#it does look good as a whatsapp sticker tho!
joy-girl · 11 months
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One Piece 1098 // Jewelry Bonney
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emojireviewpage · 1 year
🌬 Face blowing the wind emoji review 🌬
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Apple: The lips could have been executed better, they look weird. Her chin has a curved shape, which I don’t like. The hair looks like play dough. She blows some strong wind though. 7.5/10 I like her eyebrow.
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Google: I don’t know. Let’s give this a 4/10 Lips too high.
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Samsung: It seems like they tried to make this emoji similar to the apple one again. The chin is shaped more naturally. The lips are prettier. Worse hair tho. 6/10 Where are her eyebrows
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Microsoft: Why does she remind of lapis from Steven universe. 3/10 Aquamarine Gem confirmed
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WhatsApp: Twisted a bit and switch the face to a cloud. Good idea, some wind is blowing. 7/10 Originality is my “passion”
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Twitter: I like this. I like the cell shading. Looks soft and going to blow some wind. 6/10 Hair is like a wing.
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Facebook: Oh yes. Love the hair, the colors and her face. The wind is shaped nicely but doesn’t look wind at all! Looks like clay! 9/10 it’s still nice 👍
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Skype: Microsoft. But spitting water instead. 3.5/10 Why are you false.
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Twitter emoji stickers: Gentle face. Pure woman charm. Soft colors. What can I say? Easy 10/10 Slayed again.
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Joypixels: Cute! I like her colors. She is an elegant lady and blows some wind. 9/10 Let’s go
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emojidex: It’s nice. I like the outline. She looks in pain tho. I can’t tell if the shadow below her eye is really a shadow or a teardrop. Wind is so simple. 7.5/10 you can do better. Trust me. You have potential
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LG: Depressing. 0/10 it’s original like WhatsApp but does that mean I like this? No.
Thank you!✨💕
🌬Too windy🌬
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sjru · 5 years
[Blog] Discord is not for me, and that is okay too
So (many times) I've been invited over to servers and stuffs in the past and or recent. and pretty much in all situations I always end up muting all the servers quickly and forgetting about it.
Well you can say, "it's a social instrument you have to engage with it,  you are not using it correctly!"... well that's kinda the issue;  you see, there's only so much attention span you can give to something and things on the PC and time on the day overall.
The problem with servers is that if it needs or have more than one channel and a significant number of ppl that don't know each other that well it stop being something personal you are with friends, and more like a club of some sort. you keep adding people and it gets impersonal, it gets more formal. You have to start to add rules, then some add bots, some can get messy, jumpy, crazy, all it's fine on it's own, have their audience, but it's not for me.
I prefer a more smaller group of friends and places where I know everyone or at least I seen everyone, if it grows it does it more organically. If I never seen the person before you can get you know, a bit closed, at least I do. Well I'm shy, at the beginning at least,
I reply to messages if I'm pinged but that's about it. Discord ends up feeling impersonal and more corporate when you compare it to my platform of choice Telegram.
In telegram I can use my sticker pack, express myself more freely, use the gifs I love, groups are more simple (at least many are since you don't direclty have channels like in discord tho yes they can easily get into complexity, not into those either>).
And well, telegram is way more useable for productivity since I can easily pull over my stuff from the ipad to my pc via telegram without having to use a more inconvenienced dropbox or something and that's a godsend I guess. (Like a gb max for send files you know that)?
Yes telegram is not like, the place you want to voicechat. About that - well not being a native speaker does hurt a bit into confidence and if I don't know the ppl in there I do get a bit nervous, setting up the mic is a minor inconvenience anyways tho those are mostly excuses x3, real reason is that I type much faster than what I can express on voice and I like to listen to music. VC means I have to turn off music to pay attention to someone mumbling when I could have achieved the same typing, doing it clearer and better. Yeah it has it's uses, I guess some things are better said in voice obviously but for the cases I have so far there's not much need to be constantly on the front of a mic.  Unless it's a clear chat with defined goals and stuff, a fringe chat can be easily as well be done in chat while not having to not listen music or whatever (Yes music does chill me out a bit).
There are other things that I don't like about discord, the interface does look cluttered for 1 on 1 chat which I do prefer the most anyways. To give you an idea, I can't search chats globally like in telegram, so it's VERY easy to miss someone if they change name - more than once I had to ask out the handle of someone I had because the chat dunno where it went and they switched name to something.
Sharing of images compared to telegram is inferior, (telegram can group images in albums or together, and do them faster anyways). 10 MB file transfer limit means that compared to telegram I can do little if I fancy sharing something interesting that has a mild size unless I pay (and it still very restricted to telegram). The stickers, obviously, (Having to paste them manually is not fun).
The scandals related to discord T&S team do not help; specially since they are manned by some furries with an apparent case of power tripping/ego and I do not really like that in an administration position that gets to chose what can be done in a platform or not. The censorship and accusations of surveillance of some servers do leave a sour taste in my mouth tho it's not my cup of tea those things it do end up making Discord a more corporate non personal entity, that you don't know if it'll flip a switch to strangle some users for some reasons (I read discord has a minority investment by tencent, the spy arm of the chinese goverment, yikes!)
Telegram, yes it has flaws; like I guess the phone number registration requirement is a huge turnoff for many which I understand and some criticize the well, lack of surveillance that allows some scum to make it's place there (Ironic). Well frankly if there are more flaws I have not encountered them nor they are an issue for me.
Ultimately telegram is way superior for me compared to the counterpart whatsapp that everyone uses in my region, primarily because you don't need your damn phone conected like a parasite if you want to use it on your PC and well, it's not owned by damn facebook (But by a russian millionaire that opposes putin and has intent in keeping telegram free, or so I read)
For foot notes, there was other chat platform I used, well it was Steam. Yeah, valve slacked there, they take too much to make it modern compared too ther platforms, everyone including me uses something else for chatting, I just reply messages and game I guess.
Skype; well everyone knows the story, it was used a lot, bad managed. Guess the ads and the bad changes were really offputting. I don't like it anymore. Noone I know uses it, good ridance anyways.
To sum it up, if you did read and not skim, I don't like discord, it's not a bad platform for what it does, has more flaws than I would feel comfortable with in any case and telegram offers me what I need for what I do. It does have it place and obviously ppl like discord more, and that's fine. Not for me tho.
That's all Sjru~
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helheimawaitsyou · 6 years
I'm feeling comfortable with myself.
A really simple sentence, yet I can't remember saying it since before middle school until now. How does it come? For that I have to tell a bit about middle school (grade 5-10). My family moved when I was in 4th grade, so I lost contact to my old friends. I made new friends in middle school and it was a really cool time until 8th-9th grade. Since I focused and still focus on good marks I wasn't 'cool enough' anymore and my closest friend at that time started to talk some pretty mean stuff behind my back and that is the point where I saw how 'fake' these friends where. I was used to being socialized as 'ugly' and what not in early middle school but losing my friends and hear the stuff they said, damn. In the end, it's for the better because they were fake anyway. The thing is all the times I heard that stuff, it hurt me back then but it only made me to what I am now. So, thank you for showing who you really are and helping me with what I do not want to be.
Since then I was always moving in and out of the outer circles of my friends (it feels like that), because they have other friends with whom they 'do stuff', not with me. I don't trust persons easily and I don't make friends easily too. It takes some time and at the moment I only fully trust one person outside of my family.
Now the good part: The main reason why I feel comfortable now is tumblr. Not the platform with all the bots :D but you guys who I met here. There was once a sticker on my fridge that said "2013.. will be a good year". I don't know why but I always think back to that thing when I think about how happy I am. 2013? mehh. There was also a 2014 sticker but, no xD 2017 was the first year where I thought: good. But 2018 is definitely the best 7 and a half months of my life I remember, thanks to you. It starts with pretty simple stuff when you comment on edits I did, start a conversation via replies, sometimes text me via tumblr or text me via whatsapp etc. tho if the person reads this she knows who I mean since I only talk to one person via whatsapp :D
I got out of my comfort zone and I'm thankful I did. Like going to Berlin ;), travelling in general, going to Montréal, and now doing Cosplay, haha which I wouldn't consider a few years ago. I only told one person that I got such a fitness tracker thingy, but to date, I already lost 10kg and for me, that is like a huge step out of my comfort zone. All I can say is I'm really happy right now and I would like to thank you guys for making my days, for motivating me, for making me laugh and sometimes cry (tho happy tears), making me smile like an idiot when I text, influencing me in a good way, seeing the real me, my personality, in a world where nearly everything and everyone is judged based on looks and for being my friends.
Maybe some of you only know me from my hzd-blog @lk1a1-4510​ this is my personal one .D
@arsuf, @bi-aloy, @carja-in-shadow, @chanihobbit, @ferisuu​, @fogsblue​, @hotmessteaparty​, @hzd-tombraider-lore​, @kusa5​, @layllahassan​, @nathanbrake​, @unity-and-harmony​, @vgtravlr​, @ysuhbella​, @ziimahfaeraak​
Thank you! <3
And everyone I haven’t listed here but likes and reblogs and comments the stuff I post. I read everything :D Maybe we haven’t talked yet, tho if you want you can write me on tumblr anytime if you want :)
Did I miss someone? Yes. I guess I don’t have to say how important you are to me, what a big role you play, and how much you influenced me in a good way, while I’m sitting here surrounded by cosplay stuff, haha :D Thank you @flawinthemachine! ❤︎
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emojireviewpage · 1 year
🥶 Freezing emoji review 🥶
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Apple: Eek. Unsettling face. Poor emoji. It is SUFFERING and I feel bad. Not so happy expression. Its face is FROZEN and plain. Are the icicles frozen saliva? 7/10 Get some help.
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Google: No icicles this time? Where are they? Or did a snowpile land on their head? I love the snowflakes. Winter-y. I see they have brown eyes. 8/10 The line on its mouth looks odd.
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Samsung: Hm. What? How can you grow THOSE enormous icicles? Honestly. Are you cursed? Did your mind freeze so much your mouth looks odd? 4/10 creepy. Can’t recommend.
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Microsoft: Are you melting? 2/10 does not represent.
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WhatsApp: snowflakes! Even though they are beautifully detailed, this emoji doesn’t steal my heart… 8/10 I see you tried
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Twitter: Too cold for you? Aw. I see you are really worried for the cold. I take points off because you can do better. 4/10
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Facebook: Oh. Nice colors. Honey, you are very frozen. Can I help you? 9/10
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Twitter emoji stickers: Pretty eyes. Makes this emoji innocent. Love the detail on the icicles. 9/10 Cold times! ❄️
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Joypixels: They are definitely frozen. Is it just me or does it have more icicles than the rest? I feel bad. Get some treatment and you’ll feel better. 7.5/10 Get out the freezer.
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TossFace: With black outline. This would look better. It’s cute tho. 3/10
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Openmoji: Snow and icicles. I can’t say a lot because it is a normal one. 5/10 Points FOR originality
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Emojipedia: Ugh. This emoji is really uncomfortable. It distorted mouth makes me not look at it. It seems like they made it look an apple emoji, but badly executed. The excessive shading on its face makes it look oddly CGI that it looks just wrong. It looks like they have cheeks. The eyes just don’t look too good to me. Almost like they want to explode. C’mon, can’t stand the freeze? 5/10 I give you extra 2 points because the icicles are really realistic and pretty.
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LG: The best one IMO! Cute emoji with nice shading and eyes. The eyes have a nice colour and I love the frozen parts of its body. Refrigerated a lot? Buddy? 9.5/10 Awesome emoji. It needs snow on its head and it’s perfect!
Thank you! 💕
sooooo cold. 🥶
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emojireviewpage · 1 year
🫒 Olive emoji review 🫒
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Apple: Bathed in oil with a subtle touch of pepper on the inside. I guess this is a pepper-stuffed olive, which is pretty common to eat in my country. The colours are spot-on and so is the shading. It looks like it would taste like a real olive. Even though it’s only one unit, Off to a good start. 8/10 I should try these more often.
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Google: I like the presentation because it reminds me of olive trees. My country produces a lot of olive oil (guess which one, you already know it if you are my fan) the shading is simple, but also adds to the cuteness of this emoji. 8/10 These look soft
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Samsung: An upgraded version of the Google emoji. I love the colors and how it looks cartoonish and also realistic. I would eat these if they were real. 9/10 they look a bit like grapes.
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Microsoft: The red hurts my eyes. This looks some disgrace. The colors are the reason this looks like it could taste awfully. 0/10 I’m sorry but no way
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WhatsApp: Nice shading and reflection on the olives as they look cleanly drawn and detailed. It looks like an LG emoji. Curious, right? I like how there are 2 units. 8/10 They lack a bit of flavor
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Twitter: Genious take on the design of this emoji! I like the gleam of the olives and they look pleasantly cute. 7/10 I don’t think it’s perfect though.
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Facebook. This represents an olive or may it be an hybrid between a pear and an olive? I don’t know. I love the details. Very curious emoji. 9/10 looks sweet.
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Twitter emoji stickers: 100000/10 The designer of their emojis deserves a big award.
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Joypixels: the texture of this emoji resembles real life olives because of the dots in the skin. I guess I think the pepper looks off because it looks like it is covered in a red paint rather than a piece of pepper. Don’t get me wrong, this is a little confusing to read. I hope you understand what I tried to say. 5/10 the color is highly recommended tho.
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TossFace: The hole is really wide. It lacks in expressiveness, does not convey anything. Don’t recommend, it’s like a 1-dollar version of the joypixels example. 1/10
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Openmoji: This is a misshapen avocado. 0/10
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Emojipedia: Unsettlingly detailed texture and unblended airbrush some kind of pillow-shading on this olive. Suffers from oddly placed highlights that make it look like a green vessel instead of an olive. Not in a good condition, in the inside, there would be nothing. Looks like a toxic waste. Would taste like sweaty T-shirt That was worn 3 days in a row. No defined shape that it looks flat, like a sheet of paper. 2/10
Thank you!💗
Who likes olives?🫒
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