#it doesn't help that i essentially cant eat with it on either
shinjisdone · 1 year
Sweet Things Thorfinn Would Do For You On Your Period
A little edit kind of 'requested' for another female/afab scenario. TW: Periods, mention of pms, bleeding, blood, mentioning pregnancy once, throwing up, passing out, general pain
The concept of having one's period was mentioned and I wanted to do some research before writing anything considering the story is Based on real history.
Now...things wouldn't be easy when it comes to you being part of Askeladd's band.
The men may be dumber than a sack of hammers but they do know what a period is and also know you will get it once a month. I'm pretty sure Thorfinn is aware too.
In fact, if you don't get it (or soak it up rather successfully) there will be a lot of 'Huh's?' Hey, it's been a while and you don't look like you've had your abdomen stabbed, ain't it time? You sure you're okay?
They know you HAVE to bleed. It aint healthy if you don't! (Unless of course...you are pregnant. Many will side eye Thorfinn before you yell out that you are bleeding, idiots. You are just not letting it ruin your clothes).
As mentioned, Thorfinn is aware too but won't immediately notice anything. Rather he'd have a small heart attack if he sees any blood on you before the logical thought of 'period' enters his mind right after and he calms down. If you go into the bushes for the fourth time today, he'd raise a brow and his concerns before going 'Oh.' right after.
Will just let you do what you need to do. He'd keep watch if you are in the bushes or lake and when you hiss in pain, he'd ask if you are okay.
He tends to be a bit more attentive but that's about it. To him all it means you'll have to deal with it for an amount of time. He himself doesn't know how to deal with it either.
Which can be a problem when you do need help. You could have profuse pain and blood (which WILL scare Thorfinn. He knows it can be normal but the way you are suffering and the amount of blood still makes him a bit uneasy) and all he knows is that cloths can be helpful. He'll get some, make some himself or in some cases, will even steal some during raids of the other vikings.
Thorfinn doesn't raid at all. All he needs are essential things which he can easily get himself. So imagine him there in an hut he saw a woman eacape from and explore each nook and cranny for some clean cloths. He prefers not to think about the original owners - you need it and thats important.
If you met at an early age, he would have done so as well, especially in the beginning.
Unfortunately, that seems to be the only thing he can do for you. He cant help when it comes to pain, which also comes in many variations.
When your clutching your stomach hard and can't get up, the blonde panics a little. He hoists you up on his back, piggy-back style, and carries you wherever you need to go. You may complain that he could get blood on him but he doesn't mind and tells you so. When you say you really can't stand straight, Thorfinn? panics? A bit? More? Whaddya mean you can't even stand straight? Bro, you're scaring him.
He'd be extra careful not to...bend or...whatever else could happen that causes you pain while he carries you.
But when you straight up throw up on the rails of the ship? Nuh-uh, you cannot convince him that can happen.
Startled a bit before rubbing your back. He holds your hair as well and just...prays that is a one-time thing. Like, what is happening inside your body?
He offers you his share of food, telling you to shut up and eat. No, it's fine, you can have it. Surely it has to be of help after you vomitted your entire lunch out.
And if you REALLY want to scare him to death, it happens when you might pass out.
What are you doing PASSING OUT?!
Thorfinn won't ever yell or scream or be demeaning to you because of your period ever, but he cannot help the confusion and fear settling in whenever something happens. He bottles it up instead.
He is at first not going to come to the conclusion that you passed out because of your period and will instead shake you like crazy to wake up, unknowingly causing you more pain.
And now, to the scenario which was my only reason to write these period key parts:
Askeladd hears a hard thump and looks over to see Thorfinn panicking and shaking you awake. The men watch with uneasy, eyes, speechless. With a frustrated sigh, Askeladd makes his way up to you two.
The moment he hears him, Thorfinn draws his dagger at the man and barks at him to stay the hell away. What could he possibly want?
With a roll of his eyes, the man points at your unconcious form and tells him what the hell he is doing rather. Doesnt he now that shaking you like a rag doll is only hurting you more?
Thorfinn screams at him as Askeladd kneels down and lays you down on your back, putting a cloak under your head as a pillow. He gives you something to drink, prepares something akin to soup with a few herbs and tells Thorfinn to shut up and learn.
He watches him pour something in a bowl and attempting to have you drink from it - before the leader could do anything, Thorfinn has his hands around his neck, pushing Askeladd to the ground with gritted teeth. "What in the hell do you think you're doing?!"
Askeladd shoves the lad off and points towards the blood around you. "You can't even help your friend. She's bleeding and unconcious and you're holding down the man who knows his way around women at least."
Thorfinn's breath hitches and he watches with wide, attentive eyes and a shaking dagger in his hand as Askeladd is tending you. When asked how he knows all these things, the man cheekily answers that in his years he had experiences with a few women for more than a few months. The men whoop for him.
In reality, he knows all this by having tended his sick mother ever since he was lad himself. Ill and alone, abandoned in a stable with manure and rats left and right. She survived so far until he was fourteen...so he reckons he's teaching Thorfinn something right.
While disliking this little lesson, Thorfinn takes it to heart as he watches you get better.
Cloths, food, herbs and salves...he'll get it for you. Either by means of foraging or stealing. All for you.
Tells you to always inform him on how you are feeling. If something hurts, here's the salve. If you can't get up, he'll carry you. He also mused if he should wash your blood-stained clothes but always asks you beforehand.
The fact that you could get infected (which is something he didn't know and Askeladd told him) makes him even more determined to keep his eye on you. There are so many ways to die and he can't have you be gone through something like that.
So, so helpless when you are feeling emotional (pms). You are depressed, upset or are crying because of...nothing particular. He is definitely NOT going to Askeladd but is going to ask you what you want him to do. What do you want, what do you need? This is all so confusing to him, just tell him what he's gotta do.
It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand it, don't bother explaining. Just give out your request. Anything.
He's not going to tell you how much it hurts seeing you like this.
Need a hug? Uh, he doesn't do hugs but he'll comply. Unsurely and carefully wrapping his arms around you with zero weight on your body. His skin is barely touching yours. Afraid he might hurt you.
Lean on him and cry. Talk about anything, he won't get it but will listen. Ask for anything and he'll get it.
Again, he does so really carefully like you are made of the thinnest glass. Thorfinn isn't the most affectionate even when he tries.
If you give him your thanks during pms, he will be...stumped. And his heart is beating fast. What are you talking about?
He'll accept your words quietly, patting your back before telling you to keep resting. Just a bit more and everything will be okay.
[@suofang this for u]
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brutal new post ;; i cant imagine what it must be like for jigen after lupin's... you know :(((
oh dear anon you shouldn't have asked that question @dagmartoons already knows what its called but Ill just call this one
The Ronin Ending
This pathway is a deviating Alternate Ending that occurs after whatever variant of A Choice in Eventualities, found here, happens. Whether Lupin dies, either on his own or with assistance, this arc is going to happen. The severity of how it ends however, is highly dependent on a bunch of variables.
Basically, the arc goes like this.
What did it mean to be a Ronin?
In feudal Japan, a ronin was a warrior without a master, who travels the country offering his service to anyone in need of a sword to hire. But unlike the lonesome cowboy or gunman in Western movies, the ronin in Japanese culture has always had a tragic dimension, a dawning sense of failure.
Following the loss of Lupin, Jigen is himself lost. Though he does not feel guilt over his friends passing, if his friends make the decision for him, that does not mean he is well and good in terms of stability.
In the end none of them are. If lupin was to actually end up dying, EVERYONE would start spiraling, though it would be Jigen who would hurt the worst. It would hurt and affect Jigen more, and despite his friends rallying beside him trying their best to hold on and offer support, Jigen on the other hand does not take his friends death well at all.
So much so, that a week after Lupin's death, Jigen goes missing. He disappears.
Then come the News reports
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Five o'clock, Ten o'clock and the breaking news all start to report the near massacres happening throughout the city. All mobsters or those with mob ties All shot All left dead like carrion in the street
Everyone knows whose doing it in short time.
No one stops him
Everyone’s scared of him, even the police.
For who could be so bold, so daring as to do such a terrible thing by themselves in near broad daylight, with no help and a singel gun at his side.
And yet his proficiency, his fluidness, it’s all amazing as well as terrifying. Jigen went underground when he left the mafia but he’s back now and making a new name for himself along the way, as well as a new death wish
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Now that Lupin's no longer around to be the one person who keeps him grounded, he's gone back to doing the single thing he knew he was good at.. killing.
He's gone full Ronin now.
He just doesn’t really care if he dies now either.
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He doesn't eat. . .he barely sleeps, he's probably drunk half the time too, desperate to numb the pain. The man is essentially killing himself and whether or not he means to in the end is anyone's guess.
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Maybe in the end that's what he wants.
After all if it is, it's the only saving grace, knowing that he wont live long enough for himself to have to deal with the loss of the other for that for to long. . .
He just wants to take a few people with him when he goes
_ _ _ If you wish to known the darker "ending" to this Alternate Ending. Leave an ask in the ask box :D
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squibbymun · 1 year
I like to roleplay on twitter and one of the characters i write is, surprise surprise, emperor. and one day i got bored and decided ''fuck it. this bitch is very susceptible to melting'' and its been like that since pretty much i started musing him BUT I wanted to put some ideas I had here to actually make it something kind of serious instead of something mildly annoying and thought ''Splatoon tumblr might like this so ''
So yeah! Basically they can melt. Heat is a factor in it but it's mostly stress and exhaustion that causes it. It's kind of like in ''stages'' is the best way I can describe it: either he melts very little and only the surface/skin layer gets disrupted and melts or it's deeper and his skin starts getting seperated into more pure ink so its just that specific part of the whole body getting disrupted. Usually it causes a change of skin color (as in instead of a skin color its like. the ink color itself) and it's a lot worst, covers a much larger area and said area is VERY malleable. Like to the point of ''My face is melting and kind of falling off oh god oh fuck''. When he starts solidifying again everything is pretty much okay though! Their hands/face/whatever will solidify into whatever shape it's supposed to be (if missing small pieces that heal themselves in time). Melting generally starts from where ink pressure is the lowest (aka furthest away from the ink sac because i cant think of anything else that works), so the ears, fingers, toes, so on.
Mind you, it doesn't HURT to be melting. Sometimes it's that weird numb tingly static leg feeling, sometimes it's just numbness. Melting is more dangerous in that unless it's a surface layer it's kind of like having a REALLY wide open wound so that opens it up to infections (and lets not forget the airborne ink eating bacteria because THAT doesnt fucking help.) He CAN'T lose limbs from it but they CAN lose body mass from it. It's usually okay unless he's melting really fucking bad though and if it's too much the body can't recover all of it. Not fun. (And again, as mentioned earlier, they can lose small bits of their body but those DO regenerate.)
Rest and liquids help when someone is melting but because their body is trying to recover itself they're probably gonna be various levels of tired after/during it if they werent tired from doing whatever else they were doing already.
for Emperor specifically I imagine this very much inspired how Emperor's Road and their team formation worked as they generally don't need to move or exhaust themselves all too much to overwhelm their enemy aswell as making an unbreakable wall. Win/win for him essentially!
Anyways thats all i have for now thank u for coming to my SquibTalk
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
My binder hurts so bad but not wearing it literally makes me want to die
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vminvisiblestring · 4 years
ron swanson: dean winchester father-figure
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cant get ron swanson being deans father-figure out of my head so i'm holding yall hostage- i mean, sharing the madness with you, i'm sorry. and listen, yes, i know, i know how it sounds but hear me out:
both have similar (incredibly unhealthy) diets/ love bacon an unhealthy amount
love to fish, in ron's words "it's like yoga except i still get to kill something"
both like good alcohol (as casual drinkers only, depressed-drinking-in-excess-to-numb-the-pain-of-losing-cas-dean-winchester does not apply)
the biggest soft spot for their closest friends
great with kids
fans of old movies/music
love sex
love big dogs
literally both are so wild and unpredictable sometimes, it's insane
now i know what you're thinking: you stupid idiot, ron's whole schtick is being this hyper masculine "manly man" who doesn't like weak-willed men, how could he possibly be a good father figure to poor, traumatized, "just wants to be loved", dean?
and to that i say, you fool, thats exactly why ron would be a great father-figure: ron's inherent soft side for the people he loves opens him up even if he is a "man's man" and he doesn't shy away from that vulnerability. and besides, dean may be many things, but weak-willed he most certainly is not. in ron's own words:
if you don't believe in love, what's the point of living?
yes, ron believes:
boys should grow up to be "strong men" who should only cry "at funerals and the grand canyon"
thinks america is the country of all
he's a hard-core libertarian
but he also
hates big government
loves and respects strong, independent women
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plus he deadass opposed his fathers order to work in a steel mill (literally. his dad dropped him off at the mill and told him not to bother with school and ron got a ride back to the college anyway).
you're gonna tell me the man who basically said, "fuck you dad i'm going to college" wouldn't beat the shit out of j**n winchester when he found out all the trauma dean has because of him? you'd be lying to yourself.
and oh my god! imagine the support system dean would have in ron and vice versa? like imagine dean supporting ron at his jazz shows and ron supporting dean during karaoke night? considering how he supported tom and his snake juice venture (if you know you know, and if you do, i love you), it's safe to say he'd be going to every table in his deadpan voice like, "yes, that's my son. yes, he does have the voice of an angel." (and you can take ron's statement to the bank because "a recommendation from me is essentially a guarantee.") and what about deans jokes? finally someone who'll understand and laugh at his jokes. remember deans face when donna laughed at his joke? yeah, imagine that face but all the time with him and ron. but most importantly, whenever dean needs advice, who would begrudgingly (affectionate) get out of bed and bring the good scotch and bacon burgers over for a heart to heart? exactly.
and that's not even mentioning the wood working! ron teaching dean about wood working!! he starts showing dean how to make small stuff at first and then dean starts branching off doing his own thing (he did make the ma'lak box by himself, after all). and one day he surprises ron with a rowboat he made and they take it out onto a lake to fish and in the serene peace of it all ron would tell dean how proud he is of him and mean it, and more importantly: dean would believe it.
now some of you might also be thinking: well if you want dean to have an alcoholic, manly father-figure, he already has bob- [gunshot]
no, fool! bobby may have been leagues better than j**n, but he wasn't the most gentle man in the world, either. i don't forget you belittling my sons feelings, bobby singer. but i also thank you for playing catch with him. but there's little things here and there that make bobby an unfit father-figure for someone like dean. for example: his use of traditionally effeminate words or words used to describe effeminate men and using them as insults, on multiple occasions to deans face. not exactly directed at dean, although sometimes they were.
bobby is a kind of "manly man" in a... different way than ron. arguably both would consider themselves manly, but ron would say it in a confident way, very sure of himself; bobby would say it as a reassurance (insecurity) because his masculinity was somehow called into question. and there's the big ol' elephant in the room: bobby is burdened by life. the last thing dean needs is another man burdened by life, he already had that with j**n and look what he did to him. someone with that much baggage would unload it on dean sooner or later, just like j**n did. and knowing dean, he would feel it's his responsibility to look after yet another person, and he doesn't deserve that.
ron, on the other hand, lives completely unburdened by life. he lives in a cabin in the woods with his hidden gold and his books and his scotch and his wood shop just vibing. ron loves life! and guess what? so does dean! dean was always meant to live a laid-back, easy life fishing, eating bacon, loving nature and just vibing too! he'd feel contentment with ron. easy living and much deserved peace.
plus, you're gonna sit there and tell me ron (as the director of the parks department who thinks people should be able to do whatever they want) wouldn't have some kind of pull to get dean a nice piece of land and help him build a bar! and a house!! ron would give dean stability, a chance to live a peaceful, normal life.
and he literally doesn't give a shit who you love so imagine dean showing up with cas one day to dinner? they'll shake hands, ron would comment on cas's firm grip, they wouldn't notice they both have deadpan voices and expressions and hijinks would ensue. ron would love cas! he's strong, stoic, smart, but endearing and kind and open. know ron would just look over towards the other end of the table at dean and just give him a small smile and slight nod and dean would know exactly what he means: you did good, kid.
in conclusion:
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#at the end of the day i wrote this in good fun#(but also to try to come to terms with the fact that my beautiful baby boy is gone because my brain and body won't let me move on and all i#want to do now is imagine dean living the life he was meant to with loving figures all around him and maybe one day i'll realize what they#did to him [and what they did to him for] and wail for a week straight then slowly begin to heal and move on#if i've managed to indoctrinate you- i mean convince you of ron swanson: father figure you may just have one tiny concern left: they're from#entirely different genres genius how could they ever interact and to that i say: hear me out... CROSS OVER! imagine crossing the world of#horror and comedy and mixing the two. and how they'd meet? simple. dean winchester heads to pawnee indians on a case#involving the mysterious death of a pony. he stops at a diner late at night on his way to a motel and sits across the bar from a man in his#late fourties who apparently ordered all the bacon. dean smiles a bit and asks for a burger. the man across the counter says he noticed the#car parked out front and dean talks baby up. the man chuckles. “i didn't catch your name.” “dean winchester. nice to meet you.”#“ron swanson. that's a firm handshake you got there son.” and they talk about what deans doing in town and ron cries over lil sebastian and#after a couple of days of dead ends dean decides to confide in ron about the supernatural which ron finds stupid as hell at first but then#quickly accepts after almost getting taken by what dean said was called a “wendigo”. and dean endears himself to everyone because obviously#and when the case is over and deans set to leave he gets a little emotional he bonded with this young man over booze and bacon and crappy#fathers that he can't help but feel he's kind of losing a kid. and he sees himself a little in dean and feels the need to keep him around#actually a WANT. he wants to get to know him more show him a thing or two about HIS world maybe his woodworking or his favorite fishing spot#and he tells dean not to be a stranger and dean says he definitely won't and makes a comment about how this place looks as good as any to#any to settle down... and one day he does. and he and ron bond and become the closest thing one can to a father and son. and dean finds an#an extended family in the parks department. and his family come visit the house he built himself. and cas is with him. and hes finally HAPPY#destiel#dean winchester#dean#castiel#cas#ron swanson#supernatural#spn#parks and rec#spn long post#arcane spn collection: long post
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deuce-duce · 4 years
Back Story
So if you have been following along then I have previously mentioned my stint in jail for a dui and what was going on... let me add i was on the medication the entire time while in custody that the doctors prescribed to keep me from essentially dealing with what we all know i deal with... not anything I seek out on my own accord but literally something I deal with.. i had an inpatient stay before turning myself in. Once again giving everyone a clean slate! While there i met a woman that i fooled around with that was married. When she left we exchanged info.
when i got out of jail i stayed in an air bnb and since i was concerned about not dealing with what I had dealt with in jail i got addicted to meth for about 2 weeks. I got the meth from the woman and her husband that I met in the psych hospital. They had expressed to me that they liked having threesomes primarily with other men. Her husband expressed how much he like to give head so on and so fourth. I explained to them my situation and how I needed to experience a either bi or gay experience in a conscious state. Since the wife told her husband about our behavior in the psych ward a bi experience it was going to be. One night after getting high I experimented... unnerving to say the least I was asked if the husband could give me head... i agreed but at no point did I ever get hard. The whole time I was getting felatio I was knee deep in trying to get his wife involved but she just wasn't into it. After about an hour the husband said all the times i have done this I have never gotten anyone to cum... so i started fingering and eating out his wife while he blew away. About ten minutes later I finally came. Still never got hard but that doesn't necessarily mean that constant stimulation won't make you cum, especially when. You neck deep in some vagina! After that i stopped doing meth and nothing happened for a while.
This didnt stop the constant surveillance... and the Truman show ensued. it wasnt until i met a woman on pof and asked her if she knew who I was because everyone lies to me about it that she said yes it made me livid! Ill post the the screens hot at the bottom. And i started flipping shit about wanting anonymity and a clean slate like I had given to everyone so many times before... this caused for everything to start all over again... but 10 times worse at this point. Which is why i went on a bail Mary of a mission to get the fuck out! I'm sorry but I really dont know what I did to be everybodys form of entertainment. im glad you enjoy yourselves carry on...
Today I asked for some help... it will probably end up being something I regret, just like it's always been but like my momma always said... life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what gon get!!
I dont know if i have mentioned this before but it occurred to me today while presenting a condensed version of my story. When I consider whats occurred and the usual reason people bulky others... its usually because the bullying party is jealous of the individual that they are bullying... what is it that makes you jealous of who I am...? I mean cmon...! From your point of view I fucking suck and I'm stupid so whats the deal!! But on a previous stint in jail when I got in trouble for my fight or flight night i explained to you previously, i received a letter for my brother saying oh i miss you so much blah di blah blah! But one thing that still is concrete in my mind is his reference to how everything literally everything has been taken from me and it still hasn't changed who I was!! Idk what you think but if what im telling you is true remember that essentially is up to you... but that mother fucker is amazing!
When i mention the basis of jealousy i had never heard from my brothers mouth such words until one specific occasion. I was being careless one night. My brother was a painter and had paint buckets around the house. When i was walking into my room one night I tipped one over and spilled exterior house paint all over the carpet. I knew I was in it at that point. Immediately I was like oh shit! Bro I'm sorry man what should I do?? He was like WTF! Im sorry bro what should I do?? He's like idk its in the fucking carpet!! I was like shit your right... i thought for a second, then was like do you have a shop vac??!! Yea...?? He said!? Ok one sec, go grab it, I said. He went to grab the vacuum. And i went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of 💧. When we both got back to the spill he was like what are you going to do...?? I took the water, poured it over the paint and then vacuumed it up. After a few pours and a couple vroom vrooms the paint was gone! As my brother walked away he said quietly, thats why I'm jealous of you...
although i understood what he meant, it really disappointed me. I dont want anyone to be jealous of me! It fucking sucks! I cant help it that what I have been through has shaped my mind the way it has and geared my thought process differently. What kills me the most is that he's the one thats caused my different mindset, yet causes people to resent me... do you know how messed up that is??!! Although I had been told by my mom on countless occasions that my brother did what he did to only because he was jealous of me. It wasnt until that moment that I had heard it from his lips. I hate that people feel the need to implement destruction and chaos into my life simply because they are jealous of who and what i am... is it sad...?? Yes do i understand the answer is also yes.. it just fucking sucks! Why can't there be some kind of middle ground where brilliant minds from both sides work together to make the world a better place!?
Another controversial subject is whether or not a human is born innately good or innately evil...?! I really couldnt tell you all I can say is that I have been told since I was young that I was special. My grandma would tell my mom along with others I was always the head of my class and social group until I moved away from my hometown. When I think back knowing what I know now about different personality types and peoples mental capacities that they are born with one be sociopaths. Id have to say people born that way definitely aren't heading down a path of philanthropy if you catch my drift... now no matter what someones mental condition is, that doesn't stop them from being extremely intelligent! Now my parents had four kids two daughters one from each of their previous relationships but when my parents met eachother they had two boys 18 months apart. Both with an unexplainable grasp of life and an inconceivable amount of intelligence. Now although during my years as a teenager and into my twenties I didnt really do much with said intelligence other then try to be something I wasn't (drug dealing thug...), i knew there was an insurmountable amount of intelligence a lurking! One song i really shouldn't share with you because it speaks to me and my situation by 100%. I dont like sharing my favorite songs because they are part of my fabric and dont want them used against me. But one you should ✔ out, is Rose Golden, by Kid Cudi. With that ill end the evening have a good night.
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