#it felt really nice to be mika
yestrday · 4 months
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― YANDERE! GENSHIN ACADEMY AU. pt one | two | three | four | five
⇢ alhaitham, kaveh, tighnari, cyno + ayato, baizhu, mika / gn! reader
introducing! from sumeru hails teyvat's brightest minds, and it's no surprise that many of the academu's smartest are true-blood sumerians. a lesser known fact is that these are less skilled in the workings of the heart, and therefore, a bit more unstable than the average lad.
warning! yandere, obsessive & possessive behavior, unhealthy relationships, master-pet dynamics, mentions of bullying, physical wounds
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— STOIC ACADEMIC TYPE. alhaitham | الهيثم
[ “if you’re looking to get my help, i’d rather you just outright say it than dilly-dallying around.” ]
⇢ one of the geniuses in your second year, haitham is a no-nonsense type of guy that has that air of arrogance around him. he’s quite hard to approach, and he doesn’t care to socialize with any of your circles. he has, however, taken a liking to you, and will usually just drag you around whenever he feels like it.
⇢ expect forced study sessions with him in the library. he’s very keen on making sure your grades are in tip-top shape, even though you never asked him for help. it’s obvious that he takes a bit of sadistic pleasure when you ask him for his help. when you ask him on how to solve a problem, he stops whatever he’s reading and scrutinizes you with those stoic eyes, before a small and smug grin forms on his face. sometimes you’re not sure if he truly wants to help you or he just likes to hear you plead and beg.
⇢ kinda likes to see you screw up as well. seeing you excel (because he helped you, after all) is all nice and good, but he likes to see you fumble it every once in a while. sometimes you get a bit arrogant, refusing his help and insisting that you can do it by yourself, only for it to backfire in your face. when you run back to him with your begging and pleading, he puts on a show of being nonchalant about it. didn’t you say you were fine? so why bother him now, and especially in the middle of a good book?
⇢doesn’t hide the fact that he sort of treats you like a pet, with the way he drags you to and fro. his blunt everyday tone makes everyone feel like he’s looking down at them, but even more so with the way he talks to you. stay, he says when you start approaching him. sit, he tells you. whether you follow or not is up to you, and while he does love having an obedient pet, there is some fun to be found in keeping a bratty one.
⇢likes to see you rely on him. is it out of genuine care or because he sees you as a complete fool who can’t do anything on their own, time will tell, but he’s strangely insistent about you depending on him. he doesn’t make it very obvious, especially when he acts like he could give two shits about anything, but when you mention having troubles, he says things like “that is what you’re having trouble with?” without offering his help, you usually start nagging him for the answer.
⇢haitham isn’t one for praise but… he does get a kick off you praising him. not because he’s starved for it (he’s had heaps of that ever since he showed his academic prowess) but because it felt just right. he does help you a lot, doesn’t he? taking the time out of his busy day to help you with whatever silly thing you need. the least you could do is thank him for it.
[ “honestly, you ought to be more grateful with how much i’m always helping you.” ]
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– PASSIONATE TYPE. kaveh | کاوه
[ “oh yeah, uh, i guess i did win that! do… do you like it?” ]
⇢ your senior kaveh who’s been all over you ever since your first year. he’s a bit clingy with his touches, holding onto your arm while you walk and greeting you with hugs ever since the two of you got close. whenever the two of you see each other in the hallways, he immediately latches onto you and doesn’t let go. will drag you around while chatting your ear off.
⇢ often starts to show off when you’re around. he tries to be really nonchalant about it too, like casually trying to slip in his accomplishment in the middle of a conversation to make it seem like he’s not trying too hard. when you smile and compliment him, he starts to stutter and blush, losing the cool composure he tried to maintain just moments ago. the others tease him for being a senior who wants to impress his junior and he quickly denies it (“they’re just saying what they want!” he’d huff to you), but you can’t deny the red blush and the pleased smile on his face.
⇢ always trying to help other people out, even if he’s too busy. while he’ll drop everything he’s doing when you ask him a favor, he also doesn’t have the heart to say no to others. some days, he gets a bit disheveled by dismissal after helping out so many people at once. when he starts whining to you and he becomes even clingier, be understanding and let him. he’s had a rough day, after all.
⇢ everyone knows the shenanigans that occur around you in school and kaveh is no exception. so he’s made a bit paranoid every day, wondering when of your crazed suitors will snap and just kidnap you. he could just do it himself and not worry about being separated from you, but he thinks he’s above such things (true, but only without the proper motivation). to compensate for this, he spends every second with you like it’s his last.
⇢ did you just hold his hand?!? that must mean something, right?! he conveniently forgets that you’ve held hands with numerous other people in this academy, but you can’t blame the poor dude, he’s the type to overthink stuff like that. he’s gone over seemingly normal moments between you two countless times in his head, wondering if any of that meant something. at the back of his head, he knows he’s overreacting. but then he remembers when you gave him some papers and your fingers lingered for some seconds then he starts squealing in his pillow, absolutely deluded by his fantasies.
⇢ he’s not the jealous type…! really! he knows how kind and sweet you are. he knows that the praises you have for him are genuine and the way you look at him in admiration is all real. you’re not the type to fake those after all…! even so… even so, you continue to look at others with that same look, and praise them with the same praise. it’s not that they don’t deserve it but… is he not just good enough? to have your praises reserved for only him… was he just not worthy of that?!
[ “did i… did i do something wrong…? please, just talk to me, look at me!” ]
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— SASSY TYPE. tighnari | الطغنري
[ “those idiots… honestly, they could at least treat you with a little more care!” ]
⇢ straightforward and no-nonsense, tighnari is well-respected among his peers for being an academic with an honest personality. especially in a school where anything can just tip anyone off, tighnari does not care about who he has to offend to make them back off. as such, many suitors can’t just do their trickery to you whenever he’s watching, lest he call them out on the spot.
⇢ he’s very concerned about your wellbeing. he’s often warning you about the dangers of the men you surround yourself with. whether you believe him or not is up to you, but that won’t stop him from trying to prevent anything from happening to you. obviously, he can’t just say that someone’s killed someone— he doesn’t want to ruin your life like that— but he’s often cryptic, hoping that you’ll figure it out for yourself.
⇢ very naggy, though he nags like a disappointed mother rather than a caring one. you and cyno are often at the end of these rants when you two do something stupid (either together or as individuals), but it’s a sign that tighnari truly cares about you. he could care less whether haitham cut himself on one of his books, but when you do he’s immediately all over you and berating you for being stupid and careless.
⇢ becomes too smug whenever you show a preference for him. he loves feeling when you choose him over anyone else and the suitors stew in their anger when he shoots them a haughty grin. cyno often has to remind him that he’s being too much, but he knows how much tighnari delights in defeating the other harem members without even having to do anything. you chose him out of your own free will, and that says a lot more than having you forced to pick him.
⇢ being raised on botany and all its properties, tighnari’s almost an expert in all things plants and that includes their… chemistry. it’s no surprise that he’s one of the suitors who are capable of concocting their little mixtures. when using it on other competitors, he’s not one to dirty his hands. he often has cyno slipping a thing or two in their drinks (or in special cases, an overly desparate kaveh). but when it comes to tampering with your drink? well, he reserves that special privilege for himself, all for the pleasure of watching the chemicals slowly affect you.
⇢ a smart guy, who knows that the way to your heart is not intimidating you into it but instead playing the nice and concerned friend. poor you, always being chased around by these unstable men. why have them who will only hurt you, when you can come to him, someone that you can trust? even if your vision is slipping away, your body becomes heavy… you can trust him, no matter what~
[ “feeling sleepy already? dear me, your body is really fragile… and cute ♪” ]
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— GUARD DOG TYPE. cyno | κύων 
[ “if they’re bothering you again, talk to me. i’ll be the one to handle it.” ]
⇢ serious cyno who amuses you with his corny jokes delivered with a stoic expression. despite looking so mature, being with cyno often gets you two into trouble that he didn’t foresee. it has something to do with that intimidating expression and the way he’s ready to fight anyone who nears him. people mistake him for challenging them to a fight, and more often than not you’re left watching cyno beat down opponents in self-defense.
⇢ when people aren’t busy trying to fight him, cyno’s always seen patrolling the campus halls as head of the security committee. you can tell who’s been caught by him before by the way they flinch and avoid his piercing gaze. even many of his admirers are a bit terrified of him, and all they can do is just watch him walk over to you and whisper in your ear. they think you’re in trouble, but in reality, he’s telling you to meet him at the same meeting spot because he wants to show you this rare genius invocation card he just bought.
⇢ no one in his friend group takes him seriously anymore, not when he’s busy challenging all of them to a tcg fight every get-together. they tend to get roped up into his antics, and you can see how boys really will just be boys as the four of them begin to one-up each other into petty competitions. and cyno’s always been the most competitive out of them.
⇢ cyno seems to have a habit of suddenly showing up moments before one of your suitors plans to do something. they might start to sneak into your lockers to steal something when they see cyno leaning casually against the wall with a knowing glint in his eye. or when one of them spikes your drink and cyno unhesitatingly takes your glass and dump it on the floor, without breaking eye contact with the suspect. the guard dog that you don’t know about.
⇢ part of the protective stalker group within your suitors who make sure to follow you from the shadows whenever he has free time. these stalkers are often chill with each other, nodding at each other in acknowledgment whenever they bump into each other in one of their stalking escapades. he keeps a close eye on you at all times, with your security purely his concern and nothing else.
⇢ indifferent to getting his hands bloody. he’s not unreasonable— he knows that he can’t kill someone just because he’s jealous or something like that. he can’t risk doing something that will have an impact on you. but justice has to be served, and when he sees someone hurt you or become a threat to your safety… he just can’t help it. whether it’s mixing nari’s poison or simply giving them a cold, swift death, everything he does is because he loves you so.
[ “hush, there’s nothing to cry about. they’re gone, no one will hurt you. i have served you justice.” ]
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— SCHEMING TYPE. kamisato ayato | 神里綾人
[ “oho? it pains me that you’re so wary of me, even after all these years!” ]
⇢ senior ayato who always has that gentle but calculating mask on, socializing with many people but never close to any of them. when people start realizing that you might have caught his interest, they have warned you about him and whatever shady motives he might harbor. but whenever he approached you, he was so kind and generous with his offerings… not that you were fooled.
⇢ he’s always showering you with gifts whenever you’re together like he’s trying to flex his wealth. bump into him at the mall? he tells you to walk with him for a bit, but you leave with a luxury item you eyed for a few seconds. bundles you up in his scarf when you’re feeling chilly, however when you try to return it to him on the next day he just tells you to keep it so casually like the fabric doesn’t cost you your life savings.
⇢ when class isn’t keeping them both apart, thoma is always seen attending to ayato’s side. it’s not a secret that thoma can go to school because the kamisatos are funding his education, so no one really questions it. they do get a little bit suspicious whenever the two seem a little… intimate, but in the end, who really cares?
⇢ you should really heed others’ warnings about ayato, because it’s clear that he’s a dangerous fellow. he seems to know everything about everyone. once, he had threatened your bullies off with a thinly veiled threat regarding their shady pasts. you don’t know how he got hold of such rare information, but it seems that he’s one of the many people at this school with an information network under their fingertips.
⇢ while he does view you with adoration, it’s clear with how he talks to you that he doesn’t view you as his equal. with the way he talks you down sometimes like he’s talking to a pet rather than a fellow student, you sometimes feel a bit… demeaned. but when ayato tucks your hair behind your ear so tenderly, you have to second-guess your apprehensions.
⇢ the difference between you two is clear. he is the elite of the elite and you are… you. and he takes advantage of this without guilt. it starts as off remarks, about how you wouldn’t survive a day in their society, then it transforms into something bigger. before you know it, he’s criticizing your clothes, your posture, your personality… anything to nail in the fact that you. are. different. till you lose your pride and self-worth. till ayato makes sure that you won’t have the willpower to fight back once he begins his schemes.
[ “but i’m not lying, am i? you are different, and we can’t really do anything about that, can we?” ]
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— SUSPICIOUS TYPE. baizhu | 白术
[ “another trip to the nurse, i see… if i didn’t know better, i would think you were here to see me.” ]
⇢ senior baizhu is head of the health committee and is often seen helping out at the nurse’s. his kind and gentle nature makes the sterile place feel a lot more comforting and he attends to each patient without complaint. but when you come over, the nurse remarks how baizhu seems a bit more stressed whenever he frets over you. you’re not quite sure… after all, baizhu has always been so caring towards you and everyone else.
⇢ he’s sickly himself, so sometimes he has to rely on others for help. he does seem to ask you for help more so than the others, but you really shouldn’t mind. after all, he’s done so much for you! he’s prone to fainting, thankfully not that severe, but you have to catch him in your arms before he hits the floor. the way he thanks you and softly utters your name has you almost dropping him, and you swear there’s a cheeky grin on his face that’s gone a second after.
⇢ although his reputation is generally favorable, there are whispers that he and his family are involved in shady medical research. baizhu, when asked about these, will always only laugh and shake his head. ‘let them say what they want to say’, he would tell them. ‘what matters is that i’m capable of tending to them when they come to me for help.’ such thoughtful words often erase whatever doubts they have about baizhu and even make them guilty for even falsely accusing him.
⇢ but they’re right, though. they are a big pharmaceutical company, and every massive corporation has its shadows. a solo research that he’s been working on is in the area of immortality. in recent years, he’s been working on it with much more fervor now that he’s met you. back then, his goal for immortality was always directionless, only researching for the sake of curiosity. but now he has a clear goal: to spend eternity with you and for you.
⇢ he’s an expert businessman and your harem members are well aware of that. among them, he’s known to make many shady deals, especially since he’s so knowledgeable in… drugs. he makes a lot of profit from this, but another clear advantage is his time with you. though these rich students could just buy their drugs literally anywhere, no one quite provides the safety of not being caught like baizhu.
⇢ … might make those deals because more often than not, they end up with you in the nurse’s office. whether bruised from the bullying of another suitor or disoriented from some sort of poison, you rush to the nurse before things get worse for you. you’re so smart, he’d praise you as he tends to the wounds. there is a pleasure in bandaging you up, knowing full well that he could easily dig his nails into the cuts and leave you more in need of his help.
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— ANXIOUS TYPE. mika schmidt 
[ “they’re very cool but i… maybe i shouldn’t get too close…” ]
⇢ lil bro gets pushed around by the meaner people in his year and he doesn’t even question it. it’s just very easy to take advantage of him, with his eager-to-please personality and his notable ability to do almost anything exceptionally well. it takes him being adopted into the first-year harem group before the bullying dies down (mainly because most of the people there are well-known and powerful). he doesn’t quite understand how they could bond over a person (you) and was originally quite frightened at their almost fanatic worship of you.
⇢ no one would think he’s part of your harem, not with the way he desperately tries to avoid you. in fact, you could count the times you’ve talked to him on two hands. on all times he was a blushing and stuttering mess to the point that he was incoherent. xingqiu seemed to take a kick out of his embarrassment, while aether softly coaxed him into forming a full sentence in front of you. what stuck with you was how he refused to shake your hand, to which xingqiu bowled over laughing. 
⇢ when he got a little bit more comfortable with you, he was still shy albeit not much to the point that he wasn’t willing to offer you help. you’d often bump into each other while you’re on your errand, and he takes half the workload. most of the time, the two of you work in silence, with mika taking frequent glances at you. when you’re done, he says a meek ‘goodbye!’ and sprints off.
⇢ stalks you around school like a little creep, but thankfully not to the point where he follows you home. he’d peek from around a corner, watching you in the distance with wide eyes in admiration. you’re always so hardworking and excellent… it’s no wonder you have so many admirers! he was almost caught by you a few times, but thankfully you’re none the wiser. his stalking is painfully obvious to the other harem members, but they think him harmless enough that they don’t pay him any mind.
⇢ things that you need the most are always miraculously appearing in your bag, locker, table, etc. when you had complained to thoma about not bringing your lunch, later that day you’d open your locker to find a freshly made lunchbox. when you grumble to yourself about running out of correction tape, a pack with the plastic still on appears on your table. you’re perplexed, albeit grateful. after all, this isn’t the first time some creepy shit has happened to you.
⇢ he really really wishes he’d work up the courage to talk to you face to face without having to be so nervous… but he can’t help the jitters whenever you’re just in front of him! your voice has his ears ringing, your scent has him dizzy, and you’re just so, so cool that he feels so small compared to you! how could he ever talk to you like this…! maybe in the future, when mika would be more capable and dependable…
[ “a–aah… how could i talk to them! they’re too…!” ]
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ressonancee · 9 months
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✦ genre: friends with benefits, a dash of humor (?), reader is a bit of a brat and this has sub and dom undertones - smut
✦ word count: 3.040
✦ Thea note: okay first this was supposed to be a drabble for my girl @toruro so mika - i hope you enjoy it. second, I won't say anything bad about my own work but lately, i have been so busy and tired that writing is just harder than usual even when I have fun with it, i really like reader on this one so maybe we will see a pt 2 when my brain is not working at 25% of its capability - but I do hope y'all enjoy this even tho my brain is like fighting for dear life!!!
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Your mind was completely empty. 
Hoshi had been speaking for a solid thirty minutes and if somebody asked what was the problem you couldn’t say something because everything that left Hoshi’s mouth did reach your ear, but your brain didn’t process it, because you were too busy using all your cognitive function. The only thing you could focus on was how Minghao was laughing at something Jeonghan said - even tho you actually didn’t hear his giggle it was something that you knew so well that your brain made you believe that he was laughing right there - at your side, but more than that, it was on how a brunette girl who was actually on his side - eating everything up, laughing at everything, looking at Minghao in awe, that, that scene was what making your brain way too busy. 
"And then she was like super angry that I didn't text her I mean she said we should stop talking first-" Hoshi said and stared at you waiting for an answer.
"Yeah, that's sucks, I'm sorry," you say taking another sip of your beer, "you know what? Maybe you should talk to Jeonghan. He could totally talk to her about how you misunderstood everything," you say already trying to drag Soonyoung to the other side of the room. 
"Yo!” Hoshi’s eyes lit up, “That's- That's really nice advice,"
"Right, let's talk to him," You say interlocking your arms with Hoshi and finally dragging him across the room, not even feeling that sorry, but again, you were too curious, too focused, to actually care about Hoshi’s love problem. Hell, you had one of your own right in your point of view
"Jeonghan my guy!" Hoshi calls making everyone in that little circle pay attention to you two. 
"What is going on?" Minghao asks when you stop at his side, that side-eye he gives you when he knows - somehow - that you have been up to no good. 
"You ask me?" You try your best to bat your eyelashes at him, even tho you know he won’t eat it up. 
"You were the one planning everything," Minghao says.
“Planning?” The brunette girl asks, and she is cute, she seems nice, she is the epitome of the girl next door.
“Oh yeah, planning how Hoshi is gettin’ his girl back you see-” You start, trying your best to be your own version of the girl next door.
“Hey I need something to drink, be right back,” Minghao says and starts to drag you to the kitchen - oh, that was how Hoshi felt? Weird, Karma was acting super fast lately. 
“Wait I wasn't planning-” You try to argue, huffing, and almost stomping your feet, "I was listening to a good friend talk about his heartbreak, and you? What were you doing with miss brunette and Jeonghan?"
"Are you?" He says and you can see how the corners of his mouth start to lift up, the foreshow of a smile and you just can’t take it.
"Nope," you say, trying your best, but you know he already won. 
"You are!" He giggles - that silly giggle he always does, the giggle that you love to hear, the giggle that makes your heart full almost to the point it bursts. And you give up, because you know he knows, "Maybe? A little?"
"Sure, a little," Minghao says, crossing his arms and leaning on the kitchen counter, and god he looks so good, he is tired and you know that because he has his glasses on instead of his contacts, his hair is already huffed up and longer - you like that, and you like to think he didn’t show up on his monthly haircut because you said that to him the last time, 
"Can we-" you start and before you finish you can see his smile. 
"Sure, you go first or I go first?" He asks. You two made a routine of it, made an almost everyday practice, a little secret that you two shared, tucked in away os the curious eyes of everyone else. In a way, it was something sacred, cherished, something only you two could tap into.  
"To your room?" You ask even though you know it is the only place possible right now, Minghao just nods, "Okay I go first, but you should go talk to Hoshi, he is in actual distress I wasn’t planning that up"
"Sure," Minghao says, standing in front of you - he looks at the door before he holds your face and just plants his lips on yours. And before you can say anything he vanishes. 
Leaving you there, standing still in the middle of the kitchen.
It was weird the whole sneaking out to not get caught part of the deal. You and Minghao have been friends for so long that your friends were his friends, and his friends were your friends and the whole thing was just messy. And maybe you didn't want to share that with everyone - every new detail of Hao was yours. But you also didn’t want to share the tiptoeing in the shallow water phase. 
In a way you wanted to learn what that was, is, and will become on your own.
So you try your best to not draw any attention to yourself, the first step of the process pick yourself a cold beer - that's why you were in the kitchen. Step two, go to Minghao's room, not that much trouble. Step three is not to fall asleep in his bed, he does spend way too much money on bedsheets, it feels like you are lying in a cloud. Soft, fluffy, and slightly cold against your skin. 
And you are almost drifting until you hear the door open, and it is not Hao.
"Hey," Chan says, already rummaging around, opening Minghao's drawers, "Did you see a charger around? Someone took mine, for real people need to understand boundaries in this household."
"Don't you tell me," you say smiling at Chan, the irony of it. 
"Yeah I know," he huffs making you laugh, "but someone stole mine first," then he turns out you, his expression is almost a question mark, "Wait, are you okay? Why are you here?"
"Just a headache," you say trying your best to give an academy winner performance, lifting up your hand, touching your forehead and all.
"Oh yeah, do you need anything? I know this house is a mess but we do have painkillers," Chan says sincerely. 
"No, no, already took one, I'm good, thanks Channie," you say almost feeling bad to lie, almost being the keyword.
"Chan, what are you doing?" Minghao says resting his shoulder on the door. 
"Oh man," Chan says defeated, "I am doing nothing, and if your charger disappeared it wasn't me ok? Mine was stolen too,"
"I-" Minghao shakes his head, huffing up a bit while closing the door. 
"Lock it," you remark "or we will get Mingyu searching for a hair tie while your dick is in my mouth," You say taking off your own shirt, and already working on the button of your pants when Minghao's cold hands reach yours.
"Why are you always in a hurry," he says, his hands traveling to your shoulders, pressing you down until your back finds the mattress. 
"You do live with four other guys, so-" you say like it was common sense, because you know Minghao's roommates, they are your friends as well, and you know they are fucking nosy.
"No, you always like that," Minghao says, lowering his body against yours, "even when nobody is around," he says against your neck. 
"I'm not," you say, hands on the back of his neck, playing with his hair while his lips find the skin of your neck.
"You are," he says kissing your jaw, "you need to learn how to be patient."
"Yeah, whatever," you say almost rolling your eyes, tugging at Minghao's hair, "not today though." 
"Why not?" Minghao says, voice low like he is telling you a secret, while his digits trace the strap of your bra. 
"Because," you whine but Minghao is still working in slow motion, his lips tracing your collarbones, "today you gonna fuck me stupid, I can learn something tomorrow"
"I can fuck you stupid even if we do it slowly," Minghao giggles again, god and you almost hate him, his fingers finally tugging the strap enough, he gives your shoulder a kiss before tugging the cup of your bra. 
"And if I say please?" You say making Minghao stop on his track and you almost laugh before he looks at you.
"If you say what?"
"If I say pretty please can you fuck me stupid and like right now? You can totally teach me a lesson tomorrow or-" you say hands against Minghao's face and tugging him just enough until he understands what you want - him - pressed against you, his lips against yours, him against your hands, your mind is only filled with thoughts of him, him, him.
“Come on-” Minghao says, holding your head - making you whine a little when you try to follow him, trying to keep your lips connected, “say it”
“Oh no,” It’s your time to giggle, your smile plastered across your face, and it is so easy to be happy when Minghao's cold hands are against your waist when he is kneeling between your thighs, “You like it too much”
“And? What’s wrong with that?” he says dragging his hands over your body until reaches the waistband of your jeans, “If you ask prettily," Minghao pauses tugging at the belt loops, "you know I will give you everything you ask for”
"Promise?" You say, your own voice sounds different against your ears somehow, your hands holding Minghao's forearm. You can feel your cheeks burn, but just like Minghao, you are willing to give him everything he asks for. And he just nods, hands pressed against your thighs now. "Can you please just fuck me? I promise tomorrow you can tease me and take your precious time."
"Yeah, sure sweetheart," Minghao says smirking at you, it is so condescending that you want to stand up and pick a fight with him, but in the end he means it - he is already working on your jeans, hands dragging against your hips before he gets off the bed just to pull at the bottom hem. "but, just so you know, make sure you have a free afternoon tomorrow."
"Sure, sure, gonna timeblock you right after my dentist appointme-" you start but end up being cut off by your own welp of surprise because Minghao's hand finds your thigh and drags you across the bed.
"You are so smart-mouthed sometimes," he says again finding his place in the space between your thighs, and you just pout - not because of the quip, but because he is still fully dressed, "What?"
"You're still dressed," you say tugging at the hem of his shirt, and Minghao laughs again like you are saying the silliest thing in the world, but that doesn't take your mind away when he lowers his body to kiss you again. 
You try your best to keep your mind focused, still tugging Minghao's shirt, hands lifting the material off his back until it's pooling at his shoulders. When Minghao gets on his knee to finally take the damn thing off you follow him, lips against his chest, hands already on his jeans. 
"Come on," you complain, tugging at his jeans. 
"Ok, ok," Minghao huffs out before leaving the bed again, looking at you with a smirk on his face, "I'm taking it off don't need to pout," he says finally taking off those damn jeans but leaving on his underwear, "come on, your turn"
"Hun?" You say totally distracted, making Minghao giggle again, "Oh okay," you finally get what he means, taking off your own bra. 
"Fuck," Minghao says, before he is kissing you again, "you are so pretty, you should let me-"
"Baby you promised," you whine, because you know Minghao like the back of your hand. 
"You are the first one that hates the idea of me taking my time," Minghao says when his hands find your hips, tugging at your panties, making you lift your hips a little to help him, "I could totally eat you out right now,"
"I know," you whine, and it is true, he could eat you out, and you know he loves doing it. But Minghao is right, you do not have the patience, "tomorrow I let you go down on me for like forty-five minutes"
"You say like that is a hassle for you," Minghao says, hands against your knee, eyes on your pussy,  "or for me by the way"
"Oh for fuck sake," you try to close your legs even though Minghao’s hand is still on your knees, blocking your action. 
"Ok ok sh-" Minghao says, finally lowering his underwear, and for the first time you think about it. Think about learning how to be patient, to be calm, and composed, just so you can change your plans just to put Minghao’s dick in your mouth. Okay, maybe not calm and collected but less stubborn, but before you can say it all Minghao is just taking too long searching for the condom making you impatient again, but before you can complain he guides his dick to your pussy.
“This is insane,” you complain, Minghao hovering over you, his longer bangs over your face, making you ticklish. 
“What?” Minghao says against the skin of your neck, his voice sound muffled. His hand is still on your waist, his dick hot against your thigh. 
“You really want to make me beg?” You say tugging Minghao’s hair, “Is this a kink? Do we need to talk about this?” 
“I mean, I’m not really against a pretty girl begging for my dick,” Minghao says, making you shudder.
“Not gonna give you that,” you say - and it is not because you are stubborn, you are, and you know that, but with Minghao is just fun, the push and pull of it, the banter, this thing going on between the two off you. 
“You are so fucking stubborn,”
“Come on, I already said please,” You say pretending you are against the idea of begging Minghao - like you never did before. 
“Sure baby,” Minghao says giving you a kiss on your cheeks, and is just so sweet like he is not about to fuck you like he is not holding his dick against your pussy - rubbing himself against you, "Just because you said please", he says in that condescending tone, but before you can argue or raise your voice, Minghao is finally fucking you and the feel of his dick stretching you out is enough to make you speechless. 
And it was always like that, it always ended up with Minghao filling you up.
And you can't complain when he is fucking you the way he likes it - a lewd pace that makes your mind spin, it makes you claw Minghao's back, while his grip against your tightens. Maybe - you think to yourself - just maybe you try to hurry Minghao up to see if he caves up, to see if he has another side inside him, to see if he fucks you hard and fast makes you like him less, makes you less addicted to the feel of his skin against yours, the feel of his mouth against your neck. 
But he never complies. 
He keeps fucking you at his own pace, at his own volition. 
“Hao please,” you beg - because you are ready to give Minghao everything he wants if he gives you something in return. 
“Ah, so now we are not above begging?” Minghao chuckles, his voice so close to your ear that his lips graze your skin. 
“Please,” you try again “I will beg, I will do whatever you want I promise.” 
“Come on,” Minghao says, one of his hand trailing against your skin, until it reach your neck, “we both know you won’t, behaving is against your own existence” 
“You say that like you hate it”
“I actually love it, that’s the problem,” Minghao says, planting a kiss on your cheeks before he finally picks up his pace.
You understand Minghao really, sometimes you are too hastened. Is not like you are particularly against him taking his time, warming you up, eating you out, and fucking you at his own pace - you enjoy all that. But you also enjoy what he is doing now, fucking you fast and hard enough that you need to hold on for dear life.
You like this Minghao too - this version of him that nothing is holding him back. 
And the only thing in your mind is Minghao.
The only thing you can think about is him. How he feels against you, how Minghao licks your skin, how his hand clutches your hips, and how he is panting against your neck. When everything starts to get muffled you know that you are almost there - and the only thing you can do to muffle your own noises is to bite down Minghao's shoulder. 
And everything stands still for a minute.
“We need to stop sneaking out,” MInghao says panting above you, you look at him and how disheveled he looks, how his sweaty hair clings to his forehead. He always says that to you, how he always brings that up after sex, If he weren’t a non-believer you would say it was the Christian guilt kicking in after sex, but you know Minghao, and you know why he asks.
“Yeah, I think Chan is finally catching up that something is going on,” You say, your own smile plastered on your face when you hear his silly giggle. 
You look at Minghao again, he is sitting on the bed, back against you. probably dealing with his condom, and you try to bite your own tongue, you try to hold yourself back but the urge to say something is stronger than you, and to be honest when it is about pushing Minghao’s buttons you are not the strongest soldier “but first we are going to talk about your kink list sir," and Minghao silly giggle just turns into a disapproving growl. 
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usuibu · 2 months
Omg!!! I live ur writing so much! The way you write eren is like literally perfect!! I was wondering if I could request reader walking home or at a party or just like out somewhere and they notice some people making her uncomfy and they cal eren to pick them up? Some fluff and comfort are my coping mechanism 😭
LMAO STOP THE COPING MECHANISM IS SO REAL💀💀 and ofc bb thankyou so much for the request i love you😋🥰
Im just gonna work off the whole saviour dynamic w eren and hopefully u dont mind
More requests/masterlist
You don’t know why you’re here, you really should’ve just stayed home if only Mikasa hadn’t dragged you out.
“Cmonnnn it’ll be fun, I promise! Even Sasha’s coming!”
You really shouldn’t have listened to her, right now she’s - God knows where - with Sasha playing some obscure drinking game while you’re here sitting on the leather couch already intoxicated yourself.
You felt gross. Sticky even from the sweaty, crowded living room, humidity suffocating you. There was about 5 people on this couch made to fit only 2, you sat there staring down at your stupid sore feet in your stupid stupid heels with stupid strangers grazing your bare legs next to you.
The noise of the room tuned out as your tipsy brain was half conscious until you were snapped back into reality feeling a creeping hand on your shoulder.
Whoever was next to you was apparently speaking for long enough that you don’t know what they’re on about, “— or we could go back to my apartment..”
Your head snaps back up and you anxiously shrug off this guys tacky hand, sobering up just a little bit. Enough to start comprehending things.
“Sorry, I have to go” you say while peeling yourself off the leather, you don’t know where you have to go you just knew to leave because clearly you weren’t functioning well alone.
You turn and almost begin walking away until you almost trip on your stupid heels, this guys hand had gripped your arm rather too harshly to pull you right back onto the couch.
“Hey we were in the middle of something” he slurs, clearly a little more intoxicated than you.
You’re still so lost, why the fuck is he still talking? Why is this room is so hot? This couch is too sticky. His breath smells like shit. Your feet hurt like shit. You’re so tired all you want to do is leave at this point. All of your senses have been overwhelmed you can’t take it.
He continues to ramble nonsense again so you settle to tune it out again, unsure if your feet have the strength to even walk away and give resistance against this random ass guy if he tries anything worse.
You pull out your phone from your unpractically tiny bag and open your messages.
23:16 — Eren
Yes this is erenb
Can gou pixk me up
How drunk are you💀
Honestly nor that nuch this tine
Thid guys bortherijf me hurry up ples😋
This guy??
What’s going on?
Donr asknme idek myslef💀💀 hes jusr weirdinf me out
Im coming dw mika sent me the address earlier
He didn’t lie when he said he’d be quick, honestly Eren was waiting for you to return from the party. He got too bored sitting in your apartment alone watching tv.
You get a call and immediately shoot up knowing Erens arrived. You’re still too drunk to process whatever this guy was doing.
You think he’s following behind you? Who knows? You get out the front door with a cool breeze hitting you. It’s much quieter out here which would be nice if this guy wasn’t still trying to pursue you even after a good ten minutes of radio silence from you.
You feel your body sigh with relief as you spot Eren’s car, you make eye contact with him through the front window smiling. You can slightly see how he grins at your drunken walk in your painful heels until your vision spins to face the guy.
His hand was now on your shoulder and before you knew it Eren was getting out of his car. Whoever this man was he was clearly upset?? Clearly drunk and clearly mad at you. He’s rambling and you still don’t want to listen, hes saying something about you not mentioning you had a boyfriend or anything along those lines?
All you knew is that he was mad, you could feel it in his inebriated grip on your shoulder. Then you start to feel the alcohol coming back up you’re system as his other hand creeps to hold your waist. “Cmon ditch your boyfriend”
Before you can get a word of disgust out you feel familiar arms save you from this repulsive guys hold. Eren shoves his chest as he drunkenly stumbles backwards.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Eren spits out as his arm ushers you to stand a little behind him. He isn’t really one for violence when it’s a complete stranger. He has better things to do than that.
He can tell he’s drunk and after a few nonsensical sentences pour out the guys mouth; Eren’s done eyeing him down with demise so he walks you back to his car while the guy drags himself back to the party.
“Are you alright?” He questions you while rubbing his hand against your arms to warm you up as much as he can walking down the party’s front yard.
“Yeah I’m alright now at least, thank you Eren”
“That guy looked fucking homeless”
You softly smile to yourself, at ease in Eren’s presence. Half the grossness you felt in that stupid party had already began dissolving.
The drive home was quiet, calm. You were dozing off in the passenger seat while you held his free hand in you lap. His thumb swept back and forth until you arrived home. He reaches behind into the back seat, you’re too hazy to question why really. Eren bends over to take off your heels to then slide ur home slippers on.
“I don’t know why you wore those tonight, you know they hurt”
“I know right?!” You huff back at him. He laughs softly at your drunken state and gets out the car. He opens your car door to usher you out and puts his arm around you to help you walk to your apartment.
He lies you down on the couch and tells u to stay which you have no real trouble doing. He returns to the room holding one of his navy blue t-shirts and grey shorts.
“Okay baby, take off ur dress” he says gently.
“At least ask me to dinner first” you retort back. You snicker at your own joke but take off your dress all the same. He slips his shirt and shorts onto you then carries you to your bed effortlessly.
“You’re soo strong, do you have a girlfriend?” you giggle while feeling up his muscular arms. He only laughs at you and quickly leaves to grab something. He returns again, your micellar water in one hand and your toner in the other, “hey which one is the makeup thingy to take it off?” He questions, trying to communicate with whatever sober is left in you. You point to the micellar bottle and he wipes your face with it. The cool water and Eren’s delicate touch was extremely soothing. Although making you even more tired it did sober you up a little more.
Once he’s done, he puts everything down and climbs in bed next to you, pulling the blanket up, he moves you so that you’re on your side and pulls your knee toward him so that your leg is over his legs. He moves his arm to lie under your neck and pulls your whole body nearer with his free hand now on the small of your back.
You inhale deeply the scent of his chest and neck, now intoxicated by his musky scent while his hand slides up to bring your head nearer while he breathes deeply too, face shoved in the top of your head.
He moves to place a chaste kiss on your forehead.“You okay?” He asks, voice just above a whisper.
“Now I am, that guy was weird”, you murmur back still with a face full of chest.
“Yeah he was a fucking weirdo” Eren says, now speaking at a normal volume. “You’re not going alone to those parties anymore, I’m having a word with Mikasa trust”
You laugh at his seriousness and press a kiss to his collar bone, “No laughing I’m serious” he smiles, making space between you too to be able to kiss your collar bone too. He litters playful kisses on your neck. You laugh more while he roughly moves on top of you to only press more ticklish pecks all over you; intentionally smothering you.
You stop him by grabbing both sides of his head and bringing his lips to yours. You kiss him softly while he willingly returns it. He deepens the kiss with his tongue swiping your bottom lip until you open your mouth in the slightest, letting him slip it inside.
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eternalsams · 1 year
The Piano Lesson ⇴ B.Bradshaw
pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x single mom!reader
warnings: none. just pure fluff. No mention of Y/n.
summary: Rooster is so good with your kid, you might fall head over heels sooner than expected.
words count: 1 525 words.
notes: English isn't my first language, please take that into consideration
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You met Rooster two weeks ago when you had your weekly free evening. Your parents would take Aaron once a week to spend two days at their house and let you have an evening alone to relax. Not that you didn't like him, you absolutely loved the little brat but raising a child by yourself was exhausting. And that night you decided to go out with a friend and then you met him. You knew from the first word he said to you he was gonna be trouble. His upper lip twitching as he told you some cheesy pick-up line to make you laugh. And he did make you laugh.
Your friend eventually abandoned you for a tall brunette and left you alone with this handsome stranger that seemed way too friendly for your own good. You talked with him, you laughed, drank and danced with him until he asked for your number. You then paused and he noticed your hesitation. He took a step back to give you a bit of space and told you you didn't have to if you didn't want to. You quickly stopped him and told him about your son. A smile formed on his face and he chuckled, telling you he loved kids and that wasn't a problem for him. You were surprised a guy like Rooster didn't run away at the mention of a kid but you sure wouldn't complain. You then gave him your number and here you were, wrapping Aaron in his coat before joining Rooster.
That would not be the first time the two boys would meet. The nights when your parents could look after Aaron, you would spent the evening with Rooster walking on the beach or at a nice restaurant. And when they couldn't, you'd spend the afternoon at the park sat on a bench while watching your son at the playground. Aaron had been quite shy the first time he met Rooster but got super excited once he discovered his job was to fly jets. Days went by and the aviator asked you out tonight because he was working all day.
You first told him you couldn't meet him tonight because your parents were busy and you couldn't find a babysitter last minute but he told you he'd like to meet the boy and that he knew a place where you both would be comfortable. When he sent you the address of a bar, you almost canceled the date and blamed yourself for how blind you've been about the man. As if he felt your discomfort, Rooster's name popped up on your screen as he called you. "Hey." He greeted and you could hear his smile. "Hi, look I'm not sure that's a good idea I bring Aaron to a bar. He's only 4 and I really don't think it'll be safe for him." You paced in your living room while watching your boy play with his toys. "I know it doesn't sound great but I can assure you, there's no place where Aaron would be safer. All my friends will be there and the owner of the place is adorable, I'd even ask her to arrange a room if Aaron gets tired."
"I don't know, Bradley..." You sighed as you sat down on your couch. "I'd really like for you to meet the Squad. Please think about it, if you really don't want to come to the Hard Deck, I'll come over and we'll watch a movie." He said and you could hear men talking and lockers slamming, indicating he was still on base. "You don't even know where I live, Rooster." You smiled and you could hear him chuckle. "Then it'll be a nice opportunity for you to make me discover that sweet little house you described to me the other day." His voice grew more distant as he put down the phone and you sighed. "I'll think about it and let you know what we're doing, okay?" You heard him shuffling and close his locker because he answered you. "Perfect. See you tonight, Sweetheart." You felt your cheeks warm up and said goodbye before hanging up and leaning back against the couch as you closed your eyes.
"We're seeing Rooster today?" Aaron's voice called to you. You opened your eyes and went to sit down on the floor next to him to play with him. "Yeah, baby. We're seeing Rooster today. Do you want to meet his pilot friends too?" You watched your son's eyes widen in excitement.
After sending a quick text to Bradley to tell him you would meet him at the bar, you leave your house with anxiety running in your veins. You park your car in the sandy parking lot and help your son getting out of his seat. You take his hand and a smile creeps on your face when you see Rooster at the door. He waves at you and trots to you before taking Aaron in his arms and spinning him in the air, earning giggles from the boy. "If I didn't know you better, I'd think you'd rather spend the evening with Aaron than with me." You cross your arms on your chest with a faux frown. Bradley's eyes land on you and a soft smile stretches his lips before he approaches you and pecks your cheek to greet you. "Don't worry, Sweetheart. You'll always be my favorite." He whispers in your ear not to upset the little boy in his arms. "Now, come on. I want you to meet the Squad." He grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers before leading you to the bar. "Your pilot friends?" Aaron asks him as he steals Rooster's sunglasses to put them on his nose. "That's right, buddy. They're the best pilots in the world, but I'm better than them." He slightly pokes the boy's nose, making him giggle. "You're the bestest!" Aaron exclaims, earning a laugh from Rooster. "Yeah, I'm the bestest."
Just like Bradley promised, you've never felt safer in your life than tonight surrounded by all these naval aviators. They're all very welcoming and nice to you and Aaron, you couldn't have dreamed of any better evening. Luckily for you, the bar wasn't crowded tonight so you can leave Aaron play around without worrying about him every second. He was passing from an aviator's lap to another and played with every single one of them, but you knew his favorite would still be Rooster at the end of the day. You're talking with Bob when you notice Aaron isn't with you anymore. Panic slaps you in the face as you stand up and look around to find your son, calling his name. "He's with Rooster at the piano." The blonde one, Hangman you think, tells you, pointing at something behind you. You turn around and catch a sight you would not forget anytime soon. Bradley is sat in front of the piano with Aaron on his lap and the two of them are playing with the keys.
You sigh in relief and thank Hangman before heading towards the two boys that held your heart in their hands. "I just realized you could've taken my kid without me even noticing." You joke as you grab a chair and sit down next to them. "I'm sorry we scared you, the little guy wanted to see the piano." Bradley looks up at you as you smile. "It's okay, don't worry." You exchange soft smiles before his attention goes back to your son on his lap. "You want me to play something, buddy?" He asks Aaron and laughs when the boy nods frantically his head. "Okay, okay. What song do you like?" You watch the boy think for a minute as he fiddle with the white keys. "Mika!" Aaron looks up at Rooster with a grin on his face. "Mika? Okay, let's see." Bradley grabs his tiny hands to put them away and slips his fingers on the keys, looking for the right notes. Just as you think he's gonna start slow, he suddenly hits the first keys and you immediately recognize Grace Kelly.
Some people in the bar go quiet when they hear the music and you can see some of them gather around the piano. You feel blood rushing to your neck and warming up your face from the attention you receive but that doesn't stop Bradley. He then starts singing and you find yourself laughing as he makes Aaron bounce on his thigh. The first verse ends and when Rooster tries to hit the high notes of the chorus, the little boy on his lap bursts out laughing at how out-of-tune Bradley sounds. You can hear Rooster laugh a little between two lines and you can almost feel your heart grow bigger. You can't turn your gaze from the man in front of you, being so good with your son. You're a bit scared of what will happen between the two of you but you know you'll do anything to keep him in your and Aaron's life just to see your little boy smile and hear him laugh all day long.
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gentaro-kinniecom · 1 year
🫧Kissing/Making out + Hcs🫧Pt7
Characters: Mayoi Ayase, Ibara Saegusa and Mika Kagehira
C/w: Shy Mayoi Ayase (like usual) and clingy too!!, IBARAAA I love him sm (i had butterfies in my stomach writing his part), Mika’s bold at kissing
A/n: sillies!! TWO MORE TO GO OMGG 🤭
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Mayoi Ayase
Mayoi is very shy and prefers if you take the initiative the majority of times
However, he likes kissing, a lot, to the point where he climgs to you but doesn’t like admiting he wants kisses
Around friends, Mayoi always stays by your side
He’s tries, really, to talk with them or be in the conversation but Mayoi would rather speak with you alone or if around people, apart from them
He enjoys making out in his room, it just feels right and safe, especially if he’s had a bad day and only wants to spend it cuddling
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Ibara Saegusa
Ibara doesnt really like anything that has to do with affection, at least at first, after a few months of dating, he changed how he felt about you
Since the majority of times he’s busy, Ibara opts in buying you things to make up for lost time
When he does have the time, he likes taking you out on expensive dates
So sweet whenever you both kiss, it’s like he’s exposing his innermost parts of his heart
Make outs are very romantic, he likes holding the back of your head and have you on his lap while kissing you dearly for a while
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Mika Kagehira
Believe it or not, he’s quite brave when showing affection
Principally when you’re both in need of cuddles and kisses
Make outs happen “accidentally” in the sewing room when Shu’s gone, especially if Mika wanted you to try one of his works in progress
He adores when you caress his hair when you both make out, his heart accelerates I swear.
Shu secretly likes seeing Mika happy, which is why he’s nice to you…and because you have good taste in fashion
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kankuroplease · 1 month
can you make a Hc for Elke or Leonie please 🐾🖌🎨?but you don't have to, I mean, do you enjoy doing Hcs, doing Hcs and drawing it's because we like doing it it's a little pleasure. I don't want it to be boring work for you so you don't have to do an Hc 😊🖤
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OC headcons aren’t boring to me, but they’re a lot of work. It’s why I skip some request for them 😆 but I’ll do short versions for both Leonie and Elke
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She’s the eldest of the triplets
She was also the worst of their children in temperament as she would have tantrums over every little thing
Which, thankfully, she grew out of with time
Instead preferring to paint the side of their home, herself, and brothers with mud
She has piebaldism like father, grandmother, and two brothers
Even though she’s not alone in having it, she’s extremely self conscious about it as it’s not just her forelock or one one two patches. It’s all over her body
Which led to some mean comments from other kids
her sense of smell wasn’t heightened at all, so she felt less than her siblings and would cry to her mother about it
Despite feeling left out, her triplet Mika always made sure she was involved
It’s why he became her first muse when she got more seriously into art (he’s so nice compared to their triplet, Sena)
She did not want a ninken, but her parents insisted having one would make her feel more included with the Inuzuka
The compromised and ended up getting her one that’s a bit more self sufficient and also very small (a requirement of hers)
her father noticed she really enjoyed art and he made it his mission to get her an easel and materials to create with. Mika just made it easier to create
Her and Sena always argued. Not because of how he treated her, but because he was mean towards Mika
Asahi did a good job scaring off her bullies for her, but he also told her to use her fist. Their parents are shinobi, don’t let this peaceful little life fool her into thinking she can’t throttle these kids
Kuri tried to dress her up pretty but Leonie wasn’t a fan of frills and bows. She eventually stopped trying let Leonie be the wild child she was
Frederick made the best braids and she always asked (demanded) him to do hers and dance with her
She use to ask Sena why he hated everyone so much, but eventually came to accept that he didn’t hate them. He just wanted something different than what he had.
Her and Elke were always close. She would paint to Elke’s singing and when they were older, Elke did try to introduce her to some guys too
Arashi always knew how to make her smile and laugh. If there is one sibling she was sad to have move out, it was him
By the time she reach young adulthood, she didn’t care what people thought about her and she was gain some notoriety for portraits
With some affluent customers commissioning her (thank you, Elke)
Unlike her sisters, she didn’t have some super pheromones or some Prince Charming willing to sweep her off her feet
She had a love of oddities and a new muse she found to keep her mind busy
Nothing like getting chased by some men through the woods and some blur of a humanoid creature ripping them to shreds
She blacked out and when she woke up she was closer to edge near her town
those blacked out, yet glowing, eyes really stuck with her on her walk back home
She’s not exactly sure what she saw, but her paintings of it worry her parents and she’s heard them murmuring about if it was one of “them”
They even assigned her one of her father’s ninken as a bodyguard
So she got the feeling that creature wasn’t all in her head
And decided to bring her sketches to ask her grandmother about it
Who immediately told her to stay out of the woods because that creature is most likely from a very specific clan, and much too dangerous to risk running into again
She was unsure of how or why this person was somehow here too, but if it is, then everyone should be on high alert
She also gave Leonie a good thump between the eyes as she could see her excitement building
This person was a berserker who’s unpredictable nature was too risky to be around
Much to her grandmother’s dismay, Leonie had washed the set of clothes she could have used to track this person because they were covered in dirt
Even with a sweep of the woods with the Inuzuka’s best and their ninken, nothing came of it
Just dried blood where those men who were chasing her had been slain
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She was the last girl Wolfgang and Ringo had
Their little full moon festival baby (it’s said to be a lucky time to be born)
Such a sweet and happy baby that blended into the family well
She was a quick learner in ninjutsu, polite, and had an angelic little voice she used to sing her favorite songs from a young age. So they really felt lucky!
Ebba told them that full moon births are said to be unfortunate as well, so they better watch Elke
Wolfgang didn’t believe in old wives tales and reassured Ringo their daughter would be fine
And she was! She made lots of friends and found her own ninken
Learned how to play the lute, harp, Kalimba, and Guzheng by age 12. She was truly a musical genius and was getting lots of fame for it
Then, it all got out of hand the spring of her first blood
All of a sudden Elke was extremely popular with members of a genders, as if they were under a spell
Wolfgang was getting tired of his door constantly being knocked and was even more worried at the looks his daughter was getting
He almost had a fight with a young woman over her not letting go of Elke’s hand while promising her the world if she would just be his wife
Turns out she was some duchess and really could, but that’s not the point!
Many letters professing love and poetry that could make a grown woman blush kept pouring in after every performance
Gifts that were to luxurious to expect, flowers, confections, etc.. you name it, Elke was receiving it
Elke decided to not leave the house with a family escort out of fear from this new found attention
It was at point they learned from some elders that Elke’s pheromones were very strong to say the least and appealing in a way that was extremely rare
She basically was emitting them at such a high level, that even non Inuzuka were being effected by it
Ebba and the elders began working on a perfume to help mask her scent and get her back to a level of normalcy with her interactions with other people
It was simi effective; enough to stop the overwhelming reaction
Elke was able to go back to being a performer. Traveling only a little bit with her ninken
choosing to live at home with Leonie and their parents
It took a few more years to figure some things out
But what was once an issue, she quickly learned how to utilize it in her favor. Less perfume, higher pay. More perfume and she can walk around like normal Inuzuka
It was fun to see how she affected others when it came to monetary gain, but with romance, she wanted to be loved for who she was not something as ridiculous as her pheromones
And she was able to find her true loves; two men and a man. The other pieces of her heart
It was tricky to navigate their dynamic as she didn’t have a polyam example (because her dad forbid her grandmother from talking about her romantic relationships) to go off of
one is strictly only attracted to her, another is her sweet cuddly asexual partner, and the other has social anxiety but has been her best friend and duet partner for years
She didn’t want to ruin a good thing being reckless
And what would her parents and siblings think?
But her grandmother told her as long as she communicates with them and make sure to respect their needs and boundaries, then things will work out if they’re meant to be
And she was right, like usual
She talked to her parents and their only concern was if Elke felt genuinely happy, loved ,and safe with her partners. If so, they were more than happy for her
Asahi said he was in no posture to judge others with his housemate situation
Kuri almost choked. She was shocked, but she knew all of them and they all were good people, so she can’t complain too much 😭
Frederick was just impressed. He can’t get one to stay, but she got three. Go baby, sis
Leonie felt very similar to Frederick, but added that she didn’t need to worry. They all support them
Mika was excited for her!
Sena was missing during this period (once again)
Arashi fully supports Elke! Especially because one of her girlfriends is an old sail mate of his
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Hey could you make a part 2 of the 'Yandere Ferid: Welcome to the Real World' story?
Wow I'm so surprised anyone cared!
But I'd be more than happy to!!
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Yandere Yuichiro Huakuya:: Welcome to the Real World (P2)
“Oh Mika-chan and your princess’ friends, how nice to see you.”
It was in fact not nice to see them
But thanks to their intervention you were allowed to peacefully rest and recover from your blood loss
“I’m glad we got here in time! You can rest now (Y/n)!” 
With Shinoa and Mika babysitting Ferid in the living room 
While Yuu and the others held up in your room watching you sleep
“Hi I’m Yuichiro Hyakuya, I hope if it isn’t too much trouble that we move in with you?”
Like with Ferid you had no other choice but to house the characters you were watching so little ago
All while being plenty vague about why they were there
In your defense Yuu was the main aggressor in keeping your attention from the isekai mess that was becoming your home
He’s always up to something new 
fawning at the technology he could only recall vaguely from his childhood
Asking you to show him how it works or reporting to you how he’s ‘mastered it’
While you didn’t mind, you realized you didn’t recall having to do this with your vampire roommate
Who, by the way was seething silently as Mika kept him an allotted distance from you
“Aw come onnn~! Me and my Dove have been living in perfect harmony! Why do you all care to disrupt us.”
But Yuu’s especially insistent on keeping you busy 
Not because he felt like he needed to occupy every asset of your attention
Your pretty sure its to offset a certain someone’s blood starvation:
“Ah Yuuichiro–”
“Ah right, sorry. Look Yuu its really fine, I’ve been letting him drink my blood so he doesn’t attack anyone else in the neighborhood. So Really its okay–”
“No! You give him an inch and he’ll take a mile!”
Emerald eyes narrowed in your direction, sparked with a protagonist's determination which almost was enough to keep you from walking in Ferid’s direction. He was the only one blocking the door of your room, insisting that you couldn’t handle the vampire while you were still recovering. Yuu was the forefront of the movement to keep you separated from Ferid, which was probably why he was so avidly guarding the route.
“Come on Yuu can’t I move in my own home? And can’t I make my own decisions about what I do?”
“No you can’t!” 
“Why not?”
He flustered, face turning red as he sputtered,“Because–because you’re not–you’re my—ugh!”
While he struggled to find the words you took the chance to weave past him only to feel the speedy snatch of his arms against your waist. Holding you close to his midsection as he swept you off the ground.
“Wait Yuu–”
You attempted to struggle from his hold as he further carried you away from your door. Plopping on the bed with you in tow, it seems you greatly misinterpreted his strength tiring yourself out as your struggling continued.
“No (Y/n)! your staying with me and that’s final!”
When you found yourself getting lightheaded from the exertion, you went limp. Noticing your tired form he smiled as he readjusted you. Slotting you inbetween his legs with your back resting on his chest, you missed the joyful smile that spread across his face. 
Overtaken by wave of exhaustion, you yawned not bothered by the nuzzling he does into your head. Holding you close you can vaguely register the only other vampire coming in.
“Yuu-chan…its time.”
“I know!I know! Now’s the perfect time since they’re so sleepy.”
“Good. Shinoa’s already making preparations…are you sure this is okay?”
“Of course! Even back then (Y/n) would have wanted you to! They just can’t make the best decisions right now.”
He flashed his smile to the blonde, hugging you tight to his chest,
“So that’s why we can’t listen to them much right now. So it’s okay!” 
“Yeah…I agree.”
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kyotakumrau · 4 months
2024.02.16-17 sukekiyo at Kyoto Gekijo
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I really wanted to write about each show separately but then the 17th was filled with too many exciting things and there was no time. So I'll try about them together. And because of the setlists it also feels like they both belong together anyway.
2.16 The first day flow felt like the young idol started bright and excited, innocent, but then fell, experiencing the dirty side of love and people, but wanted to find love somehow anyway. And it finished with 呼吸・kokyuu...
As the BGM they are playing another movie (sound only).
5 minutes to and then at 6:30 the theatre buzzer sounded to signal the start of the show.
They had the usual see through screen in front of the stage (always done for the seated shows). sukekiyo and the tour name appeared as the snow was softly falling in the dark. At the same time band members walked on the stage, Takumi first, followed by Yuchi and Mika, then utA and Kyo last.
And Takumi started the piano melody of Margaret. It's so nice that they again chose to start with the last song from the previous tour, like they're creating a connection between then and now.
The stage was mostly their normal setting, but Kyo's stand had a dark bouquet laying in the middle of the table, I'm pretty sure it was the one with the doll in it that he shared in his Instagram story. There was also a high chair on the right side of his stand, right next to it.
And a new addition were big light bulbs hanging on wires over the stage, one over each band member hanging lower and four more a bit higher, nine in total. When グロス・Gloss started they lit up but dimmed when song got quieter.
During 愛した心臓・Aishita shinzo Kyo was dancing, he also came close the screen stretching his arm towards audience. (but I'm always unsure how much they can see from the other side because of how the light works on the screen), he crouched when dancing. Kyo was very dancey, utA as well (I was sitting on utA's side that night, aisle seat though).
They all wore outfits from their last artist photos. utA's hair was more standing, full 90s visual kei style. Kyo changed his look having a very different hairstyle. Because he shaved his head to get a new tattoo in January his hair is still very short, like in Citta he glued things on though, for sukekiyo he had two thin pink braids, one on each side, styled in a way they created two rings. And he had the porcelain doll effect make up, shiny face with drawn eyebrows, dark eye make up and full lips. The back of his dress is quite open so we could see his tattooed back. And he wore pink tabi boots to complete the look. (you can check those tweets 1️⃣ 2️⃣ to see fans drawings of him, just pls don't repost)
Both Candis and Valentina were quite fun with the pen lights. And this part had a lot of dancey songs that even come with set dance moves... But since it was a seated show it was only Kyo dancing, with other band members rocking and jumping as well, fans had to endure and stay in their seats😂
With 口に林檎・kuchi ni ringo the stage went darker and Kyo was lit up by his mic stand's pink light. aftermath followed with the soft dark mood in the venue and the video on the screen. Some of the autumn temple has been edited and changed to pink cherry blossoms with petals scattering. Kyo sang standing by his mic stand, illuminated in pink.
And after the song ended Takumi played the piano melody that starts the session. Kyo softly walked towards the chair and sat with one leg over the other, very dignified, like a film noir singer or a diva. A black clothed staff member walked on the stage from the left side holding a make up case and started to 'do' Kyo's make up. He patted Kyo's face with a towel, he then used a sponge and a brush, then 'did' Kyo's lips. I don't think he actually changed anything but it was a part of the performance. Kyo stayed seated almost motionless through the whole process.
Then Kyo softly got up and walked to his mic stand, the session continued as Kyo joined singing. The cheerful idol from the start of the concert was gone by now, the innocence lost. The want, the hurt, the darker feelings took place to create someone new.
訪問者X・HomonshaX had Kyo dancing like a bug, very different from the way he danced as a cute idol.
It felt to me that the lights towards the end of the performance were changing between red - fiery, angry and strong - and blue - calmer and sadder, to me it felt like there was a battle of various emotions inside of our heroine. I aways have a ton of respect for Mika who is creating the visualisations for the shows. Like during 変わってくれませんでしょうか・kawattekuremasendeshouka? when the front screen is very simple and the sides are dark with water falling over Kyo in the middle as the rain is supposed to wash everything away.
During 夢見ドロ・Yumemidoro Kyo was dancing more seductively, even wrapped his leg around the mic stand, baring it to the people. During Scarlet Kyo was pointing his lips with his index finger, 'I want you to kiss me'. Even broken things want to find love.
And at the end the acceptance came and resignation. Ending with 呼吸・kokyu had many people crying, if they were not crying by then anyway.
At the end Kyo slowly turned and left the stage. The end credits started on the screen, the audience was clapping as the rest of the band members slowly left as well. But many people kept crying even then (yours truly included).
But we did get the Gion Matsuri tour announced! 4 days at Kyoto MUSE! I wonder how many people will manage to hit all tickets on one account... I'll try😂
One more thing that was different was Kyo's stand, on the second day there were no flowers there. So I guess it was a present for his birthday?
The setlist flow was was different on this day. They started with 訪問者X・homonshaX and Kyo's bug dance. He was also pointing at the audience as he sang.
During グロス・Gloss the light bulbs lit up again. There was one moment when Kyo made a movement raising his arms like he wanted to catch his light bulp between his hands.
The video for The Hole had a mix of colours and Kyo was dancing. He definitely had more of a seductress in his movements on the second night. He stretched one arm and moved the other with the music and switched them. The idol songs following felt quite different because of the way they started the set and the mood.
After aftermath the staff came again to 'do' Kyo's make up and it was followed up with a session. At the end the stage was quite dark with a simple spotlight on Kyo.
With 論外な生き物として・rongaina ikimono toshite I love how the song switches from soft to heavy, from Kyo carresing the mic stand softly to him headbanging.
And the hair set he had made it kinda interesting for headbanging 😆 he had thin pink braids glued to his hair again, this time the loops were shorter so the end of the brace was behind the loops. So they bounced when Kyo moved. He wore a cropped black top with puffy sleeves and strands of pearls over it. Flowy pleated black skirt and again pink tabi boots. Make up was very similar to the first night. (fan's drawing)
The rest of the band members had different outfits too. utA again had a very classic v-kei outfit, this time his hair was styled to the right side. Takumi had a long white collar outfit. Mika I couldn't see, from my seat Mika was obstructed by Kyo's iPad stand 😅 Yuchi had a sleeveless Nike top with long gloves, he changed his hair style too to add more braids.
I can't play any instruments and I don't have especially trained ears, but I'm always impressed with the sound quality at sukekiyo shows as well. I can cearly hear all instruments and they create this amazing harmony together. And I also enjoy the fact that band members use different instruments for some songs (like aftermath). I could hear the wonderful bass promised by Yuchi, Mika's powerful drums, utA's guitar, especially during solos, Takumi's piano and guitars. And Kyo's voice. 🖤
For ただ、まだ、私。・tada, mada, watashi. there was no visualisation on the screen, so it looked like there was no screen besides a bit of a smoke by the floor. There was light coming from the back of the stage and very lightly the band members silhouettes appeared above the stage. And because of this the stage appeared to be very deep.
I liked the flow of the last part of the setlist, it didn't feel as gut wrenching as the first night.
The end credits started aready during Margaret and Kyo calmly left as soon as the song ended. The rest of the band followed as fans started to give applause.
I'm so curious what we will see in Tokyo. Only one more performance left.
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bengiyo · 2 days
Don't Care for an Old Man's Underwear! Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
This watch is made possible thanks to the continued efforts of @isaksbestpillow
Last time, Kakeru went back to school when he learned that he might not pass to the next grade. Both Mika and Makoto showed Kakeru that they had his back, and he opened up to his dad that he doesn't dislike being a man but doesn't want to be coarse or manly; he wants to be pretty and cute. After replaying Daichi's advice in his head, he ended up befriending some girls in his grade, but a makeup artist who hustles the girls is mad at Kakeru. Makoto is trying to be patient with his son and just hold fast, and is doing his best. Daichi's boyfriend is still quite closeted, and Daichi is doing his best to be patient and understanding.
Oh, Makoto, please don't try to make a joke.
This is interesting. I was wondering if the copier sales industry would have plateaued and maybe started to decline, and how the juniors would respond to management expecting more output from them.
I am glad Madoka is being honest about not being able to come out to his parents, and is telling Daichi immediately. It's nice to have a show taking some difficult aspects of being gay seriously. Madoka isn't very femme, so I get how he probably avoided being clocked this whole time.
I respect this show so much for having Daichi say the understanding boyfriend thing to Madoka, and then letting us see his disappointment and hurt when he was alone.
Gay boys and their moms. These two display so much emotional intelligence, that it doesn't surprise me that she's the first one he's blown up at in the show. He came close with Makoto. He's right that the amount of patience and grace he's afforded others is not returned often enough.
Huge fan of these moms sharing with each other, and for Mika to want to return the help she's received from Daichi.
The grading of Makoto is a fun bit. I hope it becomes a runner.
I'm so happy that Kakeru is bonding with another boy over his skincare.
Goddammit, Makoto, don't jump to conclusions. Just trust Kakeru to tell you the important things!
NOOOO! YOU'RE STEPPING INTO PEOPLE'S BUSINESS! Daichi already told you who he likes is his personal matter!
Oh no they applauded. He's going to do something extra at the barbecue.
This show is excellent. Daichi and Makoto got to bond over both being simps, and they immediately followed that scene with the kinds of grossed out responses you can get for telling someone you like them. It's scary and painful.
Oh fuck I just burst into tears like an anime character. Daichi may have played that whole scene as calm as possible, but I felt the stakes. He liked Madoka, and probably sensed the mutual attraction. He also could tell that Madoka was not out. However, when those boys asked him to a group date, he didn't want to go back in the closet, and also needed to show Madoka that he is actually out. However, he's been careful to not make Madoka run, which is why he didn't say anything before. His adrenaline was definitely pumping through all of that. When Madoka touched his hand I immediately cried.
Hurting that Madoka says, "I'm the same as you, and not I'm gay too." That feels intentional. Saying it is hard for closet types.
Honestly, Makoto doing independent reading to update himself is a really important step. It's super important that he not rely exclusively on Daichi and his family to tell him things.
I am concerned that Kakeru is buying makeup and skincare products for people.
Oh good, Hasegawa paid him back, and even tried to understand Kakeru more. He's very much a dude, and I like that.
Y'all keep gassing up my side about how he's changed. He's gonna make a huge gaffe at this BBQ.
And there it is. I don't mind Madoka kinda over explaining what Makoto did wrong. He's an educated man struggling with coming out because he wants to stand beside Daichi properly, so I can accept him turning this over in his head. It's interesting because Makoto is always saying the first thing that comes to mind. He was genuinely trying to be welcoming here, and it blew up on him.
This is my favorite show of the year. No other show has captured the abject terror involved with coming out so clearly in years. That they showed Daichi coming out in college after wed already seen him suffer in high school prepared us for the incoming Makoto gaffe. Because we respect and trust Daichi, we can have that moment. I love the drama of this because it's a byproduct of Makoto genuinely trying to do better. He wouldn't have even been invited before. This show whips ass.
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 4 months
Hi Mika. I have a request idea here and could I request an Eren x Fem!Explorer!Reader fluff/smut/comfort where after Eren decides to leave Paradis permanently and moves in with Y/N in her home and became very attached to her and felt loved by her. Later at night, as Eren sits in the bathtub taking a relaxing bubble bath and thinks of the adventures of being in the scouts especially his friendship with Mikasa and Armin, Jaegerists, rumbling, being found by Y/N after his rebirth and felt loved by her, and going on treasure hunts with her including helping her put some of the artifacts in museums and began to cry from the memories. Then, Erens thoughts were interrupted and noticed y/n walking in the bathroom in her nightgown to check if he’s okay before going to brush her teeth and go through her nightly routine before she heads to bed. After Eren finished up his bath and dries himself up, he climbs into bed (he’s used to sleeping naked) and hovers over Y/N and gave her sloppy kisses until one thing lead to the other (side note Y/N kept her nightgown during her first time with Eren). After Y/N and Eren finished their lovemaking session, Eren gave Y/N a kiss and tearfully tells her not to leave him and Y/N comforts him that she’ll never leave him and will always be there for him whenever he’s at his lowest point before giving him a kiss and fell asleep in his arms? Thanks! - 🧁
(Welcome back 🧁 Anon, it’s nice to see you again!! I hope you enjoy this, have a fantastic day or night. Also my apologies if this is kinda bad, this isn’t my best work but I tried.)
Eren Yeager x FEM! Explorer! Reader
(Warning: This is part 3 of the FEM! Explorer! Reader series, swearing, NSFW scenes, comfort, and fluff)
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Today was a long and tiresome day, it was the day that you and Eren arrived at your hometown and got settled in. You both decided to relax for the rest of the day before meeting your folks tomorrow.
Eren was taking a bath to both clean himself and relax, until he started thinking about everything that has happened. The rumbling, his dear friends dying, and you. You were by far the best thing that has happened to him. You saved him and he couldn’t be more grateful for that.
His tear-inducing thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door, “Uh- oh come in.” Eren said, already knowing it’s you.
You open the door, peeking your head in the bathroom, “I came to check in on you since it’s been a while- are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m okay, I was just remembering everything. You can get into bed, I’ll be out in a few minutes.” Eren says.
“Oh alright, I’ll see you whenever you’re finished.” You say as you close the door, leaving Eren by himself to get up from the tub and dry off.
After he was done, he walks to the bedroom to find you on the bed and on your side smiling at his return. Eren climbs on the bed and wraps his arms around you tightly, kissing your shoulder and slowly moving to your neck.
You flip over to face him, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately. The kiss quickly became intense and the sexual tension in the air was clear to both of you. Eren pulled away and looked at you in the eyes, “Are you really sure about this?” He said, making sure that you were completely comfortable with this.
“I’m positive.” You stated with no sign of discomfort or uncertainty in your voice.
With that information you and Eren continued on. Kissing turned into making out, gentle touches turned into more rough touches. As you both pull away to catch your breath, Eren spoke up “Turn on your other side, I wanna make you feel good.”
You flipped over to your side and let Eren take control, even though you only known him for a few days you trusted him.
He wrapped his arms around you, one hand on your chest and the other slowly feeling all over you. You could hear his voice whisper soft praises in your ear, while you felt his hand go further down. He rubbed your clothed core slowly until he decided to move his hands underneath your clothes, feeling your wetness.
You let out a quiet moan when you feel two of his fingers enter you. When Eren’s fingers couldn’t go in any further he stopped to kiss the nape of your neck before beginning to move his digits.
He was moving slowly at first but now his movements got increasingly faster, inpatient to make you feel good. Your moans increased when he curled his fingers into your sweet spot.
The room was filled with utter passion and loud pleasure-filled moans as your orgasm began to creep up on you at a fast rate. All of his movements and praises brought you to your climax. Eren moved slower while you rode out your orgasm, kissing your head before pulling out and putting his own fingers in his mouth to taste you.
He flips you over and looks into your eyes “Y/N, promise me that you’ll never leave.”
You were a little shocked by this question, but still unhesitatingly said a quiet “I promise” before kissing him. You break the kiss to say one last thing for the night, “I promise I won’t leave you.”
Eren softly smiles at the statement, pulling you into his chest and whispering a quiet good night before closing his eyes and thinking to himself that this night couldn’t have been any better.
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ironbloodaika · 8 months
Happy Halloween 2023!
This is something long overdue. Even though I stopped posting my commissions on here that doesn't mean I've stopped getting them!
I've especially enjoyed getting Halloween commissions because those are really fun to conceive, order, and see made into reality. I've especially enjoyed getting them from Aeolus06 and he's never disappointed. Sadly due to me being between jobs I couldn't get any this year. :( That said I've decided to use this as an opportunity to show what I've got over the last few years and hopefully you'll love them as much as I do! :)
These first four are unique in that these were all from the same year (2020 to be exact). Since Aeo has a cool down period between commissions, I actually got these all done over a period of a few months. XD Took a lot of luck and prayer, but I got all the ideas I wanted done!
First one was probably the most complex, but was worth it because of how well it fit. Star, Marco, and Hekapoo from Star vs The Forces of Evil as AndrAIa, Matrix, and Older!AndrAIa from Reboot! Much like Matrix, Marco had a bit of age jumping that fit naturally (especially body types and eye scars). Plus Star and Hekapoo are shipped pretty hard with him so it was natural they dress as the different versions of Matrix's lady love.
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Also, Fun Fact: Marco's scar/prosthetic eye is on the wrong side compared to his costume, but I felt it was better to ignore it than have Aeo flip the entire costume. XD
Next up we had some classic hotties from Canada, Lindsay and Courtney. Everyone with a pulse will know I'm a Courtney fan, so I'm always eager to give her some love. And while I'm not AS big on Lindsay, she's a fun character and I have some friends who love her too so I didn't mind them sharing the spotlight.
Obviously the theme/inspiration behind this pics conception is the fact Lindsay and Courtney pack the biggest T and A on the island respectively, so they needed some costumes to illustrate that. Thus we got Courtney as everyone's fave lady wrestler Rainbow Mika from Street Fighter and Lindsay as the boxing cheerleader Tiffany Lords from Rival Schools. Both ladies who kick ass and look good doing it! Give these ladies some love folks!
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Another Fun Fact: This one took faster to do than I expected, mostly cause I didn't realize my refs were thigh high. In the end I feel it still looked good and didn't bother bringing it up. XD
Here's another cute couple and one I think deserves more love. Eclipsa Butterfly and Globgor are also from SVTFOE and honestly very sweet and adorable. While they're regarded as evil by less tolerant folk, they're honestly some of the sweetest characters you'll see on the show. I feel this is a nice contrast to their costumes, Sindel and Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat. I went with the MK9 versions of their outfits since they were both modern and simple. Didn't wanna be THAT guy who commissions SUPER complicated outfits. I'm not a sadist! While later games would retcon Sindel into being just as evil as Shao (something thankfully corrected in MK1) I still feel this outfit and character works for Eclipsa, even if she and her hubby are as far from evil as you can get. XD
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Final pic of this year is another couples pic with Danny Fenton and Paulina Sanchez. I ship these two and take no shame in it. This was originally gonna just be Paulina as Phantom Girl from Legion of Superheroes since the name and colors matched Danny perfectly. But then I figured just having Paulina in costume wouldn't be fair, so I had him dress up as Timberwolf, since I recall them having a few moments in the cartoon. A cartoon, much like this pairing, is very underrated. XD
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Now to 2021! This was a fun crossover and and me deciding to avoid "themes" and combining two character pin-ups in one! Once again we have Hekapoo and this year she's dressed up as Otedamako. Who's that? Only my fave Monster of the Day from Sailor Moon! :3 To her side with have a humanoid Rarity showing off her darkside as Martha from Helluva Boss! This one came from the animated opening in G5 that had Rarity showing off some spiky teeth and a crazy look in her eyes. IMMEDIATELY brought Martha too mind. All and all, very happy with how these two came out!
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And now to the prior year of 2022. By this point Aeo started coloring the stream commissions and honestly, it was worth the price increase. Dude is a machine! If this one has a theme it's basically me taking the waifus of my close friends (Chill, Terrible, and Raccoon) and dressing them as other sexy waifus. From left to right we have Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia dressed as Harlequin, the Harley Quinn of the Gods and Monsters film. A very hot/underrated design for a VERY twisted take on the character. Toga makes it work! Front and center we have Wilhamena Mettle from OK K.O.! as Starfire, specifically the comic book version for obvious reasons. XD Finally we have Juri Han from Street Fighter dressed in the tight leathers of Penelope Spectra from Danny Phantom, specifically her second form. Lot of specifics in this piece. XD
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Final Fun Fact: Was tempted to have Wilhamena as Star Canary, the fusion of Starfire and Black Canary from the Batman/Superman comic. Very hot design. XD
And a bit of a bonus! I ended up really helping out a new friend on deviantART back in 2020 and got to get a bit of art as a thank you. Courtesy of XJKenny we have Meteora Butterfly, daughter of Eclipsa and Globgor as Mileena. Also her MK9 design, this not only works for Meteora herself given her story, but also matches up with her parents' costumes as well!
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Well that's everything I wanted to share this year! This has been a rough year for me personally and for the world as a whole. But I'm hoping we can turn things around a bit with what bit of the year we have left.
Happy Halloween everyone! Stay scared and stay safe! 👻 🎃
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boseobrien · 5 months
Things I didn't/don't like about the df characters.
I was not a fan of Chapa in season 1. She just pissed me off so badly because she would honestly get angry for such little things, and she was just overall really stubborn. I used to skip her scenes i was just not vibing with her negativity. I know that's her character, but yeah, that's just how I felt.
I used to find Mika annoying most of season 2, and I think I already said this, but so far in season 3, I'm not the biggest of her new personality. In season 2, I just felt like she really did suck the fun outta things, and I just felt she had a small pass aggressive superiority complex even if she doesn't mean to. And so far in season 3, she just doesn't really feel like Mika, like she used to be so nice, comforting, and patient, but it seems like she sometimes she just has an unnecessary attitude and the superiority complex she's becoming more aware of. Superiority compex in a sense that she thinks she's the only smart one and no one else should have ideas type of thing. I mean, she's ofc smarter than everyone, but like give others a chance.
This one really isn't his fault. I loved Miles's characters in season 1. It felt so fresh, but it went downhill after that. He just started to become overshadowed by everyone else's soild personality, and it became too easy to forget about him. Like there really isn't anything to him. Someone could ask me what his core personality is I wouldn't really know what to say. I still adore him but he really doesn't do anything to make the audience feel anyway towards him now.
Bose is just Bose. He's the only one whose personality has stayed consistent. The stereotypical himbo that gets no character development and is only there for comedic relief. If you think about it, his character is very flat.
Should I do things I don't like about the duos??
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4-leaf-cloverr · 4 days
HOW SWEET! - track 1. OMG.
a/n: get ready for an irregular posting schedule guys!! I will update whenever I can! I'll try to do it as often as I can cause I love my man 💋💋 please listen to OMG its gotta be one of my fav new jeans songs
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You told Mika that you had to talk to someone and instead of going back to the dressing room, you ran down and back to the exit. You caught him just as he was about to leave.
"Y/N, I-" He looked at you, fully glammed out in your cute outfit and makeup, "Is it really you?"
"Yeah. It's me. It's been so long uh..." This was awkward for the both of you. It was even worse that you forgot his name.
"Shinonome Akito. You really forgot my name?" He played it off as a joke, but his eyes showed that he felt slightly hurt.
"Akito! I'm sorry, I remember everything about you, just not your name." You didn't want people to start making theories of you two dating, so you had to go somewhere a little more private.
"You really brought this dude in our dressing room?" Rei complained.
"Oh shut it Rei, do you want SWEET TOOTH to be caught in a controversy as soon as they have a concert. Wait, why did you come here in the first place?" You asked.
He turned his face away from you. "Well uh, I recognized your face when I saw a promo for your concert on social media. And so I got tickets, hoping I'd at least get to see you once more."
"That's so sweet! And you guys were childhood friends?" Sayaka smiles, resting her chin on your head.
"Yup, it was really nice. But then I had to move away to Osaka." You frown. Akito has really grown up since you last saw him. His hair now had a dyed yellow streak, he had earrings, his overall vibe was just different.
Unfortunately for you, he noticed your staring. "I guess we've both really changed, huh?"
"Gosh you two are so awkward. I'm going outside." Mika picked up her bag and left the dressing room, Rei and Sayaka following suit. That left you and your childhood best friend Akito motherfucking Shinonome in the dressing room alone.
"I'm not going to be staying here for long. We have another concert some other place around here and then we're off to some other place in Japan. Then we go to America. I don't know how long we'll stay there," You inform him.
"So we're only going to actually have time together for like, a day?" He asks.
You nod. "It really sucks. I wanted to talk to you more but at least we have phones? Give me your number." You handed him your phone and he typed in his number. He made his contact name "Akito 🧡" an orange heart. You look at the phone and back up at him.
He's smirking. What a cocky bastard. "I deserve to have a heart next to my name, y/n. Maybe I won't write shitbag as your contact name cause you're special."
You playfully punch him. "I'm changing yours to stupid ginger."
"Don't you dare change it!"
You both burst into laughter. Only one day with him? You missed everything about Akito. You wiped a tear from your eye. "Akito, you have to promise me that we're going to spend the rest of the time that I'm here together." You held your pinky out.
"I promise." His pinky intertwined with yours.
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You already know who I'm gonna ask... Ivy :) (destroy her plz)
Ivy, Ivy, dear Ivy I have so many things to say about her design that I’ll separate this in multiples parts.
Something not suitable for war nor for cooking
First, it’s not practical at all, even for a mage on a wyvern and it is shown pretty much when we see the 3D model moving on the wyvern. It is struggling and not moving nicely, and it’s not normal for a design to do that, it should be able to work correctly (It is, most of the time the fault of the animators but it is harder with some designs too). I think it’s because of too many layers of clothes to dealt with. In general, with a war outfit, it makes more sense to have the opposite. Something simpler, to be able to move the most freely.
There is also some non-comprehensive little details about her design. First one is this thing.
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What the heck this is? It’s so weird and does not make sense (I maybe lack some reference but idk it looks very weird) It looks like a grill or something to smash potatoes with. I prefer way more what her casual outfit did: a black veil. I found even more poetic when I think about the idea of her wearing it because of her being in grief for her dad death, maybe something similar yet fancier could be more adequate :
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Another problem of practicality is with the thorns on the boots, on the gloves and on the necklace
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… Is this some new torture device I wasn’t aware of? (hopefully the owner of the cave I live in doesn’t know about this one yet). Because I can’t believe she never got hurt with it. How do you manage to move with something, this long, this sharp.
Also, the very long strand, way longer than the rest of the hair behind, is also something that I found a bit strange. I mean, it’s not really a problem, it’s just more of a “why?”
A missed theme: Wanted her to be the rose she never was.
When I first saw this design, I thought she would be a new Camilla, as a sexy femme fatale on a wyvern. But she’s not like that and I think it is the biggest, strange take with her design. It doesn’t look like her personality… at all. She’s not a Camilla 2 nor really a Minerva archetype. She’s a shy scared young woman who had to put an ice mask to deal with her situation.
Her outfit is themed after roses but… she’s not a rose, she’s… an ivy. It’s a bit a “captain obvious” moment but yeah, the plant her name is from suits her way more than the one her outfit is themed. She tries to survive by grabbing everything she could. So why her outfit isn’t based of an ivy… It would make way more sense in my opinion. So, I tried a thing as a little redesign.
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It a lot more inspired by her casual outfit which I think is a way better outfit but making it as it is more themed on ivies, more practical but still with some sexiness because I felt like it was important for them. I also tried to have some little details to show a sweeter personality like the ribbon (maybe something gifted by Hortensia she kept).
Last I wanted to talk about the colors. Again, her colors look a bit like Camilla’s one but on even more flashy tones, which again don’t really suit her (it suit her little sister tho), I really feel like less saturated colors and also a bit more green (to evoke the colors of Elusia, her country a bit) could be great and it’s what I tried to do while keeping the color of her hair. Maybe something like that :
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At the end I really felt like they tried too much to put a Camilla like design, on a character which it was not suitable for, and so her personality is pretty wasted with such contradictions (and I say that while I don’t even really like her personality, but I think she deserve better), like there were miscommunications about it. I’ll not assume but it is really what I imagine when I saw Ivy.
Mika Pikazo is an incredible artist. But it’s true that even if there is honestly very great designs in Engage (as my son Alcryst, the Solm siblings, Kagetsu or Jade), There is also designs who felt really off  for me (more like Celine, Hortensia or Zephia) but Ivy is really the one I have the hardest time with because she really have this weird feeling of a design which is differing a lot (too much in my opinion) from her personality.
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kaigarax · 2 years
Time in Our Lives
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Saijoni Ukyo x Reader
Quote: “Fall in love with the sound of someone’s voice.”
Saionji Ukyo had fallen in love exactly 2 times in his life.
Sato Mika had been his highschool sweetheart. A clever girl with a smile that could light up a room. She had been his first everything. His first love, his first kiss, his first and his first heartbreak.
It hadn’t been a breakup stirred by jealousy or agony, just one where two individuals had entered into a relationship and had emerged as two different people. A relationship that had become stagnant when both individuals were looking to grow. It wasn’t something unexpected but it still left Ukyo devastated.
It was hard to forget about someone who had been a major part of his life.
Then there was Jane Anderson. She was about four years older than him at the time and had helped introduce him to the new world he suddenly found himself in. Ukyo had stumbled into her acquaintance while overseas and the two of them had fallen into a fleeting relationship. Truthfully it was more of a fling than a full blown out relationship, especially knowing that the two of them had entered into that relationship knowing that it would never last long.
Though in that fleeting time she had managed to steal a part of his heart forever.
There was a strange sort of comfort that came with being someone’s anchor in a strange and unfamiliar world. It was a similar comfort that Ukyo felt around you.
In this strange and unfamiliar world, there was you.
Your voice is the first thing Ukyo remembers when awakening in the New World. You had been explaining the properties behind the chemical compound that released people from their stoney prisons. Ukyo, though, didn’t care all too much about that. He might have fallen asleep in a familiar Japan but he had awakened in a very, very different one.
But even the unfamiliarity of his situation wasn’t what had captured his immediate attention. It was purely the sound of your voice. You were confident in explaining something that was far beyond Ukyo’s groggy understanding. Your voice wasn’t high pitched enough to be considered annoying but it was neither low enough to be mistaken for a boy’s. To him, it was near perfect.
In the spur of events, Ukyo hadn’t even been able to learn your name.
You had disappeared as soon as Ukyo had regained his bearings in the New World.
Ukyo hears you before he sees you during his second meeting with you.
You’re singing a familiar song. Something contemporary and in english. It seems upbeat enough and gets Ukyo thinking about all the things that have disappeared from this world. From the wonderful melodies written in the early 1900s to the new tunes from the 2000s. So much is left purely to the memories of forgotten individuals.
Not that everything about this new world is horrible though. There are plenty of new things that Ukyo likes. He enjoys the silence. Not the lonely kind of silence that seeps into one’s mind at their worst moments, but the simple silence that one looks for when they need to think.
Ukyo also enjoys the singing of the birds. Their melodies are so much more playful without the pollution of man made noises. Ukyo really feels as though he has time to be himself and to just be with himself and nature in this unfamiliar world.
Perhaps, though, the best thing about this New World is the people he has gotten to meet.
Not all of the people that have been awarded the privilege of being revived are the most sociable and intelligent, but they are all nice enough. It helps that they respect Ukyo’s abilities. But there are a few special individuals like you. Certain people that he wouldn’t have gotten to meet if the world had continued moving onwards as it had before.
There are people like you, whose voices get drowned out by louder (and not always smarter) ones.
Then though, as Ukyo walked along the babbling river, Ukyo could make out the sound of your gentle singing voice. You aren’t exactly the best singer Ukyo has ever listened to, but your singing voice is strangely something that Ukyo doesn't want to stop listening to.
You alter melodies from how Ukyo remembers them and sometimes attempt to harmonize despite no one singing the main melody. It’s endearing.
“I’m nothing special~” you sing “in fact I’m a bit of a bore~” It echoes into the night as you wander alongside the babbling river. Your arms are held out to either side as you balance on unstable rocks upon the shore.
Ukyo watches with curiosity and humor as you continue onwards. You don’t seem to have the best balance but challenge gravity regardless. Ukyo finds you brave if not a little reckless.
You eventually do fall into the river.
A small scream escapes your lips as your skin comes in contact with the cold water but you are quick to silence yourself. Before Ukyo can come rushing to save you he hears your laughter.
Your laughter is soft and light. Something that floats in the air and seems to hover around Ukyo. He finds it fluffy and warm. Something that he could surround himself with for days.
When you spot Ukyo your face heats up a bright red colour. You flash him a sheepish smile that he has to look away from in fear of you seeing his own bright red face. He holds his hand out to you, as any gentleman would never leave a lovely lady to get up on her own, and smiles when your cold and wet hand comes in contact with his own.
“Hey, you’re Ukyo right?” You asked.
Ukyo could only nod. He likes the way you say his name. He likes that you remembered him. He likes how you sound when trying to act nonchalant around him. He likes the way you say his name.
You smiled, “I’m (Y/n).”
Ukyo can barely manage a “I know,” in response.
The two of you walk in silence as you make your way back to the camp. Ukyo finds it cute how you try to hide your shivering so he pretends not to notice. You’re obviously acting tough for a reason.
Ukyo, on the other hand, attempts to find various things for you and him to talk about on the way back. You’re giving back one word answers but Ukyo isn’t too distraught. He figures that you’re likely embarrassed that he caught you in the aftermath of a mess from something you shouldn’t have been doing.
The next time you and Ukyo meet you are much happier.
You’re dry, thankfully, and clear minded. You are the first to approach him as you apologise about the fiasco from your last meeting. Ukyo finds it cute how you seem to speak slightly faster than the average person. It’s cute.
As the two of you continue talking Ukyo finds himself at a loss for words.
You move your hands slightly as you get into explaining topics that you find fascinating. You’re easily excited and go into depth about things you care about. And what else can Ukyo do but listen and follow you? Your voice is just mesmerising.
“What are you thinking about, Ukyo?” You ask, swinging upside down from a tree branch.
Ukyo had been propped up against the trunk of a tree while fiddling with the creation of his arrows. He’s momentarily surprised that he hadn’t heard you climb the tree and make it to the branch, but he supposes you have gotten better at sneaking and he had been rather deep in thought. Ukyo supposes that he will need to keep a better eye on things from now on. While you may not have had any bad intentions he couldn’t be certain about everyone else.
“About how loud your breathing is.” teases Ukyo.
You pout, “come on, you’ve got to admit that I did a pretty good job surprising you.”
“And how can you prove that?”
“Because of the slight raise in your eyebrows when I appeared.”
You twirl around the branch and land safely in front of Ukyo before leaning in towards him suddenly, “when you’re surprised you raise your left eyebrow ever so slightly. Just like right now.”
“And why would I be surprised right now?”
“Because you struggle when in close proximity with people of the opposite gender.” you grin knowingly, “but specifically, you tend to freeze up around me.”
Ukyo cleared his throat and looked away, hoping to hide the reddening of his cheeks, “what makes you say that?”
“I think you already know the answer to that~”
And he does.
“So!” You take a seat beside him, just close enough for your arm to graze his own when either of you move, “are you ever going to teach me how to shoot a bow?”
“Maybe after you learn to stabilize yourself properly.” replies Ukyo.
“I guess you have a valid point. But it’s not as if I have the worst balance ever.”
“Not the worst doesn't exactly mean good enough.”
“Yeah, I guess not.” you ponder for a brief moment before looking up towards the branches, “what else are you doing today? Aside from sitting down and contemplating life, of course?”
“First of all,” Ukyo feels a small smile form at the corner of his lips as he watches your gaze narrow in on his own, “there is never enough time to contemplate life, and secondly yes. I have to do a border patrol later today. Tsukasa is ever restless about making sure that everyone is ready in case something happens.”
“Want company?”
Yes. “No, that’s alright. Don’t you have to help Yuzuriha with something later today anyways?”
You shrug, “I suppose, but I can also do it while helping you.”
“Why?” Ukyo raises a brow teasingly, “are you looking to spend more time with me?”
“Of course!” You smile. Ukyo hates how easy it is for you to say things like that all the time. You can just openly smile after admitting something embarrassing yet tiptoeing around exactly what everyone else wants to hear. You always seem to evade questions at just the right moment.
The boy once again has to turn away from you.
His pride will be utterly shattered if you happen to catch another one of his embarrassing bashful looks.
You don’t push him farther than he wants to go. You never do and that’s what he likes about you. You always know exactly how far before retreating back; never pushing someone out of their comfort zone.
When Ukyo finally manages to peek at you he sees that your head is leaned back against the tree. There’s a nest of birds up there and your attention seems to be fully captured.
Despite noticing a slight raise in Ukyo’s brow when he’s surprised you suddenly fail to notice his longing gaze. Instead you begin to hum. It’s quiet and likely something done absent mindedly as your gaze stays fixed on the bird’s nest. Ukyo notes that it’s the same song that you had been singing when he had watched you fall into the river.
There are actually three distinct songs that Ukyo has identified.
First, there was that slow song with a strange beat. Something memorable but nothing that Ukyo could pin. It was always a melody that would pop up when you had hung around the Mentalist of this New World. There was almost a strange sort of meleconoly that followed the song along with the need for an answer to a question that Ukyo didn’t even know.
Then, there was ‘Taunt’. Ukyo had overheard you singing the strange lyrics while throwing things into a bag. You had explained the origins of the song, which happened to be a small English band, and the strange origin behind it. It was the song that always seemed to recurred after you finished a patrol with Tsukasa’s other unspoken commander.
And finally, there was this one. The slowest of the three melodies and the one reserved strictly for him. It was the one you hummed and mumbled after and during small meetings like this one. It was the one that echoed in Ukyo’s mind after conversations with you. It was the one that got Ukyo’s blood pumping and it was the one that made him forget about the craziness of this strange world he was in.
There were plenty of other melodies you hummed and tunes you made up, but these three were constant and recurring in the time that Ukyo has spent with and around you. These were the songs that other people (Ukyo included) hummed in and out of camp. Songs that not many people knew but had embedded into their memories.
It seemed that Ukyo wasn’t the only person unable to forget your melodies.
They weren’t the kind that immediately caught the attention of people around you but they were ones that were hummed at just the right frequency. A frequency that tuned into the subconscious minds of various individuals.
Quite the ear-bug you were.
Ukyo heard his own voice ask “what song is that?” before actually realising what he was asking.
“Thank you for the music~” you replied, before immediately going back to humming.
Ukyo swallowed, “it’s a very… nice song!”
“Would you like to learn it with me?”
“No, that’s alright. I actually prefer to just listen to you.” Ukyo smiled, “is it another english song?”
You nodded, “it’s from an english musical.”
“So what happens in the musical?”
“Well, it begins with a mother and daughter who have lived their lives with just the two of them. They both struggle to navigate the life that they have ended up in and are suddenly facing a crossroad. Well, a fork in the path with three very different endings.” you flash Ukyo a sheepish look, “sorry. Am I talking your ear off?”
Ukyo shakes his head, “it actually sounds rather interesting.”
“How about you tell me something?” you ask, “I feel as though it’s always me talking. Why don’t you tell me something about yourself for once?”
“Oh. Well, what would you want to know? I feel like there isn’t much that’s interesting about me. Especially where there are such amazing people here.”
You leaned forward with a soft look in your eyes, “I didn’t know navy guys with really good hearing and are brilliant at archery were common. Would you mind pointing me to the most interesting one?”
“Now I just sound foolish when you say it that way.”
“Sorry. I don’t mean to invalidate you, I just wanted you to see that you’re not boring.”
“I do feel pretty normal most of the time though.” Ukyo sighed, “I just feel so… average. Especially these days.”
“And what’s wrong with being normal?”
“Nothing I guess.”
“Then why do you sound so bummed out?”
“Because, what if you… don’t like normal guys?”
“Then I guess that would make me a pretty shallow person. After all, I think I’m fairly normal as well.”
Ukyo raised a brow.
“I have a ‘just below average’ balance. I don’t have many fighting skills. My singing is, at best, average. I’m average build for most girls and I’m not particularly intelligent at any particular subject. There are no skills I excel at, unlike you.”
“Wow. I guess you are pretty normal, huh?”
You gave a light flick to the side of Ukyo’s head, “the point I’m making is, that there’s no shame in being boring. There are millions, well not anymore, but there are tons of other people. You can’t always expect to be the best at something. So why so much emphasis on being special?”
And that was when Ukyo knew.
Saionji Ukyo had fallen in love exactly 3 times in his life.
Sato Mika had been his highschool sweetheart. His first love, his first kiss, his first and his first heartbreak.
Then there was Jane Anderson. A woman about four years older than him who had helped introduce him to the new world he suddenly found himself in. A fleeting love that would ever linger in a part of his heart.
And now, there was you. (L/n) (Y/n).
Ukyo had never been one for words. In fact, he considered himself a man of action. He showed affection through action and was moved through actions that others have done. But you, with your alluring voice, trapped him in an unfamiliar world.
You and your bright laughter and vibrant humming, your soft spoken phrases and social intelligence, had lured him in. But it was your strange words of wisdom that had gotten him to realise that he had fallen in love.
Fall in love because of someone’s voice.
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ensemblesongs · 17 days
!!! user ensemblesobgswhat are your favorite enstars stories !!?
I have to think for this one, hmm... My favourite stories have to beee...
In terms of enjoyability, and attempting not to have too much character bias, not in any order. Boldened are absolute favourites!
-Daydream & Lionheart are my all time favourite pieces of ansta writing, with an emphasis on Daydream. Lionheart has at least three translations online. I'm planning on re-reading two of those again just to compare them. I love an unreliable narrator. Sena really has been Leo's living unreliable narrator the whole time he's known him, hasn't he? Blackbird was good on a writing standpoint, but felt like a desperate attempt to get people to like and be normal about Wataru & Eichi, as well as telling us what we already know. At the same time, it did provide more insight into their mentalities, at least. Clown, Crown or whatever it was called was really nice also. - Both original main stories which I think every average ansta fan should read regardless of their length, although, the ! one is certainly of it's time. EnBasic: Element, Marionette, Crossroad, Meteor Impact, Checkmate, (Sorry for no Rocket Show! we're gonna read it for my friend's birthday!) Showtime, Dragon Fruit (Note to all viewers: don't read Marionette alone & think you know anything about Ex-valkyrie. PLEASE!), Easter Night, EP:Link, Christmas Live, Starry Night Festival, Beasts, Human Comedy (people focus too much on the valkyrie side of this and ignore rabits and it is disheartening, even if I understand why, from producers of them, given that rabits is far more unpopular in comparison, unrightfully yet understandably so. But what of the rest?), Book Fair, Victoria, Liar's Idol, Rainbow, Eccentric, Pleiades Night, Wonder Game, Biblio, Blood Banquet, Butler Cafe, Shinsengumi, Bouquet of Desire, Devils, Horror Night Halloween, School Festival ☆ Tamayori's Haunted Dollhouse, uum... those are the only ones that come to mind. I've read about 2wink and ryuseitai but scatteredly. In another universe, I produce them. EnMusic: Date Plan, Motor Show, Tempest, Night Club, Conquest, Next Door, Hot Limit, Neverland, Feather Touch, Bogie Time, Merry Xmas, Antique Legend, Burning Azaleas, Shinsekai, Obbligato, Astraea's Atelier, Romantic ? Date, Myriad of Colors and Flowers, Shards of Time: Black, Cruise, Grand Slam (I know it sounds crazy. The shotabait foot fetish event. Yes. But it has so many fucking good parts, and the epilogues are some of my favourite things ever.), Portrait, Nighthead, Stormcloud FUMBLE, Poltergeist, Parallel World, Xday (best climax), Absolute (I'm reading it with my dearest friends & I like it a lot so far! But I haven't finished so I won't embolden it. Mixed feelings about Raison d'être but generally it's so good I really love it. ALTERED CHANGED MY LIFE & KILLED MY GRANDMA. Bite-sized mix of both: -Aira: Episode 1 (Idol story), Do The Norm ft. Midori & Chiaki (I love you Midori! I love Noritama), -Tsumugi: This Senior is Prone to Worrying, Switch's introduction: "episode one", (Tsumugi FS1) Blue Hour's Spinning Song, Tsumugi's FS1 4☆ Story which recently came out on Eng, the eating one, "Delicious Happiness" ft. Midori, Episode 1, 2 & 3 of his idol stories, Go Basking in The Sun 3☆ story ft. Rei & Ritsu. -Others: HiMERU stuff. Episode 1 Chiaki Idol Story, Hiiro Idol story 2 ft. Aira, Black Swan ft. Mika & Tsumugi. (Madara FS2) Fates and Feast, Natsume FS2 4☆ Story. The 3☆ where ex-fine play together, Rinne's FS1. MANY Yuuta idol stories & 4/3☆ stories, especially in relation to his growth & Rinne. I like a lot of Anzu's monologues in the novels. I love this Natsuhokke 3☆ story.
Fun fact, I watched the anime before reading anything. My first story after the main story was Easter Night :-) though already interested in them, it cemented my love for switchvalk & their parallels in a square or even a more convoluted shape, each pointing at each other. I really recommend people read 3 stars of their favourites, you can find them with ease if you look them up, especially if they're from popular units. There's a lot of Really Good stories I haven't read but know all the context to and just have to get to, and good stories I have read that I just haven't mentioned whether purposefully because I don't think about them that much or because they slipped out of my mind (or blended together, or I technically didn't read them and just know everything that occurs or read a livetweet thread and I don't want to say a story is my favourite when I haven't read it in full even if stuff I really love comes from it, or I have mixed feelings that are too mixed for it to be a favourite).
I really adore Ansta's writing in spite of all of it's flaws, that's why it's not easy for me to give a simple response. Thank you for the question, sweet thing!
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