#it extends beyond that but the snapshot is SO. REAL.
rallamajoop · 7 months
Mia Winters and the Connections
There are a lot of bad takes on Mia Winters out there, a lot of really irritating shallow misconceptions. But for now, I’m just going to tackle one of the big ones that annoys me the most.
Mia Winters is not a scientist, and it's debatable whether she had any long-term association with the project that created Eveline. She may not have even met Eveline before being assigned to transport her to South America.
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Mia’s not any kind of researcher. Her job when she worked at the Connections is laid out clearly in the first document you find within moments of starting the flashback ("Orders"): she’s a member of the Special Operations Division in the English version, or a 'special agent' in the Japanese (特殊工作員, tokushu kousaku-in). The English version also gives Mia the role of 'caretaker', implicitly of Eveline, but there's not much to suggest this is a role extending beyond the bounds of this particular mission (for comparison, the Japanese doesn't mention caretaking at all).
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Mia's job is exactly what we see her doing in the game: transporting important assets under cover identities, and running around doing damage control with a machine gun if things go south. She echoes the same in her letter to the Bakers, stating she 'was assigned to transport some important cargo.' Even the 'imprinting protocol' she refers to seems to be mostly part of a transport protocol (going by the very little we ever learn about it), and may not even have been implemented until shortly before they left.
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Even in the one photo of her standing with the research team, you might note that Mia and her partner Alan are the only people present not wearing lab coats (and believe me, with how much other photoshopping there is in this photo, Mia would have been wearing a lab coat if they'd wanted her in one). The photo itself is far more of an easter egg than a real plot point anyway, and probably isn't worth reading too much into ‒ I mean, Alan is apparently the director of the Special Operations division, so it makes no sense to assume he's part of this one science team. But if you really want a 'canonical' explanation for this photo, considering Mia and Alan are wearing the same clothes as in the ship flashback, you could reasonably assume it was taken right before Eveline was shipped off to America ‒ a kind of "Let's get one last snapshot of the team together with the transport crew before Eveline goes to South America" deal. It's completely plausible Mia may not even have met Eveline until the same day this was taken.
So where does this 'scientist' nonsense come from? The only source which does call Mia a 'researcher' is a timeline entry in this one RE7 strategy guide which has never been published in English – and it's a good example of why sources like this are usually better treated as pseudo-canon at best. You can find various translations of it online – but you can also buy the whole ebook (which I did), so here's the page where it originally comes up.
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And yes, inasmuch as I’m qualified to translate, the line does state that Mia joined the company as a ‘researcher’ (研究員, kenkyuu-in) in 2010. But the same guidebook also refers to her as an operative (工作員) just a couple of pages later, so even the guidebook is hardly consistent.
Charitably, perhaps we could read that Mia was initially hired as some kind of generic, low-level research assistant before being transferred to the special operations division after showing aptitude in that area. But it's more likely that Mia was simply going to be a researcher at some point in the game’s development history, before Capcom changed their minds, and the timeline that made it into the guidebook is just very out of date ‒ it happens. Either way, one line in an inconsistent guide book hardly trumps what actually made it into the games.
I do realise that asking people to pay attention to what's actually in the games over what's repeated in some wiki somewhere (or a gazillion different fanfic) is a big ask for any fandom, but Mia was clearly never a scientist in the game we all played. She still knowingly worked for some really evil people – she doesn’t get to claim innocence here – but the idea she's personally responsible for every bad thing ever done to Eveline is absurd.
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FWIW, other details from the guidebook also back up the idea that transporting assets was a major part of Mia’s job. Her bio (above) mentions that she was away from home a lot, something that strained the Winters’ marriage, and that she told people she worked for a ‘trading company’ – a solid cover for a job focused on travel and logistics.
A very little is said about Mia’s relationship with Eveline. The guidebook does mention that the reason Eveline’s so attached to Mia is because Eveline had known her since she was ‘confined to the “mysterious organisation” that created her’, which could be taken to imply she knew Mia well before their trip began, but it's not much to go on. Mia's own feelings on Eveline are described briefly in a caption: “Although Mia found Eveline creepy, she also felt compassion for her lonely situation,” which tracks with how Mia interacts with her in-game. It doesn't track so well with the idea Mia had any real authority over how Eveline was raised or treated, however, and would be perfectly consistent with the idea Mia might not have known her long at all.
The guidebook timeline also tells us that the E-series project begain in 2000, and that Eveline herself was created in "the early 2000s." This doesn't make a whole lot of sense for reasons I've talked about already, but does put Eveline's creation well before 2010, the year the same timeline gives us for when Mia started working at the Connections. Since the guidebook also tells us Mia was 32 in 2017, back in 2000, she would have been all of 15 years old. Whatever Mia's involvement, the project long predates her joining the company.
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But the real issue with trying to given Mia any major responsibility for the E-series project is that the lab that created Eveline was located in Europe. Mia, meanwhile, has a driver's license telling us she's from Texas.
The European location for the lab is another detail that gets barely mentioned in the games, though it's mentioned repeatedly in the guidebook, and the Baker Incident Report even puts it specifically in Munich, Germany. Given all we learn in RE8, that location does make a lot of sense, when the mould was found in Eastern Europe, and that Miranda herself was part of the research team (she gets multiple photos and a lab coat, you may note). And even if the lab wasn’t right on Miranda’s doorstep, Munich is a heckuva commute from Texas, or anywhere else in the US. Even if Mia was often away from Ethan for long periods, as her bio implies, how involved could she realistically have been?
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I don't want to overstress the idea that it "doesn't make sense" for a special agent from Texas to have been intimately involved in a European research project ‒ making sense has never held back RE lore before. But the idea that Mia was brought in only as a handler for Eveline when she was being moved to America still makes a lot more sense than to suggest the Connections were fine with their star asset’s primary handler going home to the US every other weekend.
There are possibilities between the two extremes, of course: Mia may have had sporadic contact with Eveline before the trip, either regularly or just once or twice. It's easy to assume the 'imprinting protocol' must mean that Mia's been Eveline's primary handler for some time, but heck, maybe it's better read as the opposite ‒ something that can be quickly applied to a new handler or caretaker in a hurry, to explain how Eveline got so attached to someone she'd only just met.
Given everything we actually see of her, you could even speculate that Mia was chosen as Eveline's 'caretaker' specifically because she was someone nice and motherly enough for Eveline to bond with. Eveline was pretty clearly fucked up long before Mia ever got involved, and not actually wanting to adopt a walking bioweapon whose idea of a happy family involves mould-powered mind control really does not reflect badly on Mia's character.
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Whether Mia was already working for the Connections before she met Ethan also isn't clear. The guidebook tells us she began working for them in 2010, and married Ethan in May of 2011 (later confirmed by the date on Mia's ring in RE8) – though it doesn't specify when she and Ethan met. Even by Texas standards, marrying someone you’d known less than a year would be pretty unusual, so it’s likely Ethan knew her before she took the job. But even that 2010 statement comes along with the bit about Mia being hired as ‘a researcher’, so you can always take it with a grain of salt if you'd prefer.
And that's pretty much it for what the complete RE canon ever tells us about Mia and her former employers.
So here’s where I’m left with Mia’s role at the Connections. Even if she wasn’t aware of exactly what she was signing up for when she joined the company, and even if she considered all that lying to her husband about it to be a simple matter of confidentiality around sensitive research, she’s fully aware by the disaster in 2014, and plainly has a guilty conscience when she admits to lying to Ethan in her video message. However responsible she may or may not have been, she's still complicit. Her hands are hardly clean.
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But they’re still a whole lot cleaner than, say, Luis’, considering that he was a key member of the science teams at both Umbrella Europe and in Saddler’s cult, and I don’t see him getting a fraction of the same hate as Mia. They both regret what they’ve done, and they’re both willing to give their own lives to make up for it. No, Luis never lied to a spouse about it (that we know of), but he's every bit as shifty and secretive. And frankly, most of the other shit that gets dumped on Mia’s doorstep is just as much bullshit (like, people do realise the “Mia” we see having “marital problems” with Ethan at the start of RE8 isn’t Mia, right?) But that’s material for other posts.
We don’t know how Mia got involved with the Connections, or how she felt about working for them, because the games never give us this information, and that’s a real shame. But in the capitalist hellscape we’re all living in, she’d hardly be the first to find herself stuck working for truly terrible people, one way or another.
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Meanwhile, everything we see her doing during the outbreak on the tanker speaks to a basically good person, desperately trying to run damage control in a fucked-up situation. She tells Alan she’s not going to let him die, even though what’s going down is his fault. She tries so hard to talk Eveline down. After she’s rescued by the Bakers in the Daughter's DLC, she insists on staying in the trailer, meaning to leave at her first opportunity – pretty significant, considering she knows she’s infected already. She also leaves them a message warning them to stay away from Eveline, even sharing information on how to make a serum if they are infected. If you pick her over Zoe on the dock, the first thing she does is try to convince Zoe to come with them anyway. Even under Eveline's mind control, you'll catch her ranting about needing to contain the outbreak, blaming herself, and telling Ethan she loves him with her last breath.
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And after being infected herself, the first thing on her mind is to try and protect Ethan, recording that message admitting she’s lied to him, and warning him to stay away (Ethan never gets that message, but you can’t say Mia didn’t try). Mia loves Ethan enough to die to save him – and she will, if you choose the Zoe path, and she’ll do it without a second thought.
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Mia is fascinating to me as a character because she’s so full of contradictions: a woman who leaves syrupy video messages sending ‘tons of kisses’ to her husband, but who is completely comfortable running around with a machine gun killing mould-monsters, and who shrugs off an Eveline jump-scare with 'fucking hallucinations!' Someone who’s done bad things and knows it, and is trying so hard to make up for it, but whose background and motivations are left frustratingly undeveloped. But if you haven’t caught that Ethan and Rose mean more to her than anything, you really haven’t been paying attention.
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Whatever you assume about Mia’s full story, she’s complicated in a way that makes her so much more interesting to me than most of the franchise’s more popular playable characters. I am very serious in saying I want RE9 to be just the full Mia-Winters-story, because to me that’s the only remotely satisfying justification for keeping her such a mystery for so long. I know that's not at all likely, but fuck it, I can dream.
Mia’s made her share of mistakes, but holding her responsible for everything the Connections has ever done is no kind of fair.
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market-spy · 7 months
Diving into the Depths: AUV Market in Offshore Oil and Gas IRM
Ahoy, fellow Earth-dwellers! Today, we embark on a deep-sea journey to unravel the mysteries of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) market in the realm of Offshore Oil and Gas Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance (IRM). Hold on to your hats, because it’s about to get wet and wild!
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Making Waves in the Market: 
Picture this: a market valued at a whopping USD 0.61 billion in 2022, riding a CAGR wave of 21% that’s set to crash into the shores of USD 3.39 billion by 2031. Yes, you heard it right — AUVs are making waves, not just in the literal sense!
Why the AUV Hype? 
What’s the fuss about these underwater contraptions, you ask? Well, it turns out AUVs are the rockstars of the Offshore Oil and Gas IRM scene. With an industry clamoring for cost-friendliness, safety, and environmental compliance, AUVs have waltzed in as the heroes. Imagine a world where downtime is reduced, and the only danger is whether the AUVs prefer rock or classical music.
Going Deeper, Going Remote: 
Offshore projects are taking a plunge into deeper waters, venturing into remote areas that even your most adventurous friend wouldn’t dare explore. Enter AUVs, stage left. These aquatic wonders extend beyond the mundane Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance routine, embracing tasks like environmental monitoring and data collection. It’s like turning Batman into Batman with a PhD in marine biology.
Tech Evolution: 
ML, AI, and AUVs — Oh My! Hold on to your snorkels because technology is at the helm of this submarine extravaganza. AUVs are now infused with the wizardry of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). No longer just underwater drones, they’ve become underwater Einsteins, providing data analysis so accurate it’ll make your GPS blush.
Market Geographies: 
Europe, North America, APAC, and the Rising Stars Europe, North America, and the Asia Pacific (APAC) — the triumvirate of AUV supremacy. But wait, the underdogs are rising! Africa and South America are catching the AUV wave, as their oil and gas applications grow. The competitive landscape is a sea of big players like Kongsberg Maritime and Saab Group, all vying for the top spot.
Market Snapshot — 2024–2031:
Global Market Size: USD 0.61 billion
Largest Segment: Light Weight Vehicle (LWV)
Fastest Growth: Heavy Weight Vehicles (HWVs)
Growth Rate: 21% CAGR
Segmental Shenanigans: 
Dive into the nitty-gritty with segments like Man-portable, Light Weight Vehicle (LWV), and Heavy Weight Vehicles (HWVs). It’s like choosing between a compact car, a speedboat, and a full-blown submarine for your underwater adventures.
Water Depth Drama: 
Shallow, deep, or ultra-deep waters — the eternal struggle for supremacy. Shallow water AUVs are the popular kids on the block, versatile and compatible with every underwater shindig. Deepwater and ultra-deepwater AUVs, on the other hand, are like the niche artists, critical but overshadowed by the mainstream.
Market Dynamics: 
Driving and Slamming on the Brakes Drivers like increasing offshore activities, safety concerns, and cost efficiency are propelling AUVs forward. But watch out for the road bumps — high initial investment, limited payload capacity, and technical challenges might put a dent in the AUV parade.
Competitive Landscape: 
The Ocean’s Got Talent The AUV market is a fierce battleground, with heavyweights like Saab Group and Ocean Infinity flaunting their high-tech weaponry. But the real MVPs are the startups, bringing fresh ideas and innovation to the underwater arena. It’s like the tech version of Aquaman meets Shark Tank.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/auv-for-offshore-oil-and-gas-irm-market
Recent Developments: 
AUVs Making Headlines From Saab’s mysterious customer order to Fugro’s North Sea pipeline inspection, AUVs are hogging the headlines. Oceaneering International even went shopping, acquiring Seabotix to expand its AUV wardrobe. It’s like a Hollywood blockbuster, but underwater!
Key Market Trends: 
More Than Just Submarine Swag AI and ML integration, multi-mission AUVs, and hybrid AUV systems are the cool kids on the AUV block. It’s not just about inspection; it’s about data, efficiency, and versatility. AUVs are evolving faster than a school of fish chased by a hungry shark.
The Deep-Sea Disco Continues As we surface from the depths of the AUV market, one thing’s clear — AUVs are not just underwater drones; they’re the maestros of the Offshore Oil and Gas IRM orchestra. With technology, innovation, and a touch of underwater pizzazz, they’re set to rule the waves for years to come. So, buckle up, fellow explorers, because the deep-sea disco is far from over!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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sqinsights · 7 months
Diving into the Depths: AUV Market in Offshore Oil and Gas IRM
Ahoy, fellow Earth-dwellers! Today, we embark on a deep-sea journey to unravel the mysteries of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) market in the realm of Offshore Oil and Gas Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance (IRM). Hold on to your hats, because it’s about to get wet and wild!
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Making Waves in the Market: 
Picture this: a market valued at a whopping USD 0.61 billion in 2022, riding a CAGR wave of 21% that’s set to crash into the shores of USD 3.39 billion by 2031. Yes, you heard it right — AUVs are making waves, not just in the literal sense!
Why the AUV Hype? 
What’s the fuss about these underwater contraptions, you ask? Well, it turns out AUVs are the rockstars of the Offshore Oil and Gas IRM scene. With an industry clamoring for cost-friendliness, safety, and environmental compliance, AUVs have waltzed in as the heroes. Imagine a world where downtime is reduced, and the only danger is whether the AUVs prefer rock or classical music.
Going Deeper, Going Remote: 
Offshore projects are taking a plunge into deeper waters, venturing into remote areas that even your most adventurous friend wouldn’t dare explore. Enter AUVs, stage left. These aquatic wonders extend beyond the mundane Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance routine, embracing tasks like environmental monitoring and data collection. It’s like turning Batman into Batman with a PhD in marine biology.
Tech Evolution: 
ML, AI, and AUVs — Oh My! Hold on to your snorkels because technology is at the helm of this submarine extravaganza. AUVs are now infused with the wizardry of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). No longer just underwater drones, they’ve become underwater Einsteins, providing data analysis so accurate it’ll make your GPS blush.
Market Geographies: 
Europe, North America, APAC, and the Rising Stars Europe, North America, and the Asia Pacific (APAC) — the triumvirate of AUV supremacy. But wait, the underdogs are rising! Africa and South America are catching the AUV wave, as their oil and gas applications grow. The competitive landscape is a sea of big players like Kongsberg Maritime and Saab Group, all vying for the top spot.
Market Snapshot — 2024–2031:
Global Market Size: USD 0.61 billion
Largest Segment: Light Weight Vehicle (LWV)
Fastest Growth: Heavy Weight Vehicles (HWVs)
Growth Rate: 21% CAGR
Segmental Shenanigans: 
Dive into the nitty-gritty with segments like Man-portable, Light Weight Vehicle (LWV), and Heavy Weight Vehicles (HWVs). It’s like choosing between a compact car, a speedboat, and a full-blown submarine for your underwater adventures.
Water Depth Drama: 
Shallow, deep, or ultra-deep waters — the eternal struggle for supremacy. Shallow water AUVs are the popular kids on the block, versatile and compatible with every underwater shindig. Deepwater and ultra-deepwater AUVs, on the other hand, are like the niche artists, critical but overshadowed by the mainstream.
Market Dynamics: 
Driving and Slamming on the Brakes Drivers like increasing offshore activities, safety concerns, and cost efficiency are propelling AUVs forward. But watch out for the road bumps — high initial investment, limited payload capacity, and technical challenges might put a dent in the AUV parade.
Competitive Landscape: 
The Ocean’s Got Talent The AUV market is a fierce battleground, with heavyweights like Saab Group and Ocean Infinity flaunting their high-tech weaponry. But the real MVPs are the startups, bringing fresh ideas and innovation to the underwater arena. It’s like the tech version of Aquaman meets Shark Tank.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/auv-for-offshore-oil-and-gas-irm-market
Recent Developments: 
AUVs Making Headlines From Saab’s mysterious customer order to Fugro’s North Sea pipeline inspection, AUVs are hogging the headlines. Oceaneering International even went shopping, acquiring Seabotix to expand its AUV wardrobe. It’s like a Hollywood blockbuster, but underwater!
Key Market Trends: 
More Than Just Submarine Swag AI and ML integration, multi-mission AUVs, and hybrid AUV systems are the cool kids on the AUV block. It’s not just about inspection; it’s about data, efficiency, and versatility. AUVs are evolving faster than a school of fish chased by a hungry shark.
The Deep-Sea Disco Continues As we surface from the depths of the AUV market, one thing’s clear — AUVs are not just underwater drones; they’re the maestros of the Offshore Oil and Gas IRM orchestra. With technology, innovation, and a touch of underwater pizzazz, they’re set to rule the waves for years to come. So, buckle up, fellow explorers, because the deep-sea disco is far from over!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
0 notes
avnnetwork · 7 months
Backdrop Chronicles: Capturing Moments in Photography's Hidden Canvas
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In the vast expanse of the art world, the magic of photography lies not just in the moment captured but also in the canvas unseen – the photography backdrop. This hidden canvas plays a pivotal role in storytelling, transforming the mundane into the magnificent, and elevating a simple snapshot into a piece of art. The journey through the chronicles of backdrops reveals how these fabric or material sheets, standing silently behind our subjects, are in fact dynamic narrators of context, emotion, and atmosphere. This article delves into the essence of backdrops in photography, exploring their evolution, types, and the artistry involved in selecting the perfect scene setter for every click.
Historically, the use of backdrops can be traced back to the earliest days of portrait photography, where painters' backdrops were repurposed to add depth and interest to photographic portraits. These were often simple, painted scenes or drapes that provided a contrast to the subject being photographed. As photography evolved, so did the creativity and complexity of backdrops, with photographers experimenting with different materials, textures, and designs to enhance the visual appeal of their images.
The evolution of backdrops is a testimony to photographers' growing understanding of the power of context. A well-chosen backdrop can transport the viewer, suggest a mood, or tell a story without a single word. From the seamless paper rolls popular in fashion photography to the elaborate, themed sets used in editorial shoots, each type of backdrop serves a specific purpose. There’s a profound difference between using a stark, black velvet fabric that swallows light, creating an intimate, focused portrait, and a bright, bustling cityscape that speaks of energy and spontaneity. Visit https://www.artwas.com/
Selecting the right backdrop involves a blend of art and science. It requires an understanding of the interplay between light, color, and texture, and how these elements can complement or contrast with the subject. A photographer might choose a muted, textured backdrop to emphasize the vibrant colors of a subject’s attire, or a whimsical, patterned canvas to add a playful element to a child’s portrait. The decision is as much about the emotional tone of the photograph as it is about the visual composition.
The art of using backdrops extends beyond mere selection. It's about manipulating these canvases to achieve the desired effect. Techniques such as lighting can dramatically alter the appearance and mood of a backdrop. A single light source can cast shadows, adding depth and drama, while soft, diffused lighting can make the same backdrop appear gentle and unobtrusive. The distance between the subject and the backdrop also plays a crucial role in how the backdrop interacts with the subject. A closer proximity can result in sharp, clear details in the backdrop, while a greater distance creates a blurred effect, focusing the viewer's attention squarely on the subject.
In the digital age, the concept of backdrops has expanded even further with the advent of green screen technology and digital backdrops. These tools offer limitless possibilities, allowing photographers to place their subjects in any environment imaginable, from exotic locations to fantastical worlds. However, the principles of selecting and using backdrops remain unchanged. Whether real or digital, the backdrop must serve the story the photographer wishes to tell.
The backdrop, though often overlooked, is a silent witness to the evolution of photography. It has grown from a simple curtain to a canvas of infinite possibilities. Its role in photography transcends mere background; it is a tool for storytelling, a medium for artistic expression, and a space where imagination meets reality.
Photographers, both amateur and professional, are constantly exploring new horizons in the use of backdrops. Social media platforms and online galleries are awash with innovative backdrop ideas, from DIY creations to natural landscapes, showcasing the creativity and versatility of this art form. These platforms serve as a testament to the backdrop's enduring relevance in photography, inspiring a new generation of photographers to push the boundaries of their hidden canvas.
The chronicles of backdrops are far from complete. As long as photographers continue to capture moments, backdrops will evolve, adapting to new trends, technologies, and artistic visions. They are more than just backdrops; they are the unsung heroes of photography, setting the stage for the magic of the captured moment to unfold.
In conclusion, the journey through the chronicles of photography backdrops is a fascinating exploration of how these hidden canvases shape the art of photography. From their historical origins to their modern-day applications, backdrops have proven to be an essential element of photographic storytelling. As photographers continue to experiment and innovate, the backdrop will remain a central figure in the narrative of photography, capturing moments in its unique, silent way. The backdrop chronicles, therefore, are not just stories of fabric and design but are, in essence, the chronicles of photography itself, capturing the imagination and creativity that lie at the heart of this captivating art form.
0 notes
unojobs · 9 months
Looking at the Digital Employment Portal: Job Portal Dynamics
In the contemporary job market, the emergence of digital platforms has revolutionized the way job seekers connect with opportunities and employers find suitable candidates. This article aims to delve into the intricacies of job portals, examining their role, impact, and the evolving trends that define this digital gateway to employment.
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The Evolution of Job Portals: A Historical Perspective
To understand the significance of job portals today, it's essential to trace their evolution over time. From humble beginnings to becoming indispensable tools in the job market, these platforms have undergone a remarkable transformation.
1. Pioneering Days: From Classifieds to Online Listings
Job portals trace their roots back to the transition from traditional newspaper classifieds to online job listings. The digital shift allowed for broader reach and accessibility, opening up opportunities for both job seekers and employers to connect beyond geographical constraints.
2. Rise of Specialized Portals: Niche Platforms for Targeted Searches
As the demand for specialized skills grew, so did the need for niche job portals. These platforms cater to specific industries, professions, or skill sets, providing a more focused and tailored approach to job searching and recruitment.
The Role of Job Portals in the Modern Job Market
In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, job portals play a multifaceted role in shaping the job market. Their functions extend beyond mere listings, encompassing features that streamline the entire recruitment process.
3. Centralized Job Listings: Aggregating Opportunities for Job Seekers
Job portals serve as centralized hubs for job listings across industries and sectors. Job seekers can access a wide array of opportunities, ranging from entry-level positions to executive roles, all within a single platform. This centralized approach simplifies the job search process, saving time and effort for aspiring professionals.
4. Resume Posting and Profile Building: Crafting a Digital Professional Identity
Job portals enable users to create digital resumes and profiles, presenting a comprehensive snapshot of their skills, experiences, and qualifications. This feature facilitates a more in-depth evaluation by employers, allowing for a nuanced understanding of a candidate's suitability for a particular role.
5. Employer Outreach: A Channel for Talent Acquisition
For employers, job portals provide a channel for reaching a diverse pool of potential candidates. The ability to post job openings, set specific criteria, and engage with applicants digitally streamlines the recruitment process, making it more efficient and cost-effective.
Navigating the Features: Unpacking the Toolbox of Job Portals
Job portals come equipped with a plethora of features designed to enhance the user experience for both job seekers and employers. Understanding and leveraging these features can significantly impact the effectiveness of the job search and recruitment process.
6. Advanced Search Filters: Tailoring Searches for Precision
The advanced search features of job portals allow job seekers to narrow down their search based on specific criteria such as location, industry, experience level, and more. This precision ensures that users are presented with opportunities that align closely with their preferences and qualifications.
7. Job Alerts and Notifications: Staying Updated in Real-Time
Job portals keep users informed about new opportunities through job alerts and notifications. This real-time feature ensures that job seekers are promptly notified of relevant openings, empowering them to stay ahead in the competitive job market.
8. Application Tracking Systems (ATS): Streamlining the Recruitment Process
Employers benefit from Application Tracking Systems integrated into job portals. These systems automate the screening of resumes, track applicant progress, and streamline the overall recruitment workflow. For both small businesses and large enterprises, ATS can be a game-changer in managing the influx of applications.
Challenges and Criticisms: Addressing Concerns in the Job Portal Landscape
While job portals have become integral to the job search process, they are not without criticisms and challenges. Acknowledging and addressing these concerns is essential for ensuring the continued effectiveness and ethical use of these platforms.
9. Oversaturation and Competition: Navigating a Crowded Marketplace
The popularity of job portals has led to an oversaturation of options, making it challenging for users to choose the most effective platform. Job seekers may find themselves navigating through multiple portals, each with its unique set of features and job listings.
10. Privacy and Data Security: Safeguarding Sensitive Information
The digital nature of job portals raises concerns about privacy and data security. Job seekers often share sensitive personal and professional information on these platforms, necessitating robust measures to protect against data breaches and unauthorized access.
11. Quality of Job Listings: Ensuring Accuracy and Relevance
Critics argue that the quality of job listings on some portals may be questionable, with outdated or misleading information. Maintaining the accuracy and relevance of job postings is crucial for building trust among users and ensuring a positive experience for both job seekers and employers.
Future Trends: Navigating the Horizon of Job Portals
As technology continues to advance and the job market evolves, job portals are expected to undergo further transformation. Anticipating these changes can empower both users and providers to stay ahead of the curve.
12. AI and Machine Learning Integration: Personalized Recommendations and Insights
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning into job portals is poised to revolutionize the user experience. These technologies can provide personalized job recommendations, insights into market trends, and even predict future career paths based on individual profiles.
13. Virtual Recruitment Events: Bringing Employers and Job Seekers Together
Virtual recruitment events are gaining traction as an extension of job portals. These events allow employers to connect with a broader audience of potential candidates through webinars, interviews, and networking sessions, providing a more immersive and interactive recruitment experience.
Conclusion: Navigating the Digital Landscape of Employment
In the vast expanse of the modern job market, job portals stand as crucial intermediaries, connecting talent with opportunity in a digital landscape. As users navigate the features, address challenges, and anticipate future trends, the role of these platforms in shaping the world of employment continues to evolve. With a careful understanding of their dynamics, job seekers and employers alike can harness the potential of job portals to navigate the complex journey of recruitment and career advancement.
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roswellwrites · 3 years
>posts for the first time in two years
>it's 5k words of the cowboy from dbd eating p*ssy
>refuses to elaborate
Pairing: caleb quinn x reader
Tags: oral, fingering, some dirty talk. Relatively tame considering how overboard i went with this imo
Word count: 5052 but we don’t have to talk about it
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When you opened your eyes to find yourself standing in the center of Glenvale’s dusty street, you huffed. 
You were used to it by now, the way the unsettlingly thick fog would seem to appear from nowhere, rolling unnaturally across the clearing as it picked and chose those who would be unfortunate this time.
You remembered holding your breath, your eyes squeezed shut and hands wringing anxiously on your lap, begging wordlessly for the Entity’s fog to pass you over.
And yet here you were.
Still, Glenvale was not the worst case scenario.
The old fort -while not exactly new territory in the Entity’s realm- was still relatively unfamiliar to you, unexplored, eerie and overgrown. 
The air was always strange here, imbued with an undercurrent of dark energy, thrumming heavy and electric as if alive with the misfortune that had befallen the small settlement.
You lazily kicked a pebble in your path, the action unsettling the dust in a way that felt dramatic, even by trial standards. 
You noticed your boots first, like nothing you owned in the real world but familiar to you in a way you couldn’t quite place. But it wasn’t just your shoes that were different. Some time between the campfire and the fog and arriving on the dusty streets of Glenvale, your outfit had changed completely.
The dress you wore was a new addition to your (very limited) wardrobe, short in the front and long in the back, layered but surprisingly light, contradictory to the material’s heavy appearance. The fabric itself was a deep maroon trimmed with black, matte with no hint of shine to it, unmistakably high quality though perhaps not quite authentic to the setting. The dress’s bodice was tight and low cut, flattering, you mused, if the eyeful of your own cleavage you got when you looked down was any indication.
You rubbed your gloved hands together idly, enjoying the smooth feel of the fabric and the small ‘swish swish’ of your fingers as they brushed against one another. 
Beyond that you wore stockings, the material closer to sheer than opaque, lacy bands fitting you snuggly slightly above your knee as they disappeared under the hem of your skirt.
Your boots had a small heel to them, laced tightly, the cuffs extending an inch or so above the natural curve of your ankle.
You clicked your heels together experimentally, more amused than anything else.
A saloon girl outfit.
You stopped in the dusty street, raising your eyes skyward in awe as you admired the beautiful swirling galaxies and twinkling stars, brighter and more defined than you had ever seen them before. You allowed yourself only a moment to enjoy the sight before hurrying along, side-eyeing a wayward buzzard as it screeched its displeasure from an overturned cart in the street.
You climbed the steps leading to the saloon’s main entrance, eager to get off the street and find somewhere a little less out in the open, your eyes scanning the establishment quickly as you crossed the threshold.
The inside of the old building was a scattering of overturned furniture, tables and chairs covered in a fine layer of dust and pockmarked by bullet holes.
You cast a cursory glance over the dead bodies, frozen permanently in the entity’s snapshot, no longer human bodies but now props to set a stage.
Your eyes lingered on the bar before passing over it quickly, knowing from experience that nothing of value would be found there. You had conducted a thorough investigation the first time you were here -a search for resources of course, nothing more- finding only shattered glass and a single unmarked bottle, the lone swig of alcohol inside burning your mouth in a way that had you tasting it for the rest of the trial no matter how many times you spit.
But off to one side rested the shining star of the old saloon, an old piano that had completely enthralled you the first time you saw it and every time since.
The instrument in question was the oldest piano you’d ever seen, exciting but not all that much of a surprise given the setting. You dragged the rickety chair from its place under the keybed and took a seat, ignoring the small screech of the chair legs on the old floor as you did so.
You spread your fingers over the keys, your touch feather-light, unbothered by the accumulated dust and grime on your pristine gloves as the piano banged out its own discordant tune.
There was the light creaking of worn floorboards behind you paired with the unmistakable sound of heavy footsteps as they approached. Boots, you parsed easily. Definitely boots.
You felt a flash of fear, the feeling lasting only a handful of seconds before you forced yourself to settle again. You took a moment to think of the other survivors that had entered the trial with you. Too loud to be Ace’s loafers, the wrong sound altogether to be Yui’s sandals.
Jeff then.
You straightened in your chair, casting an excited glance over your shoulder. “Jeff,” you beamed. “Check this out-“
“Not Jeff,” the tall man rasped behind you.
Your blood ran cold, all traces of your smile vanishing and eyes widening in dawning horror as your entire body went rigid with fear.
The gunslinger’s hand was on your shoulder suddenly, his grip punishing, and you spun, your heart leaping into your throat at the sight of the man towering over you. Your mouth dropped dumbly in surprise as you moved immediately to stand, to run maybe, a startled noise instead tearing itself from your throat as the cowboy shoved you backwards so hard that the old wooden chair groaned in protest.
You noticed his grin before anything else, crooked and unkind as he looked at you. His eyes were intense, sharp and predatory, alight with the thrill of having caught you off guard.
‘My heartbeat,’ your brain supplied unhelpfully, gloved hand flying to your chest as your heartbeat suddenly roared to life behind your ribs. “Why...” you trailed off, tongue darting out nervously to wet your bottom lip. “Why didn’t I hear-“
His grin widened, strange eyes dragging leisurely and without shame from your face to trail the length of your body. “Reckon you just weren’t listening, girlie.”
You followed his gaze, puzzled briefly.
You could instantly feel the blood rush to your cheeks, fear pushed aside and replaced with embarrassment to find that your skirt had ridden up when he shoved you backwards, the already short hem pushed back enough to reveal the tops of your lacy stockings and garters, decorated with small, intricate bows.
You shifted in your chair, moving instinctively to press your thighs together and smooth the fabric back into place before you stopped yourself, a piece of advice given to you by another survivor ringing clear as a bell in your ears.
“Try to catch them off guard."
‘Sure,’ you thought. ‘Why not?’
You inhaled deeply, taking a moment to compose yourself under the man’s sharp gaze, lashes fanning against your flushed cheeks as you closed your eyes. When you opened them again, you tilted your head slightly, allowing a strand of loose hair to slip free from behind your ear and teasingly brush the tops of your breasts. You shifted forward in your seat, pleased to note the obvious way that the gunslinger’s eyes drifted to your chest again. You spread your fingers over your collarbone, making a show of it as you arched your back to give the man a better view.
“Ain’t above fightin’ dirty, I see,” the tall man scoffed.
You ignored the comment in favor of action. You reached towards him, willing your hands to steady themselves as you hooked pseudo-confident fingers behind the man’s belt and tugged him playfully towards you. “Reckon we might have gotten off on the wrong foot, Mister,” you drawled, tongue darting out to wet your lips in a way that you hoped read more sultry than nervous.
There was a moment where the man simply looked at you, head tilting slightly as if mulling the phrase over. He seemed to come to his conclusion quickly enough, perhaps deciding that your sudden exaggerated southern drawl wasn’t meant to offend or that this wasn’t some kind of trap he was about to fall into.
“That so?” The man grinned. He stepped forward into your space obligingly, seeming to humor the invitation of closeness. His eyes still held that unsettling glint to them, too bright and too shiny. Unnatural. Inhuman.
Regardless, you were pleased when he dropped his gaze again, his strange eyes focusing on the slight rustle of your heavy skirt as you spread your thighs wider to accommodate him.
This was easy. This was something you could do.
You felt your heart rate spike again when he shifted his weapon in his hands, your shoddily crafted facade dangerously close to slipping as you fought the urge to flinch. You allowed your eyes to linger on the gun for only a moment before sliding your gaze instead to his face, forcing an air of casualness. “I bet if you put that gun down, we could find a better use for those hands of yours, cowboy.”
You knew the gunslinger could end this little game right now if he wanted, could pick you up and carry you to a hook and there would be nothing you could do about it. But the thought of escaping the situation (or the trial, for that matter) was no longer at the forefront of your mind, a concept that emboldened but -more importantly- thrilled you in a way you couldn’t quite articulate.
That’s all this entire scenario was; just one big trust fall.
The gunslinger made a small noise at the offer, over exaggerated as if mulling it over. “Hmmm…” he said, stretching the sound long enough that you had to tamp down your fear again. After a brief pause,  there was the dull sound of steel meeting wood as the man reached past you to prop his gun in the corner where the piano met the wall.
All at once the tension seemed to leave your chest, like a bubble that had burst behind your rib cage. You exhaled softly through your nose, breathing a silent sigh of relief as you cast your eyes upwards to see now that the large man’s expression truly had shifted from ‘firmly murderous’ to ‘more than slightly amused.’
With his hands now free, the gunslinger reached down to cup your jaw, calloused thumb passing idly over your lips as if inspecting you.
“My, you certainly are a pretty thing, aren’t ya,” he mused. “Never woulda guessed what with all the blood yer always covered in.”
Without the immediate threat of death looming over your head, you allowed your shoulders to loosen. You shifted forward in your seat, one hand sliding from his belt to linger now on his thigh. Time to really go for it. “Maybe we could work out some kind of...trade.”
“Oh?” He asked, smug. “And what could you possibly offer me that I couldn’t just take?”
“Been told I’m pretty good with my mouth,” you said matter of factly, purposely ignoring the second half of the question. You tilted your chin upwards slightly, both hands coming up now to catch the gunslinger’s hand as his thumb lingered by your mouth. You parted your lips slightly, taking the tip of the aforementioned digit into your mouth and closing your teeth playfully around it.
The taste that hit your tongue wasn’t as unpleasant as you thought it might be, all dust and faded tobacco and some sort of bitter machine oil. Certainly not a deterrent. “Just say the word, cowboy, and I’ll get on my knees and take you for one hell of a ride.”
The gunslinger said nothing at first, as if processing the information he was given. Finally after a moment he spoke.
“I’ll do you one better, girlie,” he grinned. He moved quickly then, giving you only a few seconds to process what was said before he was lifting you out of your chair, settling you with ease on the dusty piano top. “Won’t even have to get on your knees for it.”
You froze at the suddenness with which he moved you, reminiscent of a deer in headlights. You regained your bravado quickly however,  lifting one thigh and then the other as you freed your dress from where it had become trapped beneath you. “Is that so?” You asked.
He watched the movement of the fabric with hungry eyes, his calloused hands moving from their resting position at your waist downwards, trailing your hips before settling firmly on your closed thighs.
Your heart leapt into your throat as exploratory fingers dipped below your skirt to find the top of one stocking, hooking a finger beneath the garter and snapping it lightly against your thigh. You squirmed, your eyes glued helplessly on his long fingers as he began to push the fabric up and out of the way.
“Reckon you’ll have to pardon my eagerness,” the man said, though the crooked grin on his lips and the mischievous glint in his eyes told you he wasn’t as apologetic as he tried to appear. “Suppose if I was a gentleman I might be takin’ this a little slower,” he mused, meeting your eyes before continuing. “But it’s been a long time since I was a gentleman…and I’m in a mighty big hurry to get started.”
From here the gunslinger made quick work of your garter clasps, his deft fingers moving immediately upwards to catch the edge of your delicate ruffled bloomers.
You could feel yourself blushing heavily in anticipation, too warm, almost dizzying as the heat crept further into your chest and face.
The man paused, his predatory gaze finally straying from your lower half to meet your eyes. His lopsided smirk widened further as he seemed to catch sight of your frazzled expression. “You pick these out?” He asked teasingly, tugging playfully at the fabric.
You opened your mouth to speak, your long overheated brain struggling and failing to churn out a suitable answer. “No,” you said instead, decidedly less than intelligent.
He chuckled at this, seemingly amused as he worked the undergarments down your thighs and then over your boots with ease.
You inhaled sharply at the experimental prodding of his fingers at your entrance, the almost gentle way he pressed forward before withdrawing, spreading your growing slick in his wake.
The sounds of your wetness were already audible -embarrassingly so- even over your shaky breathing and the screech of the buzzards outside. You closed your eyes, attempting to ignore the lewdness of the sound but finding this only served to deepen your blush and make you wetter.
“This doin’ somethin’ for you, sweetheart?” The cowboy asked, entirely too self-satisfied for your liking. “Or are you just easily excited?”
You chose to remain silent, a futile attempt to preserve the small amount of dignity you had left.
When he placed his hand on your middle and guided you back gently, you took the hint, supporting your weight with your arms as you leaned backwards to give him better access. From here he bent forward to get a better look at you, large hands forcing your thighs wide, grunting in annoyance when the brim of his large hat bumped against your stomach.
“Damn hat,” he muttered, his tone edging on irritated as he all but snatched the offending accessory from his head and placed it swiftly on top of your own. “Hold this for me, would you?”
You reached up reflexively, grabbing the brim of the old hat and lifting it slightly where it had fallen into your eyes.
You jolted at the first touch of his lips, sudden and bold, cheeks flushed and eyes squeezing shut at the sensation of his harsh stubble on your delicate inner thighs.
“Christ,” you said, too caught off guard to say anything else.
“We’re just gettin’ started.”
His mouth was hot against you, impossibly wet, the movements of his tongue languid and unhurried, thorough as if he planned to explore every inch of you and thought himself to have all the time in the world. The gunslinger’s hands were fire where they met your skin, his calloused fingertips tracing the edges of your stockings with teasing almost feather-light touches.
You lost yourself in a sea of heat, nerve endings alight with pleasure as he really set to work. In the distance you heard a generator roar to life, so far away that you weren’t entirely sure you had heard it at all. How many was that now? Two? Three?
He flattened his tongue against you, the pressure suddenly merciless when combined with the chapped lips and the barest hint of the man’s teeth. You began to squirm, the noises now slipping freely from your lips before you could stop them. You reached for him, your shaking fingers grasping desperately at his coat collar to drag him in closer before you could think better of it.
The gunslinger shifted his weight from one leg and then the other, hooking his arms around your thighs and dragging you to the edge of the piano top and closer still to his mouth. He hooked one of your knees over his shoulder, grinning against your inner thigh as he found a new angle that seemed to please him.
You made a small noise when he pressed one of his long fingers inside of you unexpectedly, a whine slipping from between parted lips as he twisted the digit this way and that. Your hips jolted involuntarily, the action surprising you in its abruptness. Your roving hands flew from the uncomfortable hold on his collar to scrabble uselessly at whatever else you could find, settling eventually on the cowboy’s hat as it rested on your head.
You grabbed the brim with both hands, pulling it down to hide your embarrassment as the gunslinger worked you open with all the experience of a man who had done this many times.
“Now, now,” he chastised, one arm moving from where it curled around your thigh to reach up, pulling the hat from your hands easily and replacing it atop your head in its original position. He flicked the brim teasingly, knocking it upwards and away from your eyes. “No hidin’, girlie.”
You gasped when he added a second finger alongside the first, your body suddenly overwhelmed entirely by the sensation. You twisted in his hold, thighs quaking and toes curling in your boots as the man continued his onslaught.
He chuckled then, a deep rumbling sound that sent another wave of liquid fire to your lower abdomen.
“You’re a sweet little thing, ain’t ya? So warm and welcomin’ for me...squeezing my fingers like you ain’t got no desire to ever see me go,” he teased. His cheeks were flushed, obvious now where you weren’t entirely sure before, sun damaged face ruddy even beneath the thin layer of dirt that coated him. His breath was hot where it fanned against your inner thighs, something you were acutely aware of as he went on. “…and wetter than a goddamn thunderstorm already,” he continued with a grin, seeming to revel in your squirming. “You sure don’t disappoint, do ya?”
You could feel your face heat impossibly further under the scrutiny, shaking legs attempting and failing to squeeze shut subconsciously as the man’s words began to register in your delayed brain.
He gave another raspy laugh, as if amused by the halfhearted attempt.
“Aww, now don’t be like that, sweetheart,” he grinned, turning his head to deliver a playful nip to your inner thigh. You could feel his large hands on your trembling knees, spreading them to their previous positions and then a little beyond that, exposing you obscenely to his hungry gaze.
As he brought his mouth back to your heated flesh, you realized you had never felt like this before, so entirely overwhelmed and thoroughly devoured.
This was going to ruin you.
There was movement to your right, a flash of pink just beyond the window, and you shifted your eyes to it instinctively.
Ace’s eyes were unreadable behind his reflective lenses, his lips pressed into a tense line, more serious perhaps than you had ever seen him. He lifted his hand slowly, raising his thumb first in question before rotating his wrist nearly a full 180 degrees and giving the universal signal for thumbs down.
You blinked slowly in confusion, eyes moving from the man’s hand then to his face and then back again. You knew you were supposed to say something here, or maybe do something. Your thought process was slowed nearly to nothing as the cowboy fucked you mercilessly with his fingers and tongue.
You were surprised to hear the tall man speak suddenly, the sound all but snapping you from your trance as you continued to stare with unfocused eyes towards the newcomer.
“He’s askin’ if you’re alright,” the gunslinger said, finally dragging himself from your lower half as if that was the last thing he wanted to do. He sneered, shooting a scathing look towards the interruption, impatient in a way you knew would mean trouble for Ace later. “Reckon you should answer him so we can go about our business.” Here he paused, mischievous glint in his eyes as he tilted his head teasingly at you. “Unless yer lookin’ to give the man a show.”
You mulled this over for a moment, seconds stretching on, not so much entertaining the idea of giving Ace a front row seat to your escapade so much as trying to remember how to string together words to make a coherent thought. “Oh,” you said finally, licking idly at your lips. Right. “I’m…I’m good,” you called, your voice cracking under the strain.
“Just good, huh?” The gunslinger teased. His long, dexterous fingers crept back to their original positions on your flushed skin. “Thinkin’ we can do a little better than just good.”
In the time it took for you to realize what was about to happen, he was on you again, delving forward to press his tongue inside of you once more.
You arched in surprise, sitting completely upright now as opposed to your relaxed, blissed out posture from only a moment ago, your own fingers twitching restlessly against your thighs. You gasped softly, eyes darting towards Ace again to find that his expression had changed entirely, smirk curling his lips now where only concern had been before. He tipped his cap at you, head tilted in a small nod and his grin growing ever broader when you reached up reflexively to tip the cowboy’s hat in return.
And then as quickly as the gambler appeared, he was gone, your attention shifting immediately back to the gunslinger as he pressed his fingers inside you again. You reveled in the delicious stretch, the digits thick and pleasant as he scissored them within you. Your legs shook, twinging muscles threatening to cramp as the gunslinger held them in their current positions, stretched too wide for too long.
Your hand dove to grab the edge of the piano top when his tongue found your clit, circling it first before beginning to lick it, all teasing thrown out the window now as he set to work in earnest.
“Quite the gentleman droppin’ in to check on you,” the cowboy sneered between punishing licks. His eyes cut suddenly towards the window, as if scanning for the other man. He gave a pleased hum to see that the other man had moved along, the noise vibrating deliciously against your skin. “Was wonderin’ when he was gonna make himself known,” the gunslinger grinned. “Been standing there an awful long time just a’watchin’.”
“If it was anyone else, I’d probably have the common sense to be embarrassed,” you gasped, head tipped back now as you lost yourself in the rhythm of his long fingers as they rocked in and out. “Ace…” you continued, breath hitching as the gunslinger picked up his pace. “Ace is Ace.”
“Not a fan of that one,” the cowboy said offhandedly. “Beat me in cards once. He cheats.”
“He’s just lucky.”
“He cheats,” the man said again, firm, the tone brooking no argument. The bottom half of the cowboy’s face was shiny and wet, and you found yourself distracted by his tongue as it slid from between his chapped lips to run his tongue through it.
“Okay,” you said dumbly. “Okay.”
There was the abrupt sound of a generator being completed, a sudden blinding brightness that shone through the windows and had you squinting your eyes.
“Ah,” the gunslinger said. “Reckon that’s my cue to finish this up.”
You nearly arched off the piano top when he dove back in purposefully, all tongue and lips and fingers that plunged in and out, in and out. He pinned you easily as you squirmed, movements becoming increasingly more wild as he continued his merciless assault. You could feel the build up in your lower stomach, nerve endings alight as your body struggled to process the gunslinger’s ministrations.
When had you started panting?
“Maybe if you ask real sweet, I’ll - “
“Please,” you said immediately, the word falling from your lips before he could finish his thought. You weren’t above begging. You were so close now, teetering on the precipice, any bit of hesitancy you had before completely thrown out the window in the wake of your impending orgasm.
You began to plead in earnest, the same word spoken over and over again -please, please, please- so many times now that the word began to lose its meaning.
You were beyond incoherent, you knew, entirely incomprehensible as the cowboy worked you so thoroughly that you could swear you saw stars. “Please,” you begged, desperate in a way that would surely embarrass you later. “Please, please.”
The gunslinger said something in his gravelly voice, his tone distinctly pleased but overshadowed by your shameless begging. When his thumb met your clit, you gave a sharp inhale as you were pushed over the edge, less a gentle step into the unknown and more a runaway train careening off the tracks.
Despite the build up, you were entirely unprepared for the orgasm that tore through you. It was all encompassing, intense in a way that you had never experienced. Your entire body shuddered, knees and thighs quaking on either side of the gunslinger’s head, thoroughly overwhelmed. You whined when he continued to lick into you despite the overstimulation, his long fingers still pumping in and out even as you squirmed and twisted.
Then all at once the stimulation was gone and you could breathe again.
The gunslinger began to pull away from you, his voice barely muffled against your skin as he spoke once more. His voice was deep, husky and too low to hear over the blood that still rushed loudly in your own ears.
“What?” You asked, flushed chest still heaving as your head continued to clear. You felt like you were underwater, like you could see the cowboy’s mouth moving but couldn’t make your brain understand what was being said.
The gunslinger straightened, finally returning to his full height as he wiped the slick off his face with one dusty sleeve. He opened his mouth again, a sudden sickening ‘pop’  filling the air as he corrected his crooked jaw. He gave a soft grunt of pain, one hand coming up to cup his face in a way that indicated that this was not an unusual occurrence.
“Said my jaw is hurtin’ like a sonuvabitch,” he repeated, grimacing as he shifted his jaw from one side and then the other as if trying to keep it from becoming stiff again. “I’ll be damned if you didn’t make it worth my while, though.”
You didn’t know what to say to that, overtly aware of the awkwardness as it began to seep back into the situation without his hands and mouth to occupy you.
You made a small noise of surprise when he grabbed you around your waist suddenly, lifting you from the piano and setting you down as easily as he had lifted you in the first place. Your legs felt wobbly underneath you, unsteady, a feeling you tried to brush away as you smoothed your skirt back into a position you deemed acceptable.
The gunslinger watched the movement of your skirt with rapt attention, much in the same way he’d watched it earlier when you were trying to tempt him.
”Nothin’ left to do but leave,” the tall man said idly. That strange glint had returned to his eyes, any warmth fading as he reached behind you for his weapon. “Reckon you oughta head out as soon as those gates are open if you want to make it out in one piece.”
Uh oh.
“Go on now,” he grinned, all teeth, unkind and dangerous in a way that sent a chill down your spine. He stepped into your space, standing nearly two heads taller than you as he plucked his hat from your head. “Trust me when I say you don’t wanna test me.”
You yelped when he delivered a sudden sharp slap to your rear, the contact finally spurning you into action. You stumbled down the saloon stairs and back onto the dusty street, one arm coming up to block the too-bright light as your eyes struggled to adjust.
Behind you, the gunslinger laughed, raspy and low. “Find me in the fog any time, girlie.”
You shot one last glance over your shoulder as you hurried along, making your way quickly towards the nearest gate as it loomed heavy and industrial at the end of the street.
In the distance you heard a scream, ear piercing and guttural. You sucked in a breath, anxiously shifting from one foot to the other as if debating what to do, the cowboy’s words from earlier echoing suddenly in your head.
‘Reckon you oughta head out as soon as those gates are open if you want to make it out in one piece.’
In the distance another scream rang out, echoing across the prairie.
You didn’t stick around to hear a third.
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dottiechan · 3 years
Read on AO3 (link in bio)
Part 1 | Part 2&3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Pairing: Crosshair x Reader x Hunter
Wordcount: 2325
Summary: Bracca is nothing more than a blur. But in the midst of this chaos, there are flashbulb memories, vivid snapshots of moments that will be etched into your mind for the rest of your life.
Warnings: cursing, anxiety, injuries
You're sitting in the corner, mute. Everyone is tired, exhausted beyond belief in the belly of a rusting Republic warship, decommissioned just like you should be. You're all waste, fighting for scraps of individuality in a world that only values witless cooperation. Tech once called the Empire "the very death of critical thinking," and you wonder if he meant it literally. If he meant himself too, and his army of identical brothers, those ticking time bombs with switches sewn inside their heads. If he meant Wrecker grabbing him by the throat before trying to kill you. If he meant Crosshair's blind obedience to an Empire that could never love him back as you do.
Your hand glides over your tender arm, and you wince. You will be bruised, the imprint of Wrecker's hand will bloom purple on your skin, like a strange flower. Your back will be painted blue and black and purple too from where it kissed the ground after he threw you across the med bay. You don't know how many times you will be traumatised before you can find some semblance of peace in this godforsaken Galaxy.
And when you look at Omega - sweet Omega, struggling not to fall asleep, holding Wrecker's hand, hoping the man who tried to kill her a mere hour ago would wake - you somehow manage to feel even worse.
It takes time, for them all to undergo surgery. You look at their shaved heads, their confused faces as they look around. They won their own freedom, fought for it too. You want to imagine him here too, in the middle of this quiet victory over the unconscious, silver hair shaved on one side, shaking fingers placing a toothpick between soft lips, uncertain eyes searching for yours amongst his brothers. You want Wrecker to put an arm around those sinewy shoulders only to evoke a scowl on that beloved face.
Wrecker gazes back at you sadly when he notices you staring.
"On your feet, soldier," Hunter extends a hand to you with a small smile on his face. But you know him well enough now, and you see through his façade. You know just how shaken he is, shaken down to his very core. You take his hand and let him help you up. "Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah, don't worry about me."
"You know that's not something I can do."
"I'm fine, I promise. Completely functional. I'm not the one who's just had surgery," you tut gently, taking his bandana from him when he tries to put it back over the bandage on his head. You're as careful as you can be, ignoring the stabbing ache in your arm as you fix Hunter up, gently brushing his short pieces of hair in the front back over the red fabric once you're finished tying a knot. "There. Good as new."
He catches your hands before you could withdraw them, and upon realising that most are distracted by Rex's and Echo's conversation, he holds them to his heart for a little while. His forehead comes to rest against yours gently, but at first you're not sure if he meant to do that, or if he just bowed under the great weight on his shoulders. But his eyes are searching your face now, and his breath ebbs and flows in harmony with yours. You've seen many soldiers do this before, brothers sharing a peaceful moment together before facing death on the battlefield. The Mandalorians call this a Keldabe kiss. But in his mind, Hunter just simply calls it arriving home.
"We'll be okay," you swallow thickly when he pulls back, placing a hand on the side of his face.
"We'll be okay," Hunter echoes, pressing his cheek into your palm, but if there's anything he's learned today, it's that he can never truly be sure of that.
"This is it, boys."
Rex almost looks reluctant, as if being around the Bad Batch has rekindled fond memories he's not eager to part with. This used to be his life, being surrounded by his brothers, saving the day. And while he feels satisfied, this victory leaves a bitter taste in his mouth when he realises that in the grand scheme of things, he's barely changed anything. One family saved, but countless others lost. Like his own brothers, for instance; his own stupid, stubborn, loyal brothers, buried on a bare rock of a moon. Their loss left a hole in his chest bigger than the crater their crashed ship indented on the planet surface, and saving your squad is like a bandaid over a blaster shot to the heart.
He allows his gaze to linger on Echo for a while, the last man he's known well to survive, the last nail in the coffin of his grief. He looks so different now, and yet for a moment he expects Fives to materialise behind him. Dominos attached at the hip, his very own double trouble, the dual curse that followed him everywhere. He used to grumble about how they behaved all the time. But he loved them, he loved his little brothers with all his heart. And look where that love got them.
Fives is not here, of course. Rex never dared ask where they buried him. He's heard rumours of unmarked clone mass graves, but he was never brave enough to accept that truth. That's why he and Ahsoka buried their own dead with dignity, marking an extra grave along the rest, empty but reserved still.
His gaze finds you then, eventually. The only one who isn't a clone here in this rusting medbay, the sore thumb sticking out, the lost one with sad eyes who's seen too much for a civvie. He saw the way Hunter held onto you just now, how you shared a quiet moment in the corner when you thought no one was watching. He promised himself he would do this for Fives, that he would tell you if he ever saw you again that he talked about you even months after that one night at 79's. That he called you the one that got away, that he jokingly said he was saving himself for after the war when he could ask you to marry him. Fives was always full of shit, and no doubt half of what he said were just jokes, but he knows he cared about you still. It's apparent that you're a remarkable person, easy to grow attached to, but twice as difficult to forget.
He wants to do this for Fives. He wants to tell you, he wants you to know that the man who ultimately saved the ones you love loved you in turn. But you already seem like you've been through enough and he hasn't the heart to put you through this as well.
You catch him looking at you, and you muster a small, tired smile. "Take care, Captain."
I'm sorry, Fives, he keeps repeating over and over in his head as he turns to leave.
The deck is about to collapse. It is the only way you even have a slight chance of survival, you know that. And yet you feel stuck in this very moment, unable to move, deer in the headlights, shaking from head to toe.
The squad is whole again.
You'd like to believe you wouldn't know what would happen if you approached him, if you tried to pry his helmet off and look into his eyes. You'd like to believe he'd let you, you'd like to believe he would listen to your pleas, that he would stop this madness. Order his troops to stand down. Come home with you.
You'd like to believe. But all you can think about is Wrecker, out of his mind and yet still so terrifyingly present somehow, grabbing Tech by the throat and throwing him against the wall before coming for you.
And you know Crosshair would gun you down without hesitation.
"Crosshair... Please don't do this. We can help you." The plea escapes your lips before you could stop it, however. Crosshair tilts his head towards you, and even though you can't see his gaze, just knowing that his eyes are on you is like being struck by lightning. How long was it since you last saw him? How long was it since he last gazed at you, and you at him? He seems almost as frozen for a moment as you, and you allow yourself to believe he's still in there, raging against the control of the Empire. You don't know what it was that you two shared back on Hoth, but you know it meant something. It had to. And judging by his consideration, and the hesitant way he shuffles a step closer to you, you know he must remember too.
But he moved too quickly for Hunter's liking, and he's by your side, trying to shield you as much as he shields Omega. Whatever moment you and Crosshair just shared is over. You can tell, by the tightening of his shoulders, by his stance turning defensive once more. You got through to the real Crosshair for a second. But the menace - like some demon possessing his body - is back in control once again.
"Crosshair, wake up! You're being controlled by an inhibitor chip." Hunter's reasoning falls on deaf ears now. It is over. You should accept it, but you can't. But at least you're not the only one who can't admit defeat.
"He's telling the truth. The Kaminoans put chips in all the clones. Remember what I told you in the brig?"
After Omega's spoken up, a stretch of silent tension follows. You're all nervous, weapons aimed, caught in a death trap with no way out but down. And yet you're holding on, you're still holding on to that last shred of hope that your words will finally get through to him. That you can finally put down the cross you've been bearing and rest.
"Aim for the kid."
You don't know how many times you can be traumatised before you finally give in. But you make room for one more, and the day is far from being over yet.
You're going to be sick, but you know you can't be. You've treated a thousand gruesome injuries before, but somehow a partial blaster burn to the chest will be your final straw, you can already tell. You gingerly lay the bacta patch across the scorched patch skin and flesh as your fingers tremble like a new recruit's. The internal damage was thankfully minimalised by his armour, but this is still going to take some time to heal from.
You don't know how long it will take for you all to heal from leaving Crosshair behind once more. From losing Omega.
When your breathing starts bordering on frantic, Tech nudges you aside and takes over, but you can't leave. You sit on the edge of the cot, and clutch Hunter's hand in your clammy ones. You can't lose anyone else, you can't, you heart wouldn't take it.
When he finally comes around again, the look in his eyes are so hurt you finally give in to the urge to cry.
"I guess I can't hold the mission on Bracca against you anymore," Hunter rasps through his pain, trying to ignore how choked up and panicked the thought of losing Omega makes him.
"No, you really can't," you agree quietly, wiping at your eyes as you try not to let your anxiety get the better of you. Not when you're supposed to be Hunter's comfort, when you're supposed to reassure him.
"This is the only thing I ever want to wake up to," he whispers, a weak hand reaching up, longing touch ghosting along your features. He's dying a little inside every time he fails, swallowing the shards of every heart he breaks as atonement. They're jarring his insides, leaving him breathless every time he moves. And yet he keeps pushing on, even now, even when he feels worse than he's ever felt - all because of you. You're his only remedy in this fucked up world, the only person who still makes him believe there can be a happy ending for you all. He loves his brothers, but they're just as guilty and cynical as he is. He understands why he can't pin all his hopes on a child, but for some reason, he can't make the same exception for you. His voice is quiet, but it's obvious his head is clear when he speaks next.
A little to the side, Tech finishes checking the medical scans for the last time. Hunter's condition has been stabilised, and for now, all he can do is look into the bounty hunter who took Omega. He casts one last look at you and Hunter, hand in hand, eyes glued to each other's face, and he sighs.
"How's Hunter?"
"He'll live," Tech answers, placing a hand on Echo's shoulder. "We've been through a lot over a rather short period of time. I think they've earned a moment of peace alone though, wouldn't you agree?"
Echo's face rarely reflects the emotions inside him, but now an endless kind of sadness perches itself on his features as he nods and follows Tech to the cockpit.
"They deserve a lot more than that. Hell, we all do."
Crosshair would agree with that sentiment now as he's patched up at the medbay of an Imperial flagship, alone aside from the medical droids. His head is killing him, his thoughts are sluggish, but the pain in his chest is not only from his injuries. He keeps remembering you, over and over again, your beautiful face, the way you said his name as if he mattered, as if he still belonged to you. And you left him behind anyways again.
If he heard Tech's and Echo's conversation now, he'd agree. He deserves better too.
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snarky-badger · 3 years
Snapshots 5/5
The final part of the Grievous stuff that I wrote some years ago. I hope you’ve all enjoyed my descent into madness. Lmao.
Kyra looked up from the datapad she was studying as a loud crash echoed through the Citadel, brow furrowing as she rose out of the chair she was sitting in. Her right hand scooped up the blaster that was on a nearby table before she strode out of the quarters she shared with Grievous and into the maze-like hallways of the cyborg's lair.
That the droids that guarded the Citadel weren't on high alert was a good sign - it meant that there wasn't an intruder. Which, unfortunately, meant that the source of the sounds was something all too common.
Worried for a completely different reason now, she sprinted to the control room, the heart of the Citadel's massive security system, as well as where the high-tech medical centre was situated. She passed a beheaded commando droid, and then a dazed medical droid, ignoring the warning warbles from two Magna droids as she skidded to a stop in front of the control room's door and started to put in the code that would allow her entry.
But the door whooshed open before she got halfway through the code, and she had half a second to blink in surprise before two arms wrapped around her and yanked her beyond the security door and into a powerful embrace.
Kyra automatically slid her own arms around Grievous' form as he buried his masked face in her hair. A massive shudder went through him, his arms tightening around her possessively when she tried to lean back to look at him. She gave in without protest, nuzzling her face against his armored chest as she gingerly extended her Force senses, frowning when she felt the turmoil and anger that was roiling in him.
Instinct had her soothing that anger with her own calm and love, projecting it into his thoughts, not invasive, but just there, at the edge of his mind. He had to accept her presence, and he did, another shudder going through him when she sent a calming wave of energy through him.
"Need you," he rasped into her hair, voice raw. "I need you close. Please, taisilee."
She placed a kiss over his hidden heart. "You don't have to ask, love," she murmured, feeling another tremble wrack him as he nuzzled her shoulder, fairly crouching over her.
He rose to his full height, scooping her off her feet, and spun to stalk deeper into the heavily secured control room. He passed the computer system that controlled the security of the Citadel, then paused in the doorway to the medical wing, hesitating at the sight of the large bay that had already taken the brunt of his anger. A snarl left him as he whirled away from the destruction, stomping back to the computer room and tensing when he remembered that there was a camera built into the monitor.
With the way his day was going, Dooku would remotely activate the damned thing just as he was settling down with Kyra in his arms.
A low, threatening, growl rumbled out of him at the thought, eyes narrowing, pupils shrinking into dangerous slits. Grievous couldn't let Dooku know of Kyra's existence. The Sith Lord was a very real threat to Kyra's life, and he'd be damned if he let that threat turn into reality.
Kyra gasped as another enraged snarl left him, meeting his gaze and shivering at the anger there. "Grievous." Worried, she rose her hands to his face, shifting in his hold so she could place a kiss over his vocalizer. "Grievous, look at me." When that brilliant gaze jerked to her, barely controlled anger making his eyes glitter dangerously, she lightly brushed her fingers over his mask, just below his expressive eyes. "Let's go outside, love. No walls, no cameras. Just us."
He blinked at her, and for a moment, Kyra was worried that he was too far gone into his anger to understand her. But a second later, he was hurrying out of the control room, arms splitting into four, two lightsabers igniting in time to slice the security door in half.
She blinked over his shoulder at the startled Magna droids and offered them an apologetic look before Grievous swung around a corner, loping through the corridors like a predator on the hunt. Lightsabers were deactivated and replaced into the pouches in his cloak before he returned his hands to her, cradling her in his four arms as he darted through the Citadel's maze-like interior.
He was moving so quickly that she lost track of where they were, distracted by how his hands were lightly clenching and unclenching around her, his breathing a low series of wheezing growls and snarls. Even a brief series of coughs didn't slow him down, if anything, he pushed himself harder, cape billowing out behind him.
They reached a series of winding stairs that Kyra had never seen before, and she felt Grievous' grip on her tighten as he raced up them, taking them four steps at a time. Worried, she extended a bit of her Force senses, frowning when the massive ball of his anger and rage threatened to buckle her mental shields. He had told her that there were times where his anger would overrule his strict control, leaving him nothing but a creature of uncontrolled rage. But she had never expected it to be this severe. He was barely coherant, clinging to her presence - his last lifeline. What little control he had left was dangling by a thread, and he knew it.
The door they came up on buckled under a vicious kick, and Grievous carried her past it and out onto the mesa that topped the Citadel. It was the highest peak for miles, the planet's landscape stretching out below them, mists adding an eerie yet beautiful tinge to the scenery.
But Kyra ignored it, turning her attention onto Grievous as he tried to set her on her feet, a snarl leaving him when she shook her head and curled her own arms around him, fingers finding purchase on bits of his armor.
When he realized that she wasn't letting go, he hissed and instead tightened his hold on her to the point that it was almost painful before he started pacing. Taloned feet tore up the rock as he paced the length of the mesa top, back and fourth, over and over again, as if he was a caged animal that was breaking under severe mental pressure.
Her concern tripled, and she frowned as she reached up again, gently tilting his face down to hers and meeting his turmoiled gaze. His eyes were wild, the whites visible around his irises, his pupils slitted so thinly that they were almost nonexistent amongst the gold. His gaze darted from her to the mesa top and back again as he continued his pacing, hunched over a little, legs working tirelessly.
"Grievous, talk to me." She splayed one hand over his armored chest, the other rising to lightly stroke the right sensor on the side of his head, taking comfort in the fact that while he snarled at her, he did ever so slightly lean his head into her touch. Slowly, radiating calmness and trust, she sent a very tiny pulse of warmth through him, feeling his arms tighten around her as a low growl rumbled out of him, his frantic steps slowing just a little.
As a last ditch effort to reach him, she dropped all but her inner mental shields and gingerly brushed her thoughts against his. His first reaction - lashing out - was purely instinctual, and she weathered the attack, diffusing the anger and rage he buffeted her with and replying with waves of concern and warmth. He growled again, but this time, it was deeper, more of a rumble than a real threatening sound.
Reassured, she carefully broadcasted her own emotions, absorbing every wave of anger that crashed against her mind and returning each with more calmness and echoes of her love for him. All the while, she kept brushing her hands across his shoulders, trying to sooth him physically as well as mentally.
Kyra didn't notice it at first, but somewhere along the way, she had started humming. Nothing grand, just a soft melody that she had heard and apparently memorized. And the sound seemed to be doing more towards calming Grievous than anything else. He had stopped his pacing, focusing all of his attention on her, eyes wide, head tilted a little to the side.
So she kept humming, going a step further to softly send the melody into his thoughts as she rose a hand to touch his face. He eyed her hand warily, growling warningly as her fingers brushed over his cheek, his raptorine body tensing. But she merely held his gaze and lightly caressed the armor under his left eye, smiling a little when he slowly relaxed and leaned his face against her palm.
It took almost five whole minutes before a soft, hesitant, rumble whispered out of him, Grievous' eyes losing the slightly crazed look, pupils returning to their usual size. "....t-taisilee?"
A relieved smile tugged at her lips before she placed a kiss over his vocalizer. "Welcome back."
He shivered. "You shouldn't have stayed," he murmured, even as he nuzzled her cheek apologetically.
"It's alright."
"No, it isn't," Grievous protested weakly, carefully shifting his hold on her to better cradle her to him while he buried his face against her neck, shivering when she stroked the sensors on either side of his head. The last twenty minutes were a dim blur in his mind. But, somehow, he knew that there would be bruises on her legs and side that would form to perfectly mirror his hands, could feel the headache his mentally lashing out had caused. "I hurt you."
"You should have left!" he snapped, jerking his head up to glare at her. "I hurt you! I could have killed you!"
She felt his guilt and self-loathing and sent a quick wave of reassurance into his thoughts. "If roles had been reversed, would you have left me? Would you have turned your back on me if I was alone and hopelessly lost in my own darkness?"
He balked at the idea. "Of course not! But, I could kill you simply by accident if I lose control!"
"And just because I don't flaunt my Force powers doesn't mean I don't know how to use them," Kyra murmured solemnly, her voice tinged with sadness.
"But--" He cut himself off, scowling as he realized what she was saying. Various memories of Dooku thoroughly beating him with his Force abilities during his lightsaber training surged to the forefront of his mind. "Hm. You never did tell me how powerful you are."
She smiled and cupped the lower part of his mask in her hands, placing another kiss over his vocaliser. "Don't try to change the subject."
"I'm not changing the subject," he muttered, even as he rose his upper left hand to lightly caress her cheek. "I'm going off on a tangent."
A soft laugh left her. "Same thing."
"No, it isn't." Grievous moved as close to the edge of the mesa top as he dared with Kyra in his arms, then sat down, arranging his taisilee's body so she was leaning back against him. Sitting so close to one another gave him a sharp reminder that he was almost twice her height, and he grumbled as he wrapped his arms around her and tucked her flush against him, his raised knees framing almost her entire body.
And he was completely unable to stop a purr from leaving him when she slid her arms around his neck and snuggled close, placing a kiss on his chest. "You forgive too easily."
She met his gaze when he looked down at her and smiled. "Are you still mad at me?"
"Yes," he grumbled. Though he suspected that nuzzling his face into her hair lessened the severity of his tone.
"Want me to make it up to you?"
He sighed, dipping his head to meet her gaze again. "It's sort of backwards for the one who did nothing wrong to apologize, isn't it, taisilee?"
A rather amused smirk tugged at her lips. "Not if we make it up to each other."
Grievous stared at her for a moment, then chuckled, shaking his head. "And you call me incorrigible," he murmured as he tugged her a little higher, brushing the lower part of his facemask across her forehead. Purring, he slid his lower hands under her shirt, plasteel talons tracing the curve of her spine. There was very little that would keep him from her when she looked at him like that. Armageddon, perhaps. "Not that I'm complaining, my taisilee."
"Better not," she teased, laughing when he growled and tickled her. Yelping, she tried, and almost succeeded, in wiggling out of his grasp, a shriek of laughter escaping her when he grabbed the waistband of her pants and yanked her back into his arms.
Chuckling, he caught her and pulled her flush against him. "Where do you think you're going?"
Kyra grinned, seeing the playful look in his eyes. Such a welcome change considering what he'd been like only half an hour ago. "Um, first one back to our room gets to be on top?"
His breath left him in a growl, hands fisting in her shirt. "Should I give you a head start?"
"Nah." Smirking, she sent a wave of warmth, love and lust into him, watching his eyes darken as he growled and tried to haul her onto his lap. Instead of giving in, she twisted away, her shirt ripping and letting her scramble out of his reach. "I'll just have to be sneaky."
He was on his feet an instant later, tossing the material aside as he chased her down the stairwell. A part of his mind marvelled at how she had pulled him out of his rage and drawn him into this playful mood, her laughter and the scent of her growing arousal leading him through the Citadel.
It occurred to him that he'd never shown her through this section of his Lair, and Grievous quickened his pace, easily catching up to her and swinging her up into his arms, his cloak flaring out behind him. His upper hands instantly sought out her bra encased breasts, lower arms curling around her waist to hold her close. "Isn't fair if you don't know where you're going," he rumbled into her ear, taking pleasure in how her breath caught in her throat when he nuzzled the side of her neck. "I'd be a bad mate if I took unfair advantage. Though it is rather.... tempting."
"Is it?" Kyra gasped when he backed her up against a wall, lifting her off her feet as he interspersed his thin hips between her thighs.
A low chuckle left him. "Oh, yes." He knew her well enough to know just how to touch her, kneading her breasts with practiced skill and purring when he felt her hands grip his shoulders. "Now, it's left, left, straight, right, straight. Got it?"
"L-Left, left, straight.... Mmm....."
Grievous stroked the curve of her throat. "If you keep making noises like that, we won't make it to our room," he warned huskily, rumbling when she stroked his chest, sending a pulse of warmth straight to his innards. Trembling, he forced himself to let her go, eyes tracking her hungrily when she stumbled a little, unbalanced by the sudden lack of support from his body. "You'd better run."
She shivered at the tone of his voice, meeting his burning gaze for an instant before she spun and bolted, hearing his low growl as he held himself back for a moment before tearing after her. One advantage she had was that she weighed a fraction of what he did, allowing her to dart around corners with greater ease. A quick glance behind her showed that Grievous merely sunk one taloned hand into the stone wall, swinging himself into the adjoining hallway.
The look he gave her when he spotted her glancing back at him was downright predatory, sending a shiver down her spine. Gods, did she even care who got to their room first anymore? And as she felt his hand teasingly slide across her bare back, she decided that, no, she really didn't.
Grievous must have sensed the change in her, because he overtook her a second later, burying his face in her hair as he hauled her into his arms and carried her the last few metres to their room. His breath was coming in rapid pants as he freed a hand to type in the proper code, growling when she lightly dragged her nails across his armored back and curled her legs around him.
He staggered through the doorway, blindly locking the door behind him as he headed deeper into their quarters, talons already ripping her bra and pants off her body before yanking his cloak off of his shoulders. Echoes of her pleasure were already resonating through him, nearly overwhelming him, and he hissed as he backed her up against the closet wall.
"Taisilee." He reintegrated his arms back into two, guiding her legs around him again before he returned his hands to her breasts, ducking his head to nuzzle his mask against her shoulder. Gentle talons plucked at her nipples, sensors drinking in her soft gasp as she arched towards him. Even now, she stunned him with the amount of trust she had in him. Especially after she had seen him at his worst.
"Grievous...." Her breath caught in her throat when he growled against her neck, the vibration from his vocalizer sending goosebumps across her skin. Shivering, she wound her arms around his neck, mewling when he dropped his hands to knead her buttocks, pulling her into the roll of his thin armorplast hips.
Another growl left him as he wrapped his arms around her, steadying her as he carried her across the room, face partially buried into her hair. Her hands gripped at his shoulders, and he murmured her name as she placed kisses across his masked face, each embrace accompanied by a fresh surge of pleasure. He stumbled the last few steps, splitting his left arm so he could reach into her dresser while still keeping hold of her.
Plasteel talons closed around the familiar form of the alloy sex-tool, purring to her as he slid his hand between them, the attachment clicking into place as he slid the terminal into the groove on his pelvic armor. A startled hiss left him as it logged into his neural net, the artifical sensation of blood pulsing in his cock momentarily stunning him.
Kyra's breath warmed the side of his mask, pulling a shiver from him before he shifted his grip to her waist, nuzzling his face against her neck as he positioned himself and buried himself in her with one smooth thrust. "K-Kyra!" He struggled to hold himself still, panting, snarling, as he met her gaze and reintegrated his left arms, rising his hand to stroke the delicate curve of her throat, closing his eyes with a groan when she playfully ducked her head to suckle on one of his fingers.
Murmuring Kaleesh endearments, he wrapped his free arm around her waist and rolled his hips into hers, sensors along his body going into overdrive when she moaned and pressed her lips against the base of his armor-plated throat. Hands clutched at his shoulders as she matched his rhythm, letting him push her back against the wall as he seperated his arms, the soft mewl she loosed nearly driving him over the edge.
Grievous' lower arms wrapped around her waist, one of his upper hands returning to her throat while the other stroked her cheek. Her thoughts brushed against his, always asking, never intruding, and he hungrily accepted the waves of pleasure that she sent to him. When she gasped out his name and arched her back, he hunched over her and nuzzled his masked face against her chest, drinking in the sound and scent of her, eyes fluttering closed as the pleasure drugged him.
It was when he felt her core start to spasm around him that he froze, growling and hissing at her when she cried out in frustration and fairly begged him to keep moving, trying to roll her hips against him when he held her still. "Not yet, taisilee," he murmured into her ear, purring when she whimpered. "I'm not done with you yet."
"Grievous, please. More." Kyra felt him waver, just a slight tremble, the tiniest little inhalation of breath, and she took advantage, smirking as she sent a pulse of warmth through him.
He shuddered, a strangled groan leaving him as he crushed her to him and bucked his pelvis against hers, hips churning as he drove himself into her. Her hands scrambled for a hold on him, and Grievous caught her wrists in his upper hands, pinning her arms above her head. She matched his rhythm once again, crying out as he helped her meet his thrusts, lower hands gripping her waist, his mind and body overwhelmed with pleasure.
Seconds before climax would have crashed through them both, the chirping of an opening comm line snapped his attention away from Kyra. "NOT NOW!" he roared ferally, barely managing to place a hand over Kyra's mouth to muffle her dismayed cry. Blast it all, he hadn't thought to secure his own built in communicators.
Undeterred, the voice of one of his Magna Droids filled the room, drowning out his own rapid breathing. "Count Dooku requests that you contact him immediately, sir."
Grievous cursed and leaned over Kyra to start banging his head against the wall.
The droid sounded perplexed by the loud thuds. "Sir? Are you--?"
"I'M. FINE." He slammed his skull against the wall a final time, then snarled. "I'll be there shortly." And then he savagely locked down every single comm line he had, even his silent internal ones.
Kyra looked like she was ready to throttle someone to death. "If you leave me--!"
He cut her off with a low, guttural, purr, and shook his head, nuzzling her cheek as he quickly resumed the delightful movement of his hips, taking pleasure in how she started to writhe against him once again. "I would never," he growled, clenching his eyes shut as he rushed them towards climax. "I'll make this up to you later, taisilee. But, I can't draw t-this ou-t-t any-- ohhh!"
His ability to manage coherent thought dissolved into low groans and snarls, hearing Kyra's own breathing hitch in her throat as she rocked against him, her blue gaze locking with his gold. He shifted his grip, raising his lower left hand to trace little patterns over her jugular, feeling the pulse against his fingers.
She was on the edge, Grievous could sense it, could feel it in the tension that sang through her, and he pushed her towards it, growling at her breathless cries. He snapped his pelvis to hers, his cock pulsing as if it was flesh, so sensitive to her own core that suddenly clenched down on him.
A triumphant howl ripped it's way out of him, drowning out her own cry as she shook against and around him, back arching, hair tumbling down across her back and shoulders. He released her wrists, upper hands scrambling at the wall he was pushing Kyra up against, taloned feet embedding themselves into the floor. The alloy sex tool felt so real, that he could almost feel his seed shooting into her depths, could almost delude himself that he'd be able to impregnate her.
Wheezing, he slumped against her, weakly bracing most of his weight on his upper arms as he leaned his masked face against her cheek and struggled to regain his breath. Kyra moaned thinly and rested her forehead on his right shoulder, little aftershocks pulling gasps from both of them as her inner muscles fluttered around him, triggering mini-climaxes that continued to surge through them.
"I-I know I don't say this very often," he murmured into her hair, wrapping all four shaking arms around her. "But, I do love you, my Kyra."
She leaned her head back to smile at him tiredly, deep blue eyes still dark with passion. "I love you, too, Grievous. And you do say it," she added, raising a trembling hand to brush her fingers just below his right eye, hearing his sigh as he nuzzled her palm. "Every time you call me your 'taisilee', I can sense it from you."
A weakened purr rumbled out of him as he brushed the lower part of his facemask across her lips, shivering when she rose both hands to caress the sensor panels on either side of his head. He let himself indulge in the sensations for a little bit, then sighed heavily and carried her over to their bed, trying very hard to ignore how he was still buried within her. "If it was anyone other than Dooku--"
"It's alright," Kyra told him, hearing his doubtful grunt as he nuzzled her throat before he gingerly slid out of her, both of them gasping at the sensation. The look in his eyes as he set her down onto the bed made her want to grab him and try to convince him to stay, but she held back, watching instead as he slid the alloy member free of his pelvic armor, his low moan doing nothing in helping her to keep herself from jumping him again.
"No, it isn't alright." Growling, he stomped over to the dresser and hid the sex tool once again, somewhat in better control of his body now that it was disconnected from his neural net. Though he still wanted nothing else than to curl up with her.
Instead, he snatched his cloak up off the floor where he had previously tossed it, and slung it back over his shoulders, securing the clasp before moving over to her. He hunched over her, crouching low so he could brush the lower part of his mask over her lips. "I'll be back as soon as I can."
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deco-devolution · 4 years
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Sexuality & Gender In Columbia 
Okay, so this is a frankly huge topic to cover, and because there is so little direct reference to any non-heterosexual/cisgender culture in the games, a lot of this will be me sharing/explaining my headcanons/worldbuilding. My ideas will be based on historical record of LGBT+ struggles at the time (1890-1915) and mostly US-centric, as Columbia seems to be fairly westernized. in addition, I will be focusing purely on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities to cut down on post size and research time. Here we go!
 Note: These all refer to Columbia (Rapture has a separate post) culture in the peak of the city’s life- a snapshot into queer Columbia circa 1910, roughly speaking. As such my talk about the culture is purely as I’d imagine it to be at that specific time only with no details as to the cultural development to that point.
cw for homophobia, transphobia, q slur
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Sexuality In Columbia
If you’re not straight it’s over for you
Quips aside, just from playing the game you can tell Columbia is ruled by the most staunch of conservatism. The Edwardian Era in real-world history made heavy emphasis on modesty and a sense of duty but Columbia takes it a step beyond, and this can be seen in most every example of media or dialogue found in-game. Having such traditional Biblical leanings, it can easily argued that this also extends to sexuality.
Right off the bat, I feel like this is Heterosexual (& Cisgender) Land™. Any other sort of attraction, be it gay, bisexual, or anything else, is considered reckless experimentation at best and ungodly and deserving of punishment at worst. Aside from the religiously-motivated belief that only straight relationships are legit, there’s another reason they’re so heavily emphasized- population growth. Columbia, for all its pomp still has a relatively small population on a national scale- just from some educated guesses I’d put it around the borough to town region, as indicated on the settlement hierarchy of ekistics. While the limited space of the city means that the population can’t just continue to grow, a certain rate of births is needed to keep the population level.
Interestingly enough, even though Columbia is a hotspot of religious zealotry, the city still follows the conventions of Edwardian/Early WWI society- very proper, highly formalized in its ideals. Aside the propaganda and fearmongering, personal details are still taboo in polite conversation.
Cruising is done in places where social conventions are significantly different from formal events or even everyday conventions- namely the beach, pubs and lounges. 
In the same vein, hookups, flings, and dates are called vague things like “going out to lunch/drinks”, “going for a stroll” or “having a picnic” and same-gender partners are typically referred to as close friends. It’s all very underhanded, the result of both Edwardian discreetness and closeted language.
Gender In Columbia
Like most of Columbian society, the queer groups in Columbia tend to gather based on gender. Lesbians share space with bisexual women, and gay men stick with bisexual men. As far as trans communities go, however, the cisnormative, rigid interpretation of gender predominant in Columbia means that they tend to be misunderstood among the other queer groups. Typically not in a blatantly hostile way but rather an obnoxiously condescending “poor confused dear” way.
Gender is not so much an identifier as much as an determinator; whatever you are assigned will be the factor driving not only your upbringing but your life choices as well.
There are quite a few social clubs that operate as safe spaces for the community- they typically rotate between the members’ houses and frequently merge or splinter with or from other groups, going from book club, to knitting social to any other politely banal gathering. 
For those looking to dress how they’d like in safety, ‘costume clubs’ are popular among gender non-conforming, trans people and those interested in crossdressing. They present themselves as sort of novelty dance halls with every day being a masquerade. While technically legal, their image is strongly connected to immorality and looseness in Columbia and as such they’re rare and subject to higher levels scrutiny then other halls. 
Because of the rigidity of the culture, the LGBT+ culture in Columbia uses nonverbal queues to state their identities- for example men place certain flowers in buttonholes or alternatively pin them to their lapels to let outsiders know they’re in the community. Women can put these same blossoms in their hats, brooches and hair. These include flowers such as lavender, violets, pansies, carnations and daffodils.
There are HRT gene tonics for sale- they’re marketed under the guise of improving a woman’s femininity or man’s masculinity, they’re sold in pharmacies in the health and beauty aisles without the need for a prescription. This helps some looking to transition do so much easier, though the issue of financial barriers for those who are younger and/or living in poverty still linger. As far as options like SRS go, the procedure is entirely underground, practiced by surgeons of varying repute. While being able to do so successfully is considered a show of skill, most practitioners and citizens are morally opposed to the idea. 
Unlike Rapture, there’s not many fun or quirky terms for LGBT+ citizens. Those with same gender attraction are rudely referred to as “victims of unnatural passions” and those who ID as anything other then cisgender are accused of “falling into delusions of identity”. Among themselves though, WLW call themselves “Lady Lovers of Liberty” (as in the statue based on the Roman goddess Libertas) while MLM call themselves “Sons of Antinous” while trans citizens typically refer to themselves as “Children of Agdistis”. (Note that while Agdistis was portrayed as intersex in Roman mythology, their nonbinary existence and transformative identity made them a relatable icon for most trans people in Columbia)
Questions or comments? Let me know! Thanks for reading.
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astrognossienne · 3 years
scandalous star: gary cooper -an analysis
“I don’t like to see exaggerated airs and exploding egos in people who are already established. No player ever rises to prominence solely on talent. They’re molded by forces other than themselves. They should remember this – and at least twice a week drop to their knees and thank Providence for elevating them from cow ranches, dime store ribbon counters and bookkeeping desks. ” - Gary Cooper
He didn’t say much, but when he did, it carried a lot of weight. He was the archetypal hero of the Old West; the quintessential masculine ideal of the stoic and “strong silent type” that most Taurus men are. But for famously laconic Gary Cooper, his good looks and earnest, haunted eyes for decades made him the quintessential lonely American of motion pictures.He was a more equanimous, human protagonist versus boisterous, bigger-than-life Hollywood supermen. He was renowned for his quiet, understated acting style and his individualistic, emotionally restrained, but at times intense screen persona, which was particularly well suited to the many Westerns he made. He was a man’s man...as well as a ladies’ man. Cooper became a hero to many, even as he developed a reputation as one of the most notorious philanderers in Hollywood. Privately a debonair ladykiller with a taste for high society, he crafted an image as just the opposite from his prototype cowboy image he materfully portrayed on the silver screen. He was insatiable, before and during his marriage. How did he reconcile his moral righteousness onscreen (Taurus sun) with his philandering offscreen (Sagittarius moon)? That was the work of the fixers, gossip magazines, and the studio system at large, which ensured that Cooper was never caught, never denounced, and held up as a paragon of American values.
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Gary Cooper, according to astrotheme, was a Taurus sun and Sagittarius moon. He was born Frank James Cooper in Helena, Montana, the second son of an English farmer from Bedfordshire, who later became an American lawyer and judge, Charles Henry Cooper (1865-1946), and Kent-born Alice (née Brazier) Cooper (1873-1967). As a child, he met a freed slave woman named Mary Fields, otherwise known as Stagecoach Mary, and so awed by her was she that he later wrote an account of his memories of her in Ebony magazine. His mother hoped for their two sons to receive a better education than that available in Montana and arranged for the boys to attend Dunstable Grammar School in Bedfordshire, England between 1910 and 1913. Upon the outbreak of World War I, Cooper’s mother brought her sons home and enrolled them in a Bozeman, Montana, high school. Upon graduation, he eventually matriculated at Grinnell College in Grinnell, IA, where he attempted to nurture a passion for drawing - until a serious car accident ended his college days in the summer of 1920. He would recover from his severely injured hip through an odd but painful therapy, horseback riding.
When his father retired from the bench and moved his mother to Los Angeles, Cooper gave up agriculture classes to try his hand as a Hollywood extra. Cooper played an extra in a handful of silent films before arriving on the set of The Winning of Barbara Worth in 1926. The actor cast as the second male lead didn’t show, and someone shoved Cooper into the part. He appeared with Clara Bow (who soon became one of his conquests) in her star-making film It, but it was his appearance in another Bow vehicle Wings, released later that same year, truly launched his career. He plays a World War I flying cadet, and although his screentime was still relatively short, there was one scene — an extended close-up shot, the light streaming in from outside — in which he looked gorgeous. In 1929, he filmed The Wolf Song with Lupe Vélez. He soon had an affair with Velez, who purportedly claimed that Cooper “has the biggest organ in Hollywood but not the ass to push it in well.” For more on their relationship, read my star analysis on Lupe.
Cooper filmed The Virginian — his first real “talkie,” and the film was a major hit and cemented the foundation of Cooper’s image. His ability to project elements of his own personality onto the characters he portrayed, to appear natural and authentic in his roles, and to underplay and deliver restrained performances calibrated for the camera and the screen helped make him a cinematic success, often lauded by those he worked with. However, his good looks and charisma made him a success with women, whether he worked with them or not. Over the next few years, Cooper was paired with the most gorgeous and promising female stars in Hollywood —with Carole Lombard in I Take This Woman (whom he slept with), Claudette Colbert in His Woman (whom he allegedly slept with), Marlene Dietrich in Morocco and Desire (who he famously slept with more than once), and Joan Blondell in Make Me a Star (who he allegedly slept with). In 1932, Cooper and his Paramount “rival,” Cary Grant, were cast against Tallulah Bankhead in Devil and the Deep (1932). Like Lupe Velez, Bankhead was a loose cannon, with most famous quote being:
“The only reason I went to Hollywood was to fuck that divine Gary Cooper.”
Amidst all his public and private action, Cooper began courting Veronica “Rocky” Balfe, a starlet who went by the stage name of Sandra Shaw. She was also best known as the blonde dropped by King Kong. The two were wed in late 1933. Balfe retired from the screen to become a wife and mother, with her giving birth to their only child, Maria, in 1937. Cooper portrayed a new type of hero—a champion of the common man—in films like Mr. Deeds Goes To Washington and 1941′s Sergeant York (which won him his first of two Best Actor Oscars). Cooper met Ernest Hemingway at Sun Valley in October 1940 and they were friends for the rest of his life. He co-starred with Ingrid Bergman (with whom he had a year-long affair with) in a the film adaptation of Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls. He kept starring in more films and bedding his female co-stars until he got more than he bargained for when he made The Fountainhead. Naturally, the 47-year-old Cooper had an affair with his co-star, the 21-year-old Patricia Neal. However, this time things got crazy: Neal wound up pregnant with Cooper’s child. He insisted she have an abortion. When Cooper’s long-suffering wife found out about the relationship, she sent a telegram demanding he end it. This didn’t work; he also confessed that he was in love with Neal, and continued to see her. Cooper and his wife legally separated in May of 1951. Cooper’s daughter Maria, by then in her early teens, famously spat on Neal in public. Neal later claimed that Cooper hit her after she went on a date with Kirk Douglas. Neal ended their relationship in late December 1951. Amid all this drama, Cooper starred in what is now regarded as his defining role: the beleaguered sheriff in High Noon, which won him his second Best Actor Oscar. In later life, he became involved in a relationship with the costume designer Irene, and was, according to Irene, "the only man she ever loved".
Maybe all his previous actions had an affect on him because Cooper converted to Catholicism in 1958, and reconciled with his wife and daughter. Also, he began starring in films that centered around searching for redemption, such as Friendly Persuasion (1956) and Man of the West (1958). In 1960, Cooper fell ill with prostate cancer, which quickly spread to his colon, lungs, and bones; he died of it shortly after his 60th birthday in 1961. A year after his death, Irene committed suicide by jumping from the 11th floor of the Knickerbocker Hotel, after telling Doris Day of her grief over Cooper's death. Regardless of his philandering, regardless of the arduous work of his studio’s publicity departments, there was something plaintive, almost childlike, maybe even innocent about Cooper, so he can easily be forgiven his sins. He acted out what mattered to millions of people, and that act made him a star beyond measure.
Next, I’ll focus on his former paramour Lupe Velez’s arch nemesis. A woman who happened to be wife of MGM art director Cedric Gibbons (Gary Cooper’s wife Rocky’s uncle). She was another pioneer of Mexican cinema who was arguably the first Latina to successfully crossover to Anglo audiences: Leo Dolores del Río.
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birthdate: May 7, 1901
major planets:
Sun: Taurus
Moon: Sagittarius
Rising: Taurus
Mercury: Taurus
Venus: Taurus
Mars: Leo
Midheaven: Aquarius
Jupiter: Capricorn
Saturn: Capricorn
Uranus: Sagittarius
Neptune: Gemini
Pluto: Gemini
Overall personality snapshot: He was torn between an instinct to roam free and a determination to find security and make a solid, lasting contribution to the world. As he repeatedly changed horses in search of both ultimate certainties and high-spirited adventure at the same time, he could find himself deeply divided and uncertain. He sought to earth the fire from heaven and put it to work, but he found all too often that it would not let him rest. In his search for stability and security, he became a farmer and was immediately confronted with the changing seasons. He embraced the solid certainties of geology and are hit by an earthquake. He liked to feel the solid earth move. He sought certitude and permanence, yet his endless inquiries constantly confounded yesterday’s certainties. When he got his own uncertainties together (by accepting he wanted the best of both the changing and the unchanging worlds), he could have been a brilliant teacher, conversationalist, counselor, entertainer, wit, creative artist or entrepreneur – in fact he could have been anything he wanted. Once focused, he could be a human dynamo, and wonderfully humorous, witty and entertaining with it. As he discovered, his quest for solid material certainties did not make a happy bedfellow for his yearning for excitement and larger religious and spiritual understanding. In one way or another, be it through philosophy and the spiritual quest or through writing, music or art, he needed to put together and formulate a total vision of the universe which is based on unassailable facts yet satisfying to his idealism.
Constantly seeking, he was a natural agnostic, applying the criteria of science to counter woolly speculations, yet at the same time highly skeptical of the limited and statistical pronouncements of unthinking science. The danger, if he did not marry these elements within him, is that he would swing from one to the other and undermine the virtues of both. A restless changing of jobs, careers, partners, visions or aspirations left him drunk with his own spinning. When he deliberately tried to remain sober and commonsensical, it seemed to make matters worse for there was something of the gambler in him. This all-or-nothing streak can temporarily overcome your natural caution and enable you to burn your bridges (though you will usually ensure there is something tucked away for a rainy day). He felt an impulsive need to do things on a grand scale, to live with commitment, to feast on the world, and to understand what it was to be alive in all possible ways. He seemed to be called both to explore the reaches of the imagination and to build secure foundations. He brought far-reaching visions into manifestation, and these visions injected his conservative desire for stability and security with flair and colour. His vision of tomorrow and the larger world gave spice to any project he undertook. He saw endless possibilities and wanted to make them real. In this he could be the natural entrepreneur who saw economic opportunities at every turn, an inspiring counselor and teacher, and a stimulating companion whatever he did.
His well-shaped body displayed a warm attractiveness and ripeness. In his later years, he may have needed to watch the tendency to gain weight too easily. His strong broad shoulders supported a very large neck size. His most outstanding feature was his eyes and his gentle smile and voice. He was big-boned. He enjoyed dressing well, preferring soft colours. He was practical, steady and patient, but he could  be inflexible in his views. One thing he did have was plenty of common sense and good powers of concentration, although he tended to think that purely abstract thought was a waste of time. His thought processes weren’t as quick as others, but his decisions were made with a lot of thought behind them. He also had the welcome ability to bring people together. He needed to be able to show his originality and independence in any job for complete satisfaction. His work should also satisfy his scientific bent and humanitarian leanings. He needed scope for his inventiveness, because he was able to bring a fresh view to any job. Ideally, his work should permit him to express the idealistic side to him character and allow him to help as many people as possible. He could be extremely efficient in the way that he tried to get maximum result out of minimum effort. He didn’t like extravagance and waste. He was a thoughtful and resourceful person, who was well-informed on many subjects. Success came gradually and as a result of hard work. Success and growth, for him, were expressed by material and financial achievements, bringing status and prestige.Worldly success was well within his reach, because he possessed all the necessary talents to gain power, influence and status. He was practical, determined and patient. When there were hitches in his plans, he simply worked around them. He knew where he was heading to, and had already figured out the best way to use his talents to reach his goals.
Although he could be fairly pessimistic about life in general, it didn’t put him off aiming for the top. He could be very single-minded about reaching his goals, and was prepared to put his career interests above his personal happiness. He was extremely aware of his own worth. He was prepared to work beyond the call of duty. His strong sense of ambition gave him a certain rigidity, arrogance and selfishness in the eyes of others. He belonged to a generation with fiery enthusiasm for new and innovative ideas and concepts. Rejecting the past and its mistakes, he sought new ideals and people to believe in. As a member of this generation, he felt restless and adventurous, and was attracted towards foreign people, places and cultures. As a member of the Gemini Neptune generation, his restless mind pushed him to explore new intellectual fields. He loved communication and the occult and was likely also fascinated by metaphysical phenomena and astrology. As a Gemini Plutonian, he was mentally restless and willing to examine and change old doctrines, ideas and ways of thinking. As a member of this generation, he showed an enormous amount of mental vitality, originality and perception. Traditional customs and taboos were examined and rejected for newer and more original ways of doing things. As opportunities with education expanded, he questioned more and learned more. As a member of this generation, having more than one occupation at a time would not have been unusual to him.
Love/sex life: His sexuality was a wonderful combination of sensuality and basic laziness. He let himself be carried along by his pleasure-seeking instincts, greeting every new experience with fresh eagerness and then slowly draining from that encounter all the joy it has to offer. This passive, easy-going approach to sex not only made for good technique, it also conceals the egocentric strength and stubbornness that was at the core of his erotic nature. People don’t realize that beneath all that luxurious hedonism he was always the person in control. He was a conservative lover for whom appearances were always important. There may have been occasions when his sensuality lured him into indiscretions but he was quick to cover his tracks and hide the evidence. The quiet practicality of his sexual nature served as a handy antidote for his Martian braggadocio. He knew that he was the best there is but he was willing to sit back and let the world find out the good news on its own. In his youth Cooper was endorsed by several female “experts” of the time (such as Clara Bow, Marlene Dietrich and Tallulah Bankhead) as Hollywood’s sexiest man. His soft spoken and manly sex appeal projected just as well on the screen. After marrying at age 32, Cooper’s sex life became somewhat more sedate though he never lost his ability to attract women.
minor asteroids and points:
North Node: Scorpio
Lilith: Scorpio
Vertex: Libra
Fortune: Capricorn
East Point: Taurus
His North Node in Scorpio dictated that he needed to be careful not to let the more emotional side of his personality overwhelm him. Instead, he should have set out to consciously develop his more practical abilities. His Lilith in Scorpio ensured that he was dangerously attracted to those women who seduced and conquered on a daily basis; who liked life intense and was judged for her sexuality and general vibe and learned early on how to deflect moral judgments. His type of women may have been tried in the court of public opinion but no way were they going to show up for the sentencing. His Vertex in Libra, 6th house dictated that he llonged for a union of souls that was based on a model of pure peace and justice. Images come to mind of a mythical life on Venus, the planet of love, where there is never a discordant beat between lovers, but rather, continual harmony even if played in the minor chords. Physical lust was certainly a necessary aspect of two beings eternally intertwined, but the platonic component far outweighed it in importance for him. He had an attitude of duty, obligation and sacrifice when it came to heartfelt interactions. The negative side was the tendency to become hypochondriacal or martyristic to get the love he so desperately wanted. There was a need for others to appreciate the sincerity of his intentions, to the daily tasks he executed in a conscientious and caring way and for others to know that his actions, no matter how routine they may seem, were based on devoted love. His Part of Fortune in Capricorn and Part of Spirit in Cancer dictated that his destiny lay in creating practical and long-lasting achievements. Success came through hard work, determination, responsibility and perseverance. Fulfillment came from observing his progress through life and seeing it take a form and structure that will outlive him. His soul’s purpose guided him towards building security in his life, both emotional and material. He felt spiritual connections and the spark of the divine within his home and family. East Point in Taurus dictated that he was more likely to identify with the need for pleasure (including the potential of liking himself) and comfort.  
elemental dominance:
He was a practical, reliable man and could provide structure and protection. He was oriented toward practical experience and thought in terms of doing rather than thinking, feeling, or imagining. Could be materialistic, unimaginative, and resistant to change. But at his best, he provided the practical resources, analysis, and leadership to make dreams come true. He was dynamic and passionate, with strong leadership ability. He generated enormous warmth and vibrancy. He was exciting to be around, because he was genuinely enthusiastic and usually friendly. However, he could either be harnessed into helpful energy or flame up and cause destruction. Ultimately, he chose the latter. Confident and opinionated, he was fond of declarative statements such as “I will do this” or “It’s this way.” When out of control—usually because he was bored, or hadn’t been acknowledged—he was bossy, demanding, and even tyrannical. But at his best, his confidence and vision inspired others to conquer new territory in the world, in society, and in themselves.
modality dominance:
He liked the challenge of managing existing routines with ever more efficiency, rather than starting new enterprises or finding new ways of doing things. He likely had trouble delegating duties and had a very hard time seeing other points of view; he tried to implement the human need to create stability and order in the wake of change.
house dominants:
He had great interest in the unconscious, and indulged in a lot of hidden and secret affairs. His life was defined by seclusion and escapism. He had a certain mysticism and hidden sensitivity, as well as an intense need for privacy. Traveling, whether physically across the globe, on a mental plane or expanding through study was a major theme in his life. He was not only concerned with learning facts, but also wanted to understand the connections formed between them and the philosophies and concepts they stood for. His conscience, as well as foreign travel, people and places was also of paramount importance in his life. He loved the totality of the human experience and embraced the whole cycle of human life, including birth, sex and death. His darker side, and the complexes and emotions that he preferred to keep hidden, even from himself was a theme throughout his life. His ability to undergo deep personal transformations and spiritual regeneration was also highlighted.
planet dominants:
He was romantic, attractive and valued beauty, had an artistic instinct, and was sociable. He had an easy ability to create close personal relationships, for better or worse, and to form business partnerships. He believed in the fact that lessons in life were sometimes harsh, that structure and foundation was a great issue in his life, and he had to be taught through through experience what he needed in order to grow. He paid attention to limitations he had and had to learn the rules of the game in this physical reality. He tended to have a practical, prudent outlook. He also likely held rigid beliefs. He had vitality and creativity, as well as a strong ego and was authoritarian and powerful. He likely had strong leadership qualities, he definitely knew who he was, and he had tremendous will. He met challenges and believed in expanding his life.
sign dominants:
His stubbornness and determination kept his around for the long haul on any project or endeavour. He was incredibly patient, singular in his pursuit of goals, and determined to attain what he wanted. Although he lacked versatility, he compensated for it by enduring whatever he had to in order to get what he wanted. He enjoyed being surrounded by nice things. He liked fine art and music, and may have had considerable musical ability. He also had a talent for working with his hands—gardening, woodworking, and sculpting. He sought the truth, expressed it as he saw it—and didn’t care if anyone else agreed with him. He saw the large picture of any issue and couldn’t be bothered with the mundane details. He was always outspoken and likely couldn’t understand why other people weren’t as candid. After all, what was there to hide? He loved his freedom and chafed at any restrictions. He was a serious-minded person who often seemed aloof and tightly in control of his emotions and her personal domain. Even as a youngster, there was a mature air about him, as if he was born with a profound core that few outsiders ever see. He was easily impressed by outward signs of success, but was interested less in money than in the power that money represents. He was a true worker—industrious, efficient, and disciplined. His innate common sense gave her the ability to plan ahead and to work out practical ways of approaching goals. More often than not, he succeeded at whatever he set out to do. He possessed a quiet dignity that was unmistakable.
Read more about him under the cut.
Actor Gary Cooper was born on May 7, 1901, in Helena, Montana. Spanning from the silent film era to the early 1960s, Academy Award-winning actor Gary Cooper built much of his career by playing strong, manly, distinctly American roles. The son of English parents who had settled in Montana, he was educated in England for a time. He also studied at Grinnell College in Iowa before heading to Los Angeles to work as an illustrator. When he had a hard time finding a job, Cooper worked as a film extra and landed some small parts. After his appearance in
The Winning of Barbara Worth
(1926), a western, Cooper's career began to take off. He starred opposite silent movie star Clara Bow in Children of Divorce (1927). Cooper also earned praise as the ranch foreman in
The Virginian
(1929), one of his early films with sound. Throughout the 1930s, he turned in a number of strong performances in such films as A Farewell to Arms (1934) with Helen Hayes and Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936) directed by Frank Capra. Cooper received an Academy Award nomination for his work on the film. Cooper continued to excel on the big screen, tackling several real-life dramas. In Sergeant York (1941), the played a World War I hero and sharpshooter, which was based on the life story of Alvin York. Cooper earned a Best Actor Academy Award for his portrayal of York.
The next year, Cooper played one of baseball's greats, Lou Gehrig, in The Pride of the Yankees (1942). Again, he scored another Best Actor Academy Award nomination. Appearing in a film adaptation of Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls,  Cooper starred opposite Ingrid Bergman in a drama set during the Spanish Civil War. This role garnered him a third Academy Award nomination. In 1952, Cooper took on what is known considered his signature role as Will Kane in High Noon. He appeared as a lawman who must face a deadly foe without any help from his own townspeople. The film won four Academy Awards, including a Best Actor win for Cooper. In addition to his excellent on-screen performances, Cooper became  known for his alleged romances with several of his leading ladies, including Clara Bow and Patricia Neal. The affair with Neal, his co-star in 1949's The Fountainhead, reportedly occurred during his  marriage to socialite Veronica Balfe with whom he had a daughter. Their marriage seemed to survive the scandal. By the late 1950s, Cooper's health was in decline. He made a few more films, such as Man of the West (1958), before dying of cancer on May 13, 1961. (x)
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heartconvict · 5 years
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💌 Disney Headcanon Meme—— !! 💌 @imherebecauseyourehere​​ mailed: Moana, Tarzan, Alice in Wonderland
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     So yeah not only is this a SUUUUPER LATE response but it also got stupid long I’m sorry akldns but TYSM for sending this in !! I’ve had it drafted for forever because I got stuck on words but I really enjoyed working on it whenever I had little breakthroughs !
          Here’s what the three address though in case anyone doesn’t wanna click and scroll just to see if they’re interested— !! I did answer them in order.
MOANA - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
TARZAN - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them?
ALICE IN WONDERLAND - What does your muse often dream of? Do they have strange dreams? Pleasant ones? Nightmares?
Moana - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
     This one is interesting to think about given that Arsène  ISN’T  a religious man and therefore isn’t very spiritual either. He might know things for fun such as zodiacs and whatnot and look into things when it’s necessary ( for heists, disguises, etc. ), but he isn’t steadfast in them. In the case that these things prove ‘ real ’ he still chooses to loosely acknowledge them at best and ‘ files it away ’ where it doesn’t affect his day-to-day. So something  INCREDIBLY  spiritual in nature like fate or destiny is something that he wouldn’t  WANT  to believe in because those specifically feel very set in stone to him. Freedom is important to Arsène and he’d hate to think that everything has been thought out or ultimately leads toward  ONE  goal and it being something he can’t change or mold for himself. However, just because he doesn’t want to believe in it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t. There’s a part of him that does think some things were premeditated and admittedly he tries to  SHOVE  that part down because it scares him to think it’s true.
          As for his fate / destiny ? To mix personal hc with the novels and this interpretation of Arsène, it’s no more than to go down in history as the best thief of his  CENTURY,  amassing more achievements and skills far beyond the average person or any thief to come after, and eventually settling down peacefully with a  FAMILY  of his own ( as has been his desire for very long ). In fact, he settles so kindly that no one actually knows what came of him when he retired. Ahem, he took up gardening. But that isn’t to say his final heist wasn’t dramatic and glorious. To tie in the game even more though, since Arsène is the ‘ true route ’ you could even say that his destiny was to put a  STOP  to the terrorist plot of Finis and co..
Tarzan - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them? 
      In short it  MORPHED  him into the thief he is today. His earliest years involved him being raised by a wet nurse with only so few visits from his parents until his mother ultimately left his father and he was orphaned by age six. So he has no  REAL  connection to his parents despite any claims he may make on loving them. ( Though he holds much respect and love even now for Victoire— the wet nurse ). During the brief time of living with his mother’s side of the family, he’d come to be  DISTANT  from them due to the way they treated his mother. It’s precisely what sparked his first theft and influenced the incredible soft spot he has for women.
          While in time he grew to hold no animosity towards them he also doesn’t harbor much care for them and will even use the identities of the  DECEASED  among his repertoire of personas. A bit much perhaps, but his memories aren’t fond and Arsène is all but disowned by his extended family due to their disapproval of his  FATHER.  Another fact he cares not for and as such doesn’t bother to say he has any family whatsoever. This disconnect from so many people so young could have some influence as to why, despite being such an outspoken and theatrical man, he struggles when it comes to  PERSONAL  relationships. He’s both great and kinda bad at communication. While unaffected when it comes to giving others attention ( i.e. affection, praise, leadership, etc. ), he can occasionally experience some difficulties when it comes to sharing parts of  HIMSELF  with others.
     He tries to think about appropriate levels of  COMFORT— how close is he to the other ? Would it be too much to open up right then ? Is it okay ? And then when it comes to timing it’s an even greater issue. He waited too long to tell his first love he was a thief, she found out on her own, and that relationship dissolved quickly after. But then what would be too  SOON ?  Sometimes he doesn’t even realize there’s things about him that  ARE  secret because he appears relatively open most times and doesn’t even mind sharing his fears.
          Growing up on the streets for a while toughened him up a bit and essentially served as a breeding / training ground for his thievery. Something that was  DESTINED  to happen with him but I like to think that because it was for survival, he was able avoid it becoming a selfish pastime. In other words, he’s  NOT  a kleptomaniac because he wasn’t overcome by greed and as such didn’t take more than he needed. Especially when he was only one of  MANY  kids and adults trying to catch the next sunrise. Then came the only father figure he remembers— a man he’d met while pick-pocketing him. The very one that  TRAINED  him to be a thief and instilled a strong belief of justice in him. ( Not required but here’s a hc related to it ! )
         It’s both his background and his teachings that make him the man he is today. Someone that is  LEAGUES  different from who he used to be— and he’s not necessarily ashamed of it because he knows he’s beyond it now. He knows that without it, he wouldn’t be so great and so is somewhat humble to himself. He worked  HARD  rather than had anything given to him and he’ll continue to work hard to be someone his younger self could look up to and be proud of. Someone that could’ve  HELPED  his mom or served as an older brother. Overall, someone he needed when he was alone and without a direction.
Alice in Wonderland - What does your muse often dream of? Do they have strange dreams? Pleasant ones? Nightmares?
     Overall I think Arsène has  PLEASANT  dreams he doesn’t often remember. They’re not strange but they would do that thing where the settings change suddenly and you don’t really think about why and the dream just continues on and before you know it, you’re in phase two of the dream and it’s  COMPLETELY  unrelated to phase one. But his are usually kind of like snapshots of life. Less of things that actually happened at some point and  MORE  things that could happen. Simple things, adventures, maybe a retelling of some of his own moments in life. It’s not always him taking the role of himself though. It  VARIES.
          Because he tends not to remember them, I want to say he also isn’t a lucid dreamer. And he doesn’t get nightmares a lot but there  ARE  times when his dreams replay sad scenes from his past or come up with their own and these do wake him up.
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Spilled Ink 5-5-19
I want so much more than what the movies have shown me.
I am regaled with tales of a boy with dark hair and large hands, a boy with a winning smile. He sweeps me off my feet and away from the life I’ve known, transforming me forever. We are promised a life together, one that begins with a perfect, heart-stopping kiss and extends beyond a white dress into parenthood and then settles into wrinkled smiles. These are beautiful things, and certainly things that I dream of.
But I want more.
It is not enough for me to have the outline of a perfect life. I know what it looks like from the outside, but I want more from within than we are ever shown. We are given only snapshots of perfection; I want something real. I want excitement for my successes and comfort when I am down—and I know there will be moments when I’m down. I want inside jokes, laughter that makes my sides aches, I want to forget how to breathe from the joy of it. I want a supportive man, an excited man, a man who simply cannot wait to build this life.
And I want to build it. I really, truly do. I want the quiet moments of in-between, the louder, difficult choices about careers and family and location. I want to be there for the hardships. I want to support and be supported. I want to choose and be chosen. I want to treasure a man so much that he glows; I want a man to treasure me.
And I promise I’m not so blind as to want him for free. I know it will take work. I know that I will have to swallow my pride and let down my walls, and I know that those two things are among my greatest fears. I will have to risk embarrassment and pain. I will have to risk building a life only to have it incinerate from within. I will have to risk all that which I have already experienced, all the collective echoing aches of love lost—by choosing this life, I risk their repetition. And I will have to remove my armor, to expose my tissue paper heart, to let him see all that I dare not expose.
But I have a dream of a love that will be worth it. A love that warms like sunshine, a love that glows like gold. A love that isn’t only there when it’s convenient. I want dependability, I want commitment. I want a love that is so proud to exist that it condemns all temptation and selfishness. I want a love that celebrates our independence, one that delights in our reunions. I will wait for a man with a heart so enthralled that the hardships seem a small price to pay.
I’m learning to believe that he’s out there. I’m trying to trust that he exists.
I want him to prove me wrong.
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shantibschool-blog · 5 years
2018 has been a busy year for HR teams. And the HR profession is set to face an even greater variety of challenges and opportunities in 2019. The relationship between employers and employees are fundamentally changing. People are expecting more from their employers – more accountability, trust and transparency. Employers are expecting more from their employees – more technical skills, ability to think creatively, collaborate effectively and adapt quickly. Here’s a snapshot of trends compiled from surveys conducted across the world that provide a glance into the movements expected in the Human Resources arena in the coming years.
73% of executives predict significant industry disruption in the next three years (as compared to 26% in 2018). More than 50% of executives in a global survey (Mercer, 2019) predict AI and automation to replace one in five of their organization’s jobs. AI and automation is also said to create 58 million new jobs by 2022 according to estimates from World Economic Forum.
Artificial Intelligence and HR
As Dom Nicastro reports via CMS Wire, “According to IBM’s 2017 survey of 6,000 executives, ‘Extending expertise: How cognitive computing is transforming HR and the employee experience,’ 66 percent of CEOs believe cognitive computing can drive significant value in HR. Half of HR executives back that up, saying they recognize that cognitive computing has the power to transform key dimensions of HR. And 54 percent of HR executives believe that cognitive computing will affect key roles in the HR organization.”
Scores of administrative tasks in HR are getting automated. Shouldn’t an organization use HR Tech to schedule interviews with candidates, hold video interactions for screening, enable them to transact and communicate with the organization? Similarly for learning, development and other talent management practices, there is a score of possibilities for the HR team to spend their energies in carrying out strategic tasks and automate administrative or operational tasks. Traditional Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is passé now because it largely focuses on keeping records of the past events. Our world of mobility and apps has made all of us – candidates, as well as the folks working in the organization, take actions when prompted to do so. We have to make our systems keep up with the current time and appealing to all stakeholders of the business.
Where there are humans involved, there’s bias. It’s what distinguishes us (among other things) from software and computers. As natural as it may be, you don’t want human bias to affect your hiring process. Recruitment software is built to eliminate bias byscreening and preselecting candidates based on their actions and answers, using algorithms to calculate a candidate’s likelihood to succeed in the role they apply for. With the assistance of AI, HR departments have a tool for the accurate analysis of employees from application submission to continuing performance reviews."Technology is enabling us to provide employees with a more consumer type of presence at work, with a greater ability to have richer digital experiences and find what they need 24/7," says Larry Nash, U.S. director of recruiting at consulting company EY in Pittsburgh.
Essential elements such as giving feedback to employees is also going digital with the introduction of tools such as 15Five, Impraise and Culture Amp. All of these work towards providing real time feedback to employees on their performance.
The years ahead offer many possibilities of HR and Technologyworking hand in hand. Gamification, Internet of Things, Virtual academies, Chat bots etc. are few of the trends that we can see making their way in a slow but a gradual and leaving a deep impact in organizations.
Embracing HR Analytics
Data assets are becoming invaluable in making informed and unbiased decisions to respond to the fast-changing business environment. This radical shift will not be possible without Human Resources function evolving into a new avatar that takes an active role in creating the future organization. The future PGDM Human Resource Course will be a digital disrupter with employee experience at the core, an agile & networked organization builder, and an HR analytics evangelist to enable the business to prosper during the time of change in the future. 
Workforce analytics is the approach of measuring behaviors in the organization and linking them to improve business performance. This is done by analyzing people data using statistical methods and software in order to make better workforce decisions. The business impact from the application of HR Analytics and the maturity level of the function i.e. descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive, are highly correlated. Workforce analytics will be an important facilitator in the transition of organizations from a siloed and unstandardized capability to Agile adopters and Market disrupters. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates that companies using a portfolio of HR-analytics solutions could realize an increase of 275 basis points in profit margins, on an average, by 2025. This level of business impact is achievable only if HR Analytics is built as organizational DNA, not just a tribal capability. 
Staying focused on people
"Today, technology is bringing a level of intelligence to HR that really thrusts HR into a compelling consultancy role," she says, noting that's how the HR team at Cisco now functions. The team is also more focused on coaching and management issues. With competition fierce for good talent, successful HR managers need to give top workers a reason to come to work for them. Globally, senior leaders have been paying attention to rewards and recognition, learning and development, employee benefits, health, and wellness. In spite of the huge investment of time, money and efforts, employee engagement scores are moderate at the best.
Organizations have been wondering how they can win the commitment of their employees and occupy a prominent place in their hearts. Leaders know, the feeling in the employee’s heart towards the organization determines the productivity and retention.
Given the economic scenario that we face today, the social norms around us and the rise of millennials in the workforce, leaders have to actively participate in building the culture of agility, genuineness, transparency, and collaboration at their workplace. The life experiences of the leaders and the younger people are hugely different. Hence, the senior people need to understand, the things valued by their younger colleagues are different from what they valued in their youth. They will need to learn to appreciate the current situation and free themselves from the baggage of their experience. Soft power needs to be the main agenda of leadership development in the year. Right from the first-line supervisors to the senior team, winning the team’s commitment is going to be the key focus in 2019.Transiting from Organizational Commitment to Organization Citizenship behaviour and now Employee Experience are on priority charts of organizations.
Redefining HR
Like operations, HR in many organizations has predominantly become a bunch of activities. Through the lifecycle of an employee, there is a need to engage, develop and leverage human capability. Practically speaking, most of these are to be carried out by the line managers. They need to play fair in the team, identify and recognize the talent of the team members, build and nurture a relationship with each team member. All of these are the most important HR functions!
HR has to enable the line managers in engaging and developing the team members. They have to help managers define performance goals, recognize superior performances and develop capability of their team members. They have to build an employer brand and strengthen it further.
Most HR teams today spend a lot of their time in administrative tasks of recruitment, attendance and leave management, salary hikes, employee query handling, salaries, and incentives. They have to outsource these low value-adding tasks to competent third-party experts who will not only carry out these tasks efficiently but also bring their insights to the system and improve them further. The HR Service Organizations will not only provide these services but will also create a niche 
The New Year creates an opportunity for leaders to force new thinking among employees in the organization, redefine the remit of HR, enable managers to drive up employee commitment and leverage HR-Tech.
Ending the fixation in jobs
The Tayloristicorganisation, where everybody has a clearly defined and assigned job, often does not work so well. Especially when the assignments are not so clearly defined, more flexibility is required. The turbulence in the business environment has brought about the downfall of many stalwarts from the Fortune 500 list in around a decade. The compelling need to change the nature of managing business has a direct impact on the crafting of jobs. The jobs are becoming more flexible, and employees are getting the opportunity to craft their own job, to make the best fit with their wishes, needs and capabilities. Some organisations go beyond job crafting. When there is an assignment, there is a process to look at the capabilities (qualitative and quantitative) required for this specific assignment. The wishes, needs and capabilities of people connected to the organisation are known, or captured as part of the process. A team is established, where the availability of people and the requirements of other teams must be considered. Teams are not build of people with specific fixed jobs, but of people who have specific skills that are needed to deliver the assignment.
Real Time Learning:
The learning domain has been slow in using the opportunities offered by technology. Loads of money is still wasted on classroom training for groups of employees on very broad subjects, often not directed at immediate application, but for possible future use. There are signs this is changing. Big chunks of material are divided in more digestible small pieces (micro learning). Employees will have easy access to learning material when they need it (just in time). Knowledge and skills can be learned in a playful manner (gamification), and VR and AR learning solutions make learning more real (and fun). The learning experience can be tailored to the individual capabilities and needs of employees. A challenge will remain to monitor and measure the performance of people, to be able to find (or design) the most appropriate learning solution. An upsurge in Coaching with the assistance of analytics is another arena where ‘Data driven Development’ is picking up.
Summing Up:
When considering trends in human resources management, increased efficiency, ease of use and automation are the future. All of these features share a common end goal of making the system as user-friendly as possible. Although robotics, virtual reality and biometric monitoring seem like a futuristic dream, an accessible, solid platform will always be in style. With the ‘Human’ element sticking its neck out in the Human Resources arena, the HR fraternity is striving to become more of an Employee Champion (Dave Ulrich) and an HR Strategic Business Partner.
HR Jobs of the Future
As the nature of HR and of work itself changes, so will the skills you'll need to do your job. What HR jobs could be in your future? Experts offer their predictions: People Analyst. Data and analytics will increasingly drive the job of HR―and this is the person who will head the effort. Employee experience specialist. This HR professional will focus on the entire worker relationship with the company, from benefits to training to career trajectory. Talent-acquisition technology selection. New talent acquisition platforms are emerging and evolving. This specialist will comb through them to find those most appropriate for the organization HR Business Partner. The HR business partner (HRBP) position is responsible for aligning business objectives with employees and management in designatedbusiness units. The position serves as a consultant to management on human resource-related issues. Few of the roles that will transit from the yesteryears to the forthcoming will be HR Generalist, Talent Acquisition specialist, Training & Development specialist, Technical trainers, Talent Management Specialist.
More Info Visit : https://shantibschool.edu.in
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10 Tips on Shopping for CCTV Cameras
If You're in the market for a CCTV bundle for Your House or SME, You're definitely making the proper option. CCTV cameras provide security and reassurance. When thieves or miscreants target houses or businesses, CCTV video footage will help identify the offense and offenders instantly. Preliminary studies conducted in towns, particularly crime prone areas, indicate that installing CCTV cameras function as a crime deterrent, and press reports indicate a marked drop in the amount of crime cases reported in regions where CCTV cameras are still operational.
After You've made the choice to buy and install CCTV cameras, another step is searching for your ideal fit. With all these choices to choose from, how can you determine which works best for you? Cost can be one determining factor. Several sites offer you new cheap CCTV camera bundles, starting as low as USD $599. With price points for each budget, purchasing a CCTV bundle doesn't have to be a costly ordeal. A first-time buyer will experience countless choices: What sort of camera resolution or watching resolution is best? Which are the very best viewing frame prices? Can I want night vision? Just how much video recording capability and video storage capability will I need?
In this Guide, we break down these conditions for you and allow you to pick the best CCTV bundle for your requirements:
1. CCTV camera resolution
Most Tech savvy customers wield mobile cameras and video recorders and discuss camera and megapixels resolutions like an expert. But when exploring CCTV camera packs, you might encounter the expression TVL or TV lines. Do you know these? Well, most CCTV cameras run on the analog camera or analog tv program. Therefore, rather than pixels, we speak concerning TV lines. We know that high the pixels, better the picture quality we get. In the same way, the greater the TV lines (subject to size of light, lens, and so forth ), you may receive far better image quality in your own CCTV camera. For many home and business safety functions, camera settlements may vary from 420 to 700 TV lines. In reality, 700 TV lines is the greatest you will find. As soon as you input the electronic CCTV area, you might find pricier alternatives with much greater resolution cameras.
2. Internet viewing resolution
Internet Viewing resolution utilizes CIF (Common Intermediate Format) as a measurement component. It defines a video series using a resolution like 352 X 288 that perhaps transformed for seeing PAL or NTSC formats. Confused? Let's try this. Your camera captures an image at a particular speed called frames each second. The CIF resolution describes the way your DVR documents this picture or sequence of pictures. At a nascent hard disk or hard disk business, storage was expensive. Obviously, people chosen to undermine and catch low-resolution pictures by sacrificing 4 CIF and highest frame rate. With movie storage turning cost effective, now you can capture pictures on 4 CIF and receive maximum detail. As its name implies, 4CIF offers nearly 4 times the size of this picture and can be particularly beneficial in areas like front desks, doors, bank operations, and so forth, for facial recognition and clarity in pictures. In other locations, where you want fluid activity without a lapse in catch of motions, you might resort to CIF whilst recording.
3. Internet viewing frame speed
We Talked about frame rate (frames per second) in relation to recorded video footage along with its quality. The idea stays the exact same regardless of what type of video shooting device you may utilize. The apparatus really captures snapshots and then replays them back into rapid succession making it seem as a fluid motion or activity. Normally, in CCTV camera bundle conditions, anything over 30 fps will offer a smooth footage with no jerks. Many areas now offer you excellent bargains on even 120 fps CCTV camera packs making it 'real time' as it could get.
4. All weather CCTV cameras
Even though Searching for a CCTV bundle, you might choose to take into account the positioning of cameras. Based on in case you desire cameras mounted outside or inside, you might pick from a huge array of waterproof cameras. Waterproof cameras are much better able to resist damage caused because of snow, rain, and humidity. Some weatherproof cameras can include a sealed glass enclosure to protect it from environmental harms. Another benefit of sealed weatherproof cameras comprises protection against dust or dirt, floating debris, and humidity, in enclosed spaces like large warehouses, storage facilities, and interior factories, automobile repair shops, etc.
5. Day and nighttime recording
Whether You're thinking about an investment in CCTV cameras for your house or company, you might choose to check at cameras offering nighttime vision and 24-hour afternoon and nighttime recording. Break-ins, thefts, and vandalizing property occur frequently in the night, and inadequate visibility is that the number one motive offenders go free. Night vision and infrared cameras capture quality picture despite dark environments. They offer better definition of items, people, or animals, and create identification and recognition simple. Place of focus, angle of setup, lens size, and pan tilt zoom (PTZ) attributes may ascertain the efficacy of night vision CCTV cameras. Setup of infrared cameras might also need setup at night utilizing infrared light or simulate night problems. If you're contemplating 24/7 recording, it's also important to check in DVRs with maximum storage and back up so.
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6. Online viewing
Many Surveillance and security businesses offer you client-centric characteristics that extend beyond installation and upkeep. 1 such attribute comprises registering a domain name with your security business and using them put up a personalized site to look at your premises anytime anyplace through a PCtabletcomputer, or your web-enabled mobile phone. Just enter your particular URL, and you'll be connected to a CCTV protected land, home or company immediately and in real time. This is particularly great if you would like to keep your eye on your company as you traveling or watch out for your kids, pets, or perhaps the older as you're on the job.
7. Tracking through smart phones
With Bright telephones stepping up to fulfill the computer challenge, it's not surprising that security firms today provide wireless monitoring through your smartest telephones. Developing a domain with a particular URL lets you personalize the safety seeing system in your smartphone. You don't need to download any outside programs or applications for this use. The safety system firms selling you those CCTV bundles may provide these attributes for a minimal cost.
8. Video compression
An Important facet of CCTV setup includes squeezing big video information to a format which may be readily transmitted or stored. Compressed data must undergo throughout the inverse procedure for screening. Standardizing this procedure allows various distinct devices to operate with one another effectively. From the CCTV sector, the gold standard is H.264 compression employed by different different HD and Blu-Ray disc players, streaming video formats, along with other Internet software. CCTV cameras with H.264 video compression guarantees that the best quality of movie footage transmission.
9. Alert methods: Message or email, movement detection
cctv cameras adelaide  permit you to capture pictures as they occur or an extra attribute called movement detection possibly added or bought with your CCTV cameras. In the latter scenario, only movement facing the camera prompts picture recording and capture. Motion detection comes useful if you would like to use less disk space for recording. At a designated quiet place, sudden moves possibly recorded making it simple to store minimal data and examine it later. Many motion sensor cameras perhaps pre installed using an alarm clock or audio system which perhaps triggered by motion. Some surveillance businesses may also supply an email alert system that warns you of intrusion or motion in a monitored location.
10. Recording and keeping
Any CCTV bundle is incomplete without a Trusted DVR system that may Record and save your information for future reference. Online recording and Viewing permits you to look over your tracked area on a particularly Domain name. Remote observation is possible in your pc as Well as your smart mobile. Offline recording and saving requires hard Disk space, which may possibly bought in accordance with your requirements. Some hard Discs vary from 500 GB all the way to two TB and might permit you to store Your video information for up to 12 weeks.
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happymetalgirl · 6 years
Deafheaven - Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
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Getting to this album has been a challenge. Well, I should rephrase that, I’ve been listening to it a lot and taking breaks from it a lot ever since NPR streamed it the week before its release. Articulating my feelings about this album has been the challenge, and it was always going to be a challenge since even before it came out, not just because I have been a fan of Deafheaven since their groundbreaking 2013 release, Sunbather, but because so many other publications seem to be fans of theirs as well. Sunbather was a completely unforeseen critical success, and from the moment the stone that begat the ripple hit the pond, nearly every publication discussing Deafheaven has seemed to want to lather them with highly spiritual praise. And the deviants from the critical flock have of course been no less restrained in their expression of disdain for the band, be it the childish black metal purist mentality Deafheaven subverts by mixing bright ambience with blast beats and screamed lyrics that read more like personal poetry, or those who think some other blackgaze or ambient black metal act(s) should be getting this recognition instead.
Both of these responses to the band remained relevant when they released their follow-up, New Bermuda, in late 2015. It was an album that took many of the pretty parts of Sunbather and juxtaposed them boldly with the kinds of overtly dark and aggressive black metal parts that seemed motivated to silence the detracting notions that Deafheaven couldn’t reach the same blackened depths as bands like Gorgoroth or Mayhem. With the echoes of fanfare around Sunbather still in the air, critics mostly rushed to proclaim New Bermuda another masterpiece for the band. But fans largely saw it as kind of a slight step down, if not completely overshadowed by Sunbather. The heavier parts are impressive and enjoyable, and drummer Daniel Tracy especially put on an incredible display of talent on those parts to counter arguments that the band weren’t up to snuff on their black metal chops. Yet the intentional contrast between the crushing black metal sections and the flowery beauty of the calmer sections on New Bermuda took away from the alchemical blend between the two that made Sunbather so immediately stunning. It seemed like Deafheaven was out to prove something and trying to defy expectations by blatantly not repeating Sunbather and by playing hard enough to discredit their naysayers. Ultimately, music journalists lauded it and hard-hearted purists’ hearts remained pretty stone cold for the most part, though it left Deafheaven in an interesting position on where to go from there.
The lead-up to Ordinary Corrupt Human Love sparked a little bit of déjà vu as early reviews showered the album with praise as a return to the beauty of Sunbather as soon as the (albeit justifiably beautiful) singles, “Honeycomb” and then “Canary Yellow” were released. While the reception was familiarly positive to New Bermuda’s a few years prior, and the sound of the singles did feel somewhat similar to Sunbather, it felt like Ordinary Corrupt Human Love wasn’t going to be about all that familiarity, rather something else familiar yet not expected from Deafheaven.
Another reason this album has taken me some time to get to on here is the band’s music’s prominence within my personal life. Deafheaven has been a big part of the musical backdrop to my most meaningful friendships and my relationship with my significant other since 2013. I’ve delved into my deep, annoying love for Meshuggah and Gojira, but Deafheaven is where some of the most important people in my life and I have the most common ground. We have made a yearly tradition of seeing them live, their first three albums, their one-off single, and even their demo have been the musical score to our friendship together over the past five years. This context made it hard to gauge my own feelings on New Bermuda for the longest time after its release and I didn’t want to write about Ordinary Corrupt Human Love with the same uncertainty that clouded my thoughts on New Bermuda. This isn’t to say I wanted to block out the personal context this album holds and look at it coldly and solely analytically. The effect music has on my personal life and emotional state is definitely something important to me, and I would think most people would agree that they would like to have music they love play a significant role in their own lives. After all, who listens to music passionately and suppresses it from enriching their personal life and relationships?
I took my time because I wanted to become familiar with this album on the same personal level as I had with Sunbather, Roads to Judah, and New Bermuda. But I also wanted to be able to take my time to separate it from the drooling praise Pitchfork (and other publications flirting with the unlikely industry darlings like a potential goth girlfriend) were always going to give it and look at by itself it from a distance.
So how is Ordinary Corrupt Human Love, then?
Well, a lot of it stems from familiar musical ideas farmed from Sunbather as well as New Bermuda, but the first part of the album finds the band dramatically and contagiously bright in ways that seem to condense the more shimmering and euphoric parts of Sunbather into a few divine expressions of joy. It’s actually when the band repeats its past self more later on in the album that it stumbles a little bit. The band try a few new things on Ordinary Corrupt Human Love: George introduces his clean singing voice, they bring in a pretty big name collaboration for one song (Chelsea Wolfe), and they focus on and expand upon singular emotional facets of their sound for extended periods at a time.
The first track, “You Without End”, starts the album with a moody piano melody overlaid by slowly swelling, lush, post-rock/shoegaze guitar leads. Right from the start it feels romantic and endearing (as the title suggests in bright neon lights). Of course, part of that comes from its familiar instrumental tones that harken back to summers with Sunbather and my lover and I cooling down after the emotional flurry of “Dream House” with the beauty of its appendix song/section “Irresistible”. I’m sure I’m not the only one with an experience like that though. Nevertheless, “You Without End” is as sweet and loving as its first few minutes set it up to be. It integrates these spoken word samples full of flowery imagery at the beginning before George Clarke enters with his black metal screams over the more fully immersive guitar atmosphere that overtakes the piano. The song never taps into the more blackened side of Deafheaven’s sound instrumentally, instead keeping to more of the more post-metal/post-rock they cultivated during the softer moments of New Bermuda. The lyrics are as endearing as the title and instrumentals suggest, seemingly depicting a snapshot with one’s lover going down a dark, likely metaphoric tunnel of some sort (George’s lyrics are often deeply intertwined with or drawn from his own personal experiences). The last stanza, “And then the world will grow / And then the world will know of you, / Of all things love, of all things true” ends the song with a simple expression of adoration for a lover. It’s simple, it’s pretty, and it’s definitely the most laid-back introduction to a Deafheaven album so far. Its only real problem is perhaps that it doesn’t do as much as it could with the time it has, as well as only focusing on one facet of Deafheaven’s complex musical personality for such an extensive time.
The second track “Honeycomb” leads seamlessly out of “You Without End”. The song plays with a very similar tone to “Dream House” until the jubilant guitar solo near the middle of the track takes the song into mush less pensive territory. I was puzzled by this unfamiliar moment in the song at first, but after a number of listens it is definitely a fitting part of the song and the album. The band sound happier to be alive than they did three years ago, with the lyrics “I’m reluctant to stay sad / life beyond is a field a flowers” indicating a newfound joy in life and solitude within the same world that spawned so much torment. I could be projecting a bit here onto the lyrics, as George ends the song by calling his love a “bulging, blue-faced fool / hung from the throat / by sunflower stems”. But the music, especially the bright, shoegaze-y exit section, paints a picture of emotional triumph that demands to shine for all the world to see. The more one-dimensionally joyful mood set by the song’s lyrics renders it less emotionally dynamic and conflicted than songs like “Luna” or “Dream House”. But it’s a pretty good representation of Deafheaven at their brightest and most at peace, something I wouldn’t want to take away from them.
I love the opening clean guitar passage and the heavenly ethereal choir vocals hovering behind it on the third song “Canary Yellow”. Very reminiscent of bands like Explosions in the Sky at their most elated, this post-rock part of the song carries the euphoria from “Honeycomb” over to the second side of the first record. When the song reaches its metallic threshold of its swell it reminds me of the title track from Sunbather and of “Baby Blue” with the early metal section’s prominent guitar pull-offs. It keeps to the more Sunbather-like explosion of semi-melancholic emotion, and George’s clean delivery of the final refrain, “on and on we choke on an everlasting handsome night / my lover’s blood rushes right through me” echoing in the background provides a conclusive feeling to the mysteriously and visually vivid poetry preceding it that seems to worship a lover’s allure and complexity in some way. The diverse imagery is difficult to piece together and the more familiar blend of pensive post-rock and cathartic black metal still only seems to contribute to this complexity of emotions on the song.
“Near” is the first kind of breather song on the album. At only five and a half minutes, it’s a simple, daydreaming reverb-y, ambient post-rock piece on which George Clarke sings entirely cleanly for the first time for the band. The nondescript style with which he sings kind of points to what seems like a lack of complete confidence in his abilities to go beyond the small range he sings in here. Perhaps they’re keeping live shows in mind and making sure this will be something George can sing after belting out black metal screams for half an hour or more. It’s definitely more of a mood piece than anything else; it’s pretty, but it feels like it’s not bringing much new to the album aside from the romantic longing its short lyrics portray. The three-line song, “Thought I saw you there / Wishing you were near / Can I rest for awhile” introduces the first deeply melancholic moment on the album, but it feels like it perhaps floats through it for a little too long, a little too inactively. It’s not bad and it makes sense in the context of the album, but it’s no “Please Remember” or “Irresistible”.
“Glint” could kinda-sorta be considered this album’s “Vertigo” for its long, winding guitar intro accented nicely with ride cymbal. The heavier section of the song rides more blast beats than what has preceded and traverses a few emotional shifts quite akin to those aplenty on Sunbather. Though reminiscent of the dynamic of their sophomore effort, “Glint” is a little less consistent in the potency of the emotions it conjures. It stays more focused on the heavier side of the band’s sound and I appreciate the way they show their dynamic abilities even without resorting to soft post-rock bits, but it feels like an afterthought compared to what they accomplished all across Sunbather and on the best parts of New Bermuda. The lyrics deal with aging and the beauty that remains with it, as well as what seems to be potentially conception and birth, again focused on an aging relationship with a well-adored lover. It’s a difficult song to draw any particular meaning from beyond its upfront, and possibly somewhat naïve, musings upon aging love, but it’s a decent addition to the album, with a good couple of interesting guitar passages.
The sixth song, “Night People”, is another short, piece that eschews any black metal presence in favor of semi-gothic ambience. It’s also the track to which Chelsea Wolfe and her longtime collaborator Ben Chisholm lent their vocal and production talents. I had seen both artists teasing their collaboration in the studio, and naturally got pretty fuckin’ hyped to hear Chelsea Wolfe, now confidently immersed in writing unique, experimental, sludgy, post-metal after Hiss Spun, with Deafheaven. Perhaps it was me setting my expectations too high/specifically, but I found “Night People” to be kind of underwhelming and Chelsea Wolfe’s unique vocal talents criminally underutilized. It’s a nice, soothing breather song (despite the gruesome illustration of drug-addicted night life it seems to poetically depict in odd contrast to the love-themed songs before it) and she carries the song vocally in a way that, even as subtle as it is, shows how vast the vocal talent gap is between the two. George is a good vocalist in his own right, but he brings nothing special with his clean singing, which he arguably doesn’t deserve to be doing alongside Chelsea Wolfe. As for her contribution to the song, Chelsea can do, and has done, so much more with her unique voice and she’s clearly more confident than ever amid booming drums and thick walls of distorted guitar sound. I can see why they might not want to do some other long-ass song with a feature role like Chelsea’s being so potentially critical to the song that they wouldn’t be able to replicate it in a live setting, but it still feels like such a wasted opportunity on the album.
“Worthless Animal” closes the album on a strange lyrical note, an allegory of speaker protecting the innocence and absence of fear of a young deer from an impending wolf’s preying. The final line, “all who have forgotten remember now” perhaps suggests an unsettling return to reality from the love-laden euphoria expressed previously with mental scars of needing to fight and drive out primal violence with violence to protect something cherished. It’s probably the strangest George has been lyrically for he band, but it narrates well and provides a tangible feeling of realization of the difficulty of loving and maintaining beauty amid merciless cruelty. Nevertheless, it kind of feels like a weird place to end the album lyrically, ending with confrontation of the gritty reality the album’s title surrounds rather than doing that first, or at least earlier, in the album and using it to frame the nobility of the innocent love they worship on the first four, maybe five, songs. Musically “Worthless Animal” sounds like a combination of something like “The Pecan Tree” from Sunbather and something like “Violet” from Roads to Judah. Like a lot of their debut album it finds the band falling a little bit into less unique and fully identity-formed post-metal and it doesn’t bring quite as many fresh sounds or new ideas to the table at this point on the record, ending it on kind of a less expressive note than it definitely could have from an instrumental standpoint.
Overall, Ordinary Corrupt Human Love is a fine addition to the Deafheaven catalog, but like the very love the title references, it doesn’t come without its own blemishes. This is probably the first Deafheaven album that expends the vast majority of its creative energy in the first half. The creative slowdown and the strange lyrical trajectory that the last few songs take make me wish that the uglier underside of human nature depicted through those songs was done perhaps a little more vibrantly and maybe even with the same overt darkness that characterized the extreme depths of New Bermuda. It’s these times when the band seems like they’re trying to recapture the emotional diversity of Sunbather that they fall short, considering what that album proved this sound could do. As for the more optimistic love songs on the album, they’re honestly among Deafheaven’s best work and they make me wish they perhaps chased more exclusively the euphoria that they captured on those songs for the rest of the album from both the lyrical and musical standpoint. Both the shimmering beauty made bombastic by the metallic supplement to Deafheaven’s more brightly atmospheric pieces and George Clarke’s vivid and sensory poetic style pair well in the context of the musing love songs that set the early mood of the album. Knowing how personal George Clarke’s lyrics are, the confusing lyrical trajectory this album takes makes me wonder where he stands mentally and emotionally. Granted these songs’ lyrics probably weren’t all written in the same week, but being that they speak to a central topic, I wonder to what degree do these respective snapshots represent George. I also wonder what could be next for Deafheaven musically. I wouldn’t say they’ve fully backtracked, though I’m sure some will say so, but the last half of the album shows that they seem to have exhausted that style of playing or at least that they can’t quite outdo Sunbather at its own game right now. It makes me both eager and anxious for what the future hold for them, as I’m sure they are as well.
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A short personal coda:
Deafheaven’s music has been such a beautiful, phasic, soundtrack that has strangely synched up with what's been going on in my life ever since I first heard it in 2013.
Sunbather captured a time of my life full of dreams and naive love of so many sorts, and the beauty that album conveyed was like nothing I had ever experienced, and like so many other new experiences around that time, gave me this hope for my future and the life I share with the ones I love being full of that kind of beauty.
New Bermuda seemed to symbolize the immense darkness that crept into my life when I also moved just before it came out, to a place I too became disillusioned with, away from the person I love most. But it also mirrored the duality of deep, pitch black depression, wanting to end my life so many times and not being able to / stopping myself from doing it because I couldn't let myself do that to her.
And now Ordinary Corrupt Human Love has come at a time of growth and triumph from that time of darkness with all sorts of realizations about my own love, ordinary, flawed, and beautifully human as it is. The wildly beautiful sounds on this album once again match this new outlook on the world and human life, as corrupt as it may be, and being in a place now where I can see the beauty I wasn't able to for a long time after accepting its inevitable blemishes, and not just the idealization I was chasing and dreaming of.
I have to thank Deafheaven for all the music they've poured their hearts into. It has done what most music strives so much to do even with the knowledge that it likely won’t, and truly changed my life.
New Bermuda provided the solidarity I needed through the darkness it embodied and the encouragement to come back to the place of beauty I was in with Sunbather, and Ordinary Corrupt Human Love has been a fitting expression of how much more secure I am in that place of beauty, acknowledging now instead of trying to avoid the imperfections of my own and everyone's love.
I wonder if Ordinary Corrupt Human Love has set any kind of direction for the future for Deafheaven as well?
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Matrix 4 Trailer Breakdown: Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, and…Smith?!
The moment Matrix fans have been waiting for has finally arrived. The next chapter of Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus’ story is almost here and Warner Bros. has a trailer to prove it. It’s an action-packed first look at Resurrections, a sequel that seems to take the franchise in new directions, and introduces quite a few new mysteries to the already complex lore of The Matrix, all accompanied by Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit.”
While it refreshingly plays things very close to the chest at a time when most trailers give away 2/3 of the plot, I’ve tried my best to dissect the trailer for some answers. But as you’ll find in the breakdown below, I’ve mostly been left with more questions and tons of excitement for this movie. Plus, a few theories.
Before I get to it, have a look at the trailer if you haven’t already:
Okay, let’s enter the Matrix.
The Setting: Is this the Matrix or Machine Heaven?
This trailer is so disorienting, it’s unclear where this Matrix movie even takes place. These movies have always been multi-setting stories, between the big simulation, smaller programs, and the real world, but this movie’s setting is particularly vital information since it’ll explain what’s going on in some of the weirder parts of the trailer.
Our first glimpse of Neo’s life after the events of The Matrix Revolutions reveals he’s back in a simulation as Thomas Anderson, but is it the Matrix we know and love? Maybe. This idyllic city by the sea doesn’t really look like the dystopian, sprawling Mega City from the original trilogy.
You may have also noticed that the signature green tint is gone. There’s actually an explanation for that. When the Matrix was rebooted at the end of Revolutions, it came back online without the greenish hue, with Sati creating a beautiful, otherworldly sunrise (not unlike the one shining down on the bridge in the first picture) in tribute to Neo.
But there’s also the possibility that this is a completely different simulation all together. I’ve gone on about this in other articles, but I have a few theories as to where this movie takes place: 1) it’s set in the same version of the Matrix as the first three movies but rebooting the simulation meant tweaks to the city, 2) this is a completely new version of the Matrix created as a successor to the one from the original trilogy, 3) this isn’t the Matrix at all and is instead a separate digital world.
Hear me out on that last point: we watched Neo die in Revolutions, not as himself but after being assimilated by Smith. Becoming one with Smith allows the Machines to send a kill signal from the real world, deleting the rogue program once and for all. But where do programs go when they’re deleted? Reloaded refers to a vague place called “the Source,” which seems to be the central mainframe of the Machines. Programs marked for deletion are supposedly absorbed by the Source.
Since Neo died only after he turned into a Smith while in the Matrix, and his real-world body died in the Machine City, what if Neo’s digital form has somehow become stuck in some sort “machine heaven” inside the Source? This theory doesn’t necessarily track with other shots of real-world Neo later in the trailer, but it could be a possible explanation for why there’s a different version of Morpheus in this movie and why Jonathan Groff’s character tells Neo at the end of the trailer that he’s going “back to the Matrix.”
Also, maybe this is just a wink at the audience, but at one point, Neo is fighting his way out of a place called “Deus Ex Machina.” This is a reference to the Machine leader who Neo brokered peace with in Revolutions. It doesn’t seem like an accident that it appears here. Perhaps the plot of the movie is that Neo is stuck in the Source and eventually he tries to find his way out?
Neo and the Blue Pill
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Wherever Neo is, he doesn’t remember the events of the first three movies and has returned to his life as sad sack Thomas Anderson. But memories of his past life are starting to sneak their way back into his head.
We see him consulting a psychiatrist played by Neil Patrick Harris to see if he’s “crazy” but it’s clear that Neo will soon wake up and re-learn the truth about his past. But someone clearly wants to stop that from happening. We watch Neo take blue pills Since the blue pills symbolize ignorance of the truth, it’s likely that these pills are stopping Neo from regaining his memories and abilities. Neo’s ditches his prescription and opts for Morpheus’ red pill later in the trailer, though.
During the red pill sequence, it looks like Morpheus and his crew have found a way to play back Neo’s past for him on a projector. How this is possible beats me, but just go with it. This is likely when Neo fully wakes up.
This scene will eventually be interrupted by a trigger-happy SWAT team, of course. What an image.
How Are Neo and Trinity Back in the First Place?
Things are about to get more confusing. If Neo and Trinity are really back in the Matrix…how the hell is that even possible? After all, they both died in the real world, which is, you know, a major obstacle to overcome if you want to get plugged back in. Yet, we see them both in the real world, hooked back up to machines, although it’s unclear if they’re back at the power plant that powers Machine City. Above, you can see Trinity seemingly alive in the real world but back in the clutches of the Machines.
The trailer does seem to tease that we’ll learn what happened to Neo’s body after Revolutions. Usually, humans are liquefied upon death to feed the rest of the crop, but Neo is no ordinary human. There are a few blink-and-you’ll-miss-it snapshots of the Machines doing something to Neo’s body, seemingly performing some sort of procedure. Neo’s eyes remain scorched from the events of Revolutions, as well.
All this implies some major, new Matrix lore could be introduced in this movie. Until now, the process through which the Machines grow humans has largely remained a mystery. We know they’re grown in pods and fed liquid human remains, but how do the Machines create these humans in the first place? And do their abilities extend far beyond growing new humans to power their city? What if the Machines also have the ability to bring the dead back to life as they seem to be doing with Neo and Trinity?
This also seems to support Cypher’s belief that the Machines could actually plug people back into the Matrix, something Trinity said wasn’t true in the original movie. Smith told Cypher that he would not only get plugged back in but that he wouldn’t remember anything about his miserable life in the real world. The Agents even promised him that they could give him a new, better life within the simulation. Cypher hoped to return as an important actor. This may be why Neo and Trinity don’t remember each other at first in the new movie.
Neo and Trinity’s Connection
Neo and Trinity’s connection is way too strong, though. They’ve brought each other back from the dead a couple of times, surely a little memory loss isn’t going to keep them apart for long. We watch them meet for “the first time” at a coffee shop — a place called “Simulatte,” as revealed by teaser footage released earlier this week — and then they’re back to kicking ass like the old days.
But it’s clear things have also changed. For example, there’s something weird going on with Trinity’s face, which seems to be bleeding…Matrix code? Does this mean this isn’t Trinity at all but a program designed to simulate her for Neo while he’s trapped in machine heaven? That doesn’t really add up with the fact that we also see Trinity alive in the real world. Maybe their digital selves are stuck in two different places and she’s actually back in the Matrix? I’ll admit I can’t get any of my theories to line up perfectly just yet.
The trailer also teases new abilities for the duo. Particularly interesting is that they can now create some sort of energy wave when they touch.
Trinity can also send out a shockwave that can put SWAT teams on their ass. But wait, the reverberation reveals another face behind Trinity’s… Who is that and what’s happening here? Shoot me some thoughts in the comments!
Is that Hugo Weaving as Smith?!
Speaking of hidden faces, in both the trailer and earlier teaser footage, we learn that Neo’s reflection isn’t quite right. When he looks in the mirror, someone else sometimes looks back. We get the best look at that reflection in the scene where Morpheus offers Neo the red pill…and holy crap, is that Hugo Weaving’s face CGI’d onto Keanu’s head?! If it is, this could mean that a bit of Smith’s code still lingers inside Neo, which also supports the idea that Neo is stuck in the Source and not the Matrix.
Is it Morpheus’ mission to somehow get him out of there? Now that you mention Morpheus…
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Morpheus
Ladies and gentlemen, if you weren’t sure about the rumors before, we have confirmation: Yahya Abdul-Mateen is playing Morpheus in The Matrix Resurrections. But there’s something weird going on with Morpheus, too.
One shot from the trailer is particularly interesting. Morpheus is staring at himself in the mirror, condensation on the glass made to resemble Matrix code (“digital rain”) over the mystery man’s face. He looks intently into the mirror, noticing how its surface turns to liquid when he touches it.
So what’s going on here? The green hue of the scene confirms this is Abdul-Mateen inside of the simulation, but judging from his reaction to the mirror, he doesn’t seem aware that he’s in the Matrix. Morpheus looks genuinely surprised by this sudden glitch, something Laurence Fishburne would’ve taken in stride in the original trilogy. So does this mean this movie follows Morpheus before he was unplugged? Is this movie somehow a continuation of Neo and Trinity’s story but also a Morpheus origin story?
Well, maybe this is just a flashback because we later see Morpheus doing normal Morpheus stuff, like training with Neo in the sparring program.
(Like much in the trailer, the dojo seems to be a located in a place meant to evoke Alice in Wonderland.)
But we haven’t addressed the elephant in the room: why does Morpheus look completely different now if this movie seems to mostly take place after Revolutions when Morpheus looked a lot like Laurence Fishburne? Well, yes, it could be a simple recast, but this is also the universe that created whole lore about program re-skins when the Wachowskis were forced to recast the Oracle with Mary Alice after Gloria Foster’s death while filming the third movie. So there will likely be an explanation.
This could go back to one of my theories about the where this movie takes place. What if this is a continuation of Neo and Trinity’s story but in a new version of the Matrix? As the Architect once told Neo in The Matrix Reloaded, the Machines have created several versions of the simulation, tweaking things as needed to improve the program and make humanity more subservient. It’s an endless loop that has seen the heroes try to save Zion from the Machines several times before. The Matrix trilogy covered the Sixth Matrix.
Read more
How The Animatrix Set the Bar For What If…? and Star Wars: Visions
By Kayti Burt
The Matrix 4: Laurence Fishburne “Wasn’t Invited” to Reprise Morpheus Role
By John Saavedra
We know that each version of the Matrix places someone in the role of “the One” in order to correct the anomaly in the program, but it wasn’t clear whether it was always someone named Neo. If that were the case, that could explain why there’s someone new in the Morpheus role, too. Perhaps the Sixth Matrix’s Neo and Trinity being in this potential seventh version is corrupting things, which is why the Machines are working to keep the duo from remembering their past. (But then why would the Machines have plugged them back in in the first place?) None of this makes sense!
Or is there a bigger twist behind all this?
In footage from the teasers released earlier this week, we someone who looks like Abdul-Mateen’s Morpheus being formed from thousands of little particles expelled by some sort of machine. Are those supposed to be tiny nano bots, sort of like more advanced versions of the insect droids that formed Deus Ex Machina’s face in The Matrix Revolutions? Does that mean Morpheus was a machine or program all along?
That certainly would be quite the twist if true. What if Morpheus was a Machine sleeper cell, just another system of control all along — a “true believer” designed to rally Zion around the One in order for the Machines to more easily lead humanity through the loop that would eventually lead to the city’s destruction?
Yeah, that sounds a little far-fetched even for a Matrix movie. Maybe it’s just this version of Morpheus that’s a machine, created to jump start Neo’s journey after another faction has kept him hooked on the blue pill for years. What if this is a version of the Matrix where Thomas Anderson never got to make a choice in 1999 and has lived his life ignorant of his true purpose? In this scenario, maybe it would be the Machines themselves trying to wake up Neo. After all, without him completing his journey, the program can’t survive.
I’m giving myself a headache. Let’s move on.
Jessica Henwick as Bugs
According to Variety, Jessica Henwick’s blue-haired badass is named Bugs, which I assume is a nod to the tattoo of the white rabbit on her arm, another reference to Alice in Wonderland as well as the first Matrix movie. When Henwick was cast, it was reported that she would be playing a major role in the movie and that seems to be true.
We see her guiding Neo through a doorway to “the truth,” while later she’s running around with Morpheus, shooting at bad guys and doing A LOT of flips. It’s good to see there are going to be plenty of cool stunts in this movie.
Jonathan Groff as the Villain?
The trailer ends with who many are speculating is the villain of the movie: Jonathan Groff’s mysterious businessman who welcomes Neo (and fans) back to the Matrix. I’ve heard several theories so far, but my two favorite ones are that Groff is playing a new version of Smith or that he’s a new skin for the Architect. Whatever the case, he could be the one working to keep Neo hooked on the blue pill.
One interesting detail in the background is what looks like a “DM” logo desk plate. Is this another reference to “Deus Ex Machina?” Is it some sort of program-run company?
Another scene of note is the one where Neo is on his knees, a gun pointed at his head. We don’t see who exactly is holding the pistol. Is that Groff? I also just find it interesting how this scene kind of rhymes with the Morpheus scene from the first movie.
Priyanka Chopra, Brian Jacob Smith, and Max Riemelt
We get glimpses of other characters, too. There’s Priyanka Chopra’s character, who’s reading Alice in Wonderland when Neo drops by her shop.
Also appearing are Brian Jacob Smith and Max Riemelt, both stars of Sense8, the ensemble sci-fi series created by the Wachowskis. You can see Smith running around with Morpheus’ crew while Riemelt has made a very bad choice and picked a fight with Neo.
The Real World
The movie will visit the real world, too. We see a Zion ship flying through underground tunnels. Teaser clips also confirmed we’ll also meet at least one other crew in the movie. With Jada Pincket Smith set to reprise her role, could this be Niobe’s ship, Logos?
Meanwhile, the Machines are still all about renewable energy.
There’s also whatever this is supposed to be?
Agents Are Back
What’s a Matrix movie without Agents? We already know Daniel Bernhardt is reprising his role as Reloaded‘s Agent Johnson, but there are a few other Agents in the mix to give Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, and friends a very hard time.
Even Morpheus looks like he’s dressed like an Agent at one point!
Matrix Weirdness
There a few other weird moments in this trailer worth highlighting. Judging from the way Morpheus and Bugs are somehow able to seemingly open portals in the simulation to stop themselves from going splat on the pavement during an action sequence where they jump out of a building, it looks like Resurrections is really going to mess with how the Matrix works, breaking all kinds of rules. It’s not just about jump from one skyscraper to the other anymore.
Morpheus and his squad seem to be able to travel through mirrors at will, too. It’s maybe their favorite form of transportation. (I don’t know who the person next to Bugs is as they walk through the mirror and into the restaurant.)
There’s also a very cool inverted hallway that defies the laws of gravity. Par for the course for the Matrix but cool just the same.
Lots of Action
As trippy as the sci-fi in The Matrix gets, this is an action franchise at its core, and the trailer promises the types of big action set pieces you’ve come to expect from these movies. That includes Neo stopping bullets and redirecting missiles with his mind! It definitely looks like the Neo we know and love will for sure be back in the One shape by the third act of this movie.
We also got a quick look at the motorcycle chase sequence that we first learned about through photos from the Mexico City set. Trinity speeds through the fiery streets, with Neo riding shotgun.
There’s also an action sequence inside a train. Bugs, Morpheus, and their squad run through the carts just as someone fires a rocket into the train. Should be a fun sequence.
Oh, and did I mention Abdul-Mateen fits right into the Morpheus role?
Spot anything I missed? Let me know in the comments!
The Matrix Resurrections arrives in theaters and on HBO Max on Dec. 22.
The post The Matrix 4 Trailer Breakdown: Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, and…Smith?! appeared first on Den of Geek.
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