impeccable teamwork when broken out, even to the point of one dreadnought will sacrafice some of it's health for the other if one gets too low.
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dreadnought twins The Dreadnought Hiveguard is the closest we've got to actually seeing a Glyphid Queen. It's a dreadnought that's been baking for a while but hasn't gotten all the way there. It's impenetrable from everywhere and can spawn Sentinels to protect it. It then reveals three weakpoints on its face when all Sentinels are killed, and then reveals its booty weakpoint when the face weakpoints were deaded.
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(from left to right) Hiveguard, Sentinels Because Sentinels don't come from the cocoon and dont spawn in any other area, my best guess about them is they lay dormant usually, letting the other glyphids fight. They only respond to the Queen, being her last line of defense. It'd make sense because the Hiveguard is the closest thing to a queen we've got, and it has a unique vocalization for summoning Sentinels.
Dreadnoughts, Praetorians, Queens, and Conservation
The glyphid dreadnought, at its base form, seems to be a grander Praetorian. They look similar, down to the tusks on their face, and even have similar attacks. They carry the same bite and slash that nearly all ground glyphids have, but they also have a projectile shot from the mouth.
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(from left to right) Praetorian 3d Model, Dreadnought 3d Model If I had to guess, this could be a Royal Jelly Moment. To explain, lets look at earth honeybees. These guys are fed a substance called "royal jelly" as a larva until they are fed honey. Certain workers, though, are fed and fed and fed and even have the walls of their honeycomb cell lined with the stuff. These workers end up becoming juvenile queen bees and they start their own colony. Given the fact that Oppressors are canonically "aggresively mutated Praetorians", I believe they are simply praetorians that weren't fed Royal Jelly. Their armor grows, and their weakpoint abdomen shrinks.
In the game, it's heavily implied that the glyphids are without a Queen (the voiceline "Die like your mother did!" when killing glyphids comes to mind), and the only time we ever see a Dreadnought is in a cocoon, outside of the rare times it spawns on an unrelated mission. We are told explicitly that these guys arent in their final form and they will pupate into something much worse if we don't stop them, and there seem to be a lot of cocoons around. (There are 2-3 cocoons a mission and there is always an elimination mission available.) What i think is happening is Praetorians are mutating into Dreadnoughts which are further trying to mutate into Glyphid Queens to fill the empty spot in the glyphid hierarchy and they want to spew out so many glyphids that the mining operations on Hoxxes has to close down. This has a lot of implications. Firstly, glyphids are so plentiful without a queen. Imagine how insane they'll get with one. Secondly, glyphids are numbered. They aren't being replaced and DRG is killing hundreds of them a mission, potentially thousands on Deep Dives and Elite Deep Dives. (I tried an elite deep dive earlier today, got to about 897 dead glyphids on the third mission which i inevitably failed). Thinking about this really puts into perspective the damage DRG is doing to Hoxxes in the pursuit of more money and resources, polluting it with depleted uranium and plasma radiation and drill fumes and omoran heartstone lazerbeam juice and abandoned mining equipment, sucking it dry for its resources, and actively killing the rest of the wildlife that havent died from habitat loss. Glyphids are not the villain of this story. They are just following their instincts. It reflects how real-world corporations simply don't care about the earth that gives it its wealth and gives us life. I didn't mean for this rant to end the way it has, but please be grateful for the earth you stand on, appreciate nature, and don't litter. Also, if you haven't, play Deep Rock Galactic. solid game.
if only there was some salute or chant i could say to end this with a bang, one involving rocks, or stones, or something
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thefreakydeaky · 5 months
After the Thrill is Gone
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Part Fifteen
Negan Smith x Reader
Daryl Dixon x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: From the first moment you laid eyes on Negan you were inexplicabley drawn to him. The passion between you is hot and only grows more intense the longer you see each other. There is only one problem, you're both married to other people.
Warnings: Dark Fic , Rape/Noncon, Violence, Stalking, Stalker behavior, Smuttyness, Adult Language...
You chewed on another antiacid tablet as you pulled up into the parking lot at Hunter's school. To your surprise, you received a call that morning from the Principal, Father Moser about some behavorial issues that Hunter had been having. You could not believe this was happening. Hunter was your good kid. He was a rule follower, who thrived in a structured environment. Hunter was the kid that called people sir and mam without having to be reminded to. He was the kid that helped you around the house because he simply enjoyed being helpful. You couldn't imagine what he could be doing that was bad enough to have the principal ask you to come in for a meeting. Daryl arrived nearly at the same time you did, parking his old suburban next to your midsize suv. You got out of the car. Daryl got Millie out of her car seat and the three of you headed up to the front office.
"Any idea what this is about?" He asked you as you sat waiting on a bench outside the primary office.
You shook your head.
"I don't have the slightest idea. He's been acting normal."
Daryl nodded.
"Yeah, I think so too."
"Mister and Misses Dixon." The old man's voice, held warmth in it as he greeted you. "Just the people I needed to see."
You smiled.
"Hello, Father."
Daryl shook his hand.
"Father, I just don't understand. What kind of trouble is Hunter in?"
"Why don't we talk inside my office?" Father Moser suggested. He gestured toward the big shining maple wood door.
Your husband let you be the one to go further into the office and sit in the seat closest to the window. Daryl, still holding Millie sat in the seat on your right side. Father Moser closed the door to his office. You frowned. That was a bad sign.
He went and sat on the otherside of the big expensive looking desk. He looked at you for a moment and then at Daryl. You felt he was measuring your emotional and mental state.
"There is no easy way to say this." He said folding his hands in front of him. "Hunter has gained a new vocabulary as of late. One that has piqued the interest of our other students and started a chain reaction of sorts."
Daryl's brow furrowed.
"One word in particular, the F word seems to be his favorite."
Your face heated with embarrassment.
"Father, are you sayin' that Hunter is cursin'?"
The priest nodded.
"Yes. Yes, he is and we have received complaints that other students are learning those words from him and adding them to their own vocabularies."
"Complaints? From other parents?" You asked ashamed.
"Yes, angry parents. Understandabley so."
"We are so sorry, Father. We make a point not to use that type of language. I don't know where he's learning it from, but I will find out and I will have a talk with him." Daryl replied.
"We are going to have to use a punishment to correct this behavior. Please explain to him that his suspension is a consequence of the new words he is using to express himself. We'll be happy to have him back, when he has learned not to use them on school grounds."
You nodded.
"We will talk with him." Daryl assured him.
"I am glad to hear it." He took in your expression. "Please, don't be too hard on yourselves. Hunter is a bright boy. He works hard and does well. In any case, this isn't the first time such a thing has ocurred at our school and I'm sure it won't be the last." He said good naturedly.
You smiled politely.
"Thank you, Father." Daryl said and got up and shook his hand.
You shook the priests hand and left the office right behind Daryl. You found Hunter sitting on the bench beside the front office.
"We have got a lot to talk about young man." Daryl told him.
Hunter frowned.
"You're taking me home?"
"You've been suspended." You told him.
His eyes widened.
"For what?" He asked as you walked back to the car.
"For cursing." Daryl replied.
Hunter frowned.
When you got Millie and Hunter situated in the car, Daryl shut the door to the backseat.
"I know it's you." Daryl accused, once you were alone in the parking lot.
You raised an eyebrow.
"Me?" You asked confused.
"Where he's learned that language from. It's you.
"Why would you think that?" You scoffed.
"Because, Millie learned a new word too and if it ain't me teaching them then it's you."
You couldn't help, but wince when he mentioned Millie cursing.
"I may have accidentally said one word in front of Millie. It was one time and she latched onto it. I'm sorry, but I swear it was just the one time."
Daryl shook his head.
"We'll talk about it later." He gave you a disappointed look.
You watched him get into his suburban before you got into your own car. You couldn't believe he was so upset with you. It wasn't as though you cursed in front of your children all the time. You didn't even know where Hunter could have heard that kind of language except for Millie. You sighed as you got into your car.
"You been suspended, because you're using words you're not supposed to use." Daryl explained to his son.
Hunter ducked his head.
"What words?" He asked.
"You know which words." You said sternly.
"But Mom says them."
"Mom's not supposed to say 'em either." Daryl shot you a disapproving look. "Hunter, you can't speak that way. Not in this house and not at school."
Hunter frowned.
"But why?"
"Because it is disrespectful and not polite." You explained.
"Then why do you say them?"
"I'm not supposed to say them. It is just as bad when I do it as when you do it."
"Mom is not gonna say those words no more. Alright? And neither are you."
Hunter seemed to think about it for a second.
"What about Millie?"
"We need your help to teach Millie not to say those words either."
Hunter nodded.
"Okay. I can help."
"Alright, Thank you , Son." Daryl took away his hand held gaming device for the two days that Hunter was suspended. Hunter found this to be an awful punishment, but his respect for his father and desire to be well behaved left him no choice, but to comply.
When you laid down under your covers that night, Daryl turned to face you.
"Hunter said he heard you cursing. I'd get it if it was one slip up, but it didn't sound that way."
You turned onto your side.
"I'm sorry. I'll work on it."
You lay there in the quiet for a moment.
"What were you cursing about?"
You swallowed nervously.
"Telemarketers. They won't stop calling."
Daryl stared at you in the dark.
"Is it telemarketers or is it Him?"
You fought to keep your expression neutral.
"Uh, who?"
"Don't do that." He said your name. His tone held a note of pleading.
"Let's be honest for once.I know you're cheatin' on me."
You couldn't even react. You were in shock.
"I...I was, but I ended it. I tried to end it."
"For how long?" His voice was pained.
You took a breath.
"Four years."
"What do you mean? You tried to end it?"
"I don't know how to get rid of him. He won't leave me alone."
"Yeah, well, after four years I'm sure he had a hard time believin' you actually wanted to end it. If you really did."
"I did! I do!"
"You know, when Rick suggested I look through your phone, I was against it, but when I found out you were leavin' the kids with your Mom or with Ma a lot, more often than you ever told me about, I started to wonder where you were goin' that you couldn't take the kids with you."
"You, looked through my phone?"
Daryl sighed.
"I let Rick track your location. He told me you kept goin' to the motel off the highway. That's when I knew. I started thinkin' about what was missin' in our relationship that you went out lookin' for it somewhere else."
"That's when you told me you wanted to work on our relationship?"
He nodded.
"But even though you agreed, you kept goin' back to the motel.So, I followed you."
Your eyes widened.
"You followed me?"
"Yeah. A few months back I was out of my mind angry. I wanted to...to kill the bastard."
"I love you and it just fuckin' hurt so much."
You wanted to reach out and touch him, but you knew it wouldn't bring him comfort. You clenched your hands into fists.
"I had my gun sittin' on the seat next to me. I was just waitin' for you to leave. So, I could get him alone."
"Oh, God."
Your eyes filled with tears.
"But you came out of there before I was expectin' ya to and you had this look on your face. I got a feelin' that it was over. That someone had ended it. I just didn't know if the decision was yours or his. That snapped me out of it. I went to talk to Rick. Let him talk me down some. Then I drove around for a while to clear my head."
Tears started spilling down your cheeks.
"I watched you for signs that it was really over and I believed it was. Until Rick told me that you went to the motel again."
You shook your head.
"To talk. To convince him to leave me alone." You lied. If Daryl had been about to shoot Negan for the affair you shuddered to think of what he would do if you told him about that day, about what Negan had done to you.
"To talk? Why in a motel room?"
"I thought I was being descrete. More than anything, I wanted to keep you and the kids out of it and if I met him somewhere public, I didn't feel that would be protecting you."
"You said, you been seein' him for four years. What about Millie?" He asked nervously.
"I don't know." You wiped at the tears on your face, annoyed with yourself. "We would have to, get a paternity test."
Daryl swallowed.
"I need to know."
You nodded in understanding.
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brewed-pangolin · 7 months
so we know Soap loves to go off roading, but is his 4runner a manual or automatic 😫
Unfortunately, it's automatic. Toyota stopped making the manual transmission 4Runner's back in 2000, if I remember correctly.
I believe they'll be bringing them back this year (2024, maybe) but with the 4 cylinder engine.
Not that I'm bashing the more streamlined power capacity, but my man ain't gonna be driving that.
He needs horse power. Torque. And proficient towing capacity for a midsized SUV.
Full blown 4Runner ramble under the cut.
This is why he went the '22 TRD Off Road. 4.0 liter, V6 engine that purrs like a kitten on the road and growls like a beast while tackling the trail.
I've already made a post about his desired tire of choice here. (I love throwing the pavlovian effect on the squad. It's so much fun)
He does have lift kit. Yet only added an extra inch to remain compatible with the KDSS (Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System. 4Runners are made to go off road, not much need for after-market additions when they're already almsot perfect)
Now you're probably going to ask if he has the snorkel. And the answer is, hell yes. Water won't stop this beast of vehicular engineering. It'll plow through it with ease, like the parting of the seas.
And I see him keeping the black trim and black on red TRD rims. He also went with the Nautical blue paint job because of course he did. Pair that with the full black out tint, and this is sexiest thing you've ever seen while out backpacking through the woods (besides the man sitting in the driver seat)
I could go on for hours about this man's vehicular baby (he calls her his breagha (Scots for pretty/beautiful)). But I'll leave you all with this.
Much love, and get off the beaten path 💛 (pun very much intended)
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4Runner Wingman Masterlist
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Of all the EVs out there, I like the approach, styling, and choices. Of course, only way I could buy one is if I won the MegaMillions or PowerBall.
They don't look like an angry anime character, which is a big plus in the styling department. So sick of the "pissed off badly drawn cartoon" look. The Rivians have the cool vertical oval headlight arrays, a much friendlier-looking front end look!
It's a little cold/robot-ish, but at least it doesn't look like it wants to kill you and eat your car. The R2 & R3 look like a good "Forester-ish" size, in the small/midsize SUV category.
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There is one of their first model here on the Island, and when I first saw it driving around I was "Man, I'd buy one of those if I could BUY anything." And I haven't said that in at least a decade.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
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f course there is a Chrysler 300 the full size SUV of theirs is really midsize but it's big and they have some sort of hybrid it probably wouldn't do it's too complicated takes too long cost too much and nobody would buy it this will be the lineup and it might do a small utility vehicle as a pickup but for towing and Chrysler has some heavy stuff but that would be later. We'd like to do this kind of a line. He wants to see the full lineup so we're going to get the rest of it.
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And really that's almost the whole thing he says you'd have a regular sedan and a compact and you see the 300 and now we're missing the coup I guess I'm going to go back to it again you'll see there's also a medium sedan already and the large one and you just need a compact and the coop so we're going to put those up.
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Pretty much we think this is a full line they have three sedans one coupe the PT cruiser and a regular SUV and SUV minivan a large SUV and the supercar and it's a full line of course you wouldn't be able to start with a full line right now the competition is beating them out of everything and the Pacifica and the 300 are savings Grace they're trying to do with the hybrid but it's really not working out it's too expensive. And the 300 is not upscale enough for what they're asking but we can do that for a lot less and make it probably almost Cadillac level but he says maybe too high we agree with that but we can try it because people are not watching that much and it's good
Thor Freya
What can I say it's like a perfect lineup and I look very odd but none of those later what he's saying is you act like one a month and it would take that long to get it up and ready anyways and you can pick the order usually it's an order of sales and I would suspect as well it would be the 300 down to the 200 and it would be the Pacifica to the standard SUV which is smaller and to the PT cruiser which sold like madness and we have a redesign that looks really good it's hot looking it's fast too from there I think we would probably steer towards the coop and possibly the full size SUV which go hand in hand people always have those two it's a good combination and what's left is the supercar and it's a question he says we could have a custom shop and build them for my higher-ups and Chrysler executives and plant managers it's an incentive. So I might consider this is a whole bunch of deals on the table is not true so I guess I don't know what I'm considering so they're going to speak cuz he doesn't know what to offer
We were thinking of coming up with the structure it would be profit sharing also we would be managing the middle area stuff we would send you things for assembly and to dealerships that time times fully assembled and that's pretty much the basic outline we like this lineup this would be a full lineup we like what our son was saying it's like one a month and we like your order because it's exactly what you probably have to do and it's not really bad I mean that's pretty good the main stake car is not going to be an issue people need cars so badly and forwarded Chevy or not fighting anybody and we heard about it too they're not really up it's a perfect time a lot of these cars are son and daughter designed. It's a little odd but that's what it is so that's what we say
Thor Freya
We have a few factories out there we know how to get them going and we know what the deal is it's impossible to keep them open we know what you're saying you'd have to kind of move them in the area is kind of remote there's a way to do it people don't like it it's not that bad and it kind of a little crazy but it's about a hundred miles away from anything so you want it near the city right now it's near a city and their friend says there's no way to do it without a wall and we agree it would be impossible so we have a wall system and we can look at that and they can build it he says real fast so we want to look at that it can't be too high it can't be too low
We're thinking that might be the way to do it and if you're involved and you get it going it's a lot different and your people are basically the problem but their problems with each other and he says we'll open two plants that Terry cheeseman plant and a Robert Shaker plant. And that's good idea he says you'll have to pick the one you want you want to you think you want the coop or the supercar that kind of stuff there's really only going to be like one heavy chassis the other chassis are kind of all different and they say it too they're all kind of different so that's kind of where the split might be is preference to do is to keep them separated
Thor Freya
This is probably going to work I like the idea right now we can't afford the assets to get it going but we need them and we will need them in the future this is a great idea if something happens to me no I think it's a great idea and to include that PT cruiser is good we like that one. And Terry cheesman likes the Pacifica which is a great vehicle and it's our friend and his wife's idea it's a nice idea and it works it's like brick. So it's going to happen and we are going to go forwards and with a meeting and I like the ideas. I do have a beer it's not the one he found through his meticulous research and boy would he be dangerous he have it Intel cameras another George Ken was pretty bad but this guy would be a nutcase with it. It's not a bad idea and the train goes out but it takes too long they say it would be ships we might have a new canal boy would that be nice I really take him to Texas there'd be a lot of cars sold real quickly and crossfire is a real popular one it might both build it this is a good idea to have him do it but he's still working for me I would stop us from fighting and he have his areas and I have mine and that's how it is but we're going to go ahead with it cuz it it would be craziness his plans are in a different area his plants this is not a bad idea is to keep it that way and it worked it's just that other people came in other people so we're going to go ahead and post
I'm in the background and I appreciate being included it's a great idea and we should start it up before we lose the business completely if anything if something happens it will continue on and then remember the legacy and the max want these guys to do it which is really weird we don't believe it and stuff now we do it's it's odd but maybe continuing it for a Mac to take it over that's what you're saying really
Terry c
To make the best damn thing and then we just come in and take it over that's the idea we're going to like this idea it would know we like it it's great and to put it outside town where it already is really it's just a wall and they work you have a series of walls and you don't really see them on the way in or out and it works and it's secure and it helps people it's too far away where they are but they have like citadels little areas of cities of people popping up around it it's going to be a huge area and they like it cuz it's all new and that's a little weird they commute back to the city and it's only 80 miles it's from here to Tampa it's not much of a drive and then they go back and they live there for 4 days or three days I'll tell you what it's kind of the way it works with these guys. We're going to get going on this stuff we have paperwork we have things we can do to facilitate it and everything seems like it's going so slow it really does we want these cars too and the supercar and maybe just make a custom ordered everybody orders like a million and maybe so many customer but it says he might have like custom order shops actually they would be at the dealer and you could custom order through the branch manager that's the way to do it too is have the manager do it there's not that many stores and it'll give control to the company
I like the idea so we're going to print
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crypticsesh · 7 months
This post is me being extremely stoney and being stupidly depressed over losing my beloved truck. Granted, it needed to happen.
But still...😔
It's a stupid post.
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Look at this beauty! This sexy piece of machine!
This was my baby for the past 9 years. His name is Tiberius. He was my very first vehicle.
About a year ago, I went the cheap route (don't judge me, this world is hella expensive and money doesn't grow on trees my dude) to get my brakes changed. I went to a man that my best friend of 20 years (so i trusted her judgement yall) has been using for herself and her other family members for years. Almost a week after getting them changed a bunch of bullshit happened. To make a long story short, my brakes started to go out. I had numerous mechanics I know look at it, took it to multiple car shops, and no one can figure out what's happening. There's a temporary solution, but temporary is the key word there. So I needed to see about getting a new vehicle.
Saturday I went in to see about getting a trade in offer....and ended up walking, well rather, driving off the lot in a "new" to me vehicle. Leaving poor Tiberius behind with not so much as a farewell. It happened so fast. I definitely didn't see it coming. I only wanted to see what they'd offer me for trade in value, but one thing led to another, and I was signing my life away before I knew it 🤦‍♀️
But I've spent so much of my time behind Tiberius' wheel that nothing else feels right. He's taken me on some really grand adventures. And has managed to get me to some very important events in my life.
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I absolutely treasure the memories I've made with this truck.
But time does tend to wear us all down. Man or machine, time touches us all in some capacity.
Having to take care of my disabled mother made a few key necessities must haves. She could no longer physically get into my truck, so I needed something smaller. Easy, for her convenience, and easy to store and carry medical devices. Soooo midsized suv it is.
So without further ado...
Here she is...
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2019 Nissan Rogue.
She's absolutely nothing like what I'm used to. But I'm finding some really nice perks to the vehicle. Like dude, I have a cd player!!! It's a 2019 and it has a cd player!! Totally stoked for that because I'll be busting out that dust covered old disc binder to pull out those burnt cds!!!
It's really nice having a reliable vehicle once again too. I've had to worry about the brakes in my truck for so long that it's become a constant thought when I'm driving.
So yeah.
I'm super grateful for the time I had with Tiberius, and I'll always cherish him.
But I'm kind of excited to see where this will lead me.
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investbook · 12 days
How to Choose the Right Rental Car for Your Needs
Choosing the right rental car can make or break your travel experience. Whether you’re embarking on a family road trip, a romantic getaway, or a solo adventure, the right vehicle can enhance your journey. But with so many options available, how do you pick the perfect car for your needs? Don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key factors to consider when selecting a rental car, ensuring you have a smooth and enjoyable trip.
1. Consider the Size: Compact, Midsize, or Full-Size?
The first thing to think about is the size of the car. Are you traveling alone or with a group? If you’re on a solo business trip, a compact car might be all you need. It’s easy to park, fuel-efficient, and perfect for navigating busy city streets. However, if you’re traveling with family or friends, a midsize or full-size vehicle might be more suitable, offering more legroom, trunk space, and comfort for longer drives.
2. Think About the Terrain: SUV or Sedan?
Your destination plays a big role in determining the right type of car. If you’re planning to explore rugged terrain or head into the mountains, an SUV with an all-wheel drive might be the best choice. It provides better handling and ground clearance for uneven roads. On the other hand, if you’re sticking to highways and city roads, a sedan or a compact car will offer a smoother, more fuel-efficient ride.
3. Fuel Efficiency Matters
Gas prices can add up, especially on long trips. Consider renting a car that offers great fuel efficiency to save money at the pump. Hybrid and economy cars are excellent choices if you’re looking to minimize fuel costs. While SUVs and larger vehicles may be more comfortable for bigger groups or rough terrain, they typically consume more fuel, so balance your needs with your budget.
4. Special Features: GPS, Bluetooth, and More
Think about the features that will make your trip more enjoyable. Need a GPS to navigate unfamiliar roads? Want Bluetooth connectivity to play your favorite tunes? Make sure to check if these features are available in your rental car. Many rental companies offer vehicles equipped with the latest technology, so you can drive in comfort and style.
5. Luggage Capacity: Don’t Overlook the Trunk Space
If you’re traveling with a lot of luggage, or if you plan on doing some serious shopping, pay close attention to the trunk size of the car you’re considering. A compact car might be perfect for city driving, but if it can’t fit your bags, it could turn into a hassle. Larger vehicles like SUVs or minivans offer more storage space, making them ideal for family vacations or longer trips.
6. Rental Duration: Short-Term vs. Long-Term Rentals
The length of your trip should also influence your choice. For short weekend getaways, a compact or economy car might be the most cost-effective option. However, if you’re planning a longer trip, comfort becomes more important. In such cases, opting for a midsize or full-size car, or even an SUV, could make your journey more enjoyable.
7. Budget Considerations: Finding the Best Deal
Finally, consider your budget. Rental prices can vary significantly depending on the type of car, the duration of the rental, and the season. Use comparison sites to find the best deals, and don’t forget to factor in additional costs like insurance, fuel, and potential extras. Sometimes, spending a bit more on a slightly larger or more comfortable car can be worth the investment.
Final Thoughts: Tailor Your Rental Car to Your Trip
Choosing the right rental car isn’t just about picking the first one you see — it’s about finding the vehicle that fits your specific needs. By considering factors like size, terrain, fuel efficiency, features, and budget, you can ensure that your rental car will enhance your trip, not hinder it.
Ready to find the perfect car? Explore our selection of vehicles and book the one that’s right for your next adventure!
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bestgaddi-com · 27 days
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2025 Chevrolet Traverse: Minor Update
The 2025 Chevrolet Traverse remains a strong contender in the midsize SUV segment, with minor updates enhancing its family-friendly appeal. With spacious seating and advanced technology, the Traverse is ideal for larger families.
The 2025 Chevrolet Traverse continues to be a strong player in the midsize SUV market, offering a combination of space, comfort, and advanced technology. It remains a popular choice for families and those needing a versatile vehicle with plenty of room.
Technical Specifications
Engine: 3.6L V6
Horsepower: 310 hp
Torque: 266 lb-ft
Fuel Economy: 18 MPG city / 27 MPG highway
Transmission: 9-speed automatic
Key Features
Spacious interior with three rows of seating
New driver assistance features
Updated infotainment system with larger screen
Enhanced towing capacity
Pros and Cons
Spacious and comfortable interior
Strong V6 engine
Excellent towing capacity
Fuel economy could be better
Handling is not as agile as some rivals
Suggested Blogs: The Motor Cars of Chicago in the US 2024
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savageonwheels · 1 month
2024 Nissan Ariya Platinum+ e4orce AWD
Nissan's first all electric SUV is the Ariya that features a stylish and minimalist interior.
Full electric Ariya an interior design tour de force … Internet sites tell us that Ariya is a name that means Noble as in the tenets of Buddhism, or if you prefer, in Hebrew is means Lioness. For Nissan, Ariya means its first fully electric SUV that’ll carry a family of five and offers substantial range. One could argue it’s a noble effort. Outside it looks much like any other midsize SUV,…
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michealadlin01 · 2 months
Renting a Car Made Easy: A Comprehensive Guide for First-Time and Seasoned Travelers
Renting a car can simplify travel, offering freedom and flexibility that public transportation often cannot. However, navigating the world of car rentals can be confusing, especially for first-time renters. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned traveller, understanding the process can enhance your experience and ensure you get the most out of your rental. This guide provides an in-depth look at everything you need to know about renting a car, from choosing the right vehicle to returning it smoothly.
Understanding Your Needs
Before diving into the rental process, it's crucial to assess your specific needs. Start by determining the purpose of your rental, which will guide your choice of vehicle. For business trips, a comfortable and reliable car is essential, as it will be a part of your professional image and will often involve frequent driving. A midsize sedan or a compact car might be ideal for such scenarios. If you’re considering a Porsche, the Porsche Panamera is an excellent choice for business trips, offering a blend of luxury, comfort, and performance that reflects professionalism.
On the other hand, if you’re embarking on a vacation, your vehicle choice might be influenced by the number of passengers and the nature of your trip. For family vacations, a larger vehicle like an SUV or a minivan could be more suitable, offering ample space for both passengers and luggage. The Porsche Cayenne is a fantastic option here, providing both luxury and practicality for families. If your travel involves exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations, you might prefer a 4WD or AWD vehicle to handle rough terrains with ease. The Porsche Macan offers impressive off-road capabilities and a sporty driving experience that can handle diverse environments.
Special occasions might call for a different approach altogether. If you’re celebrating a milestone or attending a special event, you might want to opt for a premium or luxury vehicle. These cars not only provide a touch of elegance but also ensure a memorable driving experience.
The duration of your rental also plays a significant role in determining the right vehicle. For short-term rentals, such as a weekend getaway or a brief business trip, a compact or standard car should suffice. If your rental extends to several weeks or even months, exploring options for long-term rentals or leases can be more economical and convenient.
Choosing the Right Rental Company
Selecting the right rental company can significantly impact your overall experience. Major rental agencies like Enterprise, Hertz, Avis, and Budget are known for their extensive fleets and consistent customer service. These companies often have a global presence, making them a convenient choice for travelers who need a reliable option in different locations. However, this convenience sometimes comes at a premium.
Local rental agencies can offer competitive rates and a more personalized service. These companies often provide unique advantages such as local knowledge and more flexible terms. When choosing a local agency, it’s essential to verify their reputation through online reviews and ensure they have comprehensive insurance coverage.
When it comes to booking, you can choose between online and in-person methods. Online booking is typically more convenient, allowing you to compare prices across different websites and rental companies. Aggregator sites like Kayak, Expedia, and Rentalcars.com can help you find the best rates and deals. Additionally, online platforms often provide reviews and ratings that can guide your decision-making process.
In-person booking, while less common, can be beneficial if you prefer a hands-on approach or have specific questions. Visiting a rental office allows you to discuss your needs directly with an agent and view available vehicles. However, keep in mind that in-person bookings might not offer the same range of options or discounts as online reservations.
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Booking Your Rental Car
Once you’ve identified your needs and chosen a rental company, the next step is to book your vehicle. Comparison shopping is key to finding the best deal. Check multiple websites and rental companies to compare rates and terms. Look for discounts, promotional offers, or membership perks that can lower the cost of your rental.
Understanding what’s included in your rental price is crucial. Ensure you’re aware of any mileage limits, fuel policies, and additional fees that might apply. Rental agreements can vary, so reading the fine print helps avoid unexpected charges.
Insurance is another critical aspect of booking a rental car. While rental companies offer their insurance options, it’s worth checking if your personal auto insurance or credit card provides coverage for rental vehicles. If not, purchasing insurance from the rental company can offer peace of mind in case of accidents, damages, or theft.
Additional options like GPS units, child seats, and additional drivers can enhance your rental experience but may come with extra costs. Evaluate whether these extras are necessary for your trip and factor them into your budget.
Picking Up Your Rental Car
When it’s time to pick up your rental car, ensure you have all the necessary documentation, including your driver’s license, credit card, and reservation confirmation. Some companies may require an additional form of identification, so check in advance to avoid any last-minute issues.
Before driving off, conduct a thorough inspection of the vehicle. Check for any existing damages, such as scratches or dents, and ensure they are noted by the rental company. This step is crucial to avoid being held responsible for damages that were present before your rental period.
Renting a car is a powerful tool that can transform your travel experience, granting you the flexibility and independence to explore your destination on your terms. Whether you’re a first-time renter or a seasoned traveller, understanding the ins and outs of the car rental process can make all the difference.
In a vibrant city like Dubai, renting a car can significantly enhance your travel experience. From the moment you arrive, having a rental car at your disposal allows you to navigate the city’s stunning attractions, luxurious shopping districts, and pristine beaches with ease. By assessing your specific needs and choosing the right rental company, especially in a dynamic location like Dubai, you can ensure that your vehicle matches your travel style and preferences. For those interested in luxury options, considering a Porsche could elevate your experience even further. For example, the Porsche 911, starting at around $100,000, offers exceptional performance and style, while the Porsche Cayenne, beginning at approximately $70,000, combines comfort with capability. Understanding Porsche car price can help you make an informed choice that fits your budget and desires.
When booking a car rental in Dubai, consider factors such as vehicle type, rental terms, and insurance options to make informed decisions. With a diverse range of options available, from compact cars to luxury vehicles, finding the perfect fit for your journey is straightforward. Handling the pickup, use, and return efficiently, especially in a bustling city like Dubai, is crucial for a smooth experience.
Remember, the goal of renting a car is to enhance your journey, not complicate it. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can navigate the car rental process in Dubai with confidence and ease. Whether you're travelling for business, leisure, or a special event, a well-chosen rental car, including high-end options like the Porsche 911 or Porsche Cayenne, can provide the comfort, convenience, and freedom you need to make the most of your trip in Dubai.
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trustmotors112 · 3 months
Discover Your Next Ride: Used Ford Vehicles for Sale
When it comes to finding a reliable, stylish, and affordable vehicle, used Ford vehicles are a top choice for many car buyers. Whether you're looking for a powerful truck, a sleek sedan, or a versatile SUV, Ford has something for everyone. Explore the selection of used Ford vehicles for sale at Trust Motors to find your perfect match.
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Why Choose a Used Ford?
Ford has a long-standing reputation for producing durable, high-performance vehicles that cater to a wide range of needs and preferences. Here are a few reasons why choosing a used Ford could be the best decision for your next vehicle purchase:
Proven Reliability: Ford vehicles are known for their robust construction and reliable performance. With proper maintenance, a used Ford can provide many years of dependable service.
Diverse Models: From the iconic Ford Mustang to the versatile Ford Escape, there is a Ford model to suit every lifestyle and requirement. Whether you need a family-friendly SUV or a sporty coupe, the variety in the Ford lineup ensures you’ll find a model that meets your needs.
Cost-Effective: Buying a used Ford can save you a significant amount of money compared to purchasing a new vehicle. You can enjoy the benefits of a well-engineered car without the hefty price tag.
Advanced Features: Many used Ford vehicles come equipped with advanced technology and safety features that enhance the driving experience. From infotainment systems to driver-assist technologies, Ford's innovations ensure you stay connected and safe on the road.
Popular Used Ford Models
Here are some popular Ford models that you might find in the used car market:
Ford F-150: Known for its toughness and versatility, the Ford F-150 is an excellent choice for those needing a reliable pickup truck for work or recreation.
Ford Mustang: This iconic sports car offers thrilling performance and timeless style, making it a dream car for many enthusiasts.
Ford Escape: A compact SUV that provides a comfortable ride, ample cargo space, and modern features, ideal for families and adventurers alike.
Ford Fusion: A midsize sedan that combines fuel efficiency, comfort, and a sleek design, perfect for daily commuting and long drives.
What to Consider When Buying a Used Ford
When searching for a used Ford vehicle, there are several factors to keep in mind to ensure you make a smart purchase:
Vehicle History: Always check the vehicle history report to understand its past, including any accidents, repairs, and maintenance records.
Mileage: Consider the mileage on the vehicle, as it can impact the car’s longevity and performance. Lower mileage is generally preferable, but well-maintained higher mileage vehicles can also be reliable.
Condition: Inspect the car’s condition both inside and out. Look for signs of wear and tear, and take it for a test drive to assess its performance.
Certified Pre-Owned: Opt for certified pre-owned (CPO) vehicles when possible. CPO cars undergo rigorous inspections and often come with extended warranties, providing extra peace of mind.
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Finding the Best Deals
To find the best deals on used Ford vehicles, start by browsing the selection at Trust Motors. They offer a wide range of high-quality used Ford cars, trucks, and SUVs at competitive prices. Additionally, their knowledgeable staff can assist you in finding a vehicle that fits your budget and meets your needs.
In conclusion, purchasing a used Ford vehicle is a smart choice for anyone looking for reliability, affordability, and variety. With numerous models to choose from and a reputation for quality, Ford vehicles continue to be a popular choice among used car buyers. Visit Trust Motors to explore their inventory and drive away in your ideal Ford today.
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drplantboss · 3 months
I was wondering what car silver would opt to throw for maximum damage and decided to ask my car nerd friend
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I need a professional opinion. What make and model of car would be the best weaponized projectile, given the means to throw it with extreme force without damaging it? Depends on what the end goal is, also if you mean street legal vehicle. Mid-2000s suburbans are choice pedestrian crunchers. If you wanna go all out, you can't get much better than a semi rigged for lumber hauling, they usually have reinforced push bars and cages for dealing with wayward timber.
I'm thinking like, relatively common, consumer-quality cars for individuals/families. Wouldn't older cars be better due to being made of more metal?
Can't go wrong with any Panther platform car. There's a reason the crown vic served as long as it did.
If you had to pick one model to throw at like, a video game boss, what would you pick? That's the gist of the question.
Hmmm. As in a one-hit situation or a duration fight?
The boss' big opening just happened, and you're trying to land a critical on the big weakspot.
Probably a suburban or explorer as long as it's the V8. Any midsized to large domestic truck could do the job.
So, he says an SUV, a pickup truck, or a cop car.
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I vote for the cop car, fuck 'em up silver.
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market-news-24 · 5 months
Americans can't get enough of SUVs, and as a result, the once-beloved sedan is losing favor. The shift in preferences is evident as more and more drivers opt for the versatility and spaciousness of SUVs over traditional sedans. This change in consumer behavior is reshaping the automotive industry, with SUVs becoming the go-to choice for many. As the love affair with SUVs continues to grow, the trusty sedan may become a rare sight on the roads. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] The Chevy Malibu, a long-standing nameplate from Chevrolet, has unfortunately met the same fate as the dodo bird. General Motors (GM) announced the end of production for the Malibu, signaling a shift towards manufacturing more crossovers, SUVs, and EVs at its Kansas City factory. The decline of the Malibu can be attributed to changing consumer preferences, with SUVs and crossovers becoming more popular in recent years. While brands like Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai continue to produce midsize sedans, GM, Ford, and Stellantis have exited the sedan Market due to diminishing sales. Sales data from Edmunds.com revealed a significant drop in the Market share of sedans in the US, while SUVs saw a surge in sales, capturing over half of the Market. Consumers are increasingly opting for SUVs for their versatility and utility, despite sedans offering benefits like fuel efficiency and better performance. Although the popularity of SUVs is on the rise, sedans still have their advantages. They are more affordable than SUVs, offer better fuel efficiency, and provide a smoother driving experience. Performance-oriented sedans like the BMW M5 and Cadillac CT5-V Blackwing outshine even the sportiest SUVs in terms of speed and handling. While the Malibu may be discontinued, there is a possibility of a revamped version in the future. Just as Ford transformed the Mustang into an electric crossover, GM could introduce an electrified Malibu sedan for the modern era. In conclusion, despite the dominance of SUVs in the Market, sedans still have a loyal following for their practicality, affordability, and performance. The legacy of the Malibu may live on in a new form, catering to sedan enthusiasts who appreciate the unique charm of a traditional four-door vehicle. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. Why are SUVs becoming more popular than sedans in America? - SUVs are becoming more popular because they offer more space, higher seating position, and a sense of safety and versatility. 2. Are sedans being phased out in favor of SUVs? - It seems that way as more and more automakers are focusing on producing SUVs and crossovers over sedans. 3. What are the drawbacks of SUVs compared to sedans? - SUVs tend to be less fuel efficient, more expensive to purchase and maintain, and can be harder to maneuver in tight spaces. 4. Are there any benefits to choosing a sedan over an SUV? - Sedans typically offer better fuel efficiency, a smoother ride, and are generally more affordable than SUVs. 5. Will sedans disappear completely from the Market?
- It's hard to say for certain, but as consumer preferences shift towards SUVs, it's possible that sedans may become less common in the future. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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otoseyir · 7 months
What are EV startups doing to ride out weak demand?
U.S. electric vehicle startups are turning to cheaper models, slamming the brakes on their production ramp-up plans and laying off employees to navigate a slump in demand due to steep borrowing costs and high repair expenses for the vehicles. Tesla has told suppliers it wants to start production of a new cheaper, mass market product in mid-2025 as it looks to compete with cheaper gasoline-powered cars and inexpensive EVs from China. Here's how EV startups are trying to steer through the demand weakness: Rivian Automotive Rivian on Thursday introduced its smaller, less expensive electric R2 and R3 crossovers with plans to start producing the R2 at its existing U.S. factory to hasten deliveries in the first half of 2026. The move came weeks after the company said it was planning a weeks-long production shut down this year to upgrade its factories and cut costs. The company expects to produce 57,000 vehicles in 2024, well below the 81,700 estimates and far below the estimated 1.8 million vehicles Tesla delivered in 2023. After shying away from cutting the price of its vehicles last year, Rivian in February introduced lower-range options for its existing cars that are $3,100 cheaper. The startup has focused on reducing its cash burn by re-negotiating supply contracts and building some components in-house. It ended the fourth quarter of 2023 with $9.37 billion in cash, cash equivalents, including short-term investments. Lucid Group Lucid, which has Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund as its largest investor with a more than 60 percent stake, has also forecast annual production that was widely below estimates as it looks to control cost. The company has missed analysts' expectations for revenue for six straight quarters. It has slashed the price of the Lucid Air Pure to $69,900 and is including two years of free scheduled maintenance and charging allowance as an incentive. Lucid in November unveiled its Gravity SUV that will start under $80,000 and is expected to go into production late this year. The company has said it aims to start producing a cheaper midsize vehicle in late 2026 to compete with Tesla's Model 3 and Model Y, with a price point around $50,000. Lucid ended fourth quarter of 2023 with $1.369 billion in cash and cash equivalent. Fisker Fisker issued a going-concern warning this month and said it would lay off 15 percent of its staff and pause investments on future projects until it secures partnership with a manufacturer. Reuters has reported that Nissan is in advanced talks to invest in Fisker in a deal that could provide the Japanese automaker with access to an EV truck while giving the struggling startup a financial lifeline. Demand has been weak for Fisker's flagship Ocean electric crossover. Despite producing more than 10,000 vehicles in 2023, the company delivered only about 4,700. The company ended 2023 with cash and cash equivalents of $325.5 million, down from $527.4 million as of Sept. 30, Nikola Nikola is pivoting to big rigs powered by hydrogen, after some of its battery-electric trucks caught fire in August and forced a recall. The company expects up to $170 million in truck revenue for 2024 with a target to sell 450 units this year, including its hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks. Its cash balance stood at $464.7 million as of December-end, and the company has said it had the "the highest unrestricted cash balance" since the fourth quarter of 2021.
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autonationx · 8 months
Acura MDX Years To Avoid
While the Acura MDX has generally been well-regarded for its combination of performance, comfort, and reliability, there are certain model years that have been associated with specific issues that potential buyers might want to consider before making a purchase. For instance, some owners and automotive experts have noted concerns with the transmission in the 2014 Acura MDX, citing occasional rough shifting and reliability issues.
Additionally, the 2016 model year has been highlighted for problems related to the air conditioning system and electrical issues. It's essential for prospective buyers to conduct thorough research and consider individual vehicle histories when looking into purchasing a used Acura MDX to ensure they are aware of any potential issues associated with specific model years.
Common problems can depend on the model year, and manufacturers often address issues through recalls or improvements in later models. It's advisable to check with reliable sources, such as automotive forums, consumer reports, or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), for the most up-to-date and model-specific information.
The Acura MDX is a midsize luxury SUV that has been generally well-received, but like any vehicle, there may be certain model years that have had more issues than others. Here are some considerations:
2001-2002: Transmission Issues         
Some early models experienced transmission problems, including issues with the torque converter and transmission failure.
2003-2007: Transmission Concerns
While improvements were made over the earlier years, there were still occasional reports of transmission issues during this period.
2014: Transmission Recall
The 2014 model year saw a recall related to potential transmission problems. It's crucial to verify whether any recalls have been addressed.
2016: Infotainment System Problems
Some owners reported issues with the infotainment system, including freezing and malfunctioning.
2017-2019: Transmission Software Recall
These model years had a recall related to a software problem that could cause the transmission to unexpectedly shift to neutral.
Always remember to have any used vehicle you're considering purchasing inspected by a qualified mechanic before making a decision. They can provide a more accurate assessment of the specific car's condition and identify potential issues. Additionally, checking for recalls and ensuring that any necessary repairs or updates have been performed is crucial.
Important Considerations:
Check for Recalls and TSBs:
Before purchasing any used vehicle, it's crucial to check for recalls and technical service bulletins (TSBs) related to the specific model year. This information can provide insights into potential issues that the manufacturer has acknowledged and addressed.
Vehicle Inspection:
Regardless of the model year, it's advisable to have any used car, including the Acura MDX, thoroughly inspected by a qualified mechanic before making a purchase.
Individual Vehicle History:
The maintenance and care of a vehicle can significantly impact its reliability. Obtain a vehicle history report to check for any accidents, title issues, or odometer discrepancies.
Remember, this information is based on historical data available up to January 2022, and it's essential to consult the latest sources for the most current information on Acura MDX reliability.
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