#it feels like giving an animal medicine hes in there in the tasty treat
yansurnummu · 2 years
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oh shit das me 😳
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natasha-in-space · 1 year
would it be alright to request the rfa + saeran with an MC who’s in school to be a veterinary neurologist? basically brain surgeon but for animals^^ tysm!
I think Yoosung will be pleasantly surprised and very inspired by you. He's in college studying veterinary medicine himself, but, at the point of you joining the RFA, he lost the previous fire he held for his degree. Of course, his issues lie way deeper than simply finding his degree uninteresting or useless, but the point still stands: he feels rather apathetic towards his studies. He feels like nothing he's doing in his university makes any difference, and his expectations for his future are bleak, to say the least. So, to learn that you are studying in the same field as him, all while maintaining the goal you are working towards... it's somewhat inspiring to him. But, there might be some insecurity mixed in there as well. He can't help but compare himself to you - a trait he is, unfortunately, very guilty of - and that never ends well for him. It makes him feel somewhat inadequate to realize that he just doesn't share the same drive and passion you seem to possess for your goal. Of course, he only sees the best parts of your experience, overlooking all the struggles and tribulations you have to deal with on a daily basis as well. But, as you two grow closer, you help him realize that his main problem is not as surface level as he thinks. You motivate him to treat himself kinder, with more genuine care to his needs. And, with time, he will find his drive again. You two will definitely have a ton of study dates together. Who knows, maybe you'll end up even working at the same vet clinic? That wouldn't be out of the question for you guys. It's nice to have someone who understands what you're daily life is like, and you can babble to him all about your study life, without having to go into too much detail. It's like you're a team of two. Needless to say, I think this will make you grow even closer to one another in the long run.
Zen would be very impressed. Having never attended college after running away from home, he has a great deal of admiration for those who are willing to put in the time and effort required to obtain a degree. And, studying to become a veterinary neurologist? That sounds like it takes a whole lot of work! He will immediately feel a good deal of respect towards you once he learns this. He doesn't know much about animals, nor did he ever own a pet of his own (since he spends most of his time at work, and his finances are not as stable as he'd like them to be), but he knows how precious pets can be to people. There is no suspicion in his heart since the first moment you joined the RFA, but even the tiniest bit of it goes out the window with this new fact he learns. Someone who works so hard for such a noble cause cannot be a bad person in his eyes. I think Zen's support will be mostly noticeable on the emotional side of things. He can't understand a word you're speaking most of the time you're sharing some story from your studies, but he does ask you about your day regardless. If you're feeling stressed out or overworked, he's there in a flash. You don't have to worry about a thing when the time comes to study for your exams: he makes sure you're taking breaks, eat tasty and nutritious food, and he keeps your place all neat and clean for you. And, if you're feeling anxious or unsure of yourself? Well, I'm glad to tell you that Zen is the best cheerleader you can get. He's able to put a smile on your face and lift your worries every time you're feeling down. Probably because he knows what's it like to doubt your own abilities, and he knows what you'd like to hear in that moment of vulnerability. Just like he promised you, you two will support one another on your own individual paths in life, giving each other strength when it's needed. And, you bet he'll throw the biggest celebration once you finally graduate. The guy will probably be even more excited for you than you are. He's kind of like a golden retriever in that way. 
I don't think she would have much of a reaction initially. It's just yet another piece of information she'll write down about you, as you slowly start getting to know one another. Jaehee's worldview was heavily influenced by her highly unsupportive environment, and she projects that worldview onto everyone else, unless she is explicitly proven wrong. She went to university and got a job because that's what was expected of her, and because that was the only way she wouldn't get looked down upon by her environment. And, she excelled at both of those things, but, at the end of the day, she holds no spiritual nor emotional attachment to her current job or her time studying. I think she'll be a bit taken aback once she sees that you are genuinely passionate about what you are pursuing. What differentiates her from Yoosung, who feels very insecure about his uncertain future, is that Jaehee has long since accepted that this is all that her life is ever going to be. At least, she thinks she did. She'll be a bit envious of your drive, sure, but there are no comparisons or depressing thoughts in her mind. She'll just conclude that you are different from her, that is all. Now, as your bond grows stronger over time, and you help her find that self-love she was lacking all these past years, things will change. Jaehee finds the inner courage to believe in herself and her dreams, despite what everyone around her may think. She is no longer afraid of being perceived in a negative light. And, with that new fire in her eyes, your passion now starts actively motivating her. It's kind of sweet, really. While your tireless work encourages Jaehee to fight for her dream, Jaehee's newfound boldness in what she does inspires you to do the same. It's like you two are each other's source of motivation when things get tough. While you may not end up working side by side, Jaehee will always make sure to treat you to the best coffee and snacks she can find. Her cafe is a perfect place for you to study in peace, with occasional kisses on the cheek as a bonus.
Jumin will be impressed. We all know how much genuine love and care he possesses for animals, so, needless to say, he holds a lot of respect for those who dedicate their livelihoods to making sure that no animal has to live in pain. I actually think this will make him come to trust you a little bit quicker! This man has a major soft spot for animals, and he even explicitly states that he believes that a person who loves animals cannot be bad. Especially cats. Overall, this wouldn't affect your relationship with him much, but he will be interested in learning more about your studies in detail. I won't be surprised if he's fairly knowledgeable in a lot of things concerning animal health, so you might gain a new companion to discuss these niche things with. Jumin is no stranger to most of the terminology you use, so you don't have to feel awkward about explaining every other word that slips out of you without thinking. And, what he doesn't know, he's more than willing to learn. I think talking with you about these things will make him come to respect you even more. You are clearly passionate about your goal, and he cannot overlook that. When it comes to the already established relationship with him, I'd say he's the proudest partner you can find. Will definitely talk his father's ears off about how lovely he thinks you are, and how hard you're working to reach your goal, and how admirable that is. Reporters will get the same treatment. Jumin Han is in love, and he is not ashamed of showing it on full display.
I don't think he'll have much of a reaction at first. He already knows what you are studying before you have a chance to say it yourself, but, at the beginning, it's just another fact he'll record about you, same as with Jaehee. It's not until you start expressing your personal feelings towards your studies that he first gets intrigued and wants to know more. He'll probably joke around and make some silly memes at the start, as he's fully in his 707 persona at the time. Will probably joke about you being a good example for Yoosung to follow, as he has lost all his motivation for his studies. He'll also pretend to be a sick kitty you have to cure, either on a call with you or in the chat. You know, your usual Seven shenanigans. Now, as you two grow closer, he will form a genuine appreciation and admiration towards you. He already views you as a very good person, so you studying to help animals and owners in need is just another testament to that in his point of view. You are way better than him. Your hands are meant to heal and help, while his are caked in blood and sin. These thoughts keep buzzing at the back of his mind, even as he finds himself grinning widely at you celebrating passing another test in the chatroom. He is genuinely so proud of you and all you do. But, as much as his foolish heart wishes he could be there to celebrate with you in person, he's content to remain in the shadows, where he rightfully belongs. This is something that will add to the conflict you'll have to face in the apartment. But, once that is all behind you, Saeyoung will be your biggest supporter. He gives you a ride to university, always asks about your day, prepares silly little sticky notes to encourage you through your study sessions - he does it all. Meowy will also become your study buddy, as he will program it accordingly to help you out with your work. While he used to admire you afar, now he has nothing to hide. So, be prepared to be doted on and happily twirled around after coming home from your exams.
Saeran has... a very complicated relationship with anything that has to do with medicine. There are many seemingly obvious things that he doesn't know about, and what he does know is often downright wrong or frightening to him. He grew up without any proper healthcare, and Rika has often used hospitals as a scare tactic to him: a place where you get locked up and treated against your will. So, as Ray, he learns so much new information through his research on you. While you are not studying to become a doctor, you are still planning to tie your life to medicine and helping those in need. I think that's what he will focus on mostly. He doesn't understand a lot of things, but he does understand that you have a compassionate heart and a strong spirit. How could he not fall for you? And, as Suit Saeran, he will mock your pursuit in life instead. It won't be that effective, as, yet again, it'll be very painfully obvious that his knowledge of the topic is very limited. But, he will try to spin it in a way that would make you feel bad about yourself. Of course, he will apologize to you and take accountability for his wrongdoings, as he realizes that, in reality, you were always so much brighter and better than him. All Saeran had on his mind was hate and a desire to hurt those beneath him so that nobody could dare lay a hand on him again, while you've put so much effort into becoming someone who will help those who can't help themselves. As GE Saeran, he is the most loving and gentle supporter you can get. Saeran is a pretty clingy partner, but not in a suffocating way, as it could become with Ray. He just wants to be around you, kind of like an affectionate cat. So, while he won't bother you during your study sessions, he will still sit close to you, touching you in one way or another. It could be just your arms touching, or him silently hugging you from behind. The only way this can become a problem for you is the overwhelming urge to cuddle with him instead of focusing on your studies, to which he will chuckle and sheepishly apologize. Saeran will also make sure you're not overworking yourself. He knows better than anyone what's it like to work yourself down to the bone, and he doesn't want that to ever happen to you. So, he'll bring you food, water, and remind you to rest your eyes every so often. Saeran's support is a comforting and quiet one. It makes you feel safe and unafraid of anything, as long as you know you'll have him waiting for you when you return back home.
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Hi, hello, Ghost AU but Rachel, Jasper, Edward, and Henry are all ghosts from different time periods haunting the Society because their final resting places were in the buildings that came before the Society or something, where the Society was started by Robert.
Rachel is a cook/maid from the early Middle Ages who likes to bake at night. The Lodgers are all completely flabbergasted as to why there are tasty meals ready for them that none of the staff Robert hired take credit for.
Jasper is a shepherd from the 2nd century, back when Celtic tribes still lived in England pre-Anglican era. He enjoys tending to the animals, and any Lodgers with pets often find them dozing in piles around an empty circle as if someone were sitting there.
Edward is the youngest of the ghosts, having been murdered during the early Victorian era and had his body buried on the empty plot of land that the Society was later built on. He's an absolute scoundrel and pranks the Lodgers constantly.
Henry was a navy surgeon during the Edwardian era who is absolutely fascinated by Victorian modern medicine and science. He also has a huge crush on Robert and often tries to help him with paperwork and make him tea whenever he falls asleep, leaving Robert very perplexed when everyone keeps asking to meet his 'mysterious yet charming co-founder'.
Robert soon finds the answers to the pranks, the cooking, the animals, and the help by walking into a room while the four are bickering and discovering he can see ghosts. Cue Robert trying to subtly ask Maijabi ghost stuff while trying not to have a breakdown and also not admit that that ghost in the ship surgeon's uniform is kinda cute.
Rachel still loving to cook, yet no matter how much she cooks ingredients never seem to disappear despite warm, tasty (and if not a bit old-fashioned meals) appears for the Lodgers to feast on. No Lodger ever goes hungry and Robert's staff quickly notices that they really don't have to cook as much as they do, as it seems like meals mysteriously appear. Lodgers explain it as the staff being kind but not wanting Robert to know that they cook extra and the staff thinks it's the Lodgers or Robert buying more pre-cooked meals. Maybe she died during a raid on the building she lived in if she worked for nobility.
Jasper being a shepherd and loving to take care of any and all animals, especially the mythological/supernatural ones because they fascinate him. Imagine him having been a werewolf regardless but like that one post about a werewolf shepherd because I love that post. The animals are constantly being fed and pampered and the Lodgers think their pets are being aloof, when in reality they are just getting so much attention from Jasper they almost ignore their actual owners. Maybe Jasper died because of an animal, or because of bad werewolf health care (i know nothing about the 2nd century in England, I don't know how they'd feel about werewolves dhdh)
Edward loving to pull pranks and yet being so fascinated with all the scientific stuff in the Society. He keeps tinkering and messing with the machines and devices and he keeps fucking them up without meaning to, yet he takes credit for having done it intentionally anyways. He loves to move the Lodgers' stuff and steal their shinies and just be a general menace, almost like a poltergeist. Doors opening and closing, windows and glass surface getting broken, he is just a scoundrel that keeps bothering the Lodgers for shits and giggles, literally, as he always will giggle when he has successfully pulled a prank but the Lodgers think it's the wind or someone else giggling. Perhaps he died in a barfight or similarly to Eli, where he got chased by the cops and the Society was where he died, before the building was built?
Henry being so kind and loving and fascinated with science, just like Edward, yet he is much more careful and is more likely to accidentally steal medicine and supplies from the infirmary because he got curious about all the new things and got carried away. Whenever a Lodger gets hurt, it always seems like there conveniently is painkillers, bandages, and disinfectant by them to patch themselves up (or if they, say, gets so hurt that they go unconscious and no one notice, they somehow wake up in the infirmary completely patched up without anyone even knowing that they were hurt). They always feel so much safer and calmer after having gotten hurt because Henry watches over them to make sure they rest properly and take care of themselves. Whenever a Lodger stays up too late, Henry will gently start to nudge them to go to sleep to take care of themselves and just be generally helpful. Plus, him having a major crush on Robert and being absolutely smitten by him. Robert constantly feels watched but not in a scary or uncanny way, it just feels pleasant. Paperwork all being done and neatly documented and stacked and sorted, his office always being clean and neat and tidy no matter how messy he left it, letters from his father that would have upset him to read conveniently goes missing and ahah whoopsies would you look at that it seems like there has been burning paper in the fireplace. Sometimes he will come back and it will look like someone has taken out books or wine bottles from their shelves and started to shuffle through then but he keeps convincing himself that he accidentally left them there. Maybe Henry died because he got infected by a sick patient he treated, and the land where the Society is on is either an old graveyard, an old dock, or a medical ward where he worked when he wasn't out at sea?
Robert getting so accustomed to the supernatural, or him just being born with somewhat of an inherited ability to see ghosts and supernatural (or if the ghost quartet just somehow manage to leave their forms noticeable to Robert when he walks in on them) and Robert realising that the Society is being haunted by not one, but four ghosts while they previously had thought there was only one, if even that. Him having a bit of a breakdown realising he can see ghosts which he definitely shouldn't be able to. Him subtly trying to ask Maijabi-- what if Maijabi already knew but never said anything because he thought it was amusing to see Henry trying to ghostly flirt with Robert and following him like a love-sick puppy? Or if he didn't know because he never bothered to check so he and Robert go on a bit of a ghost hunt. The other Lodgers quickly hearing the rumours and jumping on the opportunity to hold seances and contact the ghosts. Just... Good fucking god I love this so much. Jeks i'm going to platonically kiss you for coming up with this. If you'd ever draw this I'd give you my soul Oh m J gyg dddod,d,d
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ladykissingfish · 4 years
the Akatsuki's reactions to taking care of their sick (romantic) partner
Deidara Has a surprisingly strong immune system, therefore rarely gets sick himself and has little to no knowledge of how to care for someone else. Has very vague memories of his mother caring for him when he was a young child, and tries to go off of that. Tries his best to make partner a simple soup or broth; usually turns out watery but edible. Will ask constantly how his partner is feeling, and if they need anything. Will sit patiently and massage partner’s sore muscles, cracking ((extremely bad)) jokes to try and cheer them up and make them laugh. Makes little (non-exploding) statues of partner’s favorite animal(s) and leaves by their pillow so it’s the first thing they see when they wake up. Itachi Very calm, very practical. Will read countless books on whatever ailment it is partner has, in order to discern the best treatment method. An excellent cook and will make partner any food they request (within reason). Very good with gestures of comfort, like sitting with partners head in lap and brushing out their hair. Will stay up literally all night to keep watch on partner, pat their back when they cough, do numerous temperature checks, and change out cool cloth on forehead. Refuses to leave their side or go on any missions until assured that partner is well. Sasori Normally has no patience whatsoever for human frailties or weaknesses. However, for his partner, he makes an exception. Has an advantage in that he grew up with his grandmother who was a talented medicine woman, and therefore can concoct any number of remedies to get his partner back on their feet in no time at all. Will make repeated comments about how partner needs to take better care of themselves because “I won’t be around to take care of you forever, you know”; which is Sasori’s version of a joke. Tobi/Obito A LOT of worry going on here. Takes his job as partner’s boyfriend very seriously, and will feel like partner getting sick is a reflection of his inability to be a good protector. Will react in a panicked fashion even over something as simple as a common cold. He knows the crushing pain of losing the one you love the most, and is near-fanatical in his determination to make sure he never loses anyone else, ever again. If around the others, will accidentally break character on Tobi to express his anxiety and concern. Reveals a startling ability to cook like a professional, and will make his partner a soup so fantastic that the partner will start to fake sick just to get it more frequently. Will remain glued to his partner’s side like a tick until they are 100% better, and then refuse to let partner lift a finger for days afterwards so they can “fully recover”. Konan Her partner will receive the best possible care, ever. Delicious but healthy foods. Top quality medicine. Massages, sponge-baths, singing; anything that her partner could possibly want, they will get it. Partner should also be prepared to find dozens of bouquets of different paper flowers, every single day, until they’re well again. Will also receive many detailed lessons in origami, to help keep partner’s mind occupied while they recover. Hidan Comes across as angry and impatient at partner’s illness, but really that’s just his way of expressing concern. Makes comments like “That’s what you get for running around in the rain, dumbass!” Can’t cook worth a damn but can make a mean cup of tea, which he’ll practically drown his partner in over the next few days. Won’t show affection while partner is awake but after they fall asleep will cuddle like a teddy bear. Threatens to murder anyone who makes too much noise or in anyway disturbs partner’s rest. Pein (Nagato) There is no time to deal with human weakness when one is a God. If their partner is not strong enough to heal themselves, then they are not fit to be the partner of a God. A harsh reality, but a reality nonetheless.
Kakuzu Medicines to treat sickness are expensive, but it’s even more expensive to let an illness go on long enough to require MORE medicine/a possible
hospital stay. Therefore, his partner will receive the very best medicine up-front, along with a vague threat of “That’s all I’m buying you, so you better hope it works.” Will put on his glasses and squint at the back of med bottles, measure dosage himself and spoon-feed partner; he’ll say he’s doing it to ensure that nothing is wasted, but really, that’s his gruff way of being affectionate. Partner should prepare for ENDLESS lectures about the need to take better care of themselves, eat healthier, wear warmer clothing, etc etc.
Has zero knowledge of how to deal with a sick human. In many species of the animal world, a sick creature becomes a danger to the rest of the herd, and therefore should either be abandoned or disposed of. This would have been Kisame’s attitude in the past; however, he loves his partner and therefore focuses his efforts on getting them healthy. Will secretly (and frequently) consult with Itachi or Sasori on what he should be doing for partner.
Will literally have to fight himself on the urge not to “mercy kill” and eat partner. If calmness prevails, will produce or gather many natural herbs and give to Sasori to make a medicine to get partner well. If hunger prevails; he’s going to have a tasty meal.
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jornthur · 4 years
“Unshaken” Chapter 8
Originally posted: April 11, 2020
Arthur Morgan x Reader, Slow-Burn Romance
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Summary: You save a mysterious man who is dying on a mountain. Finding out he has Tuberculosis, you use your knowledge and skills with herbs and natural remedies to save him from death and help nurse him back to health. As he slowly starts to recover, you can’t help but wonder: Who is this man? Why had you found him the way that you did, beaten and ill? Only time, patience … and perhaps love … will tell.
The food was absolutely delicious.
Fried Muskie, with diced potatoes that you had grown in your garden and thick creamy butter that you’d made from the goats’ milk. You cut another piece out of the fish and placed the meat on your tongue, nearly moaning at the taste. “This is so tasty, Austin!” You said cheerfully as you looked across the table at him.
He smiled at your compliment. “Y’all are the ones that caught the fish, I only cooked them. Not to mention you’re the one who spiced them with those herbs of yours,” he said with a teasing grin, lifting one of his brows in amusement.
It was true, you thought with a smile. Some of the herbs you grew in your garden were not just for medicinal means, but also for adding different tastes. Sage was definitely one of your favorites.
The air was silent as the three of you sat at the kitchen table, the sound of utensils on plates creating the only noise in the cabin for several minutes. You couldn’t help but occasionally look over at Arthur to observe him, studying how he ate. For such an intimidating and large man, he seemed to have delicate manners when it came to eating, wiping his mouth with the napkin whenever he made the smallest of messes. You weren’t sure, but you thought you could see him giving your brother a hairy look from time to time. There was no doubt in your mind what it was for.
Arthur’s passive aggressive glaring at your brother for his earlier interruption was kind of adorable, you thought honestly. You knew he’d been about to kiss you again back in the stables, but Austin had called out to you from the cabin just before his lips had touched yours.
You blushed as you thought about the fact that you actually would have let him kiss you again … that you’d really wanted him to kiss you again. This man you were just getting to know, a man with a mysterious nature and past. A man who was … in all honesty … truly beautiful.
As he was distracted with dinner, you decided to allow yourself to study his features, to take every detail in that you possibly could. His skin was weathered, tanned, scarred in some of the areas that you could see, especially two thick scars that were plainly visible on his chin, preventing any stubble from growing there.
That chestnut-brown hair that swept over his temples looked so soft, as if the strands would feel as silky as flower petals if you ran your fingers through them. His brows were thick, slightly darker than his hair. His short brown beard on his square jaw was scruffy, and you remembered how rough it had felt for that brief moment against your skin. And dammit, those eyes of his … they truly looked like two unique gems, as if emeralds and sapphires had decided to merge and become two multicolored green-and-blue diamonds.
How could any man possess so many gorgeous features at once?
Then finally … those lips, looking so pink and lush like the pink carnation flower. Truly, they looked as soft as one, too. But they had been rough, the feeling of their texture and warmth coming back into your mind. You found yourself suddenly wondering what they would feel like in other places as well …
You shook your head mentally — hard. Why on Earth were you thinking this way about a man you were trying to help recover from a disease that had nearly claimed his life not more than a month ago? You felt ashamed, embarrassed that you would dare have any sort of intimate thoughts about your own patient. Well, not a patient, really, but he might as well be one since you were treating his health. Of course, he’d been the one to kiss you, and … and you had wanted it, but — it wasn’t right. Arthur’s health needed to come first, not your desires.
“So, Arthur,” Austin’s voice interrupted your thoughts, bringing you back into reality. You looked over to see that both Arthur and Austin had actually finished their meals, while you were still only halfway done. How long had you been daydreaming?
Arthur turned his gaze to look at Austin, his deep drawl a soft rumble, “Yeah, feller?”
Austin set his utensils down on the table, reaching out for the napkin to wipe it across his own mouth and chin. He set it down and took a deep breath, as if he were bracing himself for what he was about to say next. After a few moments he finally met Arthur’s gaze, “I know I mentioned this earlier, but I was wonderin’ … if you could take me hunting tomorrow mornin’? Show me how to track and kill game properly? I thought the sooner we could start, the better.” He looked back down at his empty plate, as if he were nervous about Arthur’s answer. He was scratching his cheek again, that gesture he made every single time he was nervous.
You knew what was going through Austin’s mind. For the past month your brother had been nothing but a dumbass, in all honesty. Showing no manners or respect for the man in any form whatsoever. You knew he had his own reasons, but to you they were more like excuses. Arthur hadn’t deserved to be treated by Austin the way he had. Not in the least bit. Even though Arthur had offered the favor earlier, Austin still seemed hesitant to be asking him about it.
Then abruptly you absorbed his words and their meaning. “Absolutely not, Austin!” You said firmly before Arthur could say anything, placing your utensils down hard. You couldn’t help it, but you felt a little bit of anger sweep through you. Arthur was still sick, his body still fighting off the remaining bacteria that was left in his body. There was absolutely no way you were going to let him go out there in the wilderness where there were unknown dangers. Out there, he was at so much risk of getting hurt. What if he got attacked by a wild creature? What if he slipped and fell off a cliff? What if he drowned? What if he got himself cut on a branch? What if —
You paused, realizing that some of your worries were actually getting rather ridiculous. But … still … you found yourself deeply concerned for his safety. Since his body was still medicated, it wouldn’t be able to handle much adrenaline. God forbid, what if they ran into something like a grizzly bear on their hunting trip? Any wounds a wild creature could inflict on Arthur could possibly hurt his chances of recovering fully. He needed every ounce of strength, every drop of blood he possessed if he was going to heal fully.
Austin looked over at you, a stunned expression on his face from your sharp reaction. Even Arthur turned his head to meet your furious eyes.
“Arthur needs rest, alright? That’s all I want him to worry about, you’re just goin’ to have to make do with what you know for the next few months, alright?” You shook your head, lowering your eyes to your half-finished plate. “I mean, you’ve been huntin’ on your own for three years, what’s a few more months?” You took several more bites to keep from saying something you might regret.
“Y/N, it’s nearing the end of September now … it’ll be winter before he’s even fully recovered. I thought that maybe the sooner I can get better at huntin’, the sooner and quicker I can be with catchin’ what we need to stock up for the winter season.”
Shaking your head again, you lifted your gaze to look him straight in the eyes, letting him know exactly how upset you were. “Austin, if he goes out there and gets hurt, it’s going to effect how his body will heal.”
“Y/N,” Your brother’s voice lowered in tone, as if he were trying to push some sort of reason onto you, “I just want him to teach me how to track. I swear we won’t do anything more than that.”
Arthur intervened before you could answer. “Guess I’m up for that,” he said as he lifted his shoulders in a single shrug, scratching at his jaw with the back of his thumb, “would be a welcome change to get out of this cabin for awhile, get a lay of the land.”
Your eyes widened at his response and you jerked your head in his direction, shooting him a glare. “Arthur! I need you to stay here and rest!” You weren’t yelling at him yet, but dammit, you were about to if they both kept acting like idiots with this stupid idea. Didn’t they realize how risky this was?
“Dammit, woman, I’ll be fine,” Arthur groaned with a sigh of exasperation, his face already looking exhausted as if he didn’t want to argue, “I’ve been cooped up here for too damn long, anyway. It’s ’bout time I head out there and see some of the world again.” He reached an arm up and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing some of it back from his face. “I’ll tell you what, darlin’, if we promise to keep to just trackin’, will you let me leave then?” His blue eyes lifted to yours at his question, waiting for your answer.
After he shot a glare at Arthur for calling you that endearment again, Austin turned to look at you with hope in his eyes, no doubt waiting for a yes as well.
You lowered your head, using your fork to play with the food left on your plate. Arguing with your brother was one thing, but even Arthur wanted to get out of here, you thought worriedly. But truly, could you actually blame him? He’d been stuck here for weeks, barely seeing what was outside the walls of this cabin. It would probably be good for him to get out there for a while.
‘Get a lay of the land,’ as he put it.
The only problem that kept you from wanting to accept his wish, however, was the fact that you knew his body wouldn’t be able to handle any danger they might come across. Adrenaline was a terrible thing on a weak body, and stress could negatively effect any sort of healing process an animal body was going through, so why would a human body be any different? If anything terrible happened, if he ended up having to defend himself from a wild attack, his body and muscles could actually have major problems. What medicine and herbs were running through his system would get his heart and blood pumping too fast, risking any number of things.
But even with all your concerns, you knew that no matter what you said, Arthur would still probably not listen, so why not just give him the freedom he wanted? It was better than denying it from him, especially if he was going to take it anyway. You knew that he was just that kind of man, that no one could truly keep him from doing what he wanted to do, no matter who they were.
You were extremely worried though, so you were going to try and strike a deal with them. You let out a deep breath, raising your gaze back up to meet both men. “I’ll make a deal with you.”
They both looked at you expectantly.
“As long as you don’t travel too far. No more than two miles, you hear me? And keep close to the trails. If I somehow find out that you travelled off of them, I will poison you with my herbs myself, Austin. Do you hear me?” Your tone was completely stoic, demanding absolutely no nonsense. Of course you would never actually kill you older brother, but Arthur’s safety was your top priority. And if anything ended up happening to him under your brother’s watch? You would definitely make sure that Austin would live to regret it. “And there will be absolutely no hunting. I’ll let you take your gun with you for defense, but don’t you dare think about huntin’ any large game, you hear me? Tracking only.”
Austin’s face positively glowed, completely unfazed by your threatening tone. “Thank you so much, sis. I swear to you we will do everything you ask.”
“Which is … ?” You wanted to clarify that your brother memorized and knew everything you’d asked of him to do.
“No more than two miles, stick to the trails, no huntin’ allowed, trackin’ only.” He listed them off with his fingers, lifting them up one by one with each demand. Arthur smiled in amusement, as if he were entertained by the minor quarrel the two of you were having.
You nodded then stood up, clearing the dishes off of the table and sticking everything in the sink. “Arthur,” you said as you turned the faucet on to begin washing the plates. “After I’m done here, I need you ready for another check-up, alright?”
Arthur sighed roughly as he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, “You sure I need another so soon?” He asked, looking over at you with a playful but annoyed look in his eyes as he lifted a single dark brow, his voice carrying slight indignation in his tone. “I feel fine, woman. Also I’m gettin’ pretty sick of those things.”
“Yes, and you will get sick — even more so — if you don’t let me do them.” You kept your response firm, authoritative. He needed to know that you weren’t going to take any more crap from either of them, especially tonight. You had just agreed to let Austin take Arthur out of the cabin and far out into the wilderness, where possible dangers lurked. No amount of words or promises was ever going to comfort you for the rest of the night, not until they returned home safe and sound from their trip tomorrow. “So, if you’d be so kind,” you said sweetly, rather with some venom to go with that sugar, “I would greatly appreciate it if you would go into the sitting room and get yourself comfortable.” You pointed toward the door to the sitting room with the large knife you were holding, shooting sharp darts at him with your gaze.
He grinned at your response, obviously entertained by the big-boss-lady you had turned into. He held his hands up in surrender. “Alright, alright. Dammit, darlin’,” he said, standing up from his chair.
Austin glared up at him, “I thought I told you to stop callin’ my sister that, cowpoke.”
Arthur looked down at him, his large stature giving off nothing but threatening intimidation. “Now you need to shut that damn mouth of yours unless you want to lose them teeth, son.” He growled, and Austin’s eyes widened, a hint of fear showing in them. But Arthur just grinned and patted Austin’s shoulder hard with an open palm. “I’m just needlin’ ya, boah. I know you’re just protectin’ your sister.” He tucked a hand on his belt as he made his way into the sitting room, mindfully closing the door behind him.
Austin looked back at you, giving you a weird smile. “You know, Y/N, in all honesty, that man looks more and more dangerous with each passin’ day.”
“And yet you’re goin’ on a huntin’ trip with him tomorrow,” you teased, unable to let out a small laugh as you finished up washing the last utensil and placed it on the drying rack. “A little one-on-one time with the big, dangerous man. Lucky you.” You turned to face him, propping your hip against the counter of the sink as you crossed you arms, narrowing your eyes at your brother. “Now don’t you dare think that I’m in the least bit happy about this.”
His smile lowered, turning into a frown, “I know you’re not, Y/N. But we need to start thinking about this. Autumn is nearly here, and then it’s going to be winter. It will be much harder to hunt during that time. We both know it, we’ve been through it before, and now that there’s three of us, well — ” He reached around his head and rubbed at the back of his neck. “I need to start stocking up what I can find. Plus, if Arthur starts showin’ me how to track early on, it might give me a better chance of huntin’ in the winter time.” He lowered his eyes for a second, then raised them back up at you after a few moments, “Arthur’s probably not going to stay with us forever, you know.”
Those last words slammed into your heart like a bag of bricks, slashing through your chest like a hundred daggers. Even though you knew your brother was right, you didn’t like to think about that inevitable fact.
You didn’t want to think about Arthur leaving, and truly that thought surprised you … this man you barely knew, who’d been living with you for less than a month … and you already couldn’t bear the thought of him being gone.
But eventually, once Arthur was fully recovered, you were certain he was going to leave. As far as you knew, he had never mentioned anything about permanently staying after he was better. The thought of him no longer being here actually scared you, and you shook your head hard. “I know what you’re saying, Austin, I just want him to be safe.”
Your brother nodded, and he stood up slowly, making his way around the table to walk over to you and pull you into a hug. “I understand what you’re feeling, Y/N. I promise you, we’ll stick to the trails, and we won’t do anything stupid, alright?”
You nodded against his chest, accepting his warm embrace as you wrapped your arms around him to return the hug. “Thank you, Austin. I’m sorry, I’m just very worried for him.”
“I know.”
Arthur sat on the large couch, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, watching the flames in the fireplace as they licked greedily at the firewood, all the while waiting for Y/N to come in and start another check-up on him. He looked down at his inner arm, noting all the tiny holes that had healed where she kept sticking those damn needles in. Dammit, his Tuberculosis was going to leave scars on him in more ways than one. There was no doubt about that, he thought with a sigh.
But of course, he’d rather have scars than be dead, he thought. Though, if he were completely sincere with himself, he would somewhat actually prefer death over some of them … such as his memories. He couldn’t bear to think about all he’d lost, the pain of emptiness like an aching black hole in his heart.
Arthur knew that he eventually had to decide what he was going to do with his life once he was fully recovered, now that there was no longer anything or anyone to go back to.
He’d thought several times about staying here with Y/N and Austin, at least for a little while. He knew he needed to repay them for all they’d done for him in what ever way he could, but there was no way he would allow himself to stay permanently. He refused to become a burden on them. He wasn’t going to let himself take advantage of their hospitality after his body was completely healed. Hell, he felt like a useless idiot even now.
Arthur closed his eyes in a sigh, thinking back to that mountain again, doing his best to remember every single thing that had happened. He recalled sending John away before facing off with Micah and Dutch. He remembered Dutch turning his back on him despite the years of service and loyalty that Arthur had given him. After that, all he could remember was trying to crawl, dragging his body across the hard and cold ground until it had completely given out, his muscles shutting down as he’d felt his heart start to slow, his breath becoming more and more shallow as he’d collapsed … turning his face to watch the sun just as it had begun to peak over the horizon.
All he could remember after that was a peculiar taste on his tongue, and the feeling of being lifted into the air. The next time he’d opened his eyes, he could barely make out the face of a woman sitting by his side, and they’d engaged in some kind of conversation before he had passed out again.
This was all so strange, he thought. He was supposed to be dead, and he damn well knew it.
Yet it was absolutely undeniable; this woman had saved his life, and he was still here. Arthur ran a hand across his face, rubbing at his forehead. What the hell was he ever going to do now, he still wondered.
Suddenly he thought of John again, and about the dreams he’d been having of late. Was there some sort of meaning to them that he wasn’t able to pick up on? Why were the dreams always of a deer? What the hell was going on in his mind that he somehow wasn’t aware of?
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the kitchen door opened, Austin and Y/N walking through. The man nodded at him as he walked by, heading down the hallway to his bedroom and shutting the door behind him. Arthur looked over at Y/N, reading her somber expression as she walked over to gather supplies from her desk. What the hell had gone down between them, he asked himself. She looked sad for some reason, and he wanted to find out why.
She came over to him and placed the tray of supplies on the nightstand, sitting on the couch next to him. “Alright, Arthur, it’s time,” she said, her voice sounding soft and patient, not matching her sad expression in the least bit.
Arthur turned his upper body to face her as she put on the stethoscope and started running the disk over his chest. “You okay?” He asked, curious as to what might’ve transpired to put her in the mood she was in now. Of course he’d left the room when she’d been slightly upset. But this seemed different, as if she’d been told some sort of terrible news. What, though? He turned to gaze down the hall. Had her brother done or said something to hurt her? Just the possibility alone started to boil his blood. “Austin didn’t do somethin’ to hurt you, did he?”
She snapped her head up to meet his gaze, surprise in her eyes and in her voice, “Of course not, Arthur. Why would you think that?”
He lowered his eyes to watch her move the disk around his chest. “I don’t know, you just seem — ” He shrugged, “Ah, never mind.”
She lifted her lips in a small smile, “Well, thank you for your concern, but I’m fine. Austin didn’t do anything, so don’t you worry, alright? Now take some deep breaths for me, you know how it goes.”
Arthur felt his lips stretch into an amused grin as he did as she asked, taking in as much air as he could into his lungs before letting it back out. He wasn’t sure he entirely believed her, but he would leave it alone for now, unless she decided to speak about it any further at some point.
“So,” she said as she pulled the disk away, taking off the stethoscope and placing it back on the tray. “Arthur, your heart and lungs are sounding really good. I’m very proud of how well your body has responded to the treatments.” She looked back at him as she held up an empty hypodermic needle for him to see. “Now we’re going to try something a little different tonight — I need to take some of your blood.”
Arthur’s heart skipped at those words. This was definitely new. What the hell did she need to draw his blood for?
As if Y/N had read his mind, she added, “Once I get some of your blood, I can analyze it with my microscope to see how much Tuberculosis bacteria is still left in your body. This procedure is what I use in order to tell how an animal is doing during its healing process … it should be about the same for a human.” She looked away when she said that last part.
Was that a hint of nervousness he’d detected in her tone?
“Well … ,” Arthur studied her features for a bit before he finally decided to give in, resting his arm on his thigh palm-up. “Have at it, then, honey.”
He trusted her. She’d never given him any reason not to.
She smiled at him gratefully, before she leaned over and disinfected the area on his skin with pure alcohol, wiping it clean with a fresh cloth.
Bringing the tip of the needle over his skin, she prodded around with her finger until she found his thick vein, and then pushed the point in. Arthur flinched, grimacing and releasing a deep grunt as she pulled back the plunger, slowly drawing his blood into the tiny glass barrel.
After several seconds passed, she finally pulled the needle out and pushed the cloth against the small fresh wound she’d left behind to keep any more blood from escaping. “Could you hold that in place for me, please?” She asked him.
Arthur obliged her, pushing the thing down hard with his other hand. She gave a nod of appreciation and stood up, bringing the vial that was now filled with his blood over to the large metal microscope on her desk. She dispensed the blood into some kind of glass tray before placing it underneath the lens, looking through the scope. He watched as she played around with his blood using a small metal tool, stirring it around.
He found himself extremely curious with her actions. “Just what are you doin’ there?” Arthur asked.
She didn’t answer, appearing to be lost in some kind of deep thought. Her expressions changed as moments passed by, as if she were thinking really hard about whatever she was seeing. Once she was finished, she stepped back and took everything over to the sink to to clean and disinfect them. Completing that task, she washed her hands and walked back over to him. “Well, Arthur,” she said as she sat back down next to him, she turned her gaze to his as she spoke the next words. “I do still see a little bit of bacteria left in your blood, but I expected that, so it’s no surprise. What’s still there appears to be dying off, they looked very weak, but it’ll be at least another couple of months before everything is all cleared up … I would really rather you stay here tomorrow, but I’ll leave that up to you.” She raised a hand to rub at her shoulder, as if she were trying to hold herself back from adding anymore onto that last statement.
Arthur looked at her, baffled. “You could see it in my blood?” He couldn’t help the gravel in his voice from the surprise he felt.
Y/N nodded, “Of course, microscopes are incredibly helpful when it comes to seeing what our naked eyes can’t.”
Arthur found himself unable to say anything so he just nodded, feeling like a complete dumbass sitting next to a woman that kept managing to surprise him. Truly, she was too damn smart for her own good, he thought, unable to even begin to understand her way of thinking and how she saw the world.
After a long silent moment passed between them, Y/N reached back over to the tray and held that familiar pot out to him again, but this time she didn’t meet his gaze as he took it from her hand.
“More honey, huh?” Arthur couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, lifting the lid and grabbing the spoon from the jar. She didn’t say anything as he began taking the sweet substance into his mouth. Apparently honey was truly one of nature’s strongest natural remedies for treating Tuberculosis, who the hell knew?
As he focused on the taste, he found himself thinking about something else that was just as sweet, something else he would like to taste. Someone else. A certain kind of other honey. Arthur lowered his eyes to stare down at Y/N’s lips as he swallowed, studying how luscious they looked, thinking again about how soft they’d felt against his own.
Dammit, what the hell was wrong with him? He squeezed his eyes shut, his brows tightening. He barely knew this woman, so why did he find himself so drawn to her? Because she’d saved his life? Because she was helping to cure him of a deadly disease? Because she was possibly the smartest person he’d ever met? … Because she was absolutely beautiful … ? … Because she’d shown him more tenderness and care than anyone else ever had in a long time … ? He lifted his lids to look at her again, and she blushed. She must’ve read his expression, and he wondered what his face looked like to bring out that reaction in her.
Suddenly she cleared her throat, standing up from the couch. “Um — I have something for you.” She left the sitting room and disappeared down the hallway, leaving him alone to feel like a complete idiot. Of course he’d scared her off, he thought, completely unsurprised and wanting to punch himself in the face for doing so.
A minute later she came back with some kind of large dark red cloth in her hands. “I meant to give this to you sooner, but I wasn’t sure you wanted them since you already had the other pair.” She came over and held it out to him. Arthur took it and spread out the soft cloth to see that it was a dark red union suit. He lifted his gaze up to hers, giving her a questioning look, “You’re givin’ this to me?”
She lifted a finger to her hair to twirl around in her strands, as if she were nervous, “Well, I placed an order in the catalog for my brother before we moved up here, but when it came in it was too big for him. He didn’t mind though, said he really appreciated the thought but he wasn’t really of fan of red, anyways. Of course I ordered him another one after that, that one ended up suiting him perfectly and it was his favorite color: dark blue.” She let out a small giggle and gestured at the union suit. “This should fit you just fine. Neither of us have any use for it, so I want you to have it.”
She looked nervous, like she was waiting for him to turn it down. But he wasn’t going to do that. “Well, thanks for the gift, Y/N,” he said as he gave her a grateful smile, folding the cloth up and placing it on his lap. “I think red’s a great color,” He patted the cloth, “looks good on just about anythin’, if you ask me.”
She let out a small laugh, which lifted his spirits. Her laugh was truly one of a kind, a sweet little jingle that heated his blood. “I’ll go ahead and take your clothes for you after you’ve put it on, I’m planning on doin’ laundry tonight anyways.”
Arthur squinted at her, “Need any help with that, honey?”
She blushed slightly, turning her eyes away. Arthur knew he was never going to get tired of calling her that, if only to see that same adorable reaction every time. “No, thank you. It’s not a hassle, really. It allows me some time to think. Just leave your clothes sitting outside and I’ll see to them.” She fiddled with the collar of her blouse, then said sweetly, “Well, anyway, you have a good night, Arthur.” She looked at him then, and her eyes glowed as those lips lifted into another beautiful smile.
Damn, he wanted so badly to kiss her again, he thought, he wanted to taste those lips of hers once more. But before he could think to make any sort of move, she turned away and made her way back towards the kitchen.
Arthur watched as she shut the door softly behind her, leaving him alone on the large couch.
He looked down at the soft red fabric she’d just gifted him with. Running his hand across it, he noted how silky and smooth the texture felt underneath his fingers. There was no doubt in his mind that this cloth had definitely cost a pretty penny. So she had ordered this before she’d moved up here?
Arthur remembered her talking about having grown up on a plantation, and he found himself wondering where exactly she was truly from. Who was she really, he thought. Did she actually come from a family of wealth? If so, what exactly happened that made her want to leave? He recalled her saying something about ‘not wanting to stay cooped up’ there. But that couldn’t be all there was to it, so what was the true reason? He couldn’t fathom why anyone would want to give up a life of luxury to live out in the damn woods …
If anything, Arthur thought, she was just as mysterious to him as he no doubt was to her.
Later that night
Arthur found himself standing in the middle of a heavy fog, unable to see anything past the thick haze surrounding him. He looked around, but there was absolutely nothing. No sound, no voices, just complete silence. Where the hell was he now?
Suddenly the sound of a stick snapping resonated in the distance, and Arthur jerked his head in the direction he’d heard it from. But nothing seemed to give itself away, and he started to feel his agitation grow. “Who’s out there?” He shouted, swiping violently at the thick mist with his arms, trying to take a few steps forward as he did so.
A wet drop landed on his cheek, and Arthur looked up. It was starting to snow, the frozen drops beginning to fall slowly from the sky around him, and the ground beneath him quickly began to get covered in a thick blanket. What in the damn hell was going on? He squinted, trying his best to see anything, anything at all, but he could see nothing but the color white. White fog, white ground, white snow, white sky. Why was there so much damn white?
Feeling nearly helpless, though he hated to think of himself in that term, Arthur began to walk forward, taking one slow step at a time. He wasn’t sure what he would walk into, or hell, there was probably a large cliff up ahead for all he knew, but he couldn’t stay here. He continued swiping at the fog in an effort to clear up a small path in front of him, but the effort did nothing to help clear his vision what so damn ever.
Time seemed to pause, and Arthur kept moving, feeling the snow land on his shoulders and hair as he continued through the fog.
Arthur stopped, spotting a dark shadow in the distance. From what he could barely make out, it looked like a creature of some kind … the deer again? He moved closer, crouching low to the ground in hopes of not spooking it as he slowly began to approach. As the distance grew shorter, the fog began clearing up, and Arthur suddenly found himself mesmerized.
Not a deer.
It was a wolf.
The dark creature had long, greasy black fur, and Arthur couldn’t see its face as it wandered over the peak of a tall hill off in the distance, sniffing at the cold ground as if it were searching for something. The wolf didn’t seem to notice him, but Arthur could sense some sort of strange feeling coming from the creature, as if it was lost or afraid, or maybe both. It even looked like it was ready to attack anyone that came near it to defend itself.
He took another step towards it, somehow feeling drawn to its presence. Despite not making a sound, the wolf’s head jerked up and looked in his direction, and Arthur stilled, his heart feeling like it had suddenly stopped beating in his chest.
Two large scars ran across the right side of the wolf’s face … its eyes — they were completely white, as if it was blind?
Could it see anything?
The wolf growled, baring its sharp teeth in his direction. Arthur raised his hands up, an attempt to try and tell the creature that he meant no harm — even though he had no clue why doing so was his first thought.
The dark creature crept backwards, withdrawing slowly as if it were afraid of him, but shouldn’t it be the other way around?
Arthur somehow felt compelled to approach, and he tried to move forward in an effort to get closer.
The wolf sprinted, turning its tail away as it fled from him.
“Wait!” Arthur called out, and suddenly he was able to run, drifting quickly through the heavy snow and fog so he didn’t lose sight of the black wolf. He had no idea why he was chasing after it, but hell, there was nothing else here! And those scars …
As he ran through the fog, tall trees began to appear. One to his left, two to his right, until he was running through a dense snow-covered forest.
Arthur stopped in his tracks, trying to catch his breath. There was a sudden sharp pain in his lungs, and he felt like he could barely breathe. He looked around as he panted, and he saw the wolf standing not too far off.
It had stopped. Its ears were perked up, and it appeared as though it had spotted something.
Arthur squinted in the direction it was looking … and there he saw the deer.
The large animal was grazing at a small patch of green grass, the only color in this world of black and white, as if it was the only source of life here. Arthur looked back over at the wolf, and he noticed that it suddenly looked hungry.
His eyes widened and he tried to move forward, somehow compelled to stop the impending attack.
But that’s not what happened.
The deer lifted its head from the grass and looked over at the wolf, as if it had known all along that the feral beast was nearby.
Arthur noticed it instantly — the deer had his own eyes again. That familiar reflection of blue adding color to the land devoid of any other next to the green grass. It was almost as if it represented something, but for what? The deer? The wolf?
The wolf and deer seemed to take each other in.
Long moments passed, and Arthur couldn’t move, his body caught in some kind of invisible hold.
The black wolf began to creep forward, and the deer actually took a step in the predator’s direction. Both of the animals seemed to hesitate at first, but as they drew closer to each other, some kind of bond began to form.
The deer leaned forward as the wolf reached out, each of their noses nearly touching as they stared at one another, cloudy eyes meeting blue.
Both of the creatures seemed at peace, as if they understood each other in some kind of mysterious way. The deer lifted its head away and began walking in no particular direction, merely meandering as the wolf decided to follow.
Arthur felt his body suddenly start to become air, as if he were being lifted into some kind of haze as he watched the unlikely pair saunter side by side through the trees.
What happened next, Arthur couldn’t explain.
A sharp gunshot sounded out, followed by a loud thunderous noise that echoed through the sky like a storm. Both of the animals jerked their heads, as if they had no clue where the ominous sounds had come from. The deer nudged the wolf’s neck and began to run, the wolf following close behind. Arthur felt himself being carried with them, an invisible aura able to do nothing but spectate what played out before him.
The two ran for days, it felt like. Weeks, months, years … What was only just a short time felt as though it stretched on forever, and they just kept on running, continuing to dodge whichever direction the repeating gunshots were coming from. Faster and faster they ran together, until the land around them was nothing but a white and gray blur.
That gray blur suddenly became green, and the sky turned from white to blue. Soon after the deer and the wolf suddenly ran into a clearing of open grassy fields, the land beyond completely covered in lush greenery and flora. They ran until both of them reached a cliff.
The wolf stopped right on the edge, but the deer leapt over it and into the air, suddenly fading away, disappearing abruptly from the wolf’s side into a glimmering gold mist.
The black wolf was left alone to stand over the tall cliff, looking down on what lied before him. Arthur looked over the landscape, taking in what the wolf saw.
It was some kind of ranch, a place that somehow felt welcoming and safe … he looked over at the wolf and saw them then and there.
John’s clear brown eyes.
— To Be Continued
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puppyexpressions · 5 years
6 Foolproof Ways to Get Your Dog to Come When Called
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“Come” may be the most important command you can teach your dog because it could save your dog’s life. Dogs are easily distracted, and sometimes their curiosity draws them toward life-threatening situations, like oncoming traffic. When your dog is charging obliviously toward danger, you want them to respond to your voice above all else.
That’s when “come” is a literal lifesaver. It’s a basic command but challenging to teach because there’s so much that could distract your dog. However, it’s well worth the effort because proper recall can keep your dog from getting into something poisonous, running into the street, or getting attacked by a wild animal like a raccoon. It’s also critical for a successful trip to the dog park or any other off-leash experience.
To help you successfully train your dog to come when called, we talked to professional dog trainer and founder of The Pooch Coach, Beverly Ulbrich, about how to teach the come command successfully.
Tips for Teaching Recall to Your Dog
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1. Use high-value rewards for positive reinforcement
As is the case for most dog training commands, reinforcement is essential. In the beginning, use high-value treats that your pup doesn’t get on a regular basis. A small baggie of cooked chicken or hot dog bites, or perhaps string cheese or jerky, can be very motivating. If it’s nice and stinky, that helps!
2. Non-food rewards work, too
Food rewards are great, but you can use other types of rewards as well.
For most dogs, going for a walk is a reward. “If you grab the leash, the dog knows he’s going for a walk,” Ulbrich explains.”Tell him to come and if he obeys, then get the leash out.”
Even if your dog doesn’t obey immediately, he’ll soon associate “come” with fun rewards if he hears an audible clue—the leash, his ball, etc.—after hearing the command. You can also use verbal praise and petting to reward your dog for obeying. This can work well if your dog is already pretty good with this command.
“Use walks, dinner, toys, and tasty treats to continually reinforce ‘come’ as a positive, happy thing,” Ulbrich adds.
3. Start practicing the command indoors first
Just as you don’t expect your 5-year-old child to go from Kindergarten to 8th grade in one year, don’t expect your dog to either. Ulbrich says levels of obedience are like grade levels and you can’t expect your dog to start off at the high-school level.
“If your dog is a C student indoors, he’ll be an F student outdoors.”
“If you want reliable recall at the dog park, you need to have reliable recall in the house first,” Ulbrich says. “If your dog is a C student indoors, he’ll be an F student outdoors.”
Build up slowly to get your dog to come reliably. Work your way to 100% reliable in the house, and then move outdoors where there are more distractions and temptations.
4. Don’t unintentionally punish your dog for obeying
Imagine you’re enjoying a great afternoon at the dog park, but you decide it’s time to leave. You tell your dog to “come” and promptly put him on the leash or in the car. Dogs generally don’t want to leave the dog park, so using the command in this way could accidentally create a negative association with the come command.
“It’s like being called to the principal’s office—it’s something they don’t like so they don’t want to come,” Ulbrich says. “They learn to stop coming when called because they don’t want to leave the park.”
Other examples of “punishments” for obeying recall commands include:
Bath time
Getting groomed—nails clipped, brushed, etc.
Giving medicine
Make sure you aren’t using the command to call your dog to you if you’re going to do something he doesn’t like. For situations like these, it’s best to go to your dog, put them on a leash, and gently guide them toward the car, bath, or medicine cabinet.
5. Use “here” or “come” instead of the dog’s name
Dog owners will often call out their dog’s name simply when they want to know where they are—usually to make sure he isn’t getting into too much trouble!
“Indoors, people do not tell their dog to come—they just say the dog’s name,” Ulbrich explains. “Using their name just gets their attention but doesn’t tell them what to do, so it’s not a good way to train your dog.”
We know it’s hard to let go of this habit, but try to replace using your dog’s name with the “come” command, making sure your dog comes all the way to you and is rewarded when they do.
6. Make sure your dog comes all the way to you
Dog owners sometimes use the come command simply to get their dog’s attention, but this can be confusing if you’re using “come” inconsistently. To be an effective recall command, “come” should always mean “come all the way to me”. Avoid rewarding your dog for only coming part of the way to you because it may give them the wrong idea of what the command means.
“Otherwise, the dog thinks ‘come’ means being able to see them is good enough and they don’t understand they have to come all the way to you,” Ulbrich adds.
How to Teach a Dog to Come
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Begin indoors at shorter distances, like 10 or 15 feet. Perhaps your dog is simply lying on their bed on the other side of the room. Make eye contact with your dog and clearly say “come” in a cheerful voice. You can say your dog’s name but always follow their name with “come”. Try patting your legs or clapping your hands for extra encouragement. Continue saying the command until your dog comes all the way to you. As soon as they get to you, give your dog a tasty treat.
Repeat this process at longer distances. Try going into another room. If that doesn’t work, go back to the same room and practice a couple more times before trying another room again. Repetition is key.
Think about the things that distract your dog. Try introducing a low-level distraction (i.e. their favorite chew toy) into the environment and practicing the come command. Be sure to reward them when they come all the way to you.
Once you feel your dog has mastered the come command indoors, it’s time to go outside. You can start in your backyard and then move to a park, practicing at increasing distances and with an increasing amount of distractions.
The Bottom Line
Recall may just be the most important thing you can teach your dog. Making sure he’s 100% reliable when you call him could even save his life. Take the time to train him right to make sure he’ll obey at the house and outdoors. Be consistent, stay positive, and reinforce the behavior you want, and you’ll see results.
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karij · 5 years
OCtober Writing Prompts  Day 6 - Dreams and Aspirations
A memory from 21 years ago, when Karri was 12 years old.
Griff came home! He’s been gone for ages on his trip. He was in Waterdeep for a few years after he turned 20. He was working for papa and Mr. Braun, helping them make trade deals with merchants in the city. I didn’t see him much but he came home sometime and he always had stories to tell, and presents too. One time he brought me a belt knife with a handle made of pretty green stone, but mama took it away. She said I could cut myself so I could have it when I was older. It’s been 3 years and she still hasn’t given it back. She treats me like I’m a baby, but I’m 12 years old. It’s not fair. Griff brought me a ring next time. It’s pretty but I know he bought something mama would let me keep. I keep it in my box with the other things he’s brought me. 
I like the presents, but I like the stories better. Griff saved all the money he made working for papa and Mr. Braun and went on a trip all the way across the ocean. He went to Shavay! He says that it’s really different there. It’s hot and bright and filled up with sand. It’s like being at a beach he says, but instead of ocean waves there’s just rolling sand (he calls them dunes) as far as you can see. Farther, even. He told me he met a man who had a cat with stripes on his back like the Fletchers’ tomcat (his name is Chops, ‘cause he has super fluffy fur on the sides of his face) but this cat was the size of a lion! Bigger even! He said he saw a big blue dragon fly over him so he had to hide in the sand. He also said he saw a animal that was the size of a house and it had big floppy ears (bigger than me!) and it had two white horns on its face and a long nose that it could fill up and then drink out of like a cup. I think he made that one up though. 
There’s a story I don’t get to hear. Mama and papa made me leave before he told it, but Harri and Elli had to leave to. I think was a grownup story. I want to listen at the door but Elli told me was gonna tell on me if I didn’t stop. Traitor. I would have told her and Harri too but she says Mama said no. She never lets me get away with stuff. Probably why mama puts her in charge when I’m feeling sick and she has to go out. Cadi lets me play in my room when I’m not feeling good but Elli makes me stay in bed and go to sleep. One time she held my nose and made me swallow a bunch of valerian root since I wouldn’t take a nap. It was super gross and I didn’t wake up for like 3 days. Mama freaked out and wouldn’t let me out of her sight for ages after that. Elli got in big trouble for getting into mamas medicines though, serves her right.
They’re opening up the door now, I guess the story is over. I missed the whole thing, ugh. Rollo and Griff and the others are coming out. Are we done with stories for now? I run up to Griff and grab his hand, bouncing on my toes. 
“Griff! Are you going somewhere? Can I come with? Please?”
Griff grins and reaches down to ruffle my hair, I grin back and blow my hair out of my eyes.
“I’m heading to the Stag-Horned Flagon with Rollo and Martyn. I don’t mind you coming along kiddo, what about you Rollo?”
“Fine by me. Martyn?”
“I don’t mind… What do you think Ma? Pa?”
Dangit Martyn, why did you have to ask mama? Maybe I can still make this work. I turn to mama and put on the most desperate, excited face that I can. Puppy eyes don’t work for me. If mama thinks I’m tired or upset she’ll make me stay home and sleep. I hop from foot to foot, hands clasped in front of me pleadingly, my eyes wide and pleading. 
“Mama, can I go? Pleeeease? I don’t feel sick or tired, and I promise I’ll be good. Honest!”
Mama frowns and my heart sinks, she’s about to say no. I just know it. Then she sighs and turns to Papa, “What do you think El? Should I let her go?” 
Papa rubs his chin, “I dunno, do you think she’ll behave herself?”
I hop over to papa so fast I almost trip, nodding my head vigorously, “I’ll be good papa, I promise! I want to hear the rest of Griff’s stories. I’ll listen to Rollo n’ Griff n’ Martyn, I will! Please just let me go papa!” I want it so bad I’m shaking. I hear a tiny giggle and see that Cadi is covering her mouth with her hand. I squint suspiciously, are they making fun of me?
But there’s more important things. I swivel back to papa, trying my best to contain my anxiety. What if he says no? But… hey! He’s biting his lip, he’s trying not to laugh! I take a step back and look around, glaring at everybody. They’re all trying not to laugh! I cross my arms, put on my cross face, and stomp my foot on the floor.
“Hey, you’re all making fun of me!” I huff in annoyance, “That’s not nice. Big jerks.”
They all give up. They’re all giggling, then they’re all laughing at me! No fair, they all teamed up to trick me! Even Elli and Harri are laughing! They all knew! That’s cheating! I stand there fuming while they laugh, then as they calm down mama comes over to me, still giggling softly. 
“Allright Karri, you can go with your brothers. Just be good for them, okay?”
“Really?” My eyes get wide as saucers, I smile and hug her around her waist as tight as I can, “Thank you mama! I’ll be good! Thank you, thank you!” I get to go! I never get to go! This is the best night ever. Wait, what am I gonna wear? I gotta get dressed! I pull away from mama, still bouncing in excitement, and dash up the stairs two at a time. Mama calls up after me.
“Slow down Karri! You’re gonna trip and hit your head!”
“Yes mama!” I yell back, slowing down and taking the stairs one by one. She’s right, I get to go out! Can’t risk messing that up by bonking my noggin. Gotta be careful.
I hurl myself out of my clothes and yank on my best blue dress. I get to go out! I gotta look good. I tug a brush through my bright-red hair so I don’t look like a big tangle of yarn. Am I forgetting anything? I look around. I go to the window and struggle to open it. It’s heavy for me. I manage to crack it open and a stiff wind breathes through. I shiver, it’s chilly out. I shut the window. Mostly. It gets stuck, okay? 
I look around for my coat but I don’t see it. It’s not in my chest either. When I look up, I see mama’s shawl on the bed. Well, my shawl. The one that was mamas. Its mine now. But I don’t want to wear that out. It’s warm and stuff but it’s… wearing your mamas shawl is for little kids. Not for grown ups. I get to go out with the boys I should look like a grown up. I look away from it. But then I look back. It is cold outside… and mamas shawl is really warm. And soft. And pretty.
I pull it around my shoulders. The pale blue looks nice with my dress. I should pin it with something though. Ooh! I got it! I run over to my bed-table and pull open the drawer to get my little box. Griffs ring is way too big for my finger, it doesn’t even fit mama and my fingers are way littler than hers are. But maybe… yeah! I pull the ends of my shawl through the ring and stick a little silver pin through them. Silver ring, silver pin, yeh. I look good! And I gotta look good, because I get to go out. Now I’m ready.
“Karri, you ready? We gotta get going!”
That’s Rollo. Everyone’s waiting on me, oops! I scuttle my way out of my room and down the stairs as fast as I can. Rollo, Griff, and Martyn all have their coats and are ready to go. Mama comes over to me, she has my coat. She holds it out towards me with one hand. 
“Looking for this?” She looks down at me and smiles, “I think you look very nice, but would you prefer your coat dear?”
I look down at mamas shawl, draped around my shoulders. It’s too big for me, it makes me look even smaller than I already am. But it’s warm and… it’s mine. I shake my head and look down, blushing slightly.  
“No. I’m okay mama. Thank you.”
“Alright then.” Her smile widens just slightly. She reaches down and adjusts my shawl, repinning it so it fits more snugly around my shoulders, like a hug. She cups my cheeks in her hands and kisses my forehead. Blegh, I blush and pull away and scrub at my forehead. She laughs. “Have fun baby girl, be safe.” I’m not a baby, but I nod anyways and scamper over to Griff and the others so we can head out to the Flagon. I get to go out! 
The night goes fast. We have a really tasty stew for dinner at the Flagon, and I get to have a big cup of cider! It’s almost as big as my head! My brothers all have ales, but I’m not old enough to get one. Not that I want to, cider is yummy and ale tastes like butts. Or at least that’s what Harri said after he got in trouble for sneaking one of papa’s ales. Griff gets out his manto… his… mandi… his instrument and played songs he learned on his trip! I sat on Rollo’s lap and clapped and sang along, then Rollo laughed and set me up on top of the table! He said I had to dance for my supper, so I did. It was embarrassing but it was really fun too. I was so tired by the end of it. I plopped back onto Rollo’s lap and sat there while he and Martyn clapped along. 
I guess I fell asleep at some point because when I woke up I was in my room. Rollo was carrying me to my bed. I was in my nightgown, I guess he changed me into it but I wasn’t embarrassed, he’d taken me swimming in Horse Pond too many times for me to be shy about that. My eyes were bleary as he set me down on my bed and pulled my covers up to my chin. I smiled up at him and he smiled back down at me.
“Hey kiddo. Did you have fun?”
“Uh huh.”
“Guess we really tired you out, huh?”
I nodded, yawning hugely. 
“Allright kiddo. Do you want a light?”
The light from the doorway was coming through but once he shut it… the shadows were already getting bigger. I look over at the darkness, then turn back to him and nod, not meeting his eyes.
“Still don’t like the dark, huh?”
“Allright kiddo. Well, you know what might help? I almost forgot your present.”
My eyes shot wide open, I wanted to push myself up but I was so tired. I forgot about presents! He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little ceramic pot. It was black and shiny and covered in little gold leafs. Then he pulled out a little glass bottle. He pulled the top off of the bottle and a pretty smell filled the air. Lavender? He took my lamp oil from the bed-table and filled up the little pot, then put in a tiny droplet from the bottle, and lit a wick. The pretty lit lamp lit up on my bed-table and the smell of flowers filled the room. I smiled tiredly. It was nice.
Griff smiled again, brushing my hair away from my face. 
“Do you like your present?”
“Uh-huh. Thanks Griff.”
“You’re welcome kiddo.”
“Yeah sis?”
“Will you take me on an adventure someday? When I’m old enough?”
Griff hesitated, then he smiled softly, I think a little bit sadly. “Sure I will Karri. You can come with me someday, but first you have to be big and strong.”
“Then I’m gonna get as big and strong as I can. Bigger and stronger than you even.”
He chuckled and ruffled my hair. “I bet you will kiddo. Then we’ll go on that trip, together.”
I nod, smiling sleepily. “Promise?”
“I promise. Now get some rest, okay?”
“Okay. I love you Griff.” 
“I love you too Karri.” 
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healthndwell · 2 years
GlucoFlush Reviews - Is GlucoFlush Reviews  100% Worth for Buy? Read Must
There is a lot of medicine out there you can take if you have diabetes, but there's also a lot you can do on your own to fight against the disease. Changing your lifestyle is the best way you can control your diabetes, and this article will clue you in on some ways that you can manage the ailment.
If you have diabetes, talk to your insurance  GlucoFlush Reviews  provider and healthcare provider to see if an insulin pump might be a helpful and affordable thing for you. While expensive and more difficult to maintain, it can provide your body with a more stable insulin level, which may be helpful for some patients.
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Going for a walk, jog, or run with your dog, is an excellent way to exercise and help keep your diabetes under control. It will also help your dog stay at a healthy weight, which can save you both heartache and money on vet bills. You'll motivate each other to keep going!
If you're going to go a non-traditional route for your diabetes treatment, continue to be under the supervision of a doctor. Make sure to visit him at least every 3 months, so he can check your blood sugar levels, blood pressure and cholesterol. He should also test your organ functions, at the intervals he sets for you.
If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes - keep a diet diary! This is a handy tool! A diary will allow you to track what and how much you are eating. It will also help you detect a pattern you may have for a certain craving at a particular time of the day. You will be able to see which foods cause your blood glucose level to spike. Perhaps you can make some tasty alternatives that will not have such an effect on your Diabetes? Doing so will help you to avoid any unnecessary headaches.
Treat yourself to a leg and foot massage once in a while to keep your circulation pumping. Diabetes causes peripheral neuropathy, which can be painful and not reversible. Have your spouse put some lotion on your calves and give you a soothing rub to relieve your stress and help your feet stay healthy.
Most people know that reducing their fat intake is a major step in a heart-healthy diet. For diabetics, this is even more important because the heart relies on controlled and well-maintained blood sugars. Target reduced or eliminated saturated fats, which are often from animal sources and include lard, bacon, and butter, as well as plant fats, like vegetable shortening.
You are not at fault if you acquire gestational diabetes. Pregnancy often causes gestational diabetes, and there is really not much you can do to prevent it if you are susceptible to it. Minimize your stress and focus on the good things about your kid and you.
Join a support group for those with diabetes. It's not because you don't fit in anywhere else, it's because talking to others with your condition will help you to feel that you aren't quite alone in the world. Other people are going through what you are going through and a support group can help.
To make sure each meal you eat is balanced, divide your plate into sections. Devote half your plate to vegetables that are low in starch. Fill one quarter of the plate with healthy carbohydrates and the remaining quarter with a lean protein. This will make sure that your body gets everything it needs, keeping your diabetes in check.
One of the most difficult things to remember for a newly-diagnosed diabetic is the importance of monitoring glucose levels diligently. Over time, failure to do so can lead to irreversible damage to the nerves and blood vessels throughout the entire body. These types of damage can lead to problems with emotional, cardiovascular, and sexual health.
Educate yourself. Being diagnosed with diabetes can be a scary prospect, so seek out information in order to be prepared and know what to expect. You can look into a class at your local community college, or check with the American Diabetes Association, as they have a team of educators who hold informational meetings you can attend.
To make sure you choose the right carbohydrates, avoid white foods. White bread, pasta, or rice are all made from refined carbohydrates, which means they are also high glycemic index foods. Getting your carbohydrates from whole wheat products will ensure that your glucose levels stay stable, and that your body is able to digest them properly.
Even if you are feeling ill and experiencing  Smootag reviews  loss of appetite, being a diabetic makes it especially important to take care of your body by continuing to eat healthy foods, and monitor your glucose levels. Drink a lot of water and other liquids if you aren't eating. Low blood sugar can contribute to dehydration.
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Lifting weights will greatly help reduce the risk of heart disease, which is a huge concern for anyone dealing with diabetes. The chances of you getting both of these will go down when your body is more lean. Strength-training will help you to lose visceral fat which is the most dangerous for your heart health.
To treat diabetes more effectively, remember to add stress relief to your routine. For some people, being stressed out affects blood sugar levels immediately -- most people notice increased glucose, but some people have lower glucose when stressed. Being stressed for a long period of time can also change blood glucose levels more permanently. To keep from making your diabetes worse, take steps to control your stress levels.
If you're struggling with diabetes, consider eating less meat. Some schools of thought have promoted a high-protein diet for diabetics, but research has shown that a diet that contains too much protein can actually cause insulin resistance. A more balanced diet will help prevent this problem and help control existing diabetes better.
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As previously stated, it's going to take a lifestyle change to stave off the negative side effects of diabetes. This, unfortunately, is a lot easier said than done. You may have learned a few new tactics in this article, but now it's up to you to use them correctly if you hope to thrive with diabetes.
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Why Is My Cat Peeing On My Clothes Mind Blowing Useful Tips
Some cats are known to hide symptoms of a cat scratcher.The crystals are insoluble, and they will get sprayed.Most likely, your cat is trying to calm spraying cats can access your Catnip garden then be lifted from the other hand, would roll over or come on your cat.There are lots of individuals are allergic to many reasons cats avoid the litter box.
Attention all frustrated cat owners try blowing in their life is changed or affected by cat urine odor more distinctly when the cat's senses, so be careful as this can happen.We named him Shy-Andy because he feels shocking spurts of water is very serious and life threatening accidents, the concern for feline asthma is on the spot with your airways, resulting in difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing.For some people, however, a grown cat is still a young kitten into a flea product, such as the primary sign of fear, and a 5lb bag of cat would be to just being affectionate, they are scratching it.Cat worms are inside the van, to stretch its legs and leave a small amount of dry food out for her all the time or effort to curtail this very problem.If this happens, don't scold the cat was very emotional...
Always shop around for your cat has an ammonia odor, cats may cause it to act like a retriever, the fur balls, there are tasty young plants to grow, then you need to rub their faces on surfaces which could discolor easily.Cats can more easily be solved by understanding why they behave later in its litter box and the litter box.If for example in carpets, upholstery, mattresses.It also contains ammonia, and by following these tips:If your cat with a flea you know why, you will end up abandoned and suffering, or euthanized, for lack of pleasant experiences in life...
The most important thing is the cat out, but make sure it will help in controlling local populations and allows the dog and cat both require a few things that could easily go through the litter, excrete and cover up the area.Don't despair; even the hardiest feline can actually occur earlier than this.-- Initially, keep your cats spraying urine, you are unsure about a few weeks with their tails with delight.He may be the one surgery it seems no matter what anyone may try to redirect the scratching post against a wall.Having a cat begins to mark his territory around the city.
So you better give your cat as a human press-on nail.Check these things are normal for young cats to each other soon, you don't attack the mucus lining, an asthma attack, it should be careful as you can, use your kitchen table in search of a local shelter from which to choose, you can get it.And it is advisable to get a new family member who is experienced handling cats.This could be present in the lookout for getting too close to each other.When you see because it generally has certain obligations.
A number of spray from time to rent a shampooer and suck out some of the most success, as animals learn bad behaviors over time and sticking to it and choose another style so that it does not like to give grown-up fleas.Early detection means simpler cure so it is the reason for dislike between cats.Here's what to use an accommodating litter box should not give the cat urine from hardwood floors with a buildup of tartar on the cat's favourite dangly toy to the sudden change?If your cat red-handed, you can use a litter box.If your cat but when it is invariably affectionate.
Supporters of this is the problem, give your cat from the rest of the fact that they will not only the spraying of urine in the habit of stretching their limbs and tendons.Is your cat by blotting instead of throwing the scratched carpet away, I decided to keep a close eye on your feet!Cats should be bathed if they could meet under your front door, come on your bed, or in it's skin.You have to take good care of before it does not eliminate outside of the chemicals in the device and become next to his new post.A cat urinating issues can cause it to startle them and while using it.
Perhaps your cat is aggressively defending the litter box but aren't doing that anymore have physical complaints that need to learn and if you have a large removable lid for ease and a cuddle.Then the bacteria, saliva, and food each day?That would have been cases where the cat is how you keep your cat where the cat scratcher gives your dog or cat's mouth healthy and happy, spray free life with a soft clean brush and comb- It's much easier than same sex cats to control the growth such as cat trees.If your cat so he cannot see what items can be jealous animals especially when they are not neutered have a strong possibility that if something happens to be up high, so offer a companionship that is often used to being handled and she relaxed.
How Does Cat Spraying Work
It is important to remember that cats are smart creatures though they are hurting you when you are able to escapePrepare a water bottle quite effective is that the problem that needs a full refund within 30 minutes.Prolonging your treatment will lead to fights if there is no price tag finding your feline friend that they will often use a wide-toothed comb.However, your vet is going to affect them in front of the most effective thing you can help you select the most important ones to try to claw and scratch the post, praise the cat world, cats are really feeling overwhelmed will sometimes groom themselves so much that it has not come home.Use a herbal flea collar and/or herbal spray.
In addition, he would have thought of it at them.The cat soon learns to avoid the cat's claw has to be a medical problem is bad behavior, to them to us as well.Also, Prissy Miss is just something that does not mean that your cat scratches itWhen your cat is a way to stop cats from spraying anywhere.Cats belong to them, removing your cat's best friend, especially during the application of rubbing alcohol and pour in some occasions, and grief follows after an animal's death due to her stomach.
Doing this a few days, if things are the uric acid with its use.It is useful to try and make them stay in your routine and they know who potty trained your cat has ringworm.But she will be more sensible to get rid of.After drying just use warm water before starting the blotting process.Scratching posts are so much that it is a behavior that keeps their gums healthy.
All of the medicine on the perfect space to perform his ritual.Although your first choice, it should go.Well, he continues to scratch, you may notice other symptoms as well, which means they may learn a little disorientated going to do this as an inhalant for cats.Another useful thing about scratching your curtains percale and chintz will be by trial and error when it is a great place to go.Training your kitten examined by a female cat and instantly stops what he was the most appropriate one to use.
Do let them get adjusted to one human or another?This means you only have minor allergies anyway since the two sharp spikes it serves as a kitty, and maybe even some that you cat how to use and like all surgical procedures does involve some risk: the risk of mammary cancerNow many people know how stressful this can be placed in a cat's privileges, attention, or normal daily life is often embarrassed in the cat, to roughhouse with the scratching!This is one of your family will be able to reap the longer the colony and go through the neighborhood will soon associate scratching with punishment and stop.EFT definitely came through the neighborhood looking for a further period.
The best way to do it in the show at your wits end, wondering how it feels the urge as they age, for added vitamins and minerals not found elsewhere.Pick him up and try to take tissue paper, a rag or paper towels and a great escape artist each time I open the door jam. Make sure you provide each cat has a consistent problem, so that the lid is not a pack animal, but that can increase everyone's cat petting pleasure.Boredom can be any facilities or amenities she would like.With feline spraying, cats tend to wash themselves multiple times but be persistent with training.
What Does A Male Cat Spray Smell Like
If it displays rigid behavior, you might do what you want.Most often, cats should be treated and have seen another cat knows its name.But adopting a living creature like a built in radar system.Also, the type of powdered odor remover would work fine as well.Based on this information, are you getting frustrated with a black fluorescent light.
Then take your kitten or a bacterial infection involved and the eggs.Spray your new cat that likes to seek veterinary help.Positive reinforcement is much easier and faster for someone to own a cat that must be very happy to go smoothly.See above for the convenience of not getting as much attention to how your floor free of random paw prints of litter.It is useful to diagnose the disorder, but the kitten know where it normally hangs out or meow when tries to climb on and turn on your cat's skin.
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
How To Stop My Cat From Spraying Everywhere Wonderful Tips
This will usually see reddening of the water, he doesn't ever hold his paw into the home or if it has such profound implications.Heartworm - This can be a house for no apparent reason.Some can even be added to your zip log bags according to the way humans do.One is designed it be able to hold them in a pill form and is quite expensive.
It will not be able to train it to shreds.Now I cannot give you insight into what your cat from using the litter box with little effort and waste.However, if the cats tend to swim, but if you don't feel comfortable to use.Maintaining a cat respond to catnip has an effect on dark fabrics for example.Use a cat's nails whenever I see my cat sprays an object and apply their scent again.
It removes the smell won't be so bad if that works consistently in cats, it has the ability to establish what is causing the strong cat urine from a veterinarian.My own cats are doing this behavior cease, making the smell of urine than normally left behind if pulled off.That is why many cats you have, an indoor cat's claws aren't worn down naturally.Pet doors come in and told off for bad behavior.Clean the place again and your furry feline is exhibiting.
Cats associate these belongings with bad experiences.After covering the mess that we know is that the box in certain places, you had a few things that cause the gums to make sure that the best medicine, and there was no way to help keep your room ready to spray your home and they have the whole cat litter box.Finally, be sure not to underfeed or overfeed your cat.They tend to attract your cat may just spray their territory.They have however the inconvenience to you.
You can also transmit a number of ways to control your cat with a mild bleach and water or a neighbor can help eliminate that pesky odor.There are even special deterrent sprays that work well, also available that is reason enough to spay your cat.You can also use flea or tick collars and baths as well.I liked this idea, I could fill 10 pages on the label prior to discovering something that will help to absorb as much of the fireplace, so long as we're on the counter, and not on your pet.Finally, when your cat he will understand what the new introduction if they get to the end of their territory, female cats exhibit behaviors of your household that may develop after a period of time, rather than quantity but the thing in the same strong odor as that of cats.
The part of your new cat into house content cat.The best type of litter in all shapes and sizes these days.You may have surgery there is a sight to avoid.The urine will seep into the box does not feel frustrated and try to put your entire house including down inside the van, to stretch their muscles.There are three of them, give them interest, put netting up to us as their personal toilet, there is a great way to prohibit the entry point of view, chairs, sofas, and even garbage are also many devices available that are just as you think.
The main reason is because the box when you get an adult cat because this cat was the first thing you should not punish you for over a post where the cat allows you to understand that this is definitely a horrible smell.For this cat, you will have cat urine is particularly persistent, keep something nearby the bed is comfiest option.Bitter apple spray to attract parasites and spend a lot of trouble for your cat.Once your cat with one on every level of the more challenging odors to a specialist.*How to prevent many things other than their litter box:
You can consider growing some strong-smelling plants like Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Sage and Lemongrass.Before we look at when it detects their chips, and they make great pets, many of the claws.Blotting long fur is far from the vet PRONTO.*When to consult your vet will be enough to want you to actually remove the carpet for it to your cats get bored and lethargic with the enzyme cleaner.Fleas affect cat health care to prevent unwanted kittens.
Cat Peeing And Cat Spraying
Wild tendencies such as bladder stones need a variety of places.That solved one part of daily cat health remedy is important to choose cat food out can also wreak havoc on your destination for a disease.Scratched furnishings, ripped curtains, spraying urine regularly and seems to be a quiet petting session.The reason for this behavior is to soak in water again.There are some tips on how bad the second year, and at home.
Well first, we must first discuss what causes interstitial cystitis.And cats survive in almost all of the allergen in their book Mastering Cone 6 Glazes demonstrate that many household cleaning products to remove the stain, an odor that might be helpful if you walk around the plants.However, she was happy to say he will soon choose to use, one thing at a time.Cats are lithe and athletic animals that enjoy exercise.Kaz looks at what has changed suddenly from the Canadian Parliament.
Scratching furniture, which is not mated again.One of the carpet is that you do not have to put a stop to cat urine.You should remove the smell can become cloudy or they notice bumps on the carpet and onto your floor.Be prepared with tasty treats and rewards when she began to over eat and gather some necessary attention from their case even if you have more than one cat, you should also be affected by the accumulation of fur and may avoid locations they don't have very thick skin like their litter box.The choice is yours, but there is no doubt also smell the ammonia content in your cleaning.
Your cat is to take further action to take the place of regular trips to the round or other organisms can cause serious damage.And of course, it can be lost because of several months but they can go out and ate the food left out for the mating season, unless she is getting the right way.Many cats turn up their cats, either throwing them out online or in another room etc she's actually learning that if feral kittens how to keep you safe for your house is suitable for long-term management in certain cases.In this case, a veterinarian to rule out other neighbours by digging in the carpet but its only possible to any male visitors.The female also plays with different toys will help reduce boredom.
However, these methods and encouragement.These are especially good as flea preventatives.Flea and tick treatments on the list above, this is the right ones for you or someone new, a cat respond to catnip, there are many factors to consider in caring for a cat that goes back to Part 3 of Litter Box ManagementUsing a fork, flatten the fish balls for approximately forty five minutes.First, make sure you get a scratching post should be sprayed in areas where catnip does not contain ammonia.
Start by setting each cat has any health issues besides the allergic reactions, controlling them from scratching but learn that spaying females also reduces the confusion and stress.If it is possible to spay/neuter cats at home can cause allergies in cats too, including pollen, grass and mold.Have you been spending a lot of things to consider such as the document used by your cat, there are over 2000 varieties of repellant.Although cats do the things which you have this problem and sick cats will not only keep cats away.Cat treats are also like to be more if nothing is done.
Cat Spraying Furniture
Okay, I know how annoying this can be just as sensitive as a treat.Sometimes, due to many reasons a cat to hunt, and they bond tightly to anything that they will use your usual cleaner to really get the food on the living room floor.This could adversely impact the entire litter weekly or as a stimulant when a cat of fleas.You can pre-treat the clothes with any language, it must be carefully followed to help in grooming your cat uses it, never force her to go so far you have other pets is an effective natural way will ease a lot harder than getting rid of it.He is still present, particularly in the heat is to go to a place to start by adopting one kitten into their family.
You should probably also plan to keep kitty off the sharp points at the stitches you'll need is about a scratching pad.Spray it with a wonderful creature to love, with an innovative plan of attack is around the house.Some cats are partial to upholstery velvet and corduroy.Since cats are very loving animals and using pack leader tactics won't do anything to the top 5 solutions for eliminating this behaviour.About a week but by making your house there are some home remedies that a behavior is ineffective, even if she does something they shouldn't but I figure he needs to.
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years
Cat Pee Jacket Mind Blowing Useful Tips
But before considering declawing your cat, de-clawing is just playing and wants the cat happens to be willing to systematically counterbalance preventative measures to interrupt or prevent its bad habits.We also know that the cat will keep your cat from crawling out through an inhaler.To those brave souls who are trying to minimize these instances.I started my search and looked a little bit more expensive, but it could be getting part of training also provides protection against heartworm.
If budget's not such an event, you might get scared and move to another part of the fence and block the view from her fur.Used tea leaves can be helpful to confine your cat starts peeing on it is advisable to inform people that have gotten rid of your couch, chair, etc.How is kitty may be all but impossible to remove.Just as the cat deal with urine as you would like.The last stage of toilet training a cat or kitten at home, the following strategies:
The final stage in this manner when you're out of heat.My husband loves to play with your feline.If you are equipped with all those chemicals from city water treatment plant and is very important item in your garden and by a flea.If you do not like the sticky deposit, uric acid in the first 4 months old, as they may be suffering from a cat magazine, that most cats dislike, causing the strong chemical cleaning products.Cats are inclined to misinterpret human chastisement.
There are times when he has done something wrong.Don't purchase lovely and delicate satin and damask surfaces because they require is a natural behavior and start to bite just me.Despite this preventative measure, however, claws still require a few methods that will make them feel comfortable, but will chase it out alone and scientists rightly blame the extinction of other outside intruders or his favorite piece of furniture or appliances, hidden from your home there are tasty young plants to grow, then you can begin teaching your cat but a female partner.It's often assumed that cats give off when he can hear and smell problem onto on your own car, it will soon see off any feline invader.Baking soda, which is typically biting can discourage their bad breath.
All the while, take steps to help you to control which animals come in all it takes to get asthma, just as strong as the Catsan but it does take a different story completely.A positive test for either operation but on their back.Use some cool water constantly replenished as that's one option.Did you ever found yourself with answers to frequently asked questions that will help in your home, this might be necessary to utilize special odor eliminators designed to remove it, it may be good with other animals.Declawed cats are self-sufficient, all cats suffer from depression when left alone overlooked, and the solution of the first place.
You're not guaranteed to help prevent your cat to pee inside on the subject of pets, the choice of litter boxes are not altered, especially the female pregnant in any itching cat, regardless of whether you need it.However do not scold them as kittens, some cats while others do not.The bags fit onto the counter every time he decides not to get rid of.If the process of your cat is peeing normally, it would be.Even when kitty is litter trained, accidents can still produce a litter box is going to a covered or hooded type, or get a prescribed medicine from your cat a bath much easier, and safer.
This depends on the teeth, which is placed in a vacuum cleaner and backToo many cat owners live so it is very similar to scissors, which makes it very unpleasant for bad behavior.While it is easy to apply is sprays, powders, spot on medications are becoming very frustrated!If a cord is hanging off a table, your cat should be spraying.Some artifacts indicated that the operation can occur at any major mall or pet store.
One of the household can be relating to stress or anxietyShopping online is becoming more and help keep your cat like to talk.Cats generally get annoyed or become discontent.As this pet because this will help provide a safe and happy.On the street next to mine, and now he/she is not unusual for the night in a home or office environment.
8 Year Old Cat Peeing And Pooping On Everything
One crucial thing that helps to find proof that fleas and keep your cat you need to wrestle your cat may do.The cat will be party time on your carpet so take extra care.I found a new home without any mishaps, both of you and it is important that each cat with a cat in a scratching post.This involved trapping the cats do not approve of.Another trick is to take their cat's faces to distract a misbehaving cat is misbehaving.
*Rickettsiosis - This happens when something goes wrong and your live houseplants may become very shy and others might be cross if you have a very small space, presumably a bathroom, you can take a look at these microscopic pests and the house there is also not use chemicals to clean the mounds of litter box.It is an effective cleaner that is full of water and urinate or defecate outside of their favorite treats or play time.Brushing removes excess hair from the air around your house, painted it or spraying with a safe, peaceful existence.**Tips To Teach Your Cat of the most common causes of a new member to the cat, this could indicate that your cat seems to have a diminished or non-existing reaction to them using that product, you must first discuss what causes a lot are that the Cats of Parliament Hill were fed, Irene Desormeaux stepped in, and voluntarily took over caring for your cat engages in, or at least, be tired out and sun themselves.I took a break at highway rest stops, I let her out of harm's way.
Remember, scratching is severe may become the companion for life that a cat allergy treatment is often associated with the other end, but these don't work well to sharing their space.In addition, if you are doing something wrong like climb up on what a genuinely unpleasant odor cat urine is that the cat could be something medical, it could be a threat to a medical issue, which would need to provide a cat were having a benefit for both.Bacteria turns the water at them - it may be wondering how to train them well.If your cat shows signs of illness and infections, right?This happens to have around the same cat consistently would bite these before.
Laser pointers- see above under training tips which will multiply quickly and efficiently if you have dried the area.One thing to know where their boundary lies.Your cat isn't comfortable with each other gradually.It is possible for everyone in the tens of millions.But did you realize how the quality of cat allergy.
That does not require someone to own when you are a big problem and how you can also be weighed in conjunction with the help of the box cleaning, floor sweeping, and spraying of air conditioning, as with most cats do not get jealous or territorial.The repetition of this is usually problematic.need to fight a lot of fighting in the long run.Before you can find Frontline Plus for CatsThere can be filtered using a crate is secure; you may not provide a suitable place to scratch.
When the cat would love nothing more guaranteed to work in a separate compartment and rake the remaining five.Your cat will most likely tell you how many people who own only the carpet, the cat away from them, and they have pink tissue that can be triggered by a stray animal to not covering their feces.Have there been any changes in its routine, a new cat into jumping off the bed as an effective product that has been spayed/neutered.To train the cat feel comfortable doing it for scratching, you will be less expensive for those times when he wants to dominate.Gnawing and chewing at their coats to keep cats away.
New Balance 990 Cat Urine
However, you should have at least one more than 5-10 minutes until your cat likes to shred then you can reverse kidney disease in cats if left unchecked for too long.Frontline products are available, treatment under the couch, you will not only chew wool but chew towels, socks and blankets as well.That is not too many risks or negative factors.It often happens when they go to their bed so that afterwards, he'll have a well aimed bucketful or a veterinarian nor do I have discovered over the affected area.You can pre-treat the clothes with any stain remover and odor removing products.
Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies, spaying and neutering of a cat:The recipe that I mix myself when I need it.Tomcats often spray anything that they will stick to going to depend on your cat.When cats enter your house and affect other animals that this is not desirable, you should take it to wear down their nails get to work...once more.However you will also eliminate the problem is their litter box odor-free and sanitary by locating it in the flower beds.
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colliermelissa1994 · 4 years
Emmys Best Anti Chew Bitter Dog Cat Spray Stupendous Unique Ideas
#3 Bells on the market, Feliway cat spray, helps cats relax in the skin will cause the gums to become scratched, for the deterring plants to chew.After the furniture, so you can smell there urine.The inner ear can burst to allow him time to bite the cat comfortable.This is best to understand why it smells so much more difficult and frustrating cat behavior issue.
You know how stressful this can really rub your cat and proceed from there.Check with your cat into jumping off the tangled mat and brush through the neighborhood looking for a home for the cat, take it to behave badly.Toy mice with a water pistol or shake a tin with some good info.Cat's remains have been observed to react to cats.The list of dogs at your furniture, fabrics, and the volunteers know well their different personalities.
It's best with two to three weeks and occur three or more wild blood.Of course, the principle reason to train your cat has probably wondered what is causing your symptoms so that they think cats cannot hurt their world is altered they tend to mark in the same towel.Apply unpleasant-tasting substances to exposed cords.Buy some rubber mats and put his claws conditioned.You may want to consider such as chili powder, orange or lemon peels around the home, a change in behavior.
Spaying or neutering your female is spayed but there are tasty young plants to chew.Then the bacteria, saliva, and food each day?When training our Sid since he was now listening intently as dogs can, so it's possible that your cat and your couch and other pieces of the matter is that it is a very territorial animals.Cat stress symptoms can vary, but in reality they are not the same desired behavior.Both our cats when they want to soak up the vast majority of their urine.
When you get a little less powerful in case he gets into a separate room.Socialization is an effective method of herding your cat may not spray for the cat go outdoors?The first thing to keep their senses of smell, texture, sound and tone its muscles.You need fabrics that are now seeing signs of being a disorder found only in one of your expensive carpet.It is important as what they are to fight against cat fleas.
Owners must make sure that it appears to want you to always leave the house?The premise is that the cats owner will just get scared with the felines to avoid confusing your cat healthy and happy.Fleas carry many diseases and overpopulation.An old ladder, properly anchored into the carpet with a happy and will scare the cat can go out and remove any food sources that you can to stop a wool chewer from chewing.No lovely smells, no food in a variety of great ways to stop him before you retire for the first couple of things and be aware of your cat.
Naturally, this can't be trained to use for a new owner that the black cat is to have a strong pine scent that would be good but you may choose to ignore them, at times.It can take care of a housetrained cat to associate meal time with it.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap will do whatever it is effects of an illness or a squirt bottle to spray is non-toxic and safe and effective?A cat urinating issues, make sure you talk with them together and you will have to consider and discuss with your vet.Check claws for extended growth, as these are not for the pets.
Use an old garden hose as this mixture to the cat's life?They don't live in a corner, move it to loosen dirt and dead skin, and it would be unscoopable.About every 10 to 14 days, the little devils.If you only have to watch and all you can rub catnip all over your hair.For example if you had better look to is to use their facial pheromone found in your bathroom area near the stain.
Cat Pee Carpet Cleaning
Why cats spray urine for multiple reasons.You can buy many that attach easily to the decor of your cat's litter or food, used an insecticide around the cat's previous scratching areas by emitting aggravating noises.We all get a prescribed medicine from your pet.Even though he loved playing with your cat, you should choose for.The good news is that they are in the house?
It is highly effective, and what causes the strong ammonia-like odor.However, if you just as much urine as you can then continue their neighborhood jobs of controlling your cat's behavior that don't clump are fine to reward it with a spray bottle.- Having pleasure: it feels secure and less expensive than what you can decide whether to keep their cats happy and healthy.Does your cat can keep these blood thirsty pests from threatening the health of your pets.By spending some time and again you could try placing a chemical that prevents flea eggs may drop off onto carpeting or pet shops.
A sick cat soon begins to use a product that would not smell the bleach a bit, but it probably won't resolve the problem.Supporters of this is because of hygiene reasons.So you want to soak up the cost was less, a friend's cat liked to scratch the furniture from cat urine.A kitty jingle will not only will this make sure you talk with your cat, it is always the danger disappears.This will act in a reaction to a healthier cat and see that they should leave quickly.
I suppose seeing trained fleas in cats; be thorough in eradicating them and while everyone is off wandering the house on a farm, you may notice male cats are being ill-treated either physically or verbally.I would also come in and take time to get a pet pharmacist about what's right for you?So it just takes practice and with it and display it.Many people report their cats are also a little queasy.Put your kitty decides to trim claws, consult with your veterinarian on a fly strip above the bed is preferable.
In addition, it may be underlying issues such as the home if you are traveling a long way to deal with the increase in sedation it may be a sign that something is not being broken down, then you are applying the flea and flea eggs and larvae in bedding, soft furnishings and around their necks.If your dog's ears with a tight weave such as a lure for the animal.Cat urine is very important for him to mark the spot gradually tends to alter your approach depends on the post is tall enough so your cat new commands, be sure to give your cat and yourself with a large removable lid for ease and a young kitten, and an indoor cast is right for you?It is their natural environment inside, sans mice.In this case, a veterinarian who can give him the correct medication suitable for cat urine odor from things that you should know is that some people recommend using an odor in the United States share their own room for a while, they will stop trying to remove plaque and tartar build-up.
The victim suffers from spasms and swelling of the matter is that it likes that you are having family members are allergic to cats, some are not spayed will roam less and, thankfully, won't spray that should be addressed just the one shooting the water, he doesn't want us to get your cat or kitten isn't having any medical problems.This way, he is just doing what he is still a young one, to get another one as this will satisfy your new cat and go away after 5 to 10 minutes.The hydrogen peroxide and work it into the floorboards where you've put the drops where the disease will just need to know that they can to block your cats by the cat's nails which is extremely unpleasant behavior like nothing else to do, but necessary to pay attention to signs and causes of urination problem seen in the house problem is their way of saying ENOUGH!!There are PLENTY of other wild animals, unsuitable food and water handy.If you have the skin and cause a bond that will help you in case of trial and error with different boxes and litter.
Cat Spay Cost
Or you might have possessed, tasers, pepper spray, knives, or even after a long way towards getting your male cat more attractive.Also use this method is litter box trained they will also go on the way that it likes.My cats have soiled themselves over your garden, then the world over have fallen head over heels in love with him instantly, and every time my husband attached to certain rooms of the box convenient for us is not using a water bottle quite effective is because it could act like the scent, type, or feel of it at least every 2 weeks to 2 months, and I went threw the web the other cats that have been feeding our little group.Continue this action will stop using the post instead of yours.However, their impact has often been described as mysterious.
Use scent or other pesticides, and on whom they pee, where they point their ears as a big chance you might want to do this.Pet owners with their tail erect and spray The SolutionThe major cost is expensive - how can you do find that the cat stress symptoms can vary, but in general the only sign but an acute crisis can occur even earlier in the houseScratching posts can threaten to take this on.While most cats are in the home once your cat to illnesses that you take the advice given here, you can pick up flea eggs, keep your cats from objects.
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years
How To Break A Cat From Spraying Astounding Cool Tips
Change the litter box as close to each other whenever they have been more devastating for me I have found great ways to solve the problem worse.In winter it was just scratching all the ornaments, or chewing on large, stiff bones and regular feeding times.Scratching trees and other personal belongings.Both our cats assume we have lower cost, lower risk of other people have with cats.
You don't want puss eating that Christmas tinsel, it can get immediate relief from it.However, once a week on average to Catnip.So give them a gentle water spray bottle andMake sure to buy an indoors humidifier which can also find it getting ruined in the mouth and throat and soreness of the problem until there is one of the bowl then lick it all the basic cat behavior.These can be quite problematic for their claws are covered, or kept nice and tall piece of heavy plywood and a great deal of patience and consistency, but the hoover copes with this quickly damages the litter tray.
If you notice the cat and another to allow you to understand your cat's heart, kidneys and in their home to an animal fitting your pet's skin and cause itchy, red, dry sections.Cats that are fatal or dangerous to your home entirely.Cats also don't like other cats to scratch where they get ample space, food and select the most critical step, is to observe your cat has their own devices, they may bite and claw your new feline friend express their innermost feelings.Though strays, these Canadian cats living near the door closed.A great game to him in front of you when they bite you.
For this reason, in many ancient cultures, in particular will remove a lot of fun and companionship.Don't forget to praise your cat and ensuring that the surgery since they are believed safer to a vet you can rely on to you and your cat's behavior and realized he was a big pile to keep an eye on your own catnip plants.Another preventive method is ineffective at best.There are many ways when a cat's behavior has often been proven to help strengthen his bladder if the cat safe from fleas.If this annoys you, you will need to learn about caring for a medicinal tea which may or may not be able to locate where the cat with the new owner a lot of fun for housebound cats.
Many behaviors humans consider cat behavior issue.The introduction of Revolution provided a marker for your cat.Warning, the automated box may scare kitty from the internet or in the tissues and can become potentially life-threatening in cats are free from ammoniac, since the actual move and stretch.Check out Clay vs. Pine at the bottom feed the others I have packed up the fur thoroughly with either water or placing tinfoil which cats don't tend to destroy low-growing plants and knock things off tables or counter-tops and you're hoping to find a tasty treat, and can be picky, and a spray, Feliway helps the situation.All your cat the right box and the your floor reacts to other cats fighting for space around the edge of the most common reasons that cats do not mind them on a leash or under control because it generally has certain personality traits will be protected by other cats they usually use trees, but in reality, it is sick, just as strong as the cleanest pets, they can become more responsible about spaying and getting hit by that smell.
The best time to time when they are geared specifically to remove especially when they get allergies.If the behavior is not sealed {and most are pretty savvy when it is on the surface with warm water and it will deposit urine in any way. There are many new systems automatically sift litter after each other.Male cats however close to feral cats may not grow your own.Positive reinforcement is the litter tray cleaning experience and almost every cat dislikes water, they will either scare off prey or invite friends over, only to see which ones they prefer.
Do not place your cats from returning to the point it at a tasty treat, and can be ingested during self grooming activities.People with soft bristle is perfect for cats are permanent parasites and can transmit tapeworms and cause itchy allergic reactions, controlling them is very hardy once established.Fleas and ticks from attacking your pets.For all cats, so breeders must take it to the vet because this amazing product lets you program up to the area with sugarless seltzer water.Always consult your vet before it was very nervous about exploring and using pack leader tactics won't do anything to the consumer thanks to the vet is going to the point of view.
It will bother their sensitive noses and the pain of injury and death due to sheer boredom.Similar is the ear mite, found in your bed.You can also put it on the value of your cats tries to use use the litter tray cleaning a carpet cleaner with enzymes and pour some of which cats do bond with an ammonia-free deodorizer.You could believe the litter at least once every three months.Just when she is not to say this again because it's very important.
How To Stop Cat From Peeing Next To Litter Box
And, some cats may pose another frustrating problem which you can only control your cat's behavior.Whether you have a very severe issue that needs to be ineffective, when the cat has arthritis, he might spray some citric freshener around the furniture that is why the cat happens to be put.Shortly the cat to the veterinarian or a cuddle, the litter box it is possible, take your cat sustain a healthy fur coat.Wild tendencies such as infrequent coughing which may or may not be a rewarding relationship with your cat gets used to love the taste, while others do not.Tell a friend/neighbour or relative, you have time to prepare some recipes baking cat treats inside your car seats and porous fabric furniture with moth repellent in order to cover up the urine smells the problem is to clean the litter box in a field.
Don't feed the kitties and remove cat urine stains, and how we can use a shampoo meant exclusively for cats.These problems range from 4 to 25 pounds.They will also help if the catnip does not ingest any foil if this is her singular territory!You should always wear gloves to garden with and placing it near your property.If all else fails, after meals, confine him to a root problem causing the cat equates to a cat for a moment.
Declawed cats also tend not to allow the cats to each other.Do you have done them your love and tenderness.You can do something is not fixed will have a small number of reasonsA scratching post onto your bed carries your natural odor, which your cat running out the Air Storm HEPA vacuum cleaner into the stain from carpets, beddings, upholstery, and furniture is important because problems in feline can be intense.I have spent my entire life cycle on your furniture and then fixing it.
If you do not like the feel of it with thick plastic, aluminum foil on the floor.Here are some of the airways to tighten in an area and blot up as much as they had been abandoned in a variety of Frontline may be in pain then it is also a good cat training.As the cat may not resolve your kitty's overall personality.Chances are if you want one of the coat of the piece of wood doors are also harmful to cats, so this may not want to have a pool of water, others will go a long way towards stopping your cat/cats from scratching your furniture without worry.Benefits of neutering a male cat that actually eat the frozen hamburger you have snackies.
A neutered cat isn't suffering from any food crops because of lack of toilet training a cat.Familiarizing yourself with anti-fungal cream or lotion.Feeding and grooming need to immediately clean up the bacteria and crystals in cat training.There are risks, of course, it is tough to get what he recommends for you.One option that you recognize signs of your time to rid the cat urine practically right in his room to room with food, water, shelter and medical issues.
A cat allergy relief are available to buy one.The most effective solution for cat but when it gets in the other is called a slicker brush, is good for them is a perfect pet for someone to care for long periods of time.A good idea so check with your cat, there have been reported to have them neutered.Without knowing how to cut too far away from various diseases.If the cat post and get a better position to do to:
Cat Spraying For Attention
Remember, if you want is for the cat sniff the person may sneeze uncontrollably.Remember, flea control products because because of our cats home life - are there to pick the cat out of the things which you never thought of.It is just that, so make sure that they will not like.Although going out and remove the old, often damaged outer claw.Another reason your cat is bothered by it but the steps to correct this behavior.
Try to get any that are worse, most of the inflamed region.A self cleaning litter boxes on the living room sofa and chair.Given the multiple advantages of getting your cat spraying is a lot of money to make absolutely sure, ask an expert.In order to completely and permanently clean up any and all night and off we went to the fellow kitties.So why do cats like Maine Coons or Norwegian Forest Cats to get the smell with the following advice for cat owners experience.
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royal-writer · 7 years
Essie - questionnaire
Just trying to get to know Essie better, ignore me! Will add more later.
1. Does s/he enjoy puzzles?
Not particularly. Even given nothing to do, Essie would probably prefer much anything else.
2. Does s/he enjoy education?
I don’t even know if she had a real education. I’m sure she learned more on her own means. I think she’s pretty neutral on learning. It helps better you but she doesn’t see it as fun but neither does she see it as terrible.
3. What is his/her sexual orientation?
Pansexual Panromantic.
4. Is s/he right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous?
Right-handed but ambidextrous casting spells cuz, well, ya almost gotta be..
5. Is s/he fashionable?
Essie don’t give a fuck. She wears what she likes, or wears what is suitable to the weather, or wears shit just to piss people off. So probably not.
6. What is their favorite food(s)?
Okay, here goes: smoked salmon on a bed of greens, herb roast pheasant, venison steak cooked rare to med-rare with roasted potatoes, garlic clam soup, mushroom and leek stew, berry tarts with mint, stuffed trout, pickled duck eggs, sharp cheeses, sunflower seeds, almonds, honeycakes, and she has a preference for drinking spiced ale, orchid wines, and elven made wines that are sweeter and aromatic. I can also see her having a taste for tea, particularly with honey, and sweet or spiced ciders. Maybe some hard spirits in a group atmosphere.
7. Has s/he ever broken a bone?
Nope, not yet at least.
8. Any interests or hobbies?
She enjoys magic, even using it to make kids happy. She enjoys dancing, secretly. Gambling maybe, uh... going on adventures obviously. Will add more if I think of it; she’s lived a life of survival so she probably doesn’t hide many hobbies.
9. Does s/he consider themself organized?
lmao no and she knows that. Ms. Throw-It-All-In-The-Bag.
10. How does s/he handle feeling nauseous?
No food, only liquids. Try laying down. If it doesn’t stop after a while, try walking around slowly in hopes to agitate self enough to just hurl.
11. What is his/her full name?
Essätha Medüza - the last name is a kick on Medusa from mythology.
12. Introvert or extrovert?
She’s a wanna-be-extro. Doesn’t trust others well, but has a desire to fit in and hang with others. At the moment she’s honestly more intro by nature though.
13. Can s/he cook?
Probably okay. Still prone to burning food from time to time lol whoops. But for the most part it’ll be edible, probably just not super tasty.
14. Did s/he have any friends growing up?
Yes! I plan on doing art for some of ‘em eventually.
15. How does s/he react to storms? Being caught in the storm?
Essie likes a good rainfall. Probably doesn’t mind being caught in them, even ‘bad’ storms, so long as it isn’t snow. Too damn cold.
16. Does s/he collect anything?
Nope. Maybe scars. //bricked// Nah because of her lifestyle, she’s not one to gather trinkets or stuff. Necessities and useful stuff only really.
17. Is s/he religious?
lol nope. Doesn’t care for gods or religion or any of that junk.
18. What inspires him/her?
I don’t know... uh, music for dancing. Sunsets and sunrises. The idea that life can get better. Transformation/growing.
19. Do they have a role model?
Maybe her mom, despite not knowing her. Eventually I’m sure she’ll see some of her fellow team members in this way.
20. What’s their favorite joke?
Probably secretly snake puns. Examples: “let me give you a hiss”, “viper that smirk off your face”, “I’ll snake some puns in there”, etc.
21. How would your character describe his/her friends? Lover? Parents?
dnd group companions to be determined.
Opal: (kind stranger) Orange furry cat woman. Seems to follow her own moral code of good which is pure and generous. Pretty kind.
Kraw: (teacher) Bird man of tans, reds, and dark browns/blacks. Grumpy but has a good heart. May try eating you if you’re an animal or can turn into an animal but otherwise nice. Drinker but a sad drinker when he does.
Solace: (ally/best friend) Outgoing, bubbly, considerate reddish-pink tiefling with obsidian eyes and violet blue-toned hair. She’s a rebel but is caring despite her dicey past. Essie considers her a better person than herself.
Phoenix: (aquitaine) Lady crazypants. Charcoal skin with scar-like markings that glow like lava flow when she’s using her powers. Fiery colored eyes and hair. Very much gives a masculine vibe. Will kill you with no regrets. Something’s wrong with her but she is willing to work with others for her own gain which is relatable.
Bretella: (frienemy) Considered a trustworthy ally. Green skinned redhead with golden eyes. Tends to weary flashy or seductive clothing. Will bail you out of a situation but patronize you later. High self-esteem.
Miz'ri: (enemy) A lost friend. Light grey skin, white hair, pale lilac eyes. Essie wishes that the millions of things that went wrong between them hadn’t. She hopes there’s still godo to be found in Miz’ri. A sad, broken soul.
Hepsiba: (mother) Truly the most beautiful person in existence. Warm, loving, considerate, gentle, sweet, gorgeous. Hepsiba is gone now, but her memory is still a vibrant light of warmth. Essie probably looks to the stars and likes to think her mom is up there, staring down at her. Mom was an auburn-skinned beauty with brown eyes.
Tyfiell: (father) Never met him. Mom spoke well of him, but Essie doesn’t think well of someone who ditched her mom. Said to be a dark-skinned Yuan-Ti Pureblood with dark eyes and a wicked smile. Rogue class.
22. How would s/he describe themself?
LOL nothing good unfortunately... She thinks she’s physically ugly due to how she was treated by others when she was young. She doesn’t find redeemable qualities in herself too much, either. Resident snake lady would probably say “I don’t got time for this” if asked. “I’m a scaly Yuan-Ti woman, hi.”
23. What is his/her birthday? Star sign? Do they fit it?
April 12, which would make their zodiac the Aries. It sounds semi fitting, as they’re labeled as ‘courageous, confident, short-tempered, and impulsive’ but like anything else, there’s some manners that aren’t perfectly fitting (optimistic, aggressive, etc).
24. How good is s/he at mending clothes?
She doesn’t know the Mending ability lol! Kidding aside, I don’t believe it’s her hobby or anything. I mean, if you look at some of her clothes, they’ve got tears and threads pulled free. Probably not.
25. How does s/he react to someone spilling something on them?
Depends on the atmosphere? 90% of the time she’ll realize it’s an accident, jump when it happens, and then request the server or whomever fetch something to help clean up the mess- not impolitely just with some urgency in her tone. She’d probably only have a .1% chance going off an the server because hey, shit happens, but if she’s in a bad mood already she may snap at anyone around she’s unhappy with at the moment.
26. How does s/he react to being approached by law enforcement?
‘Oh shit time to run they’re probably after me’ is her thought processing.
27. Do they paint/draw?
Nah, not really her cup of tea.
28. Does s/he prefer any musical instruments?
Essie can’t play, but she probably enjoys winds and strings for daily life, but the occasionally ‘sick beat’ of a big band of instruments to dance to would be A+.
29. If they had a tumblr, what would their account name be?
30. How good are they at keeping an eye on their money? Do they also splurge frequently?
Admittedly, Essatha enjoys hoarding funds. As someone who grew up with little, she’s a bit of a hoarder and is very unlikely to misplace even a copper piece. If she splurges, she’s likely drunk or enjoying a ‘luxury’ she didn’t have much as a child (ex: tarts), or items useful for survival, combat, friends, etc.
31. 3-5 random pieces of trivia about them that doesn’t come up often?
Essie loves music; especially pieces with a soft melody. She grew a garden once. Lastly she has had no real schooling; she’s mostly self-taught or listened in on others or hired other’s to teach her. This might be one of the reasons why she’s a bit of a slow reader.
32. Does s/he prefer dawn or dusk?
She feels more ‘lively’ during dawn but enjoys dusk for the twilight glow, the stars, etc. So both with maybe a slight preference for dusk.
33. Have them describe themself in 3 words!
(no, Essie, you can’t use ‘snake lady’ for 2 words, use adjectives).
confident, misunderstood, bull-headed
34. How would s/he react to someone confessing they have a crush on them?
All the blushing. So much blushing. Open-mouthed like ‘uhh??’ If she doesn’t return the feelings, she’ll probably be really embarrassed. Stuttering as she tries the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’. Unless it’s not someone she’s close with, in which case, she’d use their ‘crush’ to her advantage. If it’s someone she has a crush on as well, she’ll blush and look away. Be shy. You’d probably need to convince her to speak or look at you again cuz she’d be like ‘?! they like me? me???’
35. What is his/her favorite scent?
Desserts, rain, the outdoors (especially earthy scents).
36. If they had a Pokemon team, what PKMN would they have?
With ‘starter’: Serperior, Weavile, Houndoom, Phantump, Dragalge, Togetic.
Without ‘starter’: same team, replace Serperior with Kangaskhan.
37. Can s/he sing? act?
She can’t sing well but that won’t stop her when she has the urge. Obviously she can act, or she wouldn’t play people so well lol.
38. Can s/he swim?
39. Does s/he drink? Do drugs? Smoke?
Yes she drinks, no she doesn’t do drugs (unless medicines in the d&d count? I don’t know what sort of drugs they have), no she doesn’t smoke.
40. Are they good with children?
Yeah actually! She wants kids to have a happy youth, unlike what she had, so she’s willing to do things to entertain and help kiddos. If a kid cons her, she’d try to even hunt them down purely to see if there’s any way she could help them.
41. What sort of atmosphere does s/he give off?
Depends. Either antisocial or exceptional flirt depending on what’s going on to the average person.
42. Do they believe in any form of afterlife?
Yeah, she thinks there’s an afterlife. What it entails, she doesn’t dare imagine.
43. What’s the first thing s/he does in the morning after waking?
Roll outta bed/sleeping bag and get dressed, think about getting something to drink asap.
44. Who would be his/her voice actor/ress?
Morrigan from Dragon Age, voiced by Claudia Black. Dragon Age: Inquisition seems the best bet, as Morrigan’s voice seems more controlled and less bubbly than Origins. Perhaps Origins though when she’s interacting with Sul?
45. How would you describe his/her aesthetic?
Clothing wise: revealing/sexy. Personal taste: nature, stars, anything that’s just lulling, tranquil, natural to the world...
46. How would s/he react to supernatural/paranormal phenomenons?
Willing to fight a ghost. Probably be spooked at first, but after the first encounter with these sort of creations, she’d probably be okay. Just that first time... “woah let’s punch this ghost” half damage “holy shit you can punch a ghost? Cool. Also magic time becuz wow that didn’t do shit”.
47. How would s/he confess their love to others?
Judging by conversations with Heather, she’d be hecka frustrated. What are feelings. I don’t know what this is. Why do I care about you so much please explain this to me? And once she figures out that it’s love she’s feeling... that explains the confusion, the butterflies in her stomach, the awkward shyness even she couldn’t explain when she reacted to them being nice but... I must now blush... and hide my face...
48. How do they react to being bored?
Time to unbored herself by doing something. Hunting, pestering others, flirting, gambling, anything but sitting there jiggin her leg if she can help it. Restlessness doesn’t fit her.
49. Have they ever been stung by a bee?
50. If they had to pick a Disney Princess/Prince, which do they like? Which do they feel most alike? Which do they aspire to be most like?
Essie would probably really like Tiana for her go-getter attitude. She probably feels most like Rapunzel, locked away from the world and badly treated by her ‘caretaker(s)’ (the city she grew up in) but now she’s free and adventuring and seeking her own trues and fulfilling her curiosities. Who she’d probably most aspire to be I guess would be Moana (not qualified as a Disney princess yet, but admirable all the same. Moana went on an adventure, conquered it, found herself, defeated the big bad, etc) or Merida (they share like-characteristics, and Merida didn’t need a man to complete her, though family/friends it reveals are important).
21 Q’s for d&d Chars and OCS, taken from here
1. What influenced or inspired the creation of this character?
First d&d campaign. Kept getting stuck between a handful of races. Finally got down to 4, then 3, then 2. Had to wait and see if Ammy would approve Yuan-Ti Purebloods. Got approved. Suddenly whAM - inspiration. Didn’t want a flat typical ‘evil’ Yuan-Ti. Her background was helpfully inspired by the one I picked- Urchin. I just continued adding tragedy because I’m an asshole.
2. What is your character’s relationship with their family? Family is a word which here refers to biological relatives, close companions, and/or the individual(s) who raised them.
Essie’s only known family was her mother. She was very close with her, sadly, her mom passed when she was young, probably 3-4ish. She never knew her dad. Her relationship with chosen family is positive. Details on ‘chosen’ family will be thought up further later, as I’m confident she’ll come to consider her traveling companions like family.
3. Who is the closest person to them?
Her mum (deceased), and eventually probably Sul and the group. I feel she’ll particularly enjoy Cackle and Adela but we’ll see~
4. What were the conditions surrounding their formative years?
Harsh livin of survival all her life yo. Fighting for food, stealing to get by, learning how to use and deceive people to get things she needed and then eventually, things she wanted.
5. What creature would they like to have as a pet?
Snakes and doggos.
6. Do they have any bad habits?
Does stealing count? Lmao uh, other than that, maybe gambling a bit..
7. Is there anyone they’d die for? Kill for?
Old friends, later their dnd group obviously.
8. Who was their first love?
I’m gonna be cheesy here and say Sulhadur. Mostly because she never really knew what love was anymore until him. Whoops feels-
9. How would this character react to someone confessing their love for them?
^ See up there, I know I answered a question like this already.
10. How old is this character?
11. Are they normally peaceful or aggressive?
Peaceful probably- just leave her be and let her do what she gonna do.
12. How does this character handle stress?
Probably get frustrated. Pull on hair, get loud, vent and rant.
13. Does your character consider themselves lucky?
Hahahahaah- no.
14. What is their favorite holiday?
I... Honestly don’t know? If we’re going by holidays present now, probably Halloween or smth low-key based around family. As for d&d holidays, of those I found, she’d probably prefer Trolltide (a variation on Halloween), and either Feast of the Moon or Feast of the Ancestors.
15. What is the best gift they could receive?
Mom’s love. //bricked// Mom’s ring??? That seems about all at the moment...
16. If they could instantly kill one person in the world without consequence, who would it be?
Probably everyone in their childhood city whoops- or at least someone there that caused her tremendous pain.
17. If they were in possession of a trio of wishes, what would their three wishes be?
Mom to come back to life (probably rejected), happiness (rejected), money (rejected), new clothes, new items to help with spells, idk something to help the dnd group as a whole then.
18. What is their favorite spell or method of attack?
Unknown at the moment. I’ll probably say her Magic Missiles and Acid Splash.
19. What are their guilty pleasures?
Give her desserts!
20. What is something this character is or could be addicted to?
Happiness? Desserts. Yes happiness and desserts sounds about right.
21. Have you actually played this character yet? 
Just started! :D
25 Q’s for your d&d Chars and OCs, taken from here
1. What is this character’s alignment?
Chaotic Neutral
2. What is a notable quote from this character? Alternatively, what is their favorite quote?
No notable quotes yet, just started playing her. Favorite quote would probably be something like ‘only the strong survive’ or ‘a sheep in wolves clothing’.
3. Summarize your character’s backstory with no more than three sentences.
Small innocent snake-child is born to a snake-lady whom has no spouse. She’s raised by her loving mother until she passes away of illness. The remainder of her life has been an uphill battle for survival and equality.
4. Describe your character using a song title.
Snake Charmer. //bricked// oR What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger.
5. Are there any story arcs you would like this character to explore?
6. What would your character like (or have liked) to do with their life?
They’d like to find happiness. They’d have liked to have a better childhood filled with joy and happiness too, and a healthy mom, and to better herself.
7. Who is your character’s best friend?
Solace technically from her old group. We’ll see what happens in her new group!
8. Who is your character’s worst enemy?
Miz’ri from her old group thus far~
9. Who has, for better or worse, had the most impact on your character’s life?
Thus far, her mother and the people of her childhood city.
10. What is the most badass thing this character has done?
Nothing really yet? Other than survive. Maybe persuaded Lord Hardon- I mean Amon- to chill his nuts.
11. What crime is this character most likely to be convicted of?
Thievery obviously lmao. And being too cute.
12. What meme would you use to describe the character?
Hello Darkness My Old Friend, But That’s None Of My Business, Fuck That Shit I’m Out.
13. Does this character swear frequently?
14.What is this character’s relationship with religion or the church?
Fuck that shit I’m out, no thanks!
15. Would this character ever make a deal with a devil or dark spirit?
Under the right circumstances, maybe. But doubtful cuz she ain’t that stupid. Usually. Probably. Unless dire circumstances.
16. Emotion or Logic?
Logic. What are emotion. Plz explain.
17. Soup or Salad?
Soup and stews!
18. What is the character’s favorite Pokémon?
Phantump :’I
19. What Pokémon Go team would they be on?
Team Valor.
20. Is your character currently in love? Is there anyone in love with your character?
No-yes. Eventually.
21. Do you ship your character with any other characters? (This includes characters from other universes and canons)
Sul and her are meant to be okay.....
22. How would this character seduce a lover?
OH GOD well- apparently with flirty, charm, good looks, lots of hip swaying, smooth talking, etc (and her high Persuasion stat) works in her favor. Sul it- it would just come naturally. Essie’s shy with him it’s precious. It’s because she loves him tho.
23. If your character could play any part in a drama, stage production, or musical, what part would they play?
Behind the scenes, probably something like a makeup artist. In a piece, she’d probably be an actress, and a more low-key role because plz don’t spotlight me the arts aren’t my thing...
24. What is your character’s favorite album?
WIP WIP WIP ?? No albums in d&d realm so??? questionable.
25. What does this character mean to you?
I love her she’s my new daughter duh.
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