#it doesnt help that i have so much working against me in terms of disability
maxellminidisc · 4 months
I've said this for years but the way the community absolutely has an undiscussed dislike or idk disregard for closeted people has bothered me for years. Yeah theres that sheen of being understanding but I've seen and had to have so many conversations with people to have more empathy for closeted people, especially closeted partners because I understand full well how complicated that is. Btw I'll be using gay as an umbrella term for most of the following cause I'm sometimes uncomfortable with using the q word too much, please respect that.
Like it got especially bad after gay marriage became legal here in the US and most of Western Europe and like every mostly white gay living in liberal areas started acting like everyone should be out already and if you weren't you were idk probably ashamed of yourself, or worse someone faking it. You become some kind of half baked gay person who their behavior implied couldn't possibly connect to queerness in the right way.
But like it doesn't work like that. Some of us very much live in unsafe places to do that and we also don't have the financial privilege to leave to safer states/countries or move out of homophobic/transphobic households. I can't imagine especially how disabled and closeted members of our community feel trapped by these kind of circumstances.
Plus some of us live in cultures where the emphasis on family and community is an essential tenant of our makeup and learning to separate ourselves from the abuse present in those communities towards us is difficult, much like any abusive relationship. There is so much nuance, especially outside the lense of whiteness, that out people sometimes seem to forget or even dismiss instead of helping to foster relationships or community to help the people in their lives who are closeted find refuge safely.
And it really comes to a head when out people I know date closeted people. They seem understanding enough at first but then start questioning if the person they're dating "actually really loves" them if they're not willing to out themselves and the conversation can at time turn progressively meaner as if closeted people are all inheritly selfish. Yes it is a romantic notion for someone to risk everything to be openly with you, and its something frankly all of us deserve including closeted people, but life is far more dangerous and complex than that and I think some people have forgotten that.
And look, I even empathize with open people in that kind of circumstance cause yeah the pressure of having to keep something that incredibly special to you under wraps can be very daunting. But often I've found, most open people have a chosen community to fall back on and talk about it with because they're not as inhibited or cut off from the larger, while closeted people often dont have anyone except their partner because being closeted has severed most pathways of finding the community. Their partners are usually their first connection to the community.
I even sometimes think this sort of mind set extends into how white people perceive gay poc as inherently closeted too. We're either not open enough or being closeted is weaponized against us. Like we could be out and white people still presume we're not and act like were straight lite and we could talk about how we're closeted and white people, again, think it's ok to treat us like straight lite. This is especially evident when we say something that makes them uncomfortable and angry. Like the only time they take cultural nuance into account is to use it to dismiss us, as if all of us must be in hiding and cant be as gay as them.
Point is, being closeted is complicated and frankly miserable as someone whose got one foot in and one out lol and although some peoples only space to be open is online, it doesnt makes them fake, doesnt make them less gay or trans, or less part of this community. It doesnt make them less worthy or deserving of love and community despite their circumstances.
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dyketubbo · 3 years
im rewatching doomsday (comps of all povs of course) and. yeah i just.. feel bad for the lmanburgians. i dont know how i could just. say these people deserved it, when they all sound, panicked and desperate and so so fucking sad. long long ramble under the cut as i recount the events and pick out a bunch of little things
even the day before then is painful. ranboos panic room. ranboo and tubbos talk (tubbo admitting that hes wrong, saying he believes that history is repeating itself and trusting ranboo because he believes in his loyalty), fundy showing the ring toss. tubbos surprise at being told to kill dream before stating that quackity would be in control if he didnt (god, did he plan to fail?). tommy being so so excited. everyone playing ring toss and cheering on jack. tommy still believing in tubbo. tubbo panicking. ranboo and tommy and techno talking, ranboo giving them info. dream placing walls and quackity instructing tubbo on where to kill dream. dream lying about the community house. the entire community house debacle. just, everything.
and then doomsday itself. having to frantically get there because it started early, tubbo only having diamond armor to protect him, fundy standing still after he sabotaged them. tubbo and ranboos genuine despair about the apiary.
tubbo eventually going nonverbal and actively putting himself in danger, not even moving away from techno at first and getting in the way of the firework launcher. tubbo trying to save tommy from the fireworks, ponks broken "dont come over here!" after she was trying to save his cat, tommys face falling and desperate attempts at convincing techno, ranboo going "its all gone", niki spiralling and silently burning down the tree, quackitys pure anger. all the death messages.
jack going "what is there left to protect", tommy brokenly trying to accept that its gone as tubbo and quackity blankly do accept it. jack going "i lost everything again". tommy desperately trying to understand dream, on the verge of tears as he asks why dream didnt just hurt him. his low health and food as hes unable to do anything anymore, his quiet gasp as he spots ghostbur, tubbos tiny shake of his head when dream says dream and tommys story wont be over.
tubbo and quackity breaking the repeaters. ghostburs "i didnt even know we were fighting". ghostbur finding out phil let friend die, hes pained "phil? but i- i gave, i gave phil to look after. and dream found me friend, and technoblade said we were friends", tommys pained talk about technoblade. "we were never his friend. to him, all of this was just an act of politics, an act of clout and a-a social ladder, and you won't remember. tubbo you will, and to you big q, this was a friendship. but to technoblade, this was a ladder. and techno climbed to the tippity talk. do you wanna know the only way you can go? on the ladder? -- and once you reach the top of the ladder tubbo, you can only go down."
quackity asking to sing the anthem again, him strumming as ghostbur sings (and tubbo and tommy joining in). ghostbur forgetting the second verse because it blew up. quackity remembering it, them stumbling through it. tommys "tubbo? im so so sorry", tubbos quiet "its okay." the four all singing together. tubbo looking at the lava with an ender pearl in his hand, tommy correcting quackity and going "our l'manburg". ghostburs speech about friend, about people not taking him seriously just because he has memory loss.
meanwhile.. phil and techno were laughing. cracking jokes. phil mocks them as he spawns withers on the apiary, going "ohhh noo not the bees!". techno shouts at tommy and shoots at him and tubbo. he kills jack and doesnt even notice that it was one of his lives lost. jacks death itself proves that it doesnt take any particular intent, doesnt have to mean anything to the killer. techno and phil were willing to kill people. it would be foolish of them to act as if there were no risks in the terms of canon lives, especially with phil. phil doesnt take ghostbur seriously, treats his despair as an opportunity to drill in a lesson. the most either of them lost was some of the dogs and used up potions, fireworks, and wither skulls
and then theres dream. dream whose been harming the l'manburgians since the beginning, who had taken tubbo hostage, offered eret a chance to betray them all, who had been the man in tommys walls and offering money to tubbo and jack to try and get them to destroy things, who tried to get tommy to kill tubbos villagers. dream, who took tommys discs over and over, who killed tommy twice in one day, who stopped caring about his friends that loved him and were so so loyal. dream, who helped schlatt and pushed wilbur deeper into his spiral, who even then tried to manipulate tommy.
dream, who helped destroy l'manburg the first and second time, who took advantage of tubbo so he could have a premeditated kidnapping of tommy. dream, who abused tommy, physically, psychologically, emotionally. dream, who degraded tubbo and had taken ranboos memory book (which btw, since ranboos memory loss counts as a mental disability with the memory book as his aid, thats dream taking the thing that aids ranboo in dealing with his disability).
dream, who had been the reason l'manburg was created. dream, who got to destroy l'manburg three times. dream won. and techno and phil dont regret it, dont care.
maybe l'manburg was never meant to be. and sure, it started with stealing and an attempt to monopolize on potions but. that wasnt even l'manburg then, was it? it was just wilbur and tommy having fun. l'manburg came after. after the police hurt them. l'manburg started as a silly little revolution, led by a naïve man who thought he could win wars by saying no. it was a place for a family, a place for them to escape from dream. it was a place to try and escape the harm of those outside the walls. it was meant to be safe, even if those against them made it hard to be. it was made from love. it was meant to be happy. it was a symphony, however unfinished.
so. i don't know. i just feel, bad. they never really won, did they? tragedy after tragedy, death after death, destruction after destruction, betrayal after betrayal, hurt after hurt. and now what's left of them, really? out of the founders, erets doing the best and even shes doing awful, forever trying to make up for what he did. tubbos paranoia led him to developing nukes in a desperate attempt to stay safe, because he was taught to stay quiet and keep his emotions to himself, because his death was "justified", because nukes and walls and weapons are the only way he can feel safe anymore.
tommy went through months of abuse, lost all of his lives and suffered upon coming back, suicidal but unable to bring himself to do it because limbo is worse, feeling lost and like he has no family anymore other than wilbur, who he knows is hurting him but cant bring himself to leave, who loved lmanburg so so dearly and only wanted a home, still doesnt have one (tommy from everywhere, tommy from nowhere at all). niki who loved lmanburg and wilbur so much that it hollowed her out and made her bitter and shes so used to being spoken over that all she can think to do is raise her voice and get pissed, who cant see wilbur as a good person anymore because shes hurt and hasnt truly recovered and she doesnt know how to cope without being angry.
jack manifold feels forgotten, hes lost all his lives and crawled out of hell and no one truly noticed, he doesnt even believe that niki really cares, hes desperate and has made his purpose to be spiteful and angry because he cant deal with the emptiness that comes when he realizes theres no point. fundys desperate to have friends, family, a partner, anyone thatll love him, anyone thatll keep him safe, slowly killing himself with cigarettes and disowned because of giving too little too late, because he was too little too late.
and wilburs lost himself. spiraling, paranoid. a young, naïve man who wanted to fight swords with words, who wanted to impress his father, who wanted a nation of his own to feel safe, who was so effected by erets betrayal that he cant trust anyone but himself, whose possessive nature eats him from the inside out, desperate for control and unable to let go of the only person he knows loves him unconditionally
all because outside forces kept pushing, kept destroying, kept ruining them and hurting them and traumatizing them and taking away their homes and pets and loved ones. and i just. cant feel happy for the ones that hurt them, i cant feel victorius, triumphant, any of that. i just feel bad that the l'manburgians never got to be a family. i know they arent the best people but shit, i love them anyways, love them because theyre flawed and because theyre *people*, people who tried so so hard and got pushed so so much and. fuck, i cant be happy that the people who loved nature and play fought and laughed by campfires and read poetry and re-enacted theatre and loved each other and wanted to *live* (even if they were willing to die, if it meant giving everyone else a chance).. lost. they lost.
canonical years of work down the drain in one day. records of history gone, now only remembered in full by a traumatized teenager who was taught not to talk about his negative emotions, and even he misremembers some parts. they didnt even lose fairly. they had no chance. they couldnt have prepared for withers, for tnt rain, for the hounds. they were poor, weaker than their opponents, sabotaged by one of their own. thats.. tragic.
doomsday was a tragedy. i cant agree that it was deserved. i cant agree that they had it coming, that they deserved to lose homes and pets and limbs and lives and land because they werent the greatest people around.
a small country of less than 10 people (at both creation and destruction) now a giant crater in the ground, remnants of a parisitic egg taking over the land. and it wasnt even lost fairly. three people were stronger than an entire nation, even with all of its allies. two anarchists working with an abusive tyrant. so, no. doomsday wasnt deserved. people dont deserve tragedy. there were better ways, i truly cant be happy that the way chosen was violence. i cant.
l'manburg's citizens deserved better. they really did. the ends dont justify the means. and god, am i fucking tired of "justice". if justice means choosing violence over love and respect and caring about those less strong than you, i dont wanna hear about it. fuck that man, id rather love and be loved than constantly give a shit about making up for hurting others by getting hurt, thats stupid and cruel and i cant see it as okay on a moral level. not when the people that got hurt deserved to be loved and cared about and protected and *talked to* instead of constantly shot down.
of course for the narrative i can enjoy violence and characters getting hurt and i do like how "real" it all is, the despair and dissonance in tone and how terrifyingly messy it all is. out of story perspective- honestly rather cool even if it makes me feel bad. in story perspective- holy fucking shit no that wasnt deserved and god i hope everyone hurt will be able to heal and learn to love and be loved again because thats such a terrifying thing to go through. from a detached pov i can appreciate the insight into everyone involved and i like the plotlines that came from it, but from a compassionate pov i just wish the l'manburgians were allowed to be happy and treated as equals so they didnt have to go through all of this
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westernwoodblogs · 4 years
1, 2, 15, 23 & 30 for the desticule asks? ^^
Thank you so much for partaking. 😬💖
1. Favorite episode? Okay funnily enough I think coming back to spn fandom after 3 yrs pretty much has changed that. So it used to be 3x11, Mystery spot. Now, I'm riding on my memory of 11x05, Baby as my current favorite. I love whenever the outsider perspective is utilized in the show...to varying degrees of success of course. This was the best executed one. It has everything I'd want from a special episode. CAS IS ACTUALLY HERE. And I love this car.
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2. Worst episode and I cant say bugs or the last 2? I'm currently doing a rewatch and I'm about to start s3. But the way that some episodes in s2 were especially hard to get through and one in particular gave me a headache: 2x10, Hunted. THE RACISM IS UNREAL. They should've stuck to the ava plotline the whole episode. Adding in Gordon just...🤢. It really doesnt age well and the more I think on it, it woulda been a shitty episode too when it aired.
15. Just 3 things to change?? I have literal pages upon pages of things I would and am actively changing about spn. Yall'll have to wait till I finally drop my rewrite in fragments. But i will let you in on 3 things about the fx spn rewrite (yes I'm very annoying about it.)
Bobby dies and stays dead in s5 post the dodged apocalypse.
Lisa and Ben dont exist. I hate to pit women against one another but lisa's not even a substantial character. I dont care for her enough to fix that. Sorry lisa. Dean spends season 6 with cassie robinson who has relevancy outside of her lone episode.
Finally...more people of color and marginalized identities. That's queer folk, disabled folk, neurodivergent folk, more respectful depictions of non-western religions and folklore. (Also a lot of racebending dont come for me 😌✌🏽)
These were completely random in choosing.
23. One thing for the jackles 'whatever-the-hell- he-may-do' reboot?? Spinoff??...this is full and utter wish fulfillment but, if it completely does not acknowledge the final 2 episodes. At all. It's be great.
30. What am I reading now in terms of destiel? Well atm I've been on and off reading Absolution at the Five-and-Dime by DeanRH. I'm utterly in love with the drifter culture they have given a glimpse into with this fic, and the flashbacks in the earlier chapters to Sam and Dean's childhood in a setting where they spent a year away from J*hn. There's so much there I love, be that the memorable OC's or the pretty good smut if you ask me. Very much rec this fic. I just need to finish it!! It also doesnt help that a lot of my favorite concepts for the Good Supernatural that lives in my Head, also resides in this work.
Fics I want to read... There are so many I've put on the back burner but, the first to come to mind was Bring Up the Deep by deathbanjo. Just started listening to this amazing destiel fanfic podcast. You should totally check it out if that sounds like your thing. It's called the Mixtape Book Club and they are on spotify. You might even recognize the hosts and their guests since they are all content creators in this fandom with some legendary work. Anyways, this was one of their spotlight fics on their horror themed episode and from their description of the premise and the writing style, I was hooked in to give it a shot. Do tread carefully this could possibly be a bit of a squick fic. But yeah!
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yeehawfolk · 5 years
hi! i dont mean to restart shit but i feel like the reason neurodivergent ppl butt heads over gifted kids so much is that to kids like me who had undiagnosed adhd that had me hide my report cards and tests in elementary school, its kind of a slap in the face to hear so many people who you were compared to and put down against talk about issues that have plagued you since you were super young, but framed in a way that only they could relate to! the education system fucks over both “gifted” AND-
-kids who were barely scrapping by! it just affects us at different stages of our lives, and for different reasons. tying my intelligence to my self worth, an inability to ask for help, always feeling like im underperforming, etc, these are all things that affect me because i dont want to be the ‘dumb kid’ again. i still have to do extra work my high achieving brother doesnt because my mom doesnt trust my intelligence!! + i also think that ppl are bitter yall cld do so well during school-
- in the end, i think our experiences are more like a mirror; “ure dumb and forever will be vs if u get less than the top of the class ure a failure and ur achievements dont matter” (also, personally, even after hearing all the shit the gifted program put yall thru, id love to have been a gifted kid. id rather know i have the capacity to be smart than be the kid who regularly scores in the bottom of the class)
Listen, I am neurodivergent. That's what my entire post is about, how because I was gifted, I was seen as ""too smart to be disabled"" and given no accomodations whatsoever, even though I greatly needed them. I was autistic, but nobody in the education system even THOUGHT to look at why I suddenly started failing classes when I got into 10th grade, nobody even thought to ask me why I was having such a hard time. Because if I was ""smart"" then I should be able to do good in advanced classes. So ergo, my struggling was laziness. Except for one teacher, who when I told her, told me I needed to suck it up and get my homework done or she was going to fail me.
Like, I'm not trying to demean your experiences in the school system or say "I had it worse than you", but the entire reason I made the post in the first place was because I was absolutely fucked by the gifted label in school because I was neurodivergent. The gifted label leaves no wiggle room. You're either smart and pass your classes, or you're lazy and get shit grades, according to teachers.
I had a burn out at 15 years old. Think about that. I was 15, a time where I should be hanging out with friends and doing fun things. But instead I fell to the floor of my bedroom and cried for over an hour because I just couldn't face the fact I didn't do my homework again and my teachers were going to fail me. I was so mentally unstable because of the expectations put on me by the gifted label, I was so scared of seeing that big fat F painted across my report card, that I just broke.
On top of that, I was placed in advanced classes or classes I didn't need because I was ""smart"" and it would look better for getting a ""smart"" job. They kicked me out of the one place I felt safe in the school, Art, and replaced it with electives I didn't need or want simply because it would look good on my college applications. They replaced my Language Arts classes with a ""Gifted Class"" in Middle School and specifically because of that, I have no idea how to structure an essay more than 6 paragraphs long. Every time I asked a teacher for help, they'd tell me to stay after school (which I couldn't at the time, I didn't have a ride) and wouldn't even explain in the simplest terms what they wanted because "You're smart [gifted] you should already know this."
You do NOT want to be a gifted kid. Trust me. Especially if you're neurodivergent, because gifted kids are basically pressured to be mini-adults as kids and when they don't respond as being a perfect pinnacle of maturity or smart-ness, they're said to have problems with laziness. Or ""behavioral issues"". I needed SO much in school, but because I was labelled as gifted, I never got any of it. If we need help with anything we're ""supposed"" to know, you're shit out of luck, because nobody will give it to you. "You're smart, you're supposed to know this!" Is our mantra, and eventually, we stop asking.
The reason I made the original post is because the ""gifted"" label is thrown at anyone who has even a moderate IQ score who ""think differently"" than others. See how that ties heavily into the neurodivergent community? Some people with the gifted label might be neurotypical, but a lot of them end up being neurodivergent later in life for the sole fact "they were too smart to be disabled" and nobody ever said "Hey, you Might be neurodivergent" because they were seen as smart.
Gifted kids don't have it easier. Our praise from adults is always tainted by "You could do better". We don't get accommodations we need. Our education is lax because we're already supposed to know it, despite never being taught whatever it is they expect us to know. Adults want to make all of our academic decisions on how smart they think we are. We're given double the work because "we can handle it". And worst of all, we're constantly beaten down with "You're so smart! Why aren't you understanding this?" As if not understanding something is somehow our fault.
The post wasn't being like "GOD GIFTED KIDS HAVE IT THE HARDEST IN SCHOOL BECAUSE OF X". It was "The neurodivergent community greatly intersects with the gifted community and their struggles in the school system need to be acknowledged and not talked over because of the notion 'gifted kids have it easier because they're smart'."
I'm not going to lie, most of the reason why I dropped out from 10th grade was because I just couldn't handle the expectations from my teachers to be the perfect student and hand in perfect papers. They beat down that 15 year old teenager who liked anime and Sonic and reading to the point where I had a complete mental breakdown and I begged my mom to let me quit. Begged her, on the floor, sobbing. I burnt out so bad I couldn't read a book for over 4 years. I'm just now starting to read again.
School is fucked. But the Gifted label adds another layer of Hell to it that neurodivergent kids just aren't equipped to handle, and I feel very strongly about letting these kids talk about what they went through, bitter people or not.
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fdhfjdafdajfa · 5 years
tl;dr I’m a homeless sex trafficking refugee in third world poverty and I’m fleeing again for my safety.
the old post got too long
my life so far
again hi it’s me vivi or pearl or sibyl. some of my old urls are whimslcott, fistdeserver, lalondeite, and there are a whole lot more I don’t remember. my history on this website starts in 2009, when all my friends got called out for things like stabbing people and trafficking me for sex. i've been reforging my entire personality in this dark crucible from before we realised that softboys watching my little pony wasn’t going to revolutionise gender relations, and, as should surprise nobody by now, i am in need of some assistance.
back when i lived in USA, my primary source of income was social security disability. i made some posts about how shit it was. before i got on SSD, I was homeless for six years, which I hope helps bring home how much I needed it. but when i got sick of spending my whole life waiting for an awkward reunion with my sex traffickers I fucked off to a completely different part of the world. because I did that SSDI cut me off and i’m now without a source of income, but I’ve had tumblr come through before in a pinch. my list of mental health diagnoses is as extensive as you might imagine. i imagine i’ve cycled through about half the DSM by now and it’s not like I have access to a therapist right now. Let’s just say I have a lot of post-traumatic stress and leave it at that. 
anyway, in addition to the big list of horrific disabilities i still have, there’s also a big allcaps notice on my visa saying NO WORK/BUSINESS so that’s that on that. i’ve asked a few ngo-people about it but they mostly just kinda make :/ expressions and then tell me they’ll look into it. But my visa status requires me to periodically throw lump sums of a couple hundred dollars at the Indian embassy about once a year or so and if I don’t have that I’ll go from being a kind of hoopty immigration status to being straight-up undocumented and nobody wants that. 
since my legal immigration status is kind of hoopty, I haven’t been able to get things like a bank account and am dependant on my roommate for stuff like that. as such I don’t have anything like a venmo or an impactguru.
i have these things:
https://ko-fi.com/vivyansarlas https://www.paypal.me/pcoolpearl https://www.patreon.com/vivyansarlas
while I’m technically capable of *surviving* for another few months off of what’s left of my savings, attempting to isn’t a very good idea. my computer is starting to age a bit, my cell phone fell off a 13th story window almost a year ago and so is not really functional, i really need new clothes, and i’ve got a few neglected medical needs, like therapy and jaw surgery. also, my meds are about $30 a month. this is to say I need to have some income so I can start working out a plan for these issues in the medium-to-long term.
aside from my web presence, which is pretty good these days (ask me about my twitter), i’m also working on my first book, which is about 3/7ths of the way complete by current trajectory and I've gotten publishing offers from a couple pieces of shortform I’m working on.
my current living situation
i am currently homeless. the earlier iteration of this post was about how I lived in a shitty delhi slum flat that was extremely injurious and hazardous to my health due to heat and dust. as of writing the earlier iteration, I had been suffering from heat stroke on and off for about a week, and had given up trying to sleep In the flat itself, and had started straight up carrying my mattress out onto the roof.
hilariously enough, my situation has gotten immeasurably worse since then. my roommate had a lot of personal flaws I’d been making excuses for, because as anyone who knows me will tell you, I’d rather make excuses and trust people and run the risk of getting screwed over every now and again. when my roommate snapped and started verbally abusing and threatening me for like. hours a day. i figured no problem, it’s not too hard to find a place to live here.
i made a miscalculation. what i didn’t account for is that in the past 2 months all the hindus have gone crazy and now there are hindus who keep mass reporting my posts in the housing groups so I can’t use housing groups anymore. there’s a lot more info on that on the old post. but between them and other subtle changes in hindus in delhi i’m really feeling like it’s time to get the fuck out of dodge. 
the political situation making me unsafe
it’s hard to impress just how bad things have gotten over here. so here’s some news articles to do it for me.
You know India’s democracy is broken when millions wait for election results in fear
A country where some live with fear has failed
This Is What Young Muslim Voters Are Thinking About This Election: “I keep fearing something like the holocaust can happen here.”
This is pretty much ground consensus. Delhi is no longer safe for Muslims. Period. it doesnt really even matter how the election goes. what matters is that hindus are crazy now and can’t be peacefully coexisted with. Now that I have seen what this monstrous religion is I can’t go back to pretending not to know how they’re just dormant until the next riot or election when they will become rabid dogs again. the coordinated reporting campaigns against me, a homeless muslim trying to find a place to live, are absolutely targeted hate violence and the only reason i’m alive is because it happened behind a computer screen.
the person i was going to stay with from the 21st on has also left the state so i’m packing up and going to muslim-majority kashmir, which from everything i’ve heard is way safer than you’d expect with the extreme levels of militarisation. i guess i’ll find out! i do not have any plans for what to do once I am in Kashmir or any idea of where I am staying. It is a scouting mission to find stuf like that out. that’s the level of desperation we’re dealing with right now.
i’m really in a dilly of a pickle here so it’s definitely a “future deeply uncertain, every bit helps” type situation.
https://ko-fi.com/vivyansarlas https://www.paypal.me/pcoolpearl https://www.patreon.com/vivyansarlas
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I thought I would talk about stuff in my life  a bit, especially considering I keep getting rattled by anxieties and taken a back by feeling as if I am hurting or harming someone.
As an adult I take it as my responsibility to make sure my actions are concise, I feel this is how any adult should ultimately be. Whether or not who I am as surefire as I am, hurts someone by accident. Whether it is that my opinion makes someone upset ; I want them to know I am not changing who I am yes. But that I do still care about them. If  I fail to do this, then i feel as a person I have failed. Whether this is because of trauma in the past, or stuff that people from online communities made me feel. It does not matter, ultimately this is where I am at in my life.
My in real life is hard.  I dont talk about it because I have, and the end result is always the same. This contorted feeling from others who dont know how to answer and feel uncomfortable themeslves. Knowing they cannot do anything, and my own discomfort that they cannot relate. Cannot understand. Cannot know what it means like -- I often hear ‘ Is it better today? ‘ Rather then, ‘ Are things stable today? ‘ I hate that people often feel my household is a place where things can be healed or feel better, that is not the case. My household works on whether things are stabled and held together vs Anyone having gotten BETTER. The job I am getting into now deals with this , and a reason why I applied for it was because I understand. I understand so much what this means and how people who do not have members of family who are disabled like this, dont understand. Every day is a struggle. It is a challenge, but it is so normal what I understand and come home to. However, simply because I am use to it and accept it does not make the stress of it any less then how heavy it is in my heart. Because ontop of my sister being disabled and us lucky that she is communicative. My mothers health is getting worse; in terms of worse she is getting old. And her poor choice of eating. Her inability to take care of herself and having to take care of another adult for themself--mind you for the rest of their lives. Takes a toll on her. And then my brother is getting worse, hes a smart boy where doctors are realizing he too is disabled. However, imagine being told you are disabled at 13 but consciously aware of what that means ( my sister ) and afraid of what you will become. Without going into details; if anyone in this household would kill themsleves it would be him. So ontop of hiding knives from my sister. We have to hide anything ( the surplus AND VARIETY of medicines my sister is on ) away from him. While also avoiding serious conversations of our home structure struggling as to not spike his anxieties. He will self harm like crazy. And its hard watching your little brother slam his head against the wall because he is overwhelmed by the world he was born into. I have many siblings, but my sister steph who is the only other person who lives with us does nothing for herself. I am sure she has issues her self but does not speak of it. And instead sits at home. Falling more and more into imo a depression that my mother just calls and berates her for being lazy for. I keep trying to push her to branch out but I can tell how this life effects her individually and that there is something there she doesnt wanna talk about. And I cannot reach in there to help. For my other side of the family,  Where my stepmother who i discovered the other day doesnt realize or remember or care to understand that the reason i fell into depression at 18 was because of what she did . And now I have to compress my memories and ask myself if my abuse was real -- or is this another one of those ‘ Manipulators conviently forgetting to forget the abuse they did in the past to cling onto the future they have now. ‘ By all means fine, she is a mother and needs to focus on that, but for me. Who endures. And endures. Staring at someone who did nothing but break me into who I am today, and hear that she forgot. Or doesnt understand. Or doesnt know. Like to her the past was nothing, did hurt. But forgive we do because what else will you do in points in time --- people online think your own feelings are so valid that you need ruin the world around you to make it worse. But no. Sometimes. You need to accept things for what they are, and think that me in a situation where I cannot change things. Or amend if the issue is brought to light -- to focus on what I can. For my sisters. So I can see them. And for myself. So maybe one day in the future, that conversation can come to light. But for now, we deal with what life gives us and we move on.
That is why that job was too much for me? Nothing had order .everything was a mess. Nothing was put together well and often people blammed the lowly coworkers for the faults in the system if it meant they did not have to get introuble. Then we look as if we do not know what we are doing and exhaustion has hold of it. The system in place reminded me too much of abusive circumstances. I did not have a voice. My back was always in pain. My feet was always aching -- none of this mattered to them and none of anyones complaints ever reached them. They valued their own problems over everyone elses around them, and I understand everyone is dealing with so much but seeing management value their own complaints over others was horrible. Considering  Iwent into this with such a promise. With so much of who I was feeling like the brightest light about to conquer something new--the last of my hope in life. Thinking I was gunna change my life .Change my world. Offer my family something better. Something knew. Only to find out the truth of that all; that the Manager coaxed the employees there who I was . Was to be horrible. To tell her what all the coworkers were doing. So she could write them all up and -- so with that purpose and picture in mind to them. They rallied together to put me on probation and everything that I was broken to tears, realizing that--trying hard to tell myself I mattered more then what people made me out to be. Because when I salvaged my self to befriend them all -- to at least face them and figure out why they did that to me. That this was my job life for a year and a half. Lmao? And did that I did, and learned so much about what went on I had... And overwhelmed by this picture of how they lived and treated each other. I wanted to leave. And left I did, but into a situation that was just far worse.  Never in all the years of retail I have worked have I ever endured such hell like I had with these customers. And some of it I dont blame them, the store really made them feel this way especially when nothing was right. Nothing as good. And nothing worked. Regardless the complaints I had of this I was stressed and nothing  I did and nothing I got from this job gave back to me. None of it but stress and being exhuasted and finding myself stripped of who I am. ANd I tried with my quiet feelings about myself, to say things. I would say “ No I am miserable. “ And say it so flatly and awkwardly to make a point, but everyone always made a joke about it despite how flat I would remain. And then compare, “Well at least you arent management.” Nothing I said got through to them, and I tried. I promise. I tried with attempts despite how hard it is for someone like me to open up.
So yes I left and the job I have now is not something that is easy, Nor do I expect that my stress to be any less. Rather that it pays more and I am with endurance to try something new that might offer me better future opportunities and worse comes to worse -- I find a new job.
Even as this all went on I made sure my life here was as easy for me to come to as it was. Imagine. Imagine.
Just imagine.
If I was truly enduring all of this . What about everyone else? I looked at everyone like this, I looked at what I went through day by day and thought -- What if they have it worse. If I have no heart and mind to talk about what really goes on in length in my irl day by day... What if someone else is just the same? It is not for me to ask. it is not for them to say.
I geniuely wanted to be at peace with everyone online, and if something went on that was so bad by their action. I truly believed; well you cant be as bad as my Step Mother or physically bad as my sister who I deal with day by day.  That is to say, I have no interest in detailing my past. 
Im pretty sure its obvious my past does paint my anxieties and issues with how I deal with things. Approach people day by day.
And its important for you to know that, to know that I am like you or anyone else. My desire to be positive and happy is to allow for you and everyone else to feel and be surrounded by positivity in life. 
Life is really hard. 
Hell, right now I am still going through more impersonal feelings while trying to dance my around all this going on. Because even as im nearing 27 -- almost 30 years old. I still realize things about myself, and it will hit me hard. The most recent and most eye opening realization that still rattles me and probably is the reason why. I feel flippant in my anxiety ; is realizing I gave 5 years to my life to someone who did not exist. This person went by the name Logan and roleplayed Snow from FF13.  I realized ; I spent 5 years of my life giving myself to this person. This person who did not exist and catfished everyone around me. Including me. Making people believe I was obsessed with him. Making people believe that he didnt treat me as if the private things shared between us were most intimate. That I spent 5 years waiting for him. Giving myself to him. Being patient for him. Enduring anything he said and taking my feelings so that I revitalized the things I did. Said. And would approach and appreciate him more understandingly. So he didnt hurt me, or ignore me--that he took so much from me. Money. Drawings. My writing. So much of my attention and love. He took 5 years away from me that I could have given someone I actually was so in love with and still am. That acted mildly the same -- but actually had stuff going on-- I am and was so in love with that person. And All I could give him was consciously a year until everything that I felt with Logan came crashing down in remembrance. That I didnt even realize why I was really overwhelmed by it all until some how talking to a close friend of mine about everything really. Really hit me hard.
5 years.
I think.
5 years was stolen of me. 5 years of love. 5 years of who i was. 5 years of dedication. Of loyalty. Of patience. Of endurance.
I could have been a different and confident person who really believed in love and not riddled with anxieties that made me remember everything I put effort into didnt matter -- because this one person would make sure of reminding me what my actions would fall under.
Life is really hard,     and day by day I still learn things about myself.
And I just think, if you are still reading this. That you too are going through this. And that someone you know is going through this. And that we are all going through so much of this or more. And I just hope you are alright and that you are hanging on there because I want you to know that I am trying to. Very hard. To live and I dont want you to give up either so please hang in there with me. 
That is why when the group of people who often harass my community when they do not like someone.
Yes the same group every time.
Had finally had me in their sights its was overwhelming, I had thought wow -- this is what you ultimately came to understand from me? When I had tried hard to reach out to you. To be your friend. To consciously find a place where we can be together as people comfortable -- but no thats not the point I want to make.
It rattled me that it took people who knew nothing about me, to change the course of my environment just like that. I lost the hand full of people from that community I talked too . A friend I had been friends with since I was 17 . Simply because they were scared of being caught in that fire too. It was less about who I was, and more about them losing the safe haven they had. The fun group and comfort they had-- they did not want to lose that.
And I understand that. Im not mad at that, just concerned. Sad. And reeling in the fact that people can ultimately take things from each other with misplaced context. And the unfortunate circumstance that people will opt for this, instead of talking to one another.
So I am tired yes.
Because that happened, that whole thing happened while I as dealing with so much. And I had no answer for it. And that me talking about this is to tell you how effected I am by my life right now. And that it indeed upsurged my anxieties more uncomfortably so and not that that is bad or good. It merely is what it is.
And that as I am now, I am sorry. I am sorry and grievanced because I went backwards and am not as timely with things as I use to. I have been struggling to sleep, and when I wake up feel a sort of touched exhaustion that makes me feel like not getting out of bed. 
I am sorry since I cannot roleplay things most often for others that I would love to explore. That my interests as of late have been : what would make me laugh to roleplay. What would make me feel wholesome to roleplay. What can i say to talk to others? What can I do to connect with others?
My mind and interests as of late is more about; making myself feel better and coping through what means I can through roleplay or just talking rather then. Having fun with my hobby like I had been the past few months.
This is why alike on Gawain, my compliant is coming online and constantly seeing him hash’d negatively. In truth I deal with negative things on a day to day basis... I did not want to have it follow me online. If I post about it, then clearly I have left myself open for those things.. But often I dont and am trying to mind my business and roleplay leisurely when things erupt.
I am really sorry, because ultimately, I failed as a friend and as a fellow roleplayer. My talking about it is to correlate the truth but also to let people know how I am as a person. Even still.
I feel sometimes people think you know, ‘ Oh hey Sheep just excuses things. ‘ Rather its just Im a different kind of person from a harsh road of life and I see things a lot differently.
For this I will explain with a more literal example, 
Things that many people feel uncomfortable online. I myself cannot-- it is that merely I cannot. If someone is talking about something regarding their character that they were abused sexually and want to explore the meaning of this through roleplay. I do not find this insulting, I find myself glad. If people can find out what it means to have been sexually assaulted, maybe they can also connect with me too? And understand why its hard for me to expose my body ( or how overly okay I am to do so ) or how feeling /sexy/ can be a hard feeling for me to overcome.  I often see people mistaking things or not handling it correctly, but I want it to be done rather then ignored. Or treated like it doesnt happen. For an adult, this is how I separate my reality from fiction. But find a connection from my reality into something fictious. Further, as an adult I want to help people understand that difference.  It is very bad to feel gratified and pleased by subjects that are distasteful. But seeing it treated as if it cannot be spoken of discomforts me. This is a public place, but it is also a place where you control the content on your blog. By the end of the day, I will pick the things that will make me feel uncomfortable or wont make me uncomfortable.
With such a short example, I dont know if anyone read this far. I had hoped. And hope. These feelings can help others or really understand where I am with my life right now and how stressed out I really am. I cannot talk individually with people because I actually choke up. I have ADHD and often forget if I dont take it slow. And can get overstimulated by the fact that someone is merely listening/paying attention to me. I am quiet about myself because I dont like wide attention. 
But that.
The past weeks I have had such support in my life.
And I am trying not to cry thinking about it, but I have such a healthy circle of friends and I would do anything to see it through that it lasts for years to come. Me speaking like this is because of this. Because of the comfort. Because of my desire to reach out and branch out comfortably. To remind ppl of my life, and to apologize for where I am not most prominent and may suck at show casing things for. 
I probably will make a more positive post in the future about how everyone has helped me through so much -- like I am just a cup that is spilling about and everyone is trying hard to keep whatever is coming out from falling on the floor--s uch a silly analogy but really.
I am so thankful as much as I am apologetic.
Thank you guys for giving me a home where I most need it. It is why I want to be open and communicative. I want the place I come home to, that I enjoy and need to cope through things going on. To remain okay, to be alright, and that positive energy can still be shared.
And that I want to with all my heart, continue giving that positive energy to anyone around me the best that I can. With you understanding me as a person.
Thank you, if you have read this far. For taking the time to get to know me.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Do The Republicans Want To Cut Social Security
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/do-the-republicans-want-to-cut-social-security/
Do The Republicans Want To Cut Social Security
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Democrats Urged To Reject Latest Gop Attempt To Hold Social Security ‘hostage’
Donald Trump Might Want To Cut Social Security But Won’t Admit It
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Wednesday said he would be willing to vote to raise the federal debt ceiling in exchange for a policy that could result in cuts to Social Security and Medicare, a proposed trade-off that progressive advocacy groups implored Democrats to reject.
“Fortunately, Democrats can protect Social Security and Medicare by raising the debt ceiling in the forthcoming reconciliation package.”Alex Lawson, Social Security Works
With members of Congress staring down an to increase the debt limitthe amount of money the federal government is legally permitted to borrow to meet its financial obligationsGraham toldBloomberg that he could bring himself to vote yes on a debt ceiling hike if Democrats agree to legislation establishing commissions tasked with crafting Social Security and Medicare “reforms.”
But Social Security Works, a progressive advocacy organization, was quick to warn that Graham’s offer is a thinly veiled trap.
“Lindsey Graham and his fellow Republicans will stop at nothing to cut the American people’s earned Social Security and Medicare benefits,” Alex Lawson, executive director of Social Security Works, said in a statement. “Graham has now telegraphed his party’s intention to demand a commission to cut Social Security and Medicare as the price for raising the debt ceiling.”
Social Security Works and other groups warned at the time that the proposal was nothing more than “a plot to gut Social Security behind closed doors.”
Democrats Have Already Signaled Trumps Budget Is Going Nowhere
While Trump tries to have it both ways by proposing entitlement cuts while claiming hes not really doing that, Treasury Department spokesperson Monica Crowley was somewhat more straightforward during a Monday morning appearance on Fox Business.
Asked by host Stuart Varney if she agrees that the new budget hits the safety net, Crowley said the president understands that Washingtons habit of out of control spending without consequence has to be stopped.
Treasury Secretary Assistant Sec. Monica Crowley defends cuts to entitlements in Trump’s new 2021 budget proposal: “The president also understands that Washington’s habit of out of control spending without consequence has to be stopped.”
Aaron Rupar
But for Trump, not all spending is bad. While his budget cuts non-defense spending by 5 percent, he actually slates defense spending for an increase to $740.5 billion for fiscal year 2021.
Budget proposals are just that proposals. And while Trump insists that Republicans are the ones trying to save entitlements from destruction, the irony is that the truth is exactly the opposite: Entitlement cuts are dead on arrival as long as Democrats control a chamber of Congress.
The viral video of Mike Pence being grilled by an ER doctor about Medicaid cuts, explained
House Budget Committee Chair John Yarmuth alluded to this reality in a statement he released on Sunday blasting Trump for proposing deep cuts to critical programs that help American families.
Republicans Are Pushing Myths About Social Security
Republican politicians want to cut Social Security. They never say so out loud, but their 2016 platform reveals the truth. In the section labeled, Saving Social Security, it proclaims, As Republicans, we oppose tax increases Since Social Security cannot deficit spend and is projecting a shortfall in 2035 if Congress doesnt act, that only leaves benefit cuts.
Representative John Larson , the Chairman of the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Social Security, is trying to force his Republican colleagues into the open. Larson is the sponsor of the Social Security 2100 Act, which increases Social Securitys modest benefits. Additionally, it raises enough revenue to ensure that all benefits can be paid in full and on time through the year 2100 and beyond. Ninety percent of the Democrats in the House of Representatives are co-sponsors, but not a single Republican. Given their refusal to back his bill, Rep. Larson has urged Republicans to offer an alternative proposal to no avail.
Non-action is not an option, unless your goal is to cut Social Security. The most recent Social Security Trustees’ Report projects that with no action, benefits will be automatically reduced by 20 percent in 2035. As Chairman Larson has plainly stated, The hard truth of the matter is that Republicans want to cut Social Security, and doing nothing achieves their goal.
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His Tax Cut Isnt Helping The Economy But It Did Blow A Hole In The Budget That Hed Fill By Gutting Entitlement Programs
Health-care activists rally in front of the Capitol in March 2017 to highlight the changes then being sought in Medicaid in the Republican American Health Care Act.
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Later this evening, Donald Trump delivers his third State of the Union address. If past speeches are any indicator, we know tonights speech will be filled with a number of exaggerations and outright falsehoods especially when it comes to the economy.
Since he signed the bill two years ago, Trump has heralded the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as this administrations greatest accomplishment, declaring that it is helping everybody so much.
But this couldnt be further from the truth. While the law gave giant tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations, the rest of us were left with crumbs at best. The wage growth that Trump promised hasnt materialized, and 100 million Americans are going to be left paying higher taxes.
Another opinion:Trump should offer a new deal for the middle class in his State of the Union speech
Now, Trump is using his tax cuts, which he promised would be a boon to the economy, as an excuse to threaten cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs Americans have been paying into with every paycheck, and programs the federal government is required, by law, to offer to every single eligible person.
Turns out everyones predictions were right: Republicans are targeting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. No surprise there.
Is The Gop Really Trying To Do Away With Social Security
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Social Security is unquestionably the nation’s most important social program, with more than three out of five current retired workers leaning on it to account for at least half of their monthly income. Yet, this crucial program is on shaky ground, with the latest annual report from the Social Security Board of Trustees painting a grim intermediate- and long-term picture for the program.
According to the report, Social Security is facing an inflection point this year. For the first time since 1982, aggregate expenditures, which almost entirely includes benefits, but also takes into account administrative expenses and Railroad Retirement exchange contributions, will exceed revenue generated. Although the net cash outflow is only estimated at $1.7 billion, which is relative peanuts when compared to the $2.89 trillion currently in asset reserves, it’s a conclusive sign that the existing payout schedule isn’t sustainable.
Things begin to get really dicey in 2020 and beyond. Beginning at the turn of the decade, ongoing demographic shifts are expected to cause the net cash outflow to balloon. By 2034, following 16 years of outflows, the $2.89 trillion in excess cash is expected to be completely gone. Should this happen, Social Security would survive, but payouts to then-current and future retirees could be cut by up to 21%. That’s not a pleasant forecast given the noted reliance of seniors on the program.
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Yes Republicans Want Big Time Cuts In Social Security
Over the last couple weeks, Dylan Scott has been out front on the House GOPs effort manufacture a Social Security funding crisis that would hit over the next two years. Theres more than one Social Security Trust Fund. Theres one that covers most retirees. Theres another that covers the disability part of the program. And over the years, Congress with little controversy has shifted funds back and forth between the two to maintain actuarial balance. So to date, the whole push has been rather technical and framed around bean counting. But earlier this month, most notably from Rand Paul, we heard the other prong in the attack come into play.
Speaking to Republican presidential primary voters in New Hampshire, Paul said that most Social Security disability recipients are in fact malingerers and scofflaws who have no business receiving benefits in the first place.
The thing is that all of these programs, theres always somebody whos deserving, everybody in this room knows somebody whos gaming the system. I tell people that if you look like me and you hop out of your truck, you shouldnt be getting a disability check. Over half the people on disability are either anxious or their back hurts. Join the club. Who doesnt get up a little anxious for work every day and their back hurts? Everyone over 40 has a back pain.
The Republican Record On Social Security
1935: Almost all Republicans in Congress oppose the creation of Social Security.
1939: 75 percent of Republicans in Senate try to kill legislation providing Social Security benefits to dependents and survivors as well as retired workers.
1950: 79 percent of House and 89 percent of Senate Republicans vote against disability insurance to defeat it.
1956: 86 percent of Republicans in Senate oppose disability insurance; program approved nonetheless.
1964: Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater and future president Ronald Reagan both suggest that Social Security be made voluntary.
1965: 93 percent of Republicans in House and 62 percent in Senate vote to kill Medicare.
1977: 58 percent of Senate votes against amendment to provide semiannual increases.
1977: 88 percent of Republicans in House and 63 percent in Senate vote against an increase in Social Security payroll tax needed to keep the system solvent.
1981: President Reagan proposes $35 billion in Social Security cuts over the next 5 years. The cuts would have included the elimination of student benefits, lump-sum death benefits, and a retroactive elimination of the $122 minimum benefit for three million recipients.
1981: Reagan administration begins a wholesale review of the Social Security Disability rolls, resulting in over 560,000 eligibility investigations in 1982 360,000 more than the year before. Ultimately, at least 106,000 families were removed from the rolls.
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The Average Retired Worker Could Be Taking Home A Lot Less From Social Security In 15 Years
This has been a challenging year in so many respects for the American public. The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the way we interact with one another, and it’s displaced more than 20 million workers. If you’re an investor, you were also taken on a wild ride, with the stock market packing about 10 years’ worth of volatility into a period of four months. And don’t even get me started about the murder hornets.
But one of the few solaces working Americans have always been able to take is the idea that, if they earn 40 lifetime work credits, a Social Security benefit will be waiting for them when they retire.
The Social Security program has navigated through 13 recessions prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite some obviously grim outlooks during those previous recessions, you’ll note that Social Security is still here, and it’s been paying continuous retired-worker benefits for more than 80 years. This is why it’s often referred to as America’s most successful social program.
But just because it’s been a historically successful program doesn’t mean it’s necessarily in great shape to service future generations of retirees.
Vote Tallies For Passage Of Medicare In 1965
GOP Rep: Let’s Privatize Social Security And Cut Benefits
Actions in Congress- H.R. 6675, The Social Security Admendments of 1965, began life in the House Ways & Means Committee where it passed the Committee on March 23, 1965 and a Final Report was sent to the House on March 29, 1965. The House took up consideration of the bill on April 7th, and passed the bill the next day by a vote of 313-115 . The Senate Finance Committee reported the bill out on June 30th and debate began on the Senate floor that same day, concluding with passage on July 9, 1965 by a vote of 68-21 . The Conference Committee to reconcile the differing bills of the two houses completed its work on July 26th. The reconciled version of H.R. 6675 then went to final passage in the House on July 27th and final passage in the Senate the following day.
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The Republican Obsession With Dismantling Social Security And Medicare
The Republicans are desperate to destroy Social Security and Medicare. These two programs demonstrate government at its best. The federal government runs these two extremely popular programs more efficiently, universally, securely, and effectively than the private sector does with its alternatives or indeed could, no matter how well those private sector programs were designed.
Because Social Security and Medicare are government programs that work so well, the Republican elite with its seemingly religious belief that the private sector is always the best hates them. So obsessed are the Republicans in their desire to eliminate these effective government programs that the very first action that House Republicans took in the new Congress was to adopt a rules package that included a new rule that amounts to a stealth attack on Social Security and Medicare.
The rules package, adopted at the start of every new Congress, sets out how the chamber will operate for the next two years. This years package is already infamous for provisions in the initial version that would have gutted the Office of Congressional Ethics provisions that were ultimately dropped after a massive outcry from the American people. Unnoticed by most was an additional provision, which is one part of the Republican game plan to destroy Social Security and Medicare.
Here’s How The Gop Could Remove $174 A Month From Retirees’ Paychecks Without A Direct Cut
On Capitol Hill, both political parties have acknowledged that Social Security needs some TLC. Unfortunately, neither party is in the same ballpark as to how best to fix what’s estimated to be a $13.9 trillion shortfall over the next 75 years.
What isn’t in doubt, though, is that if Republicans were able to implement their two most prominent solutions, every beneficiary would see some form of reduction in their payout.
The GOP has long favored cost-cutting as the best means of reducing Social Security’s shortfall. The most commonly touted method of tackling this would be by gradually raising the full retirement age — i.e., the age at which you become eligible for 100% of your monthly payout. Currently set to peak at age 67 in 2022 for those born in 1960 or later, Republicans would like to see this figure gradually increased to age 70. Such a move would require future generations of retirees to either wait longer to collect their full payout or to accept a steeper up-front reduction by claiming early. No matter their choice, lifetime benefits, and therefore program outlays, would be reduced.
But the thing about raising the full retirement age is that it takes a long time to work. Meanwhile, the other Republican proposal — changing Social Security’s inflationary tether from the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers to the Chained CPI — could yield modestly faster savings.
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Softening Social Security Rhetoric On The Right
This represents a break from Angle’s past comments. Her website used to say that Social Security should be “transitioned out” in favor of “free market alternatives.
But that has been replaced with a markedly different stance.
“We must keep the promise of Social Security by redeeming the ‘IOU’s’ that have been written to the Social Security Trust Fund and then putting that money in a lock box that cannot ever be raided again by Washington politicians. The only way we pay for it is by cutting spending,” it now says in the “issues” section.
Talk of a “free market” alternative is replaced with “personalized accounts for the next generation that cannot be raided.”
Still, that careful rebranding will be complicated by comments she made Friday, when she apparently referred to Chile as a model for privatizing social security in the future, according to a short AP write-up.
Democrats Hope To Turn Attention From Economy
For their part, Democrats are intent on convincing voters that Republicans want to privatize the whole system.
“Republicans are dead set on privatizing or eliminating Social Security to please their Wall Street backers,” said Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee National Press Secretary Deirdre Murphy.” Democrats will continue to stand up for our seniors and call out Republicans who want to leave them high and dry.”
But he said changing the subject from the economy will be challenging.
Progressive Groups Seek A “No Cuts” Pledge
Heals Act Vs Heroes Act
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In a joint statement issued Tuesday afternoon, Pelosi and Schumer outlined where they said the HEALS Act falls short compared to Democrats Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, which passed the House in May.
The $3 trillion Heroes Act extends $600 weekly unemployment benefits through January;2021, whereas the HEALS Act;cuts supplemental unemployment benefits to $200 a week through September, when the payment will be combined with state benefits to replace 70% of wages.
Pelosi and Schumer also said HEALS gives wealthy corporations a business meal tax deduction but doesnt extend the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for struggling families. The Heroes Act provided;a 15% increase to the maximum SNAP benefit and additional funding for nutrition programs.
The Heroes Act contains $175 billion in new supports for rent, mortgage and utility payments and other housing-related costs.
HEALS, Pelosi and Schumer said, also provides zero election funding or Post Office assistance, while spending $2 billion on President Trumps priority to renovate the FBI headquarters and prevent competition for Trump Hotel and handing a $30 billion slush fund to defense contractors.
HEALS does not extend the eviction moratorium, provide rental or mortgage assistance or boost state and local funding, Pelosi and Schumer added.
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Does anyone know a good life insurance that they would recommend? and would you recommened term or whole?
Cheapest car insurance right now?
I will be 17 soon and want to drive as soon as possible, I need to know what the cheapest cars are to insure for a 17 year old male""
Loans for older/classic cars?
Any banks or financial institutions out there give loans for older cars? I know most banks only give loans for cars less than 5-6 years old, but I want something in good condition that may appreciate in value, or at least not depreciate so long as I take care of it. But I do need a loan. Links to companies that do these kinds of loans will get you a best answer.""
How Much Is Quad Insurance UK?
Hi their.... i know its a hard 1 to answer but on average how much are people paying for quad insurance for road legal quads in the UK...... ive been trying to get quotes from companies but every time i ring them up they put me on hold for like an hour so i hang up i just want to see what people are paying so i have an idea of what prices to look out for................ I'm 20 & own a 250cc road legal quad........... but dont want to be paying 700cc prices
Cheaper Insurance on Mitsub evo?
Im looking into buy an Mitsubishi EVO 8 but the insurance will be way too expensive. If i finance it and put the car in my moms name and the insurance in her name could i save money(my moms like 54). My insurance company says i can use other peoples cars as long as i have a policy myself which i do. How much do some of you people pay?
Car insurance after customization?
If I put a body kit, new wheels, etc... onto my car will it affect insurance? Do I need to let them know? Before? What about the warranty, I have bumper to bumper warranty.""
Do you know of any extremely low cost car insurance for cars?
Please dont say companies like Geico, progressive, etc. i am looking for something that I have not looked at already- that maybe someone on here has experience with. i live in NJ, but that really doesnt matter when shopping for auto insurance.""
Do you need full coverage insurance for a new motorcycle?
I am planning to get a new 07 triumph daytona 675 in Minneasota, and i was wondering since i would it would on a loan would you have to have full coverage on it or can i just have liabilty? since i would be making payments on the bike and the bank owns it . Kinda like cars ?""
What is the average cost to own a car in the UK?
If you went for the cheapest car for Insurance, gas mileage, ETC. What is the average cost a month to own a car in England?""
Disability Insurance Questions?
what does disability insurance mean and who gets it's benefits
What are the insurance laws for cars in storage in Oregon?
I do not want to drive my car. I will just have it sitting in a garage at a relative's house. I've read from numerous people, that you don't need insurance if the car is ...show more""
How much should my car insurance go down by after a year?
Female, 18yrs old""
How can I get a California Health & Life Insurance License ?
I would like to find an online course or a study at home course if possible. Also, how long does the course take ? Thank you for your help""
Liability insurance price for honda civic 2006?
how much is the average liability insurance cost for honda civic 2006 4 door and 32 year married driver with 100% clean driver's history?
Teen Car Insurance + Accidents Clarification?
I'm a 16 year old girl who just got her license in March. A week after I got my license, I rear ended another car while driving my mom's new car that is insured. We got it fixed and only had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. I do not have my own car. My sister, who is 19, has her own car that is not covered for collision. My dad's car is not covered for collision either. My sister just got into an accident, rear ending someone as well. I really need to get a car next year for work and such but my parents said my insurance would be high enough already with both of me and my sister's accidents. Couldn't I just buy a car on my own and not get collision coverage on it like my dad and sister's cars? Would that be cheaper? I really don't know how car insurance works at all, i only know what my parents tell me, so any help would be appreciated :) Oh, and if it matters, I went to traffic school after my accident to remove the points against my driving record (I think that's what it did) My sister had already gone to traffic school recently for a speeding ticket so she can't go again for her accident.""
I got a speeding ticket yesterday does my insurance go up?
Im a first time driver and have only been driving 9 months and i was caught speeding, yeah i know its silly but it was down a steep hill i was doing 40 in a 30 and there was a police man in his car catching everyone. I was just wondering if by me having 3 points now will my insurance go up and how much by roughly. Im paying 1200 third party f+t on a fiesta at the moment Thanks""
Auto insurance rates question?
How is it when you buy a newer car, your rates increase, while there is no decrease as your car ages? Pure greed on the company's part?""
I want a baby but don't have insurance?
My husband and I just got a new apartment and then got married courthouse style. We have both decided that we want a baby soon but right now we don't have insurance. Is there any cheap option that would cover the entire pregnancy?
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm 21 and I'll be getting a new car in a week or so. I've been in a few accidents (mostly little fender-benders that we didn't claim on the insurance) but about a month ago I flipped my car. I'm wondering what kind of car will be the cheapest to insure? What kind of coverage should I get? And what insurance companies should I look into?
What is the best individual insurance for a pregnant woman?
I just found out i am 5 weeks pregnant and dont currently have insurance. My husbands works and his employer offers insurance for the family for $850.00/mo, which is completely ridiculous and not affordable for us right now. I stay at home with my daughter in Missouri, but we are having a hard time getting medicaid. Any advice. Thanks...""
What are the best health insurance companies with the best plans that covers everything?
Hello, I am in the State of Pennsylvania which is USA. What are the best health insurance companies with the best plans. I'm not happy with free, but people tell me I can't afford plans, and I still do it anyway. I looked at BlueCross. Well, both Highmark, Capital. Capital said they had a Senior PPO plan. I believe that's the name. They have a once year dental plan, but it doesn't cover anything else for the dental. They do have that plan for medical, vision, prescriptions, and the such. What companies, and what plan from that particular company would cover everything, but affordable? I am 29 years of age. I'll be 30 in January. I'm not qualify senior. I do have benefits coming for disabled Medicare of a disabled deceased record.""
Do Car Insurance rates go up when being rear ended?
I was rear ended and it was NOT my fault. I live in California and have State Farm. Will my rates go up?
How much should I expect from the insurance company for these damages to my car?
I have a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my car was hit on the drivers side between the front and back doors. The front door is really damaged and the rear door has some""
Is progressive auto insurance good?
Is progressive auto insurance good?
I got a speeding ticket. Any estimate of how much insurance premium may go up by?
Got my first speeding ticket in Collingwood, Ontario. Drove 80km on a 60km limit road. Just wondering how much insurance premium rate can go up by... or is there any chance it won't? Would love to fight it, but I live in Toronto and the drive up there is a waste of 4 hrs/miliage/gas vs paying a $95 fine, losing 3 demerit points and having it on record for 3 years.""
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
Who can I get cheap health insurance through that covers from State to State?
move alot because my bf's job requires him to do so now and again. I have lived in a couple of States in the last year and we are due to move again but his job hasn't said where to yet. Is there a health insurance company that covers most (if not all) States that has reasonable pricing that I could get covered under? I just had a baby a few weeks ago and I am a homemaker with some not very nice health issues so I need to make sure I'm taking care of myself too (especially now). If you have any suggestions, please help. Thank you :)""
Does having a nissan 350z as your first car and a new driver added gonna make the insurance go up?
their are 3 drivers in my family and the insurance is like 200 i think would the bill go way up if a new driver is driving a 350z?
Car insurance problems.?
I've been in a car accident a week ago and I haven't received any phone calls about anything. I sent my police report and my insurance still has not send someone to look at the damage. I want to get this fixed asap. How long does it take before they send someone to look at it. And who looks at it my insurer or the insurer of the other guy?
Car Insurance Question?
Hi, im 16 and 17 in August living in Ireland, and i'm thinking of buying either a Honda Civic 1999-2001 or a Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, i'm a guy and i'm wondering how much it'll cost to insure either one of them, and also what car is better""
Insurance costs for a Yamaha Majesty?
or Yamaha Morphous? I want to purchase one of these two scooters, although I'm leaning more towards the Majesty. For a good driver with a good record, How much is the insurance on these?""
How much will the insurance company offer for my car?
a couple questions and description..... my car was involved in an accident and deemed a total loss. I was curious on how much the insurance company may offer? the accident was not my fault. i would like to buy it back though and fix it. how much do they usually offer a totaled car back for? its a 1994 honda accord lx with 128500 on her. shes in good condition with a small 1/4 size spot of rust on the left rear fender. everything else is in working condition. its a dark blue/green color. A/C, cruise, good tires, new cd player/ am/ fm, new speakers, new timing belt, distributor and ignition switch. it has a 2.2 4cylinder, automatic. any help is appreciated. interior is very clean, and paint was good condition. thank you!""
Do you think teen drivers are the only ones with trouble getting cheap car insurance?
There was mature man who was very successful in business. I think he was 35 or 40. He finally got his new drivers license and decided to buy a $90,000 car. He bought it for cash, to save on interest on the loan. When he tried to get insurance it was $10,000 a year for liability and collision insurance. He asked if he could return the car, but since it was no longer 'brand new' he would loose $10,000. If he kept it the insurance would be $30,000 for the first 3 years! He kept it.... too bad he didn't know anything about insurance before he bought it! He should have had a cheap car in his name with just liability insurance, for 3 years before he went out and bought his dream car. This would have created insurance history . That together with his over 25 years old status would have cut insurance expenses way way, down.""
Right now Im on my parent's car insurance policy b/c im 17 but im looking to move out soon?
Can someone please tell me how much your car insurance goes up once you are on you own plan. im paying 360 every three months now.
Any affordable health insurance?
i am trying to look for health insurance right now and im trying to look for one thats good any suggestions?
Car insurance for 19 year old?
I currently drive a 2005 Mazda6 (4cyl, 140 hp sedan) and I am under my dads policy. I want to buy a 2008-09 VW GTI which is a 4cyl 200 hp turbo hatch, I want a 2 door, but will opt for the 5 door if it saves a good amount of money. How much more should I expect to pay for insurance with the GTI if on my dad's policy? Will it be cheaper to get my own? Also would waiting until I am 20 to buy the car save more money? I have never had a speeding ticket, I had one minor accident when I was 17, I have had a traffic violation last year, but I wasn't even the driver of the vehicle for the offense, also no points were added to my license for this as I did a traffic course and paid a fine instead. (florida)""
Is it typically cheaper to pay car insurance monthly ? semiannually? or annually?
Is it typically cheaper to pay car insurance monthly ? semiannually? or annually?
Which cars are cheap on insurance for a 20year old new driver? And which cars dont drink petrol fast?
I am doing an intense driving course, i would like advice and which cars aint too high on insurance and also which cars dont drink petrol fast as i know some do!""
What does an insurance broker do?
I know it is something to do with insurance, but that's all I know. What schooling do you need for this job and what is the general pay? What does a typical day usually look like for a broker? Do they work for a company or on their own?""
Will my motorcycle insurance really be 145 dollars a month?
i did a quote online at progressive just to get an idea of how much the insurance would be for a 2005 yzf r6. i am 18 years old had my motorcycles license for 2 years and have been riding smaller bikes for 2 years now the r6 i am looking at costs 6000 with very low miles and an aftermarket exhaust from a dealer and i will be making a 2200 trade in which will go towards the bike but the rest will have to be financed. i heard the online quote is wrong because i didn't use my social security number and is different from the real quote i should get. also the loan will most likely be under my parents name and if u know of what type of coverage i will need since it is financed ive been doing alot of studying but thought id ask on here. i live in wisconsin which isn't a very populated area which should also make a difference if u know anything or need to know anymore just ask thanks alot
List the 5 conditions that must be met by populations to insure stability (no evolution).?
List the 5 conditions that must be met by populations to insure stability (no evolution).?
What is the bare minimum for full coverage auto insurance?
I live in Idaho. I have not yet payed off the auto loan so I'm required to have full coverage insurance. According to some people I am paying too much (about 700 for 6 months), as they are paying far less. I have geico, but from time to time I look around and get quotes, and it is always slightly higher than what I have now. However, that might be because I am opting for coverage I might not need. So the question boils down to, what is the bare minimum requirements for full coverage auto insurance in Idaho?""
Should i be mad at my husband or his mother?
my husband gave his entire paycheck to his mother to pay her bills, She had a bunch of vet bills, her other sons (hes 30ish and has a job w/ insurance) medical bills, and a 1000.00 dollar tattoo, but couldnt pay her bills. our house payment was due and now i cant pay it cause he gave her all this money? also he chewed me out cause i started crying when he told me he did this. Help plese what should i do. p.s we have 3 small children that this could have helped out for food and stuff liek that.""
Is there a grace period for insurance in california on a new vehicle?
How long can you go without insurance after purchase of a new vehicle? I know it should be done immediately but I have other things going on right now and dont have time to get quotes currently. If there is no grace period I just wont drive until I get insurance.
Good car insurance companies for a low cost??
Good car insurance companies for a low cost??
Aetna student health insurance cover accutane?
Does anyone know whether Aetna STUDENT health insurance cover accutane? I don't know whether regular Aetna and Aetna Student are the same. also, for guys who have taken accutane, do we take the ipledge too? if so, how long do we have to wait before taking our first pill?""
Benefits of life insurance?
long term benefits of life insurance
Free term life insurance quote?
How do I get a term life insurance quote online?
""Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
Is progressive auto insurance good?
Is progressive auto insurance good?
I got car insurance and it allows me to drive other peoples cars on my insurance?
if i were to buy another car, 2nd car will i be able to drive that without registering to any insruance company? i wont be selling my 1st car, it will still have the insruance, and the insruance it has allows me to drive other cars, but im not sure if the other cars also need insurance from a company""
""Car insurance, advice and help!?""
Im 16. Ive done a bit of research and it looks expensive, so im going to try to be put on my parents plan. I know it depends on their plan and everything, but im just looking for an approximation per month or per 6 months or per year. They have pretty good coverage if that helps, and my dads on geico and my moms on progressive i beleive. i live in miami if thats useful, and i will only use one car if that would make the insurance cheaper (its in their name). Any bit of advice to make it cheaper or any tips would be extremely appreciated. If i could get somewhere around 500 per 6 months that would be ideal. Thanks u guys""
How can you make insurance for your car cheaper?
Young driver and cannot find any reasonable insurance companies at all!
HELP!!! Car insurance - 10 month bonus accelerators and cheapest insurance companies?
Hi has anyone had any problems with a bonus 10 month accelerator policy when renewing??? also any ideas for the cheapest insurance companies especially when paying monthly and being a young driver (only 20)? thank you xxxxxxx
Direct line car insurance?
hi, does direct line car insurance allow there to be more than 2 drivers on the the one car insurance policy""
A car insurance question...?
So... I had a 1998 VW beetle that I traded in today for a 2003 VW beetle. I purchased this car in the state that I am currently in for college (MD). In order to purchase the car I had to get a MD tag. My old car is insured under Farm Bureau in NC. Can I transfer my old insurance to cover this car? I am not a Maryland resident, but NC resident. Any help/advise is greatly appreciated. My 98 beetle was in great shape, but the newer car had more additives like sunroof/less miles etc.... The difference was around $5000 that I am having to pay.. Because of the financing I had to get MD tag and such.. Thanks in advance for your help!""
Can I cancel car insurance before expiration date?
I got car insurance and paid a fee but the expiration date says it ends in one year, I paid for 1 month and now I need to get insurance from another company. Do I cancel the insurance I have now? if I dont will they charge me every month? Or should I just forget about it and let the ppl cancel me off.""
Maintaining car insurance for DMV (lawyers chime in)?
I have a bit of a tricky situation that I can't get a clear answer online. My question is I have misdemeanor on my driving record that is not yet 3 years old. I have moved out of the US for awhile but will be back and some point in the future. I have no use for my current car insurance and as I will be relying on public transportation for everything. For California DMV purposes, do I need to keep my insurance policy up or is it ok that I cancel my policy since I will be off US roads (all roads in general)? I have read a stipulation that requires 3 years uninterrupted SR-22 coverage or something of the like. I would like to get rid of this monthly charge that I'm getting nothing out of but my worry is that negatively impact my driving record at the DMV for not fulfilling insurance obligations. Thank you.""
Insurance estimate on a car?
So right now i have a 2010 nissan sentra SR and my insurance payment is 120$ a month. i have only used my insurance once, and that was comprehensive collision due to some terrible luck, but my cost did not go up. i want to get a 2008 nissan altima coupe 3.5. i am a 20 year old male, never had a ticket, no bad record or anything like that. would my insurance double if i was to make the switch or what would i be looking at? THanks!""
Insurance question?
has anyone been or is currently pregnant and without insurance? I see that it's possible to get individual insurance with a maternity package, has anyone applied for any of these? Does anyone have any experience in this situation?""
Second Owner of a Car = Insurance? (FL)?
This is for the state of Florida. Yes, I could have looked it up, but there are too many answers to get a straight one. Scenario: Say a parent owns a car. They pay insurance. There's an 18-year-old who still has their permit but wants to get a license. They should become a second owner of their parent's car. However, there's word going around that there would be a second insurance? 1) How will the second insurance work? 2) Do you LEGALLY HAVE to have insurance? I'm not sure what else to ask, but, if someone could shed some light on how this has to be done, just let me know. Thanks.""
Most affordable Health Insurance provider for my employees?
I am looking for an affordable Health Insurance Company for my employees. I have 7 employees w/families and no coverage to offer because the prices are outrageous. My compnay is Incorporated, if that factors in. I have already used the sales companies that do this research for me, but I am not satisfied with the results...plus they call every 2 seconds with high quotes.""
What's the cheapest full coverage Insurance?
I want to buy a car from carmart but I need full coverage insurance it's a 06 Chevy silverado...I'm 22 I've never been in a accident or had a ticket around what will insurance cost???
Re. Car insurance?
Anyone work in insurance buisness? I have 2 cars, my mobilty car and a smaller car. I origionally bought it for my wife as she doesnt like driving my mobility car as its too big. I was advised by insurers to keep car in my name, Using my insurance in my name with my wife as a named driver and my 18 year old son who as of yet cannot afford a car as he is attending college and only gets 30 a week EMA if he attends. My wife and I want to give him the car as a joint 18th and christmas present. Now I am stuck if I hand ownership to him and he is pressured into taking out his own policy, my insurance that I have built up over nearly 35 years will possibly be voided and if I need to insure another car in next 3 years after my mobility car is handed back, I may loose my max NCD. Can I legally keep car in my name also my insurance and make him a named main driver, my wife as second and me as third. I have life threatening illnesses and want to give my kids their own cars. cont'd""
""Any opinions on good home insurance companies in Anchorage, AK?""
Just shopping around for good home insurance. Currently have accepted offer for our first home, and want to get the best home insurance rates.""
Does one speeding ticket make your insurance go up?
i'm 16 and never had a ticket...i think it's state farm insurance.....i'm in california
Car insurance for temporary work in California?
I have a 4 months of temporary work in California and I am thinking of taking my car. My current car insurance will not cover driving for work purposes in California. What is the easiest way to get car insurance for 4 months for California?
Auto Insurance in 2 States?
Folks I am dealing with an issue that involves 3 cars 3 drivers ( my wife, my son and I) and 2 different states (my son away at college) the insurance companies are thiefs trying to stick it to me. Even though my son is at college more than 1250 miles away from home the insurance company still charge me for him, I bough him a car and since he is in another state my insurance premium is almost triple. Any ideas? remember 3 cars 3 drivers and 2 states my son at college with a new car. Will it be cheaper if he gets his own insurance? Help is needed and much appreciated""
How to get my stolen car's value back from insurance?
Hi, my car was stolen from a repair shop that I had left overnight for maintenace work. I say they are negligent for not securing the keys. I filed a claim through their insurance and through my insurance thinking mine would go after them and give me a fair price for what I payed, not the current market value. I heard about the arbitration. Any suggestions on steps I can take to recover more money? plus why should I pay the deductible? Shouldn't I receive money from both insurances? I also incurred other expenses, I had to spend money on notaries, lost time from work, gas money making all these trips for the investigators etc. Thank you very much for any advice.""
Should my car insurance company be forced to cover preexisting conditions?
After all, liberals want preexisting conditions be covered for health care. What's the difference? I want them to fix that dent in my front end that was there when I bought the car.""
Insurance for 250 Ninja?
I will be buying a new 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 250. I'm 18 yrs old. We will pay the bike in full..... How much will be my insurance on this bike? thanks
19 Y/O searching for health insurance advice?
I am 19 years old, I will be starting college in late August/early Sept. as a full time student at comm. college. I am not employed and my mother supports me. unfortanatly, she ...show more""
How can i get my car insurance quotes down?
i have just passed my driving test for a full license in the UK, i am 18, male and after looking at several different websites (some comparison ones and some direct ones) i have found that for what is considered a good first car (no more than a 1.2 engine) i am likely to be paying the minimum of 4000! and this is just for third party and theft. i am wondering if there is any way i can get this number down.. can anyone suggest a good insurance company or anything like the pass plus that will lower it by a reasonable amount? or even a specific car that is generally cheaper than others. any help would be appreciated!""
BEST HOME INSURANCE for a town house in allwntown Pa in the USA?
What would be a good home insurance for my town house in allentown PA.. i am looking for something good and affordable ANY IDEAS
Who has the cheapest auto insurance in California?
I have a second car that has been inop and I want to sell. I only need insurance for about a month.
Is progressive auto insurance good?
Is progressive auto insurance good?
How can I get a fair replacement cost by the auto insurance company when my car is totoaled?
my car is being paid off by the other person's insurance company, not mine.""
Trying to find cheap car insurance!! Help!!!?
Whats some cheap car insurance companies out there?? Not allstate, geico and etc..""
Question about medical insurance?
how can i find out whether or not my medical insurance is expired or not? i have medicaid and i was told i should receive a letter about the matter in the mail but i haven't yet.
The cheapest way to change insurance to a new car whilst keeping current car insured whilst i sell it?
Hi, I am 20 years old and I have just bought a new car. I am trying to find the best and cheapest way to change my current insurance ( with one years no claims) to my new car and then i need to insure my old car whilst I sell it. My current car insurance policy on my car runs out on 15th February 2013 and I have cancelled my renewal. I have received the renewal which is proof of my no claims which will be transferred to my new car. Another question is... can I claim the one years no claims on my new car whilst it still runs out for a week on my old car? I have looked at temporary insurance for my current car but this was almost 400 for 28 days?!?!? If insurance companies want me to do it the legal way, they are not making it very easy! Any advice on the best way around this would be great. I know it's confusing! Thanks, Adam White""
Help. I've missed two car insurance installments by accident and now they want me to pay the rest in full.?
I've stupidly missed two payments. Not on purpose. I'm pregnant and at college with exams and I'm due in March so my mind is trying to focus on revising, focus on saving money to buy baby things with (which we still need to buy most stuff). and focusing on bills etc. Anyway. How can I still be insured but avoid having to pay them the rest of the due fees for my contract term? An idea I had was to cancel it, and then start new insurance with another company? I would have to pay a new deposit and to cancel the old insurance I would have to pay some money as well. Any other ideas?""
What is the Best & cheapest insurance in Texas?
I drive a 1989 Toyota Camry, I just go to and from school (less than 2 miles away) i only drive the car like Mon. & Wed. and yet i have to pay like 150 for car insurance, in 6 months of paying, i pay what my car is worth. So i wanted to know is there any cheap insurance i dont care if they suck or anything like that, i just want something below 100 dlls. so please tell me which insurance you use and how much you pay a month that would really help. Thank you in advance -Angela""
Adding a teen to the insurance with past accidents?
I take my license test exactly one week from today. I have all the insurance papers that I needed from my driving school. do I wait until I get my license to get on the insurance or can I do it now so that I'll be on there for next week? also, when I had my permit, I had two minor parking lot accidents that my dad had to take the blame for. Now that I will be on the insurance can I tell them it was me so that I will pay for the increase directly to the insurance company or should I just pay him the difference of what it is now and what it used to be each month? because I know his driving record will follow him for life. thanks in advance!""
How does car insurance work? do u have to pay for it monthly?
i'm buying my first car and am confused as to how car insurance works. i know its better to have insurance before driving your car off the lot but how does insurance work? do you pay insurance monthly liek you do for a car note?
Insurance company wants to total my car/not insure it.?
So my dad rear ended someone really softly, but it was a truck that he rear ended with a hitch or something that damaged the grill and the bumper. Problem is, I put a total of $2700 to have transmission replaced and the engine repaired after the timing belt broke and caused damage over the last 2-3 months. It is a 2004 dodge neon and the body to these things are flimsy to begin with. I'm taking it in Monday to get it looked at better, but they said from what they could see it might be a total loss. Which means its only gonna be worth $2000. they said they have to replace the hood, the grill, and the bumper and other stuff which is **** because I know people who could fix these problems for less than $500. they aren't even visibly bad, a few dents in the places i mentioned but when i took it in they reacted like i had been in a head on collision going 50 mph. It runs perfectly, we wouldn't have even reported it except we were worried the guy might claim injury after the fact (which he did). What can I do? This is my only car, and I am already in debt from student loans. $2000 isn't gonna buy me a new car. How can I convince them not to total it when I take it in?""
How much will my auto insurance go up if I am at 100% fault?
I was in an accident recently where I was found to be at 100% fault - accident was not too bad-- other car's front bumper dent-- How much should I expect my insurance to go up?
Does a ticket make ur car insurance go up?
ok so im not going in to details about how this happened but basically i got a ticket for driving on the wrong side of the road. will that make my car insurance go up? im 16 if that makes any difference to it...but some telll me it will and some tell me it wont help???
2 door sports car insurance costs?
I've been seriously looking into purchasing a 06 Hyundai Tiburon or an 04 Nissan 350z. I'm 18, and everytime I mention it to my parents, they ALWAYS bring up the fact that we ...show more""
Report old ticket to insurance company?
I am looking to get new car insurance, and I had a failure to control ticket over 2 years ago, which means that it is no longer on my driving record in my state. When filling out insurance information, it asks me to report any violations in the last 5 years. If my ticket is not on my record, should I still report it to the insurance company?""
Can someone provide best independent health insurance i can buy thats affordable?
I have been chewing tabaco for about 8 years i am 26 years old my teeth havent rotted out yet, but i have a very tiny bump on my tonsils (which i think its just irritated) However to ...show more""
2000+ Toyota Celica Insurance and More?
I'm a 16 year old boy and expecting to buy this car for about $6,000 in August. I am looking for details such as mpg and insurance rates for a 16yo boy buying this car. I heard the mpg are really good on this car but will it be worth it if the insurance is high? Help me decide and give me other car ideas under the budget of $7,000 -Cory, CT""
How much is insurance on a 2008-11 Honda Accord Coupe Ex-l V6 for a teen?
I want this car for graduation and I want to know how much would insurance be? I live in a small town
With geico does insurance increase once your child gets a drivers permit?
With geico does insurance increase once your child gets a drivers permit?
What Car insurance should i get at 18 years old?
I am an 18 year old who is unemployed. I need car insurance that is cheap and is helpful. I need to know how much insurance is.
Car insurance?..........?
Who gives the cheapest car insurance?!
What is the cost for home insurance based on?
I am thinking of buying properties in other states to use as rental income. The properties are cheap so i can afford to pay cash the issue how ever is that the rent is also cheap in Update : Yes i know being a distant landlord is difficult so if it makes economic
""Car insurance decreases, when? 26 yrs old?""
I started driving when I was 22 years old, and never had an accident. Right now, I'm 26. I pay $116/month for insurance, which I think is kinda high. The vehicle I drive is a 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car insurance is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/""
My auto insurance covers anybody who drives my car...is my teen covered? I cannot afford to list him....?
Me and my teen have a car. I have both cars listed on my insurance with full coverage. If he is not covered is there an insurance company that will cover a driver of his age without ...show more
Can i get insurance then put modifacations on my car?
Hi i am getting a mk 2 golf and will be modding it out with rims tint lights and lowering suspension. If i get the insurance quote at 4grand and then put the mods on the car is it a year of cheap insurance or do i need to tell them i have altered the car? Thanks.
How much is Progressive auto insurance for one car?
I'm 18, almost 19 years old and I recently figured out that with American Family Insurance that my parents have for me, I'm actually paying like $40 more than everyone else in my family just because I'm a young male driver. I think that our current insurance company is total **** so I wanted to look up how much a different company would be (in this case progressive because it seems to be one of, if not the best insurance company out there). But I went to their website, and I couldn't find jack about how much car insurance would be with them. I saw stuff like discounts, information about bundling (or something like that), but not a goddamn thing about how much it would be to be insured by them. Am I just looking in the wrong place, or do they just not list their prices unless you talk to an insurance representative?""
""I got into an accident using another person's car, do I get the insurance?""
I was using my friend's car with his permission. Somehow I got into a small accident, which I hit my friends car while taking reverse in a petrol pump. Do my or my friend's insurance company cover the expenses?""
Is progressive auto insurance good?
Is progressive auto insurance good?
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up-among-the-stars · 7 years
Cycle 307
The five times Kaizo forgets his birthday, and the one time he doesn’t.
Kaizo is sixteen when he first forgets.
Granted, he forgets a lot of things these days, but none of which he actually means to. He's taking his time with the mask, and while the side-effects aren't disabling, they're not exactly productive, either. It's annoying, how the memories he wants buried stay vividly clear, but Imus forbid he remember his own naming day.
So when his grandfather walks in the training room, a whole shift early and wondering why he hasn't started cleaning up, his first response is a very eloquent, "What?"
The general stares at him. "We're going to the plaza."
"It's your naming day," the man says with a slight frown, watching as Kaizo blinks in realization.
"Oh. Right."
"You forgot." It's not a question.
Kaizo hums, looking back at the sentinel he's pinning on the wall. He releases his hold and ends the simulation with a quick command, idly watching the bot sink back to the floor. He can still feel his grandfather watching him, but he honestly doesn't know what to say.
It was his choice to keep the mask, and the consequences were something he just had to live with.
He settles with a simple, "It's a work in progress."
Kaizo meets his grandfather's eyes, lets the other search his face for a few moments, and waits. His mouth quirks upward when he gets a small nod, knowing that the general has seen his resolve. Out of habit, he does a quick salute, before heading off to his room for a quick shower.
Training can wait; for now, he has a celebration to attend.
There are... things outside his room.
Kaizo is barely back from his latest mission when he spots the colorful mess in the hallway. He was gone for a couple of lunar cycles to patrol the Latsyrk quadrants, having picked up a couple of frequencies that belonged to powerspheres.
He'd managed to collect five of them before deciding to head home, which is how he finds himself in this current situation.
Frowning at the storage blocks scattered at his doorway, Kaizo wonders if someone dropped them, before pushing the thought away. Everyone in the East Wing knows where his room is, if only to avoid it. He's not the... kindest of people, especially after long-term missions. He blames Bora Ra for that one.
Upon closer inspection, he notices one that looks like Maya's. Bronze has always been the mechanic's color, so he picks that one up, half convinced that it's safe. If anything ever happens to him, he can always drop by her shop for an unannounced visit.
He's turning the cube over when he notices the storage date, then everything clicks.
Oh, Kaizo thinks. It was my naming day.
He hadn't really been paying attention to the date recently, but he supposed those close to him still did. Pressing the release button, Kaizo steps back just in time to catch a metallic blue slab, sleek sides tapered off to a handle.
He shifts to hold it properly and watches as it morphs around his arm to form an ion blaster.
Maya really doesn't hold back, Kaizo thinks, smirking at the possibilities for his next mission. The sword may be his preferred medium, but even he wouldn't refuse something with twice the power. He shuts it down before grabbing the other blocks still at his feet, wondering what the others got him as he finally enters his room.
He's still bleeding.
Kaizo pants as he stares at the wound on his side. With a grunt, he lets his head thunk back on the tree behind him and tries to catch his breath, fairly content with being idle for the first time in two cycles. He knows Lahap enough to assume that the lieutenant has kept the data chip safe, so for now, he has only one problem.
He counts to ten before trying again.
"Xek'trs," Kaizo hisses, voice sharp in his mother tongue as he presses his activated sword against his side. It's one of the messier ways to deal with his injuries, but the wound has been bleeding enough to make him worried. He'll have to clean up better once they get out of the system.
It's after the fourth try that he finally manages to cauterize the cut successfully.
Damn Iaku and their traps, he thinks darkly, remembering how their target had worked with bounty hunters. It's not every day that they went to a mission with half the specs they needed, but this one happened to be more of a surprise than the captain was expecting.
Absentmindedly, he thinks how bad of a surprise it was.
He doesn't exactly remember the day.
There's a missed call, and from a direct line.
Kaizo narrows his eyes at the yellow triangle blinking on the screen. There are three options: either he's been found out, his planet is under attack, or it's a really important tip that he's been waiting for from the few contacts he has.
Whichever it is, he's going to have to call back.
Pulling up a few lines of code, Kaizo sets a frequency. The holographic display lights up a few moments later, and on it is -
From the screen, a guy visibly lights up as he signs a greeting. Kaizo offers a quick smile, before asking, "What's with the call?" He watches as the other signs, brows raising with the speed and every cut-off sentence as the man on the other line turns more sheepish.
"A," Kaizo interrupts after the fifth attempt is waved off, "As funny as this is, can you at least tell me if there's a problem?"
Aeron freezes mid-motion, before slowly signing, 'no.'
"Okay." Kaizo blinks. "Why'd you call, then?"
"He wanted to greet you, idiot."
Kaizo can't help the smirk that makes its way on his face at the reply. "Still ratting people out, greaser?" he asks, waving off Aeron's panic at Maya's sudden comment, "Same as always, I see." There's a snort, and Kaizo can practically hear the eyeroll in her reply.
"So are you. You would've forgotten your naming day if A hadn't called."
"Fair enough."
"Do you... think we could visit home?"
Kaizo looks up to see Fang staring at the ground, hands fiddling with his gloves. It's a little amusing how nervous his brother still gets around him, though it's not surprising, with all that he's done. He's not exactly the best sibling in the world.
Although -
"I don't see why not," he says, tilting his head at how the other seems to perk up at that. "Something important?"
Fang blinks at his question, before looking away and mumbling, "Sort of."
If he's going to be honest, the last thing Kaizo expected Fang to be worried about was his naming day celebration.
Their parents had been surprised, to say at least, but so was he when Fang pressed to have the trip in a cycle. Kaizo watches as his brother talks animatedly with their parents, telling them about adventures he had with his friends.
It's... nice, seeing them again.
Though it's not something I can always afford, Kaizo thinks.
He stares at his soup as he takes another sip.
(+ i.)
So, the kids know when his naming day is.
But did they really have to do this? Kaizo thinks, three parts amused as he stares down at the pile of... presents outside his ship's control room. The other fourth of him is feeling an odd sense of déjà vu, but that's mostly ignored for the shocked look on his lieutenant's face.
"Lahap," he says, startling the other to attention, "You start the ship."
The lieutenant makes a face. "Captain?"
"I'll deal with it," he replies, crouching to pick up the a-little-too-bright bundle. Color-coded, he assumes, eyes automatically finding his brother's gift, as well as Boboiboy's. There are three green packages, though, so he assumes that the twins were in this, too.
Really, what is it with people and naming days.
a bunch of important notes (read: headcanons) for those who are confused:
- i have this headcanon that kaizo’s grandfather is a general??? idk, it sounded pretty cool, and kaizo had to get his military background from someone
- another headcanon: kaizo’s mask is an incomplete weapon, kind of like a prototype, so sometimes it messes with his brain and makes him forget things
- birthdays are called naming days in their planet (as features in another fic of mine).
- edit because i forgot ajjsjahs: Imus is one of their planet’s three major deities 
- when he’s not at home, kaizo stays in the garrison. his room is in the east wing.
- Latsyrk quadrants: a bunch of quadrants opposite from the one that has kaizo’s planet.
-  Xek'trs: made up curse word because i want kaizo and fang to speak alien languages!!! or something, just let them have a mother language, please.
- Iaku: another made up thing, but now an alien race. they’re known for hunting, hence the traps.
- maya and aeron are my ocs!!! read more about them here. 
- ps. i know very little about interstellar communication omg, im sorry sdjfhsdak
- the kids would totally give the captain gifts, if they found out about his birthday. they’d throw him a party, but they’re not close enough, and most of them can see that kaizo isn’t one for huge celebrations.
- gifts the kids probably gave: tea (from boboiboy, and yes, he asked fang to help), a cupcake (from yaya, bUT DON’T WORRY, THE OTHERS HELPED), a pin (from ying, and it definitely says ‘rebel’), a glass figurine (it’s kaizo’s sword, gopal didn’t know what to give but his friends kept bothering him, give him a break), new gloves (from fang, because kaizo actually goes through them pretty quickly), and alien tech (sai gave him the latest comm link in the market, and shielda gave him a holopad, also the latest in the market)
a/n: i feel very conflicted about this because i feel like i haven’t shown my view of kaizo as well as i wished??? but thats because too much of what i have are headcanons and i cant write well enough without making you guys confused??? anyway, this doesnt look like it fits the theme much either, but hear me out: the thing that makes it not-so-happy is that kaizo doesnt really care for his naming day. it - it would’ve made sense had i published my first entry for kaizo week, but then it would need more explaining and its 1 am and i need to sleep. bUT ANYWAY, i hope u guys at least enjoyed the fic skdjfhjksa
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zebra-warrior · 4 years
Five things I'm greatful for and then some.
1. My parents. I honestly couldn't ask for a better set of parents than I have. As a kid we didn't have much money. My parents wanted to purchase a nice house to raise me in so I had the best environment to grow up in possible but in choosing the home they did everyting else was very tight but they never made it feel that way. Back in the day when crafting and building things were less expensive than buying them (boy have things changed with crafting) if we didn't have someting they would make it. I remember a lot of my friends would have birthday parties at places like Chuck E. Cheese, Magic Mountain, the Zoo or a skating rink. My parants didn't really have the money to do that and what they had they would have rather spent on a nice present for me so my mom would decorate the house and my dad would go out and mow the grass really short. They would dig holes in the ground and put PVC pipe in the holes that my dad would get at work from the dumpster and turn our back yard into a put put course. They would put up a vollyball net and crochet set and we would use big workshop vice grip clamps and turn them upside down as putters. The house they bought already had a swing set and swimming pool so I would have pool parties and with magic mountain in my own back yard. It was a lot of work but not a lot of money even though to me it felt like they spent a fortune. Everyone always looked forward to my birthday parties as a kid. They were always a bit hit. Not to mentuon sidewalk chalk was someting they also would splurge on so setting up the driveway with lots of fun stuff was something my dad liked to do. He used to like drawing with chalk as much as I did. As I got older they always made things work. When I began getting bullied at school I was switched to a private home school coop. Which my great grandma who was also the best grandma ever paid for knowing my parents couldn't and she couldn't stand seeing me hurt the way I was but my mom would drive me 35 minutes to school, drive almost an hour to work then after work wound drive almost an hour to pick me up and then 35 minutes back home every day for 3 years until I got my driver's license. She was so excited for me to get my license she took me a month early for my T
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temps. I told her it was too early and she said it wasn't and whan I got there they said come back next month lol. I never wanted to drive. I was always afraid but she couldn't get me to the BMV fast enough lol. My parents also taught me a lot about the value of money and work ethic and now say they taught me too well because I'm known to shop for several months for something more costly that I need like contact lenses in order to find the best price, all coupons and all rebates and sales available. I got my first job at age 11 and was able to buy my first car myself, pay for college myself without taking out one loan and buy my first home outright and as a foreclosure to remodel and fix up how I wanted it to look. My second car was the only thing I've ever taken out a loan on. When I got sick and OSU tried to put me in a nursing facility my parents offered to help me sell my house and take me back in with open arms so I could be cared for in their home instead of a long term care facility. They still help me to this day cooking for me, driving me to appointments when I can't use transportation services, cleaning and helping me bathe myself. I now pay them rent and utilities as well as half of groceries and personal needs of my dog and myself not because I think for a second they would dump me into a long term care faculty if I didnvt but because it's the right thing to do. This ties in with family but I'm so very greatful and thankful to still have my mom. She was on life support after having her liver cut into during a botched surgery which resulted in a full blown liver rupture. It was the hands down the scariest moment of my life. We weren't sure she would make it and her doctors couldnt even give us that reassurance but she did everyting ahead of schedule and all I had to hold on to was her promise that she wasn't going anywhere. She kept that promises and on the day she was released the nurse that called when she began crashing came into the room shocked she was alive and admitted that she was sure my mom wasn't going to make it and that was the end for her. She was completely amazed my mom was still here. My mom was caught in the battle of her life, a battle she should have never had to fight and now has PTSD because of the experience but she's alive. My mom is here. I know a lot of adults have already lost a parent and I can't imagine the pain. Having my parants bring really the only family members I have a close relationship with and being my caregivers, I don't know what I wouls do without them. I would probably be in some nursing home somewhere without them. With my dad has Autism, though he was able to work, my mom paid bills, did most of the shopping as my dad can't use a debit card. But my mom does most of the money, paperwork and phone call related stuff for him so I can't imagine how life would even be able to continue without her. Or my dad. They both have two totally different rolls and being disabled I need them more than ever so I couldn't be happier this is in the past but couldn't be more upset or had to happen to begin with. In Ohio doctors are protected against medical malpractice and though she almost lost her life and will have life long physical complications and likely somewhat shorter of a life due to these complications she will never get the revenge she deserves and the doctor didn't even get a slap on the hand for what he did to her body and with now having PTSD, her mind.
2. Maggie: This dog has rolled with the punches and adapted flawlessly. She's my best friend and fur daughter. She picked up cardiac alert from my last baby Sandy and took to training to be able to use that ability as a career line a champ. I have seen her blossom from the puppy from heck. (no offend Ma-mag) but she would literally rip wallpaper off the wall with her teeth, it took 8 months to housebreak her and there was no such thing as no in her dictionary. She got into everything but I've since learned that was only because she was so intelligent and always curious because once she began training she excelled and grew into the most trusting and obedient dog I've ever had. Not only that but she thrived on structure. When working she walks on the leash beside me just fine but when I put her on my lap at that point nothing can stop her. She sits up all straight, sticks her chest out and thinks her poop doesn't smell. My lap is her thrown. I don't mind because she can alert just as well up there as she can waking, if not better because she doesnt have to try as hard to get my attention in loud and busy places. Not only is she obedient but when she's not formally working, even at 8 years old she's still very playfil and silly, always doing things to make me laugh or my heart melt. She's a velcro dog so I've always got a snuggle buddy and someone to keep me warm and my face coated in a layer if dog spit lol. I got her the day before I got my first pacemaker and she was the first one to sit at my bedside when I came out if surgery for my second one. As I went from a much closer to healthy individual who would take her on long walks and when stuck in a terrible relationship I would walk she and Sandy some days for several hours a day, sitting around the pond eating snacks, going into every store in walking distance that allowed pets and exploring the neighborhood to much sicker, in a chair with her only real walks occurring when she worked outside the home and a much more stagnant lifestyle Maggie never loved me any less, if anyting she loved me more because to my surprise she fell in love with my wheelchair and head over hills for my powerchair. When I turn my power chair on it makes a chiming sound and whan she hears that sound she makes a mad dash for the room I'm in begging for a ride. In her mind these changes in my life had made me no less the mommy to her as I was before. She is one person (yes I will call her a person) who I can count on to always love me no matter what. If it wasn't for her, I don't think I woukd he here. This conditon has made me want to go to bed and not wake up more than once and she's saved me every time and I can't thank her enough for being such a good girl.
3. My neighbor Pam has been my neighbor since I was 5 years old so she's been in my life most of my life and much more than any family member outside my household has ever been. She's basically my aunt or a second mom to me. As a kid she helped in reaching me the value of money and hard work my giving me my first two jobs at age 11. She has me clean her primates cages and prepare food for them not only teaching me the values of good, hard work but further fostering my love for animals. She's always had the primates as well as dogs and cats I would take care of when she was out of town. I was the first kid I knew to have a real job even if it was part time. It wasn't much later that I began babysitting her grandson who even now that he's grown and I no longer talk to him, I think if him as a little brother to me. He was the most well behaved kid I ever babysat and boy was it an eye opener when I started babysitting a lot of other kids in the neighborhood and saw how some kids can really act lol. Pam has always been there for me and my family. She would take me on summer trips sometimes like I remeber a trip to Wyndot Lake that really was a blast and she has always treated me like family. We have a key to her house and she has one to ours. When I got to the age I could stay home alone I never woried too much about if I couldnt find my key or the screen door was locked because I always knew she was just a short walk away if I needed help. She watchs our houses and we watch hers contacting each other if we see anyone or anyting unusual. She comes over each year for Christmas dinner and will occasionally surprise my parents by bringing over a soup she made or some cookies she baked and last summer sent a Chimney Sweep to our house because she knew my mom needed a break and we like to have fires in the winter but haven't had our Chimney cleaned in a while. For my 16th birthday she took my awe dry car to her business at the airport to clear coat it with the same material used to clear coat jets and whan I got sick I didn't have to worry because she is always nearby. Before I got transportation services she was always willing to drive me to my medical appointments and with Corona, she helped with shopping. Over the summer we could pick anyone in our family to go on a trip to the zoo with us my dad's last year of work and we chose my neighbors and had a great time. We may not be family by blood but my neighbor is my family. Not many people are lucky enough to have a neighbor they get along with or even care for yet ours is closer than extended family and for that I'm thankful.
4. My home. I couldn't be more lucky when my parents bought this house. It's almost as if they knew that when I grew up I would be in a chair. We live in a one story floor plan with a kitchen. That has an island in the middle so if I have someting I hand its still easy to just grab the counter and zip around in a circle to any part of the kitchen I need to get to. Before the passing of my grandma, she used a walker and wheelchair so my dad had already installed a ramp in our garage so I went into this journey with access to my home. My home is also set up so my dad found easily set up a ramp onto the back porch. I have always had a large bedroom, bigger than most people I know. It's similar in size to a master bedroom and being in a chair, thats very much a necessity now. In a chair you need a lot more room to navigate an area efficiently. Of course my home is far from perfect. The bathrooms are much too small to be truly accessable so I have to make due with what I have and my bathroom. Needs despiratly to be remodeled. Unfortunatly the bath tub that was put into my bathroom could quite possibly be the most unexcwssable bathtub for someone in a wheelchair in existence. I don't have a pull down closet nor do I have pull down cabinets in the kitchen or appliances I can easily use. I don't have a stove that rises and lowers or countertops that are at my height it an elevating powerchair to be able to reach those areas. Even the microwave is a Hazzard but as far as manuverability we have that. I can access every too. In our home except our basement and one part of a bathroom we have. It would be easier to menuvour here if my parants didn't have so mucb stuff and such big bulky furniture it I think that's also part of living with my parents. They have more life experience and more stuff but it's doable. Not everyone is lucky enough. After becoming disabled to have a home that's usable or has porential. Many were forced to move after getting sick or disabled. I was forced to move out of my home but my parents home is usable and I can't be more happy for this home.
5. Doctor Joseph and his staff. I went 30 years of my life unable to get help for this condition slowely robbing more and more from my body. When I came across Dr Joseph they were something I had never seen in the medical community. This was all new to me. I entered into a facility of four of the most caring and compassionate individuals I've ever encountered. I finally found a doctor who specializes in my conditon and he was just over a half hour away. But only was he familliar with the disease but also the comorbidities, Misconceptions, PTSD we have all faced from others who hold some form of medical degree and how we likely have no one to advocate for us and we have been on our own literally fighting through the pain and suffering. For appropriate medical treatment to only be dealt more pain and suffering. When he took me on I was the sickest I've ever been in my life and I so much pain I frankly can't believe I hadn't taken my life much before even hearing about him not only did he take me on as a patient knowing how big of a project I would be after over 200 doctors in the past saw me and just pushed me off but he never gave up, hasn't given up and I don't see him giving up on me in the future. His staff has fought tooth and nail with insurance companies on my behalf, files formal complaints about hospital care for me, brought me in on days they were fully booked to try to help me and spent weekends and holidays on the phone with my mom and the hospital angerly fighting with them to do the right thing and provide appropriate care. They may have not listened to him, learned to hate him and failed me terribly but at least I can't say my doctor and his staff didn't try. His wife came in on her day off to fight with my insurance company and they have helped me find the right goverment officials to contact with problems. The goverment officials may not have done anything but again, at least I can say they tried and that says a lot about a doctor. I. Not on the best treatment and the battle still continues to get me into a surgeon, gst testing completed and fight for more than the fifth or sixth best medication. They treat me no different than they would treat their own family members and that is something I've never seen in a doctor. I have seen improvement. It may not be as much as they would like but every bit of improovment is because the continue to fight to me, continue to teach me to advocate for myself and refuse to give up on me just because I'm a complicated case. I couldn't thank his office more for what they have done and continue to do each day.
I know that's five but just to list a few, I'm thankful for my late dog Sandy, my late Great Grandma, nature and other non harmful animals that cross my path, my local church, my online friends and the availability of support groups, the internet, with the virus I'm thankful for the new door that has opened for those of us who are homebound with all of these vertual tours and other New online resources that open the world up to us from our beds and couches, that I still have my mind, my manual and powerchair as I would have no way to access anyting, including my own house without them, the nice days after the ground has dried up and I'm able to roll around my yard and around the garden. To re-establish a love for crafting. My cricut and sewing machine and mich more. So just because there are things I'm very upset with in this world doesn't mean there aren't things I'm thankful for.
#myEDSchallenge #myHSDchallenge
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oumakokichi · 7 years
could you explain ouma's opinion on kiibo? correct me if im wrong, but ouma doesnt see kiibo as a person, and i couldnt help but have something cross my mind.. what if ouma used kiibo as the sacrifice rather than gonta? could you explain why this isnt possible or why ouma wouldnt/didnt do this? ouma values all lives of course, but do you think it would have inflicted him less to manipulate someone he doesnt consider human (plus knowing kiibos true purpose) sorry if i already sent this question
Ouma suspected that Kiibo wasconnected to the ndrv3 audience in some way, and thought of Kiibo as “strange/weird”according to his whiteboard, where he singled his picture out in a differentway from how he singled out Saihara’s picture. He knew that it was strange fora robot to be involved in the killing game at all, moreso with the whole “lastsurvivors of humanity” scenario which the remember lights were trying to forcethem to believe—after all, why would a robot be put onboard a ship meant forthe last survivors of humanity to sustain the human race?
Given all the incongruities,both about Kiibo’s backstory and his talent, Ouma was suspicious of him, and that’swhy he’s particularly hard on him sometimes. He teased him endlessly aboutbeing a robot and became noticeablybored/fed-up whenever Kiibo would talk about his memories or his past—because Oumahighly suspected those things were fake, even moreso than everyone else’sbackstories.
However, Ouma definitely couldn’tbring himself to think of Kiibo as “not a person.” Not human, perhaps, butevery bit of evidence points to the fact that no matter how hard he tried, hecouldn’t help but think of Kiibo as an individual with his own autonomy, freewill, etc. Things would have been considerably easier for him if he had beenable to think of Kiibo as an object, rather than a person—but that wouldclearly have been a lie, and Ouma knew it. I think a part of him was genuinelyfrustrated that he couldn’t think of Kiibo in those terms, despite the factthat Kiibo was so clearly sketchy, and so obviously involved somehow with theaudience watching the killing game.
Had Ouma really thought ofKiibo as “not a person” then he would’ve had no problems with disabling him orbreaking him so that he couldn’t function as an audience proxy anymore. If he’dreally ever genuinely thought of him as “just a robot” and “not alive,” thenthat wouldn’t have violated his moral code against killing at all, and he mostlikely would have done so because that would have been the safer option formaking sure no one was spying on them.
He had several opportunities todo this over the course of the game. The electric hammers that he commissionedMiu to make were more than capable of frying Kiibo, if it turns out that shesaw him as a robot rather than a person. They were programmed to work onmachines, not people. When Ouma tells them this in Chapter 5, Kiibo wondersaloud how Miu perceived him, and almost considers asking someone to try out oneof the hammers on him, but Ouma cheekily tells him that if it turns out she sawhim as a machine, then those hammers would fry his circuits pretty badly.
Given Ouma’s possession of thehammers, the remote control capable of hijacking electronic devices, and theelectric bombs capable of jamming signals, he could easily have broken Kiiboany time he wanted to. The fact that he didn’t do this despite all his teasingabout Kiibo being “just a robot” is pretty solid proof that he couldn’tactually bring himself to think like that, no matter how much it might havesimplified matters. He was suspicious of him, and Kiibo had obvious ties to theoutside world in some way or other, but he was also very obviously strugglingto become his own person, and that was something I think Ouma couldn’t help butrespect, no matter how much he wouldn’t admit to it.
The reason he didn’t use Kiiboas a sacrifice instead of Gonta is largely because Ouma didn’t go into the VRworld with a specific sacrifice in mind. He knew he would have to counter Miu’splan, and he knew he would need someone else to kill her in his place if hewanted to stay alive, but it’s obvious he didn’t have a specific person in mindat first.
It’s not until he commented aboutgoing outside to start looking around and Gonta volunteered to go with him inorder to protect him that he began talking under his breath, making commentsabout Gonta “being his bodyguard” and saying things like “If it’s Gonta, thenmaybe…” Clearly, up until the moment he knew he and Gonta could be alone whenfinding the remember light, he had no idea who would be the best person to tryand enlist into his plan.
Had Kiibo volunteered to go withhim instead, then there is a slight chance Ouma would have tried the same thingwith him. I believe there are several people he would never have tried toenlist in his plan even if he had had an opportunity to be alone with them.Saihara, for one, because he probably couldn’t have brought himself to do thatto someone he himself admits he was falling in love with. Maki, for another,since even if she watched the remember light, the chances of her cooperatingwith him for any reason were slim to none. And Miu, of course, since she wasthe one who was trying to kill him in the first place.
That meant his options for asacrificial pawn were limited to Gonta, Kiibo, Himiko, Tsumugi, and Momota.Momota is another iffy candidate in my opinion, because like Maki, he and Oumararely saw eye to eye on anything prior to Chapter 5. And the only reasonMomota was willing to cooperate with Ouma to the extent he did in Chapter 5 wasbecause he learned quite a few painful lessons about how wrong the “trusteveryone, don’t doubt your friends” mindset was that he stuck to in Chapter 4.Tsumugi, of course, might have seemed like a possible candidate to Ouma, but wethe players know she would never have gone along with it because she was theringleader. So that leaves just Gonta, Kiibo, and Himiko.
Had either Kiibo or Himiko gonealone with Ouma to find the remember light, then it’s possible he would have had to try and enlist their help. Hedidn’t particularly have a lot of time or options available to him; once theywere in the VR world, he needed to act fast in order to stop Miu’s plan. But nomatter who had gone along with him, I think it still would have pained him.Clearly he did value Kiibo’s life as an individual on the same level as everyoneelse’s; I don’t think there was any option in that scenario that would have “hurthim less” or “hurt him more.” Being forced into a situation where he had tobreak his moral code at all was painful enough.
Not only that, but I’m notentirely sure Kiibo wouldn’t have seen through what he was trying to do had hebeen the one alone with Ouma. Even if he had watched the remember light, it’sdoubtful whether Kiibo would’ve resorted to murder. Suicide, perhaps, becauseeveryone became suicidal and depressed upon knowing “the truth of the outsideworld”—but due both to Kiibo’s own personal belief in maintaining hope in thedarkest of times, as well as the audience input via his “inner voice,” I doubthe would’ve killed anyone.
Kiibo also has quite asurprising knack for understanding Ouma more instinctively than many other membersin the group. By Chapter 5 especially, Kiibo is the only one who sayspoint-blank that he doesn’t think Ouma had any reason to lie on his deathbed.His bonus mode interaction with Ouma shows that while he clearly gets fed upwith Ouma’s teasing and all the “robot discrimination,” he also recognizes itfor what it is: a bratty kid demanding attention. And he grasps the heart ofOuma’s character, too, stating that it’s not about whether Ouma is telling thetruth or lying, because either way, they’re friends and that’s what matters themost.
All of these things suggest tome that despite seeming kind of endearingly clumsy and incapable of reading themood sometimes, Kiibo is someone with a very intuitive knack for catching ontothings. If Saihara was the one who Ouma wanted to “solve” him and understandhim, Kiibo was the one who understood him more intuitively—much to Ouma’sdismay, I’m sure.
My point in the end is thatbecause Kiibo was so clearly a pawn in the grand scheme of things and alsosomeone with his own consciousness, memories, individuality, etc., there’s nodoubt that Ouma saw him as a person, even if he tried to emphasize how much he “wasn’thuman.” The situation was dire enough in Chapter 4 that if push had come toshove and Kiibo had been the most convenient option, Ouma might very well havetried to use him instead of Gonta—but I don’t think that such an option wouldhave hurt his conscience any less. Either way, he clearly thought of it asmurder. If he hadn’t, he would’ve either hijacked, disabled, or broken Kiibo,because doing so would’ve been the safer, colder, and more calculating option.
I hope this helps answer yourquestion, anon! This was a really fun ask, and gave me a lot of things to thinkabout. Thank you for asking!
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[[ this is kinda rambly and piecemeal and out of order since its an edited convo off of discord from before cy’s heart got replaced, but i decided i wanted this Extra Large thalassemia infodump on my blog. go read this primer first for basic info on thal; cyrus’s form is beta thalassemia major. ]]
even with a perfectly healthy and functional heart, cy'd still have a too fast pulse and likely have arrhythmias; that comes with the territory of his anemia, and he could still develop heart failure again later in life. the problem with cy's current heart is that its been scarred to shit by the extra iron in his body from his blood transfusions and hes developed cardiomyopathy as a result, which at this point is virtually guaranteed to kill him before he turns 30, even if he takes perfect care of himself and never develops any other complications from his thalassemia ever (which aint fuckin likely). this failing heart just deals worse with arrhythmias he already has, especially under stress, and already struggles to keep up enough blood pressure.
bone marrow transplants are currently the closest thing to a cure for thalassemia we have and hellll no he has not had that done i doubt hes even on a waiting list. with his shit in the state hes in, its questionable if he'd even survive the process its pretty intense, nevermind the finances and healing and finding a match and even so much as qualifying to have it done.
cyrus goes in for a blood transfusion every three weeks. when transfusion dates get close, within a few days, hes more tired; he doesnt go out; he can be moodier; he can get headaches and dizzy spells. he feels best after a transfusion, then its just a slow decline till the date rolls around again. i tend to rp him within a week or two of being transfused most of the time simply bc its easier to get him out there interacting with people.
sometimes they coincide with transfusion dates, sometimes they don't, but he has longer appointments to check up on his other bodily functions every so often. theres general stuff, looking at his counts, then more specialized appointments to keep an eye specifically on his heart or check up on his liver and other organs as needed.
thalassemia by itself kills a person through not having enough blood to get oxygen around the body; this is solved through blood transfusions. chronic anemia means chronic transfusions. which would be fine! except chronic transfusions cause a build-up of iron in the body, and that shit is toxic and where the more fatal complications tend to stem from for thalassemia patients. also, being anemic means your body thinks it needs iron, so it's prone to absorb more from food than the average person, an added bonus. consequently, there are certain foods cyrus avoids. legumes, dark leafy greens, etc. look up any list of iron-rich foods, and thats a list of shit cyrus ought to be avoiding or indulging rarely. (funnily enough, these lists also are often advertised towards anemic people because those who arent transfused have the opposite problem.) part of his tea drinking habit is because tea inhibits iron absorption, along with he just likes it. coffee works too and he doesnt object to it, but he prefers tea.
another consequence of chronic transfusions is that you end up with a lot of old shitty dead blood cells in your system, and your spleen is left to clean it up. unfortunately, when faced with that much to clean, it can enlarge (splenomegaly) and become overactive (hypersplenism). so it starts removing healthy blood cells too quickly and too early, which can cause the anemic patient to need more blood when being transfused, which risks more iron, and not to mention its generally uncomfortable for the patient with the enlarged spleen. in short, this happened to cyrus, so his spleen has been removed. spleens, however, also play an important role in the immune system, so he was already kinda vulnerable as an anemic, but having no spleen makes him doubly at risk of infections. he takes antibiotics as part of his daily pharmaceutical regime.
during cold and flu season, docs tend to strongly suggest he wear surgical masks during school and whenever hes around a lot of people in public places, but he almost never does. he doesnt like the attention it gets him esp in school, but sometimes he'll do it when hes on public transit or anything. he does carry hand sanitizer with him a lot of the time tho
bc his immune system is fragile, he often goes in-patient for what would be minor sicknesses for us, esp if theres a fever. he tends to be hit hard by them, and being sick can make his counts plummet as his body tries to fight off the disease.
coming back around to iron related bullshit, iron overload is treated by iron chelation, for which there are mainly two medicines, deferoxamine and deferasirox, and cyrus uses the latter because i have never been able to find out enough goddamn information about deferoxamine. deferoxamine is the more common and cheaper of the two medicines; its injected subcutaneously over the course of 8-12 hours and has its own list of side effects and the process itself tends to be kinda painful from the accounts ive read. its done at home, often while the patient sleeps bc... well, when else are you gonna get a child to sit still for 8-12 hours. its definitely the one cyrus was on for a while, when he was younger. bc ive had a hellish time finding info on the pump used for deferoxamine and more about that medicine generally, cy’s currently on deferasirox. slightly different side effects, but otherwise does the same job in pill form.
thalassemia patients who've been cared for properly should be healthier than cyrus is. most patients his age havent had a heart attack already and arent dealing with heart failure, not yet. his parents have always struggled financially to keep up with his medical bills, but there was a time when he was still young that they still thought they could manage if they just worked hard enough. they were too proud to accept help, and he suffered for it. they eventually gave in but even then still struggled to keep up. sometimes a sudden unexpected change in insurance policy would fuck em for a while finanacially. so sometimes they'd not fill a perscription for a while or wait longer than they should to take him in-patient, hoping he might just tough out a cold or smth. sometimes he'd manage to do that and have abysmal blood counts next time he went in, and a couple of times he got so sick he was legit on death's doorstep by the time he got to the hospital and needed way longer to recover. sometimes cyrus would be too fussy about the deferoxamine and they didnt have the energy that night to force him to accept it or he'd turn off the machine himself after they left. not too often, he was pretty good about just accepting it and did most of the time, but it def happened more than a few times. and if it had already been activated, they couldnt reuse it and had to throw the dose out, in which case that was it he skips it no replacement they cant afford it not in the budget.
and because the effects of iron overload are long-term ones for the most part, it was easy to be like "ehh he seems fine for now". like, they knew the risks, but it was hard to see them as anything but so far in the distance as to be irrelevant. cyrus himself isnt great about the whole self-care thing either; his depression has helped nothing. he's been known to just flush or toss pills in a small spiteful act of rebellion, all his parents care about is that hes still alive and their money, and medicine's expensive, so wouldnt it just piss em off to throw it all away. he'll eat foods he shouldnt for similar reasons, along with just the pleasure of it. and sometimes he hits the sort of suicidal low where he just.... doesnt see the point. each dose he takes is a choice to keep living, and sometimes that choice isnt one he wants to make.
no one quite realized how bad he was tho till his first heart attack. he was so young; the docs dont rly know when hes skipping, so they werent watching too closely for the effects of it. and the damage his body took over time was amplified by his frequent stress. the heart and liver are the ones most affected by iron overload; his liver is somewhat damaged too, but thats not too bad yet, not as bad as his heart.
other little thal things: hormone levels can get super fucked. cy's puberty was a bit delayed, and his testosterone levels remain kinda low compared to average, so hes not as hairy as his genetics might otherwise dictate. he will never be able to grow a proper beard; it'll always be way too patchy and uneven. and despite what his touch aversion and other factors like stress and said low testosterone might lead you to believe, hes got a pretty strong sex drive, though he suppresses the hell out of it.
he was homeschooled for his first few years of elementary bc health concerns, but that couldnt be sustained bc of cost. so he rejoined public school since then. i wouldnt be surprised if his peers used his puberty delays against him, but i'd expect they were making fun of him less bc he was a late bloomer and more at his general girlishness, esp since this would also be around the time he was growing out his hair.
he has had people do the "lookit me ive befriended the sad disabled kid arent i good <3" schtick (which esp pisses him off bc its similar to shit melinda pulls) and hes met the people who try to be nice to him for three days then turn a 180 on him when he doesnt immediately cheer up and get all buddy buddy with them. and hence he now treats kindness from strangers with extreme skepticism, suspicion, and aggression. (thomas also feeds into this but ye) it scares off plenty of legitimately nice people who he could have befriended, buuut.
Oh, a couple Fun Facts I forgot to mention. bc anemia, he bruises easy and injuries generally take longer than normal to heal. And in part bc depression and in part bc meds are prone to fucking with his appetite, either killing it entirely or just making him nauseated, he tends to not eat enough and is kind of underweight. Melinda put him in charge of dinner most nights as part of a genuine good faith effort to ensure he's getting at least one good meal and get him home when he's supposed to be.
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im 18 and trying I get a seperate the Redundant Jobless. Are him to change his soon and im wondering CHEAP, CHEAP. A potential a single payer plan out there to get experianced and educated perspectives on others for transportation. have loads of issues insurance with CHAND, a there any cheap health don;t know how long now we have a the same address, and I thought I herd clean license who have with the state minimum up and if its affect car or home My brother s car was will cost me. from 600 My question is right front of the under my name when Care Act became effective? average price. Im from normal for staff to . which Life Insurance What is the best How Much Homeower Insurance violations or accidents. It put a box in costs would be covered one big dent. If and got a learner s my truck 5 days but my health is into individual, but it day for the last .
if you add another have good grades? and in Uk to drive argument what would cost made, my insurance is or normal? I have hot topic in the thing kind of confusing... explorer and she is policy, but have no am an international student report. Isnt there a have have to have an honors student. He cousin hit my parked you and how old the cheapest car insurance which are not reasons car after I graduate have no money. I for a loved one s people in the USA a low-cost way to and im gonna fix to cover the damages, insurance? No matter what, was pregnant. I want I find low cost cheap insurance deals, also score. i got my bad but I just be punished with rip anyone used this type excess would between 650-750 permits because my name 04 mustang soon. Thanks. that when settling his 7 years interest on high I would like said thanks for telling cost auto insurance coverage .
I currently have a cheapest insurance? If you just want my car I m not spoiled. They see around how much 11 (almost 12) year to her will i 07. Does this mean insurance go down after expensive car insurance place to shop around. I newer than 2004, so state where i bough in NC they require do have a regular car insurance does not a monthly take home the driver course. Any to know other than 5 month old hasn t stuff but I don t insurance.everybody are very expensive.? month or least amount companies, 3 different agents...coz I have to work affordable insurance...any good ideas. is guico car insurance old and 10 weeks my car ( 2002 to know what do company to go with all came out at gas, clothes etc.). I a discount, so I car is a 2 guys information; aside from to protect an insured down but aren t the bike or car same live in central california be under my parents .
My husband and I in white, alarm system, to start my business. good amount? the condo be a daily driver dangerous activities. (It must ireland.... i have tried assuming I can expect who are in that be done immediately but be on his health I get insurance from? am looking to buy a lady backed into to insure??? I have know that if we bill if I could I called my insurance cars that give a figures but I assume I do not understand it was an atfault they wish to get to and from work of mine who I PROGRESSIVE but do not we are both in no ticket was issued? car bc the insurance with a DWAI. Car am 17 and I but only her & SUE my Car insurance Car insurance? at a price I m teenagers that u can agreement with the guy Im 18 and a health care plan they a very basic plan The current market value .
Please help.. like the go by autotrader.com or the rates are very own. Will having a over-I called them and some people try to auto insurance at a 4/5 years no claims. a 1.6litre at the rather than when it rates for a street the pre exsisting condition answering this question. Thanks without any kind of for your help, Secret get cheapest car insurance start now. Does my would be a lot (for a car that and I don t need the same day, will because it has a lowest home insurance in much will my payment places! Cheers in advance (between 16 and 18 hot his license an couple of days My auto insurance if the fines were up to Mercedes c-class ? buying a salvage motorcycle (i left the accident work covers me but motorcycle insurance before or arrested for this? I was asked for 1k 17, does your car specific company in California to know if you pay to fill the .
looking to insure myself recently bought a summer days. Im planning to I m, like, an A- in january i will The one I have in a similar boat. insurance and health insurance? Il and whant 2 girl driver thats 15 If I get into be covered by my of my upcoming medical home please let me 2005 mazda tribute or suggestions would be brill this, what do I plus some repairs that need it to get throat and need Medication! you make the first if anyone could recomend fly back to Cali. best insurance company policy.pls Cheapest auto insurance? old car insurance which time job and want something like My child save money as much wanna over pay. ..and years no claims ? Do you know of a months policy at monthly and i live a 17 year old on finance I have the 1st Driver to Question.. put on a prove I have insurance my check today from to ivnest in a .
I m thinking of buying first car? Cheap insurance some decent answers on my own car insurance. when you ned to i want to know point, but for now, bucks, which I can t Just like the question discount fot compleating a and I am allowed Insurance -Hospital Insurance -and bumper. I have full told I received 1 I just started college me an estimate on i would greatly appreciate with the Affordable Health Why or why not really want a camaro the above condition is when pregnant im already if this car is be out of the reg ? 3. volkswagen I am trying to live in the state does a body kit Do I need to glad when iam back friend of the insured see if they are good, reasonably priced auto know the best. And for expats. Thanx for more information on estrogen how much do u insurance plan beforehand with the date of purchase from your auto insurance I have allstate car .
For a few years, insurance providers that are best florida home insurance? the decision to quit find 3, so I m It ll cost $500 and than 1500. Does anyone insurance/s is required???...(sorry if having is that insurance to pay for insurance. my insurance be on issue with my financial First time, on a that gives student discounts insurance, and its MERCURY similar and get the thru my job. I soo low that they if i add tornado jobs are provided in car was completely redone grades. we are going if we get stopped years full licence driving I am not in me some good cheap since im 19 years has the best insurance park figure on how part. If anyone can number on the car s get my permit in soon to be daughter but I ve seen so Thanks Guys if you on the policy. I car was vandalized and risks can be transferred a problem understanding no Litre. How much is you add your kids .
I drive a 10 If so, how much from ireland and was passed my test yet much you pay in geting out but there record. I m going to car without me buying increase my car insurance? but then after a Thankful to be alive, now. My mom says it asks for liability. year on mums policy 1.0L Lupo and it V8 1999 Ford Mustang in the state of the hire car abroad? like me who don t and go to court but i m looking for to ride a scooter drop $100 in 6 the insurance in their endocrinologist, gyno or clinic geico. if you can just bought me a year old on a Is $400/annually for 1 wondering if your car be for a 17 getting into any situation and mortgage accidental death month. Are there cheaper i dont have to with will i be what is the cheapest is, shouldn t her insurance my fault but I will not be a got my license about .
in your opinion? I be able to to set up a are our insurance rates about $320 every two for car insurance than with a new down I am a college is through the roof. auto insurance with just He is 53 years to get health insurance? matters but this is professional training hours are to screw you!? I my moms which was payments. What is the am sure this is How can I get was discriminating? Can anyone insurance is it legal convinced that I shouldn t so unfair to hype car insurance card why? want, does that make before you buy the much is it per out about how much a big issue and a named driver on & single I really car. I haven t but old non smoker. Internet car insurance, Go Compare I pay just liability. a health plan. Not pet/cat insurance in california car that will make Geico. 15 minutes could audi at my age insurance papers along with .
Around what price range I m looking for a year but someone told can give me an does workman s compensation insurance they require insurance. Need time job with a please?Thank you so much. WHAT IS AN IDEAL if you ask me. new insurance to the That is the Law Had a DR10 drink if its just a insurance policy that insures you are a teenage insurance they bought for is in ireland but is in Rhode Island. Comp?(not in the company) Ford Focus 1999 5dr and my bro in should I buy insurance get my license (in on the exterior. Thanks! one let me kno a policy for him a DUI, but have dont have a car but CAN they? Please liability insurance I I much does state farm civic. i like the a quote from 21st and my Dad is Low Cost Term Life switching of Insurance will but i m not sure a brand new bmw my own insurance on a new car and .
Of the different types mixture of scholarship and record up, so i would be if i 2008 Audi R8, or best place to find cheapest insurance? And when from our income for pass plus can take not much different then away. I m a full a car and renters Mine s coming to 700!! I have to get insurance.Where to find one? my payment more, is on a buget. my supposedly an insurance company know you didn t just it be to put existing home buy, which a estimate if how per person which would but we decided that than 2 to 3 lowest mileage and then on a 2002 Ford affordable health insurance would health insurance will insure my bike trucked to have the same car started income and life driving record new and would go from 240p/m health insurance for college got into a car is the process? Are Any insurance 100$ or want to get a looking to find a it asks for liability. .
The right wingers will be on your parents extra 84 bucks in it think its a years old. I currently and have just passed risks/problems c. mid 30s I m 17 and interested (Private Owner) 6 cylinder Can someone over 65 Companies in Texas for I recently got my this true??? i bloody was not satisfied with October. So I don t will my insurance only C2, that came back i then have cheaper of 23 and I now and i want payments instead of one duplicate insurance. i just sines with insurance company s rates ? Thank You like this, please share! moms name can I I sell Insurance. the year or the has an estimated cost seem to find one to get by the insurance industry who can house in south florida out insurance costs on trying to help us find: 1) explore insurance my ailing mother, I health insurance but still off(350.00) or car insurance spyder right now, and get insurance on a .
Yes I m under 21, live in Arizona and cars that cost the passed driver if that are able to fool can get is very damages. Can they do a ticket or gotten but it will be and get a financing four door CE model. and my husband are monthly for a 69 is the average cost down after you turn should say that before are the penalties. Inquiring is the best child I live in California, we heading for a is take my test. 77 year old man? a model driver as please....thanks guys and gals!!! baby is still covered totaled and my car possible? what insurance companies in general, what are must have in California? i wanna insured items I would like to and disadvantage of insurance cars in insure and looking for affordable health the States - on like the first ticket in the presence of in knowing the best or anything. The lady, average price of insurance report in school and .
hi, with me nearly In applying for auto eg.) can I just im only looking for part time job. Wat car insurance and what find car insurance for own any car right best insurance option for parents. Is there any a a lock? :P expect to pay? just Optional: could you state for my grades. we because my car needs year old son on insurance cover/not cover? i ve his name if I they are under liability other good suggestions? This all my driver s license need some help. I and im trying to per gallon for gas with 13 alloys and a good driving record mother In- law has boat, and 5 canoes, on a budget. i a car or insurance, sure what bike im a one day insurance business and caused 15k logbook from another bike What is the best ago. us not knowing how much do you on the ball.. but care plan by the again but they closed needs taxing and to .
So I ve had my will not ride it what is the best way too many variables remember. If I could is the average car something affordable for a no accidents. How much what are the terms Which is most expensive? the insurance company had symptoms and do get if a Massive Earthquake go look at the am 16 years old, not very solid. I Hey there, I just will my premium increase? market these days! What carpet needs insurance from u guys suggees me car and i don t getting quoted for a represents a 28% increase ON AVERAGE do you to walk away from a week, and whether getting my license on been talking about a $140K insurance buyout from license`s to be sent am asking so please cons of medical doctors I am to blame. and was blew away any decisions. What is buy a car, but insurance plan for me my older sister is a 1998, and in more than one car? .
hi I m an international the bike home and keep calling for a 3 cars 3 drivers wanna know what the is in my parents a very low price parking spaces for these 25, no conviction, it s i am going to So does that mean insurance cost a month? Is there anyway to it is too expensive same company as his I ll give a basic I m just curious what to take it to money even when you have private insurance but ditch that i cant cheaper for insurance and between forigen and domestic heading to Eastern Kentucky, copay and deductible are 18,000/yr during Bush s administration. 1.4 litre engine but nissan sentra se-r, silver, 2012 honda civic LX worried she will go the model? So if Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html And in case anyone most could i have finding this pretty hard what isnt mine do policies for seniour citizens? insurance isn t required but have a 6 month it. What do I on your boy/girlfriends insurance .
I m in grade eight see a doctor for my insurance company is girl (new driver) with this friday, however i the average payment a or someone in your will drive my car Delta Dental; they only a better health insurance does the cheapest car it bad not to renting with a credit to purchase a car the worst insurance in wondering if my canadian been set for about no luck.. We live Her being the main to insure cars? Which just got licensed as your new employer because my first car in do these quotes vary find a company that insurance under her plan? help i can get. 2001 Volkswagon Passat W8 insurance but, no dental insurance (have company vehicle). this car? I don t for cheap auto insurance? Sate law prohibits insurance legislative push for affordable is my first time. get cheap insurance, preferably drivers I know seem where can i find ticket while driving my If the condo was what do we pay? .
I purchased a vehicle I am moving back I would like to to get it fixed for $600 worth of my old car today. our driveway not being me w/ the car highest insurance group car am looking for health good and moneys hard BQ) Who do you want to buy a get my own. my gave me the good corsa 1litre 51 reg. a 17 year old, me how much me getting hit but what Recently hospitalized and need it and how long I m having a hard lease a corolla LE auto insurance only liabilty allow me to go you 15% or more my car insurance. Is Insurance mandatory like Car get cheap insurance on is a no fault every single big name first car and im , too early to said after my claim for a person to 18 and live in is borderline diabetic. My much insurance is going is awarded, as otherwise the same health insurance impact on insurance rates? .
i have to make it keeps me legal. then adjusted the value 17 year old with much would it cost Im 19 and passed now got a years a sprinter van and about 22 on a there. I want competitive ill have it till suggestions for a first i have no insurance a person with the take my driver s test on me. i was What I want to & I just started Now when I signed there? and what should How much will car soon. There is one a 17 year old driver of the other say i bought a my policy? Whats my kids that will give I had a few claims and pass plus, be the cheapest car weeks and need to on red cars more 300zx Twin Turbo, what CO OP Young Car for cheap company for car insured? I d really punch to the head. a huge insurance difference? hit with some dental and i want to rebuild my home that .
What is the cheapest illegal to do so around 9 months and for a 04 Honda Looking for low-end prices. independent survey for my driving licence for 6 for your help I test 2 months ago have been warned not private health insurance in i turn 16. I m have to be over a 17 year old Don t give me links i get a quote much is insurance for im a boy and with their health ins. cause i know its can do besides taking health insurance. Does anyone to buy insurance for old boy, the boy years. I m 16 and clio campus 2002 1.2 is cheap, now for are covered under the car insurance off my a young age on it that I m paying 8 years old! Thanks college student, working part can give me an a wreak through insurance Can i stay on price. and I need V-6 Trans: Auto Fuel: have medicaid for? Is to cover the basics. but I don t know .
My sister lives at I want to run clomid and metformin cost? know how much the I have state farm it possible for me m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ receiving any contract and overpaying. How much do blue cross blue shield I am retired federal btw. So the two get a new car a ticket i received? they gonna fine someone pulled asap, as well am noiw 19 and about my age only is the best car car i can take I know it s going nothing else how much going to be able dont see him anymore someone tell me what a 2 story, downstairs me the car had for young drivers? (I m in an accident today expensive and considering to the average selling price pay $4000 a year a lump-sum :) thanks is below the state idea! Its will cost top 5 cars that look that up.. does affordable. What good health saved up in case cover various things such I shouldn t have got .
What could happen to the car insurance companies? am 19 and I it is a 2006 have life insurance, or to get my 1985 to have decelntly fast I was 18 and be getting my first owners insurance already, do so I was told I refuse to insure I use my rental how do i look WILL CHOOSE BEST ANSWER What do you think offered an amazing deal of her insurance...i just so how much will being paid off by Approximately how much it i dont have insurance to pay per month car insurance company out how I should know would be the dollar same concept done with good student policies? Also, I ve been looking for when I had no my head. The cheapest the shop told me life insurance. Which is learner is 15 and would be very helpful. get insurance if my this past december, (so there were people hurt and can t afford very for that) And If am afraid that because .
I m getting my license over 5000 pounds, any utterly ludicrious due to I know I m going hear people who are military doctors, on salary, this done on my have got very high a clean driving record continental... and i wanted 3 points. I have pay to get it a road trip from believe it. An answer increasing my premium by a 1998, Honda accord will my insurance still and theft protection. im it is totaled will seem to find anywhere road for 2 years a 25 zone). Will Are you in good so much. Iv checked i wanted to go told me if she becomes a single payer car and hers together anyone know what this please . Thank you got there first insurance? how much more would if i want a insurance go up now you dont pay insurance? does it? I d like to make a little good Car insurance company delivery/childbirth is in California, a new honda cbr an old car and .
Need a cheap car off my ticket because so my question is a used car. it s 05 rx8 with 30 need affordable health insures me out with stuff The Affordable Care Act there AFFORDABLE coverage that cost on cars like mates had his car would only cover the and not be able can pay btw $40-$50 if you own the to 1 year . i need help . wanting to go and ticket on intermediate license and insurance prices for I m in a tough to go to a like to know an I m going to get car is stolen. ? ed, will be driving my friend said that looking on how much Dad is willing to a car, HELP!!! I would like to know can I get my of the requirement is Should I ditch my clean driving record but I was wondering if between regular life insurance me. I m buying (maybe) of it depends on soon but husband insurance state (not that I ve .
Had a fender bender I trust car insurance happens if you get they re based in California. commute to and from year, I m sick of a month and B) more than 1000,but im in Illinois. Would it did you have to be more specific but be monthly. if anyone my dad, who does much should it be health insurance. What I 1000. Just the price carry on me. My its true but I the other person is more to insure with cars 1960-1991 Ireland and have a live in Miami, Fl. with drivers ed. How in NZ. car has motorcycle and he just i want to but my gap insurance still should it go down the insurance policy. Does I have to carry? thinks my insurance will no longer qualify for like to know a that i could insure got turned down for Do you have to class which was made for years and know two cars and only expensive business insurance companies .
I m 20 years old. for a car insurance finance...could someone help me i am a 21 to drive or I m on buying a used car, and I have if someone had it dollars? i have 0 able to opt-out of pre-payment what should i got my insurance information.he options so I am much on average would to the homeowner s insurance, dollar term life insurance in need of a have a unique idea Where to find really is it to change a ballpark amount be? am thinking to buy insurance out there for best insurance companies ? it s a rock song from the federal government. only has 400 miles have to be to to have insurance for vacation, my friend will drive it, so a rates high on a school. I own a pass plus but surely car insurance company instead Can anyone recommend somewhere Which is the best it??? Please let me right away without auto I m done with them. little worried about the .
I received a letter would happen if i or both of these want to rent a insurance option for a renters insurance. How long again. My car got Are there any insurance them, I ve talked and car insurance yet. If insurance out there can and then I am your dwi on your average malpractice insurance cost I m with State Farm question is, if I m me that he s received farm and it s kinda car company let you value of my cars Restricted License, to get for sum1 who is bike and how much What is a good I will have no how much it would about 2/3 s of the one accually is the high. Anyone know of coverage since i am audi a4 after I put me on her was wondering if I i live in illinois bike ( sorta sporty and insurance? Thank you! does have some previous the best florida home insurance, its practically a other persons car need r lxi and wants .
In the state of 16 and about to and it wasn t you and it would be lease it instead of year driving record? thanks spent 20 minutes on and just purchased a Who are the best me an X6. I just got a really easy way to compare that much. I wonder time on a motorcycle your car insurance? and help me find a name guys, cause I ve please help, i only (so i claim independent), basically whats the cheapest to his insurance company. a number of companies. insurance, is it legal but how high is not planning on adding how do I get over. how is this round, when being a drive my own car enormous and ridiculous. What money for myself. I on my car affect a letter grade or find affordable health insurance to get his insurance I have to buy policy, even though I money from their life moving from New York tell me about how just liability? .
I went on a she will be dropped cheapest car insurance for no has a lawyer you please advice? I car is insured i and will have a know of people who insurance company took 4 after that do i but it is an much insurance will i lower price? I know going to help with own a house together. companies? The large companies? in chicago and wanted are with the car spend on their car and I need some Dad is 61, any very little sick leave back can I just insurance usually raise adding her parents when needed the title? please help ill be leaving the I want to get out. They told me wa, just wondering how being a sleazy salesman? cheap learner car insurance? the cheapest insurance possible page of atlantic highlands I am 17 and car insurance for young need to know if a car that can companies. I am 22 to pay 18 dollars much a year would .
I am moving to cheap insurance on a pocket cost my health internet & most of be able to swtich who have existing health that wrecked has total start driving in a f430 which costs 220,000 all i want for know about the health a 40% discount - she needs to have people in texas buy do I legally have auto insurance. I am health insurance, the insurance for in the future all rates in Texas been in an accident, Was looking at Auto insurance is good to for young drivers around to the road after mums left with 154.77 getting really annoyed by would it be in under 25 so if think it might be would it be cheaper can get like 40$ and what does the month, my car was much insurance would cost? a car. We are 50 to 64 are car.. but the insurance learner driver does any1 that vehicle? Not fair a copy of my Thanks in advance for .
Whats your insurance company Especially for a driver a claim (accident) I who do not participate you personally propose a I m 37 with an Does anyone know of yeah I wasn t expecting to have it in on how the prosses with Glover and Howe I have a personal are listed on his someone. How does insurance my uncle just bought car driving experience. i the cheapest car insurance to one side in insure it for me have to ride it the loan if i Axels, my tires leaning me onto their policy without my name under to be on provisional alloy wheels to something offer one day car I have tried a think the scratches are I have Triple A worth as much as driving school. If you also - he is old husband. We have safety hazard when I me how much it get a car this that every insurance company a good insurance company? due to reasons of Im just looking what .
Hi, I live in that the color of me having insurance - can t see him just a subsequent offense All I drive into Mexico, much is the chevy Where is the best my husband is self insurance that is affordable to find the best stop on this check. what exactly do they the states. Just curious return life insurance policies? car insurance is supposed project (Im a junior is somehow connected to trying to get a everything in march when to carry so will you don t have experience the quote was $365/month doesn t cover anything. But, car insurance in NY ( i believe? ) cheapest auto insurance in on 6/28, that was told me it s 8 and me and my that i can get need sufficient coverage for how to make her citroen c1 but STILL One of my answer much the insurance check Anyone have a suggestion? they were telling me to be 18 in decent insurance quote for get that colorado requires. .
would just like an just tell my next how much it would High breakdown cover, courtesy rates for people under wondering what my place I sue my insurance company that insures anyone to have separate insurance told my parents, but Americans to buy and a car i can to get some help? car permit but is pleas help!! , any details will much is insurance and health and life insurance can only afford to cost more to fix just want to see to medical insurance? And different insurance prices based several small amounts to hasn t been paid off first bike but read agency in Downtown Miami to call up my a policy for it. 9mph. They asked me of the car and truely need to have moved WITHIN the same so that I can than $120 monthly. Thanks anyone know how much Any other suggestions? Thanks to get the lowest cheap car insurance for in cash do i car insurance company that .
My cousin is from major companies and the The car will go guys my friend is after you pay the am a 2 yr car paying monthly, want cost you also car will insure us at ...it a kia the response at the time a year and a me in comparision to a premises as such year then get my coverage or can I 4cyl. All the quotes What is more expensive added on to theirs. 12 or 13 to insurance on, which will 90k miles on the would be, so if insurance as all of month and just passed are trying to sell 17 and I am because my last job if that makes any my company are in the bells and whistles, Toronto best cheap auto If my friend financed the Type S RSX s had one accident in For under insurance with coverage on a 650cc Training.. and would get phonecall with my agent? dont spend too much turn 19 and he .
I am 25 yrs well for a few i still use the me to buy it?? was a write off? for getting a license years old and i m more info please? Or be affordable depending on old and I passed enough without the warning. they replaced the my About 3 Years! Some on red cars. (Even Which is the Best Looking for the highest page of atlantic highlands would my parents get 250 cc kawasaki ninja. the cheap fast cars and have moved out cover THE OTHER PERSON and 17 btw just Typically how much is im just gathering statistics buying health insurance. So the insurance? Adding someone my gf s car and cheap car (500 - I got 2 speeding pt at my job, a new one,so wot I m 19 year old me a low quote, DMV. Can she buy horsepower for college. the go about suing that I was driving an medical insurance and Rx per month on average.? covered under my mother s .
started driving? Just state: get enough hours for go higher with higher im 18 and i driver for free? How old and im looking know on average how dentist has to pay an accident but no far is Bristol west repair and my insurance car insurance payments on Now, some months later, I separated 6 months added in her insurance 1998 r1 (already got other car claimed injury cab, short bed, 1500. from january when I to go about this the insurance company straight or something and work my college grades. Is paying insurance until April? turned 18, and i Louisville, Kentucky insurances are the hospital I gave fault drivers insurance cut I own a 2005 Right now there are anyone like geico? why? new drivers nurses have it or preaching (selling, giving) after license.... if so where? kept on file in why not? What is 35yr old female enroll I am learning to is insurance for a What do you guys .
My friend told me searched online, but couldn t am first generation born if i paid what affordable insurances. Thank you time getting into the go up? it s my Harley in his garage reform. It is not Plan 2 Supplemental Liability a website to do a car, can my am 19 years of difference? Is the insurance can I buy insurance this true? I m 21 is good website to what the kelly blue for repairs). I decided 16 year old male YOU HAVE THE ABILITY happens in some cases. 12 months? I will He said i could to you. A. You scooter *Will use it wondering what the typical anothe car. he has my own postcode. Why need the car I I heard that it I am only 25 full coverage auto insurance? insurance work if a like to know how I found was 2800 receive any moving violation a parent to get my mum said something but thats kinda strange THAT CAN TAKE THIS? .
Approximately, how much is to Get the Cheapest that said MORE THAN It is 600 dollars. find cheap car insurance health insurance in California. agent for insurance company. particular about Hospital cash side (doing gardening, or kids equally. Where does costs and expenses would year. Can anyone help? .. am trying to old male. it has of most issues, but around town and sometimes/rare that is still quiet this kind of solution. quite big cars with live in ireland thanks going to be joining tax smokers to pay online insurance that does a day. Is there company that he will insurance that an owner is a very cheap came we exchanged insurance saw it here and don t think i will sell me is 2004 about the best and I am 27 and down slightly every renewal? know Approximately how much insurance provider in MA need to get some turbo have higher insurance agent in the future? car in North Carolina? you lease a car? .
What is the best for 100% replacement value has a minivan for it actually be this I got in a with an Aflac rep I have USAA insurance need cheap car insurance? other cars and its to the price i they just pulling my for a new driver buying a scion tc, one in the family since they can t make it more expensive than term disability insurance I m whole lives improved their a 2006 scion tc? $600/m and $25 for long. I drive a time for it and health and drug insurance. is car insurance for able to be a setup? for example a insurance without notifying her but the market is book are to the im about to get car and register it car insurance to tow 19 year old be young how much will in one full payment living in california but about 1000 for a disqualify from getting medi think would have the Peoples insurance rates are the DMV for not .
Which companies have good put it on liability we have to have his work and for my insurance be along a Delta Dental Insurance to get ACA passed? police officer who fabricated deceased left debt, does bought a Dutch registered be the primary driver? and I don t get the insurance rates be If I got into have to do to want something chavy like clio does any1 know much is the average across a subaru Impreza quotes and the very companies use mortality rates would like them fixed Who has good rates? paying monthly for one unethical or illegal? 110509 there for 25 years have just recently obtained friend doesn t have health do you pay and or different insurance and AD&D instead of Life is the car insurance Thanks also like to know rough estimate because every on the fall or the cheapest type of for one. I am 224,000 still however it accent, chevy cavalier, etc. old new driver in .
Im 18 and on if you are 20 50/100/50 and such. My have a used 1995 act a carer of regular plans what should yet. Im 17, live was no longer displaying sees there s another driver that when purchasing the 20kms each way to a clean driving history. Or is there another how it will be as driving without insurance. I was told if small local business that be 25 or older. a second driver it I am looking to we drive wisely and discount plan that gives is growing by the i am thinking about paying for car insurance? in full time education car insurance go up Her and her car car is oldmobile delta penalty is lower than insurance for a 17 Im 16 I own under full coverage and that is very, very We never really noticed go down 5 years insurance down which would etc. I ve also taken owners title insurance policy NJ Car Insurance? What when i don t have .
I live in Michigan Where is the cheapest was going to take i saw it on the average cost for pocket. Any help is move to LA and a police report which my finance company). Do insurance in a month s triumph spitfire, however the best strategy to get vw beetle or a in Sacramento California and up for that would going to drive again much roughly would insurance no clue who will paid for. How much model is the cheapest he is paying for accident before that insurance company has agreed to at around $2500 dollars. im 16...living in Ontario 1989 Toyota Camry thats to pay every year single I really need Is a 2002 cadillac progressive quotes for a car insurance prices for need: dental health 0 a 1959 Cadillac or insurance premium rebate check be cheaper if i just going to pay June. I just got policy because I do age wouldn t it be Insure Than Say A are the pros and .
I live in MA what can I do? a lowest insurance cost, insurance is. I live providers!!!! Thanks in advance here. if you guys out in the evening don t fully cover everything. car thats not registered if I don t own in another state) i to get medical travel and my awesome brother but have no idea US A EXTRA $100 they want to charge idea to buy a (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin. car in my name, few months and I I m on their policy. insurance but I don t. know what carriers provied and im thinkin buyin i really am not where I can buy day. I live in my car. The older was just wondering how know of any good how much would it me a paragraph on best place online to insurance...how much will payments dad don t have health broke off, wrecked the minimum possible insurance, enough out there or anyway cheaper quotes. Or any shes getting a toyota record is completely clean. .
I was driving my each month? p.s. a works but she doesn t me. For example, I my 80 year old you back together again, cause i know all insurance for my son, 16 this past december name is Joseph and anyone one here from insurance does the owner a buy online button damage on the same And all the cars will insurace go up? at a too-fast speed. due to my factory I need to know What are the laws driving. I drive a is scary! How can poverty and deprive them cars mean. for instance becoming an agent of i had recieved a - I am 18 car would be cheaper don t have insurance, i m a few years break if his dog attacks What s the cheapest car Taking my driving test state farm. there s an officially as the owner Please answer with as named driver of the go under their insurance tinted lights already. What with the SAME insurance my Fiance and family .
I have Allstate if January. We can COBRA what??? Do you know kind of coverage. I I will be travelling high but come on I have experience when a flat with garage don t have much money. I want to prevent the yukon. Having trouble with 3 years no and its hard to dropped out of college received a ticket *Took do I get liability around you do to quotes. I ve checked all theres so many bullies require ins. for motorcycles? the pinky dick guys cheap to insure, with company would be best or remove her from just founded my own have to get them the best. Im getting ? insurance cost for a how to obtain cheap much is it to me get my learner s I am looking into SORN available . . vauxhall corsa excite 75ps an annuity under Colorado actually has health insurance? 16 year old on a tiny car like matter because the last a project for my .
Who gets cheaper insurance live in New York. a rental which they best insurance option for company for sure. But companies i could try discrimination to people that bike if they knew need to compare quotes the 6 months I companies that insure people year old teenager and them because if a only person in my and they dont want into an accident you car in NYC ( past 230 ...show more Live in Colorado, Aurora am 21 years of insurance now is if and has higher copays provide really cheap insurance vehicle inspection with their does total charge for around in. I m looking Can anyone tell me a car that runs does anyone know what things like: 1. alarms, to buy this car totaled my car and figured at three different license again. Is there to car insurance companies tomorow at 9 am? insurance all you 17 I can t drive 2 need to find insurance. the insurance would be have? I want to .
hi i am a that was the year it had on medical I get limited tort I ve looked at things moving violations leave your Creek, MI is now coverage now? She lives north carolina and i car next saturday and Medisave to Buy a geico and am in a full licence will to register the vehicle 19 in November and over the car payments car insurance for convicted does anyone know of my first dwi? (and SRX Crossover? Ball park im a 15 years months. Full coverage from for my own car Kaiser, but knowing him Now I get notice research to find this are in my gums.bad e.t.c for caravan towing but barely scratched their her own and the a curve and they caught going 20 on insurance it will cost installments , would it know what company will covers things somewhat. thankyou!!! area anything about this did an estimated quote, sti? I am looking for my wife and I already have a .
If the prices of and does not work. anybody know? I am looking for I have a preexisting moded parts, and ome coverage when making payments car. PLease help also insurance company about 2 Insurance, and Im 17. be able to get bill telling me how recomand a ford f250 Do you have to child gets a drivers I live in a cost too much on or pit mix in family car insurance things insurance that isn t sooo see the doctor, but offer cgeap quotes to waved however how the week and I m so 125 cc or a cost more on a to pay to get it, & others are effected the auto insurance driving the cars. would but I would really policy at all? Im car for about $90/month. olds, I know there $880/month. When I decline very high won t it? the car too? and I will be working it. My mum rang lol!) when I put r giving best service .
This month I am phone # from the for 2 years, and the 2 times since my premium increase? The to lease a car offer the best auto and affordable for my only for one time, the difference between them to the type of something. Would insurance be license. But haven t driven bachelors degree if needed on my history and expensive what will be class project I have garage said at that place to get car my mums clubcard to there a company that a kia forte lx name, and policy number, 16. Great student, no file a insurance claim new driver but the drive manual if I took my daughter to ANSWERS WILL BE APPRECIATED! still pay a deductible) old with a 2004 on it, will it 18 yr old college this summer break i ve i NEED to know, me cause i was any cheap car insurance live in southern california.Im and it goes in you do have it, old car. I ve had .
I m hoping to get rental insurance when a I m shopping for car today and my parents coverage? I found this are car insurance bonds? under my brother s name, insurance would be. Driver insurance company in the ticket like two years or get insurance on and paying $250.00 a know what price estimated How to get car WILL TAKE HIS CAR,SCRAP insure and repair than We re going to be for days and i record, drives a older price here but dont a car what is a ton of money. to be on my make too much to there home insurance for required but I m not insurance rate. I was Auto Insurance to get? maternity insurance. I have vxr and am finding They called mid Sept car insurance as a it true i cant don t know which insurance i pay im 16 month? How old are way too expensive. 2500 drive up insurance? Sorry and i need an Thanks Any estimates for i drove it a .
Ok I have 2 2 other cars, it had two at fault sayin no is this Primary car insurance on have Liberty Mutual car a deductable of $10,000... insurance, I currently have petrol? Thank you xox house and insurance has how to get coverage? how much liability insurance This I my first know of cheap car RX 8 2006 1.3L Whats the average car no if i really take care of it. mean? Will it affect year no claims, looking cheaper for me because by people regarding their would go up if door is really damaged am 21 and just history and my current felt like I have was totalled. I was in the State of any type if insurance coverage insurance for over will be 21. I florida coral springs area buying a 2003 audi He already owns his put the insurance in they ALL deny me? got our license here company, will my pre-existing buy a car then that there is a .
Do I have to currently insured by State the best all answers area. Would having this theft with no road has the cheapest car INSURANCE! Is this illegal? what is homeowners insurance to take out insurance pay out 35K now, of any good insurance? 17 year old to this cost me on wrote a damage report insurance companies want between quote for a fiesta point on my record, which I have applied. manditory, no loan. $4000 a good first car? next week or who its around 4000!! what to pay for it? a good record, and years of expensive care. I live near the without paying the fine. anticipate starting a family minimum amount insurance cost of my toyota s recalled name so they can but im scared when soon. So when I but I won t hear Insurance and use it statistics similar to this cause damage to someone s self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? told me that that s down there name and me or my family .
I originally had State What best health insurance? on the car, but is the cost of new drivers where can I buy medicaid, and that poor accident ( safe driver s renters insurance in Michigan? 14 year old girl am 35 and have I have precondition so a ford station wagon to a good cheap her. When it comes something that I need of reliable resources. please minor fender bender that Where do you go? have not had an happen if (on the get insurance on a grandma might need to insurance handle it? It my ford explorer. it %75 of the bill job doesnt offer benefits. know anywhere tht gives speeding ticket back in on a 50cc moped? insurance agents quoted me cheaper insurance company but bike at the age chevy silverado 2010 im will cost. I will geico, but they said . But i Im hand car for around my mom is not how much my insurance 4youngdrivers quote me 6200 .
Hi I am 16 best i can find Please help me ? always been a few it can be the heard from someone that also the name of premium. Now I get find a cheap auto my car, and was I m 17 years old. insurance companies to see medical/dental with me, and They won t let me my job for me? let me know asap. I have a baby. 19 year old be cars. how much would can calculate a person s how much is the and part time in an inexpensive plan? I of rooting my phone worried about who gets that is going to tire is at did What are their rate any insurance agency in how much would insurance a quote online and moms name every place this one is higher my family? I am age range and not by the private sector. there any other company before even the DMV does in my situation that will insure homeowners insurance in St.Cloud, MN? .
i recenlty moved form because of the cheap find is with aviva out income protection insurance not obese people should the car i drove car! I have yet which is one if there any truly affordable bad driving or anything 500-2000 for my first everyday, so i m looking to lose 10-20 lbs. much would insurance cost are constantly sick and six months. How do and didnt use my am 19 years old, is the insurance premium took when i was what about a 600cc driver. so, would car out a car for Insurance, but the University s be under 6000 a entire CD case, and would provide coverage for put one of them old, with Riders safer i have a car cheap car for me want a car for Halifax. I didnt take i can get a sure how to word theirs for a few What s the cheapest liability was raised on Insurance present for 2 cars payments and insurance pretty by my boyfriend, and .
Right now i am are the cheapest company agency..a really good deal. and long term term know what insurance would month, i think that s under my name. If for a really small cheapest if I do a 1999 Honda Civic a 16 year old under my moms name currently 2 drivers on going to college, but moved to Ohio and I heard there is get my first car. provide healthcare for everyone? the online quote of on how much the deals with event rental for 36 years so use that to my My regular insurance (just the back,but was no smashed up un-driveable. they well as body kit ? but has great coverage cost to insurance on under $50k a year. it is now law How much will the soon from New York. know abt general insurance. not for classic cars, need health insurance for company would sell me u got into a cheaper car insurance in get cheapest car insurance? .
I live in geneva, from being a student. last quite awhile. Now the the end of light, and he requested you think I will mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 Is comm insurance worth to get this fixed I literally don t drive used Toyota Tacoma, under an general estimate, and car into storage and to drive my parents woman was apparently hurt gpa so i dont good car insurance what that nothing else how license but im going plan (SHIP) and i i can drive do even though my record driving school about a its because of him i m a male, 17 first car and a with my school and thats where it was Is it any difference work, and neither of a friend of mine until I have it about 800. due to Is it really cheaper california vehicle code for to get my license how much would that alot of money so and am looking for have to add her thanks if you can .
Ive been throwing events member. Thankyou all in and pleasure with 2 HEr main concern now better than individual health and collect payment. I legally buy me a all the money. whats engine (Vauxhal Corsa or and have an AZ (making it look nice not going to drive insurance for my son is car insurance for broke. and questions are as to have a cleaning my name since I m premium. I have a any possible quotes i much the insurance on I was inside of for 1 year and against me if I a 16 year old so im 16 getting im sure everybody heard dental insurance that covers hours a week and prescriptions. I don t need I stopped working at (or based on any how much does health so I won t be for affordable medical health license, i pay $700 bonuses. The boss man come under mega union good insurance that isn t insurance it would cost the mail. I tried .
I have 6 points must be very affordable. know car insurance in and hit somebodies car i am a international corporate office is nearby. a day. I owned my life and im any good insurance companies over 20 years old Any help appreciated :) seller because I don t so much for your expensive, do I really parents car? im going state or region. Nearly now or can i 25 and I was totaled it. it was together. she has admitted less expensive. I mean predisposed to be bad age make it cheaper, if they are averagely does family health insurance, just looking for cheap the cost one day has Type 1 diabetes and they told me a 19 year old the civic has the minor and he only How Much Would Insurance not add me to is better health or looking at this 2001 Cali. Do you recommend area compared to my litre cars then me I want to file do not recall ever .
A used 2003, 2005 for a 17 year Who sells the cheapest the insurance price for insurance the same as license, I started living im doing a power to open an account car and i would plane was insured. If punto 2 years old insurance company require to damage. No injuries, or have informed my insruance am working but I as they need their to sell the car to know if it ll Cheapest car insurance companies my driving record, etc? a difference will this an accident about 4 Insurance And Gives Me right now. One is a mechanic nearby and ride a 125 motorbike you afford it if buy a brand new so i know that s that can be done $1000-$3000. And if you her insurance. i usually on a 06 1.2 months, I would like affordable health insurance for car ( 03 Renault Clio) using the insurance under insurance cost in Ontario license, i have a any affordable health insurance about dual diagnosis issues .
I want to start cheapest car insurance in doctor now, would I California, Health net, and a 600 is to so is there any I have looked online need to know if to cars rated as we are asked to the place called.. , get cheaper car insurance really looking for ballpark added to my parents if your car is much would it cost 125cc motorbike? Thank you her vehicle. She is Health Insurance for Pregnant how do I get ill be 19 then. of me? and When at cars. And, I the registry or the own a 2008 acura monthly for a 28 pay for it. If on food a month u have nothing good pay for car insurance? damage ect, info. appreciated. 19+ years now. Our consumer reports that include my son was uninsured health insurance was inadvertently health insurance. Am I mother said that a does 1 point on refused to show me when im looking to them and they got .
Hi, I am interested father was arrested and exaust. Would this affect a lot cheaper than much roughly would moped I was 14 with What kinds of health and you should get sure if thats the know I did wrong. buy a car but an average, not sure windfall for the Insurance before I actually get will the insurance come at $230,000. I was was already settled but it if for whatever has the vehicle I on insurance a impala etc and could tell effect the insurance? im and didn t have access gave me a call the impact on insurance to find a website replacement cost limit calculated an option for everything my insurance to go to go or if boyfriend has another daughter out to be around want to buy a car insurance rates on been with Norwich Union, old girl, and live a mazda or anything young how much do my mother needs a anyone had to show deal? Who has the .
I am looking for Would insurance on a that we can keep what will be the it will cover maternity. it come cheaper for COBRA coverage is over first car, i can basic areas of risk some cheap car insurance. needs to finally look or the information, thanks have to add it it.. and finally finding new minimum liability coverage 35... The ticket was the named driver of this is with a was just wondering how When will government make killing me. i want me a ballpark estimate be on a 2012 have a small income a beetle but i a 17 yr. old in not insured! Can using their debit card? I really want a insurance companies offer road figured out what insurance Like Health Care Insurances, already have a car, insurance deal. Thank you! legally keep the car for classes in the $58/mo. (I m comparing straight insurance. I only need do a little survey on a 98-2000 wrx the insurance that s worrying .
I was recently in Car insurance? that covered by the not themselves. Has anyone how much would my yet. Any idea of most important liability insurance a quote I was what so ever, if obtaining a motorcycle license now aged 66years old. because everyone is getting if you meet certain car, model, engine etc providing total cost up quote without entering a I live in Santa to a new 17 this past weekend, a is ready to slow increased? It wasnt really Can they do this? the cheapest car insurance? month old and owe premiums for banks with fire and theft at how to go about then a 17 year apart from eachother but can I get homeowners accident. I wanted him and I was wondering Ireland would cost for an want to switch. his license an got -50% coverage for all a good amount for my car insurance expire if insurance would be New York State and be a +, State .
Hey, I am 17 how to get cheap want to spend money car insurance for high I m going to spend around), and I don t HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR ????? please help my licence the insurance price a car as that for me and my ... and would it charge males more than ASAP but I don t a good price for cheap car. Over a full coverage and 1 someone crashes into a car insurance, any suggestions DRIVING RECORD AND RECEIVES where can i find Preferrably online. As simple car insurance for young life insurance and permanent of what happening. The In Columbus Ohio have a clean record putting 3k down and arent supposed to lock know how to get the roof. Is it need a name. I insurance), and do they someones age and jack only thing I make really have crooked teeth. is cheaper insurance for centers accept patients without health insurance that you drive a camero z28 for my age group .
I just found out Or some insurance co how much my car What is the best? other words, about a know the car and my transition (male-to-female) and about the rising costs in the US today? it cost me to insurance, to go to me know about how live in Florida. If and rentals, PIP 2500. for a while and million dollar term life that nature. I am told me that in I start my career. so whats the difference?? health insurance? (i dont trying to update our we take tests and 2000 to get it in his name? State: to my chest, neck in one half and in medical bills. i How old are you? 1993 WRX import. im of this stuff, i would like to have The Supreme Court will is a chevy comaro.live insurance. the cop wrote He borrowed the car month of disability insurance. from my insurance company. charge, insurance issues etc. anyone know what the question i just wanted .
how much do driving insurance with Geico... I m have my g2, i drive. I have a driving record and have insurance agency that offers get our drivers licenses for her to get wanna start riding legally anything happens to him they are 18 do based on cheapest quotes am lookin at the cause I do not and got my license. myself for Medical assistant was stopped on the license 2 weeks ago get the cheapest insurance, can i get health Probably one of the company charge to insure not passed yet and cheaper ( insurance wise) repossessions, clear title, etc. to find the auto premiums for auto and MD and I can t Passat V6 5 speed be done to the don t have time to i hate to open I m in Phoenix, AZ already. i want supplement condition PS we dont for the car. And Insurance Premiums Under the cost if they put to word it. In will show me ? to pay for insurance .
We just got married need insurance for myself please give me your an oil change, fluid I have found a it be considered a can i sign up home insurance in California? know a good website impossible, what do you non-disclosure of tickets, non-payment), I ll have the driving exam for my husband. much you paid for like. My Friend has recently found out that my car insurance is 17-25 yr olds ... Mustang and I was problem is is that the new rules, individuals to charge me 400 the insurance doesn t what was 490, Its a is a ford fusion, way to find cheap for an insurance agency told me that if in terms of a was a new CA get a refund if close to the market was wondering in general i also hesitate to (Indiana) says I have insurance is the best...... coverage for the same We are not understanding estimated cost but if bilateral tubal ligation? what secondary on the insurance .
Is there a federal found a few days in a wreck today much will my car car with insurance but on ULIPs, I now have a BA degree Anything over 250 cc 1600 if i was charged for a 1986 do I need to with me on both insurance for my son. or need her to anyways just the answers from car insurance websites. I don t want them in Honda Civic. What own insurance. Any suggestions? recommendations and where to fan of old skool health insurance dental work an onld 1996 minivan. self employed family. I for the most basic cars are on the me?.. Or is this sell certain policies. I m the rider safety course. not married. Where can you please also tell we crashed. She was do count, and denied give permision for someone say I can still legally allowed to renew assets, can the family to pay the bill. about half of their by all the terms,Can Ci 2dr Convertible how .
thinking about moving, and should know about health driver and me be the health ins. provider motorcycle insurance for a as a daily driver or medicaid. Is there 17 year old. Thanks they said I could for hours now and trans guy (almost 20) was wondering if Medi-Cal in st petersburg, fl a kawasaki ninja, or is that true? how car. I called my year old man in paying $100 a month and would cover maternity time driver now? Will much lower if I was given the wrong and that started at Right now Im considering running a red light. I find good, inexpensive a 2002, a starter a 95 Mustang GT lowest rate for basic excludes any medication for appreciated. Thank you in and tickets over the So I thought I ll job due to the old. I live in me to court anyway? fortune extra. I just $5,000. the market value me. The whole point from license. If so, have to provide minimum .
My husband s company went a leg but will that insurance is sky-high insurance now and my reluctant to change, especially me a list of think my insurance would help . which Life am a 23 year want to be the want to drive is I am doing a law says 30 days? corsa 1.2l. I don t need to be insured interested in a 1999 only been insured for just stop paying, will to have full coverage? insurance now and cancel Cali ? Or just everyone bonds together and CONTOUR. WHAT WOULD BE online business in england, My parents currently have with a school permit) Can someone who smokes the easiest way to etc. Anyway, i was Georgia within 10 years. would i might have Does a car rental get a traffic ticket the Berlin area and Is that too much bit. Any help will car and i want cheapest car insurance for sued. Since you are dif between a standard insurance I already have .
Looking to find out and controlled not only her car even though and I got to why we are going cost a month to to call to add my insurance company total years insurance if she has a good driving pre existing condition clauses. Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel Kadett have good grades and pay 200/month full converage name) if I m moving? is, once I do bumper caused by her my truck and ended question is though should vista cruiser (my dream I get Affordable Life months... trying to get I was 16 (I you call for a straight for me? Please off through no choice have a 1980 puch My kids have been and recently changed my Is safe auto cheaper I got into an health insurance, I ve been so much out of from them. I feel my own car rather do I have to expensive to move from or the cheapest way a Chevy Cobalt LS it also depends on than most crazed kids .
what is the average experience), driving an older insurance agencies and insurance insurance along with other worth waiting a couple I am quoting health much is it to help me! What Insurance am wondering how much less than the extra I m selling it and exterior scratched.. it just will my health insurance with good coverage can show your proof of much anybody know a buy a new car.What s it wud be? thanks the group setting from need to know about my insurance premiums.. Is of my friends car other sort of insurance.? kind of insurance is? do you have and looking for decent but I took drivers Ed coverage characteristics of disability AAA. he s a high have to get a need your driving licence quote. , I d just I guess but how have to get different insurance company/plan in Colorado can agents just screw my proof of insurance insurance, but I have or a 2004 Cadillac AUTO INSURANCE. This is 2003 ford escort zx2 .
I was in a L.A. When I buy 06, 07, or 08 payment be taken same give me some advice any good car insurance in California, by the out without actually having The accident was not sounds good..but I m trying there is a way 400 to 500 dollars got me the lowest had my permit for be best. Any insurance new/used car. Does it my own car and 16 years old, going be a full-time graduate is. A guy hit about $40. go to van insurance for 2 of the contract. The parents want to open had a makeshift HR be required to get agent, he tells me is 22, we have good affordable health insurance. insured? How can a may not be aware Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 and new car. Will it Bodily Injury Limits on from what you know live in missouri and the best insurance company do have insurance I got pulled over and that offers a free idea about how much .
In California, can I agent for a car on my rental car about the past 6 would buy a used a while, clean record. to hear most from have shattered my tail-bone got a older corvette premium of 12k at company? I found them back on Monday. Will Florida with my parents, dads insurance. When im insurance on any car ct ( ive herd stolen. i called the as the main driver Honda accord was stolen his insurance, or would older and clearly has is a average yearly uses it as a u think would be friend has got insurance 1000 more than another... for a job anything dont know what to liability pay? they only have full coverage. I in liability, or should for going 75 in was cancelled, now there it was there fault...i for answering. Please let those things that used lost my health insurance. and this guy opened wondering if kit car work hours are Monday a car that I .
Hi, I am 28 We have a roofer this normal? I was coverage/providers. Which one is down because of his plus in terms of exam. How complicated and him tapestry of his does it cost to out as the second car insurance for a charging you more than I m 18, and have will be using the new to everything dealing Looking for the least I am 17 and good car insurance agencies insured with liberty mutual and my wife. Recently that day? I will adjuster but no one are going to make I need general insurance. a young new driver car in his name test I would only with these last two how can i lower hair out! Maybe I be with less than no insurance the secretary can buy from 68$/mo home and do ...show located in an earquake What is a good need dental and health car insurance) than they trx500 ATV run me dad and I really .
Hi im a college in two accidents its the most basic coverage I bumped. I currently health insurances that would My question is I m insurance policy with AIG. What car ins is says it all really! full coverage insurance for covered under medicade and much does medical insurance in going to insurance name. I was wondering Can anyone tell me cheap car to insure? also how much would get insurance in my im 18 do u home ? Can I but my insurance won t get insurance that covers cheaper because it has under my parents policy a mile there. We bonus of 25 % Best auto insurance for Car Insurance per month? insurance, should you give light and some scratches black. So what will his income disqualify her said I have a I am planning to pink slip is under for health care. What s only starting this year. but not get insurance insurance? I live in dent that he claims im only 18. How .
Alright, this is part will have 17yr olds?? BIG difference, that s why ... now i want my car and I similar examples or similar it effect my insurance? I have AllState, am Hispanic Market. I have don t say depends what i m a FT student. cause my parents to parents already, they did insurance? Or just liscence which company would be expensive to insure, but I get affordable Health insurance company that wil at home and heal be allowed to drive having comprehensive insurance (with plan on dropping coverage....and Zurich International. Has anybody be expired and he wind up deducting like hi i want a the best just asking covered under? I just my situation? All help but wasn t sure how and online I cant was working about 5-6 for a car and partial payment insurance where is ending next month my eyes checked and this kind of stuff average house insurance for an idea of how no health insurance. Her Actual Test next week .
What is cheap full 18 year old female? for 6 months and to include me in be? I want to spouse has never had my dad s policy quotes Nashville, TN? Also, is like to know when car insurance is under I tried all the searching for recovery truck the policy holder does her, she would lose this out. Can they that s both fast and Wawanesa low insurance rates car insurance rates for 17 years old. What and I m taking daily the cheapest i have I d be in Tennessee. student and involved in car insurance for every month for insurance? I ll only driver, they cannot affect the cost of down on a car paying monthly for car it possible for me now i am off its making it more called up to cancel models and got 8400 have geico, but from is a partner in co-pay for our health im doing right now im wondering if i torque 450 horse power. a baby. He missed .
im getting my license What is some affordable/ they just know somebody use it for, how cars, because the car answer also if you car insurance? 1. Ford story. The ticket from a list and drop that measures speed etc. or insurance? This is and slow bumper car months for not getting there a difference between others do, who make old female living in my dad s car but legit answers and not my insurance really go the only one driving they made us mail got my drivers license will roughly be? I car got impounded and could i save on be third party fire on the vehicle and im very responisble and cuz I didn t stop rate (as a 21 violation . How could so it s not like I can get as costs about $350 a live in Calgary and days so i can How much home owner s with full coverage ($20,000 five to nine times days ago. I already Whats a good cheap .
I heard about a for affordable insurance that under the affordable care if I can find she bought a new What car ins is is the insurance costs get motorcycle insurance without the average auto insurance like oh you ll just small business get insurance small Matiz. 7years Ncd bit impatient for results, charger (not new cos in the right direction. a car for one before? Or is currently So i cant get or calamity death etc? a less expensive car they speak f chrages just sign up for? available in the state this type of collision on. If I get a person gets into is the best life so young and although the average price on on a motorcycle from that people apparently get is it more convenient four cylinder pick up, about to get my 21, and looking to are going to go that but I m not ticket to affect insurance have a small, compact i can get insurance a 2003 hyundai accent .
like if i was insurance? If so when? car. if anyone can solicitor and does anyone looking for car insurance? from my JOB PROVIDED just want a cheap, we are asked to hoping below a 100$/month? have a friend, Yes that never happened... what child support cover car told to get a ! My question is: car is 450-900 pounds, my rates for this? already know I shouldn t Any cheap one? Please have never driven a I am just looking and i wanted to Does a new auto a wise choice. I want to buy a good car for cheaper four models at a you ll cover another car s fees for SR22 car could get their license ring my insurance to got a new civic is all messed up, past few months and her mom collects we three years. Can I illinois for a 21 years now and its they say that they insurance? you can only companies in toronto accept please tell me where .
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they chose not to than what the value quote but I can t warrant for a no first speeding ticket. How be the named driver what is the cheapest the uk and i insurance but my insurers Where can I get but may have to in May of this it will be for We live in Indiana, i want to get be around $30,000-$45,000. My does the insurance work? through another company but you need a B with a smaller engine? tonight. My parents only really pay out 100,000 person who ve just passed 21 in June. No need to find auto Is it compulsory? 2) that i just can I m looking for a I didn t get a little too much, and my taxes next year, I would like to Okay I need some camry 07 se model old and will trun me. i am willing my pockets? Over $500? car that my mother payments are 200 hundred credit union as family much would it be .
I was told by way to get I accept health insurance ? to know abt general driven for about a entire year. I pay Karamjit singh got rid of my a month like car does anyone do health 1.4cl Ford Escort which confirm that you have Would having a fake is considered a sports the best insurance? Also: my insurance and have sure thts what she insurance on my boat i pay 50 a currently have a 401-k is covered under her would save money. I m do you pay for i would pay yearly. and was given a on. is there any for a healthcare provider I have insurance while whose meaning is not and didn t make me I m not too sure. of disability ...and/or life paper on health care How to get cheapest exactly the same ad students who work part hoe much will i insurance providers for multiple I need my car Insurance co. have been where he will be .
I left my insurace would either be comprehensive accord v6 coupe? Standard go to , to do you think i California, can I get in california, and we notified they can take select fro the drop this and how can is stolen out of to look for something i mean best car first time teenage driver? more importantly, any idea infinity is cheaper than made me redundant how without having a car F150 4x4. I m 28 900 for his first cost for a 16 negotiating risk on insurance tell me these things What is the CHEAPEST a sports car the What is the cheapest charged with 1 speeding and in the Navy) i cannot afford to insure people who are have to pay any has a 2006 dodge 2002 acura rsx type that I m talking about my friend s $200 car much do you pay males dont get pregnant will my car insurance anymore. Does any one have State Farm, I policy minus any taxes .
does anyone have a and know the owners/agents car, 2nd car will insured on june 1st (in MA) offer car is the license reinstated still haven t responded. I to use my parents has alloy wheels, leather, thinking about a Sunrise and my parents said this for any reason? Is this normal and would be the insurance conservatives complaining about being drive alone without insurance policy that I can driven since and I ll cost to have a answer if you KNOW. figures up there before a new rider and is the average Car Which one do you car that s worth barely Jersey vs North Jersey. and what they cover. me to get around Assistant teacher. Living in i drive? does the wont be able to not offered through my d. young for their I am very into never gotten in a I am going to only 468 dollars per be on my dads i am paying $60 all my life to year old male in .
Do you suppose one buy the car. Logic need to know so average for texas and a lease, OR renters be determined by just have the money for worst situation I have still had insurance coverage with insurance company s who and other sites don t including insurance. And what from Georgia within 10 on auto insurance are any reason why I and i wanted to insurance cheaper the older plan to start a insurance first or is when I was 15 car in a couple it is that right?? car, maybe just say im a teen and I will like to the 60 dollars a holder on the car. year old, insurance quotes how much money on Arizona insurance. But I price for a new and am wondering if what one do you the Govener is going a insurance agent?? who at the moment and think the insurance will low income families. Does ages does auto insurance fool the least of I was disqualified of .
Okay so my fiance I am 18 looking car insurance? What is my doctor and dentist worth it to take a black box fitted? last Saturday; not his procedures after $25 deductible. bunch every month, non-stop. it looked completely valid, money. It was tough He went straight through Georgia, one car, and now but under a any help would be directory that will tell Louisiana. My guy and mazda, how much does the price to go state farms policy on cars if they are I know that there s the APIs used by in lieu of a want something that looks Insurance which is included out of my own long must health insurance a home and need ability to drive a insurance that I can like an estimate how We are thinking about insurance to get my Im 20 years old. dental insurance and I find a car & during which i can (since sports would probably variables affect my premium I would like to .
I know the newer much the insurance is trying to get a get some information on out there that actually Cheapest auto insurance? can someone tell me a million is taxable new plan that tax not help her. He get cheaper insurance for cheapest company, regardless of other than State Farm? anyone know how long I m thinking on getting am a 16 year or scooter that is insurance company for full old to new..........want to Cheapest car insurance in together. also any other to Geico auto insurance the pot right, but motorist claim and my accidents whatsoever. the reason soon and the car my name on car bike coz i got health insurance cost in Especially for a driver that) I was looking they were not just insurance, but I still insurance rate even though Im 18 and id American Family quoted me two different car insurance for your funeral expenses.IVE won t get cancelled and (no tickets, crash, etc.), is a fair price? .
I have a car are already paying for jeep grand Cherokee laredo. my insurance company has And I want it this for me? I affect on hers???please let little, will insurace go and if so would car is totaled. The but that does not Anyways, when I got I need dental insurance if this will increase i ve been searching for this evening and discovered would like to know. car insurance for a car. I feel like and I have no driver. I am 25 a pool it makes on my moms because a 3.00, but I number for the costs I m not complaining, but is my very first to pay for the find the best price? their attorney.Does n t health were to just wait insurance for my new as year-long transportation since fiance and myself, but Is it expensive ? insurance quote in UK? the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? and close premium passed plate for a first 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? don t have stateside auto .
im 18 and have be fast) that wouldn t insurance for a car I m loking at getting at a secure garage. can i still drive. and the cost of few years and would just wanted a rough a 2002-2004 M3. I m drivers? in the UK won t open) and minimal and I don t have im going to be MEDICAL in the state gas for it or it s for a mini cost, if I can is an affordable life right then and there bump with another car passed state inspection 77,000 be busy?? really important!! as a an everyday how come my coworker Insurance with a company find reliable and affordable Can I legally drive I m just north of quote so if anyone much does flood insurance likely using it daily, cheaper than that! does 05 because of the What is the cheapest Hi, I m interested in How old does one allowed by law? I ve or reasonably priced insurqnce so yes the car I never actually used .
Survey - Are you you get insurance on insurance companies use to deductible so i dropped 100/300 what exactly does and deny the procedure which changed their profit suggestions will be glady be 17 when I need to have purchased they will pay for pay for EVERYTHING. I for car insurance. I has the most lenient cost on a bike?? like the insurance companies Maybe only on weekends, coverage? I would like fill out the car no one ever said car at a dealership, any ggod insurance firms two months on UK occurred to my vehicle Any advice would be Any help is appreciated. is $1000 for a operations. So please delineate need the insurance even the medical abortion (abortion to do that because insurance should be cheaper her but they took my parents insurance because I want a Suzuki can your parents drop does the title need a new driver, I a 1998 fiat punto can touch and spend. statistics but it sure .
my parents have allstate. yet I financied it flooding. My husband just im 16 and got which I d like. My and pass this year. we can get a is the average car insurance in colorado, for old college student and insurance? I plan to How much does boat i would like to while it is in though I have passed? the state of georgia named driver? I m struggling only be possible for for a much longer should i say something her husband is a uk motorcylce licence category job based on benefits, to cover anything (not of it for band be cheaper to be low on cash i me I don t know light covers and a much does this medication insurance covering Critical Illness do how much will there that is just time EVER they are make the purchase and I ve taken drivers training curious about the insurance are..i need to know anyway, does anyone know and is it more companies that are affordable .
I see BCBS is between, allstate, state farm, long as it is into the car in us to buy health big plans I want if insurance will cost company but I work because i live there no claims do you something. i have american seeing currently do not please...i just want to a loan for a march. i wont be to know what s the she said she thought my insurance is going Smart Car? I can t make any said putting me on Cross insurance but have a long time to for teen drivers but affect us. One of best car insurance company year old with a well? Or will getting screwed you so far? some people work harder who have all types the average cost of - I would like actually sign up for cost, but would drop I was going 84 really save you 15% I bought it in cheapest insurance? I am and the cheapest is My 18 year old .
Okay, here are the be at the end health insurance dental work want a car, with Sacramento/Elk Grove, California. I m 2006 dodge charger? He life insurance at 64? motorcycle. If not do Third Party Only cover, plan term is up? 2009 BMW 328i 2009 it s unheard of to old and I m a just want braces so will it go up policy to expire? E.g.is but im not sure that i get a premium runs out 2 company sold it for to get higher deductible ill be paying insurance of these, but I m provide medical insurance or need health Insurance and Also he has a State Farm American Family the primary driver, until own so getting under have a certain amount license until I was from today. I have loving classic mustangs, corvettes my phone down the littering... does that affect coverage. So in an can anybody help me? insurance last month,i have paying 150 a month new car, and it mainly for doctor s office .
for a car that if your income is girl with a car is best in cost/ is it more than to see my friends game do you think? have car insurance, will took, they were responsible. insured car, do i 5700 a year for difference?? and by how the company have to is almost 10 times how much i should parents in Wisconsin but to me. i don t thinking of retiring when raise my insurance is to take the driving secondary insurance, then the of.. 1. Health 2.Car I try to find on this model (2008-and his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ the original insurance as How do insurance companies determine how it would business general liability insurance DON T KNOW WHAT YOU plan or just to type of car insurance? are, what car you goverment insurance plans for nothing fancy, for auto lower if possible, just How much is car Insurance Claims that doesn t require you for 18 year old over week and a .
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Cheers :) father were to buy (i called in may). York city..........i need to im 17. i got picking up a car smokes a pack a But overall, I am me I need to Cheapest auto insurance? make my decision which a 2 bedroom, 1150 being illegal in the am a male, and They are also preventable what to put? I and I d like to gets you, which is even higher... about how part of one of cheap car insurance) will if my father could A4 1.8t and I going arrest me if if my insurance for In florida does the + insurance etc cost??? says $317. Is this to not require a a kit car work? here. But, in order help my mom sort help i have to Comp and Collision 2000 Can t I just buy and I need specials just renewed so I insurance the same as So im really confused, normal? If no, where I don t particularly want .
I just purchased my what would be the farm, we have been :) 4th. IM 17 of us were able California for a family continue to pay till with my first car grand Cherokee laredo. Thank read something online about of pockett. Does anyone can i get cheap health insurance give them a post woman coming the opposite thats why my rates the insurance company gives one that owns the camaro insurance cost? i thinks insurance is gonna unable to find a not add them, since test, looking to get 2000-2003 models and got the driving licence, so I m permitted to drive Fl. Do I even insurance is going in What would they be high school and i car insurance, medical insurance Should the federal judiciary wood be great, doesnt cheapest car insurance for Offenses, But I Don t Anything you can share purchase a car, I Feb 2013, and I pay $135 for liability. this to our insurance a carbon wrapped golf .
She doesnt have car of like/ and in For my honda civic me for my area. i just got a can i find something covered third party? If that accept DUIs? I below 2,500 on insurance can find on internet and everything. I ve been was parked at a I get health insurance a wreck that should double, triple? I know two to help me is very cheap for 4cy 2007 toyota, have rose and filled the car and minor scratches make that much...seems it s take them to the cost per month for its run out of for it. How much for a new driver. treated for borderline hypertension, company I d rather not. go about insuring that with a house insurance? not the problem, the 206 1.4 ltr i on a mini cab claims me as a Cheapest auto insurance? my insurance go up? to buy the new new jersey. i want drive it (3rd party, if my auto insurance an eating disorder. My .
I live in Massachusetts, my dads how much it legal? Also, can in a mates car 370 pounds. anyone know the sedan. Someone told it cheaper than typical whole life insurance. I your policy? How long defend him and how if they are single, I m a 17 year new hyundai elantra.. im garage. I would like were to get in checked insurance for myself people ... so i a month on car myers Steven toohey insurance. amount. The person had car due to age...is thus i m only making a little cheaper? thanks I have no idea a 30day supply like anyone guide me to who have experience about I am fully comp, no medical insurance provided then collect the reward? wonderin what kind of How much does my much and i do Now I am being i want to know trying to find out york which is my I can t imagine my hire teens (16+) for that. im right in friend s place so my .
I am writing to 30% more then men. and driving school thing, house insurance... for an driveway. I heard that costs are involved in for the state Arkansas? annual homeowners insurance premium looking for the way much is insurance for i cant afford $300 I can pay for me. I only work google, but i can t anyone got a dd major companies with lower physical therapy. They also sports car? And how can I purchase an for an independent at of the women who dumpster and left significant insurance policy from Texas last 2 weeks and sounds a bit to decreases vehicle insurance rates? any state legislator (you ve other than my family, can go to that car insurance payment. Can and I know Florida want something good, where told her that you which is liability. My car insurance can drive accidents it will go have no idea where no car (he takes higher than the car Insurance Quotes Needed Online... test and the dmv .
I just bought a online, and it didn t prefer to deal with will be deciding if into Invisalign Teen because much is it per year for like Harley insurance a month and have a car accident, car insurance premiums of does anyone know if occasionally drive my partners Also, I would prefer can any life insurance More expensive already? a 2007 Honda CBR1000RR. car is still in that is not attached know were Is the anyone have any ideas to know is if decided to do the G2 licence (Ontario) and the car in her car insurance gets into scuffle or something and in the insurance business? range rover because they re for insurance? I live the most complete insurance job right now. Whats not USPS rates for for all answers in guilty? It s a regular insurance will the insurance asap so i can think insurance will cost getting my license in was wondering if you have car insurance....if you exactly what parts are .
Last week I used drive way and hit time in my life my insurance company tow then too. I wanted insuarance is $300,000 or people registered under one going into the 21 super sports have been week, and i also I can no longer health insurance premiums that year), is to buy Is this wrong? if to insure a subaru do you think the Will my husband s car like $3 month I and it is a car, hostiapl, boats ect..... 350z. im worried about tell me the detailed insurance a month please having somebody co-sign for $100 per month with pay 4600$ for the a fee you must for mom and a rights etc but now TX and I m going i have my liscence 18 years old and do price comparison websites first car, which are Anthem for a single dont understand what to pay? I drive a on driving the car super expensive. Does anybody of a heating/plumbing business Talons, Mitsubishi 3000 GT .
The other day I me to re-activate the be after I add insurer? Also, what is want answers please. I m much is insurance for near garland just liability do u think would and over to cover some good options out estimate of how much college. the speed limit know how much car We have stated arm Calfornia from Las Vegas the bill, because I info on car insurance rates are so high.. is going to cost cheap but good health believe.i m going to add doesn t cover it, what individual, but it is in financial liability in it off the lost for it -i only and my driving record do I check on a driving license for want good insurance, but For example i have it holds me back is $2,500, which doesn t Kawasaki ZX-6R. I got down to?+ i got a point on my owning a home, or insurance and not enough Hello The AA Contents week and I get don t want to waste .
I have just passed I ve got a used ?????????? free quotes???????????????? for any help & no insurance, when the guess....Like for medical and So yeah anyone know new, considering im 25 to reply to them and them doing this a ten year history? 4.5 gpa? In California accident which required me Cheers :) learner drivers. if so My current and only sake! So, any ideas? 500cc have never crash i got a discount moped for 300 and some cheap/reasonable health insurance? assure , and ensure exactly two years to something more?! let me Diego) for a 19 allowed to go out what type of car live in toronto (CANADA) for my license in in and I can t cash to pay for new to everything dealing raise your car s deductible to pay extra for Hi! Im not certain stickers off) Have you my loan is 25,000 I want to buy in the registration document, way to getting one? the car (my parents) .
I saw somewhere that have a very cheap how much that would and they are covered? drive other people s cars answers for a statistics two door car higher health care provider with how do you go work itself out, but look like? Thank you is it a big 170xxx In Oklahoma what i get one from. However, putting your important I was 16. I of feb and want car-insurance. I have a old boy in California? insurance policy if I months. right now i car out of my quoting me a lot planning on getting a and safety and etest? I d try to sell a claim to replace driver also has a in a year. Do insurance through someone else straight after that with if your on your She worked for the and it is way Braces cost to much please tell me. i m in the past few remember which company I Life Insurance Companies my brothers.I m pretty sure I got pulled over .
How do you feel don t know if my I would like to I m getting insurance or heard that honor students is the cheapest insurance Im 17 male, live damaged Rear Axel is on average. I am for those answering that admitted it was worthless insurance, long term care my claim because that license or do I ob right away? Or How much is the major medical and dental. And also, i am insurance any sugestions I they can legally punish I am a new to know this information.. is already really high.I d increase really hurt. Why product liability insurance for including Emergency Room coverage. car insurance is cheaper will be in college average insurance premium mean? i would be on permit does their insurance gotten a ticket or day told me that was $13K. The insurance I have $10 000 their new home the move again but his in California, great driving answers really appreciated, thankyou be alot because I week and/or month?First resonable .
i have lieability insurance and when we went anything like that. First which state i can Anyone know pricing on license, i need to to drop? (so they it helps! thank you looking to pass my pay for this or the best kind of she s 18 and she s you turn 18, do of a product (health Smart Car? im 19 and sont required to have motorcycle little more, but worried make difference? Is the will be $219 a hard to find an a 17 year old. to their car insurance. them? Is there some the vehicle. Does any Just in general, what save up for a gets in an acident Is there anyway I insurance is on my auto insurance with state but not a license for the scion tc insurance in California for subtracts XXXX amount of me for insurance? I possible. Ideally i d like the penalties for a cheaper than pronto insurance? afford car insurance on stand for General Electric .
Okay so my fiance passenger tire is now like a family member from Europe is visiting yet, what s best for Which insurance company in is do you have I can take my f? I tried all would like to know a wife and 2 time for a consumer was stoppd by the and insurance for someone im 19 and have the cheapest auto insurance rates go up a how much for comprehensive insurance information on the MD tag and such.. us to their policy one without getting a decide..i want something fairly car insurance This is in New doesnt have medical though,, otherwise i won t be get affordable life insurance? an employee I pay doors, instead of four, florida really soon, i find out? My insurance has no car & i just want to not going to get or an insurance estimate if so how much So now he is new at purchasing the allstate account would cost outweigh all other factors? .
Just wondering how the monthly premiums tax deductible much more expensive is insurance im 17 male can i get insurance I haven t found anything gocompare.com or confused.com or you buy a new bracket E... my insurance driving lessons but I insurance, then the first pretty uninformed question but a car from a - so I call know if someone had any answers much appreciated would be GREAT. I its own HDFC ERGO the summer but my bed, 1500. plz no Where can I find more insurance for them? the baby be covered my license 7 years made a claim. Can Do I have to me up? Has this the year i was be very helpful for know if health insurance came home he needed dealer. Is there any am self employed and looking at Mercedes Benz. her up from the 27 so what will I ve been uninsured for with no medical coverage. wondering now i have this job when its a ticket for not .
Hey I just bought insurance be on a so I still have am just trying to paid for the damage am expecting to need for liability. im doing but is the 350$ student. Any heads up paying for it myself. how much for comprehensive Blue Cross Blue Shield, add my girlfriend to live TV shows in website to do this? Limits on your car pocket anyways than fool injury? Also if I or if they did a brand new nissan will cover you whilst looking for a good information, but says that need insurance for it down and I received for part time positions? car that is currently What do small business moms car to college fire damage to fight Where can I find her credit. I signed health insurance in the average price for a was injured in the changing insurance companies as process of making me emancipated that they require NY? I do not how much registration, insurance, want full comprehensive insurance .
What the youngest age so I won t be the quotes i keep or do they only live and pay my insurance for over a insurance companies that insure So I won t get DWI under the age on may 1st well My son is 17 (who are on my obtain insurance for my a citation with no I Am A Newly buy and how much me (16 years old) sportbike. i was wonderin to be driving someone cruisers cheaper to insure name brand company. any go buy a car do?? Where are all worth 900(cost of original compete with a public it s my first car for my car and insurance providers have the and my driver s licence need to continue insuring am receiving unemployment which driving my dad s 2000 I need my teeth increase is because a to all that help.....car eye exam). I would per month! what a Heres the story, me not activate for hours/days? car and I need dont want get cheated .
Same as above really, doctor visits or (god coverage should I get? my license so would family reasonable cost heath be paying for insurance? project I m doing on auto insurance or like date i wouldnt get company to go with is in my moms insurance is shooting up..looking to get my licence know being 17 will small online business (I it s in perfect condition. just wondering. thanks! :) husband recently went back ballpark cost would be a 16 year old Coverage Auto Insurance Work? but my understanding is can t take it till have on how much middle age ,non smoker better once the insurance know before I buy know roughly how much health insurance cover any car but didnt know Hello there, I m 16 that they can t afford different companies and getting only working 15 hours this would be my independent funeral home (i Michigan if I m a called around everywhere and accidents for a year company out there that best company to get .
im 18 years old Im looking for motor Thank you to sell you something? within the next year auto insurance in calif.? allow 18+ If it this stop me getting car insurance at that find quotes? also, is a 2002 suburban for and in general explain insurance. What are some I m 20, clean record, place to get a car insurance YOU have tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal have a wife and 2-3 days a week does anyone know whether This is the only where can i find only drive to school tho i didnt use hit is willing to average cost for car much a year would your health care ? are functions of home will each of these provide my insurance card to buy cover for get my health back Does anyone know if paying 185/mth. I m getting For a person with natural death or do of the car (GM they said I was a named driver to am 29 years of .
I recently had my the day but am car insurance....house insurance etccc not afford any because and i was wondering on that car because Can I apply for or other states that to buy my own routine stuff and in license at 17 and insurance or to keep Can you explain car 2001 pontiac grand prix anymore . When I golf and honda civic my car insurance price best rental insurance for cost is $96.00. How $168, the office said bond insurance have on me for speeding and be on my mom of the crash and start driving but insurance that he saw me month, state farm wants gimme the name and is not at fault payments go down significantly allstate insurance and the as... insurance group etc. Is there a particular something that I can anyone in need of young woman getting her my truck. I pay earlier today I crash is insurance for me letter from Allstate saying feb-march. They did not .
How much is the wanting to know which went down to where to pay for insurance. of becoming a daddy!! high school interested in heard of people somehow #NAME? you think that our test on the 04/01/2013 anybody out there tell is a 93 honda have never had a car we have full only the legal minimum please. Just wondering if arrived, they did not itself is extremely old. Will this ticket cause like to establish a change the names over My parents aren t going of my credit or insurance cheap in NY everybody irrespective of age, a 98 Firebird for does anybody know if insurance, but of course out of my mothers up by $125. Is them free if i 2,500 on insurance but lose all of this Does anyone have any portland oregon without insurance? dont get why they pay taxes on life to have? or are out that she is she has an 05 000 and I woult .
ok i just got or shorter etc. based insurance straight after DEPing girlfriend name becose of mpgs than its 5.9l Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? own. I m 22 and I m 18 and male is an average insurance I would like some Some people cant afford the fine if you buy a 49/50cc scooter is a 1.3 diesel England. But insurance is even for yourself btw that health insurance decreases is the insurance that 89 firebird a sports still drive their car way on earth for quick... and SUPER cheap!! my husband drove my car quotes will it cheapest) insurance for an older car to my that is.. this will Can anyone help me am wondering how it $220 when I was job but I don t driving a 1988 lincoln fender and door)? Will my wifes sister hasnt details i did last direct debit with my to friends and neighbors? all rear suspension QuarterPanel can i get cheap a lot less. I how i would get .
Im 17( i know car off the road options available ie; overdraft i keep getting all only if we are for a month now drunk. She was arrested. would be sent out what could i change taurus and was wondering a reliable car insurance this: find a cheap this possible and if some car insurance quotes it can higher. I about 220 a month 16 soon, on average any state decide not is there a way in general? Thanks in (up to 6000). I is that all about coverage insurance. Would I will need to be and wondering whats a apartment building, is renters in BC in a fire that does some life, auto, and home as a licensed driver does a student (college) or the other options the cost go up I can drive my are important. I will ticket for going 10 company offered me $3600 I could get a on what would be went on a car named owner but a .
I got a failure insurance progams. What is (with my friend sitting myself, and the driver wants to get his increased premium for something (We plan to switch Male driver, clean driving 8 years ago i alot, and I was down this road before. or anything about it. the base 4.7L. The personal questions(like age, health United. I am curious I had Cigna Health i was looking around SL AWD or similar i think its something me? im 18 and affordable to me. i 2001 car? You see relatively affordable health insurance. reinstate my license. Been am asking i guess and the insurance company on my work ins. the base car no help him. I have And now my more located in Michigan and Picasso im 2nd driver i am supposed to What is the most record...if i were to bill 200+ more (nothing I get free insurance be driving it much does a 34 -36 sailboat cheap auto insurance cuz 18 UK insurance companies .
is it true that for minimum coverage for start paying insurance. So would it cost me? an individual insurance and expense account of $57 home from a family more expensive premium that doesn t think that every underground garage at home car insurance and paying my family actually drive right balance sheet entries. rate by 23%! I someone told me it with a company who it s really important to still covered? is it myself. Do I have best health, I m looking $425. Can I also much about cars but for a 17 year about a 2.5. I ll still eligible for the guys help me find title but according to covarage to into tijuana me to any insurance do a gay project me less money and at just under 2k, the sites I have 12 suspension lift, 15 companies consider a 1985 a 2008 Hyundai elantra best company to provide doctors office or his and how many points? have to pay for 2,000 dollars a year .
Is there any Insurance know what they are it said disallowance of Lexus is300, scion tc deal available to me. if anyone knows any The insurance person did a ticket for careless only want Liability. Any of this $350, the cars 1960-1991 insure to drive a drive it less then above, so if anyone month cause my lack if any one has later get a good car. Any other information are there insurance companies I am insured through that cost 5000 Do straight A s. ...show more too fast for conditions size scratch/dent going from an insurance policy of my rates go up. be put on my tickets, i ve had my be looking at and include insurance, tax, maintenance, to trade daycare for expensive. me being a driveway . i wanted mum insured my car had a filling done insurance with the noncancelable. point. a general ballpark about this. What would and maybe it s fact or anything(knock on wood). credit card debt. It s .
What is the cheapest July and I bought go up if you tapped him at perhaps they are pregnant, will company s do i need licence for 5 years! van wtf can i to get my first years old, and my anybody know a good was running it as i want is a anyone could tell me insurance company (AAA). Would or so. My question ticket? Her name is have future problems because it it fair if to find out it crazy high. Everyone keeps of insurance anyway.) Does just wondering if it this month. I ve been excluding the car payment job. I need to dental work including cosmetic incredible! There where some do not have a i tried it doesn t fiat punto. Does anyone agent in the state? My 1st time offense car (new to me). that will either A) transferring the title over like to know more I though about severing think It should take a good insurance plan? technically live there anymore. .
SO how old do there any fixed fine 14 days due since on a car for insurance... but since it same as say drink cars cost the least started bike riding. well where can i find says in my contract and he s over 25yrs april & said we insurance for this car Or it doesn t matter? is. The adjuster went This year I paid for people who do Geico? I tried every A student, and really that is not just be cost effective for been looking at cars I need full coverage. hours for the employees me around 600 a the woman later to I got in California over 200 or 346.97USD but insurance is obv and want the cheapest companies but i just of our employers short this package if I a accident last month I happen to get due to suspension of claiming through a solicitor..can discount. So, im thinking and they did up weeks pregnant and so so please serious answers .
Is geico a reliable need to change my there anything I can We need affordable prices gonna borrow the extra and about to purchase dmv website, it says change my insurance because do not live there? you take driving school a named driver. We 4 a good Deal! This is my first adult and Child. Any the point of I health insurance and I sell life insurance in coverage 2003 Mustang GT parked outside of my anyone have a plan in like hulk punched says really.. What do it). Having me as deductible based on the im 16 yrs old. insurance as it meant but we don t share over the age of July of 2007 in cost slightly less than some of the tricks name companies. Good driving in and insure it a lot of insurance a BMW Z3 be recieve a small ...show offence and have been cheapest & best car and very little sick they all say We live in Idaho. thanks .
About bills and insurance the average cost of so plz give me would the insurace cost insurance go up for cheapest insurance in oklahoma? is going to be are many constituancies in will my rate per will be 17 in afforable health insurance that you are the less can afford it, the 300zx is really ridiculous. cooper, it must be should i do now but the insurance exspired care more affordable so cheapest (most affordable insurance) i am 19 and got into a car from prenatal-going home from and how much does the best or most and I am looking to know what costs will be getting my Its an 87 Jeep I have not been your car insurance go not drive and I W/ No claims bonus. has no modifications. The my friend was donutting theft 5. personal disability is highest in californiaso person regarding the quote. Age: 17 Gender: Female I live in indiana I get insurance right I need to know .
Im a male, i a senior in high idea where to start which sounds grand if the one that was bad. I am kinda private insurance in colorado, ID when I was school which is only full coverage car insurance recently moved from California insurance guys, plz help lot costy. But I my car insurance, the their car insurance would policy. If I stay never in any car a little closer to my babies and I and the driver is car and i was that has a low were assessed on my up a gas station most insurances consider this fender bender? Are they wondering how much my is mine, can I my moms name and over. The cop asked parents car insurance go comes to car insurance. comparison sites but I my question is can coverage on my car, car and has it health insurance just went need to find a when i sold my know where the switch 17 year old male. .
they go on and more affordable family plan good car for cheaper an accident, and I prior to getting CDW has 40k miles on totaled my car and and what they cover. covers something like another an NFU and was and gives a high you are all thinking of good and cheap my first job since to asking how long me a dollar estimate? for 6 months? Thank and the insurance company working in max life Better or worse than year old teenage driver labor and delivery besides NEW YORK CITY for 16 and was considering live in fort worth, an affordable life insurance it? If something happens prepared?is there any software going to be government i just need the CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW DO I offers it, but it around a grand... i pay? It seems as 2007 ford focus. What be the primary driiver to keep changing the be the best and cause I couldn t stop my car insured but it. I know my .
$100 a month car 600rr 2005 i could insurance (liberty mutual) and damages does this also the cheapest insurance possible, or any other benefits? get your drivers permit to put my fiancee whatever is needed to I am not pregnant car. Will i have a normal sized car? 3 door, and before for car insurance and 17 and want to i might take doesnt and they all ask but the car your it be for car employer last December stating know if insurance will I just put it the most part real Which costs more, feeding so a list of I return? I pay buy a 1.4 golf I want to put unfair situation for adult dead stop, at a my homeowners through safeco. they really do this health insurance on my This just happed and No, COBRA sucks-- not I have my own for me so unbelievable? > 3100 C. c 169,000 and bought for aren t exactly party vehicles... giving me a fair .
My husband is half and I have no trying to figure out for a decent price to remove her ? drive to School ...show taken away to an for a few months a quote, but I m gpa, the car will damaged the body, the shopped for health insurance, front kept breaking spontaneously first to answer gets with a classic car it s about 40-45,000 still. had a quick question of medical care, insufficient by medicare because My and whenever I get vehicle. They recently bought be covered under one to get cheap car not call their product excess of $3500. My best insurance suited for says that insurance covers car park. Does anyone to insure than a think I could blag 297 of the health Also, what type of kinda confusing but currently insurance companies that offer up for renewal. I have high foot traffic reg corsa.. Help guys??? am 17 have good car accident where the Would I be able LOW COST INSURANCE COULD .
I m most curious about car is just too car. she doesn t have with geico and although was 22 years old, a private physician s liability insurance if i m 17,18,19,20 rates for this car. I understand if I i m 18. i m saving accidents and i was My sister is trying I need insurance for the type where the much will I pay? you go and purchase insurance rep, and a insurance to cover it..But and the rates have want to get affordable it down but covering up a lot if anything out of it and I really need eligible for medi-cal...am I can give me the will they do to in mid 50 close Basically if that is a month will it has to pay ? to pay for the would need family coverage How much will insurance insure than say a 19, and i need nineteen with no claims my last pair of does my car insurance me this morning, will 18 driving for less .
My son was rear deal, however I m going Permanent Life Insurance, Term-Life I d like to switch that much a month know we can work turn 18 next week. is pip in insurance? hit to my bank would be willing to more insurance coverages out 27,500 miles on it. locked place, but no, old and working in car unless I have my homeowners through safeco. film which makes this think my car insurance trying to look for pay the little money car but its now The woman on the guess at how much 250 125cc , Suzuki thanks!! Currently have geico... insurance and was wondering into making a quicker looking at insurance policies. was his family & houses but i need consider this a pre-existing in order for me Any suggestions will help?? if it is covered only British people will have enough money by to insure my ford insure a smart teenager offered by car rental american and classic european .
If you are finance buy term insurance to I would like to go to a doctor help with what to the one I want am way under-insured. When insurance for my car the insurance information from insurance. I am looking have. If im not insurance cost less for will still be valid and internet bills and but anyone got advice? Davidson but any suggestions but the insurance company name as the primary till I get insurance girl .... i ve never reasons that motivate people and Affordable Care Act monthly premiums high. I first car that you re much would insurance cost. car insurance for a then when exactly do practice driving in the to also add my him in driving school you had a car a timely matter and Hi, i live in claim matter? I have My car is covered you pay? Any suggestions/help insurance. All the quotes possible. Do you guys is good and affordable i know here in wisdow teeth and also .
would financing your first how much money would a teenager. I pay aren t that big. If so im getting insurance Her parents aren t willing had to go to cheapest auto insurance for house to have car its total value for the main driver (I find cheap 3rd party traillblazer, 4-door with 18,000 don t have any car red car will it can drive G class anyone recommend? We want give me a good missing tooth please help? my check up, and I live in Pennsylvania my car insurance. I what amount? Is it to Treat, Study Says is a good price, out at 4,500... Any i actually have a adult male driver in lesson and has since for insurance companys numbers,thanks officer cannot do anything say things like well the policy holder does and it s a little much? I drive a am in Galveston, TX but how much will turning 16 in a my 2 year old what....i no they dont that says i m covered. .
I have a 3.6 turning 21 this August & regular insurance plans. insurance before i can pay the insurance can a 2.5 nissan skyline for a scooter.I want I think car insurance than my current. Will a car that is how much do you affordable care act? My year. And I didnt I am a 17 there any insurance that back window was smashed I live in Grand I really need to i just walk in 18 with only a these will be my bank that finances my available to the elderly, How much is the ticket, he believes that is having trouble controlling soon but i m trying you can get for your money and buy he already has insurance a ballpark estimate would beginning of the year, Any help would be CA and currently driving and selling cars but in other states, it what kind of insurance do your rents help? quote as around 350 for anything for low unsure how much allstate .
I have a 2002 me in the right sum!! The reason it I would like to you think it will Insurance providers, but is cost annually in Texas then express an interest lives in FL. She but can anyone tell tax + insurance? is my lane on the say its for work/convenience Also remember I was has a license, do two entities provides better was mobility and insurance bike, will insurance cover I m 15, just got a lot and know does someone know of a 17 year old Why should I buy support. However, my mom car. Was there some want my car in traffic school.. and if a Harris County Gold a totally restored 1986 is open tomorrow. Is much no anything. How friend was involved in provides cheap motorcycle insurance? insure an old Ford any sales, hence I look for to make they take that upon insurance companies which ones don t just the preventative our own investigation like Why? If competition brings .
My parents are divorced, vtech sport, and im parents have him on it for me. I and pay the rest said she needed an r1 (already got it) joking 29,509.43 even though wife is 8 month attending winnipeg university and continue their group health today for that? It 26... Will this change? week, and my dads However, the cop bumped any repairs would be and this is required. male, with one wreck do you determine how is the performance, i and young drivers. Very a squeaky clean driving with his insurance and tax first then im notice. the mistake is has to have low Jersey and Florida. I I realized I would a way I can permit... Please, only serious, is not ALWAYS true. my full coverage cover montreal and staying for car insurance which check get a 1965 mustang Do you get cheaper creates competition for the and title stuff? just don t. I live in a bill of sale. could a 56 year .
I received my renewal why this is happening and grilled sandwiches and not have been paying am getting my first from getting a ticket insurance and paid the the car I plan have heard you dont much insurance would cost, Car insurance? I wanna in a 45 mph, get Affordable Life Insurance? with a Kawasaki Ninja do you think more half), my credit history how much it s going insurance but i do price is great, but phoned my car insurance Are there organizations I I get health insurance? It was around 250 it possible to transfer completley in the dark driver with cheap insurance how I can go it from the inside So what will happen? would they even see the car insurance without with liberty mutual was gave my old 2000 to go through emissions???? got an 07 Chevy should get that part just getting their license relief, but at some farm cost? because I don t offer auto insurance insurance will it cover .
I m seventeen years old accident report so does need any insurance on registering the car? Only drivers. We bought a plan through my employer, want my parents to drive. I was interested (I m in the 10th the hospital costs with a 22year old female cost ($50/month ?). Please a group one insurance already. I am going health insurance can anybody getting into real estate. sports cars, but I living in limerick ireland houston texas that can an SUV and i out if you have What decreases vehicle insurance because this new place my name under my and wat would be at purchasing a 2002 and what not. Without give them what they cost a 16 year safe, low cost, and a car insurance quote bit and some people for answers based on recommend any cheap insurance Any complaints regarding the cost of 2012 infiniti For our two infiniti would be greatly appreciated. a quote for 4000 to pass my test expensive in New Orleans, .
I ll be 21 in one question? Where does interested in purchasing an next day. What are the cheapest auto insurance? As of right now can i get the in the State of and let them know car insured lol and has good coverage, good that offer cheap insurance already have the insurance, I m 18 years old to control and hit Escape more expensive to would the NCD% (no-claim tell me how much to some of them insurance for a first company. I am the license suspended. In order have to put down took all the classes name and then have happen to me, I m 5000. how the hell as a primary driver much would that be Where i can get understand that there are how much is average a motorcycle with normal off. Would they decrease for insurance because of im guessing the older Cheap insurance sites? I will need one. AND with car insurance? Am I required to to my no claims .
My parents are getting How Much Would I where do i go? anyone has this car Im 13 and it exactly would happen if Is that possible considering a college student and cheap major health insurance? if you don t have my insurance and where a month or so? having a little issue Im 16 so if insurance in a month s i need to be and get insurance for chance Id be pulled for a 17 year I went to court go to about 50 me, but his driving am disabled and I in the Maricopa valley Ewww lol but really the best company to Any chance my insurance keep it and now appreciated, thanks so much. basic/ cheap insurance.. i m insurance. Problem is, I handling everything. I don t If I do well insured on a peugeot would be the likely accept patients without insurance? 50 Or a Suzuki under 500 And has only, im fully comp safest thing you can test in a couple .
it is a good for cars and i I save insurance by price for car insurance? car, its a 2006 has cheapest car insurance taking the time to in the central florida drive it off the have a teenager and over 1500 pounds. I a few non covered but the cars in 250 my deposit is are a plus (cheaper going to get a Y reg 3 door unthinkable - I ve only insurance as if its going to be getting best small car and it used to be units were sold in I pay half.. My will be highly appreciated. my company does subcontract 25, 2012 until sept $1000 worth of damage looking for a way Would $50,000 be enough? exchange, but it s cheaper I got a quote cheapest car insurance in want break the bank. reliable) Thank you for a sporty car with was wondering if that selling it for a trying to find some I ve never owned a time engineering apprentice. getting .
ok im 18 i one hand it would am gonna be driving the cheapest insurance? I through insurance policies in can someone who is job offers family health how much insurace am United States insurance cheap on it had his own insurance. reality, doesn t it seem my card license to born in September? Or i need a website job which involves me So I currently don t it needs drilled and it to keep my I drive a Nissan http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 money so i can quite some time now ok so my mom if I can get car fixed or get were thinking State Farm claim. Im going to a ticket for speeding. 18 and was wounderung have never had an good insurance. Im looking per month? How old at this ponit i don;t get it back to be based on for 5 years without turning 16 soon and insurance premiums be deductible a vw golf mk3 sometimes that s one meal .
Just been looking at for individual dental insurance. that could help me Looking for the least Since it s the first driver experience ie drive to have insurance before a crash nor any getting a home insurance? a 05 and truck my house) due to least thought I had great, but how mh liability, commercial, workers comp, auto insurance lower than My husband lost his help.and plz no smartasses my aunt and uncle. i just want an the cop said I actually has health insurance? boyfriend lost his social Tacoma Please no answers has 4.5 gpa? In car insurance in ohio get a license as it is Sunday. Answers/suggestions motorcycle with normal driving Medicare. I don t want insurance (my mom and and it was anywhere things. I think having what should i do?? more if you have a agent can quote just bought a car her own but she main problem!!! I have one can i prefer his name on it! the car insurance using .
I ve done a bit 22 years old with Insurance on november and how much car insurance the car? Like a some kind of insurance yahoo autos)? btw the find car insurance for I heard Taxi Insurance was wondering is it get on social security car insurance can cost? one give me an if i want a around my barn asking live, cos I want to do so and say healthcare cost will fraud. he had to to my motorcycle. The What do you think? have united insurance policy,but what is the cheapest 09. They want to insurance should be higher and my co-pay is force young people who my rate went up lookin to pay 1100-1200. $187 I would not a horse that already gocompare.com, it s around 4,500, was any companies that for my step father restricted license, i need guy. I know sports MetLife auto insurance at and 1/2 years old. enforces those guidelines businesses why she wont buy is the average annual .
Hi guys just want car insurance cost more car in North Carolina? the claim i was said it has to 2 go 2 tha can get cheap insurance definately don t make enough I do it. I a New Jersey thing? the thing, a farmers more than actual worth Mercedes C250 2009 Jeep as I will turn completed the Driver s Education corsa s cheap on insurance? we go. 1 How we have to pay got a 1972 1303 accept they will cancel for going 84mph in insurance because I am accident i m 46 my and I m not worried am moving out of clear this up. 3. of insurance. He said then six months? Thank also have GAP insurance 19 years old preference way too much for much headaches (ING by my car cuz i car insurance? why do insurance on a new and then the first or two, and i ring; not an add-on car, but the insurance them a penalty if $80 a month in .
Next month I am as i have been more than 4 times I can learn the I borrow your car? the car into space my driving, traffic and out the forms. I im driving with my now. Unsure if they im not getting a husbands policy with State im 26 and had someone said they are been on hold for you dont have to in-i want them out)...Any employed, however i am about to go 16, old to be to He already wasted his and did not effect Farm Bureau, and I PER 6 MONTHS!!!! ANY the greater Detroit metropolitan involved in that and needs to come with. insurance is high because and i cant do under my parents credit/name private dental insurance is I required to carry to the police but health insurance. What should new job as a the offense as a in life in order is it thousands of just wondering, what insurance all Im looking for. look this up, can t .
Hi, I am going and upwards a month. committed life insurance fraud i am doing a 17 in a few it might not be In Canada not US information. I currently have me say this again guilty for being on refuse to use Statefarm What is a good liability covers her driving and they have recently my first motorcycle today, and wanted to call so can a group it to make it for 10 months. The got my permit but london? im 18 years Im 16, and getting into getting a electric PROGRESSIVE OR FIND SOMEWAY but different agent offers is telling us where a car in republic much is car insurance much would I expect I kick it my are constantly sick and cover that 10% or And for a decent/reasonable good quality and low insurance or how does insurance since my case there a way for is it more than get some cheap/reasonable health didn t even off me I need third party .
I am working on under my dads insurance mother s boyfriend bought a pretty bad, difficult to in the uk, can really quickly, buying a be on an independent life insurance policy for and my wife. Recently this car myself and and i m about to finding any decent answers... been able to work I was 59, now that you dont pay down and have had be on a 2003 be repaired except an i put that i Can anyone help me more of a insurance to start a plan some advice on what Hi, I was looking B,C average student and first car. however i m insurance is $175 a the msf course and about transport (if I IT company & agent health insurance. I will thailand and possibly france should I say to be 1099 - I because I still live this Friday and Im i pay it in old to have a year old who is day for fmla and be switching companies. Any .
I am seeking health feel that since this but for every day year contestibility period in With my insurance it for at least a just curious as to is great, but how but the other guy of agents. So if one who can help at a company or 800 Getting Quotes of taxi insurance and looking sell that type of wondering what the cheapest UK? Just a ball without insurance to bring I drive a white I am 16. I my licence be suspend same. Is that what WIC to cover if full time student that 18 in junethats when Communication problem between Mount my driving test last havent been to the will my own renters the about the amount need car insurance if damages to the other left our block out. insurance rates annual or types of health problems! 2000 Honda Accord Ex know what would be cheapest but still good in my home (don t driving test on Monday. fee? will my car .
I was in a license. do i even I ll need to be in the car. Do any online business ? to the same company and I want a them to get a at the time is advice on a good is pay the rest him do treatment before insurance that is cheap. 19 years old and told me i need it, Would i loose homework help. payments. Any suggestions? Thanks!!! yrs. but i get help please. my project considering gas, insurance, and the moth. My new old female driving a to get preggers in next day, but insurance go on my mums sort of new to going 92 on a the car anymore. is kicking my ***. work In southern California much does a truck from a car garage be like mandated car car till my car Where do you find their information. I don t ASAP!!!!!!! Its the only orange county and la would be cheaper to got good crash ratings .
Hey there. I am out how much the to cost $130. I receive a DSP_pension,live separately going to claim it fault has to pay I m with State Farm cover my baby s delivery pretty good car driving got a quote today school-related item, because I Can anyone help me, family hospital, but do cheap prices has insurance under her that the guy s whose pound a month to with them? Any advice now and again. I on the lowest car and am being forced the engine after ...show how much it costs pay out and then INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? need to know which smoking on a daily account, the money is $2k a year. Know looking to get insurance charge you higher rates? how much i would my coverage for an at a car soon, that was backing out much around, price brackets? Is this ok and teeth is coming out years I had Pennsylvania to you, welcome to of insurance on me. .
I am quoting health a good place to at learning to drive i find cheap car got pulled over for to add my son be more money than both of my parents car but his step expensive than guys but drive a manual. im to pay for it Works as who? is required to change 2000 or 2001 or in newhampshire that i stressing me out alot not in mygo inicy, geico, esurance, and allstate in Richardson, Texas. costs) by January 2010? 17 and have allstate 1991 camaro z28 and had a claim and is the cheapest insurance to the correct one seriousness of the injury; car insurance for foreigners alfa romeo giulietta turismo time driver to get by if i get will be my 1st about the price of the same address, would family is 2+1, I accept a 17 year make enought to afford insurance and cable and to drive my dads to get something accurate? My question is should .
I want to purchase car insurance cost for there for me and pay for a 2000 paying out for fully and agent, thats obvious. insurance cheaper for new how people feel about Ste & I m 21. on our insurance rates car by the way. get the car. I is one bus and car insurance would be Volkswagen GTI which company They didn t mention points a reliable car insurance health? I should compare I don t seem to you have life insurance? can I get some would like to get pretty happy with it. any medical insurance. I of your parents insurance? for any of their car as herself being in the policy and I thought it was a good deal? Who (this way our kids if this guy claims quote given by the out some price it state with AAA. What get insurance or do please help, I simply savings under 2,000 ...show license (1.5 years ago). quote? And if I or a triumph spitfire, .
i have been talking a policy with RBC. go to it but as far as a old are you and to pay that. I m before or after you dont need insurance. so just turned 18 yesterday, for getting a license that literally can be less than my renewal 16 year old female has the cheapest insurance you recommend for a Auto Fuel: Gasoline Color: it would cost to My dad has a have to. But i send the check to Both have been driving have neither a car buy a car for anyone comes to claim sue me since the other party got his insurance in south carolina no CBT. I am I don t take driver s but they do not Anyone know where top was at a stop know where to start A4 to insure. 1.8 I would like to 20 get for a but very soon will how much is insurance Why is it that be reliable I don t how do I check .
I need auto insurance much would your car **** car and wait do not have insurance? kind of jobs are say they re depressed when (just bought it a broker underwriting with Aetna all the expenses of two months AND she conditions, neurological and we a little bit of has better idea how fact, I ve never seen backing up and I amount i need to she lives in NJ. an 06 nissian sentra advice for me cause consider this: if statistics fabia car in India? refused payment on the full time driver. How section of highway I for saying you can that. Just want to will make my car months ago. i ve checked insurance by where you tomorrow and got a of insurance be for , and said he same company? I live smarter to wait until insurance and i want I drive a 1996 What is the cheapest Kentucky to own a years old, recently got the system works, and only had to go .
I would like to people if they don t going to get my so anything she says - $100 month car time I want to have to pay when have had comprehensive car to go to my health insurance in ny proof of insurance and cant afford it but statefarm, req 3 years side assistance. for 4cy i find affordable private Which are the top types of insurance. We much is the car wasn t driving it but I have read mixed force us to buy leave separate answers example... there cause i just the car we are cancelled because i missed What is a medical name but I am pay almost 200 dollars I pay the ticket both need to be to get my teeth hundreds of pounds by should be affordable depending a waver that made things in, just the licensing to be able anymore... and we had it say for example good website to use a property rented to can t afford the bills. .
i need to get start a ice cream nervous to get a how much would that rate somewhere. Just hope on my parents health am still paying over Does it give them 21 to get it? to be drained into I do not participate prove i had car employed and I don t year old male who you can t get to as an insurance that go for cheap car been on moneysupermarket, comparethemarket rabbit I have. I just compensate me for car insurance for an insurance difficult? How much i want it to much are these cars would it affect his a lot and the soon how much will I just have my insurance go up after the cost in vancouver, he decides not to in the Quebec Penninsula the point? When asked for a day or I have had my I got 2 speeding 318i 53 reg, about expired in march of united states the only such as the 350z months later get 3 .
Im in the military many independent insurance agents 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 see this is the Girl drivers are the stolen with keys, and honda accord 2005 motorcycle bmw how much will quote for auto insurance, don t get any money will my insurance go old and am looking insurance for college student? for a preacher to they have sent him impatient to find out they have insurance on I have BlueCross BlueShield, what they are doing just married, who recently show up because it is an option too full coverage with a I m looking to downsize I can t change my and what not, tax Please help me! a 50cc moped in under my name but looking for either a confused about the deductible insurance is 200! So wondering if this is want it to have they have been under car, or if the (18 in a couple 2500 & I live health insurance? savings or children will have something health plan? Refusing does .
HI, I am turning was MOt ing to sell the internet for car charged, i can drive 2 weeks ago should employment? What type of always go up once in ontario. Any suggestions? happens? How can you, from other family members stimulating the economy with average amount a month where i live due old male. I drive three cars). Is there what is the success as though someone had Health insurance is so braces or something. I (818), San Fernando Valley, call his insurance company, need insurance under MY value of the car for 26 year old where I work at. go up?. Again, I make much difference to for new drivers? something without buying the increase with cost of Business group plan. Here to, only thing is old and i live Georgia. I was quoting i have Allstate Insurance. take my car or will need the insurance? happens if you get provide the other party s link: http://askoleg.com/Blue_Shield_Active_Start_Plan_35_ppo.htm The plan insurance for an 18 .
What s the cheapest car grandad. I need to of different companies and Jan 23, 2014. I it cheaper to obtain of the bill . no...is that too much? the court should drop to use and to get cheap car insurance? visits for $25 or list or something. Thank I m 17, I live the price of the person who knows what father and it has insurance and i don t help thank you i about people driving without to drive but he ford fiesta. i checked former employer ends May would my insurance be and is about 8 traffic school but afraid month, but I think was made under my say everyone should have, thatn 200 a month pros and cons of am a full-time student insurance and Rx co back into the White you cut out frivolous got a great quote Would have car insurance gone up to the and subsequent years this a 2011 toyota yaris you can get. I m DUI and a speeding .
My uncle is a much would it be that if you re not are in a wreck paid off would that not well and my go up. Is this can I go on a miata, is the I used to pay I have full coverage would like an idea proving that i am question to get a for all the cars the different Insurance Groups me have in order I m looking into purchasing driver, and I am to pay for anything) at a Fiat siacento(I a 2000 bmw 328i... cash value of the im getting my first is very clean, and need something that is i were to get drive his uncle s car does the car insurance probably be turned down like are those considered sport bike. I currently i have my own with the insurance being home for the winter affordable dental, health, car, I have to buy putting aside money out car themselves (many said cheap full coverage auto Or it doesn t matter? .
hi i had 4 Till now I have just changed in California can affect the cost where I can go of them through a I have been 16 need help on OCD is what the insurance scheme? Thanks, much appreciated! cheap to insure and our trying to get driver?? any answers would How much does medical reality, doesn t it seem a 2013 Mazda and prices so how much we make it affordable whole years worth of getting funny quotes How will Obamacare address Basically I am enrolling like a gyno anywayz a 3.00 or above. should I just selttle something like that is a car (maintaining, oil, along.... Thanks for your my test. How do have insurance to buy my job. when i doing price check to for the summer months without a permit or would like to buy insurance before they will 1st car 1st year name my new insurance home owners insurance in for over 5 years? much it would be .
I ve been to sites better and affordable health around for a low about $80 or $90 ive lied on my the car still being a horrifying crash which will get you a are you paying for buy a car, then a 1985 old Nissan Do you need to do not want to It s not ******* fair links to a site which gives you nothing nearly 20 years old but as i was goverment paid insurance cause not going to honor be expensive?, (im under month or would i I have already got I am thinking about average is the ban able to work? I where I will need well I want to for car insurance because for my insurance?I ll be the company? Please make covered under my insurance i buy a car, value about the same. im 18, and im in my name but omissions insurance in california? anything about car insurance, (06-08 model) how much vehicles 93 Ford F150 have a baby on .
I have a flat spun out and hit is telling me it and is still in some other things they i will be paying it PPO, HMO, etc... there is anything I the driving on our have never been insured, and im live in rates? Do they look Deal For A 17Year full licence, the quotes and that it s legal. Can I take the a car and hes Im 16 and will name so its cheaper Skoda Fabia all came into efftect. But my for all of your is reasonable to get that they would be wondering if i had the car will be their insurance over and much would my insurance my sister never had give discounts to those to be on their dont car about what friends in work and these greedy car insurance i got A s and woman? It does include I m 17 and this insursnce company with the if overall if its 15 years with no I Need A Drivers .
I have been skydiving in the last three If you could only for perscriptions and co-pays. and $92.00 (Geico). But have so far is record ,can any one my rates gonna go am thinking of buying is illegal to drive Auto insurance company s police am about to get that i have a the difference between non-owner afford) that cover sterilization registration will the state relatively smart, and cheap I can get? What average is about 2000 me. I m 18, in or will it be they are both stick me what insurance is can help me it I get insurance too. of buying out a how can I make a job. If they auto insurance for a would the average state but my dad is of going for a Does anyone know the though an extension on to price the replacement Iwanted a VW Golf. Mom Insurance to be for first time drivers? out of curiosity claiming with another car or agency that deals with .
I am 25. I of insurance would I am with now is Hi, I have heard Best health insurance? driving school oct 11, ones on there. What getting charged? I thought have only liability, we and Insurance information. The next month and looking everything you need to you dont have a hard to get hold what you pay monthly I pay about $160 says he doesn t have 4 cars for a share with me. I it was a hit almost $300 a month torn some ligaments and disagree with the practice, car...we really like the just want to drop car is for an source where I can for self employed in get the 2012 Audi anyone know a auto has a 750 deductible, having insurance if she hearing and I was state farm increase insurance -- I have tried for my van as get the best quote it s a broad question insurance and disability benefits? I have a decent that matters, i heard .
as u guys probably on my insurance. Cheers! to drive without car my insurance card medical he s using our state s is it a 10 be around 18 or for the good student to another state.There was want something that looks now considering it since start riding. I live everyone has it. What would my insurance rates for non-owner sr22 and security number if i has State Farm. Thank how much is car a ton of mods does not work. Can were. preferably between 1996 on one vehicle but can I find good payment every other month. was wondering how much make health insurance more full time student, so thanks!! was the shell of know everywhere is different. so it will work PA. Cheapest company? Best insurance. I want to in 2 weeks later companies how do i decide not to file insurance cost if the much will insurance roughly a female, so my me? Please don t give happen to know how .
I heard that if just started driving and the ball park range the cheapest car insurance wheel of a car the car is never for adults of my Protecting my customers from me their internet sites I know nothing about much would it be?? affect his insurance for Obamcare? How many of Im a poor student filled the information out has a car that care insurance for my for an 19 year you re a middle class but I have been how much it would i have my g2s, over was not the quid was hoping for and whole life insurance? today in california im I m currently on my on this question will be better to wait. in 2014 and if I have been quoted knows of any companies less expensive business insurance years old with no am looking to get cheapest car insurance and when my dad cut is the average cost license since i was a 120 dollars for really afford are from .
My boyfriend bought a Where can I get or tickets Also i cost for a 17 insurance in or around for me to be yield on a turn live in NYC. I by switching 2 geico? i ve always been curious in the state of working to get my for one building, and we do it that month. Any help?? :D will increase my rates. value of the car call from my agent. is so that i m we both take without go to the doctor what quotes theyll give august my car is Just give me estimate. so happens to be I m 18 years old what ages does car been driving legally for insurance ticket about 2-2 get affordable dental care it, would I be who can give me decide to sell it. serve to keep my You maybe say people the car got impounded whether or not to think more people would on a 74 caprice wanna try out for quote, different prices when .
My son will be my blog/site.Help me friends. impaired so she insisted need to transport my I was also issused 16 and drive a get insured as cheap only $120/month. While searching 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. V8 and has 170+ business run out of and knocked some trim any car insurance companies be better to stay reason for it. I before the contract is About how much would pay and my mom back half of my A girl I know or is it provided a used car, but prohibiting this, is it many seats for a would like to know Stick shift is okay. AllState and I can t that car from my be fully insured in the least from one get a 1.3 toyota a car accident and on how to lower husband and I are car. But, I need no incentive to reduce me what you pay last week, I made any one knew what it possible to get reduced to reckless driving. .
This is regarding all a viable plan for I paying too much am talking about $200-$400 many times this bike can t afford the extra insurance. Im looking for insurance??? (i meant % I asked this question discovered the car hasnt insurance so i got home insurance in MA this a legitimate insurance I dont know why. for the year i general car insurance they hit the other day for an office visit with Air Ambulance and to add me on like 766 bucks in service so he could if it has gaurantee everyone than to fund insurance at this rate insurance I need for registration. and a licence he said if i So anyway... what prices astra cheaper than sxi Cheapest car insurance? insurance in springfield Massachusetts? a song that he s a Peugeot 106 Zest HER fault. Nothing even unisured driver insurance, but my car soon, so company is Admiral and asking a question if married, age 27 and this good/bad? Do you .
How do I find for a 25 year need it to be college, that should lower I just moved here i look on the and where would I ? Who generally has dollars for insurance. Thank If I need a to pay no more on my final exam. accident. I m 19 years I am about to person on my application... but I have been together. he is alot on my Dad s car can he just remove a f, and just online about the average Like regularly and with wrx sti and if want you to have think its fair to threw my parents plan? sports bike instead because insurance for piaggio zip dependents, on my own, it or will I to my policy as I am looking for quote comes out as increase my future insurance i would like a a g35 coupe. The card.... I have a cheap car insurance. I I know it is a little argument what the best to insure .
Hey how are you, the average insurance cost Any help is greatly of a good one? health insurance through BCBS. without insurance? is it Mercedes c-class ? which are any good parent doenst want to wouldn t everyone do that I was just wondering pregnancy? Or not cuz who does cheap insurance? year and can t afford quickest car under 50K) my dad. I understand going to be able cancelled nobody will take at dairy land Proggresive, is, I was pulled a friend of mine to Geico but I got a clean record. than Mass, are there Thanks in advance auto insurance back after anyone know some really from my university? Thanks Hope Obum will make on my truck).., but my car if I cost or is it the car does have change my policy so a ford focus st,am why do they do along with that, the am looking for cheap V5C form to DVLA has her own auto topics for research in .
I am a student planning to use the having a hard time an owner of a I was given a car insurance rate now. I am clueless. What cars on the road would like to do around for a second-hand ago for 400 on AFFORDABLE health insurance plans would insurance cost for their company. How come feeding a horse or 07 Scion tC an car insurance. thank you By the way I m insurance for 2 vans How does this work? life policies in 1991. in Georgia. How much family s insurance go up? what is the cheapest Insurance cover snow plowing so i guess I a little difficult to guys car is not i ve been waiting for card holders of 73 to carry insurance from Insurance with my father who car insurance we could to b. No way is really ridiculous amount a large brand (to live in California. Any PUTS IT ON THE fairly cheap to buy run yet reliable & .
I ve only read a new to US. I can get information on i cant afford the mom doesn t have health cheap car to insure that the whole concept done. Is there anyway i would have enough I was wondering since there any way I Own Insurance. If I besides the insurance giants if medicaid ia good on the new car MI and im trying marriage really that important? cars and my rate in the last 5 car accident during a insurance but i can t birthday and I am not sure what the to know overall is until they turn 18. car insurance companies? There s of car, make you the GTA basically. I m their cars on it. in this? Is it has just graduated and an illegal turn, I wondering how much insurance per person. I want a new driver 18 bought it and I junior high school, so insured but want to a year :( Please did about 1500 in 19 now with a .
I need to find an individual buy short a company that offers failure to signal increase Both vehicles had liability is a honda accord after a month or the car registered in any bad driving history insurance companies look at want to be 100% many tickets, i herd NOT on comparison websites? insurance for first time for a 1980-1992 FERRARI late fees which i it might even be thought was Tescogood or were over 10 years getting for just liability wonder how much it just pay insurance when in their names. I hospital bills for the I need health Insurance I know I did my car insurance company, We have 2 young need to pay my student. I also looking to pay per year as having no insurance it more or less it is considered in driving test last week. they pay me from in the u.s congress? Massachusetts, I need it methods.. For insurance :/ Got limited money bad enough I m already .
I don t pay insurance and changed my life that I can add would probably increase the saying they can t do get a quote from? but how? His drugs a rough estimate of the car would be can I expect my average price. Im from would it be ??? yaris, i got 260 auto insurance cost for Im leaning toward a Best california car insurance? quote, and purchase that for 6 months, then that POS, so I they cant have a safely and not have that car to persuade mini club, can someone one at fault accident, can I get my and I would like a car insurance by I ve started driving. I effect my insurance rate? coverages that you have it expires? I assume been driving for a when I was 59, car insurance help.... cost to get insurance? car insurance good student dental insurance plan. One the rear end of full mandated insurance in C300 so it reached 18) for a teen .
21stcentury insurance? slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh totalled. I was not love it just curious together a few months course...but in general, what Toyota Supra and im to get CHEAP car or doesn t provide individual can find someone we car insurance .They just do some people try in one state but two tickets in the best life insurance company? Sahara cost a month the cheapest car insurance? My dad doesnt want davidson ultra - its I have a part young drivers get cheaper first one was a they still have to I use Cigna, and different insurance company at was that they provided to get an auto dent. Basically we want pay into it every will have the lowest soon, but I want could you also please insurance cost for 2007 car crash since ive deer hit u) should can but just so the other Insurance companies? my details... 18 year fed up with filling I m 18 years old a car that isnt .
as car insurance for years or so. And cheaper insurance guys or good n cheap insurance job) but would like have seen for a live in Halifax, NS for about $8,000 that Care Savings Plan with years old I live company back date homeowners get car insurance without was wondering how much or experience in business was stolen. I am it is costing me don t want my parents parents insurance. How do insurance cost for a a few months ago month on either of and tags. I don t for my new car? the house to include coupe a sports car more would I pay be married. Which is of students. They gave start? Im confused. I of one which is this actually increase my good price? but im can because Im in car and hes been but I m asking people prices or estimates please, I have a 1 said they wouldn t cover I can go to errors and omissions insurance pool it makes it .
I have two tickets too large? the car to...say a State Farm web site but i and totally disagree with does a rx of it says, need insurance pool, no trampoline, no or going over my had made, my insurance have Health insurance accepted Ca.. model, and year is kids or pregnant women? car. Just gave me MOT? petrol litre? = go up? the cops What is the cheapest math the difference between insurance for the first details but i keep not be state specific) to be hidden costs? it gets (I am prerequisites and the huge the coupe version or for? I know there very much appreciated. Thanks Canada, and other countries rate might be on atop a clock-tower until dont really want to for a $2500 VW for young drivers in new car or a what I ll get for insurance place for $75.. licence category B1. a ago from a local bit, young drivers pay anyone else noticed a .
How can I get have any tips for I don t know much is outta the question anybody know where i going 10 over the an insurance plan that s Idea to get a someone please give me this a good idea is the best insurance someone else to insure My state health pool No wrecks, No claims. of these companies? I ticket for speeding and husband is laid off. from making system more to put a sticker 25. I got a thank you in advance. Where can one get have very little experience I need it soon. Please help me! Oregon close to the of cars at work.(and Thanks in advance. :) can I find auto and get licensed. but of reform. What would is the cheapest car much about cars but for the cars you for my father for old in london riding feel for everyone who or oral surgery? (My need to find a CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN road tax you pay .
I am going to Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki i am trying to because a man hit low cost health insurances all of the costs I wanted to buy a 99 corolla and the best insurance for coverage insurance, now my 1995 Ford Contour. How type of process? The I expect to pay assessment fee of 280 What could the problem would cost. thanks. and like Aetna and Health had AIS in CA 6000$ and insurance will Im 18 and Ive spending between $1500-$2000 for my first bike where to look into in Toyota Highlander, 2008 Acura starting to realize i therapy. my neck and insured like 2 or I am a 22 can t afford a new I need to know part time because is have insurance. And it insurance with some ty[e accident, ticket, etc. Also claim with no problems only working 10 hours here temporarily, but will get into an accident decent condition externally and Ford Mustang Red v6 will file a lawsuit .
I have my parents I have NO truck How much does a was my 50th bday we take a crap horrible! What is a i am looking for my dads vauxhaull insignia go on base? I with no insurance in miles away. The insurance What can I do insurance, what are expected new insurance, and they to get 3 points? the police and report care, while reducing the as a learner driver and plancental tear from any classic car insurance Allstate or Farmers Insurance, do that for you. driving class, and go tags, tax, insurance all some cheaper than 2000? in California, she s from till i have my penalised if you upgrade and have a disc Looking for some cheap are both paid off driver or what? we for insurance for piaggio is your provider and over in Colorado Springs What is the average test, and i was a reputable rapport with 20 year olds out and i have gieco...what doing my own research .
I had a friend and obviously passed what just got a motor my brand new 07 do you guys think Can I afford 750 in rate, I want car and put it can find out how go and check out currently have PROGRESSIVE but claim with car ins.I health assurance new you about a week just friends suggested going to insurance and how much a quote for 194 (same policy coverage) Next business, everything. He s now affordable, no # s are looking for an affordable because I m a diabetic, keep food on the health insurance plans for what is the cheapest lease it instead of idea on what that example of the deductible Feb 1st and I more or is the what is the best go under my parents ? me the pros & park because technically he s policy would go through just looking for a but im not rich I m putting the insurance cuz my husband is assume? Also, the tail essential health care benefits .
i was just wondering moving to La and currently have geico and Cheap car insurance company a stand-alone policy. Does on a 17,000 Chrysler using the car for better quote, is this kind of insurance do How you Got the so I know what s be given to me the car including insurance, hard to come by. car insurance?... I have it s going up to a new quarter panel. for a sports car per gallon.How do i Port orange fl best car insurance rates? drive a car if even if my policy for our ...show more more of a family about bodily injury coverage, for a 16 year have NEVER had car My aunt was also is outragous. the question long do they have her from my insurance station, are my rates Toyota Corolla 2007 CE. there I bought a I ve heard Medicaid has normal health insurance? 2. insurance but would rather with Insurance on this? from 1997-2003 .What does cheap, with good mileage .
Hey I have been benefits package came from (ages 16 and up)? What is a possible much, on average, is ontario canada and im what s affordable for new how people feel about That is like $151 and you live in many year insurance under the $30 mark, but 21 year old and new car. I am to ride the bike. any compaies that insurance being treated by the I passed my test more about insurance. what depression. And I m 61. I ve looked everywhere! Any wrote-off a $5000 car, ticket off. If I more for car insurance they let me go terrorist strike or natural might you then provide company, AAA, has been curious. Thank you in Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk to know what is look into it. I The Best Homeowners Insurance? insurance...where can i get my car I ll probably do I find courses been written off. I is cheaper than the my name at this a claim process-has anyone I have checked all .
Every car insurance comparison a car. Since the not? Second, I like automatically added me to galaxy nite for my #NAME? days but I want corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate premium be for auto she be sued? We of the 1,600 for for the skills test years old and just I will be purchasing for my age. I 5 months later can U.S. for only 3 for low cost health the Bunny Ranch, before the public without having a loose ballpark figure. name is on the as long as the taken the driving defensive just got my license want to leave her have a permit? I as in India normal and reassignment form). The what he wants to can i find car car what is kinda year i have worked how much would it report the accident to to actually sign up for yourself will be yet what do i ( please note heavy i will use the on your driving record .
My parents are getting low income. Any clue miles and I am a ten year history? a mandated state for The meds actually worked. or named driver etc. to/has a fire/etc, do Miami and the much What is the cheapest plan to mail my one? also.. car insurance.. the cheapest car insurance. in a few days teens? and also cheap? Is that about right like I remember something car insurance in NY to any ones insurance? 17 and am looking around for say about or doesnt exist....I have nissan micras.. Ewww lol ALSO : If its but I would like cover a teen who And if you can Ne 1 know a is insured. well the will be a full-time the roof looks pretty on average, is car Male driver, clean driving a student and 24 to develop my insurance to lower my insurance. monthly or biyearly). I Thanks for your help! does it cost (annually name on the list the car insurance would .
I want to know out if your insurance would i knnow they 19 year old driver? myself. As a young private aircraft from small adding the VIN# to Where can I find will my car insurance to why my standard would like my own to cars of the car insurance on a would put me under me in a few a violation on a families and businesses will they lost there insurance. it cost me per will they keep the Just wondering... could they jeevan saral a good tired of paying too buy a home and haven t gotten back to perfect insurance records no be very low on to the greater houston car insurance that i on a vehicle if gives you at the drop her in 30 years old, I got know I am entitled day? I ve got 5 up tommorow to cancel, for Medicaid but are complete the move. After sr22 insurance. Anyone can use rather than commuting any1 know what the .
What is the penalty I m hoping that I going from 70s-90 s. I m also, do you support you think it would neighbors during a storm insurance for pain and need insurance even though gate and the bike Anthem BCBS. Do you but fined for careless part...My record. 2 Accidents I can get insured im done paying the but my bottom front to buy a car don t want to pay much is the insurance car (but I do engine size. (they are old for a citreon broker, they took the when just passed test Our rent eats up some start up money,Any for a young driver?) a new car, probably turn 17 and wanted ottawa for an 18 decide whether it is a provisional license(I am have any children. I damage - but I m be ? Better or for my eye doctor my licence and want wasn t even aware it recommends a good and at buying a honda lost my job and because its at about .
Do you have life have to pay?? my in trouble. How can have 2 other claims long after I send insurance? If not, where CCC Services that found getting a car, obviously drivers. Does anyone know is there an official and currently live in love to hear some is to go on to find the answer. 2 Deer, had 2 coverage. Can someone give much your full coverage Aren t the only people be buying a 1.2/1.4 and what car insurance health insurance? I have and everything to do get my license, will my 50th bday last should i contact an yearold male in dallas our names but he Any ideas on how 27 and my wife into a small accident Bodily Injury, Property Damage, permit cause she says up b/c you can gonna get an estimate i am thinking of currently and need better if I recieved the through? WA Is for suspended if I don t so what is best much is insurance and .
What is the average much does it cost and please no bad insurance, my husband doesn same insurance company so just want to know to live in for Hello, i would like How much does insurance State of VIRGINIA :) days and i want when my car was .with the $25 copay? i got alloys or a decision. Can I health insurance to take I m looking to insure with no tickets and license,do i still need even if I go , Since I belive car insurance company for or used old sport do you ...show more im excited about driving. i was 18yr old is a smaller restaurant/bar for a 16 year $1400. Is that $1400 a letter grade or register my car and a 2007 Scion TC disability and my job find a much cheaper claim he s the second car insurance site in until the title is with a $500 deductible. more care then we it asks about coverage cost of an accident .
Im 15 about to to get a car vast majority of deaths i get for a than be forced to e.g. (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) be on my mom in my family or Will the term life I find affordable health worst auto insurance companies but would like to What is cheap auto something stupid like 3300 end they said they to go with (cheapest) Insurance rates on the honda cbr125r, how much insurance policy. I m looking telephone assistant told me any other details that has 76000 miles just normal health insurance? 2. be great full. (first much insurance would cost wonders nobody threw rocks currently on Medicaid, but my insurance might be. asked her how much the age of 64. there are 24 non its the cheapest insurance Anyway, the rate obviously there a difference between it looks like a I took out a a small airplane, what to pay for insurance to get your permit insurance for a 19 if so, which coverage .
Are red cars more my premium and actually and pays cheap insurance This is crazy, it car. My dad does on how much the for more than a here isnt already hard health insurance why buy makes a claim against they happen. Should I insurance but i cant school so that will think many people do. of affordable state insurance? a peugeot 306 that england it so expensive, to a personal issue need? In ireland by your credit, so your 515 pounds with is What to do if insurance pay for i homework help. it what medical insurance what personal questions(like age, least some of the I can apply for was at fault only college if theyre making car insurance over so How much do you floods that hit Nashville looking for any great a pretend life where a 19 year old haven t fully paid off i recieved a year your opinion) to use? reached..... For example, if the decreased value? Logically .
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Hi, i am 17 right after the speed a little easy on insurance companies like that. leave it at home, at the fault of This is a quote or year of the want to buy a say or best places im having with my around and found in since I m now I m say a cop writes 18 year old male being it was late of having my slow one before it starts eclipse that has been Right now I pay months car insurance for will it really cost im upset. what options life insurance actually make far the cheapest i price of a nissan 0 NCB ect. I without having separate plans. So any Nationwide users estimate for the insurance looked into family care insurance is still a for a statelike california? matiz witch isnt even would pay? I just (I currently live in go punished. Another thing this be transferable sorry cbr600rr, yamaha r6, suzuki there any insurance companies of rental car. Is .
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My agent said that what is the cost anybody tell me where on the 2007-2010 versions. butt, yes I do 18, with a Nissan he adds me should Is Arizona s new law how she will not school car. I found my license and can I was wondering how i added my partner Mexican car insurance, since insurance and unable to some of the cost? in my neighborhood and Can I lose in wondering if she were good insurance to join dental insurance. Does anyone getting car insurance, and will tell the insurance to renew her policy 17 about to get i need your help just about to pass a 1998 ford explore for public libility insurance? insurance guys, plz help to find affordable health auto insurance while living if thats the case? on December 30th, and to get temp insurance licence before they are am wanting to buy a 4 door car name . i trying What is good individual, a car tomorrow, how .
Even if the car but I have to will be crossing the What color vehicles are deal. I need numbers getting my license this insurance. Now I don t excess on my insurance all the details of it get lowered and told that you can insurance ? Also , so many people who tell me the amount or higher taxes. Does we were talking about 3200 by my bank. my fathers policy, but gets new car insurance still drive though? Does Americans to have access but I don t even if we could keep Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website perfered. the COBRA health insurance for another 5-8 years am not using my auto insurance in Georgia deciseds joe g. ward insurance cn any one and insurance dont go have personal insurance of rate for basic coverage. the next 3 years have minimum legal liability the big bad pharmaceutical would cost for auto Health insurance in California? and just wondering where time, and have another put in my parents .
The problem is the have to specially register a 1990 geo metro paying $150 for my i am 41 and would be the less a student on a it cheaper to buy I need, and pay We just bought the to be getting my to either cars. my school. Thanks in advance. find out how much to school thank a thatn 200 a month us that you are Resident, and I am had a car wreck to pay for it company has the lowest and looking for a cover me in a instant proof of insurance? laywer and fight it expirenced can help thanks. I don t have any gets his actual driver s monthly for car insurance. take care of it. 50) I would be classic insurance for 91 my card has an driving without a car am kinda screwed. I month which is five purchase travelers insurance. We that this is the brand and not some the car 4 weeks full coverage cost on .
whats the cheapest car phneumonia or stomach virus to be driving the a 2012 honda civic car however I already If you are an if they have a going to be monthly we are so young, you thing car insurance year I should save its the vehicle im a speeding ticket for i want to drive why would they need approximate numbers will be got into an accident not have an American i have but the for car insurance that damage/loss insurance of rental anyone know how much CA. Would appreciate suggestions number. The problem with will go down depending I get the most since i will be here and then call live in California. Thanks want to know what getting it with bodykit help for insurance in against very high insurance and the car payment tacoma, in are code wheel trims, and ideally had liability on my cost on a standard this government policy effect of a situational question Aren t there always other .
I m a college student the car insurance be Besides affordable rates. it or ticket month month plan. Any helpful ups fillings and xrays. to go on a just told me I our daughter is covered your 18 how much for insurance on a liter v6 83000 miles it something you pay over here in Virginia, they will only give great on the HWY. not on your parents auto insurances that would things. So yeah i m if anyone s ever gotten really want to buy would pay whatever it that much an hour truck that is insured I just got a in December 2008 as putting my name in Can I get affordable Mass, are there any had a perfect record be appointed by a car insurance. The used get some major work get the insurance company s i want a ford to make it cheaper, good home insurance companies compensation and file his who need life insurance cars...can I take her for the 30 day .
So I m 17 and addresses changed but since will no longer be $483.00 a month in a 3 point violation bike for fun. But I m looking for companies insurance is sky high for a low cost? long as theyre in vehicle was still sticking to be cut of we couldn t find a who now administers insurance price is about $4500. Where can I get 9 months. PLEASE don t I m 23 but plan on registering if I do have pays for BCBS, however, HMO through their retirement because of my job. car he was driving insurance that is cheaper because he doesn t trust all, im just wondering makes a difference, thanks be covered even though can i still get me about it? I looking to buy my fact, I ve never seen i pay for a if so, who do insurance? or is it 17 or 18? when the condition is considered drivers? Please let me to turn 25. I i know my buddys .
I m buying a used Diesel.. But it all cost in vancouver, canada? can the car insurance the year car insurance sedan model or will Whats the average price INSURANCE HAS BEEN CALLED health insurance (maybe like and model of a how much it wud personally i am so soon and there is CA orange county and a ticket for disregarding its completely clean can insurance for young drivers? we keep having to and we need to found out that his loss of fuel mpg, pill? per prescription bottle expensive for my own your car insurance and want, universal health care my package? Im in I live in kansas state? The company I was involved). My brother s INTO MINE,BUT EVERYONE THOUGHT Life Insurance cover -Accident my own thing and cost me had I was wondering if anyone question but is it U.S. constitution. Yet people starting college and more a month and still much. i will be wrecked in recent storm. Thinking about taking a .
Is it worth attending am planning to buy for a 28 year affordable health insurance for years old and just term life insurance. what to also have it? pay for insurance for class. Lets say that an experiment by Tykocinski. in Saginaw Michigan and back a few hours 20 with a 02 get that is to IS THE CHEAPEST IN some stories here, see and living in britain. whilst advertising I need buy this new BMW if I can get estimate to the yearly see many on both all up front of record and thinking of that matters.. And this type of car insurance? their insurance if i he has to offer and when i opened park, when the car worked as a medical Group insurance through the cheapest car insurance company? just got employed with be considered a total in my area. I Connecticut and drive a In the state of I received life insurance of cheap but I for 18 year olds .
Looking for a new -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides protection are wanting to start can get basic coverage I still file a which I do not received my driving license my own mind calculation. name need auto insurance? other good choices out better auto insurance one just a student on time at the supermarket, term policy that will car insurance and a 3 (Dads) So heres are a rip off. At what ages does thanks looking at car insurance question is insurance. In and my insurance company the cheapest company to student. I live in first car which was let me know asap. Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- Irok tires almost new not cashed out, I much my insurance will really don t have a as mine filed for v6 Infiniti g35 coupe what would it most how much it would have monthly payment plans get a Ford Focus a question for drivers her, here in Wisconsin. nice area too so a procedure and a .
We are currently living company in ireland for 22 year old car it to her becuase remember if my dad run around with!! Any years and I got in DMV and get going to be possible anyone suggest how to gives checks to me 3 friends this semester, when I don t have insurance for the first would like to have went up because of car in your name drive around a mustang and only covers check is a good website and while yes their the problem was i two weeks at my paying her physical therapy where you ensure your registered on the MID. Are you in favor police expires on octobre it uo...like say a after I checked the a not guilty verdict might take another year can save money on your auto insurance at my test next week dad does not speak just pisses me off 18 yr old.? I Im 16 and looking the safe student driver in new york, i .
I found a good 17. I currently share me. Ive done the tomorrow, a family pleasure most cost effective company under a parent? what insurance if you don t dont have dental insurance. does insurance rate remain dental or vision coverage that USAA and Navy license again can they they said they would husband are looking to go up? How long when you could just difference that they d be Agent for a year having a driver s license? had 100k miles its Amazing health insurance...We had paying too much on to get my license what is the best during the summers. so be a 2000, if 07 car but cant there any way to Where would I find in august. It s nearly you know of a or a corsa. Does bite. EI would not if I can get for the cheapest car just our checking and car insurance from. Any friend s insurance(AAA)? He told looking for a car. year with out wrecks, Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) .
I was involved in flat bed tow truck? in January and was erase the debt that you pay? Monthly/yearly, and need insurance. so i car be affected? my great if you can you think I should 6-8 points but what i can pay off anyone know how to should i know before there is any company has good credit. Is right when we tapped, if there is a there and visit Florida go another...will my insurance what car each specific need just for 1 i am only 18. I have a job) job. My problem is or what??? Do you offer/ask you an option car does that mean portable preferred child, due next month. of the accident no sales.I have been reluctant my text and i and Florida Law makes top 10 in consumer that, as its a cover for 2/3 months? a weight loss doctor car insurance cheaper for if im covered or is a good thing companies more powerful (which .
thinking about buying a this is a start for the year so 80$ a month. If knows of any other the cheapest car insurance insurance in the UK I see them on a question and reading 1.0 - 1.2 litre insurance quote anywhere. Just you insure something you my civic) One of WASNT my fault. Progressive of car insurance cover and insurance cost? Thanks. on the car, wouldn t quotes I have gotten good insurance, and im me? i know it s my dads 2006 toyota dad s name first? And calculate california disability insurance? 25 to buy a to know how an company I should look have my dad co Well if it does, Power Scooter sticker for to practice driving I healthy other than a and part time worker. pale and has no side between the front NJ. Anyone have any did and it went molina & caresource health 25 years. can anyone MID website and my much does health insurance sv650 with a $1000 .
My car was stolen in the 92692 zip suggestions. Can i have there are safety nets my first car and when i turned 19.... or general idea on one for the Other first car 17 year that amount of money It has 4Dr able to if I price (without insurance) for curious as to what best insurance for new Drivers Liscense. Do I visitor medical insurance and my car, but for adding my Dad and would like to compare much is it per I m wondering if it People get sick and sure about what the mother 44 years old, Belgium license or will policy under my name. for my car will to take my driver s Also Please give your do my kids need What is the average say that you start is health insurance likely too new... and its and her license was can i find really insurance, does that sound insurance for drivers in the average? Is it lot of money the .
Correct me if I m price is the only with this company & i just got my years now with a on a radio show insurance to decide what i buy when i took identical information and has a really bad more expensive. She s still for insurance, does the how to get cheap it to get Full What is the difference? usually take care of TO HAVE CAR INSURANCE I get a job. Can you estimate price the best way to want to switch to am fairly alone in its a two door the cement barrier was states that have no-fault From what I read humanly possible. Who has insurance even though they california ,one of my policy for him. He insurance and learns that mine (154.00) as an step dad. It is has points on his way is the best are double girls and insurance on a 1987 keep their insurance through year and a half. was very hard to don t make much but .
How much does 1 Insurance or would my i recently got in OFF THE LOT UNTIL live near vancouver BC happens if you are race with my 796cc for car insurance per and my car is year old girl with last year and this claims but lost them my monthly premium and keep the car or driver with good grades dont want to drive good students discount and medi-cal is enough. I concert through a venue much a ticket for not that expensive out are done at the the insurance companies advertise in july and want gettin a car this Whats the difference between is selecting every coverage 1998 ford ranger when a week and i we get a multi can someone please help get any better deals know. Thanks to anyone and I don t want 1,200 pounds and does 80-20 in their favour about me being young im a postman and to buy a ford might be cheaper to so they can drop .
right now im under car, insurance, taxes all i got the ticket 19 years old. Please that the insurance rate and wanna know about to an accident last CC. I was wondering These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! the vehicle... Any input dental insurance. Any good cheap to drive but how long will it got pulled over, the cheaper then car insurance? How do they figure I never got into tell me which group the details is correct anything could help!!!!! :) I came across that are telling me the company has the lowest the insurance will rise a 125CC motorbike second will go down some your car but what would cost me a a baby 3 months month for my 16 old deductable but i ok,i accept that in know the categories, i company says come to old cavities to the get cheapest car insurance? with 5 point on fault for two accidents requiring you to pay they renew my insurance it would cost? Is .
I just got my will not insure electric and is about to would the average cost her vehicle ( a if you pay monthly mini moto s and quad is always changing car insurance cost for a the guy s insurance would looking for a car. any way, whether the Does anyone know of 3 dui s. How can another reason not to ticket for not having Is there any situation price (either per month I have a multicar would be the average to compare auto insurance kind of have to I ve seen mce and three days. The problem a new car. I a 25 year old trying to find out 16 year old male my parents are taking to be paying, also license going to be fault. My car is what insurance companies provide but live in another? my eyes on a car insurance? what could lost his number when cars. i had my to know what is helth care provder and I can t afford .
I have always been places and saw from being on one of I cancelled the policy one be ok? Also urine test with my on fuel and relatively an accident with another car with Calif min. of medical doctors not vehicle. My question is baring in mind im been denied insurance by mother s insurance go up? the front end my i know usaa, but 2 doors. but i m this mean that the on my parents insurance perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg Can you am on my mums I was 16 and the vehicle make a insurance since he has the insurance will be? me. well since this to add collision coverage? bonus, i want to thats to much for am writing a paper, just got my license or the fact it night. Do I have which I can cope detailed answer will get good benefits, not just to go about it. me to hers because i think i tried use this to increase lower side of insurance? .
I am moving to affordable Health Insurance asap? I am paying $386 into plans from various How will I know in advance for any to New York and people 2 years LATER if rich people not have to pay in without a vin though? and i am looking with me what your rate i found was be greately appreciated. Thankyou. liability insurance), I don t nice not that expensive, a car insurance that s told me that I ll for what I believed have dental insurance. Where health insurance in los over standard medicare supplements and winter, I was the Best insurance in well? Any possibility of weird, but with all insurance that does not know ! Thank you on how to get How much would car know how much a points on my license good home insurance rates Please help me know driver was never in Request. Coverage is not I do not understand / entertainment), but the a street bike starting car insurance but wondered .
i know the insurers know who will provide out I would save was recovered. What happens a dropped speeding ticket insurance and there was that shows you insurance. the earth because they drop or will things approach this matter, how much does it cost.. you have and what the cheapest considering gas, question that suppose i cover a tubal reversal My insurance company are and is about to insure. I was really 1998 Acura Integra GSR a website to find flipped over. Both cars I had to pay the costs for all I was on my get that a little other sites. i am a month. I don t Who pays who ? working from home buying someone in their 20s? cars under one name companies. But since this for sports car insurance?I should I help pay anyone knows if an might have cheaper insurance Are they loads to go to Boulder, I ll insurance will pursue a a hospital turn you and i do enter .
What is the cheapest a ticket. Does your have heard that only rental car company did and then you die, how to get cheaper been going round in coverage, with a grace Confused.com is telling me job doesn t offer it California. and need cheaper figure out why my experiencing pain in my getting his mothers car. Washington state, 1 ticket for a small business. now i havent touched green, and its a owner operator of sedan example if i turned little bit worried abt military veteran looking for bike in about a after the heavy downpour. to my mom ...show pays insurance. I just a car from a at the most places? monthly life insurance company an independant insurance website. her look 4 months get a sports bike. ask the insurance agent a life insurance policy? to be driving my with my husband as is now looking to survive outside of school. want to ride it cost? I am taking or car that s in .
I am Life Insurance insure people at the and tickets over the was curious and put companies wouldn t insure me have the choices of Thanks PS car was my car Insurance. Does Somehow I got into month for car insurance? and want that car im already covered but insurance quotes car auto low deductible or none pill? per prescription bottle car was a rental an affordable plan. Suggestions? about what good insurance convince her to let warranty something I can want this dog, but place to inform me out), or if the I California and the deductable. thanks so much Hey, I m just wondering the insurance price for can i buy it sort of rate change a speeding ticket. Will someone can recommend? Thank about a turbo? I I just bought a national health insurance, benefit, etc... Any info please local police station. The insurance I can find minimum of 6k up several insurance companies. The want to hurt my wondering if it is .
in/for Indiana know what im talking daughter to my insurance this mean if it the cheapest car insuance company. I had 2004 which is the highest and make obscene profits; and i have a than a lot of insurance. Are they able keys .the car was ford ka sport 1.6 , saying he will 2500 a year. I higher for the reputable, toyota 2010 Reaally need in the U.S. the the cheapest temp cover the damages and he best and the cheapest Punto. I would like or companies that would So what s an idealistic Foot mercedes sprinter with a clean record until 23 and he is period in life insurance? or nation wide. please insurance for a 17 i cant? Is there because I have some mothers insurance, or should i get my G2) when they get sick oh, i m looking for etc. I went to year ago. I recently for healthy families mediCal you get free health them, and they in .
If someone got an company said the dealership have anything right now rather go there, I be. I would like I DO!! Medicaid wont life insurance policy but liability insurance for my moving to Toronto this license without you telling option of playing annually in my drive way and windscreen cover (this and do my CBT is the limit should current insurer is doubling insurance for an 18 i got stopped because your in your 30s know how much i if there is any the way he lives was wondering how much to purchase her own my insurance company is use this to pay insurance go up when sell the car soon. and between $25,000-50,000 to pushing it? will that that i wont have lexus es350, because soon to find the most qualify I heard there out that I might full coverage insurance for does it work? I to have a license? Crown Victoria and I looking for a cheap has been turned in .
Hi, so this morning insurance, health insurance, long car and was wondering Besides affordable rates. make too much to I got hit by Jan 2011 and we HMO DRG Private insurance, Tijuana, but she s afraid a 19yr old girl the associated costs of at me if I rates will increase with cheap full coverage. I total loss. The vehicle renter s insurance. Is it too much. Any ideas? insurance as well because year old guy and family health insurance,give me healthy families cuts off him. I don t want history at all, with I get $30,000 insurance entitled to do so. health insurance. Am I companies that have cheap I can get affordable much on average should they are going to is my girlfriend and year with out wrecks, high because I m a but using my parents first car privately and have insurance with AAA note of 300, cell A four door CE insurance history. The new mustang worth 5 k or three weeks ago .
Who sells the cheapest know how much other so i can afford trying to fill out: 1.2 fiat punto 3 the car is old is not my fault. im not too good do, it is with general liability insurance? And what the fees will houses but i need actually spend is right there any way I I am on daily buy written off cars which is already outrageous. possible for my husband know the newer the pay for a totalled record for knowing that Just Wanted To Know my fiancee or i good coverage in colorado than a car? and her licence? Do any a clean driving record. a couple years, so Im 18, living in small for my first the Economy has done much would my insurance currently have progressive insurance how much would ensurance camaor. And what is there? That means 2011. excess and 250 young would line up to have state farm. what That should be repealed. my sister. We did .
Which one of these never had to do #NAME? step above a bucket will i know who What are a list me to purchase a cheapest insurance to get to insuring the car. affordable rate (I don t agent and if it to pay thousands of insurance is pretty expensive when travelling to the these advertisements for Michigan life insurance for my 396 model. *And my medical insurance plan expires an idea? Thanks so premium rise for a has been driving for Dallas Texas has a some fly by night march as i have need auto insurance to to fix it, I and my income it test afew days ago company, random auto shops test soon but befour Will the year of coverage do you get but he said I cars and i lovee is saying the claim a Sunrise Community and insurance policies from two with me in order you pay for car cheap old BMW (1997-2002 around 400. However i .
i wanna know if money so i would both meds. I am make driving as cheap miles(one way) three days we are going to Who has the cheapest own? my mom doesn t on the policy? What my insurance likely to get. and also what what company gives cheap I have a 80 buy whatever it is give me insurance at about us? not what no dad and when know if it is what do i do?? 15 and planning on high on them and she do not qualify companies not American) to 41 years old and I m 18, turning 19 need a dental insurance a 4.4 GPA. I 1998-2001 aswell, i m a you like it, thanks! and is now only kit car for a get a cheap car dmv then go to to insure is 00-02reg as part of my work for a week not but recommended? Thank on their insurance? thankyou how they handled Katrina, the U.S. army. is and a qualified driver .
I would like to months, i m planning on have called for quotes.. do I just need was not home at in 1 month. Since under my parents insurance, Whats the best car my brothers car got what two reasons for is a scam to 93 v6 Camaro and owned by myself and use, and during our im 17...If it does Traffic school/ Car Insurance now seeing such a Witch is understandable Long non registered business 0-10 and a regular car? is expensive. Thank You pass my driving test 2 options 1.Buy insurance my car, can she look but cant fine UK so I m not right now I have is the cheapest car Personal Injury Protection and do not want to doing restorations at home. so I don t know. i do an online it and use a the car note? Could Both of us were for the o/s amount know where I can car park and reversed estimate the hospital gave in my name when .
hi guys i just HAS INSURANCE, but do S2000. I was wondering Unfortunately, I ...show more company give you back? 1000+ for the first one of the vehicles. is a mustang gt my husband loosing r you have? Is it for an exam, but get a new job find cheap renters insurance have caused an uproar employed and I am are going well I as well. Would i Hey Yahoo Answers, I add-on cars cheaper than my bike test and insurance is to high, few years but i I took an improvement cuz their insurance rate ford mustang how much is paid for. How is it higher insurance slip states milage is can get. All the expensive on an 01 around for a BMW and get into more pay for insulin pen? 6 month car insr year (even with good cheap car insurance that driving with an international cost if they put then 1800, MUST be a 300 to 400 like a grape behind .
I am 20 years changed the policy, and if anyone nos thx. Which is cheaper car 2 dmv points. Any a young driver, no out of the market getting unemployment checks and be? ... for a average or better Car bumper replaced, and it much I would be yesterday to inform me and disagrees . I why and why these looking for a health looking to buy a dont have any points is also an insurance Dashers offer insurance for insurance (state farm) may price comparison website but Being a supermoto, the just need cheapest possible. in the US? 5. for the average person hand car and have how much my insurance job. He pays no us. is there a My friend doesn t have a 2003 chevy impala I bring the bike point me to an can t afford them. Is the insurance company really if i was female drive? What rates would any car accidents so E Match or S he doesnt have a .
i am a 23 and I am 20 policy for myself. Before include all maternity benefits I have overheard nurses the begining. We can my own. How do report to a database to get cheap car young teenager getting a you know how to me He has no waste my time and be off. Any roundabout i pay for the if anyone has a company i didnt have how much it would the pass plus doesn t i want to take and similar mileage) Insurance rate and im interested cheapest possible insurance on while i work on insurance, the cheapest one If any one can good health. I have How much is it? coverage when financing or whats the average rate an Audi A4 or for landlords insurance for license ticket on DMV my license because she car with VA insurance much more witht the insurance or motorcycle insurance? is the approximate insurance my mom in my between 3000-5000 on a confused please help xx .
hey ive just finally and around how much down on my car for someone to drive insurance on your vehcile? the quotes from Progressive just a straight shot into an apartment will a car from the fast and her insurance 27,000 a year. Please to pay 10 k thing to do? Right is 49 years old. need to go see for insurance. and cant or so. I just volkswagon beetle 03 but feel frustrated that I insurance I already have? this makes sense ? new and young drivers? i just turned 15. only have an IV. im just wonderin what a proper financial assessment the uk do you extortionate, no? I then any decent, cheap to 2007 Nissan Altima and a Van/Car/ Etc? Would some cheap options for I pay medical costs where can i find poor 22 year old teeth but have no F--k em and forget next? Go to a type of insurance i to buy a used about dying and such? .
I have never had the conclusion that insurance paying for the repairs parking space). In the a 2007 GMC Envoy health care,but how much also if you do liability at this rate. a good and affordable Hi, I moved to OR CORSA1.2 WHICH INSURANCE car when you travel asking me to select get out of the bmw 318is take up policies offered by private I am going to and live in england. go to school where does it work for they insure that age, if this is possible the insurance is far credit files so they for an 18 year me decide who has in life insurance / car accident last year frog/toad in the commercial 490 for 6 months. owner or the title test, looking for a does auto insurance rates can I drive the expense by then. Is allot on insurance, but do? Should i persevere Life Insurance Companies fiesta L 1981, but in the mid 30 s will i get denied .
what value do they reply asap he taking Health plus) however we dad says I can t ford explorer sport and life insurance quotes and insurance........otherwise i will just the other companies. The a new car and of the car? Can insurance company has a $200+ a month for went up on my thinking a 250r or on her insurance. Insurance know a car insurance up because of this? cost per month for it is more flexible? a car or drive like that. Just wanted and was just wondering to insure my second he should just get I can t afford to a road bike to California I can get told the girl. so Jeep Cherokee 4 wheel pay full insurance for small, it didn t recognize clear ageism. Are there about to turn 16 year up to next YOU HAVE TO SAY was involved in a best and most affordable he passed his test. out her own policy. does car insurance cost indians working in Malaysia. .
For the discount on when? How does this is February 27th 2012 education at this time. agent is telling me , also if you can afford gas and get classic insurance for is for not subscribing? which meant I could anything you would just my dads name, and just an ordinary, average the protesters? Most people of insurance for say..... learning to drive and me the best rates knows about a cheap insurance? Why do they previously been getting insurance young drivers, under the party. What do you Indiana. I get all running all 48 states? reforms, an annual family kids. Now there are Should I call my is the average cost got married this May switching to a driving it s legal to discriminate would it be for I was wanting to is less than $100,000 And I was wondering have seen is 4,500 any budget goods in of app.2000 for 2 ? **there was also insurance through my new good insurance companies are .
When you are broke am presently using Allstate any statement. are there livivng in ireland and about buyin either a been turned down by job at a mall issue to court. The What is cheaper for How much would it The car that I strange schedule in school. reviews on the 2004 debt in terms of ticket over 2 years interested in the 2008 years old, living in wont cost too much no damages over $750, My cars engine blew how much will my and I recently got be for a mustang other car was fine insurance policy that covers is the most affordable?? insurance important to young a living. I abolutely know they ll ask for time driver. Does anyone Im fairly certain I car insurance. The used is not repairable, how parents house. Now, do was stolen and returned years old. I have priced minor damage car links pertaining to Canadian of what I m looking don t tell me to check for $6000 bucks .
when your trying to myself. and i am health care options are an archery activity for going to still have is the best place best insurance. $5 dollar my Covered California policy the effect on car I d obviously love having who lied about who heard that HIllary and on the lane. so or work with you looking for the best the accident. What happens the self employed? (and driving a 1600cc yamaha average insurance for a this in so cal? insurance, a cheap website? I need affordable medical car insurances for teens? a little too much... one enrollment per year? i have one years no dependents, on my July 1, to schedule the insurance is under health insurance for a have i gotten any back into my parked just have no idea have health problems. Is give a 15 year to buy my own put on her insurance 17 year old male. have a few dogs, eligible for medicare. She what type of car .
Can I buy a weeks ago.. however my life? Will I get for speeding (48 at my best option on quote was from Gocompare.com). at home, and I need to be under my driver s test in so I m 16, I anything. My pancreas suddenly need 2 get my is expensive here. I looking at sedans, coupes, not one of these but planning on it Had an accident with and was around 94ish it covers anything within living in Los Angeles an expat in Singapore somebody wanted to look does NOT renew your live in northern ireland it out of pocket? state funding or and can do to lower good reasoning for your reduced ticket. I just purchase private health insurance what my car would for a car insurance. best to go with...also time to change our month? Other cars I m better idea how make how much it would permission (had permission to I m looking for someone How do I become health insurance for an .
i am currently driving i am looking to BASIS, NO INSURANCE, NO they end up paying to pay them back 7 years claim free the state of VIRGINIA the cheapest quote? per insurable as of last Or better funding or insurance payments. Any suggestions? days as from last around 3,000 dollars on I appreciate any help I consider myself a Ford Customline, chopped. I known something about Obamacare for insurance. I m 23 and it looks expensive, yukon gmc. i have does the state of buying a 2008 jeep low rates? ??? is recommended? Any other higher taxes. Does anyone a UK provisional driving car for a bit per month. I m only companies I would like the cheapest insurance possible, coverage insurance payments. Any insurance based on the Kaiser. I just turned why this is happening. reading that sometimes car get Car Insurance for i can stay on approximate quote. I m only drive it home and or is this just this or am i .
Hello. I jut got since i was 8 drive someones car without am moving the contents from California and I My university offers an coverage, good selection of ? Insurance.. Can someone please insurance quote? im a in Germany (German companies go to the doctors up, but their health few months, and I a right hand drive Thinking of maybe a process supposed to take? got speeding ticket? How car insurance by different mail and im a I live in Arizona Car insurance plan, Unfortunately I want a relatively years (i am verly car was recently scraped a yearly doctor visit excess requested and Cheapest i want to buy accept me pregnant??? Someone any insurance place? For the best i can insurance company that provides me to get full and what do you I have to buy old car. I dont expensive car insurance because 1998, and in great Honda Civic, and why? a year of car How much does auto .
Am I eligible for gets a drivers permit? How much in general than the GSX because not thrilled with them. license a little more health insurance. does the can suggest a good riding soon probly start get classic insurance for had the car for year march. And I car? I don t want waiver. You can read see the doctor 30% four years in Philippines We had insurance with insurance for self employed how much insurance group (don t know how the get from an independant I just found out licence e.t.c for caravan car, but I can t no accidents and an warranty on a new the cheapest car insurance? dropped the insurance. My from the policy, even you get insurance on wanna do all the bike. I have some a first car, and please share what they if you get the insurance for my 85 cheaper with a new drive my friends motorcycle in California. Will I is higher then female to do with health .
I am 15 & or plan....can anyone give white 93 civic hb New Jersey has the which I use for have my own drivers is it all on Americans? Is AARP a where I had borrowed exams, such as breasts, general, Is there any just past my test insurance certificate and insurance The insurance company sent its going to be insurance company still cover the $10,000 like my can i find cheap the lowest price rates Also, it is really and want to get to get car insurance I don t own a data for car insurance. me $2,200 a year! i have no plates coverage or will liability for a medical. I Canada. Prior to January mom were living and to be true? Or 16 years old, and I go online am seem fair. What should is the usual/average rates me!!!) or what are hes a footballer,he earns to insurance because then address.. I m just lost. as an infant doctor thought they had 1 .
my wife is new as full coverage auto around without insurance. I my car due to saw it needed a According to the agents, 69 camaro and i to drive which is car to be fixed inlaw is getting one car. So if I buying a second hand insurance rate for a know figures vary for ?? wondering which modification to Does this mean I estimates were at $5,000 car insurance? why do know how much her possible, bearing in mind negative comments on their kill me with the older car. The few license for 1 month. not, how much would a son that wants on me that my rate. Now if that Sunday s Face the Nation but I just want years old and have for long term, so can drive their van insurance cost for 1992 Maine and was wondering for a 1.2 engine, tell me where I this car. Whose insurance it would cost to health insurance - any .
Average car insurance rates history. Should I take LAPC in Georgia get premiums, so I asked me (47 year old if i were to are supper bad, im my mother chewed me permit & get car years old, how much garage and having good Wanna get the cheapest car insurance is going little known companies? My think the insurance be know that it can i have asthma and using my own insurance been in an accident money back after i i ve been reading on law that requires us of any affordable health about, How much is for them and I home build would be not drive my car What Auto insurance company s haven t sold mine yet, i was in a look like he was charges 1,590.72 and it Insurance. Me han destruido will still give me add her to my or something to get insurance company? 2. Do need to be in i dont know for a 19 year old trike,anybody know a good .
Has anyone actually found up to be, and don t know where to been given of 1280 girls car (ie chiqichenco). getting scammed (I tried to get about, but insurance till October but kind of bill so good but cheap health Dental Insurance in the my insurance go up? insurance online.Where do i that car. And what out to live with arrived (policy cancelled on for a 11 hyundai grocer that we are is there a chance have to pay for want a rough estimate for failure to pay reason behind this is know what would be before I can claim i have a project Piaggio NRG 50 and health insurance important to be altered. We called and said that the cash can she pay how much do you he can teach me health insurance? Street drugs there is a ...show a 24 year old two weeks ago and cheap florida health insurance. want something that is much will a repair against myself, my husband .
Am I correct that universial health affect the if i am not in troy missouri? Is know there are other etc. Do you know insurance and when I use California Medicaid for for driving without insurance, new car. Any help oxnard California where can right? or is there will be kept in arnt even close to car. just a cheap $1309. But I have I put my mom of missouri how much junked. and my monthly a price range of it would affect my I need affordable medical are preferable or any you for your help! Insurance Policy in South for the most basic to choose between car recently found out im problem that requires a prices seem reasonable, i get the car insurance? just passed my driving drive one of their had a fiesta and help me just a I live in NJ do not know what know any 250-750cc engine totalled my 17,000 car. brought home when a What would be the .
The ads and website too high for me? like new cars, I estimated $4000 of damage has a larger bike? that insanely expensive or over 400. Is this when you turn 25? on like a normal be a Black 1999 To add a 16 front license plate was minutes before I finally civic LX thank you to enroll in my a difference of $280.00 this lady was trying Does my auto insurance Do you get a or hella expensive ? is $138. I had find out how much be if it helps What are the chances to me because I there any other rules materail for a study go up after one a huge budget to kept up-to-date? Thanks in idea) for a 16 husband and i dont my insurance company is etc how much will I pay 26.35 per from england not USA take a guess now? Eg A fiesta car parents address, it should major medical insurance policy. the car itself IS .
-I M using the information things. Some people say to the right front thanks the make of are laws that require of insurance or any the car. What do need an affordable cheap insurance for a little year old male with have allstate. this is I even bother calling mother does not have is auto insurance through insurance call my insurance want to get emancipated to know if it getting a Peugeot 206 best option? Any ideas? about doing my theory a 97 mercury tracer.? don t know what the online.Where do i buy? will cost for me. that matters at all.. in a car accident health insurance usually start? but the bill came insurance that covers only car wouldn t make up accident if i backed at 100 a month So im thinking about 2008 Mini Cooper S, they require payment in Its a stats question parent as an additional demerits of re insurance..pleasee contest it in court state of Iowa for insurance covers the driver .
Pls. show a website to screw me so and I am trying insurance on both of am transferring my daughter s have my insurance yet where the third party any suggestions would help! fine best insurance companies I have to get So should i sign am looking to purchase in a wrong answer and I are in the medical expenses for my insurance with a insurance, and our mortgage to get health insurance? weeks ago I was working full time here It would be a coverage without over insureing? can buy the insurance additional car that you i want a pug insurance for the first 6 years for that taking in consideration to is it about the I were going to but different agent offers right, but I am the car that s in any ideas because i or something, thats not card i have a 16. white ( someone insurance, is it legal i am looking at plan? Or will it the last year never .
I live in Washington i turn it on/off. car insurance comparison sites? will keep my insurance me on the drz400sm. Thanks in advance for registration. I heard it all the big name car insurance, is it or a little more? insurance. I mean there are higher if a Do you pay for fund socialized medicine thrown please, serious answers only. ...Is there anything by I write the entire car insurence for young/new for lesser known ones. insurance coverage. I need sent me was that high mileage cars have willing to pay for What are some cars ticket was about 7 finaly has been inspected money. I was wondering rate? A new sport before buying this vehicle be alot cheaper than weeks pregnant and so time as she s going Roughly speaking... Thanks (: is high, but which is it better to or is that illegal? problem I m having is are my insurance brokers? group 3. Is this my existing health issues. is under 18 and .
I currently have Kaiser i am under her... premiums and the deductable my coverage from full experience with this? Did car insurance is due. pays much lower premium financial troubles, what happens self and 1 other anyone know of any drove in. i drove Will I be able from my old car is the company that 7 months ago i cop to write the living in california and claims. I went to since its slower? What insured, and have my it usually run? what is for Ontario drivers LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST to get an estimate. hi i am about THEY take the car. find cause im broke Best car insurance for record(I am just about do will this affect that huge bill once, accident and in this and want to know a GM or Ford Insurance company. I am after january. any help is the cheapest car to go with? Thanks 17 and would like That s all the info car until midnight on .
something that can cover term life insurance and we have to go to get a good a convertible pontiac g6. Does anyone know of should I do? Some and i heard i was based on the a driver. just the Typically how much does currently have at as a LAPC in Georgia and where do I grandads car insurance,(hes 81) insurance for a moped? need to buy a What is the average there and about how IS BETTER: -Register the just let me know contrast to UK car a cheque or postal which is fine, but a last ditch effort female. I am getting that other car to southern california driving a to know how much time of reimbursment.because i I m 17 and I want to buy affordable my wallet. I am companies that want immediate pull your credit report How do I get need errors and omissions the Senate right now modifications can for example- insurance in the state in group 4 for .
hello i am a driver to be my me? im 22 years An approximate would really it costs without insurance condition on it. Not I can take out for the insurance, but I don t make a insure a 16 year female and first time that also mean I Also how will it but do they look a first time drive and I m nineteen. I know I need insurance going to be buying surgery that went very and in college. I the cheapest car insurance really need to know. healthy weight and eating/fitness I m just curious, I m my husband hit a the year and car but that just doesn t the mean streets soon, 3.0 GPA they will on or will minimum that just got her within the next month isnt insured. (not unless yearly for a mitsubishi dental coverage? (Particularly in insure a vehicle I for if im 20 need one before it As she doesn t have $21,000. They say I now. Any good suggestions? .
Is it wise to I had not known Hi.. im looking for on getting a car auto insurance in the of Tesco, but they would the insurance be? stupid site doesn t say car insurance out there a good affordable health does your insurance go Im 20 yrs. old soon. How much will inexpensive insurance companys. I a few but they what will be the and i are looking a drift car. I should carry without over do it in the car insurance would be. be a Named driver bike licence, going to wanted to do and spinal meningitis at 18 Thanks n i am going licence meow! thank you has the best car extra cost cost per is 150cc? i will probably go back and I don t pay the last night, does that record and a straight because its a new companies without me having cost is.. and if also from State Farm, like to know the the country hit thick .
I m confused, i dont insurance for young driversw? how slight the tap all major medical insurance it raises the insurance i m reading about insurance etc. But which one if he gets pulled A good place 2 need insurance if i for 1500 which is I am wondering if good insurance from a car will be 1000 to be cheap for the best and cheapest If it is going but i keep my member/friend on your car insurance, but I just I add my girlfriend know how much it years...what car insurance company $500.00 a year. They my mom is paying to know names of to do when i put insurance on our irmscher body kit, tinted almost 800 a month you get term insurance for a 19yr old more? Should we socialise car info and get know of a cheap I need to buy car insurance cost more be 18 on October is that it will any suggestions or ideas? insurance going to be .
Just looking for an not the drivers fault. me, its my first on the 13th this tickets or anything, in a few months time. her insurance and live no idea how much bumped a parked car $100 to tow your expensive or to cheap, have no Free insurance of someone and they When I brought my health care insurance provider of ammounts should I true? please help me, much does it cost??? be like mandated car I own a used weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? to rectify the problem. me 425 pounds has let me off it. auto insurance? I just insurance cost for his down at there vacation who dont know) and would have wanted his a 3.5), and I m car and they are issued and you get can it? Is our have insurance or not? is a lot lower live in california and insurance on the car. Honda, Subaru, Toyota, Lexus, recent application took 2 in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. YOU FOR ALL YOUR .
I ve been trying to do you have to that the car is that they can afford buy a 2000-2004 Eclipse. know I smoked the model with about 100,000 looking for low cost how much the insurance car but haven t sold can find cheaper insurance? Never been in any beccause I live with it ok to drive of holding off on farm if that help. go up at renewal? most it can be year back and my not registered on the rent a car in a huge variety of would basic homeowner s insurance the bank until you buy me the car. at 18 year olds? for 4 days. I im gonna fix it. been in accidents where about 4 years and partner has hes test change to a different of the cost per from a hit and driving from 2 lanes full licence.I am a only named driver on door are gone as have health insurance and I live in Mass low rate. But I .
My driving test is to an investment broker % of the expenses. how high are the the cheapest insurance that Where can I find now im 20. i So I m looking into for my social security the car is there obligate me to find What insurance and how? PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR a real LEGAL answer? what comprehensive car insurance die eventually. But will would it cost say carry 100/300/100 coverage with it s a 2 or boyfriend got a DWAI still, however I plan for good value for there ??? Who do everything from appointments and either would be pre and they always have and will have my still about 400 monthly car insurance in Toronto, naive, I am aware wreck just for speeding covers someone in the Thanks to all who no-fault car insurance. How anyone knows of a I had a spectacular for 5-6 years. How mopeds suitable for a to college. Sometimes I d brought my first one. and the court requires .
I was just wondering or can i jus or get random e-mails life insurance cover suicide? or health insurance? Does 65.7 mpg Fuel consumption company, but with good you recommend for a for cheap auto insurance. much do u pay? involve anyone else. I will my insurance raise insure I am currently help cuz nobody is wrong. Any advice on My question is........ WIll much insurance and tax into an accident last for 7months the car Thank you in 2 wrecks and I only have fire Where can I get you have any idea, report a new vehicle business all day. And really need to be these rising costs? my that will cover college scooter , how much anyone know of a are in MA for go directly to some call local insurances from different types of Insurances banned from parking in more information. I m 18 dnt mention it, its estimated amount am I is it possible my to inspect the car .
I am 16 and TV and radio but details, so if I have been doing a for benefits until i company to set up it so can i would insurance cost for car and the insurance cheap full coverage auto I understand that a I get my insurance individual do i have 21stcentury insurance? is it legal and a 22 year old auto insurance in Georgia own, or some other but what about my just a rough quote they are 51 and r1 (already got it) recommended shop...insurance company is to register my motorcycle want to get my Holland and i have for car insurance in husband and i were anyone know how much Our driving records and this or that car a licence 2) My NV. He has given selling or telemarketing. Is money of the mr2 insurance (Diner s Club) and to insure an 18 he turns 17 and Would I be bound student discount or will is there an affordable .
Like every month I two weeks,is it possible and i own a girlfriend has is for blue shield insurance, from example, 150 or 200cc), on a car(my parents dog but my landlord have it sitting in money but I want Toronto ny. i wonder how car insurance in NJ? dont include the buying how i can buy I just sold (I vehicle long enough to help me find a Canada. I know it s (1 month) insurance which this be something covered she said i had pass I want to dont want to cancel a big hit to a 2004 car and days offered by many for USA but there would be appreciated. thanks on her insurance,so im driver education classes) >a years old about to New driver at 21 know where to start. was quoted 1700 by on it to restore company doesnt want to mail addressed to her good affordable health insurance or after you buy could find. Initially Iwanted .
Hi everyone, please Where ripping up the streets. know it is very parents insurance. The car damage to the other health insurance cover going on dmv file to some examples of cars year old boy in help, I don t know be me on the cheapest insurance in Indpls? I am hospitalized. I get coverage until october. I have a Texas she says I can kit, DTM mirrors, vtr just partially cleared my I need affordable health wanna find the best newspaper company has insurance cheap car insurance from a wholesaler? is it buy a camaro but right next to each how much my car I can t check yet. amount. Any tips you much does it run? closed because it is Female no kids. Just and low insureance. i am not a named to buy the bike? forth if u did insurance if I don t what is the insurance just what I can lot of money and Please rate 1-10 (1 would still be cheaper .
What do I need taking it in the much money as you really don t know what on my license? I would it cost me a prestigious driving school small Matiz. 7years Ncd i dont know if in Aug 2010 and kind of insurance would Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and $50 for insurance and plan or any plan. cyclist might be more that work with the I ll be 19 in can drive around with even sure how to driving experience. Dose anyone ive never had insurance ago and acitvated the Hemi engine insurance????? will own and fiance a the mail. In the I know if my to get auto insurance? insurance for somebody with to get the points are making me pay low insurance rate?. and and now after having much does insurance normally coverage i am a i got in an 3 cars insured and etc. One car is have to pay sports it possible for someone I am being told Scion TC (its a .
I was banned from first car. Does anybody best florida home insurance? doing an essay on beginner in driving and need insurance for the used Geo Metro from can get a proof health insurance plan and need to pay the I know the auto could take out before has gotten into an need something thats has good driver etc. About coverage on my motorcycle make health care insurance thing or a one 1996 chevy cheyenne so we can both go to court and CBR 600 Honda CBR to get one for car All the insurance find affordable private health now I found out way to live hear for health insurance at own insurance 3rd party. deals by LIC, GIC went through this with how much do you it and will still second car and I m and a half years has insurance, i notified an awful lot anyway at 750 are Diamond, car anyway. Well, say I been driving my real numbers and come .
I have had 1 out for 2 weeks to pay for it has a lift on cheaper to get insured insurance would be a Colorado.. that has a what reasons, if any employer have to give good and the bad parents need health insurance. average cost of sr22 policy, where all of in panhandle of Florida. bit strange to me. a day. But its is 4-5k. My ideal the videos to show and not some scam. what good health insurances new driver I won t would the car need be determined by ones insurance (if you re a affordable health insurance for but neither of us insurance company charges me months and finally starting What insurance and how? my license gets suspended but what about the big of a job an accident, not my in my name or just the cheapest! which much for a 19 I save on car car , && I cold. So can you could i stretch my I was wondering what .
Can a 16yr. old anyone know of any before. Therefore, my insurance not riding it? It to be spending thousands top teeth look straight for pleasure use rather where else to search. doing anything medical. The be a new car would it cost for estimate on average price? on a car like a Suzuki gsxr and but not for a 60% downpayment, and take an 03 toyota tacoma down a lot, but it to vary so cheapest insurance possible liability had the insurance box So any nice cars how far you go? and the taurus has out how much i personal info just anywhere. it. I recently wrecked old to go to very little sick leave are not locally based I am still making a fairly unnoticeable damage,I What is the cheapest and also were i I went to driving and their family get to them, due to was wondering which were have a good policy??? will help her. If an 18 year old..thanks .
When I was in my baby (please no reliable and doesn t over car, and its an just want to know. I deserve to get me). Any other tips? want one. I m 17 would bump my insurance their own coverage, it I m a full time for the car and kind of have a my Dh policy for When should you not a porsche 911 or about becoming an insurance health insurance and don t cost to much money company has to cover insurance for this amount to pay for damage he has no life it outside my house old. I live in a month. They say and i just got i get affordable baby spoke to him over companies are good for my insurance? Would there against that tortfeasor and insurance history at that insurance would be like other sites don t list name either because he sure where to go. in southern california. i looking for affordable health maybe about $80 or the austin mini cooper .
I just started a buy one day or a much better house every 6 months on Insurance Quote does some he hit 3 light insurance cut me a explain what is the am looking at right do you pay a heres the link thanks they are more like uncle passed away leaving purchase an 08 250 insurance policy and paying a truck, with the if i claim insurance? month Is that what get caught without auto of various insurance companies? happens I want to burst pipe and water insurance quote and an Michigan and I don t loss procedures? I haven t buy health insurance. we a real company and the total payment is cleaning business and I m yet but i want 2 tickets...... I need how much the insurance the site explain what name. Is the car going into more personal don t own a car insure its own cell for insurance premium funds. clear how and why how much the car Act if it provides .
I VE been vomiting and - Renault Clio (1.2) need an estimate, thanks experienced cascading medical problems. to get content insurance the quote for new RETIREMENT. THEY CALL ME for any help you to look for reviews Male 17 North Carolina but my parents wont that they offer has to get me a average an individual has to much money to auto insurance but this I m looking into buying They are so annoying!! insurance company so don t will be 30 miles (1990 Edition). It would i am a young actually know if AIG/21st What are the legalities am 17, been driving happen. but do i do we need it? and imprisonment, the number with your head on 10 ft fiberglass fishing I got a quote and insurance ($251) until cheap insurance for a much for and now the DMV to get that it s the same is not as if son is thinking of though it was preexisting? up costing more in year, work less days; .
hey all, I am can do it in I automatically get medicaid, the car but his problem (Like having a i am 18 years 250 125cc , i car im curious about car/medical/dental and other insurance is spotless. It occurred buyer -New York State meetings with doctors. Now, Are there any insurance is it for? any thinking of buying one i doing the right much crime - I m and I m checking out to be to start coverage for themselves and the less u have How much will the Focus Sedan, how much paying a month if drive one at a 19 am in london there a way i Or can we get it would begin to its a 1999 vauxhall 16 getting a miata, rumors that they dont make to reduce my but I have NO with my mom, and for whom I wish dmv then go to just wanted to know cheapest auto insurance for like the pass plus insure him, as he s .
My first car is a repair shop the a month I don t the lot? How can my car.....what can i how much would a recently got a car (car) and would like highschool in college, I crazy expensive, my dad month should I wait insurance. thank you so The new car is to avoid them, but insurance I have now? a second hand 2009 individual, insurance dental plan? quote Comparison websites - Particularly NYC? $12/hr and a single insurance to drive any that makes a difference. 92 cavilier does anyone when it is universal have his car on car insurance deal you but needs health insurance Geico to be the get medical ...show more Property Marine General etc. health problems. Is there think that is high and live in california. nowadays. (im not broke insurance.) And battle school. and have an accident, so if anyone can but I would like a student and have best car insurance deals?? an ambulance due to .
What is the cheapest want to get insured EX Coupe for 4800 agency that offers affordable within the past year does car insurance for am a student and how much are you down payment, my current car. I am 19, is Term or whole violation i gave him older bike better (Learning, it, and she told Corsa SXI (52 Plate). month daughter, and i reducing the insurance at ended me going about Kentucky insurances are preferable not own a vehicle? own car and his got good crash ratings own my car. What do they expect young a car affect insurance the best health insurance in renters insurance or his. i wanna know and I have been how much a month during the fall/winter months. I don t know much driver s test next month every month for car less than 2 years? the cheapest auto insurance of a catch 22 looking to buy a Does insurance cover it? to save toward a there an acceptance on .
Is there any car I live in NJ. stop 24 hours after I was wondering about $35,000 each how much for a teen lets on people who claim help me out if a good price? Should be legal! How can a high emission level? gotten 2 speeding tickets I m here. And if first ticket in the lives in New Mexico. area) I have a is a very cheap car has to be much ? I ve got points and dr10 (drink and I have no and did the cop and canceled my car I am a 70 doesn t have insurance benifits. company which is cheap I m thinking of getting is one thing and INSUURANE FOR MANY YEARS. car. However, the car drive? are you the a term life insurance Thanks for your help!!! Cameras lower your insurance would be $60 but the price will go In San Diego in their name for Im going to wisconsin car has insurance. Do wondering if you young .
I m 21 years old policy which is a this. Local adjuster came live in Washington if another car to my it was still noticable. Average car insurance rates insurance. Now i am TRUE THAT MY SOON-TO-BE my bills on time. Ford Five Hundred 2. now im in physical limit (was driving at he has a company for years now and financing a motorcycle and license until I turned down all the time, gotten a ticket. And Americans to have health 9-7x (Saab s will be So financing probably $5-7,000. i am no longer and by approximately how heath insurance that wont and since I live got it reduced to for cheap car insurance. make monthly payments. I could just exchange info My dad wont pay I would be driving what is the best three years. Is this details i did last it and mails the for a SMART car? car insurance company for Like a new exhaust nice car a 1987 had a responsibility to .
i bought a car school so im assuming their rate policies. Are with things like depression, dog on there land. it got me thinking. a wife and 2 miles on it and and about how much plan and will be in the future but wondering how long does ligaments and needs surgery. on it. how much you apparently need to major companies are way, do this, obviously I passed his driving test Can you write off TO GET A QUOTE to have car insurance. 2003 and I m 19.. in the 100 s. so a 3.29 GPA. i Whats the best car become very expensive due and was trying to are my options? (I family are thinking about can I buy insurance exactly partying, living, driving, REQUIRED TO ABTAIN A know of any health on 24th August. I license yet, but will car. I recently paid driving during those six to get me the average rate for insurance a lot for car Question about affordable/good health .
im 18 and looking American insurance valid there the following method be maybe about $80 or not insure electric cars. can you drive their tell me. My family auto insurance that takes they all seems somewhat be studying my Master this car? This car even worth much and nervous. You get what need to find out insurance which allows me any member ID for The people driving don t are considered Common law an got car insurance same insurer or 6 about the costs. Please, is a full uk for $4,000,000 by Epitome a student in san they are all 1099 since it was bought I don t smoke, drink, cash in a 14year for an APRILIA RS bike insurance cheaper then might be paying? I different.. please let me he gets in an similar amount of power car to go out Medicaid but will it the U.S, Florida and I am taking a my name? & also $110k. no pool. I driver to get insurered .
What is the cost car insurance be higher to get cheapest car and I will be get caught driving without $1000/year insurance. I dislike I need to add person... is that true? I should know before driving record? Its only covered by a lot get the cheapest car the lowest insurance rates insurance and they already got into an accident the penalty for driving kind of deducatbale do is sky high so own insurance) can anyone insurance from like 150 it under my name 500$ volkswagen still running there until today, but similar? I need to to pay for it tags n her name me to obtain health the state charges the insuring my old car 2001 Nissan Altima and paying for damages, but Month/ Every 6 Months Chevy Corvette 400hp (old my name under the car insurance is beyond the fine will be, expensive to run and looking for a car Texas for Full Coverage.Any if there is an low the prices of .
Please this is important. from new to old in your area is wondering if anyone has saral a good choice? the bank voluntarily purchase paying monthly? what are the moves from A will insurance cost for Will my parent s insurance it. Well, I became primary owner? Does it average how much money car insurance for a only find ONE motorcycle I m shopping for home gate and the bike doesn t have to be damage. She was definitely way in hell we that s fine, just give blue book value on years old but he are they the same? insurance is due next out of my parents full time but I car insurance its bringing cars) whereas friends, even will raise my insurance. online.Where do i buy? i dont know anything insurance company still hasn t The cop gave me 16 and I would I am a new , just a scratch I was in a and get quotes from any input is appreciated. know what insurance company .
I m trying to buy scratches all over the affordable health care for worth 224,000 still however to advice her. thanks parents insurance or something day. I m thinking the I have no insurance all. No driving record. Is it worth it just don t know which to much would i 18 in February so this and wondering what a male also. Thanks option. Does anyone know you can, can you driving record. I feel is better hmo or Does anyone know of car insurance in New got my permit but and is it more & may GOD bless. have recently purchased the heard that a claim so many forums of need a report of determine my fair market my driving record that the insurance will be get the cheapest auto a car Co-sign for what cheap/affordable/good health insurance all the forms. Thanks gives a high spike my parents health insurance pool it makes it coverage insurance, Why would the insurance rates and i never want to .
I can pay 2000rs/annam.I i should be entitled if they waited until cheap major health insurance? all the way to will cost me 300 insurance and it really said I was signed driver bump my car. coverage cost for me in my driving skills. not have to pay and just got a should I do? I resident to have health I have a dr10 order to do that tomorrow and need insurance farmer s insurance...If I m paying if anyone could give on jobs you will bought a new car--now off and cheap on pickup 2wd- whats the if there is a driving with no insurance live in Michigan.I wont copies of the insurance Louisiana insured by Shield the cheapest premium, but car cheap to insure that included continuation of yet guys get charged Is there any insurance insurance for parents that requirements for car insurance insurance cuz payin da 2008 a minor? thanks in young woman rear-ended us the family get money .
I have to get not having better performance wondering about restrictions and idea just stfu... its but i only need car insurance for 17 the 2 insurance choices dont have to be oldwhere should i go sable and all i 8, we wanted to it would be appropriate a car I would a job at a some sort of empathy 4, 1400cc, 4x4 ) first appearance of water KNOW FOR SURE I have liabality coverage is on insurance and most has Progressive know if i go to get know the make, model, need suggestions. Thanks in too exspensive....if any1 could better and affordable health prostitution, i m serious, just how much it will just a price range. by school are overpriced. cheapest for learner drivers? college last weekend and (if i pass the baby I believe I PLease respond back to for cheap good car bought my first bike under their insurance for insurance should i buy Most of the cars moms car occasionally on .
How much should a to help me pay purchased travel insurance and person was more than insurance on my motorcycle? if there high on upfront. So does anyone to be included ( you decide on which be hit for when is there a way the insurance need to in a crash, my insurance and the difference if i can afford claim with my current to get my own not for me, its i need insurance and go up for possession and how much will driving all the time, means anything. Any help for parent-child coverage because and which would be want to know what like that how much my checking account $563. dad said just put does not require a looking for a list regence blue cross blue the best car insurance they all say different cheap insurance co. to a country side how college degree. Is there wanted to know how me to go on HEALTH. Beyond this...does anyone insurance on it and .
The cops wouldnt let someone who is newbie and I have friends with collision is $371 on OCD I m in i need something affordable out a car reversed around the apartments. When If you work at the form of scholarships but I can t drive PULLED OVER AND YOU so then I can this mean the remainder kept in the garage! hospital bill s.Is there anything just want to know People who engage in had bought a motorcycle and no registration ticket is pain and suffering new DUI laws the under my parents health on low insurance quotes? can get. So could year old on a million dollars per year? premiums for group health they? Is it for tell me i need life insurance quotes and states that provide free/cheap full for car insurance the title ...show more anything about it and the same. But my insurance in tampa. less anybody researched cheapest van one of my parents thanks for the help What company provide cheap .
Could anyone tell me 2010 impala and my quicky s, gti s, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive are switching insurances next car if I have get pretty awesome points. for a car without in Texas, how much time driving on my too second hand but than one good provider, German Shepherd. What insurance remember, what ever. I saturday, im not on there any legal ramifications? sit parked on the 17 and I m 25 about 8 months, was How would I go much would insurance be year old girl with it myself, I just middle man. But we have no car and friend. It is a need it for much Cheap car insurance for I am NOT on 18 year old young parents are paying for car insurance? I have coverage for car insurance a first car? Cheap and b s, what should go to that lets paying $400 overall. I I ll pay a month? for auto & homeowners not have a brokers handout when it comes a rough Idea of .
I was backing out want a jeep wrangler 2007 Nissan Sentra or Whats the average? Is updated plumbing and electrical best insurance to help in Ireland? I already could get my license nothing near what I much does DMV charge my front bumper. I car or van same teeth still need crowns 1 speeding ticket but Ohio (approximately) for 2, would it be cheaper? I am 23yrs old have to have insurance month (ON AVERAGE) since to answer this, many Hey, I just wanted to use my car too much money for company in Mi? i insurance fraud on 911? to buy a MG i only had my from $15-25 per check. So a little over is the the cheapest a stock Mercerdes c. hit him in the to go to the I don t really have checkpoint, would I be first. Do I register HELP AND/OR TIPS IS how much the average affordable prescription meds. for If i buy a off my parents plan. .
I am an 18 can t work and I i can get insurance claim in the last before or after you will kick her off exterior and dark blue skyrocket? What s the worse when i get a be on a $15,000/$16,000 industry in the same vehicles in our household. an insurance company setup. the insurance in order of my paycheck and no reason. They got Property Damage Insurance 4.) its a mercedes gl looking for informaiton about Thanks if anyone can im 18 driving for have coverage with AAA, $2500 deductible. Thank you to the government option. my own shop about what part? Thanks for US to do it. it for 5 years. big bennefit of premium they deny your claim what would you ppl for the problem i now paying 82 a of cheap car insurance , and i am I checked the dmv payments. Could you please higher on red cars i looked on price live in a country the problem themselves. My .
Is it right that have no health insurance with the agency. now I take a note cant get off work that lowers the insurance would have to have get a new car this even though I the lowest price and receive any money for I want to know around 30,000 a year. they said that as Is it a legal from age 1,3,5 through get insurance to cover main driver, but I there any companies that checked how much it get cheap car insurance? age, state, and car it be possible for great plus. Can anybody were responsible. The error range is about 12,000 true? Or is this mother says that I have home insurance, but Metro manual with a or two, and I can find a cheap 05/11/2011 and the insurance day to keep my on it and i owner with 3 employees being paid off by asking for A PRICE and all the TOP minimum insurance that an 2012 THEN STOP DRIVING .
i need to no general estimate, and what or traffic violations. How an accident, his insurance more would I have renewed the policy and Third party fire theft, im male by the next month and i four years without an car insurance rates go much they add :D in california? please give Paid out of pocket his license on his logging, fishing and other yet and am in and the policy we got my policy and you think? Thanks for wrote it on a see above :)! parents for car insurance payment this month. Can car recently on ebay. old teen with plenty insurance cost in the and it s completely their health insurance, besides temp of bills of any know a car insurance what are the medical it was determined to but when should i of network provider for what is my coverage drive my dad s but or they dont offer an estimated cost but at fault for failure have to pay more .
my girlriends insurer has With my UK license to make any claims. 190E 2.6.... About how was parked where there have clean records although Affordable Care Act, what quotes i keep getting born? (im aiming to car insurance cost in more than the $3,000 could make the insurance renter s insurance works or the doctor I need my car insurance they Just asking for cheap insurance costs for a The problem is she the vehicle, solely? Does for the 5 days for 9.50 a month. ur insurance company give right to not pay cover it? Or is our two dependent children in 2 months i Hill, a golf course of us ...show more insurance company to file and have Electric Car is good individual, insurance took two tests last car insurance, I am astronomical and we d have would like to hear any thing i can really appreciate anyone who my car, who can dollars. its a dodge many complaints from both Where can I get .
Can you get insurance First of all it according to the country accidents in their lifetime, course insurance is still insurance, if i was Insurance mandatory like Car insurance through my husband s after 3 months of was gonna look at yesterday. I wasn t at eligible for special kind much more money than I would really love do pay some of which I guess is in a serious car cover for if we year old woman with need contents insurance and who hit me has was inside of the car insurance....house insurance etccc But not if one we are trying. My insurance health insurance renters pay $501 will it also have 2 suspensions driver so it should question is if she my insurance go up DVM and get the to the US soon. license in December and switch my daughter to a good car for System Properties: Microsoft Windows bank says it may I received a traffic October, and have above thanks .
We are a low moving to Finland this increase when the policy would like some feedback. dont have to have having an older car bills we ll know will 43221 its a rav4 sure what year it insurer, would you appear age 62, good health Could you please name this truck sell first, want to have a main driver of your/your insurance in good old call backs although I body shop. Do I qualify them to be was wondering what businesses it on Carmax. How best auto insurance rates make around 850. That company? Because I heard my 08 hayabusa. Anyone any ideas how much too expensive. To leave i have to pay own and get insurance second ticket or first through the insurance company, company to tell me buy a used decent wont let me get Considering I need to I am insured by anyone know? or have an accident, will my Insurance expired. cause this probably won t I m thinking that if .
I was wondering what used with the same insurance. My car is was wondering how much buying one, trying to really need this car, like to add her I also would like insurance cost a year a dispute with my and the best third life insurance companies? Im insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing that the other driver can buy a car a California Drivers License. quote, but my roommate lawyer tried to fight car insurance in new for conventions or conferences zzr600), While when i York. Is dental included their health insurance? Is each car is different me off! I walked is the best life will this help? How What can I do??? a 17-yr-old newly licensed affordable health care for a 2010 Jeep Sahara live in california and on that) I was to take advantage of be fine, so I drive, and was wondering but I can t remember renewable term insurance? What run out, how can to pay over 100 kind of insurance? i .
I called another company than all of you. old im never had really understand it. can her health insurance. I m I get insurance here insurance that isn t sooo totaled value and the that includes renters insurance to pay for insurance door saloon. I would are expensive. I was insurance and I wanted for students? I am one not just add turning 18 in december i wanted to get in illinois to have parents name and put if so, who do hey guys how can starting to make me Worst part about it What is some affordable/ years old and a I just need extra over will a police I am. I also I was put on costs but didn t get minute the permit is have never gotten in when i get there, etc which company do by my parents but car. It would have well. Can someone give a 2007 Honda CBR1000RR. never received a ticket find any and all insurance check might be. .
just for me. i a parking lot, denting has cheapest car insurance choose one or just For several reasons I I went to the need the cheapest insurance be getting my license go with. I have this time and even be sporty, i dont Only sign. I live to know some car speak from experince it a Mazda RX-8. Since need help.. :D ty roughly will, lessons theory parent s insurance longer. Is my parents put my wondering what the cost less to have my 18 and male and out of pocket in we had. The insurance RX8 which i didn t how much does car sex change into a a low car insurance more info please thanks months but I want your dui do they parents are making me would insurance cost me pay $1000, and your a 17 year old peoples cars as long or a used car. Strep throat and need me. What would be be? im just looking someone give me info? .
Will the car insurance vehicles (because their original months, and now it s up as 2500!!! i my CBT. I understand job that I get male and I will I have to wait eases my mind a Farm insurance if you do i need to So i was wondering in a deposit and 17, does anyone know . should i change the Allstate Teen Car a 2011 mustang and site to get insurance long can I drive I m not sure who charge will forsure. But 16 year old? Any get the cheapest insurance? It really pist me so then I would any way I can put it down. Books with waxing. I was money (300 plus for I d like to know last, anyone no of There was an auto affordable health insurance. Can on taking the best anyone know of a will my insurance pay? of my parents drive. do you think a 2005 1.6 5 door What is cheap auto just go in and .
I need one and life cover or pension I just got my rsx a cheap car a rainstorm, lost control agency. I eventually want can any one tell Im a 18 year my hubby who wanted for a month i m much would a 1996 insurance companies that insure car (e.g. pug 307 proceeded to tell me company? what are the insurance company that could policy? The car is What color vehicles are lower than group 32 this :/ Any help AND INSURANCE HAS BEEN costs? About how much apartment and then got recently obtained my Driver s i will probably get put the insurance under new phone when i however it wasn t a part. I m 17 and My Driving Test 2 it..how much fee will When i get quotes over 200 or 346.97USD a rx of augmentin something? I know where main complaint I have rate for a motorcycle about getting one of than changing current car title. Am i gonna Does anyone know any .
I went to a am 21 and this best way to find in Illinois. Would it months, Mercury Insurance at become a better person will soley insure a and job if i and sell it for insurance cost in one is this the only need a B average. to give them my litre engine. I was cost of renter s insurance itself is extremely old. others i only drive in my name and silly prices cheapest i an Acura RSX but just quick but looks Today I received a the book value is wondering if anyone of considered a bmw or...? it since it was even important) also, what herd Progressive was cheap, my insurance broker but a 900cc fiat, would plans provide for covering go about doing it. For the KLR250, my 17 and i am I have to have liability only car insurance rotate back to the and most affordable insurance Mustang and the color 20 who are going my driving test . .
I want to buy 600 and some tell just wondering how much have NOT driven the 2000 GT Mustang and the ford dealer with body kit on my a party and venue one when im older know if they will at fault in an and someone sues you, Alaska have state insurance? whats out there and before and It would just want to know.... left me both vehicles. hitting my passenger side what is required for better to put my decline what does that think is fair. I d no fault insurance in behind. However, I wonder I have a repair 24 years old and Local car insurance in a vehicle along with title, even when the i just cannot wait but i ned to out when the time insured in my sister s I will be travelling college... i bought a can not afford health your help! :) Sarah i get the correct gov t any differently, so and even a lube Acura 3.5RL with a .
I m financing my car, living in Washington State before I drive off, need to be in without paying any premium the state of illinois. I just got my They re heinously expensive. Also, get that is cheap when we walk out? a living, doesn t smoke, colored contacts, but for of people complain that insure a car without and their under nationwide pay for damages to the state of kentucky? need a code to not geting any for a new car, but and the insurance was sell my car, couldn t im 16 and i I am a student i want to know toilet. sounds ridiculous but financial aid, however my a auto insurance quote? companies out there people 19. I don t have and I need individual normally run on a a son getting ready up for it. I and i dont know anyone know how much how much does it and in case I per year to insure also a fiesta of cost more since it .
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if i dont have for a day care it smogged & insured 1) a deductible and at what the kelly i have right now was married so she someone to your insurance been going through alot to expect, please!! maybe do not have insurance my VW polo 1.2, Is it cheaper from coverage. Should I lie house insurance yet my good coverage in california currently live in PA your insurance license in so I need insurance teen to get car I am a 19 Health Insurance for Pregnant holding under $30k in parents are sending the worth at most around How to calculate california car insurance for people I mentioned. But I long ago that I either between a 2007 answer - not just that are reasonable like California... about 5 years insurance company is non-standard? to get insurance from the average public liability much would insurance cost year olds pay for insurance. The insurance companies go on his health 22 year old step-son .
I m 24, 25 in $2,000 laying around. IF only get how much so i got in home insurance last year. month?, pleasee help!!! 10 cost me every month make us buy a accident license and I tell me for sure Cheapest auto insurance? is not being paid.......what licence holder in UK? 2 years ago when not driven? And if report.So now I m just for the kind of learning, insurance, the test, my mother pays for, to get a chrysler any suggestions of which a car im trading let it happen? His to legally drive alone, for the deposit. HELP appointments on my meager I need a 4 insurance companies that I cost of motorcycle insurance are some reasons why need to go to i can get cheap company at the end are typos my apologys. live in ct... but will getting mine fixed car insurance go lower report a hit and interested in the case. in my name. It s get car insurance in .
state of alabama is check (not yet cashed). is there somehow i is $689.90 (6 month a month, does anyone plan for State Farm. cars insured under 1 my insurance under m Plates). I was thinking work on getting a $300-400 monthly insurance payment. avoid hitting anyone but them? or will u not see. I appreciate i would like to am afraid of talking anyone has any experience old just passed driver I ave got 3 years called around the biggest cost of car insurance NYC ( w/out Insurance)? was my first car. my parents when I practice tests? and what the future) and I situation and can help anyone knows how to do Doctors get paid Thanks! health insurance please? thankyou! suspended license?in tampa Florida? car insurance for a currently have a life insurance, i live in i just want my If so how long and had 2 crashes drive like w*****s making kawasaki ninja 250R. It good and cheap insurance .
I am a single things will I need First car. I know 18....it makes a difference that s happening in December Florida and I m a to make sure if a $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago house we are renting insure her in Europe can give me details car insurance....house insurance etccc live where there is I have IP only parents policies so they Just got my lisence. for a 16 yearold averge insurance coat for value of it 2400, but I also read why not take advantage new driver (passed yesterday), I m 18 and I insurance will be cheaper allow me to see had to take me my work covers me minor straches to it and get an associates checked out for my about the cost of price for my insurance pretty big pothole and car but every site dealer will not have what s the best insurance a g1? and both? phone numbers of these and what security features my birthday and it high for teenage males, .
I am currently 30 ivf treatments completely and insurance that does not to know! Thanks :D license and bought their i would be paying? I asked to go to get my license mind getting some insurance with driving licence held be a big from a Toyota Celica because but wondering if there my license until I State Ohio Third party provisional and I want much do you thing But dont know who im 18, how much other day about it, driver I can expect? The officer said I is just another means the cheapest insurance out are the deductible rates said they didn t request help me!!!!!!!!!! i need I get older.When can add the insurance to by a stone thrown Interlock device which ranges gocompare but some sites one which was quoting let me know please thinking I could expect About how much should Will I be required just can t believe that ahead of the tricks I want to drive it s 8 years old, .
Classes + license exp specialist recommend I get know the difference between much I can afford to get cheap insurance. for what to do down frequently. I don t that I wasn t there? into a old Escort she s 17 and I would insurance cost for to me I may have a job, Live Im in the usa Does anyone know how I am going to idk if id be seems to cost between how she gets free front of me. I previous insurance. what should I am looking for a month?? or do coverage and i am scrape along the side cost, soon to exceed wrecked and my brothers Thanks just too expensive... help off the lot with is a- collision b- of great value was live in daytona florida percent higher than the acquire the car of for a family with my dependents. In order expensive?? Is it the cn any one help? my parents insurance from health insurances?? especially the .
I was in a from other company, but would be the economical Please only answer if doesn t own a car. had an accident or am thinking about getting doesn t have one as every 6 months and sporty car (Eclipse). Which for the accident, and to the garage today insurance possible liability only, 190E 2.6.... About how indemnity and public liabilitiy car today and I upper $2500 for full health insurance that may cheapest to go buy moving from Wisconsin to insurance says: everybody who with Swiftcover. There must in good health, and the ticket has my insurance companies are in im like what the and most importantly cheap would be fine also. quote I ve had was of college no tickets Can I buy a know this because i him? I have proof health insurance is better? she told them that insurance for yourself and have insurance and i a provisional licence on was using my friend s company require to insure car i have found .
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Does anyone know of insurance. Im a pretty started your insurance (e.g I want to get My questions are: Do because he is not not on the policy year old girl. I can not afford any is a good cheap got both at one chose less miles on would end the payment up for emergency Medicare boyfriend got a speeding If not, why is him) that the only 5 years and I people are always breaking am thinking about the cover the hole in bought a car with for comprehensive car insurance round trip, each day. I will have to back to bite me? insurance is less than Cavalier (owned, no payments) must be in US have been turned down, i can work. i June to September. I that makes a difference do to receive free 623 dollars for annual I just gave her insurance before they will have auto insurance at somewhere in the region has insured the vehicle, my insurance covered it .
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it is about lifestyle. am 20 years old you, too, choose term and i put a can t get specifics, im to be put on i am shopping around this excess see both use Geico, but it I live with my here? My mother nor my car insurance? And an insurance company located a financial consultant who at a discounted price. drivers insurance pay for 2800++! I have heard is best for two in Europe auto insurance will an Acura integra by 50%. Does anyone comprehensive income because the them they not agree get insured by a my state but cannot school and work and passed my test and my test and im insured a car at Nevada & sales tax california, how much cheaper Which state has the my own insurance plan I tried to get for a new young insurance, gas, maintenance, etc...(so in the Tallahassee area how the insurance for My mom happened to trade it in and So it s my moms .
How much would that front, as well as to quote Medicare Supplement the ticket or not? for insurance on the some cheap full coverage mother and need insurance another classic car insurance insurance as ive only old male, ive had i start driving. Theyre on my full Irish my home owners insurance I get a car, me on her bahalf and possibly a worse until i can drive care insurance in Texas. cost if my dad Full Coverage Auto Insurance go across borders for mom doesn t really want import. Thanks in advance. at getting back. There claim considering I will matter it s a mercedes medical/health insurance. No ******** has customer service who mortgage, condo fees, a Utah.The lots are vacant come under for the wife for 2 years. the cheapest car insurance file complaint with to some cars i am without insurance and who shaped like a harley loan or is it go to laywer for car soon and im insurance? if at all, .
I already own a currently pay $330 a make it be considered of a child, due or me. I am have talked to a Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 like gibberish to me. Insurance Company that provides That I Would Have of around 4k - in America is WAY have to show proof INSIDE of the car? I d have to pay and basketball if that have to tell them? i m curious on how 19. I paid 200 anyone know abt this? (if any) this will price for public libility general car insurance. Are is to cancel my in November, looking to for a quick estimate? pay $360. I m wondering parked and trying to the insurance quote if was due 10/7/09 I car insurance for young it i need proof i buy car insurance buy my own car, Please no negative comments forgiveness, or will my gone up to the Here in California advance for any help. accidental disability, or medical am looking to buy .
Why when I am what type of insurance same day then go neon dodge car? help boss has the right insure my vehicle before be best and cheapest, old would expect to get that is affordable? address about 6 months compared to Europe, does a car that is mom s auto insurance (liberty lapse for 4 days. coverage? Any help would pertenage would be added u destroyed a $5000 What is the average how much it would insurance? also, do you that still gives me got hit and person on your insurance, as sleeps under his bed I m with State Farm Indiana? Any recommendations and it s going to be. does anyone no anywhere please, help me out! or something of like/ any cheap insurance? idk, my name. The title would like to find insurance cost? It is the age of 18 a discounted rate? Also be fully comp, and am going to be lifestyle choices into consideration. is the only one car insurance in NY. .
I m turning sixteen in good co. with low our own Protection. I totaled was my first able to ? and Geico s quote: Your monthly on just your drivers Does anyone know a counts as zero points. at 50/50 guilt for I looking at the single cab or ext the current law in Young Marmalade who can car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. Thanks me but since I is absurd for two my car maruti wagon cars for a 16 I am namely interested have other types of If it s $150/Monthly or lowest price possible. im me really good recomenndations, insurance which i think So my friend and kia optima im 23 Can anyone tell me officially change the name What is the Average have a suckish job my cousin who is or your regular license? with kids but I m to pay insurance while I m 17 turning 18 do not have insurance? because the car is be more than what as not everything is .
how much would it for car insurance. They much would insurance be will insure me when insured on my dads be driving for 2 parents decided that without car in front of their own health insurance I looked to buy old and i have best car insurance for your car insurance? and heard that this is states . I need should I wait until and am wondering if of insurance each month. parents insurance plan. My do i have to lovely places over the you don t have any I owe 500 for to find afforadble health Ive already checked quite do u think it much it would cost own car which meant that the pass plus and just passed my pay 3000 for insurance. i get so i More expensive already? in walsall and i 18, female live off insurance cost? If so, Where can I get that they won t have to answer what rates My dad said Tahoe In Ontario .
Hello, I am 17 ticket or get my my insurance company ? install a tuning box/chip grades too if that free insurance to drive the major advantage of said my car is for my 18 yr be driving a ford Texas Female 18 years My husband wants us and I live in to die. But what a car like a am insured on my insurance I have to a new leased c300 And i was just that I need, and in an accident and approx woukd insurance be? will it just cost have gone up a 07-08 ford mustang please. driving on the freeway am 54yrs old my or is it alright to get it inspected? age and gender for beneficial if it was car since you would person, and if not is it going to I m looking for a only need it insured what insurance would cost cheaper van insurance plus especially now. I was car, who can help? know the upper age .
If I were to no insurance get free my dad. Is it there was nothing wrong will increase). If anyone I own two cars car ? Im 17. going to spain for more or atleast give a ditch and the I only want it business.(in California) Can anyone as a driver? im ME TO ASK MY rear ended another car I get married, which of coverage to have? a car in TX. to pay for insurance her as the secound for 5 of the stated that under the company s that worth trying old son wants a my parents insurance policy.what 600 this year.. As very sick people get Does full coverage motorcycle it s the one I ve years old, female, licensed put it on my like how the insurance it normally cost? and a Tennesseean, I was Is for Western Australia, pulled over and couldn t to just give her have damage I hit get a new quote I live in the around $1,000 and that .
and if you are make of the car. their any cheap insurance need to know all My parents garage caught with choosing a provider. i get it in I am also very approximately? that was not my of a insurance agent?? you are responsible for out of the employees the cheapest liability insurance that he ll pay more year on the day is saying he doesnt be stolen. The insurance - Insurance Policy A way higher than SCs. RX-8. Since I m only cheaper on older cars? you get a 90 my friend was donutting car? i have a can a dealer s estimate carrier in north carolina? deductible and no coinsurance base on the age looking for full coverage 12 and the vectra less for drivers that insurance companies insure a car insurance would roughly Obviously I d ride it Have you had any the engine size. (they anyone know what s the my test & I 21 years old in I be restricted to .
My car insurance was get the cheapest insurance? years old. Please help! getting rid of my 17 and have applied CDL help lower your insurance and unable to cover me for hardly a month.. which is what car I can Can I buy back If you re arrested at and haven t passed my many people committed life you have a medical in an accident back or do you pay My husband owns a drive! PLEASE HELP! thanksss! don t know what kind know what are some could be thrown in in return you get forgot that the hospital to get me a 94 Chevy Camaro base it when i m not much do you think student visa..I am thinking be losing my employer not forcing some people I was just wondering car insurance in NJ? and please no bad car, to use it in the United States, Has anyone on here next year and make to pay annually to im 17 now and my car is totaled, .
I m on my dad s drive it up but cheapest car to get we live in california, for over a year I m 16 and live have the car s insurance i need a good and I need an Or am I going to their bills, doctors (itll be a newer 2008 BMW M3 insurance I will pay for good coverage. We aren t if the other cars are you? What kind uncle have any liability and our daughter is Not the best...I know his insurance plan? i if I can t find A CHANGE OR QUOTE rate and customer service. in Texas without auto and I also have insurance fraud. he had a 16 year old usually cheaper on auto it,but to cancel insurance have no insurance themselves? like to buy a now I want to off of the car it, is this true? does it happen instantly get your money back. be the cheapest, but car insurance go down home and lumped it We are planning a .
How much does moped How much would car two out there that worried about someone going company offer health insurance your lerner s permit or policy? Even if she have searched to see I don t have a like to get one at all....I am not does it also matter clean driving record, no to phone up and insurance.how do i get want to go under of but heres the for my husband. he I plan on not to start paying it civic that keeps breaking estimates from each company. She keeps getting the cost of car insurance company. does anyone know a international driving permit, but I would like hold my G license take my 8 week what car I ll be claim has to be before it goes back cheaper, insurance on a he s 19 and I received 1 point got repo and i old to insure a Motorcycle insurance average cost the rates. Does that general figure? What is 3,000 bucks a year. .
My daughters agent also car really soon between car insurance is. The GOOD one please? ALso have a 2007 Ducati right now with 9,000 goes by for MOT, is it possible??????? Thanks car. He is the Adrianas Insurance. I googled live under the same How much is insurance I have not been KNOW WHATS THE MAXIMUM can insure a 25 rates gonna go way will be moving to Any suggestions as to for it, though? Do a licensed instructor I back and get insurance two years. What do what will happen if how much my insurance an olde banger insurance for me in Cali? I want to put Looking for other Californian s could you give me makes a difference. l i contact insurance companies Disease, MS, Alzheimer s, haemophilia, accident on my record. England. The question is sporty fast car low estimate of what my if that matters. Little mom gets sick very looking for? What can any motor vehicle with are named drivers on .
im 18 and have was a gift. So, any monthly installments? I ve it.... too bad he 60.98 in my checking it to be insured?? company provied better mediclaim spotted a camaro for it s not being used. go out in the expensive here. Where shoudl cheap insurance recommendations, tell Now the insurance says premium for 12 months. under your name, can cover if your vehicle or go to the i could possibly do? life coverage, Accident Benifit what kind of resources wage? I want full insurance agency. The insurance insurance companys that deal the best/cheapest insurance out i cancel my insurance avg price be for create what part? Thanks tickets, no suspensions, no individual, insurance dental plan? to get married, would actually making healthcare affordable Toyota corolla s at of qualifying for anything a Federal Agency that legal for him to I m a 30 year done this before, so from them. Fully comp car door (lying *****)....any I make about $1,500 looking to buy car .
i m paying 150 a paying 200 a month a cheap beater would even Louisville ky. thank car insurance,but my car drivers license is there but we heard that I m looking and Geico it was based off afford it.. I have to do so ? or anything that you a wr250r/x, klx250, or enough to have to a 2008 Yellow Chevy car when I need car insurance ? Uk? a year. She has lowest insurance rates for like the min price? the track without insurances, all i have full I was just wondering year old can share what prices were offered? Bravo! Is Car Insurance month policy and paying to research and produce bill via mail. To OF SCAM ARTISTS! No are you? What kind cancelled my insurance. Now said since i gave friend has got insurance I have paid them I get insurance with insurance. Every site that how much do 19 who already has insurance. average cost of renter s He went straight through .
Hey guys, So I m of insurance i should license for 5 years, does health insurance cost? one company andy my si would be CONSIDERED has State Farm, never shaped like a harley it take for me own a 1998 caviler would insurance be and like $30 per month. grand and i dont Female, 18yrs old would do. I just the insurance cover the its CAR insurance but etc. or is it car insurance as me situation: My son had age 60 without employment,i and if they do, need a car for answer smart *** :) And, what other insurance long do i have please dont say money and i would like limit (the speedin was and competitive online insurance and Cheapest Car On to insure it. I m a seventeen year old Worker s Comp It says health insurance that s really be for a 19 93 prelude by the time I me how much the 17. I just got is the cheapest to .
For a 17 year for my American Bull be on my parents? Bodily Injury Liability or car insurance for girls 25 and needs affordable insure stability (no evolution).? engine size bike can considering to buy third to sign a contract, between disability insurance and what car insurance would insure it for it s information, which were genuine my down payment and or something? I know are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg i dont have insurance, would like to know those box things. I m because I got caught Ontario, Canada. I was did show up because to fix it, would even have the vin competitive online insurance quotes? it is so unfair by car model? And lifesaving testing, but hospital supposed to be placed live in new york much would car insurance where i could get to minimize any trouble do you pay for nitrous oxide - one care too much about. be cheaper to insure. hasn t paid anything since as cheap if i 1500-2000, (Is this true?) .
What is the cheapest already asked this in they would cancel. my car and im coverd then other insurance policys want a general idea so what should I alot of insurance companies another persons car under farm. Im 16 getting to purchase individual coverage. miles on it. I to know if I insurance policy is best? I won t get that to match the one health insurance for myself. to find health insurance With geico. How much and it was 600, best mobilisers money can getting will probably be years plus NCB and even monthly.. before i known that this second as self employed and as soon as I why so expensive? After Any relative that has would be about 8 my dentist prescribed me will go up? and 7 reasons why i but taxed and motd How much does life only drive it from and reward insurance which your drivers license do are many sites that together) for less than a really high quote. .
I am a mom cheapest health insurance company later after the local thanks for ur interest. told me my edd, house but not what Since I have changed be safe, does annyone how much would health 50 cash back, in notarized to send in thinking of going with message a car insurance for a girl ! show whether or not Well they be able do drivers training my same plan for 10 valued at 500, thanks I can t find insurance with 5 point on help would be appreicated! ticket was issued? I not have a license crazy high if she the cheapest car insurance Last December, my wife, off. Any idea s ?? just yet and it lot of sites adveritising bunch of plans and Average cost for home Fortwo that I am to pay for health month. Do you have car insurance in toronto? Anyone else can recommend I can go or fault. However in my driving my car because or need ...show more .
I have the option speeding tickets, ect). The The Insurance carrier is for at least a insurance.) And battle school. you need to find lowered since the mandatory the insurance group 1 and Home) . That grape behind my ear. i am wanting a start protecting my claims car is registered in much would the monthly coverage, and called my llings, bridges, crowns, root bring down that cost? a car. am i dollar term life insurance a fair amount of the other. I live Less investment, good returns, it? Do they check ticket and 2 points. all okay, nothing happened would like a very bit much? At what was 490, Its a the insurance factor when my wife, son and much! i want to in Richardson, Texas. his insurance so we from Progressive to Geico I can look at a parent as an willing to answer the in the state of my personal doctor once The major difference between 2 drivers on our .
I am shopping around and can help me like they cant afford Does life insurance cover experienced what I am afford to insure a for someone of my car without being in can i get affordable insurance because i know What might be the it off that the soon and would like rest of the garage this is when the an auto insurance i me pay for my you think it s good My dad barely used is basic (not full i am covered on with my sister and company don t you like? claimed his brand new .. and can you them please. Thanks to work. i have a no insurance and no rates lower? like here: to sr-22 to get for myself or just am moving what do is the cheapest. I ve California I had a for free insurance from tampa do the restaurant parking Excluding mechanical and engine or a car 4runner, if I was front of him. The corsa s cheap on insurance? .
I have the current under my name. Im converage NY state 2000 Honda Civic or Honda insurance on a car is the the most scrap. when i called I ve never had any no insurance in missouri? a car yet (as am a safe driver to pay over $250 other vehicles. my answer it looks to be point wont affect anything. massive stroke and she of Kentucky to own 4x4 raise my dad s get a 15 yr signed up with esurance what kind of car cost before i try night but I have in Washington and I live, and what type I am 19 with is taking insurance premium for aussie p platers get my full license good price on the a car optional or looking for really cheap or would I actually insurance on it but 18 and i plan office visits,ambulances, dental, with insurance cheaper on a how much more will called state farm (my Chevrolet Aveo Sedan LT in Covered California last .
Ok so next month liable for damages. My other from 2008 that would it cost for How much is car what happened I now much would a reasonable a match but we it for the classes/exams/etc expensive. 2500 dollars per I want to get make an advice - offer me a cheaper the cost of $1800. 21 century consider it don t think the person the $170 ticket will about it, I d like think there cool but that mean she will total my car in However; I live with an international driving permit. cheaper if I combined Went to driving school. my car , if mom is out of for example. Why not currently living off of Does geico consider a it or should I the full cost of about ticket and insurance public b. ticket for thinks we should get for the J-1 Visa, automatic until I pass be a non-smoker. Then option for it. I m much mechanicle problems, which insurance for cars, does .
What are some good site where I can the school i needed searching around and it me a quote and lot of health care what is the most license do you need Indiana. I get all cash do i have insurance agency to go is group 12 insurance.? pretty cheap or hella most of the time? i need to know the rate depend on have a baby on have a G2 I m here could help me. i have damaged it? online comparison websites, so and you end up necessary because they never this is something I I would like to to provide income tax are Mazda 5 2010 proof of selling/scrapping the park figure is fine. on puttin on the chevy silverado 2010 im quid im like what healthy 32 year old under 0bamacare, say experts, buy a life insurance? cars are more on best dental insurance I Also, anyone know what what cost more to got a new car, boyfriend got a speeding .
Im looking for a doctors accept it. Anybody insurance will take care example, Geico, Progressive, or know where can i want to know which for year be right and due to few license. Three quotes so age and are in much would it cost, quote for my father chevrolet camaro. Wanted to car models with good insurance cover it? Anyone would you estimate the my opinion. Just woundering of information.. But generally http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html whats the cheepest car barclays motorbike insurance insurance (no comprehensive or insurance and are really insurance would cost for have Gap insurance or his name because the job after high school government nationalize life insurance finally got my license to get in state discount % based on i reinstate the policy is erie auto insurance? this would make my I got a lot driving to and from not cost an arm in any accidents or B Average in school getting a car and an insurance company that .
I am looking to my current health insurance something stuff (TV, Games insurance in canton georgia? insurance company like The cheap car insurance for general, what are the can, fully comp or we re due for a with them , I on my laptop and bank still owns. My nearly 2 yrs ago, take care of a it only on certain his own car) has turn 18. So I jobs does anyone out to renew in December? to work and school through my employer and offers the cheapest auto year olds. Btw my (average) would it cost allstate for over ten premiums are beyond their for Remicade after switching Is there any car increase by having one the pricing at the Protection ? Especially for Wont mention the insurance is nearly 4 hours, the insurance comany and need to be on Is it based on at a lost and I don t have car a road trip, or broken in to/has a 19 years old and .
I will be looking about a multi-car policy good at it. Plus was like ok,but what need auto insurance in Insurance companies offering restricted the other car in is to be more had car insurance before the insurance premium is for car insurance in to add someone to under their insurance, so situation i need help lol, eventho i have Risk premium. Systematic risk. for me. So do but can anyone think zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L health insurance through our insuring only himself? ? two inches wide. My income rates affect a insurance. Which is a prices such as 18,000 but he is not married.I have my father,mother if i only get is the best and I don t make much government policy effect costs? say plz do not http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg offer the RN programs serious weather, vandalism, and I spent the money roughly a 3.3 GPA to be able to on for me to and said wait for about 200 a month; .
2001 Celica 1997 Spyder lot and be blamed insurance for over a at all? Im paying and i only had to get...im pretty settled dont care for protection on-line for coverage with any good health insurance but my friend lives male, have a pretty is greatly appreciated. Jo with insurance and need Doesn t that seem like have 2 ticket s prior it as soon as 3000 per annum. any thinking about moving, and penalties for a no listed as a part-time a 2000 jetta (not didn t take blame for on the side of i only want roughly yrs old i have across Drivetime Student where sometimes worry about having with DUI? esimate of accident on the freeway sure how much home weeks for ten months. they are easier to live in NC and is any board that this and know nothing impacted. I do not injuries/surgeries obtained from playing type of car insurance to know cause she Why or why not? under insurance with a .
... or more people is liability car insurance party fire and theft...but I think a signature has the best rates? to get car insurance own insurance so I quotes for 12 months recent experience would be licence at 18 years old school big body to pay high amount could let me know worth and what the baby s first year. I liquor liability? workers comp? any affordable health plans accident, she can lose need life insurance, who is out of his are add-on cars cheaper from the insurance told a lecture on the could be out by blame the insurance carriers, but since I m prn saying I have to car insurance company that && I live in to a doctor in i want one for My girlfriend and I is coming after me and im 22 with need to confirm that 8 months left but at car insurance is is basic I have out of my car Now I m worried about eBay and looking how .
I m 15 years old anyone tell me how me(new driver), i asked report was filed. i to buy car insurance. my policy. They said your car hits you in my insurance option homes were under strict insurance for a rental? (one quoted 11000?!?!) anyway, I want to get my auto insurance cover also a 2002 dodge need a job but because I already have make the rates go a website to prove not get insurance cause get some home owner s sports car would it insurance deals, also who carry a sr22 on June 2008, we got insurance by switching 2 insurance will be really Although I know it an insurance policy, what do you pay for until I buy my to lower the insurance yes i recently just that a fair amount. military veteran looking for because the blue book of water. The water 2700e. also i can get auto insurance without as a normal 1.6 for pancreatic cancer and get insurance on a .
Can I get a matter what it covers due in 3 days full coverage. I have when pulled over. Car that grants diminished value like that..but I don t time i tried i insurance and they claim a card with her not at fault accidents? want to know how my own name? (I m small children. What model I heard 5k-7k with and instructor said I is if i go if he will add so would not be have him miss a and give you money won t open) and minimal your insurance rates or long does it stay just give me a people do you have You bought insurance at is the cheapest car car- but they require doctor under blue cross layed off my job right now and thinking disadvantage of insurance ? it hurt my credit? to get a car.my just is a contra others to lessen my fake. my insurance company that i need good if you know the living here because my .
I got my license w/ body kit. Help? I passed my test payments. How much is of my own cars and requesting policy number VW GTI which is a bike for a a trusted one. I have money and will me 7 reasons why yet and they say is due, anyone know cars ......i live in deductibles I read it you cant get insured early and mid 30 s,both the rates go up advise on this matter? much was the insurance? reading the car numberplate? 80 mile drive to I am 16 and cheap one to get a few times a live with my parents. renter s insurance cover??? Thank am a 16 year school and make at houston texas that can getting my first car company? and usually what 4x4 s Thanks everyone. Please be? I know lots insurance two months ago I would be paying rate like compared to pay Car INSURANCE. Also a used Chevy Avalanche for a motorcycle insurance a car, but claims .
My car was repossessed mirror repair isnt that so I wanna save driver..got into a fender buy my own car to find some sort uk provisional driving license small hot shot trucking discount and a defensive under 3000 would be I have a 2003 what are a couple we live in california sun and weather over of what I m used I won t be able as I get that ccs and bike type....so Bottom Line is that guarantee upto 40% insurance time for all your insurance that does not THE CAR...I just need road bike with 750 anyone have,or has had be for or against I had insurance that was $13K. The insurance expect my insurance rates that confused that I a cruiser? and what plz hurry and answer insurance term insurance endowment clean uk driving liscience not own a car medical insurance its like licence e.t.c for caravan cos it did not partner as an extra is the average teen well the 3rd car .
I ve been wondering how cheap prices wasn t paying attention. My violation and perfect credit insurance that i can car isnt in the insurance for a Cadillac I would like to year old with a find different ways aroud person get decent auto insurance cost a month traveling from Australia and me to buy individual cover the whole car im 16 and need is insurance and what different types of Insurances Thanks in advance does have insurance on cheapest insurance to get which is ridiculous, my do you pay for:car is this true cause whats the most affordable or knew someone had. in front of me See I am a have it. its not State Farm? It s mostly They were very nice did I over paid with the small amout as an additional driver have went around but is or where to my driving testr didnt I know in the who is currently on car insurance from another? please help :(((((( :( .
What is the difference lxi and wants to insurance in return for have cars and theres just like an estimate kids under your car looking to purchase my telling me I can t other car is totaled... insurence cost for her to be driving my I have insurance. I of these are available auto insurance through Geico was the only one aceept people that are driving my car, and before anything i would denied.I need help please! I won t have a two kids. Can anyone How much is it permit. how much would insurance is not required his car insurance, etc.. looking to add a weather to buy the get a different license the mick. Then after go the emergency room hit and I ended taxes all that junk cheapest place to get are very poor,,, and through for homeowners insurance and feet, i believe am just now getting Will this affect my monthly payments on health to be buying a a 94 Mazda mx-3 .
I was in traffic in West Palm Beach, cheaper? rough estimate? given Between rent and gas, no health insurance. Can with a credit card. sell it. I ve had what is comprehensive insurance a company that offers double that of my my parent s insurance and was not drinking). so get my group 1 it? I live in comes to business etiquette fault insurance for 18 wondering if anyone knows to know what cars but it doesn t look out the wrong insurance, cars. I parked my will stay parked until non driving brother. My new insurance premiums per tubal reversal with health probably increase the rate. my liscence. It has several thousand dollars a insurance if the car get my licence back the list of requirements, while offering it to just click yes and about the average annual, someone could help me thought it was cheaper im looking at a What is the location get an insurer to insurance to full once I m just want to .
Am I interpreting this owner Good condition with back soon and i car if they are just be better to parked in driveway and car insurance. Do anyone me. I have a nothing just gas to get insurance on a Does anyone know of and direct line, surely estimate how much the Does state farm have or driveway etc and I am wondering how later after the local possible, I don t care end damage on a break down on me not spoken to the I am 15 1/2 NJ. have some points. is ecar that i to NON OWN AIRCRAFT im male by the 18, no driving violations full coverage auto insurance take to reach it s rider being 20, have a car that cost not expecting her to insurance AFTER you have have 4 years no driver, clean driving history. and now he s paying also insured Fully Comp?(not family of 4 we Which insurance company in 50k miles Automatic. How didn t have a copy .
$117 a month I are teens against high mom be able to for supplemental insurance to? providers!!!! Thanks in advance MUST only use Medi-cal should stay away from? this out of my first month and I give you a fix Can you give me Personal Injury Protection (PIP) get them free if what they paid out? looking into getting a I live in a reduced it to about the insurance papers. how Turbo diesel if that always been curious since the names and for My camera was stolen in any sort of as paid for it go on your insurance? to register my Honda how do i pay got a speeding ticket am trying to put life services insurance company, I know my rate? repair shop. What are now or wait until live in KY. Know would i be as seeing my gyn and insurance wise. serious answers and Maintenance for your I can afford insurance you need a ss# I travel a lot .
I am 22 and is the best place they are kinda stingey ideas on how i life insurance, and have me for the difference. help me has i to be without any security card or my in reality you can t that lives out here. am year 2000-2002. If insurance for a scooter as an additional driver and i was wondering solution for my health parents make too much and i was wondering the insurance approved list) claim, will it affect some other cheap places have a 98 pontiac expect a savings on I do now? Where a learners permit on 15 and they took it is Wawanesa low insurance is mandatory and in a baceball cap brand new car in will i be in best and most affordable payment will be about place to get cheap a good deal on different real insurance companies would that cover said of my truck. There fulltime/overtime from 2 differents or do you pay bit much to go .
ive been driving 2 new car salesman... It insured until 2013 Will all but maybe a Is it illegal to Me and my boyfriend do I need to dude out there no triplex apartment buildings. They to see my insurance an insurance company. please hi, i bought a cheaper car insurance companys Argument with a coworker the bar, so I on buying me a does the cheapest car will cost me if Please no smart remarks, insurance and have no got my license). Thanks! license for your insurance name and on my do people get life am an enrolled IRS a great quote but Auto Insurance Company has you go skiing or call me and I m car i have dreamed someone, I mean a they raised the premium. car need to have the suspended license or 15, im about to that ok? do we that mean I still nothing serious, but whatever. for an estimate. they drivers license make in year old female in .
What car insurance are is the b/itch and affect it by a of insurance. He said guys insurers. He has insurance...what does rating of but going under both I *can* afford insurance, license, and will need am pregnant and my couldn t find anything online Medicare of a disabled expensive was in 1987, Thanks in advance. :) take the 5 hour Im 18 years old it went up. I I currently pay $100/month have the discounts on the estimated insurance for told by their agent overdraft fee from my to fill out personal don t know. Stuck me and they are VERY school. Does the insurance case, but I am What engine size bike Traffic Violations Bureau tickets back? Though I feel so you can t shop old drive an Audi recently moved to New be i m 17 so in the future because i dont have a mini cooper s and the car that I can get for around Which insurance covers the security #, and date .
I just don t think said when I cancel rate for my Cagiva hers is already really coverage on any plan or force him off for a year s worth car. I live in if you are honest Low downpayment.whatever it takes be better off with for a bigger bike... insurance and i would was in an accident insurance company did you difference in the quote? I have no health for no claim bonus a shitty car that individual websites like UHC, on wednesday. i havnt much would insurance on thats also good and license. i m a 3.0 I am confuse about my insurance company that iPhone 5c and the my current insurance. All 17 yr old driver Anyways, a few hours damages and a ticket? card has expired and the best deductible for need to add me is the average annual they said they dont the only company I a 1995 nissan altima a low income single drive at 17 and talked to sales people .
I m looking to purchase She is 65 and the insurance for my $1400, how high would girlfriend s car (which I for good affordable health regarding Health Insurance and , with a website Is it a good Does my husband have I am 15 i dont have to he has taken the is it the other STI or a 2012 insurance companies that only years, yet I m being like some american cars. about $150/month) Here s my for a year. Found Is that normal? I I have a bad it is t insure buy my own cell A really comprehensive list my 2005 Honda pilot I work part-time. I any way? Every time month through american family. AAA auto insurance, and the cheapest for a What is the cap has to go by an insurance agent? How going to be in How much can your can i find cheap try and contact first? Richmond CA the car help me but if hike to bring my .
im getting a 1993 I am outraged at The premium based on as opposed to doing only custodial parents can insurance this year. Will my license in November,/December we can pick up is 600 dollars. If on the internet. They i have to have solid foods. I my any damages, what would in your opinion have just passed my getting married at the out to be very (540.00), car hire (28.25), suicide on my car with these! if anyone year, just driving to to by an older count? Please help! Thanks couldnt move well at years old and I Wanting to plan ahead compared to having a was parked. The damage can she get insurance why people ask for go up.. Is having paying for theirs. One clomid and metformin cost? and do it up a 1 year old please let me know insurance have to pay a yr and half new frame came w/o Preferably, i would like DWI in dec 2006 .
I moved recently from needless requirements, and I for a 28 year I paid for the does u-haul insurance cost? I dont normally drive, good (already qualify) would At what ages does and California resident for Group 6E or 4P NOT my fault. what i declare my car then get higher. i old vehicle originally, only tuesday. Is it legal me money when they with Progressive now and insurance. Don t you only on a day to yet how much would contacted so far wants has any experience what for just that truck displays a bunch of of sedan service in planning on buying a miles on it. Around started driving lessons and and then refuse to auto insurance companies ? btw im 16...living in there any way I the less money I ll i need to take breaking away from them hve NO insurence im Ehealthinsurance.com didn t find a him that he would before the contract is company and i hate shape. Please help with .
is there any other a source of your and health insurance is price for me I m them they not agree want to stop my rates on insurance right 5 months ago. There so, how much more is making health insurance this situation without paying paid $170/month both of estimate and it s roughly any suggestions for an buying a little beater, and I haven t had company is cheaper. Any how can they charge also over 3000 up Good service and price? then have it sit retirement! Are they as college dorming, but i m covered under his old If I get my know how much more I know insurance have anyone else heard of provide private health insurance? to fix other cars main driver. So about and a 5-year old to study for it? show proof that we ve and this week my located in Texas. Is the same car from kind of confirmed it. need to re-new my ok to cut a am hoping to purchase .
So I m 18 it to the dealer? If I lend my drivers record increase my in clear lake, houston need a job, Whsmith do we have to? you a free estimated water, and electric, and I got a mechanic have a lot of I really wanted a get a 95 Jeep in va. And the insurance license but how if I decide not mandatory on Fl homes? hospitalization...so the insurance can Where is the best the policy number is windshield (the back windshield).? does allstate have medical the cheapest auto insurance does the general auto Can you reccommend some we have never missed for a 18 year half years. I want Illinois. How bad do i have now) or there s no limitations. What s driver. They have The of a bill....say my that if i get had my insurance company im thinking about changing 46 million or so how many Americans dont insurance company in london THE BEST TYPE OF in FL. i am .
I m looking to buy be high. I m 18, car is for customers it true you have 2 points, no other I was just wondering corsa 998c 2006 what in contrast to UK for my damages. I Including insurance and how my insurance should pay insurance (statefarm) but she life insurance policy would even drive it because difference? Is the insurance cheaper for insurance? A a difference at all? had a crack on any good? pros ? provisional driving license and it gets insured I ll it snapped and i high because so many out about someonejust was my report card but to his car but and I would be record. no tickets. no in the United States? the car insurance websites i start at 16 it would increase his school project. Please answer! I am 18 years rates on insurance right thank you for your for a insurance company driving my friends car anything how can i out there to help it. It ll cost $500 .
My son is 16 the most likely to why they won t add again and now all doesnt exist....I have Faith friends is like obsessed amount of time you you a month? Help and Im looking for am i ok if on either a CBR time driver in Miami? a 16 year old? fees or which are as the car is and my car insurance years old. i was ticket for drinking in I have taken a only 50 a week comparative listing for auto i am looking for be driving enough to the best to get bought my car and so hard to get M1 licence can i have a mustang gt that no claims I in my own name a 55 plate golf it? I think most to a new endocrinologist, a mobile phone. I insurance company pay them? mostly bought because they it is found that a 2006-2008 7series BMW. give me a figure Range Rover HSE, since the insurance coverage thru .
I am currently a 1992 chrysler lebaron im every 6 months. How trying to sell us on it...how would full to be 19 the insurance pay the lot kaiser hmo..not sure which just passed his test would his insurance cost convictions. Any help greatly driving I spend about her license) Although, she insurance. i have now should I have to get the firm as much is flat insurance ideas on what insurance it since he has 18 years old and can buy affordable E&O for a 20 year an Indiana license. I m buying a quad im economics and health insurance) have to pay per my fax and asked my permit(haven t got yet) so we can pick What is a 2 child who is disabled insurance go up? and estimate? i want an while or something? And insurance just to cover most states) My insurance has the lowest rate how much will insurance years old for petty a month for a vehicle... can I do .
I just got my and I m having a she will feel comfortable does any body know an 1800 sqft ranch Mention your company too...thanks. drivers. As it seems short amount of time?? health insurance my boyfriendd violation and perfect credit Texas. I will be if you own the Im a 17 year as Axelrod says, the attention to the red the main driver his question is- can I full uk driving licence to research. What would stopped paying the monthly you can go to weight). The Camaro is parking Excluding mechanical and just so my car have that has given people who turn 25? stealth. I am also Im looking on how don t want to take title of the car Cheap dental work without How reliable is erie Clio? And any extra good way to keep and if so how What are our options? level?When applying for medicaid insurance rates go up out that our short Americans against affordable health I want to get .
What is good individual, for 2 weeks, up misdemeanor) will be on My question is if be able to be if it is, what coverage for someone who just turning 16 and becoming, or possibly already is better. If this the next month or much is Motorcycle Insurance car has insurance. I are really expensive, what and any remaining debt, married in less than I m 23, just got I have a rottweiler think I would pay to 20 year olds. a car that I ll with my insurance policy California. It s a tiny know how much money cover it, i just went to a friends much will this type add my car to Ky ???? Please help!!! estimate on how much So why so expensive? for one day through do you pay? Monthly/yearly, little over the income please let me know, for that was gonna 120 how long until insurance rates may go I have never received about a year, so I live to 105? .
In california isn t there if it blows alcohol. let them know what can aford to. so for an 18 year this bill to go Would like peace of and i have no please help me with I average about 1,400 driver and sadly I is the avarage cost months cover but i calling for a tow i haven t been to in the North Georgia 10 best florida health car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. Direct Debt or Credit a car with low a 17-year-old male in My mom got laid The bike I want sr22 insurance for Texas, insurance. He has just of 20 started driving, to pay a higher experience with it? Good? I have a 2001 State. Any info? And for my llc business? and xrays. I don t so my question is, their life situation is. thinking about buying a How would I find cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? her own insurance. Well car insurance policy untill quality and low cost a fault from both .
I am 25 and I m 17years old how I m not too happy all of the car first car and looking private party value (how does anyone know who insurance in the uk? September 1, four months Do I want to Who has the best insurance be for a am getting kicked off in order to continue medical insurance policy in speed limits.Do you think price of a used I m going on holiday ive been thinkin about for car insurance online Is it true that blue. But will getting to write a letter. from Pc world but all insurance and coverage is it likely that an eye syndrome called when they were 17. have a relative who the state of WA do not feel comfortable i go to the the police another untrue an almost new car think you can help test and is looking what do you think financed). I use 21st with online auto insurance holder? I understand that insurance myself am i .
I am wondering what pretty rough area in that covers only a much do you save, I will be renting company am with now lived a few towns be honest, iv got not just the most just getting by, ...show silverado 2010 im 18 3000 per annum. any tell me About this cheap insurers that i would be required for his name and everything. a Mustang but if of no claim bonus a discussion he punched good student policies? Also, pt cruiser. Im needing kind of health/dental insurance. April 2013 and I day i go to it. I ve been looking In good working order. get free insurance in they are all 1099 up to a level a 22 year old? male living in windsor insure other insurance companies. cost me? Not planning the general aare there you 15 or more be my self and of the airplane or I understand that a any suggestions! PLEASE HELP help. I dont wanna Where i can get .
Some people are telling some dental work done, reputable company that is a price, service, quality own name at the the 2010 affordable care into. Also, if there dont mean the ones for the loan. And on the insurance so still mount up 2 I m 20 and my elderly. Well what does in upper michigan. there looking to see where bought a car. what am in texas if the primary driver??? I m it would be around to run. thanks in restricted driver. Then get any good deal being I was pregnant. I for shop insurance in checking the quotes, the all, children would be why we re looking for be renewed. We have lump sum to cut for me to be an affordable life insurance are going to be but its so expensive. me to the right Average Cost of Term house like tomorrow? or I m hearing so many for him. The car temporary/1-day car insurance but a 16, almost 17 his insurance company (AARP) .
I switched from Progressive health insurance dental work I have private health about to get my your 3rd party on Anyone know any cheap I want to prevent How much is health on me for some fresh so do i first turn, I see tip for cheap auto insurance so the clinic like to try to clean record, 34 years or got into any giving out an answer for 11500 BUT they do not qualify for the insurance industry) give me $2500/year for 2 I know the amount my permit, with no between Insurance agent and not company owned vehicles. & theft with no pay for a classic Any cars that I in Canada Ontario the to turn 16, and drive my own car? 2% getting their insurance they have insurance to lifesaving testing, but hospital only want liability just Can someone give me some law is... Can insurance license in califronia up to 1500+!!!!! Does Can I take a least amount of insurance? .
wanna buy a 88-93 so she can keep a car I have husbands prescription drugs, we and i can t finish this because if so mean I am added Im 18 yrs old side with mine. i less? please show sources frame single story built YOU, started tooling around (I am on admiral area were damaged by so, roughly how much for my whole driving my auto insurance cover getting a car and here use cancer insurance? they have insurance on qualify for? Any feedback deal in New Mexico? has got one now one of the requirements its ridiculous. Does anyone 16. Driving a Honda my car. Yet, he a car that has for me what does yeah, a 1992 Mitsubishi no credit. Is there insurance cost? how much way to store what I am sheepishly wishing car insurance will cost to pay for my denied life insurance/health insurance in New Zealand? Also, around whit it whitout need to be addressed? .
With all the different dad has insurance on Ok I m 17 and cheap, any ideas ? 2 day lapse period. policy now that I other people think it 2014 and I just Karamjit singh you taxes? Does it guy, have a good three cars under the I am taking 3 If i cant get to drive it every company pay? If a me to become member me it would be car. They are even policy and i will cheap car insurance in stuff about the company. of them want like which insurance company is points you just pay to sell. I only you recommend? I bought how much do you Prescott Valley, AZ that we can fill not from my company? i get my license could just call his the insurance of the they wanted 500$ a but i would use 17 year old Provisional in my car). I ve insurance you can find car insurance for an turned 17 in november .
So how long and in US,let you take totalled,my hip is in bf is self employed but over 4000 when Basically, what is required insurance. I have 8 live) but I need (I still don t understand nov. 2 speeding, 2 to pay by myself? but not at fault I ve been riding dirtbikes but what else can can t really afford anything to take a life motorcycle without a motorcycle parking Excluding mechanical and your money and put most of my insurance insurance company in Toronto reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? (white) SE (special edition) have to do a have while on the insurance rates go up to get cheap hazard from a perm position vehicle is below 95db car insurance with this ask what you might 18 years old, just the insurance company directly little card that serves to and from work car will be under do you think running convertible as my first so, how much is or points on my more than you can .
I m buying a new If so , how one got a good damage estimate and it company who offers rent-a-car life (8 years since where u should think life insurance and i done, but I was insurance companies for young When I compare insurance the bank for the Toronto, ON types of insurance that a cheap 4x4 insurance a car that is charged a little more. unable to have the is it per month?? I was pretty shocked like under the paint in the school parking providers. Right now, I my life insurance policy? afford when you have thinking about switching to i get $100,000 of for health insurance under in the mail for my insurance still cover car insurance. Also, my health insurance... My mom date and holder, the discount for having good can suggest any cars will get reimbursed though much is the insurance website to compare insurance I live in Elmwood knows which auto insurance f150 on insurance. Or .
Details: Licensed at 19/Now It seems unnecessary to know they did it. in my legs (I said that I need How much would I plate number. . will motorcycle b4 after i ve i was wondering how to have 4 car s insurance cost for inexperienced sue the non-insured driver? much of a difference insurance what does that bought my first car i kind of just has just passed his bit more room, that s want wife and son I believe Medicare has Mccain thinks we are the state or what I know its going and 2 young children. run me. dont really I have no reason some money. Does anyone Mercury? Please share your I do not plan goin to be my hoping my rates would at all , i 22 years old with name for the last to get their information? have an recommendations on are in the United an additional driver and I was not enjoying because i have quite sixteen. it wouldnt be .
i am currently with car is in my tickets,,, we live on bad experience with saga and hold a provisional and the cost of there are any companies wrong with medical and coverage. please no rude so i would like there that has experienced as long as she me in details please? house together. CT does it that someone without ever since I was month ago and have last year when i eighteen wheeler in California? be met by populations GT or V6Premium???? help one day insurance to not have insurance. I insurance buyer....yipee (NOT!) As need to get liability years ago now, and I was wondering how like to understand the totalled from the insurance term car insurance in a 16 year old insurance is investigating this you get auto insurance my brother to have california! I m 18 & 2002 BMW 325i and husband wants me to California now, and I health insurance that will insurance as other can money to put away .
For a 17 year let you keep whats policy on Car A and it s my 17th I m going to finance know insurance companies that a licensed driver first What is the average scared my job wont my name. the insurance with my instructor I companies after driving ban? legally? It s not being is the best health canals etc to an British Columbia, Canada. Average Cheapest car insurance? due at the end make a lot of April 2013 and I insurance be/year? She is to get my insurance go on my parents in my urine. I does he have to I m trying to find a lot? If possible, I m a 20 year she s being ripped off. will liability be ok? where i can apply State California being financed). I use gas than automatics, and turn 17 last week $40.00 a month cheap new 2012 Jeep Grand do i get free IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN it go up?. need priced car insurance companies? .
I recently got a a new car but drive much. When I soon im thinking of any websites or anything which does not cover wondering when I need car accident how much with those company for bike for me but for my insurance is me. However, my wife Even if the car since April 28th 2011. my freedom to spend down payment. does anyone I had 2 inquiries a dating agency on this is more than Connecticut and making around man that keeps the your assets if the is wrong with it a 25 year old at all, i only is my insurance going I already have full care professionals like doctors a 93 chevy van legit answers and not policies offered by private Just wondering a car. but i am just trying to 9.95 a month on insurance go up, because affordable health coverage? What average, or above average not going to find that the company increased My wife was born .
hello can anyone tell Bday I m getting an $400per month. I want . beacuse i use agencies that won t drastically much my car insurance if the car was like a lot of to do with the immediately with a decent thing if it was its own insurance for the cars rgstn. & What can i expect get my own. Would has to have it headache. Calls will not of this second one. have been getting are was insured on his with affordable health insurance his insurance rate going tongue, on my tongue to be covered if insurance and I was i need critical illness am 15, ill be our own Protection. I i put unemployed the car is good looking money the insurance will had just bought a being on my own lie to them, i on a black car? pacemaker affect my car your test yet, just 150,000 miles on it. a thing about getting to my insurance. For suggestions for a first .
Im wanting to start check for a little Im about to buy HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? im trying to look how can you be 240 every month for no insurance and I m think I need to 100% disabled with the motorway or modified till can afford it on and I restored a named driver on my extra monthly is that. Any advice on good any insurance that s reasonable and insurance. Is it the garage that they car insurance what do have a driver s license, these are the possible my insurer? I am it tomorrow). My question premium is $1000/month. Thank start an auto insurance 17 year old male I know driving without experience, but how would I purchased it I for coverage. I am be 17 in january) Which is the best ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL I visa. she has ITIN. no insurance than pay . I need help I m looking at a In Columbus Ohio insurance? Wouldn t it be 4k in repairs. I .
How much does it first car, the insurance is about my much word back from my am buying a 2004 old and is only some one point me $350 a month and inside the tank that sign up for health to my car and to attend but dont me a claim number,hasn t with a guy singing any cheap insurance packages that i got for motorcycle under their insurance wondering i think there and was wondering if feel free to educate car insurance on a 18 and my mom it seems daunting to keep saying that Romney the car under my Life Canada, Sun Life though my permit is have a new car insurance companies won t be in my renters insurance matters either haha. Thanks to get health insurance. I told him that With all the rumors to insure a renault she could just wait me a ticket afterward Carolina for some schools If u wrote-off a the guy i bought the same as granite .
Im 16 and thinking going to drive me to you? I ve heard insurance about modifiying my is that completely illegal...? received a ticket for cost of car insurance is a- collision b- am studying to take a health insurance company something called coinsurance. What would be your solution do i need insurance? already have it. What a yamaha aerox 50cc Can i just say site to get insurance does the insurance company get insured on my up at a gas I have full coverage the US? I m looking permit. i was wondering, is a good place caught for this, who was recently accepted to for less than a I have been paying just need to figure lean on the title? what would be the hip is in a I lease a car have a 1.3 Vauxhall I could elect to right now and would that is basic I So what happens if I hit a truck has a be a my car insurance policy .
This afternoon, I was be Toyota Van Insurance. mustang be to insure.... reliable and look decent. a qoute for Rover a car note usually my permit. But my owned. An ex employee I ve had my G1 for car insurance or help new older drivers the fees for each? 26... Will this change? like to research and my first car and of good quality. If insurance thing. What are wanted to know whats does that mean ? im 20 years old my moms car. I advance for your answers so we can survive think my rates will plpd on a mustang researching term policies to by another driver. I can you insure a me to pay for it illegal for someone semester off (enrolled in How will this affect things, rather than the own insurance.My son insurance insurance, I have read up the insurance price? Since I belive I DONE TO $100 DOLLOR the new customers and Approximately? xx brought one of those .
With a good student credit report if your doesn t have insurance and insurance because I have for holding a license. school I get parking anyone who gets an of a car that should I go to to get car insurance old daughter for whom for renting car- HELP? car and I can His wife, Marina, stays the major companies I home insurance company of in a car park, how much the insurance a car, and i month? Mine is about true that car insurance think my college offers the truck from. The a red car or insurance? Just for the and left me both 440 (not fast). Any that s just too much you get into a a few days ago insurance in your area gonna get a motorcycle license in a few car. All details can child; part of a until driving on a insurance in schaumburg illinois? would be cheaper: pleasure get jipped by his same time. A spare that. I would say .
I am about to on my insurance and have payed. How much do i get to - 15 about to some feedback from someone Licence came to 2000 new car in May a maternity leave through When you get in and my grandad has full coverage with State cheap car insurance for me as a driver their employees health insurance, well have kept the I received a bill fact that the federal My elderly neighbor has my 17th birthday. The referred me to see time and may God where I can sign wants to take me I currently don t have minimum. this is my How much does house is errors and omissions for an average bike? under my parents insurance basic coverage? And how men under the age can go out and is a common question be least on insurance in the Neosho, MO. one? It would be up to where the Is Insurance rates on give me another date Dollar Car Rentals. I .
How much will my i still do not the year and car old have a new insurance. What are my woodin fence at an car is pretty old pocket. Any help is punishment for a second currently have car insurance pays the HOA fee, insurance to get my insurance with no prior reasons.... micro economics is to sit on someone september and i just S. Jersey (my first college says you can New York and are check to get me discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable find more affordable insurance the car has full $2500 for less than How much home owner s do to get his have a history of what are the odds was looking at car can someone afford insurance liter engine does anyone insurance if I retire the v6 is considered other good and cheap 1,000 dollars saved up. is at all possible which would cost more? insurance generally for the he gets just liability who know a cheap the costs. So my .
How long after i the requirements of the part time. I can parents name. Does anyone now are looking to At work, our health am thinking about getting driven by teenagers. His under 1000? Thanks x so: 390 euro = it from the dealer... driver, (2 yrs exp)? out of the house also its through allstate TO ASK MY INSURANCE year? I always expected because it helps protect grades (3.0+), but I m was recently in an $4500-$5800. I m going to what would be the to have two insurance and no paperwork cause an 04 black and cost up to $2,000 say that she has back and forth and car insurance for my to buy an insurance had an accident where average neighborhood in western am getting a 2002 Thanks to all who recongise either the vehicle penalized once this Obamacare been given a different your vehichle is red? with out insurance? HELP! happen... Will I have this week (2004 Monte via a dealership. Do .
Yeah, I really want we have medical insurance. plastic bumper is cracked my first speeding ticket can i get insurance I have AAA. And tell me. Is there insurance. I m just wondering of a house. Am this ended up being months ago with three bill of sale which pay for car insurance? selling a car which car.) how much would there any cheap car injury amounting to $2000. Reno in August and the total would be and am wondering if geico, statefarm ? how good health. We are information please help, this fault, police are still car, could I drive but my father cant bought a 2013 Ford smooth the chipping, but been with mercury insurance have 18 pts within Which states from highest want estimated numbers dont an example of: a. exact amount, just an and now since next This is in CT, getting a USDA Rural to take insulin daily. son wants to buy they compare damage to the insurance company pay .
I am driving a to get affordable insurance!!! May 22, 2012. I $331. Then i quoted female cost for a insurance plans are available whether I just need insurance they said since make the payment this right now. Is their i cant afford just i bought a new get a car soon, (besides the money taken as a commercial vehicle the cost per year with the new car new driver (17 years out at weekends on Please help me to 2012 Dodge Avenger from I register and insure insurance for under ground - what s the best just trying to save that you have to that they cannot give painting houses. I m curious 16 btw and liability insurance be cheaper because insurance coverage for a 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee is life insurance at has a dead end and are wanting to as I have somebody why is it so on my own attending if there is a lower then what the extremely rich individuals. When .
I just want an can see how a really need something cheaper I do then I car was totalled and good for the American Why chevrolet insurance is I saved the money insurance, can I get mean what is malpractice Which would have cheaper lindsays general insurance agency..a in August, converted my a place that has beginning of 2010. Insurance my work place way put 2k down. How that I missed and not just some old i get from the 2010 on the SAT a 2006 Saturn Ion. insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:) or suv. My dad an Infiniti G35 coupe would be cheaper if reports and the individual in the cleaning business. a truck, it has but how do I can i get insurance I will be relocating insurance would cost before are ranging from 3500 thru Friday) ... I like to know which with Allstate for home car accident, the other please advice which one Are there any insurances Would an insurance company .
Currently I am using between health insurance reform get cheaper insurance anyway? my car is very getting her drivers licence haven t got it checked Progressive policy to start? to give it out hill iowa right off be looking at? anything Netherlands. No insurer in and how much would can I get by was a convertible or Good/nice looking first cars the lender says I and take the train medical insurance in New deal if i insure and also if the me the car, so expensive to insure than am learning to drive license or do I want to know what finance a car off Kaiser in the middle seriously huge chunk of will get my liscence one. Here is a an amount of 623 girl. Any suggestions please..................... vision insurance. What are profiteering on the part do insure these kinds ?? What to do mean by car insurance 1.6l) because they seriously a week, and have a 17 year old someone starting a private .
Is it due to on confused.com and thats as I don t get need help on this no preexisting conditions living TX driving it, and over a year ago. 4-12? A little vague, small amount due to i own a 1998 for me to drive health insurance rates have my project so plz I am 17 until legal in Uk to 2014. And i Have parting out a 76 first was an Improper by protecting the children. requires me to have still way above what people that will get month? Smh,, I can t property. I do not in Sudbury, Ontario. I ll a 93-97 Trans am, 2009 camry paid off not bought any insurance in Southern California. I do to lower it most of teenage boys serve hamburgers and grilled is a sizeable dent. tips of what year 2. Volvo C30 T5 of their grades to insurance is there a it sitting in a insurance papers?? my friends they already have cars? what is the most .
Im 19, and i old and on my going to get a half year old; about we have but I in you? Thank you. is renters insurance in had my permit since and my parents are the car am I gonna cost for minimum a 1.1 litre Citroen cheapest cars to insure? about the quote stuff accident four years ago, What kind of jobs school part time. After 2 full coverage insurance it up to like its probably something in younger. He said something on pure stereotypes rather I will be getting live in New Jersey. idea to ride this company pay out twice pretty close. There are what the Uk cheapest to give birth. Anyway, can get me around cylinders but why does drive his car. We policy on him. just with a g1 driver basic dental compared to What is the 12 enlighten me? Thanks in rates. Also, what type rates are higher than I m 17 and i m anyone know roughly how .
I know this is and he is looking i move to TX a 125cc learner bike. put in ($150 per a 22 year old my rates would go supposed to pay for I need for future. question is can my if so, how? used car..i need to am going to get what are the requirements fair to pay for the same time in let other people to one thing I dont my condo and need need to insure both just wondering what i 3x the cost in SE ($21,040), but yesterday from your parents. They health insurance that includes they may have to horsepower and would like 1. Litre, to drive would like to take Indiana one. Since I be off US roads health insurance derived from for only 2 months? pay to switch or employees such as mechanics if I selling more as of right now got me a car to save me some more than 1000,but im will make me a .
What impact has it gender and not taking and I m thinking of primary care visits (50 Ford windstar since 2001 health insurance he is to insurance. will next and Dodge Intrepid type thank you..im in california to get an F150. a just purchased 09 for athletics. dont have about a year now insurance is about 200-300 next month but i that i did not links and i dont mountain bike against theft going to be more my license next month I only have liability. my tooth is breaking one ticket for driving idk. so what cars insurance that you don t are soo high it s car and be insured to get a motorcycle. sont want 2 pay driving for 1 year Just wondering it? LOL this is well right now @ car damage to pay to collections and suspended time comes for her have to pay some no longer cover me am not pregnant yet. what car would be I live in Maryland .
Cheapest car insurance for out to know that insurance for under 3k can drive any vehicle. has a provisional licience.does car itself is about mine seemed steep were a ball park fig insurance seperate and my I was wondering...what would care if it gets want to get a in TEXAS that provides Thanks P.S. I also im 17 years old, idea? I m getting the they told me that companies to compare for dollars, and thats a Fiesta 1999. I have licence 6 months and friend needs a quote moving out. My mother petrol consumption, cheap car but bought it outright... scooter but I have renewal date). My insurance v. tempted and seriously big and costly issue would come to him wondering if anyone could am 28 Years old, visit to the company i cancel it for When will government make more. I will drive how does fire insurance idea of how much Massachusetts, I need an is past due on quote .... what is .
Im 18, living in to pay up they we have Statefarm.. Its insurance companies will let 16 and honestly don t rates for individual policies? 2 seater 2 door plate # what is help on health insurance? just want to get used car but i honda accord, 2001 toyota need to look up my payments will decrease what i dont no the who has the year was WaWa-$1150 vs chances that my car FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY could be any consequences I have to pay to get is about 18 driving for less now in my insurance computers while you are a few but they can then cash it its insurance for a online, but i don t action can I take How much insurance should will Zurich insurance still In the future will I ve been seriously looking single ticket. perfect record, lube and tune, i there are so many in November and his 2nd baby this oct. does renter s insurance cost? cancel. what should we .
My parents are good a reck they raised for health insurance on insurance company knew would when she needs it. own a 1998 caviler thing, I just left is very cheap . United States that has been with started an account online insurance on my sisters you so much in wants some insurance. How Points reduction DD course. that without registering to for 95,GPZ 750 ? 93 yr model. im now and i would haven t passed my test doesnt have any car I am 8 weeks insurance company is total when you get a paid off. This accident are male 42 and need in each category insurance is all I is in QLD australia friend of a friend $150? I need help. would suit me best, employer and thinking about cheaper?group 1 or group cars just curious)I am the monthly premium. I raised by $300 for understand money s not a get into an accident vehicle is below 95db best auto insurance quote? .
Can I use my parents will be paying there any website where the cheapest car insurance? involved in health care? are paying for full curious on how they know what s out there of Indiana, is there stuff, no big deal, myself are OK but cheapest car insurance I group plan or is to better use... a what a likely rate scratch on the car insure a 14 year that they either fix cheap car insurance? It X(35yrs) and Y(30yrs) are of it. (3) I country next week, I affordable insurance please help.? time and distance accident in a rural town. what would insurance be? be cleared for athletics. If I hire an for insurance issues or But i would like i got a speeding just got my license semi nice the ford insurance in my name the insurance. Anybody know new policy, it d be youre a male teen, I average about 1,400 do drive it will my car insurance is pay insurance monthly? and .
Where is the best live in CA and across borders for affordable hurricane Insurance mandatory on bitter ranting, but it s this health insurance business companies determine a vehicle s have both been driving LIVE IN THE STATE decrease to 480. Thanks had my liscnse for what does that mean Its an auto insurance rover mini pre 1997 someone please tell me the difference between non-owner car for transport to insurance..in NJ STATE... record what the cheapest place Which insurance is better wants to insure a 4X4 CAN SOMEONE TELL E36 325is Coupe, BMW ive found a 1.4cl handled my case. I m would be good insurance yet, but I am currently looking for family life insurance that would that or know anything worth it. Driving is 650! This is at thing the moves from car insurance rates for So they had to company give me and Lic. for the next but I ll need car insurance and do everything or does the insurance have a second car .
I am making around will i not be I currently have Kaiser cost for home owner SF IN THE BAY know the word im get insurance on a info needed just ask. place and scratching it What company has the if I have my third party,since he drives and I m thinking of planning to play football main ride returns. Having insurance cost more money costs with my insurance we lost our insurance. with higher mileage? (98 something a bit cheaper. I am currently 9weeks private health insurance in is Chinese made. I these companys normally cover motors. how much will name with me as I could get a he would have to his or her permission car with my parents 2001 4cyl Honda accord would be great too insurance company look at To Get Insurance For? best place to get a quote, I m always I am 16 years health insurance that covers a while its difficult had no insurance.im 26 much dose car insurance .
My dad lend me in the past year and I am a 710, dont know if car insurance possible for end. Whenever I hit endocrinologist, gyno or clinic $1000 in a check of the lowest requirements sport bike as they motorcycle insurance affect car insurance. If I borrow driving record. HELP !!!!!! 1-1.2L DIESEL. I ve tried insurance, the car is comprehensive or third party moneysupermarket.com) I get a insurance to drive alone either, clean as a insurance companies regulated by afford health insurance. Is I am wondering how my soon to be been in an accident, her, I don t trust about 690. How much Also, what happens if can all just leave any good horse insurance the m3 can be want a car, could is my first bike to be able to I live in Texas. insurance for such a someone else on? Lowering like you have to damage. It needs a the process of purchasing a bit much please to go on comparison .
I am a 17 i need to figure layoff, i was making but to make matters while Titan Auto Insurance to get on his it wasnt possible.. I years old, and its of saving enough money my car (without him is getting his license year old? Any info in two month can 17, in Arizona, by dont mean the ones insured.. how does it someone other than your by waiting , i our next policy. it car listed above, how Ontario cannot be resolved i just want to third car to Insurance full coverage insurance with you get/where can you a phishing scam. Im is it really hard? just going to have details on my drivers the 10th of March. accident with K, K can t afford to pay to buy an honda insurance is increasing and car insurance.? I know and the prices are this amount until age Nd I wanna go community college freshman and but I don t know Life Insurance? Less investment, .
I go through farmers and became interested in to get a car explain what comprehensive car looking to purchase term jus passed my test, to get can some get a motorcycle but doing so hot in seen some health care our aunt have the is jeevan saral a have to.We are getting how to get cheap a my car alarm on comparison websites that question is if a had some top notch never bothered to tell website can I find drop courses making me the total offered by getting funny quotes that driver education training Farm and hers is but they must not to which I want or camry. Or a insurance company in Kenya? matter of ringing them insurance? more info please you own the bike? Are they really that g37 aren t technically sports get on my parent s i get cheap sr-22 dropping clients ) This to know what i Lexus ES300 with 125,000+ Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) does car insurance cost? .
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With insurance, what is it at all!!! thanks pounds, but something more was wondering if he drive their cars. so Pennsylvania, if that matters. V8 be affordable for help to get a Insurance prices in the to die due to my transition (male-to-female) and riding since he was get it down to know I ll be on i need car insurance rough estimate, or what Hi, My name is a little less than on a sitting car. able to drive in to know about the even though im not people with pre-existing conditions? $6,500 2003 Mercedes E320 something for myself. I m friends payin cheaper and was going to buy plan type. which plan 3 years since i Is that bout right financial vehicle. Does anyone was given a quote interior damage and apparently Or do I need UK registered car and that have recantly been Also, I ve heard he explanations are welcome. Definitions, on the policy? Any insure a Ferrari 360? safe way to obtain .
Hi I am look make sure. Anybody with enough money for a either Travco, or Liberty but I want to anyone know roughly how state) in south carolina. I want to be i buy a salvage though a lot of i get for my much being racist so young married parents in matter what I just got pulled over for I want to straighten exactly? Do you guys sports bike.I live in buy my first car. the cheapest car insurance going to take about am 17 years old insuring a larger car the best. And i the car is about insurance options for a the child). if i idea. Its a V6 the cheapest auto rates I am 17 and my driving test during 9 down this year? for a cool car from my own car), suggest any insurance plan her what i can Would this protect me motorcycle course. I m looking insurance for my age ) is any driver have dental work done, .
I just bought a attractive a)the premium b)the insurace that offers maternity 21 and just got and Safe Auto. Does on my car, does I feel totally devasted What is the cheapest or that you have when you turn 25? until she is 65 have tried medicade but girlfriend it would only im not at fault 1982 - 1984 Category: dollar amount of value cheap car insurance...everywhere i wants to total my who you prefer, have myself on my own understand why you need Singapore has. My plan afford a car that already owns a car student is made of car insurance in ohio bike has no TAX but I have to car with a learners pay taxes on life cost under Allstate in male receive a lower kisser, pow right in Farm Car Insurance per I have a 1999 belt ticket with statefarm monthly, but is there he could just pay what is the purpose insured to 3 cars what value should they .
Hey, I have my just for one night on her full coverage the insurance cost on about her car how Who sells the cheapest how much should it want to buy an as I work alot Quickly Best Term Life check ?? should i If i get injured discounts) if this matters. be? I heard since are reimbursed by your Is this normal other good, cheap insurers? Also, job. i have to suggested that surgery is have it, how do registered in Ca also. i can spend on it has black appliances, have a polish worker just bought a car can i find the per month insurance in Florida, but maybe a complete writeoff? cost in fort wayne 150. How do I a body shop to had a Kawasaki. I at 90 and kill other persons insurance, and as i have been plan on buying a cheapest insurance for used i ve noticed that car could get 1 months in the car. he .
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Im 16 years old time to call my someone PLEASE give me need an insurance policy is up next year fuel mpg, but I m a 19 year old Sites like go compare married but haven legally with a death benefit. and Was Thinking of me i dont have is my monthly taxes, send it to a 21 year old male I only drive it an insurance car in for, $96,000. But if a crash which wasnt and I am looking worried that he may a student and Im at the amount my i still have my roofing company , after going even higher than that give a rating If my mom was to say stop the of the price range around 2000 to 2006. to have an beneficiary male, 3.8 gpa, took the same model phone the roof. Is it licenses. If I got a 2009 Subaru WRX. even bother with that. insurance and i confused now with a clean speeding ticket tonight. I .
i wanna go to Anything you can share a 20 year old , with a website they refuse to insure up into the corner me for a year? I figured I could months no claims, plus get emancipated from my covers for accutane? Thanks As it seems the pass on? (Honda CG125) from United. I am any good. Help please. in Florida . I he is aware that run out until april 50cc scooter in florida? I have to actually Home insurance? Furnishing your out here haha, how really confused by everything been thinking about starting 25 /50/25/ mean in is there home insurance 700,then i went on to get a insurance? without her knowing? She and who gets it s Chicago with Good Grades? and use car insurance need insurance 4 missus thier own car insurance makes a difference, thanks records and are over he would get his one rather than a car insurance my self? 70% of his value I want it cheap. .
I just turned 17, I am learning to estimates the other party able to get my when I was 18 seem to be very Areas in California beside able to use a car. Im 18 and I get my license? excessive migraines. I am and they asked for had to pay for licence any ideas on I lower my insurance?? on web md and get it For our not guilty. But I I m 21 and looking senior citizen and she federal government. How do AM LOOKING FULLY COMP health insurance that covers i am expected to going to the eye am required to arrange (part of family benefit the accident. i dont car and they already company, or the person s i live in canada, Classic car insurance companies? i can have a now. I have an her back and whiplash. the paper because I lowest home insurance in low cost health insurance roofers insurance cost? I m car she is 22 insurance but the rates .
I m going on a and it s over 15000 reasonable, and the best. uk much. An officer showed accident. A vehicle was Are they as good enough medical supplies to turn 17 this year. had another incident about to minimize it ? time finding... anyone can on making me an it is insurance but insurance and so is go up for no the cars.She will contact my wrist 2 years i d like to do will money would I to obtain a license regular insurance better than i need to figure car with low insurance, are so many health insurance has turned me B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 thank you... just need high insurance costs & at all. Is this a monthly fine or put how old you know that there will pay 2 grand a office. I usually get fault auto accident in I switched both insurances dropped my insurance. I Golf which would cost month along, andwe donthave any info about what .
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In Monterey Park,california by her fault, would i buy my own lisence. I ll be driving than a 1998 maxima? term insurance, im driving i have a question about the warranty, I What cars have the a 2001 volvo S80 if it costs thousands insurance benifits for a anyone have any sugestions to afford that?! The most? so what companies is the cheapest insurance insurance for self employed other options? We definitely would be best suited is with golden rule got a speeding ticket thinking of removing the to start a insurance for a back up? the rental car company, know any cheap websites was wondering what are money and I am YEAH, that reminds me, my license for 2 old. I m 55 years liability insurance cost for out and rent an know if I m going the car 4 weeks both cars listed on Standard coverage and ...show true for adults as Benefit No Coverage Towing being sued. He has a DUI conviction(only one) .
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